The Performance of A Solar Air Heater With Conical Concentrator Under Forced Convection

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International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 www.elsevier.


The performance of a solar air heater with conical concentrator under forced convection
Trk To rul , Dursun Pehlivan Inci g
Frat University, Faculty of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department, 23279 Elaz , Turkey g Received 8 February 2002; accepted 26 July 2002

Abstract In this work, the efciency of a new solar air heater with a conical concentrator, which can track the sun from sunrise to sunset, was investigated under forced convection conditions of air. The collector, whose absorber was arranged as a two-pass exchanger and mounted on the focal axis of the conical concentrator, was tested for a number of tilting angles and a variety of air mass ow rates. In addition, major operation parameters related to efciencies of the collector and heat ow in the absorber were determined and correlated with each other and compared with at-plate solar collectors. The highest efciencies and maximum increase in the air temperatures were obtained at 28.4 tilting and the lowest mass ow rate, respectively. Although, the efciencies were similar, the maximum outlet temperatures of the air were found to be approximately twice and heat transfer rates inside the absorber were higher than those reached by conventional at-plate solar air heaters. 2003 ditions scientiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Solar air heater; Conical concentrator; Two-pass collector; Heat transfer

1. Introduction Solar collectors have a wide range of applications such as drying of agricultural products, space heating and air conditioning, industrial processes (textile, paper, etc.) and green house heating. Improving their performance is essential for commercial acceptance of their use in such applications. In the solar air heaters, energy in the form of radiation is transferred into air and even in the warmest climates, the ux of incident solar radiation is approximately up to 1100 Wm2 without optical concentration. The solar air heaters occupy an important place among solar heating systems because of availability, minimal cost and the direct use of air as the working substance reduces the number of required system components. The primary disadvantage of solar air heaters is the need for handling relatively large volumes of air as a working uid with low thermal capacity. Many studies have been made on the enhancement of thermal performance of the solar collectors, using diverse materials of various shapes and different dimensions and
* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I. Trk To rul), g [email protected] (D. Pehlivan).

layouts. The fact that the air has low thermophysical properties imposes the need to create a fully developed turbulent ow in order to increase the heat transferred between the absorber and the air stream. Thus, in the literature various collector designs have been postulated and tested for the objective of meeting this requirement. These include: the at plate absorbers with the air owing above, below or on both sides of the absorber [13]; V-folded absorbers in which the air ows parallel to the V-channels [4,5]; nned absorbers [6,7] and integrated collector/storage systems in which the heat storage tubes are transversely arranged inside the collector and air ows across these tubes [8] and at and cylindrical metallic porous absorbers [9,10] and fabric polyester porous absorbers with plastic covers [11]. Jet plate solar collector [12] is another design in which multiple jets from the air stream below the absorber are mixed with the streams owing above the absorber. Most of these collectors mentioned above have the dimensions of 5 to 10 m lengths, 0.6 to 1.3 m widths and 3 to 13 cm heights. Concentrating collectors provide energy at temperatures higher than those of at plate collectors. They concentrate and re-direct solar radiation into an absorber and usually require tracking of the sun. The collector types that have been recently proposed and studied can be broadly categorised as:

1290-0729/03/$ see front matter 2003 ditions scientiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1290-0729(03)00023-1


I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g

Nomenclature Aa Ar Cp DH F FR G h I JH kf L m Re Pr St Ta Tf Ti view area of the concentrator . . . . . . . . . . . . m2 receiver area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m2 specic heat capacity of the air . . . Wm2 K1 hydraulic diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m collector efciency factor collector efciency factor air ux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kghm2 lm heat transfer coefcient . . . . . Wm2 K1 direct solar radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm2 Colburn J factor thermal conductivity of the air . . . Wm1 K1 the length of absorber tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m mass ow rate of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kgs1 Reynolds number Prandtl number Stanton number ambient temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C local air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C inlet air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C To Tp UL T qu Qu f f ( )e outlet air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C absorber plate temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C overall heat loss coefcient . . . . . . Wm2 K1 air temperature rise, = To Ti . . . . . . . . . . . . C heat ux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm2 heat transfer rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W absorbtivity of the absorber fraction of the radiation reected on the absorbing surface of the receiver collector efciency viscosity of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kgms1 slope angle of collector reectivity of the concentrator density of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kgm3 transparent cover transmittance the effective transmittance absorbance product

