Chapter11.CPWD Works Manual Provisions

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CPWD Works Manual Provisions

Classification of Works The works undertaken by Dept. are classified as follows: Original Works These shall mean: (i) All new constructions, (ii) All types of additions, alterations and/or special repairs to newly acquired assets, abandoned or damaged assets that are required to make them workable (iii) .Major replacements or remodeling of a portion of an existing structure or installation or other works, which results in a genuine increase in the life and value of the property. Repairs and Maintenance Works These cover operations undertaken to maintain the assets in a proper condition and include maintenance and operation of all services. The Repairs are further classified into two categories as follows: (i) Annual repairs: These cover the routine as well as yearly operation and maintenance works. (ii) Special repairs: These cover major repair or replacement or remodeling of a portion of an existing structure or installation or other works due to major breakdowns, or deterioration, or periodic renewal, which do not result in a genuine increase in the value of the property Stages for Execution of Works Pre-requisites for execution of works (1) There are four main stages as follows in the execution of a work: (i) Administrative approval (ii) Expenditure sanction (iii) Technical sanction (iv) Availability of funds. No work should normally be commenced or any liability thereon incurred until an administrative approval has been obtained, a properly prepared detailed estimate has been technically sanctioned and where necessary expenditure sanction has been accorded and allotment of funds made.

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Administrative Approval Administrative approval is the communication of formal acceptance of the proposals by the competent authority of the Administrative Department requiring the work. Accord of Administrative Approval (a) The concurrence of the competent authority of the Administrative Department requisitioning the work should be obtained to the Preliminary Estimate for the work. However, no such concurrence is required for normal repairs and maintenance works. (b) The Preliminary Estimate should be framed or countersigned by the authority as to the Administrative Department requisitioning the work. The requisitioning authority shall be requested to return one copy of the estimate, duly countersigned in token of acceptance, while communicating the administrative approval. Excess over Administrative Approval Excess up to 10% of the amount of the administrative approval may be authorized by Officers of the department up to their respective powers of technical sanction. In case it exceeds this limit, a revised administrative approval must be obtained from the authority competent to approve the cost so enhanced. No revised administrative approval is, however, necessary if the excess is covered by the requisite expenditure sanction. Expenditure Sanction (a) Expenditure sanction is to be accorded by the Administrative Department to indicate that funds for the project/work have been provided, and liability can be incurred. (b) An order of appropriation or re-appropriation of funds shall operate as sanction to incur expenditure on minor works, and it shall not be necessary to issue any formal order conveying sanction to incur expenditure in such cases. Excess over Expenditure Sanction Expenditure sanction can be exceeded upto 10%, beyond which revised Expenditure Sanction shall be necessary. This should be applied for as soon as such excess is foreseen.

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Technical Sanction A technical sanction amounts to a guarantee that the proposals are technically sound, and that the estimates are accurately prepared and are based on adequate data. Accord of Technical Sanction a. After receipt of administrative approval and expenditure sanction, detailed estimates are required to be prepared for technical sanction. The technical sanction should be accorded by the competent authority before a work is taken in hand. In case of revised estimates, it is not necessary to wait for the revised administrative approval or the revised expenditure sanction to accord revised technical sanction. b. A copy of the technical sanction for the building work should also be endorsed to the concerned Senior Architect, Superintending Engineer (Elect)/Executive Engineer(elect) as well as the Director/Deputy Director of Horticulture for initiating action at the appropriate time on electrical, air conditioning, horticulture and other works. Similarly, copies of Technical Sanction of Estimate for Horticulture works shall also be forwarded to Senior Architect and CE(C)/SE(C)/EE(C) as the case may be. The municipal/Local Bodies and Electrical Supply Companies should also be approached by the Executive Engineer, Civil and Electrical, well in time for providing External Services including power supply. c. Before an estimate is technically sanctioned, the following shall be desirable: (i) Detailed architectural drawings and specifications. (ii) Preliminary structural drawings for foundations (iii) Preliminary structural drawings of superstructure at least upto slab at level 2 (iv) Preliminary drawings for internal and external services. d. The authority competent to accord such sanction shall ensure that the design and specification etc., adopted in the detailed estimate are adequate enough for the building to last till its desired life. In the Design and Scope column of the estimate, it shall be specifically mentioned that, Under normal use and maintenance, the building is expected to have an economic life of ... years. e. For various types of buildings, the economic life shall be taken as below: (i) Monumental structures 100 years (ii) RCC framed structures 75 years (iii) Load bearing structures 55 years

