Verbos Irregulares Del Inglés Con Caricaturas y Ejemplos

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to abide

to arise

to awake

to bear

to beat

to become to begin Present abide (abid) arise (aris) awake (awik) bear (bar) beat (bit) become (bikm) begin (bigun) bend (bend) bet (bet) bid (bid) Past abode (abud) arose (arus) awoke (awuk) bore (bor) beat (bit) became (bikim) began (bigan) bent (bent) bet (bet) bid (bid)

to bend

to bet

to bid Traduccin sufrir, soportar, cumplir levantarse, surgir despertarse, despertar aguantar, soportar, parir golpear, derrotar, batir convertirse en, llegar a ser, volverse, ponerse empezar doblar, torcer, inclinarse apostar ofrecer, pujar, licitar

P. Participle abiden (abden) arisen (arsen) awoken (awuken) born (born) beaten (biten) become (bikm) begun (bign) bent (bent) bet (bet) bid (bid)

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I cannot abide

abide (abid) abode (abud) abiden (abden) sufrir, soportar, cumplir her constant unpunctuality.

No puedo soportar su constante impuntualidad. The employees must abide by the rules of the company.

Los empleados deben cumplir con las reglas de la compaa. Bill always abides by his promises.

Bill siempre cumple con sus promesas. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Problems always arise levantarse, surgir during such protests for human rights. arise (aris) arose (arus) arisen (arsen)

Siempre surgen problemas durante tales protestas por derechos humanos. Disputes arose over who would be the first to speak.

Surgieron disputas sobre quin sera primero en hablar. Many questions have arisen recently over the origin of life.

Muchas preguntas han surgido recientemente sobre el origen de la vida. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Mary will awake in an despertarse, despertar hour because she has to go to work. awake (awik) awoke (awuk) awoken (awuken)

Mary despertar en una hora porque tiene que ir a trabajar. I awoke in the middle of the night when I heard that noise.

Despert en medio de la noche cuando o aquel ruido. The patient has awoken from a two-week coma.

El paciente ha despertado de un coma de dos semanas.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I cannot bear

bear (ber) bore (bor) born (born) aguantar, soportar, parir her bad manners anymore.

No puedo aguantar ms sus malos modales. The child bore the pain without complaint while the doctor cured the injuries on de su brazo. The actor was born in a small village in Argentina. his arm. El nio soport el dolor sin ninguna queja mientras el doctor cur las heridas

El actor naci (fue parido) en un pequeo pueblo en Argentina. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: My neighbor beats his golpear, derrotar, batir wife every night. He should be arrested. beat (bit) beat (bit) beaten (biten)

Mi vecino golpea a su esposa todas las noches. El debera ser arrestado. Do you think you can beat Jack at chess?

Piensas que puedes vencer a Jack en el ajedrez? My team has been beaten four times already.

Mi equipo ya ha sido derrotado cuatro veces. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: My son wants to convertirse en, llegar a ser, volverse, ponerse a doctor when he grows up. become (bikm) became (bikim) become (bikm)


Mi hijo quiere llegar a ser un doctor cuando l crezca. Bill won the lottery and became rich overnight.

Bill gan la lotera y se hizo rico de la noche a la maana. Obesity has become a problem in the United States.

La obesidad se ha vuelto un problema en los Estados Unidos.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The alphabet

begin (bigun) began (bigan) begun (bign) empezar with the letter a.


El alfabeto comienza con la letra a. It began to rain just as we were going out.

Comenz a llover justo cuando estbamos saliendo. They had begun to work when the bell rang.

Ellos haban comenzado a trabajar cuando son la campana. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The river doblar, torcer, inclinarse beyond that tree. bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent)


El ro hace una curva ms all de aquel rbol. The doctor bent over to examine the patient.

El doctor se inclin para examinar al paciente. Be careful! You have bent my glasses.

Tenga cuidado! Usted ha torcido mis gafas. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: It is possible to apostar bet on almost anything nowadays. bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet)

Es posible apostar a casi cualquier cosa hoy da. Mary bet a lot of money on that horse that came in last.

Mary post mucho dinero en ese caballo que lleg ltimo. John has bet ten dollars that he can beat me in a tennis match. John ha apostado diez dlares a que l puede vencerme en un partido de tenis.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The English company

bid (bid) bid (bid) bid (bid) ofrecer, pujar, licitar will be bidding for the oil contract.

La compaa inglesa estar haciendo una oferta por el contrato del petrleo. At the auction, James bid $5,000 for the painting.

En la subasta, James ofreci 5,000 dlares por la pintura. Bill has bid the highest price for the book at the auction so far. Bill ha ofrecido el precio ms alto por el libro en la subasta hasta ahora.

to bind

to bite

to bleed

to blow

to break

to breed Present bind (bind) bite (bit) bleed (blid) blow (blu) break (brik) breed (brid) bring (bring) broadcast (brodkst) build (bild) burn (bern)

to bring Past bound (bund) bit (bit) bled (bled) blew (bl) broke (bruk) bred (bred) brought (brot) broadcast* (brodkst) built (bilt) burnt* (bernt)

to broadcast to build P. Participle bound (bund) bitten (bten) bled (bled) blown (blown) broken (bruken) bred (bred) brought (brot) broadcast* (brodkst) built (bilt) burnt* (bernt)

to burn Traduccin atar, unir, encuadernar morder, picar sangrar soplar romper criar, engendrar traer transmitir construir quemar

Present: bind (bind) Past: Past Participle: Translation: You can use this atar, unir, encuadernar ribbon to bind the package. bound (bund) bound (bund)

Puedes usar esta cinta para atar el paquete. I've got Shakespeare's Complete Works bound in leather.

Tengo Las Obras Completas de Shakespeare encuadernadas en cuero. A strong culture has bound the Chinese people together for many years. Una fuerte cultura ha unido al pueblo chino por muchos aos. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: When Jack is morder, picar nervous, he bites his pencil. bite (bit) bit (bit) bitten (bten)

Cuando Jack est nervioso, l muerde su lpiz. My neighbor's dog bit Sally the other day.

El perro de mi vecino mordo a Sally el otro da. During the picnic, we were bitten by mosquitoes.

Durante el picnic, fuimos picados por los mosquitos. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The boxer had a black sangrar eye and his nose was bleeding. bleed (blid) bled (bled) bled (bled)

El boxeador tena un ojo morado y su nariz estaba sangrando. The injured dog bled to death on the roadside.

El perro herido muri desangrado en el borde del camino. Bill could have bled to death if the he had not received help.

Bill podra haber sangrado hasta morir si no hubiera recibido ayuda.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: A freezing wind

blow (blu) blew (bl) blown (blown) soplar is blowing from the south.

Un viento glacial est soplando desde el sur. Billy blew the candles of his birthday cake.

