Trademarks: All Rights Reserved M825G Series, V9.2B KM266Pro/July 2004
Trademarks: All Rights Reserved M825G Series, V9.2B KM266Pro/July 2004
Trademarks: All Rights Reserved M825G Series, V9.2B KM266Pro/July 2004
rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced without the express written consent of the manufacturer. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The manufacturer makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, the manufacturer reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of the manufacturer to notify any person of such revision or changes.
IBM, VGA, and PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines. AMD, Athlon XP, Sempron, Athlon and Duron are registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PC-cillin is a registered trademark of Trend Micro Inc. AMI is a registered trademark of American Megatrends Inc. Other names used in this publication may be trademarks and are acknowledged.
Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved M825G Series, V9.2B KM266Pro/July 2004
Table of Contents
Trademark ..................................................................................... I Static Electricity Precautions.................................................III Pre-Installation Inspection .....................................................III Features & Checklist Translations..............................................V Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................1 Key Features ............................................................................2 Package Contents.....................................................................5 Chapter 2: Motherboard Installation ..........................................6 Motherboard Components .......................................................7 I/O Ports...................................................................................7 Installing The Processor ..........................................................8 Installing The Memory Modules .............................................9 Jumper Settings......................................................................10 Installing The Motherboard ...................................................11 Connecting Optional Devices ................................................12 Installing Other Devices ........................................................14 Expansion Slots .....................................................................17 Chapter 3: BIOS Setup Utility ...................................................18 Introduction ...........................................................................18 Running the Setup Utility ......................................................19 Standard CMOS Setup Page..................................................20 Advanced Setup Page ............................................................21 Power Management Setup Page ............................................23 PCI / Plug and Play Setup Page.............................................25 Load Optimal Settings ...........................................................26 Load Best Performance Settings............................................26 Features Setup Page...............................................................26 CPU PnP Setup Page .............................................................28 Hardware Monitor Page.........................................................29 Change Password...................................................................29 Exit ........................................................................................30 Chapter 4: Software & Applications..........................................31 Introduction ...........................................................................31 Installing Support Software ...................................................32 Bundled Software Installation ...............................................34
Pre-Installation Inspection
1. Inspect the motherboard for damage to the components and connectors on the board. 2. If you suspect that the motherboard has been damaged, do not connect power to the system. Contact your motherboard vendor and report the damage.
Notice: 1. Owing to Microsofts certifying schedule is various to every supplier, we might have some drivers not certified yet by Microsoft. Therefore, it might happen under Windows XP that a dialogue box (shown as below) pop out warning you this software has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP. Please rest assured that our RD department has already tested and verified these drivers. Click the Continue Anyway button and go ahead the installation.
2. USB 2.0 Driver Limitations: 2-1 The USB 2.0 driver only supports Windows XP and Windows 2000. 2-2 If you connect a USB 2.0 hub to the root hub, plugging USB devices into this hub, the system might not successfully execute certain USB devices connection because it could not recognize these devices. Currently, we are working on such limitations solution. As soon as the solution is done, the updated USB drive will be released to our website: for your downloading.
Processeur Prise en charge du Processeur Socket-462 Supporte le CPU AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron Supporte un Bus Avant allant jusqu 333/266/200 MHz Ce chipset comporte VIA KM266Pro Northbridge et VT8235 Southbridge conformment une architecture novatrice et dimensionnable avec une fiabilit et des performances prouves. Interface de CPU de Hautes Performances: Prend en charge les processeurs AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron Socket-A (Socket-462), adresse d'hte et vitesse de transfert de donnes 333/266/200 MHz; Tampons d'criture CPU sur DRAM intgrs et tampons de lecture anticipe de CPU sur DRAM Contrleur de Port Graphique Acclr (AGP) Complet: AGP v2.0 conforme au mode mode de transfert 4X avec prise en charge de Fast Write; Transferts longue-rafale transaction fractionne en pipeline jusqu' 1Go/sec Contrleur SDRAM DDR 64 bits de Haute Performance: Prend en charge les types de mmoire DDR333/266 avec interface DRAM 2.5V SSTL-2 Contrleur de Bus PCI concurrent: Interface PCI 3.3V 32 bits Conforme PCI 2.2, fonctionnant en 33 MHz avec entres tolrance de 5V. Contrleur Fast Ethernet: Fonctionnement full et half duplex en 1/10/100 MHz Contrleur EIDE de mode matre UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 : Vitesse de transfert jusqu 133Mo/sec pour couvrir les lecteurs PIO mode 4, multi-mots DMA mode 2, et interface UltraDMA-133 Contrleur Audio Numrique Direct Sound Ready AC97: Conforme AC97 2.2 Contrleur de bus USB: Compatible USB v2.0 et Interface de Contrleur d'Hte Avanc (EHCI) v1.0; compatible USB v1.1 et Interface de Contrleur d'Hte Universel (UHCI) v1.1 Deux logements DIMM DDR 184 broches pour modules mmoire Supporte le bus mmoire DDR333/266 La mmoire maximum installe est 2Go Deux logements PCI 32 bits pour interface Un logement 4X AGP pour interface Un logement CNR Deux Connecteurs IDE Prend en Charge les modes PIO (Entre/Sortie Programmable) et DMA
(Accs Direct la Mmoire) Supporte matrise de bus UltraDMA IDE avec vitesse de transfert de 133/100/66/33 Mo/sec Prend en charge les tailles de Tampons de Trame de 16/32/64 Mo Moteur graphique 3D/2D 128 bits Performance AGP 8X Interne Conforme AGP Rev. 3.0 6 canaux et conforme aux Spc. Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3), respectant les exigences de Microsoft PC2001 Gestion dalimentation avance et capacits dconomie dnergie. Fonction de ligne dentre stro partage avec la sortie Contour. Entre de CD Audio analogique pseudo diffrentielle de haute qualit. Support dEntre/Sortie S/PDIF : Entre S/PDIF est dote du support des fonctionnalits dinterruption, auto-verrouillage, anti-bruit, et antidistorsion. Technologie logicielle complmentaire de valeur. Supporte la plupart des standards de lindustrie de son 3D PC et support de fonction de karaok unique qui comprend lcho microphone, dcalage de touche, et annulation vocale. Deux ports PS/2 pour souris et clavier Un port srie Un port parallle Un port VGA Un LAN port (optionnel) Quatre USB 2.0 ports fond de panier Prises audio pour microphone, ligne dentre et ligne de sortie Solution de Couche Physique 100Base-TX/10Base-T Double Vitesse 100/10 Mbps Interface MII vers Contrleur Ethernet/Configuration & Etat Ngociation automatique : 10/100, Full/Half Duplex Conforme tous les Standards IEEE802.3, 10Base-T et 100Base-TX Applicables Conforme aux Spcifications de Bus Srie Universel Rvision 2.0 Conforme aux Spcifications dinterface de Contrleur dHte Amlior de Intel Rvision 1.0 Conforme aux Spcifications dInterface de Contrleur dHte Universel Rvision 1.1 Le priphrique multifonction PCI consiste en deux noyaux de Contrleur dHtes UHCI pour signalisation pleine/faible vitesse et un noyau de Contrleur dHtes EHCI pour signalisation haute vitesse Le hub racine consiste en 4 ports de face en aval avec metteursrcepteurs de couche physique intgrs partags par le Contrleur dHte UHCI et EHCI Support des Spcifications dInterface de Gestion dAlimentation de Bus PCI version 1.1 Support hrit pour tous les ports face laval.
