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The key takeaways are that Oracle B2B is a middleware integration platform that supports various protocols like EDI, XML, and file-based integrations between applications and trading partners.

The main components of Oracle B2B are the user interface, document editor, analyzer, data generator, Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle WebLogic Server, and Oracle Metadata Service repository.

Some of the protocols supported by Oracle B2B are EDI X12, EDIFACT, HL7, OAG, RosettaNet, UCCnet, custom and positional flat file protocols.

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Users Guide for Oracle B2B 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


May 2009

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E10229-01 Copyright 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: D. K. Bradshaw Contributing Author: Mark Kennedy Contributor: Oracle B2B development, product management, and quality assurance teams This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. ix ix x x

Part I 1

Introduction to Oracle B2B

Introduction to Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B and Business-to-Business E-Commerce.......................................................................... Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B....................................................................................................... Features in Preview Mode ...................................................................................................................... Oracle B2B Metadata ............................................................................................................................... Security Features of Oracle B2B ............................................................................................................ How Does Oracle B2B Fit into a SOA Implementation?.................................................................. Sending a Purchase Order: An Example of a SOA Implementation.............................................. Oracle B2B Samples ................................................................................................................................. Administering Oracle B2B in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment ............................... 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-8 1-8

Getting Started with Oracle B2B

What You Need to Get Started with Oracle B2B ................................................................................ 2-1 Logging in to Oracle B2B ........................................................................................................................ 2-2 Finding Port Information .................................................................................................................. 2-3 Enabling the weblogic User for Logging in to Oracle B2B........................................................... 2-4 Using the Oracle B2B Interface.............................................................................................................. 2-4 Administration ................................................................................................................................... 2-5 Partners................................................................................................................................................ 2-5 Reports ................................................................................................................................................. 2-6 Metrics ................................................................................................................................................. 2-7 Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow ...................................................... 2-8 Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment ........................................................... 2-13 What You May Need To Know About Using Oracle B2B.............................................................. 2-14 Enabling Debug Mode at Run Time............................................................................................. 2-14 Logging Out: SSO Logout Configuration for Oracle Access Manager ................................... 2-14


Part II

Oracle B2B Process Flow

3 Creating Guideline Files

Introduction to Oracle B2B Document Editor .................................................................................... 3-1 Installing Oracle B2B Document Editor .............................................................................................. 3-3 Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example............................................................................ 3-3

Creating Document Definitions

Introduction to Document Protocols .................................................................................................... 4-1 Creating Document Definitions............................................................................................................ 4-3 Deleting a Document Definition .......................................................................................................... 4-7

Configuring Trading Partners

Introduction to Trading Partners .......................................................................................................... 5-1 Creating Trading Partner Profiles ......................................................................................................... 5-2 Adding Trading Partner Users ............................................................................................................... 5-7 Adding Document Definitions.............................................................................................................. 5-9 Configuring Channels.......................................................................................................................... 5-10 About MLLP .................................................................................................................................... 5-20 Adding Channel Details ...................................................................................................................... 5-21 Using the Auto Create Agreement Feature....................................................................................... 5-29 Using Identifiers for Trading Partner Lookup................................................................................. 5-30

Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements

Introduction to Agreements ................................................................................................................... Creating an Agreement ........................................................................................................................... Deploying an Agreement........................................................................................................................ Redeploying an Agreement.............................................................................................................. Deleting and Exporting Agreements .................................................................................................... 6-1 6-2 6-5 6-6 6-6

Part III

Oracle B2B Administration

7 Using Document Protocols

Using the Custom Document Protocol................................................................................................. 7-2 How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document .................................. 7-5 Option 1: Specify the XPath and the Matching Value ........................................................... 7-5 Option 2: Check for the Existence of a Node .......................................................................... 7-6 Option 3: Check the Value of an Attribute.............................................................................. 7-7 Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol..................................................................................... 7-7 Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol ............................................................................................. 7-12 Using the HL7 Document Protocol .................................................................................................... 7-16 Using the OAG Document Protocol .................................................................................................. 7-20 Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol.......................................................................... 7-22 Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol........................................................................................ 7-24 PIPs.................................................................................................................................................... 7-24


RosettaNet Dictionaries.................................................................................................................. RosettaNet Validation .................................................................................................................... Using the UCCnet Document Protocol ............................................................................................. Summary of Document Protocol Parameter Types ......................................................................... Changing Document Definitions....................................................................................................... Changing Document Definitions After Deploying an Agreement .......................................... Changing Document Definitions After Importing Metadata ................................................... Using Document Routing IDs ............................................................................................................

7-28 7-28 7-29 7-31 7-32 7-33 7-33 7-33

8 Managing Deployments
Introduction to Agreement Deployment States ................................................................................. Managing Deployed Agreements ......................................................................................................... Searching for Deployed Agreements .............................................................................................. Changing the Deployment State ...................................................................................................... Exporting an Active Agreement ...................................................................................................... 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-3

9 Creating Types
Creating Custom Identifier Types......................................................................................................... 9-1 Creating Custom Contact Information Types ..................................................................................... 9-4 Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types .......................................................................... 9-4


Importing and Exporting Data

Importing and Exporting the Design-Time Repository................................................................. 10-1 What Is Copied When You Import or Export from the Import/Export Tab................................ 10-3 About the Exported File ....................................................................................................................... 10-4

11 Batching EDI Messages

Setting Up a Batch ................................................................................................................................. 11-1 Managing Batched Messages .............................................................................................................. 11-4


Managing Callouts
Introduction to Callouts....................................................................................................................... Creating a Callout Library JAR File ............................................................................................. Creating a Callout.................................................................................................................................. Including a Callout in an Agreement................................................................................................ Implementing a Callout ....................................................................................................................... 12-1 12-3 12-3 12-5 12-6


Purging Data
Purging Design Metadata and Instance Data .................................................................................. 13-1

14 Configuring Listening Channels

Adding a Listening Channel and Protocol ....................................................................................... 14-1 Using Transport Protocols.................................................................................................................... 14-3 Adding Listening Channel Details.................................................................................................... 14-4

Configuring a Listening Channel ...................................................................................................... 14-7

15 Configuring B2B System Parameters

Setting Configuration Parameters...................................................................................................... 15-1

Part IV Reports and Metrics 16 Creating Reports

Introduction to Reports ........................................................................................................................ The Monitor User Role ................................................................................................................... Purging Messages ........................................................................................................................... Resubmitting Messages from Oracle B2B.................................................................................... Creating Business Message Reports .................................................................................................. Creating Wire Message Reports ......................................................................................................... Creating Application Message Reports ............................................................................................ Creating Error Reports........................................................................................................................ Creating Conversation Reports ........................................................................................................ 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-2 16-2 16-5 16-7 16-10 16-12

17 Using B2B Metrics

Introduction to B2B Metrics ................................................................................................................ 17-1 B2B System Metrics .............................................................................................................................. 17-2 B2B Partner Metrics .............................................................................................................................. 17-3

Part V

Scripts and Utilities

18 B2B Command Line Tools

Prerequisites for Running the Command Line Tools .................................................................... Purging Data........................................................................................................................................... Importing Data....................................................................................................................................... Exporting Data ....................................................................................................................................... Deploying Agreements ........................................................................................................................ Validating B2B Metadata ..................................................................................................................... CPP/CPA Templates .............................................................................................................................. CPP/CPA Import .................................................................................................................................... CPP/CPA Export..................................................................................................................................... Errors During Import............................................................................................................................ 18-1 18-2 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-4 18-5 18-5 18-6 18-6

19 Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data

Introduction to Archiving and Restoring B2B Business Messages ............................................. 19-1 Archiving B2B Business Messages .................................................................................................... 19-1 Restoring B2B Business Messages ..................................................................................................... 19-2


Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing

AQ Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities.................................................................................................. 20-1 AQ Enqueue..................................................................................................................................... 20-1


AQ Dequeue..................................................................................................................................... JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities ................................................................................................ JMS Enqueue.................................................................................................................................... EnqueueUsing a JMS JCA Adapter or Custom Utilities........................................................ JMS Dequeue....................................................................................................................................

20-2 20-3 20-3 20-4 20-4

Part VI Appendixes A Performance Tuning and Large Payloads

Settings for Performance Tuning.......................................................................................................... Memory Arguments ......................................................................................................................... Heap Size Settings............................................................................................................................. MDS Cache Size................................................................................................................................. Number of Threads........................................................................................................................... Stuck Thread Max Time ................................................................................................................... Tablespace .......................................................................................................................................... JTA Settings........................................................................................................................................ Handling Large Payloads....................................................................................................................... Introduction to Large Payload Support......................................................................................... Large Payloads and 32-Bit Windows PCs ..................................................................................... A-1 A-1 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-7

B Properties of b2b-config.xml
Turning off Validation During Deployment...................................................................................... MDS Cache Size ...................................................................................................................................... Number of Threads................................................................................................................................. Setting Up File, FTP, or Email in an HA Environment..................................................................... Setting Internal Properties for a Functional Acknowledgment ..................................................... Setting b2b.FAHandleByB2B for EDI EDIFACT and EDI X12 ...................................................... Setting the b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError Parameter .................................................................. B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-2 B-2 B-2

C Back-End Applications Interface

Mapping B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to SCA Normalized Message Properties ........................... C-1

Exception Handling
Inbound Messages .................................................................................................................................. Request or Response Messages ....................................................................................................... Acknowledgment Messages ............................................................................................................ Exception Messages .......................................................................................................................... Failures with Inbound ebMS, AS1, and AS2 Messages ............................................................... Outbound Messages ............................................................................................................................... Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios............................................................................................. Exception Payload Definition............................................................................................................... D-1 D-1 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-3 D-4




This guide describes how to use Oracle B2B.

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B is intended for businesses that need to extend business processes to trading partners, and want to design, deploy, monitor, and manage business process integrations.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/. Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace. Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Access to Oracle Support Services To reach Oracle Support Services, use a telecommunications relay service (TRS) to call Oracle Support at 1.800.223.1711. An Oracle Support Services engineer will handle technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service request process. Information about TRS is available at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/trs.html, and a list of phone numbers is available at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro/trsphonebk.html.


Related Documents
For information about Oracle SOA Suite products, see the following:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters

For information about the Java API documentation (Javadoc), see the following:

Oracle Fusion Middleware B2B Callout Java API Reference

The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention boldface italic monospace Meaning Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Part I
Part I

Introduction to Oracle B2B

This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1, "Introduction to Oracle B2B" Chapter 2, "Getting Started with Oracle B2B"


Introduction to Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B is an e-commerce gateway that enables the secure and reliable exchange of business documents between an enterprise and its trading partners. Oracle B2B supports business-to-business document standards, security, transports, messaging services, and trading partner management. The Oracle SOA Suite platform, of which Oracle B2B is a binding component, enables the implementation of e-commerce business processes. Oracle B2B also supports Health Level 7, which enables health care systems to communicate with each other. For more information about Oracle SOA Suite, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite. This chapter contains the following topics:

Oracle B2B and Business-to-Business E-Commerce Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B Features in Preview Mode Oracle B2B Metadata Security Features of Oracle B2B How Does Oracle B2B Fit into a SOA Implementation? Sending a Purchase Order: An Example of a SOA Implementation Oracle B2B Samples Administering Oracle B2B in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment

Oracle B2B and Business-to-Business E-Commerce

E-commerce is the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet, including business-to-business (B2B). In B2B e-commerce, an enterprise extends its business processes over the Internet to reach trading partners. B2B e-commerce represents classic business processes, mature business documents, and industry-tempered messaging services. It requires a unified business process platform, end-to-end instance tracking, visibility and auditing, integrated process intelligence, process and service governance, and centralized security. You can think of an e-commerce transaction between businesses as analogous to a mail or express carrier (shipping) transaction. In both kinds of transactions, the sender must consider the details required for packaging and sending an item, and the receivers requirements. Table 11 provides an example that compares the two kinds of transactions.

Introduction to Oracle B2B


Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B

Table 11

Comparing Traditional and E-Commerce Transactions: An Example Traditional Shipping Transaction E-Commerce Transaction Electronic document Document protocols: Custom, EDI EDIFACT, EDI X12, HL7, OAG, positional flat file, RosettaNet, UCCnet, and more Box, bubble wrap Truck, ship, airplane Packaging protocols: MIME, SMIME, SOAP, XMLDSig, XMLEncrypt Transport protocols: HTTP, File, FTP, SFTP (SSH FTP), TCP/IP, SMTP, MLLP Message exchange protocols: RNIF, AS1, AS2, ebMS Required?

What is the item to be shipped, that is, the transaction item?

Cell phone

How is the item packaged? How is the item sent and received?

Who is the carrier?


What carrier services are required?


Signed receipt Overnight/next day Delivery attempts

Nonrepudiation Time to acknowledge/respond Retry counts

This guide describes how to use Oracle B2B to define the document, the packaging, and the delivery, in addition to configuring trading partners, creating and deploying agreements, and monitoring a deployment.

Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B supports numerous industry-standard e-commerce protocols, as defined for a range of industries, including health care, retail, IT, telecom, electronics, manufacturing, the food industry, and more. Table 12 lists the protocols supported in Oracle B2B. Protocols marked with an asterisk (*) are in preview mode in this release.

1-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B

Table 12

Protocols Supported in Oracle B2B Protocol

Protocol Type Document protocol

Custom (user-defined) EDI EDIFACT, all versions EDI X12, all versions HL7, all versions RosettaNet PIP business documents OAG* Positional flat file (includes SAP iDoc)* UCCnet* Custom (non-XML)* NCPDP Telecom* EDIEL* MIME 1.0 S/MIME 2.0, S/MIME 3.0 SOAP XML digital signature (XMLDSig) XML encryption (XMLEncrypt) AQ Email (SMTP 1.0, IMAP 1.0, POP3) File FTP and SFTP (SSH FTP) HTTP (HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1) and HTTPS (HTTPS 1.0, HTTPS 1.1) JMS TCP/IP AS1-1.0*, AS2-1.1 MLLP-1.0 ebMS-1.0, ebMS-2.0 (ebXML Messaging Service) RosettaNet-01.10, RosettaNet-V02.00 Generic File-1.0 Generic AQ-1.0 Generic FTP-1.0 Generic SFTP-1.0 Generic JMS-1.0 Generic HTTP-1.0 Generic Email-1.0

Packaging protocol

Transport protocol

Message exchange protocol

About Document Types:

Using the Custom and positional flat file document protocols, you can use many other document types, including W3CXML Schema (OAGIS, xCBL, UBL, ebXML, and more). Use Oracle B2B Document Editor to create the guideline documents.

Introduction to Oracle B2B


Features in Preview Mode

Features in Preview Mode

The following document protocols are in preview mode for this release:

OAG See "Using the OAG Document Protocol" on page 7-20 for more information about this protocol.

Positional flat files, including SAP iDocs See "Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol" on page 7-22 for more information about this protocol.

UCCnet See "Using the UCCnet Document Protocol" on page 7-29 for more information about this protocol.

non-XML Custom See "Using the Custom Document Protocol" on page 7-2 for more information about this protocol.


The following message exchange protocols are in preview mode for this release:

AS1 See Chapter 5, "Configuring Trading Partners," and Chapter 14, "Configuring Listening Channels," for more information about AS1.

Command-line tools for the following operations are in preview mode for this release:

CPP/CPA Templates See "CPP/CPA Templates" on page 18-5 for more information.

CPP/CPA Import See "CPP/CPA Import" on page 18-5 for more information.

CPP/CPA Export See "CPP/CPA Export" on page 18-6 for more information.

The following B2B integration type is in preview mode for this release:

JMS See "Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment" on page 2-13 for more information, and see the Help for the B2B Configuration Wizard in Oracle JDeveloper.

Scripts for archiving and restoring data are in preview mode for this release. See Chapter 19, "Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data," for more information.

Use preview mode features with caution, particularly in production environments.

1-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Security Features of Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B Metadata

Oracle B2B instance data is stored and managed within the SOAINFRA schema of your database. Oracle B2B metadata for design-time and configuration is stored and managed through Metadata Services (MDS), available in Oracle Fusion Middleware. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more information about MDS.

Security Features of Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B leverages the security features of Oracle Platform Security Services, a comprehensive security platform framework. Oracle Platform Security Service supports:

Authentication Identity assertion and management Authorization The specification and management of application-specific policies Credential and key store management through the Credential Store Framework Auditing Role administration, and role and credential mappings The User and Role API Single sign-on solutions Security configuration and management Cryptography

The default administrator user created during Oracle SOA Suite installation is assigned the Administrator role, which has access to all Oracle B2B functionality. When logged in as the default administrator user, you can create additional users and assign the following roles:

Host AdministratorThis role has access to all Oracle B2B functionality. Only a host trading partner user can have the Administrator role for all data. Host MonitorThis role can access reports and view run-time data for all trading partners. Remote AdministratorThis role has limited access to the Partners page. Users with this role can view and edit only their own design data (channels, documents, and so on); can view only those agreements for which they are a partner; and can access only their own run-time report data. Remote MonitorThis role can access reports and view run-time data related to its own exchange with the host trading partner.

See "Adding Trading Partner Users" on page 5-7 for instructions on how to assign roles. The partner data you design, deploy, and manage with the Oracle B2B user interface is secured by its centralized storage in the Metadata Service (MDS) repository. Other security features include:

Transport protocol-based security for HTTP, FTP, and SMTP exchanges Digital envelopes and certificates

Introduction to Oracle B2B


How Does Oracle B2B Fit into a SOA Implementation?

Digital signatures for host and remote trading partners Integration with Credential Store Framework (CSF) for storing all passwords and security credentials Secure HTTP (using secure socket layer (SSL)) Encrypted Key Store password for a host trading partner


Oracle B2B does not support the CLIENT-CERT authentication method. Therefore, B2B is not able to post to OAM-SSO protected URLs.

See the following for more information about security:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide

How Does Oracle B2B Fit into a SOA Implementation?

As a business-to-business gateway, Oracle B2B is used to extend business processes to trading partners. When Oracle B2B is used in a SOA composite application, you can model an end-to-end business process integration. Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications. The multiple technology components of a composite application share common capabilities, including a single deployment and management model and tooling, end-to-end security, and unified metadata management. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developers Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for more information. In a SOA implementation, Oracle B2B functions as a binding component, with network protocols and services that enable message sending and receiving:

As a service (inbound), the SOA composite application receives messages from Oracle B2B As a reference (outbound), the SOA composite application passes a message to Oracle B2B, which in turn sends the message to partners.

In addition to messages, Oracle B2B can also send attachments and large payloads in a SOA implementation. See Appendix A, "Performance Tuning and Large Payloads," for information about handling large payloads.


With the integration of the B2B, Mediator, and BPEL components within Oracle SOA Suite, the XML Gateway Internal Delivery channels are not needed in Oracle B2B 11g to communicate with Oracle E-Business Suite. This can be achieved by using the Oracle Application Adapter available in Oracle SOA Suite.