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(iv) Semi permanent structures 30 years f. Economic life of various internal Services/fixtures including electric wiring, water supply distribution system may vary from 15 to 25 years depending upon the geographical location, type of the services and its uses. g. In case of work for which tenders are called on Design and construct basis, technical sanction of such works may be accorded only on finalization of structural drawings, services drawings and other detail on submission of the same by the contractor. However it would be necessary that all the Architectural and structural data/parameters, details of functional requirement and complete specifications including preliminary drawings are finalized before the call of tenders on Design and construct basis. h. For Technical sanction, detailed estimate shall be prepared based on applicable schedule of rates. Market rates shall be followed for the items not covered under schedule of rates. Effect of prevailing cost index over the hypothetical cost Index of schedule of rate should be taken on the amount of Detailed estimate for items for which rates are based on Schedule of rate. Estimate should be technically sanctioned for the amount inclusive of effect of Cost Index Preparation of Estimates Preliminary Estimate 1. Preliminary estimate is to be prepared on the basis of plinth area or length of road etc. worked out on the rate per unit area/length/number, or such other method adopted for ready and rough calculation, so as to give an idea of the approximate cost involved in the proposal. 2. The preliminary estimate shall be prepared on the basis of the preliminary drawings prepared by the Senior Architect, and shall appropriately indicate in the history sheet the items that are included or excluded in the estimate. Part estimate that may not result in total completion of the work/ project should be avoided as far as possible. Preliminary Survey, etc (1) Where any preliminary survey, site/soil investigation, preparation of project reports including appointment of consultant and/or other essential preliminary steps connected with the schemes, is needed to be done before the preliminary estimate for the requisitioned work can be finalised, a separate estimate for such purpose(s) may be prepared, and sent to client department for sanction.

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(2) Where, however, such works are required to be carried out after the receipt of administrative approval and expenditure sanction and at the time of preparation of detailed estimate, necessary provision for this purpose may be made in the preliminary estimate, Preliminary Data and Drawings (1) Whenever a requisition is received for a work, the same should be passed on to the concerned Senior Architect for preparation of preliminary drawings. On receipt of the requisition, the Senior Architect shall obtain the detailed requirements from the concerned Administrative Department or client (2) Where required, he shall also obtain the survey plan and site particulars and other site data from the concerned Executive Engineer (3) He shall consult the representatives of all the concerned disciplines for incorporating their requirements in the preliminary plans. (4) He shall thereafter prepare preliminary plans and brief specifications according to the requirements for the work, and obtain the approval of the client department for the same. The preliminary drawings should indicate sufficient details for preparation of preliminary estimate. (5) He shall then forward these approved plans and brief specifications to the concerned Chief Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer, Civil and Electrical, for preparation of the preliminary estimate. Plinth Areas for Residential Buildings No deviation from the prescribed scales should normally be made, unless specifically desired by the client department. In such circumstances specific reference to the deviation should be made in the history sheet of the estimate. Preparation and Forwarding of Preliminary Estimate Chief Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer of the major component shall be the nodal officer for forwarding estimates. For all major works only single estimate covering all aspects of building and services will be sent through concerned Chief Engineer (Civil) or Chief Engineer Provision for services like sanitary, water supply, drainage and electric installations etc., should be made on the basis of plinth area rates. Provisions for items for which plinth area rates are not available, shall be made on rough cost estimation basis and included in the estimate. The effect of building and other construction workers welfare Act 1996, wherever applicable may also taken in

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the estimate. Provisions for various services shall be incorporated in consultation with the concerned disciplines. While forwarding the preliminary estimate to the client department for accord of administrative approval and expenditure sanction, an indication shall be given in the history sheet that the cost and time of the project is liable to revision due to probable escalation in cost of construction apart from reasons such as change in scope, area, design and specifications etc. if so desired by the client at a later date. While sending the estimates it shall be made clear to the client department that execution of the works will depend upon the receipt of the funds through authorization or through allocation well in time during the financial years. Provision for Contingencies and its Utilization In addition to the provision for all expenditure which can be foreseen for a work, a provision of contingency shall be kept as follows: (a) Estimated cost upto Rs. 1 crore 5% (b) Estimated cost more than Rs. 1 crore 3%, subject to minimum of Rs. 5 lakhs Detailed Estimate The preparation of detailed estimate and drawings and designs should be taken up only after obtaining an assurance from the Department/Ministry sponsoring the proposal, that the site is available, and without any encumbrances is available or likely to be made available within a reasonable time. Preparation of the Detailed Estimate (1) On receipt of the administrative approval and expenditure sanction, and confirmation about the availability of site, the concerned authority shall decide on the packages for the purpose of accord of technical sanction. The Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineers Civil and Electrical, shall forward to the Senior Architect all relevant structural and service data based on the approved preliminary plans, for preparation of detailed working drawings and architectural specifications for the work. may also be seen. On receipt of such drawings, the decided competent authority shall take up the preparation of the detailed estimate, and accord technical sanction. (2) The detailed estimate should be complete and as comprehensive as possible, and should be supported by detailed architectural drawings, preliminary structural plans, preliminary lay-out drawings of the various services, detailed