AC97 Codec
USB 2.0
Certaines spcifications matrielles et lments de logiciels peuvent tre modifis sans avertissement .
Die Verpackung Ihres Motherboards enthlt folgende Teile: Motherboard Handbuch Bandkabel fr Floppylaufwerke (optional) Bandkabel fr IDE-Laufwerke Software-CD
Prozessor Untersttz Socket-462-Prozessoren Untersttzung fr AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron prozessors Untersttzung von bis zu 333/266/200 MHz Front-Side Bus Dieser Chipsatz besteht aus einer VIA KM266Pro Northbridge und einer VIA 8235 Southbridge. Die Chipsatzarchitektur ist in einem innovativen und skalierbaren Design gehalten und verspricht sowohl Zuverlssigkeit als auch Leistungsstrke. Hochleistungs CPU-Schnittstelle: Untersttzt einen AMD Athlon XP /Sempron/Athlon/Duron Prozessor mit A-Fassung (Fassung-462), 333/266/200 MHz Host-Adresse und Datentransferrate; Integrierter CPU-zu-DRAM Schreibpuffer und CPU-zu-DRAM Vor-Lesepuffer Controller mit beschleunigter Grafikstelle (AGP) mit kompletten Eigenschaften: Transfer-Modus von 4X, nach den Richtlinien von AGP v2.0 mit einer Untersttzung von Fast Write (Schnellschreibung); lange Ausgangs-Transaktionsbertragungen, geteilt und gleichmssig ausgerichtet von bis zu 1 GB/Sek. Fortgeschrittener 64-Bit DDR SDRAM Hochleistungs-Controller: Er untersttzt DDR333/266 Speichertypen mit einer 2.5V SSTL-2 DRAM Schnittstelle. Mitwirkender PCI-Bus-Controller: 33 MHz-Betrieb, nach den Richtlinien von PCI 2.2, 32 Bit 3.3V PCI-Schnittstelle mit einer EingangsenergieToleranz von 5V. Fast Ethernet Controller: Voller und halber Duplex-Betrieb von 1/10/100 MHz UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 Master-Modus EIDE-Controller: bertragungsrate von bis zu 133MB/Sek um die Driver des PIO-Modus 4, Multi-Word-DMA-Modus 2, und eine UltraDMA-133-Schnittstelle zu decken. Direct Sound Ready (Direkter Fertigton) AC97 Digital Audio Controller: nach den Richtlinien von AC97 2.2 Universaler Serien-Bus-Controller: USB v2.0 und vergrsserte HostController-Schnittstelle (EHCI) kompatibel mit v1.0; USB v1.1 und Universale Host-Controller-Schnittstelle (UHCI) kompatibel mit v1.1 Zwei 184-pin DIMM Steckpltze fr DDR Speichermodule Untersttzung fr DDR333/266 Speicherbus Maximal auf 2GB Speicher erweiterbar Zwei 32-Bit PCI-Steckpltze Ein 4X AGP-Steckplatz Ein CNR-Steckplatz Zwei IDE-Header Untersttzt die Modi PIO (Programmable Input/Output) und DMA (Direct Memory Access)
AC97 Codec
USB 2.0
Untersttzung fr IDE UltraDMA-Busmastering mit Transferraten von 133/100/66/33 MB/Sek Untersttzt Rahmenpuffergrssen von 16/32/64 MB 128-Bit3D/2D-Grafikmotor Interne 8X AGP-Leistung Nach den Richtlinien von AGP Rev. 3.0 6-Kanle und gem Spezifikationen von Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3) , entspricht den Anforderungen von Microsoft PC2001 Fortgeschrittene Betriebsstromzufuhr und stromsparend. Stereo Line-in Funktion, geteilt mit Surround-Out. Analoger CD Audio Input, pseudo-differential, von hoher Qualitt. S/PDIF Input/Output Untersttzung: S/PDIF-In kennzeichnet sich durch eine Unterbrechungs-Untersttzung, Selbstblockierung, AntiGerusche, und Anti-Strungs Funktionsfhigkeit. Zustzliche wertvolle Software-Technologie: Untersttzt die meisten PC 3D-Sound Industrienormen und die einzigartige Karaoke-Funktion, welche sich durch das Mikrofon-Echo, Tastatur-Umschaltung und Stoppen mittels Stimme hervorhebt. Zwei PS/2-Steckpltze fr Maus und Tastatur yboard Ein serieller Steckplatz Ein paralleler Steckplatz Ein VGA-Steckplatz Ein LAN-Steckplatz (optional) Vier USB2.0-Ports auf der Rckseite Audioanschlsse fr Mikrofon, line-in und line-out 100Base-TX/10Base-T Physical Layer-Lsung Duale Geschwindigkeit 100/10 MB/Sek. MII-Interface fr Ethernet Controller/Konfiguration & Status Auto-Negotiation: 10/100 MB/Sek., Voll/Halfduplex Entspricht allen anwendbaren Standards: IEEE802.3, 10Base-T und 100Base-TX Entspricht Universal Serial Bus-Spezifikation, Revision 2.0 Entspricht Intels Enhanced Host Controller Interface-Spezifikation, Revision 1.0 Entspricht Universal Host Controller Interface -Spezifikation Revision 1.1 PCI-Multifunktionsgert besteht aus zwei UHCI Host Controller-Kernen fr Signalbertragung bei voller und niedriger Geschwindigkeit sowie einem EHCI Host Controller-Kern fr HochgeschwindigkeitsSignalbertragung Root Hub besteht aus 4 Downstream-Ports mit integrierten Physical Layer-bertrgern fr gemeinsame Nutzung durch UHCI und EHCI Host Controller Untersttzt PCI-Bus Power Management Interface , Spezifikation Release 1.1 Legacy-Untersttzung fr alle Downstream-Ports
Bestimmte Hardwarespezifikationen und Teile der Softwareausstattung knnen ohne weitere Ankndigung abgendert werden.