Sending a Purchase Order: An Example of a SOA Implementation

The following example describes how the components of a SOA composite application are used to send a purchase order that originates from Oracle E-Business Suite, as shown in Figure 11.

1-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Sending a Purchase Order: An Example of a SOA Implementation

Figure 11 An Outbound Purchase Order in a SOA Composite Application

The outbound purchase order (P. O.) is an XML document that participates in an end-to-end business process as follows:
1. 2.

An application, for example, Oracle E-Business Suite, initiates the P. O. process. The P. O. document uses the application-generated XML. Oracle Mediator receives the P. O. from Oracle E-Business Suite. The P. O. is translated to canonical XML through XSLT Mapper, and is validated by using the schema obtained when the composite application was validated. Oracle Mediator routes the message to Oracle BPEL Process Manager. Oracle BPEL Process Manager receives the P. O. from Oracle Mediator. Business processes such as human workflow, business rules, and error handling can apply before Oracle BPEL Process Manager sends the P. O. back to Oracle Mediator. Oracle Mediator receives the P. O. from Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The P. O. is transformed from canonical XML to the target XML through XSLT Mapper and then routed to Oracle B2B. Oracle B2B receives the P. O. from Mediator, translates the P. O. to EDI native format, for example, and manages the interaction with the trading partner. Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) monitors the end-to-end process.



5. 6.

See the following for more information:

"Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment" on page 2-13 for how to include a B2B binding component in a SOA composite application Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for information about Oracle SOA Suite and SOA composite applications

Introduction to Oracle B2B


Oracle B2B Samples

Oracle B2B Samples

The B2B samples guide you through the steps to create guideline files, design B2B transactions, deploy and monitor trading partner agreements, and create and deploy SOA composite applications. The composite applications include a B2B binding component and use the document definitions that you create in Oracle B2B. Samples are available for the following document types:

Custom EDI EDIFACT EDI X12 HL7 RosettaNet

These end-to-end samples are based on a scenario in which two trading partners, Acme and GlobalChips, participate in a transaction. Acme is the initiator (the buyer, in the case of a purchase order scenario) and GlobalChips is the responder (the seller in a purchase order scenario). In the HL7 sample, Acme (initiator) sends an ADT_A01 admit patient message and receives an ACK_A01 acknowledgment from GlobalChips. The samples include instructions and sample document definition files for you to create all the documents, agreements, and SOA composites you need to run the samples. The completed SOA composite application is also provided for each sample. To download the samples, go to

See "What You Need to Get Started with Oracle B2B" on page 2-1 for the components required to use the samples.

Administering Oracle B2B in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment

The following components provide monitoring, configuration, and performance tuning capabilities for Oracle B2B:

SOA ServerSet memory arguments to optimize B2B performance. See "Memory Arguments" on page A-1 for more information.

b2b-config.xml fileSet the cache size for the Metadata Service instance. Also set the number of threads to improve B2B message processing. See "MDS Cache Size" on page A-2 and "Number of Threads" on page A-2 for more information.

Oracle WebLogic Server Administration ConsoleAdminister settings for performance tuning. See "Stuck Thread Max Time" on page A-3 for more information.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware ControlSet B2B Server properties to enable Enterprise Manager metrics and monitor the B2B Infrastructure. See "Administering B2B" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

Within the Oracle B2B interface, use the following for monitoring and configuration:

1-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Administering Oracle B2B in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment

Reports link See Chapter 16, "Creating Reports."

Metrics link See Chapter 17, "Using B2B Metrics."

Administration > Configuration tab See Chapter 15, "Configuring B2B System Parameters."

Introduction to Oracle B2B


Administering Oracle B2B in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment

1-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Getting Started with Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B provides a Web-based interface for creating B2B transactions. This chapter contains the following topics:

What You Need to Get Started with Oracle B2B Logging in to Oracle B2B Using the Oracle B2B Interface Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment What You May Need To Know About Using Oracle B2B

What You Need to Get Started with Oracle B2B

In addition to installing Oracle SOA Suite, which includes Oracle B2B, you will need to install:

Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle JDeveloper

Use the standards-based templates of Oracle B2B Document Editor to create guideline files. Then, using Oracle B2B, you create and deploy the transaction as part of a B2B agreement. To include the B2B transaction in a SOA composite application, use Oracle JDeveloper, as shown in Figure 21.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-1

Logging in to Oracle B2B

Figure 21 Oracle JDeveloper: A SOA Composite Application with a B2B Binding Component

See the following for more information:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for information on installing Oracle B2B as part of Oracle SOA Suite Chapter 3, "Creating Guideline Files" Oracle B2B Document Editor Help menu Oracle JDeveloper Help menu

Logging in to Oracle B2B

These instructions assume that you have installed Oracle SOA Suite, which includes Oracle B2B. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for more information. Use a supported Web browser:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x Mozilla Firefox 2.x Mozilla Firefox 3.x

To log in to Oracle B2B: 1. Open a supported Web browser and go to:



hostname is the name of the host on which Oracle SOA Suite is installed

2-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Logging in to Oracle B2B

port is the port number used by the Managed Server to listen for regular HTTP (non-SSL) connections. (In a cluster environment, the port can be the router port.) See "Finding Port Information" on page 2-3 for more information.

To access Oracle B2B when SAML is enabled or in Windows Native Authentication Environments, use the following protected servlet URL for automatic authentication:



On the log-in page, enter the following:

Do... Enter the default administrator user name. Use the administrator password from your Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g installation.

For This Field... Username Password


Click Login.

Finding Port Information

You can find port number information in the following ways:

From Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

1. 2.

Log in to the console. In the Domain Structure pane, expand Environment and click Servers.


Note the Listen Port column for your server.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-3

Using the Oracle B2B Interface

From FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain_ name/config/config.xml

<server> <name>soa_server1</name> <ssl> <name>soa_server1</name> <listen-port>8002</listen-port> </ssl> <machine>LocalMachine</machine> <listen-port>8001</listen-port> <listen-address/> </server>

Enabling the weblogic User for Logging in to Oracle B2B

For the weblogic user in Oracle Internet Directory (OID) to log in to Oracle B2B as an administrator and search for users, the OID Authenticator must have an Administrators group, and the weblogic user must be a member of that group. To enable the weblogic user: 1. Create a weblogic user in OID using the LDAP browser. The users.ldif file is imported to OID as follows:
dn: cn=weblogic,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com objectclass: inetorgperson objectclass: organizationalPerson objectclass: person objectclass: orcluser objectclass: orcluserV2 objectclass: top sn: weblogic userpassword: welcome1 uid: weblogic 2.

Create an Administrators group in OID and assign the weblogic user to it. The groups.ldif file is imported to OID as follows:
dn: cn=Administrators,cn=Groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames objectclass: orclGroup objectclass: top owner: cn=orcladmin,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com uniquemember: cn=weblogic,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

Using the Oracle B2B Interface

B2B activities are grouped as follows:

Administration Partners Reports Metrics

2-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Oracle B2B Interface

Use the tabs of the Administration page, shown in Figure 22, to manage document protocols, deployments, types, importing and exporting, batching, callouts, purging, listening channels, and configuration. See Part III, "Oracle B2B Administration" for more information.
Figure 22 Administration Activities

Use the tabs of the Partners page, shown in Figure 23, to create and update trading partner information, create and update agreement information, add user information, associate documents with trading partners, set up channels, and configure the key store. See Part II, "Oracle B2B Process Flow" for more information.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-5

Using the Oracle B2B Interface

Figure 23 Partner Activities

Use the tabs of the Reports page, shown in Figure 24, to create and view reports about the instance (run-time) data. See Chapter 16, "Creating Reports," for more information.

2-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Oracle B2B Interface

Figure 24 Reports

Use the tabs of the Metrics page, as shown in Figure 25, to see information about deployed agreements, such as lists of the active document types and trading partners, and run-time status, such as error messages and message counts. See Chapter 17, "Using B2B Metrics," for more information.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-7

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

Figure 25 Metrics

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

Figure 26 shows the B2B process flow, which starts with creating B2B guideline files in Oracle B2B Document Editor and continues with using the Oracle B2B interface to create document definitions, configure trading partners, and create and deploy agreements.
Figure 26 Oracle B2B Process Flow
Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle B2B

Create Document Guidelines

Create Document Definitions

Configure Trading Partners

4 5
Create Agreements Deploy Agreements

2-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

Step 1: Create guideline files (ECS and optional XSD files) in Oracle B2B Document Editor Using Oracle B2B Document Editor, shown in Figure 27, create transaction documents based on templates for hundreds of industry-standard protocols. The Oracle B2B Document Editor is required only when translation is needed. For XML documents, the editor is not used.
Figure 27 Creating a Document in Oracle B2B Document Editor

For information on Oracle B2B Document Editor, see the following:

Chapter 3, "Creating Guideline Files." The Help menu of Oracle B2B Document Editor, as shown in Figure 28.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-9

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

Figure 28 Oracle B2B Document Editor Help

Step 2: Create document definitions Using the Administration > Document tab of Oracle B2B, shown in Figure 29, select from a list of document protocols, and then provide a document protocol version name, a document type name, and a document definition name. (For a Custom document, rather than selecting from the list of document protocols, you add a custom protocol name to the list in the Document Protocols folder.)
Figure 29 Creating a Document Definition

2-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

After selecting the ECS and optional XSD files you created in Step 1, you have created the document definition. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions." Step 3: Configure trading partners Using the tabs of the Partners page of Oracle B2B, shown in Figure 210, add or update trading partner names, add identifiers and optional contact information, view parameters, add documents and delivery channels, and add key store information.
Figure 210 Configuring Trading Partners

For more information, see Chapter 5, "Configuring Trading Partners." Step 4: Create agreements Using the Partners > Agreement tab of Oracle B2B, shown in Figure 211, create an agreement that specifies the trading partners involved and associates the document definitions, channels, and identifiers with the agreement.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-11

Creating a B2B Transaction: An Overview of the Process Flow

Figure 211 Creating a Trading Partner Agreement

For more information, see Chapter 6, "Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements." Step 5: Deploy agreements Using the Administration > Deploy tab of Oracle B2B, shown in Figure 212, search for and deploy agreements.
Figure 212 Searching for and Deploying Agreements

2-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment

Using Oracle B2B in the Oracle JDeveloper Environment

To include Oracle B2B in an SOA composite application, use the B2B Configuration Wizard as follows: To access the B2B binding component: 1. In Oracle JDeveloper, open the composite for which you want to add a B2B binding component.

From the SOA > Service Adapters panel of the Component Palette, drag B2B to one of the following:

To the Exposed Services area when B2B is used as a service (inbound) to receive messages from trading partners and deliver them to SOA composite applications. Oracle B2B is the entry point to the SOA composite application. The External References area when B2B is used as a reference (outbound) to send messages from the SOA composite application to partners.


Follow the steps in the B2B Configuration Wizard of Oracle JDeveloper. Select a document definition that was previously created in Oracle B2B. Or, you can launch Oracle B2B from the wizard to create a document definition.

Getting Started with Oracle B2B 2-13

What You May Need To Know About Using Oracle B2B


The JMS option on the B2B Integration Type page of the B2B Configuration Wizard is in preview mode. If you want to use this option to communicate with Oracle B2B through JMS queues, start Oracle JDeveloper in preview mode as follows:

ORACLE_JDEV_HOME\jdeveloper\jdeveloper -J"-DPREVIEW_MODE=true"

What You May Need To Know About Using Oracle B2B

This section contains topics to help with troubleshooting.

Enabling Debug Mode at Run Time

Use Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control to enable logging (SOA Infrastructure > Logs > Log Configuration). See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for more information. An alternative is to edit the logging.xml file at

Logging Out: SSO Logout Configuration for Oracle Access Manager

In web.xml, the success_url parameter of oracle.adf.share.security.authentication.AuthenticationServlet must contain an SSO logout URL, such as ../access/oblix/lang/en-us/logout.html, to ensure that the URL is accessible and does not result in a 404 error. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guidefor information about Oracle Single Sign-On and Oracle Access Manager.

2-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Part II
Part II

Oracle B2B Process Flow

This part describes the Oracle B2B process flow. This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 3, "Creating Guideline Files" Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions" Chapter 5, "Configuring Trading Partners" Chapter 6, "Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements"


Creating Guideline Files

The first step in the Oracle B2B process flow, shown in Figure 31, is to create guideline files.
Figure 31 Oracle B2B Process Flow
Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle B2B

Create Document Guidelines

Create Document Definitions

Configure Trading Partners

4 5
Create Agreements Deploy Agreements

Oracle B2B Document Editor is a guideline creation and implementation application for defining and managing custom document definitions for Oracle B2B transactions. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Oracle B2B Document Editor Installing Oracle B2B Document Editor Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

For complete documentation on the document editor, see the Oracle B2B Document Editor Help menu.

Introduction to Oracle B2B Document Editor

Oracle B2B Document Editor is a guideline creation and implementation application for business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce). Use the document editor to simplify developing, migrating, testing, distributing, and printing your electronic business (e-business) guideline documents. You can create new guideline documents or use the document editor's comprehensive library of standards as templates. Using an existing standard as a template, you can create new guidelines by changing the attributes of underlying segments, elements, and codes. You can also create a guideline file from a data file. Figure 32 shows the types of available document guidelines: delimited flat file, EDI, HL7 2.x, HL7v3, NCPDP, ParserSchema, positional flat file (which includes SAP iDocs), RosettaNet, and XMLSchema.

Creating Guideline Files


Introduction to Oracle B2B Document Editor

Figure 32 Document Guidelines Available in Oracle B2B Document Editor

In addition to using the RosettaNet document guide lines in the document editor, you can also download standard DTD files from the RosettaNet Web site. After creating a custom guideline file, use the Oracle B2B interface to include the documents in the document definition, as shown in Figure 33. See "Creating Document Definitions" on page 4-3 for more information about this step.

3-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

Figure 33 Importing XSD and ECS File Created in Oracle B2B Document Editor

In Figure 33, orders.xsd and orders.ecs are imported to create the document definition. The ECS file is required in B2B for translating and validating documents. The XSD is optional in B2B; however, it provides an easy reference to the document schema when modeling a SOA composite for sending and receiving the document.

Installing Oracle B2B Document Editor

Oracle B2B Document Editor is installed from the Oracle B2B Document Editor CD. Oracle B2B Document Editor runs on Microsoft Windows only (Win 2000, WinXP, Vista1 32-bit and 64-bit, and Windows Server 2003), and requires the Microsoft .NET framework (installed automatically from the CD) for full support of W3C XML Schema guidelines. Complete installation instructions are available from the Oracle B2B Document Editor Help menu by searching on installation and displaying the Preparation topic. A list of new features in this release of the document editor is also provided.

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

The following example describes how to create the guideline filesthe ECS and XSD files required to send an EDIFACT D98A purchase order, and how to generate and validate test data files based on the D98AORDERS guideline. To create the EDIFACT transaction documents for this scenario, do the following:

Task 1, "Create the ECS File" Task 2, "Create the XSD File" Task 3, "Generate Data Using the ECS File" Task 4, "Analyze the Data"

When using Microsoft Vista, do not install Oracle B2B Document Editor in the program folder, for which admin privilege is needed.

Creating Guideline Files


Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

Task 1 Create the ECS File Using an existing EDIFACT guideline (standard) as a template, create a purchase order guideline file called orders.ecs.
1. 2.

Open Oracle B2B Document Editor. Click New Document and then EDI.

3. 4.

Expand EDIFACT and D98A. Select ORDERS - Purchase order message and click Next.

3-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example


Ensure that Insert Envelope Segments is not selected and click Finish.

Creating Guideline Files


Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

Oracle B2B Document Editor is preseeded with all versions of the interchange (envelope). Oracle B2B handles the envelop based on the settings. Select this option only if you require a variation from the standard (for example, if you want to use a nonstandard qualifier for the partner identification code qualifier in the interchange sender or recipient, then add a required value in the codelist).

(Optional) Edit the segment-level details. No edits are needed for this scenario.

3-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

7. 8.

From File, select Save. Accept the default directory and enter orders.ecs for the file name. By default, the ECS file is saved to My Documents\Oracle\Oracle B2B\ Guidelines.

Task 2 Create the XSD File Using the guideline file in its internal format (the ECS file), create an XML schema definition file (the XSD format) to use with Oracle B2B.

From File, select Open.

Creating Guideline Files


Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

2. 3. 4.

Select orders.ecs and click Open. From File, select Export. In the Export Wizard, select Oracle B2B 2.0 from the list of export types and click Next. Use the Oracle B2B 2.0 export type to provide a namespace of your choice, as in urn:oracle:b2b:EDIFACT/D98A/ORDERS for this example. (Use the Oracle B2B option to have a fixed namespace provided for you.)


In the Export Destination dialog, do the following and click Next.

Accept the default directory Select Save guideline before exporting Select Show advanced options

The XSD file is saved with the ECS file in My Documents\Oracle\Oracle B2B\Guidelines.

In the XSD Namespace Options dialog, do the following and click Next.

Select Custom namespace Provide a namespace, in this example, urn:oracle:b2b:EDIFACT/D98A/ORDERS


In the Templates Configuration dialog, click Next. No edits to the elements in the template are needed in this scenario.


In the Conversion Options dialog, do the following and click Next.

3-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

Check the Suppress Enumeration in XSD option. This is recommended because code lists are in the ECS file. Suppressing enumeration reduces the XSD size considerably. Check the Use this export module instead of default during XData generation option.


In the Document Conversion Options dialog, accept the default, Allow to use SegmentCount macro, and click Next. The SegmentCount macro counts the number of segments. The data type of the XSD element is changed from numeric to string to enable the count.

10. Ensure that the Launch Oracle B2B option is not select (it is not needed in this

scenario) and click Next. If you want to start Oracle B2B, enter the URL for your B2B interface (http://host_name:port/b2b).
11. In the Macro Nodes dialog, click Next.

No macros are needed for any of the nodes in this scenario. If you see the message "Some characters were replaced in XSD names because they are not allowed," click OK.
12. Click Finish.

The orders.xsd file is created in Oracle B2B 2.0 format. Task 3 Generate Data Using the ECS File Using the Data Generator, create a test data file based on the guideline.

Click Data Generator.

Creating Guideline Files


Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

2. 3.

Select New Test Case and click Next. Click Generate and click Next. This step generates new data using the specified data dictionaries.

4. 5. 6.

Select From a guideline file, select ORDERS.ecs, and click Next. Select Select Envelope Segments from the Standards Database and click Next. Select the Syntax 3 envelope segment and click Next.


Select Use directly from the Standards Database and click Next. The envelope segments are not incorporated in the guideline file.

8. 9.

Select Mandatory + Percentage of optional data and move the slider to indicate the percentage. Select User Option and click Next.

10. Select Any size and click Next. 11. Select Do not reset and click Next. 12. Set the repeat count options, depending on how many messages you want

13. Select any data dictionaries you want to use. 14. Accept the default delimiters and click Next.

3-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

15. Click Output Data file name, enter C:\D98A_ORDERS.dat and click Next.

The DAT file opens.

