Gold Etfs and You: Investment Positives For Gold As An Asset Class

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April 24,2012

Market which is deep Gold as an asset class in Indian culture, has got a significance Indsite: rooted and rare. It is believed to be the symbol of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and is considered as auspicious. Indians have always been passionate about Gold and it is often considered as holy, a symbol of purity, beauty and prosperity; some also believe that it brings good luck. Most Indians possess gold in some form or the other and as such, the precious metal is customarily bought on achieving lifes important milestones like marriage, child birth, and religious ceremonies amongst other occasions.

Investment positives for Gold as an Asset Class:

Gold has historically been a hedge against inflation; hence it acts as a store of value. Gold helps in preserving the value of money during times of currency weakness. Gold is seen as a safe haven in times of uncertainty. Changes in the price of Gold have low or negative correlation with changes in the price of mainstream financial assets; thus the yellow metal also serves as a good mode of portfolio diversification. Gold is less volatile than most commodities and many equity indices.

Investors can take exposure to Gold through various means like buying gold bars or coins from Jewelers or Banks, Jewelry, Gold Futures, and Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). In this note, we highlight how Indian investors can invest in Gold via ETFs and also why investments in Gold through the ETF route score over other forms of investment across various aspects like pricing, storage & security, taxation, liquidity, etc.

What are Gold ETFs?

Market Indsite:

Gold backed Exchange Traded Funds are regulated financial products which are designed to provide investors with exposure to the price performance of spot gold bullion. The ETF units are traded on the exchange like stocks of a company. Gold ETFs provide investors with a cost-efficient and secure way to participate in the gold bullion market without the necessity of taking physical delivery of gold. SPDR Gold Shares, launched in 2004 and originally traded on the New York Stock Exchange, is the worlds largest and most liquid physical gold bullion backed ETF.

Gold ETFs in India

Indians have been investing in Gold for ages now; however investing through the ETF route is a new phenomenon. Benchmark Mutual Fund was the first AMC to launch a Gold ETF in India - Gold BeEs in February 2007. Since then, 14 fund houses have launched Gold ETFs. The category has seen its AUM increasing substantially from 96 Crores in March 2007 to 9,866 Crores in March 2012, representing 2% of the mutual fund industry AUM. These ETFs endeavor to generate returns that replicate the performance of the domestic Gold price (subject to tracking error and expenses). In India, a single unit of a Gold ETF is priced at 1 gram of Gold except for Quantum Gold ETF which is priced at gram of Gold.

Flows in Gold ETF - 2011

2011 was another impressive year for global gold demand; volume grew 0.4% to 4067.1 tonnes, worth an estimated US$ 205.5 billion. The gold-backed ETFs that the World Gold Council (WGC) monitors, recorded a demand of 154 tonnes valued at US$ 7783million for 2011 as a whole. ETFs witnessed positive inflows in the fourth quarter of 2011, as demand surged 290% from the relatively subdued level of Q42010. There was a significant increase of inflow into gold ETFs to 86.8t in Q4 2011 valued at US$ 4718 million compared to just 22.3t in Q4 2010 valued at US$ 978 million.

Market Indsite: Benefits of Gold ETFs Comparison of investments in gold via ETFs vis--vis other investment modes Market Indsite:

Pricing: The pricing of Gold ETFs is very transparent and is linked to international gold prices (incl. of VAT). Smaller Denomination: One unit of Gold ETF is equal to 1 gram which is suitable for retail investors Security: Gold ETFs can be held in demat form, hence there are no security or storage issues. . Purity: Gold ETFs invest in Gold sourced from LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) approved refiners. The amount of physical gold held is of fineness (purity) of 995 parts per 1,000, in other words 99.5% pure. Portfolio Diversification: Due to low co-relation with other financial products, it provides diversification benefits to investor portfolios. Low Cost: The cost of buying Gold ETF is very low as compared to other forms of investments in Gold. Liquidity: Investing in Gold ETF provides high liquidity as it can be easily bought and sold through exchanges. Tax Benefit: Holding Gold ETFs for greater than 1 year will qualify for long term capital gains. Wealth Tax: Gold ETFs are exempt from wealth tax Market Indsite: Comparison of investments in gold via ETFs vis--vis other investment modes
Parameters Purchase & Sale mode Security of Asset Transparency Impurity Risk Pricing (for retail investors) Selling back Bid Ask spread Denomination Wealth Tax Long-term Capital Gains tax
*1 unit of Quantum Gold ETF = Gram