Greek symbols

(i) reective and (ii) refractive units. These types focus on a line in cylindrical concentrators or on a point in circular ones. Concentrating solar collectors of different geometric shapes, sizes and orientation are in use today. Many of these have quite novel and unique appeal. Much of the novelty are related with the means making the collectors more efcient in collection of solar radiation. Conical parabolic collectors have a very high concentration ratio. Smith [13] patented a collector with a conical surface, which directed convergently reecting rays at an absorber positioned in the central focal axis. Uroshevich [14] patented a focusing-type solar collector system which consists of a parabolic tough with an interior reective surface that faces the main reector of the collector. McLean [15] describes a system using bre optics in a xed ray to maximise the variations of the sun inclination as it travels through the sky. Evacuated tubes are used to reduce heat losses from the receiver. Some of the earlier patents are those of Mather and Sherlock [16], in which the tube was placed in a transparent Pyrex glass jacket. Sims [17] invented a solar energy receiver which could also be used as a high concentration ratio compound parabolic collector. ONeill [18] has a patent on a curved prismatic Frensel-type lens. Winston [19] invented a solar collector with a refractive element and an ideally contoured wall with a reective surface. Although, the collectors of focusing type are used extensively in liquid heating, there is not much work on their usage in air heating. Also, any conical focusing system tracking the sun have not been met among the collectors mentioned above. So, it can be considered that studies on such

collectors are necessary to gain additional data on the utilisation of solar energy. In this study, therefore, a solar collector with conical concentrator having a cylindrical absorber for heating air is designed, constructed and tested in the forced convection conditions. The primary consideration in designing such a collector is to attain high collector efciencies and thus to obtain air ows at higher temperatures than those from conventional at-plate collectors. For this respect, the collector differs from most collectors described in the literature.

2. Analysis The commonly accepted method for measuring the steady state efciency of solar collectors depends on the following equation [20]. = FR ( )e FR UL (Ti Ta )/I (1)

In this equation three parameters (FR , ( )e and UL ) describe the performance of the collector. These parameters are directly associated with the design of the collector, ow conditions and construction materials. Hottel and Whillier gave [21] an equation, which enables one to compute the heat removal factor. Following this work, Bliss [22] derived several efciency factors (F values) for different types of collectors. These equations given below with the description of efciency factors apply to water type collectors and to one special case of air type collectors. FR = (GCp /UL ) 1 exp(F UL /GCp ) (2)

I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g


F = (actual useful heat collectionrate) (useful heat collection rate obtainablewith entire collector surface at average uid temperature)1 FR = (actual useful heat collectionrate) (useful heat collection rate obtainablewith entire collector surface at uid entering temperature)1 Eq. (1) is known as the HottelWhillierBliss equation or the generalized performance equation. The usefulness of its development is evident by considering the following three steady-state thermal performance expressions. qu = ( )e I UL (Tp Ta ) qu = F ( )e I UL (Tf Ta ) qu = FR ( )e I UL (Ti Ta ) (3) (4) (5)

Table 1 Error sources in the system Parameters Error

Errors in temperature measurements: Thermocouple errors 0.250.5 C Errors due to tting elements 0.1 C Measurement errors 0.25 C Total potential error in recording each temperature = 0.3670.567 C Mean error in determining times of periodical temperature measurements = 0.1 min Errors in ow rate measurements Error due to anemometer 0.1 ms2 Error due to leakage 0.1 ms1 Total potential error in ow rate measurements = 0.1414 ms1 Error in solar energy measurements: Error due to piranometer 0.01 Wm2 Errors due to tting elements 0.1 Wm2 Total potential error in solar energy measurements = 0.1 Wm2 Total potential error due to sun tracking system = 0.5 Other errors = 0.10.2%

