Punishment Chapter 1
Punishment Chapter 1
Punishment Chapter 1
Somethingsublimecamefromthatgazeandselfassuredsmile.Demetrifeltentranced. ThemanstoodmorethanaheadtallerthanhimanaverageheightforaSecren.He hadasinglegreyeye.Ontheleftsideofhisfaceabionicorbsatdeepinhiseyesocketwitha dullredglowinthecircularseaofblack.Theenhancementinterruptedthelineofascar startingabovehisbrowandcontinuingbelowhischeek.Hehadcoarse,sunravagedskin. (EarthlingsaresaidtohavesoftskincomparedtoSecrens).Hislightbluehair,spillingfroma greenbandanainstraighttresses,reachedjustbelowhisearsandappearedtobeanatural color.Heworeloosedustycoats,denim,andboots.Hisagefellsomewherebetween35and 40.Wornfeaturesmadeithardtotell. Themanstoodagainstapostholdingupthestationplatformscanopywithhishandsin hispockets.Hisheadcockedslightlyandhesmiledwithonesideofhismouth. Demetriwouldhavethoughtheknewthismanifhehadntjustcometotheplanet.In fact,itseemedasthoughhewerealostfriendofhis,someonedearlymissed.Thesame recognitionregisteredonthedustymansface.Hissmilesaid,Longtimenosee,beautiful.
ThisthoughtfinallygotDemetritoturnaway.Hedidntknowthisman,sowhydidhe feelsostricken? Withhiseyesdowncasthecontinuedtofeelthegaze.ThemanwouldseeDemetris leanbuildandolivecoloredskin.Hehadunrulytressesofblackhair;theguardsrefusedhis requesttocutit.Heworethetightblacksleevelessshirtandbaggytanpantsassignedtohim ontheprisontransport.Besidesthishecarriedanunassumingblackbackpack.Awirecameout ofaholeontopthatconnectedtoanoutletinthebaseofhisskull. WhatyoureexperiencingiscalledLightning,BrainboxsaidinsideDemetrismind. Fuck!Hejolted. HedpluggedBrainboxinforthefirsttimejustastheshipliftedofffromDonovan.It hadntcommunicatedwithhimbeforenow. Youdbeacompatiblematetothisman. Thisbullshitalready,Demetrithought.Andthen,moreinternally,Nofuckingchance. Ohno,Iassureyou,thisisLightning. Demetrigrimaced.IfhedbeenspeakingtoBrainboxhewouldhavekeptthelast sentencetohimself.Hefeltamildtinglingnausea,asthoughhehadtoendurebeingviolated. Theguardsfinishedremovinghiselaboratebindings.Theystooddoingsomepaperwork thatwouldhandDemetriofffromtheshipsmentotheofficialsinthiscity.Demetriblocked outtheiralienchatter. MalstrumisexperiencingLightingforyou,also.Itsacommonandaccepted phenomenononplanetSecren. Hehadtwothoughtsatonce,Who?and,Imnotfromthisplanet.Neitherwere directedtoBrainbox. MalstrumisthemostsuccessfulminebossonSecren.Hecontrolstheentirewest territory.Nodoubthescoutedyouforamate,sincehisstatuswouldwarrantjoiningwithan Earthling.Brainboxinterjectedwhatseemedtobeaforcedpause.Earthlingsareintunewith therhythmsofplanetSecren.Itspartofthereasonyouresohighlycovetedasmates. HumansroutinelyexperienceLightninghere.Usuallyasfastasyouhaverightofftheship. MostEarthlingsbecomematedlessthanayearafterarriving.Yoursmallersizemakesyouthe perfectchoicetotakethesubmissiveorbetaroll. ImnotDemetristifledhisthoughtswithdifficulty.Hetriedtofocusontheguards. Theresnosuchthingashomosexualityhere.Therearenoaccessiblewomen.Most earthmen,regardlessoforientation,acceptamatehere.
Iknowallthis.Demetrigrithisteeth. Thetwoguardsremainingsaidsomethingandbeckonedhimtofollow.Theyescorted himtowardtheleftexitoftheplatform. Getoutofmythoughtsforawhile. Quiteimpossible,yousee AllIneededwasatranslationunit. Ibegtodiffer,buttheysaid,Comewithus. Demetrifumed.ThenherealizedtheydleftMalstrumbehind.Helookedback,but onlysawthelonelycanopypostencrustedwithdesertgrit. Theywalkedpastseveralsquarebuildingsmadeofclaybeforeturningtowardsoneof imposingsize.Demetriclimbedupabroadstonestaircasewithhisescorts.Hesawnumerous Secrenmenmillingaroundtheopenareabeforethedoors.Insidehetraveledupwhatseemed averyancientelevatortoahighfloor,andthenfollowedtheguardsdownseveralcorridors. Thevastroomtheyenteredhadnodoor,onlyadomedcauseway. Demetriraisedhisbrowatthesightofawomanbehindahighcounter.No,nota woman.Amanwithacolorfulheaddressandsoftchin.Afterashortexchangewithhisguards hefocusedontypingveryslowlyintoanarchaicconsole.TheguardsleftDemetriwithouta backwardsglance. HashshshaDemetri? Demetri,isit?Brainboxtranslatedinstantaneouslyinhismind. Yes,hesaid.AnaturalsoundingmalevoicepartlycuthimofffromBrainboxs speaker.HiswordwastranslatedintoEst. YoureanEarthling,hmm? Demetrinotedthesubtletyofthetranslation.Brainboxjustbecamelessannoying.The languageheheardpastBrainboxstranslationconsistedofintermittenthissingnoises.There weremanyss,sh,ch,andffsounds. Est,Demetrisaid.Hedidntbothertryingtolearnthelanguageofhislastposton Donovan.ThenhisBrainboxstartedtofailandsufferedforit. Themanchuckledatsomethinghereadonhismonochromescreen.Demetrileaned overtopeek.Hesawblockyalientext.
Itsays,TherewereonlyrobotswithDemetriintheDonovanoperation.Thiscaused himtobecomesolonelythatheacceptedtheonlytransferavailabletohim.Hethinkshellbe allowedtobeacelibate.HisprofilewillbeintheWhosWhojustincaseaprominent gentlemanwantstochangehismind.Earthlingminerssurvivelongerwhentheyvemated. Demetrishuddered.HeforcedhimselfnottosharehisthoughtswithBrainbox. Howareyouabletoreadallthatfrommybackpack? Imlookingthroughyoureyes,Demetri. Againhefeltthenauseoustwingeofviolation.Whydidtheyhavetogivehimthisfancy pieceofshit?Allheneededwasatranslator. Actually,itsimperativeyouhaveasophisticatedunithere.Agoodculturalguidemay wellsaveyourlife.Secrensareveryritualistic. Youremoreofavolunteer,thanaprisoner.Themanspokewithoutlookingaway fromhisterminal.Nobodycommitsto20yearsthough.Lookslikeyoumadeadeal.Getin sometroublewhenyouwereinthemilitary? Noneofyourfuckingbusiness.No.Hedidntknowhowimportantthispersonwastohis future,sohesaid,Iwasdraftedintothemilitary.AndIdonttakeorderswell. Lookslikeyoukeptafewfriendsbackhome.Youhaveauthorizationtotakeoveran outpost.NotmanyEarthlingsgettobeincharge.Youmaydookay,though.Youledaminein Donovan,right? Over1,000miners,Demetrisaid.Thoughbyminershemeanttherobots. IhaveanoutpostintheWestunderMalstrumscooperative.Thatwillbegoodfor you.Itsanestablishedoperation.Plentyofsupport.Youllmakethequotaseasy. Demetriclenchedhisfists. Iwouldntbesoadversetothat,Demetri.ConditionsonSecrenaremuchharsherthan Donovan. AnythingopenoutsideoftheWest? Brainboxdidnttranslateatonce.BeforeDemetricouldgrowangryhefinallychimedin. Themansbrowrose.Heseemedbothimpressedandamused.Reallydeterminedto beaCelibate,hmm? Imnotdeterminedtobeanything.WhereIcomefrom,youreamanorawoman. Youdontgettopick.Itshowyourborn.
