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769S (1) PH D Thesis

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Submitted by

Supervised by

Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology,
March 2009

Submitted by

Supervised by

Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology,
March 2009


A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy


Approved by

External Examiners

________________________________ ______________________________
Prof. Dr. Qaiser Ali Prof. Dr. S. Shoaib Raza
NWFP University of Engineering & Pakistan Institute of Engineering &
Technology Peshawar Applied Sciences (PIEAS), Islamabad

Internal Examiner / Thesis Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmad

Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila-Pakistan


All praises are for Allah, the Most Beneficent, ever Merciful and respect for
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).
I deem it a great privilege in offering thanks to my most respected,
proficient, learned and devoted guide Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmad ; whose keen
interest, noble guidance and encouraging attitude inspired me to accomplish this
I am highly obliged to Dr. Abdul Razzaq, Dr. Muhammad Ilyas and Dr.
Tariq M. Zeb who as members of my Research Monitoring Committee, critically
reviewed my work and provided me with all the possible help. Their assistance was
wholeheartedly available during the whole studies.
Lastly, I am grateful to my kind and beloved parents and other family
members for their encouragement during the whole period.


1.1 General 1
1.2 Classification of Blast loads on structures 1
1.2.1 Classification on the basis of confinement 1
1.2.2 Classification on the basis of blast wave
duration to time period of structure 3
1.3 Blast Basics 5
1.4 Explosion Scenarios and Designer Options 7
1.5 Structural Response against Blast 7
1.6 Review of Previous Research Works regarding effects of Impulsive
Loading on Concrete Structures 9
1.7 Salient Findings of Previous Researchers 14
1.8 Problem Statement 16
1.9 Objectives and Scope 18


2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Pressure Time History 19
2.3 Effect of angle of incidence on Reflected pressure 20
2.4 Path of Triple Point 22
2.5 Impulse of the blast wave 22
2.6 Factors affecting blast loading 25
2.7 Calculation of blast loads 26
2.8 Calculation of Blast effects 28
2.9 Effects of blast loading 29
2.9.1 Extent of damage during explosion 29
2.9.2 Floor failure 29
2.9.3 Glass breakage 30
2.10 Extent of protection 31
2.11 Research in Reactor Containment Analysis and Design
Against External Explosions 36


3.1 Prediction of blast load parameters 39
3.1.1 Blast Scaling law 39
3.1.2 Atmospheric considerations 40
3.1.3 Equivalency to TNT 40
3.2 Features of overpressure phase 41
3.3 Features of Nuclear weapons 44
3.4 Characteristics of Conventional high explosives 47
3.5 Unconfined vapour cloud explosions 48
3.6 Airflow and reflection process 52
3.7 Calculation of Reflected Overpressure 54
3.8 External impulsive loading on Superstructures 55
3.9 Dynamic Response of Blast Loaded Structures 58
3.9.1 Elastic SDOF system 59
3.9.2 Elastic-plastic SDOF Systems 60
3.10 Damage Mechanism at High Strain rate 62
3.10.1 Concrete under high strain rates 62
3.10.2 Reinforcing steel under high strain rates 63
3.11 Failure modes associated with blast loading 65
3.11.1 Global response of structural elements 65
3.11.2 Localized response of structural elements 65
3.11.3 Pressure-Impulse (P-I) Diagrams 66
3.12 Blast wave structure interaction 66
3.12.1 Air-induced ground shock Loading 68
3.12.2 Direct Ground Shock Loading 69
3.13 Blast Resistant Design Manuals 69
3.14 Computer Programs for Blast and Shock effects 71
3.15 Scope and Review of Computer Programs 71


4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Effects of structural configuration 78
4.3 Defining the threat 79
4.4 Scaling effects 79
4.5 Scope of Impulsive Loads in ACI Standard 359 80
4.6 Experimental Setup 81
4.7 Overpressure in the free air from surface explosions 84
4.8 Relationship between peak airpressure and scaled distance 85
4.9 The shock wave front arrival time Ta 87
4.10 The duration of the positive pressure phase of the shock wave 88
4.11 Shock wave reflection from the concrete structure 91
4.12 Ground shock wave from surface explosions 92
4.13 CONWEP introduction 92
4.14 CONWEP Assumptions/References for Ground Shock 93
4.15 Demonstration of CONWEP 94
4.16 Peak particle acceleration (PPA) 95
4.17 Arrival time t
4.18 Shock wave duration t
4.19 Time lag between Ground Shock and Airblast pressure arrival at
structures 99
4.20 Summary 100


5.1 Introduction 101
5.2 SAP 2000 Review 101
5.2.1 Features 101
5.2.2 General Steps 102
5.2.3 Time History Analysis 102
5.2.4 Initial Conditions 103
5.2.5 Overview of Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses
Output Sign Convention 104
5.3 Material properties of concrete and steel 107
5.4 Soil Structure Interaction 108
5.5 Model description 109
5.6 Forces due to vertical tendons 114
5.7 Forces due to hoop tendons 114
5.8 Forces due to dome tendons 115
5.8.1 Pressure on dome elements 115
5.8.2 Forces on ring girder 115
5.9 Forces due to temperature gradient 115
5.10 Numerical results 116
5.10.1 Deflections 116
5.10.2 Stress in Concrete 121
5.10.3 Yielding and failure of concrete 124
5.11 Critical distance for different amount of surface blast charges 125
5.12 Simultaneous application of blast overpressure and shock wave 128
5.13 Summary 128


6.1 Conclusions 129
6.1.1 Experimental Findings of Scaled Model Reactor
Containment 129
6.1.2 Analytical Findings of Full Scale Reactor Containment 132
6.2 Recommendations 133





Table 1.1: Explosion Pulse Load Characteristics 4
Table 2.1: Damage Approximations 28
Table 2.2: DoD Minimum Antiterrorism (AT) Standards for New Buildings 32
Table 2.3: Correlation of DoD Level of Protection to Incident Pressure 34
Table 3.1: Examples of Computer Programs Used to simulate Blast Effects
and Structural Response 80
Table 4.1: Relationships between Scale model and Full Scale parameters 79
Table 4.2: Experimental values of Shock wave propagation in the air from
various charge weights 84
Table 4.3: Typical Experimental values of Ground shock with various charge
weights 94
Table 5.1: Values of Spring Constants for Rigid Circular Foundations 108
Table 5.2: Peak deflections for different surface blast charges at 100 m 116
Table 5.3: Peak Stress for different surface blast charges 121
Table 5.4: Number of gauss points yielded 124
Table 5.5: Results for Different Surface Blast Charges 126

Table A.1: Ground Shock Free Field P-T History 158
Table A.2: Ground Shock Free Field Velocity Time History 159

Figure 1.1: A blast wave striking a rectangular object 3
Figure 1.2: Blast Loading Categories 6
Figure 2.1: Typical Pressure-Time History 20
Figure 2.2: Reflected pressure coefficient vs. angle of incidence 21
Figure 2.3: Shock wave reflection phenomena 22
Figure 2.4: Typical Impulse Waveform 24
Figure 2.5: Incident Overpressure Measured In Pounds per Square Inch, as a
Function of stand-off distance and net explosive weight
(Pounds-TNT) 27
Figure 2.6: Blast pressure effects on a structure 30
Figure 2.7: Explosives Environments - Blast Range to Effects 35
Figure 3.1: Scaling relationship between two explosive charges 42
Figure 3.2: Positive phase shock wave parameters for a hemispherical TNT
Explosion on the surface at sea level 43
Figure 3.3
Positive phase shock wave parameters for a spherical TNT

explosion in free air at sea level 43
Figure 3.4: Maximum wave overpressure versus energy-scaled distance for
deflagrative explosions 51
Figure 3.5: Energy-scaled impulse versus energy-scaled radius for deflagration
Explosions 51
Figure 3.6: Pressure on the front face of a structure 57
Figure 3.7: Pressure on the rear face of a structure 57
Figure 3.8: Single Degree of Freedom approximation for simple beam 59
Figure 3.9: Simplified Resistance Function of an Elasto-Plastic
SDOF System 61
Figure 3.10: Maximum response of elasto-plastic SDF system to a
triangular load 61
Figure 3.11: Strain rates associated with different types of loading 62
Figure 3.12: Stress-strain curves of concrete at different strain rates 63
Figure 3.13: Dynamic Increase Factor for peak stress of concrete 64
Figure 3.14: Breaching failure due to a close-in explosion of 6000 kg TNT
Equivalent 67
Figure 3.15: Typical pressure-impulse (P-I) diagram 67
Figure 4.1: Surface Burst Blast Environment 78
Figure 4.2: Experimental Set up and explosion scenario 82
Figure 4.3: Configuration of Blast Experiment Scheme 83

Figure 4.4 Peak pressure attenuation results corresponding to different charge
weights in the free air along the horizontal direction 86

Figure 4.5: Comparison of peak pressure attenuation against
scaled distance 87
Figure 4.6: Arrival time of shock wave front for different
charge TNT weights 88
Figure 4.7: Typical free air pressure time history 88
Figure 4.8: Duration for the pressure to increase from zero to
peak value 89
Figure 4.9: Duration for the pressure to increase from peak value
to ambient pressure 90
Figure 4.10: Duration of the positive pressure with various charge
weights 90
Figure 4.11: Ratios of horizontal peak reflected pressure to
the peak free air pressure 91
Figure 4.12: CONWEP results of 1 Kg explosion at 5 m
stand off distance 92
Figure 4.13a: The experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay
with a charge weight of 25 kg (a) Horizontal Direction 95
Figure 4.13b: The experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay
with a charge weight of 25 kg (b) Vertical direction 96
Figure 4.14: Peak Particle Acceleration of ground shock wave for different charge
weights 97
Figure 4.15: Arrival time of ground shock wave for different charge weights 97
Figure 4.16: Ground Shock Wave duration against charge distance 98
Figure 5.1: Typical Reactor Containment Configuration 110
Figure 5.2: Section B-B 111
Figure 5.3: Section C-C 112
Figure 5.4: Deflection against explosion of 70 T charge weight at 100 m 117
Figure 5.5: Deflection against explosion of 60 T charge weight at 100 m 117
Figure 5.6: Deflection against explosion of 50 T charge weight at 100 m 118
Figure 5.7: Deflection against explosion of 40 T charge weight at 100 m 118
Figure 5.8: Deflection against explosion of 30 T charge weight at 100 m 119
Figure 5.9: Variation of deflection with time at top of the shell 119
Figure 5.10: Variation of hoop stress in element 20 for surface blast of different
amounts of charges at a detonation distance of 200 m 120
Figure 5.11: Variation of meridonal stress with time in element 20 for surface blast
charges at a detonation distance of 200m 120
Figure 5.12: Peak stress against explosion of 70 t charge weight at 100m 122
Figure 5.13: Peak stress against explosion of 60 t charge weight at 100m 122
Figure 5.14: Peak stress against explosion of 50 t charge weight at 100m 123
Figure 5.15: Peak stress against explosion of 40 t charge weight at 100m 123
Figure 5.16: Peak stress against explosion of 30 t charge weight at 100m 124
Figure 5.17: Peak stress diagram with the application of blast
overpressure only 127
Figure 5.18: Peak stress diagram with the simultaneous application
of blast overpressure and ground shock against 160 t at
surface explosion of 200 m 127

Figure A.1: CONWEP Configuration 147

Figure A.2: Weapons effects calculations 148

Figure A.3: Ground Shock 149

Figure A.4: Bare HE 150

Figure A.5: TNT 151
Figure A.6: TNT (Contd.) 152
Figure A.7: Material description 153
Figure A.8: Reflections status 154
Figure A.9: Input and Output 155
Figure A.10: Show Stress-time history 156
Figure A.11: Show velocity time history 157
Figure A.12: Ground Shock Free-Field P-T History 159
Figure A.13: Ground Shock Free Field Velocity Time History 159
Figure B.1: Faces of a Shell Element 161
Figure B.2: Calculation of internal forces 162
Figure B.3: Positive Directions for Internal Forces 163
Figure B.4: Positive Directions for Shell Element Forces 164
Figure B.5: Positive Directions for Shell Element Internal Moments 165
Figure B.6: Positive Directions for Shell Element Principal Moments 166
Figure B.7: Illustration of Shell Element Stresses 167
Figure B.8: The location of Shell Element internal Stress Values 168
Figure B.9: Illustration of positive directions of Shell Element
internal Stresses 169
Figure B.10: Distribution of internal Stresses acting on Shell Element 170
Figure B.11: Shell Forces 171
Figure B.12: Plane and Asolid Element Stresses 172
Figure B.13: Shell Element Internal Forces 173
Figure B.14: Solid Element Stresses 174


Ca Sound speed in the air
The drag coefficient for the front face
The drag coefficient for the rear face
Reflective pressure coefficient
The drag coefficient for the roof
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
DLF Dynamic Load Factor
DIF Dynamic Increase Factor
Heat of the detonation of TNT
Heat of detonation of explosive
HDAS system Shock-hardened data acquisition system
Positive specific impulse
I Impulse
the positive phase impulse
Ir the reflected impulse
K Stiffness constant
L Length of the structure
Lw Blast wave length
Ms The Mach number
M The structural mass
PPA Peak particle acceleration
Ambient pressure
Peak incident pressure
P-I Pressure Impulse diagram
Peak side on pressure
Peak overpressure
Q Charge weight
R.C. Reinforced Concrete
Scaled range
R Charge distance
Pipe ruptures reaction
Jet impingement loading
SDOF Single Degree of Freedom
SSC Structures, Systems and Components
Arrival time of ground shock wave
Ground shock wave duration
Time lag between ground shock and airblast pressure
Shock front arrival time
The rising time from arrival time to peak value
The decreasing time from peak to the ambient pressure
Time taken by the blast wave to reach ambient pressure

t The theoretical time due to a dimensionless parameter

t the positive phase duration
T Positive phase duration
TNT Trinitrotoluene
U Shock Front Velocity
W Equivalent TNT charge weight
W The weapon yield
Maximum dynamic deflection

Analysis for the structural behavior of reactor containments under
Impact/Explosive loadings is an emerging field of research . The containment is the most
important structure in a nuclear power plant. It is classified as a Seismic Category 1 Structure.
Its protection against external aggression such as explosion, aircraft, missiles and fires is
essential to keep the masses safe from the hazards of radiation. The present study has,
therefore, been directed to study the effect of external explosion on a typical reinforced
concrete containment structure.
The general practice is to utilize the air blast pressure values in the structural analysis
and design against external explosion. The ground shock parameters are usually neglected
during blast resistant analysis and design.
Many empirical relations have been proposed in the past to calculate the airblast
pressure. Most of them, however, only predict peak pressure values.
In this thesis, not only the airblast parameters have been studied but also the ground
shock parameters have been dealt with. Therefore, the thesis deals with the experimental
determination of relationships of following airblast and ground shock parameters against
scaled distance on a reactor containment scaled model.
Airblast Time History Parameters
(a) Peak pressure (P
(b) Shock wave front arrival time (T
(c) Rising time (T
(d) Decreasing time (T
(e) Duration of the positive pressure phase (T )
Ground Shock Time History Parameters
(f) Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA)
(g) Arrival Time ( t
(h) Shock Wave Duration (t
(i) Time lag between ground shock and air blast pressure arrival at structures (T
The results have been compared with that of previous researchers and CONWEP. The
variation of results is due to curved surface of containment model.
In the second part of the study, full scale typical reactor containment has been
modeled against external blast loads varying from 30 t to 160 t of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) at a
detonation distance of 50-200 m using the above mentioned relationships. . . It is concluded
that all the failure points lie either within the lowest 10m region or at top of the shell. It is
observed that an increase of 5-20 MPa occurs with the simultaneous application of air blast
and shock wave on reinforced concrete containment as compared to that of airblast only. It
shows that an accurate analysis of structural response and damage of structures to a nearby
external explosion requires application of ground shock and air blast pressure time history
parameters at the same time.
A comparative study has also been carried out to calculate the critical distance for the
various external blast charges. The distances at which 90% of the shell elements have failed
may be termed as critical distances. In the present study, the critical distances vary from 110
to 200 m for above blast charges. . The 70% of the shell elements are cracked on both faces
and may be described as doubly cracked gauss points. These occur at the locations which
have been crushed in the plastic range.
The research work and the conclusions drawn may be utilized for evaluation
of the effect of an external explosion on the reinforced concrete containments of other

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Chapter 1
1.1 General
The role of power generation through Nuclear Reactors is rapidly increasing in the world. For
nuclear power plant analysis and design, it is desirable to carry out research work in the area
of structural safety of reactor containments against external explosions.
Nuclear containment structure in many countries is a pre-stressed concrete containment shell.
Research papers are reported in literature on the impact of an aircraft on the concrete nuclear
containment shells, but the studies are rare on the effect of explosions on the containment
shells. The present study has therefore been directed to study the effect of external explosions
on a typical reinforced concrete containment structure. In this regards, calculation of response
of concrete structures for blast loading requires three-dimensional structural idealization, true
modeling of the material non-linearities and precise modeling of the blast phenomenon.
Computer simulation of the blast loading parameters for a specified charge weight for a
cylindrical structure like nuclear containment shells is required in precise determination of the
response. The determination of parameters for modeling the blast shock interaction is required
in the form of equations. The response of the reinforced concrete shell is studied subjected to
different amounts of blast charges at varying distances. The structural response encompasses
the extent of cracking in the concrete, stress in steel and concrete after failure and deflections.

1.2 Classification of Blast Loads on Structures
1.2.1 Classification on the basis of confinement
Blast loads on structures can be classified into two following main groups on the basis
of the confinement of the explosive charge TM 5-1300(1990)

(a) Unconfined explosion, which include free air burst, air burst and surface burst
explosion having un reflected and reflected pressure loads respectively.
(b) Confined explosions, the confined explosions include fully vented explosions,
partially confined explosions, fully confined explosions.

Unconfined Explosion
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Free Air Burst Explosion
The blasts taking place in free air generates an initial yield. The shock wave
progresses away from the center of the ignition, interacting the protective structure
without intermediate magnification of blast wave.
Air Burst Explosion
The explosion generated at a distance from and above the protective structure so that
the ground reflections of the initial wave happen before the advent of the shock wave
at the protective structure.
Surface Burst explosion
A surface burst explosion results during the ignition positioned adjacent the ground so
that the primary shock is intensified at the point of detonation owing to the ground
Confined Explosions
Fully Vented Explosion
A fully vented explosion will be generated within or immediately adjacent to a barrier
or cubicle type structure with one or more surfaces open to the environment.
Partially Confined Explosion
A partially confined explosion will be generated within a barrier or cubicle type
structure with partial openings.
Fully Confined Explosion
Full confinement of an explosion is related with either total or almost total
confinement of the explosion by a barrier.
These blast loading categories are shown in Figure 1.1 which provides the six blast
loading categories possible. Figure 1.1 also illustrates the five possible pressure loads
associated with the blast load categories, the location of the explosive charge which
would generate these pressure loads, and the protective structures subjected to these

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 1.1: Blast Loading Categories (TM5-1300 (1990))

1.2.2 Classification on the basis of ratio of the blast wave duration to time period of the
The ratio of the duration to the time period of the structure provides the response of a
structure to a dynamic force. The classification of three load regimes on the basis of this ratio
(i) Impulsive
(ii) Dynamic
(iii) Quasi-Static
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

If the period of vibration is long, then the load may be impulsive for the structural member.
The intermediate region between impulsive and quasi-static, where the periods are almost
equal the loading duration, is termed dynamic. If the time period of the structural member is
very short as compared to the load duration, the load may be classified as quasi-static.
The factors which define the shape of the pressure time history, such as the rise time, load
duration, impulse and peak pressure, also require detailed application in finding out the peak
structural response. In effect, if the loading is impulsive much higher dynamic pressures can
be applied than if the load were applied over a longer period of time. It is due to the fact that
the structure has inadequate time to respond. Table 1.1 provides the role of the loading
Table 1.1: Explosion Pulse Load Characteristics (L. Louca et al. 2002)
/T < 0.3
0.3 < t
/T <3.0
/T >3.0
Peak load Preserving the exact
peak value is not
Preserve peak value-the response is
sensitive to increase or decrease the peak
load for a smooth pressure pulse
Duration Preserving the exact
peak value is not
Preserve load
duration since in
this range it is close
to the natural period
of the structure.
Even slight changes
may affect response.
Not important if
response is elastic,
but is critical when
response is plastic
Impulse Accurate
representation of
impulse is critical
representation of the
impulse is important
representation of
impulse is not
Rise time Preserving rise time
is not important
Preserving rise time is important; ignoring
it can significantly affect response

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.3 Blast Basics
Explosives are substances that are changed rapidly and violently to gaseous state, through
chemical reaction accompanied by high temperatures, extreme shock and a loud noise.
An explosion from a charge located on or very near the ground surface is referred to as a
surface burst. The initial wave is reflected and reinforced by the ground surface to produce a
reflected wave. The reflected wave merges with the incident wave at the point of detonation
to form a single wave, essentially hemispherical in shape
Air blast is the foremost damage mechanism. Air blast phenomena occur within milliseconds
and the local effects of the blast are often over before the building structure can globally react
to the effects of the blast. Also, initial peak pressure intensity (referred to as overpressure)
may be several orders of magnitude higher than ambient atmospheric pressure. The
overpressure radiates from the point of detonation but decays exponentially with distance
from the source and time and eventually becomes negative. In many cases, the effects of the
negative phase are ignored because it usually has little effect on the maximum response.
The shock wave reflects off and diffracts around the structure after striking the object. The
stress waves are also produced within the object. The true response is dependent upon the
structural configuration, the angle of incidence and the strength wave. The blast wave
configuration impinging upon the structure is illustrated in Fig. 1.2.
When a blast wave encounters an object, it will both reflect off the object and diffract around
it. It will also generate stress waves within the object. The exact behavior depends upon the
geometry of the object, the angle of incidence and the power of the wave. An example of a
wave striking a rectangular object is shown in Fig. 1.2. Three shock wave configurations are
generally considered, one for a large scale blast wave and a large object, one for a large blast
wave and small object and one for a small blast wave and large object.
Large Blast Wave, Large Object
The shock wave completely surrounds the large object, producing very strong
crushing forces
Translational force is generated, but the object is not likely to move owing to its larger
Large Blast Wave, Small Object
The object is surrounded and crushed by the shock wave
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Squashing overpressure is more or less equal over the entire object and the
translational force lasts for a brief time
Translatory force owing to dynamic or drag loading is also generated. It has a longer
duration and leads to considerable movement and damage.
Small Blast Wave, Large Object
Analysis is necessarily carried out on the object elements separately. It is due to the
fact that the small wave will not uniformly load the structure.
Till the final stages of the loading duration of structure, the initial phase experiences
different loads.