Billy sopl las velas de su torta de cumpleaos. That terrible windstorm had blown all the trees down.

Aquella terrible tempestad haba derribado todos los rboles. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Please handle this vase romper with care or else you'll break it. break (brik) broke (bruk) broken (bruken)

Por favor maneja este florero con cuidado o lo rompers. The kid fell off the tree and broke his arm.

El nio cay el rbol y se rompi el brazo. We can't use our microwave because it is broken.

No podemos usar nuestro horno de microondas porque est roto. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: He has a ranch in criar, engendrar Mexico where he breeds horses. breed (brid) bred (bred) bred (bred)

l tiene un rancho en Mxico donde cra caballos. Those dogs were traditionally bred for protection.

Aquellos perros fueron tradicionalmente criados para proteccin. The puppies that my dog has bred will be given away.

Los cachorros que mi perro ha criado sern regalados.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation:

bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer

Can you bring me the newspaper from the bedroom? Puedes traerme el peridico del dormitorio? Astronauts brought back a piece of the moon. Los astronautas trajeron un pedazo de la luna. They ate all the food we had brought for the party. Ellos comieron todo la comida que habamos trado para la fiesta. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Our TV always transmitir broadcasts the local celebrations. broadcast (brodkst) broadcast* (brodkst) broadcast* (brodkst)

Nuestra televisin siempre transmite los festejos locales. The tennis match will be broadcast in the morning.

El partido de tenis ser transmitido por la maana. CNN has broadcast a documentary on terrorism.

La CNN ha transmitido un documental sobre el terrorismo. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The government plans construir to build new schools in this area. build (bild) built (bilt) built (bilt)

El gobierno planea construir nuevas escuelas en este rea. The survivors built a raft and were able to get to the shore.

Los sobrevivientes construyeron una balsa y pudieron llegar a la orilla. More and more hotels are built for tourists in this region.

Cada vez ms hoteles para turistas son construidos en esta regin.

Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Many people quemar exercise to burn calories. burnt* (bernt) burnt* (bernt)

Muchas personas hacen ejercicio para quemar caloras. Susan burnt all the letters her boyfriend had written to her.

Susan quem todas las cartas que su novio le haba escrito. The historical building was burnt to ashes by vandals.

El edificio histrico fue quemado a cenizas por vndalos.


to burst

to buy

to cast

to catch

to choose

to clap Present burst (berst) buy (bi) cast (kast) catch (kach) choose (chus) clap (klap) cling (kling) clothe (klud) come (kam) cost (kost)

to cling Past burst (berst) bought (bot) cast (kast) caught (kot) chose (chus) clapt* (klapt) clung (klang) clad* (klad) came (kim) cost (kost)

to clothe

to come

to cost

P. Participle burst (berst) bought (bot) cast (kast) caught (kot) chosen (chusen) clapt* (klapt) clung (klang) clad* (klad) come (kam) cost (kost)

Traduccin explotar, reventar comprar lanzar, echar, emitir atrapar, asir, tomar elegir aplaudir agarrarse, adherirse, aferrarse vestir, cubrir venir costar revestir,


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I hate

burst (berst) burst (berst) burst (berst) explotar, reventar when they burst.


Odio a los globos cuando se revientan. One bache. My son started to cry because his balloon had burst. of our car tyres burst after hitting a pothole.

Uno de los neumticos de nuestro coche estall despus de golpear un

Mi hijo comenz a gritar porque su globo se haba reventado. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I have been saving comprar some money to buy a new car. buy (bi) bought (bot) bought (bot)

He estado ahorrando algo de dinero para comprar un coche nuevo. The old lady was feeling lonely so she bought a dog.

La anciana se senta sola, entonces se compr un perro. She told her grandson that she had bought a lot of candy for him. Ella dijo a su nieto que le haba comprado muchos caramelos. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The tall building lanzar, echar, emitir casts a shadow over the park. cast (kast) cast (kast) cast (kast)

El alto edificio echa una sombra sobre el parque. The fisherman stopped his boat and cast the net into the river. El pescador detuvo su bote y ech la red en el ro. The news which had cast doubts on the president's honesty was false. La noticia que haba puesto en dudas la honestidad del presidente era falsa.


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Spiders use their

catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) atrapar, asir, tomar webs to catch insects.

Las araas usan sus telaraas para atrapar insectos. Jack caught the train at seven o'clock that morning.

Jack tom el tren a las siete esa maana. The thieves were caught when they were coming out of the shop. Los ladrones fueron atrapados cuando ellos salan de la tienda. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The jury will have to elegir choose one winner per country. choose (chus) chose (chus) chosen (chusen)

El jurado tendr que elegir a un ganador por pas. She chose the most beautiful dress in the shop and bought it.

Ella eligi el vestido ms hermoso en la tienda y lo compr. Mr. Jones was chosen as executive director of the company.

Sr. Jones fue elegido como el director ejecutivo de la compaa. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: After the lecture, aplaudir the audience started clapping. clap (klap) clapt* (klapt) clapt* (klapt)

Despus de la conferencia, el auditorio comenz a aplaudir. When the girl saw her gift, she clapped her hands in delight.

Cuando la muchacha vio su regalo, ella aplaudi sus manos con placer. Everybody clapped when Sally went up to get her diploma.

Todo el mundo aplaudi cuando la Sally subi a obtener su diploma.


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: We sometimes

cling (kling) clung (klang) clung (klang) agarrarse, adherirse, aferrarse cling to silly superstitions.

A veces nos aferramos supersticiones tontas. The survivors of the shipwreck clung to a raft.

Los sobrevivientes del naufragio se agarraron a una balsa. The dictator has clung to power for too many years.

El dictador se ha aferrado al poder por demasiados aos. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The mother clothed the vestir, revestir, cubrir little boy in a woolen sweater. clothe (klud) clad* (klad) clad* (klad)

La madre visti al nio con un suter de lana. She was clad in an elegant silk dress.

Ella fue vestida con un vestido de seda elegante. Ivy clothed the walls of the castle.

La hiedra cubra las paredes del castillo. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Tom usually venir to school by bus. come (kam) came (kim) come (kam)


Tom por lo general viene a la escuela en autobs. She is feeling sad because nobody came to her party last night. Ella se est sintiendo triste porque nadie vino a su fiesta anoche. How many people have come to the exhibition yet?

Cunta personas han venido a la exposicin ya?


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Excuse me, how

cost (kost) cost (kost) cost (kost) costar much does this book cost?

Disculpe, Cunto cuesta este libro? His fiance's diamond ring cost a fortune.

El anillo de su prometida cost una fortuna. It has cost a fortune to continue with that war.

