Peraturan Permainan Tradisional - Congkak

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The congkak board consists of two rows of 7 holes called the 'houses' and two bigger holes called the 'storehouse'. 2. Before the game starts the 'houses' are filled with seven congkak seeds each while the 'storehouses' are left empty. 3. Both players begin simultaneously by scooping up all the shells in any house on their side. Each drops a shell into the next 'house' and continues clockwise depositing one shell into every house thereafter. A player drops a shell into his 'storehouse' each time he passes it but does not deposit any into his opponent's 'storehouse'. 4. How the game continues, depends on where the last shell of each scoop is deposited. IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO THE PLAYER'S OWN 'STOREHOUSE': The player scoops up the shells from any of his 'houses' and distributes them in the cups ('houses') round the board but not in his opponents's 'storehouse'. IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO A 'HOUSE' (on either side of the board) CONTAINING SHELLS: The player scoops up all the shells in that 'house' and continues distributing them as described above. IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO THE PLAYER'S 'HOUSE' WHICH IS WITHOUT SHELLS: The player is entitled to collect the shells in his opponent's 'house' directly opposite his own. These shells collected from his opponent's house together with his last shell are deposited in his own 'storehouse'. If the opponent's 'house' opposite his own is empty, he deposits only his last shell in his own 'storehouse'. He forfeits his turn and stops playing. It is the opponent's turn now to distribute the shells.

IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO AN EMPTY 'HOUSE' BELONGING TO THE OPPONENT: The player forfeits his turn and stops playing. He also forfeits his shell and leaves it in the opponent's 'house'. It is the opponent's turn now to distribute the shells. 5. The first round ends when a player has no more shells on his side. 6. Play resumes in the second round with players redistributing shells from their own 'storehouse' to their own 'houses'. Beginning from left to right, seven shells are placed in each 'house'. If a player does not have sufficient shells to fill his own 'houses', the remaining cups are left empty and are considered 'burnt'. The leftover shells are deposited into his own 'storehouse.' The opponent deposits excess shells he has won into his own 'storehouse'. 7. The loser gets to start the second round. Play is continued as before but players will bypass 'burnt houses' for instance no shells are to be dropped into these houses. If a shell is accidentally dropped into a 'burnt house', it is confiscated and stored in the opponent's 'storehouse'. 8. Play continues for 2 rounds only and the highest shells is counted in the storehouse.

PERATURAN CONGKAK 1. Dua orang pemain duduk berhadapan menghadap papan congkak,dimulakan dengan kedua-dua pemain serentak mencapai buah di kampung masing-masing dan memasukkan buah satu demi satu di dalam lubang kampung dengan pergerakan dari kanan ke kiri hingga ke rumah dan kampung lawan. 2.Gerakan diteruskan hingga buah yang terakhir pada tangan dimasukkan dalam kampung kosong di kawasan sendiri atau lawan dan pemain hendaklah berhenti, sekiranya buah itu jatuh atau mati di kampung sendiri.Pemain itu boleh menembak kampung lawan yang setentang dengan kampungnya iaitu mengaut kesemua buah (jika ada) di dalam kampung tersebut, hanya selepas membuat satu pusingan. 3.Pihak lawan mengambil giliran meneruskan permainan hingga buahnya

mati.Sekiranya buah terakhir jatuh di dalam rumah sendiri, pemain boleh meneruskan permainan dengan mengambil buah yang masih banyak dimana-mana kampung sendiri. Sekiranya buah terakhir jatuh di kampung kosong pihak lawan, maka permainan itu mati di situ sahaja dan pihak lawan boleh memulakan permainan seterusnya hingga mati. 4.Sekiranya tidak terdapat sebarang buah di kampung pemain sungguh pun giliran berada dipihaknya, maka giliran untuk menggerakkan buah akan berpindah kepada pihak lawan. 5.Setelah tamat pusingan pertama, setiap pemain mengisi semula kampung dengan buah congkak dan jika ada kampung yang tidak cukup buah, ia dianggap terbakar. Pemain akan hanya meneruskan 2 pusingan sahaja dan bilangan guli terbanyak di dalam rumah.

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