Factors Affecting The Rate of Transpiration: Outcomes
Factors Affecting The Rate of Transpiration: Outcomes
Factors Affecting The Rate of Transpiration: Outcomes
After completing this practical, students should be able to: * Demonstrate measurement skill and use of the scientific method * Deduce and explain those primary factors that affect the rate of transpiration.
To investigate the factors affecting the rate of transpiration.
5 long-stemmed leaves Sharp scalpel A beaker with tap water 5 large test tubes Vegetable oil A medium- sized transparent plastic bag A Petri dish or evaporating basin with tap water
Risk assessment
Glassware may shatter, resulting in cutes and wounds
Safety precaution
Handle with care Keep glassware in the centre of the bench. In case of cuts, seek teachers help and use a first aid kit.
Handle with care. Ensure sharp edge is pointing downwards when carrying/passing to team member. Do not leave scalpel close to the edge of the bench. Dispose of used scalpel blades in a specialised container.
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1. Located five long-stemmed leaves of approximately the same size. 2. Cut the stems at a 45 angle, leaving the stem as long as possible, and immediately placed each stem in water. 3. Labelled five large test tubes A, B, C, D and E. 4. Placed a measured, equal amount of water in each test tube, filling them about full. 5. Transferred the cut leaf stems to these test tubes as fast as can be, submerging stems as deeply as possible while leaving the leaves out of the test tubes. 6. Carefully poured a small amount of vegetable oil on the water surface to prevent surface water evaporation. 7. Made up a simple data table listing test tubes A to E in one column, water level before treatment in a second column, and water level after treatment in a third column. 8. Rested one test tube at a time on a flat surface and measured at eye level the distance (in mm) from where the water and oil met to the flat surface. 9. Recorded this measurement in the before treatment data table column. 10. Placed test tube A in a totally dark environment ( i.e. cupboard). 11. Put test tube B in a dry incubator (accessible to daylight) at 35-40C. use * Use glassware according to its designed function. Scalpel is sharp and could cause cuts * Handle with care * When carrying or passing the scalpel to someone, ensure that the sharp edge is pointing downwards * Do not leave the scalpel close to the edge of your bench. 12. Put test tube C in a draughty, natural environment (i.e. near open window and accessible to sunlight).
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13. Placed test tube D in a container of water under a plastic bag (humidity chamber) in normal daylight 14. Put test tube E in a still air area of the classroom exposed to normal light ( i.e. fume cupboard) 15. Left the test tubes undisturbed for 2 days 16. After the two days, measured the water levels in each test tube again and recorded the measurements in the after treatment column of the data table.
Difference (mm)
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1. Which test tube functioned as a control? How did the other test tube water levels compare with the control? Test tube C functioned as the control as it was exposed to all the natural factors that affect the rate of transpiration, e.g. sunlight. In comparison to the others, test tube C had the second lowest rate of transpiration. 2. Which environmental factor produced transpiration rate? Which produced the lowest? the highest
Test tube A, which had the highest transpiration rate, was exposed to the environmental factor of the absence of sunlight (darkness). Test tube E had the lowest transpiration rate, as it was exposed to light whilst still in the presence of air.
3. What general conclusion can you state based on the data you collected? Environmental factors such as light, wind and temperature affect the rate of transpiration. Furthermore, as the plant is exposed to light its transpiration rate decreases, whilst on the other hand, when the plant is placed in darkness, the transpiration rate increases. 4. What was the purpose of this exercise? The purpose of this exercise was to investigate the factors affecting the rate of respiration.
Refer to Question 3.
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