Bless Me Lord... Bless Me!
Bless Me Lord... Bless Me!
Bless Me Lord... Bless Me!
The book of Chronicles was written between 450 and 435 B.C. Ezra is believed to be the author of Chronicles because there are similarities between the Book of Chronicles and the Book of Ezra. The conclusion of one and the beginning of the other are almost identical in expression. In their spirit and characteristics they are the same which explains why Ezra is believed to be the author. BODY Saul thought his purpose and role was to persecute Christians. When Saul encountered Jesus on the Damascus road, he finalized realised that his true purpose was to glorify God. As soon as Paul found himself in Christ, he decided to just do it. Paul decided to walk into his purpose although he did not fully understand, at the time, what that meant. When someone accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour and decides to walk in Gods will for their lives, I believe the next step is for them to say Bless Me Lord Bless Me. This may sound like a selfish request, but actually its not. I suggest that believers do the following:
Ask God to Bless You look at Deuteronomy 28:1 14 a. Read blessings (v 3 14) b. Note blessings are only possible if we do v. 1 and 2 that is if we HARKEN TO THE VOICE OF GOD DILIGENTLY. This is not an easy task. Ask God to help you learn how. You can also take small steps every day to learn how to OBEY God. Learn to obey in the small thingsand move along to the greater things. Ask God to Enlarge your Coast a. Coast is defined as part of land near to the ocean. Land signifies property. An area that you want to utilize by building something on it (for example, a house or a business) or an area that you want to cultivate (for example, a farm). b. Each of us have been given a coastthat is an area to cultivate and build on: i. If we are students our coast is our fellow students ii. If we are working people our coast is our co-workers c. God promises us success if we try to build these coasts i. (see Proverbs 16:3) If we work to build the lives of others by speaking to them about Jesus Christ, the Lord
will establish the thoughts you have to accomplish this goal. REMEMBER: Gods focus is always people/souls. Human beings are expensive. God paid the ultimate price by offering up Jesus. We have to keep that in the back of our mind, in the front of our mind, on the left side of our mind, and on the right side of our mind.
Ask God to let His Hand be with you: a. Gods Hands = His power, His faithfulness i. His power (Deut 3:24) ii. His faithfulness (1 Kings 8:15 19) Ask God to keep you from evil so that it might not grieve/harm you: a. What kind of evil spirits am I talking about (two main ones are fear and anxiety). These evil spirits are strong forces because they can paralyze you and stop you from doing Gods will. They can stop you from walking in your purpose/destiny. b. Be encouraged God tells us how to respond to these evil spirits: i. Counter attack for fear ( 2 Tim 1:7) ii. Counter attack for anxiety (Philippians 4:6)
When Jabez prayed (1 Chron 4:10) and asked God for all of the above, God granted his request. God heard Jabezs prayer. Jabez was praying the heart of Godwhat God already desired to doso God quickly granted Jabezs request. CONCLUSION Beloved when we have the right heart attitude and say God Bless me, Bless me, we are not being SELFISH. Actually, we are being SELFLESS. Being SELFLESS means we are giving our lives away to reach what is PRECIOUS TO GOD. What is precious to God is SOULS. Please review and pray about these notes. If you are ready, pray the prayer of Jabez as often as you can, with the right understanding and heart attitude. God Grace and Peace to you!