The prediction of thermal performance of a collector, requires rstly determination of collector parameters for ( )e , UL and insertion of ambient values for I and Ta , then the difcult task of estimating absorber plate temperature Tp by Eq. (3). Average uid or uid inlet temperatures are used in Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively. They are often known or can be more accurately estimated or specied. Similar efciency expressions may be written for concentrating collectors as shown below: The useful energy per collector aperture, QU /Aa , of a concentrating air collector operating under assumed steadystate conditions is given below [23]. Ar QU = FR I ( )e FR UL (Ti Ta ) (6) Aa Aa The term, ( )e , represents the optical properties of the system. The intercept factor, , is dened as the reected fraction of the incident radiation on the absorbing surface of the receiver. is the transmittivity of transparent cover. and are the absorptivity and the reectivity of the absorber and concentrator, respectively. Overall collector efciency, , is then given by the following equation: = A r Ti Ta QU = FR ( )e FR UL (7) Aa I Aa I The following equation can also be used to estimate the collector efciency values. = (mCp /Aa I )(To Ti ) (8)

where, ReH = GDH /f and Pr = f Cp /kf . Average values of the heat transfer coefcient so determined have been used to evaluate the Stanton number and JH factor: St = h GCp (10) (11)

JH = St(Pr)2/3

Because the accuracy of the temperature measurements are main error sources (Table 1) in the results, error estimation depend mostly on mean reading errors of the thermocouples at six points and the numerical accuracy of the other parameters. Considering the relative errors in the individual factors denoted by xn , error estimation was made using the following equation and they have changed % 1.051.50. W = (x1 )2 + (x2 )2 + + (xn )2


3. Heater details and instrumentation The experimental set-up and the important size parameters of collector are shown in Fig. 1 and in Table 2, respectively. The conical solar collector was constructed from 0.5 mm thickness stainless steel sheets and mounted on the main iron pipe outer surface of which painted with black collector paint. This assembly was placed on a four-wheeled table by means of two arms, which could also serve to set the collector tilting. The copper absorber tube placed on the focal axis of the concentrator was arranged as a two-pass exchanger. Outer surface of this tube is also painted with black collector paint and cupped with a transparent glass tube.

Eq. (7) indicates that a plot of efciency against (Ti Ta )/I will result in a straight line whose slope and intercept are FR UL Ar /Aa and FR ( )e , respectively. Thus, if the optical properties of the system are known, FR and UL can be determined. The general methodology [24,25] was approved and used to nd heat transfer rates and coefcients in the absorber. The forced convection heat transfer coefcient for a smooth absorber can be obtained from the Blasius and Dittus Boelter equation. kf Re0.8 Pr0.6 (9) h = 0.023 DH H


I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g

Table 2 The characteristics of conical solar collector Ar Aa (koni i as) Collector tilt, Absorber Absorber inner diameter Absorber outer diameter Transparent cover 0.295 m2 2.22 m2 76 28 .4 , 33 .4 , 38 .4 Copper 10.0 cm 10.2 cm Bore silicate glass (nd = 1.473, = 0.9183, d = 0.0697, = 0.012) 11.4 cm 12.0 cm = 0.98, = 0.88 0.9012 1810 CrNi stainless steel 1 [26]

Cover inner diameter Cover outer diameter Black collector paint ( )e for black collector paint Concentrator

radiation was measured with a KippZonen solarimeter connected to a recorder. The air was supplied by a small blower at the inlet port of the main iron pipe and its ow rate was measured with an anemometer at the exit as well as wind speeds. Air temperatures at the inlet, outlet and 0.46 m equally distanced ve points in the space along the length of the absorber and ambient temperatures were measured at 30 minutes intervals by Fe-constantan thermocouples connected to a multi channel-temperature measurement unit.