Limballo della scheda madre composto da: La scheda madre Il manuale Una piattina per il collegamento dei drive (opzionale) Una piattina IDE Il CD con il Software di supporto
Processor Dotata di Socket 462 per Processori Supporta CPU AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron Supporta fino a 333/266/200 MHz Front Side Bus In accordo ad una archittettura scabile e innovative sono presenti nel chipset il Northbridge VIA KM266Pro e Southbridge VT8235. Interfaccia CPU di elevata performance: Supporta Socket-A (Socket462) processori AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron, 333/266/200 MHz indirizzo host e trasferimento dati; Memorie tampone di scrittura da CPU a DRAM integrate e memorie tampone di lettura da CPU a DRAM Programma di controllo della porta per applicazioni grafiche accelerate con tutte le funzioni: AGP v2.0 compatibile in modalit trasferimento 4X con supporto Fast Write; Trasferimenti di lunghi pacchetti con transazioni split a condotta fino a 1 GB/sec. Programma di controllo di elevata performance 64-bit DDR SDRAM: Supporta tipi di memoria DDR333/266 con interfaccia 2.5V SSTL-2 DRAM Programma di controllo PCI Bus: operativit 33 MHz , compatibile PCI 2.2, interfaccia 32 bit 3.3V PCI con immissione dati tollerante V5 Programma di controllo veloce Ethernet: 1/10/100 MHz operativit piena o mezzo duplex Programma EIDE di controllo UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 Master Mode EIDE: Velocit di trasferimento fino a 133MB/sec che copre PIO mode 4, drive multi-parola modalit DMA e interfaccia UltraDMA-133 Programma di controllo audio digitale per suono diretto AC97: AC97 2.2 compatibile Programma di controllo per Bus universali seriali: USB v2.0 ed interfaccia Host Controller migliorata (EHCI) v1.0 compatibile; USB v1.1 e interfaccia universale Host Controller (UHCI) v1.1 compatibile Due slot DIMM a 184 pin per moduli di memoria DDR Supporta bus di memoria DDR333/266 Quantit massima di memoria installabile, 2GB Due slot PCI a 32 bit Una slot AGP 4X Una slot CNR
Onboard IDE
AC97 Codec
Due connettori IDE Supporto della modalit PIO (Programmable Input/Output) e DMA (Direct Memory Access) Supporto per le modalit Bus Mastering e UltraDMA 133/100/66/33 MB/sec Supporta Frame Buffer 16/32/64 MB Motore grafico 128-bit 3D/2D AGP interno 8X AGP Rev. 3.0 Compatibile 6 canali, conforme alle specifiche Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3) ed i requisiti Microsoft PC2001 Gestione avanzata del risparmio energetico ed Advanced power management. Funzione Stereo Line IN condivisa con Surround out. Input Audio CD pseudo differenziale ad alta qualit. Input/Output S/PDIF: S/PDIF In dotato delle funzioni interrupt, autolock, anti-noise ed anti-distortion. Tecnologie software aggiuntive : Supporto della maggior parte degli standard industriali 3D sound PC ed una funzione karaoke dotata di microphone echo, key shifting e vocal cancellation. Due porte PS/2 per tastiera e mouse Una porta seriale Una porta VGA Una porta parallela Una porta LAN (opzionale) Quattro USB 2.0 porte sul pannello posteriore Jack audio per microfono, ingresso linea e uscita linea Archittetura 100Base TX/10Base T Doppia velocit 100/10 Mbps Interfaccia MII per Controllo Ethernet /Configurazione & Stato Negoziazione Automatica: 10/100, Full/Half Duplex Supporto di tutti gli standard esistenti IEEE802.3, 10Base-T e 100BaseTX Compliant with Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0 Compliant with Intels Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification Revision 1.0 Compliant with Universal Host Controller Interface Specification Revision 1.1 PCI multi-function device consists of two UHCI Host Controller cores for full-/low-speed signaling and one EHCI Host Controller core for high-speed signaling Root hub consists 4 downstream facing ports with integrated physical layer transceivers shared by UHCI and EHCI Host Controller Support PCI-Bus Power Management Interface Specification release 1.1 Legacy support for all downstream facing ports
USB 2.0
Some hardware specifications and software items are subject to change without prior notice.
