Sundar Kand
Sundar Kand
Sundar Kand
›r∂ Råmacaritamånasa
(The Månasa lake containing the exploits of ›r∂ Råma)
Descent Five
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‹ånta≈ ‹å‹vatamaprameyamanagha≈ nirvåƒa‹åntiprada≈
brahmå‹ambhuphaƒ∂ndrasevyamani‹a≈ vedåntavedya≈ vibhum,
råmåkhya≈ jagad∂‹vara≈ suraguru≈ måyåmanu¶ya≈ hari≈
vandeíha≈ karuƒåkara≈ raghuvara≈ bhµupålacµuŒåmaƒim.1.
I adore the Lord of the universe bearing the name of Råma, the Chief of Raghuís
line and the crest-jewel of kings, the mine of compassion, the dispeller of all sins,
appearing in human form through His Måyå (deluding potency), the greatest of all gods,
knowable through Vedånta (the Upani¶ads), constantly worshipped by Brahmå (the
Creator), ›ambhu (Lord ›iva) and ›e¶a (the serpent-god), the bestower of supreme
peace in the form of final beatitude, placid, eternal, beyond the ordinary means of
cognition, sinless and all-pervading. (1)
You are the Spirit indwelling the hearts of all. Grant me intense devotion to Your feet, O
crest-jewel of Raghus, and free my mind from faults like concupiscence etc. (2)
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atulitabaladhåma≈ hema‹ailåbhadeha≈
danujavanakæ‹ånu≈ j¤åninåmagragaƒyam,
sakalaguƒanidhåna≈ vånaråƒåmadh∂‹a≈
raghupatipriyabhakta≈ våtajåta≈ namåmi.3.
I bow to the son of the wind-god, the beloved devotee of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of
the Raghus), the chief of the monkeys, the repository of all virtues, the foremost among
the wise, a fire to consume the forest of the demon race, possessing a body shining as
a mountain of gold and a home of immeasurable strength. (3)
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Cau.: jåmava≈ta ke bacana suhåe, suni hanuma≈ta hædaya ati bhåe.
taba lagi mohi parikhehu tumha bhå∂, sahi dukha ka≈da mµula phala khå∂.1.
jaba lagi åvau° s∂tahi dekh∂, hoihi kåju mohi hara¶a bise¶∂.
yaha kahi nåi sabanhi kahu° måthå, caleu hara¶i hiya° dhari raghunåthå.2.
si≈dhu t∂ra eka bhµudhara su≈dara, kautuka kµudi caRheu tå µupara.
båra båra raghub∂ra sa° bhår∂, tarakeu pavanatanaya bala bhår∂.3.
jehiÚ giri carana dei hanuma≈tå, caleu so gå påtåla tura≈tå.
jimi amogha raghupati kara bånå, eh∂ bhå° ti caleu hanumånå.4.
jalanidhi raghupati dµuta bicår∂, taiÚ mainåka hohi ‹ramahår∂.5.
Hanumån was much delighted at heart to hear the heartening speech of Jåmbavån.
He said, ìSuffering hardships and living on bulbs, roots and fruits, wait for me, brethren, till
I return after seeing S∂tå. I am sure our object will be accomplished as I feel very cheerful.î
So saying and after bowing his head to them all he set out full of joy with an image of ›r∂
Råma (the Lord of the Raghus) enshrined in his heart. There was a beautiful hill on the sea-
coast; he lightly sprang on to its top. And invoking the Hero of Raghus line again and again,
the son of the wind-god took a leap with all his might. The hill on which Hanumån planted his
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 747
foot while leaping sank down immediately into the nethermost region (Påtåla). Hanumån
sped forth in the same way as the unerring shaft of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus).
Knowing him to be ›r∂ Råmaís emissary, the deity presiding over the ocean spoke to mount
Mainåka,* ìRelieve him of his fatigue, O Mainåka (by allowing him to rest on you).î (1ó5)
soon as he heard Hanumånís words he rose and came where the latter was. Bowing
low he enquired after the Bråhmaƒaís welfare: ìTell me all about you, holy sir. Are you
one of ›r∂ Hariís own servants (Nårada and others)? My heart is filled with exceeding
love at your sight. Or are you ›r∂ Råma Himself, a loving friend of the poor, who have
come to bless me (by your sight)?î (1ó4)
thought of ›r∂ Råmaís lotus feet. The son of the wind-god felt supremely miserable to see
Janakaís Daughter sad. (8)
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Cau.: taru pallava mahu° rahå lukå∂, karai bicåra karau° kå bhå∂.
tehi avasara råvanu taha° åvå, sa≈ga nåri bahu kie° banåvå.1.
bahu bidhi khala s∂tahi samujhåvå, såma dåna bhaya bheda dekhåvå.
kaha råvanu sunu sumukhi sayån∂, ma≈dodar∂ ådi saba rån∂.2.
tava anucar∂° karau° pana morå, eka båra biloku mama orå.
tæna dhari o¢a kahati baideh∂, sumiri avadhapati parama saneh∂.3.
sunu dasamukha khadyota prakåså, kabahu° ki nalin∂ karai bikåså.
asa mana samujhu kahati jånak∂, khala sudhi nahiÚ raghub∂ra båna k∂.4.
sa¢ha sµune° hari ånehi moh∂, adhama nilajja låja nahiÚ toh∂.5.
