Pak Elektron Limited: Condensed Interim Financial
Pak Elektron Limited: Condensed Interim Financial
Pak Elektron Limited: Condensed Interim Financial
DIRECTORS REVIEW Directors are pleased to present results for the half year ended June 30, 2010. After the change of financial year to calendar year, this is the first set of half yearly accounts on the basis of new financial year. Sales during the half year at Rs. 12.25 billion have registered an increase of 15.93% over previous period and profits increased by Rs. 153.54 million to Rs. 275,249 million. Summary of financial results is as under:
______________Rupees in thousands 2010 2009 Increase/ (Decrease) ______________________________ Sales Gross Profit Finance cost Profit before tax Profit after tax Earnings per share Basic (Rupees) 12,253,938 2,252,092 752,187 434,591 275,249 2.34 10,570,170 2,034,865 751,602 189,066 121,708 0.82 1,683,768 217,227 585 245,525 153,541
In Power division, sales have remained steady however orders in hand position has increased from last period which should ensure a significant increase over corresponding period in remaining six months. New Transformer Facility which commenced production towards the end of last year was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister of Pakistan on 31st July 2010. As we have been mentioning in our early reviews, this facility is aimed to bring innovation, production and cost efficiencies resulting in an improved product with world class design and technology. This would also help in attracting export orders. The recent devastating floods in the country will have colossal impact on society and economy. At the same time it will bring opportunities for areas such as re-building infrastructure of Power distribution systems and demand for more appliances products especially refrigerator when the first phase of rehabilitation is over in 4 to 6 months time. Sales in Appliances division grew over corresponding period. LG Brand which was inducted into Appliances division last year, has been the main reason for growth. Conditions during last six months remained conducive and in most of the product categories, we achieved our targets. In Split ACs, however, due to delay in shipments by suppliers, we have not been able to achieve planned sales resulting into higher inventories. LG business, after having some initial expected difficulties, is now getting smoother and we are anticipating this business to yield healthy revenues and profits in future. Based on up gradation of Refrigerator and launch of new models in Microwave ovens and Water dispensers, we have set challenging targets for PEL brand for next year. We take this opportunity to thank all our customers, shareholders, bankers, employees, CBA and workers for their continued help, support and guidance.
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Authorized capital Issued, subscribed and paid up capital Reserves SURPLUS ON REVALUATION OF PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Long-term financing Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease Deferred taxation Deferred income CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables Interest / mark-up accrued on loans and other payables Short-term borrowings Current portion of: - long-term financing - liabilities against assets subject to finance lease CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS
3 4 5
6 7
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
Long-term investments
Long-term deposits
CURRENT ASSETS Stores, spare parts and loose tools Stock-in-trade Trade debts Advances Deposits, short-term prepayments and other receivables Other financial assets Cash and bank balances 116,563 3,799,652 3,831,169 643,796 726,707 23,602 409,199 9,550,688 90,721 3,826,744 3,227,219 825,807 730,614 27,522 123,263 8,851,890
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
Revenue Less: sales tax and discount Revenue - net Cost of sales Gross profit Other operating income
12 12 13
10,570,170 1,019,560 9,550,610 7,515,745 2,034,865 26,573 2,061,438 617,752 454,714 52,118 751,602 3,814 189,066 67,358 121,708
7,395,397 1,102,329 6,293,068 5,057,800 1,235,268 18,012 1,253,280 357,980 244,706 30,769 386,222 1,189 234,792 89,412 145,380
6,061,318 534,024 5,527,294 4,393,919 1,133,375 47,478 1,180,853 366,217 300,576 42,870 409,789 2,887 64,288 29,987 34,301
Distribution cost Administrative expenses Other operating expenses Finance cost Share of profit of associate Profit before taxation Provision for taxation Profit for the period Earnings per share - Rs. Basic Diluted 14 14
2.34 1.96
0.82 0.82
1.24 1.03
0.19 0.19
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
Profit for the period Other comprehensive income Total Comprehensive income for the period
275,249 275,249
121,708 121,708
145,380 145,380
34,301 34,301
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
..... (Rupees in thousand) ..... Balance as at December 31, 2008 -restated Profit for the period Transfer to unappropriated profits on account of incremental depreciation charged during the period - net of deferred taxation Balance as at June 30, 2009 Profit for the period Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2009 @ Rs. 0.95 per preference share Transferred to reserve for bonus shares Issue of bonus shares Transfer to unappropriated profits on account of incremental depreciation charged during the period - net of deferred taxation Balance as at December 31, 2009 Profit for the period Dividend Transferred to reserve for bonus shares Issue of bonus shares Transfer to unappropriated profits on account of incremental depreciation charged during the period - net of deferred taxation Balance as at June 30, 2010 1,496,677 131,931 2,209,950 121,708 3,838,558 121,708
1,496,677 97,043
131,931 -
97,043 (97,043)
1,593,720 -
131,931 -
106,747 (106,747)
105,572 2,714,236
105,572 4,546,634
The annexed notes from 1 to 18 form an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.
