Prof. G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033 Assignments
Prof. G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033 Assignments
Prof. G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033 Assignments
Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prof. G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033 Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc), 2011-12 ASSIGNMENTS Instructions to the Students 1) Assignments are compulsory for all the students of BLISc. The assignments in each course carry 30 per cent marks and the year-end examination for 70 per cent marks.
2) The Assignment Questions of all the eight courses are enclosed herewith. There are two assignments in each course. The Last Date for submission of Answers to the First Assignment and the Second Assignment are 31-05-2012 and 30-09-2012. 3) Each assignment in a course carries 15 marks and the aggregate marks secured in the two assignments will be added to your year-end examination marks in order to decide your results. You have to secure a minimum of 40 per cent marks in each of the assignments (i.e., 6 out 15 marks) as well as in the year-end examinations (i.e., 28 out of 70 marks). 4) You have to work out the answers yourself and submit the same. Do not copy the text from the course material. Do not copy the answers from other Students. If found any assignment copied from the assignments of any others, both of them will be rejected and disqualified. 5) Write your answers clearly and legibly on plain sheets of A4 size. Do not club all assignments as one book/bunch. Write them separately. They are corrected by different counsellors. 6) Only handwritten assignment answers are accepted. Typed or carbon copies or computer prints/output are not accepted. Incomplete answers and assignments received after due date will be rejected. 7) You are advised to read thoroughly the course material supplied to you in the subject before attempting to answer the assignments. You are also advised to read the related articles and other books. Write the answers in your own words. Take guidance from the counsellors teaching the subject at your study centre. 8) Candidates who have not submitted the assignment answers as per the stipulated due date and norms are not eligible to sit at the year-end or subsequent examinations. Candidates disqualified and/or failed in assignments have to submit the fresh assignments along with the students of the next batch 9) Submit your assignment answers to the Assistant/Deputy/Joint Director (or Coordinator) of your study centre. Do not send them to the other offices of the University. 10) Write your admission number, study centre allotted, full name and correct address on the cover page of the assignment answer books. Use the Assignment Response Sheet for writing the details. 11) In case you cannot submit you assignment answers personally at the study centre, you may send them by registered post to your study centre so as to reach by the due date. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay. Please collect your assignments personally from your study centre after valuation.
Office Copy / Student Copy (To be filled and submitted along with each Assignment) Dr. B R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033 Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc) 2010-11 ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE SHEET Study Centre Code & Name Student Full Name Fathers Name Address : : : : Admission No. Assignment No. I / II
Signature of the Student For Office Use only (To be filled by the Academic Counsellor): Marks Awarded: Essay Questions (2x5 = 10) 1 2 3 4 Short Notes (5 x 1 = 5) a b c d e f g Total(in figures)
/15 Total Marks (in words): Comments by the Academic Counsellor: (on subject content, language, presentation etc.)
BLS-01: Library and Society ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
1) What are the Five Laws of Library Science? Discuss the implications of the Second Law. 2) Is Library and Information Science a profession? If so justify it. 3) Describe Library Development in Andhra Pradesh. 4) What is a National Library? Explain briefly various functions of a national library. Critically examine the services of National Library of India. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions a) Community Information Services b) Monastic Libraries c) Connemara Public Library d) Book Mobiles 5x1=5 marks
e) Tanjavur Saraswati Mahal Library f) Unesco Public Library Manifesto g) Grandhalaya Sarwaswamu h) British Library
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 9 to 16) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 SECTION-A: ESSAY QUESTIONS: Answer any TWO Questions: 2x5=10 marks
1) List out the states in India that have enacted library legislation. Briefly discuss any two acts. 2) Discuss the important provisions of Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1954. 3) What is IFLA? Discuss briefly its objectives, organizational structure and activities. 4) Explain the role of RRRLF in the development of public libraries in India. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions (a) (b) (c) (d) Kothari Commission Publications of ILA Legal Deposit FID 5x1=5 marks
(e) John Cotton Dana (f) Library Cess (g) Intellectual property (h) Special Library
BLS-02: Management of Library and Information Centres ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