Figure 1.2: A blast wave striking a rectangular object (TM5-1300 (1990))
The reflection of the blast wave occurs after striking with the structure. The structure moves
after receiving the blast impact, and its magnitude depends on the impulsive force. Within the
elastic range, no permanent deformation occurs owing to inadequate pressure or scarce
duration. The structure transforms into plastic range with the excessive pressure load. The
structure may fail with the displacement in the plastic range.

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.4 Explosion Scenarios and Designer Options
There may be many possible scenarios which needs evaluation in the design of blast resistant
structures. Some threats are not considered, such as aerial attack or nuclear attack because
their design is not feasible. Some threats are out of scope of the present work because they do
not cause structural damage, such as chemical/ biological contaminants. Recently, the most
serious threat against a structure has been the car bomb, i.e., a large external explosion
The designer deals with four broad groups of countermeasures: deterrence, keep-out,
deception, and hardening. These terms are listed in order of decreasing effectiveness.
Deterrence refers to the perceived protection level of the facility. If effective, the facility
will not be selected as a target because it presents more obstacles than the intruder is willing
to overcome. If deterrence is not effective, then the next level of protection is keep-out.
This refers to devices such as fences, walls, etc., which prevent the intruder from reaching the
target or at least delay him until outside help arrives. If the keep-out measures are
overcome, then the attacker is confronted by deception. This diverts his attention from the
most vulnerable or valuable part of the facility towards a more visible, less important part. If
all these countermeasures are overcome, then as a last remedy, the building is hardened to
protect the occupants and contents against the effects of the explosion.

1.5 Structural Response against Blast
The structural response against blast is associated with stress wave propagation, along with
impact and missile penetration. A comprehensive application of shock wave phenomenon is
required during traveling of blast waves through the transmitting medium.
If the explosion initiates from extremely great scaled distance e.g. a small charge weight or a
large scaled distance from a structure, then global deformation will result in the structure. It
shows that all the structural elements offer some resistance to the shock wave. It is of utmost
importance that the expected loading and the resisting elements to absorb shock wave should
be incorporated in the dynamic analysis and design for proper visualization of structural
If the blast occurs very near to a wall or floor i.e. with a small scaled range, abrupt failure
results with spalling on the front and back sides. The wall fragments may move as missiles.
These fragments can harm people, damage structure, and consequently resulting structural
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

collapse if the structural support is excessively disturbed. Both global and local response with
excessive cracks occurs at intermediate scaled range, along with near face disintegration and
spalling on the back face, at intermediate scaled ranges.
A blast wave generates dilatational waves (tension or compression) at speeds of 2700-3400
m/s in ordinary concrete and 4900-5800 m/s in steel. Reflections and refractions are produced
abruptly within the material in milliseconds. High rate straining and major disintegration
effects can happen on the basis of material properties. For instance, concrete which is brittle
material develops many fractures resulting fragmentation. Yielding and fracture produces in
steel on the basis of material properties and geometry under similar conditions.

The response of doors and windows require special design procedures in order to restrict the
explosion damaging effects. The labyrinth entrances with blast resistant doors and ventilation
blast valves provide workable solutions. It is an established fact that explosions in a partially
or fully confined space generate excessive damage as compared to that in free air.
The structural response of an explosion can be calculated with the application of theory and
experiments simultaneously. Experimental results are visualized with explosion theoretical
aspects in order to define material behavior at high strain rates. The resulting computations
should be verified with the experimental outputs up to possible extent.
The true determination of structural response is dependent on the cause and effect
relationship. The experiments carried out in the past by the military demonstrate that various
blast scenarios are possible with the similar high explosive devices. Resultantly, it is very
difficult to design structures against blast waves. Therefore, the development in the blast
resistant design of structures requires a program of precision testing and code simulations
with proper visualization of structures.
The evaluation of structural response through computer simulations deals with two physical
1. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): It is employed for calculation of the airblast
effects due to explosion and the resulting pressures on the surface.
2. Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM): It deals with the response of the structures
against blast loads.

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.6 Review of Previous Research Works regarding effects of Impulsive
Loading on Concrete Structures
R. Zinn et. al. (1981) explored the dynamic response analysis of a Pressurized Water Reactor
(PWR) containment structure subjected to a free field pressure wave with 0.3 bar maximum
overpressure. Firstly, the effects of different finite element representations were pointed out.
The structural responses of a plane strain beam model and of a refined axisymmetric 3-d shell
model were presented. It was concluded that the resulting structural load of German PWR-
containment types with wall thickness about 1.8 m was very low, whereas induced vibrations
in the inner structure could increase to a considerable level in lower frequency ranges. The
second aspect which was pointed out is related to the load model. Accordingly, a triangular
load time function in connection with a certain circumferential pressure distribution as input
load function for buildings with cylindrical and spherical shapes avoid a detailed load
evaluation and leads to conservative results. Based on numerical results, the principal
conclusions were:
1. The structural responses may be computed with a plane strain beam model in order to get
global responses and for global analysis and design. Such a model is convenient for extensive
parametric studies, for instance the variation of soil parameters.
2. A 3-dimensional analysis allows the evaluation of shell strains as well as a detailed time-
dependent load distribution in the circumferential direction. Some higher modes are better
represented by use of a 3-d finite element model. However, these higher modes are not
important in practice.
3. If an axisymmetric 3-d model is used for evaluating the structural response, higher
harmonics from the 2nd or 3rd upwards are not necessary because their influence on the
response is negligible.
B. Barbe et. al. (1981) modeled the cylindrical reactor building to 1:40 scale. In the light of
experimental results, acoustic code has been developed. The model was submitted to incident
shock waves obtained by T.N.T. explosions. Experimental data was recorded with pressure
and displacement transducers and accelerometers. The results show that the geometrical
configuration between reactor and fuel building induces local overpressures five times the
incident pressure.
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Y. Kivity et. al. (1981) assessed the vulnerability of reactor containment structure to the
internal air blast resulting from a high explosive charge. The analysis focused on the global
response and integrity of the containment structure. A parametric study of the containment
response was carried out with explosive charges in the range of 1000 kg TNT. It was found
that a typical concrete containment with a thickness of the order of 1m can survive an
explosion of a charge in the range of 1 ton TNT.
F. Stangenberg et. al. (1981) studied (i) the explosion hazards due to bursting pressures (ii)
mechanism of pressure wave (iii) TNT equivalence with reference to Prototype Plant for
Nuclear Process Heat. Besides, the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures was also
investigated. The paper indicated that the phase of underpressure overlapped with the phase of
increasing strains and resulted in a considerable decrease of total load. This effect became
more significant with the increasing degree of plasticity because of increasing response
periods. The second important aspect was related to the indoor TNT-explosions: during these
tests relatively long pressure load functions with high frequency contents were measured. The
indoor blast test results showed that rough simplifications of the very complicated load time
history can be done for structural design purposes.
A. Huber et. al. (1983) discussed the propagation of shock waves in the vicinity of reactor
buildings. He presented analytical results of shock wave propagation computed by linear
wave equation and nonlinear equations of motions. He concluded that the analytical isobars of
the reflected front show a backward inclination at the reflection point. He termed the
phenomenon as Mach Stem. He pointed out that loadings on buildings and structures due to
shock waves as e.g. caused by chemical explosions are influenced by reflection and
T.A. Duffey et al. (1982) investigated the response of steel containment vessels to the internal
blast loading produced by the detonation of high explosives. He concluded that the two
dimensional motion, which occurs after significant wave interactions have taken place in the
test vessels, can be simulated with reasonable accuracy by finite element calculations.
Delroy J. Forbes (1999) covered the development of the design blast loads for buildings in
petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants as reported by the ASCE Task Committee on
Blast Resistant Design. It briefly discussed the overall design process for such buildings and
the considerations and methods for predicting the blast loading from vapour cloud explosions.
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

The main focus was on determining the building component loads once the incident blast
overpressure is defined. He emphasized the need for a better understanding of the interaction
between the blast wave from a Vapour Cloud Explosion (VCE) and a building to better define
the design blast loads. This interaction included the extent of blast wave reflection, its
clearing time on the front wall, and the wavelength and propagating velocity.
Yousuke et al (2001) carried out a nonlinear dynamic response analysis on a Pressurized
Water Reactor (PWR) 3 Loop type reactor building using a 3-D FEM model in the case of
simulataneous horizontal and vertical ground motions. He concluded that
(i) A 3-D building model made for this study can accurately simulate seismic
observation records including responses for a vertical ground motion and that this model can
be applied to investigations into vertical ground motions.
(ii) It was also confirmed that a nonlinear analytical method used in this study can
simulate the tests on RC cylindrical walls which is carried out using a vertical force as a
parameter. It is applicable to investigations into vertical ground motions which are affected by
a vertical axial force.
P. Mendis (2003) et. al. presented a vulnerability/survivability assessment procedure based on
the analysis of a typical tall building in Australia. The structural stability and integrity of the
building was assessed by considering the effects of the failure of some perimeter columns,
spandrel beams and floor slabs due to blast overpressure or impact. The criterion of the
analysis was to check if failure of any primary structural member would cause progressive
collapse propagating beyond one story level above or below the affected member vertically,
or to the next primary structural member vertically. The overall stability of the structure relied
on continuity and ductility of these elements to redistribute forces within the structure. The
authors suggested some methods to improve the impact resistance of concrete walls and slabs,
as well as the rotation capacity of the beams, columns and joints.

Gintauta (2005) performed structural integrity analysis for Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
(INPP) using the dynamic loading of an aircraft crash impact model. The purpose of the
investigation was to determine if global structural failure of the building could occur. Local
failure mechanisms, such as perforation and scabbing, were also considered.
In this study, the impact loading from an aircraft crash was treated as a uniform pressure
history (corresponding to the airplane impact characteristics) applied to the impact area of the
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

wall. The impact area includes the frontal areas of the body, the engines and the wings of the
airplane. Strain-rate dependent material models for the concrete and reinforcing bars were
used. Also, the values for the material properties used in the models had been obtained from
tests on specimens taken from the Ignalina NPP building walls. It is noted that these test
values were found to be higher than the standard material properties listed in handbooks (e.g.,
norms). For an airplane crash, the highest damaged area of the building was the area adjacent
to center point of the airplane-impacted area. It was observed that the tensile failure surface
was reached in two layers of the impacted wall. Concrete cracking began after attaining the
limit for tension. The compressive failure surface was not reached in any of the layers of the
concrete walls. No indication of concrete failure in compression was observed. The maximum
axial stress in the reinforcement bars element was 150 MPa. The static ultimate strength for
rebar steel is 850 MPa (experimental data). It should be noted that the interior walls, which
were perpendicular to the impacted exterior wall, provided additional support to the exterior
wall. The results from local response analyses showed that the 1.0 m reinforced concrete
walls were of sufficient thickness to prevent either scabbing from the backside of the
impacted wall or perforation of the aircraft engine through the wall.
Wu et al (2005) defined simultaneous ground shock and airblast forces that can be easily
applied in structural response analysis. Parametric numerical simulations of surface
explosions were conducted. Empirical expressions of airblast pressure time history as a
function of surface explosion charge weight, distance to structure, structure height, as well as
the ground shock time history spectral density function, envelope function and duration have
been presented. The results and the empirical relationships have been correlated and discussed
with the experimental data in the present thesis.
A.K. Pandey et al. (2005) demonstrated the effect of an external explosion on the outer
reinforced concrete shell of a typical nuclear containment shell. The analysis was made using
appropriate non linear material models till the ultimate stages. He performed parametric
studies for surface detonations of different amount of blast charges at a distance of 100m from
a nuclear containment shell. Also, critical distances were evaluated for different amount of
blast charges for nuclear containment shell.

Wu. et al. (2005) demonstrated the characteristics of response and collapse of three structures
to airblast load. The three structures include a one-storey masonry infilled RC frame, a two
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

storey masonry infilled RC frame and an eight storey RC frames filled with masonry wall.
The authors developed 3D homogenized model for masonry including equivalent elastic
moduli, strength envelope and failure characteristics, and a material level damage model
developed for reinforced concrete. The authors conclude that at the same scaled distance, the
more severe damage takes place in front of columns and beams of the one-storey and two
storey buildings as compared to the front columns and beams of the eight storey building
while the masonry walls of the eight storey building suffer more damage in comparison with
those of the one-storey and two-storey buildings.
Wu. et. al. (2005) simulated the response and damage of a one-storey and a two-storey
building generated with or without a protective wall between the explosion center and
building. It was observed that 1m high protective wall was not efficient in protecting both the
one-storey and two-storey buildings, although it delayed the collapse of the buildings. A 2.5
m high protective wall between the explosion center and building was very effective to ensure
the structural safety. The authors concluded that a protective wall was not an appropriate
option to protect structural elements and residents.

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.7 Salient Findings of Previous Researchers
The salient findings of previous research works are as follows.
(i) The impulsive loading from chemical blasts is estimated by the TNT equivalent
yield concept. The effect of normal burning velocity of the fuel is also taken into
(ii) The shock wave is described by a loading-time history that is generated on the
structures as transient loading for dynamic analysis and design.
(iii) The accurate loading data is difficult to record and may be not valid owing to
numerous uncertainties present in the interaction process between the shock wave
and the structure and the ideal gas consideration in the formulation of available
(iv) Linear idealization of time history of shock pressures is easy to implement due to
abovementioned uncertainties.
(v) The manner a shock wave interacts with the structure is dependent not only upon
its intensity but also upon its duration, rise time and configuration of the blast
loading curve.
(vi) The load can be distinguished as impulsive, dynamic or quasi-static relative to a
particular structural member. If the time period of the member is significantly less
with reference to the load duration, the load may be regarded as quasi-static. If the
period of vibration is long, then the load may be regarded as impulsive for that
member. The intermediate region between impulsive and quasi-static, where the
time period is about the same as loading duration, is denoted as dynamic.
(vii) Shock effects may be visualized as impulsive or dynamic loading for most
concrete structures.
(viii) Hopkinson (1915) presented his theory for using scale models with the statement:
If two structural systems, identically similar except in size, be subjected to blast
loading from two explosive charges whose weights are in proportion to the cube of
the ratio of the linear dimensions of the two structures, then the behavior of the
two structural systems will be identically similar with the distortions scaling as the
ratio of the linear dimensions.
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

(ix) After World War II, the published literature (Christopherson 1945, White 1946)
was related to research carried out during the war on the behaviour of shelters
against explosions and the invention of the first non-spherical charges to destroy
hardened structures. The explosions were localized in nature owing to problems
associated with the delivery of large quantities of explosives.
(x) The invention of nuclear weapons transformed the scenario altogether. Two
aeroplanes, each with one nuclear bomb, destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
1945 in two nuclear attacks. Consequently, the design procedures of simple shelter
structures changed completely. (Whitney 1945, Newmark 1956).
(xi) After 1945, the number of reported experimental and analytical studies of the
effects of blast loading on the behaviour of structures has markedly increased. The
objective has been, first, to study the nature of the blast wave and factors affecting
its characteristics in free air and as it encounters a structure. Secondly, the aim has
been to examine and develop means of predicting the response of a structure to
blast loads

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.8 Problem Statement
Important buildings and some critical infrastructures might be targets of terrorist threat and
need be designed against such threats. The design and construction of reactor containments to
provide life safety in the case of external explosions is receiving significant attention from
structural engineers. Existing blast design approaches require structural design along with a
buffer zone surrounding the structure. This highly effective approach is only feasible where a
keep-out zone is available and affordable. For many urban areas, the closeness to unregulated
traffic brings the terrorist threat to or within the perimeter of the structure. For these
structures, blast protection is more appropriate option for containing damage in the immediate
vicinity of the explosion and the prevention of progressive collapse.
Explosions may occur due to a variety of reasons that need to be identified and for which the
probability of occurrence may need to be quantified. ACI Standard 359 (2006) Code for
Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments deals with the impulse loads as time dependent
loads e.g. the dynamic effects of accidental pressure P
, the effects of pipe rupture reactions
and Jet impingement loading R
etc. These impulse loads lie within the purview of internal
explosions. However, the provisions to deal with the effects of external explosion against
reactor containment are still under consideration. The research regarding blast resistant design
of containment structures is also underway through United States Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (USNRC). The Clauses in this regards may be incorporated in ACI code after the
approval of its review committee.
The blast loading on a structure caused by a high-explosive detonation is dependent upon
several factors:
(1) The charge weight
(2) The location of the explosion with reference to the structure i.e unconfined or
confined explosions.
(3) The structural configuration
(4) The structure orientation with respect to the explosion and the ground surface
This work explores the scenario of external explosions at various distances against reactor
containment. The airblast pressures generated by external explosions have been extensively
studied since World War II. Many empirical formulae and curves have been proposed for
Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

prediction of peak overpressure attenuation against scaled distance, pressure time history of
shock wave, and shock wave reflection to structures. These formulae calculate shock wave
propagation in the air. However, certain parameters, which are necessary for modeling
simultaneous ground shock and airblast, such as arrival time of airblast wave to structures,
have not been fully investigated. The available empirical relations are usually inconvenient to
use since many parameters are given in empirical curves rather than in analytical equations. In
general, simplified approximations have to be pursued. For example, airblast pressures are
usually assumed as having a triangular or an exponential decay shape with the pressure rising
phase being completely neglected. The pressure is also assumed uniformly distributed along
the structural height. Such simplifications are expected to introduce errors in estimation of
airblast loads on curved structures.

The present practice in designing structures against surface explosive loading usually
considers only the airblast pressures generated by the explosion. A surface explosion, in fact,
generates both ground shock and airblast pressure on a structure. Although the ground shock
reaches the structure foundation before the airblast pressure, both the ground shock and
airblast might act on the structure at the same time, depending on the distance between the
explosion center and the structure. Even though they do not act on the structure concurrently,
ground shock will excite the structure and the structure will not respond to airblast pressure
from rest. However, little information is available for simultaneous ground shock and airblast
pressure loads generated by surface explosions on structures in the literature.
The scope of this work lies in defining the simultaneous ground shock and airblast forces that
can be easily applied in structural response analysis of reactor containments. The required
empirical relationships are essential for more accurate estimation of explosive loads in
modeling response and damage of containments to external explosions.

Chapter1 Introduction
Effects of an external explosion on a concrete structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

1.9 Objectives & Scope
The research works in the field of blast resistant reactor containment are either scarce or not
for public release. In accordance with the available published literature in blast resistant
design of reactor containments, the objective of this research work is to find relationships of
following parameters of overpressure in the free air from external explosions on reactor
(a) Peak pressure (P
) and scaled distance (R/Q
(b) Shock wave front arrival time (T
) in terms of distance (R ) and charge weights (Q)
(c) Rising time from arrival time to the peak value (T
(d) Decreasing time from peak to the ambient pressure (T
(e) Duration of the positive pressure phase of the airblast pressure wave (T )
(f) Relation of the peak reflected pressure (P
) to the peak free air pressure (P
Also, the following empirical relationships of ground shock wave from external explosions
are to be explored through scaled model reactor containment experiment.
(a) Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA)
(b) Arrival Time ( t
(c) Shock Wave Duration (t
(g) Time lag between ground shock and air blast pressure arrival at structures (T
The abovementioned relationships may be utilized in the precise determination of the
response of concrete containments against external explosions.

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


Chapter 2
Fundamentals of Blast Loading
2.1 Introduction
The blast effects of an explosion are in the form of a shock wave composed of a high intensity
shock front which expands outward from the surface of the explosive into the adjoining air.
As the wave expands, it decays in strength, lengthens in duration and decreases in velocity.
This phenomenon is caused by spherical divergence as well as by the fact that the chemical
reaction is completed, except for some afterburning associated with the hot explosion
products mixing with the surrounding atmosphere.
The one-third portion of the chemical energy available in most high explosives is discharged
during the ignition process. The residual two-third portion is discharged slowly as the
detonation products combine with air and burn. This afterburning development has slight
effect on the initial blast wave because it happens much slower than the original detonation
process. On the other hand, the next stages of the blast wave can affect by the afterburning,
especially for blasts in confined spaces. As the shock wave spreads out, pressures reduce
quickly owing to geometric divergence and the consumption of energy in heating the air.
Pressures also decrease rapidly over time and have a very short period of survival, calculated
in milliseconds. An explosion can be envisaged as a sphere of extremely compressed air that
attains balance after expansion.
2.2 Pressure Time History
At any location away from the explosion, the pressure disturbance has the configuration
shown in Figure

2.2 . The blast wave front reaches at a given location at time t
, and after the
rise to the peak value, P
the incident pressure decreases to the ambient value. The time taken
is known as the positive phase duration. This is followed by a negative phase with a duration
that is usually much longer than the positive phase. It is classified as a negative pressure
below ambient pressure having peak magnitude of P
. It occurs along turbulence of the
particle flow. The negative phase has less significance in a design than is the positive phase,
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


and its amplitude P
must be less than ambient atmospheric pressure p
. The incident impulse
density related with the blast wave is the integrated area under the pressure time curve. It is
described as i
for the positive phase and i
for the negative phase.