Ha costado una fortuna continuar con esa guerra.


to creep

to cut

to deal

to dig

to dive

to do Present creep (krip) cut (kat) deal (dil) dig (dig) dive (div) do (du) draw (dro) dream (drim) drink (drink) drive (driv)

to draw Past crept (krept) cut (kat) dealt (delt) dug (dag) dove* (duv) did (did) drew (dru) dreamt* (dremt) drank (draank) drove (druv)

to dream crept (krept) cut (kat) dealt (delt) dug (dag) dived (divt) done (dan) drawn (dron) dreamt* (dremt) drunk (drank) driven (drven)

to drink

to drive

P. Participle

Traduccin gatear, arrastrarse cortar tratar con, repartir, dar cavar zambullirse, sumergirse, bucear hacer dibujar, sacar soar beber conducir, ir coche, llevar coche en en extraer,


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: We saw a

creep (krip) crept (krept) crept (krept) gatear, arrastrarse creeping along the road.


Vimos a un cocodrilo arrastrarse a lo largo del camino. The camper crept into the tent as soon as the sun had set.

El campista se arrastr dentro de la carpa tan pronto como el sol se haba puesto. The spider crept up my arm towards my neck.

La araa subi por mi brazo hacia mi cuello. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: My father often cortar cuts himself while shaving. cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat)

Mi padre a menudo se corta cuando se est afeitando. Billy cut his finger with a knife when he was cooking.

Billy se cort el dedo con un cuchillo cuando estaba cocinando. The hairdresser has cut Jane's hair very short.

El peluquero le ha cortado el cabello a Jane muy corto. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: Ms. Pierce deals with tratar con, repartir, dar all kinds of people in her job. deal (dil) dealt (delt) dealt (delt)

La Sra. Pierce trata con toda clase de las personas en su trabajo. Fred started the game by dealing two cards to each player.

Fred comenz el juego repartiendo dos naipes a cada jugador. Those detectives dealt with very dangerous criminals.

Esos detectives trataban con delincuentes muy peligrosos.


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The dog dug all the

dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar garden but couldn't find its bone.

El perro cav por todo el jardn pero no pudo encontrar su hueso. They're digging for gold in this area.

Ellos estn cavando para encontrar oro en este rea. A ditch is being dug along the road.

Una zanja est siendo cavada a lo largo del camino. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: zambullise, sumergirse, bucear dive (div) dove* (duv) dived (divt)

It was very hot, so we dove into the lake and swam for a while. Haca mucho calor, entonces nos zambullimos en el lago y nadamos un rato. These town folks dive for pearls as a means of living.

La gente de esta ciudad bucea por perlas como medio de vida. Lucy has dived with sharks many times since she came here.

Lucy ha buceado con tiburones muchas veces desde que vino aqu. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: We should do hacer to help those people. do (du) did (did) done (dan)


Deberamos hacer algo para ayudar a esas personas. The doctors did everything they could to save the patient.

Los doctores hicieron todo lo que pudieron para salvar al paciente. What have you done with my books?

Qu has hecho con mis libros?


Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I went the bank to

draw (dro) drew (dru) drawn (dron) dibujar, extraer, sacar draw some money out of my account.

Fui al banco para sacar de un poco de dinero de mi cuenta. The teacher wants to know who drew her caricature on the wall. El profesor quiere saber quin dibuj su caricatura en la pared. Some readers have drawn wrong conclusions about the book.

Algunos lectores han sacado conclusiones errneas sobre el libro. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: I dreamt soar you last night. dream (drim) dreamt* (dremt) dreamt* (dremt)


So contigo anoche. She was dreaming when the alarm clock went off.

Ella estaba soando cuando el reloj despertador son. Mark has always dreamt of becoming a doctor.

Mark siempre so con llegar a ser un doctor. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: You mustn't beber drink and drive. drink (drink) drank (draank) drunk (drank)

No debes beber y conducir. Tracy drank far too much yesterday.

Tracy bebi demasiado ayer. I have drunk too much wine already.

He bebido demasiado vino ya.



<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-04.10.mp3" </object> drive (driv) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Past: Past Participle: Translation:

drove (druv) driven (drven) conducir, ir en coche, llevar en coche

I drove to the supermarket but couldn't find a parking space there. Conduje hasta el supermercado, pero no pude encontrar un aparcamiento all. Could you drive me to the airport?

Podras llevarme en coche al aeropuerto? The truck driver has driven the whole night and now he is exhausted. El camionero ha conducido la noche entera y ahora est agotado. * Se puede conjugar tambin como un verbo regular (terminacin "ed") Verbos irregulares del ingls dibujos y ejemplos. En esta pgina: dwell, eat, fall, feed, feel, fight, find, fit, flee, fling.

to dwell

to eat

to fall

to feed

to feel

to fight Present dwell (dul) eat

to find Past dwelt (dult) ate

to fit

to flee P. Participle dwelt (dult) eaten

to fling Traduccin habitar, morar comer


(it) fall (fol) feed (fid) feel (fil) fight (fit) find (fund) fit (fit) flee (fli) fling (fling)

(it) fell (fel) fed (fed) felt (felt) fought (fot) found (fund) fit* (fit) fled (fled) flung (flang)

(iten) fallen (flen) fed (fed) felt (felt) fought (fot) found (fund) fit* (fit) fled (fled) flung (flang)
shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.01.mp3" </object> dwell (dul) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

caer, caerse alimentar/se, dar de comer sentir/se, tocar palpar,

pelear, combatir encontrar encajar, quedar bien, instalar huir, huir de echar, arrojar
<object type="application/x-

Past: Past Participle: Translation: That family used to

dwelt (dult) dwelt (dult) habitar, morar dwell in a cottage beyond the river.

Esa familia sola morar en una casita de campo ms all del ro. When he was a boy, he dwelt with Alaskan Indians.

Cuando l era un muchacho, mor con indios de Alaska. Prehistoric man dwelt in caves.

El hombre prehistrico moraba en cuevas. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100"


height="20"> name="flashvars"



value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.02.mp3" </object> eat (it) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Laura is a comer so she doesn't eat meat. ate (it) eaten (iten) />


Laura es una vegetariana entonces ella no come la carne. I was so hungry that I ate everything I found in the fridge.

Yo estaba tan hambriento que com todo que encontr en la nevera. We've eaten so much that we won't have dinner.

Hemos comido tanto que no cenaremos. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.03.mp3" </object> fall (fol) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The kid fell caer, caerse down and broke his leg. fell (fel) fallen (flen) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

El nio se cay y rompi la pierna. With the coming of autumn, leaves are starting to fall.

Con la llegada del otoo, las hojas estn comenzando a caerse. The temperature has fallen sharply.

La temperatura ha cado bruscamente. Present: <object type="application/x-


shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.04.mp3" </object> feed (fid) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I haven't alimentar/se, dar de comer fed the cat yet. fed (fed) fed (fed) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

No he alimentado al gato an. My baby is too young to feed himself.