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drawings and/or specifications for the various components of work involved, etc., as applicable. (3) The work is to be executed strictly as per the detailed working drawings and specifications finalized As soon as Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction for work is received, Senior Architect, will be informed for furnishing detailed drawings. The Superintending Engineer (Planning) / Executive Engineer (Planning) / Executive Engineer will examine the abstract of cost of the preliminary estimate and intimate to the authority, competent to sanction the estimate of the highest value components of the preliminary estimate, to sanction Format for Detailed Estimate (1) The detailed estimate shall consist of a report plans, specifications and a detailed statement of measurements quantities and rates with an abstract showing the total estimated cost of each item. In the case of a project consisting of several works, the report may be a single document for all the works and like-wise the specifications, but details of measurements and abstracts of costs may conveniently be prepared for each work, supplemented by a general abstract bringing the whole together. (2) The estimate for a project/work should be comprehensive, supported by complete details and based on drawings and design calculations, where necessary. (3) The Report of the estimate should be prepared in a lucid form, understandable by non-technical officers of the administrative Ministry/Department or the client. It should be comprehensive enough under each sub-head as mentioned below. a. History: - Particulars relating to the initiation of the proposal, and events leading upto it, and its general purpose, including references to previous correspondence, documents and specifications, where necessary. b. Design: - A description of the proposal, particularly with regard to its location and design, also with reference to standards and specifications, calculations and drawings, where necessary. In case of a revised estimate, a description of the original proposals and those finally adopted should be given. c. Scope: - An explicit statement as to what work is and is not covered by the estimate, also a reference to what arrangements are being made for any portion (s) of the work which are not included in the estimates.

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d. Rates: - Particulars as to how the rates have been arrived at, giving reference to the relevant standard schedule of rates or market rates and also to the details accompanying the estimate, where necessary, with any special explanation connected therewith. e. Cost: - Cost of the work, and in case of revision, a comparison with the amount originally provided under any previous administrative sanction or detailed estimate. f. Method: - The method proposed for carrying out the work, whether by contract or daily labour, or any combination of these. g. Establishment: - Details of any provision made in the estimate for work-charged establishment, when necessary. h. Construction Plant:- Any special methods of construction to be adopted with reference to under the authority of DG(W), and by the Additional Specifications, etc. and details of the provisions that have been made in the estimate for necessary construction plants and machineries, etc. i. Land: - Provisions for acquisition of land, when necessary. j. Time:- The estimated time of completion from the date of receipt of A/A & E/S. indicating break up for pre-construction and construction stage (4) Full reference should be given in respect of the Architectural, structural and services drawings accompanying the estimates in support of the details submitted therein. (5) Any other points of importance that demand knowledge of local conditions must be incorporated. (6) The abstract of the detailed estimates should be framed to show merely the quantity and cost of each completed item of work e.g. brick work; or it may be framed to show the cost of labour and materials separately. The adoption of either form of abstract should be determined with reference to the mode in which it is proposed to carry out the work. Para 4.4 may also be seen. Schedule of Rates (1) To facilitate the preparation of estimates, as also to serve as a guide in settling rates in connection with contract agreements, a schedule of rates for each kind of work commonly executed should be maintained up-todate in the Department. It should be prepared on the basis of the rates prevailing in each station and necessary analysis of the rates for each description of work and for the varying conditions thereof should, so far as practicable, be recorded.

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E2-E3/Civil (2) The Schedule of Rates for Delhi shall be issued

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Recasting of Estimate (1) After an estimate has been technically sanctioned, it may be decided to make a change in the method originally contemplated for execution of the work. In such a case, the original abstract should be recast in accordance with the instruction laid down in para. (2) The details of cost and quantities already approved by competent authority should be re-arranged, Supplementary Estimate Any development that is thought necessary while a work is in progress, and which is not fairly contingent on the proper execution of the work as first sanctioned, may be covered by a supplementary estimate. This estimate must be accompanied by a full report of the circumstances that render it necessary. The abstract must show the amount of the original estimate and the total of the sanction required including the supplementary amount. Revised Estimate When an excess beyond permissible variation over the sanctioned estimate is foreseen, and there is ikely to be unavoidable delay in the preparation of a revised estimate, an immediate report of the circumstances should be made to the authority whose sanction will ultimately be required. it with the latest existing sanction of the competent authority and by a report showing the progress made up-to-date. Estimates for Additions and Alterations (1) The fact that the concurrence of the client/occupant has been obtained should be stated explicitly. Measurement Books (MBs) FORM No. CPWA 23 1. The measurement book is the basis of all accounts of quantities whether of works done by Contractors or by labourers employed departmentally, or materials received. It should be so written that the transactions are readily traceable. 2. These books should be considered as very important accounts records and maintained very carefully and accurately as these may have to be produced as evidence in a court of law, if and when required.