WelcometoSecren,themansaidfacetiously.Hereyoureanalpha,beta,ora celibate.Thoughifyoureacelibate,andyouarentawiser,itsusuallybecauseyouretoougly tofindamate.Heleanedbackinhischairandproppedhisarmsbehindhishead.Illtellyou, Earthlingsalwayscallthemselvescelibateswhentheygethere.Itsajoke.Everyoneknows youllbesomeonesbeta.Everyoneexceptyou,thatis.Youactlikeyourestillinaworldfullof women.OfcourseyourethealphasbackonEarthyouhavewomentobeyourBetas.There aintnowomenhere.CutelittleEarthlingslikeyouarethewomen. WhathappensifIknockthisguyslightsout? Pleasedont,Demetri.Hedecideswhereyouroutpostwillbe. HowabouttheEast,Demetrisaid.Yougotanoutpostthere? Themansmiledandtappedathiskeyboardagain.Youllbedeadinlessthanamonth. Yourealizethatdontyou? Illtakemychances. Makesnodifferencetome.Heremovedsomecardsfromaslotnexttohisconsole. Imgivingyouanoutpostnotfarfromhere.Threestoryhouse.Twocavernclaim.Itssmall, butthatmeanssmallquotas.Youshouldaimtorecruitatleastsixmen.Heextendedthe cardstoDemetri.Iwouldntbetoopicky. Hewasdirectedtothegroundfloortogetequippedinavastwarehouse.Demetri spenttherestofthedaygoingfromstationtostationwithametalcart.Atthelastcountera mannumbedhiswristandburnedabrandintohisflesh.Demetriexaminedthesymbol.It lookedlikeasnakewithahaloinsideabox.Themanproducedadifferenttooltoinjectatiny metaldiskunderhisskinalongaburnlineofthesymbol. Thesquareonthesymbolmeansyouhaveanoutpost,Brainboxthoughttohim.The circlemeansyoureauthorizedtoleadaminingteam.Thesquigglerepresentsyourquota. 3000beadspercycle.Thechipheimplantedwillidentifyyouandvalidatethebrandtoanyone withascanner. Youwantabetabrand?themansaid. What?No. Youneedtoacceptoneofthethreepossiblebrandsforyourmatingstatus,Demetri. Youwontberespectedotherwise.Onlychildrengowithouta Acelibatebrand,Demetrisaid. Pssh.Hesearchedthroughthreedifferentdrawersbeforefindingthetool. Demetrisleftpalmwasnumbedandthenbrandedwithasquare.
Whenyoumeetsomeonenewyoushouldpresentyourhandpalmup.Theywillput theirpalminyoursrevealingtheirownsymbol. WhatifIdontwanttoadvertisethisbullshit? Thatwontbetolerated. ThemangaveDemetriacardforthetrainalongwithotherdocumentationandlengthy instructions.Anassistanttookawayhisoverflowingcartofgearasthemanspoke. Gotthat? Ihaverecordedallhisinstructionsandwillguideyou,Demetri. Est,Demetrianswered,hidinghisuncertainty.Heheadedoutofthewarehousewith onlyasmallsatchel. Dontgooutsideyet. Demetriscowled.Allothersourcesofagitationhecouldwalkawayfromexceptthis bitchinsidehishead. TherearesomethingsIneedtotellyou. AredcircleflashedinfrontofDemetriseye. Whatthefuck! Thatstherestroom.Letsgointhereamoment. Demetrifroze.Herealizedthecirclehadindicatedadoor.Heshookhisheada moment.TheHelldidyoujust? Pleasecommunicatewiththoughts,Demetri.TheotherSecrensaroundyoudonthave Brainboxes.Manydontevenknowwhattheyare.Youappeartobetalkingtoyourself. Herakedthefingersofbothhandsthroughhishairandclutched.Thenhestompedinto thebathroomasdirected.ItwassimilarenoughtothebathroomsonEarthandplanetDonovan forhimtoreachacomfortzone.Heleanedagainstatallsink. Weneedsomegroundruleshere,Demetrithought.Firstoff,dontmakeme hallucinate. Certainly,Demetri,Iwasjust Second,whenIsaysomething,youtranslateit.DontpauselikeImanidiotyouhave tosecondguess.
Irefuse. Demetriblinked. Ifyousaysomethingunintentionallyfoolishitsmydutytocounselyoubefore irrevocabledamageisdone.Youdontknowthecustomsofthisworld.Youdontknowthe implicationsofsayingcertainthings.Thegentlemanbeforewascorrect.MostEarthlingswho goitalonedonotsurvivemorethanamonth.However,yourenotalone.YourGeneral AtmeyerensuredyouwereequippedwiththemostsophisticatedBrainboxmoneycouldbuy. Hepreprogrammedmewiththeimperativetopreserveyourlifebyanymeansnecessary.This includesoverridingyourwisheswhennecessary. Demetrirestedhisforeheadinhishandandgaveasoundlesslaugh.Ofcourse. Atmeyersbehinditall.Themerementionofhisnamerelievedsomeofthetensionintheair. AtmeyersworehedmakeupforallthegriefheputDemetrithroughatFortCagliari.Itsjust likehimtotakehispledgetothisextreme.AtthesametimeAtmeyerstillhadhisback. Demetriknewhecouldtrustthemansjudgment.Evenifitmeanttoleratingmotherhen Brainboxes. GottohaveawordwithAtmeyer. Malstrumisoutsidewaitingforyou. Demetriwatchedhissmiledissipateinthemirror. Howdoyouknowthat? Trustme,Demetri.IknowthewaythingsareonSecren.Hemadecontact,verified Lightning,andnowwillapproachyouascustomdictates.Isurmiseabitmoreisgoingonhere. IbelieveMalstrumbribedsomeofthegentlemeninthisbuildinginordertohaveyouplacedin hiscooperative. Demetrisstomachlurched.Hetriedtoremaincalm. Youweregrantedyourownoutpost,howevertheplacementofficertriedtoassignyou intoMalstrumscooperative.Yourpapersclearlygrantedyouautonomy. Herememberedhowthemansmoodturnedwhenherejectedhisoffer.SoIwasright toshothimdown. Inmyopinion,no.IfeelyouwilldobetterunderMalstrumsprotectionregardlessof thecircumstancesleadingtoit.However,Malstrumisexpectingtoleaveherewithyou.As soonasheseesyourbrandhellknowyourejectedhiscooperative. Demetristaredintothereflectionofhisownangryeyesasapointofcontact.Fuck him.
Brainboxwentsilent.ThisdraggedonlongenoughforDemetritolookaround.Hefelt asifhedjusthadadroppedphonecall. Lookhere,Mr.Castellan,theonlyonefuckedonthisworldisyou.Ifyoudontlearna littlehumilityyourenotgoingtosurvive. Demetrisbrowtwitched.Youreangry?hesaidintotheemptybathroom.Howis thatevenpossible? YoucanthavethisbelligerentattitudewhenyouspeaktoMalstrum.Hespowerful andhecanbeyourworstenemy.Dontignorehim.Youknowhewantstotalktoyousodont trytobrushpasthim.Itwouldbeconsideredagreatinsultto Itcouldntberealanger.Ithadtobesomeprogramthatmockedanger.Thoughthe factthatBrainboxcoulddeterminewhentolaunchwasimpressive. Payattention! Youneedtoturnoffthismockangershit.Nowyoulisten.Idontgivetwoshitswhat themendoherewitheachothersolongasitaintwithme.Imnotgoingtomakenicewith someguywhowantsmeforhisboyfriend. Mydirectiveistokeepyoualive,nottoprotectyourrearend. Fuckyourdirective! Youenjoywatchingyourselftalkintoamirrortoomuch. Youwanttokeepmealive?Thatmeansshowingmehowtokeepthesecreepsoffme. Becauseyouknowwhat?Idratherdiethanfuckanotherman. Yourposturingisimpressive,Demetri.Butyouveforgottenthatyoucantlieto someonewhosharesyourbrain. Demetriclutchedthewirestickingoutofthebackofhishead. No,dont! Heyankeditoutoftheimplantedsocketandletitdangle.Acrackleofelectricityran downhisspine.Histemplesbegantothrob.Hetookamomenttoleanagainstthesinkand regainhiscomposure. Noonetoldhimhehadtocompromisehisprivacytousethisthing.Demetrihadto dealwithlotsofinsecuritiesonSecren:hedidntknowtheworld,thelanguage,thecustoms,or evenhowtominethebeads.Onethinghewasntinsecureaboutwashissexuality.Hewasnta closetgaylookingforwardtogettingfuckedonthisworld.
