Green Roof Code of Best Practice For The UK 2011
Green Roof Code of Best Practice For The UK 2011
Green Roof Code of Best Practice For The UK 2011
The GRO Green Roof Code Published by Groundwork Sheffield Groundwork Sheffield The Innovation Centre 217 Portobello Sheffield - S1 4DP ISBN: 978-0-9568378-0-6 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Notes for users of this Code The information contained in this document may be freely used by any interested parties. The Green Roof Organisation (GRO) as a body is facilitated by the National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC). The GRO code is the result of unpaid technical cooperation across the UK green roof industry. Due to the manner in which this document was created, it can be considered to be the result of expert work. The GRO code is intended to be recognised as a code of best practice and as such it should be used to guide behaviour relating to green roof design, specification, installation and maintenance. However, there will be special cases where additional considerations will need to be made. Every user of the GRO code is responsible for their own actions, and acts at their own risk. GRO recognises that the FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftbaus (Landscape Research, Development and Construction Society)), Guidelines for the planning, execution and upkeep of green roof sites, is a sound base from which to establish a minimum recommendation for green roof specification, installation and maintenance. It is recommended that all parties using this Code and requiring greater technical detail, should have a copy of the most recent version of the FFL Guidelines to hand, which can be purchased from GRO Technical Advisor Group to the Green Roof Code: Peter Allnutt - Green Roof Product Manager, Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd. Wendy Bussey - Deputy Executive Director, Groundwork Sheffield Dusty Gedge -, Ltd European Federation of Green roof Associations (EFB) Mark Harris - Blackdown Horticultural Consultants Ian Henning - National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) Simon Po - Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd Nick Ridout - Bauder Ltd. Phil Singleton - Icopal Ltd. Jeff Sorrill - The Green Roof Centre, University of Sheffield Dr. Alun Tarr - Wildface Stefan Zeller - Optigreen Ltd. Date of 1st publication 18/01/2011
Editing and layout: Groundwork Sheffield Cover picture: Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd.
1 Introduction to the Code 1.1 Scope 1.2 Who is this guidance for? 1.3 Steering Group 1.4 Code review procedures 1.5 Acknowledgements Introduction to Green Roofs 2.1 Definition 2.2 Types 2.2.1 Extensive green roof 2.2.2 Biodiverse roof 2.2.3 Semi intensive green roof 2.2.4 Intensive green roof 2.3 Benefits 2.3.1 Sustainable drainage 2.3.2 Biodiversity 2.3.3 Countering climate change & the urban heat island 2.3.4 Building performance enhancements 2.3.5 Amenity & health & wellbeing 2.3.6 Financial Design Considerations & Practical Implications 3.1 Configuration of a Green Roof 3.1.1 Root resistant material 3.1.2 Moisture retention/protection layer 3.1.3 Drainage/Reservoir layer 3.1.4 Filter layer 3.1.5 Growing medium 3.1.6 Vegetation 3.2 Structural Design 3.2.1 Wind 3.2.2 Dead loads 3.2.3 Shear forces 3.3 Waterproofing 3.4 Drainage 3.5 Fire 3.5.1 Extensive roofs 3.5.2 Intensive roofs 3.6 Irrigation 3.7 Safety & access 3.7.1 Extensive and biodiverse roofs 3.7.2 Intensive and semi-intensive roofs Green Roof Installations 4.1 Site preparation & planning 4.2 Installation of system components 4.2.1 Protection sheets, drainage layers and filter sheets 4.2.2 Substrate installation 4.2.3 Plant layer installation 4.3 Installation of perimeter & penetration details 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17
Green Roof Maintenance 5.1 General maintenance actions 5.1.1 Irrigation 5.1.2 Fertilising 5.1.3 Plant management 5.1.4 General clearance/removal 5.2 Maintenance actions by roof type 5.2.1 Extensive 5.2.2 Biodiverse 5.2.3 Semi intensive 5.2.4 Intensive Relevant Complementary Documentation 6.1 Building regulations 6.2 British Standards Building design 6.3 British Standards Structural design 6.4 British Standards Maintenance 6.5 Health and Safety 6.6 Workmanship 6.7 British Standards Metal Roofing specifications 6.8 British Standards - Bitumen waterproofing specifications 6.9 British Standards - Plastic & rubber waterproofing specifications 6.10 British Standards - Mastic asphalt waterproofing specifications 6.11 Liquid waterproofing specifications 6.12 British Standards Timber specifications 6.13 British Standards Insulation specifications 6.14 Green roof guidance Glossary
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1.1 Scope
Groundwork Sheffield secured 457,206 of European LIFE+ funding to create a code of best practice; setting standards for the design, installation and maintenance of green roofs across the UK. LIFE+ is the EUs financial instrument, supporting environmental policy development across Member States. Green roofs perform a vital role in helping cities adapt to the effects of climate change by reducing the need for artificial cooling in hot weather and attenuating or capturing rainwater runoff, as well as providing a range of habitats for wildlife. However, green roofs can only provide these environmental benefits if designed and installed in a way that ensures that minimum performance criteria are met. This code therefore highlights the important green roof design, installation and maintenance considerations and provides guidelines as to how they can be accommodated in the final green roof scheme.
