Mimecast Feature List

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Features and Benefits

Feature Core Services

High Performance infrastructure Infrastructure of high performance, 64 bit, geographically distributed hardware platforms High Speed Storage network Stor5 storage network for email data indexing, storage and sub-second query retrieval Multi-Site Data Centers Redundant multi-site and multi-network data centers with load balanced Internet connectivity Advanced Email Traffic Management Advanced inbound traffic splitting for customers with multiple sites and email servers Optimized Message Throughput Intelligent sender-based email delivery thread allocation for maximum message throughput Unified Administration Interface Single web-based administration portal for real-time system administration and configuration Easy-to-Use End User Portal Easy-to-use Mimecast Personal Portal for end users to manage and search their own messages Secure access Secure login with optional two factor authentication for administrators and end users Optional Directory Authentication Optional authentication against local domain controllers i.e. Microsoft Active Directory Multiple Administrator Permissions Multiple administrator levels with flexible permission settings Comprehensive audit trail Audit log of system access, events, policy creation and changes Real-Time Traffic Monitoring Real-time view of all SMTP connections and rejections email usage Visibility Advanced graphing and charting of corporate email system usage patterns Flexible Reporting Custom report generation showing communication views by both message and byte count Online Queue Management Full online queue management with manual retry, bounce, and extended spool options Active Stationery Manager Enhanced stationery manager for legal notice, signature, corporate branding management, imagery capability, click actions and microsites Contact List Harvesting Corporate contacts list harvesting based on records of everyday email messages integrated Campaign Measurement Marketing click tracking tools for campaign measurement


The entire infrastructure for email archiving, E-Discovery, continuity, security and policy management is delivered in one holistic solution, freeing up time, resources and reducing cost. Mimecasts unique parallel storage architecture searches across your organizations entire archive in sub-second times to deliver the information you need instantly. Geographically dispersed data centers with built-in redundancy give you guaranteed access to your email data 24/7. Automatic selection of message delivery route by organizational unit, group, domain and network availability ensures email is delivered via the optimal route for maximum availability. The most sophisticated online MTA and enterprise intra-organization routing functions available in the market ensure optimum message throughput. A single web-based interface for all administration procedures including policy setting, archive searches, email management and reporting improves visibility and frees up time. In the event of local mail server failure emergency email facilities are instantly available to end users via the Mimecast Personal Portal reducing downtime and increasing productivity. The Mimecast Portal uses a secured HTTPS connection and requires a username and password or optional two factor authentication, ensuring that only authorized employees have access. Validating users credentials with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) ensures only valid and AD enabled accounts can log in which removes the burden of managing access in multiple systems. Administrators can be assigned varying permissions depending on their role to facilitate the optimum use of resources for improved productivity. Mimecast logs a comprehensive list of administrative activity enabling you to provide proof of administrator actions if regulators or legal action require it. Administrators can see in a single view real-time email statistics giving them insight into the health of their system for improved visibility and system management. Clear visibility of the organizations email usage patterns enables IT staff to plan resources and activities more effectively and minimize operational disruption. Comprehensive graphical and tabular reports give administrators valuable insight into email usage, for example identifying who sends and who receives the most email. This centralized queue management facility gives clear visibility of queued email and facilitates its management by administrators. Mimecast ensures that legal disclaimers, signatures and branding are consistently used correctly and appropriately and provides flexible policies to accurately target marketing messages. Lists of contacts from customer or partner organizations can be easily created and used to improve effectiveness of communications. Marketing campaign effectiveness is enhanced with Mimecasts click tracking tool which informs you from which email each link was clicked.

