Notes On Linear Programming

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Notes on Linear Programming

James Aspnes April 4, 2004

Linear Programming

Linear programs are a class of combinatorial optimization problems involving minimizing or maximizing a linear function of a of some real-valued variables subject to constraints that are inequalities on additional linear functions of those variables. We will not discuss the details of the standard algorithms for solving linear programs much, for reasons that will be explained in more detail later. However, linear programming is a very powerful tool for representing a wide variety of optimization problems, and it is important to be able to recognize when a problem can be formulated in terms of a linear program so that it can be solved using these standard tools. If you want to read more about linear programming, some good references are Chvatals Linear Programming and Papadimitriou and Steiglitzs Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity. More advanced references are Schrijvers Theory of Linear and Integer Programming and Grtschel, Lovasz, and Schrijvers Geometrical Algorithms and Combinatoo rial Optimization.



In order to understand the traditional examples of linear programs, it helps to think like a mid-level apparatchik in a Soviet economic planning bureaucracy of the 1950s or, equivalently, like a mid-level manager in a large U.S. manufacturing company of the same period. Imagine that you have a warehouse full of parts that can be assembled into either tanks or tractors. Assembling and operating each tank requires 8 wheels, 1 body, 1 turret, and 1 workers. Each tractor requires 4 wheels, 1 body, no turret, and 3 workers. Under a guns equal butter policy, tanks and tractors are equally valuable to the revolution (or, in the case of the manufacturing company, to the shareholders). In addition, every worker must be employed, even if 1

maximize x1 + x2 subject to 8x1 + 4x2 x1 + x2 x1 x1 + 3x2 x1 x2

272 59 48 = 112 0 0

Figure 1: Guns vs butter optimization problem. The number of tanks produced is given by x1 and tractors is given by x2 . The constraints, in order, correspond to the limited supply of wheels, bodies, turrets, and workers, and the restrictions that we cant produce a negative number of tanks or tractors. it means making a suboptimal number of tanks and tractors. In your warehouse you have 272 wheels, 59 bodies, 48 turrets, and 112 workers. Your goal is to maximize the total production subject to the limits of what parts are available in the warehouse. Written as a linear program, the tanks-and-tractor problem might look something like the linear program in Figure 1. Feeding this program to your favorite linear program solver gives the optimal solution of 18.4 tanks and 31.2 tractors.


The general form of a linear program

The example in Figure 1 illustrates many of the features of a typical linear program. There is a single objective function x1 + x2 that we would like to maximize. This objective function is linear; it is of the form j cj xj where the xj are the variables of the linear program and the cj are the objective function coecients (in this case, 1 and 1). The rest of the program consists of constraints. Each constraint in a linear programming species a linear function of the variables and requires that that linear function be , , or = some constant.1
If youre wondering where < and > constraints might t in, they are generally taken to be equivalent to or constraints. The reason is that linear programs are usually solved using oating-point numbers on real machines with round-o error. When x1 is really x1 , the distinction between x1 > 2 and x1 2 is largely theoretical.


Linear programs in canonical form

People who work in this area sometimes make a distinction between linear programs in general form, like the one in Figure 1, and those in canonical form. In canonical form, the objective function is always to be maximized, every constraint is a constraint, and all variables are implicitly constrained to be non-negative. Any linear program can be reduced to canonical form by simple transformations; for example, the constraint x1 + x2 = 112 can be replaced by two constraints x1 + x2 112 and x1 x2 112, and a variable y that is allowed to be negative or not can be replaced by an expression y + y , where y + and y are both non-negative. The advantage of making all the constraints less-than-or-equal constraints is that we can write the entire constraint set succinctly using matrix notation. If we similarly use vector notation to represent the variables x and the object coecients c, even huge linear programs turn into nice little expressions like max{cx|x 0, Ax b}, where c is a row vector with n elements, x is a column vector with n elements, b is a column vector with m elements, and A is an m n matrix. Note that vectors are compared componentwise; x y if and only if xi yi for all indices i. Having a simple standardized representation for linear programs is useful when we want to state theorems about linear programs without having to wade through a lot of special cases. However, for the purposes of reducing an algorithmic problem to a linear program, its not necessary to go all the way to canonical form. Anything that is clearly a linear program is ne.