2.1 Definition
A living or green roof is a roof, deck or other structure onto which vegetation is intentionally grown or habitats for wildlife are established.
2.2 Types
Traditionally there have been three broad classifications for green roofs - extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. However, whilst biodiverse roofs share many of the characteristics of an extensive roof, their increased specification merits a distinctly separate category: 2.2.1 Extensive green roof Extensive roofs serve as an ecological covering that provides society with environmental benefits and the building owner with life cycle cost benefits. A lightweight, low-maintenance roof system, typically with succulents or other hardy plant species (often sedum) planted into a shallow substrate (typically less than 100 mm) that is low in nutrients. Irrigation is not normally required. 2.2.2 Biodiverse roof A roof that is similar in composition to an extensive roof, but designed specifically to create a habitat that will attract a particular flora and fauna; whether replicating the original footprint of the building or enhancing the previous habitat. This catagory includes a brown roof, which is a non-vegetated version. The growing medium is purposely-selected to allow indigenous plant species to inhabit the roof over time. 2.2.3 Semi intensive green roof An intermediate green roof type that can include characteristics of both extensive and intensive roofs. Typically requiring a depth of substrate between 100 mm to 200 mm, a wider range of plants can be included, compared to extensive roofs, including shrubs and woody plants. Irrigation and maintenance requirements are dependent upon the plant species installed. 2.2.4 Intensive green roof A version of a green roof, often referred to as a roof garden, that provides benefits akin to a small urban park or domestic garden. Designed primarily for recreational use, intensive roofs are typically configured with 200 mm+ of substrate and often require regular maintenance and irrigation.
2.3 Benefits
Green, living and intentionally vegetated roofs are becoming more common in the UK. Green roofs are one of the most readily-accessible sustainable technologies available to the construction industry and can be included as part of new buildings and (subject to structural checks), retro-fitted to existing buildings to provide the following benefits to the occupants of buildings, as well as the local setting:
2.3.1 Sustainable Drainage Retention of water, through storage in the growing medium and evapotranspiration from the roofs plants and substrate, reduces and slows runoff volumes, reducing the burden on the sewer network and lowering water treatment costs. Detention of water, due to the time for water to infiltrate and permeate the substrate, reduces peak rates of runoff, helping to reduce the risk of flooding. Water quality improvements through the filtration of pollutants during the process of water infiltration. 2.3.2 Biodiversity Green roofs can replace habitat that has been lost as a result of urban development or create habitats for enhanced biodiversity to actively encourage flora and fauna into the area, for example, by providing food, habitat, nesting opportunities or resting places for creatures, such as spiders, beetles, butterflies, birds and other invertebrates. 2.3.3 Countering climate change & the urban heat island Vegetation consumes carbon during photosynthesis, positively removing emissions and helping to arrest climate change. The evaporative cooling of green roof vegetation also reverses the heat-reflecting effect associated with non-greened, impermeable surfaces that contribute to higher urban temperatures (known as the urban heat island effect) By returning moisture to the environment through evapotranspiration, solar gain can be reduced. The trapping of particulates and capturing of gases, ensure that air pollution levels are also reduced by green roofs. 2.3.4 Building performance enhancements The evaporative cooling effect of green roofs, combined with the increased thermal mass of the buildup, can reduce the need for summer cooling (i.e. air conditioning), with a resultant reduction in carbon emissions. This additional mass also serves acoustic purposes, providing additional sound attenuation benefits. 2.3.5 Amenity & health & wellbeing Green roofs can benefit building occupants by providing valuable additional outdoor recreational areas, for a variety of possible uses, including amenity and recreation. Indeed, research suggests that such green space can improve the productivity of the workforce, reduce hospital patients convalescence times etc. 2.3.6 Financial Whilst future government policy may further increase the financial benefit to owners of buildings with green roof installations, green roofs can be seen to payback the initial investment by: Increasing the life of the roof covering due to the vegetation cover protecting the membrane, thereby lowering thermal stresses induced by UV rays; and Reduced energy costs due to the lower energy consumption demands attributable to the insulating effect of the substrate, planting & drainage layer.