Concealing himself among the leaves of a tree he mused within himself, ìCome, sir,
what should I do?î At that very moment Råvaƒa arrived there gaily adorned and
accompanied by a troop of women. The wretch tried to prevail upon Her in many ways
through friendly advice, allurements, threats and estrangement. Said Råvaƒa, ìListen, O
beautiful and wise lady: I will make Mandodar∂ and all other queens your handmaids, I
swear, provided you cast your look on me only once.î Interposing* a blade of grass
between Herself and Råvaƒa and fixing Her thoughts on Her most beloved lord (›r∂
Råma), the King of Ayodhyå, Videhaís Daughter rejoined: ìListen, O ten-headed monster:
can a lotus flower ever expand in the glow of a fire-fly?î ìPonder this at heart,î continued
Janakaís Daughter; ìperhaps you have no idea what ›r∂ Råmaís shafts are like, O
wretch. You carried me off at a time when there was none by my side; yet you do not
feel ashamed, O vile and impudent rogue!î (1ó5)
* The word literally means ìThat which derides the moon by its cool brillianceí. Though generally
used as a synonym for a curved sword, it particularly denotes the sword possessed by Råvaƒa as a gift from
Bhagavån ›a∆kara, to whom it originally belonged. In Her utter despair S∂tå looked to Råvaƒaís sword alone
to come to Her rescue and end Her miserable existence; and the sowrd, though cruel and dreadful to all
appearance, appeared to Her as agreeable and soothing as the moonís rays to a burning heart. The
appellation ëCandrahåsaí thus sounded most appropriate to Her.
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 757
while the host of fiendesses in the A‹oka grove assumed various kinds of hideous forms
and intimidated S∂tå. (10)
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Cau.: trija¢å nåma råcchas∂ ekå, råma carana rati nipuna bibekå.
sabanhau boli sunåesi sapanå, s∂tahi sei karahu hita apanå.1.
sapane° bånara la≈kå jår∂, jåtudhåna senå saba mår∂.
khara årµuRha nagana dasas∂så, mu≈Œita sira kha≈Œita bhuja b∂så.2.
ehi bidhi so dacchina disi jå∂, la≈kå manahu° bibh∂¶ana på∂.
nagara phir∂ raghub∂ra dohå∂, taba prabhu s∂tå boli pa¢hå∂.3.
yaha sapanå maiÚ kahau° pukår∂, hoihi satya gae° dina cår∂.
tåsu bacana suni te saba Œar∂,° janakasutå ke carananhi par∂°.4.
One of these demonesses, Trija¢å by name, was devoted to ›r∂ Råmaís feet and
perfect in spiritual wisdom. She summoned all her companions, told them her dream and
exhorted them to serve S∂tå and thus bless themselves. ìIn my dream a monkey burnt
La∆kå and the whole demon host was killed. As for the ten-headed Råvaƒa, I saw him
mounted on a donkey, all naked, with his heads shorn and his twenty arms chopped off.
In this fashion he went his way to the south*; and it so appeared that La∆kå had passed
into the hands of Vibh∂¶aƒa. ›r∂ Råmaís victory was proclaimed (by beat of drum)
throughout the city: it was then that the Lord (›r∂ Råma) sent for S∂tå. This dream, I loudly
proclaim, will come true a few days hence.î They were all dismayed to hear her words
and fell at the feet of Janakaís Daughter. (1ó4)
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Cau.: trija¢å sana bol∂° kara jor∂, måtu bipati sa≈gini taiÚ mor∂.
tajau° deha karu begi upå∂, dusaha birahu aba nahiÚ sahi jå∂.1.