Figure 2.1: Typical Pressure-Time History (TM5-1300-2002)
The positive phase of this curve is numerically stated as
( )
( )
t t
t t


1 (2.1)
2.3 Effect of Angle of Incidence on Reflected Pressure
The incident blast wave reflects and generates reflected pressure after striking a structural
member that is at an angle to the direction of the waves travel (Beshara 1994, Louca 2002).
The reflected pressure is generally larger than the incident pressure at the same scaled
distance from the explosion. The reflected pressure differs with the change in angle of
incidence of the shock wave. When the shock wave strikes a structure that is perpendicular to
the path it is progressing, the location of impact will face the peak reflected pressure. When
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


the reflector is parallel to the explosion wave, the minimum reflected pressure or incident
pressure will be felt. Besides the angle of incidence, the maximum reflected pressure depends
on the maximum incident pressure, which is related with the net explosive weight and
distance from the explosion.
Figure 2.2 illustrates representative reflected pressure coefficients against the angle of
incidence for four different maximum incident pressures. The reflected pressure coefficient is
the ratio of the peak reflected pressure to the peak incident pressure (C
= P
/ P
). This figure
demonstrates that reflected pressures for explosive detonations is about 13 times larger than
maximum incident pressures. The reflected pressure coefficients are considerably larger
closer to the detonation location.

Figure 2.2: Reflected pressure coefficient vs. angle of incidence ((FEMA 426)

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


2.4 Path of Triple Point
After crossing the point of explosion by an air burst, it moves as an incident wave until it
impinges upon some object of density greater than the ambient atmosphere density. A
reflected shock wave moves towards the point of explosion after impinging upon the object.
The reflected overpressure may be much more than the pressure due to the incident blast
wave. As the reflected shock wave velocity is more than that of the incident wave, it signifies
that the reflected wave will coincide with the incident wave away from the ignition location.
A single vertical wave front is generated called a Mach stem (Biggs 1964, Norris 1959,
Rogers 1959, Crawford 1974)

which progresses in the horizontal direction along the ground.
The junction location is termed as the triple point. As the shock wave moves along the
ground, the triple point characterize a path as shown in Figure 2.3. Structural members located
below this path will receive a single shock, whereas objects above this path will receive two
shocks-the incident and reflected waves. The shock front advances on the ground with a
vertical front near the ground below the path, as in the case of a surface burst.

Figure 2.3: Shock wave reflection phenomena (Rogers 1959)
2.5 Impulse of the blast wave
Impulse is the extent of the energy from an explosion passed on to a building. The impulse
comprises the negative and positive phases of the pressure-time waveform.
The area under the pressure against time curve is termed as the impulse:
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


= P(t)dt I (2.1)
I = impulse (psi-ms or MPa-ms)
P= Pressure (psi or MPa)
T = time (ms)

Figure 2.4: Typical Impulse Waveform (FEMA 426)
Figure 2.4 demonstrates the variation of impulse and pressure with time from a characteristic
explosion. The intensity and delivery of blast loads on a structure are dependent on several
Explosive characteristics (type of matter, energy output, and amount of explosive)
Orientation of the detonation with reference to the structure
Increase in the pressure value through its interface with the ground or structure
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


The structure reacts to the forces which include the reflected pressure and the reflected
impulse. The forces differ in time and space over the uncovered surface of the structure. The
forces depend on the orientation of the explosion with reference to the structure.
Consequently utmost effort should be made to spot the most awful case of blast location
during the design of a building for a particular blast event.
The blasts possess the following salient characteristics in the background of other hazard
(e.g., earthquakes, winds, or floods),
The magnitude of the force acting on the target structure can be manifold larger than
these other perils. It is usual for the maximum incident pressure to be greater than 100 psi
on a structure in urban surroundings owing to a vehicle weapon. Major damages and
malfunctions are likely due to generation of these pressures.
Blast pressures reduce abruptly with distance from the source. As a result, the
damages on the front side of the structure may be considerably more severe than on the
converse side. Resultantly, direct air-blast damages may produce more localized damage.
In urban surroundings, on the other hand, reflections off adjacent buildings can result
excessive damages to the other side.
The event is transient, considered in milliseconds. The phenomenon is different from
earthquakes and strong winds occurring in seconds, or persistent wind or flood condition
happening in hours. Owing to this, the mass of the building has a strong extenuating effect
on the response. It takes time to activate the mass of the building. When the mass is
activated, the force disappears, thus extenuating the response. This is the converse of
earthquakes, where forces are approximately in the same time domain as the reaction of
the building mass, resulting resonance which increases the damage.

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


2.6 Factors Affecting Blast Loading
The blast loading on a structure caused by a high-explosive detonation is dependent upon
several factors:
(1) Quantity of Charge Weight
Large-scale truck bombs possess 10,000 pounds or more of TNT equivalent during design.
The quantity varies on the size and capacity of the vehicle used to transport the weapon.
Bombs in vehicles normally have 4,000 to 500 pounds of TNT equivalent, correspondingly. A
brief case bomb roughly contain 50 pounds, and a pipe bomb is usually in the range of 5
pounds of TNT equivalent.
The designer calculates the extent of damage and the attained degree of protection in case of a
still vehicle bomb on the basis of the size of the bomb (TNT equivalent in weight), its
distance from the structure, how the structure is put together, and the constituents used for
walls, framing, and glazing.
(2) The location of the explosion relative to the structure in question (unconfined or
The significant position of the detonation is dependent on the site, the building layout, and the
existing security measures. The vital location for vehicle bombs is the contiguous point that a
vehicle can draw near on each side, considering all security procedures are followed.
Generally, this is a vehicle located along the barrier nearest to the building, or at the entry
control point where scrutiny is pursued. Position for internal blasts is dependent on the region
of the structure that is openly reachable e.g. lobbies, corridors, auditoriums, cafeterias, or
gymnasiums. Range or stand-off is calculated with reference to the center of gravity of the
charge situated in the vehicle or the structural member.
It is extremely hard to characterize correct stand-off distance for a given structural member to
survive blast impact. Usually, it is neither possible nor realistic to obtain proper stand-off
distance in urban scenarios. The visualization of suitable stand-off distance needs a
calculation of the explosive weight of the weapon.
The DoD (UFC 2002) defines minimum stand-off distances on the basis of the required
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


intensity of safety. Conventional construction methodologies can be employed, if minimum
stand-off distances are ensured. The locations where the minimum stand-off cannot be met,
the structure must be strengthened to attain the required protection level.
(3) The geometrical configuration of the structure
The methodology presented in TM5-1300 for the determination of the external loads on
structures are valid for rectangular superstructures where the structure will be subjected to a
plane wave shock front. The procedures can also be applied to structures of other shapes
(cylindrical, arch, spherical, etc.) as well as structures located at and below the ground
The interaction of the incident wave with a structure is a complex phenomenon. it is assumed

to visualize the phenomenon , that
(a) the structure is rectangular in shape
(b) the incident pressure is 1.38 MPa or less,
(c) the structure under consideration is in the region of the Mach stem, and
(d) the Mach stem rises over the height of the structure
(4) The structure orientation with respect to the explosion and the ground surface
When the shock wave strikes a structural member that is an angle to the direction of the
waves travel, it reflects and produces reflected pressure. The reflected pressure is generally
larger than the incident pressure at the same scaled distance from the explosion. The reflected
pressure is dependent upon the angle of incidence of the blast wave.
2.7 Calculation of Blast Loads
The primary step in the calculation of explosion effects on a building is to determine shock
loads on the structural member. In case of an external explosion, it is the blast pressure wave
that damages to the structure. As the pressure pulse fluctuates on the basis of stand-off dis-
tance, angle of incidence, and reflected pressure over the outer surface of the structure, the
blast load forecast should be carried out at numerous threat locations. Nevertheless, the worst
scenario is generally adopted for analysis and design.
The blast designers employ advanced methods e.g. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to
analyze complex structures which need precise evaluation of impulsive loads. These advanced
programs need special tools and guidance to operate.
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


For realistic analysis, more simplified procedures may be employed by blast engineers to
calculate blast loads. The overpressure suddenly attains its maximum value and decreases to
zero in a time termed as the duration time. Numerous techniques can be employed. In order to
find out the blast load, tables may be utilized or soft wares may be used, e.g.

(GSA Manual 2001)
CONWEP (TM5-855-1 -1986)

Figure 2.5: Incident Overpressure Measured In Pounds per Square Inch, As a Function of
Stand-Off Distance and Net Explosive Weight (Pounds-TNT)(TM5-853 (1994))
(1 psi = 0.0068 MPa)
Figure 2.5 illustrates a swift technique for calculating the expected overpressure (in psi) on a
structure for a particular explosive weight and stand-off distance. Read the x-axis with the
probable explosive weight and the y-axis with an identified stand-off distance from a
structure. The extent of damage that the various components of a structure might experience
can be calculated by associating the consequential effects of overpressure with other
information. The vehicle icons in Figure 2.5 specify the comparative size of the vehicles that
might be employed to carry various magnitudes of explosive materials.
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


2.8 Calculation of Blast Effects
Consequent upon the calculation of blast loads, damage levels may be estimated by explosive
analysis and engineering analysis.
Usually, experiment is very costly and an engineering analysis is a better option. The analysis
should be time dependent which incorporates non-linear characteristics to precisely capture
the response of the blast event.
Structural components e.g. beams, slabs, or walls can be modelled by a SDOF system. The
response can be determined by employing the charts developed by Biggs (1964) and military
handbooks. SDOF models are appropriate for numerical analysis on PCs and micro-
computers. However, the most refined FEM systems (with non-linear material models and
options for explicit modeling of reinforcing bars) may be accomplished on mainframes. Table
2.1 describes incident pressures at which damage may happen.

Table 2.1: Damage Approximations (UFC-2002)
Damage Incident Overpressure (psi)

Typical window glass breakage

0.15 0.22
Minor damage to some buildings 0.5 1.1
Panels of sheet metal buckled 1.1 1.8
Failure of concrete block walls 1.8 2.9
Collapse of wood framed buildings Over 5.0
Serious damage to steel framed buildings 4 7
Severe damage to reinforced concrete structures 6 9
Probable total destruction of most buildings 10 12
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


2.9 Effects of blast loading
2.9.1 Extent of damage during explosion
The intensity and degree of damage and injuries during blast cannot be foreseen in all
respects. Previous experience shows that the exclusive particulars of the failure cycle for a
building considerably influence the intensity of damage. Notwithstanding these ambiguities, it
is likely to provide some all-purpose information about the general intensity of damage and
injuries to be anticipated during blast on the basis of the size of the explosion, distance from
the event, and assumptions about the construction of the building.
Damage owing to the air-blast shock wave may be classified into direct air-blast effects and
progressive collapse. Direct air-blast effects are damage produced by the high-intensity
pressures of the air-blast contiguous to the detonation and may bring the localized failure of
exterior walls, windows, floor systems, columns, and girders.
The air blast shock wave is the principal damage factor during the blast. The pressures it
generates on the structural member may be manifold greater than the loads for which the
building is planned. The blast wave front also exert pressure in scenarios that the building
may not have been designed for, such as in upward direction on the floor system. As regards
order of response, the air-blast first strikes the weakest point in the surrounding area of the
device closest to the detonation on the exterior surface of the structure. The shock wave
thrusts the exterior walls at the lower stories and may result wall failure and window
breakage. While the shock wave keeps on progressing, it pierces the structure, pushing both
upward and downward on the floors (Figure 2.6).
2.9.2 Floor Failure
Floor failure is frequent in large-scale vehicle-delivered explosive attacks, because floor slabs
usually have a large exterior area for the pressure to be applied compared to little thickness.
The building is surrounded by the blast wave and direct air-blast damage happens within tens
to hundreds of milliseconds from the instant of explosion in case of coincidence of the
activities. If progressive collapse is generated, it normally happens within a very short time.
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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2.9.3 Glass Breakage
Glass is the weakest part of a structure. It fails at little pressures in contrast to other
components such as the floors, walls, or columns. Previous events demonstrate that glass
breakage may result over a large distance in huge external explosions. High-velocity glass
wreckage has been shown to be a key factor in wounds in such events. Falling glass inflicts
injuries to people walking on foot during such occurrences within business district areas.

Figure 2.6: Blast pressure effects on a structure (NFESC-1998)
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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2.10 Extent of Protection
The magnitude of explosive material and the consequent explosion prescribe the level of
protection needed to avoid a building from destruction or reducing wounds and casualties.
Table 2.2 demonstrates how the DoD associates levels of protection with probable damage.

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Table 2.2 : DoD Minimum Antiterrorism (AT) Standards for New Buildings, (NFESC-1998)

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Table 2.2 : DoD Minimum Antiterrorism (AT) Standards for New Buildings, (NFESC-1998)

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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The levels of protection in Table 2.2 can approximately be interrelated for conventional
construction without any blast strengthening to the incident pressures illustrated in Table 2.3
(Kinnery 1985).
Table 2.3: Correlation of DoD Level of Protection to Incident Pressure
Level of Protection Incident Pressure (psi)
High 1.1
Medium 1.8
Low 2.3
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


Figure 2.7: Explosives Environments - Blast Range to Effects (FEMA 426)
(1 lb = 1.448 N, 1 ft = 0.3048 m)
Figure 2.7 illustrates an example of a range-to-effect chart that points to the distance or stand-
off to which a known size bomb will create a specified consequence. This type of chart can be
employed to demonstrate the blast response of a structural member or window at diverse
levels of protection. It can also be utilized to merge all building response data to evaluate
required procedures if the threat weapon-yield changes. For instance, a certain quantity of
explosive material is stolen and it is feared that they may be employed against a particular
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


structure. A structure -specific range-to-effect chart will rapidly establish the required stand-
off for the magnitude of explosives, after the explosive material is changed to TNT
Research accomplished as branch of the threat evaluation procedure should categorize bomb
sizes used in the area or section. Safety consultants have precious data that may be employed
to assess the output of probable charge weights. Knowing an explosive weight and a stand-off
distance, Figure 2.7 can be employed to forecast damage for a particular structure.

2.11 Research in Reactor Containment Analysis and Design against External Explosions
The fundamentals of blast loading outlined in this chapter are also applicable on reinforced
concrete containments for the evaluation against external explosions. The external explosions
generate both airblast and ground shock. The calculation of airblast pressure and ground
shock time history and its true visualization simultaneously is needed to study the
containment design against external explosions.
Computer simulation of the blast loading parameters for a specified amount of blast charge
for a cylindrical structure like nuclear containment shells is very important in structural
analysis against external explosion. And, therefore, parametric analysis has been carried out in
Chapter 5 in order to calculate the critical distances for the external explosion.
ACI Standard 359 (2006) Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments deals with
the impulse loads as time dependent loads e.g. accidental pressure P
, the effects of pipe
rupture reactions R
and Jet impingement loading R
etc. These are classified as internal
impulsive loads. The external explosion effects due to terrorist attacks are presently under
developmental stage in various research organizations related to reactor analysis and design.
Studies are available in literature on the impact of an aircraft on the outer reinforced concrete
nuclear containment shells, but the studies are limited on the effect of explosions on the
containment shells. The present research work has, therefore, been directed to study the effect
of external explosions on a typical reinforced concrete containment structure. It calculates
response of concrete structures for blast loading through three-dimensional modeling of the
structure, modeling of the material non-linearities and the blast phenomenon.

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


After 9/11, countries around the world are evaluating the safety and security of their nuclear
facilities against sabotage acts. Each year, thousands of people around the world fall victim to
various explosions. The methods used by terrorists are becoming ever more diversified and
refined. In these circumstances, the danger of terrorism against nuclear facilities cannot be
On the basis of their analysis of the security status of research reactors , the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) scientists warn that the most dangerous consequences may
take place during attacks on reactors of medium (1-10 MW) and large (10-250 MW) capacity.
There is no regulation requiring any level of protection for reactor containments from
terrorists. (Saleem, 2008).

IAEA Information Circular 225 contains no specific recommendations on how to guard
against sabotage of research reactors (Bunn, 2007). Government regulations on physical
protection of reactors vary a great deal around the world. Differences in understanding the
perceived threat, financial and technical resources and national laws are some of the reasons.
Most research reactors lack adequate exclusion zones to guard against the potential for truck
bombs and perimeter protection. In addition, many research reactors in the West are located
on university campuses, where security may be less scrupulous than at commercial reactor
sites and they also have no containment structure. (Ferguso, 2007)

Today, the danger of a terrorist attack at a nuclear power plant in the World, either from the air
or from the ground is apparently as great as ever. If an attack on a nuclear facility is successfully
carried out, society will be faced with medical, psychological, social, political, economic, and
organizational challenges
The need for research in containment safety against external explosions in Pakistan cannot be
overemphasized. The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is authorized to control,
regulate and supervise all the matters related to civil sector nuclear safety and radiation
protection in Pakistan. It is the leading Agency for ensuring that national preparedness for
nuclear and radiological accidents is maintained by the operating organizations or licensees.
In the light of the current wave of terrorism, the PNRA has taken the necessary steps with the
help of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) to strengthen the safety and security of
its civil nuclear installations. In this regard, the PNRA is pursuing for the physical protection
of nuclear and other radioactive material. The PNRA initiated in 2006 a five year National
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Blast Loading
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila, Pakistan, March 2009


Nuclear Safety and Security Action Plan (NSAP) to establish a more tough nuclear security
regime. It seeks capacity building in Pakistans ability to plan for, respond to, and recover
from terrorist incidents in association with relevant governmental agencies. The plan has
broad area of applications pertinent to containment safety, radiation protection, transport
safety, deployment of radiation detection equipment widely, etc.

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Chapter 3
Modelling Of External Explosion Effects
on Aboveground Structures

3.1 Prediction of Blast load Parameters
3.1.1 Blast Scaling Law
The factors which affect the blast wave during an explosion are dependent both on the
explosive energy release and on the nature of the medium through which the blast
progresses. These properties may be measured during controlled explosions in
experiments. Such test explosions are called reference explosions. Scaling laws can be
utilized to determine values for other explosions.
A detailed discussion dealing with the blast scaling methods can be found in references
(Tgo 2007, Louca 2002). The most frequently used blast scaling is Hopkinson (1915) or
cube root scaling law.
The most widely used approach to blast wave scaling is the cube root scaling law proposed
independently by Hopkinson (1915) and Cranz (1926). The law states that, similar blast
waves are produced at the same scaled distances when two explosive charges of similar
geometry and of same explosive but of different sizes are detonated in the same
atmosphere. Thus, if charges of weights Q
and Q
are detonated then the same peak
pressure is produced at distance of R
and R
, respectively. The distances R
and R
related as given below;
3 / 1

The duration of the positive phase of a pressure wave T against the detonation of charge
weights of Q
and Q
is also given by a similar equation.
3 / 1

Equation 3.2 is valid when the scaled distance is the same for both charge weights.

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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3.1.2 Atmospheric considerations
This basic scaling principle can be extended (Mills 1987) so that explosions under
different atmospheric conditions could be related. The degree of energy release over a
given distance is dependent on the density, of the propagation medium which, itself, is
proportional to the atmospheric pressure, p and inversely proportional to the temperature,
T. If the actual peak overpressure from a blast in a given medium is to be derived from a
reference value in a different medium, the actual value must also be divided by the cube
root of the density ratio, f

2 / 1 3 / 1 3 / 1





The time for the shockwave propagation is dependent on the speed of sound within the
medium and hence the actual arrival times and durations must be divided by the product of
and the speed of sound ratio for the medium, ft.

2 / 1 3 / 1


= =
d t
f f

Since the specific impulse is a function of the overpressure and the duration the actual
value must be divided by both f
and f

3.1.3 Equivalency to TNT
Beshara (1994) has mentioned various blast pressures results of a spherical charge of TNT
explosive. The output can be extrapolated to other explosives such as nuclear weapons, by
relating the explosive energy of the effective charge weight of those materials to that of an
equivalent weight of TNT. The equivalency of material against TNT is dependent on
many parameters e.g. the material shape (flat, square), the explosive quantity, explosive
confinement, nature of source and the pressure range (HNDM 1977, Doering 1949). With
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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reference to TNT, the magnitude of the energy output of explosive material can be defined
as a function of the heat of detonation.

W W = (3.5)

W = equivalent TNT charge weight,

= Weight of the explosive in question,
= Heat of the detonation of TNT, and
= Heat of detonation of explosive
The heat of detonation of the more generally used explosives and chemicals are available
in References (Tomlinson 1971, Kingery 1966, Tgo 2005). The heat ratio is defined in
some references as the TNT equivalent factor.

3.2 Features of Overpressure Phase
(i) External impulsive loads develop from the ignition of high explosives such as
atomic warheads, or from low explosives such as flammable gases and
(ii) The airblast pressure on an uncovered surface is dependent on the airblast
pressure intensity, and the orientation, geometry and size of the surface with
which the shock wave strikes.
(iii) Three constituents of loading are generally relevant; overpressure, reflected
pressure and dynamic pressure. The overpressure is merely the airblast
pressure-time histories that arise in the free field outside the structural
(iv) Reflected overpressure takes place owing to momentum change when the
progressive shock waves encounter a surface in the route of propagation.
(v) Dynamic pressures produce drag and lift on structures that intercept the
movement of such air.

