Fat16,32, NTFS

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FAT16 vs. FAT32 Table 3.9 provides a comparison of FAT16 and FAT32 cluster sizes according to drive size.

Table 3.9 Cluster Sizes of FAT16 and FAT32 Drive Size Default FAT16 Cluster Size Default FAT32 Cluster Size 260 MB511 MB 8 KB Not supported 512 MB1,023 MB 16 KB 4 KB 1,024 MB2 GB 32 KB 4 KB 2 GB8 GB Not supported 4 KB 8 GB16 GB Not supported 8 KB 16 GB32 GB Not supported 16 KB > 32 GB Not supported 32 KB There are additional differences between FAT32 and FAT16:

FAT32 allows finer allocation granularity (approximately 4 million allocation units per volume). FAT32 allows the root directory to grow (FAT16 holds a maximum of 512 entries, and the limit can be even lower due to the use of long file names in the root folder).

Advantages of FAT16
Advantages of FAT16 are:

MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and some UNIX operating systems can use it. There are many tools available to address problems and recover data. If you have a startup failure, you can start the computer with an MS-DOS bootable floppy disk. It is efficient, both in speed and storage, on volumes smaller than 256 MB.

Disadvantages of FAT16
Disadvantages of FAT16 are:

The root folder can manage a maximum of 512 entries. The use of long file names can significantly reduce the number of available entries. FAT16 is limited to 65,536 clusters, but because certain clusters are reserved, it has a practical limit of 65,524. Each cluster is fixed in size relative to the logical drive. If both the maximum number of clusters and their maximum size (32 KB) are reached, the largest drive is limited to 4 GB on Windows 2000. To maintain compatibility with MSDOS, Windows 95, and Windows 98, a FAT16 volume should not be larger than 2 GB.

The boot sector is not backed up. There is no built-in file system security or file compression with FAT16. FAT16 can waste file storage space in larger drives as the size of the cluster increases. The space allocated for storing a file is based on the size of the cluster allocation granularity, not the file size. A 10-KB file stored in a 32-KB cluster wastes 22 KB of disk space.

Advantages of FAT32
FAT32 allocates disk space much more efficiently than previous versions of FAT. Depending on the size of your files, there is a potential for tens and even hundreds of megabytes more free disk space on larger hard disk drives. In addition, FAT32 provides the following enhancements:

The root folder on a FAT32 drive is now an ordinary cluster chain, so it can be located anywhere on the volume. For this reason, FAT32 does not restrict the number of entries in the root folder. It uses space more efficiently than FAT16. FAT32 uses smaller clusters (4 KB for drives up to 8 GB), resulting in 10 to 15 percent more efficient use of disk space relative to large FAT16 drives. FAT32 also reduces the resources necessary for the computer to operate. FAT32 is more robust than FAT16. FAT32 has the ability to relocate the root directory and use the backup copy of the FAT instead of the default copy. In addition, the boot record on FAT32 drives has been expanded to include a backup of critical data structures. This means that FAT32 volumes are less susceptible to a single point of failure than FAT16 volumes.

Disadvantages of FAT32
Disadvantages of FAT32 include:

The largest FAT32 volume Windows 2000 can format is limited in size to 32 GB. FAT32 volumes are not accessible from any other operating systems other than Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98. The boot sector is not backed up. There is no built-in file system security or compression with FAT32.

Advantages of NTFS It is recommended that you format all Windows 2000 partitions with NTFS except multiple-boot configurations where non-Windows 2000 and non-Windows NT startups are necessary. Formatting your Windows 2000 partitions with NTFS instead of FAT allows you to use features that are available only on NTFS. These include: Recoverability The recoverability designed into NTFS is such that a user should seldom have to run a disk repair program on an NTFS volume. NTFS guarantees the consistency of the volume by using standard transaction logging and recovery techniques. In the event of a system failure, NTFS uses its log file and checkpoint information to automatically restore the consistency of the file system. For more information about recovering your system, restoring data, and creating an emergency repair disk (ERD) see "Repair, Recovery, and Restore" in this book. Compression Windows 2000 supports compression on an individual file basis for NTFS volumes. Files that are compressed on an NTFS volume can be read and written by any Windows-based application without first being decompressed by another program. Decompression happens automatically during the read of the file. The file is compressed again when it is closed or saved. In addition, formatting your volumes with NTFS instead of FAT16 or FAT32 provides the following advantages:

There are some Windows 2000 operating system features that require NTFS. Faster access speed. NTFS minimizes the number of disk accesses required to find a file. File and folder security. On NTFS volumes, you can set file permissions on files and folders that specify which groups and users have access to them, and what level of access is permitted. NTFS file and folder permissions apply both to users working at the computer where the file is stored and to users accessing the file over the network when the file is in a shared folder. With NTFS you can also set share permissions that operate on shared folders in combination with file and folder permissions. Windows 2000 can format volumes up to 2 terabytes in size with NTFS. The boot sector is backed up to a sector at the end of the volume. NTFS supports a native encryption system called Encrypting File System (EFS), using public-key security to prevent unauthorized access to file contents. NTFS functionality can be extended by using reparse points, enabling new features such as volume mount points. Disk quotas can be set, limiting the amount of space users can consume on an NTFS volume.