Feature email Security

Next Generation Email Security Methodology Mimecast proprietary Advanced Reputation Management (ARMed SMTP) Virus & Malware Protection Real-time virus and malware protection with ARMed SMTP Multi-Layered Defense Commercial anti-malware engines for multi-layer protection Real-Time Spam Protection ARMed SMTP real-time protection against spam and scam Guard against Phishing Protection from phishing scams through sender analysis, URL inspection and fingerprinting Mimecast Global Reputation Service Connection-based spam filtering through the use of Mimecast Global Reputation Service Spam test Bypass Automatic spam test bypass for known good correspondents with real-time learning algorithm Zero-Day Threat Protection Zero-day threat protection with Mimecast Zero-Hour Adaptive Risk Assessor (ZHARA) Mimecast Dark Traffic Analysis Group Mimecast Dark Traffic Analysis Group (DTAG) provides protection against evolving threats Deep Packet Inspection Application-layer deep packet inspection protects against application and OS vulnerabilities Permit and Block Lists Personal permit and block list policies Attachment Management Flexible attachment management rules which can be applied by user and/or group, includes option to allow, block or hold for review Attachment Quarantine Area Unauthorized attachment quarantine area for online review and optional release Secure email transmission Policy based, secure email transmission via Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secure Web-Based Delivery Mimecast Closed Circuit Messaging (CCM) allowing email delivery via a secure web-based channel image Scanning Real-time image scanning for content policy enforcement


ARMed SMTP uses techniques such as local and global reputation checking, recipient validation, RFC conformity and protects against blowback traffic, spoofing and directory harvest attacks. Mimecast guards your organization against email security threats with its proven track record of 100% virus protection SLA guarantee. Mimecast partners with carefully selected anti-malware specialists for in-depth email security protection to protect against downtime and the high cost of post-outbreak cleanups. Mimecast eliminates 98% of spam, and over 99% of spam is stopped in the cloud before reaching your network, minimizing the threat that its volume and content poses to your organization. Innovative and in-depth techniques accurately identify and remove phishing scam messages before reaching your network to protect your business and employees. ARMed SMTP inspects the very earliest packets of the SMTP conversation thwarting spam attacks before the emails are even accepted to minimize risk and maximize throughput. Known good senders bypass the regular spam tests, ensuring that the mail you want gets through to you without delay. Mimecast ZHARA together with additional commercial anti-malware layers protect your organization from emerging spam and malware outbreaks to offer zero-day protection. This specialist team utilizes a network of honeypots that attract spam and malware in the wild and then use that information to protect your organization against evolving threats. All email traffic is subject to application-layer deep packet inspection, protecting your network against vulnerability exploits which could adversely impact business continuity. Identify the senders that you want to receive email from and those you dont to meet your own business needs. Attachments can take up valuable bandwidth and storage space so Mimecast lets you define file types or sizes that are appropriate for specified users or groups. Attachments identified by the content policy as unauthorized or inappropriate are held in a centralized quarantine area for quick and easy administration. Policy based TLS encryption secures the content of email during transmission to ensure that your confidential information remains just that. If the target mail server doesnt support TLS, Mimecast CCM gives tamper-proof secure mail delivery with non-repudiation without having to exchange digital certificates in advance. All common image file types can be scanned for pornographic imagery protecting both your companys reputation and your employees from potentially offensive material.

Emergency Email Facilities Instantly available Emergency email facilities in the event of customer system outage Shared Email Data Mailbox proxy and shared email data views to help operations being run by skeleton staff Lost Data Recovery Queue replay options to recover lost data to your email server if required Rerouting of Email During Outages Manual online rerouting of queued items to remote Disaster Recovery site during local outages During local email outages Mimecast provides a seamless email continuity service that will automatically provide real-time access to email preventing costly downtime. Access is via Mimecast Personal Portal or Mimecast Services for Outlook. Shared access to email data and mailboxes facilitates email management with minimum administrative staff and reduces IT costs. Mimecast will queue and deliver missing emails back to your mail server after a recovery from backup with zero data loss giving protection against failure in the business recovery process. Should queue rerouting be required to an alternative mail server, this can be easily configured via the Mimecast administration console in real-time to ensure continuity of service.

