EDEL453 Spring 2012 MayelaHERNANDEZ Civics Day2
EDEL453 Spring 2012 MayelaHERNANDEZ Civics Day2
EDEL453 Spring 2012 MayelaHERNANDEZ Civics Day2
1. Summary of the Lesson Plan: 2. This lesson is designed to extend their knowledge of government by teaching them about the local government in Nevada. 3. Target Population: grade level: 4th grade skill level: students at all grade levels grouping: whole group discussion and reading, partner work, independent notes. 4. Objectives: C14.4.3 Name the current governor of Nevada. C14.4.4 Explain why local governments are created. 5. Procedure: 1. Have students write down in their social studies journal what they know of local governments. Have they ever heard of local governments? 5 min 2. Teacher will write down on the board what students discussed. Teacher will do a show of hands of people who have heard of the phrase local government. 5 min. 3. Ask the students why they think a local government is needed if there is already a federal government. Discuss. Write responses on the board. 5 min 4. Discussion will lead to the Teacher reading Local Government by Ernestine Giesecke. 5 min 5. Have students paired off and each pair will be assigned a part of the government in Nevada. For example, office of governor or executive branch. Each pair will go to the website nv.gov/government/ to find out what part consists of. For State agencies the group must only pick one agency and write about it. 15 min 6. After 15 minutes students will go back to their seat to get ready to present what they found out about Nevadas government specifically the part they were assigned to. The students will write down in their journal what their peers have said. 15 min 7. Assessment: An informal assessment for day 2 will be if the students shared the load of the assignment. Also making sure that each student is on task at the computer and not doing something else besides what they are assigned. 8. Reflection:
What skills do students need in order to be successful with this lesson? - Students will need to be able work and pairs and find useful information on a specific subject.
Karen Powell- Instructor Submitted by: Mayela Hernandez & Lorrena Mccallum
Title of Unit: National & Sub-national Government Title of Lesson: Local Government
How will you follow up or extend this lesson? - To follow up this lesson I will have the students compare federal and local government to the school and classroom rules. What can you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? - I will partner up with them and discuss more thoroughly local government while the other students are working on their assignment. Where do you anticipate having problems with this lesson? I can anticipate that the lesson can seem repetitive from the previous lesson so the students might get bored. However, I think the repetition is good for them on a subject that is complicated and they can get easily confused.
9. Materials: Paper and pencils White board Local Government by Ernestine Giesecke Social Studies journal Computers