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Recording of Measurements (1) Entries at commencement of measurements Each set of measurements to be recorded should commence with entries stating: (i) In the case of bills for works done: (a) Full name of work as given in the agreement/estimate. (b) Location of work. (c) Name of contractor. (d) Number and date of agreement. (e) Date of written order to commence work. (f) Date of actual completion of work. (g) Date of recording measurements. (h) Reference to previous measurements. (ii) In the case of bills for supply of materials: (a) Name of supplier. (b) Number and date of supply order/agreement. (c) Purpose of supply in one of the following forms as applicable to the case: (i) Stock (for all supplies for stock purpose). (ii) Purchase for direct issue to the work (full name of the work as given in the estimate shall be mentioned). (iii) Purchase for (full name of work as given in estimate) for issue to contractor ......on...... : (d) Date of written order to commence the supply. (e) Date of actual supply. (f) Date of recording measurements. (2) Writing of abstract (i) A suitable abstract should then be prepared which should collect in the case of measurements for works done, the total quantities of each distinct item of work relating to each sanctioned Measurements in Ink The measurements shall be recorded in ink. Making Corrections in Measurements (i) No entry shall be erased or overwritten. If a mistake is made, it should be corrected by crossing out the incorrect words or figures and inserting the correction. The correction thus made shall be initialed and dated by the officer recording/checking measurements.

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(ii) When any measurements are cancelled or disallowed these must be endorsed by the dated initials of the Officer ordering the cancellation or by a reference to his orders, initialed by the Officer who made the measurements, the reasons for cancellation being also recorded. Page Numbering (i) The pages of the Measurement Books should be machine numbered. (ii) Entries should be recorded continuously and no blank page left or torn out. Any pages or space if left out blank inadvertently should be cancelled by diagonal lines, the cancellation being attested and dated. (11) Recording of measurements only by authorised persons All items of work in a project irrespective of their cost shall be measured and recorded by the Junior Engineer-in-charge of the work. It is, however, open to the Assistant Engineer or the Executive Engineer to record measurements for any particular item of work himself. (12) Measurement of repetitive works In case of works of repetitive type, detailed measurements of 20% of the total number of units, subject to a minimum of 20 units, need only be recorded. (13) Certification of measurements The person recording the measurements should record a dated certificate Measured by me over his full signature in the Measurement Book. The measurement books meant for this purpose contain pages in singleton. Details of quantities, rate and amount of each item for every bill are entered in this Measurement Book in a tabular form. (ii) For recording measurements and also for preparing abstract, the agreement item No., both in words as well as in figure, should be given neatly along with description of the item in full or in abbreviated form. (3) Nomenclature of item (i) In case of extra/substituted item of work that is not covered in the agreement, the full nomenclature shall be reproduced in the Measurement Book and the bill form. (ii) The full nomenclature of the items shall be adopted in preparing abstract of final bill in the Measurement Book and also in the bill form for final bills. Cross Reference in Case of Running Account Bill If the measurements are taken in connection with a running contract, a reference to the last set of measurements, if any, should be given.

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Recording of Date of Completion (i) If the entire job or contract has been completed, the date of completion should be duly recorded. (ii) If the measurements taken are the first set of measurements on a running account, or the first and final measurements, this fact should be suitably noted against the entries in the Measurement Book, and in the latter case, the actual date of completion should be recorded. Neat Recording of Measurements All measurements should be recorded neatly in the Measurement Book. Signature of the Contractor The signature of the contractor or his authorised representative should be obtained in the Measurement Book for each set of measurements. Standard Measurement Books (SMBS) The Standard Measurement Books are maintained to record the measurements of permanent standing in a building, and are required to be brought upto date from year to year on the basis of additions, etc. that are made to the building during a year. These are used for preparing the repairs estimates and contractors bills for such repairs so as to avoid taking detailed measurements on each occasion Standard Measurement Books should be on Form CPWA 23-A, Test Check by Assistant Engineer Test checking of Measurements (1) The Assistant Engineer must satisfy himself before passing a bill for payment, or before submitting it to the Divisional Officer for payment, that the work or supply billed for has actually been carried out/completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. He should personally inspect all works of any magnitude before authorizing final payments in connection therewith. (2) In addition to the above, he is required to check measure the works in his charge as below: (i) All items of work in a project irrespective of their cost, shall be measured and recorded by the Junior Engineer-in-charge of the work. It is, however, open to the Assistant Engineer to record measurements for any particular item of work himself. In case of absence of Junior Engineer, the Assistant Engineer may be asked to record measurements.

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(ii) The Officer accepting the tender for any work may stipulate and require the Assistant Engineer to record measurements himself or exercise 100% check on the measurements recorded by his subordinate for any item including those, which, owing to their situation, cannot subsequently be checked measured or which have very high unit rates or which in the opinion of the Officer are important. Important Items for Measurements Important works, within meaning of the above, include items which owing to the situation cannot be subsequently checked or which have very high unit rates. For guidance, these items are classified generally as below:Items of work which owing to their situation cannot subsequently be checked. (i) All work below ground level such as Concrete, Masonry, Steel work etc. in foundation; and (ii) Fabricated Steel work in columns, beams, etc. which are encased either in masonry or concrete ,reinforcement in RCC/RB work. (iii) Wood work, Iron work etc. hidden by ceilings, wall paneling or floor boarding. (iv) Bitumen painting of roofs under mud phuska and tiles paving or under terrace concrete. (v) Water proofing compounds used in gauging cement. (vi) Lines of pipes buried in floor or masonry in Internal sanitary, water supply or drainage installations. (vii) Earthing installation, cable laying etc. Items of works which are considered to have very high unit rates:(i) RCC Work. (ii) Items in sunk ashlar stone or marble work, plain sunk or moulded in walls, columns, arches or domes. (iii) Stone or marble work in wall lining. All steel cladding, structural glazing etc. (iv) All wood work in chowkhats, frames or trusses in Indian or Burmah Teakwood. (v) All joinery work in shutters, trellis works, miscellaneous wood work etc. whether in Indian Teak or Burma Teakwood. (vi) All brass, oxidized brass or other similar costly fittings of doors, windows etc. where payable separately.

