ABC's of Kindergarten

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The document provides an overview of Kindergarten policies and procedures from the teacher Mrs. King. It covers topics from A to Z to help answer parents' questions.

Mrs. King has been teaching for over 15 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Education from Northern Illinois University and has taught both first and kindergarten grades in the East Moline School District.

Students should arrive between 8:00-8:30 AM and dismissal is at 2:55 PM. Parents should call the office if a child is absent. On their birthday, students will be the snack person and bring a treat, but there won't be a class party. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on the half birthday.

Welcome to Kindergarten!

An ABC Book That Will (Hopefully) Answer Most Of Your Questions!

Mrs. King 2011-2012 School Year (309) 755-1585

The Kindergarten adventure is about to begin and Im sure you have lots of questions! Please keep this packet in a safe place at home so you are able to look back at it for future reference throughout the school year. Now, a little bit about me. My name is Amie King and it is my pleasure to be able to work with your Kindergarten student this year! I am originally from this area and graduated from Northern Illinois University in December 2004 with a Bachelors Degree in Education. Because I graduated halfway through the year, I was able to be a substitute teacher and work in a lot of different schools at a lot of different grade levels. I student taught in first grade and knew that my interest in teaching was definitely at the primary level! I got hired at Eagle Ridge in Carbon Cliff in August 2005 and taught for 2 years before I got hired in the East Moline School District. I have taught first grade for four years in East Moline (3 at Hillcrest, 1 at Ridgewood) and Im very excited to be teaching my fifth year in East Moline as a Kindergarten teacher at Ridgewood! I am married to my husband Dennis whom I have known since high school and we have two children. Brodie will be 4 in November and Elizabeth will be 2 in March. We also have two mutts, Lillie and Bentley! Going back to school in August is always difficult after being home all summer with my kids, so I can only imagine what its like to leave a child at school all day for the first time! Please know that I have your childs best interest at heart and will try my hardest to instill in them a love for learning and to create the best possible learning environment. There will be a lot of things for me to learn but I look forward to the challenge and know that this is going to be a great year!

A is for
*Absence. If your child is ill, please call the office (309-755-158) and
inform us of your childs absence and the reason for it. This is for your childs safety. If a student must leave early for a doctors appointment, stop in the office to sign them out and the secretary will call them to the office. Never send another person to pick up your child without informing me or the secretary.

*Arrival/Dismissal. Students should arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 AM.

Students should not arrive prior to 8:00 AM since supervision by the school staff is not available. No child or parent should be in the building before this time. School begins at 8:30 AM and afternoon dismissal is at 2:55 PM from the front door. Please pick up your child promptly. If you are late, look for your child in the office.

B is for
*Birthdays. Birthdays are special occasions for young children and we
want to celebrate with your child! Your child will be our snack person on their birthday and because its a special day, they may bring a birthday treat. Please realize that we do not have time to have a party in the class on your childs birthday, but I will try to make it as special as possible for them! We will celebrate summer birthdays during the students half birthday (for example, if your birthday is in August like mine, we will celebrate it in February!).

*Breakfast. A school breakfast is served every morning from 8:00-8:20

AM. This breakfast is available to all students. Students who want to eat breakfast should enter from the front door or their bus and go immediately to the breakfast line. Please talk to your child about how important it is to eat breakfast before playing on the playground; once they go to the playground, they arent able to come back in and eat breakfast.

*Book Orders. Every month I will send home a Scholastic Book Club
Catalog for you and your child to look over. These clubs offer wonderful books at reduced prices---what a great way to build your home library! If you choose to order, please make the check payable to Scholastic Books.

C is for
*Communication. Please check your childs planner on a daily basis. You
can send me notes or questions and I can answer you as soon as I read it! Please sign or initial the planner every night so I know that you are up to date on any notes being sent home. The school will provide you with one planner; if it gets lost or ruined, it will be your responsibility to purchase a new one.

*Clothing. Our classroom is a busy place! I encourage your child to

dress in clothes that are comfortable and okay to get messy in. We will sit on the floor every day so if your daughter is wearing a dress or skirt, please have her wear shorts underneath. We will have recess twice daily and PE three days a week, so please put your child in tennis shoes or rubber-soled shoes so they dont have to miss out. The school has a dress code policy that you should read over as well.

D is for
*Discipline. Our classroom is a small community where teamwork and
good relationships are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior. To establish good order and help the children learn self-control, they will be guided to respect themselves and their companions through specific directions, positive reinforcement, suggested new activities and responsible actions. Our classroom discipline system involves a pin on the behavior board. The first time a child breaks a rule, he will be given a verbal reminder. Nothing further will happen as he reflects on whether that behavior was a good choice.

