Project of Rexin Bag
Project of Rexin Bag
Project of Rexin Bag
people & house wife to carry papers, pen, pencils, tiffin box and personal belongings etc. These types of bags are also widely used by Student and servise because they need to keep a large number esential product .Gens & Ladise bags are made of rexi and pu lether. All the machines and raw materials used for its manufacture are easily available from indigenous sources and not much technology is involved in manufacturing.
MARKET POTENTIAL The scope of manufacturing this item is increasing due to the growing demand of Gens & Ladise bags in cities from the increasing number of consumers. Hence, the market of Gens & Ladise bags required by the office-goers and travellers is very bright. Gens &Ladise bags industry is located mainly in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kanpur and Bangalore. The item has demand not only in India but also abroad. India is exporting Gens & Ladise bags and similar types of items to Bangladesh, Nepal, Middle East, Germany, Canada etc.
BASIS AND PRESUMPTIONS (1) The production is based on single shift basis of 8 hours per day and 25 working days in a month i.e. 300 working days in a year. (2) The unit is expected at 60% efficiency in the first year and 90% efficiency will be achieved within 3-4 years. (3) Time period for achieving envisaged capacity utilization is 3 months after trial run. (4) Interest rate is calculated @ 15% per annum on average. (5) Payback period is 4-5 years. (6) Labour will be engaged on monthly basis, which is more than the minimum wage declared by the State Govts. (7) Considering the product and usage, the project can work for more than 20 years.
IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Sl. Activity Period No. (in months) 1. Registration and 1 other formalities 2. Acquisition of 3 land and shed 3. Arrangement of electricity 2 and water supply 4. Machinery purchasing 4 and installation 5. Trial Production 1 Total 11
TECHNICAL ASPECTS Process of ManufactureThese articles are manufactured by different methods. However, the main operations are: 1) Pattern cutting 2) Economical layout of pattern 3) Clicking of components 4) Assembling 5) Stitching 6) Fitting 7) Cleaning and finishing. The components are cut as per the patterns of various sizes and designs, from the rexin or pu leather by hand after duly checking of the rexin or pu leather keeping in view holes and flaying cuts. The components are then stitched , wherever necessary. After completion of stitching, handle is fixed and stitched on the central portion of the bag. Zips, buckles, rivets and other fittings are attached. The bags are cleaned, polished, finished and packed.
Quality Control and Standards Specific standards are to be followed as mutually agreed upon between the manufacturers and the buyers. In case of export, rigid quality control is to be maintained. The quality of product depends upon the purchase of right raw material, grinderies and strict supervision. Final inspection is a must before packing.
Quantity Rate Value (Rs.) Gens Bag 40000 @ 103 41,20,000 Portfolio Bag 50000@ 113 56,50,000 Total 97,70,000
Motive Power 5 HP. Pollution Control These types of leather goods industries do not pollute. Hence, no arrangement is necessary to check the pollution. Energy Conservation Energy conservation in this type of unit is on the lower side since low power motors are used in the production line. The staff of the unit should be made aware of the need to conserve energy by switching off the energy sources when not required.