El paquete de su placa principal contiene los sigtes. tems: La placa principal El Manual del Usuario Un cable cinta para el lector de disquete (optativo) Un cable cinta para el lector IDE CD de Software de soporte
Procesador Soporte de Procesador Socket-462 Soporta CPU de AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/ Duron Soporta hasta Bus de Lado Frontal de 333/266/200 MHz Hay VIA KM266Pro Northbridge y VT8235 Southbridge en este chipset en confomidad con una arquitectura innovadora y escalable con fiabilidad y rendimiento comprobados. Interfaz de CPU de alto rendimiento: Soporta los procesadores SocketA (Socket-462) AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron, 333/266/200 MHz de direccin anfitriona e ndice de transferencia de datos; buffers de escritura CPU-a-DRAM integrados y buffers de pre-buscar lectura CPU-a-DRAM. Controlador de Puerto de Grficas Acelerado (AGP) con Caractersticas Completas: modo de transferencia 4X conforme a AGP v2.0 con soporte Fast Write, tranferencias de expulsin larga de transaccin dividida y alineada a tubo hasta 1 GB/seg Controlador Avanzado 64-bit DDR SDRA de Alto Rendimiento: Soporta los tipos de memoria DDR333/266 con interfaz 2.5V SSTL-2 DRAM Controlador de Bus PCI concurrente: operacin de 33 MHz, conformidad PCI 2.2, interfaz 32 bit 3.3V PCI con entradas tolerantes de 5V Controlador Fast Ethernet: operacin duplex completo y medio de 1/10/100 MHz Controlador EIDE de Modo Mster UltraDMA-133/100/66/33: ndice de transferencia hasta 133MB/seg para cubrir el PIO modo 4, unidades de multi-word DMA modo 2, e interfaz UltraDMA-133 Sonido Directo Listo Controlador de Sonido Digital AC97: Conformidad AC97 2.2 Controlador de Bus Serial Universal: USB v2.0 y compatible con la Interfaz de Controlador Anfitrin Reforzado (EHCI) v1.0; USB v1.1 y compatible con la Interfaz de Controlador Anfitrin Universal (UHCI) v1.1 Dos ranuras 184-pin DIMM para mdulos de memoria DDR Soporta bus de memoria de DDR333/266 Memoria mxima instalada es 2GB Dos ranuras 32-bit PCI Una ranura 4X AGP Una ranura CNR Dos conectores IDE Soporta modos PIO (Entrada/Salida Programable/Programmable Input/Output) y modos DMA (Acceso de Memoria Directo/Direct Memory Access). Soporta mastering de bus IDE UltraDMA con ndices de transferencia
AC97 Codec
USB 2.0
de 133/100/66/33 MB/sec Soporta tamaos de Buffers de Cuadro 16/32/64 MB Motor de grficas 128-bit 3D/2D Rendimiento AGP 8X interno Conformidad AGP Rev. 3.0 6-canales y conforme con la Espec. Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3), satisface los requisitos de Microsoft PC2001 Capacidades de administracin de alimentacin avanzada y ahorro de energa. Funcin Stereo Line-in compartida con Surround out. Salida CD Audio seudo-diferencial analgica de alta calidad. Soporta S/PDIF Input/Output: S/PDIF In se caracteriza con el soporte de interrupcin, auto-bloqueo, anti-ruido, y anti-distorcin. Tecnologa de software adicional valiosa: Soporta la mayora de las normas industriales de PC 3D sound y la funcin nica de karaoke que se caracteriza por el eco de micrfono, cambio a teclados y cancelacin a voz. Dos puertos PS/2 para ratn y teclado Un puerto serial Un puerto paralelo Un puerto VGA Un puerto LAN (optional) Cuatro puertos USB 2.0 de panel trasero Clavijas de sonido para micrfono, entrada y salida de lnea Solucin de Capa Fsica 100Base-TX/10Base-T Velocidad Dual 100/10 Mbps Interfaz MII a Controlador Ethernet/Configuracin & Estado Autonegociacin: 10/100, Duplex Completo/Medio Satisface Todas las Normas Aplicables IEEE802.3, 10Base-T y 100Base-TX Conforme con la Especificacin de Bus Serial Universal Revisin 2.0 Conforme con Controlador Anfitrin Reforzado de Intel Interface Specification Revision 1.0 Conforme con la Especificacin de Interfaz de Controlador Anfitrin Universal Revisin 1.1 Dispositivo PCI multi-funcin se consiste de dos centros de Controlador Anfitrin UHCI para sealizacin de velocidad completa/baja y un centro de Controlador Anfitrin EHCI para sealizacin de alta velocidaa Root hub consiste de 4 puertos que miran hacia abajo con transceptores de capa fsica integrado compartido por Controlador Anfitrin UHCI y EHCI Soporta Especificacin de Interfaz de Administracin de Energa de BUS PCI versin 1.1 Soporte de legado para todos los puetos que miran hacia abajo Algunas especificaciones de hardware e tems de software son sujetos a cambio sin aviso previo .
Lista de verificao
A embalagem da sua placa principal contm os seguintes itens: A placa principal O Manual do Utilizador Um cabo para a unidade de disquetes (opcional) Um cabo para a unidade IDE CD de suporte para o software
Processador Suporte do Processador Socket-462 Suporta AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/ Duron processadors Suporta at 333/266/200 MHz Front-Side Bus Conta com VIA KM266Pro Northbridge e VT8235 Southbridge neste chipset, de acordo com uma arquitectura inovadora e escalvel com um nvel de confiana e desempenho comprovado. Interface CPU de Alta Performance: Com suporte para Socket-A (Socket-462) processadores AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron, endereo central 333/266/200 MHz e taxa de transferncia de dados; buffers de escrita Integrados CPU-para-DRAM e buffers de leitura CPU-para-DRAM com pr-pesquisa Controlador Com Todas as Caractersticas e Acelerado da Porta de Grficos (AGP): AGP v2.0 compatvel com modo de transferncia 4X com suporte Fast Write; Transferncias Paralelas de transacorepartida e de longa durao at 1 GB/sec Controlador Avanado de Alta-Performance 64-bit DDR SDRAM: Com suporte para tipos de memria DDR333/266 com interface 2.5V SSTL2 DRAM Controlador Corrente PCI do Bus: funcionamento 33 MHz, compatvel com PCI 2.2, interface 32 bit 3.3V PCI com entradas tolerantes 5V Controlador Ethernet Rpida: 1/10/100 MHz funcionamento completo e semi-duplex Controlador UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 Master Mode EIDE: Taxa de transferncia at 133MB/sec para abranger os drivers PIO mode 4, multi-word DMA mode 2, e o interface UntraDMA-133 Controlador Direct Sound Preparado para AC97 udio Digital: compatvel com AC97 2.2 Controlador Universal de Srie do Bus: USB v2.0 e (EHCI) Interface Melhorado do Controlador Central compatvel com v1.0; (UHCI) Interface USB v1.1 e Universal do Controlador Central compatvel com v1.1 Dois sockets DIMM com 184 pinos para mdulos de memria DDR Suporta bus de memria DDR333/266 A memria mxima instalada de 2GB Duas slots PCI de 32 bit Um slot AGP4X Um slot CNR Dois conectores IDE Suporta modos PIO (Input/Output Programvel) e DMA (Direct Memory Access)
AC97 Codec
Suporta IDE UltraDMA bus mastering com razo de transferncia de 133/100/66/33 MB/sec Com suporte para tamanhos de Frame Buffer de 16/32/64 MB Barra de grficos 128-bit 3D/2D Performance interna AGP 8X Compatvel com AGP Rev. 3.0 6- canais e complacente com Especificao Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3) , de acordo com os requerimentos da Microsoft PC2001 Gerenciamento de fora avanada e capacidade de economia de energia. Funo Stereo Line-in compatvel com a sada do Surround. Input de CD udio anlogo pseudo diferencial de alta qualidade. S/PDIF Input/Output suporta : S/PDIF In caracterizado com suporte com funcionalide de anti-distoro, anti-rudo, auto-trava, e interrompimento. Tecnologia add-on software valiosa: Suporta a maioria dos padres industriais de som de PC 3D e funo nica de karaoke caracterizado com suporte para microfone eco, troca de tom e cancelamento vocal. Duas portas PS/2 para o rato e teclado Uma porta srie Uma porta paralela Uma porta VGA Uma porta LAN (optional) Quatro portes USB2.0 traseiros Jacks audio para microfone, line-in e line-out 100Base-TX/10Base-T Soluo de Camadas Fsicas Velocidade Dupla 100/10 Mbps MII Interface para Controlador Ethernet /Configurao & Status Auto Negociao: 10/100, Full/Half Duplex Satisfaz todos os Padres IEEE802.3, 10Base-T e 100Base-TX Aplicveis Compatvel com Universal Serial Bus Reviso 2.0 da especificao Compatvel com controlador Enhanced Host da Intel Reviso 1.0 da especificao da interface Compatvel com controlador Universal Host Reviso 1.1 da especificao da Interface O dispositivo PCI muli-funes consiste em dois ncleos de Controlador UHCI Host Controller para sinalizao de velocidade total/baixa em um ncleo de Controlador EHCI Host para sinalizao de alta velocidade O ncleo de raiz consiste em 4 portas de proteco a jusante com transreceptores de camadas fsicas integrados partilhados pelos controladores Host UHCI e EHCI Suporte de gesto de energia PCI-Bus Reviso 1.1 da especificao da interface Suporte para todas as portas de proteco a jusante
USB 2.0
As especificaes de alguns artigos de hardware e software encontram-se sujeitos a alteraes sem aviso prvio.