Mi beb es demasiado joven para alimentarse solo. The farmer fed the horses before going out to the field.

El agricultor aliment a los caballos antes de salir al campo. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.05.mp3" </object> feel (fil) Past: Past Participle: Translation: If you take sentir/se, palpar, tocar aspirin, you'll feel better. felt (felt) felt (felt) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Si te tomas alguna aspirina, te sentirs mejor. Susan felt very sad when her cat died.

Susan se sinti muy triste cuando muri su gato. Feel this feather pillow! It's really soft.


Palpe esta almohada de pluma! Es realmente suave. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.06.mp3" </object> fight (fit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Two of my pelear, combatir classmates are always fighting. fought (fot) fought (fot) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Dos de mis compaeros de clase siempre luchan. My grandfather fought in World War II.

Mi abuelo luch en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Steps should be taken to fight poverty.

Las medidas deberan ser tomadas para luchar contra la pobreza. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.07.mp3" </object> find (fund) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I can't find my encontrar wallet. Have you seen it? found (fund) found (fund) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

No puedo encontrar mi cartera. La has visto? A dead whale was found on the shore.


Una ballena muerta fue encontrada en la orilla. Have you found your glasses?

Has encontrado tus gafas? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.08.mp3" </object> fit (fit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: David tried the blue encajar, quedar bien, instalar suit on, but it didn't fit him. fit* (fit) fit* (fit) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

David se prob el traje azul, pero esto no le qued bien. This key doesn't fit the lock.

Esta llave no encaja en la cerradura. All the rooms in this company are fitted with sprinklers.

Todos los cuartos en esta compaa estn instalados con aspersores. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.09.mp3" </object> flee (fli) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The Jacksons fled to huir, huir de the U.S. when the war broke out. fled (fled) fled (fled) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Los Jackson huyeron a los Estados Unidos cuando la estall la guerra. When the police arrived, the driver had already fled the scene of the accident. Cuando lleg la polica, el conductor ya haba huido de la escena del accidente. The fugitive was caught by border guards while trying to flee the country. El fugitivo fue agarrado por guardias fronterizos cuanto estaba tratando de huir del pas. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-05.10.mp3" </object> fling (fling) Past: Past Participle: Translation: echar, arrojar flung (flang) flung (flang) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

As Peter arrives from work, he always flings his overcoat onto the sofa. Cuando Peter llega del trabajo, siempre arroja su sobretodo en el sof. The kids flung themselves onto the bed and turned on the TV.

Los nios se arrojaron en la cama y encendieron la TV. The viento. Verbos irregulares del ingls con caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: fly, forbid, forecast, foresee, foretell, forget, forgive, forsake, freeze, get. door was suddenly flung open by the wind.

La puerta fue de repente arrojada abierta (abierta violentamente) por el

to fly

to forbid

to forecast to foresee

to foretell


to forget Present fly (fli) forbid (forbd) forecast (forkst) foresee (forsi) foretell (fortl) forget (forgut) forgive (forguv) forsake (forsik) freeze (friss) get (get)

to forgive Past flew (flu) forbade (forbid) forecast* (forkst) foresaw (fors)

to forsake

to freeze

to get Traduccin volar prohibir pronosticar, preveer preveer predecir olvidar perdonar abandonar, desamparar congelar conseguir, recibir, ponerse, llegar

P. Participle flown (flun) forbidden (forbden) forecast* (forkst) foreseen (forsin) foretold (fortuld) forgotten (forgten) forgiven (forguven) forsaken (forsiken) frozen (frussen) got/gotten (goten)

foretold (fortuld) forgot (forgt) forgave (forguiv) forsook (forsuk) froze (fruss) got (got)

<object type="application/xdata="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.01.mp3" </object> fly (fli) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Past: Past Participle: Translation: We saw a

flew (flu) flown (flun) volar flying over the lake.



Vimos un avin volando sobre el lago. A sparrow flew in through the window.

Un gorrin vol a travs (entr volando) por la ventana. This pilot has flown large passenger airplanes for many years.

Este piloto ha volado grandes aviones de pasajeros por muchos aos. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.02.mp3" </object> forbid (forbd) Past: Past Participle: Translation: His doctor has prohibir forbidden him to eat salt. forbade (forbid) forbidden (forbden) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Su doctor le ha prohibido que coma sal. The teacher forbade the pupils to leave the classroom.

El profesor les prohibi a los alumnos dejar el aula. Photography is strictly forbidden during the show.

La fotografa est estrictamente prohibida durante el espectculo. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.03.mp3" </object> forecast (forkst) Past: Past Participle: forecast* (forkst) forecast* (forkst) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Translation: Temperatures were

pronosticar, preveer forecast to drop abruptly.

Se pronostic que las temperaturas caeran repentinamente. Thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow.

Se pronostican tormentas para maana. Experts are forecasting an upturn in the economy.

Los expertos estn pronosticando una mejora en la economa. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.04.mp3" </object> foresee (forsi) Past: Past Participle: Translation: It's impossible to preveer how their plans will work out. foresaw (fors) foreseen (forsin) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Es imposible prever como saldrn sus proyectos. They foresaw some difficulties arising in the future.

Ellos previeron algunas dificultades que podran surgir en el futuro. Nobody could have foreseen the extent of the damage.

Nadie podra haber previsto el grado del dao. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.05.mp3" </object> foretell (fortl) Past: foretold (fortuld) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Past Participle: Translation: No one can

foretold (fortuld) predecir foretell the future.

Nadie puede pronosticar el futuro. The witch foretold that Thomas would become famous.

La bruja pronostic queThomas se hara famoso. Who can foretell what the future will bring?

Quin puede pronosticar lo que deparar el futuro? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.06.mp3" </object> forget (forgut) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I have forgotten olvidar about today's appointment. forgot (forgt) forgotten (forgten) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Me he olvidado acerca de la cita de hoy. Before I forget, what's your phone number?

Antes de que me olvide, cul es su nmero de telfono? Liza forgot her umbrella on the bus.

Liza olvid su paraguas en el autobs. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.07.mp3" </object> /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


forgive (forguv) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I've lost your perdonar book. Please, forgive me! forgave (forguiv) forgiven (forguven)

He perdido tu libro. Por favor, perdname! She won't forgive Steve for what he did to her.

Ella no perdonar a Steve por lo que l le hizo. His boss forgave Mark for arriving late.

Su jefe perdon a Mark por llegar tarde. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.08.mp3" </object> forsake (forsik) Past: Past Participle: Translation: abandonar, desamparar forsook (forsuk) forsaken (forsiken) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Alice loved Mike and promised that she would never forsake him. Alice amaba a Mike y prometi que nunca lo abandonara. That woman forsook her family and went to live abroad.

Esa mujer abandon su familia y se fue a vivir al extranjero. Paula adopted a stray dog whose owner had forsaken it.

