W. D. Joyner - Mathematics of The Rubik
W. D. Joyner - Mathematics of The Rubik
W. D. Joyner - Mathematics of The Rubik
Fall 1996 course at the US Naval Academy Annapolis, MD Instructor: Assoc Prof. W. D. Joyner office: Ch 328 phone: (410)293-6738 email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Mathematical Quotes: "By and large it is uniformly true that in mathematics that there is a time lapse between a mathematical discovery and the moment it becomes useful; and that this lapse can be anything from 30 to 100 years, in some cases even more; and that the whole system seems to function without any direction, without any reference to usefulness, and without any desire to do things which are useful." John von Neumann COLLECTED WORKS, VI, p489
"[Lefschetz and Einstein] had a running debate for many years. Lefschetz insisted that there was difficult mathematics. Einstein said that there was no difficult mathematics, only stupid mathematicians. I think that the history of mathematics is on the side of Einstein." Richard Bellman EYE OF THE HURRICANE, 1984
"The advantage is that mathematics is a field in which one's blunders tend to show very clearly and can be corrected or erased with a stroke of the pencil. It is a field which has often been compared with chess, but differs from the latter in that it is only one's best moments that count and not one's worst." Norbert Wiener EX-PRODIGY: MY CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH
For more quotes, see [M], [S] or the www page at http://math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/mquot.html
Course Outline
MATHEMATICS OF THE RUBIK'S CUBE ____________________________________________ 1
NOTATION ___________________________________________________________ 3 INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________ 4 0. LOGIC AND SETS ___________________________________________________ 5 Relations _____________________________________________________________ 11 2. PERMUTATIONS ___________________________________________________ 13
INVERSES________________________________________________________________ 14
3. PERMUTATION PUZZLES ___________________________________________ 20 4. STRATEGIES ______________________________________________________ 40 5. GROUPS, I _________________________________________________________ 46 6. ORBITS, ACTIONS and COSETS ______________________________________ 51 7. CAYLEY GRAPHS AND GOD'S ALGORITHM___________________________ 56 8. SYMMETRY GROUPS OF THE PLATONIC SOLIDS _____________________ 58 9. GROUPS, II ________________________________________________________ 63 10. STRUCTURE OF THE RUBIK'S CUBE GROUP ________________________ 69 11. RUBIKA ESOTERICA ______________________________________________ 72 12. ADVANCED TOPIC ________________________________________________ 76 13. REFERENCES ____________________________________________________ 80
N = {1, 2, ...} = the set of natural numbers, Z = {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...} = the set of integers Let S, T be finite sets. "s in S" means s belongs to S "S subset T" means S is a subset of T SxT = {(s,t) | s in S and t in T} = set of all pairs of the form (s,t) such that s belongs to S and t belongs to T = Cartesian product of S and T, S union T = {x | x in S or x in T} = the set of all elements of S or = the union of S and T, S intersection T = {x | x in S and x in T} = the set of all elements belonging to both S and T = the intersection of S and T, |S| = #S = the number of distinct elements in S. "S <> T" means S does not equal T In general, we shall use double quotes around a word we are defining, an underscore "_" will usually indicate a subscript and a caret "^" will usually denote a superscript.
Groups measure symmetry and now here is this more evident than in the study of symmetry in 2and 3-dimensional geometric figures. The Rubik's cube, and related puzzles, manifest this symmetry in a manipulation puzzle. This is a course about creating a group-theoretical model of Rubik's cube-like puzzles. In other words, we will use group theory to learn as much as we reasonably can (given the limitations of the course) about these types of permutation puzzles. What we need from group theory will, for the most part, be proven and all that is really required from the student is a certain amount of mathematical sophistication, energy, and some geometrical intuition. The ulterior motive for this course (and there is one) is to teach some group theory. If there is a different slant to our approach compared to others it is that we've stressed example. There is also an attempt to present some of the basic notions algorithmically (as in [Bu]), consistent with our concrete point of view. Group theory is one of those topics which occurs in a surprisingly large variety of seemingly disparate situations. Basically, any time there is symmetry, don't be surprised if there is a group hiding in the background. The Rubik's cube has a lot of symmetry but so do lots of other things -crystallography, elementary particle physics, to name just a few. As Hilbert said, the art to doing mathematics is to pick a good example to learn from. Hopefully, the Rubik's cube will bea good example. How much group theory do we hope to teach you? This course, if successful, should prepare you to study more group theory from one of the standard group theory texts, say Rotman [R]. This course covers the material in most of chapter 1, parts of chapters 2 and 3 in [R]. We shall assume, in some of the later chapters, some familiarity with matrices (matrix multiplication, transposes, some properties of the determinant and the inverse matrix). This course, with a course in linear algebra, will give the student more than enough background to begin reading Rotman [R]. I thank Dan Bump, Micheal Fourte, Mark Meyerson, and Andrew Southern for their suggestions on this material.
Given the Boolean values of p, q, we can determine the values of p/\q, p\/q, p=>q, p<=>q, p _\/ q using the truth tables: p T T F F p T T F F p T T F F q T F T F q T F T F q T F T F p /\ q T F F F p => q T F T T p _\/ q F T T F p T T F F p T T F F p T F q T F T F q T F T F ~p F T p \/ q T T T F p <=> q T F F T
Let B be the set {0,1} with the two operations "addition" (+) and "multipication" (*) defined by the following tables p 1 1 0 0 q 1 0 1 0 p+q 1 1 1 0 p 1 1 0 0 q 1 0 1 0 p*q 1 0 0 0
Note how these mimic the truth tables of 'exclusive or' (_\/) and 'and' (/\). We call B the "Boolean algebra". Exercise: Use truth tables to verify the DeMorgan laws: (a) p /\ (q \/ r) <=> (p /\ q) V (p /\ r) , (b) p \/ (q /\ r) <=> (p \/ q) /\ (p \/ r) and the laws of negation: (c) ~(p /\ q) <=> ~p \/ ~q , (d) ~(p \/ q) <=> ~p /\ ~q A "logical argument" is a sequence of statements (called "hypothesis") p1, p2, ..., pn, which imply a statement q (called the "conclusion"). In other words, a "logical argument" is a true statement of the form (p1 /\ p2 /\ ... /\ pn) => q Exercise: Use truth tables to verify the logical argument (p=>q /\ q=>r) => p=>r. A "set" is a 'well-defined' collection of objects. The objects in a set are the "elements" of the set. Just as one can use connectives to form new statements from old statements, there are analogous ways to form new sets from old ones using 'intersection' (the analog of 'and'), 'union' (the analog of 'or'), and 'complement' (the analog of 'negation'). The analog of 'implies' is 'subset'. The "empty set" is the set containing no elements, denoted EMPTY. We call two sets S, T "disjoint" if they have no elements in common, i.e., if S intersect T = EMPTY. Notation: Let S and T be sets. Assume that S is contained in a set X. statement set of elmts in S and T set of elmts in S or T set of elmts in S or T (not both) elmts in X not in S S is a subset of T notation S intersect T S union T S delta T S ^c S subset T terminology intersection union symmetric difference complement of S in X subset
Exercise: Use Venn diagrams to verify the DeMorgan laws: (a) S intersect (T union U) = (S intersect q) union (T intersect U) , (b) S union (T intersect U) = (S union T) intersect (T union U) and the laws of negation: (c) (S intersect T)^c = S^c union T^c , (d) (S union T)^c = S^c intersect T^c Logic/set theory analogs: Set theory sets union intersection subset symmetric difference equal Venn diagrams Logic statements or and implies exclusive or if and only if truth tables
For more on logic or set theory, see for example [C] or [St].
* * * * * * * * S
* * * * * * * * * + + + * + * * + * * f(S) * + * + * + * + + + * * * * + T + + + + + + + + + +
The "graph" of a function f : S --> T is the subset { (s,f(s)) | s in S} subset SxT . Is every subset of SxT the graph of some function from S to T? In general, no. Let p : SxT --> S (s,t) |--> s be projection onto the 1st component. The following fact classifies exactly which subsets of SxT can arise as the graph of a function from S to T.
Lemma: Let X subset SxT. X is the graph of a function from S to T if and only if, for all (s1,t1) in X and (s2,t2) in X, whenever t1 <> t2 we also have s1 <> s2. (This does follow from the definition of a function. As an exercise you may want to convince yourself of this.) Definition: If the image of the function f : S --> T is all of T, i.e., if f(S) = T, then we call f "surjective" (or "onto").
Equivalently, a function f from S to T is surjective if each t in T is the image of some s in S under f. Occasionally, you see the following special notation for surjective functions: f : S -->> T ("f maps S surjectively onto T").
Exercise: State a general rule which determines those subsets X of SxT which are the graph of some surjective function from S to T. (Use the projection onto the second component, pr2 : SxT --> T (s,t) |--> t in your rule.) Question: Suppose that |S| < |T|. Is there a surjective function f : S --> T? Explain. Definition: A function f : S --> T is called "injective" (or "one-to-one") if each element t belonging to the image f(S) is the image of exactly one s in S.
In other words, if the condition f(s1)=f(s2) (for some s1, s2 in S) always forces s1=s2. Sometimes the "hook arrow" notation is used to denote an injective function f : S '--> T. (This doesn't come out well when typed, unfortunately). Question: Suppose that |S| > |T|. Is there an injective function f : S --> T? Explain. Exercise: Suppose that |S| = |T|. Show that a function f : S --> T is surjective if and only if it is injective. S. Exercise: Give an algorithm for determining if a given subset X of SxT is the graph of a bijection from S to T. Example: Let C be the cube in 3-space having vertices at the points O=(0,0,0), P1=(1,0,0), P2=(0,1,0), P3=(0,0,1), P4=(1,1,0), P5=(1,0,1), P6=(0,1,1), P7=(1,1,1). Let V = {O,P1,...,P7} be the set of the 8 vertices of C and let F be the set of the 6 faces of C. Let r be the rotation of a point (x,y,z) by 180 degrees about the passing through the points (1/2,1/2,0), (1/2,1/2,1). Note that r:R3 --> R3 is a function which sends the cube C onto itself. The cube C is pictured as follows: Definition: A function f : S --> T is called a "bijection" if it is both injective and surjective. Equivalently, a bijection from S to T is a function for which each t in T is the image of exactly one s in
This function r induces two functions f1 : V --> V, f2 : F --> F, where f1 is the function which sends a vertex v of C to its image r(v) under r (which is again a vertex). Similarly, f2 is the function which sends a face f of C to its image r(f) under r (which is again a face). Both f1 and f2 are bijections. Exercise: Finish the labeling of the vertices and the faces in the above picture and describe f1 and f2 explicitly by filling out the tables V f1(V) F f2(F)
Theorem: If f : S --> T is a bijection then there exists a function f^(-1) : T --> S defined by the following property: for s in S and t in T, we have f^(-1) (t)=s if and only if f(s)=t.
Exercise: Prove this. Definition: The function f^(-1) in the above theorem is called the "inverse function" of f.
A relation on a set is a generalization of the concept of a function from S to itself. Definition: Let S be a set. If R is a subset of SxS then we call R a "relation on S". If (x,y) in R then we say that x is "related" to y. This is a very general notion. There are lots and lots of relations in mathematics - inequality symbols, functions, subset symbols are all common examples of relations. Example 1: Let S be any set and let f be a function from S to itself. This function gives rise to the relation R on S defined by the graph of f: R = { (x,y) in SxS | y = f(x), for x in S }. (It is through this correspondence that we may regard a function as a relation.) Example 2: Let S be the set of all subsets of {1,2,...,n}. Let R be defined by R = { (S1,S2) | S1 subset S2, S1 in S, S2 in S }. Note that R is a relation. Exercise: Find a relation corresponding to the symbol < on the real line. Definition: Let R be a relation on a set S. We call R an "equivalence relation" if (a) any element s in S is related to itself ("reflexive"), (b) if s is related to t (s,t belonging to S) then t is related to s ("symmetry"), (c) if s1 is related to s2 and s2 is related to s3 then s1 is related to s3 ("transitivity"). Example: The equality symbol = provides an equivalence relation on the real line: let E = {(x,x) | x real}. This is an equivalence relation on the real line: note x=y if and only if (x,y) belongs to E. Notation: If R is an equivalence relation on S then we often write "x~y" in place of "(x,y) in R", for simplicity. (Often one replaces the ~ sign by the "equivalence" sign - like an equals sign but with 3 horizontal lines instead of 2 - but this does not come out in ascii mode.)
Exercise 1: (a) Let f(x)=x^2, let S be the real line, and let R be the corresponding relation as in Example 1. Is R an equivalence relation? (b) Let f(x)=2x, let S be the real line, and let R be the corresponding relation as in Example 1. Is R an equivalence relation? Exercise 2: Let R be the corresponding relation as in Example 2. Is R an equivalence relation? Let R be an equivalence relation on a set S. For s in S, we call the subset [s] = { t in S | s~t } the "equivalence class" of s in S. Exercise 3: Show that for any s1 and s2 in S, we have either (a) [s1] = [s2], or (b) [s1] is disjoint from [s2].
As a consequence of this exercise, we see that if R is an equivalence relation on a set S then the equivalence classes of R partition S into disjoint subsets. We state this as a separate lemma for future reference (we also assume S is finite for simplicity): Lemma: If S is a finite set and R is an equivalence relation on S then there are subsets S1 subset S, S2 subset S, ..., Sk subset S, satisfying the following properties: (1) S is the union of all the Si's: S = S1 union S2 union ... union Sk = U Sii (2) the Si's are disjoint: for 1 <= i <= k, 1 <= j <= k, if i <> j then Si intersect Sj = EMPTY, (These last two properties say that the Si's "partition" S.) (3) the Si's exhaust the collection of equivalenvce classes of R: for each 1 <= i <= k, there is an si in S such that: Si = [si]. (This element si is called a "representative" of the equivalence class Si.) Exercise: Let S be the set Z of all integers. Let R be the relation an even number (i.e., an integer multiple of 2). (1) Show that this is an equivalence relation, (2) Find the sets Si in the above lemma which partition S, (3) Find a "representative" of each equivalence class Si. defined by (x,y) in R if and only if x-y is
Let Tn = {1,2, ..., n} be the set of integers from 1 to some fixed positive integer n. When n is fixed and there is no ambiguity sometimes we will simply write T for Tn. A "permutation" of T is a bijection from T to itself. (A "bijection" was defined on page 10.) For example, on the 3x3 Rubik's cube there are 9x6=54 facets. If you label them 1, 2, ..., 54 (in any way you like) then any move of the Rubik's cube corresponds to a permutation of T54. In this chapter we present some basic notation and properties of permutations. General notation: We may denote a permutation f : T--> T by a 2xn array: / f <--> | \ f(1) f(2) ... f(n) / 1 2 ... n \ |
Example: The "identity" permutation, denoted by I, is the permutation which doesn't do anything: / | \ 1 1 2 ... n n \ | /
I =
2 ...
Definition: Let e_f(i)=m if there are m j's less that i with f(j)>f(i+1), and let e_f(i)=0 otherwise (for i = 1, 2, ..., n-1). Let swap(f)=e_f(1)+...+e_f(n-1).
We call this the "swapping number" of the permutation f since it ounts the number of times f swaps the inequality in i<i+1 to f(i)>f(i+1). If we plot a bar-graph of the function f then swap(f) counts the number of times the bar at i is higher than the bar at i+1, 1<=i<=n (i.e., it counts the number integers at which the function is decreasing). We call f "even" if swap(f) is even and we call f "odd" otherwise. The number sign(f) = (-1)^(swap(f)) is called the "sign" of the permutation f. Example: Let n=3, so T={1,2,3}. We may describe the permutation f : T--> T for which f(1)=2, f(2)=1, f(3) by a 2x3 array [ 1 2 3 ] [ 2 1 3 ] or by a "crossing diagram": 1 \/ /\ 2 2 1
3 -- 3 The number of crosses in this diagram is the swapping number of f, from which we can see that the permutation is odd.