However,afterhistranslatorbrokeonDonovanandhecouldntevencommunicate withtheoffworldrefinery,helostit.Thatwastheonlywaytodescribehisdesperation.Who knewisolationcoulddriveaguycrazy?Heneededotherhumansanyhumans.Whenhe finallyputinthetransferhedidntconsiderhavingtocompromisehisideals.Hejustdidnt think.Nothingcouldbeworsethantheravenouslonelinesshefelt.Inthatwaymaybehehad becomeresignedtowhatmighthappenhere.Nowthathehadhisheadonstraighthewasnt abouttoconcedeit. Whenhereachedthedoubledoorsleadingoutofthebuildingheslowedhisstride.For allhisbravetalkhestillhadnoideahowtonavigatethecustomsofthisworld.Demetri swallowedandsteppedoutside. Hepausedontheconcretelandingtolookaround.JustasBrainboxpredictedMalstrum stoodagainstawalltohisleftwithacomplimentoffivemen.Demetrimeteyeswithhimand relivedtheshockingrapporthefelthoursago.Malstrumsmiledandtippedhischinuptoward him.Hebeckonedwithonehand. Demetrididntthinkaboutit.Hisfeetjustmovedtowardthem.Hecamebefore Malstrum,loweredhishead,anddisplayedhisdanglingwire. ThisisjustaPreview!Pleasesupportusbypurchasingthewholethingfor$.99! http://www.yaoiprose.com/?page_id=617 Signupforournewslettertofindoutwhenpart2isavailable: http://www.yayaoi.com/tinc?key=xnOeN1MC&RegistrationFormID=76014 Loadsmoreeroticillustratedyaoihere: http://yaoiprose.com
And dont let any of those boys get in your pants, Ambers grandmother said over the phone. Amber only half listened as she typed on her computer. I told you gram, the boys here are only interested in each other. Disgraceful! Amber tsked. She tried to be patient. Its not disgraceful. You promised to be more tolerant. Im tolerant of good honest homosexuals, but those boys are indiscriminant fiends! Thats the culture. I tried to explain this to you before. There arent taboos about sex or nudity on this planet. Sounds like an excuse to me. I wish that university wasnt so prestigious. Amber looked at the time and grumbled. You should be glad I got to attend here. Now, Ive got to go! Ive gotumhomework. Jesse popped her bubbly blond head into the tiny dorm room. Lets go, Amber! Our booth is all set up! Who was that? Thats my study buddy. Goodbye, grandma! Love you! She clicked the hangup button fast. Jesse smiled at her corset, chemise, and miniskirt. You look great! They darted down an empty corridor together. Who was on the phone?
My grandma. Shes the one paying my crazy huge tuition here. Shes really judgmental about all the sex stuff though. Jesses heavily made-up face grew panicked. What if she sees you on TV tonight? Amber made a sardonic smile. Uh, yeah. I really doubt my grandma will be watching the Tri-University Sex Wars. Jesse gave her typical bubbly laugh. In moments they were allowed into the enormous stadium and made their way past mechanical bulls and padded tables to the announcers booth. Amber took her seat beside Jesse while the crew adjusted their sound and lighting. She saw how good they looked beside each other on the monitor embedded in her table. Jesse had big boobs and a curly blond fro; Amber made the perfect foil beside her with her straight brown hair and fake glasses. Testing, testing, Amber said into her microphone. Jesse grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Im so excited! Chill! She grabbed the stem of her microphone. Testing, one, two. Amber! Tai and Red are competing against each other tonight! Ambers eyes widened. Woah, really? We have to let the audience know that back story. Jesse turned dreamy. Maybe theyll get back together! Wouldnt it be awesome? All around them crews were putting the final touches on the different stations for the events. Padded tables were laid out in a row. Walls with suspicious holes in them
were secured to the floor. Frightening bicycles were being tested and disinfected. Past all this crowds milled in by the tens of thousands. Amber saw a lot of Earth-style clothes in the mix. She smiled. The thought of these sports spreading to her inhibited home world was laughable (despite the huge TV ratings the events always garnered). Many people held banners for their favorite athletes. Red and Tai were the most popular by far. The noise of the crowd died down and lighting was shifted from the audience to the stadium. The producer gave Amber and Jesse their cue. Welcome to Planet Wixie-Plows Tri-University Sex War! Amber said. Tonight PWP University will face some stiff competition from Lymon College and Henty Institute! Jesse turned to Amber. What do you think of PWPs chances tonight? PWP has the home team advantage. Nothings better for Sex War athletes than familiar beds. However, Henty Institute is 12 and oh for the season. Theyre going to be a real pain in the ass for PWP. What about Lymon College? They havent won an event all season. Lymon College is fucked. A dozen lithe young men wearing nothing but green tank tops and tennis shoes ran onto the field from a domed side entrance. The crowd made a dull cheer. Speaking of Lymon College, Amber said, I see the boys have already made their way out here. Those green tanks are so uninspiring. It hides their nipples and doesnt enhance their junk. Uh oh, team captain Ziggy already seems to have a hard-on.
Jesse looked up from her screen with binoculars. Ooo! Well, Ziggy is known for sucking. Hes also not a very good athlete. Its not unusual for the boys to get excited pretty quick. The two days of celibacy enforced on athletes prior to meets is really tough for Wixie-Plow natives. Two Lymon boys rubbed their bodies together while pouting for the cameras. A brunette boy sat on the edge of a table and splayed his legs. Still another blew kisses to the camera while exposing his nipples. Ziggy licked his lips and began to furiously masturbate. Lymon starts things right off with some mind games for their competitors watching back stage, Amber said. This is more than making up for the boring tank tops. UhI think Ziggy better slow down. Those facial expressions and loud moans make me think hes about to Ahh! Ohh! An air horn blasted and a referee ran to Ziggy. He threw a yellow flag on the sullied Astroturf. Gasps of disbelief rang through the stadium. Jesses jaw dropped open. Oh for--! What a shame! Lymon has just given one point each to PWP and Henty, and Ziggy is removed from the competition! Student volunteers pulled Ziggys quivering body onto a stretcher and raced away with him. The other Lymon boys watched horrified. Dang. Looks like the Duke/Lymon curse is starting already! Remind me what that curse is again? Amber said.
Duke is a Lymon senior who seems destined to remain a virgin. Yes, he got blowjobs while competing as a freshman, dildos as a sophomore, and a vibrator up his rear as a junior, but hes never been able to compete in the man-to-man senior event. Lymon always ends up with five or more DQs and are ordered off the field. Wow. Maybe well see his first time right on this show! Dont bank on it. Across the field twelve tanned young men jogged out from a domed enclave. They wore identical calve-skin chaps, leather vests, snakeskin boots, and wide brim hats. The muscular boys stretched out on the grass while flaunting their exposed round buttocks towards the cameras. Here are Henty Institutes Cowboys! The crowd is going wild for Tai! Amber raised her voice above the din.
A tall athlete with broad shoulders and a dour expression lifted off his hat to wave to the crowd. The cheers magnified. Please support us by purchasing the full story! Grab it with Paypal here: http://yaoiprose.com Get it for Kindle: http://yaoipress.com/kindle.htm
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by Yamila Abraham Cover by Ksen Copyright 2010 Yaoi Press. All rights reserved.
***** Malachi doesnt know youre here, Lord Piotrick said. He sent this message through the war gods.
Jace felt a shudder, but not from the cool winds rushing through the catacombs. The mere mention of the Golden-Eyed Demon Malachi made his heart race. The rulers of three neighboring territories had braced the dank underground caves to stand with his Lord. Their presence required no explanation. Malachi must have defeated their avatars, and thus conquered their lands. Orvell, Fiori, and Moira have all been captured, Jace. Piotrick looked at his fellow royalty while listing the avatars names. Were in a terrible predicament. That didnt take long, Jace said. Wasnt he supposed to come after me first? Lady Costa, ruler of their closest neighbor Lavintia, stepped forth from the shadows. He is coming after you. Hes offering a trade. Jace swallowed. Stupid him, right? He looked toward Piotrick. The stout bearded lord doted on him more than his own father. You said we could always win this thing as long as you kept me out of Malachis hands. He knows, Jace, Piotrick said. Our ancestors used the same strategy with you. Youve always been his first priorityand hiding you was a way to defeat him. This time he refuses to play. Hes started the war straight away with an offer we cant refuse. He looked downward. Wewe suspected this ploy. He hasnt enslaved the territories or reopened the mines. Piotrick drew a long sigh. Youll surrender to him for three days. Just a minute! One day for each avatar prisoner. Theyll be released, and after the 3 days, so will you. The war gods will make certain of it.
Jace stood agape. He shook his head. This is a joke. Youre just going to do what he wants? Why would he give up three territories over me? His desire for you puts him at a disadvantage, Lady Costa said. We must take this opportunity. Regroup. Win back the lost territories. Jace scarcely heard her. His lower lip trembled. A lifetime of training couldnt prepare him for the sight of Malachis face on a view screen seven days ago. The recording with the declaration of war showed an ancient Malachi, though his appearance remained unchanged for eons. He replayed the same message hed shown to their ancestors. The demigod would not endure the tedium of repeating himself each time he renewed their war. Jace didnt have the memories of his past lives. Still, somehow, Malachis terrifying message had ingrained itself on his psyche. He mouthed the words as he watched. Malachis narrow eyes burned like embers. That gaze already branded itself on his soul. Distant, intangible sensations frothed upwards in ways that made his stomach twist. No matter the outcome of the warwhether they enslaved Malachi or whether Malachi enslaved their worldthe demigod would own him. Jace always pushed this thought to a deep corner of his mind. First Malachi had to return, then they had to war, then he had to win. As long as these three things hadnt happened yet he didnt have to brace himself for the worst. Seven days into it, and Malachi broke the rules? Jace ran his hand through his hair and balled a fist at the base of his skull. It felt as though the catacomb walls collapsed around him. Dont I have a say in this?