16. Save and close the file.

Task 4 Analyze the Data Using the Analyzer, validate the data file against the orders.ecs guideline file, and test the data file against the standard to check for required segments or elements that may be missing.

Click Analyzer.

Creating Guideline Files 3-11

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

2. 3.

Browse for D98A_orders.dat and click Next. Ensure that Show Advanced Options is selected and click Next.


In the Clean Up Data File dialog, click Next. No preprocessing is needed in this scenario.


In the Data Structure dialog, click Next. The entire document is validated by default.


Select the guideline file (ECS file) against which to check the data. Do the following and click Next.

Select From a guideline file. Select orders.ecs.


Select Select Envelope Segments from the Standards Database and click Next. The selected guideline file (ECS file) does not contain envelope segments.


Select the Syntax 3 envelope segment and click Next.

3-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example


Select Use directly from the Standards Database and click Next. The envelope segments are not incorporated in the guideline file.

10. In the Analyzer Mode and Outputs dialog, accept the default settings, set

Generate XData (XML) to Always and click Next. The results, including any error messages, are displayed.

Creating Guideline Files 3-13

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

To view the data in XML format, click the XML icon in the upper right corner.

Use the View as XML (shown) and View as HTML options to view the data. Click the Save Data As icon to export the XML report as an XML file.

3-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

Creating Guideline Files 3-15

Creating Guideline Files: EDIFACT D98 Example

3-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Creating Document Definitions

The second step in the Oracle B2B process flow, shown in Figure 41, is to create document definitions.
Figure 41 Oracle B2B Process Flow
Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle B2B

Create Document Guidelines

Create Document Definitions

Configure Trading Partners

4 5
Create Agreements Deploy Agreements

A document definition specifies the document protocolthe document protocol version and document typethat is used to validate the message. The document definition can be an ECS file, in the case of EDI and HL7 messages, or an XSD/DTD, in the case of XML messages. The same document definition is used by both the host and remote trading partner in a transaction. It must adhere to the standards for document protocols, protocol versions, and document types. This is straightfoward when you use Oracle B2B Document Editor to create the document guideline files (Step 1 in Figure 41) and then the Oracle B2B interface to import those files when creating the document definition (Step 2 in Figure 41). This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Document Protocols Creating Document Definitions Deleting a Document Definition

Introduction to Document Protocols

Figure 42 shows the document protocols supported in Oracle B2B. Using the Custom protocol and the many guideline documents in Oracle B2B Document Editor, you can define most protocols. When you add a new document protocol, it is always a Custom document.

Creating Document Definitions 4-1

Introduction to Document Protocols

Figure 42 Oracle B2B Document Protocols

You can think of a document protocol as a hierarchy, as shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43 Document Hierarchy

A document protocol can consist of multiple document protocol versions. A document protocol version can consist of multiple document types. A document type can consist of multiple document definitions. Typically, you start with one document definition and customize it for different trading partners. Figure 44 shows a document protocol hierarchy as it applies to EDI X12.
Figure 44 EDI X12 Document Hierarchy
Document Protocol (EDI X12)

Document Protocol Version (EDI X12 4010)

Document Type (850)

Document Definition (ECS/XSD file and associated information)

In the Oracle B2B interface, as you create a document definition, the document protocol hierarchy is reflected in the definition:

4-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Document Definitions

DocumentProtocolVersionDocumentTypeDocumentDefinitionName Example 41 shows the hierarchy reflected in the definition for an EDI EDIFACT document.
Example 41 Document Definition Name for an EDI EDIFACT Document

Document protocol: EDI_EDIFACT Document protocol version: D98A Document type: ORDERS Document definition: ORDERS_def The resulting document definition is EDI_EDIFACT-D98A-ORDERS-ORDERS-def Example 42 shows examples of document definitions for a Health Care 7 admit/visit notification and an X12 version 4010 purchase order, respectively.
Example 42 Document Definition Names for HL7 and X12 Documents

HL7-2.3.1-ACK_A01-ACK_A01_Doc_Def EDI_X12-4010-850-850def As part of the document definition, you provide the document guideline files, which are typically created in Oracle B2B Document Editor. (For Custom documents, you cannot use Oracle B2B Document Editor.) If validation is enabled, then, at run time, the payload must conform to the document definition file type you use. For more information on document protocols, see Chapter 7, "Using Document Protocols."

Creating Document Definitions

After using Oracle B2B Document Editor to create the transaction set files, use the Oracle B2B interface to create the document definition and import the transaction set files.

The document version, document type, and document definition are not editable after they are created. You must delete the specific document element (version, type, or definition) and create a new one. Updating the document elements after creation can lead to metadata inconsistency, metadata validation issues, and run-time errors.

To create a document definition: 1. Click the Administration tab.

2. 3.

Click the Document tab. Select one of the document protocols.

Creating Document Definitions 4-3

Creating Document Definitions

To create a new Custom document with a name that you provide, for example, MyXML_Document, click the Document Protocols folder, click Add, and provide a protocol name. Do not use an existing document protocol name.


Click New Version. (An EDI EDIFACT document is shown for illustration.)

4-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Document Definitions


Enter a version name, provide document version parameters as applicable, and click Save. The version is used for document identification and can be case sensitive and use a fixed syntax, depending on the protocol.

For parameter descriptions, see the following:

Table 74, " Document Version Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document" on page 7-8 Table 78, " Document Version Parameters for an EDI X12 Document" on page 7-13 Table 711, " Document Version Parameters for an HL7 Document" on page 7-17

Creating Document Definitions 4-5

Creating Document Definitions

6. 7.

With the new version name selected, click New Type. Enter a document type name, provide document type parameters as applicable, and click Save. The version is used for document identification and can be case sensitive and use a fixed syntax, depending on the protocol.

For parameter descriptions, see the following:

Table 71, " Document Type Parameters for a Custom Document" on page 7-3 Table 75, " Document Type Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document" on page 7-10. Table 79, " Document Type Parameters for an EDI X12 Document" on page 7-14 Table 712, " Document Type Parameters for an HL7 Document" on page 7-19 Table 717, " Document Type Parameters for a RosettaNet Document" on page 7-26

8. 9.

With the new document type name selected, click New Definition. Enter a document definition name and do the following:

Browse for an optional definition (XSD) file for any of the document protocols. Browse for the required transaction set ECS file for the following protocols: EDI EDIFACT, EDI X12, HL7, and positional flat file. Provide document type parameters as applicable.

4-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Deleting a Document Definition

For parameter descriptions, see the following:

Table 72, " Document Definition Parameters for a Custom Document" on page 7-4 Table 76, " Document Definition Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document" on page 7-11 Table 710, " Document Definition Parameters for an EDI X12 Document" on page 7-15. Table 713, " Document Definition Parameters for an HL7 Document" on page 7-19 Table 714, " Document Definition Parameters for an OAG Document" on page 7-21 Table 715, " Document Definition Parameters for a Positional Flat File" on page 7-23 Table 718, " Document Definition Parameters for a RosettaNet Document" on page 7-27 Table 720, " Document Definition Parameters for a UCCnet Document" on page 7-30

10. Click Save.

Deleting a Document Definition

To delete a document definition, first delete all agreements that use that document definition and then remove the supported document definitions from the host and all remote trading partners that reference the definition.

Creating Document Definitions 4-7

Deleting a Document Definition

4-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Configuring Trading Partners

The third step in the Oracle B2B process flow, shown in Figure 51, is to configure the trading partners.
Figure 51 Oracle B2B Process Flow
Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle B2B

Create Document Guidelines

Create Document Definitions

Configure Trading Partners

4 5
Create Agreements Deploy Agreements

Configuring a trading partner includes creating a trading partner profile (providing values for identifiers, contact information, trading partner parameters, and Key Store information); adding trading partner users; adding document definitions and assigning sender and receiver roles, and configuring channel details, including security. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Trading Partners Creating Trading Partner Profiles Adding Trading Partner Users Adding Document Definitions Configuring Channels Using the Auto Create Agreement Feature Using Identifiers for Trading Partner Lookup

Introduction to Trading Partners

In Oracle B2B, a transaction involves two trading partners, the host trading partner and a remote trading partner. The host trading partner is the organization where Oracle B2B is installed. The remote trading partner is the organization with whom the host trading partner conducts an e-business transaction. A trading partner can have host (back-end) applications, databases, or customers to involve in the transaction. Either the initiator of a transaction or the responder can be the host or the remote trading partner.
Configuring Trading Partners 5-1

Creating Trading Partner Profiles

The host trading partner organization configures all the trading partners, host and remote. By using the trading partner users created for each remote trading partner by the host trading partner, remote partners can access their own data in Oracle B2B. Figure 52 shows the steps to configure a trading partner.
Figure 52 Configuring Trading Partners

Configure Trading Partners

Create Trading Partner Profiles

Create Trading Partner Users

Add Document Definitions

Configure Channels

Update the
Default Host Trading Partner Name Add a Remote Trading Partner Add Identifier Types and Values Add Contact Information Browse for a Trading Partner Parameter File Add a Java Key Store for the Host Trading System

Add a Channel Provide

Transport Protocol Parameters Provide Channel Attributes Provide Exchange Protocol Parameters Configure Security

Creating Trading Partner Profiles

Oracle B2B supplies a default host trading partner name, MyCompany, which you update to reflect your enterprise. After you create one or more remote trading partners, use the cloning feature to create new trading partners that participate in similar transactions. Cloning copies the source trading partners document definitions and delivery channels (except MLLP channels), but does not copy identifiers, contacts, and users. Renaming the delivery channel in the newly created trading partner is recommended. After you create and configure a trading partner, the information is saved as a trading partner profile in Oracle Metadata Repository. Partner data can be exported to a ZIP file by using the Export button on the Profile tab. To create a trading partner profile, do the following:

Task 1, "Update the Default Host Trading Partner Name" Task 2, "Add a Remote Trading Partner" Task 3, "Add Identifier Types and Values" Task 4, "Add Contact Information" Task 5, "Add a Trading Partner Parameter and Value" Task 6, "Provide Key Store Information for the Host Trading Partner"

5-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Trading Partner Profiles

Task 1 Update the Default Host Trading Partner Name Do this the first time you set up Oracle B2B.
1. 2. 3.

Click the Partners link. Click MyCompany. Click Edit.


Provide the host trading partner name and optional icon file, and click OK. The optional icon file must be a 16 x 16-pixel PNG file. The host trading partner name appears in the Partner list.

Task 2 Add a Remote Trading Partner Do this for each remote trading partner.
1. 2.

Click the Partners link. Click Add.


Provide a partner name and click OK. The remote trading partner name appears in the Partner list.


(Optional) Click Edit to add a 16 x16-pixel PNG file as an icon for the remote trading partner, and click OK.

A variation on this task is to use the clone feature. If you have already created a trading partner that is similar to a trading partner you want to create, click the Clone icon, as shown in Figure 53, and provide the trading partner information that is not cloned: identifiers, contacts, and users. The Clone trading partner feature does not

Configuring Trading Partners


Creating Trading Partner Profiles

clone the MLLP delivery channel for a remote trading partner. The MLLP delivery channel must be created manually.
Figure 53 Cloning a Remote Trading Partner

Note: Use the Delete icon to delete a remote trading partner. However, you cannot delete a remote trading partner that is part of a deployed trading partner agreement. You must first delete the agreement.

Task 3 Add Identifier Types and Values Identifier types enable Oracle B2B to identify a trading partner at run time. In general, the identification process is to identify the partner, then the document, and then the partner-document pair identifies the agreement. Oracle B2B provides each trading partner with a default identifier type, Name, whose value is the name of the trading partner. Add identifier types and values for both the host and remote trading partners. See Chapter 9, "Creating Types," for more information.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Click the Partners link. Click the Profile tab. Select a trading partner. In the Identifiers area, click Add.


From the Type list, select an identifier type. For descriptions of the identifier types, see Table 91, " Identifier Types Defined in Oracle B2B" on page 9-2.

6. 7. 8.

Provide a value. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 as needed. Click Save.

5-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Trading Partner Profiles

Task 4 Add Contact Information To add optional contact information for a trading partner, use the preseeded types. Or, you can create the contact type on the Administration > Types page. See "Creating Custom Contact Information Types" on page 9-4 for more information.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Click the Partners link. Click the Profile tab. In the Contact Information area, click Add. Select from the list under Type and enter a value.


Click Save.

Task 5 Add a Trading Partner Parameter and Value Before adding an optional trading partner parameter and value for a trading partner, you must create the parameter on the Administration > Types page. See Chapter 9, "Creating Types," for more information.
1. 2. 3.

Click the Partners link. Click the Profile tab. In the Parameters area, click Add.


Select a parameter and click OK.

Configuring Trading Partners


Creating Trading Partner Profiles


Click Save.

You can also update values for a specific trading partner on this page. Task 6 Provide Key Store Information for the Host Trading Partner Add an optional Key Store password and location for host trading partner security. If a digital signature, encryption, or SSL are enabled, you must specify a Key Store location. See Task 5, "Configure Security" for where you specify digital signatures and encryption, and Table 53, " Channel Details and Associated Protocols" for descriptions of security parameters. You can choose any Key Store for Oracle B2B. If you are using SSL, using the same Key Store for both B2B and Oracle WebLogic Server SSL configuration is recommended to avoid SSL-related problems when exchanging messages with trading partners.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Click the Partners link. Click the Profile tab. Select the host trading partner. In the Key Store section, provide a password and location.


Click Save.

5-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Trading Partner Users

Adding Trading Partner Users

The host trading partner administrator (the default login username-password combination) can add additional host and remote trading partner users. These users can log in to Oracle B2B and access their own trading partner data only. The following roles are available:

Administrator roleProvides access to all Oracle B2B functionality Monitor roleProvides access to reporting functionality only (use of the Reports link)

Users with the administrator role can access all B2B functions for their trading partner data only. No data for other trading partners is displayed. Users with the monitor role can access report functionality for their trading partner data only. No other links and no data for other trading partners are displayed. To add users, do the following:

Task 1, "Create a New User in the Identity Store" Task 2, "Add a User in the Oracle B2B Interface"

Task 1 Create a New User in the Identity Store A user must exist in the Identity Store before you can provision the user in Oracle B2B. Although there are many tools that you can use to create users, one way is to use the Security Realms function in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, as shown in Figure 54.
Figure 54 Oracle WebLogic Server Administration ConsoleSecurity Realms

Then, within the myrealm settings, the Users and Groups tab displays a table of all users in your realm. Click New to add a user and user password, as shown in Figure 55.

Configuring Trading Partners


Adding Trading Partner Users

Figure 55 Oracle WebLogic Server Administration ConsoleAdding a New User

Task 2 Add a User in the Oracle B2B Interface 1. Click the Partners link.
2. 3. 4. 5.

Click the Users tab. Select a trading partner. Click Add. Provide the user name created in Task 1 and click Search. Enter the user name exactly is it was created.


Select the Monitor or Administrator role and click OK.

5-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Document Definitions

Adding Document Definitions

The Oracle B2B host administrator creates all document definitions, which are automatically assigned to the host trading partner. The host administrator can assign any document definition to a remote trading partner. For both the host and remote trading partners, the sender and receiver for each document must be identified. For information on updating a document definition after you have added it, see "Changing Document Definitions" on page 7-32.

Document definitions that are automatically associated with the host trading partner must be deleted from the host trading partner profile (and also from the remote trading partner profile) before you can delete a document definition (from Administration > Document).

Consider the scenario in which Acme (buyer) sends a purchase order to GlobalChips. As part of this transaction, Acme also receives an acknowledgment that GlobalChips (seller) received the purchase order. Therefore, this EDIFACT transaction uses two document definitions, one for the purchase order and one for the functional acknowledgment. GlobalChips receives the purchase order and also sends the acknowledgment. For information on creating a document definitionrequired before you can you can add it to the trading partner profilesee Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions." To add document definitions, do the following:

Task 1, "Add Document Definitions"

Task 1 Add Document Definitions Add document definitions to both host and remote trading partner profiles. You can also change document type parameters and document version parameters for the remote trading partner on this page. See Chapter 7, "Using Document Protocols," for more information.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click the Partners link. Click the Documents tab. Select a trading partner. Click Add. Expand the nodes, select a document definition, and click Add.

Configuring Trading Partners


Configuring Channels


For each document listed, identify if the selected partner is the sender or receiver or both.


Click Save.

Configuring Channels
A channel defines how a message is delivered. It specifies trading partner security characteristics, the transport protocol, the exchange protocol, any exchange protocol override elements, and, if defined, support for digital envelopes, encryption credentials, digital signatures, signing credentials, and validation. When you configure an external delivery channel for the host trading partner, it is available for all remote trading partners when you create agreements. This avoids having to create a delivery channel multiple times, once for each remote trading partner. When you configure an external delivery channel for a remote trading partner, it is available for only that remote trading partner when you create agreements. When you configure an internal delivery channel for the host trading partnerfor inbound messages to Oracle B2B using the AQ, File, or JMS transports the channel is available for only the host trading partner when you create inbound agreements. Table 51 lists the channels available in Oracle B2B.

5-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring Channels

Table 51 Protocol AS2-1.1

Channels Available in Oracle B2B Description Applicability Statement 2, version 1.1specification for using EDI over the Internet. AS2 provides S/MIME support over HTTP or HTTPS. AS2 also works with non-EDI document types such as .xml, .txt, .doc, and .xls. AS2 is also called EDI over the Internet, or EDIINT AS2. Minimum Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) is a minimalistic OSI-session layer framing protocol. MLLP (and the TCP transport protocol) are available for remote trading partners only. It is used with HL7 or Custom documents. With MLLP, the same channel can be used for sending or receiving messages, and can be configured as either the server or the client. MLLP connections can be permanent or transient: Features of a permanent connection:


Caches the socket based on the endpoint. Only one socket per endpoint is created. The socket is reused for future messages. A new socket is created for each message. A message is sent and the listener waits for the acknowledgment. When the acknowledgment is received, the socket is closed.

Features of a transient connection:

See "About MLLP" on page 5-20 for more information. ebMS-2.0 ebMS-1.0 Electronic business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) Messaging Service (ebMS)specification used to exchange XML documents. ebMS is built on a SOAP Web services message format. Oracle B2B supports ebMS 1.0 and 2.0 and uses the HTTP, HTTPS, and Email transport protocols and the SOAP packaging protocol. The ebMS protocol supports correlation between documents. Oracle B2B also supports XMLDSig, XML Encrypt, and gZip-based compression for large documents. RosettaNet 2.0 does not include the proprietary aspects of RosettaNet 1.1, and adds support for multiple transfer protocols, hub-based routing, attachments, payload encryption, and more. Implementation guidelines for creating software applications that provide for the reliable transport of PIPs in XML-format business documents between trading partners. Guidelines are provided for transport, routing, packaging, security, signals, and trading partner agreements. RosettaNet specifies the envelope or container format that remains constant when exchanging business documents (the payloads), whereas the document exchange choreography and the XML schemas vary based on which PIP and document type are used. The RosettaNet envelope format is also independent of the specific transfer protocol you use. AS1-1.0 (Preview mode for Applicability Statement 1specification for using EDI over SMTP. AS1 also works this release) with non-EDI document types such as XML and TXT files. Generic File-1.0 Generic AQ-1.0 Generic FTP-1.0 Generic SFTP-1.0 Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file in a local file system. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from Oracle AQ single or multiconsumer queues. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file at a remote FTP server. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file at a remote SFTP server.