Exercise: Express f : T --> T given by f(1)=3, f(2)=1, f(3)=2, as (a) a 2x3 array (b) a crossing diagram. Find its swapping number and sign. Definition: Let f : T --> T and g : T --> T be two permutations. We an compose them to get another permutation: t |------> T \ f(t) |-----> g(f(t))
Notation: We shall follow standard convention and write our compositions of permutations LEFT-TORIGHT. (This is of course in constrast to the right-to-left composition of functions.) When a possible ambiguity may arise, we call this type of composition "composition as permutations" or "left-to-right composition". When f=g then we write ff as f^2. In general, we write the n-fold composition f...f (n times) as f^n. Every permutation f has the property that there is some integer N>0, which depends on f, such that f^N = 1. (In other words, if you repeatedly apply a permutation enough times you will eventually obtain the identity permuation.) Definition: The smallest integer N>0 such that f^N = 1 is called the "order" of f.
Exercise: Compute (a) fg and (b) the order of f and the order of g, where / f = | \ 1 3 2 2 3 1 \ | / / g = | \ 1 3 2 1 3 2 \ | . /
/ f = | \
1 3
2 1
3 2
\ | /
/ g = | \
1 2
2 1
3 3
\ | . /
Exercise: If f, g, h are permutations of T, is (fg)h=f(gh)? Explain why and be very precise and clear.
We can look at the graph of a function f : T --> T and determine (a) if it is injective,
(b) if it is surjective, (c) the inverse f^(-1), if it exists Indeed, from the graph of f we can determine the image f(T) and this determines if f is surjective or not. The inverse exists only if f is injective (hence, in our case, surjective by the last exercise in chapter 1). It's graph is determined by "reflecting" the graph of f about the "diagonal, x=y". Theorem: The following statements are equivalent: (1) f : T --> T is injective, (2) f : T --> T is surjective, (3) |f(T)|=|T|.
Proof: The equivalence of the first two statements is by the exercise at the end of chapter 1. (2) is equivalent to (3), by definition of surjectivity. QED Example: The inverse of [ [ is obtained by reflecting the graph 1 3 2 1 3 2 ] ]
/ f = | \ / f = | \
1 2 1 2
2 3 2 1
3 4 3 5
4 \ | 1 / 4 3
5 \ | 4 /
Matrix Notation: There are two more commonly used ways of expressing a permutation. The first is the "matrix notation": To a permutation f : T --> T, given by [ [ 1 f(1) 2 f(2) ... ... n f(n) ] ]
we associate to it the matrix P(f) of 0's and 1's defined as follows: the ij-th entry of P(f) is 1 if j=f(i) and is 0 otherwise. A matrix which has exactly one 1 per row and per column (as P(f) does) is called a "permutation matrix". Example: The matrix of the permutation f given by [ [ is P(f) = [ 0 [ 1 [ 0 1 0 0 0 ] 0 ] 1 ] 1 2 2 1 3 3 ] ]
from which we can recover the 2x3 array. Theorem: If f : T --> T is a permutation then [ [ P(f)[ [ [ 1 2 . . n ] ] ] ] ] [ f(1) ] [ f(2) ] [ . ]. [ . ] [ f(n) ]
Furthermore, the inverse of the matrix of the permutation is the matrix of the inverse of the permutation: (b) P(f)^(-1) = P(f^(-1)).
The (relatively easy) proof of this Theorem will be omitted since it will not be needed. The matrix can be determined from the graph of the function f : T --> T as follows: in the nxn grid of integral points (x,y), with x and y integers between 1 and n inclusive, fill in all the plotted points with 1's and all the unplotted points with 0's. The resulting nxn array is the matrix P(f).
Cycle notation: The most common notation for a permutation is probably the "cycle notation". The symbol (a1 a2 ... ar) (some r less than or equal to n)
denotes the permutation f of T which is defined by f(a1)=a2, f(a2)=a3, ... , f(ar)=a1, and f(i)=i, if i is not equal to one of the a1, ..., ar. Such a permutation is called "cyclic". The number r is called the "length" of the cycle. We call two such cycles (a1 a2 ... ar) and (b1 b2 ... bt) "disjoint" if the sets {a1, a2, ..., ar} and {b1, b2, ..., bt} are disjoint. Lemma: If f and g are disjoint cyclic permutations of T then fg=gf.
Proof: This is clear since the permutations f and g of T affect disjoint collections of integers, so the permutations may be performed in either order. QED Lemma: The cyclic permutation (a1 a2 ... ar) has order r.
Proof: Note f(a1)=a2, f^2(a1)=a3), ..., f^(r-1) (a1)=ar, f^r(a1)=a1, by definition of f. Likewise, for any i=1,...,r, we have f^r(ai)=ai. QED Theorem: Every permutation f : T --> T is the product of disjoint cyclic permutations. This product is called a "cycle decomposition" of f.
Proof: Let f : T --> T be a permutation. List all the elements {c10=1, c11=f(1), c12=f^2(1), c13=f^3(1), ...}, (which must, of course, be finite in number but might also only contain the single element c10=1). This is called the "orbit of 1 under f". Now list the elements in the "orbit of 2": {c20=2, c21=f(2), c22=f^2(2), c23=f^3(2), ...}, and so on until we get to the "orbit of n": {cn0=2, cn1=f(n), cn2=f^2(n), cn3=f^3(n), ... }. If you pick any two of these n sets, they will either be the same (up to ordering) or disjoint. Denote all the distinct orbits which contain at least two elements by O_1, ..., O_k. (It doesn't matter what order you write them in or in what order you write the elements in each individual orbit.) Suppose that O_1 = {a{11}, ..., a{1,r1}} so |O_1|=r1, O_2 = {a{21}, ..., a{2,r2}} so |O_2|=r2, . . . O_k = {a{k1}, ..., a{k,rk}} so |O_k|=rk. In this case, r1 + r2 + ... + rk <= n, with equality if and only if none of the orbits is a singleton. The "cycle notation" of f is the expression (a{11} a{12} ... a{1,r1})...(a{k1} a{k2} ... a{k,rk}). QED Example: The cycle notation for [ 1 2 3 ] is (1 2). [ 2 1 3 ] The cycle notation for [ 1 2 3 ] is (1 2 3). [ 2 3 1 ]
Exercise: Divide a square into 4 subsquares ("facets") and label them 1, 2, 3, 4. For example, ----------------| | 1 | 2 | | | ----------------| | | | 3 | 4 | | | | ----------------| | | Let r denote counterclockwise rotation by 90 degrees. Then, as a permutation on the facets, r=(1 3 4 2). Let fx denote reflection about the horizonal line dividing the square in two, let fy denote reflection about the vertical line dividing the square in two. Use the cycle notation to determine the permutations of the facets (a) r^2 (b) r^3, (c) fx, (d) fy, (e) fx*r*fx, (f) fx*fy. Exercise: Label the 24 facets of the 2x2 Rubik's cube as follows: +--------------+ | 1 2 | | u |
| 3 4 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 5 6 | 9 10 | 13 14 | 17 18 | | l | f | r | b |
| 7 8 | 11 12 | 15 16 | 19 20 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 21 22 | | d |
| 23 24 | +--------------+ (You may want to xerox this page then cut this cube out and tape it together for this exercise.) Let X denote rotation clockwise by 90 degrees of the face labeled x, where x is one of r, l, f, b, u, d (for example, if x=f then X=F). Use the cycle notation to determine the permutations of the facets given by (a) R, (b) L,
F, B, U, D.
Lemma: A cyclic permutation is even if and only if the length of its cycle is odd. A general permutation f : T --> T is odd if and only if the number of cycles of even length in its cycle decomposition is odd.
We shall not prove this here. (For a proof, see Theorem 3.3 in Gaglione [G], section 3.2.) Lemma: The order of a permutation is the least common multiple lcm) of the lengths r1, r2 , ..., rk of the disjoint cycles in its cycle decomposition.
We shall describe several permutation puzzles. A "permutation puzzle" is a puzzle consisting of several movable pieces connected to a mechanism which controls their possible movements and which has the following five properties listed below. Before listing the properties, we define the "puzzle position" to be the data consisting of the location of all the individual pieces along with their orientation, if any. The five properties of a permutation puzzle are: (1) there is an enumeration of the movable pieces P1, ..., Pn in such a way that each move of the puzzle corresponds to a unique permutation of the numbers in T = {1, 2, ..., n}, (2) if the permutation of T in (1) corresponds to more than one puzzle move then the the two positions reached by those two respective moves must be indistinguishable, (3) each move, say M, must be "invertible" in the sense that there must exist another move, say M^(-1), which restores the puzzle to the position it was at before M was performed, (4) if M1 is a move corresponding to a permutation f1 of T and if M2 is a move corresponding to a permutation f2 of T then M1*M2 (the move M1 followed by the move M2) corresponds to the permutation f1*f2, (5) each puzzle must be given an attainable "solved position" which the puzzler can (in principle) attain. Notation: As in step (4) above, we shall always write successive puzzle moves left-to-right.
15 PUZZLE One of the earliest and most popular permutation puzzles is the "15 puzzle". The "solved position" looks like --------------------| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | --------------------| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | --------------------| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | --------------------| 13 | 14 | 15 | | --------------------These numbered squared represent sliding blocks which can only move into the blank square. We shall sometimes label the blank square as "16" for convenience. The moves of the puzzle consist of sliding numbered squares (such as 12, for example) into the blank square (e.g., swapping 12 with 16). In this way, each move of this puzzle may be regarded as a permutation of the integers in {1, 2,..., 16}. Exercise: Check that the 5 conditions of a permuation puzzle are satisfied by the 15 puzzle. Not every permutation of the {1, 2, ..., 16} corresponds to a possible position of the puzzle. For example, the position --------------------| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | --------------------| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | --------------------| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | --------------------| 13 | 15 | 14 | | --------------------cannot be attained from the previous position. (The mathematical reason for this will be explained later.) Apparently, the puzzle inventor Sam Loyd applied for a U.S. patent for the above puzzle (the one with
the 14, 15 swapped) but since it could not be "solved" - i.e., put in the correct order 1, 2, ..., 15 - no working model could be supplied, so his patent was denied. (This is in spite of the fact that there were apparently thousands of them on the market already). The moves of the 15 puzzle may be denoted as follows: suppose we are in a position such as: -----------------| * | u | * | * | -----------------| l | 16 | r | * | -----------------| * | d | * | * | -----------------| * | * | * | * | -----------------The possible moves are generated by the four basic moves R = R_{u,r,d,l} = (r 16) = swap r and 16 L = L_{u,r,d,l} = (l 16) = swap l and 16 U = U_{u,r,d,l} = (u 16) = swap u and 16 D = D_{u,r,d,l} = (d 16) = swap d and 16 Exercise: Verify that the 5 defining properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied by this example. We shall call the 15 puzzle a "planar puzzle" since all its pieces lie on a flat board. DEVIL'S CIRCLES (or HUNGARIAN RINGS) This is a planar puzzle consisting of two or more interwoven ovals, each of which has several labeled (by colors or numbers) pieces, some of which may belong to more than one oval. A puzzle move consists of shifting an oval by one or more "increments", and hence all the pieces on it, along the oval's grooved track. The pieces are equally spaced apart (in spite of the typed depiction below) and those pieces which lie on more than one oval can be moved along either oval. For simplicity, consider the puzzle consisting of only two ovals, each having 6 pieces (I have added *'s to make the shape of the ovals clearer on the page):
7 * 8 * 9
* 1 2 3
6 *
10 * 4
The pieces 1 and 3 can be moved along either oval. Note that each move corresponds to a unique permutation of the numbers in {1, 2, ..., 10}. For example, rotating the right-hand oval clockwise one increment corresponds to the permutation [ 1 [ 6 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 ] 10 ],
which we may write in cycle notation as (6 5 4 3 2 1). This new position may be depicted as
7 * 8 * 9
* 2 3 4
1 *
10 * 5
Exercise: Verify that the 5 defining properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied by this example. EQUATOR This puzzle is in the shape of a sphere but has 3 circular bands encircling a sphere, each having 12 square-shapped pieces and each band intersecting each other at a 90 degree angle. Each pair of circles intersects at two points, or "nodes", and at each such node there is a puzzle piece shared by the two circular bands. There are 6 nodes total. The total number of movable pieces is therefore 3x12 - 6 = 30. On the sphere is painted a map of the earth. The longitudinal band circles the equator, one latitudinal band passes through North America and the other latitudinal band passes through Europe and Africa. A move of the puzzle consists of rotating one of the bands (along with all the pieces it contains) in either direction. Successive puzzle moves may change the "orientation" of a piece, as we will see later. When the 30 pieces are such that the puzzle is a correct map of the Earth then we call the position "solved". For ease of drawing, let us redraw the globe of the Earth using the "Mercatur projection", i.e., as a wall map:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 13 14 15 16 17 7
1 12 11 10 9 8 7
1 22 21 20 19 18 7
The "solved" position Sometimes we shall also denote 1 by NP ("north pole") and 7 by SP ("south pole"). This description is a little misleading due to the fact that it tells us where a piece is but not, for example, whether it is upside down or not. We shall ignore this problem for now and simply describe how a move affects the position of a piece. We see from the above labeling that any move of the Equator puzzle corresponds to a unique permutation of the integers in {1, 2, ..., 30}. For example, the move which rotates the equator east-to-west by 30 degrees corresponds to the permutation (4 30 29 20 28 27 10 26 25 15 24 23). Now we shall show to assign an orientation to a piece. We shall regard an orientation (which is, after all, simply an indication of what angle the piece is "twisted") as an integer 0, 1 ,2, or 3. First, if a piece is not in its correct position, it gets an orientation of 0. If a piece is in its correct position then it gets a 0, 1, 2, or 3, depending on its angle from the correct angle (i.e., the angle the piece has in the "solved" position):
0 | | | 3 ---------+--------- 1 | | | 2 For example, a piece which has been rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise from its correct orientation gets an orientation of 3. In general, the labels for the pieces of the Equator puzzle should be choosen from the set given by the Cartesian product of the set of integers used to label the positions, {1, 2, ..., 30}, by the set of integers used to label the orientations: S = {1, 2, ..., 30}x{0,1,2,3} = { (m,n) | 1 <= m <= 30, 0 <= n <= 3}. Each move of the Equator corresponds to a unique permutation of the set S. There are 120 elements of S, call them S = {s1, s2, ..., s120}. If we identify the set S with the set T = {1, ..., 120} then we move of the Equator corresponds to a unique permutation of the set T. Exercise: Verify that the Equator puzzle satisfies the 5 defining properties of a permutation puzzle. Question: Can you show the following: If a piece is correctly oriented then its antipodal piece is also correctly oriented? Notation: We introduce notation for 3 basic moves of the Equator puzzle which generate all possible puxzzle moves. Let us label the three circular bands on the globe as C1, C2, and C3. Let C1 be the band which, in the solved position, contains the pieces labeled 1, 2, ..., 12; let C2 be the band which, in the solved position, contains the pieces labeled 7, 13, ..., 22; and let C3 be the band which, in the solved position, contains the pieces on the equator. Let r1 be the puzle move associated to the rotation of C1 given by [ 1 [ 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 ] 1 ].
It is clear after a little thought that each of these moves corresponds to a permutation of the 120 position/orientation labels of the pieces of the equator puzzle. Furthermore, such a permutation determines the puzzle position uniquely since it specifies the facet's position and orientation.