Oh, Jace. My dear boy. Piotrick looked away from him. The trade will happen on the Coliseum deck before the war gods tomorrow. Please come to the surface. Theres a truce right now. You can at least spend the night in luxury. He gave a concerned glance before turning to lead him upwards. Jace looked at Lady Costa, who hesitated behind. Your stupid avatar fucked up and now I have to be the summer lamb? He swallowed the words. The oath would be better for the other lord who already took his leave. Moira, the avatar of Lavintia, had trained with him growing up. What if shes being tortured? He followed Piotrick due to a habit of obedience. No, I cant worry about her. Im the one about to be tortured. He couldnt foster the will to remove his cloak in the guest chambers of the fortress. A servant girl appeared with an orange drink. It wouldnt be the first time Piotrick tried to sedate him. He wanted to understand Malachito focus on the unformed haze of emotion until he scraped a shred of memory. Being drugged seemed more appealing. Jace downed the potion in a single gulp.
Male servants woke him before dawn. A drowsy mind made it easier for him to deal with their attentions. They scrubbed him as though hed been covered in manure. Two boys put shaving balm on his armpits. A third tried to coat his pubic hair. Jace snapped to wakefulness. What are you doing?
Master said you got to have no body hair. Please let me do it. Ill get in so much trouble. Piotrick appeared later as the servants dressed him in scant flowing silk. Jace spoke through clenched teeth. They shaved. My crotch. Piotrick cleared his throat. Malachi may be an enemy, but hes an old enemy. Hes passed down certain rituals. Its in our best interest to be respectful. Hes won eight out of the last ten wars. And thats only what weve got recorded in historyhes older than history, you know. Malachi may well enslave us when its all said and done. We need to stay on his good side. I cant even wear my avatar suit? Im supposed to dress like a whore for him? Ahem. That costume is from generations pastit was worn by princes. You mustnt have this attitude, Jace. If you work yourself up youll end up in a panic. You must be cautious when youre with him in his shipespecially with your left hand. Tsk. Jace looked away. Im not a fool. I know youre disciplined. Just remember, he may behe may be quite zealous with you. His heart began to race. Remember, above all, dont panic. Jace ascended the stairs to the Coliseum deck behind his lord. Give me some direction, at least, Piotrick. How am I supposed to act? Apparently youll know, Jace. The phantom of your past lives resides in you so history says. Justjust trust your instincts. He looked back. I wish I could tell you something better. I dont comprehend these ancestral memories you avatars have.
They came to the domed opening leading to the deck. Jace gasped. Malachis glittering ship blocked out the north sky. His legs faltered. Piotrick turned back to steady him. Easy, easy. Jace focused on his lords reassuring voice. All you have to do is walk out therejust a few steps. Everything else will happen as it should. Give yourself up. Dont think about it. Just go. A whirring sound made him look toward the ship again. A hatch almost as wide as the Coliseum deck itself lowered open. Three figures descended what looked like a hundred black steps. Moira! His eyes locked with the dark-skinned avatar. She looked indignant, but unharmed. Behind the three avatars, standing taller than any average man from their world, emerged Malachi. Jace felt like throwing up and fainting at the same time. Piotrick pushed him outwards with a strong hand. Go to him, Jace. You have to. Hes kept his end of the bargain. The war gods witnessed it. He stumbled onto the open deck. Pressing forward took every iota of his will. He no longer saw Moira or the other two. They passed him quickly for the safety of the domed entryway. Only Malachi existed now. A military cape accentuated his broad shoulders and silhouetted a body of lean muscle. A long mane of blue-black hair cascaded past his shoulders. Each pace the
demigod took equaled three of his own. In a terrifying heartbeat Malachi stormed close to him. Jace couldnt break his gaze from the fiery glow in his eyes. Malachi swept Jace up into his arms and crushed his mouth with a kiss. It knocked out what little will he had left. His heart beat at a thunderous rhythm. The kiss would have toppled him if not for Malachis hold. He felt a tingling from his scalp to the tips of his boots which hovered inches above the ground. The immense arms of none other than Malachi, The Golden-Eyed Demon, now embraced him. One hand held Jaces head, pushing him into the shockingly intimate kiss. He felt his hot tongue inside his mouth. Howhow dare he? Jace opened his eyes. No. Really. How dare he! All the outrage he could muster amounted to a weak hand against the demigods chest. Shadowy memories came more from his flesh than his mind. The haunting familiarity crippled him. He could scarcely believe hed never been kissed before. Why not? Why did he need to suffer such an overwhelming initiation now? Piotrick always diverted any would-be lovers from him. He thought it this was for the sake of his training. Now it occurred to himthat bastard saved me for Malachi. The demigod broke from his mouth and gazed with eyes that glowed like cinders. Belovd. The word shot a tremor up every vertebra in his spine. When Malachi released him his knees gave. Damn!
Malachi swept an arm under his legs and carried him with his magnificent broad stride to the ship. The hatch whirred closed. Jace bundled his arms close to his frame. His stomach felt in knots. Thats it? Youre just going to let him carry you? The trip through the dark ship corridors made no impression on him. He regained some of his wits when they arrived at an expansive bright bedroom. Malachi set him down on a raised entryway bordered by plants. He touched a place on the wall to make the door slide close behind them. Jace forced words past the lump in his throat. Y-youyou dont waste any time, do you? The demigod kept him within arms reach. He locked his searing gaze on him and then ran fingers through his dusky white hair. The avatar backed a pace. Malachi closed in on him. He leant toward him for another kiss. Back off! He turned away. Malachi exuded such authority, and the act so much familiarity, he almost caved to the instinct to yield to him. Get a hold of yourself, Jace. The demigod once decimated his world. He enslaved his people numerous times. Hed trained to battle against him his entire life. Youre not his boyfriend. You dont you feel anything for me? Malachi said. Jace blinked as though shocked into reality. He wet his lips. Hatred maybe. He swallowed and looked away. Should he lie like that? Malachi pushed his splayed fingers into his hair again and ran them through. He repeated the caress as he spoke.
I feel only love for you. The touch disarmed him. Malachi must have known he melted when someone brushed his hair. He felt pulled in two directions with equal strength. He could only quaver in a middle ground as the demigod took control. You dont have to treat me as an enemy. Jace sealed his defiant mouth. The war gods gave you to me. Sometimes I lose because of you. I dont mind, because youre more important to me than this game. Your duty was to surrender in exchange for your comrades. Malachi drew close enough to whisper against his lips. So surrender. He didnt evade the kiss in time. Malachi mesmerized him. Probably with some stupid demigod power. At least he wouldnt reciprocate his embrace. He let Malachi hold him close while moving an exquisite mouth and tongue over his own. Jace had to clutch the demigods forearm to stay upright. Malachi pulled away. The corners of his lips lifted in a slight smile, but at that moment Jace realized his eyes looked cruel. The golden blaze in them had distracted him from this before. He felt a chance to regroup. Read the full episode of Belovd 5860 on your PC, Mac, iPod Touch, iPad, Blackberry, Android, or iPhone with Kindle: http://www.yaoipress.com/kindle.htm in the UK: http://www.yaoipress.com/kindleUK.htm
Class Mate by Yamila Abraham Cover by Feno Copyright 2012 Yaoi Press. *****
I knew Id love your class, Duncan said. Youre one fine looking teacher, Mr. Taggert. Callum Taggerts eyes widened. Get out of here! He managed to sound angry out of habit. Shock prevented any legitimate ire from surfacing. Taggert slammed the classroom door once Duncan sauntered away. He tried to engross himself in the introduction paragraphs hed gotten from his new students. The first one had wretched penmanship which told him the subject hadnt written a word all summer. Name: Duncan Sullivan. I am 19 years old. I been held back three times cause I had to work at the foundry all the time and I didnt show up to school that much. Now I been put in your senior class cause I am getting too old to be in school so they skipped me ahead a grade. I want to graduate this year. I have four brothers and nine sisters. I live in
Taggert ran his hand through his long dark hair. One fine looking teacher. How dare he? Was he making fun of his unmated status? It didnt seem so. He fumed and went to the window. Duncan sat with three boys eating hard boiled eggs. His lean muscular body was indeed characteristic of a foundry worker. Quite a handsome face, though, and he had flaxen hair that shimmered in the sunlight. Taggert scolded himself. He felt both flustered and confused by the attraction. Was he really so lonely that one flirtatious comment would turn him lovesick? Certainly not! The boy had to be mocking him at any rate. He ripped Duncans introduction off the top of the pile and focused on the next.
The final bell rang and students raced out of Chambridge Academy as though the building were on fire. Taggert went to the teachers lounge for his tea. Returning to this custom made his steps feel lighter. He sat with Alistair Blake, a red-haired colleague ten years his junior. The slender man greeted him with a smile. Ah, Callum, how was your summer? Lonely and dismal. Ms. Elloise Gray plopped her ample behind in a seat next them. Hello, Mr. Taggert. She paused to look at his bare wrist. Still begrudged by the oracle, I see. She made an annoying giggle. Taggert sipped his tea. Do shut up, Ms. Gray.