When designing a green roof, it is important to establish exactly what it is intended to achieve. The roof configuration can vary significantly, depending on the objectives sought from its installation. This section introduces the different components in a green roof build-up, highlighting their function and important performance characteristics. Key green roof design issues are subsequently introduced.
The important performance characteristics to evaluate suitability are: Water storage capacity (l/m) Filling volume (l/m) Flow rate (l/s/m) Weight [dry] (kg/m) Compressive strength (kN/m) 3.1.4 Filter layer A geotextile that prevents fines and sediments from being washed out of the green roof into the reservoir or drainage layer so as to maintain permeability.
The important performance characteristics to evaluate suitability are: Weight (kg/m) Tensile strength (kN/m) Flow rate under hydraulic head of 10 cm (l/s/m) Effective pore size (m) Penetration force (N) 3.1.5 Growing medium An engineered soil replacement that contains a specified ratio of organic and inorganic material; specifically designed to provide green roof plants with the air, water and nutrient levels that they need to survive, whilst facilitating the release of excess water.
A green roof substrate should have a composition that provides the following properties: Lightweight Resistance to wind and water erosion Free from weeds, diseases and pests Good plant anchorage to reduce the risk of wind uplift due to the binding effect of the roots within the growing medium Fire resistance through avoiding high proportions of organic matter Appropriate water retention/release tendencies to retain sufficient water to meet the plants needs, yet facilitating permeation to avoid water logging of the substrate Good aeration at water saturation to prevent the roots from suffering the detrimental effects of water logging Resistance to compaction to prevent saturation due to removed drainage paths Appropriate supply of nutrients (e.g. slow-release fertilizers) to allow development in accordance with the plants needs (Note: extensive roofs have a low nutrient requirement, whilst intensive and semi-intensive roofs have higher nutrient requirements).
The tabulated reference values are approximate only, and represent some of the key physical properties for substrates, as derived from the FLL guide (Section 16): Properties Extensive Depth Porosity Pore-size Distribution: d 0.063 mm d 4.0 mm Maximum Water Holding Capacity (MWHC) Air Content at MWHC Water permeability pH value Organic content 15% (by mass) 50% (by mass) 25% 65% (by volume) 10% (by volume) 0.6 70 mm/min 6.0 8.5 65 g/l 20% (by mass) 40% (by mass) 45% (by volume) 10% (by volume) 0.3 - 30 mm/min 6.0 - 8.5 90 g/l Minimum 80 mm (see note 1) Reference Values Intensive Typical 200 mm -
Note: A depth of aggregate-type material not less than 80 mm is recommended on a green roof installation. There are, however, certain applications where lesser depths can be used: 1. Where pre-grown vegetation mats are being used, the aggregate-type materials may be reduced to 60 mm average depth plus a minimum mat thickness of 20 mm (FLL 2008, 7.2.1); or 2. Where manufacturers have developed systems for particular applications, providing a more limited range of benefits, but reducing the weight of the system. [In this instance, designers and installers should consult the manufacturer of these systems to confirm their performance and any increased maintenance and irrigation requirements]. 3.1.6 Vegetation Plant selection Key factors in specifying green roof plant layers include: Objective: Different plant physiological composition translates into different performance traits. For example, roofs seeking to improve stormwater retention will often utilize sedum species, due to the water consumption pattern associated with their crassulacean acid metabolism. Contrarily, a roof seeking to fulfill a particular biodiversity objective (e.g. habitat creation) may require a specific mix of indigenous species (often selected by an expert ecologist). Plant characteristics: the plants architecture (e.g. leaf size, shape and coverage) and physiology (e.g. transpiration tendencies etc) will affect the roofs performance and its tolerance to drought, wind, light, shade and pollutants. Climate: Variations in sunshine, and the resulting differences in solar radiation and air temperature, can affect the length and time of growing seasons and the risk of frost. Precipitation patterns affect the demands placed on the roof by rainfall and snow. Microclimate: The orientation of the building and that of any surrounding buildings in the vicinity will affect the shading levels on the roof, whilst also affecting wind levels. 