Exercise: Verify that the remaining properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied. Solution strategy, in brief: First, ignore the orientation of the pieces. Just try to get the pieces in their correct position. One of the most remarkable properties of this puzzle is that GAP (a group theory computer program we will discuss more later) is, in practice, very efficient at solving this part of the solution. (This is remarkable in view of the fact that GAP is not very good at solving the corresponding problem for the Rubik's cube, for example, so there is no reason to expect it to be good at solving this problem.) Second, once the pieces are in the correct position, they must be correctly oriented by a catalog of "node" moves designed for that purpose. Some "node" moves are included below. Some notation: if x, y, and z are moves, let : [x,y,z] = x^(-1)*y^(-1)*z^(-1)*x*y*z. We call a move of the form [r1^(3k),r2^(3m),r3^(3n)] a "node move" since it only affects the nodes where the circles intersect). The table below records where each node goes as well as its effect on the orientation. For example, [r1^-3,r2^-3,r3^-3] will swap the NP and SP, while rotating the NP by 90 degrees in a counter clockwise direction. Moreover, it will fix the position of the piece labeled as 20 but will rotate it by 90 degrees clockwise. The position entry in a block is the position the piece moves to. The angle entry, if any, is the angle the piece gets rotated by. No angle entry means, of course, that the piece is not rotated. No position entry means that the piece was not moved (but may have been rotated). If a move has no effect on the position or the angle then we fill in the block with a "-". In the following table, NP, SP have been denoted by 1,7, resp., for brevity. move/piece m123 m132 m231 m213 m321 A m321^2 B n123 D where m123 = [r1^-3, r2^-3, r3^-3], m132 = [r1^-3, r3^-3, r2^-3], m231 = [r2^-3, r3^-3, r1^-3], m213 = [r2^-3, r1^-3, r3^-3], A = m123*m132*m213, B = C*m321^2*C^(-1), C = (1 4) (7 10) = r1^3, n123 = [r1^-3, r2^-3, r3^3], D = [r1^-3, r2^-3, r3^3]. 1 7,90ccw 7,180 7,180 90cw 90ccw 180 1,90ccw 7 1,90cw 1,180 1,180 90ccw 90cw 180 7,90cw 4 10,180 90ccw 90cw 10,90cw 10,90cw 180 180 10 90cw 10 1,180 90cw 90ccw 4,90ccw 4,90ccw 180 180 4 90ccw 15 90ccw 20,90cw 20,90cw 20 90cw 180 20,90ccw 90cw 20 90cw 15,90ccw 15,90ccw 15 90ccw 180 15,90cw 90ccw
THE RAINBOW MASTERBALL Some rules for the rainbow masterball (referred to simply as "masterball" in the following): A masterball sphere has 32 tiles of 8 distinct colors. We shall assume that the masterball is in a fixed position in space, centered at the origin. A geodesic path from the north pole to the south pole is called a "longitudinal line" and a closed geodesic path parallel to the equator is called a "latitudinal line". There are 8 longitudinal lines and 3 latitudinal lines. In spherical coordinates, the longitudinal lines are at the angles which are multiples of Pi/4 (i.e., at theta = nPi/4, n=1,..,8) and the latitudinal lines are at phi = Pi/4, Pi/2, 3Pi/4. (Here Pi is the usual 3.141592...) The sphere shall be oriented by the right-hand rule - the thumb of the right hand wrapping along the polar axis points towards the north pole. We assume that one of the longitudinal lines has been fixed once and for all. This fixed line shall be labeled "1", the next line (with respect to the orientation above) as "2", and so on. Allowed moves: One may rotate the masterball east-to-west by multiples of Pi/4 along each of the 4 latitudinal bands or by multiples of Pi along each of the 8 longitudinal lines. A "facet" will be one of the 32 subdivisions of the masterball created by these geodesics. A facet shall be regarded as immobile positions on the sphere and labeled either by an integer i in {1,...,32} or by a pair (i,j) in [1,4]\times [1,8], whichever is more convenient at the time. If a facet has either the north pole or the south pole as a vertex then we call it a "small" or "polar" facet. Otherwise, we call a facet "large" or "middle". A "coloring" of the masterball will be a labeling of each facet by one of the 8 colors in such a way that: (a) each of the 8 colors occurs exactly twice in the set of the 16 small facets, (b) each of the 8 colors occurs exactly twice in the set of the 16 large facets. A "move" of the masterball will be a change in the coloring of the masterball associated to a sequence of manuevers as described above. If we now identify each of the 8 colors with an integer in {1, ...,8} and identify the collection of facets of the masterball with a 4x8 array of integers in this range. To "solve" an array one must, by an appropriate sequence of moves corresponding to the above described rotations of the masterball, put this array into a "rainbow" position so that the matrix entries of each column has the same number. Thus the array 1 1 1 1 is "solved". The array 6 1 1 1 7 2 2 2 8 3 3 3 1 4 4 4 2 5 5 5 3 6 6 6 4 7 7 7 5 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
corresponds to a rotation of the north pole facets by 3Pi/4. Notation: We use "matrix" notation to denote the 32 facets of the masterball. The generators for the latitudinal rotations are denoted r1, r2, r3, r4, so, for example, r1 sends 11 21 31 41 to 12 22 32 42 13 23 33 43 14 24 34 44 15 25 35 45 16 26 36 46 17 27 37 47 18 28 38 48
12 21 31 41
13 22 32 42
14 23 33 43
15 24 34 44
16 25 35 45
17 26 36 46
18 27 37 47
11 28 38 48
As you look down at the ball from the north pole, this move rotates the ball clockwise. The other moves r2, r3, r4 rotate the associated band of the ball in the same direction - clockwise as viewed from the north pole. The generators for the longitudinal rotations are denoted f1, f2,...,f8, so for example, f1 sends 12 21 31 41 to 44 34 24 15 43 33 23 14 42 32 22 13 41 31 21 12 16 25 35 45 17 26 36 46 18 27 37 47 11 28 38 48 13 22 32 42 14 23 33 43 15 24 34 44 16 25 35 45 17 26 36 46 18 27 37 47 11 28 38 48
With these rules, one can check the relation f5=r1^4*r2^4*r3^4*r4^4*f1*r1^4*r2^4*r3^4*r4^4. Exercise: Find similar identities for f6, f7, f8. Also, one can check that r1=(f3*f7)^{-1}*r4^{-1}*f3*f7. Exercise: There are similar identities for r2, r3, r4. Find them. Identify the facets of the masterball with the entries of the array 8 16 24 32 7 15 23 31 6 14 22 30 5 13 21 29 4 12 20 28 3 11 19 27 2 10 18 26 1 9 17 25
(there is a reason for labeling the facets "backwards" like this but it's not important). We may express the generators of the masterball group in disjoint cycle notation as a subgroup of S_{32} (the symmetric group on 32 letters): r1^{-1} = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) r2^{-1} = (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) r3^{-1} = (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) r4^{-1} = (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32) f1 = (5, 32) (6, 31) (7, 30) (8, 29) (13, 24) (14, 23) (15, 22) (16, 21) f2 = (4, 31) (5, 30) (6, 29) (7, 28) (12, 23) (13, 22) (14, 21) (15, 20) f3 = (3, 30) (4, 29) (5, 28) (6, 27) (11, 22) (12, 21) (13, 20) (14, 19) f4 = (2, 29) (3, 28) (4, 27) (5, 26) (10, 21) (11, 22) (12, 23) (13, 24) f5 = (1, 28) (2, 27) (3, 26) (4, 25) (9, 20) (10, 19) (11, 18) (12, 17) f6 = (8, 27) (1, 26) (2, 25) (3, 32) (16, 19) (9, 18) (10, 17) (11, 24) f7 = (7, 26) (8, 25) (1, 32) (2, 31) (15, 18) (16, 17) (9, 24) (10, 23) f8 = (6, 25) (7, 32) (8, 31) (1, 30) (14, 17) (15, 24) (16, 23) (9, 22)
Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle.
2x2 RUBIK'S CUBE The "pocket" Rubik's cube has 6 sides, or "faces", each of which has 2x2=4 "facets", for a total of 24 facets: ______________ /______/u_____/ | /______/______/| | | | | | | | | | r/| |______f______ /| | | | | | | | | | |/ |______|______|/
6 sides: front (f), back (b), left (l), right (r), up (u), down (d)
Fix an orientation of the Rubik's cube in space. Therefore, we may label the six sides as f, b, l, r, u, d, as in the picture. It has 8 subcubes. Each face of the cube is associated to a "slice" of 4 subcubes which share a facet with the face. The face, along with all of the 4 cubes in the "slice", can be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise. We denote this move by the upper case letter associated to the lower case letter denoting the face. For example, F denotes the move which rotates the front face by 90 degrees to clockwise. ______________ /______/u_____/ | /______/______/| | | _|_ | | | | / | \ | r/| |__ /__f__\___ /| | | __ | | | | | | |\__|__/ | |/ |______|______|/ <-------------------
/ \ | | | | |
| | | | | | \ /
The move F
+--------------+ | 1 2 | | u |
| 3 4 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 5 6 | 9 10 | 13 14 | 17 18 | | l | f | r | b |
| 7 8 | 11 12 | 15 16 | 19 20 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 21 22 | | d |
| 23 24 | +--------------+ The 24 facets will be denoted by xyz where x is the face on which the facet lives and y, z (or z, y it doesn't matter) indicate the 2 edges of the facet. Written in clockwise order: front face: fru, frd, fld, flu back face: blu, bld, brd, bru right face: rbu, rbd, rfd, rfu left face: lfu, lfd, lbd, lbu up face: urb, urf, ulf, ulb down face: drf, drb, dlb, dlf Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle. For future reference, we call this system of notation (which we will also use for the 3x3 and 4x4 Rubik's cube) the "Singmaster notation".
3x3 RUBIK'S CUBE Much has been written on the Rubik's cube (see, for example, [Ru] or[Si]). In this section we shall, for the most part, simply introduce enough basic notation to allow us to check that the puzzle is in fact a permutation puzzle. The Rubik's cube has 6 sides, or "faces", each of which has 3x3 = 9 "facets", for a total of 54 facets. We label these facets 1, 2, ..., 54 as follows: +--------------+ | 1 2 3 | | 4 u 5 |
| 6 7 8 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 9 10 11 | 17 18 19 | 25 26 27 | 33 34 35 | | 12 l 13 | 20 f 21 | 28 r 29 | 36 b 37 |
| 14 15 16 | 22 23 24 | 30 31 32 | 38 39 40 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 41 42 43 | | 44 d 45 |
| 46 47 48 | +--------------+ then the generators, corresponding to the six faces of the cube, may be written in disjoint cycle notation as: F:= (17, 19, 24, 22) (18, 21, 23, 20) (6, 25, 43, 16) (7, 28, 42, 13) (8, 30, 41, 11), B:= (33, 35, 40, 38) (34, 37, 39, 36) (3, 9, 46, 32) (2, 12, 47, 29) (1, 14, 48, 27) L:= (9, 11, 16, 14) (10, 13, 15, 12) (1, 17, 41, 40) (4, 20, 44, 37) (6, 22, 46, 35) R:= (25, 27, 32, 30) (26, 29, 31, 28) (3, 38, 43, 19) (5, 36, 45, 21) (8, 33, 48, 24) U:= (1, 3, 8, 6) ( 2, 5, 7, 4) (9, 33, 25, 17) (10, 34, 26, 18) (11, 35, 27, 19) D:= (41, 43, 48, 46) (42, 45, 47, 44) (14, 22, 30, 38) (15, 23, 31, 39) (16, 24, 32, 40) Exercise: Check this. The notation for the facets will be similar to the notation used for the 2x2 Rubik's cube. The corner factes will have the same notation and the edge facets will bve denoted by xy, where x is the face the facet lives on and y is the face the facet borders to. In clockwise order, starting with the upper right-hand corner of each face: front face: fru, fr, frd, fd, fld, fl, flu, fu back face: blu, bl, bld, bd, brd, br, bru, bu right face: rbu, rb, rbd, rd, rfd, rf, rfu, ru left face: lfu, lf, lfd, ld, lbd, lb, lbu. lu up face: urb, ur, urf, uf, ulf, ul, ulb, ub down face: drf, dr, drb, db, dlb, dl, dlf, df Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle. 4x4 RUBIK'S CUBE
The 4x4 Rubik's cube has 6 sides, or "faces", each of which has 4x4 = 16 "facets", for a total of 96 facets. As usual, we fix an orientation of the cube in space, so we may pick a front face, back face, ... . We label these facets 1, 2, ..., 96 as follows: +-----------------+ | 49 | 61 | 73 | 85 50 62 u 74 86 75 87 76 88 | | 51 63 52 64 | |
+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | | | 53 65 77 89 54 66 l 78 90 79 91 80 92 | 25 | 37 26 38 55 67 56 68 | 1 2 14 3 15 f 27 39 4 16 28 40 | 5 6 18 30 42 7 19 r 31 43 8 20 32 44 | | | | 9 21 33 45 10 22 34 46 11 23 b 35 47 12 | 24 | 36 | 48 |
| 13
| 17 | 29 | 41
+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 57 | 69 | 81 | 93 58 70 d 82 94 83 95 84 96 | | 59 71 60 72 | |
+-----------------+ Notation: We need notation for the facets and for the moves. Facets: To label the facets, we must pick an orientation of each face, say clockwise. For example, the the front face may be labeled as +---------------------+ | flu | fl1 | fl2 | fld fu1 f4 f f3 fd2 f2 fd2 fr2 frd | | fu2 f1 fru fr1 | |
+---------------------+ The labeling of the other faces is similar. Exercise: Label the other 5 faces.
Moves: Parallel to each face x are 4 slices of 16 subcubes each labeled X1, X2, X3, X4, in order of their distance from the face. For example, the front face f has 16 subcubes comprising the F1 slice, the two inner slices are F2, F3, and the last slice F4 is actually the same as the first slice B1 associated to the back face. The 12 generators (written in disjoint cycle notation), corresponding 2 each to the six faces of the cube are given by: U1=(49, 52, 88, 85) (62, 63, 75, 74) (50, 64, 87, 73) (51, 76, 86, 61) (5, 1, 53, 9) (6, 2, 54, 10) (7, 3, 55, 11) (8, 4, 56, 12), U2=(17, 13, 65, 21) (18, 14, 66, 22) (19, 15, 67, 23) (20, 16, 68, 24) L1=(96, 48, 49, 1) (84, 36, 61, 13) (72, 24, 73, 25) (60, 12, 85, 37) (89, 53, 56, 92) (90, 65, 55, 80) (91, 77, 54, 68) (66, 67, 79, 78) L2=(59, 11, 86, 38) (71, 23, 74, 26) (83, 35, 62, 14) (95, 47, 50, 2) F1=(89, 5, 93, 92) (77, 17, 81, 80) (65, 29, 69, 68) (53, 41, 57, 86) (1, 4, 40, 37) (2, 16, 39, 25) (3, 28, 38, 13) (14, 15, 27, 26) F2=(73, 6, 81, 91) (74, 18, 82, 79) (75, 30, 83, 67) (76, 42, 84, 55) R1=(40, 88, 9, 57) (28, 76, 21, 69) (16, 64, 33, 81) (4, 52, 49, 93) (41, 5, 8, 44) (42, 17, 7, 32) (43, 29, 6, 20) (18, 19, 31, 30) R2=(39, 87, 10, 58) (27, 75, 22, 70) (15, 63, 34, 82) (3, 51, 46, 94) B1=(52, 53, 44, 60) (51, 65, 32, 59) (50, 77, 20, 58) (49, 89, 8, 57) (9, 12, 48, 45) (10, 24, 47, 33) (11, 36, 46, 21) (22, 23, 35, 34) B2=(54, 72, 43, 64) (66, 71, 31, 63) (78, 70, 19, 62) (90, 69, 7, 61) D1=(57, 60, 96, 93) (58, 72, 95, 81) (59, 84, 94, 69) (70, 71, 83, 82) (45, 89, 37, 41) (46, 90, 38, 42) (47, 91, 39, 43) (48, 92, 40, 44) D2=(33, 77, 25, 29) ( 34, 78, 26, 30) (35, 79, 27, 31) (36, 80, 28, 32) Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle.
SKEWB The skewb is a cube which has been subdivided into regions differently than the Rubik's cube. First, fix an orientation of the cube in space, so we may talk about a front face, a back face, up, down, left, and right. Each of these 6 square faces are subdivided into 5 facets as follows (where, unfortunately, the square comes out looking rectangular in the picture below): ________________ | /\ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | |/ x \| |\ /| | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | |______\/______|
x denotes one of the letters f(ront), b(ack), r(ight), l(eft), u(p), d(own).