Socket-462 AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron CPU 333/266/200 MHz VIA KM266Pro VT8235 CPU Socket-A (Socket-462) AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/ Athlon/Duron 333/266/200 MHz CPU--DRAM CPU--DRAM (AGP) AGP v2.0 4X 1GB/sec 64 DDR SDRAM 2.5V SSTL-2 DRAM DDR333/266 PCI 33 MHz PCI2.2 5V 32 3.3V PCI 1/10/100 MHz UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 EIDE 133MB/sec PIO 4 DMA 2 UltraDMA133 AC97 AC97 2.2 USB v2.0 (EHCI) v1.0 USB v1.1 (UHCI) v1.1 2 DDR 184-pin DIMM DDR333/266 2GB 2 32 PCI 1 CNR 1 4X AGP Onboard IDE 2 IDE PIO (/) DMA () IDE UltraDMA 133/100/66/33 MB/sec 16/32/64 MB 128 3D/2D AGP 8X AGP Rev. 3.0
6 Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3) Microsoft PC2001 CD S/PDIF /S/PDIF In PC 3D OK 1 1 1 VGA 1 LAN () 4 USB 2.0 100Base-TX/10Base-T 100/10 Mbps MII / & 10/100/ IEEE 802.310Base-T 100Base-Tx 2.0 Intel 1.0 1.1 PCI 2 / UHCI 1 EHCI Root 4 UHCI EHCI 1.1 PCI
2 PS/2
USB 2.0
Chapter 1 Introduction
This motherboard has a Socket-A support for the AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron processors. The Socket-A processors front-side bus (FSB) speed is 333/266/200 MHz. This motherboard integrates VIA KM266Pro Northbridge and VT8235 Southbridge chipsets that support one 4X AGP slot for highly graphics display, two 184-pin DIMM sockets for DDR333/266 memory bus, and UltraDMA ATA133/100/66/33 function to provide outstanding high system performance under all types of system operations. It has the built-in AC97 Codec, a CNR (Communications and Networking Riser) slot and a built-in 10BaseT/100BaseTX Network Interface (optional). It is compliant with AGP v2.0, up to 1 GB/sec data transfer rate capability, and pseudo-synchronous AGP and CPU interface to maximize system performance. Featuring 128-bit 3D/2D graphics engine, it utilizes a highly pipelined architecture that provides high performance along with superior image quality. There is a full set of I/O Ports including PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports, one serial port, one onboard VGA port, one parallel port, one LAN port (optional), four back-panel USB2.0 ports and onboard USB header USB3 providing two extra ports by connecting the extended USB module to the motherboard. This motherboard has all the features you need to develop a powerful multimedia workstation that is network ready. The board is Micro ATX size and has power connectors for an ATX power supply.
Key Features
The key features of this motherboard include: Socket-A Processor Support Supports AMD Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron processors Supports Front-Side Bus (FSB) 333/266/200 MHz Chipset There are VIA KM266Pro Northbridge and VT8235 Southbridge in this chipset in accordance with an innovative and scalable architecture with proven reliability and performance. A few of the chipsets advanced features are: High Performance CPU Interface: Supports Socket-A (Socket-462) Athlon XP/Sempron/Athlon/Duron processors, 333/266/200 MHz host address and data transfer rate; Integrated CPU-to-DRAM write buffers and CPU-to-DRAM read prefetch buffers Full Featured Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) Controller: AGP v2.0 compliant 4X transfer mode with Fast Write support; Pipelined split-transaction long-burst transfers up to 1 GB/sec Advanced High-Performance 64-bit DDR SDRAM Controller: Supports DDR333/266 memory types with 2.5V SSTL-2 DRAM interface Concurrent PCI Bus Controller: 33 MHz operation, PCI 2.2 compliant, 32 bit 3.3V PCI interface with 5V tolerant inputs Fast Ethernet Controller: 1/10/100 MHz full and half duplex operation UltraDMA-133/100/66/33 Master Mode EIDE Controller: Transfer rate up to 133MB/sec to cover PIO mode 4, multi-word DMA mode 2 drives, and UltraDMA-133 interface Direct Sound Ready AC97 Digital Audio Controller: AC97 2.2 compliant
Universal Serial Bus Controller: USB v2.0 and Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) v1.0 compatible; USB v1.1 and Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI) v1.1 compatible Memory Support Two 184-pin DIMM sockets for DDR333/266 memory bus Maximum installed memory is 2GB Expansion Slots One CNR slot One 4X AGP slot for AGP 2.0-compliant interface Two 32-bit PCI slots for PCI 2.2-compliant bus interface Onboard IDE Two IDE Connectors Supports PIO (Programmable Input/Output) and DMA (Direct Memory Access) modes Supports IDE UltraDMA bus mastering with transfer rates of 133/100/66/33 MB/sec VGA
Supports 16/32/64 MB Frame Buffers sizes 128-bit 3D/2D graphic engine Internal AGP 8X performance AGP Rev. 3.0 Compliant
AC97 Codec 6- channel and compliant with Intel AC97 (REV. 2.3) Spec, meeting with Microsoft PC2001 requirements Advanced power management and power saving capabilities. Stereo Line-in function shared with Surround out. High quality pseudo-differential analog CD Audio input. S/PDIF Output support: Output 96/48 kHz with 24/20/16 bits