Infeasibility and unboundedness

Not all linear programs have solutions. The linear program in Figure 2 has an inconsistent set of constraints: there is no assignment to x1 and x2 that makes all the constraints simultaneously true. Such linear programs are called infeasible. An equally troublesome diculty is illustrated by the linear program in Figure 3. Here there exist solutions that satisfy the constraints, but there still does not exist an optimum solution. The reason is that the objective function x1 + x2 can be made arbitrarily large. Such linear programs are called unbounded. Infeasibility and unboundedness are, fortunately, the only things that can go wrong in a linear program. Any linear program that is neither infeasible 3

maximize x1 + x2 subject to x1 + x2 9 x1 7 x2 5 Figure 2: An infeasible linear program. maximize x1 + x2 subject to x1 7 x2 5 Figure 3: An unbounded linear program. nor unbounded has at least one optimum. A good linear programming algorithm should nd this optimum, or, if no optimum exists, report whether the problem is infeasibility or unboundedness.



Lets suppose we have a linear program in canonical form: max{cx|x 0, Ax b} (1)

and suppose further that we have a candidate solution x that we think is optimal. How do we prove this? Wed like to combine the inequalities in Ax b to get a new inequality of the form cx z. We can combine inequalities in the usual way by adding them together, possibly after scaling each one by a non-negative ratio (negative ratios would reverse the sign of the inequality, which we dont want). In matrix notation, this corresponds to multiplying each side of Ax b from the left by a row vector y; yA is a linear combination of the rows of A and yb is the corresponding linear combination of the rows of b. If y 0, we have yAx yb. So now we just need to arrange for yA to equal c, while making yb as small as possible.

This is a linear program, the dual of our original program (1): min{yb|y 0, yA = c}. (2)

Linear programming duality says that the solution to the dual and the solution to the original, or primal program match exactly: max{cx|x 0, Ax b} = min{yb|y 0, yA = c}. (3)

Linear programming duality shows how to prove that x is an optimal solution; we just exhibit the corresponding y with cx = by, and we know we cant do better. This relationship is the basis of a family of linear programmingbased algorithms called primal-dual algorithms that solve problems by alternating between improving separate primal and dual solutions. An important feature of the relationship between the primal and dual is called complementary slackness. Complementary slackness says that any constraint corresponding to a nonzero element of y is tight; or, conversely, that slack constraints are assigned zero weight by y. This is not entirely surprising if we think if the dual as a way to nd the best bound on cx by combining constraints; those constraints that are not tight will not give the best bound, so we want to leave them out by multiplying them by zero.


Fractional vs integral solutions

Sometimes we write a linear program that we hope will give us an integer solution, and it gives us fractional glop instead. Unfortunately, insisting on integral solutions may make nding an optimum much harder. For example, suppose we want to solve the maximum independent set problem. An independent set is a set of vertices in a graph such that no two vertices in the set are adjacent. A maximum independent set (MIS for short) is just an independent set containing the largest possible number of vertices. Figure 4 gives a linear program for nding a maximum independent set in a graph G = (V, E). Maximum independent set is a well-known NP-complete problem, so we dont really expect this to work. To see what goes wrong, let G be a triangle. Since all the vertices are adjacent to one another, any MIS consists of a single vertex. But the linear program of Figure 4 has a slightly better solution: let 1 3 x1 = x2 = x3 = 2 . This dubious MIS has a suspicious total size of 2 , and each vertex is half in and half out of it. Erwin Schroedinger might buy it, but graph theorists will not be impressed.

maximize vV xv subject to xu + xv 1 uv E xv 0 v V xv 1 v V Figure 4: Maximum independent set as a linear program. Each variable xv indicates whether the corresponding vertex v is or is not in the independent set. Independence is enforced by the xu + xv 1 constraints. Insisting on integer solutions, even if they are worse than some fractional solution, gives integer linear programming problem. This problem is in general NP-hard, since it solves NP-hard problems like maximum independent set. 1.6.1 Total unimodularity

It is sometimes possible to show that a particular linear program or class of linear programs will always have integral solutions. A general way to do this is to show that the matrix A of constraint coecients is totally unimodular, which means that the determinant of every square submatrix is 1, 0, or +1. If A is totally unimodular and b is integral, then for any c there is some integral solution x that maximizes cx while satisfying Ax b. Totally unimodular matrices are not always easy to recognize by inspection, though there exists a (complicated) general polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether a given matrix is totally unimodular. It is usually easier to detect when a matrix is not totally unimodular. Since the square submatrices of A include individual elements, this means that all individual coecients must themselves be 1, 0, or +1. Similarly, if one can nd a submatrix with a determinant other than 1, 0, or +1 then A is not totally unimodular. An example of a matrix that is not totally unimodular is the constraint coecient matrix for the linear program in Figure 4 when G is a triangle. A criterion that is handy for recognizing some easy cases that arise from graph problems is the following: Lemma 1 If every row (alternatively, every column) of a matrix A contains either no nonzero entries or exactly one 1 and exactly one +1, then A is 6