11 Plant types A wide range of plants, mosses, herbs, flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees; selected according to the particular green roof application: Extensive roofs mostly comprise self-sustaining, low-growing plants, such as sedums, or other frost and drought tolerant species. Semi-intensive roofs typically include plant species such as wild flowers, herbaceous perennials and shrubs. Intensive roofs typically resemble a residential garden or small urban park and can include a wider range of planting, such as shrubs, lawns and trees. Vegetation cover and content should be in line with Clause 12.6.2 of the FLL Guidelines (2008).
3.3 Waterproofing
A wide range of options are available for the waterproofing of a green roof. A range of membranes, liquidapplied waterproofing and metals can be installed beneath a green roof. It is important that the installing waterproofing contractor is aware that a green roof will be installed over the roof covering, thereby allowing the detailing (e.g. upstands) to accommodate the increased build-up. Remedial works to the waterproofing require extensive investigations simply to locate the point of fault. Combined with the fact that the removal (and subsequent replacement) of the green roof build-up is so labour intensive, significant costs can arise from problems with the waterproofing layer. The inspection and testing of the water integrity of the roof covering prior to the green roof installation is therefore imperative. Where the roof covering does not provide the necessary root resistance, the installation of an independent root barrier is required (see Section 3.1.1).
3.4 Drainage
Roof drainage designs should comply with the requirements of BS EN 12056-3:2000 Gravity drainage systems inside buildings. Roof drainage, layout and calculations. The UKs National Annex to BS EN 12056 does permit the use of a coefficient to factor down the drainage infrastructure, to account for factors such as the additional retention performance of green roofs. However, the coefficient that is used to reflect this reduction would be based on average annual retention and not on responses to dynamic storm events. Any drainage infrastructure designed to accommodate this reduced flow rate may not accurately account for seasonal differences or individual storm events. Any reductions in drainage capacity would therefore need to be countered by alternative measures (e.g. appropriate detailing) to ensure that any attenuation of water at the roof level will not be detrimental to the building structure or fabric. The exact nature of this drainage benefit will be dependent upon the specific build-up of the green roof, particularly in respect of its permeability and capacity for storage, as governed by the growing medium and drainage/reservoir board, where installed. (See section 2.3.1 for details of sustainable drainage benefits of green roofs.) Inspection chambers are required to ensure that outlets are kept free of blockages.
3.5 Fire
Green roofs, like any vegetation-covered surface, need to be designed to provide the necessary resistance to the external spread of fire, even when subjected to prolonged periods of drought. This resistance is increased by: 1. Increasing the content of non-combustible components (e.g. mineral aggregates) 2. Reducing combustible component (e.g. organic matter) 3. Preventing the system from drying out
3.5.1 Extensive roofs Extensive roofs do not tend to be irrigated and the fire risk must therefore be mitigated by the specification of the build-up and the incorporation of fire breaks: Green roof build-up Substrate should have: a depth in excess of 80 mm a maximum of 20% organic matter Plants such as succulents retain water within their structure, reducing the risk of drying out Fire breaks Non-vegetated strips, comprising pebbles (20 40 mm) or concrete paving stones, should be kept clear of encroaching plants (FLL 2008, 6.9); and Installed in 500 mm strips at all openings of the roof (skylights, windows) or any vertical elements such as a wall with windows; and Installed in 1 m strips (or 300 mm heights) at 40 m intervals across the roof. 3.5.2 Intensive roofs DIN Standards (the German equivalent to British Standards) have designated intensive greening which is irrigated, regularly maintained and has a thick substrate layer as a hard roof. This implies that it has no greater fire risk than a conventional roof finish.