åni kå¢ha racu citå banå∂, måtu anala puni dehi lagå∂
satya karahi mama pr∂ti sayån∂, sunai ko ‹ravana sµula sama bån∂.2.
sunata bacana pada gahi samujhåesi, prabhu pratåpa bala sujasu sunåesi.
nisi na anala mila sunu sukumår∂, asa kahi so nija bhavana sidhår∂.3.
kaha s∂tå bidhi bhå pratikµulå, milihi na påvaka mi¢ihi na sµulå.
dekhiata praga¢a gagana a≈gårå, avani na åvata ekau tårå.4.
påvakamaya sasi sravata na åg∂, månahu° mohi jåni hata bhåg∂.
sunahi binaya mama bi¢apa asokå, satya nåma karu haru mama sokå.5.
nµutana kisalaya anala samånå, dehi agini jani karahi nidånå.
dekhi parama birahåkula s∂tå, so chana kapihi kalapa sama b∂tå.6.
With joined palms She said to Trija¢å, ìMother, you are my only companion in adversity.
Therefore, quickly devise some means whereby I may be enabled to cast off this body; for
this desolation, which is so hard to bear, can no longer be endured. Bring some wood and
put up a pyre; and then, my mother, set fire to it. Thus prove the genuineness of my love for
the Lord, O wise lady. Who will stand Råvaƒaís words,that pierce the ear like a shaft?î On
hearing these words she clasped S∂tåís feet and comforted Her by recounting the majesty,
might and glory of Her lord. ìListen, O tender lady: no fire can be had at night.î So saying
she left for her residence. S∂tå said (to Herself) ìHeaven itself has turned hostile to me;
there is no fire to be had and I cannot be cured of my agony otherwise. Sparks of fire are
visibly seen in the heavens; but not a single star drops to the earth. The moon, though all
fire, refuses to rain sparks, as if conscious of my wretchedness. Hear my prayer, O A‹oka
tree: take away my sorrow and answer to your name*. Your fresh and tender leaves bear
the colour of flames; therefore, supply me with fire and do not aggravate my agony beyond
limits.î The moment seemed like an age† to Hanumån as he beheld S∂tå extremely distressed
due to Her separation from Her lord. (1ó6)
This ring has been brought by me, O mother; ›r∂ Råma gave it to me as a token for you.î
ìTell me what brought about this fellowship between a man and a monkey.î Then
Hanumån explained the circumstances in which a union was brought about between men
and monkeys. (1ó6)
forgotten me.î Seeing S∂tå sore distressed due to Her separation from Her lord,
Hanumån addressed Her in soft and polite accents: ìThe Lord and His younger brother
(Lak¶maƒa) are both doing well, mother, except for the fact that the all-merciful is
sorrowful because of Your sorrow. Do not feel vexed at heart, mother; ›r∂ Råma loves
You twice as much as You love Him. (1ó5)
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Do.: raghupati kara sa≈desu aba sunu janan∂ dhari dh∂ra,
asa kahi kapi gadagada bhayau bhare bilocana n∂ra.14.
ìMother, compose Yourself now and hear the message of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of
the Raghus).î Even as he uttered these words, the monkeyís voice was choked with
emotion and his eyes filled with tears. (14)
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Cau.: kaheu råma biyoga tava s∂tå, mo kahu° sakala bhae bipar∂tå.
nava taru kisalaya manahu° kæsånµu, kåla niså sama nisi sasi bhånµu.1.
kubalaya bipina ku≈ta bana sariså, bårida tapata tela janu bariså.
je hita rahe karata tei p∂rå, uraga svåsa sama tribidha sam∂rå.2.
kahehµu te° kachu dukha gha¢i ho∂, kåhi kahau° yaha jåna na ko∂.
tatva prema kara mama aru torå, jånata priyå eku manu morå.3.
so manu sadå rahata tohi påh∂,° jånu pr∂ti rasu etanehi måh∂°.
prabhu sa≈desu sunata baideh∂, magana prema tana sudhi nahiÚ teh∂.4.
kaha kapi hædaya° dh∂ra dharu måtå, sumiru råma sevaka sukhadåtå.
ura ånahu raghupati prabhutå∂, suni mama bacana tajahu kadarå∂.5.
ì›r∂ Råma said: Ever since I have been separated from you, S∂tå, everything to
me has become its very reverse. The fresh and tender leaves on the trees look like
tongues of fire; nights appear as dreadful as the night of final dissolution and the moon
scorches like the sun. Beds of lotuses are like so many spears planted on the ground,
while rain-clouds pour boiling oil as it were. Those that were friendly before have now
become tormenting; the cool, soft and fragrant breezes are now like the breath of a
serpent. Oneís agony is assuaged to some extent even by speaking of it; but to whom
shall I speak about it? For there is no one who will understand. The reality about the
chord of love that binds you and me, dear, is known to my soul alone; and my soul ever
abides with you. Know this to be the essence of my love.î Videhaís Daughter was so
absorbed in love the moment She heard the Lordís message, that She lost all consciousness
of Her body. Said the monkey, ìMother, collect Yourself, and fix Your thoughts on ›r∂
Råma, the delight of His servants. Reflect on the glory of the Lord of the Raghus and
shake off all faint-heartedness upon my word.î (1ó5)
monkey revealed His natural form, colossal as a mountain of gold, terrible in battle,
possessing great might and full of valour. S∂tå now took comfort in Her heart and the son
of the wind-god thereupon resumed his diminutive appearance. (1ó5)
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Cau.: brahmabåna kapi kahu° tehiÚ mårå, paratihu° båra ka¢aku sa≈ghårå.