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Preparation and Passing Bills for Payments Payment of Bill Part rates Full rates, as per agreement/supply order should be allowed only if the work or supply has been accepted as of required quality and specification. If the contract is determined, or an on account payment is to be made when the contract is to run, a part rate as considered reasonable shall be allowed with due regard to the work remaining to be done and general terms of the agreement, and after getting the part rate statement approved from the bill passing authority. Payment for supply In case of supplies, the payment is not permissible until the stores have been received, examined and accepted. In case payment has been permitted on production of dispatch documents etc. the payment should be treated as advance against the final settlement on receipt, examination and acceptance of the stores. First and Final Bill Form CPWA 24 It should be used for making payments both to contractors for work and to suppliers, when a single payment is made for a job or contract on its completion . Running Account Bill Form CPWA 26 This form should be used for all running and final payments to contractors and suppliers (other than those relating to lump sum contracts for which Forms CPWA 27A and 27B are prescribed), including cases where advance payments are proposed to be made or are already outstanding in respect of the same work against the contractor. In case where secured advances are to be made or already outstanding in respect of the same work against the contractor, Account of Secured Advances Form CPWA 26A should be attached to the bill. Hand Receipt Form CPWA 28: (i) This is a simple form of voucher intended to be used for all miscellaneous payments and advances for which none of the special forms mentioned above is suitable Cement Registers (1) The Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer should check the registers maintained for accounting of cement at different work sites. (2) In case of works costing above Rs. 1,00,000/- situated outside their headquarters, they should inspect the registers and stores during their respective visits and inspection of the works.

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(3) In case of works where Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) is stipulated to be used from an approved source/manufacturer, such registers need not be maintained. However, the computerized dispatch slips that are sent with each dispatch of RMC shall be kept on record. Documentations of Accounts Bills Register (1) The payments made in the Divisional Offices are made on receipt of the bills. The bills should be entered in the register strictly in order of receipt, The payment of the bills should also be made strictly in order of their receipt. Contractors Ledger. (1) The accounts relating to contracts/ supplies should be kept in CPWA Form 43 Works Abstracts. Separate folio or set of folios in Form CPWA 40 Register should be assigned to each Major Works estimate. Cash Book. The Cash Book is to be maintained in Form CPWA I. Preparation of Tender Documents Preparatory works (1) Before tenders for a work are invited, a detailed estimate showing the quantities, rates and amounts of the various items of work, and also the specifications to be adopted, should be prepared. (2) Before approval of NIT, the following are desirable. Preparatory works (1) Before tenders for a work are invited, a detailed estimate showing the quantities, rates and amounts of the various items of work, and also the specifications to be adopted, should be prepared. (2) Before approval of NIT, the following are desirable. Availability of clear site, funds and approval of building plans from local bodies. (ii) Confirmation that materials to be issued to the contractor would be available. (iii) Availability of structural drawings for the foundations. (iv) Lay out plan for all services. An authority that is empowered to approve the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) before it is issued. The Notice Inviting Tender in Form BSNL W- 6 (i) The form of tender to be used along with a set of conditions. Particular specifications and special conditions should not be repetitive and in contradiction with each other. Additional conditions should be decided by the NIT approving authority, and he shall be responsible for the same.

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Wherever special conditions have financial implications, the same should be enforceable. The schedule of quantities of work. an authority who is empowered to approve the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) before it is issued. The notice inviting tender in Form BSNLW 6. The form of tender to be used along with a set of conditions. Particular specifications and special conditions should not be repetitive and in contradiction with each other. Additional conditions should be decided by the NIT approving authority, and he shall be responsible for the same. Wherever special conditions have financial implications, the same should be enforceable. The schedule of quantities of work. The issue and recovery of stipulated materials to contractors for use in construction works is governed by clause 10 & 42 of CPWD 7 and 8. Recovery of stipulated materials used by contractor beyond permissible variations is to be made at rates specified in Schedule F. Such fixed rates for recovery for each type of stipulated materials shall be specified in Schedule F by the authority approving the NIT for operation of Clause 10 and 42 of BSNL-W Form 7/8

Clause 12 of the General Condition of Contract provides for specifying of deviation limits for various works. Such deviation limits are to be specified in Schedule F annexed to the Form, and shall form part of tender documents. For maintaining uniformity in works carried out by the department, following deviation limits shall be stipulated by the authorities approving the NITs for operation of Clause 12 of the Form unless there are specific reasons to adopt different deviation limits for a particular work: (i) For original works (a) Superstructure..30% (b) Foundation...100% (ii) For original works of time bound, urgent and emergency nature (a) Superstructure..50% (b) Foundation..100% (iii) All maintenance works....50% Preparation of Notice Inviting Tenders (1) The Notice Inviting Tenders should be carefully prepared. All notices calling for tenders should be in the standard form, and be serially numbered. A proper register shall be maintained for this purpose. The notices should be issued only after the authority competent to accord Technical Sanction has approved the NIT papers.