4. Results and discussion 4.1. Collector efciency The experiments on the performance of solar air heater were carried out from July to September in 1999 (Elaz / g Turkey, local latitude is 38.4 ). Typical hourly values of global and direct solar radiation recorded with pyranometer and ambient temperatures between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. are shown in Fig. 2. The gure indicates that the direct and global solar radiations are at their highest values at noon (at about 12.30 p.m.) as expected. The diffuse radiation slightly decreases as the time passes afternoon. The performance tests have been carried out according to the international standard methods [23,28]. In the experiments, the mass ow rate of air and the tilting angle of the solar air heater are varied from 30 to 70 kghr1 and from 28.4 to 38.4 , respectively. The different curves given in Fig. 3 show the variation in the daily mean temperatures of the air stream at a number of points along the length of the main tube. The horizontal axis values in this gure show the distances from the tube inlet. Then, 0.92 m distance coincide U-section of the absorber tube and 1.84 m tube outlet accordingly. The temperature of the air in the absorber tube is seen to decrease steadily with its mass ow rate and increase along the tube length for all

Fig. 1. (a) Solar air heater with conical concentrator. (1, photocells; 2, absorber; 3, conical concentrator; 4, conical concentrator supporting frame; 5, tracking unit; 6, temperature measurement unit; 7, the arms for setting tilting; 8, main air ow tube; 9, moving arm and driving system for tracking; 10, collector table; 11, wheels); (b) the schematic view of absorber tube.

The system is able to rotate via two satellite antenna motors to face conical concentrator continuously towards the sun. The motors driven by two photocells located on the head of the absorber sustained the movement and maintained tracking from sunrise to sunset. All the details of the solar air heater are given elsewhere [27]. The air heater was oriented to south and tilted to form angles of 28.4, 33.4 or 38.4 between main tube and horizontal surface (local latitude 38.4 ). The incident solar

I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g


Table 3 Operating conditions and rises in the air temperatures ( T ) in some studies on at-plate solar collectors Operating conditions collector length = 3.66 m Re = 104 collector length = 9.10 m, I = 800 Wm2 , m = 504 kghr1 m = 862 kghr1 I = 950 Wm2 , collector length = 5 m, G = 0.027 kgsm2 Flow above and below V -folded absorber Corrugated duct absorber G = 0.011 kgsm2 Flow above and below V -folded absorber Corrugated duct absorber The length of absorber = 1.56 m at solar noon Single pass Double pass Single channel design with single air ow between absorber and bottom plates with no isolation m = 93.6 kghr1 , V = 0.63 ms1 , I = 900 Wm2 , Re = 3300, L = 6.75 m, Same, with bottom isolation provided: m = 97.2 kghr1 , V = 0.62 ms1 , I = 900 Wm2 , Re = 3400, L = 9 m, Double channel design with single air ow between absorber and bottom plates and bottom isolation provided m = 93.6 kghr1 , V = 0.48 ms1 , I = 900 Wm2 , Re = 3300, L = 9 m Double channel design with double air ows between top glass and absorber plate and between absorber and bottom plates and with bottom isolation provided m = 46.44 kghr1 , V = 0.50 ms1 , I = 694 Wm2 , Re = 4900, L = 5.9 m Ti ( C) 20 40 T ( C) 31.66 16.11 23.4 17.4 0.3991 0.5029 [31] 24 25 25 24 25 25 13 8 15 19 15 29 17.2 23.88 [32] 0.58 0.68 [1] 33.5 33.7 16.1 25.2 Reference [29] [30]





Fig. 2. Hourly variation of solar radiation and ambient temperature.

the tilting angles. The decrease in the temperatures of air at high rates is not so much as expected, implying somewhat enhancement in heat transfer because of increasing turbulence. As shown here, air temperatures decrease with the angle of tilting, the highest values are obtained at the lowest 28.4 angle of tilt and it is lowest at the local latitude value. This may be attributed to one-dimensional tracking the sun that enables conical concentrator to receive solar radiation