52,625,000 159,371,955
Reconciliation of number of shares of Rs. 10 each: Ordinary shares At beginning of year Add: - Issued during the year as bonus shares At end of year
June 30 December 31 2010 2009 Number of shares 106,746,955 10,674,695 117,421,650 97,042,687 9,704,268 106,746,955
The Company is in the process of re-issue cum conversion of preference shares and has recently obtained approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) for conversion of 22.67% preference shares and re-profiling of 77.33% preference shares. Un-Audited June 30 Audited December 31
2,714,236 2,846,167
2,461,255 2,593,186
LONG-TERM FINANCING - SECURED Balance at beginning of the period Add: obtained during the period Less: paid during the period Less: current portion 6.1 4,862,746 281,378 5,144,124 411,034 4,733,090 920,830 3,812,260 4,170,766 959,242 5,130,008 267,262 4,862,746 783,597 4,079,149
There were further disbursements received against existing facilities amounting to Rs. 281.378 million during the period. Details, terms and conditions are summarized below:
LIABILITIES AGAINST ASSETS SUBJECT TO FINANCE LEASE Present value of minimum lease payments Less: current portion
SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS Secured Borrowings from: - banking companies - non banking finance companies (NBFCs) Unsecured Overdraft
During the period the Company has obtained new facilities from various banking companies under mark-up arrangements for working capital requirements carrying mark-up at the rate ranging from 14.50% to 17.50% per annum (December 31, 2009: 14.45% to 17.76% per annum). These new facilities are secured against the pledge/hypothecation of raw material and components, work-in-process, finished goods, machinery, spare parts, charge over book debts, shares of public companies and other assets amounting to Rs. 1,845 million. (December 31, 2009: Rs. 4,550 million) CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS CONTINGENCIES There was no change in the status of contingencies as disclosed in the annual financial statements for the sixmonths period ended December 31, 2009; except for the following: Tender bonds Performance bonds Advance guarantees Custom guarantees Bills discounted Foreign guarantees 89,498 656,291 249,023 4,711 1,997,566 94,074 204,293 637,473 181,864 13,051 1,853,454 9,393
9 9.1
The aggregate amount of ujrah payments for ijarah financing and the period in which these payments will become due are as follows: Not later than one year Later than one year but not later than five years 10 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Operating assets Capital work-in-progress Operating assets Balance at beginning of the period Add: surplus on revaluation of property, plant & equipment additions / transfers during the period (at cost) Less: written down value of the assets disposed off depreciation charged during the period 10.1.1 Additions during the period Freehold land Building on leasehold land Building on freehold land Plant and machinery Office equipment and furniture Computer Hardware & allied items Vehicles Leasehold plant and machinery Leasehold vehicles 10.1 83,227 67,180 13,205,628 126,118 13,331,746 13,436,534 151,532 13,588,066 36,281 346,157 13,205,628 35,924 77,607 19,706 7,140 9,930 1,225 151,532 95,748 66,010 13,436,534 20,604 13,457,138 7,522,585 2,493,480 3,691,379 13,707,444 54,330 216,580 13,436,534 2,077 32,075 1,737,980 1,836,723 20,069 3,805 7,047 44,000 7,603 3,691,379
10.1.2 During the half year ended June 30, 2010, property, plant and equipment with a carrying amount of Rs. 36.281 million (December 31, 2009: 54.330 million) were disposed off, resulting in a gain on disposal of Rs. 4.123 million (December 31, 2009: 0.748 million), which has been included in other income. 11 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Investment in associate at equity method Kohinoor Power Company Limited Ownership interest % Cost of investment 2,910,600 shares (2009: 2,910,600 shares) Share of post acquisition profit - net of dividend received Less: provision for impairment in value of investment Market Value per share (Rupees)
Un-audited Half year ended June 30 June 30 2010 2009 -------( R u p e e s 6,989,822 283,536 733,611 8,006,969 756,549 (559,321) 197,228 8,204,197 4,868,211 260,832 543,839 5,672,882 505,703 (397,145) 108,558 5,781,440
Un-audited Quarter ended June 30 June 30 2010 2009 t h o u s a n d )----4,387,831 144,946 421,433 4,954,210 548,912 (559,321) (10,409) 4,943,801 2,791,433 133,691 263,316 3,188,440 456,226 (397,145) 59,081 3,247,521
Raw material consumed Direct wages Factory overhead Work-in-process -at beginning of period -at end of period Cost of goods manufactured Finished goods -at beginning of period -finished goods purchased -at end of period Cost of goods sold Contract cost
EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE - BASIC AND DILUTED The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share is based on the following data: Earnings Profit for the year Less: dividend payable on preference shares Earnings attributable to ordinary shares Number of shares Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of basic earnings per share Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares
Basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated through dividing earnings as stated above by weighted average number of ordinary shares. Basic earnings per share (Rupees) Diluted earnings per share (Rupees) 2.34 1.96 0.82 0.82
Nature of transaction
Related party
All transactions with related parties have been carried out on commercial terms and conditions. DATE OF AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSUE These financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company and authorized for issue on August 31, 2010.
OTHERS There are no other significant activities since December 31, 2009 affecting this condensed interim financial report.
Audited Un-audited Audited Un-audited Audited Dec 31, 2009 Jun 30, 2010 Dec 31, 2009 Jun 30, 2010 Dec 31, 2009 ------------------------------ ( Rupees in thousands ) -----------------------------9,386,354 439,972 11,280,181 432,825 11,954,412 557,932 20,505,665 843,248 21,340,766 997,904
9,225,484 410,423
Half year ended Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2009 (Rupees in thousands ) 459,549 18,894 (45,577) 1,725 434,591 216,391 20,979 (52,118) 3,814 189,066
Total Profit for Reportable Segments Other operating Income Other operating expenses Share of profit of associate Profit before Taxation RECONCILIATION OF REPORTABLE SEGMENT ASSETS
Un-audited Audited Jun 30, 2010 Dec 31, 2009 (Rupees in thousands ) 20,505,665 3,029,687 23,535,352 21,340,766 1,594,454 22,935,220
Un-audited Audited Jun 30, 2010 Dec 31, 2009 (Rupees in thousands ) 843,248 13,877,273 14,720,521 997,904 13,376,641 14,374,545
Total Liabilities for Reportable Segments Other Corporate Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES
The revenue from transactions with single external customer amount to 28% of the entity's revenue. All revenue from that customer relates to Power Division.