Paula adopt un perro extraviado cuyo dueo lo haba abandonado. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregular<param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


verbs/irregular-verbs-06.09.mp3" </object> freeze (friss) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Water freezes congelar at zero degrees froze (fruss) frozen (frussen)



El agua se congela a cero grados Celsius. A climber froze to death on the mountain.

Un alpinista se congel (se muri de fro) en la montaa. Prices have been frozen owing to the new economic measures.

Los precios han sido congelados debido a las nuevas medidas econmicas. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-06.10.mp3" </object> get (get) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Billy got a conseguir, recibir, ponerse, llegar racket for his birthday. got (got) got/gotten (goten) /> <param width="100" name="movie"

value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Billy recibi una raqueta de tenis para su cumpleaos. I got very angry when I saw what they had done.

Me enfad un mucho (me puse enojado) cuando vi lo que ellos haban hecho. I don't know how to get home from here.

No s llegar a casa desde aqu. Verbos irregulares del ingls caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: give, go, grind, grow, handwrite, hang, have, hear, hide, hit.


to give

to go

to grind

to grow

to handwrite

to hang Present give (guv) go (gu) grind (grind) grow (gru) handwrite (jand-rit) hang (jang) have (jav) hear (jier) hide (jid) hit (jit)

to have Past gave (guiv) went (went) ground (grund) grew (gru)

to hear

to hide

to hit Traduccin dar ir moler crecer, cultivar escribir a mano colgar tener or esconder/se golpear, pegar

P. Participle given (guven) gone (gon) ground (grund) grown (grun) handwritten (jand-rten) hung (jang) had (jad) heard (jerd) hidden (jden) hit (jit)

handwrote (jand-rut) hung (jang) had (jad) heard (jerd) hid (jid) hit (jit)

<object type="application/xdata="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.01.mp3" </object> give (guv) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Past: Past Participle: Translation: Mr. Blake gave his wife

gave (guiv) given (guven) dar a ring for their wedding anniversary.

Sr. Blake le dio a su esposa un anillo para su aniversario de boda. The Jacksons have always given food and clothes to the poor.

Los Jackson siempre daban alimento y ropa a los pobres. Will you give this letter to your mom, Molly?

Le das esta carta a tu mam, Molly? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.02.mp3" </object> go (gu) Past: Past Participle: Translation: We went to ir the movies last night. went (went) gone (gon) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Fuimos al cine anoche. Henry usually goes to work by train.

Henry por lo general va para trabajar en tren. Mary is not at home. She has gone to the doctor's.

Mary no est en casa. Ella ha ido al doctor. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.03.mp3" /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


</object> grind (grind) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Let's grind moler coffee for breakfast. ground (grund) ground (grund)


Molamos un poco de caf para el desayuno. The cook ground some meat in order to make hamburgers.

El cocinero moli un poco de para hacer hamburguesas. Carol has been grinding her teeth in her sleep lately.

Carol ha estado moliendo sus dientes en su sueo ltimamente. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.04.mp3" </object> grow (gru) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Deserts are too crecer, cultivar arid for grass to grow. grew (gru) grown (grun) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Los desiertos son demasiado ridos para que crezca la hierba. My puppy has grown very quickly during the first seven months. Mi cachorro ha crecido muy rpido durante los siete primeros meses. When I was a child, we had an orchard where we grew apples. Cuando yo era un nio, tenamos un huerto donde cultivbamos manzanas. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.05.mp3" </object> handwrite (jand-rit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: escribir a mano handwrote (jand-rut) handwritten (jand-rten) />

Since Paul doesn't have a computer, he handwrites all his letters. Puesto que Paul no tiene una computadora, l escribe a mano todas sus cartas. Yesterday I handwrote my essay because my printer was broken.

Ayer escrib a mano mi ensayo porque mi impresora estaba rota. The mysterious note the Clarks received was handwritten but not signed. La misteriosa nota que recibieron los Clark fue escrita a mano, pero no firmada. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.06.mp3" </object> hang (jang) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Are you going to hang colgar that horrible picture on this wall? hung (jang) hung (jang) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Vas a colgar ese cuadro horrible en esta pared? Please come in and hang your coat from that hook.

Por favor entra y cuelga tu abrigo de aquel gancho. Caroline hung a flag from her balcony to show her solidarity.

Caroline colg una bandera de su balcn para mostrar su solidaridad. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash"


data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.07.mp3" </object> have (jav) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The Jacksons tener have three small children. had (jad) had (jad) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Los Jackson tienen tres hijos pequeos. Mr. White had a lot of money years ago, but now he is very poor. El seor White tena mucho dinero hace aos, pero ahora l es muy pobre. Linda has had a well-paid job since 2004.

Linda ha tenido un trabajo bien pago desde el ao 2004. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.08.mp3" </object> hear (jier) Past: Past Participle: Translation: or heard (jerd) heard (jerd) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

The old lady wears a hearing aid because she can't hear very well. La anciana usa un audfono porque ella no puede or muy bien. The dog started barking when he heard footsteps around the house. El perro comenz a ladrar cuando oy pasos en la casa. Have you heard the latest news on the radio?

Ha odo usted las ltimas noticias de la radio?



<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.09.mp3" </object> hide (jid) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Past: Past Participle: Translation: The kid was very

hid (jid) hidden (jden) esconder/se scared so he hid under the bed.

El nio estaba muy asustado, entonces se escondi bajo la cama. The burglar was hiding from the police in the basement.

El ladrn se estaba escondiendo de la polica en el stano. What have you hidden in that box, Sam?

Qu has escondido en esa caja, Sam? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-07.10.mp3" </object> hit (jit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: That tennis player golpear, pegar hits the ball very hard. hit (jit) hit (jit) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Ese jugador de tenis golpea la pelota muy fuerte. Amanda has never hit any of her children.

Amanda nunca le ha pegado a ninguno de sus hijos.















El anciano golpe al ladrn en la cabeza con su bastn.

Verbos irregulares del ingls con caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: hold, hurt, inlay, input, keep, kneel, knit, know, lay, lead.

to hold

to hurt

to inlay

to input

to keep

to kneel Present hold (juld) hurt (jert) inlay (inli) input (nput) keep (kip) kneel (nil) knit (nit) know (nu) lay (li) lead (lid)

to knit Past held (jeld) hurt (jert) inlaid (inlid) input* (nput) kept (kept) knelt* (nelt) knit* (nit) knew (ni) laid (lid) led (led)

to know held (jeld) hurt (jert)

to lay

to lead Traduccin sostener, esperar herir, doler incrustar entrar, introducir mantener, guardar, continuar, criar arrodillarse, de rodillas tejer, tricotar saber, conocer poner, colocar guiar, conducir llevar, estar celebrar, lastimar,

P. Participle

inlaid (inlid) input* (nput) kept (kept) knelt* (nelt) knit* (nit) known (nun) laid (lid) led (led)

<object type="application/x-


data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.01.mp3" </object> hold (juld) Past: Past Participle: Translation: sostener, celebrar, esperar held (jeld) held (jeld) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

As she was crossing the street, Susie held her dad's hand tightly. Cuando estaba cruzando la calle, Susie sostuvo la mano de su pap fuertemente. The champion is holding the trophy in the air.