FINANCIAL ASPECTS A. Fixed Capital (i) Land and Building Amount (Rs.) Covered shed (300 sq.ft.) rented Rs 5,000 rate on rent per month (ii) Machinery and Equipments Sl. Description Total Ind. Qty. Amount No. . (Rs.) 1. Flat-bed Stitching 8 Nose @ 12,000 Rs 96,000 machine 2. Cylinder-bed 1 nose @ 1,00,000 Rs 1,00,000 stitching machine 3. Skiving machine 1 Nose @ 1 50,000 Rs 1,50,000 4. Splitting machine 1 Nose @ 2,00,000 Rs 2,00,000 5. Punching machine 1 Nose @ 1 20,000 Rs 1,20,000 6. Roughing, Buffing 1 Nose @ 1 20,000 Rs 1,20,000 and Polishing machine 7. Cutting table for components Rs 10,000 components 8. Tools and Equipment L.S. Rs 50,000 9. Office equipment and furniture L.S. Rs 50,000 and furniture, Electrification and Installation and Installation charges @ 10% upto Sl. No. 6 - - Rs78600 Total (iii) Pre-operative Expenses Total Fixed Capital (ii+iii) Rs 9,74,600 Rs. 49,000 Rs 10,23,600
B. Working Capital (per month) (i) Personnel (per month) Sl. Designation No. No. 1. Manager 2. Supervisor 3. Cashier-cum-Accountant 4. Store keeper-cum-typist 5. Master Cutter 6. Machine Operators 7. Skilled Worker 8. Semi-skilled worker 9. Helper 2 2,000 4,000 10. Peon 11.Watchman 12. Sweeper Total 83,000 Add. 20% perquisites 16,600 Total 99,600 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 1
Salary (Rs.) 10,000 7,000 5,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total (Rs.) 10,000 7,000 5,000 4,000 5,000 32,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
(ii) Raw Material (per month) 7500 Nos. Rexin Bag.(Ledise&Gens) Sl. No. Description Qty. Rate Value (Rs.) 3,30,000
1. Rexin / pu lether foam different colours, design and shade 2. Grinderies , L.S. Lock, D-ring, Zip, rivets, adhesive, thread etc.) 3. Packing L.S. Total
110 mtr
4 per piece
12,000 4,92,000
(iii) Utilities (per month) Sl. Description No. 1. Power requirement including lighting, fan etc. 2. Water and Fuel
(iv) Other Contingent Expenses (per month) Sl. Description No. 1. Rent 2. Postage and Stationery 3. Telephone 4. Consumable stores 5. Repair and Maintenance 6. Transport charges 7. Advertisement and publicity 8. Insurance 9. Taxes 10. Sales Expenses 11. Misc. Expenses Total (v) Total Recurring Expenditure (per month) Sl. Description No. 1. Salary and Wages 2. Raw Materials 3. Utilities 4. Other contingent expenses Total (vi) Working Capital (for 3 months) Rs. 6,26,600 x 3 = Rs. 18,79,800 Amount (Rs.) 99,600 4,92,000 5,000 30,000 6,26,600 Amount (Rs.) 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 30,000
C. Total Capital Investment Sl. Description No. 1. Total Fixed Capital 2. Working capital for 3 months Total
Means of finance
T.C.I Promotar contribition 25% Finance recive from bank
MACHINERY UTILISATION Initially there will be 50% utilization of major machines which will increase thereafter @ 10% per year and consequently 90% utilization will be achieved in course of time, say, between 4-5 years. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (1) Cost of Production (per annum) Sl. Description Amount No. (Rs.) i) Total recurring cost 75,19,200 ii) Depreciation on machinery 86,460 @ 10% includinginstallation charges iii) Depreciation on tools and equipment @ 25% on Rs. 60,000 iv) Depreciation on office equipment and furniture @ 20% vi) Interest on TCI @ 15% Total Say 80,66,200 15,000
(2) Turnover (per annum) Sl. Items Qty. No. 1. Gense Bag 40,000 2. Ledise Bag 50,000
(3) Net Profit (Before taxation) Amount (Rs.) Turnover Cost of Production Total (-) 97,70,000 80,66,200 17,03,800
(4) Net Profit Ratio = Net Profit per year x 100 -----------------------------------Turnover per year = 17,03,800 x 100 ---------------------------------97,70,000 =17.43 %
(5) Rate of Return on Total Investment = Net Profit per year x 100 ----------------------------------------Total Investment = 17,03,800 x 100 ----------------------------29,03,400 = 58.68%
(6) Break-even Point Fixed Cost Sl Description No. a) Rent b) Depreciation on plant and machinery c) Depreciation on tools and equipments d) Depreciation on office equipments and furniture e) Interest on Investment f) Insurance 12,000 g) 40% of salary and wages h) 40% of utilities i) 40% of other Contingent expenses on Rs. 24,000 (excluding rent and insurance) Total
Amount (Rs.) 60,000 86,400 15,000 10,000 4,35,510 4,78,080 24,000 1,15,200
B.E.P. = Fixed cost x 100 ---------------------------Fixed cost + Profit = 12,24,190 x 100 ----------------------------12,24,190 +17,03,800 = 41.80%
Additional Information With the same plant and machinery, it is possible to manufacture different types of leather goods namely industrial hand gloves, suitcases, briefcases, bags etc. Addresses of Machinery and Equipment Suppliers ----------------------------------------