Beshara (1994) described the rate of decrease of the overpressure as shown in Figure 3.1
which is quasi-exponential in nature. It is quite difficult to visualize the shock wave
numerically. Baker (1973) illustrates the positive phase with various relationships.
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 3.1: Blast wave load-time curve representation (Carpenter 1975)

The relationship proposed by Beshara (1994) is as follows. The following expression to
describe the positive phase is the most commonly used. In terms of a dimensionless wave
form parametero and time t measured from the instant the shock front arrives, the relation
is established as
s s
- 1 P (t) P


o is a dimensionless parameter & t is the time taken from the moment the blast wave
reaches. P
is the peak overpressure.
is the time taken by the blast wave to reach
ambient pressure.
t is the theoretical time due to a dimensionless parameter o . The
impulse per unit of projected area for a shock wave is expressed as
s s
(t)dt P i

( )

o o
s s
1 1
t P

The positive phase parameters of the surface burst scenario for hemispherical TNT
explosions are illustrated in Figure 3.2. A comparison of these parameters with those of
free-air explosions (Figure 3.3) depict that all the results of the surface burst environment
are more than those for the free-air environment at a certain location away from the
ignition of the same weight of explosive.

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 3.2: Positive phase shock wave parameters for a hemispherical TNT explosion on
the surface at sea level (TM5-1300 (1990))

Figure 3.3

: Positive phase shock wave parameters for a spherical TNT explosion in free
air at sea level (TM5-1300 (1990)
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Pr = the reflected pressure
Pso = Peak side on pressure
= the positive phase impulse
Ir = the reflected impulse
t = the positive phase duration
U = Shock Front Velocity
Lw = Blast wave length
3.3 Features of Nuclear Weapons
Numerical relationships to the nuclear burst overpressures as a function of time and range
have been produced and employed broadly for many years (Newmark 1961, Newmark
1962, Newmark 1963). A comprehensive discussion of nuclear air blast phenomena is
found in References (Baker 1973, Glasstone 1977).

During the last four decades,
numerous experimental and numerical studies have been pursued to derive the features of
blast waves from atomic sources. The experiments carried out in the 1970s (Carpenter
1975) have provided a more appropriate understanding of peak over pressures. At a certain
point, where the blast wave traverses, the peak overpressure is dependent on the energy
yield of explosion, the scaled distance , the height of burst, and the medium in which the
weapon is exploded (Crawford 1974, Agbabian 1985), . The maximum value at a given
range from a given yield can be calculated with confidence within a factor of two. The
value of a certain overpressure can be approximated within a variation of 20%.
The below mentioned relationship provides a precise calculation for the change of peak
overpressure, P
with distance and explosion yield for a surface nuclear burst (Rogers

Ps =
2 / 1 1/2




W = the weapon yield (in joules) and
R = the ground range at the point of interest (in metres)
The weapon yield is denoted in units of one megatonne (1 Mt = 4.184 x 10
Surface bursts are nearly double in effectiveness as air bursts for shock effects.
Resultantly, one half of the actual burst yield, W, in Eq. (3.11) can be employed to find
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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out free air overpressure owing to an air burst. The impact of reflection of air
overpressures on the ground surface needs consideration. The peak overpressure
in the ostensible meteorological standard atmosphere as determined for a spherical charge
with energy release equivalent to one kilotonne (1 kt) for nuclear air burst, is stated as
(Kinnery 1985)




+ =
1 3.2(106)Z
3 -

where P
= the ratio of explosion overpressure to ambient pressure P
scaled distance R = the distance away from a nuclear explosion with an energy release of
1 kt of TNT. The overpressures may be extrapolated to other yields, W, by multiplying by
the explosive yield factor where the weight of reference explosive, W, equals 1 kt.

The instant of arrival, t
and the positive phase duration, t
for a given overpressure can be
determined with the cube root law, it is expedient to associate these parameters to a
reference overpressure ratio. Crawford (1974) & Agbabian (1985) provided graphical
relationships for a surface burst of 1 Mt . It is recommended that the cube root of the ratio
of one half the air burst yield could be employed to utilize surface burst data in case of air
bursts. According to Biggs (1964), the time needed for a shock front to reach a certain
point R is stated as

r 0

= charge radius, Co is the speed of sound in the undisturbed atmosphere. For the related
peak overpressure, Ms ,the Mach number, is stated as

2 / 1
1 M


| +
+ =

= the ratio of specific heat of air. The subsequent duration of the overpressure
positive phase is expressed as (Baker 1983)
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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3 / 1
5 1/2
1 180








/ W
= the duration in seconds for 1 kt of TNT reference explosion
R = the distance in metres obtained as a result of scaling with the reference
The change of overpressure at a certain point with time is a function of peak overpressure
with the initial rate of decay. The rate is fast at higher overpressures. Consequently, a
characteristic nuclear explosion provides a smaller blast impulse per unit area with
reference to conventional explosion of similar duration and peak overpressure (Kinnery
1985). The time history of overpressure for surface bursts from the initial maximum value
can be expressed as the total of exponentially decaying phases specified in the following
equation (Newmark 1961)

) c be )(ae - (1 P (t) P
r r r
- - -
r s s
t t t
+ + =



where t is the time calculated from the instant of shock wave arrival.
The empirical coefficients a, b, c, , , may be obtained from reference. (Newmark
1963) It is pertinent to note that the simplified exponential form for the analytical
expression of the overpressure history provided before has been utilized in References
(Baker 1983, Kinnery 1985, Biggs 1964, Norris 1959, Newmark 1953, Beshara 1994) as
an experimental modification to considered overpressure-time records. The wave form
parameter, denotes a constant value of unity (Beshara 1994) and as a variable varying
with the magnitude of the shock front (Kinney 1985). The time estimate ordinates (

t , t
required for triangular representation of overpressure-time curves are discussed by
Crawford (1974) through graphs for 1 Mt surface burst.

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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3.4 Characteristics of conventional high explosives
Numerous research works exist for scaled blast parameters for conventional explosions.
Tomlinson (1971) & Newmark (1961) provide shock front characteristics for incident and
perpendicularly reflected waves for spherical pentolite charges exploded in free air.
Kingery (1966) provides data for incident waves for surface bursts of TNT which are
usually regarded as the standard waves for this scenario. Details for both air and surface
bursts of TNT are discussed by Baker (1973) & Strehlow (1976).
A comparative study of the calculations of blast wave properties have been carried out by
Newmark (1972)
When a high explosive ignites at the ground surface, at distances away from the volume
detonated by the explosive itself, the maximum blast overpressure is given, in bars (TM5-
855-1 (1965)) as

3 3
6784 P |

+ =


in which R = the distance in metres on ground surface from centre of detonation to the
point of interest and
W = the total energy of detonation measured in equivalent weight of metric tons of TNT.
According to Mills (1987) & Lees (1980), peak pressure on a structure in the distant area
of an overpressure associated to the proximity factor, Z, is as follows:

2 3
Ps + =


in which
W = the equivalent charge weight measured in kilograms of TNT. The overpressure-
distance equation for conventional air burst is described as (Baker 1983)

2 / 1
2 2 2
35 . 1
32 . 0
048 . 0
5 . 4
1 808











Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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the proximity factor, Z, = the real distance scaled to an energy discharge of 1 kt of TNT in
the standard atmosphere.
As regards a surface burst, the total positive phase duration of blast ovepressure, in
millisec, is defined as (Beshara (1994)

W 10 t =


The subsequent value for air burst, in millisec, is derived as (Baker 1983)

2 / 1
2 6 3
9 . 6
74 . 0
02 . 0
54 . 0
1 980










It is an established fact that the pace of decrease of overpressure with time is much less for
conventional blasts compared with nuclear explosions, the overpressure-time curve can be
taken as the triangular demonstration in which the interruption on the time axis are defined
in millisec, as (TM5-855-1 (1990)
3.20 t =

, for Ps < 3.4 bar

= 6.21 W
, for Ps 3.4 bar (3.22)
= 10.23 W
for Ps < 70 bar (3.23)
= 20.77 W
, for Ps 70 bar (3.24)

The equation for conventional air burst can be employed to calculate records for surface
burst by employing effective charge weight which considers ground reflections. The value
of 1.8 has been recommended for conversion factor.

3.5 Unconfined vapour cloud blast
Unconfined vapour cloud explosion is very important in the background of industrial and
nuclear plants. It is the detonation of a cloud of flammable vapour. It is the consequence of
a massive spill of a combustible hydrocarbon into the open environment, followed by
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
ignition and adequate acceleration of the flame progressing through the cloud to generate a
critical shock wave. Excessive harm can occur in structures positioned hundreds of metres
away from the cloud centre. There are two dissimilar mechanisms in the explosion ( Mills
1987, Lees 1980, Lee 1977, Pfortaser 1977, Koch 1977, Gugan 1978) on the basis of the
speed of the flame front, i.e. deflagration and detonation. The combustion velocity is of
the order of 10 m/sec in the case of deflagration . In spite of numerous findings available
on many dimensions of the unconfined vapour cloud explosions, enough work is still
The significant characteristics of vapour cloud explosions which distinguish them from a
TNT explosion have been discussed by Lee (1977) & Pfortaser (1977).
The overpressure at the point source of the TNT explosion is more than the overpressure at
the explosion center. The blast impact in the cloud can excessively vary on the basis of
the combustion mode. It has been recommended (Lee 1977) that the practical upper limit
of overpressure is approximately 1 bar at the center and about 0.7 bar at the boundary of
the cloud. The profile of the early blast wave is dissimilar from that of concentrated charge
explosion. It is understood that it is at a adequate distance from the source, it becomes
impossible to differentiate in form from the wave of a TNT explosion.
The explosion source can be of very large size on the basis of fuel release and the delay
before detonation. A vapour cloud is like a pancake shape which increases the spatial
dimensions. The explosion energy is only a fraction of the total combustion energy of the
cloud since a considerable constituent remains unutilized. The duration is usually more
than that of the condensed phase explosion. The overpressure of 1 bar at the cloud centre,
a duration time of 30 msec has been adopted (Baker 1983, Lee 1977) for the analysis and
design of elements.
The available information for calculating the blast damages from chemical explosions are
based on the TNT equivalent yield concept (Lee 1977, Pfortaser 1977, Koch 1977,
Jungclaus 1977, Strehlow 1979) . The other models presented by Lee (1977) are untested.
If W
(kg) of a certain fuel is discharged into the atmosphere and
H A is the standard heat
of combustion of this fuel in J/kg, then the TNT equivalent yield is given as

f f
10 x 4.198

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Where o = experimental factor (0 <o < 1) and 4.198 x l0
is the explosion energy of
TNT (J/kg). The experimental factor o is used to incorporate the differences between the
two types of explosions.
The past experience (Pfortaser 1977) shows that o differ from a trivial fraction of a
percent to values as high as 30%. A value of 0.05 to 0.10 may be employed as a rule. Once
is found a characteristic explosion distance R
can be defined by

3 / 1
10 4.198 W


At a certain point R
from the centre of explosion, the energy scaled distance, R is
defined as
R/R R =
A methodical perusal of the influence of normal burning velocity on the shock wave
generated by central ignition of a spherical cloud has been accomplished by Strehlow et al.
(1979). The normal burning velocity of the fuel divided by the local velocity of sound was
taken as a reference Mach number M
. The result of the study was standard charts to
illustrate the scaled overpressure P
depending on the energy-scaled distance. These
graphical representations are illustrated in Figures 3.4 and Figure 3.5. In Figure 3.4, curves
are given for deflagrative explosions with a range of normal burning velocities. The curve
tag P is for pentolite, D is for detonation, and S is for open sphere rupture. The least value
of R = 0.01 is taken as the effective wave width of the idealized spherical cloud. The peak
wave overpressure and impulse are then calculated from the scaled values (Louca 2002) as
0 s s
P P P =

( )
TNT s s
10 4.198 W i i =


Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 3.4: Maximum wave overpressure versus energy-scaled distance for deflagrative
explosions ( Baker 1973)

Figure 3.5: Energy-scaled impulse versus energy-scaled radius for deflagration
explosions ( Baker 1983)

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Using the triangular illustration of the overpressure-time curve, the evaluation of the
overpressure duration time results in

s s s
/P 2i t =


3.6 Airflow and Reflection Process
The most negative impact of a blast wave is usually described by the maximum
overpressure. Generally, depending on the structure geometries, the strong transient winds
behind the shock front can be of larger consequence. The drag effects are dependent on the
size and shape of the structure, and the maximum value of the dynamic pressure resulted
from the wind behind the shock front. The shock front velocity, peak wind velocity and
the density of the air behind the shock front are required to compute the peak value of
dynamic pressure. The shock front progresses outward from the location of burst with a
velocity which is dependent on the peak overpressure just behind the shock front and the
ambient conditions of the air ahead of the shock wave. The front velocity, U
at the point
of interest is considered (Strehlow 1979) as
s 0 s
M C U =

In expressions of shock velocity, the wind speed is specified (Louca 2002, Baker 1973,
Baker 1983) as





The maximum wind velocity and the air density,
, behind the shock front , in
expressions of overpressure, are articulated( Baker 1973)


2 / 1
0 h
s 0



| +
+ =

( )
( )

+ +
0 h s h
0 h s h
0 s
P 2 P 1
P 2 P 1


The dynamic pressure is related to the square of the wind velocity and the density of the
air. The peak dynamic pressure, P
, is expressed (Newmark 1961, Newmark 1963,
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Newmark 1962, Baker 1973, Glasstone 1977, Crawford 1974, Agbabian 1985, Rogers
1959, Baker 1983, Kinney 1985, Biggs 1964, Norris 1959, Beshara 1994) as
( )
s h 0 h
P 1 P 2


Under ideal gas conditions (
= 1.4), Eq, 3.34 reduces to

s 0
P 7P


Eq. 3.35 is valid up to an overpressure of approximately 689 N/m
. In effect, it is likely
that the predicted range at which a given dynamic overpressure owing to a nuclear burst
event is computed consistently to within an error of 25%.
The dynamic pressure time arrival is measured (Newmark 1961, Newmark 1963,
Newmark 1962, Crawford 1974, Beshara 1994, Strehlow 1976, TM5-855-1(1991)) to be
equal as that of the peak overpressure. The dynamic pressure positive phase duration, t
articulated in seconds for 1 Mt surface nuclear burst (Newmark 1962) as

3 / 1
s s
0.011P 1
0.00042P 1
0.0075P 0.085P 1
t W

+ +


in which W = the explosion yield in megatonnes. Standards for other nuclear weapon
yields can be obtained by the cube root rule. For conventional blasts, the drag pressure
duration is defined in millisec (TM5-855-1 (1991)) as

20W t =


in which W = the explosion yield in tonnes of equivalent TNT.
The difference of dynamic pressure with time is similar to the overpressure with an abrupt
decrease but a longer period. It is generally expedient to employ an equivalent triangular
pulse to characterize the dynamic pressure-time curve for overpressure. The peak dynamic
pressure is employed as initial value of the equivalent pulse. The duration time and the
drag impulse duration are illustrated graphically in Reference

(Crawford 1974, Rogers
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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1959) for 1 Mt nuclear surface burst. The resultant values for conventional explosions, the
duration is articulated in millisec (TM5-855-1 (1991)) as

3 / 1
9.04 t

= ' , for P
< 2 bar (3.38)

/P 14.35W t = ' , for P
2 bar (3.39)

3.7 Calculation of Reflected overpressure
Reflection is the result of a momentum alteration when the progressing airblast impinges
upon surface in the way of propagation. The ratio of reflected overpressure to incident
overpressure is termed the reflection factor (TM 5-1300 (1990), Agbabian 1985) which is
a function of the peak overpressure in the incident wave and the angle at which the wave
interacts with the surfaces. When the blast strikes an object at right angles, or nearly so,
the resulting reflection creates a peak reflected overpressure, P
, given by
(Lee 1977)
( )
d h s r
P 1 2P P + + =


Taking into consideration, the ideal gas conditions (
= 1.4) and replacement for P
Eq. 3.35, the peak reflected overpressure is defined as

0 s
7P P
+ =


Eq. 3.41 is applicable for ideal gas for the overpressure, P
less than 10 bars. The peak
reflected overpressures given by Eq 3.40 can attain a value of twice the peak incident
overpressure for shocks having less intensity in which the peak dynamic pressure is
unimportant, but may attain a value of eight times the peak overpressure for strong shocks
in which the peak dynamic pressure is the governing criteria (Tomlinson 1971, Strehlow
1976). This upper limit is possibly significantly inaccurate (Baker 1973, Lee 1977). It
assumes that the air acts as a perfect gas even at the high pressures and temperatures
obtainable under strong shock conditions. It has been shown (Doering 1949) that this ratio
can be much greater, perhaps 20, if real gas effects such as dissociation and ionization of
the molecules are incorporated. Brode (1959) has computed this ratio for normal reflection
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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of shocks on the basis of air dissociation and ionization. For P
greater than 10 bars, he
proposed the following relationship

1.5 P log 4
s 10
+ =

< 14

Eq. 3.40 or 3.41 provides only peak pressures with little emphasis on time histories of
reflected pressure. Owing to absence of precise prediction procedures, it is recommended
(Kingery 1966) that one can approximately calculate the reflected impulse, i
if the side-
on impulse time is available. The relationship between the time histories of side-on
overpressure and normally reflected overpressure is considered. This supposition provides


The real reflected overpressure-time history is visualized by an equivalent triangular pulse.
The actual positive duration is substituted by a fabricated duration articulated as

r r ir
/P 2i t =


3.8 External Impulsive Loading on Superstructures
The following assumptions are made during the investigation of airblast loading on
structures (Newmark 1963, Newmark 1962) .
1. The loading is associated with an ideal shock in which the maximum overpressure
is attained suddenly.
2. The structure lies in the Mach reflection region where the airblast front is
advancing parallel to the ground surface. A structure positioned in the regular
reflection region can be assumed by employing higher shock loads in the Mach
reflection region to incorporate the incident blast wave reflections on the ground
3. The initial shock loads on solid objects can be differentiated from the behaviour of
the objects to the shock pressures.
4. The structures are assumed as rigid entities which produce processes such as shock
reflection, diffraction and alteration of air flow behind the shock front. This is
permissible owing to variation in elastic properties as well as in density between
the air and concrete structural members.
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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The methodology (Strehlow 1976) for the determination of the external blast loads is
restricted to rectangular superstructures where the structures will experience a plane shock
front. Nevertheless, the procedures can be applied to structures of other configurations.
There are numerous approximations inherent in the evaluation of blast loads as well as in
the interaction process between the blast wave and the structure. It is suggested (Baker
1983, Newmark 1961, Newmark 1962, Newmark 1963, Baker 1973, Glasstone 1977,
Carpenter 1975, Crawford, 1974, Agbabian 1985) that the shock effects in the incidental
and reflected shock waves may be taken as equivalent triangular pulses of identical
impulses. Each pulse has a maximum pressure value identical to the actual blast effect and
fabricated durations discussed before as functions of the impulse and the peak pressure.
The pressures vary with respect to time in the mode shown in Figure 3.6 in the front face
of a superstructure. There is a sudden rise time the peak reflected pressure P
, pursued by
an abrupt decrease as the high reflected pressure produces movement around the structure.
The decrease of the reflected pressure to the side-on overpressure plus dynamic pressure
occurs in a clearing time, t
, which is related to the shock velocity U
and the shortest
distance from the point on the structure where the lessening in pressure happens most
slowly. The clearing time is specified by the relation (Crawford 1974, Kinney 1985)

s c
3S/U t =

Where S is the smaller of the height of the structure or one-half the structure width, which
ever is a smaller amount. The pressure comes to zero after the clearing time with the
decrease in side-on overpressure and dynamic pressure. In this decay phase, the peak
pressure is specified (Rogers 1959, Baker 1983, Kinney 1985, Biggs 1964, Norris 1959,
Newmark 1953, Beshara 1994)

P = P
+ C
= the drag coefficient for the front face. It usually lies in value from 0.8 to 1.5 and may
be taken as 1.2 (TM5-855-1 (1991)). The values of t
and t

shown in Figure 3.6 are taken

as the fabricated durations of the dynamic pressure and incident overpressure,
The rise time, T
to the peak pressure is minute and can be generally ignored.
The effect on the back side of an aboveground rectangular structure is illustrated in Figure
3.7. No pressure is spread to the back face until the shock front arrived at that face.
Employing the same time reference as for the front face, average force starts to build up on
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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the back face at a time equal to the length of the structure (L) in the direction of the shock
propagation divided by the velocity of shock propagation. After a certain duration, the rear
face is totally surrounded in the blast, the pressure reaches the peak value equal to the
side-on overpressure minus the drag pressure. It serves as a suction on the rear side.