tehiÚ dekhå kapi muruchita bhayaµu, någapåsa bå° dhesi lai gayaµu.1.
jåsu nåma japi sunahu bhavån∂, bhava ba≈dhana kå¢ahiÚ nara gyån∂.
tåsu dµuta ki ba≈dha taru åvå, prabhu kåraja lagi kapihiÚ ba° dhåvå.2.
kapi ba≈dhana suni nisicara dhåe, kautuka lågi sabhå° saba åe.
dasamukha sabhå d∂khi kapi jå∂, kahi na jåi kachu ati prabhutå∂.3.
kara jore° sura disipa bin∂tå, bhæku¢i bilokata sakala sabh∂tå.
dekhi pratåpa na kapi mana sa≈kå, jimi ahigana mahu° garuRa asa≈kå.4.
He launched the Brahmåstra against Hanumån, who crushed a whole host even
as he fell. When he saw that the monkey had swooned, he entangled the latter in
a noose of serpents* and carried him off. Now, Pårvat∂, is it conceivable that the envoy
of the Lord whose very name enables the wise to cut asunder the bonds of mundane
existence should come under bondage? No, it was in the service of the Lord that
Hanumån allowed himself to be bound. When the demons heard that the monkey had
been captured and noosed, they all rushed to the court in order to enjoy the spectacle.
The monkey arrived and saw Råvaƒaís court: his superb glory baffled description. Even
gods and regents of the quarters stood meek with joined palms, all watching the
movement of his eyebrows in great dismay. But the monkeyís soul was no more
disturbed at the sight of his power than GaruŒa (the king of birds) would be frightened
in the midst of a number of serpents. (1ó4)
* Brahmå,Vi¶ƒu and ›iva are spoken of here as part manifestations of the Supreme Deity, responsible
for the creation etc., of only one of the countless millions of universes ruled over by ›r∂ Råma, who represents
the Supreme Deity.
mætyu nika¢a å∂ khala toh∂, lågesi adhama sikhåvana moh∂.
ula¢å hoihi kaha hanumånå, matibhrama tora praga¢a maiÚ jånå.2.
suni kapi bacana bahuta khisiånå, begi na harahu mµuRha kara prånå.
sunata nisåcara mårana dhåe, sacivanha sahita bibh∂¶anu åe.3.
nåi s∂sa kari binaya bahµutå, n∂ti birodha na måria dµutå.
åna da≈Œa kachu karia goså° ∂, sabah∂° kahå ma≈tra bhala bhå∂.4.
sunata bihasi bolå dasaka≈dhara, a≈ga bha≈ga kari pa¢haia ba≈dara.5.
Although Hanumån gave him exceedingly salutary advice, full of devotion, discretion,
dispassion and wisdom, the most haughty Råvaƒa laughed and said, ìWe have found a
most wise Guru in this monkey ! (Turning towards Hanumån he continued) Death hangs
over your head, O wretch; that is why you have started exhorting me, O vile monkey.î
ìJust the contrary is going to happen;î retorted Hanumån. ìI clearly perceive that you are
labouring under some mental illusion.î Hearing these words of Hanumån Råvaƒa got nettled.
ìWhy not some of you quickly kill this fool?î As soon as the demons heard it, they rushed
forward to kill him. That very moment came Vibh∂¶aƒa (Råvaƒaís youngest brother) with
his counsellors. Bowing his head he made humble entreaty: ìIt is against all statecraft: an
envoy must not be killed. He may be punished in some other way, my master.î All exclaimed
to one another, ìThis is sound counsel, brother.î Hearing this the ten-headed Råvaƒa laughed
and said, ìAll right, the monkey may be sent back mutilated. (1ó5)
* Our scriptures tell us that there are forty-nine varieties of winds, each presided over by a distinct god,
these gods being collectively known as the Maruts. In the ordinary course it is only at the time of universal
dissolution (¬˝‹ÿ) that all these winds are let loose by the god of destruction.
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Do.: pµu° cha bujhåi khoi ‹rama dhari laghu rµupa bahori,
janakasutå ke° åge° ¢håRha bhayau kara jori.26.