Disadvantages of NTFS
While NTFS is the recommended file system for users of Windows 2000, it is not appropriate in all circumstances. Disadvantages of NTFS include:

NTFS volumes are not accessible in MS-DOS, Windows 95, and Windows 98. Due to upgrades made to NTFS in Windows 2000, the advanced features of the Windows 2000 implementation of NTFS are not available in Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. When very small volumes contain mostly small files, the overhead of managing NTFS may cause a slight performance drop in comparison to FAT.

Maximum Volume Sizes

The maximum size of a volume depends on the file system used to format the volume. Windows 2000 allows you to format volumes with three different file systems: NTFS, FAT16, and FAT32. Windows 2000 has the capability to combine noncontiguous disk areas when creating volume sets and stripe sets, but these volumes have the same maximum size limitations of a single volume.

Maximum Sizes on FAT16 Volumes

FAT16 can support a maximum of 65,535 clusters per volume. Table 3.10 lists FAT16 size limits. Important For Windows NT and Windows 2000, the cluster size of FAT16 volumes between 2 GB and 4 GB is 64 KB. This cluster size is known to create compatibility issues with some applications. For this reason, it is recommended that FAT32 be used on volumes that are between 2 GB and 4 GB. One of the known compatibility issues involves setup programs that do not compute volume free space properly on a volume with 64 KB clusters and will not run because of a perceived lack of free space. The Format program in Windows 2000 displays a warning and asks for a confirmation before formatting a volume with 64 KB clusters. Table 3.10 FAT16 Size Limits



Maximum file size


- 1 bytes

Maximum volume size

4 GB

Files per volume


Maximum Sizes on FAT32 Volumes

The FAT32 volume must have at least 65,527 clusters. The maximum number of clusters on a FAT32 volume is 4,177,918. Windows 2000 creates volumes up to 32 GB, but you can use larger volumes created by other operating systems such as Windows 98. Table 3.11 lists FAT32 size limits. Table 3.11 FAT32 Size Limits



Maximum file size


- 1 bytes

Maximum volume size

32 GB (This is due to the Windows 2000 format utility. The maximum volume size that Windows 98 can create is 127.53 GB).

Files per volume

Approximately 4 million

Important Windows 2000 can format new FAT32 volumes up to 32 GB in size but can mount larger volumes (for example, up to 127.53 GB and 4,177,918 clusters from a volume formatted with the limits of Windows 98). It is possible to mount volumes that exceed these limits, but doing so has not been tested and is not recommended.

Maximum Sizes on NTFS Volumes

In theory, the maximum NTFS volume size is 2 32 clusters. However, even if there were hardware available to supply a logical volume of that capacity, there are other limitations to the maximum size of a volume. One of these limitations is partition tables. By industry standards, partition tables are limited to 2 32 sectors. Sector size, another limitation, is a function of hardware and industry standards, and is typically 512 bytes. While sector sizes might increase in the future, the current size puts a limit on a single volume of 2 terabytes (2 32 * 512 bytes, or 2 41 bytes). For now, 2 terabytes should be considered the practical limit for both physical and logical volumes using NTFS. The maximum number of files on an NTFS volume is 2 32 - 1. Table 3.12 lists NTFS size limits. Table 3.12 NTFS Size Limits



Maximum file size

2 2

64 44

bytes - 1 KB (On disk format) bytes - 64 KB (Implementation)

Maximum volume size

2 2

64 32

allocation units (On disk format) allocation units (Implementation)

Files per volume



Which Is Faster - FAT16, FAT32, or NTFS? For small volumes, FAT16 or FAT32 usually provide faster access to files than NTFS because:

The FAT structure is simpler. The FAT folder size is smaller for an equal number of files. FAT has no controls regulating whether a user can access a file or a folder; therefore, the system does not have to check permissions for an individual file or whether a specific user has access to the file or folder. This advantage is minimal because Windows 2000 still has to determine if the file is read-only, or whether the file is on a FAT or NTFS volume.

NTFS minimizes the number of disk accesses and time needed to find a file. In addition, if a folder is small enough to fit in the MFT record, NTFS reads the entire folder when it reads its MFT record. A FAT folder entry contains an index of the file allocation table, which identifies the cluster number for the first cluster of the folder. To view a file, FAT has to search the folder structure. In comparing the speed of operations performed on large folders containing both long and short file names, the speed of a FAT operation depends on the operation itself and the size of the folder. If FAT searches for a file that does not exist, it has to search the entire folder an operation that takes longer on a FAT structure than on the B-tree structure used by NTFS. In mathematical terms, the average time to find a file on a FAT folder is a function of N /2, where N is the number of files. On an NTFS folder, the average time is a function of Log N . Several factors affect the speed with which Windows 2000 reads or writes a file:

Fragmentation of the file. If a file is badly fragmented, NTFS usually requires fewer disk accesses than FAT to find all of the fragments. Cluster size. For both file systems, the default cluster size depends on the volume size, and is always a power of 2. FAT16 addresses are 16 bits, FAT32 addresses are 32 bits, and NTFS addresses are 64 bits. The default FAT cluster size is based upon the fact that the file allocation table can have at most 65,535 entries, so the cluster size is a function of the volume size divided by 65,535. Therefore, the default cluster size for a FAT volume is almost always larger than the default cluster size for an NTFS volume of the same size. The larger cluster size for a FAT volume means that there might be less fragmentation in files on a FAT volume. Location of small files. With NTFS, small files are entirely contained within the MFT record. The file size that fits in the MFT record depends upon the the number of attributes for the file.

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