Valuable add-on software technology: Support most industry standards of PC 3D sound and unique karaoke function support featured with microphone echo, key shifting, and vocal cancellation. Onboard I/O Ports The motherboard has a full set of I/O ports and connectors: Two PS/2 ports for mouse and keyboard One serial port One parallel port One VGA port One LAN port (optional) Four back-panel USB2.0 ports Audio jacks for microphone, line-in and line-out Built-in Ethernet LAN (optional) 10Base-T/100Base-TX Physical Layer Solution Dual Speed 100/10 Mbps MII Interface to Ethernet Controller/Configuration & Status Auto Negotiation: 10/100, Full/Half Duplex Meet All Applicable IEEE802.3, 10Base-T and 100BaseTX Standards USB 2.0 Compliant with Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0 Compliant with Intels Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification Revision 1.0 Compliant with Universal Host Controller Interface Specification Revision 1.1 PCI multi-function device consists of two UHCI Host Controller cores for full-/low-speed signaling and one EHCI Host Controller core for high-speed signaling Root hub consists 4 downstream facing ports with integrated physical layer transceivers shared by UHCI and EHCI Host Controller Support PCI-Bus Power Management Interface Specification release 1.1 4
Bundled Software PC-Cillin provides automatic virus protection under Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP Adobe Acrobat Reader is the software to help users read PDF files. Dimensions Micro ATX form factor (244 x 190 mm)
Note: Hardware specifications and software items are subject to change without notification.
Package Contents
Your motherboard package contains the following items: The motherboard The Users Manual One diskette drive ribbon cable (optional) One IDE drive ribbon cable The Software support CD Optional Accessories You can purchase the following optional accessories for this motherboard. Extended USB module Card Reader (You can buy your own Card Reader from the third party, but please contact your local Card Reader vendor on any issues of the specification and compatibility.)
Note: You can purchase your own optional accessories from the third party, but please contact your local vendor on any issues of the specification and compatibility.
Motherboard Components
This diagram below identifies major components on the motherboard.
I/O Ports
The illustration below shows a side view of the built-in I/O ports on the motherboard.
Use the upper PS/2 port to connect a PS/2 pointing device. Use the lower PS/2 port to connect a PS/2 keyboard. Use LPT1 to connect printers or other parallel communications devices. Use the COM port to connect serial devices such as mice or fax/modems. COM1 is identified by the system as COM1. Use the VGA port to connect VGA devices. Connect an RJ-45 jack to the LAN port to connect your computer to the Network. Use the USB ports to connect USB devices. Use the three audio ports to connect audio devices. The first jack is for stereo Line-In signal. The second jack is for stereo LineOut signal. The third jack is for Microphone.
Pin-1 Corner
1. Unhook the CPU sockets locking lever by pulling it away from socket and raising it to the upright position. 2. Match the pin 1 corner of CPU socket to the one of processor, and insert the processor into the socket. Do not use force. 3. Push the locking lever down and hook it under the latch on the edge of socket. 4. Apply thermal grease to the top of the CPU. 5. Lower the CPU fan/heatsink unit onto the CPU and CPU socket, and then use the retention module clamps to snap the fan/heatsink into place. 6. Plug the CPU fan power cable into the CPU cooling fan power supply (CPUFAN1) on the motherboard.
Installation Procedure These modules can be installed with up to 2 GB system memory. Refer to the following to install the memory modules. 1. Push the latches on each side of the DIMM socket down. 2. Align the memory module with the socket. The DIMM sockets are keyed with notches and the DIMMs are keyed with cutouts so that they can only be installed correctly. 3. Check that the cutouts on the DIMM module edge connector match the notches in the DIMM socket. 4. Install the DIMM module into the socket and press it firmly down until it is seated correctly. The socket latches are levered upwards and latch on to the edges of the DIMM. 5. Install any remaining DIMM modules.
Jumper Settings
Using a jumper cap to connect two pins is SHORT, removing it from these pins, OPEN.
JP3 JP4 1 1
1 JP2
Jumper JP2: Clear CMOS Memory This jumper can clear the CMOS memory. You may need to clear the CMOS memory if the settings in the Setup Utility are incorrect that your motherboard cant operate. To clear the CMOS memory, disconnect all the power cables, and then move the jumper cap into the CLEAR setting for a few seconds.
Function Normal Clear CMOS Jumper Setting Short Pins 1-2 Short Pins 2-3
Jumper JP3/JP4: CPU Clock Selector These two 3-pin jumpers select the processor 166 MHz, 133 MHz or 100 MHz.
CPU CLK 100 MHz 133 MHz 166 MHz JP3 Short Pins 1-2 Short Pins 2-3 Short Pins 2-3 JP4 Short Pins 1-2 Short Pins 1-2 Short Pins 2-3
Connect the power connector from the power supply to the ATX1 connector on the motherboard. CPUPW1 is a +12V connector for CPU Vcore power. If there is a cooling fan installed in the system chassis, connect the cable from the cooling fan to the SYSFAN1 fan power connector on the motherboard. Connect the case switches and indicator LEDs to the PANEL1 header.
Pin 1 3 5 7 9 Signal HD_LED_P(+) HD_LED_N(-) RESET_SW_N(-) RESET_SW_P(+) RSVD_DNU Pin 2 4 6 8 10 Signal FP PWR/SLP(+) FP PWR/SLP(-) POWER_SW_P(+) POWER_SW_N(-) KEY
SPK1: Speaker Header Connect the cable from the PC speaker to the SPK1 header on the motherboard.
Pin 1 3 Signal +5V GND Pin 2 4 Signal NC SPKR
AUDIO2: Front Panel Audio Header This header allows the user to install auxiliary front-oriented microphone and line-out ports for easier access.