totally unimodular. The usefulness of Lemma 1 is that such matrices naturally arise from directed graphs, where the coecient Aij is 1 when vertex i is the source of edge j, +1 when its the sink, and 0 otherwise. When applying Lemma 1, remember to put the linear program in canonical form rst. For some problems one may have to remove duplicate rows or columns rst; this does not aect total unimodularity since any submatrix containing parts of two duplicate rows or columns has determinant 0.


Optimization problems that are not linear programs

A common trap is to write a would-be linear program that is not quite linear. Suppose that the leadership of our communist dictatorship and/or large manufacturing corporation decides to measure the productivity of our factory by multiplying the number of tanks by the number of tractors. The objective function is then x1 x2 , which is a perfectly good objective function, only its not linear. Because the objective function isnt linear, we cant use linear programming to solve this problem. Similarly, a constraint like x2 + x2 312 would violate the requirement that the constraints be 1 linear. Allowing quadratic constraints is a sneaky way to permit integer linear programming, since we can force a variable x to be 0 or 1 by setting x2 x = 0 and can build bigger integers out of 0-1 variables by representing them in binary. So we can expect that deviating from linearity eliminates any guarantee that the problem can be solved eciently.

Algorithms for linear programming

There are many algorithms for solving linear programs, some of which are practical, and some of which run in polynomial time in the worst case. Sadly, these two sets are (at the moment) disjoint. This split requires considering the possibility that asymptotic worst case analysis might not always be the best tool for identifying algorithms that are useful in practice, a possibility so horrifying that we will concentrate on reducing other problems to linear programming and skip over most of the details of how these linear programs are actually solved. This section gives enough detail about the two methods to win the Linear Programming category on Jeopardy, but not really enough to understand what is actually going on at the level you might need, say, to implement the algorithms. If you dont want to read about linear programming 7

Method Simplex Ellipsoid

Typical cost O(n2 m) O(n8 )

Worst case cost Very bad O(n8 )

Table 1: Everything you need to know about solving linear programs.

trivia, skip to the convenient summary in Table 1. If you want to really understand these algorithms, see the references at the beginning of Section 1.


The Simplex Method

The simplex method, invented in 1951 by Dantzig, has the desirable property of running in time comparable to Gaussian elimination for typical inputs. It has the undesirable property of running in exponential time for carefully constructed pathological inputs. The key idea of the simplex method is that the set of points that satisfy the constraints of a feasible linear program form a body in n-dimensional space called a polytope, which is a convex body with at faces. These at faces are shaved o by the constraints ax b, each of which cuts the space in half along the hyperplane {x|ax = b}. A solution to the linear program is the corner of the polytope that is farthest in the c direction, where cx is the objective function. To nd this corner, the simplex method starts at some corner (any one will do), and walks uphill along edges until it cant go any further. The current location at each step is represented by a set of n constraints for which ax = b (called the basis), which uniquely identify some corner (since we can solve for x by solving a system of n equations in n unknowns). Moving from one corner to the next involves swapping a new constraint for one of the constraints in the basis, a process called pivoting. There are many variants of the simplex algorithm based on dierent choices of pivoting rules, which determine which of the constraints to swap into and out of the basis, but the essential idea is that as long as we can avoid going in circles, we eventually reach the top of the polytope. In the worst case we may talk a long spiraling path that hits every vertex of the polytope; there are examples of linear programs with n variables and m = n constraints in which simplex runs for 2n steps. However, for good pivoting rules and typical inputs simplex tends to take O(n) steps, each of which costs O(mn) time. So in practice simplex behaves like an O(n2 m) algorithm most of the time. 8