3.6 Irrigation
Irrigation is typically required for the initial establishment of the green roof. However, once plant cover is achieved, irrigation can be reduced (for intensive and semi-intensive roofs) or avoided (for most extensive roofs, subject to plant selection). The more intensive the roof, the more likely it will be that an artificial irrigation system is required. The requirement for irrigation depends on many factors, particularly: The planting layers water demands Water storage capacity of the green roof configuration (e.g. growing medium, drainage layer) Local precipitation patterns Rainfall is the typical source of water, however complementary irrigation options include hoses, sprinklers, overhead irrigation and automated systems that pump from some reservoir storage. The establishment of a need for an irrigation system, and the design of an irrigation scheme, should be in accordance with the principles of BS 7562-3:1995 Planning, design and installation of irrigation schemes Part 3: Guide to irrigation water requirements. Standards relevant to the design of specific irrigation systems include BS EN 15099-1:2007 Irrigation techniques. Remote monitoring & control system, BS EN 15097:2006 Irrigation techniques. Localized irrigation hydraulic evaluation and BS EN 13742-1:2004 Irrigation techniques. Solid set sprinkler system selection, design, planning & installation.
Contractors should be fully trained in the installation of green roofs and must have a specialist understanding of the green roof system as well as general construction knowledge.
Project Management is critical to delivering successful green roof installations: Scheduling works to comply with the project programme (and the waterproofing installation in particular) and close collaboration with the green roof supplier will be essential to ensuring that materials arrive on site in a timely fashion, whilst minimizing the storage time of vegetation on site. Selecting the method of installation for the substrate and planting layer that is most appropriate to the roof layout and objectives. Before commencing installation works, the integrity of the waterproof covering must be tested and approved. All drainage works, flashings etc should be finished prior to the application of the green roof covering.
4.2.3 Plant Layer Installation The choice of vegetation is a function of cost, time and the requirement for instant greening. The optimum periods to install green roofs are late September/early October or late March/early April, as the cooler and wetter conditions will typically reduce the need (and cost) for irrigation to keep plants moist. It is strongly recommend that planting is not installed during the months of June to August. The plant layer can be installed using the following methods: Sedum mat A carpet of sedum species is field-grown to maturity, enabling it to be rolled directly on to the prepared substrate. The installed sedum mats should be thoroughly watered in and kept moist thereafter for 4 - 5 weeks, until the sedum mats become established. Mat edges are typically butt-jointed, although the specific manufacturer should be consulted to establish any shrinkage risk. Plug planting Rooted young plants (plugs), typically sedum species, are individually grown (in trays) and planted, with the opportunity to provide a greater diversity of planted species. Subject to the plant species selected, plants should be installed at a typical coverage rate of 15 - 20 plants per m. For optimum establishment, a minimum of six varieties of species are recommended per m. Prior to installation of the planting, the substrate, drainage layer and any moisture mat should be saturated Pre-water the plants before removing them from their trays Apply an approved slow release fertiliser on to the substrate (at an approximate rate of 50 grams per m) Insert plants and gently water them in Ensure that the substrate is kept moist for an initial period of 4 - 5 weeks to allow the plants to sufficiently establish themselves. Hydroplanting and seeding A mixture of sedum cuttings and seeds are spread on the prepared substrate, with mulch applied to allow cuttings to root and seeds to germinate. A minimum of six sedum species should be represented in the mix of cuttings and seeds, applied at a rate of approximately 150 grams per m onto the surface of the substrate. The plant mix is typically spread by hand and covered with a liquid-applied mulch and an appropriate organic nutrient source.