Feature Search Capability

Sub-Second Archive Search Fully searchable email archive with typical sub-second retrieval times using Mimecast Stor5 Centralized Administrator Search Administrator query ability across organizations entire global email data in a single search end user archive Search End user archive search capability via the Mimecast Personal Portal Permission-Based Searches Permission-based limitations on search parameters and shared monitoring folders Comprehensive Search Logs Comprehensive logs of administrative searches and data access Microsoft Outlook Integration Mimecast Services for Outlook (MSO) allowing users to search their email archive directly from their Outlook Inbox


Mimecasts unique parallel storage architecture searches across your organizations entire archive in sub-second times to deliver the information you need when you need it. From a single web-based interface, administrators can search their organizations email archive minimizing the high administrative burden often associated with such tasks. Mimecast Personal Portal gives all end users simple and rapid access to their personal mail archive, cutting down on help desk queries, reducing cost and improving productivity. Individuals and groups can be assigned search and view capabilities appropriate to their roles to view the data they need whilst protecting confidential and sensitive information. Administrative search log details such as full search parameters, E-Discovery Case association and saved search information are available should they be needed for regulatory or legal purposes. End users can quickly and easily search their personal archive from Outlook to locate the emails they need, cutting down on help desk queries, reducing cost and improving productivity.

Scalable and Secure Storage network Secure, resilient network of data centers with Stor5 architecture for sub-second searches Long term email Storage Email storage for up to ten years with Mimecast proprietary storage grid External Email Retention Policy-based data retention of inbound and outbound external emails tamper Proof and Secure Encryption of retained email content with unique keys per client Permission-Based Viewing Rights Ability to switch on and off content viewing rights for administrators Completeness of Data Full policy action log and detailed transmission data for every email that transits the system Internal Email Retention Policy-based data retention of internal emails Deleted Email Recovery Recovery of accidentally deleted or lost end user messages Remote Mailbox Integration Management Remote control of MSO integration components by administrators Attachment Strip and Link Large attachment handling with gateway based strip and link option to download large files Guaranteed access to your email data 24/7 with sub-second searches across your organizations entire email archive to deliver the information you need when you need it. Mimecasts proprietary Stor5 scalable storage grid lets end users directly search their personal archive, giving them effectively a bottomless mailbox to support the way they want to work. Mimecast delivers a single online archive with a searchable view across an enterprises entire global email dataset to cost effectively meet operational and legislative requirements. Each archive file is encrypted uniquely for each client and receives a unique checksum on entry ensuring that your data is tamper proof, auditable and secure. Administrators can be assigned specific content viewing rights appropriate to their roles to ensure that confidential and sensitive information is protected. All key transmission information is retained to provide conclusive proof that a message was delivered by you to your intended recipient, should it be required for investigatory purposes. Internal and external email is consolidated into a single online archive to simplify and reduce the cost of email search requirements. End users can search their own email archive to recover deleted or lost messages cutting down on help desk queries, reducing cost and improving productivity. Remote control and configuration of the MSO integration components from a central point simplifies deployment and minimizes administration overhead. Large attachments can be stripped from emails and replaced with a secure link to download the file, reducing the burden on an organizations mail servers.

E-Discovery & Litigation Hold

E-Discovery Case Assignment Creation of E-Discovery cases to allow relevant archive searches to be logged against them Litigation Hold Capability Litigation Hold for protection and control of litigation-related messages email Purge requests Permanent removal of emails from the archive via pre-designated Information Officers Administrators can save searches against a defined E-Discovery Case which groups all related archive search results in a single location for ease of access and secure sharing of information. Mimecast ensures that messages related to ongoing or anticipated legal action cannot be destroyed, avoiding the potential negative consequences of such action. Permanent deletion of emails is possible with safeguards such as multi-administrator authorization and the perpetual retention of associated activity logs to meet business compliance needs.