Every child will begin the day on green. If the child chooses to break a rule after a verbal reminder, his pin will move to yellow. Continued misbehavior will result in the pin moving to orange and finally red. The student can earn his way back to green by improving behavior for the remainder of the morning or the afternoon, meaning he will begin the rest of the day or the following morning with a clean slate. Children who are doing a GREAT job will have the opportunity to move their pins UP on our behavior board to purple which means they have had a ROCK STAR day! The rules, consequences for the pin changes, and the rewards for following our rules are listed below. Rules: We will make these together as a class but will include things like keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, using kind words, being quiet in the hall, raising our hand to speak, etc. Consequences: Rock Star Behavior: Card will be changed to PURPLE. Student will get a *star* next to their thumbs-up in the planner. First Offense: A verbal reminder as a warning. Second Offense: Move pin on behavior board from green to yellow. Students need to be aware that if they move their pin again, they will have to miss some recess. Third Offense: Move pin to orange, get a thumbs-down in the planner and miss five minutes of playtime or recess. Fourth Offense: Move pin to red, get an inappropriate stamp in the planner and miss ten minutes of playtime or recess. Parents will either receive a phone call or a note. *Please read through the school wide rules and procedures that can be found in the student-parent handbook. Three inappropriate stamps in one week will result in a detention after school, per our district-wide policy. Rewards: Children with a pin on purple will get a treat from the treasure chest. Those who maintain their pin on green for the whole week will also receive something from the treasure chest. *As a grade level, kindergarten teachers will offer monthly reward activities to those students that have had no more than 3 inappropriate

stamps for the month. Three inappropriate stamps + 1 thumbs-down in a month equals a loss of the monthly reward.

E is for
*Email. You can contact me throughout the day by emailing me at
[email protected]. I cant guarantee that I will be able to respond immediately, but I will get back to you within 24 hours!

F is for
*Field trips. We plan several field trips that are both fun and
educational for the children. Parent drivers are not permitted, so buses will have to be used for transportation. We often need parent volunteers on the trips and chaperones will be chosen on a first come, first served basis. Please return permission slips as soon as possible after they are sent home. Please note that due to space, only children enrolled in our kindergarten classes will be permitted to attend the field trip.

G is for
*Green Monday Folders. Every Monday (or Tuesday if we dont have
school on Monday!), your child will bring home a Green Monday Folder. This will be used to send home any notes from the office (upcoming school-wide events, notices about happenings in our community, lunch menus, etc.). I will send what I can home on a daily basis in the ROCK STAR Binder, but please be on the look-out for the Green Monday Folders as well!

H is for
*Health. Please let me know of special circumstances which may affect
your child. These could include medication that may make him sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies. We sometimes cook or do food activities to complement lessons in kindergarten and it would be helpful to know when I plan our recipes.

*Homework. Kindergarten will be sending home weekly homework

assignments on Mondays (you will get the entire months homework stapled together, but please only do the homework for each day). I ask that these homework assignments be returned to school on Friday. Along with the monthly homework, I will be sending home a monthly reading log. Both the homework and reading logs will be recorded each month and at the end of the year, children who have returned every reading log and all of the homework will receive an award and a special treat! Reading to your child is the most important activity you can share with them so please do it as often as possible!

I is for
*Illness. The question of when to keep your child home from school is
often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if they are ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy!

J is for
*Just give me a call. I can take calls anytime from 3:00-3:30. Just
call the school (309-755-1585) and ask for Mrs. King. In the event that I am not able to take your call, leave a message with the secretary and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

K is for
*Kindness in Kindergarten. Students in our classroom are encouraged
and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying and interrupting learning will not be permitted.

L is for
*Lunch. We will eat lunch from 11:22-12:07 each day. Children may bring
a packed lunch from home or eat a school lunch. If your child brings a lunch, please make sure their lunch sack is clearly labeled. If your child eats a school lunch, please make sure their account has money in it if necessary.

M is for
*Medications. Only doctor written prescriptions will be administered
through the office. Unfortunately, we are not able to keep over-thecounter remedies in our rooms and your child is not allowed to selfadminister any medication on school property unless they have asthma and we have documentation that an inhaler is to be used.

N is for
*Newsletters. I will send home a monthly newsletter that will inform
you of the academic goals and activities for the month along with other important news. Look for it in the ROCK STAR binder at the end of the month.

O is for
*Outerwear. It may be hot now, but the day will get colder. Please have
all outerwear clearly labeled with your childs first and last name. Things do get lost and other students may have identical items. Please show your child how to identify his/her belongings. If your child does misplace their belongings, please check the lost and found at our school on the hooks across from the gym.

P is for
*Parties/Celebrations. We will be having PTA school-wide sponsored
parties for Halloween, Christmas and Valentines Day. These will be organized through the PTA Room Mothers. Please attend the PTA meetings to sign up or let me know you are interested and I will gladly pass your name along. Besides the three PTA parties, our class will also have some mini-celebrations in conjunction with units of study. Any special needs for these will include a note in our class newsletter.

Q is for
*Quiet Time. We will have quiet time every day as soon as we come in
from lunch recess. Your child does not have to sleep, but they will be expected to lie quietly on their mat. Extra blankets and toys are not allowed during quiet time.