1) What is Scientific Management? Discuss the contribution of S.R.Ranganathan to Scientific Management in libraries? 2) Explain briefly the various levels of management in libraries. 3) What is meant by Human Resource Management? Explain the different categories of staff required in a library. 4) What is Library Budget? Briefly describe various budgeting methods used in Libraries? SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: a) Centralization and decentralization b) Periodical display racks c) POSDCORB d) Shelf List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 9 to 16) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 SECTION-A: ESSAY QUESTIONS: Answer any TWO Questions: marks 2x5=10 5x1=5 marks
1) What are the various acquisition procedures followed by libraries in acquiring of library materials? 2) State the need for maintenance of library statistics in a library and their usefulness. 3) Discuss the various problems encountered in acquiring the non-print materials. 4) List out various types of circulation systems and describe in detail any two of them. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES: Answer any FIVE Questions: a) Kardex b) Good Offices Committee c) Weeding d) Fumigation e) Stock verification f) Types of Binding g) State Trading Corporation h) Book Trade in India 5x1=5 marks
03: Library Classification Theory ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
a) Explain the need for organization of documents in libraries and the factors determining their arrangement? b) Discuss various species of the Classification schemes. c) What is a Phase Relation? Discuss various levels and kinds of phase relation with suitable examples. d) What are Common Isolates? Explain the application of Common Isolates in CC6. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions a) b) c) d) e) 5x1=5 marks
Loose Assemblage f) Common Isolates in UDC Inter Subject Phase Relation g) Wall Picture Principle Subject Approach h) Anteriorising Common Isolates Cow Calf Principle (ACI) Almost Enumerative Classification Scheme -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 9 to 16) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
1) What is Notation? Discuss its important functions and qualities in library classification. 2) Discuss the salient features of Dewey Decimal Classification. 3) What are Mnemonics? Describe various types of mnemonics used in classification schemes 4) What are the trends and developments in the field of library classification after 1950s. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: a) Cutter Book Number b) Law of Parsimony c) Melvil Dewey 5x1=5 marks
BLS-04: Library Cataloguing Theory ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
1) What are various inner forms of Library Catalogue? Describe them with examples. 2) Explain the salient features of AACR2. 3) Define an Added Entry and explain various types of added entries prepared in AACR2? 4) Explain the differences in rendering the names of Corporate Bodies as per AACR2 and CCC? SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: marks a) Uniform titles b) Mixed Responsibility c) Shelf List d) ICCP, 1961 ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 9 to 16) e) Name Catalogue f) Added Entries in AACR2 g) Analytical entries h) Indic Names Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks 5x1=5
1) What is Selective Cataloguing? Discuss the provisions for selective cataloguing in AACR and CCC. 2) What is Filing of Entries? Describe various methods of filing entries. 3) Write an essay on `Sears List of Subject Headings. 4) What is ISBD?. Write in detail about the areas involved in ISBD. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: a) b) c) d) CCF Chain Procedure MARC 21 ISBN e) f) g) h) Union Catalogues LCSH CIP Thesaurus 5x1=5 marks
BLS-05: Information Sources and Services ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06
SECTION-A: ESSAY QUESTIONS: Answer any TWO Questions: 2x5=10 marks 1) Define National Bibliography and explain the salient features of INB. 2) What is Universal Availability of Publications (UAP)? Write an essay on it. 3) What is an Encyclopedia? Explain the salient features of any two general encyclopedias. 4) What are Biographical Information Sources? Explain the importance of Biographical information sources in academic libraries. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES: Answer the following questions A) Name two sources to locate information on any five topics of the following: 5x=2 marks a) b) c) d) Vice chancellor of BRAOU Biography of Barak Obama Meaning of MMS Average Rainfall of Rajasthan in 2010 e) Climatic Conditions in Himachal f) New Name of Assam g) News on Dengue fever h) News on Nuclear power station
B) Write shorts notes on any Five of the following references tools with examples:5x=2 marks a) b) c) d) Historical Bibliography Special Dictionaries BNB Almanacs e) f) g) h) UBCIM News Summaries Gazetteer of India Indexing Journals
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSIGNMENT -2 (Units 9 to 16) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 SECTION-A: ESSAY QUESTIONS : Answer any TWO Questions: 2x5=10 marks
1) What is Literature Searching? Explain various methods of Literature Searching. 2) Define Documentation and explain its various facets and techniques? 3) What is Selective Dissemination of Information? Explain the method of providing it. 4) What are the major online services available through Databases and Data banks.. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer the following Questions: 5x1=5 marks
a) b) c) d)
BLS-06: Basics of Information Technology ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 to 8) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