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(2) Avoidance of use of symbols The use of symbols, such as %, and per thousand in the Schedule of quantities accompanying the Notice Inviting Tenders is prohibited, and the words hundred, thousand, etc. must be written, e.g. Per hundred sq. meter must be written, and not % sq. meter. The units should thus be more specific. The NIT papers are very important documents, on which call of tenders and subsequent agreements with the contractors are based. It is, therefore, very necessary that each page and the correction slips, as well as other corrections and modifications made in the NIT papers, are numbered and signed by the competent authority in token of approval so that chances of tampering with such documents are avoided. Publicity Of Tenders (1) Wide publicity should be given to the Notice Inviting Tenders (Form BSNLW- 6). Tenders must be invited in the most open and public manner possible, by advertisement in the website/press, and by notice in English/Hindi and the written language of the district. In respect of works estimated to cost more than Rs. 5 lakhs, a brief advertisement inviting tenders should invariably be inserted in the press in the classified category. Newspaper cuttings in each case should be collected and kept on record as far as possible as a proof of publicity actually achieved. Time limit for Publicity of Tenders (1) The following time limits between the date of publication of tender on web site or Press whichever is earlier and the date of receipt of the tenders are desirable: (i) 7 days in the case of works with estimated cost put to tender upto Rs. 20 lakhs (ii) 10 days in the case of works with estimated cost put to tender between Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs 2 crores (iii) 14 days in the case of works with estimated cost put to tender more than Rs. 2 crores If the response to tenders from the contractors of the appropriate classes is poor or unreasonably high rates are received following measures may be taken with the prior approval of the next higher authority. (a)Throw open tenders to next lower class (b) The NIT approving authority may modify the eligibility criteria suitably. Sale of Tender Documents The tender documents should be prepared and kept ready for sale to the tenderers before the Notice is actually sent to the press. The tender documents should be

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prepared and kept ready for sale to the tenderers before the Notice is actually sent to the press The tender documents should be sold to only those contractors who fulfill the eligibility criteria set out in the notice, and who are not near relatives of the Divisional Accountant or the SE or EE or AE/JE of the Circle in which the work is to be executed sale of tenders for specialized works. The eligibility criteria for pre-qualification should be made very clear in the Press Notice and NIT Earnest Money:(i) Rates of Earnest Money For works estimated to cost upto Rs. Twenty Five crores : 2%(Two percent) of the estimated cost . (ii) For works estimated to cost more than Rs. Twenty Five crores: Rs.Fifty lakhs plus 1% (one percent) of the estimated cost in excess of Rs. Twenty Five crores. The quotation for the work/supply shall remain open for a period of ............... days from the date of opening of quotations without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money if any quotationer withdraws his quotation before that date or makes any modification in the terms and conditions of the quotation which are not acceptable to the department, and to forfeit the whole of the earnest money if the quotationer, whose quotation is accepted, fails to commence the work/supply specified in the NIQ (along with changes in scope, if any) in the prescribed time or abandons the work/supply before its completion. In case the contractor fails to commence the work specified in the tender documents on the 15th day or such time period as mentioned in letter of award, after the date on which the Engineer-in charge issues written orders to commence the work, or from the date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, the Dept. shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit whole of the earnest money absolutely. Receipt, Opening and Acceptance of Tenders All the tenders should be opened in the presence of such intending tenderers or their representatives as may choose to attend at the time and place, which should be advertised. The tenders should be entered in the Register Form CPWD 41. (1) The Divisional A.O should be encouraged to be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tenderers should also be encouraged to be present at the time of opening of the tenders.

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The tenders that are received after the due date and time of receipt are not to be considered at all. They should neither be opened nor entered in the tender opening register. The Officer opening the tenders should encircle all corrections, cuttings, conditions, additions and over-writings and number them and attest them in red ink Processing of tenders Top priority should be given to decide the award of work on receipt of tenders. The time schedule should be adhered to strictly Time Schedule for Scrutiny of Tenders Sl. Classification of tenders Maximum time allowed for scrutiny and CW Board no. disposal in days (if concerned) AE EE SE CE 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Tenders within the powers of 7 ----AE to award 2. Tenders within the powers of -15 --EE to award 3. Tenders to be accepted by SE -7 15 -4. Tenders to be accepted by CE -7 5* 20 5. Tenders to be accepted by -7 5* 15 15 ADG/DGW/CW Board Note: Period indicated above is in working days Justification of tenders. Justification statement shall be prepared for checking the reasonability of rates. The items to be considered should be so selected that have higher estimated cost and amount. One should start with the items having the highest estimated amount, and then the next lower amount in the descending order and so on, till at least 90% of the estimated amount is reached. Procedure for Conducting Negotiations (1) Negotiations should not normally be conducted with the tenderer, but in case where it becomes necessary to do so, negotiations should be restricted only to the lowest tenderer. Communication of acceptance/rejection of tenders after the tender for the work has been accepted, the same shall be communicated to the contractor. After submission of the performance security /guarantee by the contractor in an acceptable form,an intimation to commence the work shall be given Re-invitation of tenders. If the lowest tenderer backs out, there should be re-tendering in a transparent and fair manner. In such a situation, the NIT approving authority may