Note: If you want to connect the front panel sound jack, you have to remove jumper caps of Pin(5-6) and Pin(9-10) from the AUDIO2 header.
USB3: Front panel USB Header The motherboard has USB ports installed on the rear edge I/O port array. Additionally, some computer cases have USB ports at the front of the case. If you have this kind of case, use auxiliary USB connector USB3 to connect the front-mounted ports to the motherboard.
Pin 1 3 5 7 9 Signal VERG_FP_USBPWR0 USB_FP_P0(-) USB_FP_P0(+) GROUND KEY Pin 2 4 6 8 10 Signal VERG_FP_USBPWR0 USB_FP_P1(-) USB_FP_P1(+) GROUND NC
1. Locate the USB3 header on the motherboard. 2. Plug the bracket cable onto the USB3 header. 3. Remove a slot cover from one of the expansion slots on the system chassis. Install an extension bracket in the opening. Secure the extension bracket to the chassis with a screw.
SIR1: Infrared Port The infrared port allows the wireless exchange of information between your computer and similarly equipped devices such as printers, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and other computers.
Pin 1 3 5 Signal NC +5V IRTX Pin 2 4 6 Signal KEY GND IRRX
1. Locate the infrared port SIR1 header on the motherboard. 2. If you are adding an infrared port, connect the ribbon cable from the port to the SIR1 header and then secure the port to an appropriate place in your system chassis. SPDIFO1: S/PDIF Out Header S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) is a standard audio transfer file format and allows the transfer of digital audio signals from one device to another without having to be converted first to an analog format. Via a specific audio cable, you can connect the SPDIFO1 header (S/PDIF output) on the motherboard to the S/PDIF digital input on the external speakers or AC Decode devices.
Pin 1 3 Signal SPDIFOUT KEY Pin 2 4 Signal +5VA GND
Floppy Disk Drive The motherboard ships with a floppy disk drive cable that can support one or two drives. Drives can be 3.5 or 5.25 wide, with capacities of 360K, 720K, 1.2MB, 1.44MB, or 2.88MB. Install your drives and connect power from the system power supply. Use the cable provided to connect the drives to the floppy disk drive connector FDC1. IDE Devices IDE devices include hard disk drives, high-density diskette drives, and CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives, among others. The motherboard ships with an IDE cable that can support one or two IDE devices. If you connect two devices to a single cable, you must configure one of the drives as Master and one of the drives as Slave. The documentation of the IDE device will tell you how to configure the device as a Master or Slave device. The Master device connects to the end of the cable. Install the device(s) and connect power from the system power supply. Use the cable provided to connect the device(s) to the Primary IDE channel connector IDE1 on the motherboard. If you want to install more IDE devices, you can purchase a second IDE cable and connect one or two devices to the Secondary IDE channel connector IDE2 on the motherboard. If you have two devices on the cable, one must be Master and one must be Slave.
Internal Sound Connections If you have installed a CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, you can connect the drive audio cable to the onboard sound system.
CD1 1
When you first start up your system, the BIOS should automatically detect your CD-ROM/DVD drive. If it doesnt, enter the Setup Utility and configure the CD-ROM/DVD drive that you have installed. On the motherboard, locate the 4-pin header CD1. CD1
Pin 1 2 3 4 Signal CD IN L GND GND CD IN R
Expansion Slots
This motherboard has one AGP, one CNR and two 32-bit PCI slots.
Follow the steps below to install a PCI/AGP/CNR expansion card. 1. Locate the CNR, AGP or PCI slots on the motherboard. 2. Remove the blanking plate of the slot from the system chassis. 3. Install the edge connector of the expansion card into the slot. Ensure the edge connector is correctly seated in the slot. 4. Secure the metal bracket of the card to the system chassis with a screw.
You can use the cursor arrow keys to highlight any of the options on the main menu page. Press Enter to select the highlighted option. To leave the setup utility, press the Escape key. To cycle through the Setup Utilitys optional color schemes hold down the Shift key and press F2. Some of the options on the main menu page lead to tables of items with installed values. In these pages, use the cursor arrow keys to highlight the items, and then use the PgUp and PgDn keys to cycle through the alternate values for each of the items. Other options on the main menu page lead to dialog boxes requiring you to answer Yes or No by hitting the Y or N keys. If you have already made changes to the setup utility, press F10 to save those changes and exit the utility. Press F5 to reset the changes to the original values. Press F6 to install the setup utility with a set of default values. Press F7 to install the setup utility with a set of high-performance values.
Floppy Drive A : 1.44 MB 3 1/2 Floppy Drive B : Not Installed Month : Jan Dec Day : 01 31 Year : 1980 2099 ESC : Exit : Select Item PU/PD/+/- : Modify (Shift)F2 : Color F3 : Detect All HDD
Date & Time Pri Master Pri Slave Sec Master Sec Slave
Use these items to set the system date and time Use these items to configure devices connected to the Primary and Secondary IDE channels. To configure an IDE hard disk drive, choose Auto. If the Auto setting fails to find a hard disk drive, set it to User, and then fill in the hard disk characteristics (Size, Cyls, etc.) manually. If you have a CD-ROM drive, select the setting CDROM. If you have an ATAPI device with removable media (e.g. a ZIP drive or an LS-120) select Floptical. Use these items to set the size and capacity of the floppy diskette drive(s) installed in the system.
: Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color : Load BIOS Defaults : Load Setup Defaults
Quick Boot
1st Boot Device 2nd Boot Device 3rd Boot Device Try Other Boot Device
If you enable this item, the system starts up more quickly be elimination some of the power on test routines. Use these items to determine the device order the computer uses to look for an operating system to load at start-up time. If you enable this item, the system will also search for other boot devices if it fails to find an operating system from the first two locations. Enable this item if any IDE hard disks support the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) feature.
BootUp NumLock
This item determines if the Num Lock key is active or inactive at system start-up time. Floppy Drive If you have two diskette drives installed and Swap you enable this item, drive A becomes drive B and drive B becomes drive A. Floppy Drive If you enable this item, your system will check Seek all floppy disk drives at start up. Disable this item unless you are using an old 360KB drive. Password Check If you have entered a password for the system, use this item to determine, if the password is required to enter the Setup Utility (Setup) or required both at start-up and to enter the Setup Utility (Always). Boot to OS/2 > Enable this item if you are booting the OS/2 64MB operating system and you have more than 64MB of system memory installed. L2 Cache Leave these items enabled since all the processors that can be installed on this board have internal cache memory. System BIOS If you enable this item, a segment of the Cacheable system BIOS will be cached to main memory for faster execution. Graphic Win Size This item defines the size of aperture if you use a graphic adapter. SDRAM Timing This item enables or disables the SDRAM by SPD timing defined by the Serial Presence Detect electrical. SDRAM CAS# This item determines the operation of SDRAM Latency memory CAS (column address strobe). It is recommended that you leave this item at the default value. The 2T setting requires faster memory that specifically supports this mode.