The 4 corner facets are labeled exactly as in the case of the Rubik's cube (as the lower case xyz, where x is the label of the face the facet lives on, y and z the two neighboring faces). The skewb itself is a cube subdivided as follows: there are 8 corner pieces which are each in the shape of a tetrahedron. For example, if you hold a cube in front of you the upper right hand corner of the front face is the facet of a tetrahedron whose facets are labels f1, r4, u2. The moves of the skewb are different from the Rubik's cube as well: Label the corners as XYZ, where xyz is the notation for any of the facets belonging to that corner piece. Pick a corner XYZ of the cube and draw a line L passing through that corner vertex and the opposite corner vertex ("skewering the cube"). That line defines a 120 degree rotation in the clockwise direction (viewed from the line looking down onto the corner you picked). One move of the skewb is defined in terms of this rotation as follows: Of course a 120 degree rotation of the entire cube about the line L will preserve the cube but swap some faces and some vertices. The skewb has a mechanism so that you can actually rotate half (a "skewed" half) the skewb by 120 degrees about L and leave the other half completely fixed. This rotation of half the skewb abouut L will also be denoted XYZ.
| 19 18 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 5 2 | 10 7 | 25 22 | 30 27 | | 1 l | 6 f | 21 r | 26 b |
| 4 3 | 9 8 | 24 23 | 29 28 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 15 12 | | 11 d |
| 14 13 | +--------------+ Consider the rotation UFR associated to the corner ufr. This move permutes the facets of the skewb. As a permutation , the disjoint cycle notation for this move is UFR = (6 16 21) (7 18 25) (10 17 24) (8 19 22) Note, in particular UFR does not move the 9-facet. The 8 "basic moves" are given by FUR = (6 16 21) (7 18 25) (10 17 24) (8 19 22) RUB = (21 16 26) (22 17 30) (25 20 29) (23 18 27) BUL = (26 16 1) (27 20 5) (28 17 2) (30 19 4) LUF = (1 16 6) (2 19 10) (5 18 9) (3 20 7) FDR = (11 6 21) (25 13 9) (23 15 7) (24 12 8) BDR = (26 11 21) (29 13 23) (27 12 22) (30 14 24) FDL = (6 11 1) (9 15 3(10 12 4) (8 14 2) LDB = (1 11 26) (3 13 27) (4 14 28) (5 15 29). All other moves are obtained by combining these moves sequentially. Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle. nxn RUBIK'S CUBE The only other Rubik's cube manufactured, as far as I know, is the 5x5 Rubik's cube. Apparently, for n larger than 6 or 7, there are mechanical problems which cause the manufacture of the nxn cubes to be overly expensive or perhaps even impossible. For information, at least theoretically, on the solution of such cubes, the reader is referred to the article [L] or the postings in the archives of the "cube-lovers" list [CL].
The pyraminx is a puzzle in the shape of a tetrahedron (a 4-sided regular platonic solid). Each of the 4 faces is divided into 9 triangular facets: /\ / \ /____\ /\ /\ / \ / \ /____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ /____\/____\/____\ There are a total of 4x9 = 36 facets on the pyraminx. They will be labeled as follows:
/\ /\ / \ / \ /_1__\ /_36_\ /\ 5 /\ /\ 34 /\ (left) / \ / \ (right) / \ / \ (left) /_4__\/__6_\ /_35_\/_33_\ /\ 14 /\ 16 /\ /\ 31 /\ 29 /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /_13_\/_15_\/_17_\ /_32_\/_30_\/_28_\ front down
/\ /\ / \ / \ /__3_\ /__2_\ /\ 11 /\ /\ 8 /\ (right) / \ / \ (front) / \ / \ (left) /_10_\/_12_\ /_7__\/__9_\ /\ 11 /\ 26 /\ /\ 19 /\ 21 /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /_23_\/_25_\/_27_\ /_18_\/_20_\/_22_\ left right
We fix an orientation of the tetrahedron in space, so we may speak of a "front", "right", "left", and "down" face. We label the 4 faces as f(ront), r(ight), l(eft), d(own). The tetrahedron itself has been subdivided into sub-tetrahedrons as follows: to each face x (so x is either f, r, l, or d) there is an opposing vertex Vx of the solid. For this face, we slice the solid along two planes parallel to the face x and lying in between the face x and the vertex Vx. We want these planes, along with the face x itself and the vertex Vx to be spaced apart equally. The sub-tetrahedrons in the slice of the face itself will be called the "first slice" associated to the face x, denoted X1, the sub-tetrahedrons in the "middle" slice parallel to the face x will be called the "second slice" associated to that face, denoted X2, and the sub-tetrahedron containing the vertex Vx to the face "third slice" associated to that face, denoted X3.
To each face labeled x, we have a clockwise rotation by 120 degrees of the first slice X1 of the face. We shall denote this rotation also by X1. This rotation only moves the facets living on the slice X1. Similarly, we have a clockwise rotation by 120 degrees of the second slice X2 of the face. We shall denote this rotation also by X2. X3 denotes the clockwise rotation by 120 degrees of the opposing subtetrahedron containing the vertex Vx. These moves permute the labels for the 36 facets, hence mmay be regarded as a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, ..., 36. For example, the clockwise rotation by 120 degrees (looking at the front face) of the sub-tetrahedron opposite to the front face will be denoted F3. The disjoint cycle notation for this move, regarded as a permutation, is F3 = (23 22 36). The "basic" moves are given as follows: F1 = (2 32 27) (8 31 26) (7 30 12) (19 29 11) (18 28 3) (1 17 13) (6 15 4) (5 16 14) F2 = (9 35 25) (21 34 24) (20 33 10) F3 = (23 22 36) R1 = (3 36 17) (11 34 16) (10,35,6) (24 31 5) (23 32 1) (2 22 18) (9 20 7) (8 21 19) R2 = (12 33 15) (26 29 14) (25 30 4) R3 = (27 28 13) L1 = (1 28 22) (5 29 21) (4 33 9) (14 34 8) (13 36 2) (3 27 23) (11 26 24) (12 25 10) L2 = (6 30 20) (16 31 19) (15 35 7) L3 = (17 32 18) D1 = (13 18 23) (14 19 24) (15 20 25) (16 21 26) (17 22 27) (28 32 36) (29 31 34) (30 35 33) D2 = (4 7 10) (5 8 11) (6 9 12) D3 = (1 2 3) All other moves are obtained by combining these moves sequentially. Exercise: Verify that the properties of a permutation puzzle are satisfied for this puzzle.
MEGAMINX This puzzle is in the shape of a dodecahedron. A dodecahedron is a 12-sided regular platonic solid for which each of the 12 faces is a pentagon. Here is an ascii picture of a pentagon (which has about a 2% error):
* * | \ * | / * \
* * We call two faces "neighboring" if they share an edge. There are 20 vertices and 30 edges on a dodecahedron. Each of the puzzle faces has been subdivided into 11 facets by slicing each edge with a cut which is both parallel to that edge and not far from the edge (say one-fifth the way to the opposite vertex). A very crude ascii picture is as follows: /
* * a * * \ / * * j * b * * i\ * * / * * * k * c * * /h* *d\ * * - * * * - * * g\ f/ e * * * * * * *
There are a total of 11x12 = 132 facets on the puzzle. Each face of the solid is parallel to a face on the opposite side. Fix a face of the dodecahedron and consider a plane parallel to that face slicing through the solid and about one-fifth the way to the opposite face. There are 12 such slices. Two such slices associated to two neighboring edges will intersect inside the dodecahedron at a 120 degree angle but two such slices associated to two non-neighboring edges will not intersect inside the dodecahedron (though they will intersect outside the solid of course).
We slice up the solid dodecahedron in this way. This creates a smaller dodecahedron in the center and several other irregular smaller pieces. For each such slice associated to a given face x there is a "basic" corresponding move of the megaminx X given by clockwise rotating the slice of the megaminx by 120 degree, leaving the rest of the dodecahedron invariant. Such a move effects 26 facets of the megaminx and leaves the remaining 106 facets completely fixed. Label the 12 faces of the solid as f1, f2, ..., f12 in some fixed way. Imagine that the dodecahedron is placed in 3-space in such a way that one side on the xy-plane and is centered along the positive z-axis so that one of the vertices of the top face is at the xyz-coordinate (r,0,s), where r is the radius of the inscribed circle for the pentagon and s is the distance from the "up" face to the "down" face of the dodecahedron. Exercise: Suppose r=1. Find s. (This is fairly hard - see the chapter on Platonic solids for some ideas.) The up face we label as f1. The others may be labeled according to the following graph, where faces are represented by vertices and two vertices are connected by an edge if the corresponding faces are neighboring.
f1 is "up"
f12 is "down"
________________________________ _________________________ \ / / \ \ | | f7 ------------______ \ \ | |/ \ \ | | | f6 f2 -------_____ \ | | \ / \ / \ \ | / / f11 f1 - f3 - f8 ---- f12 --_ _/ \ / \ \ / | \ f5 f4 - f9 _________/ | | /\ / | | | f10 -----------------__/ | \__________________________/ /
A more symmetric way to order the faces of the dodecahedron is as follows (see [B], exercise 18.35): f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 u u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 f12 f11 f10 f9 f8 f7 d d1 d0 d4 d3 d2
One property of this labeling is explained in the following Exercise: Suppose that the permutation (0 1 2 3 4) of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 acts on the labels u0, ..., u4 and d0, ..., d4 in the obvious way. Show that this permutation of the faces corresponds to a rotation of the dodecahedron. Notice that, like the cube, each vertex is uniquely determined by specifying the three faces it has in common. We use the notation x.y.z for the vertex of the dodecahedron which lies on the three faces x, y and z. Note that the order is irrelevent: x.y.z denotes the same vertex as y.x.z or z.y.x. The facets of the megaminx may be specified as with the Rubik's cube: a corner facet may be specified as [x.y.z], where x is the face the facet lives on and y, z are the two neighboring faces of the facet. An edge facet may be specified by [x.y], where x is the face the facet lives on and y is the two
neighboring face of the facet. The center facet of f1 will simply be denoted by [f1]. We will call this label the "intrinsic label". We may label the facets of the up face f1 as follows: f1 facet symbol a b c d e f g h i j k numerical label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 intrinsic label [f1.f6.f2] [f1. f2] [f1.f2.f3] [f1.f3] [f1.f3.f4] [f1.f4] [f1.f4.f5] [f1.f5] [f1.f5.f6] [f1.f6] [f1]
For the next face (the f2 face), we label the facets in such a way that the abc edge of f1 joins the ghi edge of f2: f1 facet symbol a b c d e f g h i j k numerical label 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 intrinsic label [f2.f6.f7] [f2. f7] [f2.f7.f8] [f2.f8] [f2.f8.f3] [f2.f3] [f2.f3.f1] [f2.f1] [f2.f1.f6] [f2.f6] [f2]
In general, we can label the remaining facets in such a way that the "basic" moves are, as permutations, given by: F1 = (1 3 5 7 9) (2 4 6 8 10) (20 31 42 53 64)x x(19 30 41 52 63) (18 29 40 51 62) F2 = (12 14 16 18 20) (13 15 17 19 21) (1 60 73 84 31)x x(3 62 75 86 23) (2 61 74 85 32) F3 = (23 25 27 29 31) (24 26 28 30 32) (82 95 42 3 16)x x(83 96 43 4 17) (84 97 34 5 18) F4 = (34 36 38 40 42) (35 37 39 41 43) (27 93 106 53 5)x x(28 94 107 54 6) (29 95 108 45 7) F5 = (45 47 49 51 53) (46 48 50 52 54) (38 104 117 64 7)x x(39 105 118 65 8) (40 106 119 56 9) F6 = (56 58 60 62 64) (57 59 61 63 65) (49 115 75 20 9)x x(50 116 76 21 10) (51 117 67 12 1)
F7 = (67 69 71 73 75) (68 70 72 74 76) (58 113 126 86 12)x x(59 114 127 7 13) (60 115 128 78 14) F8 = (78 80 82 84 86) (79 81 83 85 87) (71 124 97 23 14)x x(72 125 98 24 15) (73 126 89 25 16) F9 = (89 91 93 95 97) (90 92 94 96 98) (80 122 108 34 25)x x(81 123 109 35 26) (82 124 100 36 27) F10 = (100 102 104 106 108) (101 103 105 107 109)x x(91 130 119 45 36) (92 131 120 46 37)x x(93 122 111 47 38) F11 = (111 113 115 117 119) (112 114 116 118 120)x x(102 128 67 56 47) (103 129 68 57 48)x x(104 130 69 58 49) F12 = (122 124 126 128 130) (123 125 127 129 131)x x(100 89 78 69 111) (101 90 79 70 112)x x(102 91 80 71 113)
OTHER PERMUTATION PUZZLES I have left out several puzzles: "topspin" ( planar puzzle), "alexander's star" (a stellated icosahedron), "the "impossiball" (a spherically shaped icosahedron), "mickey's challenge" (a spherically shaped cuboctahedron), Christoph's jewel (a cuboctahedron), and a "Rubicized truncated octahedron" (which I don't know the real name for). The curious reader may want to see, for example, chapter 5 of [B] or the article [GT].
So far, I have some strategies for solving the 3x3 Rubik's cube, the 4x4 Rubik's cube, and the masterball. 3x3 Rubik's cube Consider the group of transformations of Rubik's cube. If we number the faces of this cube as follows +--------------+ | 1 2 3 | | 4 U 5 |
| 6 7 8 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 9 10 11 | 17 18 19 | 25 26 27 | 33 34 35 | | 12 L 13 | 20 F 21 | 28 R 29 | 36 B 37 |
| 14 15 16 | 22 23 24 | 30 31 32 | 38 39 40 | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | 41 42 43 | | 44 D 45 |
| 46 47 48 | +--------------+ then the group is generated by the following generators, corresponding to the six faces of the cube: U:= ( 1, 3, 8, 6) ( 2, 5, 7, 4) ( 9, 33, 25, 17) (10, 34, 26, 18) (11, 35, 27, 19) L:= ( 9, 11, 16, 14) (10, 13, 15, 12) ( 1, 17, 41, 40) ( 4, 20, 44, 37) ( 6, 22, 46, 35) F:= (17, 19, 24, 22) (18, 21, 23, 20) ( 6, 25, 43, 16) ( 7, 28, 42, 13) ( 8, 30, 41, 11) R:= (25, 27, 32, 30) (26, 29, 31, 28) ( 3, 38, 43, 19) ( 5, 36, 45, 21) ( 8, 33, 48, 24) B:= (33, 35, 40, 38) (34, 37, 39, 36) ( 3, 9, 46, 32) ( 2, 12, 47, 29) ( 1, 14, 48, 27) D:= (41, 43, 48, 46) (42, 45, 47, 44) (14, 22, 30, 38) (15, 23, 31, 39) (16, 24, 32, 40) The reader may want to verify this by printing out a hard copy of the this page and cut+fold+tape the above diagram into a cube. The size of the group generated by these permutations is 43252003274489856000. Strategy for solving the cube Let x^y=y^(-1)*x*y denote conjugation and [x,y]=x^(-1)*y^(-1)*x*y denote the commutator, for x,y group elements. If x,y,z denote 3 group elements, let [x,y,z]=x^(-1)*y^(-1)*z^(-1)*x*y*z. If x is a group element and n>0 is an integer then x^n=x*x*...*x (n times). The solution strategy is composed of 3 stages:
Stage 1: Solve the top face and top edges. For this the following moves are useful:
"monotwist":[F,R^(-1)]^2 "monoswap":D^(F^(-1))*(D^2)^F*(D^(-1))^(F^(-1)) "monoflip":(epsilon R)^4, where epsilon is the counterclockwise middle slice quarter turn "edgeswap":(U^2)^(R^2*L^2) Stage 2: Solve the middle edges (and bottom edges as best as possible). For this the following "clean edge moves" are useful: R^2*U*F*B^(-1)*R^2*F^(-1)*B*U*R^2 is the top edge 3-cycle (uf,ub,ur), [U,F^(-1),R]*[U^(-1),B,R^(-1)]^L This flips, but does not permute, the top edges uf, ub (R^2U^2)^3 permutes 2 pairs of edges (uf,ub) (fr,br) (L^2*F^2*B^2*R^2*F^2*B^2)^(D*B^2*F^2) permutes 2 pairs of top edges (uf,ul) (ur,ub) Stage 3: Solve the bottom corners (and bottom edges if necessary). For this the following "clean corner moves" and "clean corner-edge moves" are useful: ((D^2)^R*(U^2)^B)^2 twists the ufr corner clockwise and the bld corner counterclockwise The move ((U^2(D^2)^(F*R^(-1)))^2)^(R^(-1)) has the same 2-corner-twist effect as the one above. ((D^2)^(F*D^(-1)*R)*U^2)^2 permutes 2 pairs of corners (ufr,ufl) (ubr,ubl)
[(D^(-1))^R,U^(-1)] corner 3-cycle (brd,urb,ulb) B^(U^(-1)*F)*U^2*U^B*U^2*B^(-1) permutes two top edges and 2 top corners (ulb,urb) (ub,ur) These moves were compiled with help from the books [Si] and [BCG].