After quenching his tail and relieving his fatigue he resumed his diminutive form
and stood before Janakaís Daughter with joined palms. (26)
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Cau.: måtu mohi d∂je kachu c∂nhå, jaise° raghunåyaka mohi d∂nhå.
cµuRåmani utåri taba dayaµu, hara¶a sameta pavanasuta layaµu.1.
kahehu tåta asa mora pranåmå, saba prakåra prabhu pµuranakåmå.
d∂na dayåla biridu sa≈bhår∂, harahu nåtha mama sa≈ka¢a bhår∂.2.
tåta sakrasuta kathå sunåehu, båna pratåpa prabhuhi samujhåehu.
måsa divasa mahu° nåthu na åvå, tau puni mohi jiata nahiÚ påvå.3.
kahu kapi kehi bidhi råkhau° prånå, tumhahµu tåta kahata aba jånå.
tohi dekhi s∂tali bhai chåt∂, puni mo kahu° soi dinu so råt∂.4.
ìBe pleased, Mother, to give me some token, such as the Lord of the Raghus gave
me.î She thereupon unfastened the jewel on Her head and gave it to the son of the wind-
god, who gladly received it. ìConvey my obeisance to Him, dear son, with these words:
ë My lord is all sufficient; yet recalling Your vow of kindness to the afflicted, relieve, O
master, my grievous distress.í Repeat to him, my son, the episode of Indraís son
(Jayanta) and remind the Lord of the might of His arrows. If the Lord does not arrive here
within a month, he will not find me alive. Tell me, Hanumån, how can I preserve my life;
for you too, my son, now speak of going. Your sight had brought relief to my heavy heart:
I have before me now the same dreary days and weary nights.î (1ó4)
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 773
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Cau.: jau° na hoti s∂tå sudhi på∂, madhubana ke phala sakahi Ú ki khå∂.
ehi bidhi mana bicåra kara råjå, åi gae kapi sahita samåjå.1.
åi sabanhi nåvå pada s∂så, mileu sabanhi ati prema kap∂så.
pµu ch∂ kusala kusala pada dekh∂, råma kæpå° bhå kåju bise¶∂.2.
nåtha kåju k∂nheu hanumånå, råkhe sakala kapinha ke prånå.
suni sugr∂va bahuri tehi mileµu, kapinha sahita raghupati pahiÚ caleµu.3.
råma kapinha jaba åvata dekhå, kie° kåju mana hara¶a bise¶å.
pha¢ika silå bai¢he dvau bhå∂, pare sakala kapi carananhi jå∂.4.
ìIf they had failed to get any news of S∂tå, they could never dare to eat the fruit
of Madhuvana.î While the king was thus musing, the monkey chiefs arrived with their
party. Drawing near they all bowed their head at his feet and the lord of the monkeys
received them all most cordially and enquired after their welfare . ìIt is well with us, now
that we have seen your feet. By Råmaís grace the work has been accomplished with
remarkable success. It is Hanumån, Your Majesty, who did everything and saved the life
of the whole monkey host.î Hearing this Sugr∂va embraced him again and then
proceeded with all the monkeys to see the Lord of the Raghus. When ›r∂ Råma saw the
monkeys approaching with their mission duly accomplished, He was particularly delighted
at heart. The two brothers were seated on a crystal rock and all the monkeys went and
fell at Their feet. (1ó4)
(›iva) was overcome with emotion as He called to mind Hanumånís enviable lot.* But,
recovering Himself, ›iva resumed the most charming narrative. The Lord lifted up
Hanumån and clasped him to His bosom; then He took him by the hand and seated him
very close to Him. ìTell me, Hanumån, how could you burn Råvaƒaís stronghold of
La∆kå, a most impregnable fortress?î When Hanumån found the Lord so pleased, he
replied in words altogether free from pride. ìA monkeyís greatest valour lies in his
skipping about from one bough to another. That I should have been able to leap across
the ocean, burn the gold city, kill the demon host and lay waste the A‹oka grove was
all due to Your might; no credit, my lord, is due to me for the same.î (1ó5)
* It should be remembered in this connection that Lord ›iva Himself had taken the form of Hanumån.
It was, therefore, easy for Him to recall that thrilling experience.
