Efficiency Transparency Accountability: Engineer of The Year
Efficiency Transparency Accountability: Engineer of The Year
Efficiency Transparency Accountability: Engineer of The Year
Don Glaser
Distinquished Service
The 40 Year Club Mike McKay Neil Anderson Tim Felche Terry Warner Dave Arter
Reclamation Manual
April 2012
2013 Budget
Released on February 13, the Presidents fiscal year 2013 budget includes $1 billion for the Bureau of Reclamation. This request supports continued progress on the key priorities of Reclamations water agenda as we work to help address water resource challenges in the West. The budget emphasizes our commitment to create and sustain jobs by continuing to promote efficient water deliveries and power generation while also implementing river restoration programs that will help ensure certainty and sustainability in water management. The President, in his January 24 State of the Union address, talked about an economy built to last. He mentioned manufacturing, training and energy. Of course, these are foundational to our economy. Water is foundational to our economy also. According to a June 2011 economic report prepared by the Michael Connor
63 percent of
River Restoration
River Restoration
restoration activities fit into broader goals such as ecosystem integrity, supporting the Americas Great Outdoors initiative, recreational interests, and cultural and community values. The conference report is available at http://www.usbr.gov/ river. In addressing conference attendees in September, Commissioner Connor reiterated a simple
Reclamation People
The evolution of
Warren Frizell
from student intern to engineer of the year
Warren Frizell is Reclamations Engineer of the year. The announcement was made by Commissioner Michael Connor on December 14. Frizell is a research hydraulic engineer in the Technical Service Center in Denver and is a testimony to the success of the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP). He began his career as a student trainee in 1976. While in SCEP, Frizell was enrolled at the University of New Mexico, studying mechanical engineering. He graduated in 1980 and decided to continue his education at the University of Minnesota, earning a masters of science degree in civil engineering in 1987. SCEP is specifically designed for students-- providing work experience, directly related to the students academic program and career goals. Students in SCEP may be noncompetitively converted to term, career or career-conditional appointments following completion of their academic and work experience requirements. Frizell described his career longevity, Reclamation had a great group of people to work with and look up to. Mentorship is a major part of SCEP that is a source of pride for Reclamation. Reclamation trains students in order to see the abilities of a potential employee. Students gain exposure to public service while enhancing their educational goals and shaping their career choices. Warren is a living and breathing example of how Reclamation benefits from our participation in SCEP, said Kira Finkler, deputy commissioner for external and intergovernmental affairs. Training and mentoring SCEP students helps to ensure we are growing the next generation of top talent for our agency. Frizell is making dramatic contributions to hydraulic engineering research and is designing solutions to high speed and high energy problems impacting Reclamation facilities. He specializes in physical scale modeling and field testing of high head-gates and valves, hydroturbines and a variety of hydraulic structures.
Warren Frizell
Reclamation People
Mid-Pacific Regional Directors work recognized
Don Glaser, Mid-Pacifc Regional director, oversees multiple and complex Reclamation activities including the Joint Federal Project at Folsom Dam.
Time flies
when you love what youre doing 40+ years goes by in a heartbeat
If you spend any time around career Bureau of Reclamation employees, youll probably hear several variations on this statement were a family. There are more than 5,400 people working for the bureau in locations stretching across the West as well as in the commissioners office in Washington, D.C. These employees range from students to the well-seasoned; men and women; and a mix of college educated, hands-on training, technical schools, veterans and family-members. The ethnic diversity at Reclamation mirrors the differences in age and experience. If Reclamation is a family, it is a blended one, and the youth of the group have a strong foundation of experience and loyalty from which to learn. More than 400 of Reclamations employees must really love working for this bureau because theyve been on the rolls for more than 30 years. Of those, 18 have passed the 40-year mark. What makes a career employee? How does an agency garner such loyalty?
Reclamation People
Reclamation People
Careers, continued from Page 7
Mike McKay, a hydro system controller team leader in Sacramento, Calif. and 44-year government employee said, My job has always been, and still is, interesting to me. He began his career at Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in Washington in 1970 because, In those days the wages and benefits were good and the job looked interesting. His interest level has certainly been maintained. He recommends that for a long, happy career, you should expect the best from your coworkers, They wont disappoint you. Dont discount another persons approach to accomplishing a task that you thought you had the best approach to. This is how we become more efficient in our work.
continued on Page 9
My job
Reclamation People
Careers, continued from Page 8
Another long-time government employee began his federal career via the military. Neil K. Anderson is the chief of the civil engineering branch in Sacramento. He said, When I finished my military service obligation, I was looking for a job. I had several applications out; Reclamation was first to call on me. I knew about Reclamation and was excited about being hired. That was in 1975 and he hasnt looked back, but admits in the beginning he didnt have plans for a long career. I probably did not intend to stay forever, but I found the work very interesting and rewarding. He explained his job satisfaction, I have been fortunate to work in design, where you can actually see the finished product of your labor. There are not very many places of employment where one has the opportunity to be involved with such large structures and machinery. In interviewing candidates for engineering positions over the last two years, I have told them that we get to play with the big toys. That opportunity is very appealing to many enthusiastic young engineers.
continued on Page 10
Reclamation People
Careers, continued from Page 9
In Billings, Mont., Tim H. Felchle is a supervisory civil engineer, and admits that he started his career thanks to a nudge from his parents. My parents saw a more promising future in working for the federal government rather than in farming. So, following his high school graduation in 1969, Felchle joined the ranks as a Reclamation employee. I love working for the agency, truly support its role and mission in providing a water supply for the semi-arid dry western portion of the United States. I truly love my job, working with internal and external stakeholders who benefit from our water resources that we manage, and being able to balance the benefits of the water resources among all of the competing interests. I am also a proponent of continually educating the public and keeping our agency transparent to folks who do not have a clear understanding of what Reclamation is about, what Reclamation does and how Reclamation accomplishes its work.
continued on Page 11
I .... truly support its role and mission in providing a water supply for the semi-arid dry
portion of the
United States.
