HCF - Top Plus
HCF - Top Plus
HCF - Top Plus
At HCF, we like to do things differently. We're a not-for-profit organisation so our goal isn't to pay dividends to shareholders. It's to provide benefits to our members. That's why we don't charge our members a hospital excess for accidents, same-day surgery or dependants and why we include medical gap cover in all our Hospital covers. We also provide generous benefit limits for Extras like dental, optical, chiro and physio services. We offer outstanding private hospital access, and fast online claiming so our members can feel better, sooner. It's called the HCF difference, and it's our way of making sure our members get the most out of their cover.
V3.3 Excess $450 per person Excess applies Effective April 1 2011
to a maximum of $450 per calendar year for a single or single parent membership to a maximum of $900 per calendar year for a couple or family membership
NO Excess is payable for; same day surgery hospitalisation as a result of an accident. children or student dependants dependants covered on extended family policies
Hospital Service
Accommodation Operating theatre Intensive Care Neo-natal Intensive Care Coronary Care Pregnancy and birth related services Assisted reproductive services (IVF, GIFT) Hip and knee joint replacements Cataract eye surgery Dialysis for chronic renal failure Psychiatric services (including eating disorders and postnatal depression) Pharmaceuticals in hospital directly associated with the reason for admission. Excluding experimental and very high cost non-PBS drugs. Rehabilitation programs Surgical weight loss procedures e.g. gastric banding Sterility reversals Cosmetic surgery Surgery by an accredited Podiatrist
1 day Emergency Ambulance 2 months Psychiatric Rehabilitation Palliative care. All other treatments except where there's a longer waiting period. 12 months Treatments for pre-existing ailments excluding Psychiatric, Rehabilitation, Palliative care.
Pregnancy and birth- related services A pre- existing ailment is an ailment or illness where the signs and symptoms existed any time during the six month before a member joined or upgraded to a higher level of cover, even though
a diagnosis may not have been made. If there is any doubt as to whether an ailment is preexisting, HCF will appoint an independent medical practitioner
yes yes
yes yes
to examine information provided by your doctor, together with other relevant claim details.
If you choose a product which has minimal benefits for some procedures, then you'll be covered in a public hospital shared room, but your private hospital costs won't be fully covered.This means you may face significant personal expenses if you have any of these procedures in a private hospital. For procedures (such as those listed in this table) attracting minimal benefits in a private hospital, HCF would: Pay a small amount towards your accommodation; Pay for prostheses, if required (100% cover for no-gap prosthesis list items. There are a small number of prostheses
that will attract a gap); and Not pay operating theatre expenses, or labour ward charges.
In addition, there are some services where doctor's charges are not payable (for example, elective cosmetic surgery and surgery by an accredited podiatrist). For these, HCF will only pay a very small amount towards the total cost of the procedure (and no doctor's charges). This only applies to services which do not attract a benefit from Medicare.
Ambulance Full cover for emergency ambulance with State Government road or air services where you require hospital or on-thespot treatment in Australia. Up to $5000 per person per calendar year for State Government non-emergency ambulance services where your doctor requests ambulance transport because your condition requires monitoring and support in transit.
Super Multicover
V3.3 General Treatment Service Rebate effective 1/7/2011 General Dental Diagnostic Dental Examination (011) X-rays (022) - initial Subsequent visit $38 $29 $25 2 claims No limit 2 months Annual Limit per person per calendar year Waiting Period
Preventative Dental Removal of plaque (114 & 115) Application of fluoride (121) Restorative Dental Adhesive fillings - one surface (531) Adhesive fillings - two surfaces (532) Adhesive fillings - three surfaces (533) Orthodontic By an Orthodontist - two full arch banding(831) x 2 - accrues at $440 per year. or By a General Dentist - two full arch banding (831) x 2 - accrues at $440 per year. $1,000 sub limit of $1,000 lifetime limit $1,720 $2,640 lifetime limit 12 months $95 $108 $125 $550 $63 $25 2 claims 1 claim
Major Dental Crowns and Bridges Full crown non metallic indirect (615) $635 $800 per person Increases by $100 each year to $1,200 $800 per person every three years from date of Complete upper and lower denture $800 service 12 months
Other Dental Endodontic: Preparation of root canal (415) Oral Surgery - (eg. extractions) Root canal obturation (417) $100-$260 $150 $170
Waiting Period