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 779
to the gracious Lord, the fountain of bliss !î The Lord of the Raghus then summoned
Sugr∂va (the King of the monkeys) and said, ìMake preparations for the march. Why
should we tarry any longer? Issue orders to the monkeys at once.î The gods who were
witnessing the spectacle rained down flowers in profusion and then gladly withdrew from
the lower air to their own celestial spheres. (1ó4)
march; the throbbing of Her left limbs apprised Her of the same as it were. But what
were good omens for Janakaís Daughter foreboded evil for Råvaƒa.* Who could
adequately describe the army as it marched with its countless monkeys and bears
roaring. With no weapon other than their sharp claws, they carried rocks and trees
(that they had uprooted on the way) and marched now in the air and now on land,
for they had unhampered motion everywhere. The bears and monkeys roared like lions
as they marched, while the elephants guarding the eight cardinal points shook and
trumpeted. (1ó5)
* According to the science of omens (which was most developed in this country in the remote past) the
throbbing of left limbs is considered as auspicious for women but inauspicious for men.
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 781
Do.: saciva baida gura t∂ni jau° priya bolahiÚ bhaya åsa,
råja dharma tana t∂ni kara hoi begih∂° nåsa.37.
When a minister, a physician and a religious preceptoró these three use pleasing
words from fear or hope of reward, the result is that dominion, health and faithóall the
three forthwith go to the dogs. (37)
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Cau.: soi råvana kahu° ban∂ sahå∂, astuti karahiÚ sunåi sunå∂.
avasara jåni bibh∂¶anu åvå, bhråtå carana s∂su tehiÚ nåvå.1.
puni siru nåi bai¢ha nija åsana, bolå bacana påi anusåsana.
jau kæpåla pµu° chihu mohi båtå, mati anurµupa kahau° hita tåtå.2.
jo åpana cåhai kalyånå, sujasu sumati subha gati sukha nånå.
so paranåri lilåra goså∂,° tajau cauthi ke ca≈da ki nå∂°.3.
caudaha bhuvana eka pati ho∂, bhµutadroha ti¶¢ai nahiÚ so∂.
guna sågara någara nara joµu, alapa lobha bhala kahai na koµu.4.
It was such a contingency that presented itself before Råvaƒa. They all extolled
him only to his face. Perceiving it to be an opportune hour, Vibh∂¶aƒa (Råvaƒaís
youngest brother) arrived and bowed his head at his brotherís feet. Bowing his head
once more he occupied his own seat and, when ordered to speak, addressed him thus:
ì Since Your gracious Majesty has asked me my opinion I tender it, dear brother,
according to my own lights and in your own interest. Let him who seeks after his welfare,
good reputation, wisdom, a good destiny after his death and joys of various kinds turn
his eyes away from the brow of anotherís wife even as one should refuse to see the
moon on the fourth night (of the bright half) of a lunar month. Even though a man
happened to be the sole lord of the fourteen spheres, he would certainly fall if he turned
hostile to living beings. No one will speak well of a man who has the slightest avarice
even if he were an ocean of virtues and clever too. (1ó4)
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Cau.: målyava≈ta ati saciva sayånå, tåsu bacana suni ati sukha månå.
tåta anuja tava n∂ti bibhµu¶ana, so ura dharahu jo kahata bibh∂¶ana.1.
r∂pu utakara¶a kahata sa¢ha doµu, dµuri na karahu ihå° hai koµu.
målyava≈ta gæha gayau bahor∂, kahai bibh∂¶anu puni kara jor∂.2.
sumati kumati saba ke° ura rahah∂,° nåtha puråna nigama asa kahah∂°.
jahå° sumati taha° sa≈pati nånå, jahå° kumati taha° bipati nidånå.3.
tava ura kumati bas∂ bipar∂tå, hita anahita månahu ripu pr∂tå.
kålaråti nisicara kula ker∂, tehi s∂tå para pr∂ti ghaner∂.4.
Råvaƒa had a very old and sagacious minister named Målyavån. He felt much
gratified to hear Vibh∂¶aƒaís words. ìYour younger brother, dear son, is the very
ornament of wisdom. Therefore, take to heart what Vibh∂¶aƒa says.î ìBoth these fools
glorify the enemy ! Is there no one here who will remove them out of my sight ?î
Målyavån thereupon returned to his residence, while Vibh∂¶aƒa began again with joined
palms: ìWisdom and unwisdom dwell in the heart of all: so declare the Puråƒas and
Vedas, my lord. Where there is wisdom, prosperity of every kind reigns; and where there
is unwisdom misfortune is the inevitable end. Perversity has obviously taken possession
of your heart; that is why you account your friends as foes and your enemies as friends.