Configuring Trading Partners 5-11

Configuring Channels

Table 51 (Cont.) Channels Available in Oracle B2B Protocol Generic JMS-1.0 Generic HTTP-1.0 Generic Email-1.0 Description Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a JMS queue or topic. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a Web server. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from an e-mail server.

To configure a channel for a trading partner, do the following:

Task 1, "Add a Channel" Task 2, "Provide Transport Protocol Parameters" Task 3, "Provide Channel Attributes" Task 4, "Provide Exchange Protocol Parameters" Task 5, "Configure Security"

Task 1 Add a Channel Add a channel for the responder in a B2B transaction.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Click the Partners link. Click the Channels tab. Select a trading partner. Click Add. Enter a channel name. Select a protocol, as described in Table 51.


Click Save. Based on the delivery channel protocol you selected in Step 6, the applicable protocol is displayed in the Transport Protocol field, as shown in Table 52.

5-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring Channels

Table 52

Delivery Channels and Transport Protocols Transport Protocol Displayed... HTTP

Channel Protocol Selected... AS2-1.1 ebMS-2.0, ebMS-1.0 RosettaNet-V02.00, RosettaNet-01.00 Generic HTTP-1.0 AS1-1.0 Generic Email-1.0 MLLP-1.0 Generic File-1.0 Generic AQ-1.0 Generic FTP-1.0 Generic SFTP-1.0 Generic JMS-1.0



Task 2 Provide Transport Protocol Parameters 1. Click the Transport Protocol Parameters tab.

Provide transport protocol parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected in Task 1. Table 53 describes the transport protocol parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the transport protocol parameters category) and the protocols to which the parameters apply.

Figure 56 shows the HTTP transport protocol parameters.

Figure 56 HTTP Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 57 shows the Email transport protocol parameters.

Configuring Trading Partners 5-13

Configuring Channels

Figure 57 Email Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 58 shows the MLLP transport protocol parameters.

Figure 58 MLLP Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 59 shows the File transport protocol parameters.

Figure 59 File Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 510 shows the AQ transport protocol parameters.

5-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring Channels

Figure 510 AQ Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 511 shows the FTP transport protocol parameters.

Figure 511 FTP Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 512 shows the SFTP transport protocol parameters.

Figure 512 SFTP Transport Protocol Parameters

Figure 513 shows the JMS transport protocol parameters.

Configuring Trading Partners 5-15

Configuring Channels

Figure 513 JMS Transport Protocol Parameters


Click Save.

1. 2.

Task 3 Provide Channel Attributes Click the Channel Attributes tab. Provide channel attributes, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected in Task 1. Table 53 describes the channel attributes (listed in alphabetical order within the channel attributes category) and the protocols to which the attributes apply.

Figure 514 shows the HTTP channel attributes.

Figure 514 HTTP Channel Attributes


For Generic HTTP-1.0, the Ack Mode, Response Mode, and Compressed attributes shown in Figure 514 are not available.

Figure 515 shows the Email channel attributes.

5-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring Channels

Figure 515 Email Channel Attributes


For Generic Email-1.0, the Ack Mode, Response Mode, and Compressed attributes shown in Figure 515 are not available.

Figure 516 shows the MLLP channel attributes

Figure 516 MLLP Channel Attributes

Figure 517 shows the File, AQ, FTP, SFTP, and JMS channel attributes.

Figure 517 Channel Attributes for Generic File, AQ, FTP, SFTP, and JMS


Click Save.

1. 2.

Task 4 Provide Exchange Protocol Parameters Click the Exchange Protocol Parameters tab. Provide exchange protocol parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected in Task 1.

Configuring Trading Partners 5-17

Configuring Channels

Table 53 describes the exchange protocol parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the exchange protocol parameters category) and the protocols to which the parameters apply.

Figure 518 shows HTTP - AS2-1.1 exchange protocol parameters.

Figure 518 Exchange Protocol Parameters for HTTP - AS2-1.1

Figure 519 shows HTTP - ebMS-2.0 exchange protocol parameters.

Figure 519 Exchange Protocol Parameters for HTTP - ebMS-2.0

Figure 520 shows HTTP - ebMS-1.0 exchange protocol parameters.

Figure 520 Exchange Protocol Parameters for HTTP - ebMS-1.0

Figure 521 shows the TCP - MLLP-1.0 exchange protocol parameters.

5-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring Channels

Figure 521 Exchange Protocol Parameters for TCP - MLLP-1.0

Figure 522 shows the Email - AS1-1.0 exchange protocol parameters.

Figure 522 Exchange Protocol Parameters for Email - AS1-1.0


Click Save.

1. 2.

Task 5 Configure Security Click the Security tab. Provide security parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected in Task 1. Table 53 describes the security parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the security category) and the protocols to which the parameters apply. The Digital Signature and Encryption lists are populated with the available certificates when the Key Store location is provided for the host trading partner. See Task 6, "Provide Key Store Information for the Host Trading Partner" for more information.

Message encryption using an AES setting is preferable, where available. See the security parameters in Table 53. Security parameters do not apply to the MLLP channel.

Figure 523 shows the security parameters for the AS2-1.1, ebMS-2.0, ebMS-1.0, RosettaNet-V02.00, and AS1-1.0 protocols.

Configuring Trading Partners 5-19

Configuring Channels

Figure 523 Security Parameters for the AS2-1.1, ebMS-2.0, ebMS-1.0, RosettaNet-V02.00, and AS1-1.0 Protocols

Figure 524 shows the security parameters for RosettaNet-01.10. For RosettaNet-01.10, the Message Encrypted parameter is not available.

Figure 524 Security Parameters for RosettaNet-01.10


No security parameters are specified for the Generic protocolsGeneric File-1.0, Generic AQ-1.0, Generic FTP-1.0, Generic SFTP-1.0, Generic JMS-1.0, Generic HTTP-1.0, and Generic Email-1.0.


Click Save.

About MLLP
A permanent MLLP (server/client) delivery channel is bidirectional, that is, it can be used for sending and receiving messages. Other delivery channels are not bidirectional. An MLLP delivery channel is configured for the remote trading partner only. This channel can be either a server or a client channel, used to send or receive messages. You must configure both servers (sender and receiver) MLLP (server/client) channels either in permanent mode or in transient channel mode. A recommended configuration is for the sender to configure the MLLP client delivery channel and for the receiver to configure the MLLP server channel. For example, Acme can have the server/client MLLP permanent channel and GlobalChips can have the server/client MLLP permanent channel. MLLP channels configured in permanent-transient and transient-permanent modes are not valid. Because MLLP is a bidirectional channel, you do not create an MLLP listening channel. You can use the same MLLP delivery channel for sending and receiving messages.

5-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Channel Details

Adding Channel Details

Channel details include transport protocol parameters, channel attributes, exchange protocol parameters, and security specifications. Table 53 describes these details.
Table 53 Channel Details and Associated Protocols
Description A transport protocol defines the properties specific to a given use of a protocol endpoint. The transport is responsible for message delivery using the selected transport protocol, mode (synchronous or asynchronous), server, and protocol endpoint address (trading partner address, such as a URI) The custom HTTP headers used to send messages to a trading partner Protocol Used With -

Protocol/Parameter Transport Protocol Parameters

Additional transport headers

AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional)

Channel mask

To enable SSL for FTP, enter one of the following:

Generic FTP (optional)

ControlEncrypts the control channel DataEncrypts the data channel BothEncrypts both the data and control channels Generic FTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional)

The default is None (no SSL). Cipher suites Connection factory Provide the preferred cipher for encryption. The JNDI location or Java class name for the connection factory, as in jms/b2b/B2BQueueConnectionFact ory. Select from Client or Server. The client that receives the message.

Connection Mode Consumer Content type

MLLP-1.0 (required; for remote trading partners only) Generic AQ (optional)

AS1 (optional) The content type of the payload being sent over e-mail. The default content type Generic Email (optional) is text/plain; other examples include application/xml and application/edi. This value is used only for the delivery channel (to send e-mail) and not for the listening channel. On the listening channel side, intelligence is built into the transport adapter to deal with different content types, so no configuration is required. Provide a value to change the default FTP Generic FTP (optional) port value (21) The static port used for an active FTP connection The JNDI name of the database data source The JMS destination name The destination e-mail Generic FTP (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic JMS (optional) AS1 (required) Generic Email (required)

Control port Data port Data source Destination name Email ID

Configuring Trading Partners 5-21

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Email Server Encoding Filename format Description Select IMAP or POP3. The encoding to be used for the file transfer The following file name formats can be used: %FROM_PARTY% %TO_PARTY% %DOCTYPE_NAME% %DOCTYPE_REVISION% %MSG_ID% %TIMESTAMP% The following file name format can be used for ebMS documents only: %ACTIONNAME% These file name formats can be used in any combination; for example, %TO_PARTY%_%DOCTYPE_NAME%_%DOCTYPE_ REVISION%.dat produces something like Acme_4010_ 850.dat. Any file extension is allowed. Folder Folder name Host name An absolute directory path is recommended. An absolute directory path is recommended. The trading partners transport or e-mail server exchanging messages. For the MLLP 1.0 protocol, if the connection mode is set to Server, then the host name must be the B2B server. If the connection mode is set to Client, then the host name must be the remote B2B server (MLLP server). Is Map Payload Alone Is topic Indicates that the JMS map message contains only the payload Select to indicate that JMS is communicating with a topic (not a queue). Select a JMS message type: BYTES, TEXT, or MAP. If you enter a private key file location, and if the private key file is pass-phrase protected, then enter the pass phrase. AS1 (optional) Generic Email (optional) Generic File (required) Generic FTP (required) AS1 (required) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (required) MLLP-1.0 (required; for remote trading partners only) Generic SFTP (required) Generic Email (required) Generic JMS (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Protocol Used With AS1 (required) Generic Email (required) Generic FTP (optional) Generic File (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic SFTP (optional)

Message type Pass phrase and Confirm pass phrase

Generic JMS (optional) Generic SFTP (optional)

5-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Password and Confirm Password Description To use password authentication, provide a Key Store password, which is used for HTTP basic authentication. Protocol Used With AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) Generic AQ (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Path Permanent Connection The absolute directory path where messages are sent from or received. Generic SFTP (required)

MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading When set to false (the default value), a message is sent on a new connection and partners only) the connection is closed after the ACK is received. As a receiver of the message, the connection is closed after the ACK is sent back to the trading partner. When set to true, a cached connection is used to exchange all the messages. The time interval in milliseconds during which Oracle B2B polls the server for inbound messages. AS1 (optional) Generic File (not available) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (not available) MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only) Generic SFTP (not available) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (not available)

Polling interval

Port number (or Port)

AQ runs on default port 1521. SFTP runs on default port 22, which can be changed to another port. FTP runs on default port 21, which is not displayed. See the description of Control Port for how to change this port number. For the MLLP 1.0 protocol, if the connection mode is set to Server, then the port must be a valid TCP port number. If the connection mode is set to Client, then the port must be the same as the port used on the MLLP server.

Generic AQ (optional) MLLP-1.0 (required; for remote trading partners only) Generic SFTP (required)

Private key

To use public key authentication, provide Generic SFTP (optional) the private key file location. You may also need to provide a pass phrase if the private key file is pass-phrase protected. The AQ queue name The AQ recipient If enabled, the message (payload) is sent as an e-mail attachment instead of the typical delivery in which the payload is the message body. Generic AQ (optional) Generic AQ (optional) AS1 (optional) Generic Email (optional)

Queue name Recipient Send as attachment

Configuring Trading Partners 5-23

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Sequence Description If enabled, all inbound MLLP messages are sequenced. This feature is in preview mode for this release. System ID to identify an Oracle database The subject header of the e-mail message The JMS subscriber ID is required if JMS is communicating with a topic. Defines how long a transient MLLP connection keeps the socket open for the acknowledgment message. The default timeout value is 300 seconds. This parameter applies only to a transient MLLP connection (not to a permanent connection). The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint URL of the trading partner. Protocol Used With MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only) Generic AQ (optional) AS1 (optional) Generic Email (optional) Subscriber ID Timeout Generic JMS MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

SID Subject


AS2 (required) ebMS-2.0 (required) ebMS-1.0 (required) Generic HTTP (required) RosettaNet-V02.00 (required) RosettaNet-01.10 (required)

User name

The user name to connect to the target server, used for HTTP basic authentication.

AS1 (optional AS2 (optional) Generic AQ (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic FTP (required) Generic HTTP (optional) Generic SFTP (required) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional)

Use proxy

Select a proxy server if used.

Generic FTP (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Generic SFTP (optional)

Channel Attributes

The channel is the communication interface between the host trading partners host application and its installation

5-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Ack Mode Description Select Sync, Async, or None, for the mode in which the trading partner receives messages. Select None for all generic exchanges. Protocol Used With AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Compressed Description Select for message compression. Optional AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic File (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) Enable/Disable Channel The channel is the communication interface between the host trading partners host application and its installation. Generic Email (Required) MLLP-1.0 (required; for remote trading partners only)

Internal Caution: While the B2B interface permits you to select invalid protocols when Internal is selected, do not select any protocols other than the generic protocols.

Select this option if the channel is internal If this option is checked, then only the to the host trading partners enterprise. generic protocols are valid: Generic File (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) If this option is not checked, all protocols are valid: AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic File (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional)

Configuring Trading Partners 5-25

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Response Mode Description Select Sync, Async, or None. Protocol Used With AS1 (required) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Retry Count The number of times that Oracle B2B retries to send the message. AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic File (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) Retry Interval The time interval in seconds during which Oracle B2B attempts to resend the message. A time interval of 2 minutes increments the HH:MM:SS timestamp as follows: If the sent timestamp is 3:42:58, then 42 seconds is incremented by 2 minutes and the retry is sent at 3:44:00. The seconds are dropped in the retry increment. Subsequent retries are at 2 minute intervals. For protocols with acknowledgments, B2B waits for the acknowledgment (formerly called the Time to Acknowledge parameter). If it is not received, the retry interval setting causes B2B to retry. AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) Generic File (optional) Generic AQ (optional) Generic FTP (optional) Generic HTTP (optional) MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Generic SFTP (optional) Generic JMS (optional) Generic Email (optional) Exchange Protocol Parameters The exchange protocol defines the headers, acknowledgments, and packaging that puts the headers and payload together (the message exchange mechanism). The exchange protocol also defines signing, encryption, and compression. This value can be only one character. The carriage return character does not appear in the wire message payload. The default value is 0x0D (hexadecimal). Browse for a file with a customized acknowledgment. -

Carriage Return Character

MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

Custom Immediate ACK File

MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

5-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Discard HL7 ACK Description Stops the incoming acknowledgment at the transport level if the selected code is in MSA.2. An entry is made for the wire message report. Protocol Used With MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

Duplicate Elimination

If enabled, a duplicate elimination header ebMS-2.0 (optional) is added for an outbound message. This ebMS-1.0 (optional) flag does not apply to the inbound message flow. This value can be only one character. The end block character does not appear in the wire message payload. The default value is 0x1C (hexadecimal). The trading partner is identified using the delivery channel. MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

End Block Character

Identify TP by Delivery Channel Immediate ACK

MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

An immediate acknowledgment is MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading generated and transmitted in the TCP partners only) transport layer instead of the document layer. It is an alternative to the functional acknowledgment. It is available when the turnaround time of a functional acknowledgment is undesirable (for example, for some business-critical health care applications), because the functional acknowledgment captures translation and validation errors. Oracle B2B can send an immediate acknowledgment in the following modes:

Default: B2B parses the incoming HL7 message and generates an acknowledgment from it. In this mode, B2B can send the acknowledgment to the sending application with correlation details (for example, the control number from the incoming message, the sending application, and so on.) Hence, the trading partner application can correlate the incoming acknowledgment message. Simple: B2B sends the predefined acknowledgment message to the sender and does not parse the message. Custom: B2B reads the custom HL7 acknowledgment message based on a configurable file content. MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

Map ACK Control ID

Select to enable the mapping of the message header of the business message to the message header of the immediate acknowledgment. Sends an immediate acknowledgment with a trigger event. A placeholder for CPP/CPA; not involved during run time. A placeholder for CPP/CPA; not involved during run time. This parameter is used to configure a URL to which MDN has to be sent back in the case of an asynchronous mode.

Map Trigger Event Message Order Semantics Persist Duration Receipt Delivery Option

MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) AS2 (optional)

Configuring Trading Partners 5-27

Adding Channel Details

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Send Party Type and Value Description If enabled, the send party type and value from the message header are sent to the back-end application. If selected, the message is first signed, and then compressed. This value can be only one character. The start block character does not appear in the wire message payload. The default value is 0X08 (hexadecimal). Select this option to ensure that the responder acknowledges receipt of the messages; nothing needs to be provided. Protocol Used With ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) AS1 (optional) MLLP-1.0 (optional; for remote trading partners only)

Signed and Compressed Start Block Character

Security Parameters Ack Signed

AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional)

Digital Signature

To use a digital signature certificate, the Key Store must have the corresponding private key. If Message Signed is selected, then select one of the following for AS1 and AS2: SMIME 3.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 3.0 with SHA1 - RSA If Message Signed is selected, then select one of the following for ebMS-2.0 and ebMS-1.0: XMLDSIG with SHA1 - RSA XMLDSIG with SHA1 - DSA If Message Signed is selected, then select one of the following for RosettaNet-V02.00: SMIME 3.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 3.0 with SHA1 - RSA SMIME 2.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 2.0 with SHA1 - RSA XMLDSIG with SHA1 - RSA XMLDSIG with SHA1 - DSA If Message Signed is selected, then select one of the following for RosettaNet-01.10: SMIME 3.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 3.0 with SHA1 - RSA SMIME 2.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 2.0 with SHA1 - RSA

AS1 AS2 ebMS-2.0 ebMS-1.0 RosettaNet-V02.00 RosettaNet-01.10

5-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Auto Create Agreement Feature

Table 53 (Cont.) Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Encryption Description To use an encryption certificate, no private key entry is needed. If Message Encrypted is selected, then select one of the following for AS1 and AS2: SMIME 3.0 with DES SMIME 3.0 with 3DES SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 40 SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 64 SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 128 If Message Encrypted is selected, then select one of the following for ebMS-2.0 and ebMS-1.0: XMLENC with 3DES - RSA-v1.5 XMLENC with AES-128 RSA-OAEP XMLENC with AES-192 RSA-OAEP XMLENC with AES-256 RSA-OAEP Message Encrypted Select this option to enable message encryption. This option requires you to select an encryption schema in the Encryption field. AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) Message Signed Select this option to provide a digital signature in the Digital Signature field. AS1 (optional) AS2 (optional) ebMS-2.0 (optional) ebMS-1.0 (optional) RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional) RosettaNet-01.10 (optional) Protocol Used With AS1 AS2 ebMS-2.0 ebMS-1.0 RosettaNet-V02.00 (optional)

Using the Auto Create Agreement Feature

In the Partner area, shown in Figure 525, you can use the Auto Create Agreement icon to create an agreement for a remote trading partner.