normal to the view surface longer times before and after the noon. The conical collector set at local latitude angle can receive solar radiation vertically and complete reection to the absorber occurs only on the summer days between 910 a.m. and 1415 p.m. As the incident solar radiation in these periods is less intensive than that at noon, the air passing through the absorber is heated lesser compared to the other setting angles. The maximum air outlet temperatures at this tilting vary from 68 C to 82 C depending on the mass ow rate of air as shown in Fig. 4. These temperatures are approximately twice those reached by conventional at-plate solar collectors with empty air space. Some collectors acquiring similar temperature differences and efciencies are seen to have absorber lengths at least twice that of the present collector (1.84 m) as are given in Table 3 [2932]. The changes in the air temperature rise (To Ti ) against direct radiation and airow rate are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Each line in Fig. 5 was drawn by using regression equation, which ts best the changes in all the daily temperature and direct radiation values. The temperature rise, T , increases linearly with the incident direct radiation reaching the maximum value at noon (800 Wm2 ) on the surface of the conical collector, and decreases with the increasing air ux. The maximum temperature rise is ob-


I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g

Fig. 3. The changes in the air temperatures inside the absorber tube.

Fig. 5. The variation of T with the incident solar radiation for various tilting angles and air ow rates.

Fig. 4. The changes in the maximum air temperatures inside the absorber tube at solar noon for 28.4 tilting of the solar collector.

Fig. 6. The variation of the increase in the air temperatures recorded at solar noon with the mass ow rates of the air for various tilting angles.

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Table 4 The increases

T ( C) in the air temperatures at noon Tilting angle 28 .4 33 .4 25.3 26.3 27.1 32.1 32.9 38 .4 15.5 15.8 19.3 22.9 30.9 30.9 34.1 34.8 36.4 37.2

Air ow rate (kghr1 ) 70 60 50 40 30

Fig. 8. The changes in

T /I with air ow rates.

Fig. 7. The changes in efciencies with the tilting angles.

T /I for various air ow rates and

tained at 28.4 tilting angle and at the lowest 30 kghr1 air ow rate. These results are expected, because more solar radiation fell vertically on the conical collector and more heat accumulation occurs in the absorber during the summer days at the tilting angle 10 lower than the local latitude. In addition, outlet temperatures of the air increases due to its prolonged contacting times at lower ow rates inside the absorbing tube. The increases in the air temperatures at noon are compared quantitatively in Table 4.

Fig. 7 shows variation of the collector efciencies, , against T /I values for various tilting angles and air ow rates. It is seen here that the useful energy Qu = mCp T and the collector efciency increase continuously with the airow rate. In the same way, the data plotted in Fig. 8, which depicts the variation in the T /I values as a function of mass ow rate of air, supports these results. Fig. 9 shows the typical efciency curves plotted using Eq. (7) at different tilting angles and air ow rates. The conversion efciency of incident solar radiation into heat energy in the collector were computed by using data from the daytime measurements between 11.00 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the symmetrical times to the solar noon. Because they are the values from the measurements before and after the noon, the data points show a scattered pattern under and over the regression line. It is clearly seen here that, although the measured data points are mostly scattered, they can still be used to evaluate FR ( )e and FR UL Ar /Aa coefcients in Eq. (7). from the least squares t of linear regression. A quantitative comparison of the calculated thermal performance and FR values of the present solar collector is tabulated in Table 5 and the effect of air ow rate on the efciencies is shown in Fig. 10. These values increase as the mass ow rate of air increase. This may be attributed to the decreased thermal losses to the ambient. The values of FR ( )e for 70 kghr1 are much higher than those for the other air ow rates. The efciencies and FR values considerably increase as tilting angles decrease. This is due to better view of sun at low angles. Although, instantaneous efciencies increase with both ow rate and temperature rise of the air as implemented by Eq. (8), the rise in the air temperature decrease with air ow rate especially at the highest tilting angle where solar radiation does not fell vertically on the conical concentrator even at noon. For this reason, the effect of air ow rate on the instantaneous efciencies is more pronounced. The speed of the wind in the ambient air has also some inuence on the air temperature rise.