Gold ETFs Demat Form Taken care by the Fund House High Nil

Jewelers Bar or Coin/Jewelry Investor's Concern Low May Exist

Banks Bar or Coin Investor's Concern High Nil

Transparent - WillMarketon be traded Indsite: Not standard. Normally high Neither standard nor transparent Exchanges premium to wholesale price. Sell back on exchange Low 1 gram and in multiples of 1 gram * No Applicable after 1 Year Conditional and uneconomical High Available in standard denomination Yes Applicable after 3 Years Usually Restricted. Markup of upto 10-15% possible. Restricted Available in standard denomination Yes Applicable after 3 Years

Comparison of investments in gold via ETFs vis--vis other investment modes Yearly return of gold vis--visMarket asset classes other Indsite:
Y ea r 20 12 (Y TD) 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01
Equity: S&P Nifty, Bond: I-BEX (I-Sec Sovereign Bond Index), Gold: Gold prices in INR

E quity 15 .31 -2 4 .6 2 17 .95 75 .76 -5 1 .7 9 54 .77 39 .83 36 .34 10 .68 71 .9 3.25 -1 6 .1 8

Bond 3.52 6.27 6.25 -5 .97 27 .13 6.89 6.01 6.26 -1 .43 12 .37 22 .97 25 .26

G old 3.1 3 3 0.74 24 .5 18 .9 30 .6 16 .6 21 22 .2 0.5 13 .5 24 .1 5.9

Comparison of investments in gold via ETFs vis--vis other investment modes Performance of Gold ETFs * Market Indsite:
Absolute Scheme Name Axis Gold ETF Birla SL Gold ETF Canara Robeco Gold ETF GS Gold BeES HDFC Gold ETF ICICI Pru Gold ETF IDBI Gold ETF IDBI Gold ETF Motilal Oswal Most shares Gold ETF Quantum Gold ETF Reliance Gold ETF Religare Gold ETF SBI Gold ETF UTI Gold ETF
*Performance as on 25 March 2011; AUM as on end of February 2011

CAGR 6 Months 8.95 8.87 8.94 8.99 8.93 9.59 9.02 8.99 9.02 9.04 9.03 1 Year 34.31 3 Years

AUM 243.28 64.39 1.54 2967.88 567.13 157.86 92.12 915.71 3.44 51.69 2651 43.58 1047.06 667.24

3 Months 3.88 3.86 3.88 3.9 3.88 3.88 3.9 3.94 3.9 3.92 3.92 3.92

34.24 34.6 34.36 34.77 34.9 34.9 34.84 34.87 34.9


22 22.05 22.1


Market Comparison of investments in platformIndsite: Gold ETFs available on our gold via ETFs vis--vis other investment modes
Scheme Name Axis Gold ETF Birla Sun Life Gold ETF Canara Robeco - Gold ETF Gold BeES HDFC Gold ETF ICICI Pru Gold ETF IDBI Gold ETF Kotak GOLD ETF Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Quantum Gold ETF Reliance Gold ETF Religare Gold ETF SBI Gold ETF UTI Gold ETF AMC Axis Mutual Fund ISIN INF846K01347 Pricing (1 Unit) 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1/2 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram 1 Gram

Birla Sun Life Market Indsite: INF209K01HT2 Mutual Fund Canara Robeco Mutual Fund INF760K01BR1 Goldman Sachs Mutual Fund HDFC Mutual Fund ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund IDBI Mutual Fund Kotak Mutual Fund Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares Gold ETF Quantum Mutual Fund Reliance Mutual Fund Religare Mutual Fund SBI Mutual Fund UTI Mutual Fund INF732E01102 INF179K01CN1 INF109K01FV4 INF397L01554 INF373I01015 INF247L01072 INF082J01010 INF733I01010 INF205K01361 INF200K01099 INF789F01059

Sources: World Gold Council, Benchmark MF, NSE India, Bloomberg , ACE MF, ASSL Research


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