4x4 Rubik's cube Consider the group of transformations of the 4x4 Rubik's cube. If we number the faces of this cube as follows +-----------------+ | 49 | 61 | 73 | 77 50 62 U 74 78 75 79 76 80 | | 51 63 52 64 | |
+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | | | 53 65 77 89 54 66 L 78 90 79 91 80 92 | 25 | 37 26 38 55 67 56 68 | 1 2 14 3 15 F 27 39 4 16 28 40 | 5 6 18 30 42 7 19 R 31 43 8 20 32 44 | | | | 9 21 33 45 10 22 34 46 11 23 B 35 47 12 | 24 | 36 | 48 |
| 13
| 17 | 29 | 41
+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 57 | 69 | 81 | 93 58 70 D 82 94 83 95 84 96 | | 59 71 60 72 | |
+-----------------+ then the group is generated by the following 12 generators (written in disjoint cycle notation), corresponding 2 each to the six faces of the cube: U1= (49, 52, 88, 85) (62, 63, 75, 74) (50, 64, 87, 73) (51, 76, 86, 61) (5, 1, 53, 9) (6, 2, 54, 10) (7, 3, 55, 11) (8, 4, 56, 12) U2= (17, 13, 65, 21) (18, 14, 66, 22) (19,15,67,23) (20,16,68,24) L1= (96, 48, 49, 1) (84, 36, 61, 13) (72, 24, 73, 25) (60, 12, 85, 37) (89, 53, 56, 92) (90, 65, 55, 80) (91, 77, 54, 68) (66, 67, 79, 78) L2= (59, 11, 86, 38) (71, 23, 74, 26) (83, 35, 62, 14) (95, 47, 50, 2) F1= (89, 5, 93, 92) (77, 17, 81, 80) (65, 29, 69, 68) (53, 41, 57, 86) (1, 4, 40, 37) (2, 16, 39, 25) (3, 28, 38, 13) (14, 15, 27, 26) F2= (73, 6, 81, 91) (74, 18, 82, 79) (75, 30, 83, 67) (76, 42, 84, 55) R1= (40, 88, 9, 57) (28, 76, 21, 69) (16, 64, 33, 81) (4, 52, 49, 93) (41, 5, 8, 44) (42, 17, 7, 32) (43, 29, 6, 20) (18, 19, 31, 30) R2= (39, 87, 10, 58) (27, 75, 22, 70) (15, 63, 34, 82) (3, 51, 46, 94) B1= (52, 53, 44, 60) (51, 65, 32, 59) (50, 77, 20, 58) (49, 89, 8, 57) (9, 12, 48, 45) (10, 24, 47, 33) (11, 36, 46, 21) (22, 23, 35, 34)
B2= (54, 72, 43, 64) (66, 71, 31, 63) (78, 70, 19, 62) (90, 69, 7, 61) D1= (57, 60, 96, 93) (58, 72, 95, 81) (59, 84, 94, 69) (70, 71, 83, 82) (45, 89, 37, 41) (46, 90, 38, 42) (47, 91, 39, 43) (48, 92, 40, 44) D2= (33, 77, 25, 29) (34, 78, 26, 30) (35, 79, 27, 31) (36, 80, 28, 32) (To check these are correct, the reader may want to print out a hard copy of this page and cut-fold-tape the above diagram into a cube.) Strategies for solving the 4x4 cube The solution strategy is composed of 4 stages: Stage 1: Solve the corners. For this use moves for the 3x3 Rubik's cube. Stage 2: "Pair" the edges so that the neighboring facets on neighboring middle edges have the same color as each other. For this the following "clean edge moves" are useful: "flipedge":=L2^2*D1^2*U2*F1^3*U2^3*F1*D1^2*L2^2*L1*U1*L1^3*U2^3*L1*U1^3*L1^3 (due to J. Adams [A] who calls it "move 8"). This flips and swaps the two middle edge facets on the UF boundary. It affects some centers, but no other edges or corners. "upedgeswap"=R2*B1^2*D1^2*B1^3*R2^3*B1*D1^2*B1^3*R2*B1^3*R2^2 (due to Thai [T], who calls it an "11 gram"). This move affects some centers but no corners and only 4 edge facets. It swaps and flips the right-most UF edge cubie with the right-most UB edge cubie, sending the U facet of the right-most UF edge cubie to the B facet of the right-most UB edge cubie. Stage 3: Solve the edges. For this the "clean edge moves" for the 3x3 Rubik's cube (see section 1 on the 3x3 Rubik's cube). Stage 4: Solve the centers. For this, use the following "clean center moves": center3cycle:=R1^(-1)*F2*R2^(-1)*F2^(-1)*R1*F2*R2*F2^(-1) (also called "move 9", due to J. Adams). This move is a 3-cycle on center facets, affecting no edges, no corners, and no other center facets. It is the 3-cycle (15,19,18) in the above notation. Some similar clean center moves: center1=B1^2*R2^3*F2*R2*B1^2*R2^3*F2^3*R2, center2=R2^2*B1^2*R2^3*F2*R2*B1^2*R2^3*F2^3*R2^3 These aren't really necessary since the the center3cycle can always be applied after a suitable set-up move (i.e., in combination with a suitable conjugation). The following move is occasionally useful: "centerswap"=(R2^2*U2^2)^4 This affects only 6 center facets (on the front and back faces) and no others. It is the product of 2 3cycles: (15,34,23) (27,14,22) in the above notation. These moves were compiled with help from the books [A] and [T].
Rainbow masterball The solution strategy Step 1: The idea is to first get all the middle bands aligned first, so you get ball corresponding to a matrix of the form * 1 1 * * 2 2 * * 3 3 * * 4 4 * * 5 5 * * 6 6 * * 7 7 * * 8 8 *
Here, * denotes any color. We have labeled the colors on the masterball as 1, 2, ..., 8 in order of occurrence. We describe a method, which I call "crab fishing", for achieving this. (Mathematically, this amounts to performing some carefully choosen commutators.) Without too much trouble you can always assume that we have one column aligned. You may need to flip or rotate the ball a little bit to do this. Call this aligned column "column 1" and call the color in column 1, "color 1". We want to get the middle two entries in column 2 aligned. Call the color in the (2,3)-entry "color 2". We want to get color 2 in the (2,2)-entry. The remaining large color 2 tile is the "crab" we will "fish" for. Hold the ball in front of you in such a way that column 2 is slightly to the left of center and column 3 is slightly to the right of center. There are 4 facets in the right upper middle band, 4 facets in the left upper middle band, 4 facets in the right lower middle band and 4 facets in the left lower middle band. A flip about the center on the right half (i.e., perform f2) exchanges these. We may assume that color 2 is on one of the four facets in the right lower middle band. (If it isn't you need to apply f2 first). Now perform r2^{-1}*f2^{-1}*r2*f2: first perform r2^{-1} (this is "baiting the hook"), then f2^{-1} ("putting the hook in the water"), then r2 ("setting the hook"), and finally f2 ("reeling in the hook"). You may or may not have color 2 in the (2,2) place like you want but the color 1 stripe is intact. If necessary, try again. After at most 4 tries you'll be successful. Step 2: Repeat this "crab fishing" strategy to get color 2 in the (1,2) position (using r1^{-1}*f2^{1}*r1*f2 in place of r2^{-1}*f2^{-1}*r2*f2). Now, by turning the ball over if necessary, repeat this idea to get color 2 in the (4,2) position. Now you have two "aligned" stripes on your ball - color 1 in column 1 and color 2 in column 2. We say, in this case, that columns 1 and 2 have been "solved". Step 3: Repeat this for columns 3 and 4. Step 4: Use the moves in the "catalog" below to finish the puzzle.
A catalog of rainbow moves Column moves: We number the columns as 1,...,8. We will use a signed cycle notation to denote an action of a move on the columns of the masterball. For example, (a) a move which switches the 1st and 3rd column but flips both of them over will be denoted by (1,3)_, (b) a move which sends the 4th column to the 6th column, the 6th column to the 5th column, and switches the 2nd and 3rd column but flips both of them over will be denoted by (2,3)_(6,5,4), Move f1 Cycle (1, 4)_(2, 3)_
f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f1*f2*f1 f1*f2*f1*f2 f1*f3*f1 f2*f3*f2 f1*f4*f1 f1*f5*f1 f1*f8*f1 f8*f1*f8 f2*f1*f2 f3*f1*f3 f3*f6*f3 f8*f1*f2 Some products of 2-cycles on the facets:
(2, 5)_(3, 4)_ (3, 6)_(4, 5)_ (4, 7)_(5, 6)_ (5, 8)_(6, 7)_ (1, 6)_(7, 8)_ (2, 7)_(1, 8)_ (3, 8)_(1, 2)_ (1, 2)_(3, 5) (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)_ (1, 5) (2, 6) (2, 3)_(6, 5, 4) (1, 7) (5, 6) (5, 8)_(6, 7)_ (2, 8) (3, 4)_ (1, 8)_(4, 3, 2) (1, 3) (4, 5)_ (1, 5) (2, 6) (1, 3) (4, 8)_ (1, 4)_(2, 3, 8, 5)_
These are all based on an idea of Andrew Southern. The polar2swap and equator2swap were obtained by trying variations of some of Andrew's moves on a MAPLE implementation of the masterball. We number the facets in the i-th column, north-to-south, as i1, i2, i3, i4 (where i=1,2,...,8). Move r1*f4*r1^(-1)*r4*f4*r4^(-1) f1*r1*f4*r1^(-1)*r4*f4*r4^(-1)*f1 polar2swap36 polar2swap18 equator2swap36 equator2swap18 where polar2swap36= f1*r3^(-1)*r4^(-1)*f1*f2*r1*r4^(-1)*f2*r4^4*f2*r1^(-1)*r4*f2*r4^4*f1*r3*r4*f1 (if you replace r3 by r2 both times in this move you get the same effect), polar2swap18= f1*r3^(-1)*r4^(-1)*f3*f4*r1*r4^(-1)*f4*r4^4*f4*r1^(-1)*r4*f4*r4^4*f3*r3*r4*f1 equator2swap36= f1*r4^(-1)*r3^(-1)*f1*f2*r2*r3^(-1)*f2*r3^4*f2*r2^(-1)*r3*f2*r3^4*f1*r4*r3*f1 equator2swap18= f1*r4^(-1)*r3^(-1)*f3*f4*r2*r3^(-1)*f4*r3^4*f4*r2^(-1)*r3*f4*r3^4*f3*r4*r3*f1 Moves in this section were obtained with the help of Andrew Southern. Cycle (44, 84) (41, 81) (14, 84) (11, 81) (11, 14) (31, 61) (61, 64) (11, 81) (12, 13) (32, 62) (62, 63) (12, 82)
Let X be any finite set and let S_X denote the set of all permutations of X onto itself: S_X = { f : X -> X | f is a bijection }. This set has the following properties: (1) iff, g belong to S_X then fg (the composition of these permutations) also belongs to S_X, (2) iff, g, h all belong to S_X then (fg)h = f(gh), ("associativity"), (3) the identity permutation I : X -> X, I(x) = x for all x in X, belongs to S_X ("existence of the identity"), (4) iff belongs to S_X then the inverse permutation f^(-1) of X also belongs to S_X ("existence of the inverse"). The set S_X is called the "symmetric group of X". We shall usually take for the set X a set of the form {1, 2, ..., n}, in which case we shall denote the symmetric group by Sn. This group is also called the "symmetric group on n letters. Example: Suppose X = {1,2,3}. We can describe S_X as S_X = { I, s1=(1 2), s2=(2 3), s3=(1 3 2), s4=(1 2 3), s5=(1 3)}. The multiplication table is I s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 I I s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s1 s1 I s4 s5 s2 s3 s2 s2 s3 I s1 s5 s4 s3 s3 s2 s5 s4 I s1 s4 s4 s5 s1 I s3 s2 s5 s5 s4 s3 s2 s1 I
Exercise: Verify the four properties of S_X mentioned above in the case of the above example. Note that associativity follows from the associative property of the composition of functions (see the exercise at the end of chapter 2). We take these four properties as the four defining properties of a group: Definition: Let G be a set and suppose that there is a function * : GxG --> G (g1,g2) |---> g1*g2 (called the group's "operation") satisfying (G1) if g1, g2 belong to G thn g1*g2 belongs to G ("G is closed under *"), (G2) if g1, g2, g3 belong to G then (g1*g2)*g3 = g1*(g2*g3) ("associativity"), (G3) there is an element 1 in G such that 1*g = g*1 = g for all g in G ("existence of an identity"), (G4) if g belongs to G then there is an element g^(-1) in Gsuch that g*g^(-1)= g^(-1)*g= 1. Then G (along with the operation *) is a "group".
Definition: Let g and h be two elements of a group G. We say that g "commutes" with h (or that "g, h commute") if g*h = h*g
We call a group "abelian" (or "commutative") if every pair of elements g, h belonging to G commute. If G is a group for which there exists some pair g,h in G which do not commute then we call G "nonabelian" or "noncommutative". Example: The integers, with ordinary addition as the group operation, is an abelian group. Exercise: Show that any group having exactly 2 elements is abelian. Now the reader should understand the punchline to the joke quoted at the beginning! Convention: When dealing with groups in general we often drop the * and denote multiplication simply by juxtaposition (that is, sometimes we write gh in place of g*h), with one exception. If the group G is abelian then one often replaces * by + and then + is NOT dropped.
Now that we know the definition of a group, the question arises: how might they be described? The simplest answer is that we describe a group much as we might describe a set: we could list all its elements and give the multiplication table or we could describe all its elements and their multiplication in terms of some property from which we can verify the four properties of group. Though the first way has the distinct advantage of being explicit, it is this second alternative which is the most common since it is usually more concise. Our objective is to introduce terminology and techniques which enable us to analyse mathematically permutation puzzles. The type of groups which arise in this context are defined next. Definition: Let X be a finite set. Let g1, g2, ..., gn be a finite set of elements of permutations of X. Let G be the set of all possible products of the form g = x1*x2...*xm, m>0,
where each of the x1, ..., xm is taken from the set {g1, g1^(-1), ..., gn, gn^(-1)}. The set G, together with the group operation given by composition of permutations, is called a "permutation group" with "generators" g1, ..., gn. We sometimes write G = <g1, ..., gn> subset S_X. Remark: The above definition can be generalized: Replace S_X by any group S which includes all the generators g1, ..., gn. The resulting set G is called the "group generated by the elements g1, ..., gn". Algorithm: Input: The generators g1, ..., gn (as permutations in S_X), Output: The elements of G S = {g1, ..., gn, g1^(-1), ..., gn^(-1) }, L = S union {1}, for g in S do for h in L do if g*h not in L then L = L union {g*h} endif endfor endfor
Note that the size of the list L in the for loop changes after each iteration of the loop. The meaning of this is that the if-then command is to be executed exactly once for each element of the list. Exercise: Verify that a permutation group G satisfies the four properties of a group (G1)-(G4). Definition: If G is a group then the "order" of G, denoted |G|, is the number of elements of G. If g is an element of the group G then the order of g, denoted ord(g), is the smallest positive integer m such that g^m=1, if it exists. If such an integer m does not exist then we say that g has "infinite order".