Oh, but I must tell you! She jutted up her wrist to brandish a glimmering adornment. Taggert leaned forward with Blake to inspect it. The oracles mark of mating was part tattoo and part bracelet (albeit fused to the skin). The colors had an iridescent sheen sometimes seen on silvery fish. Ive been soul-mated to one of your former students! One of mine? Taggert said. Ethan Pembrook. He clucked his tongue. That boy had such promise. Gray admired her wrist. Indeed he does! Congratulations, Ms. Gray, Blake said, or is it Mrs. Pembrook now? Not yet. Ethan insisted I invite you to our wedding, Mr. Taggert. He crinkled his nose. Hmph. I imagine you wouldnt want to go. It must be so painful to see others marry when the oracle has yet to bless you with a mate. How old are you now? Fifty? Forty-one, and quite frankly, Ms. Gray, if you and Ethan are an example of the type of matches the oracle is making lately then Im lucky to have escaped her notice. He pushed his chair away from the table with a loud scraping noise. I shant attend your wedding. Tell Ethan he has my condolences. Good evening, Alistair. Gray put her mouth in her hand to laugh at him. He paused once outside the lounge. The exchange caused a knot in his stomach. This was why he let himself be flattered by the boy earlier. This was why he loathed summer vacation. Forty-one and still unmated. What was wrong with him?
The thought of returning to his empty house depressed him. He tried to fathom another reason to dawdle at the school. Then he realized they were talking about him in the lounge. He leaned close to the door. Hes too cross for a mate, Gray said. The oracle isnt going to curse someone. Who wants an old man? But everyone gets mated, Blake said. Its rare someone stays single past forty, but it has happened. The oracle might have a fine widow for him, or a widower even. Ha! Gray said. Ha indeed. Taggert sighed and turned to leave. The elderly headmaster, Douglas McMillian, stood before the exit. He turned and smiled at him. Ah, Callum. How did the first day of school go for you? Its a relief to be back, Douglas. I despise summer break. McMillian maneuvered with his cane to a chair beside the wall and sat. Im just happy to have you here. There are so few of you I can rely on. Did you hear about Ms. Gray? Unfortunately. Shes given me two months to find her replacement. What a bother. The only way Ill hire another woman is if she has a wife. Then I wont have to worry about her running home to rear babies. Taggert lifted his nose. The topic sparked his intellectualism. There wont be many female matches. The census says men outnumber women 3 to 2 now. Thats why
even wretched Ms. Gray found a good husband. Youll see the oracle pairing more men with men these days. McMillian smiled up at him. That would be splendid. Drake and I were starting to seem like an anomaly this last decade. Not at all, Taggert said with conviction. Male couples are a boon to society. The orphanages would be overflowing without them. Here, here. Have you had your tea? Taggert expelled a breath through his nostrils. I suppose Ill have another. He helped McMillian to his feet.
When he arrived at school the next morning he found Duncan already seated in his classroom. Taggert went to his desk while giving him a dubious glance. The boy popped up and presented him with an apple. Taggerts brow furrowed as he accepted it. Why are you here so early? He shrugged while grinning from ear to ear. Taggert tried to find something on his desk to occupy him. It was too early in the year. He had no papers to grade. I know some stuff about you, Mr. Taggert. He eyed him. Do you? Youve never had a mate. Not a once. Youre forty and youre still waiting on the oracle. My personal life is none of your I like your style.
Taggert tapped his pen on his desk. Style doesnt matter, so long as you learn. Not your teaching style, I mean, thats fine and all. I meant I like how you dress. Thisthis is the faculty standard dress code. Duncans eyes seemed to twinkle for a moment. It looks good on you. That did it. Whatever the boy was trying to accomplish, those last words did it. He suddenly felt pierced by Duncans vivid blue eyes. His heart rate quickened. Say something. Do something. He didnt move. Duncan had shattered his authorial veil. The boy didnt see him as a teacher. Taggert never experienced anything like it. He cleared his throat while Duncan stared at him. Then he cleared it again, louder. Do you want to do something after school maybe? Young man! I aint so young. Im already past the legal age for marriage. He wet his lips. DamnI love your hair. Taggert gazed at him with a dropped jaw. That flush on his facewas he aroused? Really? This vital young handsome boy deigned to look at him that way? His eyes darted downward. A horrible thought emergedthat Duncan might be some kind of pervert or deviant. (Hed have to be to want an old man like him, right)? Taggert loathed this thought, but still gave it credence. A female student entered. Duncan ceased staring at him and the tension in the air faded.
Hed investigate him after school. Perhaps the boy needed a mentor. He must approach this as a teacher, and not allow his vulnerability to influence him. Im so glad you came to talk to me about him, Blake while sitting on the edge of his desk. Taggert sat in a students desk before him. The school had emptied but Blakes classroom window was above the athletic field where a noisy practice took place. Why are you glad? Because Duncans a bright boy. Thats why I pushed Douglas to give him a chance to graduate. I do hope youll take him under your wing. Theres nothing about him that you found odd? Blake looked confused. Odd? No. Hes poor, Callum. His house has too many mouths to feed and not enough people bringing in money. He works with his stepfather and two older brothers at the foundry a lot. Taggert scratched his hair. Hmm. What is it? He focused on his folded hands. He seems to beflirting with me. Blake burst with a somewhat goofy high-pitched laugh. Taggert scowled at him. He leaned forward and clapped his hands once in glee. I knew it. I knew it! What? Look out the window. He pointed. All Taggert noticed were the children practicing drills. You see it?
Its the running team or some nonsense. No! Look at the other side of the building. Taggert focused above the commotion. They sat across the eave with his classroom. Blake had a perfect view of his desk. Duncan used to sit where you are and admire you. Taggert blinked. He thinks youre sophisticated man hes ever seen. The way you carry yourself. How your clothes are always so neatly pressed. He imagined Duncan staring at him and got a chill. Sounds like rubbage. Oh no. I swear it. He asked me all sorts of questions about you. And you indulged him? We had a close bond, Callum. Besides, I didnt think he fancied you. I thought he admired you. He studied extra hard when he made it to class. He mentioned university once or twice. I bet a man like Mr. Taggert went to university, he said. His dad was a banker, you know. He died in the Bridgeport fire when Duncan was a toddler. He carries a cameo painting of him. Hes a sharply dressed man with long dark hair. Duncans probably trying to fill the empty place he left in his heart with you. Every sentence fanned an ember of happiness inside Taggert. What Blake said, in short, was: No, hes not a deviant. He really fancies you. Heres why. Then his heart felt as though it sunk lower than his stomach. Why did he dare feel triumph? He could pursue nothing with this boy. Duncan would probably be paired with someone his age before the end of the year.
Taggert stood from the desk with some difficulty. I can help him graduate, so long as he stops being truant. Theres a good fellow. And never mind this crush he has on you. Its not as if hes your soul mate. Taggert froze a moment. He felt as though someone knocked over his tombstone. Dont jinx me. Blake burst out with the girlish laugh again.
On the third morning of school Taggert found Duncan waiting in his classroom again. This shocked him since hed locked the door. How did you get in here? Duncan smiled. Custodian. He saw a new apple on his desk. Shouldnt you give this to one of your hungry siblings? Weve got plenty of apples. Theres a tree behind the house. Hum. Taggert sat and pulled out a stack of papers. Hed already graded them last night, but pretended to be busy anyway. You know, my brother William graduated last year. This year is my year. Williams taking extra shifts for me so I wont have to miss school for work. Splendid. We can use these mornings for tutoring if you need help catching up. Nah. I got better ideas than that.
Something about Duncans tone made him fret inwardly. He focused on his fake work. Were going to see the oracle today, right? Taggert looked at him. The senior prayer. Yes. Im going to pray for her to make us soul mates. He blinked. Why would you ever do anything so completely Im not so bad, am I? He sounded hurt. I aint as suave as you, but not bad looking, am I? And I may be young, but book learning really interests me. I could get smart. Not as smart as you, but smart enough so we could talk to each other. And I can cook. I cook for my little brothers and sisters all the time. What unmitigated! Im more than twice your age. Age doesnt matter when its both men. It aint like Im trying to have a baby with you. Taggert felt stung. The wretch had an answer to everything! Listen, you The pause after this drew a little too long. Taggert didnt know what to say. Hed expected to be interrupted again. All those qualities you mentioned, your looks, your youth, your potential, theyre the reasons why you deserve a fine young mate. You think you dont deserve me? I dont deserve you! Once Im your mate Ill get to live with you in your big house on the hill. There aint no room in my house! He blinked a few times. The boy actually started to convince him.
Besides that, Ill get to focus on learning instead of working night and day in the foundry. Maybe I could even be a teacher one daylike you. All that sounds so damn good to me, but the best part of it? He closed his eyes and gave an ecstatic shudder. His voice became deeper. Getting to be romantic with someone as downright sexy as you. I can just picture kissing your beautiful mouthand then doing more. Stop it! Stop that talk right now or Ill give you the birch!