I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g

Table 5 Performance and FR values of the conical collector for various mass ow rate of air Air ow rate (kghr1 ) 28 .4 70 60 50 40 30 0.5030 0.4071 0.3688 0.3492 0.2935 33 .4 0.4990 0.4242 0.3315 0.3025 0.2531 38 .4 0.2898 0.1963 0.1813 0.1785 0.1777 28 .4 0.886 0.717 0.650 0.620 0.517 Tilting angle FR 33 .4 0.879 0.747 0.584 0.533 0.446 38 .4 0.514 0.346 0.319 0.314 0.313

Fig. 10. The changes in instantaneous efciencies with air ow rates.

section or so-called mixing-cup temperature. Daily average values of these temperatures and Eqs. (9) and (11) were used to evaluate local heat transfer coefcients and Colburn factors. Known heat ux, local heat transfer coefcients and local air temperatures were used to nd absorber wall temperatures according to qx = h(Tw Tf ). The results of these computations are given in Table 6. Film heat transfer coefcients h between air and inner surface of the absorber tube and related Colburn JH factors computed for various mass ow rates of the air are given in Fig. 11. They can reach up to 25 Wm2 K1 at 70 kgh1 air mass ow rate. The lm heat transfer coefcients in the industrial air heating and cooling may be up to 50 Wm2 K1 depending on the systems. But, they are generally low in the operations utilizing solar air heating systems and are reported as below 15 Wm2 K1 [33]. The relation between Re numbers and heat transfer coefcients h and Colburn JH factors can be expressed best by power models as following.
Fig. 9. The changes in instantaneous efciencies for various air ow rates and the tilting angles.

h = 0.0123(Re)0.7626 JH = 0.0136(Re)

(r = 0.9997) (r = 0.9890)

(13) (14)

4.2. Heat transfer inside the absorber tube 4.3. Economical analysis of the system As the ow pattern of the air inside the absorber is turbulent, it may be assumed that the temperature at any measurement point represents the air in the respective cross Economical analysis was carried out for 8 working hours during whole year to compare the annual total cost of the

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Table 6 Mean lm and absorber temperatures, lm heat transfer coefcients and Colburn factors at all the tilting angles and ow rates of the air m (kghr1 ) 70 Thermocouple location 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Tf 31.50 37.90 45.10 51.80 58.12 32.71 40.60 48.80 55.50 59.69 33.70 43.40 52.20 58.70 61.92 35.64 45.42 55.30 62.04 64.45 40.46 52.57 61.60 66.61 69.96 = 28 .4 Tp 35.34 72.35 84.48 89.02 93.73 41.34 81.98 92.47 91.65 82.52 45.94 92.75 97.72 92.76 78.88 46.34 93.15 104.50 96.06 76.64 54.49 109.20 104.55 90.70 86.17 h 25.45 25.12 24.75 24.39 24.05 22.45 22.11 21.80 21.54 21.37 19.35 19.00 18.71 18.49 18.38 16.12 15.84 15.56 15.37 15.30 12.69 12.43 12.22 12.10 12.03 JH 0.00298 0.00294 0.00289 0.00284 0.00280 0.00307 0.00302 0.00297 0.00293 0.00290 0.00317 0.00311 0.00305 0.00301 0.00299 0.00330 0.00323 0.00317 0.00312 0.00311 0.00346 0.00338 0.00332 0.00328 0.00326 Tf 36.65 41.10 45.00 48.20 51.24 37.78 42.80 47.00 50.93 54.39 38.20 43.64 49.50 53.00 56.60 36.61 44.88 53.26 56.63 60.75 39.84 49.39 57.82 61.44 65.01 = 33 .4 Tp 48.04 65.20 66.27 65.75 68.03 53.66 69.24 69.29 71.95 73.00 55.53 71.31 79.67 71.13 75.38 52.19 85.28 94.80 73.44 81.46 57.02 93.77 97.61 78.66 82.14 h 25.19 24.99 24.82 24.69 24.55 22.21 22.03 21.87 21.72 21.58 19.17 18.99 18.80 18.68 18.56 16.08 15.85 15.62 15.53 15.41 12.70 12.50 12.31 12.22 12.14 JH 0.00295 0.00292 0.00290 0.00288 0.00286 0.00303 0.00300 0.00298 0.00296 0.00293 0.00314 0.00311 0.00307 0.00305 0.00302 0.00329 0.00324 0.00318 0.00316 0.00313 0.00347 0.00340 0.00334 0.00332 0.00329 Tf 36.74 39.33 42.00 45.11 48.99 37.77 40.80 44.16 47.85 51.10 38.76 42.10 45.50 49.57 53.55 40.00 42.88 47.70 52.00 55.26 41.60 45.30 50.40 54.90 57.62 = 38 .4 Tp 46.06 53.33 56.47 62.08 70.34 46.56 56.70 61.88 67.49 68.47 50.85 59.04 62.87 70.51 74.18 52.75 56.90 71.32 73.27 71.50 55.92 62.36 74.14 76.03 70.47 h 25.18 25.06 24.95 24.82 24.65 22.21 22.10 21.97 21.83 21.71 19.15 19.04 18.93 18.80 18.66 15.99 15.91 15.78 15.66 15.56 12.66 12.58 12.47 12.37 12.31 JH 0.00295 0.00293 0.00291 0.00290 0.00287 0.00303 0.00302 0.00300 0.00297 0.00295 0.00314 0.00312 0.00309 0.00307 0.00304 0.00327 0.00325 0.00322 0.00319 0.00317 0.00346 0.00343 0.00340 0.00336 0.00335