And that is why you are so very fond of S∂tå, who is the very night of destruction* for
the demon race.î (1ó4)
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Cau.: budha puråna ‹ruti sa≈mata bån∂, kah∂ bibh∂¶ana n∂ti bakhån∂.
sunata dasånana u¢hå riså∂, khala tohi nika¢a mætyu aba å∂.1.
jiasi sadå sa¢ha mora jiåvå, ripu kara paccha mµuRha tohi bhåvå.
kahasi na khala asa ko jaga måh∂°, bhuja bala jåhi jitå maiÚ nåh∂°.2.
mama pura basi tapasinha para pr∂t∂, sa¢ha milu jåi tinhahi kahu n∂t∂.
asa kahi k∂nhesi carana prahårå, anuja gahe pada bårahiÚ bårå.3.
umå sa≈ta kai ihai baRå∂, ma≈da karata jo karai bhalå∂.
tumha pitu sarisa bhalehiÚ mohi mårå, råmu bhaje° hita nåtha tumhårå.4.
saciva sa≈ga lai nabha patha gayaµu, sabahi sunåi kahata asa bhayaµu.5.
Vibh∂¶aƒa spoke wisdom and that too in words that had the approval of the wise,
as well as of the Puråƒas and Vedas. Råvaƒa, however, rose in a fury as soon as he
heard them. ìO wretch, your death is imminent now. O fool, you have always lived on my
generosity; yet, O dullard, you have favoured the enemyís cause. Tell me, wretch, if there
is any one in this world whom I have failed to conquer by the might of my arm. Dwelling in
my capital you cherish love for the hermits ! If so, go and join hands with them, O fool,
and teach wisdom to them.î So saying, he kicked his younger brother, who in his turn
clasped his brotherís feet again and again. Umå, here lies the greatness of a saint, who
returns good for evil. ìIt is well you have beaten me, since you are like a father to me. But
your welfare, my lord, lies in adoring ›r∂ Råma.î Taking his ministers with him Vibh∂¶aƒa
departed through the air exclaiming so as to make himself heard by all:ó (1ó5)
Cherishing such fond expectations Vibh∂¶aƒa instantly crossed over to the other
side of the ocean (where ›r∂ Råma had encamped with His host). When the monkeys
saw Vibh∂¶aƒa coming, they took him for some special messenger of the enemy.
Detaining him outside they approached Sugr∂va (the lord of the monkeys) and told him
all the news. Said Sugr∂va, ìListen, O Lord of the Raghus: Råvaƒaís brother (Vibh∂¶aƒa)
has come to see You.î The Lord, however, asked, ìWhat do you think of the matter, my
friend?î The lord of the monkeys replied, ìListen, O Ruler of men: the wiles of these
demons are beyond oneís comprehension. One does not know wherefore he has come,
capable as he is of taking any form he likes. Obviously the fool has come to spy out our
secrets; what appeals to me, therefore, is that he should be taken prisoner and detained.î
ìFriend, you have thought out a wise course: but My vow is to dispel all fears from the
mind of those who seek refuge in Me.î Hanumån rejoiced to hear these words of the
Lord, who cherished paternal affection for His protege. (1ó5)
to fear or lose, O lord of the monkeys. Lak¶maƒa, O my friend, can dispose of in a trice
all the demons the world contains. And if he has sought shelter with Me out of fear, I will
cherish him as My own life. (1ó4)
They openly commenced applauding ›r∂ Råmaís amiability and in the intensity of
their emotion forgot their disguise. The monkeys now recognized them as the enemyís
spies; they bound them all and brought them in the presence of Sugr∂va (the lord of the
monkeys). Said Sugr∂va, ìListen, all you monkeys: mutilate the demons and dismiss
them.î Hearing Sugr∂vaís command the monkeys ran and paraded them in bonds all
through the camp. The monkeys, then started belabouring them right and left; the
demons piteously cried for help, yet the monkeys would not let them alone. ìWhosoever
robs us of our nose and ears, we adjure him by ›r∂ Råma not to do so.î When Lak¶maƒa
heard this, he called them all near him; and moved to pity he laughed and immediately
had them released. ìGive this note into Råvaƒaís hands and tell him: read, destroyer of
your race, what Lak¶maƒa says.î (1ó4)
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‚ËÃÊ Œß Á◊‹„ÈU Ÿ à •ÊflÊ ∑§Ê‹È ÃÈê„UÊ⁄UH 52H
Do.: kahehu mukhågara mµuRha sana mama sa≈desu udåra,
s∂tå dei milahu na ta åvå kålu tumhåra.52.
ìFurther convey to the fool by word of mouth my generous message: surrender
S∂tå and make peace or your hour is come.î (52)
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Cau.: turata nåi lachimana pada måthå, cale dµuta baranata guna gåthå.
kahata råma jasu la≈kå° åe, råvana carana s∂sa tinha nåe.1.
bihasi dasånana °
pµu ch∂ båtå, kahasi na suka åpani kusalåtå.
puni kahu khabari bibh∂¶ana ker∂, jåhi mætyu å∂ ati ner∂.2.
karata råja la≈kå sa¢ha tyåg∂, hoihi java kara k∂¢a abhåg∂.
puni kahu bhålu k∂sa ka¢akå∂, ka¢hina kåla prerita cali å∂.3.
jinha ke j∂vana kara rakhavårå, bhayau mædula cita si≈dhu bicårå.
kahu tapasinha kai båta bahor∂, jinha ke hædaya° tråsa ati mor∂.4.