Configuring Trading Partners 5-29

Using Identifiers for Trading Partner Lookup

Figure 525 The Auto Create Agreement Feature

This feature creates one agreement for each document definition associated with the selected remote trading partner. You can further customize the agreement on the Agreement tab. See Chapter 6, "Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements," for more information about the Agreement tab.

Using Identifiers for Trading Partner Lookup

Identifiers available in design-time data are used to look up trading partners. Identifiers do not need to be part of a deployed, active agreement. The appropriate document and exchange identifiers are used for lookup; for example:

For the AS2-1.1 exchange protocol, the AS2 identifier is used. For the EDI X12 document protocol, the Sender Group ID and Sender Interchange ID are used.

5-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements

The final steps in the Oracle B2B process flow, shown in Figure 61, are to create and deploy the agreement.

Figure 61 Oracle B2B Process Flow

Oracle B2B Document Editor Oracle B2B

Create Document Guidelines

Create Document Definitions

Configure Trading Partners

4 5
Create Agreements Deploy Agreements

A trading partner agreement defines the terms that enable two trading partners, the initiator and the responder, to exchange business documents. It identifies the trading partners, trading partner identifiers, document definitions, and channels. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Agreements Creating an Agreement Deploying an Agreement Deleting and Exporting Agreements

See the following for more information:

Chapter 8, "Managing Deployments," for how to export agreements and manage deployment states Chapter 10, "Importing and Exporting Data," for how to export agreements

Introduction to Agreements
An agreement consists of two trading partnersthe host trading partner and one remote trading partner, and represents one type of business transaction between those partners. For example, if Acme and GlobalChips participate in both EDIFACT and RosettaNet exchanges with each other, you create an agreement for each of the exchanges. Some exchanges are bidirectional, requiring an agreement for each direction.
Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements 6-1

Creating an Agreement

For example, if Acme sends a sales order to GlobalChips using a Custom document sent using the Generic File protocol, you create an agreement for the outbound direction, where Acme sends the order, and for the inbound direction, where Acme is the receiver. A change to a component of an agreement (for example, a change to the document definition) is effective automatically in the agreement. Creating an agreement is the last step in the design of a B2B transaction. Before you create an agreement, you must have already created the document definitions and configured the trading partners. See Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions," and Chapter 5, "Configuring Trading Partners," for more information.

Creating an Agreement
Figure 62 shows the Oracle B2B interface for working with agreements.
Figure 62 Creating an Agreement

Figure 63 shows the steps to create an agreement.

6-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating an Agreement

Figure 63 Steps to Creating an Agreement (Workflow Overview)

Select Remote Trading Partner

Select Document Definition

Provide Agreement ID and Name

Specify Validation, Translation, and Functional Acknowledgment Options

Select Channel

Add Identifiers

Save and Validate Agreement

Step 1: Identify the remote trading partner The host trading partner is automatically included in an agreement, so you need only identify the remote trading partner. You can do this in two ways: select the partner from the Partners region before adding the agreement, or select the host trading partner, click Add in the Agreements region and click the Select Partner icon in the New Agreement region. Step 2: Select the document definition The document definition is selected for the host trading partner, as reflected in the Select Document Definition dialog, shown in figure Figure 64.
Figure 64 Selecting the Document Definition

For an exchange in which you need both outbound and inbound agreements, you do the following:

For the outbound agreement, select the document definition in which the host trading partner is the sender (Acme --> Globalchips in Figure 64) For the inbound agreement, select the document definition in which the host trading partner is the receiver (Acme <-- GlobalChips in Figure 64)

Step 3: Provide the agreement ID and name Provide any agreement identifier and agreement name. These fields can have the same value if you need only one for tracking purposes.

Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements


Creating an Agreement

Step 4: Select validation, translation, and functional acknowledgment options Table 61 describes the validation, translation, and functional acknowledgments available when you create an agreement.
Table 61 Option Validate Translate Agreement Options Description Select to enable validation of the document against the configured ECS file Select to enable the translation of XML to native format and vice versa (for EDI and HL7, for example). If Translate is not selected (no translation), then B2B is unable to correlate the business message with the functional acknowledgment, irrespective of the value of the B2B Handle FA property. Select to enable the functional acknowledgment for success or error criterion.

Functional Ack

Step 5: Select the channel for the remote trading partner A list of channels that you created when you set up the remote trading partner is available. (Listening channels are not part of an agreement.) Step 6: Add identifiers Identifier types for the host and remote trading partners are listed. Select the identifiers that apply to this agreement. You can shift-click to select multiple identifiers. See Chapter 9, "Creating Types," for more information. Step 7: Save and validate the agreement Clicking Save also validates the agreement. To create an agreement: 1. Click the Partners tab.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In the Agreements region, click Add. Click Select Partner. Select a remote trading partner. Click Select Document Definition. Select a document definition for the initiator. Provide an agreement ID and name. Select from the validation, translation, and functional acknowledgment options, as described in Table 61. Provide an optional description, callout (if previously created), and start and end dates. Use callouts to transform the formats of messages exchanged between remote and host trading partners. See Chapter 12, "Managing Callouts." An agreement cannot be deployed after an end date entered here because the agreement will have expired.

10. For the host trading partner, click Add and select identifiers. 11. For the remote trading partner, select a channel.

6-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Deploying an Agreement

12. In the remote trading partner, click Add and select identifiers. 13. Click Save.

After you create an agreement, it is ready to be deployed. It is listed on the Administration > Deploy page. See "Deploying an Agreement" on page 6-5 to continue.

Deploying an Agreement
Deployment is the process of activating an agreement from the design-time repository to the run-time repository. After deploying an agreement, use the Manage Deployments tab and the Reports tab. See the following for more information:

Chapter 8, "Managing Deployments" Chapter 16, "Creating Reports"

After you create, save, and validate an agreement, you can deploy it as follows:

From the same page (Partners > Agreement tab), using the Deploy button (see Figure 62) From the Administration > Deploy page, as shown in Figure 65. Use this option to select multiple agreements to deploy at the same time.

Figure 65 The Deploy TabLists Valid Agreements


Turn off validation during deployment by setting the property oracle.tip.b2b.deploy.validation=false in b2b-config.xml, which is in


Turning off validation is useful when deploying large numbers of agreements, where you are certain that the data is valid. It requires a SOA Server restart.

Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements


Deleting and Exporting Agreements

To deploy an agreement from the Deploy tab: 1. Click the Administration tab.
2. 3. 4.

Click the Deploy tab. Use the search parameters to find the agreement you want to deploy and click Search. Highlight one or more agreements and click Deploy.

Redeploying an Agreement
If you deploy a previously deployed agreement, the first version is moved to an inactive state and the most recently deployed agreement is active.

Deleting and Exporting Agreements

Only agreements in the draft state can be deleted. Purging an agreement returns its status to the draft state. Agreements that have deployed versions in active, inactive, or retired states cannot be deleted. An agreement can be exported to a ZIP file by using the Export button on the Agreement tab.

6-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Part III
Part III

Oracle B2B Administration

This part describes how to use Oracle B2B administration features. This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 7, "Using Document Protocols" Chapter 8, "Managing Deployments" Chapter 9, "Creating Types" Chapter 10, "Importing and Exporting Data" Chapter 11, "Batching EDI Messages" Chapter 12, "Managing Callouts" Chapter 13, "Purging Data" Chapter 14, "Configuring Listening Channels" Chapter 15, "Configuring B2B System Parameters"


Using Document Protocols

A document protocol defines the document type of the message payload. Oracle B2B document protocols are shown in Figure 71; however OAG, PositionalFlatFile, UCCNet, and non-XML Custom documents are in preview mode in this release. See "Features in Preview Mode" on page 1-4 for the complete list of preview-mode protocols.
Figure 71 Oracle B2B Document Protocols

You can define nearly any protocol by using the Custom protocol and the many guideline documents in Oracle B2B Document Editor. This chapter contains the following topics:

Using the Custom Document Protocol Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol Using the HL7 Document Protocol Using the OAG Document Protocol Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Using Document Protocols 7-1

Using the Custom Document Protocol

Using the UCCnet Document Protocol Summary of Document Protocol Parameter Types Changing Document Definitions Using Document Routing IDs

For related information, see the following:

Chapter 3, "Creating Guideline Files" Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions"

Using the Custom Document Protocol

Oracle B2B supports custom document protocols to create documents needed for proprietary transactions, including document definitions for XML and non-XML messages. With XML messages, you have the advantage of schema enforcement (XSDs). With non-XML messages, you can create trading partner agreements for specific message types. The non-XML implementation of the Custom document protocol is in preview mode in this release. When creating a Custom document, you specify rules to identify the incoming document. For XML documents, specify an XPath expression and a value, which is the expected result of the expression. For non-XML documents such as a flat file, you can specify start and end positions or a document routing ID. Document Version Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document version for a Custom document. Document Type Parameters When you create a Custom document type, you can set ebXML messaging service (ebMS) parameters to identify the ebXML document. Figure 72 shows the document type parameters for a Custom document.
Figure 72 Document Type Parameters for a Custom Document

7-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Custom Document Protocol

Table 71 describes the document type parameters for a Custom document.

Table 71 Parameter ebMS Tab Action name Document Type Parameters for a Custom Document Description The action name for the ebXML header, which is also an identification criteria for inbound and outbound messages. ebMS documents require an action name to avoid run-time errors. The service name for the ebXML header, which is also an identification criteria for inbound messages. ebMS documents require a service name to avoid run-time errors. The service type for the ebXML header, which is also an identification criteria for inbound messages. ebMS documents require a service type to avoid run-time errors. The trading partner that sends the message. A value provided here overrides the Identifiers values supplied on the Profile tab. The trading partner that receives the message. A value provided here overrides the Identifiers values supplied on the Profile tab.

Service name Service type From Role To Role

Document Definition Parameters When you create a Custom document definition, select the file type XML or Flatand set parameters in the tabbed areas. Figure 73 shows the document definition parameters for an XML-type Custom document.
Figure 73 Document Definition Parameters for an XML-Type Custom Document

Figure 74 shows the document definition parameters for a flat-file Custom document.

Using Document Protocols 7-3

Using the Custom Document Protocol

Figure 74 Document Definition Parameters for a Flat-FIle Custom Document

Table 72 describes the document definition parameters for a Custom document.

Table 72 Parameter XML Tab Identification Expression (XPath) Identification Value Document Definition Parameters for a Custom Document Description (Available if XML is selected from Identification Type) Locates a node in the XML payload Provides the value to match in the node identified by the Identification Expression. If the values match, then the document is successfully identified. If the value is left blank, then Oracle B2B checks for the existence of the node and the document is successfully identified. Select from None, Both, Inbound, or Outbound. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation

DTD/XSD NamespaceConversion Routing Tab Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab Correlation From XPath Name

7-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Custom Document Protocol

Table 72 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for a Custom Document Parameter Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Flat Tab (preview mode) Identification Start Position Description The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation Used in combination with the end position to retrieve a value from the payload between the start and end positions

Identification End Position Used in combination with the start position to retrieve a value from the payload between the start and end positions Identification Value A value between the start and end positions

How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document

The XPath expression identifies a Custom XML document. You configure the XPath expression when you specify the document type parameters. You have the following options when configuring an XPath expression:

Option 1: Specify the XPath and the Matching Value Option 2: Check for the Existence of a Node Option 3: Check the Value of an Attribute

Option 1: Specify the XPath and the Matching Value

Assume that the transaction ID is 12345. Set the parameters as follows:
Field Identification Value Identification Expression Value 12345 //*[local-name() = TransactionID]/text()

Oracle B2B compares the value of Identification Expression in the payload to the value specified in Identification Value. If the values match, then the document is identified successfully and the corresponding document type and document protocol version are used to identify the agreement. Example 71 shows an excerpt of the XML payload for this option.
Example 71 Specify the XPath and the Matching Value <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Message xmlns:ns1="http://www.example1.org" xmlns:ns2="http://www.example2.org" xmlns="http://www.example3.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns="http://www.example4.org"> <MessageHeader> <Source>201944019</Source> <Destination>205704856</Destination> <TransactionID>123456</TransactionID> <Version>1-0-0</Version> </MessageHeader>

Using Document Protocols 7-5

Using the Custom Document Protocol

<Body> <ns:Case xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.example4.org" ns1:caseCategoryID="1"> <ns1:OfficialProvisionNumber>String</ns1:OfficialProvisionNumber> </ns:Case> </Body> </Message>

Option 2: Check for the Existence of a Node

Assume that you are checking for the existence of a node called registerCommand. Set the parameters as follows:
Field Identification Value Identification Expression Value Leave blank. /*[local-name()=envelope]/body/transaction/command/*[loc al-name()=registerCommand]

When the Identification Value field is left blank, Oracle B2B checks for the node identified in Identification Expression. If a node in the payload matches, then the document is identified successfully. Example 72 shows an excerpt of the XML payload for this option.
Example 72 Check for the Existence of a Node <uccnet:envelope xmins:eanucc="http://www.ean-ucc.org/schemas/1.3/eanucc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:uccnet="http://www.uccnet.org/schemas/2.2/uccnet" communicationVersion="2.2" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.uccnet.org/schemas/2.2/uccnet http://www.testregistry.net/xmlschema/uccnet/2.2/Envelope.xsd"> <messageHeader> <messageIdentifier> <value>791:1_EB3CDC749A1F2BABE03014906CC4605A</value> </messageIdentifier> <userId>oraclesupXSD</userId> <representingParty> <gin>0060974050142</gin> </representingParty> </messageHeader> <body> <transaction> <entityIdentification> <uniqueCreatorIdentification>856</uniqueCreatorIdentification> <globalLocationNumber> <gin>0060974050142</gin> </globalLocationNumber> </entityIdentification> <command> <uccnet:registerCommand> <registerCommandHeader type="ADD" /> </uccnet:registerCommand> </command> </transaction> </body> </uccnet:envelope>

7-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Option 3: Check the Value of an Attribute

Assume that the value of the country attribute is US. Set the parameters as follows:
Field Identification Value Identification Expression Value US //*/@country

Oracle B2B compares the value of the country attribute to the value set for Identification Value. If the values match, then the document is identified successfully. Example 73 shows an excerpt of the XML payload for this option.
Example 73 Check the Value of an Attribute <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?> <MyAddress country="US" xmlns="http://www.example.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="PO.xsd"> <name>B2B Buyer</name> <street>100 Oracle Parkway</street> <city>Redwood City</city> <state>CA</state> <zip>94065</zip> </MyAddress>

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Oracle B2B supports message exchanges using UN/EDIFACT, the United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. These standards prescribe the formats, character sets, and data elements used in purchase orders and invoices. Oracle B2B supports all versions and document types of EDI EDIFACT. Table 73 lists a few of the transaction sets supported in Oracle B2B.
Table 73 Set ORDERS ORDRSP CONTRL Examples of EDI EDIFACT Transaction Sets Supported in Oracle B2B Description Purchase Order Message Purchase Order Response Message Syntax and Service Report Message Version D98A D98A D3

For information about the organization that created and maintains the UN/EDIFACT standards, go to

Document Version Parameters When you create an EDI EDIFACT document version, you can set various parameters. Figure 75 shows document version parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.

Using Document Protocols 7-7

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Figure 75 Document Version Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document

Table 74 describes the document version parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.
Table 74 Parameter Interchange Tab Create UNA Document Version Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document Description Select from always, never, or delimiter-based. If delimiter-based is selected, then UNA is created if the specified delimiters are different from the EDIFACT default value. The Never option does not generate UNA for outbound EDIFACT documents, even if nondefault delimiters are used. The Never option for inbound messages cannot work for B2B if an EDIFACT document is received without UNA and with nondefault delimiters. Coded identification of the agency controlling syntax and syntax level used in an interchange. EDI position UNB 010 010 S001 0001. The value UNOB is supplied. Version number of the syntax identified in the syntax identifier (0001). EDI position UNB 010 020 S001 0002. The value 1 is supplied.

Syntax Identifier Syntax Version Number

Service Code List Version number of the service code list directory. EDI position UNB 010 030 S001 Directory Version Number 0030. Character Encoding Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange. To be used as specified in the partners' interchange agreement, for the purpose of identifying the character repertoire encoding technique used in the interchange (when the default encoding defined by the character repertoire's associated character set specification is not used). EDI position UNB 010 040 S001 0133. Local date when an interchange or a group was prepared. EDI position UNB 030 010 S004 0017. The value #SystemDate(YYMMDD)# is supplied. Local time of day when an interchange or a group was prepared. EDI position UNB 030 020 S004 0019. The value #SystemTime(HHMM)# is supplied. Reference or password to the recipient's system or to a third-party network as specified in the partners' interchange agreement. To be used as specified in the partners' interchange agreement. It may be qualified by data element 0025. EDI position UNB 060 010 S005 0022. Qualifier for the recipient's reference or password. To be used as specified in the partners' interchange agreement. EDI position UNB 060 020 S005 0025.

Interchange Date Interchange Time Recipients Reference/Password

Recipients Reference/Password Qualifier

7-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Table 74 (Cont.) Document Version Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document Parameter Application Reference Description Identification of the application area assigned by the sender, to which the messages in the interchange relate; for example, the message type, if all the messages in the interchange are of the same type. Identification of the application area (for example, accounting, purchasing) or of the message type, as applicable. EDI position UNB 070. Code determined by the sender requesting processing priority for the interchange. To be used as specified in the partners' interchange agreement. EDI position UNB 080. Identification by name or code of the type of agreement under which the interchange takes place. Name or code to be specified in the partners' interchange agreement. EDI position UNB 100. Indication that the structural level containing the test indicator is a test. EDI position UNB 110. Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file (interchange ecs file of the syntax version number, UNB 010 020) is used. Indication of function group (UNG) creation. The value TRUE is supplied.