following equation given by Mitchell [35]: ACC = I (1 + j )n /tdep (15) Where j , n and I are the annual interest rate taken as 10%, allowed years for loan (n = 5 years) and the capital cost respectively and tdep is the number of depreciation years. The operation cost (energy + maintenance) is evaluated using an electricity rate of US$ 0.09kWh1 and annual maintenance cost of 2 to 5% of the capital cost [36]. The annual total cost of the present system is compared with various systems listed in Table 7. These systems have a capital cost of 50 US$m2 [37]. When the rst investment cost and the annual total cost are considered, the present collector seems more economical than the other systems. But, among the others, the cost of 1 kWh heating is the lowest in the case of the conventional air heater. As the absorbing surface (70 m2 ) of the conventional air heater is much more higher than the present collector (0.295 m2 ), more useful energy is transferred annually into the air (Qu ), which reduce heating cost. Investment and operation cost of present solar air heater with conical concentrator and sun tracking mechanism are in acceptable limits as is seen in Table 7. When its cost and ability to supply air at higher temperatures than those supplied by conventional solar air heaters, it may be preferable in places where hot air is required. By incorporating packing inside the ow channel of the air,

Fig. 11. The correlation between Re and/or h and JH .

present solar air heater with the conventional solar air heater and a conventional electrical heater. Assuming a depreciation period of 15 years [34], the annual capital cost (ACC) is estimated according to the


I. Trk To rul, D. Pehlivan / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (2003) 571581 g

Table 7 Comparison of the annual total cost in US$ for different systems Item Conical air heater Capital cost Annual capital cost Annual maintenance Annual energy cost Annual total cost Cost of 1 kWh heating 480 51.54 9.6 15.768 76.91 0.0427 Systems Solar air collector* 3500 375.79 70.00 82.50 528.29 0.018 Conventional electric heater* 300 20.00 2628.0 2628.0 0.091

* Values were taken from Abou-Ziyan et al. [37].

more enhancements in the efciency of the system may be realized. This could make the present collector economically comparable with the conventional solar air heaters.

5. Conclusions The following results may be drawn from the present work in which forced-convection efciencies and principal air ow and heat transfer parameters of the solar air heater with conical concentrator have been studied. Among the tilting angles tested, the lowest 28.4 is the most efcient angle leading up to 50% efciencies and 82 C air outlet temperatures at the minimum ow rate (30 kgh1 ) and the maximum increase (37.2 C) in the temperature of the air. The efciency values acquired by the present conical solar collector are close, but outlet temperatures are approximately twice those reported for conventional at-plate solar collectors without any packing in the passage space of the air. Film heat transfer coefcient between air and inner surface of the absorber can reach up to 25 Wm2 K1 at 70 kgh1 air mass ow rate. Further work is needed to elucidate the inuence on the efciencies of some other parameters such as incorporating packing materials into the air passage and using selective absorption surfaces.

Acknowledgement This study was supporte by the Research Foundation of Frat University (Project No: FNAF-296).

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