Bowing their head at Lak¶maƒaís feet the spies immediately departed, recounting
the virtues of ›r∂ Råma. With ›r∂ Råmaís praises on their lips they entered La∆kå and
bowed their head at Råvaƒaís feet. The ten-headed monster laughed and asked them the
news: ìReport me, ›uka, your own welfare and then tell me the news about Vibh∂¶aƒa
whom death has approached very near. The fool left La∆kå where he was ruling; the wretch
will now be crushed as a weevil with barley-grains. Tell me next all about the host of bears
and monkeys, that has been driven over here by a cruel destiny. It is the poor soft-hearted
sea that has stood as a protector of their lives. Lastly tell me the news about the ascetics
(Råma and Lak¶maƒa) whose heart is obsessed with unceasing terror of me. (1ó4)
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 797
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⁄UÊflŸ ∑§Ê‹ ∑§ÙÁ≈U ∑§„È°U ¡ËÁà ‚∑§Á„¢U ‚¢ª˝Ê◊H 55H
Do.: sahaja sµura kapi bhålu saba puni sira para prabhu råma,
råvana kåla ko¢i kahu° j∂ti sakahiÚ sa≈gråma.55.
ìAll the monkeys and bears are born warriors and, besides, they have Lord ›r∂
Råma over their head. Råvaƒa, they can conquer in battle even millions of Yamas
(death personified).î (55)
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* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 799
Beguiling your mind with flattering words, O fool, do not bring your race to utter
ruin. By courting enmity with ›r∂ Råma you will not be spared even though you seek the
protection of Vi¶ƒu, Brahmå or ›iva. Therefore, abandoning pride, like your younger
brother, either seek the lotus feet of the Lord as a bee or be consumed with your family
like a moth into the fire of ›r∂ Råmaís shafts, O wretch. (56 A-B)
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Cau.: sunata sabhaya mana mukha musukå∂, kahata dasånana sabahi sunå∂.
bhµumi parå kara gahata akåså, laghu tåpasa kara båga bilåså.1.
kaha suka nåtha satya saba bån∂, samujhahu chåRi prakæti abhimån∂.
sunahu bacana mama parihari krodhå, nåtha råma sana tajahu birodhå.2.
ati komala raghub∂ra subhåµu, jadyapi akhila loka kara råµu.
milata kæpå tumha para prabhu karih∂, ura aparådha na ekau dharih∂.3.
janakasutå raghunåthahi d∂je, etanå kahå mora prabhu k∂je.
jaba tehiÚ kahå dena baideh∂, carana prahåra k∂nha sa¢ha teh∂.4.
nåi carana siru calå so tahå° , kæpåsi≈dhu raghunåyaka jahå° .
kari pranåmu nija kathå sunå∂, råma kæpå° åpani gati på∂.5.
ri¶i agasti k∂° såpa bhavån∂, råchasa bhayau rahå muni gyån∂.
ba≈di råma pada bårahiÚ bårå, muni nija å‹rama kahu° pagu dhårå.6.
Råvaƒa was dismayed at heart as he listened to the above message but wore a
feigned smile on his face and spoke aloud for all to hear: ìThe younger hermitís grand
eloquence is just like attempt of a man lying on the ground to clutch with hands the vault
of heaven.î Said ›uka, ìMy lord, giving up haughtiness take every word of it as true.
Abandon passion and give ear to my advice: my lord, avoid a clash with ›r∂ Råma. The
Hero of Raghuís line is exceedingly mild of disposition, even though He is the lord of the
entire universe. The Lord will shower His grace on you the moment you meet Him, and
will not take to heart even a single offence of yours. Pray, restore Janakaís Daughter to
›r∂ Råma; at least concede this request of mine.î When ›uka asked him to surrender
Videhaís Daughter, the wretch kicked him. ›uka, however, bowed his head at Råvaƒaís
feet and proceeded to the place where the all-merciful Lord of the Raghus was. Making
obeisance to the Lord he told Him all about himself and by Råmaís grace recovered his
* SUNDARA-KÅ°NœA * 801
original state. He was an enlightened sage; it was by Agastyaís curse, Pårvat∂, that he
had been transformed into a demon. Adoring ›r∂ Råmaís feet again and again the sage
returned to his hermitage. (1ó6)
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