El campen est sosteniendo el trofeo en el aire. A tennis competition is held in this city every year.

Un campeonato de tenis es celebrado todos los aos esta ciudad. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.02.mp3" </object> hurt (jert) Past: Past Participle: Translation: When the ballet was herir, lastimar, doler over, the dancer's feet hurt. hurt (jert) hurt (jert) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Cuando el ballet termin, le dolan los pies al bailarn. The horseman hurt his back while taming a wild horse.

El jinete hizo dao a su espalda cuando estaba domando un potro bronco. Karen's lies have hurt Steve so much that he'll break the engagement.


Las mentiras de Karen han herido a Steve tanto que l romper el compromiso. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.03.mp3" </object> inlay (inli) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The lid of the incrustar coffer was inlaid with gold. inlaid (inlid) inlaid (inlid) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

La tapa del cofre tena incrustaciones de oro. Pieces of wood have been inlaid to the living-room wall.

Pedazos de madera han sido incrustados en la pared de sala de estar. That jeweler inlays boxes with silver and gold.

Ese joyero incrusta cajas con plata y oro. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.04.mp3" </object> input (nput) Past: Past Participle: Translation: This teller inputs entrar, introducir into the bank's network system. input* (nput) input* (nput) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Este cajero introduce cifras en el sistema de la red del banco.












Todos estos datos ya han sido introducidos en la computadora. Who input this text yesterday?

Quin introdujo este texto ayer? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.05.mp3" </object> keep (kip) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Waiter, vuelto. The old lady kept her jewels in a safe. here's a ten mantener, guardar, continuar, criar dollar bill. Please, keep the change. kept (kept) kept (kept) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Camarero, aqu tiene un billete de diez dlares. Por favor, qudese con el

La anciana guardaba sus joyas en una caja fuerte. That farmer has kept cattle for years.

Ese agricultor ha criado ganado durante aos. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.06.mp3" </object> kneel (nil) Past: Past Participle: Translation: arrodillarse, estar de rodillas knelt* (nelt) knelt* (nelt) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param











El veterinario se arrodill para examinar el casco del caballo. Many people kneel to pray.

Muchas personas se arrodillan para rezar. While listening to the priest, the congregation was kneeling.

Mientras estaba escuchando al sacerdote, la congregacin de fieles se arrodill. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.07.mp3" </object> knit (nit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: My grandmother tejer, tricotar loves knitting woolen scarves. knit* (nit) knit* (nit) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

A mi abuela le encanta tejer bufandas de lana. Amy knit this white shawl herself.

Amy teji este chal blanco ella misma. Wendy has knitted many sweaters using a machine.

Wendy ha tejido muchos suteres usando una mquina. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.08.mp3" </object> know (nu) Past: knew (ni) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Past Participle: Translation: We have known

known (nun) saber, conocer Victor for eight years.

Hemos conocido a Victor durante ocho aos. I know very well what you mean.

S muy bien lo que usted quiere decir. Steve knew that he would not get any help from anybody .

Steve saba que no recibira ayuda de nadie. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.09.mp3" </object> lay (li) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Hens Las gallinas ponen huevos. Cindy has always laid the table before dinner. poner, colocar lay eggs. laid (lid) laid (lid) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Cindy siempre pona la mesa antes de la comida. The schoolboy laid his books on his desk and ran to the playground. El alumno puso sus libros en su escritorio y corri al patio. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-08.10.mp3" </object> /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


lead (lid) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Eating junk food guiar, llevar, conducir can lead to health problems. led (led) led (led)

Comer comida basura puede llevar a problemas de salud. That hermit has always led a very quiet life.

Ese ermitao ha llevado siempre una vida muy tranquila. The hostess led us to our table.

La anfitriona nos condujo a nuestra mesa. Verbos irregulares del ingls con caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: lean, leap, learn, leave, lend, let, lie, light, lose, make.

to lean

to leap

to learn

to leave

to lend

to let Present lean (lin) leap (lip) learn (lern) leave (liv) lend (lend) let (let) lie (li)

to lie Past leant* (lent) leapt* (lept) learnt* (lernt) left (left) lent (lent) let (let) lay (li)

to light

to lose

to make Traduccin apoyarse, inclinarse saltar aprender, enterarse irse, marcharse prestar dejar, permitir yacer, quedar echarse, dejar,

P. Participle leant* (lent) leapt* (lept) learnt* (lernt) left (left) lent (lent) let (let) lain (lin)


light (lit) lose (lus) make (mik)

lit* (lit) lost (lost) made (mid)


lit* (lit) lost (lost) made (mid)


encender perder hacer

<object type="application/x-

data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.01.mp3" </object> lean (lin) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The man who is apoyarse, inclinarse against the wall is my brother. leant* (lent) leant* (lent) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


El hombre que se apoya contra la pared es mi hermano. The boss leant back in his chair and listened to his employee.

El jefe se inclin atrs en su silla y escuch a su empleado. The disabled man walked slowly leaning on a woman's arm.

El hombre minusvlido caminaba despacio apoyndose en el brazo de una mujer. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.02.mp3" </object> leap (lip) Past: Past Participle: leapt* (lept) leapt* (lept) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Translation: At the aquarium, a

saltar killer whale leapt out of the water.

En el acuario, una orca salt del agua. Gazelles run and leap over meadows.

Las gacelas corren y saltan sobre los prados. Share prices have leapt from $200 to $350 today.

Los precios de las acciones han saltado de 200 dlares a 350 dlares hoy. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.03.mp3" </object> learn (lern) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Kevin is aprender, enterarse to dance tango. learnt* (lernt) learnt* (lernt) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Kevin ests aprendiendo a bailar tango. Today my six-year-old child has learnt the alphabet at school.

Hoy mi hijo de seis aos ha aprendido el alfabeto en la escuela. What did Doris do when she learnt the news?

Qu hizo Doris cundo ella se enter de la noticia? Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.04.mp3" </object> leave (liv) Past: left (left) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Past Participle: Translation: The plane leaves

left (left) irse, dejar, marcharse JFK airport at 8:00 a.m.

El avin sale del aeropuerto JFK a las 8 a.m. It was very warm so I left the windows open.

Haca mucho calor entonces dej las ventanas abiertas. I'm sorry, Mr. Parker's not in the office. He has already left.