Optical Spectacle frames Spectacle lenses - pair Contact lenses - pair Disposal contact lenses Chiropractor Visit 1-2 Visit 3-11 Visit 12+ Chiropractic X-ray Osteopathy Visit 1-2 Visit 3-11 Visit 12+ Exercise Physiology Initial consultation Subsequent consultation Physiotherapy / Eye Therapy Visit 1-2 Visit 3-11 Visit 12+ Hydrotherapy/Group Physiotherapy Eye Therapy $53 $38 $18 $18 per visit $38 $600 - (Increases by $120 each year to $1,200) 2 months $40 $33 $45 $35 $18 $42 $33 $18 $63 $600 - (Increases by $120 each year to $1,200) Max $600 each for Chiro & Osteo. Max $300 for exercise physiology 2 months $135 $130 - $250 $140 - $250 $160 $250 2 months
Acupuncture / Naturopathy / Remedial Massage /Myotherapy /Homeopathy/ Alexander Technique/ Chinese Herbal Medicine Acupuncture - sub-limit $250 per person, Chinese Herbal Medicine- sub-limit $100 per person Initial consultation Subsequent consultation $40 $25 Combined Limit $600 2 months
Naturopathy/Nutrition, Remedial Massage/Myotherapy, Homeopathy, Alexander Technique - sub-Limit $250 per person Initial consultation Subsequent consultation $40 $25
Waiting Period
Speech Pathology / Audiology Speech Pathology Initial consultation Subsequent consultation $83 $51 $500 2 months
Occupational Therapy Initial consultation Subsequent consultation Dietetics Initial consultation Subsequent consultation Podiatry Initial consultation Subsequent consultation $38 $34 $400 2 months $55 $40 $350 2 months $72 $50 $600 2 months
Psychology (after Medicare entitlement is exhausted) Per consultation Artificial Appliances HCF approved artificial appliances (eg: Nebuliser, TENS machine, Orthotics) Pharmacy (HCF approved, non-PBS) (non-PBS) An excess applies to all nonPBS drugs which is equivalent to the current PBS fee. $50 per drug per script. $700 2 months $600 12 months $80 $600 2 months
Waiting Period
Home Nursing, Travel and Accommodation Home Nursing $50 per claim Up to $100 per return trip per membership for travel per trip/ membership. Journeys of more than 200km for specialist/hospital treatment. up to $30 per night for accommodation Hearing Aids Benefits payable every 5 years depending on length of membership Less than 5 years - $800 6-9 years - $1,100 10-14 years - $1,400 15 years and more - $1,800 2 years $1,000 $400 sub-limit for Travel and Accommodation (up to $400 for travel & $200 for accommodation) 2 months
Health Management Programs HCF approved programs eg. First Aid Courses, Learn to Swim, Stress Management, Quit Smoking , Childbirth/Ante-natal Education, Lactation consultation, Weight Management & Exercise regimes (recommended by a GP or specialist). Other services School accident cover (approved general treatment related service only) 100% of cost (where benefits are not payable from any other source) $800 24 hours $200 per person $400 per family 6 months
Waiting Periods
Waiting periods must be served before benefits are paid. They apply to: New members. Existing HCF members who upgrade to a higher level of cover or reduce excess payable. In this case, you need to serve the necessary waiting period for the higher benefit entitlement. Members who switch from another fund who have not already completed the required waiting period for equivalent benefits. New dependants, unless they switch from another fund where they have completed the required waiting period for equivalent benefits. Treatment of pre-existing ailment. Waiting periods vary according to the type of treatment or services and are as follows.
Participating Hospitals
To check the participating hospitals in your state go to: http://hcf/Services/participating_hospitals.asp?member_id=Guest
Non-participating hospitals
If you are using a non-HCF participating hospital you may incur out of pocket expenses. There are many factors involved in determining your benefit at a non-HCF participating hospital. For more details call HCF prior to going into hospital.
Minimal Benefits
If you choose a product which has minimal benefits for some procedures (such as pregnancy and birth-related services), then you'll be covered in a public hospital shared room, but your private hospital costs won't be fully covered.
This means you may face significant personal expenses if you have any of these procedures in a private hospital. For procedures (such as those listed in this table) attracting minimal benefits in a private hospital, HCF would: Pay a small amount towards your accommodation; Pay for prostheses, if required (100% cover for no-gap prosthesis list items. There are a small
number of prostheses that will attract a gap); and Not pay operating theatre expenses, or labour ward charges.
In addition, there are some services where doctor's charges are not payable (for example, elective cosmetic surgery and surgery by an accredited podiatrist). For these, HCF will only pay a very small amount towards the total cost of the procedure (and no doctor's charges). This only applies to services which do not attract a benefit from Medicare.
Who is covered?