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Treasured Prince by Yamila Abraham Cover by Feno Copyright 2012 Yaoi Press. *****
On the second day of prince Alatores journey a flying demon dove out of the sky and snatched him off the back of his horse. As the monster carried him away with great sweeps of his black wings Alatore noticed the dark scales over his body. He remembered a wraith he saw illustrated in one of his books that had the same face. That brought to mind a description of perverse acts hed read a few too many times. He wondered if the very demon fiend of the stories now held him. He lamented the prospect of such an ugly demon lover. Though, how could any creature live up to his elaborate fantasies? After daydreaming for several moments Alatore realized he probably should have drawn his sword to fight it. The trees diminished to the size of cotton balls below him. If he broke free now hed drop to his death. Alatore gave an exasperated sigh. He loathed how calm he felt. Had his life truly become so wretched that even this didnt excite him? He felt resignation rather than terror. At least now he didnt have to proceed to his cousins castle for the knight training hed so dreaded. Did you faint? the wraith demon thing said with a voice that caused scary reverberations in his middle. Nope, Alatore said. Just enjoying the view.
After a moment of perplexed silence the demon snorted. Good, woman. Hysterics wouldnt help you, anyway. Alatore rolled his eyes. Really? Even a magical demon thing couldnt tell his gender? His angelic face of alabaster skin framed by gleaming tresses of black hair caused him to be him mistaken for a woman almost daily. At the inn outside his village he let the confusion persist to see how far men would go. The frequent rejection once his manhood sprang free became tedious. Would the wraith drop him if he cleared up the matter forthwith? He decided not to test it. Sowhere are we headed? Listen, wench. The demon had a sharp, impatient tone. Your purpose is to cure my master from his doldrums. Be obedient and youll be inopportuned but a single night. Lord Vartan has potions that will bring you to the heights of ecstasy in his bed. If youre a virgin he even has a cream that will renew your hymen in the morning. Be wise and submit. Understood? Alatore nodded while considering. Perhaps this Lord Vartan would better match his ideal. A gleaming white castle perched on an icy mountain top came into view. Alatore finally felt a tendril of excitement. That portcullisthis looks like something from the Capulance Age. Whats it made of? Marble? The demon lowered his head to sneer at him. You concern yourself with architecture at a time like this? What a strange woman you are.
Alatore felt a heated flare of annoyance. Is it marble or isnt it? He grit his teeth and tried to swallow the emotion. The demon had a pointhe probably should concern himself with more pressing matters. He set him down in front of ivory domed doors that rose tall enough to touch the clouds above them. Alatore gaped. Then he realized the massive size of the monster next to him. His wings folded into his back and magically transformed into some manner of ragged black cape. He placed a large clawed hand on the princes shoulder and ushered him in. Alatore crossed a vast foyer flanked by staircases. The wraith brought him up the left side. He walked down a wide mezzanine to a seemingly arbitrary room. The demon pushed him in and closed the door behind him. He stood blinking at the threshold of the large bedchamber. Tables and shelves of antiquities obscured the tile floor. Alatore edged his way through one narrow path to marvel at a three tiered lamp. He slid his fingers over the golden filigree. My word. Next to this sat a minx goddess statuette from the Lynette region. Alatore gasped and touched its bosom. In the row beyond this stood a massive vase nearly twice his height with the frosted glass technique perfected by master Blannex Chang. Oh my God! Alatore looked for a path to get to it. He nearly leapt out of his skin when a hand came on his shoulder. You find something exciting?
Alatore looked. Lord Vartan stood half a foot taller than him, but had a much broader frame. Alatore noted his pointed ears and ashen skin and realized at once he wasnt human. With radiant long blond hair, dense muscles, and an elegant tattoo tracing over his shirtless body he suddenly became Alatores new ideal. The demons dark eyes captivated him. The way he loomed over him made Alatores stomach feel as though it dropped. At the same time he saw a spark of intelligence in the somber face that was eerily compelling. It took effort for Alatore to look away long enough to compose a sentence. Is that one of the seven minx goddesses? Vartan turned to where he pointed slowly. Yourefamiliar? Giddiness overtook Alatores fear. My God, yes! I read the seven allegories about a thousand times. That looks just like the visage of Criana. Thats exactly what it is. A touch of excitement betrayed the demons icy faade. Its the original casting from 7,000 years ago. The very one forged in the Vultic cavern. Alatore covered his mouth with both hands. He felt like crying. Hed never known such overwhelming joy. If hed been more comfortable around Vartan he would have hopped up and down. The demon led him further down the path. If youre a fan of Lynette antiquities, then take a look at this Im a fan of Lynette, Capulance, Duran, Veevoff, Mangulsance Vartan looked back with his brow raised in interest. Veevoff? Really? Veevoff isnt entirely obscene.
Vartan spoke over him. I agree. Theres some educational verses. Every free second I have Im devouring another book, though. I cant believe what Im seeing here. Its like a museum of everything thats ever fascinated me. The demon smiled. The way his face creased told Alatore this didnt happen often. Vartan took his hand to lead him further. Nagog has outdone himself. I thought he was going to bring me some random wench. I didnt expect anyone as bright as you. Vartan gave him haphazard tour down the aisle. He headed for the other Lynette antiquity, but became side tracked by a dozen objects along the way. Alatore couldnt help but interrupt him whenever he saw something that made his heart sing. After an hour he felt as comfortable with Vartan as with an old friend. He even made the demon laugh for a few scant seconds. They exited the aisle to a large circular bed partly hidden by flowing draperies. Alatore became enraptured by the brocade. Is this native Banshaw weaving? Vartan wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him against his body. Alatore froze with shock. The demon locked his dark gaze on him. Im keeping you. He brought a hand to the back of Alatores head and kissed him. The princes eyes widened. He felt his alarm should have lasted longer than it did. Nagog (his demon kidnapper) had warned him of this eventuality from the very start. The threat remained in the back of his head all through Vartans tour.
The prince hesitated long enough for Vartan to deepen the kiss. He pressed their bodies together. Alatore flinched, but still didnt get on with his requisite resistance. After fantasizing about scenes like this it was hard not to cave to the reality. Something felt right when it shouldnt have. Vartan smelled good. The power behind his touch had a confidence that extinguished protest. Alatores chest grew warm and he felt a flutter in his belly. Worst of all he grew tiredweakened the way he had when he kissed Davide, his first crush, at the winter solstice. That same spark hit him now. It wasnt love, but it was that silly idiot feeling that indicated love might be possible. They were probably compatible horoscope signs. Their Mortan Bloodstones probably glowed when they were beside each other. If they tried to cross the lovers bridge of Raltidly Well, Vartan pushed him back onto the bed, so he should probably do something. Alatore broke the kiss and turned his head away. He didnt know if he could find words if he gazed into the demons eyes. Im a man. I figured that out after ten minutes. Ive decided not to care. He steered Alatores chin back toward him and resumed kissing. This time he moved his hands beneath his cloak. Deft fingers searched over his body. Alatores face bore distress. His stomach felt so fluttery. Every pleasant touch sapped his strength further. Vartan threw off Alatores cloak and then slid up his tunic. The prince grabbed his hand. Ermwait.
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Ice Cage by Yamila Abraham Cover by Himitsu Studio Copyright 2012 Yaoi Press. All rights reserved. *****
Now is time for birthday spanks! The burly Ukrainian Mikhail grabbed Tyler before he could dart to freedom. His slice of chocolate cake plopped onto the floor of the laboratory. No way! Tyler flailed in the massive mans arms. Let me go! The svelte Austrian scientist Sebastian dragged Mikhails chair from the main console. Is American tradition, yah? One spank for each year, so, was ist das? Twentyseven spanks? Mikhail sat and threw Tyler over his knee. You guys are just coming up with an excuse to be perverted! Oh ho ho! Mikhails bellowing laugh shook him. Three months trapped here with us, and he only figures this now? Tyler grit his teeth. Son of a! A massive hand squashed the middle of his ass. Tyler swallowed his words. He knew better than to anger the large man while in such a hapless position. Odin! Dva! Tri! A powerful slap followed each numeral Mikhail called out. Sebastian took over while clapping with a malevolent slit-eyed smile. Vier, fnf, sechs...
Tyler kept still through the relatively good-natured torment. Whatever they had planned next worried him more. Hed taken the job as an ESL teacher for two scientists in a Siberian natural gas outpost nearly three months ago. The year long assignment paid an astronomical 100,000 with room and board included. For someone barely able to make the rent on his crowded flat in Italy Tyler couldnt say no. Sebastian stopped counting to look at the cake on the floor. Ack, so sloppy. I will go clean. He went to the kitchen for a rag. Tyler knew the obsessive man wouldnt let the mess last long. Mikhail continued spanking him unabated. Tyler should have become suspicious when his potential employers asked for photographs before hiring him. After years of working in corrupt European ESL schools he was used to shady assignments. Of course his stunning blue eyes, refined cheekbones, and long flaxen locks of hair got him the job. If he wasnt so petite he probably could have been a male model. Shortly after arriving at the cramped glorified igloo he found the job had nothing to do with teaching English. He would merely be a companion to the two lonely scientists in an arctic laboratory. They admitted soliciting their wealthy corporation for a new perk: someone cute to brighten their miserable existence. The 53 year old Russian Mikhail had a wife (who he apparently permitted to keep a lover during his long absences) and the 47 year old Austrian Sebastian was gay. Hence, they requested their youthful handsome teacher to be male. Zwanzig fnf, zwanzig sechs, zwanzig sieben.