Processing Priority Code Interchange Agreement Identifier Test Indicator Interchange ecs File

Group Tab Create Functional Group

Date of Group Preparation Local date when an interchange or a group was prepared. EDI position UNG 040 010. The system date stamp is supplied. Time of Group Preparation Local time of day when an interchange or a group was prepared. EDI position UNG 040 020. The system time stamp is supplied. Controlling Agency Group Association Assigned Code Application Password Group ecs File Delimiters Tab Code identifying a controlling agency. EDI position UNG 070 010. The value UN is supplied. Code assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned that further identifies the message. EDI position UNG 070 030. Password to the recipient's division, department or sectional application system/process. EDI position UNG 080. Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file is used. A delimiter is characterized by two levels of separators and a terminator assigned by the sender. Delimiters are also called service characters, data delimiters, or message delimiters. They are specified in the interchange header and cannot be used in a data element value elsewhere in the interchange. In an EDI file, the segment delimiter, the element delimiter, and the subelement delimiter are used. Note: Click Select Hexadecimal Characters next to any of the delimiter fields to provide values. Segment Delimiter Element Delimiter Subelement Delimiter Decimal Separator Release Character Replacement Character Repeating Separator EDIFACT segment delimiter. The value 0x27 is supplied. EDIFACT element delimiter. The value 0x2b is supplied. EDIFACT subelement delimiter. The value 0x3a is supplied. EDIFACT decimal separator. The value 0x2e is supplied. EDIFACT release character. The value 0x3f is supplied. EDIFACT replacement character. The value 0x7c is supplied. EDIFACT repeating separator. The value 0x2a is supplied.

Document Type Parameters When you create an EDI EDIFACT document type, you can set various parameters. Figure 76 shows the document type parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.
Using Document Protocols 7-9

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Figure 76 Document Type Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document

Table 75 describes the document type parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.
Table 75 Parameter Transaction Tab *Functional Group Identifier Code Controlling Agency Transaction Association Assigned Code Document Type Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document Description Code identifying one type of message in a functional group. EDI position UNG 010 0038. Required. Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type. EDI position UNH 020 040 S009 0051. Code, assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned, which further identifies the message. EDI position UNH 020 050 S009 0057.

Common Access Reference Reference serving as a key to relate all subsequent transfers of data to the same business case or file. EDI position UNH 030 0068.

Document Definition Parameters When you create an EDI EDIFACT document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 77 shows document definition parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.

7-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol

Figure 77 Document Definition Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document

Table 76 describes the document definition parameters for an EDI EDIFACT document.
Table 76 Parameter Transaction Tab *Transaction Set ecs File Routing Tab Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression EDIEL Tab (preview) Document Definition Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document Description Use the Browse button to select the ecs file. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information. The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation -

Using Document Protocols


Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol

Table 76 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for an EDI EDIFACT Document Parameter FA Assoc Assigned Code FA Message Version Number FA Message Release Number Remove FA Segments Description Code for the functional acknowledgment Version number for the functional acknowledgment Release number for the functional acknowledgment Remove functional acknowledgment segments

Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol

Oracle B2B supports message exchanges using American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X12. These standards prescribe the formats, character sets, and data elements used in documents such as purchase orders and invoices. Oracle B2B supports all versions and document types of EDI X12. Table 77 lists a few of the transaction sets supported in Oracle B2B.
Table 77 Set 850 855 997 Examples of EDI X12 Transaction Sets Supported in Oracle B2B Description Purchase Order Purchase Order Acknowledgment Functional Acknowledgment Version 4010 4010 4010

For information about the organization that created and maintains the ANSI X12 standards, go to

Document Version Parameters When you create an EDI X12 document version, you can set various parameters. Figure 78 shows document version parameters for an EDI X12 document.
Figure 78 Document Version Parameters for an EDI X12 Document

Table 78 describes the document version parameters for an EDI X12 document.

7-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol

Table 78 Parameter

Document Version Parameters for an EDI X12 Document Description -

Interchange Tab

Authorization Information Code to identify the type of information in the authorization information. EDI Qualifier position ISA 01. The value 00 is supplied. Authorization Information Information used for additional identification or authorization of the sender or the data in the interchange. The authorization information qualifier sets the type of information. EDI position ISA 02. Security Information Qualifier Security Information Code to identify the type of information in the security information. EDI position ISA 03. The value 00 is supplied. Information used to identify the security information about the interchange sender or the data in the interchange. The security information qualifier sets the type of information. EDI position ISA 04. Date of the interchange. EDI position ISA 09. The system date stamp is supplied (#SystemDate(YYMMDD)#). Time of the interchange. EDI position ISA 10.The system time stamp is supplied (#SystemTime(HHMM)#). Code to identify the agency responsible for the control standard used by the message that is enclosed by the interchange header and trailer. EDI position is ISA 11. The value U is supplied. Code specifying the version number of the interchange control segments. EDI position ISA 12. The value 00401 is supplied. Code to indicate whether data enclosed by this interchange envelope is in test or production. EDI position ISA 15. The value P, for production, is supplied. Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file (interchange ecs file of the interchange control version, ISA 12) is used. Date sender generated a functional group of transaction sets. EDI position GS 04. The system date stamp is supplied (#SystemDate(CCYYMMDD)#). Time when the sender generated a functional group of transaction sets (local time at sender's location). EDI position GS 05.The system time stamp is supplied (#SystemTime(HHMM)#). Code used in conjunction with data element 480 to identify the issuer of the standard. EDI position GS 06. The value X is supplied.

Interchange Date Interchange Time Interchange Control Standard/Repetition Separator *Interchange Control Version Number Usage Indicator Interchange ecs File

Group Tab Functional Group Date Functional Group Time

Responsible Agency Code

Version/Release/Industry Code indicating the version, release, subrelease, and industry identifier of the EDI Identifier Code standard being used, including the GS and GE segments; if code in DE455 in GS segment is X, then in DE 480 positions 1-3 are the version number; positions 4-6 are the release and subrelease, level of the version; and positions 7-12 are the industry or trade association identifiers (optionally assigned by user); if code in DE455 in GS segment is T, then other formats are allowed. Group ecs File Delimiters Tab Segment Delimiter Element Delimiter Subelement Delimiter Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file (group ecs file of EDI X12 version) is used. Note: Click Select Hexadecimal Characters next to any of the delimiter fields to provide values. See Table 74 for more about delimiters. The value 0x7e is supplied. The value 0x2a is supplied. The value 0x5c is supplied.

Using Document Protocols


Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol

Table 78 (Cont.) Document Version Parameters for an EDI X12 Document Parameter Decimal Separator Replacement Character Repeating Separator Description The value 0x2e is supplied. The value 0x7c is supplied. The value 0x5e is supplied.

Document Type Parameters When you create an EDI X12 document type, you can set various parameters. Figure 79 shows the document type parameters for an EDI X12 document.
Figure 79 Document Type Parameters for an EDI X12 Document

Table 79 describes the document type parameters for an EDI X12 document.
Table 79 Parameter Transaction Tab *Functional Group Identifier Code Implementation Convention Reference Transaction Purpose Code Document Type Parameters for an EDI X12 Document Description Uniquely identifies a transaction set GS 01. Required. Reference assigned to identify Implementation Convention. EDI position ST 03. Code identifying the purpose of the transaction set. EDI position BEG/BGN 01.

Document Definition Parameters When you create an EDI X12 document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 710 shows document definition parameters for an EDI X12 document.

7-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol

Figure 710 Document Definition Parameters for an EDI X12 Document

Table 710 describes the document definition parameters for an EDI X12 document.
Table 710 Parameter Transaction Tab Transaction Set ecs File Routing Tab Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Document Definition Parameters for an EDI X12 Document Description Use the Browse button to select the ecs file. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information. The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation. The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation. The name of the correlation property for the correlation. The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation.

Using Document Protocols


Using the HL7 Document Protocol

Note: The b2b.FAHandleByB2B property can be set in b2b-config.xml. See "Setting b2b.FAHandleByB2B for EDI EDIFACT and EDI X12" on page B-2 for information about behavior and limitations when this property is set to false.

Using the HL7 Document Protocol

Oracle B2B implements the Health Level 7 (HL7) version 2.x and version 3 standards (version 3 supports Custom document protocols) to exchange documents containing health care information using the Generic exchange or MLLP exchange. When using HL7, the standard Oracle B2B features, such as validation, translation, automatic generation of outbound envelope headers, and acknowledgments, are available.

While HL7 BATCH and FILE envelopes are supported, batching is not supported in this release.

For information about the organization that created and maintains the HL7 standards, go to

Document Version Parameters When you create an HL7 document version, you can set various parameters. Figure 711 shows document version parameters for an HL7 document.
Figure 711 Document Version Parameters for an HL7 Document

Table 711 describes the document version parameters for an HL7 document.
7-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the HL7 Document Protocol

Table 711 Parameter

Document Version Parameters for an HL7 Document Description In some applications of HL7, this field is used to implement security features. MSH.11 - This field is used to decide whether to process the message as defined in HL7 Application (level 7) processing rules. The first component defines whether the message is part of a production, training, or debugging system (refer to HL7 table 0103 - Processing ID for valid values). The second component defines whether the message is part of an archival process or an initial load (refer to HL7 table 0207 Processing mode for valid values). This allows different priorities to be given to different processing modes.

Message Header Tab Security Processing ID

Accept Acknowledgement Sets the conditions under which application acknowledgments are required to be Type returned in response to the message. The value AL (always) is supplied. B2B checks the payload (MSH.15) of an incoming message to see if an ACK has to be generated. In some HL7 Systems, MSH.15 is not sent in the payload at all and it is expected that an ACK is still sent. Application Acknowledgment Type Country Code Character Set Internalization Code Identifier Internalization Code Text Internationalization Coding System Name Internationalization Code Alternate Identifier Internationalization Code Alternate Text Internationalization Code Alternate Coding System Name International Version Identifier International Version ID Text International Version ID Coding System Name International Version ID Alternate Identifier International Version ID Alternate Text International Version ID Alternate Coding System Name Batch Header Tab Create Batch Header MSH.16. The value AL (always) is supplied. Sets the country of origin for the message. The value US is supplied. Sets the character set for the entire message. The value ASCII is supplied. MSH.19 MSH.19 MSH.19 MSH.19 MSH.19 MSH.19

MSH.12 MSH.12 MSH.12 MSH.12 MSH.12 MSH.12

Check the box to create batch headers.

Using Document Protocols


Using the HL7 Document Protocol

Table 711 (Cont.) Document Version Parameters for an HL7 Document Parameter Batch Header ecs File Batch Security Batch Date File Header Tab Create File Header File Header ecs File File Security File Date Delimiters Tab Element Delimiter Escape Character Repeating Separator Segment Delimiter Subcomponent Delimiter Subelement Delimiter Description Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file is used. BHS.8 BHS.7. The system date-time stamp is supplied (#SystemDateTime(CCYYMMDDHHMM)#). Check the box to enable. Use the Browse button to find an ecs file to override the standard file. If not provided, the B2B-provided default file is used. FHS.8 FHS.7. The system date-time stamp is supplied (#SystemDateTime(CCYYMMDDHHMM)#). Note: Click Select Hexadecimal Characters next to any of the delimiter fields to provide values. See Table 74 for more about delimiters. A single character that follows the segment identifier and separates each data element in a segment except the last. The value 0x7c is supplied. The value 0x5c is supplied. A service character used to separate adjacent occurrences of a repeating data element, or to separate multiple occurrences of a field.The value 0x7e is supplied. A syntax character indicating the end of a segment (a logical grouping of data fields) within a message. The value 0x0d is supplied. The value 0x26 is supplied. The value 0x5e is supplied.

Document Type Parameters When you create an HL7 document type, you can set various parameters. Figure 712 shows the document type parameters for an HL7 document.
Figure 712 Document Type Parameters for an HL7 Document

7-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the HL7 Document Protocol

Table 712 describes the document type parameters for an HL7 document.
Table 712 Parameter Transaction Tab HL7 Generic ACK Map ACK Control ID Document Type Parameters for an HL7 Document Description Oracle B2B can send an generic ACK immediately upon receiving an HL7 message Select to enable mapping the MSH.10 of the business message to the MSH.10 of the acknowledgment. Note: This Map ACK Control ID parameter is for the functional ACK. Accept Acknowledgement A functional acknowledgment is generated when MSH.15 has no value. Select None to take no action. Acknowledgment generation is dependent on the value in MSH.15 of the business message. Select AL (always) to generate the acknowledgment under any conditions. Select ER (error/reject) to generate the acknowledgment when the message errors or is rejected. Select SU (successful completion) to generate the acknowledgment when the message is successfully processed.

Document Definition Parameters When you create an HL7 document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 713 shows document definition parameters for an HL7 document.
Figure 713 Document Definition Parameters for an HL7 Document

Table 713 describes the document definition parameters for an HL7 document.
Table 713 Parameter Transaction Tab *Transaction Set ecs File Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 Document Definition Parameters for an HL7 Document Description Use the Browse button to find the ecs file. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information. The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload

Using Document Protocols


Using the OAG Document Protocol

Table 713 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for an HL7 Document Parameter XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Description The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation

Notes on Using HL7 No business message is produced for an HL7 immediate acknowledgment (transport-level acknowledgment). When using AS2, you see one acknowledgment business message for MDN (transport-level acknowledgment), and for ebMS, you see one acknowledgment business message in the business message report. In summary, because immediate acknowledgments are sent at the transport level, the entry is available only in the wire message report and not in the business message report.

Negative acknowledgment messages indicating errors in an HL7 exchange may be truncated because of the 80-character length limitation in HL7 versions 2.1 through 2.5.

Using the OAG Document Protocol

Oracle B2B implements Open Applications Group (OAG) standards, a robust XML standard used across many industries. This standard defines messages as business object documents (BODs). This document protocol is in preview mode for this release. For information about the organization that created and maintains the OAG standards, go to

Document Version Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document version for an OAG document. Document Type Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document type for an OAG document.

7-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the OAG Document Protocol

Document Definition Parameters When you create an OAG document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 714 shows document definition parameters for an OAG document.
Figure 714 Document Definition Parameters for an OAG Document

Table 714 describes the document definition parameters for an OAG document.
Table 714 Parameter XML Tab Identification Expression (XPath) Identification Value Document Definition Parameters for an OAG Document Description Locates a node in the XML payload Provides the value to match in the node identified by the identification expression. If the values match, then the document is successfully identified. If the value is left blank, then Oracle B2B checks for the existence of the node and the document is successfully identified. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information. The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload -

Routing Tab Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab

Using Document Protocols


Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol

Table 714 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for an OAG Document Parameter Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Description The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation

Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol

Oracle B2B supports message exchange for positional flat files and SAP iDocs (intermediate documents (text files) used with SAP applications). This adds capabilities beyond handling XML files and traditional EDI files based on various XML and EDI standards. This document protocol is in preview mode for this release. Document Version Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document version for a positional flat file. Document Type Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document type for a positional flat file. Document Definition Parameters When you create a document definition for a positional flat file, you can set various parameters. Figure 715 shows document definition parameters for a positional flat file.

7-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the Positional Flat File Document Protocol

Figure 715 Document Definition Parameters for a Positional Flat File (including SAP iDocs)

Table 715 describes the document definition parameters for a positional flat file.
Table 715 Parameter Parameters Tab *Transaction Set ecs File Routing Tab Identification Expression (XPath) Identification Value Identification Start Position Document Definition Parameters for a Positional Flat File Description Use the Browse button to find the ecs file. Not applicable Not applicable Used in combination with the end position to retrieve a value from the payload between the start and end positions

Identification End Position Used in combination with the start position to retrieve a value from the payload between the start and end positions Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 for more information. The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload -

Using Document Protocols


Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Table 715 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for a Positional Flat File Parameter Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Description The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation

Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Oracle B2B implements the nonproprietary, XML-based RosettaNet standards to exchange documents over the Internet. RosettaNet standards prescribe when information should be exchanged, acknowledged, or confirmed, and how messages in an exchange should be packaged and physically exchanged between trading partners. In addition to using the RosettaNet document guideline files in Oracle B2B Document Editor, you can also download standard DTD files from the RosettaNet Web site. A RosettaNet DTD, when used with Oracle B2B in a SOA composite application, must be converted to an XSD. An AQ Adapter added to the composite application can convert the inbound DTD to an XSD and manipulate the data as needed. Likewise, the AQ Adapter can convert the outbound XSD to a DTD for Oracle B2B to send the message out. RosettaNet standards are specified by using of the RosettaNet Partner Interface Process (PIP), RosettaNet Dictionaries, and RNIF. Oracle B2B supports all PIPs. For information about the RosettaNet consortium and its history, and for a complete list of PIP clusters and segments, go to

A PIP is an XML-based dialog that defines the business processes between trading partners. It defines the structure, sequence of steps, roles (buyer and seller) activities, data elements, values, and value types for each business document message exchanged between trading partners. Using PIP 3A4 as an example, you can see how a PIP defines a dialog between trading partners, as shown in Figure 716.

7-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Figure 716 PIP 3A4 Message Exchange Between Buyer and Seller
Buyer Purchase Order Request Receipt Acknowledgment Purchase Order Confirmation Receipt Acknowledgment Seller

A PIP sequence combines a cluster, segment, and type. The PIP sequence 3A4, for example, encodes the information shown in Table 716.
Table 716 Element 3 PIP 3A4 Breakdown Description Order manage cluster, with which trading partners can:

Order catalog products Create custom orders Manage product distribution and delivery Support product returns and financial transactions

3A 3A4

Quote and order entry segment Specific PIP type, which supports:

Submittal of a purchase order by a buyer Submittal of an acceptance purchase order by a seller Ability of a buyer to cancel or change a purchase order based on the acknowledgment response

Document Version Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document version for a RosettaNet document. Document Type Parameters When you create a RosettaNet document type, you can set various parameters. Figure 717 shows document type parameters for a RosettaNet document.

Using Document Protocols


Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Figure 717 Document Type Parameters for a RosettaNet Document

Table 717 describes document type parameters for a RosettaNet document.

Table 717 Parameter Service Header Tab *From Role *To Role *From Service *To Service *Business Transaction Name *Business Action *Time to Perform for Collaboration *Collaboration Name *Collaboration Code Document Type Parameters for a RosettaNet Document Description The trading partner that sends the message (in Partner Role Description of the PIP). The trading partner that receives the message (the role the trading partner receiving the message plays in the PIP). The service that sends the message. The service to which the message is sent. The name of the business transaction is required. The name of the business action is required. The value must be consistent with the Global Business Action Code. The time to perform the business action is required. A name for the set of roles (buyer and seller) collaborating through a set of agreed-on business transactions by exchanging business documents. Required. The collaboration code is required.

Document Definition Parameters When you create a RosettaNet document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 718 shows the document definition parameters for a RosettaNet document.