The Ellipsoid Method

The ellipsoid method, invented in 1979 by Khachian, is an algorithm for solving linear programs that runs in polynomial time in the worst case. Sadly, the polynomial is no better than O(n5 ) even with very generous cost assumptions, such as being able to do arithmetic with (n3 ) bits of precision in constant time. Since we usually assume constant-time arithmetic only for numbers of reasonable size (no more than O(log n) bits), a more accurate asymptotic running time would be O(n8 ). Because the running time is usually much larger than the typical running time of simplex (and other similar algorithms), the ellipsoid method is not used much in practice. But it does mean that any problem that can be expressed as a linear program can be solved in polynomial time. The key idea of the ellipsoid method is similar to binary search. An ellipsoid, which is a sphere that has been run through a linear transformation, is constructed that contains the solution of the linear program somewhere in its interior. At each step, one of the constraints of the linear program is used to slice o a piece of the ellipsoid that does not contain the solution, and a new ellipsoid is found that contains all the points in the remaining part of the old ellipsoid (plus a few more points, since its bulgy). Since the volume of the ellipsoid shrinks by a guaranteed amount at each step, after O(n2 ) steps the ellipsoid converges to the corner corresponding to the optimal solution.

Applications of linear programming

Now that we know how to solve linear programs, lets see what we can do with them.


Max ow

Recall that in the maximum ow problem we are given a graph G = (V, E), a designated source vertex s and sink vertex t, and a capacity cuv for each edge uv E. We want to maximize the ow from s to t where the net ow into each other vertex is 0 and the ow across any edge uv is between 0 and cuv . This problem has a natural representation as a linear program, as shown in Figure 5. To simplify the presentation we treat missing edges as edges with capacity 0.

maximize vV fsv subject to uV fuv


fvu = 0 v V {s, t} fuv cuv u, v V fuv 0 u, v V

Figure 5: Max ow as a linear program. maximize vV fsv subject to uV fuv


muv fuv


fvu = 0 v V {s, t} fuv cuv u, v V fuv 0 u, v V

Figure 6: Max ow as a linear program, with edge charges. maximize vV fsv subject to uV fuv


muv fuv = 0 v V {s, t} cuv u, v V 0 u, v V 1


fvu fuv fuv fe

Figure 7: Max ow as a linear program, with edge charges and starving cousin constraint.


From this linear program we can conclude that maximum ow can be solved in polynomial time (which we probably already knew). However, having max ow as an LP allows us to do a few more tricks. Suppose we are charged a xed rate muv for sending each unit of ow over uv, and we want to maximize the net ow minus all the edge charges. This just involves changing the objective function, as shown in Figure 6. Or, perhaps, our cousin runs the trucking company that carries ow over a particular edge e and we want to guarantee that she gets at least one unit of business to keep her children from starving. The linear program for this problem is shown in Figure 7. We could probably achieve similar results by tinkering with the standard max-ow algorithms, but by using a linear programming approach we can get these results with much less mental eort. 3.1.1 Integer solutions

It follows from Ford and Fulkersons algorithm that if all the capacities of a graph are integral that there is a maximum ow that is also integral. Another way to get this result is to observe that the constraint coecient matrix in Figure 5 is totally unimodular, by removing duplicate rows and applying Lemma 1 to the columns. A similar observation applies to the problems in Figures 6 and 7.


Shortest paths

Figure 8 gives a linear program for computing distances from a single source. All-pairs shortest paths can be solved using the linear program in Figure 9. Both constraint matrices are totally unimodular by Lemma 1 after removing duplicate rows; this is not surprising since we expect all shortest paths in an integral world to have integral length. Neither approach is as ecient as using a specialized algorithm. What happens with disconnected vertices or negative cycles?



No algorithm can claim to be universal if it cant sort. But linear programming can! In the linear program in Figure 10, xij = 1 if item i is placed in location j. The key of each item is assumed to be a xed value ki (that is used in constructing the linear program). If all items have dierent keys, the unique optimum is the one in which larger items appear in larger locations, with all xij equal to 0 or 1. If two or more items have the same key, it is 11

maximize vV dv subject to ds = 0 du + uv dv 0 uv E Figure 8: Single-source shortest paths as a linear program. maximize vV duv subject to dvv = 0 v duv + vw duw 0 u V, vw E Figure 9: All-pairs shortest paths as a linear program. possible to get a fractional solution in which the items are spread between two adjacent locations. It is left as an exercise to the reader to adapt this program to do something more useful, like computing a maximum-value matching in a bipartite graph.


maximize i,j j ki xij subject to j xij = 1 i i xij = 1 j xij 0 i, j Figure 10: LP-sort, the worlds second worst sorting algorithm. Sorting is mostly done by the objective function. Object i is in location j if xij = 1. The constraints make sure that no location gets more than one object, no object appears in more than one location, and no location contains a negative fraction of some object.


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