1) Define Computer. Describe the major parts of a computer with the help of a diagram. 2) What is an Operating System? Discuss its functions and types. 3) What is Application Software? Discuss in brief various application software that are useful in an office environment? 4) What is Multimedia? Discuss about various components of Multimedia System. SECTION - B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: a) RAM & ROM b) Extranet c) Data Warehousing d) E-learning -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 8 to 15) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 SECTION-A: ESSAY QUESTIONS : Answer any TWO Questions : 2x5=10 marks 5x1=5 marks
1) What is Internet? Explain how to browse the Net for information. 2) Write an essay on Networking of libraries and information centres in India. 3) What is Library Application Software? Discuss any two important Library Application Software that you are familiar with. 4) Define `Digital Library and explain its features and advantages. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : Answer any FIVE Questions: a) ISDN b) Email c) WAN d) Web OPAC 5x1=5 marks
BLS-07: Library Classification Practice ASSIGNMENT - 1(Block-I: DDC) Max. Marks: 15; Min. Pass Marks: 06 Note: (i) Classify any FIFTEEN titles according to Dewey Decimal Classification (19th Ed.) (ii) Give step-wise analysis used in constructing the Class Number. 1) Research on Heart diseases 2) Income Tax Laws of India 3) X-ray therapy for Bone Cancer 4) Strikes of Rubber Industrial Workers in Kerala 5) Telugu One-Act plays 6) Motion Picture Photography in Japan 7) Genetic Study of Aves 8) Travel in Switzerland 9) Personnel Management in Steel Industry 10) Immigrant workers from Nepal in India 11) Indo-Russian Relations 12) Marathi-Tamil Dictionary 13) Classification of Maps in Agricultural Libraries 14) A Bibliography on Sanitation Engineering 15) English Words in Urdu Language 16) Landing on Moon 17) British Journal of Criminology 18) Social Status of Sikhs in Canada 19) Migration of Birds 20) Poems of John Keats (1795-1821)
BLS-07: Library Classification Practice ASSIGNMENT - 2(Block-II: CC) Max. Marks: 15; Min. Pass Marks: 06
Note: (i) Classify any FIFTEEN titles according to Colon Classification (6th Ed.) (ii) Give step-wise analysis used in constructing the Class Number. 1)TRS Party (b.2001) 2) Ethics for Lawyers 3) Jawaharlal Nehru: An autobiography (b.1889) 4) Treatment of Love in Tamil drama 5) Functions of President of India 6) Journal of Library and Information Science (NY:1970) 7) Insect Genetics 8) Impact of Religion on Politics 9) Diagnosis of Blood Cancer. 10) National Seminar on Public Libraries (Hyderabad: 2012) 11) Solar Eclipse 12) Lok Sabha Elections, 2009 13) Indian National Bibliography 14) Prem Chand (b.1880): Godan 15) Telugu-Oriya Dictionary 16) Nature Cure for Whooping cough 17) Rainfall in India in Winter of 2010 18) Weaving of Silk Cloth 19) Rice yield in A.P. in 2009 20) Indian Freedom Movement
BLS-08: Library Cataloguing Practice ASSIGNMENT - 1 : AACR Print (Block-I) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
SECTION-A: CATALOGUE ENTRIES: Answer any FOUR Questions Title-1 BIOTECHNOLOGY & GENETIC ENGINEERING By S. N. Mukhopadhyay Prabhakar Sharma Rabindra Narain WISDOM PRESS 2011 Other details: Call No.620.8 MUK Acc. No.136433 ISBN 9380199495
Title-2 TEXTBOOK OF SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY & SPERICAL ASTRONOMY By S K D Dubey D S Pandey B D Dwivedi L M Shukla Dominant Publishers & Distributors New Delhi 2011 Other details: Call No.516.24 DUB Acc. No.201002 ISBN 9380642109 Pages: 15,310 Size: 21 cm
Title-3 CRITICAL OBSERVATION ON HUMOUR IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Edited by: Daniel Reed Tim Horton Dominant Publishers & Distributors New Delhi 2010 Other details: Call No.820 CRI Acc. No.133685 ISBN8178886049 Title-4 GEORGE ELIOT Silas Marner
Dent: London Dutton: New York Call No.823 L6 Acc. No.201004 First published in 1906, reprint 1976 Eliots real name: Marian Evans Title-5 Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Held at University of Chicago from 6-12th January 2007 Edited by Manuela M Velono Other details: Call No.006.3 Acc. No.125622-125623 ISBN 978157735 2volumes. V1 has 16,1568 pages; v2 has 18. 2954 pages Size: 24 cm Published by AAAI Press, California, 2008 Pages: x, 214 Size: 17.5 cm Series: Everymans Library
Title-6 JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION Volume 66 Number 4 July 2010 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. New Delhi
Other details: Call No.025 JOU Acc. No. Construct your own acc.nos. Library has all the volumes except volume 60 and 63. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES :
(a) Give subject Headings to any Four of the following according to Sears List: 4x1/2=2 marks (1) Secondary Education in Andhra Pradesh (2) Information Storage & Retrieval (3) Study and teaching of physics (4) Indian Journal of Public Administration (5) History of UNESCO (6) Directory of Commonwealth Universities (b) Render the Main entry heading for any Four of the following: 4x1/2=2 marks (7) vocabulary of dialects spoken in Andaman & Nicobar Isles/by Ad De Roespstorff (8) Handbook of Correspondence Courses/ Association of Indian Universities (9) UNESCO in prospect and retrospect/ edited by U.S.Bajpai & S.Viswam (10) International conference on environmental management held at Hyderabad, from 28-30 october 2009 (11) Mother Theresa: A Biography/ by Meg Greene (12) Report on the functions and activities of Small Industries / Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India (c) Answer any Two of the following: 2x1/2=1 marks. (13) (14) (15) (16) What is alternative title? What is GMD? What is Reference Entry? How to describe when a CD-ROM is issued along with a book?