Enable this item to increase SDRAM memory speed. When enabled, separate memory banks are set for odd and even addresses, and upcoming byte of memory is accessible while refreshing the current byte. When this item is enabled, BIOS will disable the clock signal of free DIMM/PCI slots. If you enable spread spectrum, it can significantly reduce the EMI(Electro-Magnetic Interference) generated by the system.
: Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color : Load BIOS Defaults : Load Setup Defaults
Power Management
This item supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power management Interface). Use this item to enable or disable the ACPI feature. This item enables or disables a power management scheme. If you enable power management, there are some options for you to decide the power management operation. Both APM and ACPI are supported.
This item sets up the timeout (minutes) for the Suspend mode. The computer will be a power-saving Suspend mode if the system has been inactive after the setup time Resume On RTC The system can be turned off with a software Alarm / Date / Hour command. If you enable this item, the system / Minute / Second can automatically resume at a fixed time based on the systems RTC (realtime clock). Use the items below this one to set the date and time of the wake-up alarm. You must use an ATX power supply in order to use this feature. LAN/Ring Power The system can be turned off with a software On command. If you enable this item, the system can automatically resume if there is an incoming call on the Modem. You must use an ATX power supply in order to use this feature. Keyboard Power If you enable this item, system can On automatically resume by pressing any key or Wake- Up Key power key on the keyboard, or typing in the Wake- Up password. You must use an ATX power Password supply in order to use this feature.
: Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color : Load BIOS Defaults : Load Setup Defaults
This item lets you allocate a portion of the main memory for the onboard VGA display application with 8/16/32MB options. Primary Graphics This item indicates if the primary graphics Adapter adapter uses the PCI or the AGP bus. The default PCI setting still lets the onboard display work and allows the use of a second display card installed in a PCI slot. Allocate IRQ to If this item is enabled, an IRQ will be PCI VGA assigned to the PCI VGA graphics system. You set this value to No to free up an IRQ. PCI IDE BusMaster This item enables or disables the DMA under DOS mode. We recommend you to leave this item at the default value.
: Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color : Load BIOS Defaults : Load Setup Defaults
Audio Device Modem Device Ethernet Device Onboard USB Function USB Function For
This item enables or disables the onboard floppy disk drive interface. These items enable or disable the onboard COM1 serial port, and assign a port address. This item enables or disables the Infrared port, and assigns a port address. If you select a specific address, the resources are assigned to the IR port, and you can use the five items below to determine the operation of the IR port This item enables or disables the onboard LPT1 parallel port, and assigns a port address. The Auto setting will detect and available address. This item decides the parallel port mode. You can select SPP (Standard Parallel Port), ECP (Extended Capabilities Port), EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port), or ECP + EPP. This item assigns either IRQ 5 or 7 to the parallel port. This item assigns a DMA channel to the parallel port. The options are 0, 1 and 3. This item enables or disables either or both of the onboard Primary and Secondary IDE channels. This item enables or disables the onboard AC97 audio chip. This item enables or disables the onboard AC97 modem chip. This item enables or disables the onboard Ethernet LAN. Enable this item if you plan to use the USB ports on this motherboard. Enable this item if you plan to use the USB 27
ports on this mainboard in a DOS environment. Enable this item to make a small portion of memory storage device for the USB ports.
This item enables or disables the CPU overclocking function installed in your system. This item adjusts the CPU/DRAM frequency installed in your system. This item decides CPU over-clocking frequency installed in your system. If the over-clocking fails, please turn off the system power. And then, hold the PageUp key (similar to the Clear CMOS function) and turn on the power, the BIOS will recover the safe default.
: Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color : Load BIOS Defaults : Load Setup Defaults
These items display CPU and system temperature measurement. These items indicate cooling fan speeds in RPM and the various system voltage measurements.
Change Password
If you highlight this item and press Enter, a dialog box appears which lets you enter a Supervisor password. You can enter no more than six letters or numbers. Press Enter after you have typed in the password. A second dialog box asks you to retype the password for confirmation. Press Enter after you have retyped it correctly. The password is then required to access the Setup Utility or for that and at start-up, depending on the setting of the Password Check item in Advanced Setup.
Change or Remove the Password Highlight this item, press Enter and type in the current password. At the next dialog box, type in the new password, or just press Enter to disable password protection.
Highlight this item and press Enter to save the changes that you have made in the Setup Utility configuration and exit the program. When the Save and Exit dialog box appears, press Y to save and exit, or press N to exit without saving.
The Setup button runs the software auto-installing program as explained in next section. The Browse CD button is a standard Windows command that you can check the contents of the disc with the Windows 98 file browsing interface. The Exit button closes the Auto Setup window. To run the program again, reinsert the CD-ROM disc in the drive; or click the CD-ROM driver from the Windows Explorer, and click the Setup icon. The Application button brings up a software menu. It shows the bundled software that this motherboard supports. The ReadMe brings you to the Install Path where you can find out path names of software driver.
Auto-Installing under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP If you are under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, please click the Setup button to run the software auto-installing program while the Auto Setup screen pops out after inserting the support CD-ROM: 1. The installation program loads and displays the following screen. Click the Next button.
2. Select the items that you want to setup by clicking on it (the default options are recommended). Click the Next button to proceed.
3. The support software will automatically install. Once any of the installation procedures start, software is automatically installed in sequence. You need to follow the onscreen instructions, confirm commands and allow the computer to restart as few times as needed to complete installing whatever software you selected. When the process is finished, all the support software will be installed and start working.
Installing under Windows NT or Manual Installation If you are under Windows NT, the auto-installing program doesnt work out; or you have to do the manual installation, please follow this procedure while the Auto Setup screen pops out after inserting the support CD-ROM: 1. Click the ReadMe to bring up a screen, and then click the Install Path at the bottom of the screen. 2. Find out your motherboard model name and click on it to obtain its correct driver directory. 3. Install each software in accordance with the corresponding driver path.