R is for
*ROCK STAR Binder. I will be providing each child with a SchoolHome binder. This binder will need to go home each night and return to school the next day. It will contain a zipper pouch for money needed for breakfast, lunch, field trips, book orders, yearbooks, etc., the school planner which will be used for parent/teacher communication and behavior stamps, and a folder with one side labeled keep at home and the other side labeled return to school. If the ROCK STAR binder becomes lost or damaged, it will be your responsibility to replace it.

S is for
*Snacks. A snack calendar will be made up monthly and attached to the
newsletter. Please look for this each month! Your child will be responsible to bring a snack for the whole class on a rotating basis (usually just once a month). The number of students in class will be at the top of the calendar so please make sure each student is accounted for. If you miss your turn, please send a non-perishable replacement snack the next school day. If your child has a food allergy, please let me know immediately so we can avoid any problems. Nutritious snacks are the best! Things like pudding, Jell-O, fruit cups, applesauce cups, washed fruits, prepared carrots/celery, raisins/dried fruits, graham crackers, animal cookies, cheese, peanut butter, pretzels, fish crackers, cheese crackers, or dry boxed cereal are GREAT snack items but remember to send only unopened packages so I know they werent tampered with at the store or on the way to school! If candy does get sent in for a snack and it isnt someones birthday celebration, it will unfortunately be sent home.

T is for
*Transportation. I assume that your child will be using the same
transportation home each day. However, if you need to make a change it needs to be in writing in the planner or a phone call to the office needs to be made. I will send your child home the way I have written down unless I hear otherwise. If you need to pick up your child early from school, you must check into the office and they will call down to the room for your child. Car riders and walkers are dismissed from the classroom at the end of the day and they will walk out the front door. Please do not come down to the classroom to get them.

*Tie-Dye. Each student will need a clean, plain, white T-shirt ASAP. We
will make a tie-dyed shirt for each Kindergarten class to use for field trips and other special days. Each class wears a different colored shirt!

U is for
*Units and Themes. We will be learning a LOT in kindergarten! We
will be using our reading series from Scott Foresman called Reading Street. Thats where most of our shared reading, writing, and sight words will come from. We are getting a new math series from Scott Foresman this year called enVision. It is new to the whole district so we will learn about it and what is expected together! We will be taking time to learn about animals, communities, seasons, holidays, and many other fun and exciting topics.

V is for
*Volunteers. If you have a special talent that you would like to share
with the class or you have a morning/afternoon free on occasion or even weeklyWE CAN PUT YOU TO WORK! Some ideas to consider are: cooking projects with the class, working with small groups to review letters and numbers, making special art projects and/or assembling materials for projects. Please let me know what you are interested in doing!

*Visitors. You are more than welcome to visit the classroom at any time.
Please notify me a day in advance and remember to stop by the office for a visitors pass during your visit. Even if you are a familiar face and a frequent visitor, stopping at the office for a visitors pass is simply another way we keep our learning environment safe. If you plan on visiting, please do not bring younger children to the classroom due to distractions (unless you have spoken to me ahead of time and I have given the okay). If you need to speak with me about anything specifically regarding your child, please email me or call and schedule an appointment.

*Visual Phonics. This is a program that we will be using throughout the

year to teach our students the letters and the sounds they make. It can also be called See the Sound because thats exactly what well do: teach

the students a hand sign that represents the sound. More information to come when we start the program!

W is for...
*Water Bottles. Water bottles are needed for the first and last month
of school (September, June). I want your child to stay hydrated during the day. You may send in a water bottle or you child may drink from the water fountain. Please make sure your child is able to open and tightly close the water bottle.

X is for
*Xtra Clothing. We have extra clothes in the nurse's office if your child
has an accident, gets wet, etc. If your child needs a change, the school nurse has some articles of clothing that she will lend. The supply is very limited! These clothes need to be washed and returned as soon as possible. NOTE: If you have any old clothes to donate to the school, it would be greatly appreciated.

Y is for
*YOU! Please remember that you are your childs first and most important
teacher. No one can influence your childs life the way that you can!

Z is for
*ZZZZZZZZZZZZs. Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest.
Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn each day!

*Zillions, Zillions More Questions. I am sure many more questions

will arise during the next 9 months. Once again, feel free to contact me anytime! I look forward to an amazing year with your children. Get ready to rock, Kindergarteners!!

Mrs. King


* I have received the ABCs of Kindergarten ________________________ * I am interested in helping in the following areas (for example; reading to the children, working with small groups, preparing materials at home, putting up bulletin boards, making art projects, etc.): _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ * Day(s) and time(s) I am available to help: ________________________ _________________________________________________________ * Questions I still have: ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ * Name ____________________________ * Phone ____________________________ * Parent of ________________________________

I will be calling you soon to answer questions and/or work with you on volunteering in our room.

Thank you!!

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