Lo siento, Sr. Parker no en la oficina. Ya se ha marchado. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.05.mp3" </object> lend (lend) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Lend me prestar your pen, please. lent (lent) lent (lent) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Prstame tu bolgrafo, por favor. I lent Greg a novel but he hasn't returned it yet.

Prest a Greg una novela pero l no la ha devuelto an. Anne doesn't have her bike because she lent it to her friend yesterday. Anne no tiene su moto porque ella se la prest a su amigo ayer. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.06.mp3" </object> /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


let (let) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Let me just dejar, permitir this and I'll help you. let (let) let (let)


Djame terminar esto y te ayudar. Let's go out to dinner tonight.

Salgamos a cenar afuera esta noche. Daisy's parents didn't let her go to the party.

Los padres de Daisy no la dejaron ir a la fiesta. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.07.mp3" </object> lie (li) Past: Past Participle: Translation: London lies in yacer, echarse, quedar the south of England. lay (li) lain (lin) /> <param width="100" name="movie"

value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Londres queda (yace) en el sur de Inglaterra. There was a dead snake lying on the road.

Haba una serpiente muerta tirada en el camino. My wife was very tired so she lay down to take a nap.

Mi esposa estaba muy cansada, entonces se ech para tomar una siesta. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregular<param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


verbs/irregular-verbs-09.08.mp3" </object> light (lit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: At l. Mary was nervous, so she took out a cigarette and lit nightfall, the encender lit a fire and sat around lit* (lit) lit* (lit)




Al anochecer, los campistas encendieron un fuego y se sentaron alrededor de


Mary estaba nerviosa, entonces sac un cigarrillo y lo encendi. There was a power cut, so she had to light some candles.

Hubo un apagn, entonces ella tuvo que encender algunas velas. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.09.mp3" </object> lose (lus) Past: Past Participle: Translation: If you keep telling perder lies, you'll lose all your friends. lost (lost) lost (lost) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Si continuas mintiendo, perders todos sus amigos. My wife lost all our money in the casino.

Mi esposa perdi todo nuestro dinero en el casino. I need to go to the embassy because I've just lost my passport. Tengo que ir a la embajada porque acabo de perder mi pasaporte. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie"


value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-09.10.mp3" </object> make (mik) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I've just made a hacer cake. Would you like a slice? made (mid) made (mid) />

Acabo de hacer un pastel. Quisiera usted una rebanada? Is your shirt made of cotton?

Tu camisa est hecha de algodn? Make your bed before you go to school, Ted.

Haz su cama antes de irte a la escuela, Ted Verbos irregulares del ingls con caricaturas y ejemplos. En esta pgina: mean, meet, melt, mislead, mistake, misunderstand, mow, overhear, overtake, pay.

to mean

to meet

to melt

to mislead

to mistake

misunderstand to mow Present mean (min) meet (mit) melt (melt) mislead (mislid) Past meant (ment) met (met) melted (mlted) misled (misld)

to overhear to overtake to pay P. Participle meant (ment) met (met) molten* (multen) misled (misld) Traduccin significar, querer decir, tener la intencin de encontrarse con, conocer derretir engaar, despistar, llevar por mal camino

mistake (mistik)

mistook (mistuk)

mistaken (mistiken)

confundir, interpretar mal

misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender mal (misanderstnd) (misanderstud) (misanderstud) mow (mu) overhear (ouverjier) overtake (ouvertik) pay (pi) mowed (mud) overheard (ouverjrd) overtook (ouvertuk) paid (pid)

mown (mun) overheard (ouverjrd) overtaken (ouvertiken) paid (pid)


segar, cortar or por casualidad, or sin intencin de ello sobrepasar pagar

<object type="application/x-

data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.01.mp3" </object> mean (min) Past: Past Participle: Translation: I don't significar, querer decir, tener la intencin de What do you mean? meant (ment) meant (ment) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


No entiendo. Qu quieres decir? I'm sorry I spilled your drink. I didn't mean to.

Lo siento. Derram su bebida. No lo hice a propsito. Caroline had meant to help me but he couldn't.

Caroline haba tenido la intencin de ayudarme pero no pudo. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregular<param width="100" name="movie"

value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


verbs/irregular-verbs-10.02.mp3" </object> meet (mit) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Have you ever met encontrarse con, conocer a famous movie star met (met) met (met)



Has conocido alguna vez a una estrella de cine famosa antes? Let's meet for a drink on Saturday.

Encontrmonos para tomar algo el sbado. Tracy met her husband when she was a college student.

Tracy conoci a su marido cuando era una estudiante en la universidad. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.03.mp3" </object> melt (melt) Past: Past Participle: Translation: If you place an ice derretir cube on a hot surface, it melts. melted (mlted) molten* (multen) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Si colocas un cubito de hielo en una superficie caliente, se derrite. The sun had melted the snow on the roof.

El sol haba derretido la nieve de la azotea. To prepare the recipe, I melted some butter in a pan.

Para preparar la receta, derret un poco de mantequilla en una cazuela. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.04.mp3" </object> mislead (mislid) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The accused misled engaar, despistar, llevar por mal camino the jury during the trial. misled (misld) misled (misld) />

El acusado enga al jurado durante el proceso. He has misled us on purpose about his actual motive.

l nos ha engaado a propsito sobre su motivo real. Witnesses who mislead the police commit a serious offence.

Los testigos que engaan la polica cometen una falta grave. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.05.mp3" </object> mistake (mistik) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The woman mistook confundir, interpretar mal his gesture and got furious. mistook (mistuk) mistaken (mistiken) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

La mujer malinterpret su gesto y se puso furiosa. Alice has mistaken the dog's welcoming bark as a threat.

Alice ha confundido el ladrido de bienvenida del perro como una amenaza. I mistook the man's good intentions and got offended.

Malinterpret las buenas intenciones del hombre y me ofend. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100"


height="20"> name="flashvars"



value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.06.mp3" </object> misunderstand (misanderstnd) Past: Past Participle: Translation: entender mal misunderstood (misanderstud) misunderstood (misanderstud) />

I thought Dr. Evans was your physician. I must have misunderstood you. Pens que el doctor Evans era tu mdico. Debo haberte entendido mal. You misunderstood my intentions. I just want to help you.

Interpretaste mal mis intenciones. Slo quiero ayudarte. Don't misunderstand Sarah. She is grateful for your assistance.

No malinterpretes a Sarah. Ella est agradecido por tu ayuda Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.07.mp3" </object> mow (mu) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Our gardener segar, cortar the lawn last week. mowed (mud) mown (mun) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param


Nuestro jardinero cort el csped la semana pasada. I can feel the smell of grass. Dad must have mown the back yard. Puedo sentir el olor de hierba. Pap debe haber cortado el patio trasero. May I borrow your mower? I need to mow my lawn.

Puedo tomar prestado su cortadora de csped? Necesito que cortar mi csped.



