Chapter I

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A. Background of The Study Basically language is a communication tool that is used by human to express what there are in their heart and mind. English is the first foreign language in Indonesia that is considered important to absorb and develop of knowledge, technology, and relationship with other country. In order to be successful in foreign language learning, we have to obey the iron laws in language learning. These are: 1. There is high motivation. Motivation is the key because it can motivate the human being to do something, so it becomes motor or activator that carry out the energy. 2. There is opportunity that opened continually to absorb or to use that language. 3. There is desire to learn. If there is no desire to learn, the human being can not learn maximally and the aim of learning can not be reach. Teacher is one of the important components in the process of learning and teaching to form the potential human resource in developed era. Teacher is one of the elements in education in which takes a part actively and takes his or her function as professional energy according to society demands which progressively expand. It can be said that the teacher has big responsibility to bring his or her

students to get certain maturity level or adulthood. Teacher is not only as instructor which transfers knowledge, but also as educator which transfers values and become counselor who gives guidance to students in learning. Actually teacher has unique and very complex role in teaching-learning process. Teacher has the effort to send the students to get the level of life that they dreamed.1 One of the teachers roles is as motivator. The teachers role as motivator is important to improve students motivation in learning. Teacher has to stimulate, motivate and reinforce the students to stick out their potency, activity and creativity. So it will be created dynamic teaching-learning process. Teachers role as motivator is important in the teaching-learning process because it is concerning to the essence of educative work in which require social proficiency and it is concerning to the performance of meaning personalization and self socialization.2 Because of that background, in the writer research, he tends to focus on motivation because the writer believes that many of these other variables are dependent on motivation for their effects to be realized. Thus, for example, language learning strategies probably will not be used if the individual is not motivated to learn the language, and there is little or no reason to take risks using the language if there is little intention to learn it, etc. Thus, to the writer, motivation is a central element along with language aptitude in determining successful in learning another language in the classroom setting. Motivation is probably the most
1 Sardiman A. M., Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006), p.125 2 Ibid., p.142

often used catch all term for explaining the success or failure of virtually any complex task. Motivation is commonly thought of as an inner drive, impulse, emotion, or desire that moves one to a particular action. More specifically, human beings universally have needs or drives that are more or less innate, yet their intensity is environmentally conditioned. Ausubel said that there are six desires or needs of human organism or commonly identified which undergird the construct of motivation: 1). The need for exploration, for seeing the other side of the mountain, for providing the unknown. 2). The need for manipulation, for operating to use Skinners term on the environment and causing change. 3). The need for activity, for movement and exercise, both physical and mental. 4). The need for stimulation, the need to be stimulated by environment, by other people, or by ideas, thoughts, and feelings. 5). The need for knowledge, the need to process and internalize the result of exploration, manipulation, activity, and stimulation, to resolve contradictions, to quest for solutions to problems and for self-consistent system of knowledge. 6). Finally the need for ego enhancement, for the self to be known and to be accepted and approved of by others.3 Motivation can be effective when it is done by concern with students necessity. Variation of teaching method, reinforcement, etc can give motivation to student in order to be enthusiastic and active in learning.4 Dornyei notes that teacher skills in motivating learners should be seen as central to teaching
3 H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1987), 2nd Edition, p.114 4 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Guru dan Anak Didik Dalam Interaksi Edukatif, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Citra, 2000), p.45

effectiveness. Whatever is done by a teacher has a motivational, formative, influence on students. In other words, teacher behavior is a powerful motivational tool.5 This research was based on the fact that the response of the students in English lesson was low. According to them, English is a boring lesson. It could be proven by their lack of motivation in speaking English, in answering the questions, and in reading English books. It also could be proven by the lack of their vocabularies. They seemed to be more interested in other lessons such mathematics, chemistry, physics, religion, sports, etc. Actually, almost all of the students in SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo like English. They have motivation to learn English. When the writer interviewed the students on December 23, 2009, he found that the motivation was from the teacher. They liked the teacher and regarded the teacher as their inspiration and their motivator. The teacher of that school has good ways to stimulate students to learn English. So the quality of their grade in English lesson increases annually. That is proven by the grade or mark of the students that always increases annually. The students have many appreciations from English event. The writer chose class seventh to be his object of observation because in that class is the place where the teacher teaches them. Beside that reason, the writer chose that class because it was the first time students met the teacher. The first impression is very important thing that determined what students like or dislike the teacher. It depends on the performances of the teacher.


B. Statement of The Problems Based on the background above, there are several problems that should be taken into consideration. 1. How is teachers role as motivator done by English teacher of SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo? 2. How far are SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo students motivated by teacher?

C. Objectives of The Study From the statement of the problem above, the writer can write the objective of the study. 1. To describe teachers role as motivator is done by English teacher of SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo. 2. To describe the extent of students motivation effected by teacher. D. Significance of The Study This study is expected to have two benefits. They are: 1. Theoretically this study is expected to give contribution for education development generally. 2. Practically this study is expected to give benefit for teacher and

school. a. Teacher It can be made reference by English teacher and another teacher in teaching process to develop their professionalism. b. School It can be suggestion in establishment and development teacher effort effectively. So, it can determine the aim of education achievement.

E. Scope and Limitation of The Study The subject of this study is seventh or first grade of SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo in academic year 2009/2010 that focused on describing how teachers role as motivator is done by English teacher of SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo to make them interest with English lesson. Why does the writer conduct his observation in this school? Because I have information from my friend that in this school, giving motivation to students by teacher is good. And why the writer conducts his observation in the seventh or first grade? Because that is the time when the students meet and know the teacher. Students happy and like with the teacher is based on the teacher performance when taught them. F. Definition of Key Terms 1. Analysis its parts. 2. Teachers role : The teacher is circulating, redirecting, : The study of something by examining

disciplining, questioning, assessing, guiding, directing, fascinating, monitoring, validating, challenging, facilitating, motivating, moving, watching,

moderating, diagnosing, trouble-shooting, observing, encouraging, suggesting, watching, modeling and clarifying process.. 3. Motivator : One of the teachers roles that the students while teaching-learning

motivate the student in learning. 4. Learning : Acquiring or getting knowledge of a

subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction. 5. Motivation : The forces that account for the

arousal, selection, direction, and continuation of behavior. 6. Learning motivation : The efforts of the student to

provide conditions to learn.

G. Thesis Organization This thesis is organized into five chapters. The first chapter is about introduction includes background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.

The second chapter is review of related literature. It is discusses about teaching and learning, motivation, perspectives of motivation, the kind of motivation, and strategy for supplying motivation. In chapter three, the writer discusses about research design, source of data, research instrument, data collection technique, data analysis, and thesis organization. In the fourth chapter, the writer discusses about the analysis of teachers role as motivator to students learning motivation in English lesson at SMPN 1 Sedati Sidoarjo. The last chapter is conclusion of research that has been done by writer. Here the writer gives suggestions.

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