7-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Figure 718 Document Definition Parameters for a RosettaNet Document

Table 718 describes the document definition parameters for a RosettaNet document.
Table 718 Parameter Parameters Tab Document Routing ID DTD/XSD Namespace Document Definition Parameters for a RosettaNet Document Description Sets the consumer name to the back-end application A converted document can optionally replace the original RosettaNet document. Select Both to replace the RosettaNet document with the converted document for both the inbound and outbound messages. Select Inbound to replace the RosettaNet document with the converted document for the inbound message. Select Outbound to replace the RosettaNet document with the converted document for the outbound message. Select None for no replacement. None passes the DTD instance as-is. Inbound converts the instance DTD to XSD. Outbound converts the instance XSD to DTD. Both convert both inbound and outbound formats. See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload Correlation is required for a two-action PIP, for example, a 3A4

XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3 Correlation Tab

Using Document Protocols


Using the RosettaNet Document Protocol

Table 718 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for a RosettaNet Document Parameter Correlation From XPath Name Description The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation. For example, Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest in /*[local-name()='Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest']/*[local-name()='thisDocumentIdent ifier']/text() The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation. The name of the correlation property for the correlation. Correlation-to represents the other message that takes part in the correlation. For example, Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation in/*[local-name()='Pip3A4PurchaseOrderConfirmation']/*[local-name()='requesting DocumentIdentifier']/text() The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation.

Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name

Correlation To XPath Expression

RosettaNet Dictionaries
The RosettaNet Business Dictionary provides a common vocabulary and a common set of properties to use in XML documents. For example, trading partners using the RosettaNet Business Dictionary might agree to use the term DRAM for memory chip. The RosettaNet Technical Dictionary is not supported in Oracle B2B.

RosettaNet Validation
RosettaNet validation compares the elements in RosettaNet XML-format business documents to the requirements specified in the RosettaNet Message Guideline specification to determine their validity. This specification defines requirements for details such as element datatypes, element lengths, element value lists, and element cardinality. PIPs that require RosettaNet dictionary validation are also validated when a dictionary is present. The minimum validation-level requirements on the sections of a RosettaNet XML-format business document are as follows. These requirements cover the preamble, delivery header, service header, and service content sections of a document. Documents not following one or more of these requirements are identified as invalid.
1. 2. 3.

The XML-format business document requires compliance with its DTD. Elements with datatypes, lengths, or both that are specified in the RosettaNet Message Guideline specification require validation against this specification. An elements list of values specified in the entity instance list in the corresponding RosettaNet Message Guideline specification requires validation against this specification. If the Message Guideline specification defines the cardinality specification of an element differently from the corresponding DTD specification, the Message Guideline specification takes precedence. If a PIP requires dictionary validation, and a dictionary is included, the service content requires validation against the dictionary as a part of action performance. Cross-tag validation is based on message guidelines.


5. 6.

7-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using the UCCnet Document Protocol

Using the UCCnet Document Protocol

Oracle B2B implements UCCnet, which enables trading partnerstypically retailers and suppliers in the retail and consumer goods industriesto exchange documents with UCCnet. This document protocol is in preview mode for this release. Table 719 lists the UCCnet document types supported in Oracle B2B.
Table 719 Standard registerCommand confirmCommand linkCommand checkComplianceCommand documentCommand documentIdentificationCommand notificationStateCommand queryCommand registerLinkCommand publicationCommand publishCommand catalogueItemMaintenanceCommand priceCommand validateCommand registerOwnershipCommand subscriptionCommand notifyCommand response UCCnet Document Types

For information about the organization that created and maintains the UCCnet standards, go to

Document Version Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document version for a UCCnet document. Document Type Parameters No parameters need to be set when you create the document type for a UCCnet document. Document Definition Parameters When you create a UCCnet document definition, you can set various parameters. Figure 719 shows document definition parameters for a UCCnet document.

Using Document Protocols


Using the UCCnet Document Protocol

Figure 719 Document Definition Parameters for a UCCnet Document

Table 720 describes the document definition parameters for a UCCnet document.
Table 720 Parameter XML Tab Identification Expression (XPath) Identification Value Document Definition Parameters for a UCCnet Document Description Locates a node in the XML payload Provides the value to match in the node identified by the Identification Expression. If the values match, then the document is successfully identified. If the value is left blank, then Oracle B2B checks for the existence of the node and the document is successfully identified. Sets the consumer name to the back-end application See "How to Configure the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document" on page 7-5 The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath name for retrieving the value from the payload The XML XPath expression for retrieving the value from the payload

Routing Tab Document Routing ID XPath Tab XPath Name1 XPath Expression1 XPath Name2 XPath Expression2 XPath Name3 XPath Expression3

7-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Summary of Document Protocol Parameter Types

Table 720 (Cont.) Document Definition Parameters for a UCCnet Document Parameter Correlation Tab Correlation From XPath Name Correlation From XPath Expression Correlation To XPath Name Correlation To XPath Expression Description The name of the correlation property for initiating the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload to initiate the correlation The name of the correlation property for the correlation The XML XPath for retrieving the value from the payload for the correlation

Summary of Document Protocol Parameter Types

Table 721 summarizes the types of document parameters available for each document protocol.
Table 721 Protocol Custom Types of Document Protocol Parameters Available in Oracle B2B Document Version Parameters none Document Type Parameters ebMS (Table 71) Document Definition Parameters XML (Table 72) Flat (Table 72) Routing (Table 72) XPath (Table 72) Correlation (Table 72) EDI EDIFACT Interchange (Table 74) Group (Table 74) Delimiters (Table 74) Transaction (Table 75) Transaction (Table 76) Routing (Table 76) XPath (Table 76) Correlation (Table 76) EDIEL (Table 76) EDI X12 Interchange (Table 78) Group (Table 78 Delimiters (Table 78) Transaction (Table 79) Transaction (Table 710) Routing (Table 710) XPath (Table 710) Correlation (Table 710) HL7 Message header (Table 711) Batch header (Table 711) File header (Table 711) Delimiters (Table 711) OAG none none XML (Table 714) Routing (Table 714) XPath (Table 714) Correlation (Table 714) Transaction (Table 712) Transaction (Table 713) XPath (Table 713) Correlation (Table 713)

Using Document Protocols


Changing Document Definitions

Table 721 (Cont.) Types of Document Protocol Parameters Available in Oracle B2B Protocol Positional flat file Document Version Parameters none Document Type Parameters none Document Definition Parameters Parameters (Table 715) Routing (Table 715) XPath (Table 715) Correlation (Table 715) RosettaNet none Service header (Table 717) Parameters (Table 718) XPath (Table 718) Correlation (Table 718) UCCnet none none XML (Table 720) Routing (Table 720) XPath (Table 720) Correlation (Table 720)

Changing Document Definitions

Document detailsdocument protocol versions and document type parameterscan be changed for a remote trading partner from the Partners > Documents tab, as shown in Figure 720. Host administrators can change any document details here, and remote administrators can change document details for their own data.
Figure 720 Changing Document Details

Document type parameter values set for a remote trading partner take precedence over the default document type parameter values set for the document definition when the document was created on the Administration > Document tab.

7-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using Document Routing IDs

Changing Document Definitions After Deploying an Agreement

Changes to a document definition after an agreement is deployed are not reflected in the trading partners profile. Use the Document Details area on the Partners > Documents tab to change document protocol version and document type parameters. Then redeploy the agreement.

Changing Document Definitions After Importing Metadata

If you import B2B metadata and then change the document from the Administration > Document tab, then you must also make the same changes to the supported document definition for the host and remote trading partners from the Partners > Documents tab. Use the Version, Document Type, and Definitions tabs under Document Details to make the changes.

Using Document Routing IDs

A document routing ID is useful in two circumstances: when enqueuing to an AQ queue and when using B2B documents in a SOA composite application. If you set a document routing ID for messages enqueued to an AQ queue (inbound only), then the AQ consumer name is set to the document routing ID. Within a SOA composite application, if you use a document routing ID in your B2B binding component instead of the document definition, then all messages with the same document routing ID are routed to the same SOA composite. This is useful if you have many different document definitions, but you want them to be handled the same way. The WSDL uses the document routing ID instead of the document definitions. In a SOA composite application, the B2B Configuration Wizard provides an option to use the document routing ID instead of selecting a document definition, as shown in Figure 721.
Figure 721 Document Routing ID Option in Oracle JDeveloper

Using Document Protocols


Using Document Routing IDs

When using AQ, if you set the routing ID value instead of using the default b2buser, do not set it to a numeric value. Use a combination of alphabetic and numeric values.

7-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Managing Deployments

Deploying an agreement is the process of validating and activating a set of run-time data that is used for run-time transactions. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Agreement Deployment States Managing Deployed Agreements

See Chapter 6, "Creating and Deploying Trading Partner Agreements," for more information about how to deploy an agreement.

Introduction to Agreement Deployment States

You can manage the state of a deploymentActive, Inactive, Retired, or Purgedas shown in Figure 81. You can also search on the deployed agreements in the run-time repository, as well as export an agreement.
Figure 81 Managing a Deployed Agreement

Managing Deployed Agreements

A deployed agreement is initially in the Active state. Table 81 describes the deployment states.

Managing Deployments


Managing Deployed Agreements

Table 81 State Active

Deployed Agreement States Description When to Use

The agreement has been successfully When you are ready to receive or deployed and is ready to process send messages using the agreement. messages. From an Active state, a deployed agreement can move to an Inactive state only.


The agreement can be changed to Active or Retired states. The agreement will not accept any new messages. However, all in-flight messages will be processed successfully. From an Inactive state, a deployed agreement can be moved to a Retired state or can be moved back to an Active state.

When a newer version of the same agreement is made Active, the previous version is changed to the Inactive state automatically. Also, when you do not want to receive new messages, but want to continue the in-flight messages, you can change the agreement to Inactive.


The agreement cannot be redeployed. No messages will be processed. From a Retired state, a deployed agreement can be purged only.

When you no longer want to receive or send messages using this agreement


The agreement is deleted from the system.

When you want to clean up unused agreements. Differs from Retired agreements, where you can still see the agreement in the system for information purposes.

Searching for Deployed Agreements

Use the search parameters described in Table 82 to search for deployed agreements.
Table 82 Parameter Name Responding Partner Initiating Partner *State Document Definition Search Parameters for Searching on Deployed Agreements Description Enter a string that is contained in the agreement name, equals the name, or is at the end of the name. Enter a string that is contained in the responding partner name, equals the name, or is at the end of the name. Enter a string that is contained in the initiating partner name, equals the name, or is at the end of the name. Select from All, Active, Inactive, or Retire. Select from one of the document definitions you previously created. See Chapter 4, "Creating Document Definitions," for more information.

Click Reset to return the search parameters shown in Table 82 to their previous settings. Click Advanced to select additional search parameters, as shown in Figure 82.

8-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Managing Deployed Agreements

Figure 82 Advanced Search Parameters

If you select the document search parameters from the Add Fields list, use them as follows: Select a document protocol name first to populate the list of document protocol versions; next select a document protocol version to populate the list of document types; and then select a document type to populate the list of document definitions. The Saved Search feature is not available.

Changing the Deployment State

To change the deployment state: 1. Click the Administration link.
2. 3. 4.

Click the Manage Deployments tab. Select an agreement. Click one of the available actions:

If the state is Active, then Inactive is available. If the state is Inactive, then Active or Retire is available. If the state is Retired, then Purge is available.

Exporting an Active Agreement

You can export active agreements. For agreements that use HTTPS or digital signature and encryption, the key store password of the host trading partner is not included as part of the export file. This is because a key store is specific to each computer. Therefore, when the export file is imported on a different computer, you must re-create the keystore password and update the keystore location (if needed) for the host trading partner in the B2B interface. If the export file is imported back or the keystore and its location have not changed on the target computer, then the keystore password and location may be identical to the first keystore and keystore password you used. This applies only to the host trading partner.

Managing Deployments


Managing Deployed Agreements

Caution: Do not manually edit exported files. If you do so, Oracle B2B cannot guarantee their integrity.

To export an active agreement: 1. Click the Administration link.

2. 3. 4.

Click the Manage Deployments tab. Select an agreement (or multiple agreements). Click Export. The system-provided file name is MDS_EXPORT_DD_MM_YYYY.zip.You can choose whether you want to open the file or save it, in which case you can specify a file name and download location. Each agreement is a separate ZIP file within MDS_EXPORT_DD_MM_YYYY.zip. Exporting can take some time based on the agreement metadata.

8-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Creating Types

You can create identifier types, contact information types, and trading partner parameter types. With custom types, Oracle B2B can meet individual specifications for document exchange, contact information, and trading partner parameters. This chapter contains the following topics:

Creating Custom Identifier Types Creating Custom Contact Information Types Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types

See "Creating Trading Partner Profiles" on page 5-2 for information on adding custom types and values to a trading partner profile.

Creating Custom Identifier Types

Identifier types, or identifiers, help in identifying a trading partner (as exchange identifiers) or can be used to define additional inputs for various document protocols. Oracle B2B has preseeded many of the commonly required identifiers. A new custom identifier can be created as required. To create an identifier type: 1. Click the Administration link.
2. 3. 4.

Click the Types tab. In the Identifiers area, click Add. Provide a name and optional description.

Creating Types


Creating Custom Identifier Types


Click Save.

See Task 3, "Add Identifier Types and Values" on page 5-4 for how to add the new type and a value to a trading partners profile. Oracle B2B provides predefined identifiers for the supported document protocols, as listed in Table 91. You can deleted unused types to further customize your B2B environment. A type that is used by a trading partner cannot be deleted.
Table 91 Name Identifier Types Defined in Oracle B2B Description

AS1 Identifier (Preview mode for this The specification for using EDI over SMTP to transmit data using e-mail. release) AS1 also works with non-EDI document types such as XML and TXT files. The AS1 Identifier and the Name identifier are required for AS1 exchanges. AS2 Identifier An alias for the service address (specified by the AS2-From/AS2-To fields) inside an AS2 transaction. The value can be any unique name that a trading partner recognizes. The AS2 Identifier and the Name identifier are required for AS2 exchanges. A unique, sequentially-generated, nine-digit number that is obtained from Dun and Bradstreet, formally as a D-U-N-S number. The DUNS Identifier and the Name identifier are required for RNIF exchanges. Used to identify multiple branches within a trading partners company. The group ID can be the same as the interchange ID. Used to specify the function of the EDI Group ID. A unique identifier for a trading partner that can come from different sources. For example, if the trading partner has a Dun & Bradstreet number, that number can be used for the interchange ID. In most cases, the selected VAN assigns the interchange ID.


EDI Group ID EDI Group ID Qualifier EDI Interchange ID

9-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Custom Identifier Types

Table 91 (Cont.) Identifier Types Defined in Oracle B2B Name EDI Interchange ID Qualifier Description Informs the network of the type of interchange ID that follows. Typical qualifiers include ZZ, indicating that the interchange ID that follows is mutually defined; 01, indicating that the interchange ID is the trading partners Dun and Bradstreet number; 12, indicating that the interchange ID is a telephone number. Identifies the trading partner based on the EDI interchange internal ID. Identifies the trading partner based on the EDI interchange internal sub-ID. The IP address to use for identifying trading partners if you are using the generic exchange protocol (EDI X12 over Generic Exchange, EDI EDIFACT over Generic Exchange, or Custom Document over Generic Exchange) with the HTTP or HTTPS transport protocol. Do not enter the host name. The Generic Identifier and the Name identifier are required for Generic HTTP and Generic Email exchanges. HL7 Batch Application ID Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch application ID. BHS.3 and BHS.5 have the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch application universal ID. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch application universal ID type. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch facility ID. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch facility universal ID.

EDI Interchange Internal ID EDI Interchange Internal Sub ID Generic Identifier

HL7 Batch Application Universal ID HL7 Batch Application Universal ID Type HL7 Batch Facility ID HL7 Batch Facility Universal ID

HL7 Batch Facility Universal ID Type Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 batch facility universal ID type. HL7 File Application ID Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file application ID. FSH.3 and FSH.5 have the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file application universal ID. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file application universal ID type. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file facility ID. This field further describes the sending/receiving application. The facility ID can have an organizational entity, unit, product or vendor's identifier. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file facility universal ID. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 file facility universal ID type. Identifies the sending/receiving application. For outbound messages, this field is used to override the Message Application Universal ID, which is MSH.3 for the sender and MSH.5 for the receiver. For inbound messages, this field is used for lookup. For outbound messages, this field is used to override the Message Application Universal ID Type, which is MSH.3 for the sender and MSH.5 for the receiver. For inbound messages, this field is used for lookup. Identifies the trading partner based on the HL7 message facility ID.

HL7 File Application Universal ID HL7 File Application Universal ID Type HL7 File Facility ID

HL7 File Facility Universal ID HL7 File Facility Universal ID Type HL7 Message Application ID HL7 Message Application Universal ID HL7 Message Application Universal ID Type HL7 Message Facility ID

Creating Types


Creating Custom Contact Information Types

Table 91 (Cont.) Identifier Types Defined in Oracle B2B Name HL7 Message Facility Universal ID Description For outbound messages, this field is used to override the Message Facility Universal ID, which is MSH.4 for the sender and MSH.6 for the receiver. For inbound messages, this field is used for lookup. For outbound messages, this field is used to override Message Facility Universal ID, which is MSH.4 for the sender and MSH.6 for the receiver. For inbound messages, this field is used for lookup. The TCP/IP Minimum Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) is the standard for HL7. The MLLP ID and the Name identifier are required for MLLP exchanges. Identifies the trading partner by its name. The value for this type is automatically supplied when you create or edit the trading partner name, for example, Acme or GlobalChips. The Name identifier is required for Generic File, Generic FTP, Generic SFTP, Generic AQ, and Generic JMS exchanges. This type, OASIS ebXML Messaging Services (ebXML), specifies a secure and reliable way to exchange messages using HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XMLDsig, and XMLEncrypt. The ebMS Identifier and the Name identifier are required for ebMS exchanges.

HL7 Message Facility Universal ID Type MLLP ID


ebMS Identifier

Creating Custom Contact Information Types

Oracle B2B provides a centralized location for trading partner contact information. After you create a type, you can add it to a trading partners profile and change its value. You can create any type of contact information. You may want to create types for contact names, e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and so on. You can deleted unused types to further customize your B2B environment. A type that is used by a trading partner cannot be deleted. To create a contact information type: 1. Click the Administration link.
2. 3. 4.

Click the Types tab. In the Contact Information area, click Add. Provide a name for the contact information type, an optional description, and click Save. The string that you provide in the Name field is displayed in a list under the Type field on the Partners > Profile page.

See Task 4, "Add Contact Information" on page 5-5 for how to add the new type and a value to a trading partners profile.

Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types

Trading partner parameter types are string types. After you create a type, you can add it to a trading partners profile and change its value. To create a trading partner parameter type and default value: 1. Click the Administration link.

Click the Types tab.

9-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types

3. 4.

In the Trading Partner Parameters area, click Add. Provide the following information and click Save.

Name (required) Default Value (optional) Group Name (optional) Display Name (optional; however, the value of Display Name, not Name, appears when you add this type to a trading partner profile) Description (optional)

See Task 5, "Add a Trading Partner Parameter and Value" on page 5-5 for how to add the new type and a value to a trading partners profile. There are no predefined trading partner parameter types. You may want to create a type named Country, for example. Then the valuea specific country codecan be configured for each trading partner. You can deleted unused types to further customize your B2B environment. A type that is used by a trading partner cannot be deleted.