Exercise: Let X = {1, 2, 3}. (a) Let G be the permutation group with generator s1, G = <s1>. What is the order of G? (b) What is the order of s5? (c) Let G be the permutation group with generator s3, G = <s3>. What is the order of G? (d) Find the order of s4. (e) Show that S_X = <s1,s2>. If G is a permutation group G with only one generator then we say that G is "cyclic". Lemma: If G = <g> is cyclic with generator g then |G|=ord(g).
Proof: Let m=ord(g), so g^m = 1. We can list all the elements of G as follows: 1, g, g^2, ..., g^(m-1). There are m elements in this list (we can prove this by contradiction: if not then g^j=g^k, some j < k in between 0 and m-1, which implies g^(k-j)=1, so 0<ord(g)=k-j<m, a contradiction). QED Definition: Let G be a group. A "subgroup" of G is a subset H of G such that H, together with the operation * inherited as a subset of G, satisfies the group operations (G1)-(G4) (with G replaced by H everywhere). Notation: If G is a group then we will denote the statement "H is a subgroup of G" by "H < G".
Example: A permutation group G generated by elements g1, ..., gn belonging to S_X is a subgroup of S_X, i.e., G < S_X.
Commutators Definition: If g, h are two elements of a group G then we call the element [g, h] = g*h*g^(-1)*h^(-1) then "commutator" of g, h. Not that [g,h]=1 if and only if g,h commute. Thus the commutator may be regarded as a rough measurement of the lack of commutativity. Exercise: Let G = S3, the symmetric group on 3 letters. Compute: [s1,s2], [s2,s1]. Exercise (requires a Rubik's cube): Let R, U be as in the notation for the Rubik's cube moves introduced in the previous chapter. Determine the order of the move [R,U]. (Ans: 6) Definition (Singmaster): Let G be the permutation group generated by the permutations R, L, U, D, F, B regarded as permutations in S54. The "Y commutator" is the element [F,R^(-1)] = F*R^(-1)*F^(-1)*R . The "Z commutator" is the element [F,R] = F*R*F^(-1)*R^(-1) . Exercise: Find the orders of the Y commutator and the Z commutator. Definition: Let G be any group. The group G' generated by all the commutators { [g,h] | g, h belong to G } This is called the "commutator subgroup" of G. This group may be regarded as a rough measurement of the lack of commutativity of the group G. Remark: We will see later that the group generated by the basic moves of the Rubik's cube - R, L, U, D, F, B - has a relatively large commutator subgroup. In other words, roughly speaking "most" moves of the Rubik's cube can be generated by commutators such as the Y commutator or the Z commutator.
Conjugation Definition: If g, h are two elements of a group G then we call the element g^h = g*h*g^(-1) then "conjugation" of g,h. Not that g^h=1 if and only if g,h commute. Thus the conjugates may be regarded as a rough measurement of the lack of commutativity. Exercise: Show [g,h]*h = h*g.
Exercise: Let G = S3, the symmetric group on 3 letters. Compute s1^s2, s2^s1.
Exercise (requires a Rubik's cube): Let R, U be as in the notation for the Rubik's cube moves introduced in the previous chapter. Determine the order of the move R^U. (Ans: 4) Definition: We say two elements g1, g2 of G are "conjugate" if there is an element h in G such that g2=g1^h.
Exercise: Show that the notion of "conjugate" defines an equivalence relation. That is, show that (a) any element g in G is conjugate to itself ("reflexive"), (b) if g is conjugate to h (g,h belonging to G) then h, is conjugate to g ("symmetry"), (c) if g1 is conjugate to g2 and g2 is conjugate to g3 then g1 is conjugate to g3 ("transitivity"). Definition: Fix an element g in a group G. The set Cl(g) = { h*g*h^(-1) | h in G } is called the "conjugacy class of g in G". It is the equivalence class of the element g under the relation given by conjugation. If H is a subgroup of G and if g is a fixed element of G then the set H^g = {g*h*g^(-1) | h in H } is a subgroup of G. Such a subgroup of G is called a subgroup "conjugate" to H. Exercise: Let S be the set of all subgroups of G. We define a relation R on S by R = { (H1,H2) in SxS | H1 is conjugate to H2 }. Show that R is an equivalence relation. Example: Let G = Sn and let H = <g> be a cyclic subgroup generated by a permuattion g of the set {1,2,...,n}. With respect to the equivalence relation in the previous exercise, show that a subgroup K of G belongs to the equivalence class [H] of H in G if any only if K is cyclic and is generated by an element k of G conjugate to g in G.
Example: Let X be a set and let G = S_X be the symmetric group of X. Then X is a G-set and g acts on X. Exercise: Show that the action in the previous example is both free and transitive. Example: Let G be the "symmetric group of the square": i.e., the group of symmetries of the square generated by the rigid motions g1 = reflection about l1, g2 = reflection about l2, g3 = reflection about l3, g4 = 90 degrees clockwise rotation about O, where l1, l2, l3 denote the lines of symmetry in the picture below: | / \_______|_______/ |\ | /| | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | | \ | / | ___|______\|/______|___ l2 | /|\ | | / |O\ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | |/______|______\| / | \ / | \ l1 l3 Let X be the set of vertices of the square. Then G acts on X. \
Example: Let X be the set of labels of the facets on the Rubik's cube. Let G be the permutation group generated by the permutations R, L, U, D, F, B, regarded as elements of S54. Then G acts on X. Exercise: Let G be a group and let X = G. Define "left multiplication of G on X" by: g : X ---> X g(x) = g*x. (a) Show that this defines an action of G on X. (b) Show that this action is transitive. (c) Show that this action is free. Exercise: Let G be a group and let X = G. Define "conjugation on X" by: g : X ---> X x |---> g(x) = g*x*g^(-1). Show that this defines an action of G on X. Exercise: Let G be a group and let X denote the set of all subgroups of G. Define "conjugation on X" by: g : X ---> X g(x) = g*x*g^(-1). Show that this defines an action of G on X. Remark: In general, the actions in the last two exercises are not transitive. Definition: Let G be a group acting on a set X. For each x belonging to X, the set Gx = { g(x) | g in G } is called the "orbit" of x in X under G. Algorithm Input: A set S of generators of a permuation group G and an x belonging to X Output: The orbit of x, G*x orbit = {x} for y in orbit do for g in S do if g*y not in orbit then orbit = orbit union {g*y} endif endfor endfor Note that the size of the list orbit in the for loop changes after each iteration of the loop. As mentioned before, the meaning of this is that the if-then command is to be executed exactly once for each element of the list. Exercise: Let G be the group of moves of the Rubik's cube and let X be the set of vertices of the cube. Let H be the subgroup of G generated by U*R. Find: (1) the order of U*R, (2) the orbit (in the Singmaster notation) of the ufr vertex in X under H.
Definition: Let G be a group acting on a set X. For each x belonging to X, the subgroup stab_G(x) = G_x = { g in G | g(x) = x }
is called the "stabilizer" of x in G. Example: Let G be the group of symmetries of the square, let X be the set of vertices of the square, and let x0 be the vertex in the lower right hand corner. Then stab_G(x0) = <g3>. Exercise: Let G be any group and let X=G. Let G act on X by "left multiplication": g : X ---> X x |-> g(x) = g*x. Show that stab_G(x) = {1}, for all x belonging to X=G. Exercise: Let G be any group and let X=G. Let G act on X by "conjugation": g : X ---> X x |-> g(x) = g*x*g^(-1). Show that stab_G(x) = { g in G | g*x=x*g }, for all x belonging to X=G. (This subgroup { g in G | g*x=x*g } is called the "centralizer" of x in G.) Example: Let X be the set of consisting of the 48 facets of the Rubik's cube which are not center facets i.e., the "movable" facets. Let Xc denote the subset of facets which belong to some corner subcube, Xe the subset of facets which belong to some edge subcube. Let G denote the Rubik's cube group. Note that G acts on X, Xc, Xe. The action of G on X induced an equivalence relation as follows: we say that a facet f1 is "equivalent" to a facts f2 if there is an element of G (i.e., a move of the Rubik's cube) which sends one facet to the other. There are exactly two equivalence classes, or orbits, of G in X: Xc and Xe. In particular, the action of G on Xc is transitive and the action of G on Xe is transitive. Cosets Let G be a group and H a subgroup of G. For g belonging to G, the subset g*H of G is called a "left coset" of H in G and the subset H*g of G is called a "right coset" of H in G. Exercise: If H is finite, show |H| = |g*H| = |H*g|. Exercise: If X is a left coset of H in G and x is an element of G, show that x*X is also a left coset of H in G. The set of all left cosets is written G/H and the set of all right cosets of H in G is denoted H\G. These two sets may npot be groups in themselves but they are useful none-the-less. For example, we have the following relationship between the orbits and the cosets of the stabilizers. Lemma: Let G be a finite group acting on a set X. Then |G*x| = |G/stab_G(x)|, for all x belonging to X. Proof: The map g*stab_G(x) |----> g*x
defines a function f : G/stab_G(x) --> G*x. This function is a bijection since it is both and injection (Exercise: Check this) and a surjection (Exercise: Check this). QED Exercise: Let G be the group of symmetries of the square. Using the notation above, compute G/<g3> and G*x0. Theorem (Lagrange): If G is a finite group and H a subgroup then |G/H| = |G|/|H|. Corollary: If H, G are as above then the order of H divides the order of G.
Proof of Theorem: Let X be the set of left cosets of H in G and let G act on X by left multiplication. Apply the previous lemma with x=H. QED Exercise: Let G = S3, the symmetric group on 3 letters, and let H = <s1>, in the notation above. (a) Compute |G/H| using Lagrange's Theorem. (b) Explicitly write down all the cosets of H in G. Definition: Let H be a subgroup of G and let C be a left coset of H in G. We call an element g of G a "coset representative" of C if C = g*H. A "complete set of coset representatives is a subset of G x1, x2, ..., xm, such that G/H = {x1*H, ..., xm*H }, without repetition (i.e., all the gi*H are disjoint).
Exercise: For g1,g2 in G, define g1 ~ g2 if and only if g1 and g2 belong to the same left coset of H in G. (a) Show that ~ is an equivalence relation. (b) Show that the left cosets of H in G partition G. Dimino's Algorithm We saw in an earlier chapter an algorithm for computing all the elements of a permuation group G. We shall discuss a more efficient algorithm for doing this in this section. For more details, see [Bu]. Notation: Let S = {g1, g2, ..., gn} be a set of generators for a permutation group G. Let S_0 = EMPTY, S_i = { g1, ..., gi }, G_0 = {1}, G_i = <Si> = the group generated by the elements in S_i, for 1 <= i <= n. Algorithm (inductive step): Input: The generators S of G and a list L of all the elements of the permutation subgroup G_{i-1}. Output: A list of elements of G_i C = {1} for g in C do for s in S_i do if s*g not in L then C = C union {s*g} L = L union s*g*G_{i-1} endif
endfor endfor Algorithm (Dimino): Input: The generators S of G Output: A list of elements of G (Initial case S_1 = <g1>) order = 1, element[1] = 1, g = g1 while g <> 1 do order = order + 1 element[order] = g g = g*g1 endwhile (General case) for i from 2 to n do <insert inductive step here> endfor Example: Let G = S3 = <s1, s2>. We use Dimono's algorithm to list all the elements of G. We have G0 = {1} < G1 = <s1> < G2 = G. First, we list the elements of G1 = <s1>. Since s1 = (1 2), it is order 2, so G1 = { 1, s1 }. This is our list L which we will apply the "inductive step" of Dimino's algorithm to (with i=2). We start with C={1}. Now we look at the left cosets of G1 in G2=G. We have (with g=1, s=s1) s1*G1 = G1, so we don't increase the size of C or L. Next, we have (with g=1, s=s2) s2*G1 = { s2, s2*s1 } <> G1, so L = {1, s1, s2, s2*s1}, C = {1, s2}. Next, we have (with g=s2, s=s1) s1*s2*G1 = { s1*s2, s1*s2*s1 } <> G1. (We know s1*s2*G1 <> G1 since neither of the two elements in s1*s2*G1 is the identity.) Thus, we increase L, C: L = {1, s1, s2, s2*s1, s1*s2, s1*s2*s1}, and C = {1, s2, s1*s2}. We know we may stop here since we know |S6| = 6 but the algorithm still has one more statement to execute. Next, we have (with g=s2, s=s2) s2*s2*G1 = G1, so we don't increase the size of C or L (as expected). This step terminates the algorithm and S3 = L. Exercise: Perform Dimino's algorithm on S4 = <s1=(1 2), s2=(2 3), s3=(3 4)>.
If e={v1,v2} belongs to E then we say that e is an "edge from v1 to v2" (or from v2 to v1). If v and w are vertices, a "path" from v to w is a finite sequence of edges beginning at v and ending at w: e0={v,v1}, e1={v1,v2}, ..., en={vn,w}. If there s a path from v to w then we say v is "connected" to w. We say that a graph (V,E) is "connected" if each pair of vertices is connected. The number of edges eminating from a vertex v is called the "degree" (or "valence") of v. Example: If V = {a,b,c}, E={{a,b},{a,c},{b,c}}, then we may visualize (V,E) as * c / \ / \ a * --- * b Each vertex has valence 2. Definition: If v and w are vertices connected to each other in a graph (V,E) then we define the "distance from v to w", denoted d(v,w), by d(v,w) = min |{edges in a path from v to w}| v,w in V connected By convention, if v and w are not connected then we set d(v,w) equal to infinity. The "diameter" of a graph is the largest possible distance: diam((V,E)) = max d(v,w) v,w in V In the above example, the diameter is 1.
Cayley graphs Let G be a permutation group, G = <g1,g2,...,gn> subgroup S_X. The "Cayley graph" of G is the graph (V,E) whose vertices V are the elements of G and whose edges are determined by the following condition: if x and y belong to V=G then there is an edge from x to y (or from y to x) if and only if y=gi*x or x=gi*y, for some i = 1,2,...,n.