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advise call for limited or short notice tender if so justified in the interest of work and take decision on the basis of lowest tender Security Deposit and Performance Guarantee Performance guarantee =Time for completion+60 days (1) The successful tenderer, hereafter referred to as the contractor, shall deposit an amount equal to 5% of the tendered ( For works more than 15.00 Lakh) and accepted value of the work (without limit) Deposit at Call Receipt/Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order of a Scheduled Bank. (In case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000/-) Government securities. Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank.

Security Deposit ( For works more than 15.00 Lakh) (1) The security deposit shall be collected by deductions from the running bills of the contractors at A sum @ 5% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor, till the sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money amounts to security deposit @ 5% of the tendered amount of the work. Security deposit can be released against bank guarantee issued by a schedule bank on its accumulation to a minimum amount of Rs. 5 lakhs subject to the condition that amount of any bank guarantee except last one, shall not be less than Rs. 5 lakhs. (2) Security deposit ( For works up to 15.00 Lakh) = S.D. shall be 10% of the tender value of the work. FDRs as Security Deposit (1) Since Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) are not Government securities, there is no objection to their being accepted even if the period for the completion of the work is less than one year. It is further clarified that the Fixed Deposit Receipts should be accepted as security even if it does not cover the stipulated period/extended period, defect liability period. Refund of Security Deposit and Performance Guarantee Refund of Performance Guarantee The performance guarantee shall be refunded to the contractor soon after the completion of the work and recording of the completion certificate as above.

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Refund of Security Deposit (1) In the case of works executed against agreements in Forms BSNLW7 & 8 the refund of security deposit to a contractor on the completion of works is regulated by Clause 17 thereof. This clause envisages the issue of a completion certificate in terms of Clause 8 of the Contract. Such completion certificate shall be issued by the authority in a manner detailed under section 29. (2) The period of maintenance as prescribed in Clause 17 of the Contract will be counted from the date of completion as recorded in the certificate mentioned above. The security deposit of the contractor should be refunded by the Executive Engineer after the prescribed maintenance period as stipulated in the agreement or after the date in which the final bill has been prepared and passed for payment, whichever is later. The period of maintenance as prescribed in Clause 17 of the Contract (i) Six months for works up to 15.00 Lakh excluding Road work (ii) Twelve months for works more then 15.00 Lakh & Road work

Extra Substituted and Deviated Items of Work Deviations Deviation means deviation in quantities of items, i.e. where there is increase or decrease in the quantities of items of work in the agreement. Market rates for quantities deviating beyond certain limit As per provisions of clause 12.2 of Agmt., in case of agreement items, substituted item, agreement cum substituted items which exceed the limit stipulated in schedule F, for excess quantities. Engineer-in-Charge shall consider the analysis submitted by contractor and determine the rates on basis of market rates. The rates should be worked out by adopting the market rates of material/labour, prevailing at the time of occurance of excess, in the relevant item as adopted in the justification (1) Deviations in quantities of individual item upto + 10% of agreement quantities will not need any prior approval of TS authority and sanction of deviations is not required. (2) Deviations beyond this limit of + 10% should not be made at site without in principle approval of TS authority. Once in principle approval is obtained, the total deviations (including initial + 10%) shall be sanctioned by officers as per delegation of powers

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The rates for deviated quantities beyond deviation limits are to be based on market rates. The work shall not be suspended on the plea of non-settlement of rates. Extra/Substituted Items Definition (1) Extra items of work are items that are completely new, and are in addition to the items contained in the contract. (2) Substituted items are items that are taken up with partial modification or in lieu of items of work in the contract. Nomenclature of Item The wordings of the extra/substituted items sanctioned by the competent authorities should be properly formulated so as to reflect the exact mode of execution in the field. Prior sanction of competent authority necessary (1) No extra/substituted item should be executed or approved without the prior concurrence of its necessity by the authority who accorded the technical sanction. (2) The item shall be operated as per powers for sanctioning the substituted/extra items Clause 12.2 provides that in case of contract items, substituted items, contractcum-substituted items, which result in exceeding the limits specified in Schedule F, the contractor shall within 15 days from the receipt of order or occurance of excess can claim revision of rates for the quantities exceeding the deviation limit. Such claims should be submitted by him duly supported by analysis. The Engineer-in-charge shall revise the rates based on market rates within one month of receipt of such claims. The rate of extra items and deviation items beyond the permissible limit will be worked out at market rates prevailing at the time of commencement of execution of these items. For substituted items, the agreement rate of the original item will be adjusted for the difference in market rates of original and substituted items. The analysis of rates on market rates should be on similar lines as adopted in the justification of tender.