Figure 3.6: Pressure on the front face of a structure (TM5-855-1 (1991))

Figure 3.7: Pressure on the rear face of a structure (TM5-855-1 (1991))

The time required for the pressure to develop on the rear side is defined as (Newmark

5S L

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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The drag coefficient for the rear surface C
, generally ranges from about 0.5 for low
pressures to less than 0.3 for high pressures and may be adopted as 0.4 generally (TM5-
855-1 (1991)). The overall transverse force on the structural member as a whole is the
difference between the front and rear face loading. It must be ensured that the pressure
values at the time ordinates of the loading histories may be subtracted.
After crossing the blast wave over the structure, the roof loading at a certain duration is
equal to the incident overpressure minus the negative drag pressure or suction related with
the movement of air around the structure. The average roof loading is visualized as a
triangular load (TM5-1300 (1990)) with rise time specified by

rf rr
+ =

The maximum value of the pressure is defined (TM5-1300 (1990), Agbabian 1985) as
P = P
- C
and the extent of the equivalent pulse is equivalent to

= T
+ T
The drag coefficient for the roof C
is taken equivalent to that of the rear side of the
The scenarios where the front and rear of a structure are divided by enough distance so
that it characterizes a substantial scaled distance, the shock wave at the front and the rear
may vary on the basis of their fundamental parameters. Therefore, different loading-time
histories are calculated for the front and rear faces.

3.9 Dynamic Response of Blast Loaded structures
The dynamic analysis of blast-loaded structures involves many complications e.g., the
effect of high strain rates, the non-linear plastic material behavior, the uncertainties of
blast load calculations and the time-dependent deformations. Accordingly, numerous
suppositions related to the response of structures and the forces have been suggested and
generally approved to execute the analysis. The structure is visualized as a single degree of
freedom (SDOF) system and the relation between the positive duration of the blast load
and the natural period of vibration of the structure is created to analyze comprehensively.
This guides to blast load idealization and makes the classification of the blast loading
domains quite simple.
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3.9.1 Elastic SDOF System
The method demonstrates that a particular structural element such as beam can be
modeled as a lumped mass and a spring with either a linear or non-linear response. The
modeling depends on the kinematic similarity such that the displacement and velocity of
the equivalent system is same as the actual system. An illustration of the idealization is
given in the Figure 3.8. The structural mass, M, is under the effect of an external force,
F(t), and the structural resistance, R, is expressed in terms of the vertical displacement, y,
and the spring constant, K.
The blast load can also be visualized as a triangular pulse having a peak force Fm and
positive phase duration td. The forcing function is expressed as


1 F F(t)

The blast impulse is calculated as the area under the force-time curve, and is given by

d m
t I F


Figure 3.8: Single Degree of Freedom approximation for simple beam (Biggs 1964)

The equation of motion of the un-damped elastic SDOF system for a time spanning from 0
to the positive phase duration, t
, is stated as (Biggs 1964)


= +
- 1 F Ky y M


Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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The general solution can be demonstrated as:

( ) |

+ = t
K e
cos 1
m m

( )

+ = = 1 cos
(t) y


the natural circular frequency of vibration of the structure
T = the natural period of vibration of the structure which is stated as Eq. 3.56
= =

The peak response is defined by the maximum dynamic deflection y
which occurs at
time t
. The peak dynamic deflection y
can be solved by setting dy/dt in Eq 3.55 equal
to zero, i.e. when the structural velocity is zero. The dynamic load factor, DLF, is the ratio
of the maximum dynamic deflection y
to the static deflection y
which may occur from
the static application of the peak load F
. It is described as follows:
( ) |

= = = =

y y
max max

The structural response to blast loading is considerably affected by the ratio t
/T or
t e (t
/T = ) 2 / t
t e . Three loading regimes are classified
t e < 0.4 : impulsive loading regime.
t e > 0.4 : qasi-static loading regime.
- 0.4 <
t e < 40: dynamic loading regime.

3.9.2 Elasto-Plastic SDOF Systems
Structures exhibits large nonlinear deformation under shock load or high velocity impact.
Precise evaluation of dynamic response is only feasible by step-by-step numerical solution
with the help of a nonlinear dynamic finite-element software. Nevertheless, the extent of
ambiguity in both the loading calculation and the elucidation of the consequent
deformation is such that solution of a assumed equivalent ideal elasto-plastic SDOF
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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system (Biggs 1964) is generally employed. Explanation is based on the required ductility
factor = ym/ye (Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9: Simplified Resistance Function of an Elasto-Plastic SDOF System
(Biggs 1964)
For instance, a uniform simply supported beam has first mode shape (x) = sin x/L and
the equivalent mass M = (1/2)mL, where L = span of the beam and m = mass per unit
length. The corresponding force related to a uniformly distributed load of intensity p is F =
(2/)pL. The behaviour of the ideal bilinear elasto-plastic system can be determined in
closed form for the triangular load pulse consisting of sudden rise and linear decrease,
with maximum value Fm and duration td. The outcome for the maximum displacement is
usually displayed in chart form (TM5-1300 (1990)) , as a family of curves for selected
values of Ru/Fm displaying the required ductility as a function of td/T. Ru represents
structural resistance of the beam and T denotes the natural period (Figure 3.10).

Figure 3.10: Maximum response of elasto-plastic SDF system to a triangular load
(T. Ngo 2007)
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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Figure 3.11: Strain rates associated with different types of loading (TM5-1300)

3.10 Damage Mechanism at High Strain rate
Shock loads normally generate high strain rates in the range of 10
- 10
. This high
loading rate modifies the dynamic mechanical properties of target structures.
Correspondingly, the expected damage mechanisms for different structural members also
vary. The strength of concrete and steel reinforcing bars can enlarge appreciably owing to
strain rate effects for R.C.C. structures subjected to shock loads. Figure 3.11 demonstrates
the estimated ranges of the probable strain rates for various loading conditions. It is
observed that ordinary static strain rate lies in the range : 10
. The blast pressures
generally produce loads related with strain rates in the range : 10

3.10.1 Concrete under High-Strain Rates
The mechanical characteristics of concrete under dynamic loading conditions can vary
from that under static loading. While the dynamic stiffness does not differ considerably
from the static stiffness, the stresses that exist for a certain period of time under dynamic
conditions may be extremely higher than the static compressive strength (Figure 3.12).
Strength magnification factors upto 4 in compression and up to 6 in tension for strain rates
in the range : 10
/sec have been calculated (CEB-FIP(1990)) .
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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Figure 3.12: Stress-strain curves of concrete at different strain rates (Grote 2001)

A dynamic increase factor (DIF) is incorporated in the CEB-FIP(1990) model (Figure
3.13) for strain-rate enhancement of concrete for the increase in peak compressive stress
(fc), as follows:

026 . 1



s s c

3 / 1



> s c

c = strain rate

c = 30 10
(quasi-static strain rate)
log = 6.156 o

o = 1/(5+9f
= 10 MPa = 1450 psi

3.10.2 Reinforcing Steel under High-Strain Rates
The elastic and plastic response to dynamic loading owing to the isotropic characteristics
of metallic materials can easily be examined and evaluated. Norris et al. (1959) tested
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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steel with two different static yield strength of 330 and 278 MPa under tension at strain
rates ranging from 10
to 0.1 s
. Strength magnification of 9 - 21% and 10 - 23 % were
measured correspondingly for the two steel types, respectively. Dowling and Harding
(1967) performed tensile experiments using the tensile version of Split Hopkinton's
Pressure Bar (SHPB) on mild steel using strain rates ranging between 10
and 2000 s
The conclusion was drawn from this test series that materials of body-centered cubic
(BCC) structure (such as mild steel) exhibited the greatest strain rate sensitivity. It has
been observed that the lower yield strength of mild steel can increase by 100% ; the
ultimate tensile strength can be augmented by about 50%; and the upper yield strength can
significantly increase. In juxtaposition, the ultimate tensile strain decays with increasing
strain rate.

Figure 3.13: Dynamic Increase Factor for peak stress of concrete (CEB-FIP-1990)

Malvar (1983) investigated strength increase of steel reinforcing bars under high strain
rates. This was expressed in terms of the dynamic increase factor (DIF), which can be
assessed for various steel grades and for yield stresses, f
, ranging from 290 to 710 MPa as
expressed by Eq 3.60


Where for yield stress calculation,
o o =
o = 0.074 -0.04 (f
/414) (3.61)
for ultimate stress calculation
o o =
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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o = 0.019 -0.009 (f
/414) (3.62)

3.11 Failure Modes Associated with Blast Loading
Shock loading effects on structures may create both local and global responses related
with various failure modes. The nature of structural response relies mostly on the loading
rate, the orientation of the target with respect to the direction of the blast wave propagation
and boundary conditions. The normal failure modes related with blast loading can be
flexure, direct shear or punching shear. Local responses are illustrated by localized
bleaching and spalling. They occur owing to the close-in effects of explosions, while
global responses are normally exhibited as flexural failure.

3.11.1 Global response of Structural elements
The global response of structural elements is usually the outcome of out-of-plane loads
with quasi-static loading, and is generally associated with global, bending and shear
responses. For that reason, the global response of reinforced concrete superstructures
owing to blast loading is described as membrane/bending failure.
The second global failure mode is shear failure. Four types of shear failure are possible
under the application of both static and dynamic loading: diagonal tension, diagonal
compression, punching shear, and direct shear. The first two types are frequent in
reinforced concrete elements under static loading while punching shear is related with
local shear failure. The well-known illustration of this phenomenon is column punching
through a flat slab. These shear response processes have comparatively inconsequential
structural effect in case of blast loading and can be ignored.
The shear failure mode is first and foremost related with transient short duration dynamic
loads that occur from shock effects, and it relies on the strength of the pressure waves. The
related shear force is manifold higher than the shear force related with flexural failure
modes. The high shear stresses may occur in direct global shear failure and it may happen
instantly before any happening of related considerable strains.

3.11.2 Localized Response of Structural Elements
The close-in effect of blast may result localized shear or flexural failure in the nearby
structural members . This is dependent on the distance between the source of the explosion
and the target, and the comparative strength/ductility of the structural members. The
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
localized shear failure occurs in the form of localized punching and spalling, which
generate low and high-speed debris. The punching effect is commonly referred to as
bleaching. It is frequent in high velocity impact applications and the case of explosions
near the surface of structural members. Bleaching failures in general occur simultaneously
by spalling and scabbing of concrete covers as well as fragments and debris. (Figure

3.11.3 Pressure-Impulse (P-I) Diagrams
The pressure-impulse (P-I) diagram is generally used to numerically describe a exact
damage level to joint blast pressures and impulses applied on a specific structural member.
An example of a P-I diagram is shown in Figure 3.15 to illustrate levels of damage of a
structural element .
Region (I) describes significant structural damage and region (II) displays no or minor
damage. There are other P-I diagrams that relates with human response to blast in which
case there are three categories of blast-induced injury, namely : primary, secondary, and
tertiary injury .

3.12 Blast Wave-Structure Interaction
The structural response of a structural member subjected to shock wave may be evaluated
in two phases.
Firstly, blast-loading effects, i.e., pressures that are generated directly from the action of
the shock pressure;
Secondly, the structural behaviour, or the probable damage criteria related with such
loading effects.

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Figure 3.14: Breaching failure due to a close-in explosion of 6000 kg TNT equivalent
(Grote 2001)

Figure 3.15: Typical pressure-impulse (P-I) diagram (Biggs 1964)

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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It is imperative to visualize the application of the blast waves with the target structures. It
is complex in the case of complicated structural scenarios. It is likely to utilize a SDOF
model. Consequently, two types of target structures can be analyzed to determine the
dynamic response to blast loading, diffraction-type and drag type structures. As is evident
, the earlier would be influenced mainly by diffraction loading and the second by drag
loading. It is stressed that actual structures will respond to both types of loading and the
difference is observed to carry out the analysis. The structural behaviour is based on the
size, shape and weight of the target, how tightly it is fastened to the ground, and also on
the availability of openings in each face of the structure. Above ground or shallow-buried
structures can be exposed to ground shock owing to ignition of explosives that are at the
ground surface. The energy passed on to the ground by the explosion is the chief cause of
ground shock. A portion of this energy is directly conveyed through the ground as
directly-induced ground shock, while fraction is conveyed through the air as air-induced
ground shock. Air-induced ground shock occurs when the air-blast wave applies pressure
on the ground surface and transmits a stress pulse into the ground under layers.
Normally, motion due to air-induced ground shock is peak at the ground surface and
decays with depth (TM5-1300 (1990)). The direct shock is the outcome of the direct
transmission of explosive energy through the soil. The net ground shock happens owing
to a combination of both the airinduced and direct shocks with reference to a certain

3.12.1 Air-induced Ground Shock Loading
One-dimensional wave propagation theory has been forwarded in order to resolve
complications of predicting actual ground motion, to calculate the maximum
displacement, velocity and acceleration in terms of the already known blast wave
parameters (Agbabian 1985) . The maximum vertical velocity at the ground surface, V
is stated in terms of the peak incident overpressure, P
, as:


where and C
are, respectively, the mass density and the wave seismic velocity in the
The integral of Eq 3.63 with time, the maximum vertical displacement at the ground
surface, D
, can be derived as:
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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Considering the depth of soil layers, a numerical equation is provided by to calculate the
vertical displacement in meters so that
= ( ) ( )3
6 . 0
50 / 09 . 0
P H W (3.65)
where W = the explosion yield in 10
kg, and
H = the depth of the soil layer in meters.

3.12.2 Direct Ground Shock Loading
The ground surface experiences vertical and horizontal motions owing to direct
transmission of the explosion energy. Some experimental equations were established
(TM5-1300 (1990)) to calculate the direct-induced ground motions in three different
ground media; dry soil, saturated soil and rock media.
The peak vertical displacement in m/s at the ground surface for rock,
D and dry soil,
D are expressed as
25 . 0
= (3.66)
3 . 2
17 . 0
= (3.67)

The peak acceleration, Av, in vertical direction, in m/s
for all ground media is stated as
A = (3.68)

3.13 Blast-Resistant Design Manuals
This section provides review of the generally used military design manuals and
computational techniques to calculate blast loads and the responses of structural systems.
Most of these design guidelines deal with military applications. Their know how is
essential for civil engineers.
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions, TM 5-1300 (U.S.
Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, 1990). This manual is the most popular
document by both military and civilian organizations for the analysis and design of
structures against explosions and to protect personnel and precious equipment. It
incorporates step-by-step analysis and design procedures, including information on such
items as (1) blast, fragment, and shock-loading; (2) principles of dynamic analysis; (3)
reinforced and structural steel design; and (4) a number of special design considerations. It
includes literature on tolerances and fragility, as well as shock isolation.
Enough information is available for selection and design of security windows, doors,
utility openings, and other components against blast and forced-entry effects.
A Manual for the Prediction of Blast and Fragment Loadings on Structures,
DOE/TIC-11268 (U.S. Department of Energy, 1992). This manual provides information
to the designers of facilities against accidental explosions. It is used for the evaluation of
the explosion-resistant capabilities of existing structures.
Protective Construction Design Manual, ESLTR-87-57 (Air Force Engineering and
Services Center, 1989). This manual demonstrates methodologies for the analysis and
design of protective structures against the effects of conventional (non-nuclear) weapons
and is useful for engineers with fundamental knowledge of weapons effects, structural
dynamics, and hardened protective structures.
Fundamentals of Protective Design for Conventional Weapons, TM 5-855-1 (U.S.
Department of the Army, 1986). This manual provides methodologies for the design and
analysis of protective structures against the impact of conventional weapons. It is useful
for engineers occupied in designing hardened facilities.
The Design and Analysis of Hardened Structures to Conventional Weapons Effects
(DAHS CWE, 1998). This new Joint Services manual, prepared by a team of more than
200 experts in conventional weapons and protective structures engineering, replaces U.S.
Department of the Army TM 5-855-1, Fundamentals of Protective Design for
Conventional Weapons (1986), and Air Force Engineering and Services Centre ESL-TR-
87-57, Protective Construction Design Manual (1989).
Structural Design for Physical SecurityState of the Practice Report (ASCE, 1995).
This report is a wide-ranging guide for civilian designers and planners who considers
physical security parameters into the building retrofitting works.

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

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3.14 Computer Programs for Blast and Shock Effects (Grote 2001)
The numerical softwares for blast calculation and structural response employ first-
principle and semi-empirical methods. Programs utilizing the first principle method can be
classified into uncouple and couple analyses. The uncouple analysis determines shock
loads as if the structure were inflexible and then applying these loads to a numerical
simulation of the structure. However, when the shock field is obtained with a rigid
structural simulation, the loads on the structure are often over-estimated, mainly if
considerable motion or failure of the structure takes place during the loading phase.
The blast simulation module is associated with the structural response module for a
coupled analysis. Accordingly, the Computational Fluid Mechanics model for blast-load
calculation is solved concurrently with the Computational Solid Mechanics model for
structural response. By considering the structural motion during the blast computation , the
pressures occur owing to motion. Accordingly, failure of the structure can be calculated
more precisely. Examples of this type of computer codes are AUTODYN, DYNA3D,
LSDYNA and ABAQUS. Table 3.1 provides a list of computer programs that may be
employed to simulate blast-effects on structural components. CONWEP has been used in
the present research work.

3.15 Scope and Review of Computer Programs
Computer programs for the calculation of blast-effects can be subdivided in two groups:
first-principle and semi-empirical. In first-principle programs, mathematical equations are
solved that describe the basic laws of physics governing a particular problem. These
principles are conservation of matter, momentum, and energy. In addition, mathematical
relationships i.e. constitutive equations, which describe the physical behavior of materials,
are required. If these equations are solved accurately with suitable mathematical models,
they should calculate the blast loads and structural response. However, there are certain
limitations to accurate prediction of the effects of an explosion through the use of first-
principle programs. Among them are the following:

o During calculation of blast due to explosions in air, the response of the air often
involves complex phenomena, e.g. dust-air mixtures, boundary effects, and
turbulence. Turbulent flow, for instance, cannot be calculated without the addition
of models governed by empirical parameters.
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
o Calculation of the pressures imparted by a detonating explosive on the structure
involves multiscale occurrence that are difficult to visualize.
In the calculation of structural failure, the behavior of the materials is neither well
understood nor readily characterized. Also, accurate constitutive equations are not
available for the materials, mostly in fracture or fragmentation.
These deficiencies in first-principle codes may be adjusted through engineering judgment.
However, the main objective of first-principle techniques is to provide predictions in new
domains where the experience that makes engineering judgment possible is not available.
Semi-empirical computational methods are based on simplified models of physical
phenomena. These are developed through analysis of test results and application of
engineering judgment. These methods rely on extensive data and case studies. They
involve fewer equations and require less computer time, which makes them more practical
than first-principle codes for design purposes.
Computer models and programs have become vital in engineering design and
development. The complexity and dependability of the models varies considerably. In
order to provide a review for blast programs, the following paragraph describes several
A significant classification of computer simulation models and analyses is whether the
governing equations and response are linear or nonlinear. Linear analysis is applicable
when the displacements of a structure or medium are small and the stresses can be related
to the deformation by linear relationships.

Examples of linear analyses include acoustic-wave propagation and stress analyses of
structures and machines under normal operating loads. In a linear analysis, there is
generally no need for validation of a computer program. It is due to the fact that the
equations are vigorous, and modern computer programs can accurately predict the linear
behavior if sufficient resolution is achieved in the model.

Nonlinear analysis, however, is needed when the displacements of a medium or structure
are large and when the strains and stresses exceed the range in which linear relationships
hold. Behavior such as fracture, fragmentation, and flow due to high-pressure sources is
also nonlinear. Thus the problems of blast evolution and structural response are highly
nonlinear and there are many mathematical and physical complications and phenomena
whose underlying physics are not well understood. For the nonlinear computations
required for most blast-effects problems, validation of computer programs by experiments

Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
in similar scenarios is vital. Even the more highly developed and user-friendly programs
are not readily usable by non experts for several reasons:
o Many parameters need to be input, including artificial viscosities and choices
among methodologies, and their selection requires considerable experience.
o The development of inputs requires construction of detailed finite- element or
finite-difference models.
o Substantial skill is required to evaluate the output, both as to its correctness and its
appropriateness to the situation modeled. Without such judgment, it is possible
through a combination of modeling errors and poor interpretation to obtain wrong
or meaningless results.
Therefore, true computational modeling of specific scenarios by engineers unfamiliar with
these programs is difficult, if not unfeasible. Current research is seeking ways to make
these and other sophisticated computer programs more perceptive and user-friendly.
(SAIC, 1994). Such tools would make the programs developed for blast-effects simulation
more handy for engineers who are not experts in the programs themselves.
Another hindrance to the use of these programs is the magnitude of computational
resources required. Some of the simulations take 1090 hours on the most powerful
supercomputers. Small-scale, two-dimensional calculations can often be executed on
workstations in a matter of minutes or hours. However, the time required grows rapidly as
the model increases in detail. A concise commentary about the computer programs listed
in Table 3.1 are as follows.
BlastX code (Version 3.0) (SAIC 1994) is a semi empirical computer code. It calculates
the propagation of blast shock waves and detonation product gases in multi room
structures. The code provides calculation of the pressure time and temperature time
histories in these structures. The 3.0 version includes

o A variety of room shapes that may be used throughout a structure
o An interactive menu driven input module
o An enhanced version of the burning, venting and wall failure models from the
Naval Surface Warfare Center INBLAST code.
o Failure models using the total shock and quasi static gas pressure on a wall.
o Heat detonation to walls
o A more accurate model of shock propagation through openings
o Modelling of blast effects within and outside of explosive storage magazines.
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Table 3.1: Examples of Computer Programs Used To Simulate Blast Effects and
Structural Response (Ngo 2007)
Name Purpose Type
BlastX Blast prediction Semi empirical
CTH Blast prediction First Principle
FEFLO Blast prediction First Principle
FOIL Blast prediction First Principle
SHARC Blast prediction First Principle
DYNA3D Structural response First Principle
ALE3D Coupled analysis First Principle
LS-DYNA Coupled Analysis First Principle
Air3D Blast prediction, CFD code First Principle
CONWEP Blast prediction Empirical
AUTODYN Structural response + CFD
(Couple analysis)
First Principle
ABAQUS Structural response + CFD
(Couple analysis)
First Principle

FEFLO is a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics code based on adaptive/
unstructured grids. It deals all aspects of a comprehensive Computational Fluid Dynamics
capability: gridding, solvers, mesh movement techniques, effective use of supercomputer
architectures. FEFLO was conceived as a general-purpose CFD code based on the
following general principles:

o Use of unstructured grids (automatic grid generation and mesh refinement)
o Finite element discretization of space
o Separate flow modules for compressible and incompressible flows
o Formulation for moving grids
o Edge-based data structures for speed
o Optimal data structures for different architectures
One of the distinguishing features of FEFLO has been its ability to carry out automatic
element removal, remeshing and interpolation for problems with considerable
body/surface motion
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
The year 2001 has seen a number of important developments and improvements for
FEFLO (Rainold et. al. 2002). Notable among these are:
i. Boolean operations of discrete surfaces;
ii. Advances in the gridding of surfaces given as discrete data;
iii. Improvements in grid system
iv. Inclusion of vorticity confinement to track vortices over large distances;
v. Combination of Baldwin-Lomax and Smagorinsky turbulence models;
vi. Arbitrary-gas equation of state lookup;
vii. Combustion modeling;
viii. Local remeshing
ix. Embedded grids for complex fluid-structure interaction applications;
x. Complete port to OpenMP;
xi. Port to NEC-SX5;
xii. New renumbering techniques to minimize indirect addressing.
xiii. Advances in general design methodologies;

ALE3D is a three-dimensional finite-element code that utilizes arbitrary Lagrangian-
Eulerian techniques to simulate fluid dynamics and elastic-plastic response on an
unstructured mesh. The grid consists of arbitrarily connected hexahedra, beam, and shell
elements. The mesh can be constructed from disjoint blocks of elements which interact at
the boundaries via slide surfaces. ALE3D is currently being applied to a number of studies
involving the effects of explosive events.