Exercise: Show that the Cayley graph of a permuation group is connected. Example: Let G = <s1,s2> = S3, here s1=(1 2), and s2=(2 3). Then the Cayley graph of G may be visualized as 1 * / \ / \ s1 * * s2 / \ / \ s2*s1 * * s1*s2 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / * s1*s2*s1=s2*s1*s2 Example: Let G = <R,L,U,D,F,B> < S54 be the group of the 3x3 Rubik's cube. Each position of the cube orresponds to an element of the group G (i.e., the move you had to make to get to that position). In other words, each position of the cube corresponds to a vertex of the Cayley graph. Each vertex of this graph has valence 12 (exercise: check this). Moreover, a solution of the Rubik's cube is simply a path in the graph from the vertex associated to the present position of the cube to the vertex associated to the identity element. The number of moves in the shortest possible solution is simply the distance from the vertex associated to the present position of the cube to the vertex associated to the identity element. The diameter of the Cayley graph of G is the number of moves in the best possible solution in the worst possible case. Problem: Let G be the group of a permutation puzzle. Find the diameter of the Cayley graph of G. This problem is unsolved for most puzzles (including the 3x3 Rubik's cube) and appears to be difficult computationally. The cases where it is known include (with no attempt at completeness) the following: puzzle pyraminx 2x2 Rubiks cube diameter 11 (not including tip moves 14
Problem: Let G be the group of a permutation puzzle and let v be a vertex in the Cayley graph of G. Find an algorithm for determining a path from v to the vertex v0 associated to the identity having length equal to the distance from v to v0. This problem is much harder. The algorithm, if it exists, is called "God's algorithm". Exercise: Find the Cayley graph of the group G = <(1 2), (2 3), (3 4)> = S4. Find the diameter of this graph. There is a good discussion of God's algorithm on the www page of Mark Longridge: http://admin.dis.on.ca:80/~cubeman/
Here p, called the "face degree", denotes the number of edges bounding each face and q, called the "vertex degree", denotes the number of faces meeting each vertex. The three "Platonic groups" will be described below. Their names: T = symmetric group of the tetrahedron = "tetrahedral group", O = symmetric group of the octahedron (and the cube) = "octahedral group", I = symmetric group of the octahedron (and the dodecahedron) = "icosahedral group". These solids may be drawn in rectangular coordinates using Polyedron tetrahedron hexahedron octahedron dodecahedron icosahedron Coordinates (1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1), (-1, -1, 1), (-1, 1, -1) (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, -1), (1, -1, 1), (-1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, 1), (-1, -1, -1) (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1) see below (1, 0, phi), (1, 0, -phi), (-1, 0, phi), (-1, 0, -phi), (0, phi, 1), (0, phi, -1), (0, -phi, 1), (0, -phi, -1), (phi, 1, 0), (phi, -1, 0), (-phi, 1, 0), (-phi, -1, 0)
Where phi denotes the golden ratio. If P1, P2, P3 are three vertices of an icosahedron which form a triangular face then (P1+P2+P3)/3 forms a vertex of the dual dodecahedron and every vertex of the dual dodecahedron arises in this way. Background on symmetries in 3-space This subsection presents, with some proofs, background on isometries in 3 dimensions necessary for understanding the symmetry groups of the Platonic solids. We fix once and for all the "right-hand-rule" orientation in 3-space. We call a distance-preserving transformation in 3-space which fixes the origin a "symmetry of 3-space". We say that such a symmetry is "orientation preserving" if it preserves the righthand rule orientation. Example: Let s : R3 --> R3 denote the function which takes each vector v belonging to R3 and returns its reflection s(v) about the yz-plane. This is not orientation preserving since it reverses the direction of a counterclockwise moving circular path in the xy-plane. In terms of rectangular coordinates, s(x,y,z)=(x,y,z). Let R3 = {(x,y,z) | x,y,z real numbers } denote "3-space". We also write this, when convenient, as column vectors
[x] R3 = { [ y ] | x,y,z real numbers }. [z] The "distance function" on R3 is the function d(v1,v2) = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2) where v1=(x1, y1, z1), v2=(x2, y2, z2). We call a function f : R3 --> R3 an "isometry" if it satisfies d(f(v1), f(v2))=d(v1, v2) for all v1 and v2 belonging to R3. We want to understand isometries a little better since they will preserve distances (and, in particular, preserve the shapes of solids) and therefore provide us with the kinds of symmetries of 3-space we want to consider. We can construct isometries using certain types of 3x3 matrices. First, a 3x3 matrix is a 3x3 table of real numbers [ a11 [ a21 [ a31 a12 a22 a32 a13 ] a23 ] a33 ]
which acts on R3 by matrix multiplication: [ a11 [ a21 [ a31 a12 a22 a32 a13 ][ x ] a23 ][ y ] a33 ][ z ]
then I3v = v for all v belonging to R3. In general, any such 3x3 matrix gives rise to a function A : R3 --> R3. Lemma: If A is a 3x3 matrix then the function A : R3 --> R3 is an isometry if and only if transpose(A)*A = I3, where I3 denotes the 3x3 identity matrix. the vector dot product. Since
if an only if transpose(A)*A=I3. QED You may have been wondering how one could construct an isometry. This lemma gives us lots of examples. Are there any isometries which do not come from such matrices? Yes: any translation gives rise to an isometry. Are there any examples of isometries which do not arise from a composition of a translation and an orthogonal matrix? Theorem: A function f : R3 --> R3 is an isometry fixing the origin if and only if f is left multiplication by an orthogonal matrix. This will not be proven here (see Artin [Ar], chapter 4, section 5, Proposition 5.16).
As a consequence of this lemma, we see that if the matrix A gives rise to as isometry then det(A) is either equal to 1 or -1 (since det(A)^2 = det(transpose(A)*A)=det(I3)=1). In particular, the determinant of such a matrix is non-zero, so the matrix is invertible. Lemma: The set of all 3x3 matrices A such that the function A : R3 --> R3 is an isometry forms a group under matrix multiplication.
Exercise: Verify the group axioms needed to prove this lemma. Notation: This group will be denoted O3(R) and called the "orthogonal group" of R3. We denote by SO3(R) the following subset SO3(R) = { A in O3(R) | det(A) = 1 }. This is a subgroup of O3(R) (Exercise: Verify the group axioms for SO3(R)) which is called the "special orthogonal group" of R3. It is known that the number of cosets in O3(R)/SO3(R) is 2. In fact, it is known that (*) O3(R) = SO3(R) union s*SO3(R) (disjoint union)
where s is the reflection in the above example (this follows from [Ar], chapter 4, section 5). Lemma: The isometry A in O3(R) is orientation preserving if and only if det(A) = 1.
We will not prove this lemma here. Symmetries of the tetrahedron Fix a tetrahedron centered at the origin, with one vertex along the z-axis. Each edge has an "opposite" edge on the tetrahedron (which is actually perpendicular to it if you look at it straight on). Each vertex has an "opposite" face. There are orientation preserving symmetries (called "rotations") of the tetrahedron and orientation reversing symmetries of the tetrahedron. The orientation preserving symmetries of the tetrahedron will be denotes ST. They are obtained as follows: the 4 axes of symmetry through the centers of the faces yield 2 elements each (120 degree clockwise rotation when viewed from outside and a 240 degree rotation), for a total of 8 elements, the 3 pairs of edges (formed by an edge and its opposite) yield one element each (a 180 degree rotation), for a total of 3 elements.
Symmetries of the cube We fix a cube centered about the origin in 3-space. The set of centers of the faces of a cube forms a set of vertices of an octahedron drawn inside the cube. This octahedron is called the "dual" polyhedron. These two polyhedra have the same symmetry group, which we denote by O. There are orientation preserving symmetries (called "rotations") of the cube and orientation reversing symmetries of the cube. The orientation preserving symmetries of the cube will be denotes SO. They are obtained as follows: the 3 axes of symmetry through the centers of the faces yield 3 elements each (90 degree clockwise rotation when viewed from outside, a 180 degree rotation, and a 270 degree rotation), for a total of 9 elements, the 4 axes through the opposing vertices yield 2 elements each (all of order 3), for a total of 8 elements, the 6 axes through the opposing mid-edge points yield 1 element each (of order 2), for a total of 6 elements.
These elements, plus the identity, yield 24 elements. Lemma: There are 24 orientation preserving elements in O, i.e., |SO|=24.
The above sketch is one way to see why this is true. Here's another Proof: Let V be the set of vertices of the cube. The group SO acts on the set V. Fix a v belonging to V and let H=stab_SO(v). One can check that |H|=3 (since the only symmetry which fixes v is a rotation g about the line therough v and its opposite vertex. Since g is order 3, H=<g> is order 3 as well). We have |V|=8, so by a lemma in the previous chapter on orbits and stabilizers, we have |SO/H| = |V|. By Lagrange's theorem, |SO|=|SO/H||H|=8x3=24. QED Now we know SO, what is O? Note that s, the reflection in the Example in the previous section, belongs to O. Using (*) of the previous section, we have (*) O = SO union s*SO We know that |s*SO|=|SO|=24, so Lemma: The order of the octahedral group is |O|=48. (disjoint union).
Symmetries of the dodecahedron The set of centers of the faces of a dodecahedron forms a set of vertices of an icosahedron drawn inside. This icosahedron is called the "dual" polyhedron. We fix a dodecahedron in 3-space so that the vertices of the dual icosahedron are as listed in section 1 above. Let SI denote the group of orientation preserving symmetries of the dodecahedron. Note SI is a finite subgroup of SO3(R). Let I denote the group of all symmetries of the dodecahedron. Note I is a finite subgroup of O3(R) and that SI is a subgroup of I. Let F denote the set of faces of the dodecahedron, so |F|=12. SI acts on F. Lemma: SI acts on F transitively.
We won't prove this. If you look at a dodecahedron it follows "by inspection". The reason why this is useful is that it tells us that if x is any face then any other face can be obtained from x by applying some element of SI. In other words, the orbit of x is all of F: SI*x = F.
If x is any face then the only orientation preserving symmetries which don't send x to a different face is a rotation by an integer multiple of 72 degrees about the line passing through the center of x and the center of its opposite face. There are, for each face x, exactly 5 distinct rotations of this type. Therefore, |stab_SI(x)| = 5. By a lemma in the chapter on orbits, we have SI/stab_SI(x) = SI*x, so |SI| = |stab_SI(x)||SI*x|=5x12=60. The elements of SI include: rotation by 2*Pi*k/5, k=0,1,2,3,4, about the line passing through the center of a face and its opposite, rotation by 2*Pi*k/3, k=0,1,2, about the line passing through a vertex and its opposite, rotation by Pi about the center of an edge. Subgroups include: stabilizer of a vertex. These are all cyclic of order 3, and they are all conjugate. There are 10 distinct such subgroups since a vertex and its opposite share the same stabilizer. stabilizer of a face. These are all cyclic of order 5, and they are all conjugate. There are 6 distinct such subgroups since a face and its opposite share the same stabilizer. stabilizer of an edge. These are all cyclic of order 2, and they are all conjugate. There are 15 distinct such subgroups.
Given two groups G1, G2, a natural question is to ask how "similar" are they? (Exactly what is meant by "similar" will be explained later.) We shall, in this chapter, introduce notions and techniques useful for comparing two group. In a later chapter, we will apply this to the case of the 3x3 Rubik's cube group, comparing it to "better understood" groups. Homomorphisms A homomorphism between two groups is, roughly speaking, a function between them which preserves the (respective) group operations. Definition: Let G1, G2 be groups, with * denoting the group operation for G1 and ** the group operation for G2. A function f : G1 --> G2 is a homomorphism if and only if, for all a,b in G1, we have: f(a*b) = f(a)*f(b). Example: Let G be a group and h a fixed element of G. Define f : G --> G by f(g) = h^(-1)*g*h, Then the following simple trick f(a*b) = h^(-1)*(a*b)*h = h^(-1)*a*h*h^(-1)*b*h = f(a)*f(b) shows that f is a homomorphism. Exercise: Let [ 0 [ 1 [ 0 1 0 0 0 ] 0 ], 1 ] [ 1 B = [ 0 [ 0 0 0 1 0 ] 1 ], 0 ] g in G.
A =
To help yourself visualize the effect these matrices have, let [ 1 ] v = [ 2 ] [ 3 ] and notice that Av is the same as v, except that 1, 2 have been swapped. Thus A has an analogous effect as the permutation (1 2). (Exercise: What is Bv?) Now, let G = <A,B> denote the group of all matrices which can be written as any arbitrary product of these two matrices (in any order and with as many terms as you want). We have [ 1 G = { I3 = [ 0 [ 0 [ 0 [ 0 [ 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ] 1 ], 0 ] 0 ] 0 ], 1 ] [ 0 [ 1 [ 0 [ 0 [ 1 [ 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ] 0 ], 0 ] 0 ] 0 ], 1 ] [ 0 [ 0 [ 1 [ 1 [ 0 [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 ] 0 ] 0 ] 0 ] 1 ], 0 ]
(You may want to try to check this as an exercise by regarding each such matrix as a permutation matrix.) Define f : G --> S3 by
Show that this is a homomorphism. Lemma: If f : G1 --> G2 is a homomorphism then (a) f(e1)=e2, where e1 denotes the identity element of G1 and e2 denotes the identity element of G2, (b) f(x^(-1))=f(x)^(-1), for all x belonging to G1, (c) f(y^(-1)*x*y)=f(y)^(-1)**f(x)**f(y), for all x,y belonging to G, (* denoting the group operation for G1 and ** the group operation for G2).
Proof: (a) We have f(x)=f(x*e1)=f(x)**f(e1), for any x in G. Multiply both sides of this equation on the left by f(x)^(-1). (b) We have, by part (a), e2=f(e1)=f(x*x^(-1))=f(x)**f(x^(-1)). Multiply both sides of this equation on the left by f(x)^(-1). (c) Exercise. QED Definition: A homomorphism f : G1 --> G2 is a "isomorphism" if it is a bijection (as a function between sets). If f is an isomorphism from a group G to itself then we call f an "automorphism".
The notion of an isomorphism is the notion we will use when we want to same two groups are "essentially the same group". Example: Let G be the group in the above exercise and f : G --> S3 the homomorphism. This is in fact an isomorphism. Exercise: As above, let G be a group and h a fixed element of G. Define f : G --> G by f(g) = h^(-1)*g*h, Show that this is an automorphism. (Solution: To verify this, we must show that f is injective and surjective. First, we show that f is injective. Suppose f(g1)=f(g2). Then f(g1*g2^(-1))=1, so that h^(-1)*g1*g2^(-1)*h=1. Multiply both sides of this equation on the left by h and on the right by h^(-1). We obtain g1*g2^(-1)=1. This implies g1=g2, so f is injective. Now we show f is surjective. Let g be an arbitrary but fixed element of G. Let y=h*x*h^(-1). Then f(y)=f(h*x*h^(-1))=h^(-1)*h*x*h^(-1)*h=x. Therefore, f is surjective.) Notation: The set of all automorphisms of a group G is denoted Aut(G). g in G.
Let f : G1 --> G2 be a homomorphism between two groups. Let ker(f) = { g in G1 | f(g)=e2 }, where e2 is the identity element of G2. This set is called the "kernel" of f. Lemma: ker(f) is a subgroup of G1. This is left as an exercise. The following properties of the kernel are useful: Lemma: Let f : G1 --> G2 be a homomorphism between two groups. (a) f is injective if and only if ker(f)={1}. (b) if g belongs to the kernel and x is any element of G1 then x^(-1)*g*x must belong to the kernel.
Proof: (a) f is injective if and only if f(g1)=f(g2) implies g1=g2 (g1,g2 in G1). Note f(g1)=f(g2) is true if and only if f(g1*g2^(-1))=1. If ker(f)={1} then f(g1*g2^(-1))=1 implies g1*g2^(-1)=1, which implies g1=g2, which implies f is injective. Therefore, if ker(f)={1} then f is injective. Conversely, if f is injective then f(x)=f(e1) (=e2) implies x=e1 (x in G1). This implies ker(f)={1}. (b) Multiply both sides of e2=f(g) on the left by f(x)^(-1) and on the right by f(x). We get e2 = f(x)^(1)*e2*f(x) = f(x^(-1))*f(g)*f(x) = f(x^(-1)*g*x), as desired. Definition: Let H be a subgroup of G. We say that H is a "normal" subgroup if, for each g in G, g^(1)*H*g=H (i.e., for each g in G and each h in H, g^(-1)*h*g belongs to H). Notation: Sometimes we denote "H is a normal subgroup of G" by: H <| G (this is supposed to be an isosceles triangle but it doesn't come out well in ascii). We have already shown the following Lemma: If f : G1 --> G2 is a homomorphism between two groups then ker(f) is a normal subgroup of G1. One of the most useful facts about normal subgroups is the following: Lemma: If H is a normal subgroup of G then G/H is a group with the following operation: aH*bH = abH, (aH)^(-1)=a^(-1)H,
for all a, b belonging to G. The identity element of this group is the trivial coset H. The proof of this is left as an exercise. This group G/H is called the "quotient group" of G by H and is sometimes pronounced "G mod H". Example: If f : G1 --> G2 is a homomorphism between two groups then G1/ker(f) is a group. The following basic result tells us essentially what the quotient group G1/ker(f) is: Theorem: ("first isomorphism theorem") If f : G1 --> G2 is a homomorphism between two groups then G1/ker(f) is isomorphic to f(G1).
The other isomomorphism theorems will not be needed but help to illustrate the usefulness of the notion of "normality": Theorem: ("second isomorphism theorem") If H, N are subgroups of a group G and if N is normal then: (a) H intersect N is normal in H, (b) there is an isomorphism between H/(H intersect N) and NH/N Theorem: ("third isomorphism theorem") If N1, N2 are subgroups of a group G, if N1 subset N2, and if N1 and N2 are both normal then: (a) N2/N1 is normal in G/N1, (b) there is an isomorphism between (G/N1)/(N2/N1) and G/N2. We shall not prove this result here - see [G] or [R].