BLS-08: Library Cataloguing Practice ASSIGNMENT -I1 : AACR2NBM (Block-I) Max. Marks:15; Min. Pass Marks:06 2x5=10 marks
SECTION-A: CATALOGUE ENTRIES: Answer any FOUR Questions Title-1 HAMMOND WORLD ATLAS Classics Edition Hammond Incorporation New Jersey 1979
Other details: Call No912 HAM Pages:8,352 Acc. No.201021 Size: 29 cm One Atlas, colour Summary: It is a contemporary Atlas of the world with latest and most authentic geographical & statistical information. Title-2 KASHI KHANDAM (Palm leaf manuscript in Telugu) by Srinatha Other details: Call No.294.5513 334K Acc. No.M201022 It deals with the miracles of God Shiva. Title-3 HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI (Motion picture) Iwanami Productions Japan 1982 Other details: Call No.952.19 HIR Acc. No.M201023 1 film reel, sound & colour. Gauge:16mm
Title-4 FOLK SONGS OF RAJASTAN Sung by Shamim Khan Shobha Purohit Anand Kaur Odean/ EMI New Delhi Other details: Call no.390 xyz Acc. No.201024 Language: Rajasthani Title-5 SYMANTIC ANTIVIRUS FOR HANDHELDS Version 3.2 Corporate edition Published by: Cupertino California 2004 Other details: Call no.QA76.76 Acc. No.201025 System Requirements: Intel Pentium II or higher; Palm OS 4x and 5x; Pocket PC 2002; Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC, Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 Professional SP2, Server SP2, Advanced server SP2, or XP home/professional 2003 server. 1 CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user guide + 1 product identification card. Title-6 NO TIME FOR PLAY Narrator Boots Anson-Roa The Centre Phillippines 1996 Other details: Call no.300.018 One video cassette Sound; Color inch 1 Sound disc, 45 rpm; 7 inches Song Writer: Dayal Pawar
Acc. No.201026
Summary: Documentary on the plight of Filipino working children. SECTION-B: SHORT NOTES : a) Give GMD to any FOUR of the following: 4x1/2=2 marks
5x1=5 marks
(1) Illustrated Historical map of India (2) The great train robbery a Motion picture in 6 film reels (3) Advanced Memory systems computer program on CD-ROM (4) Temple Music of India - audio cassette (5) Meghasandesamu - written on palm leaves (6) A writers diary - one microfilm reel b) Write Main entry description to any FOUR of the following: 4x1/2=2 marks (7) An atlas of 100 pages consisting of 35 coloured maps (8) 3 tape reels; 7in, 7 ips (9) One colored map of 80x57 cm; folded 21x10 cm (10) 16 mm colour film in 2 reels of 10min, duration (11) 2 digital sound disks 4 inches (12) Video cassette: 59 minutes; sound & color inch c) Give Main entry heading to any TWO of the following: 2x1/2=1 marks (13) The Oxford Atlas, prepared by Oxford University Press (14) Geetha Sandesham, an oil painting by Ravi Varma (15) Annamayya Keerthanaly, by Tallapack Annamacharya (palm leaf manuscript) (16) Childrens Libraries,a video cassette produced by BRAOU, Hyderabad, 2010