LS-DYNA is an explicit and implicit finite element program for analyzing the nonlinear
dynamic response of structures. LS-DYNA has many features to simulate the physical
behavior of 2D and 3D structures. nonlinear dynamics, thermal, failure, contact, quasi-
static, Eulerian, Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE), Fluid-Structure-Interaction (FSI),
multi-physics coupling, etc. LS-DYNA's most important application areas are
crashworthiness analysis and sheet metal forming analysis. Besides, LS-DYNA is broadly
used to simulate impacts on structures from drop tests, underwater shock, explosions or
high-velocity impacts. Explosive forming, process engineering, accident reconstruction,
vehicle dynamics, thermal brake disc analysis or nuclear safety are further areas in the
broad range of possible applications. LS-DYNA simulates impact analysis of different
containers. Sizes range from small shock absorber castings to heavy nuclear containers or
spent fuel tanks. Cross-sections vary from impact of thin-gauge steel storage drums to

thick-walled transport containers. Impact simulations are not only limited to consumer and
industrial goods. High-risk buildings, such as nuclear plants, embankment dams or bridges
Chapter 3 Modelling of External Explosion Effects on Aboveground Structures

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
are investigated with respect to impact, from aircrafts for example. Simulation is of great
help in these scenarios as it is impossible to carry out real tests.

AIR3D is a version of the ground-water flow code MODFLOW to simulate three
dimensional air-flow in a heterogeneous, anisotropic unsaturated zone. Although the code
was developed principally for this purpose, it can also be employed to simulate natural air
flow in the unsaturated zone resulted due to atmospheric-pressure variations.

AUTODYN is an explicit software package for non-linear dynamics. It incorporates finite
element analysis and computational fluid dynamics.

ABAQUS is a commercial software package for Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
Abaqus/Standard is a general-purpose solver using a conventional implicit integration
scheme to resolve finite element analyses. Abaqus is used in the automotive, aerospace,
and industrial product industries. The product is popular in academic and research circles
due to the wide material modeling capability, and the program's ability to be customized.
ABAQUS was initially designed to address non-linear physical behavior; as a result, the
package has an extensive range of material models. ABAQUS includes the following

Capabilities for both static and dynamic problems
o Modelling of very large shape changes in solids, in both two and three dimensions
o The library includes a full set of continuum elements, beam elements, shell and
plate elements, among others.
o Capability to model contact between solids
o Advanced material library which includes the usual elastic and elastic plastic
solids; models for foams, concrete, soils, piezoelectric materials, and many others.
o Capabilities to model a number of phenomena of interest, including vibrations,
coupled fluid/structure interactions, acoustics, buckling problems, and so on.
The ABAQUS shell element library provides elements that permits the modeling of
curved, intersecting shells that can display nonlinear material response.

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Chapter 4
Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive
Loading on Concrete Structure

4.1 Introduction
The purpose of this experimental work is to establish relationships between different
parameters of ground shock and airblast against impulsive loading. These parameters are peak
air pressure, peak reflected airblast pressure along the height of the structure, peak ground
acceleration, arrival time of ground shock, duration of ground shock, time lag between ground
shock and airblast pressure reaching the structure.
For this purpose, a 1/10
scaled model of reinforced concrete containment structure was
constructed and subjected to explosions of various charge weight at varying distances. Using
these relationships of 1/10
scale model, the structural safety analysis of a typical reactor
containment has been done in Chapter 5. The generation and the effects of blast wave on the
shell structure in the plastic range are discussed. Critical distances have been determined for
different amount of blast charges for a typical shell structure.
The developed methodology of analysis may be adopted for evaluation of the effect of an
external explosion on the reinforced concrete containments of other reactors.
The importance of the design of critical structures against terrorist or military attack has been
under consideration in recent times. This work deals with the scenario of surface explosions at
various distances against a structure. A surface explosion generates both ground shock and
airblast pressure on nearby structures. The blast loading on a structure caused by a high-
explosive detonation is dependent upon several factors:
(1) The magnitude of the explosion.
(2) The location of the explosion relative to the structure in question
i.e unconfined or confined explosions. The unconfined explosions include
free air burst explosion, surface burst explosion. The confined explosions
include fully vented explosions , partially confined explosions, fully
confined explosions.
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
(3) The geometrical configuration of the structure.
(4) The structure orientation with respect to the explosion and the ground surface
A charge located on or very near the ground surface is considered to be a surface burst. The
initial wave of the explosion is reflected and reinforced by the ground surface to produce a
reflected wave. Unlike an air burst, the reflected wave merges with the incident wave at the
point of detonation to form a single wave, similar in nature to the mach wave of the air burst
but essentially hemispherical in shape (Figure 4.1).
The basic characteristics of ground shocks induced by surface explosions are short duration,
large amplitude and high frequency excitations (Dhakal 2003). The response in the forced
vibration phase includes high frequency vibration modes with small displacements but large
accelerations, thus inducing high inertial shear force. However, the free vibration response is
dominated by lower frequency modes with larger displacements but smaller accelerations.

Figure 4.1: Surface Burst Blast Environment (TM5-1300 (1990))

4.2 Effect of Structural Configuration
The available empirical relations (Henrych 1979, Baker et al 1983, TM5-855-1 (1991),
Bulson 1997)

for structural analysis against impulsive loading have limitations and are
usually inconvenient to use. The pressure is also assumed uniformly distributed along the
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
structural height. Such simplifications are expected to introduce errors in estimation of air
blast loads on structures with curved surfaces also e.g. domes, arches, cylindrical vessels, etc.

4.3 Defining the threat
To resist blast loads, the first requirement in the assessment of a structure is to determine the
The threat for a conventional bomb is defined by two equally important elements, the bomb
size, or charge weight, and the standoff distance, the minimum guaranteed distance between
the blast source and the target. To standardize the criteria, the charge weight of an explosive
device is defined in terms of equivalent Trinitrotoluene (TNT) weight. The relative effect on
pressure and impulse can be scaled to an equivalent amount of TNT.

4.4 Scaling Effects
Scale-model experiments may be used to study the explosions effect, but scaling effects must
be considered in interpreting the results. A brief summary of the relationships between scale-
model (model dimension = scale factor S times full scale-dimension) and full scale
parameters is given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Relationships between Scale model and full Scale parameters
Parameter Full-scale value Scale-model value

Dimension x Sx
Area A S
Volume V S
Charge weight Q S
Charge standoff R SR
Scaled standoff R/Q
= Z SR/(S
= Z
Pressure P P
Impulse / unit area I SI
Velocity v v
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
The most widely used approach to blast wave scaling is the cube root scaling law proposed
independently by Hopkinson (1915) and Cranz (1926). The law states that, similar blast
waves are produced at the same scaled distances when two explosive charges of similar
geometry and of same explosive but of different sizes are detonated in the same atmosphere.
Thus, if charges of weights Q
and Q
are detonated then the same peak pressure is produced
at distance of R
and R
, respectively. The distances R
and R
are related as given below;
3 / 1

The duration of the positive phase of a pressure wave T against the detonation of charge
weights of Q
and Q
is also given by a similar equation.
3 / 1

Equation 4.2 is valid when the scaled distance is the same for both charge weights.

4.5 Scope of Impulse Loads in ACI Standard 359 (2006)
ACI Standard 359 (2006) Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments deals with
the impulse loads as time dependent loads e.g. the dynamic effects of accidental pressure P
the effects of pipe rupture reactions R
and Jet impingement loading R
The impulsive loads in the design of safety related structures are of the following types :
Accidental Explosions: A possible source of an accidental explosion is the release
of explosive liquefied gas from off site storage tanks during transport or land
storage. The released gas when combined with air forms a vapor cloud which can
be ignited, resulting in a deflagration or an explosion. Examples of explosive gases
include the hydrocarbon gases such as Ethylene, Ethylene oxide, methane, butane,
ethane, propane and propylene
Intentional Explosions: Studies have been performed for the event when a
penetrating warhead is detonated inside containment. Also a pressure wave in the
form of blast loading is applied to simulate the detonation of explosives close to
the Nuclear Power Plant structure. The present paper describes results which relate
to intentional explosions.
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Jet Impingement: Jets resulting from a postulated rupture of high pressure piping
exert an impulsive load on the affected area. The ruptured pipe may contain steam
water mixture, steam or sub cooled water. The impulse load due to jet
impingement is localized to the affected area.
Pipe Whip Restrain Action: Postulated breaks in high energy piping which result
in the escape of fluid or gas from the pipe will induce motion to the pipe. The
whipping pipe may impact other pipes and/or other Structures, Systems and
Components (SSC). Impulsive forces are developed at the anchor or restraining of
the whipping pipe during impact or rebound. Also the momentum of the escaping
fluid or gas from the pipe induces impulsive forces at the pipe restraints
Tornado Induced Pressure Drop: The tornado loads, postulated for design of safety
related SSC, consist of a sustained pressure due to rotational and translational wind
speed and the tornado generated missiles. In addition, the effect of the pressure
drop when the lower pressure center of the tornado passes over a building, is
considered in the design.
Although the U.S. Regulation does not require consideration of explosions due to terrorist
attack and other act of war in the design of Nuclear Power Plant structures, other countries
postulate and consider such explosions (Saeed et al 2005).

4.6 Experimental Setup
A 1: 10 scale model of a typical nuclear power plant containment structure was constructed to
determine the experimental relationships of airblast pressure time history as a function of
surface explosion charge weight, distance to structure, structure height, as well as the
simultaneous ground shock wave history. The experimental setup with explosion scenario is
shown in Figure 4.2. The similarity of soil parameters at the experimental site with the actual
site conditions was ensured in order to determine the ground shock relationship. The success
of the experimental programme was dependent on the ability to accurately measure reflected
pressure and to collect acceleration data from wall-mounted accelerometers.
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 4.2: Experimental Set up and explosion scenario

The following equipment was calibrated and used in the tests.
(1) A self-contained shock-hardened data acquisition, HDAS system placed 10 m away from
the structure was used to record the data. The entire system, including transducer and two
battery packs, was fitted inside a circular canister 6-cm diameter and 15-cm deep. Each gauge
used in the test was connected to an HDAS system. The four buried external wires Arm,
Calibration, Trigger, and Groundwere expendable at zero time. Therefore, the system was
capable of obtaining data even though the cables may be destroyed during the event. The
system used internal battery power, thus allowing for non volatile memory retention during
and after the test. The system captured the beginning of the waveform by using 16 ms of
pretrigger data. A g-sensitive switch acted as a trigger and closed at 350 gs. The system was
triggered by a 5 volt pulse. The frequency range of the waves measured using the shock
hardened data acquisition system was 100 khz to 1 Mhz.
(2) Three Kulite HKS-375 pressure transducers were used to measure pressure time-domain
waveforms on the containment wall. The gauge was 16 mm long x 8 mm diameter. The
gauges were screwed into a steel mount and then mounted into a pipe flush-mounted with the
wall section. The pipe was cast into the wall sections during construction. Each pressure
gauge was mounted at the one third point of the containment wall in front of the blast wave.

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
(3) A seismograph Geosonic 2000DK was used to record the blast event placed at 10 m from
the structure and provided three different vibration readings on three channels. Each
channel represented an axis of particle movement. The axes recorded by the seismograph
were: radial/longitudinal, vertical and transverse. The vertical axis represented the
vertical movement of the ground particles. The radial or longitudinal axis represented the
ground movement that ran from the blast to the transducer at right angle to the radical

Fig. 4.3: Configuration of Blast Experiment Scheme

15 Kg at 20 m
5 Kg at 15 m

3 Kg at 10 m
1 Kg at 5 m
25 Kg at 25 m
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

4.7 Overpressure in the Free Air from Surface Explosions
The experimental values of shock wave propagation in the air from explosions were obtained.
The explosive (TNT) in a spherical shape was placed on the surface of the saturated sandy
clay. Axial symmetry of the hydrodynamic effects of the explosion was required and a
spherical charge single point detonation at the center of the charge provided this scenario.
The TNT charge weights used in experimental work varied from 1 kg to 25 kg, and the
increase was gradual till the appearance of cracks on the concrete surface of the scaled
containment model. The charge distances were varied 5m to 25m. Fig. 4.1 provides the
configuration of blast resistant scheme. The pressure time histories in each case in the air at
the target points directly above the ground surface were recorded. The experimental output
provided the shock wave front arrival time T
, the rising time from arrival time to the peak
value T
, the peak pressure P
, the decreasing time from peak to the ambient pressure T
other ground shock parameters such as peak particle acceleration (PPA). Table 4.2 provides
typical experimental values of ground shock wave propagation in the air from various charge

Table 4.2: Experimental values of shock wave propagation in the air from
Various charge weights





5 1 0.047 8 13 1 14 0.033
10 3 0.025 15 17 3 20 0.015
15 5 0.016 22 22 4 26 0.008
20 15 0.018 25 20 7 27 0.010
25 25 0.017 29 21 9 30 0.008

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
4.8 Relationship between Peak Air Pressure and Scaled Distance (R/Q
Many empirical formulae for predicting peak pressures in the air are available in the literature.
Most of them were obtained from field blast tests (Henrych 1979, TM5-855-1 (1991), Brode
1959). Brodes (1959)

empirical formulae for peak pressure at shock wave front in an
unlimited atmosphere are in the form of
(MPa) 1 , 1 . 0 67 . 0
3 / 1
3 / 1
> +

so so
p (4.3)
(MPa) 1 0.1 , 0019 . 0 585 . 0 1465 . 0 098 . 0
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
s s




so so
Henrychs (1979) empirical formulae in an unlimited atmosphere are
(MPa) 3 . 0 0.1 , 00000625 . 0 0357 . 0 554 . 0 4072 . 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
< s







(MPa) 1 0.3 , 213 . 0 033 . 0 619 . 0
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
3 / 1
s s






Wu et al. (2007)

determined the peak values at each point in the air using the simulated
pressure time histories. He determined empirical attenuation relations for peak air pressure at
a hemispherical front on the basis of these data.
(MPa) 1 0.1 , 051 . 0 059 . 1
3 / 1
56 . 2
3 / 1
s s


(MPa) 1 10 , 008 . 1
3 / 1
01 . 2
3 / 1
> >


The following relationship was obtained using the experimental data given in Table 4.2.
= 1.017 (R/Q
-1.91 ,

Where R is the distance in meters measured from the charge center and Q is the TNT charge
weight in kilograms. This

relationship is also shown graphically in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.5
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
shows the comparisons of the peak pressure in the air predicted by the present functions and
by other empirical relations. As shown, at scaled distances R/Q
larger than 1.0, the
numerical results agreed well with Henrychs (1979) and Wu. et al. (2007) simulated data,
but quite different with Brodes (1959) when R/Q
was between

4 and 10.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scaled Range R/Q




Figure 4.4: Peak pressure attenuation results corresponding to different charge weights in
the free air along the horizontal direction

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 4.5: Comparison of peak pressure attenuation against scaled distance

4.9 The Shock Wave Front Arrival Time T

The best-fit function of the arrival time in terms of distance and charge weights, determined
experimentally, is
C Q R / 40 . 0
2 . 0 2 . 1
(s) (4.10)

Where C
is the sound speed in the air, which is 340 m/s.
Figure 4.6 shows the arrival time of shock wave front for different charge weights. It is clear
that, at the same scaled distance, the larger the charge weight is, the longer the arrival time is.
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
4 6 8 10
Scaled Range R/Q




Figure 4.6: Arrival time of shock wave front for different charge TNT weights

4.10 The Duration of the positive pressure phase of the shock wave
The duration of the positive pressure phase of the airblast pressure wave (T

) can be written

= T
+ T

Figure 4.7: Typical free air pressure time history (TM5-1300 (1990))





Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
The rising time (T
) for pressure time history is the parameter which rises suddenly from zero
to peak value. The decreasing time (T
) for the pressure time history to decrease from its peak
value to the ambient pressure is another parameter for modeling the pressure time history. The
parameters have been illustrated in Figure 4.7.
The following relationship of rising time (T
) and decreasing time (T
) at different scaled
distances was obtained using the experimental data given in Table 4.2. This relationship is
also shown in Figure 4.8 & Figure 4.9.
= 0.0026 (R / Q
= 0.0003 (R / Q
Therefore, T

in Eq. 6.11 can be rewritten as
T = 0.0026 (R / Q
+ 0.0003 (R / Q
Figure 4.7 illustrates the duration of positive phase duration against various charge weights
using the experimental data given in Table 4.2. The pressure time history is usually assumed
starting from the peak value and decreases either exponentially or linearly. But, for a more
accurate modeling of the air blast pressure time history, this phase has also been explored.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scaled Range R/Q
, (m/Kg




Figure 4.8: Duration for the pressure to increase from zero to peak value

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Scaled Range, R/Q




Figure 4.9: Duration for the pressure to increase from peak value to ambient pressure
4 6 8 10
Scaled Range, R/Q




Figure 4.10: Duration of the positive pressure with various charge weights

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
4.11 Shock wave reflection from the concrete structure
The pressures on the front surface of the structure were determined in order to study the
influence of simultaneous ground shock and air blast pressure on structures. Sensors were
placed along the front surface of the wall to record the pressure time histories. It was found
that the reflected pressure time histories have the same shape as those in the free air. Other
researchers also made similar observations in the previous studies (Henrych 1979, TM5-855-1
(1991). The ratio of the peak reflected pressure to the peak free air pressure was calculated.
Figure 4.11 shows the ratio of horizontal (normal to the wall) peak reflected pressure to peak
air pressure. It shows that the ratio increases with the peak free air pressure. Using the
experimental data in Table 4.2, the best-fit relation of the peak reflected pressure to the peak
free air pressure was
= 1.8 (P
where P
is the normal peak reflected pressure at the bottom of the rigid wall.
is determined by Eq. 4.9. Therefore, P
is a function of charge weight and distance.
The comparison of the experimental results with other empirical relations is also shown in
Figure 4.11. It showed that the results were lower than the Wu. et al. (2007) simulated results
and Henrychs (1979) experimental results. This was owing to the curved surface of the
structure in the experiment.

Figure 4.11: Ratios of horizontal peak reflected pressure to the peak free air pressure

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
4.12 Ground shock wave from surface explosions
Table 4.3 provides the typical experimental values of ground shock from various charge
weights and corresponding CONWEP values. The CONWEP results for 1 Kg explosion at 5
m standoff distance are illustrated in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12: CONWEP results of 1 Kg explosion at 5 m stand off distance

4.13 CONWEP Review

is a collection of conventional weapons effects calculations from the
equations and curves of TM-855-1 (1990), Fundamentals of Protective design for
Conventional weapons. It is intended for use by engineers involved in designing deliberately
hardened facilities. Users should have a basic knowledge of weapons effects and structural
dynamics. Depending on the type of facility and the threat, the structure may be required to
protect personnel and equipment against the effects of penetrating weapon, a contact
detonation, or the blast and fragmentation from a standoff detonation. In the last case, if the
structure responds in a predominantly flexural mode, it is assumed that the element can be
represented by a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. Transformation factors needed to
represent beams and slabs as equivalent SDOF systems are provided in the manual. If the
loading or the geometry of the structure is such that a simple SDOF representation is
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
inadequate to determine response, the analyst should consider using a multi degree of freedom
(MDOF) system or a finite element representation for calculations.