Mikhail switched from beating to massaging. Tylers ass throbbed too much for him to complain. He wished it didnt feel so good. The Austrian clucked his tongue. You have gone quiet, lieber. Tyler knew he referred to him. Lieber meant something like dear in German. Im in pain, he said. Were done, right? Mikhail groped his ass causing him a pleasant shiver. What a fragile thing! You let Mikhail enjoy you, but leave me deprived? Have we not an agreement regarding this? Tyler stood and soothed his sore behind. He gave Sebastian an incredulous look. What? What the heck do you want? I would like to spank you, also. Forget it! Sebastian went to his seat at the computer console and pouted. Not fair. My butts sore. He probably bruised me. Ah! The Austrian brightened. Shall I apply a liniment for you? No thank you. Storming away might have been appropriate at that moment. Tyler didnt know if he was excused from the birthday party yet. Besides that, he could scarcely put any distance between them. Their rounded shelter resembled a space craft. The front of the chamber had two computer consoles and a massive window tinted with frost. The console room also served as their living quarters. Tyler had the top rung of a bunk bed he shared with Sebastian. Mikhail did his loud snoring in a second bunk bed across the room. They had military style lockers for their belongings. A kitchenette lined the back of the octagonal
shelter. The only closed off areas were an unheated storage room and a bathroom with a stand-up shower. Tyler spent most of his time jumping rope or sitting in a small alcove with the satellite TV. When the men werent working he could get on the Internet at their console. Tyler was adventurous enough not to be depressed by the claustrophobic quarters. The two scientists handled it even better than him, and they lived there 50 weeks a year. After only one month Tyler got a hint about how they managed so well. In the middle of the night he heard sounds across the room from him. Sebastian was no longer below him, and a curtain blocked Mikhails bunk. The bed squeaked at a rhythm. He heard Sebastian whimpering bitte over and over. He had to masturbate twice to get rid of his erection. How can you be so cruel to Sebastian? Mikhail scowled at him and crossed his arms. After he made you delicious trifle. It wasnt just a trifle. Tyler looked at the remains of the cake on the kitchen counter. German chocolate cake. You realize its not called German chocolate in my home, Sebastian said. Austrian chocolate? He noted Sebastians pissy tone and fumed. Are you going to be in a bad mood all night? Yah! Tyler frowned. Wellwhat can I do? Its like the only way I can please you guys is by letting you molest me. Sebastians brow rose. No!
Dont worry. Mikhail stood. I give him my gift and hell be more friendly. He went into the frigid storage room. I dont like the sound of that. Just so you know. Tylers face took the defeated expression that had become typical for him. It was better than the terror that he first showed when it seemed the two men might have lured him there to rape him. After getting to know them for a while he got over that notion. Yes, they were horny, and flirted too aggressively with him. One of them was gay, and the other had turned prison gay. Tyler also came to know them as dedicated scientists who could be fascinating to talk to. Lately hed been feeling resigned. The two men pursued him seriously. If he fought then as virulently as the situation dictated hed make his life miserable there. On the night where he knew they were fucking he considered giving up for the first time. Once that idea seeped into his brain he noticed less tension in his shoulders. The weeks that followed seemed almost carefree. Mikhail emerged with a bottle of vodka that had a bow tied to the neck. Tylers eyes widened. Happy birthday, milaya Tyler. He took the bottle with both hands. Really? Are you sure, Mikhail? Of course! Thank you so much! He hugged him. Mikhail towered over him and had a frame almost too broad for Tyler to embrace. Sebastian strode for the kitchen. Lets all share.
He returned with a set of cordial glasses. Mikhail placed them on the edge of the console to pour. When the scent of alcohol hit Tylers nose he realized the implications. He blinked a few times. Wait a minute. Mikhail didnt wait. He handed out the glasses. Tyler stared at his. If I drink with you, will you promise not to take advantage of me? If you drink with us, we promise we will take advantage of you! Mikhail said. What? Yah, Sebastian said. Dah. Bottoms up. The two drained their glasses. Tyler hesitated with a furrowed brow, but then temptation won over trepidation. Mikhail filled his glass again. I better not. But it is your birthday, Sebastian said. His voice seemed cunning. And I have a gift for you, also. Tyler became dubious. What is it? The thin man lowered his eyelashes. I tell you if you drink that. He hesitated, but knew hed drink it. The prospect of intoxication was irresistible. He downed the glass and put it on the console. A twinge of vertigo struck him that he knew would get worse. He kept his voice steady. So Sebastian grabbed his crotch. Tyler flinched onto his tiptoes.
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TrappedWizard by YamilaAbraham CoverbyHimitsuStudio Copyright2012YaoiPress.Allrightsreserved. ***** KingPercivalwalkedthroughaportionofthecastlethathadcrumbledtoruins.Hehadntseen theareasincechildhood(notterriblylongago).Hesteppedoveratoppledpillarthroughbladesof sunlightstreamingfromdecomposingstone.Thenhereachedanimposingwoodendoorcurvedtofita massivetower. ThevoiceofLordArchiebundboomedthroughthedarkpassagewaywhenheentered. Youbetterbetheking,andthisbetterbeimportant. Percivalwinced.Thetowerstairsstankofsomepungentherbalsmoke.Onebreathofitsent hisheadreeling.Heretreatedintotheclearerairoftheruins. Damn. Percivalpulledouthishandkerchieftocoverhisnose.Withalltheperilshehadtoendureto reachthiswizardhedidntneedanintoxicatingstench.Heplowedthroughthehazeuntilheascended circularsteps. Youbetterbetheking,andthisbetterbe
Heclimbedhighenoughforthemagicalwarningtogrowmuddled.Hisheadfeltthesameway. Thesmokeonlygrewdenserthefurtherherose.Hiseyesbegantosting.Heclosedthemtofeelhis wayalongabanisterthathadsomemannerofslimyvinegrowingonit. Theairgotbreathableforamoment.Percivalopenedhiseyestoseehenowstoodupside down.Themagicalstairswoundontotheceiling.Herememberedthistrickfromwhenhisfather broughthimtomeetthewizardagesago.Heclosedhiseyesagainandhurriedon.Awaveofvertigo indicatedhedclimbedthroughanotherloopthatrightedhim.Percivalfacedasmoothdoorwitha constanttidalwaveofsmokepouringfromthegapbeneath.Hegatheredenoughofhiswitstopound onit. Itsopen,saidthesamevoiceastheonethathadwarnedhim. Percivalpressedopenthedoortoawallofsmoke. LordArchiebund!Hegaggedwhenhedrewbreathtospeak. Getridofthissmoke,afemalevoicesaid.Youregoingtosuffocatehim. Thesmokesuddenlycleared.Percivaldrewlongbreathsofsweetairuntilhissensesreturned. Thenhelookedaroundhim.Hestoodinadingy,albeitcomfortable,alcoveofodditiesmingledwiththe necessitiesfoundinalivingquarters.Archiebundsatatsmokingvesselsoenormousitservedasthe centerpostholdinguptheceiling.Theonlyremnantofthesmokeswirledinsidethecloudedglass.The wizardreclinedonamassivecushionbeforeitholdingaslenderhookahhose.Asnakewithbatwings andwhatlookedlikeadollslongsilkenwigonitsheadrestedonhislap. BesideshisbloodshoteyesandpaleskinArchiebundlookedlikeayouthfuldarkhairedman. ThissurprisedPercival.Heshouldhavebeenatleast100yearsold.
Yourenottheking,Archiebundsaidwhilestaringathim. Iam,actually.Myfatherretiredlastmonthandgavemethethrone. Oh!thesnakesaidwhiletiltingherheadwithaffection.Youknowwhothisis. Archiebundlookedathimmorecarefully.Percival?LittlePrincePercival? Heliftedhisnose.KingPercival.Yourking,now.Youshouldshowmealittle ArchiebundroseandstrodetowardhimfastenoughforPercivaltofeelawaveofpanic.The wizardliftedhimoffthegroundwithahug.Percivalrealizedhisfrighteningheight. LittleprincePercivalallgrownup!Heswunghiminacircle.Whatapleasure!Ha,ha! Percivalfeltdisarmed.Thenthehugwentonlongenoughtobeawkward.Herealized Archiebundstillsufferedfromtheeffectsofthesmoke.Hestruggledoutofhisarms. Thewingedsnakewithawomansvoicefluttereddowntolandonhisshoulder.Percivallooked ather.Shehadcutesparklyeyesandabigreptilesmile.Thehairhethoughttobeadollswigwas actuallyrootedtoherscalyscalp. Doyourememberme?thesnakesaid.Fluta? Vaguely,Percivalsaid.Idontrememberyouflyingortalking. Ididntwanttoscareyou.Youweresuchanadorablelittleboy. Indeed!Archiebundsaid. Percivalcrossedtheroomtolookatablackglobe(oneoftheoddities).Hedidntmindthe snakeremainingonhisshoulder.Healwayskeptlotsofpets.