<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.08.mp3" </object> overhear (ouverjier) /> <param width="100" name="movie"

value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Past: Past Participle: Translation: I overheard Mr. Gray

overheard (ouverjrd) overheard (ouverjrd) or por casualidad, or sin intencin de ello saying that he had fire Edward.

O por casualidad al Sr. Gray diciendo que l haba despedido a Edward. Let's speak quietly so as not to be overheard.

Hablemos silenciosamente para no ser odos por casualidad. We sometimes overhear our neighbors arguing.

A veces omos por casualidad a nuestros vecinos discutiendo. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.09.mp3" </object> overtake (ouvertik) Past: Past Participle: Translation: sobrepasar overtook (ouvertuk) overtaken (ouvertiken) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

You mustn't overtake vehicles on a curve because it's very dangerous. No debes sobrepasar a los vehculos en una curva porque es muy peligroso. We had to brake because we were overtaken by a huge truck.

Tuvimos que frenar porque fuimos sobrepasados por un camin enorme.










Sabiendo que ella podra ahogarse, la desesperacin se apoder de ella. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-10.10.mp3" </object> pay (pi) Past: Past Participle: Translation: How much did pagar you pay for that car? paid (pid) paid (pid) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Cunto pagaste por ese coche? The Smiths paid $400,000 for their new house.

Los Smith pagaron 400,000 dlares por su nueva casa. George doesn't have enough money to pay for his debt.

George no tiene suficiente dinero para pagar su deuda. Verbos irregulares del ingls con dibujos y ejemplos. En esta pgina: shed, shine, shoot, show, shrink, shut, sing, sink, sit, slay.

to shed

to shine

to shoot

to show

to shrink

to shut Present shed (shed) shine

to sing Past shed (shed) shone

to sink

to sit P. Participle shed (shed) shone

to slay Traduccin derramar, echar mudar,

brillar, lustrar

(shin) shoot (shut) show (shu) shrink (shrink) shut (shat) sing (sing) sink (sink) sit (sit) slay (sli)

(shun) shot (shot) showed (shud) shrank (shraank) shut (shat) sang (saang) sank (saank) sat (sat) slew (slu)

(shun) shot (shot) shown (shun) shrunk (shrank) shut (shat) sung (sang) sunk (sank) sat (sat) slain (slin)
shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-13.01.mp3" </object> shed (shed) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

disparar, tiros


mostrar, exhibir encoger/se, reducir/se cerrar cantar hundir/se sentar/se matar

<object type="application/x-

Past: Past Participle: Translation: Snakes shed their

shed (shed) shed (shed) derramar, mudar, echar skin from time to time.

Las serpientes mudan su piel de vez en cuando. My niece shed tears when she heard that her cat had died.

Mi sobrina derram lgrimas cuando ella oy que su gato haba muerto. At night the fishermen shed light on the water to catch crabs.

Por la noche los pescadores echan luz en el agua para atrapar cangrejos. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100"


height="20"> name="flashvars"



value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-13.02.mp3" </object> shine (shin) Past: Past Participle: Translation: The sun is shining brillar, lustrar so lets go to the beach. shone (shun) shone (shun) />

El sol est brillando, entonces vayamos a la playa. In the morning sun, the stream shone like silver.

En el sol de la maana, el arroyo brillaba como la plata. At nightfall, the campers shone their flashlights around the dark forest. Al anochecer, los campistas alumbraron sus linternas por del bosque oscuro. Present: <object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-13.03.mp3" </object> shoot (shut) Past: Past Participle: Translation: Please dont shoot! Here, disparar, matar a tiros take my money and my car key. shot (shot) shot (shot) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Por favor no dispare! Aqu, tome mi dinero y la llave de mi coche. The man pulled out a gun and shot the stranger who had entered his house. El hombre sac un arma y dispar un tiro al extrao que haba entrado en su casa. Its forbidden to shoot animals in these woods.

Se prohbe disparar a los animales en estos bosques.



<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/irregularverbs/irregular-verbs-13.04.mp3" </object> show (shu) /> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param

Past: Past Participle: Translation: Oliver has shown his oil

showed (shud) shown (shun) mostrar, exhibir painting at an art gallery this year.

Oliver ha exhibido su pintura al leo en una galera de arte este ao. Im a beginner. Could you please show me how to hold the racket? Soy un principiante. Podras por favor mostrarme cmo sostener la raqueta? My nephew showed me the butterfly he kept inside a box.

Mi sobrino me mostr la mariposa que l guardaba dentro de una caja. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: If you wash a woolen encoger/se, reducir/se sweater with hot water, it will shrink. shrink (shrink) shrank (shraank) shrunk (shrank)

Si lavas un suter de lana con agua caliente, se encoger. As the firm had shrunk, they decided to lay off personnel.

Como la firma se haba reducido, ellos decidieron despedir personal. Miraculously, her brain tumor shrank and finally disappeared.

Milagrosamente, su tumor cerebral se redujo y finalmente desapareci. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: cerrar shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat)














Apenas haba entrado cuando cerr la puerta detrs de l. I had shut all the windows before I went to bed.

Yo haba cerrado todas las ventanas antes de que irme a la cama. The corner coffee shop shuts at midnight.

La cafetera de la esquina cierra a la medianoche. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: At sunrise, birds cantar sing outside my bedroom window. sing (sing) sang (saang) sung (sang)

Al amanecer, las aves cantan fuera de la ventana de mi dormitorio. Frank Sinatra sang many songs during his lifetime.

Frank Sinatra cant muchas canciones durante su vida. I was singing in the shower when someone knocked on the door. Yo estaba cantando en la ducha cuando alguien llam a la puerta. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The Titanic hundir/se sank in 1912. sink (sink) sank (saank) sunk (sank)

El Titanic se hundi en 1912. The boat has sunk owing to its heavy cargo.

El barco se ha hundido debido a su pesada carga. She sank into her favorite armchair to read his letter.

Ella se hundi en su silln favorito para leer su carta. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: sentar/se sat (sat) sat (sat)

In the waiting room, Mrs. Jackson sat on a chair and read a magazine.


En la sala de espera, la Sra. El Jackson se sent en una silla y ley una revista. Excuse me. You may not reservado. We were sitting at the table when Robert arrived. sit here because this seat is reserved.

Perdneme usted no puede sentarse aqu porque este asiento est

Estbamos sentados a la mesa cuando lleg Robert. Present: Past: Past Participle: Translation: The prince slew matar the dragon with a sword. slay (sli) slew (slu) slain (slin)

El prncipe mat al dragn con una espada. Sadly, the hostages were slain by the kidnappers.

Tristemente, los rehenes fueron asesinados por los secuestradores. The hijackers may slay all the crew on this plane.

Los secuestradores podran matar a toda la tripulacin en este avin.


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