Direct products Let H1, H2 be two subgroups. We say that a group G is the "direct product" of H1 with H2, written: G = H1 x H2, if : (a) G=H1xH2 (Cartesian product, as sets), (b) multiplication in G is given by (x1,y1)*(x2,y2) = (x1*x2,y1*y2), x1, x2 in H1, y1, y2 in H2 (where * denotes multiplication in H1, H2, and G). Example: Let's return to an example from the above chapter on orbits. Let X be the set of consisting of the 48 facets of the Rubik's cube which are not center facets - i.e., the "movable" facets. Let Xc denote the subset of facets which belong to some corner subcube, Xe the subset of facets which belong to some edge subcube. Let G denote the Rubik's cube group. Let F be the subgroup of the Rubik's cube which preserves edges and corner vertices (and hence does not move a corner subcube to another corner subcube but may rotate it, and does not move an edge subcube to another edge subcube but may flip it). Note that G acts on X, Xc, Xe. The action of G on X induced an equivalence relation as follows: we say that a facet f1 is "equivalent" to a facet f2 if there is an element of G (i.e., a move of the Rubik's cube) which sends one facet to the other. There are exactly two equivalence classes, or orbits, of G in X: Xc and Xe. In particular, the action of G on Xc is transitive and the action of G on Xe is transitive. The same is true for F: The action of F on X induced an equivalence relation as follows: we say that a facet f1 is "equivalent" to a facet f2 if there is an element of F which sends one facet to the other. There are exactly two equivalence classes, or orbits, of F in X: Xc and Xe. In particular, the action of F on Xc is transitive and the action of F on Xe is transitive. Let S_X, S_Xc, S_Xe, denote the symmetric group on X, Xc, Xe,respectively. We may regard F, G, as subgroups of S_X. We may also regard S_Xc, S_Xe as subgroups of S_X (for example, S_Xc is the subgroup of S_X which leaves all the elements of Xe fixed). Let Gc = S_Xc intersect G, Ge = S_Xe intersect G, Fc = S_Xc intersect F, Fe = S_Xe intersect F.
Exercise: Notation as in the above example. (a) Show F = Fc x Fe (direct product). (b) Is G = Gc x Ge? (c) Is S_X = S_Xc x S_Xe?
Semi-direct products Now suppose that H1, H2 are both subgroups of a group G. We say that G is the "semi-direct product" of H1 with H2, written G = H1 |x H2 if (a) G=H1*H2, (b) H1 and H2 only have 1, the identity of G, in common, (c) H1 is normal in G. This is the "internal version" of the semi-direct product. Note that the multiplication rule in G doesn't have to be mentioned since we are assuming here that G is "known". The "external version" is defined by a construction as follows: assume we have a homomorphism phi : H2 --> Aut(H1). Define multiplication on H1 |x H2 by (x1,y1)*(x2,y2) = (x1*phi(y1) (x2),y1*y2). This defines a group operation. As a set, H1 |x H2 is simply the cartesian product H1xH2. Example: Let S3 = { 1, s1, s2, s1*s2, s2*s1, s1*s2*s1 }, H1 = { 1, s2, s1*s2*s1 }, H2 = { 1, s1 }. (Note: H1, H2 are not normal subgroups of G.) Let phi : H2 --> Aut(H1) defined by 1 (the identity automorphism) phi(s1) (h) = s1^(-1)*h*s1 = s1*h*s1 (since s1^(-1)=s1), h in H1. Define the (external) semi-direct product of H1, H2 by G = H1 x| H2. This is not a subgroup of S3 since H1 is, by construction, a normal subgroup of G and we already H1 is not a normal subgroup of S3. Wreath products Let G1 be a group acting on a set X1, let G2 be a group acting on a set X2. We shall assume that these are all finite. Let S_(X1xX2) denote the symmetric group of the cartesian product X1xX2. Define the "wreath product" of G1, G2 by: G1 wr G2 = { t in S_(X1xX2) | t : (x1,x2) |--> (psi(x2) (x1),g2(x2)), for some g2 in G2, and some function psi : X2 --> G1 }. Thus, to each t in G1 wr G2 there is an g2 in G2. We denote this "projection" by phi(1) =
g2 = pr(t). Define the "base" of the wreath product by: B = { t in G1 wr G2 | pr(t) = 1 }. Lemma: (a) B is isomorphic to the cartesian product G1^|X2| (i.e., to G1xG1x...xG1, n times, where n is the number of elements of X2), (b) B is a nornmal subgroup of G1 wr G2, (c) (G1 wr G2)/B is isomorphic to G2. For this, we refer to [NST], chapter 8. Example: ([NST], chapter 19) Let Q be the group of all "legal and illegal moves" of the 3x3 Rubik's cube. In other words, in addition to the usual moves, we allow you to take apart the cube and reassemble it (but we do not allow you to remove stickers from the facets). As in the example above, Q acts on X, Xc, Xe. Let Qc = S_Xc intersect Q, Qe = S_Xe intersect Q. Let Z3 denote the group of all rotations of a corner subcube by a 120 degree angle (actually, this group depends on the corner being rotated but since these groups are all isomorophic we drop the dependence from the notation). Let Z2 denote the group of all flips of an edge subcube (rotations by a 180 degree angle). (Again, this group depends on the edge being flipped but since these groups are all isomorophic we drop the dependence from the notation). Then Q = Qc x Qe, Qc is isomorphic to Z3 wr S_Xc, and Qe is isomorphic to Z2 wr S_Xe. This is left as an exercise.
What is the kernel of f_V? What is its image? To answer this question(actually, we shall not answer this precise question but one similar to it) we introduce a subgroup of the symmetric group.
Definition: Let S_X denote the symmetric group of a finite set X. Label the elements of X as X = { x1, x2, ..., xn } and, using this labeling, identify S_X with Sn. Let A_X denote the set of all permuations of X which are even as an element of Sn (in the sense of chapter 2 above). This set is called the "alternating group" of X. Lemma: The alternating group is a group. Aside: The following remarkable result about the alternating group will not be needed but it is (belive it or not) connected with the fact that you cannot solve the general polynomial of degree 5 or higher using radicals. Theorem: If X has 5 elements or greater then A_X has no non-trivial proper normal subgroups. In other words, if H <| A_X then either H = {1} or H = A_X.
End aside. Parity conditions: Consider the function f_VE : G --> S_VxS_E g |--> (g_V,g_E) It is easy to check that this is a homomorphism. Theorem: The image f_VE(G) of f_VE is isomorphic to A_VxA_E, for the pyraminx or megaminx, { (x,y) in S_VxS_E | x,y are both even or both odd }, for Rubik's cube. To see what this means, we look at an example. Example: Let G=GR. Can you find a move of the Rubik's cube which flips a single edge subcube over, leaving the rest of the puzzle pieces unmoved? If so, then the image of f_EV would have to contain an element (x,y) with x=1 (since moving an edge only does not effect the vertices) and where y is a 2-cycle. But x=1 is even and a 2-cycle is odd. This contradicts the theorem, which says that x,y are either both even or both odd. Therefore, the answer is no: a single edge flip is impossible. (Incidently, this is well-known to cube experts.) Exercise: Is there a move on the Rubik's cube which flips two corner subcubes over, without rotation (so it is a 2-cycle on the edges connected to the corner vertices being swapped), leaving the rest of the puzzle pieces unmoved? Notation: let K = ker(f_VE) < G denote the kernel of f_VE. This is a normal subgroup of G. Example: In the case of the Rubik's cube, this is the set of moves which may reorient (i.e., flip or rotate) a subcube but does not swap it with some other subcube. For example, the move ((D^2)^R*(U^2)^B)^2,
which twists the ufr corner clockwise and the bld corner counterclockwise, belongs to K. (Here x^y = y^(1)*x*y, x^2=x*x.) Theorem: G is a semi-direct product of K with f_VE(G): G = K |x f_VE(G). This is the desired determination of the structure of the permutation puzzle group. In the case of the 3x3 Rubik's cube, some sketchy details are given in the next chapter. See also [GT] or [NST] chapter 19.
4. The center of G is given by Z(G) = {1, m490} where m490 is the "superflip" which leaves all corners alone and flips every edge: m490 = R*L*F*B*U*D*R*L*F*B*U*F^2*MR*F^2*U^(-1)*MR^2*B^2*MR^(-1)*B^2*U*MR^2*D 5. (a) Every group H of order less than 13 is isomorphic to a subgroup of G. (b) Every non-abelian group H of order less than 26 is isomorphic to a subgroup of G. (c) Z/13Z (the cyclic group of order 13) is not isomorphic to a subgroup of G. (d) D26 (the dihedral group of order 26) is not isomorphic to a subgroup of G. 6. Let Q denote the quaternion group: Q = {1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k}, where i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1, ij = k, jk = i, ki = j, and in general, xy = -yx for x,y belonging to i,j,k. Then Q is isomorphic to the group: Q* = <1, m435, m706, m707, m710> < G, where
m435 = F^2*MR^(-1)*F^2*MR^2*U^(-1)*MR^2*F^2*MR^2*F^2, m706 = F^2*MR*U^(-1)*MR^(-1)*U^(-1)*MR*U*MR^(-1)*U*F^2, m707 = B^(-1)*F^2*R^(-1)*U^(-1)*MR*U*R*U*MR^(-1)*U^(-1)*F^2*B, m710 = F*U^2*F^(-1)*U^(-1)*L^(-1)*B^(-1)*U^2*B*U*L. 7. This is a long one. Definition: The "commutator subgroup" G' of G is the subgroup consisting of all finite products of commutators [g,h]=g*h*g^(-1)*h^(-1), where g,h are arbitary elements of G. Theorem: |G'|=|G|/2.
In fact, we can determine G' (and, while we're at it, G) "exactly". First, some preliminaries. We identify each g in G with a 4-tuple (rho(g), sigma(g), x, y), where: rho(g) = corresponding permutation of the set of vertices of the cube, sigma(g) = corresponding permutation of the set of edges of the cube, and x,y are "orientations" defined below. To define these orientations, we must first make some choices. Assume for the moment that the cube is fixed in space in the "solved" position. For each moveable subcube, choose once and for all a facet on that subcube. There are three possible choices for each corner subcube, two for the edges and none for the centers. Mark each of these facets with an imaginary '+'. (Incidently, choosing a side of each center facet leads to what is sometimes called the 'supercube', which we will not discuss here. The idea is that to solve the 'supercube' you must get all the facets back in the solved position and get the center facets back in their choosen orientation. This is equivalemnt to superimposing a snapshot of someone on each face of the cube with their nose on the center facet. To solve this puzzle you must have all the noses lined up - see [B]). Now we can define x,y. Label the 8 vertices - and hence also the 8 corner subcubes - with the numbers 1, 2, ..., 8. Likewise label the 12 edges - and hence also the 12 edge subcubes - with the numbers 1, 2, ..., 12. Each move of the Rubik's cube corresponds to an element g of the Rubik's cube group G. Each g in G yields a) a permutation rho(g) of the 8 corner subcubes, b) a permuation sigma(g) of the 12 edge subcubes, c) for each edge subcube, either: (i) a '0' if the '+ facet' for that subcube when it was in the solved position is sent to the '+ facet' for that subcube when it was in the present position, (ii) a '1' otherwise, thus yielding a 12-tuple of 0's and 1's: y_g = (y1,y2,...,y12), d) for each corner subcube, either (i) a '0' if the '+ facet' for that subcube when it was in the solved position is sent to the '+ facet' for that subcube in the present position,
(ii) (iii)
a '1' if the '+ facet' for that subcube when it was in the solved position is sent to the facet which is a 120 degrees rotation about its vertex from the '+ facet' for that subcube in the present position, a '2' otherwise,
thus yielding a 8-tuple of 0's, 1's, and 2's: x_g = (x1,x2,...,x8). Example: Suppose that we label all the edge and corner facets on the front with a '+'. The "monoswap" ms = F*D*F^2*D^2*F^2*D^(-1)*F^(-1) permutes the top uf corners, twisting the FRU corner 120 degrees clockwise and the FLU corner counterclockwise. The FRU vertex gets a '1' associated to it and the FRU vertex gets a '2', for example. (It also messes up some parts of the rest of the cube.) Question: Given a 4-tuple (r, s, x, y), where r, s are permutations as above and x in {0, 1, 2}^8, y in {0, 1}^(12), what conditions on r, s, x, y insure that it corresponds to a possible position of the Rubik's cube? Theorem: A 4-tuple (r, s, x, y) as above (r in S8, s in S12, etc) corresponds to a possible position of the Rubik's cube if and only if (a) sgn(r) = sgn(s), ("equal parity as permutations"); (b) x1 + ... + x8 equals 0 (mod 3), ("conservation of total twists"); (c) y1 + ... + y12 equals 0 (mod 2), ("conservation of total flips"). Corollary: G = { g in G | (a), (b), (c) in the above theorem hold }. Notation: If g in G then we write the corresponding position as (rho(g), sigma(g), x_g, y_g). Theorem: Let Sn denote the symmetric group on n letters. (a) rho : G --> S8 is a homomorphism, (b) sigma : G --> S12 is a homomorphism.
Finally, we can describe the commutator subgroup: Theorem: G' = { g in G | sgn(rho(g)) = sgn(sigma(g)) = 1 }.
This implies that |G/G'| = 2. 8. If g and h belong to G then x_(gh) = x_g + rho(g) (x_h), y_(gh) = y_g + sigma(g) (y_h). 9. Let H = {(r, s, x, y) | r in S8, s in S12, x = (x1, x2, ..., x8), xi in {0, 1, 2}, x1 + ... + x8 equals 0 (mod 3), y = (y1, y2, ..., y12), yi in {0, 1}, y1 + ... + y12 equals 0 (mod 2) }. Define a binary operation * : HxH --> H by (r, s, x, y)*(r', s', x', y') = (r*r', s*s', x + r(x'), y + s(y')).
This defines a group structure on H. Theorem: There is an isomorphism between H and (Z2 wr S12)x(Z3 wr S8), where Zn is the cyclic group with n elements and wr denotes the wreath product. In particular, |H| = |S8||S12||Z2^(12)||Z3^8| = 8!12!2^(11)3^7. Theorem: The Rubik's cube group G is the kernel of the homomorphism phi : H ---> {1, -1} (r, s, x, y) |--> sgn(r)sgn(s). In particular, G < H is normal of index 2 and |G| = 8!12!2^(10)3^7. 10. Let N = { g in G | sgn(sigma(g)) = 1, sgn(rho(g)) = 1 }. By a theorem above, N = G'. Theorem: (a) N is a normal subgroup of G, (b) G/N is isomorphic to { g in G | x_g = (0,...,0), y_g = (0,...,0) }, which is also a subgroup of G.
PGL(2,F5) =
acts on the set P^2(F5) by means of the linear fractional transformations: [a [ [c b] ] d] ax + b -------cx + d
[a [ [c
b] ] d]
We shall label the 6 vertices above with elements of P^2(F5) in such a way that Lemma 1: There are a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1, d0, d1 in F5 (given explicitly below) such that:
(a) the action of F on these vertices is the same as the action of some linear fractional transformation a0x + b0 f_F(x) = ---------, c0x + d0 (b) the action of U on these vertices is the same as the action of some linear fractional transformation a1x + b1 --------- . c1x + d1
f_U(x) =
3x + 3 .
phi : F |--> f_F, U |--> F_U, extends to an isomorphism of groups phi : <F, U> ---> <f_F, f_U> subset PGL(2, F5). Exercise: Verify Lemma 1 above. Proof of Lemma 2:
under the natural map GL(2, F5) --> PGL(2 ,F5), g |--> F5^x*g. Since [0 [ [1 -1] ] 0]*
-1] ] 0]*
<f_U,f_F> .
[-1 [ [-1
0] ] -1]*
<f_U,f_F> .
<f_U,f_F> .
Recall that SL(2, F5) is generated by elementary transvections (see [R]). Therefore, PSL(2, F5) subset <f_F, f_U> subset PGL(2, F5). It is also known (see [R]) that |PSL(2, F5)| = 60 and |PGL(2, F5)| = 120.
It remains to show that there is an element of <f_F, f_U> which does not belong to PSL(2, F5). We claim that such an element is f_U. Note that det(f_U) belongs to the set 3(F5^x)^2 = {3x^2 | x in F5^x}.
But an element of PSL(2,F5) must have determinant 1. Since 3^(-1) = 2 (mod 5) is not a square mod 5, there is no element of F5 which satisfies 1 = 3x^2. Thus f_U does not belong to PSL(2, F5). QED
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