Youhaventagedatall,LordArchiebund. Notadaypast30.Thatsthepromiseofmyyouthspell.Idbe165withoutit.Deadactually. Percivalsbrowrose.Helookedbackattheglobe.Smallislandsstartedtoappearonitscrown. Andwhatisthisthing?Heshookhishead,forcingFlutatorightherselfonhisshoulder.No.Thats notwhyImhere.HespuntowardsArchiebund.Theresanarmyofgoblinsheadedforus. Flutagasped. Archiebundwenttoasmokymirrorbesidetheglobe.Goblins?Areyousure.Mightyoube misclassifyingsomemorebenigncreature?Hewavedhishandbeforethemirror. Ilookeduptheirdescriptioninmybooksandtheymatchedthepictureof Archiebundsilencedhimwithhispalm.Hismirrorshowedthegoblinarmyteamingacrossa field. Mymymy.Whatyouhavehereisgoblins.Spikeyblackhair,stumpylittlebodies,hooked noses.Nodoubtaboutit. Percivalblinked. Quiteahordeofthem,too.Fartoomanyformetohandle.Icankillone,maybe,ifImhaving agoodday. Percivalblanched.What? Dontworry,Flutasaid.Hehashisways.Sheturnedheradornedsnakeheadtowards Archiebund.Scythealmostnailedyoulasttime.Youbettersoberup. Archiebunddashedpastthemtothedoor.Notime!
Flutacringed.(Percivalfoundherrangeofexpressionuncanny).Thisisntgoingtoendwell. PercivalrantokeepupwithArchiebunddownthecircularstairway. WhosScythe? Averypowerfuldemon,Flutasaid.Hecandestroythegoblins,buthespureevil.Just ohhh!Sheshuddered.Dastardly.Archiebundhastoputaruneonhimsomehowtoforcehimto obey.Hesdoneitafewtimesbeforebarely.Scytheisonhisguard. Thestaircasewoundupsidedown.Percivalswallowed.Thepassageturnedfarmoreharrowing withoutsmokecloudinghismindandvision.HepressedonwardtokeepupwithArchiebund. Whereishegoing? ToScytheslair. Isitfar? Notatall!Hehashimimprisonedinthecatacombs. Percivalseyeswidened.Theresanevildemonlivingunderthecastle? Theyemergedintotheruins.Archiebundledthemtowardsacollapsedwing.Therubble separatedatsomearbitrarydivisionandseemedtorollapartoncasters.Thewizardneverallowedhis determinedstridetofalter.PercivalandFlutafollowedhimtoadoomedcausewaythatendedindusty stonestepsleadingdownward. ShouldIbegoingwithyou?Percivalsaid. Scytheisinaninvisiblecell.Aslongasyoudontgointoityoullbesafe.Hewontbeableto seeorhearus.
Archiebundkeptuphisfreneticpaceinthemustycellar.Hewavedtorchesmagicallyalightwith hishandashepassedthem.Percivalstruggledtokeepup.Archiebundhaltedsuddenlyandhecrashed intothemansback. Umph! Stop!Hepointedinfrontofthem.Andlook. Percivalcamearoundhimtoseeanilluminatedcavern.Thefloorturnedfromdirtintopristine whitetile.Atwostorylivingareasprawledoutbeforethemfullofornatefurnitureandloadedbook shelves.Aloftwithgildedrailinghungabovetheroomwithdoorwaysleadingtoseveralchambers.The kingstaredwithhisjawdropped. Stayoffthetile,Archiebundsaid.Thatstheboundary.Ifyouwanderintohisliarhellkill you.Andhesdownrightartisticwithhisviolence.Hedrawsouthistortureanabdominallylongtime whenhesbored. Percivalbithisbottomlip.Pointtaken.Thisisluxurious. Yes,well,wedontwanthimtobeuncomfortable,dowe? FlutametPercivalseyes.Archiebundhasabitofacrushonhim.IfScythewasnthellbenton disembowelinghimtheymighthaveaniceromance. Nonsense!Isethimupthiswaysohedoesntgetangryatme. Flutashookherheadandmouthed,Hesquitesmitten. Theywalkedaroundtheperimetertogether.Percivalsheartstartedracing.Hespoketohide hisnervousness.
Idontcareifyoufancyhimornot.Ifhesthisdangerousyoushouldntkeephimundermy Archiebundthrusthisarmoutinfrontofhisface. Shh! Percivalfollowedhiseyes.Justpastoneofthelargebookshelvesafiguresleptatatable.His facerestedinanopenbook.Percivalcameasclosetotheedgeashedared.Hefirstnoticedthetwo smallhorns.Thedemonhadlongwhitehairthatspilledoveraslenderback.Heworesomethinglikea loinclothewithornatechainsloopingoverhiships.Mostofhispalefleshwasbare.Percivalsearched fordemonicfeatures.Hesawsharpenedfingernailspaintedwithgold.Thenherealizedthemanhad smallgoldenhoovesratherthanfeet.Helaystillenoughtobemistakenfordead. Excellent! PercivallookedatArchiebund.Thewizardhadamanicgleaminhisbloodshoteyes. Hesasleep. Heliftedahand.Anorangeglowingdiskwithanunfamiliarcharacterappearedbeforeit. Waitaminute,Archiebund,Flutasaid,Dontyouthinkthisisalittletoogoodtobetrue? Nonsense.Evendemonshavetorest. Hestrodeontothetile.Percivalshandwenttohisheart.AwalloflightflickeredasArchiebund crossedtheinvisibleboundary.HewenttoScytheandslappedtheruneontohisforearm. Excepthedidntconnectwiththearm.Hehitwood.TheillusionofScythesleepingvanished. Therealdemonappearedontheothersideofthetable.Theruneslidoverthewoodintohiswaiting
hand.Itchangedfromorangetoblue,thesymbolonittransformed,andthenitflewoutofScythes handtovanishintoArchiebundsforehead.Thewizardtotteredbackandcaughthimselfonachair. Percivalblinkedandshookhishead.Whatwhatjusthappened? Iknewitwasatrap! ThepaininFlutasvoicemadePercivalsheartbeateverfaster.Sheflutteredupfromhis shoulderwhiletugginghisshirtwithhertail. Wevegottogetoutofhere.ScythejustenslavedArchiebund! Percivalstoodfrozen.Thedemonworeacunningsmile.Hisfacehadastrangebeautypale anddolllike. ArchiebundsmiledbackatScythe(givingPercivalhope).Hewaggedhisfingerathim. Youvelearnedsomenewtricks. Imsopleasedyounoticed. ThehissingdemonicvoicegavePercivalashiver. Illusions? LordMorecooksbookofspells. Morecook?Fabulous.Imquiteafan.Buthowdidyoumanifestarune?Ithoughtthemagic wastoopurefordemons. Ididntmanifestone,Isimplymanipulatedyours.Youdescribedhowtodoitinthatexemplary bookofrunesyouwrote.
Imflatteredyoureadmywork.Stillyouvealwayshadsuchnaturaldestructivepower.I neverthoughtyoudtakeaninterestinspellcasting.Itseemstoomodestforyou. Scythestrodeforhimwithaclopofhishooves.Myobsessionisaspellcaster.Hence,I endeavoredtolearn. ArchiebundsthroatbobbedinagulpwhenScythecameinfrontofhim.Percivalbecameaware ofhisterror.Tearsstartedtobuildatthebackofhiseyes.Whataboutthekingdom?Whataboutthe goblins? ScytheputhishandsonArchiebundsshoulders.Thedemonstoodseveralinchesshorterthan him.HestaredupintoArchiebundseyes.Archiebundturnedslightlyaway,asifsomethingunpalatable werebeforehisnose. Yourobsession? You,Archiedear. Scytheleantforwardtokisshim.Archiebundsheadtiltedback.Asthedemonpursued somethingseemedtogiveinsideArchiebund.Heclosedhiseyesandlettheirlipsmeet.Scytheslanted hisheadwhilebringingtheirbodiesclose.Theylingeredtogetherforlongmoments.WhenScythe brokeawayArchiebunddidntopenhiseyes. Ialwaystriedtomakesureyouwerecomfortable. Percivalcouldbarelymakeouthiswhisper. Cantyourepaythefavorbykillingmequickly? Scythewhisperedagainsthislips.Imnotgoingtokillyou,Archie.Thisisarape.