4.14 Assumptions/References for Ground Shock in CONWEP
CONWEP is a collection of weapons effects calculation software. The assumptions /
references incorporated in CONWEP are as follows.
Equations for free-field stresses and ground motions from bombs detonating on or in the soil
near a structure are found in Chapter 5 of TM5-855-1 (1991). This program calculates the
peak free-field stress due to the directly transmitted shock wave, and optionally allows the
addition of a reflected wave from a deeper layer and a relief (tension) wave reflected from the
ground surface. It is important to note that relief wave effects for high magnitude shocks
and/or near surface detonations are not well understood, and inclusion of a relief wave in
these situations may lead to unconservative answers. Peak particle velocity, acceleration, and
displacement is calculated using the direct path only --reflections from the surface or a lower
layer are not included.
Please note that the calculated peak stress is for the free-field environment -- it is NOT
necessarily the peak pressure that would load a structure. For wall or roof slabs with a
roughly normal orientation to the shock wave, the peak pressure and impulse should be
multiplied by a reflection factor of about 1.5.
Stress and particle velocity pulses can be characterized by exponential type time histories that
decay rapidly in amplitude and broaden as they propagate outward from the explosion. The
arrival time, ta , is the elapsed time from the instant of detonation to the time at which the
ground shock arrives at a given location, and

= (4.16)
Where R = distance from the explosion
c = average seismic or propagation velocity at distance R
Typically, these wave forms rise sharply to their peak value such that the rise time (
t ) can be
expressed as

t = 0.1
t (4.17)

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Table 4.3: Typical Experimental values of ground shock with various charge weights


PPA (m/s
) t
(msec) t
5 1 5.6 5.41 3 3.3 13 13.4
10 3 6.5 6.12 7 6.5 19 19.6
15 5 6.3 6.41 11 10.8 24 23.8
20 15 12.3 11.9 15 14.6 28 28.2
25 25 14.9 14.5 20 20.2 32 32.4

4.15 Demonstration of CONWEP
The Annexure A demonstrates the sequence of calculation of ground shock of 1 kg charge
weight at 5m stand off. Following are the steps in this regards as evident from the Figures in
Appendix A.
1. Double click the CONWEP icon (Figure A-1). It provides the basis of CONWEP i.e. TM5-
855-1, Fundamentals of Protective Design for Conventional Weapons.
2. Figure A-2 selects Weapons Effects Calculation.
3. Ground Shock in Figure A-3 has been selected in the Weapon Effects Main Menu
4. Bare HE has been selected in Figure A-4 as weapon type.
5. TNT has been selected out of various explosives in Figure A-5.
6. Weight of explosive equal to 1 Kg has been entered in Figure A-6.
7. Saturated Sandy Clays and sands has been selected in Figure A-7 keeping in view the
material properties.
8. Figure A-8 demonstrates the following
(i) Reflection from a deeper layer have not been considered.
(ii) Tensile reflections from the ground surface have been excluded.
9. Figure A-9 provides the outputs for 1 Kg charge weight at 5 m horizontal range to target.
The peak acceleration is 5.406 m/s
. The impulse is 0.01744 kPa-sec.
10. In Figure A-10, Stress time history out of various ground shock options has been selected.
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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11. In Figure A-10, Velocity time history out of various ground shock options has been
12. Table A.1 provides ground shock free field P-T history against TNT explosion of 1 Kg at
5m. The related input parameters are as follows
Backfill density = 1920 kg/m3, Seismic velocity = 1524 m/sec
Attenuation coefficient = 3.100
Resultantly, the time of arrival is 3.281 msec. The duration of the ground shock wave is 9.839
13. Similarly, Table A.2 provides ground shock free velocity time history.
14. The Fig. A.12 and Fig. A.13 illustrate the data in Table A.1 and Table A.2 respectively.

4.16 Peak particle acceleration (PPA)
Figure 4.13 shows the experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay at a
distance of 25 m with a charge weight of 25 Kg. The soil possessed the following properties:
Density = 1920 Kg/m
, loading wave velocity c = 1524 m/sec. It showed that the acceleration
in the horizontal direction is about three times the values in the vertical direction.
The following relationship provides the surface ground motion as a function of charge weight
and distance values determined through data in Table 4.3.
PPA = 4.689 R
(g) (4.18)

Figure 4.13a: The experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay
with a charge weight of 25 kg (a) Horizontal Direction
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (m sec)


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (m sec)


Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (m sec)


Figure 4.13b: The experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay with a
charge weight of 25 kg (b) Vertical direction

As shown in Table 4.3 , the experimental results of PPA of surface ground motions have been
compared with CONWEP (1991) values. As shown, the peak particle acceleration values
obtained in saturated sandy clay are more than that obtained through CONWEP (1991) . The
difference is more pronounced at larger scaled distance R/Q
. Figure 4.14 illustrates the
comparison of the experimental data and CONWEP values against various charge weights.

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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0 5 10 15


Figure 4.14: Peak Particle Acceleration of ground shock wave for different charge weights

0 5 10 15



Figure 4.15: Arrival time of ground shock wave for different charge weights

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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1 10 100
R (m)



Figure 4.16: Ground Shock Wave duration against charge distance

4.17 Arrival time t

From the experimental data (Table 4.3), the arrival time at a point on ground surface with a
distance R from the charge center can be found by the following relationship
01 . 0
24 . 1

58 . 0
Q Cs
(s) (4.19)
Where Cs is the seismic velocity of the soil. In our case, the seismic velocity of saturated
sandy clay is 1524 m/s. Table 4.3 shows the comparison of ground shock arrival time against
scaled distance in saturated sandy clay in our case and numerical modeling through CONWEP
(1991). The experimental and CONWEP results of ground shock wave arrival time has also
been illustrated in Figure 4.15.
The water saturation also affects the wave speed in the soils. In general, the propagation of
wave in the saturated soil is much faster than in unsaturated soil. With the decrease of water
saturation degree, the wave speed decreases. Moreover, the wave speed remains almost
constant with varying distance in saturated soil, whereas in unsaturated soils, the wave speed
in the near field is much larger than in the far field. This is because the unsaturated soil is
compacted in the near field under high pressure, resulting in an increased saturation degree
Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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and hence higher wave speed. The low wave speed at larger distances for unsaturated soils
can be attributed to low pressure and the subsequent dominating role of the soil skeleton.

4.18 Shock Wave Duration t

Duration of the shock wave significantly affects the structural response. Shock wave duration
is the difference of total ground shock history time and the arrival time of ground motion at
distance R from the charge centre i.e.
= t t

From the experimental data, it was established
= 0.0056 R
(s) (4.20)
In Table 4.3, the shock wave duration experimentally determined in soil has been compared
with the duration determined numerically through CONWEP (1991). The results have also
been illustrated in Figure 4.16.

4.19 Time lag between ground shock and air blast pressure arrival at
From the experimental relationships obtained in (4.10) and (4.20), the time lag between the
ground shock and air blast pressure reaching to the structure can be determined by
= T
C Q R / 40 . 0
2 . 0 2 . 1
01 . 0
24 . 1

58 . 0
Q Cs
(s) (4.21)
It is evident that the time lag is not only related to distance from the charge center and charge
weight, but also to wave propagation velocity in the air and at the site. At the same distance,
the larger the charge weight, the shorter the time lag.

Chapter 4 Experimental Evaluation of Impulsive Loading on Concrete Structure
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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4.20 Summary
The chapter provides the relationships between following parameters of overpressure in the
free air from external explosions which have been established through experiment on 1/10

scaled reactor containment model.
1. Overpressure in the Free Air from Surface Explosions
(a) Peak pressure P
and scaled distance(R/Q
(b) Shock wave front arrival time in terms of distance (R ) and charge weights (Q)
(c) Rising time from arrival time to the peak value (T
(d) Decreasing time from peak to the ambient pressure (T
(e) Duration of the positive pressure phase of the airblast pressure wave (T )
(f) Relation of the peak reflected pressure (P
) to the peak free air pressure (P
2. Ground shock wave from surface explosions
(a) Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA)
(b) Arrival Time ( t
(c) Shock Wave Duration (t
(d) Time lag between ground shock and air blast pressure arrival at structures
The variation in results in comparison with the previous researchers and CONWEP has
been attributed to the curvature of the structure.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Chapter 5
Evaluation of Containment Structure
against External Explosion

5.1 Introduction
The typical containment is Seismic Category 1 and Safety Class 1 structure. The structures
and components are designed to satisfactorily absorb the loads and stresses induced as a result
of earthquake ground motion corresponding to 0.1 g.
The nuclear containment shell was subjected to surface blast loading varying from 30 t to 160
t of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) at a detonation distance of 100-200 m. The analysis was performed
using the software SAP2000 (2008).
5.2 SAP 2000 Review (SAP 2000 (2008)
5.2.1 Features
Following are the salient features of SAP 2000

Static and dynamic analysis
Linear and non linear analysis
Dynamic seismic analysis and static push over analysis
Vehicle live- load analysis for bridges
Geometric nonlinearity, including P-delta and large-displacement effects
Staged (incremental) construction
Creep, shrink age, and aging effects
Buckling analysis
Steady-state and power-spectral-density analysis
Frame and shell structural elements, including beam- column, truss, membrane,
and plate behavior
Two-dimensional plane and axisymmetric solid elements

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Static and dynamic analysis
Linear and non linear analysis
Dynamic seismic analysis and static push over analysis
Vehicle live- load analysis for bridges
Geometric nonlinearity, including P-delta and large-displacement effects
Staged (incremental) construction
Creep, shrink age, and aging effects
Buckling analysis
Steady-state and power-spectral-density analysis
Frame and shell structural elements, including beam- column, truss, membrane,
and plate behavior
Two-dimensional plane and axisymmetric solid elements

5.2.2 General Steps
The following are the general steps to analyze and design a structure through SAP2000
1. Create or modify a model that numerically de fines the geometry, properties, loading, and
analysis parameters for the structure.
2. Perform an analysis of the model
3. Review the results of the analysis
4. Check and optimize the de sign of the structure

5.2.3 Time History Analysis
Time-history analysis is a step-by-step analysis of the dynamical response of a structure to a
specified loading that may vary with time. The analysis may be linear or non linear.
Time- history analysis is used to determine the dynamic response of a structure to arbitrary
loading. The dynamic equilibrium equations to be solved are given by:
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( t r t u M t u C t Ku
where K is the stiff ness matrix; C is the damping matrix; M is the diagonal mass matrix;
u u u & , are the displacements, velocities, and accelerations of the structure; and r is the
applied load. If the load includes ground acceleration, the displacements, velocities, and
accelerations are relative to this ground motion.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Any number of time- history Analysis Cases can be defined. Each time-history case can differ
in the load applied and in the type of analysis to be performed.
There are several options that determine the type of time-history analysis to be performed:
Linear vs. Non linear.
Modal vs. Direct-integration: These are two different solution methods, each with
advantages and disadvantages. Under ideal circumstances, both methods should yield
the same results to a given problem.
Transient vs. Periodic: Transient analysis considers the applied load as a one-time
event, with a beginning and end. Periodic analysis considers the load to repeat in
definitely, with all transient response damped out.
In a non linear analysis, the stiffness, damping, and load may all depend upon the
displacements, velocities, and time. This requires an iterative solution to the equations of

5.2.4 Initial Conditions
The initial conditions describe the state of the structure at the beginning of a time-history
case. These include:
Displacements and velocities
Internal forces and stresses
Internal state variables for non linear elements
Energy values for the structure
External loads

The accelerations are not considered initial conditions, but are computed from the equilibrium
equation. For non linear analyses, the initial conditions are specified at the start of the
analysis. You have two choices:
o Zero initial conditions: the structure has zero displacement and velocity, all
elements are unstressed, and there is no history of non linear deformation.
o Continue from a previous non linear analysis: the displacements, velocities,
stresses, loads, energies, and non linear state histories from the end of a
previous analysis are carried forward.
There are some limitations when continuing from a previous non linear case:
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
o Non linear static and non linear direct-integration time-history cases may be
chained together in any combination, i.e., both types of analysis are compatible
with each other.
o Non linear modal time-history (FNA) cases can only continue from other FNA
cases that use modes from the same modal analysis case.

5.2.5 Overview of Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign Convention
Annexure B demonstrates shell element internal forces/Stress Output Sign Convention. A
brief summary is as follows.
Figure B.1 shows Faces of a Shell Element. The six faces of a shell element are defined as the
positive 1 face, negative 1 face, positive 2 face, negative 2 face, positive 3 face and negative 3
face. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 correspond to the local axes of the shell element. The positive 1
face of the element is the face that is perpendicular to the 1-axis of the element whose
outward normal (pointing away from the element) is in the positive 1-axis direction. The
negative 1 face of the element is a face that is perpendicular to the 1-axis of the element
whose outward normal (pointing away from the element) is in the negative 1-axis direction.
The other faces have similar definitions.
The Figure B.2 demonstrates internal F11 forces acting on the midsurface of a shell element.
In this figure, the force distribution labeled (a) represents an actual F11 force distribution. The
force distribution labeled (b) shows how SAP2000 calculates only the internal forces at the
corner points of the shell element. Note that these stresses are calculated at any location on the
shell element. We simply choose to calculate them only at the corner points because that is a
convenient location and it keeps the amount of output to a reasonable volume.

The force distribution labeled (c) in the Figure B.2 shows how SAP2000 assumes that the F11
forces vary linearly along the length of the shell element between the calculated F11 force
values at the element nodes for graphical plotting purposes only.
The Figure B.3 illustrates the positive directions for shell element internal forces F11, F22,
F12, V13 and V23. Note that these shell element internal forces are forces per unit length
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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acting on the midsurface of the shell element. SAP2000 reports only the value of these forces
at the shell element corner points.
The Figure B.4 illustrates the positive direction for shell element principal forces, Fmax and
Fmin. It also illustrates the positive direction for the shell element maximum transverse shear
force, Vmax

For values of V13 and V23 at any angle, the maximum transverse shear stress, V-Max, can be
calculated as:

The Figure B.5 illustrates the positive directions for shell element internal moments M11,
M22 and M12. Note that these shell element internal moments are moments per unit length
acting on the midsurface of the shell element. SAP2000 reports only the value of these
moments per unit length at the shell element corner points. The right-hand rule is used to
determine the sense of the moments shown in the Figure B.5.

The Figure B.6 illustrates the positive direction for shell element principal moments, Mmax
and Mmin.
The basic shell element stresses are identified as S11, S22, S12, S13, and S23. An S21 might
also be expected, but S21 is always equal to S12, so it is not actually necessary to report S21.
Sij stresses (where i can be equal to 1 or 2 and j can be equal to 1, 2 or 3) are stresses that
occur on face i of an element in direction j. Direction j refers to the local axis direction of the
shell element. Thus S11 stresses occur on face 1 of the element (perpendicular to the local 1
axis) and are acting in the direction parallel to the local 1 axis (that is, the stresses act normal
to face 1). As another example, S12 stresses occur on face 1 of the element (perpendicular to
the local 1 axis) and are acting in the direction parallel to the local 2 axis (that is, the stresses
act parallel to face 1, like shearing stresses). The Figure B.7 shows examples of each of these
basic types of shell stresses. SAP2000 reports internal stresses for shell elements at the four
corner points of the appropriate face of the element. For example, refer to Figure 5.7 a , on the
positive 1 face, internal stresses are reported by SAP2000 at points A, B, C and D.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Shell internal stresses are reported for both the top and the bottom of the shell element. The
top and bottom of the element are defined relative to the local 3-axis of the element. The
positive 3-axis side of the element is considered to be the top of the element.

In Figure B.7 a, internal stresses at the top of the element include stresses at the joints labeled
A and C and internal stresses at the bottom of the element include stresses at the joints labeled
B and D.
The Figure B.8 clearly illustrates the points where SAP2000 reports the shell element internal
stress values.

The transverse shear stresses calculated by SAP2000 (S13 and S23) are average values. The
actual transverse shear stress distribution is approximately parabolic; it is zero at the top and
bottom surfaces and has its maximum or minimum value at the midsurface of the element.
SAP2000 reports the average transverse shear value. An approximation to the maximum (or
minimum) transverse shear stress would be 1.5 times the average shear stress.

The Figure B.9 & B.10 illustrates the positive directions for shell element internal stresses
S11, S22, S12, S13 and S23. Also shown are the positive directions for the principal stresses,
S-Max and S-Min, and the positive directions for the maximum transverse shear stresses, S-
For values of S13 and S23 at any angle, the maximum transverse shear stress, S-MaxV, can
be calculated from:

Figures B.11-B.14 illustrate the following concepts.
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Local axis 3 is always normal to the plane of the shell element. This axis is directed towards
you when the path j1-j2-j3 appears counter-clockwise. For quadrilateral elements, the element
plane is defined by the vectors that connect the mid-points of the two pairs of opposite sides.

Default Orientation: The default orientation of the local 1 and 2 axes is determined by the
relationship between the local 3 axis and the global Z axis:
The local 3-2 plane is taken to be vertical, i.e., parallel to the Z axis
The local 2 axis is taken to have an upward (+Z) sense unless the element is
horizontal, in which case the local 2 axis is taken along the global +Y direction
The local 1 axis is horizontal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane
The element is considered to be horizontal if the sine of the angle between the local 3
axis and the Z axis is less than 10

The local 2 axis makes the same angle with the vertical axis as the local 3 axis makes with the
horizontal plane. This means that the local 2 axis points vertically upward for vertical

Element Coordinate Angle: The shell element coordinate angle, ang, is used to define
element orientations that are different from the default orientation. It is the angle through
which the local 1 and 2 axes are rotated about the positive local 3 axis from the default
orientation. The rotation for a positive angle value of ang appears counter-clockwise when the
local +3 axis is pointing toward you. For horizontal elements, ang is the angle between the
local 2 axis and the horizontal +Y axis. Otherwise, ang is the angle between the local 2 axis
and the vertical plane containing the local 3 axis. The Figures from B.11 to B.14 demonstrate
the aforementioned concepts.
5.3 Material properties of Concrete & Steel
The material properties of concrete & steel used in the analysis were

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Mass per unit volume = 2402.8

Weight per unit volume = 23563 N/m

Modulus of elasticity = 2.482E+10

Poissons ratio = 0.2
Coeff of Thermal Expansion = 9.900E-06
Shear Modulus = 1.034E+10

Mass per unit volume = 7849 Kg/m

Weight per unit volume = 76973 N/m

Modulus of elasticity =

Poissons ratio = 0.2 ,
Coeff of Thermal Expansion = 1.170E-05
Shear Modulus =7.688E+10

5.4 Soil Structure Interaction (SSI)
The dynamic loads influence adversely the foundation supporting soil by densifying it which
may, in turn, cause differential settlement of the soil and foundation (Das 2001) . The spring
represents the elastic properties of the soil. Table 5.1 gives the exact solutions for spring
constants for circular foundations derived from the theory of elasticity.

Table 5.1: Values of Spring Constants for Rigid Circular Foundations (Das 2001)
Motion Spring Constant for Circular foundations
Vertical k =
4 o Gr
Horizontal k

8 7
) 1 ( 32

o Gr
Rocking k


- 1
o Gr


Torsion k

o Gr (ton-m

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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G is the shear modulus of soil which is calculated based on the shear wave velocity. is the
Poissons ratio. r
is the radius of the circular foundation. In Pakistan, the terrain is mostly
sandstone with shear wave velocity of 400 m/sec.

5.5 Model Description
The shell elements size is 1m x 1m. The effect of soil embankment up to 7m has also been
considered. The thickness of the cylindrical portion has been taken as 1.2m. Four buttresses
3m wide with 1.8m thickness comprising 1m x 1m shell elements have been modeled. Figure
5.1 illustrate the reactor containment configuration. Figure 5.2 & Figure 5.3 display the
structural prestressing tendons considered in the model.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 5.1: Typical Reactor Containment Configuration
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 5.2: Section B-B (Refer Fig. 5.1)

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 5.3: Section C-C (Refer Fig. 5.1)
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Following codes have been utilized during the analysis and design

1. Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments (ACI 359-07)
2. ACI Code 11.10.5 for shear walls (2005)
3. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.60 (2001)

The containment is prestressed with 257 cables and 98 hoop tendons in the
cylinder with vertical tendons anchored between the ring girder and the
tendon gallery and the hoop tendons anchored between two buttresses 240
The dome is prestressed with three groups of 45 cables, oriented at 120
and anchored in the vertical face of ring girder. The hoop tendons are
spaced at a vertical interval of 275mm C/C.
The vertical tendons have an angular spacing of
= 1.40 C/C and the
dome tendons are at a horizontal spacing of
45 3
18 2

= 0.900mm C/C
The cylinder is prestressed by means of vertical as well as horizontal
cables. The ultimate prestressing strength pu f of a tendon is 2270 KN. The
final prestressing force, after deduction of all losses, shall be taken at no
more than 60% of GUTS (1361 KN). Therefore, the force on one tendon is
given by:

F = 0.60 pu f A = 1361 KN
Where A is the area of X-section of a tendon. The tendon is composed of
uncoated seven wire, stress relieved or stabilized high tensile steel strand.
There are immediate as well as delayed losses in prestress force due to slip
at anchorage, elastic shortening of concrete, friction due to intended or
unintended change in curvature of the tendon, etc.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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5.6 Forces due to Vertical Tendons
The loads on the ring girder due to vertical tendons were calculated by dividing the total force
with no. of nodes. Prestress forces on tendons were proportionally distributed on the nodal
points. The vertical tendons are spaced at 450 mm C/C.

Every Node carry load = 1361
= 3042 KN
5.7 Forces due to Hoop Tendons
The hoop tendons exert an inward pressure on the cylindrical part of the containment. The
forces applied on the anchoring points of the buttresses, being equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction, cancel each others effects.

