Physics 181 Problem Set 10: 1 Bosons in Two Dimensions
Physics 181 Problem Set 10: 1 Bosons in Two Dimensions
Physics 181 Problem Set 10: 1 Bosons in Two Dimensions
The particles in two dimensional surface of area A have a constant density of state given by g() =
Hence the number of particles is given by 4mA 1 N= nBE ()g() d = d 2 () 1 h e 0 0 )) ( 4mA ( = kT ln 1 e kT h2 Since the total number of particles have to remain the same, we can relate the chemical potential and temperature by ( ) N h2 = ln 1 e kT 4mAkT ( ( = kT ln 1 exp N h2 4mAkT ))
A plot of the chemical potential versus temperature is shown in the plot below.
10 15 20
4 T
Figure 1: A plot showing the chemical potential of the 2-D gas at dierent temperatures. Hence we see that the chemical potential remains way below 0 for nite temperatures and it is only 1
equal to 0 when T is 0. Hence there is a smooth transition from the gas phase to the liquid phase without going through a strange and rapid condensation as the BEC. In order to be an abrupt BEC at a nite temperature. We need that g() as 0.
For n 1, the degeneracy of level n is approximately n . The spacing between energy levels is hf . 2 Hence, the density of state which is the number of states per unit of energy is given by g()hf n2 (/hf )2 = 2 2 g() = 2 2(hf )3
Condensation Temperature
Using the same approach as we have done in class, we can write 1 2 N= nBE ()g() d = d 2(hf )3 0 e() 1 0 Using the substitution x = N=
0 kT
1 nBE ()g() d = 2
kT hf
x2 ex 1
Again we see that the prefactor decreases when temperature decreases, hence has to increase towards zero in order for the number to remain constant. Hence at the critical temperature, we have = 0. Hence 1 N= 2 ( kTc hf )3
x2 d = (3) ex 1
The spring potential energy of the particle is given by 1 ks L2 where the spring constant is related 2 to the frequency according to ks = = 2f ks mf 2 m At temperature Tc , the average particle energy is of the order kTc . Hence we have 1 kTc kTc mf 2 V 2/3 1/3 m V
Substitute this into the temperature that we calculated in the previous part, we have h 1/3 1 kTc Tc N k m V 1/3 ( )2/3 2 N h 2 (kT (kTc ) ) c m V ( )2/3 h2 N kTc m V Hence we see that the expression is exactly what we have derived in class up to a factor.
Solid-Vapor Equilibrium
Chemical Potential
En = (nx + ny + nz )h0 0
The energy of the particle in the in the energy level n = (nx , ny , nz ) is given by
e0 (1 eh0 )
N For solids, the particles are located at indistinguishable lattice sites. Hence we have ZN = Z1 . To calculate the chemical potential, we rst need to nd out the free energy which is given by
F = kT ln ZN = N kT ln Z1 Hence we can calculate the chemical potential by taking the derivative with respect to N , ie ( ) ( ) e0 F = kT ln Z1 = kt ln = = 0 + 3kT ln 1 eh0 3 N (1 eh0 )
The chemical potential of an ideal gas has been calculated before and is given by [ ( ) ] V 2mkT 3/2 g = kT ln N h2 Equating this with the chemical potential calculated above for the solid, we have [ ( ) ] ( ) V 2mkT 3/2 h0 0 + 3kT ln 1 e = kT ln N h2 ] [ ( )3 V ( 2mkT )3/2 0 h0 = e kT 1e N h2 Using the ideal gas law P V = N kT to replace the ratio P = kT e
0 /kT V N
kT P
we have
In the low temperature limit where kT h0 we have eh0 /kT 0. Hence we have P = kT e
0 /kT
2mkT h2
BEC Questions
Box with two non-interacting boson gases
b) The temperature may be dierent for the two gases as the critical temperature depends on the mass of the gases as well.
c) Since we are integrating over all energy levels, the fraction in the ground state is very small. Hence having a degeneracy of 2 in the ground state will not contribute signicantly to the dierence in the temperature. Hence the condensation temperature is about the same.
a) The gas particles will ow from a higher chemical potential to a lower chemical potential which is from the BEC condensate state ( = 0) to the classical gas state ( < 0).
b), d) Both these conditions have to be satised in order to ensure that the integral in calculating the total number of particles has an analytical solution.
Disagree For blackbody radiation, the number of particles is not conserved as the photons can disappear into the walls of the blackbody. However, there have been some new research suggesting the possibility of nding photons in the condensate state in a form of superlight.