Family cover The Policyholder, their partner and dependants listed on the policy. Only the Policyholder can determine who is covered under a membership. Cover for your dependants Your children are automatically covered at no extra cost under your family cover until the day before they turn 22. If your children are full-time students, simply register them as Student Dependants at the start of each academic year, and they will be covered for no extra cost until the day before they turn 25. If they cease study during that year their cover will lapse. If your children are not full-time students, you can also continue to cover them until they turn 25 with Extended Family Cover, available on certain levels of HCF cover. Otherwise, your grown children will need to take out their own cover. All new dependants must serve waiting periods, unless they are transferring from another membership or another private health insurer where they have already completed the relevant waiting periods. In this case they will need to request an Interfund Transfer Certificate from their previous fund, which is provided to HCF when joining. In addition, the Policyholder's children and student dependant must be: Unmarried and not in a de facto relationship; and Primarily reliant on the Policyholder and or (Partner listed on policy) for maintenance and support; and Related to the Policyholder (or Partner listed on policy) as a child, step-child, foster child or other children that the Policyholder (or Partner listed on policy) have legal guardianship over. The student dependant must also be:
A full time student at school, college or university. Couples cover The Policyholder and their Partner listed on the policy. Singles cover The Policyholder only. HCF Extended Family Cover HCF automatically covers your children until their 22nd birthday. With HCF Extended Family Cover you can continue to provide health insurance for your 22, 23 and 24 year old children, even if they are no longer studying full- time or living at home, as long as they are unmarried and not in a de facto relationship. For a small additional premium you can extend your cover to provide your children with the health insurance they need. On turning 25: With HCF Extended Family Cover your children remain covered until they turn 25 or until such time as they marry. HCF will contact you before your child's 25th birthday to notify you that your membership will revert back to your standard membership and invite your child to choose a cover that suits their individual lifestyle. Student dependants: Eligible students are covered free of charge until they turn 25. Extended Family Cover is available with HCF Top Plus Cover and HCF Hospital Savings Option. Extended Family Cover also applies to your extras cover when taken with these hospital products. Single Parent Family Cover As per Family Cover, excluding the contributor's nominated partner. Single parent families receive a reduction (approximately 20%) on the family rate of certain Hospital and Extras products. The reduction in applicable to your Extras cover on Levels 1 and 2 and your
Aged between 22
24 (inclusive); and
entire cover on levels 3, 4, 5 and 6. This reduction does not apply to Hospital Advanced Savings, Ambulance Only Cover and HCF Life Products. Family memberships and Single Parent Family memberships are not available for the Fit and Free policy and young singles and couples policies.
Overseas Cover
If you travel overseas you aren't covered. HCF cannot cover you for overseas medical expenses under your membership. However, you can obtain a 10% discount on travel insurance through HCF which will cover overseas medical Fit & Free policy holders are covered for emergency overseas medical expenses through their special overseas travel insurance. See www.hcf.com.au/fitandfree for details HCF supports the Private Health Insurance Code of Conduct ensuring: You will receive correct information on private health insurance You are aware of the internal and external dispute resolution procedures You can make an informed decision about your purchase through informative policy documentation You are protected in accordance with privacy principles A full copy of the code is available at www.privatehealth.com.au/codeofconduct
Resolution of problems
If you have any queries or feedback about any aspect of a health insurance product or iSelect's service, you could either call the consultant you dealt with or contact the Compliance Manager by telephone on 1300 735 255, and by email on compliance@iselect.com.au. If you have queries or feedback about the HCF products please contact HCF on 13 13 34. If you are not satisfied with iSelect's response you may contact the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman on 1800 640 695.
For further information about iSelect's privacy policy please visit iSelect's web site: http://www.iselect.com.au/
New Membership
Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other: _____________ Given name/s: Date of birth: Address: Town/Suburb: Phone: Home ( Email address: )
iSelect Client No. Change cover with Transfer Membership from another Fund HCF
ISN R/C 20 Customer Note No:
1 0 8 6 3 8 4
State Work ( )
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ AND NOTE Benefits are not payable in the first 12 months of membership for the treatment of a pre-existing ailment/condition, the signs or symptoms of which were in existence at any time during the 6 months prior to joining or upgrading to a higher cover, whether or not diagnosed by a doctor. This is an industry wide standard rule applied by Health Funds for the protection of existing members.
154.7 Base Premium Quoted $ Lifetime Loading (if applicable) 0.00 Total Premium $ 154.70 p/month inc 30.0% rebate
Premiums quoted valid to March 31st 2012
Signature x
HCFs Terms & Conditions are available at www.iselect.com.au/tc8
Please fax or mail pages 1 & 2 only. Fax: 1300 735 322 or call 1300 735 255 1
Yes No
If YES please complete the remainder of this section. If NO you cannot apply for the rebate until you obtain a card from Medicare.
If NO, employers and trustees of organisations cannot claim the Federal Government 30% Rebate on policies paid on behalf of employees.
Your Medicare Card No. Your name exactly as it appears on your Medicare card
Some of the information provided on this form will be used for the purposes of registering you for the Federal Government 30% Rebate on private health insurance. Its collection is authorised by law, and information collected will be disclosed to the Department of Health and Aged Care, the Health Insurance Commission and the Australian Taxation Office.
Signature x
Date :
I/We authorise The Hospitals Contribution Fund Limited User ID Number 480 to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our account at the financial institution identified below and as prescribed below.
Please tick
on the
*Please nominate your first debit day. Please note: debit dates of 28, 29, 30 and 31 are not available. This authorisation is to remain in force in accordance with the terms described in the HCF Direct Debit Customer Service Agreement.
Account No.
Signature x
Card No.
CCVV No this is the 3 digit number on the back of your credit card Expiry Date CCVV No
Signature x
If you would like your claim benefits paid directly into your account please complete the following details.
Name on a/c
Signature x
Please fax or mail pages 1 & 2 only. Fax: 1300 735 322 or call 1300 735 255 2