Feature Data Leak Prevention

Confidential Information Protection Real-time protection against leaks of confidential or sensitive information Full Content analysis Analysis of content across email body text, attachments, HTML, headers, and subject lines Weighted Dictionaries Weighted dictionaries allow meaningful thresholds to be applied and reduce false positives Structured Data Recognition Intelligent identifiers to enable structured data such as credit card numbers to be recognized Confidential File Recognition Control of known confidential files through the use of cryptographic checksums Comprehensive Risk Management Options Risk management options based on message content including block, hold pending review, bcc a group, add content, and/or add to shared monitoring folder Granular Policy Application Policy application to all users or specific senders, recipients or groups Time Specific Policies Time specific application of content policies, either indefinite or between certain significant dates Content Based Encryption Optional encryption of email connections through the use of key phrases in the subject line Metadata removal Stripping of confidential metadata from MS Word documents to avoid unintentional data leakage Conversion to PDF Policy based enforcement of the conversion of MS Word files to PDF before sending


Mimecast guards against leaks of confidential and sensitive data, protecting your organizations reputation and helping you comply with corporate policy and business regulations. Any part of an email can contain confidential information and so Mimecast examines all sections of the message to guard against data leaks and protect your organization. You can create your own dictionaries and weight the words and phrases in a manner appropriate to your business, minimizing false positives and reducing administrative overhead. Emails containing structured data such as credit card numbers are stopped from leaving the organization, reducing operational risk and increasing regulatory compliance. The distribution of known confidential files such as financial reports or legal documents can be controlled, helping enforce good corporate governance and meet regulatory compliance. A comprehensive choice of possible actions following policy contravention helps minimize the administrative burden and assists communication of policy breaches across the business.

Appropriate controls can be enforced based on user roles, protecting your organization without reducing business productivity. Some types of information are time sensitive, for example financial results or new product releases, and Mimecast can ensure that such information is controlled between critical dates. Messages identified as containing sensitive information can be automatically sent via an encrypted connection without the user having to learn any complex procedures. Metadata can reveal information that employees dont even realize are in the file and Mimecast can prevent this confidential information from unwittingly leaving the organization. Conversion of MS Word files to PDF removes MS Word metadata, takes a snapshot of the document before sending and provides better long-term accessibility in an open standard.

Mailbox Management
Microsoft Outlook Integration Mimecast Services for Outlook (MSO) for integration of Mimecast with Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Exchange Integration Mimecast Services for Exchange (MSE) for integration of Mimecast with Microsoft Exchange Folder Based Retention Folder retention options allowing end users to decide the longevity of emails by placing them in specially defined folders Message Stubbing Policy defined Message Stubbing of full message and/or attachment to reduce mailbox sizes Folder Replication Replication of users Microsoft Outlook folders Seamless continuity for Microsoft Outlook users in the event of mail server failure, removing the need for costly clustered mail servers and freeing IT administrators to fix the problem. MSE is centrally managed and offers seamless integration between your existing Exchange server and Mimecast giving users the benefit of their familiar Outlook interface. Bespoke folders with progressive deletion schedules; first from Exchange, then from the Archive and finally from the Mimecast servers; offer automated, controlled data management. Policy defined messages can be stubbed, retrieving them seamlessly and transparently when read, easing the burden on mail servers and associated activities such as backups. Users mailboxes are replicated in MSO and the Mimecast portal; full folder structure and message attributes allow users to continue working seamlessly during any local Exchange outages.

Mimecast Ltd Corporate Headquarters 2-8 Balfe Street, Kings Cross, london, n1 9Eg tel: +44 (0)207 843 2300 email: [email protected]
2009 Mimecast. All rights reserved.

Mimecast north america inc 275 Grove Street, Building 2, Suite 400, newton, MA 02466 tel: 1 800 660 1194 email: [email protected]

Mimecast South africa (Pty) Ltd Upper Grayston Office Park, Phase 1, Block B, 150 Linden Road, Strathavon, 2031 tel: 0861 114 063 (S.A. local) tel: +27 (0)117 223 700 (intl) email: [email protected]

Mimecast Offshore Ltd The Powerhouse, Queens Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3AP tel: +44 (0)1534 752300 email: [email protected]

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