Ndls To Gaya
Ndls To Gaya
Ndls To Gaya
PA SSENGER DETA ILS : SNo. 1 Nam e NALIN KUMAR Age 17 Se x Male C once ssion C ode
This ticket is booked on a personal user ID and cannot be sold by an agent. If bought from an agent by any individual, it is at his/her own risk.
IMPORTA NT: For details, rules and terms & conditions of E-Ticketing services, please visit www.irctc.co.in. *New Time Table is effective from 01-07-2012. Departure time printed on this ERS/VRM is liable to change. Please Check correct departure from Railway Station Enquiry, Dial 139 or SMS RA IL to 139. The accommodation booked is not transferable and is valid only if one of the ID card noted above is presented during the journey. The ERS/VRM/SMS sent by IRCTC along with the valid ID proof in original would be verified by TTE with the name and PNR on the chart. If the passenger fail to produce/display ERS/VRM/SMS sent by IRCTC due to any eventuality (loss, damaged mobile/laptop etc.) but has the prescribed original proof of identity, a penalty of Rs.50/- per ticket as applicable to such cases will be levied. The ticket checking staff On board/Off board will give Excess Fare Ticket for the same. E-ticket cancellations are permitted through www.irctc.co.in by the user. Obtain certificate from the TTE /Conductor in case of PA RTIA LLY waitlisted e-ticket, LESS NO. OF PA SSENGERS travelled, A .C.FA ILURE, TRA VEL IN LOWER CLA SS. This original certificate must be sent to GGM (IT), IRCTC Ltd., Internet Ticketing Centre, IRCA Building, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055 after filing on-line refund request for claiming refund. Contact us on: - 24*7 Hrs Customer Support at 011-39340000 , Chennai Customer Care 044 25300000 or Mail To: [email protected].