Reclamation People
Careers, continued from Page 10
Terry S. Warner is the chief of maintenance at one of Reclamations best-recognized dams, Hoover. He began his Reclamation career in 1971 as an engineering draftsman in the Uinta Basin Construction Office, Duchesne, Utah. Through the years hes learned some lessons that have molded his career, Learn as much as you can about what it is you are doing and how you fit into the big picture of Reclamation. Learn to communicate with others. Always maintain your integrity.
continued on Page 12
Learn as much as you can about what it is you are doing and how you fit into the big picture of Reclamation.
Terry Warner, in the yellow hard hat, is part of the Lower Colorado Regional Rope Access team.
Reclamation People
Careers, continued from Page 11
Vietnam veteran Dave Arter returned to the United States after serving in Southeast Asia and needed a job. The year was 1972, at the time jobs were very hard to come by, most of the work in my home state area (Oklahoma) was related to farm work, which meant long hours for little pay. I had done this kind of work from age 14 thru high school. There had to be a better way to make a living. I really wanted [to get] into law enforcement, but that meant more education and at least three to four years down the road. In the mean time, I had to make a living while trying to get a better education. A Veterans Administration counselor guided him to Reclamation, I started as a GS-2 survey aide, and the rest is history. Today he is a construction manager and on-site government representative in Willows, Calif. He described his first few years on the job: Old timers in Reclamation inspired you to do your best, try to improve your education, improve your performance and the more you improved the more you were trusted and the more work you were given to perform. I think this is still a true statement. Now Arter, Warner, Felchle, McKay and Anderson have joined the ranks of oldtimers who are inspiring new Reclamation employees, leading by example. The next generation of Reclamation leaders might be applying for jobs today.
Old timers in Reclamation inspired you to do your best...I think this is still a true statement.
Dave Arter
CMP 09-02
Basic requirements/definitions for water-related contracting (PEC P05); basic requirements for pricing in water-related contracts, and detailed requirements/options for establishing negotiating terms for municipal and industrial water service (PEC 05-01); and basic requirements/procedures/options for facilitating voluntary transfers and conversions in use of project water (PEC P09), with additional details for converting from irrigation uses to M&I uses (PEC 09-01). Narrowing the definition of irrigation use to include only agricultural irrigation, as indicated by relevant law; clarifying the availability and conditions for the use of Reclamations contracting authorities, especially for converting from irrigation to M&I water uses; specifying data sources for determining appropriate M&I water service price ranges; expressing options for using M&I water rate flexibilities to accumulate funds to defray aging infrastructure and dam safety expenses.
PEC P05, Water-Related Contracts - General Principles and Policies PEC 05-01, Water Rates and Pricing PEC P09, Transfers of Project Water PEC 09-01, Conversions of Project Water from Irrigation use to Municapl and Industrial Use
Water Transfers
http://www.usbr.gov/ recman/drafts/cmp0902webdraft.pdf
Was the contract executed after the new definitions were issued?
Does the contract define the water use categories?
Have Reclamation and the contractor interpreted the contract irrigation water to be used for nonagricultural purposes as indicated by actual past nonagricultural uses and knowledge of them on Reclamations part (e.g., through contract compliance, reviews, participation in subcontracts, etc.)?
Has the contract been renewed, amended or supplemented since the new definitions were issued?
Was the nonagricultural use initiated after the contract action?
The expressed or implied contract definitions apply until the contract is renewed, amended or supplemented.
The new definitions apply.
Is the contract authorized under the 1939 Act or the 1920 Act?
Is the contract a Repayment (R) or Water Service (WS) contract?
No construction charges - M&I rates-setting requirements do not apply.
No construction charges required construction charges and replacement fund charges optional at contractors election.
Repayment pricing requirements apply, as set forth in the proposed D&S.
M&I rate-setting requirements apply, as set forth in the proposed D&S.
Pay into Reclamation fund to the credit of the project; available to pay future SOD repayment obligations.
Pay into the fund managed by the contractor; available to pay future infrastructure costs in accordance with contract terms.
Replacement Fund
Construction Charges
On the cover: Releases in 2011 from Friant Dam on the upper San Joaquin River in Fresno County, California. This page: Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada celebrated 100 years of Girl Scouting on March 10 when 1,000 volunteers and current and former scouts Rocked the Dam at Hoover.
ETA is published electronically and can be found on the Bureau of Reclamation website at: www.usbr.gov/eta. For questions or comments concerning ETA, please contact [email protected] or call 202-513-0568.
Michael L. Connor........................................................................................Commissioner Kira Finkler.....................Deputy Commissioner, External and Intergovernmental Affairs Dan DuBray.....................................................................................Chief of Public Affairs Nell Zeitzmann..........................................................................................................Editor Lauren Lambert......................................................................................Editorial Assistant