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E2-E3/Civil Chief Technical Examiners Organisation.

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The Chief Technical Examiners Organisation is the technical wing of the Central Vigilance Commission. The Chief Technical Examiners Organisation conducts inspections of works of civil from the vigilance angle on its own or on a complaint being received by/referred to them. The inspections can be carried out by them for works of any magnitude, both in respect of original and repair works. Inspection by CTE (1) Intimation regarding the inspection/examination of works by the CTE is sent by CTE to the Executive Engineer concerned with a copy to the Superintending Engineer well in advance. In order to enable the inspection to be carried out properly, various documents relevant to the work are generally asked for by the CTE to be kept ready at site. This list is not exhaustive/comprehensive. Any other record considered relevant for inspection can be called for by them. The inspection reports are sent by the CTE to the Executive Engineer concerned, to which the Executive Engineer shall reply within the period mentioned in the letter Normally the recoveries of overpayments pointed out by the CTE should be made within a period of 3 months from the date of issue of memorandum by the CTE In no case, action to recover the overpaid amount should be kept pending, or be kept in abeyance on account of the case being before the Arbitrator List of documents considered essential for inspections by CTE and which may be called for examination of a work. (1) Press Cuttings, including extended dates, if any (i) For pre-qualification of architects/consultants. (ii) For pre-qualifications of contractors. (iii) Call of tenders. (b) Register of sale of tenders, (c) Register of opening of tender. File giving reference to financial sanction and approval of competent administrative authority Preliminary estimate.


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E2-E3/Civil (3) (4) (5)

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(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)

Copy of detailed estimate and its technical sanction by competent technical authority Approved N.I.T. (Notice Inviting Tenders) in original. Rejected tenders and comparative statements for : (a) Selection of architects/consultants. . (b) Short-listing or pre-qualification of tenders. (c) Other tenders. Justification statement and corresponding notings in support of tenders/offers accepted. Details of negotiations, if any, made before acceptance of tenders. Original contracts with consultant/contractor. Guarantee Bonds etc. towards security for work, machinery/mobilisation advance etc. including extension of validity. Insurance policies for work, materials, equipment, men etc. including extension of validity. Guarantees for water tightness, termite proofing etc. Standard specifications. Standard Schedule of Rates. Drawings -architectural and structural. All connected Measurement Books, Level Books, field books and lead chart. All Running Account Bills with all connected statements/vouchers etc. Statement showing details of check of measurements by superior officers copies of orders laying down such requirements. Materials at site accounts/dismantled materials record. Site Order Books/Texts records/Log Books. Details of extra/substituted items and of deviated quantities being executed/ considered for execution in the work along with analysis of rates. Hindrance Register. Office correspondence files and inspection notes, if any, issued by inspecting officers. Complaint records, if any. Any other documents relevant to the works.

Responsibility for Quality of Work (1) The officer who records/test checks the measurements for an item of work will be responsible for the quality, quantity and dimensional accuracy of the work. (2) The Assistant Engineer should make special efforts to be present at site when concreting is going on and must ensure quality of the concrete in work through

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appropriate fineness module of fine aggregate, proper grading of coarse aggregate in relation to the grade of cement used Inspection of Buildings/Installations for Safety (1) The Junior Engineers are required to inspect all buildings/structures twice a year to ensure that the building/structure is not unsafe for use, and they shall record a certificate to that effect. All buildings/structures are also required to be inspected once a year by the Assistant Engineer-in-charge to ensure that the building/structure is not unsafe for use The payments to contractors and others for the work done or other services rendered are made on the basis of measurements recorded in the Measurement Book.

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Questions:1. What are the various stages of execution of work? Discuss in detail about each stage. 2. What are the various types of estimates? What are the data, inputs required for preparation of each type of estimate? 3. What is a M.B.? How measurements are recorded in M.B.? How corrections are done in M.B.? What are the entries which are mandatorily required to be entered while recording measurements? 4. What is SMB? Which is the relevant form for SMB? Discuss about necessity of SMB and provisions where it is used? 5. What are the provisions about test check of measurements by SDE(C) & EE(C)? Precisely discuss, highlighting the important points with respect to test check of measurements. 6. Please write brief notes on bill register, cement register, hand receipt. 7. What are the provisions about publicity of tenders? Please elaborate. 8. What are the processes involved in receipt, opening and acceptance of tenders. Brief the CVC provisions about conducting negotiation with LI. 9. What are the provisions about release of security and performance guarantee for different tender amounts? Mention the stages also, after which SD/PG become due for release. 10. Please define the following:- (a) Extra item. (b) Substitute item.(c) Deviation.(d) Revised estimate.(e) Supplementary estimate.(f) Recasting of estimate.

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