Maintenance, conducted by qualified personnel will ensure the initial establishment and continued health of the green roof system. It is strongly recommended that the installing contractor remains responsible for the maintenance of the green roof during this establishment stage (between 12 - 15 months) and prior to the assignation of maintenance duties to the building owners representative. Maintenance contractors with specialist training in green roof care from organisations such as GRO (The Green Roof Organisation) should be used, where possible. When designing a green roof, it is important that the green roof system is specified accounting for any budgetary constraints. The costs of roof maintenance should therefore form part of the life cycle cost analysis for the building, allowing the most appropriate green roof specification to be realised.
6.6 Workmanship
BS 8000-4: 1989. Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for waterproofing BS 6229: 2003. Flat roofs with continuously supported coverings. Code of practice. Reinforced bitumen membranes for roofing. Code of practice. Design Guide for single Ply Roofing (SPRA) Code of Practice: Specification and Use of Liquid Waterproofing Systems (ELWA 1998)
Biodiverse roof A roof that is designed to create a desired habitat that will attract a particular flora and fauna; whether replicating the original footprint of the building or enhancing the previous habitat. Brown roof A biodiverse roof where the growing medium is purposely-selected to allow local plant species to inhabit the roof over time. BS British Standards formulated by the British Standard Institute (BSi). Drainage layer/Reservoir board Available in a variety of materials, including hard plastic, polystyrene, foam, coarse gravel and crushed recycled brick, depending on the functional requirements. Allows excess water to drain away, thereby preventing the water logging of the substrate. Some drainage layers also incorporate water storage cells to retain additional water that can be diffused to the plant support layer during prolonged dry periods. DIN Standards Deutsches Institut fr Normung which means German Institute for Standardization. DIN Standards are the published results of DINs work. Extensive green roof A lightweight, low-maintenance roof system, typically with succulents or other hardy plant species (often sedum) planted into a shallow substrate (typically less than 100 mm) that is low in nutrients. Irrigation is not normally required. Filter fleece/ fines layer Prevents fines and sediments from being washed out of the green roof into the drainage system. FLL Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftbaus (German Landscape Research, Development and Construction Society). Green roof A roof or deck onto which vegetation is intentionally grown or habitats for wildlife are established, including: extensive, intensive and semi intensive roofs; roof gardens; biodiverse roofs; brown roofs; public and private amenity spaces. Green roof system The component layers of a green roof build-up. Growing medium/Substrate An engineered soil replacement that contains a specified ratio of organic and inorganic material; specifically designed to provide green roof plants with the air, water and nutrient levels that they need to survive, whilst facilitating the release of excess water. GRO Green Roof Organisation: The industry forum for green roof development and promotion in the UK. GRO is facilitated by the NFRC and acts as the technical arm of Hydro seeding Spraying a specially designed blend of seeds and growing medium. HSE Health and Safety Executive. 24
Inspection chambers Situated over all internal rainwater outlets to constrain the surrounding landscaping but allow easy access for maintenance. The unit allows water entry, but helps prevent unwanted silt, debris or vegetation from entering and obstructing free drainage. Intensive green roof A version of a green roof, often referred to as a roof garden, that provides benefits akin to a small urban park or domestic garden. Designed primarily for recreational use, intensive roofs are typically configured with 200 mm+ of substrate and often require regular maintenance and irrigation. Moisture / Protection layer A geotextile blanket, available in varying thicknesses (typically between 2-12 mm), performs a dual function. Firstly, protecting the waterproof membrane during the installation of the green roof system; and secondly, increasing the water holding capacity of the green roof system. Root barrier A layer (membrane) designed to prevent roots from penetrating the waterproofing layer and building fabric. Sedum A genus of about 400 species of low-growing, leafy succulents that are wind, frost and drought tolerant and found throughout the northern hemisphere. Not all species are suitable for roofs. Semi Intensive green roof Intermediate green roof type with characteristics of both extensive and intensive green roofs. Typically 100mm to 200mm substrate depth, sometimes irrigated, occasionally managed, and usually planted with a range of species. Standard/traditional/conventional roof Un-vegetated and non-absorbent roofs i.e. asphalt, single ply, mineral felt, liquid applied, metal deck etc. SUDS Sustainable (Urban) Drainage Systems Vapour barrier A layer, typically a plastic or aluminium foil cored bituminous sheet that resists diffusion of moisture through the building fabric.
ISBN: 978-0-9568378-0-6