The pressure P per unit height of a cylinder of radius r subject to a uniform internal pressure p
is given by:

P = p r

The hoop tendons are spaced at a distance of 275 mm C/C

F = Force on one tendon

H f = Factor accounting for immediate loss in prestress = 0.85

0.92 r P F H f

P =
92 . 0 18
85 . 0 1361
0.92 r

= 69.8 KN/m

The pressure is applied on all the elements below ring girder for use in SAP2000.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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5.8 Forces due to Dome Tendons
5.8.1 Pressure on Dome Elements
The dome cables are grouped in 3 families with the axis of each family turned at 120 to the
other. Each family contains 45 cables. The minimum GUTS of the cables shall be 2270 KN
and the final prestressing force after deduction of all losses shall be 60% of GUTS (1361 KN).
The cables are

9 . 0
F 2

18 9 . 0
90 . 0 1361 3

= 22683 KN/m

The pressure was applied on all the elements of dome.

5.8.2 Forces on Ring Girder
The dome tendons are anchored in the vertical face of ring girder.
Applying loads 1361 KN in area elements (Local axis 2) adjacent to cylindrical portions
0 . 1 300 . 0

= 4536 KN/m

The size of the finite element in this potion is 0.3 m x 1.0 m

5.9 Forces due to Temperature Gradient

T = Thermal gradient = (22C)

Dome =
48 . 0
= 45.83 C/m

Cylinder =
37 . 1
= 16.06 C/m
Buttress =
83 . 1
= 12.02 C/m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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5.10 Numerical Results

5.10.1 Deflections
The peak deflection and the time at the peak deflection are given below in Table 5.2, for all
the five cases, and are illustrated in Figure 5.4, Figure 5.5, Figure 5.6, Figure 5.7 & Figure
5.8. It is clear that the time at which the peak deflections occurred, decreased with the
decrease in the amount of blast. The variation of the deflection at the crown is shown in
Figure 5.9 up to 1.0 s duration for all the five cases. The complete period of forced vibration
and amplitude increase with the increase in the amount of blast charge. The reason is that with
increase in the amount of blast charge, the pressure loading increases and more number of
cracks are produced.

Table 5.2: Peak deflections for different surface blast charges at 100 m
Blast charge (t) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0
Peak deflection 80 74 64 58 50
Time at peak 340 340 320 300 300
Deflection (msec)

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure 5.4: Deflection against explosion of 70 T charge weight at 100 m

Figure 5.5: Deflection against explosion of 60 T charge weight at 100 m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.6: Deflection against explosion of 50 T charge weight at 100 m

Figure 5.7: Deflection against explosion of 40 T charge weight at 100 m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.8: Deflection against explosion of 30 T charge weight at 100 m

Figure 5.9: Variation of deflection with time at top of the shell
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.10: Variation of hoop stress in element 20 for surface blast of different amounts of
charges at a detonation distance of 200 m

Figure 5.11: Variation of meridonal stress with time in element 20 for surface blast charges
at a detonation distance of 200m

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
5.10.2 Stress in concrete
The peak compressive stress values in the vertical direction for different amounts of the blast
charge are given in Table 5.3, and illustrated in Figure 5.12, Figure 5.13, Figure 5.14, Figure
5.15 & Figure 5.16. The maximum and minimum values were 64.76 and 16.22 MPa for
surface blast charges of blast of 70.0 and 10.0 t of TNT, respectively. The variation of hoop
stress in the vertical direction with time at a gauss point in the element number 20 (near the
bottom of near face) where peak stress occurred for all the blast cases is shown in Figure 5.10.
Gauss points are several points inside every element that are used to perform the integration
quadrature necessary for the finite element method. Spatial orientation of each gauss point is
arbitrary. Element volume is defined as a surface area of uniform thickness.
It is seen from the figure that the first peaks occur earlier for higher blast charges and
subsequent peaks occur earlier for the lower blast charges. This is owing to the fact that the
increase in the non-linearity, which is more pronounced for higher blast charges the time
period of forced vibration increases more for the higher blast charges. The stress in the
meridonal direction for the same gauss point is plotted in the Figure 5.11 for all the blast
charges. Similar trends were observed during the compression phase as for the stress in the
vertical direction. The magnitude of stress in the hoop direction was less compared to the
vertical stress magnitude.

Table 5.3: Peak Stress for different surface blast charges
Blast Charge (t) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0
Peak stress 64.76 48.13 38.48 29.02 16.22
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.12: Peak stress against explosion of 70 t charge weight at 100m

Figure 5.13: Peak stress against explosion of 60 t charge weight at 100m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.14: Peak stress against explosion of 50 t charge weight at 100m

Figure 5.15: Peak stress against explosion of 40 t charge weight at 100m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.16: Peak stress against explosion of 30 t charge weight at 100m

5.10.3 Yielding and failure of concrete
Yielding i.e failure in the plastic range began for a large number of points on the structure
during nonlinear analysis using SAP 2000 inbuilt bilinear shape function. The material
degradation began at volume associated with these points. Table 5.4 gives the number of
gauss points yielded for different amounts of blast charges. As seen from the Table 5.4, 16
gauss points yielded for blast of 160.0 t, and this number reduced markedly as the blast charge
reduced. Further, it may be mentioned that all the gauss points that yielded lie either within
the lowest 10m region along the height or at top of the shell.

Table 5.4: Number of gauss points yielded
Blast charge (t) 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0
Number of gauss 16 12 09 7 5
Points yielded

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
5.11 Critical distance for different amount of surface blast charges
A parametric study is carried out to calculate the distance (m) for the surface blast charges of
160.0, 140.0, 120.0, 100.0, 80.0, 60.0 and 40.0 t of TNT that generated blast pressures of
intensity enough to develop cracks at more than 90% of the total cracked gauss points out of
which more than 70% of the gauss points are doubly cracked. Doubly cracked gauss points
are the locations which have been crushed in the plastic range. The summary of results
(distance of detonation, maximum blast pressure, arrival time of ground shock and air blast
etc.) is given in Table 5.5. In the study, the critical distances vary from 110 to 200 m for
above blast charges. Total number of cracks in the critical distance calculation varies from
92.0% to 97.2% of the total gauss points. It is seen that with small increase in the number of
cracks for 120.0, 140.0 and 160.0 t of blast charge, greater number of gauss points yielded.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Table 5.5: Results for Different Surface Blast Charges
Description Parametric responses for different blast charges
Blast charge (t) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
distance (m)
110 136 155 170 180 190 200
(MPa) 0.109 0.094 0.088 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.084
(msec) 40 47 52 56 58 60 62
PPA (g) 245 273 303 332 367 396 420
(msec) 116 150 177 198 212 226 241
(MPa) 0.101 0.083 0.076 0.073 0.073 0.073 0.072
% of total
cracked gauss
92.0 92.2 92.8 93.2 96.6 96.8 97.2
% of doubly
cracked gauss

75.2 76.4 77.2 74.8 78.6 80.1 82.2
Number of
gauss points
16 12 9 7 5 3 2

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Figure 5.17: Peak stress diagram with the application of blast overpressure only

Figure 5.18: Peak stress diagram with the simultaneous application of blast
overpressure and ground shock against surface explosion of 160 t at 200 m
Chapter 5 Evaluation of Containment Structure against External Explosion
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
5.12 Simultaneous application of blast overpressure and shock wave
Figure 5.17 gives the stress diagram with the application of blast overpressure only, while
Figure 5.18 provides the stress diagram with the simultaneous application of blast
overpressure and ground shock against surface explosion of 160 t at 200 m through utilization
of equations developed above for T
and t
. It is clear there is an increase of about 5-20 MPa
in peak stress in the second case owing to time lag between ground shock and airblast
pressure arrival at the structure. It stresses the significance of consideration of simultaneous
application of blast overpressure and shock wave for more accurate estimation of explosive
loads in modeling response and damage of structures to surface explosions.

5.13 Summary
The chapter deals with a full scale typical reactor containment structure. The structure was
subjected to surface blast loads varying from 30 t to 160 t of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) at a
detonation distance of 100 to 200 m using the equations developed earlier. Conclusions were
drawn on the location of gauss points that yielded and on the simultaneous application of air
blast and shock wave on reinforced concrete containment as compared to that of air blast
only. A parametric study was also carried out to calculate the critical distance for various
intensities of surface blast enough to cause cracks at more than 90% of the total cracked gauss
points. It has been observed that an accurate analysis of structure response and damage of
structures to a nearby surface explosion requires simultaneous consideration of ground shock
and air blast pressure. The increase of 5-20 MPa has been computed with simultaneous
application of airblast and ground shock wave during analysis of typical reactor containment.
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
Chapter 6
Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions
The conclusions may be summarized as follows.
6.1.1 Experimental Findings of Scaled Model Reactor Containment Overpressure in the Free Air from Surface Explosions
The relationships between following parameters of overpressure in the free air from
external explosions have been established through experiment on 1/10
scaled reactor
containment model. The detail is as follows.
(a) Peak pressure P
and scaled distance(R/Q
The following relationship was obtained using the experimental data .
= 1.017 (R/Q
Where R is the distance in meters measured from the charge center and Q is the TNT charge
weight in kilograms
The experimental relationship has been compared with the following researchers findings.
(i) Brodes (1959)

empirical formulae for peak pressure at shock wave front in an
unlimited atmosphere
(ii) Henrychs (1979) empirical formulae in an unlimited atmosphere
(iii) Chengqing (2007)

determined the peak values at each point in the air using the
simulated pressure time histories
It has been concluded that, at scaled distances R/Q
larger than 1.0, the numerical results
agreed well with Henrychs (1979) and Chengqings (2007) simulated data, but quite
different with Brodes (1959) when R/Q
was between

4 and 10. The variation may be
attributed to the curvature of the structure.
(b) Shock wave front arrival time in terms of distance (R ) and charge weights (Q)
The shock wave front arrival time T
; which is usually not included in the previous
experimental studies, is measured here, and may be expressed through the following empirical
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
C Q R / 40 . 0
2 . 0 2 . 1
Where C
is the sound speed in the air, which is 340 m/s. It is clear that, at the
same scaled distance, the larger the charge weight is, the longer the arrival time is.
(c) Rising time from arrival time to the peak value (T
The rising time (T
) for pressure time history is the parameter which rises suddenly
from zero to peak value. In most previous studies, this phase in the pressure time history is not
modeled because the rising time is very short. The pressure time history is usually assumed
starting from the peak value and decreases either exponentially or linearly. But, for a more
accurate modeling of the air blast pressure time history, this phase has also been explored
through the following empirical relationship in terms of scaled distance (R/Q
) .
= 0.0026 (R / Q

(d) Decreasing time from peak to the ambient pressure (T
The decreasing time (T
) for the pressure time history to decrease from its peak value to
the ambient pressure is another parameter for modeling the pressure time history which has
been explored through the experiment for precise modeling of the pressure time history. The
resulting empirical relationship in terms of scaled distance (R/Q
) is as follows.
= 0.0003 (R / Q

It shows that at the same scaled distance, the heavier the charge weight, the longer the
decreasing time.
(e) Duration of the positive pressure phase of the airblast pressure wave (T )
The experimental relationships of rising time (T
) and decreasing time (T
) , as discussed
above, may be combined to calculate the duration of the positive pressure of the airblast
pressure wave, and is as follows.
T = 0.0026 (R / Q
+ 0.0003 (R / Q

(f) Relation of the peak reflected pressure (P
) to the peak free air pressure (P
The pressures on the front surface of the structure have been determined in order to study
the influence of simultaneous ground shock and air blast pressure on structures. The ratio of
the peak reflected pressure to the peak free air pressure is calculated. It shows that the ratio
increases with the peak free air pressure
The resulting best-fit relation of the peak reflected pressure (P
) to the peak free air
pressure (P
)is as follows
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
= 1.8 (P

where Pro is the normal peak reflected pressure at the bottom of the containment wall. Ground shock wave from surface explosions
(a) Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA)
The experimental acceleration time histories on saturated sandy clay shows that the
acceleration in the horizontal direction is about three times the values in the vertical direction.
The following peak particle acceleration provides the surface ground motion as a function of
charge weight and distance
PPA = 4.689 R
The experimental results of PPA of surface ground motions have been compared with
CONWEP (1991) values. As shown, the peak particle acceleration values measured in
saturated sandy clay are more than that obtained through the software . The difference is more
pronounced at larger scaled distance R/Q
(b) Arrival Time ( t
From the experimental data, the arrival time at a point on ground surface with a distance R
from the charge center can be expressed by the following relationship
01 . 0
24 . 1

58 . 0
Q Cs
Where Cs is the seismic velocity of the soil. In our case, the seismic velocity of saturated
sandy clay is 1524 m/s. The results have been compared with CONWEP results, and have
been found in good agreement.
(c ) Shock Wave Duration (t
Duration of the shock wave significantly affects the structural response. From the
experimental data, it was established in terms of charge distance, and is as follows.
= 0.0056 R
The shock wave duration experimentally determined in soil has been compared with the
duration determined numerically through CONWEP . The results agree well with numerical
(d ) Time lag between ground shock and air blast pressure arrival at structures
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
From the experimental data, the time lag between the ground shock and air blast
pressure reaching to the structure can be determined by
= T
C Q R / 40 . 0
2 . 0 2 . 1
01 . 0
24 . 1

58 . 0
Q Cs
It is evident that the time lag is not only related to distance from the charge center and
charge weight, but also to wave propagation velocity in the air and at the site. At the same
distance, the larger the charge weight, the shorter the time lag.

6.1.2 Analytical Findings of Full Scale Reactor Containment
a. The surface blast loading varying from 30 t to 160 t of trinitrotoluene (TNT) at a
detonation distance of 50-200 m has been applied on a typical reactor containment
during analysis through SAP 2000 . The calculation of percentage of cracked gauss
points provides the location and percentage of cracked gauss points on the surface. It
is concluded that all the gauss points that yielded lie either within the lowest 10m
region along the height or at top of the shell.
b. A parametric study is carried out to calculate the critical distance for the surface blast
charges of 160.0, 140.0, 120.0, 100.0, 80.0, 60.0 and 40.0 t of TNT that generated
blast pressures of intensity enough to develop cracks at more than 90% of the total
cracked gauss points. The 70% of the gauss points are doubly cracked. Doubly
cracked gauss points are the locations which have been crushed in the plastic range. In
this study, the critical distances vary from 110m to 200m for above blast charges.
c. It has been observed that an accurate analysis of structure response and damage of
structures to a nearby surface explosion requires simultaneous consideration of
ground shock and air blast pressure. The increase of 5-20 MPa has been computed
with simultaneous application of airblast and ground shock wave during analysis of
typical reactor containment.
d. The developed equations and the methodology employed can be pursued to estimate
the blast response of concrete shell type containment structure and estimating the
extent of cracking.

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009
6.2 Recommendations

The following recommendations are suggested for further research work in the
related fields.

(i) Modeling the effect of obstacles on a blast wave is a very complicated task.
Therefore, the need of extensive experimental data is pre requisite for further
research work.

(ii) The significance of Pressureimpulse (PI) diagrams in the preliminary design or
assessment of protective structures to establish safe response limits for given blast-
loading scenarios may be explored.

(iii) The study of the response of protective structures to internal blast waves from high
explosive charges is highly emphasized.

(iv) Concrete / masonry walls used in Pakistan may be experimentally and analytically
evaluated against impulsive loading.

(v) The relation of the peak strain to the shape of the blast wave may be investigated
on the containment structure undergoing one-dimensional motion.

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Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Figure A.1: CONWEP Configuration

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.2: Weapons effects calculations

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.3: Ground Shock

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.4: Bare HE

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.5: TNT

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.6: TNT (Contd.)

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.7: Material description

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.8: Reflections status

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.9: Input and Output

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.10: Show Stress-time history

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure A.11: Show velocity time history

Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Table A.1: Ground Shock Free Field P-T History
Time (msec) P (K Pa) Time (msec) P (K Pa) Time (msec) P (K Pa)
3.281 0 7.054 1.957 10.6 0.6647
3.609 5.594 7.152 1.9 10.7 0.6451
3.707 5.428 7.251 1.843 10.79 0.626
3.806 5.268 7.349 1.789 10.89 0.6075
3.904 5.112 7.448 1.736 10.99 0.5896
4.003 4.961 7.546 1.685 11.09 0.5721
4.101 4.815 7.644 1.635 11.19 0.5552
4.199 4.672 7.743 1.587 11.29 0.5388
4.298 4.534 7.841 1.54 11.38 0.5229
4.396 4.4 7.94 1.494 11.48 0.5074
4.495 4.27 8.038 1.45 11.58 0.4924
4.593 4.144 8.136 1.407 11.68 0.4779
4.692 4.021 8.235 1.366 11.78 0.4638
4.79 3.903 8.333 1.325 11.88 0.4501
4.888 3.787 8.432 1.286 11.98 0.4368
4.987 3.675 8.53 1.248 12.07 0.4239
5.085 3.567 8.629 1.211 12.17 0.4113
5.184 3.461 8.727 1.175 12.27 0.3992
5.282 3.359 8.825 1.141 12.37 0.3874
5.381 3.26 8.924 1.107 12.47 0.3759
5.479 3.163 9.022 1.074 12.57 0.3648
5.577 3.07 9.121 1.043 12.66 0.354
5.676 2.979 9.219 1.012 12.76 0.3436
5.774 2.891 9.318 0.9818 12.86 0.3334
5.873 2.806 9.416 0.9528 12.96 0.3236
5.971 2.723 9.514 0.9246 13.06 0.314
6.07 2.642 9.613 0.8973 13.16 0.3047
6.168 2.564 9.711 0.8708 13.25 0.2957
6.266 2.488 9.81 0.845 13.35 0.287
6.365 2.415 9.908 0.8201 13.45 0.2785
6.463 2.343 10.01 0.7958
6.562 2.274 10.1 0.7723
6.66 2.207 10.2 0.7495
6.759 2.142 10.3 0.7273
6.857 2.078 10.4 0.7058
6.955 2.017 10.5 0.685
Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Table A.2: Ground Shock Free Field Velocity Time History
Time (msec) V (m/sec) Time (msec) V (m/sec) Time (msec) V (m/sec)
3.281 0.001912 6.789 0.001474 10.3 0.001112
3.378 0.001898 6.887 0.001463 10.39 0.001103
3.476 0.001885 6.984 0.001452 10.49 0.001094
3.573 0.001872 7.081 0.001441 10.59 0.001085
3.671 0.001859 7.179 0.001430 10.69 0.001076
3.768 0.001846 7.276 0.001419 10.78 0.001068
3.866 0.001833 7.374 0.001408 10.88 0.001059
3.963 0.001820 7.471 0.001398 10.98 0.001050
4.06 0.001807 7.569 0.001387 11.08 0.001041
4.158 0.001794 7.666 0.001377 11.17 0.001033
4.255 0.001781 7.764 0.001366 11.27 0.001024
4.353 0.001769 7.861 0.001356 11.37 0.001015
4.45 0.001756 7.958 0.001345 11.47 0.001007
4.548 0.001744 8.056 0.001335 11.56 0.0009985
4.645 0.001731 8.153 0.001325 11.66 0.0009901
4.743 0.001719 8.251 0.001315 11.76 0.0009817
4.84 0.001707 8.348 0.001304 11.86 0.0009733
4.938 0.001694 8.446 0.001294 11.95 0.0009651
5.035 0.001682 8.543 0.001284 12.05 0.0009568
5.132 0.001670 8.641 0.001274 12.15 0.0009486
5.23 0.001658 8.738 0.001264 12.25 0.0009405
5.327 0.001646 8.836 0.001254 12.34 0.0009324
5.425 0.001634 8.933 0.001245 12.44 0.0009243
5.522 0.001622 9.03 0.001235 12.54 0.0009163
5.562 0.001610 9.128 0.001225 12.64 0.0009083
5.717 0.001599 9.225 0.001215 12.73 0.0009004
5.815 0.001587 9.323 0.001206 12.83 0.0008925
5.912 0.001575 9.42 0.001196 12.93 0.0008846
6.009 0.001564 9.518 0.001187 13.03 0.0008769
6.107 0.001552 9.615 0.001177 13.12 0.0008691
6.204 0.001541 9.713 0.001168
6.302 0.001530 9.81 0.001158
6.399 0.001518 9.907 0.001149
6.497 0.001507 10 0.001140
6.594 0.001496 10.1 0.001131
6.692 0.001485 10.2 0.001122
Annexure A Calculation of Ground Shock Parameters through CONWEP

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (msec)


Figure A.12: Ground Shock Free Field P-T History
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time (msec)


Figure A.13: Ground Shock Free Field Velocity Time History

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009

Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign Convention

Figure B.1: Faces of a Shell Element (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.2: Calculation of internal forces (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.3: Positive Directions for Internal Forces (SAP 2000 (2008))
Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.4: Positive Directions for Shell Element Forces (SAP 2000 (2008))
Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.5: Positive Directions for Shell Element Internal Moments (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.6: Positive Directions for Shell Element Principal Moments (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.7: Illustration of Shell Element Stresses (SAP 2000 (2008))
Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009


Figure B.8: The location of Shell Element internal Stress Values (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
Ph.D. Thesis, UET Taxila Pakistan, March 2009


Figure B.9: Illustration of positive directions of Shell Element internal Stresses
(SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.10: Distribution of internal Stresses acting on Shell Element (SAP 2000 (2008))
Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.11: Shell Forces (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.12: Plane and Asolid Element Stresses (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.13: Shell Element Internal Forces (SAP 2000 (2008))

Annexure B Shell Element Internal Forces/Stresses Output Sign convention

Effects of an External Explosion on a Concrete Structure
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Figure B.14: Solid Element Stresses (SAP 2000 (2008))

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