Creating Types


Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types

9-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Importing and Exporting Data

For design-time data, use the Oracle B2B interface to import and export B2B repositories. This chapter contains the following topics:

Importing and Exporting the Design-Time Repository What Is Copied When You Import or Export from the Import/Export Tab About the Exported File

See Chapter 18, "B2B Command Line Tools," for information on importing and exporting data using ant.

Importing and Exporting the Design-Time Repository

Oracle B2B design-time data can be exported and saved to a ZIP file. The ZIP file can be imported back into Oracle B2B so that the data is available in the B2B interface. This is useful when migrating data from a test environment to a production environment.
Caution: Do not manually edit exported files. If you do so, Oracle B2B cannot guarantee their integrity.

You can exporting data from other areas of the Oracle B2B interface also:

Click Partners > Profile to export trading partner data. See "Creating Trading Partner Profiles" on page 5-2 for more information. Click Partners and then an agreement to export the agreement. See "Deleting and Exporting Agreements" on page 6-6 for more information. Click Administration > Manage Deployments to export deployed agreements. See "Exporting an Active Agreement" on page 8-3 for more information.

You can also import sample files that use the following document types: Custom, EDI EDIFACT, EDI X12, HL7, and RosettaNet. See "Oracle B2B Samples" on page 1-8 for the download location and information about the scenarios presented in the samples. Figure 101 shows where you import and export design-time data.

Importing and Exporting Data


Importing and Exporting the Design-Time Repository

Figure 101 Importing and Exporting Data

When you import metadata, the updates to your existing B2B are incremental unless you select the Replace Existing Metadata option. To delete all existing data before importing metadata, use the Purge tab under the Administration link. See Chapter 13, "Purging Data," for more information.

Complete export operations without interruption or idle time. Leaving the browser idle for more than a few minutes during export operations can cause file corruption.

To import data: 1. Click the Administration link.

2. 3.

Click the Import/Export tab. Click Browse to find the metadata repository ZIP file. The default name for exported metadata is MDS_EXPORT_DD_MM_YEAR.zip. If you are importing a ZIP file that contains multiple ZIP files within it, you must unzip the containing file and import each ZIP file separately. Individual ZIP files are created when you export multiple agreements at the same time.


If you select Replace Existing Metadata, then current metadata in the Metadata Service (MDS) repository is overwritten. If it is not selected, then only new data is copied to the MDS repository. Click Import. Depending on the size of the design-time repository contents, this process can take time.


To export data:

Do not manually edit exported files.

1. 2. 3.

Click the Administration link. Click the Import/Export tab. Select Entire Repository or Active Agreements. The entire repository includes all data in the B2B design-time repositoryagreements in all states, all trading partner configurations, and so on.

10-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

What Is Copied When You Import or Export from the Import/Export Tab

Active agreements are all deployed agreements that are not inactive, retired, or purged.

(Optional) Narrow the list of agreements by using the Search option.

a. b. c. d.

Select Agreement or Document Type. Enter part or all of an agreement name or document type name and click Search. Click Search. Select one or more agreements from the search results. If you select multiple agreements, each agreement is exported in its own ZIP file, and all the individual ZIP files are contained in the export ZIP file.

5. 6.

Click Export. Select Open or Save. The system-provided file name is MDS_EXPORT_DD_MM_YYYY.zip. You can choose whether you want to open the file or save it, in which case you can specify a file name and download location.

What Is Copied When You Import or Export from the Import/Export Tab
Clicking Import imports whatever is in the export file (that is, the file that was previously exported), which can possibly include B2BUser and ParameterValue objects. A warning message is displayed to indicate that, if the file contains credentialand policy-related data, then the credential and policy stores must also be imported. User information is not copied when you export a repository. Use the command line utility to export user data. See "Exporting Data" on page 18-3 for more information. ParameterValue objects for passwords are copied when you export a repository. The B2B import and export functionality is separate from the credential store and policy store import and export functionality. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server tools to import and export identity, credential, and policy stores.

Importing and Exporting Data


About the Exported File

Passwords are not copied when you import a repository. Passwords must be re-created in the destination B2B instance. Passwords are not copied when you export the design-time repository. If you export the design-time repository and then continue to make changes to the repository contents in the Oracle B2B interface, and if you later import the exported file (the contents of which are now older), then updates are as follows:

If Replace Existing Metadata is not checked during import, then new data created in the Oracle B2B interface after the file was exported is left untouched. If Replace Existing Metadata is checked during import, then data updated or deleted after the file was exported is overwritten with the older contents of the imported file.

If an import fails, then the changes are rolled back and the design-time repository remains unchanged. A message appears indicating that the import was unsuccessful.

About the Exported File

Design-time repository contents that are exported to a file represent a copy of the current data. This file is no longer accessible for changes with the Oracle B2B user interface until it is imported back into Oracle B2B. Do not manually edit exported files.

10-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Batching EDI Messages

For outbound messages, use the Oracle B2B interface to batch, schedule, and send outbound EDI X12 and EDI EDIFACT messages. (Inbound messages to Oracle B2B are automatically debatched.) This chapter contains the following topics:

Setting Up a Batch Managing Batched Messages

See the following for more information about EDI:

"Using the EDI EDIFACT Document Protocol" on page 7-7 "Using the EDI X12 Document Protocol" on page 7-12

Setting Up a Batch
Batching is often used to group messages by document type; for example, you may want to send out a batch of purchase orders or a batch of invoices, to one or more trading partners. You can also batch multiple document types, sent to one or more trading partners. Figure 111 shows where you set up a batch transmission of EDI messages.

Batching EDI Messages 11-1

Setting Up a Batch

Figure 111 Scheduling a Batch

Figure 112 (right side of the Schedule Batch tab) shows where you can do an advanced search for agreements.
Figure 112 Scheduling a BatchAdvanced Search

To set up a batch, do the following:

Task 1, "Search for Agreements to Batch" Task 2, "Create the Batch" Task 3, "Schedule the Batch"

Task 1 Search for Agreements to Batch 1. Click the Administration link.


Click the Schedule Batch tab.

11-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Setting Up a Batch


Use the search parameters described in Table 111 to identify which agreements you want to batch. Use the document search parameters as follows: Select a document protocol name first to populate the list of document protocol versions; next select a document protocol version to populate the list of document types; and then select a document type to populate the list of document definitions.

Table 111 Parameter

Search Parameters for Creating a Batch Description If you select All, then fields with values are matched using an and condition. If you select Any, then fields with values are matched using an or condition. Select Starts With, Contains, Equals, or Ends With, and type the appropriate portion of the name of the responding trading partner. Select Starts With, Contains, Equals, or Ends With, and type the appropriate portion of the name of the agreement. Select EDI_EDIFACT or EDI_X12. Select a document protocol version that you previously created. Select a document type that you previously created. Select a document definition that you previously created.

Match All or Any

Responding Partner

Agreement Document Protocol Name Document Protocol Version Document Type Document Definition 4.

Click Search. Active, deployed agreements (outbound) that meet your search criteria are displayed.


Go to Task 2, "Create the Batch".

Task 2 Create the Batch 1. Enter a name for the batch.

2. 3. 4.

Select the agreements you want to batch. Click Create Batch. Go to Task 3, "Schedule the Batch".

1. 2. 3.

Task 3 Schedule the Batch Click Launch Scheduler. Select the Non-Repeating Event tab or the Repeating Event tab. For a nonrepeating event, do one of the following:

Enter the date in the format shown in the Scheduler dialog and click OK, or, Click the Calendar icon, specify a date and time, and click OK.

For a repeating event, enter details on the interval to trigger the event, by specifying the minutes, hour, month, year, and date details. Then click OK.

Batching EDI Messages 11-3

Managing Batched Messages

You can see the batches you create on the Manage Batch tab.

Managing Batched Messages

Figure 113 shows where you can search for batches that you previously created; view details of a batch; and disable, update, or delete a batch.
Figure 113 Managing Batched EDI Messages

For the Update batch action, only the documents definitions selected can be updated. Ensure that you reselect all the documents that are to be part of the batch and not just the new ones. In some cases, B2B may not pick up the batched messages when you update the batching schedule. If you see that batched messages are not being picked up, delete the
11-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Managing Batched Messages

batch and create a new batch schedule with the same name as the previous batch. The same name must be used so that B2B picks up the previous messages in WAIT_BATCH status.

Batching EDI Messages 11-5

Managing Batched Messages

11-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Managing Callouts

This chapter describes how to create and use Java callouts, which transform the formats of messages exchanged between the host and remote trading partners. You can use callouts to invoke an XSLT style sheet, and any Java program in general. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Callouts Creating a Callout Including a Callout in an Agreement Implementing a Callout

Introduction to Callouts
Callouts are used in environments in which a host trading partner application does not use the same message format as the remote trading partner. For example, a remote trading partner sends a RosettaNet XML-formatted purchase order request to a host trading partner, as shown in Figure 121.

Managing Callouts 12-1

Introduction to Callouts

Figure 121 A Purchase Order Example: Using Callouts for Differently Formatted XML Messages
Purchase Order Request (Oracle E-Business Suite XML format) Callout Usage (Transforms RosettaNet XML to Oracle E-Business Suite XML) Host Application (Oracle E-Business Suite XML) Host Trading Partner (seller) B Remote Trading Partner (buyer) (RosettaNet XML)

Internal Delivery Channel Responding Internal Delivery Channel

Purchase Order Request (RosettaNet XML format) Purchase Order Acceptance (RosettaNet XML format)

Responding Callout Usage (Transforms Oracle E-Business Suite XML to RosettaNet XML) Purchase Order Acceptance (Oracle E-Business Suite XML format) A Source Document Definition: PurchaseOrderRequest Target Document Definition: PurchaseOrderAcceptance B Source Document Definition: PurchaseOrderAcceptance Target Document Definition: PurchaseOrderRequest

In this example, the host application of the host trading partner is an Oracle E-Business Suite application that does not use RosettaNet XML-formatted messages. To enable communication between these two different formats, you create two callouts, as follows:

One callout, callout_inbound, for example, transforms the RosettaNet XML-formatted purchase order request into an Oracle E-Business Suite XML format understood by the Oracle E-Business Suite application. The Oracle E-Business Suite application, in turn, responds to the request message with a purchase order acceptance message in Oracle E-Business Suite XML format. The other callout, callout_outbound, for example, transforms the Oracle E-Business Suite XML format back into a RosettaNet XML-formatted message for the remote trading partner.

These two callouts are then associated with the two agreements created for this exchange, as follows:

Include callout_outbound in the agreement for the outbound message, that is, the agreement for the initiating purchase order request. Include callout_inbound in the agreement for the inbound message, that is, the agreement for the responding purchase order acceptance.

Because a document definition is a component of an agreement, a callout is associated with a specific document definition. This purchase order example depicts a simple association of one callout to one agreement. In reality, however, the same callout can be included in many different
12-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating a Callout

agreements by changing the value of one or more callout parameters. See Figure 122 for where you add parameters and Table 122 for a list of parameter attributes.

Creating a Callout Library JAR File

If the callout JAR file provided with Oracle B2B is not sufficient for your needs, you can create your own callout JAR file outside of Oracle B2B, following the standards described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware B2B Callout Java API Reference. Use the Configuration tab of the Administration link to specify the directory location of this external JAR file. It is recommended that you create an external JAR file for your callouts; do not bundle your callouts with b2b.jar.


MySampleCallout is a restricted keyword and should not be used. It is already packaged into b2b.jar.

Creating a Callout
To create a callout, provide callout detailsthe implementation class name and library nameand callout parameters, as shown in Figure 122.
Figure 122 Creating a Callout

You can create multiple callouts with the same name if you assign them different implementation names. You cannot delete a callout that is included in an agreement.
Managing Callouts 12-3

Creating a Callout

Table 121 lists the callout details that you provide.

Table 121 Field *Implementation Class Callout Details Description Enter the class file name without .class. Note: Oracle B2B includes a predefined class file named XSLTCalloutImpl that you can use for XML-to-XML transformations. *Library Name Enter the JAR file name that has the callout implementation classes. Note: If you specify one or more of your own callout JAR files, you must specify the directory location. Use the Configuration tab from the Administration link. The directory location for the default b2b.jar file included with Oracle B2B does not need to be specified. See "Setting Configuration Parameters" on page 15-1 for information on specifying the callout directory for your own callout JAR files.

Description Timeout (seconds)

Enter a description. Enter the time limit in which to process the callout.

Callout parameters are similar in concept to global variables to which you can assign local values that are applicable only to a specific callout use. Or, you can create a callout parameter and assign it a default value that is applicable to all callout uses. Changes to callout parameters for an existing callout affect all agreements that use that callout. Table 122 lists the optional callout parameter attributes.
Table 122 Field Name Type Callout Parameter Attributes Description Enter a parameter name. Select from Integer, Float, String, Boolean, or Date types. The format for the Date type is MM/DD/YYYY. Note: Changing a type can invalidate the parameter default value. Value Mandatory Encrypted Description Enter a value. If Encrypted is set to True, then this value is encrypted. Select True or False. Select True or False. Enter an optional description.

12-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Including a Callout in an Agreement

After you create a callout, it is available to include in an agreement. See "Including a Callout in an Agreement" on page 12-5 for more information. If you change a callout after it is deployed with an agreement, a server restart is required. To create a callout: 1. Click Administration, and then Callout.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

In the Callout section, click Add. Enter a name for the callout. Enter callout details, as described in Table 121. (Optional) Click Add in the Parameters section. Enter a parameter name and attributes, as described in Table 122. Click Save.

You can edit the details, parameters, or parameter values at any time, but not the callout name.

Including a Callout in an Agreement

After you create a callout, it is available to include in an agreement, as shown in Figure 123.
Figure 123 Specifying a Callout in an Agreement

To include a callout in an agreement: 1. Click Partners.

2. 3. 4.

Click an agreement name. Select a callout. Click Save.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To update the value of a callout parameter for a specific agreement: Click Partners. Click an agreement name. Select a callout. Click Callout Details. Enter a value for the parameter name.

Managing Callouts 12-5

Implementing a Callout


Click OK.

Implementing a Callout
Example 121 shows how an incoming XML document is transformed to another XML document. The directory structure is oracle.tip.callout.
Example 121 Code Example of an XML-to-XML Transformation import import import import import import import import java.io.*; java.net.*; java.util.*; oracle.xml.parser.v2.*; oracle.tip.b2b.callout.Callout; oracle.tip.b2b.callout.CalloutMessage; oracle.tip.b2b.callout.CalloutContext; oracle.tip.b2b.callout.exception.*;

/** * This sample callout transforms the incoming XML document * to another XML document. It also shows how to generate * Functional Ack and Error message. */ public class XSLTCalloutImpl implements Callout { public void execute(CalloutContext context, List input, List output) throws CalloutDomainException, CalloutSystemException { try { // (1) Retrieve the callout properties from CalloutContext String xsltFile = context.getStringProperty("xsltFile"); // (2) Get the input callout message CalloutMessage cmIn = (CalloutMessage)input.get(0); // (3) Process the message // instantiate a stylesheet URL xslURL = new URL("file://" + xsltFile); XSLProcessor processor = new XSLProcessor();

12-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Implementing a Callout

XSLStylesheet xsl = processor.newXSLStylesheet(xslURL); // parser input XML content DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); parser.setPreserveWhitespace(true); parser.parse(new StringReader(cmIn.getBodyAsString())); XMLDocument xml = parser.getDocument(); processor.showWarnings(true); processor.setErrorStream(System.err); // Transform the document StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); processor.processXSL(xsl, xml, new PrintWriter(strWriter)); // (4) Create a output callout message // create a callout output message CalloutMessage cmOut = new CalloutMessage(strWriter.getBuffer().toString()); strWriter.close(); // create Functional Ack callout message // this is an optional step CalloutMessage fa = new CalloutMessage(/*set FA payload here*/); fa.setParameter("functional_ack", "true"); //setting your own doctype and revision //set the doc type name and revision as defined in b2b ui fa.setParameter("doctype_name", "fa"); fa.setParameter("doctype_revision", "1.0"); // create Error callout message // this is an optional step CalloutMessage err = new CalloutMessage(/* set the payload that causes this error */); err.setParameter("error_message", "true"); err.setParameter("error_desc", "set the error desc"); output.add(cmOut); output.add(fa); output.add(err); //(5) Throw an exception, if any } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalloutDomainException(e); } } }

Managing Callouts 12-7

Implementing a Callout

12-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Purging Data

Use the Oracle B2B interface to purge design metadata and instance data. This chapter contains the following topics:

Purging Design Metadata and Instance Data

See the following for alternate methods of purging:

Chapter 18, "B2B Command Line Tools" Chapter 19, "Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data"

Purging Design Metadata and Instance Data

Use the Oracle B2B interface to purge design metadata and instance data. Design metadata contains partner profile data, identifiers, document definitions, channels, and agreements. When you purge this data, predefined data that is part of the installation (the host trading partner name, protocols, and identification types, for example) is not purged. Instance data is created during run time when messages are processed. Instance, or run-time, data contains the business messages and message-related data. Specific instance data can be purged from the Business Message tab of the Reports link. See "Purging Messages" on page 16-2 for more information. Purging does not remove artifacts that B2B creates in the Credential Store, such as passwords. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for more information about the Credential Store. With an instance message purge, you can optionally purge control number information. Control numbers are used in EDI (X12 and EDIFACT) and HL7 message standards. B2B keeps track of control numbers for inbound and outbound messages. For outbound messages, B2B generates the control numbers in a sequence from an internal control number table. Because purging instance data and control numbers resets the sequence (the control number table is reset), an outbound message after a purge may have the same control number as a message before the purge. If this is undesirable, do not purge control numbers. Purging is useful for:

Managing disk space and improving performance Removing repositories on a test system

Purging Data 13-1

Purging Design Metadata and Instance Data

Caution: Purging is an irreversible operation. Ensure that you first archive any important data.

To purge design metadata or instance data: 1. Click the Administration tab, and then the Purge tab.
2. 3.

(Optional if you are purging instance data) Select Purge Control Number to reset the sequence. Click Purge Design Metadata or Purge Instance Data. Note: You are purging instance (run-time) data, not instance metadata.

If you select Purge Design Metadata, then the message Do you want to delete all the design metadata from the repository permanently? appears. If you select Purge Instance Data, then the message Do you want to delete all the runtime data from the repository permanently? appears.

Click Yes.

13-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Configuring Listening Channels

A listening channel is used to send messages to Oracle B2B. A listening channel listens on an endpoint for messages. If a listening channel is marked as internal, then it can be used by any internal business application. If it is used as an external channel, then any trading partner can send a message to Oracle B2B using this channel. This chapter contains the following topics:

Adding a Listening Channel and Protocol Using Transport Protocols Adding Listening Channel Details Configuring a Listening Channel

Adding a Listening Channel and Protocol

Listening channels are used globally. You do not need to select a listening delivery channel in an agreement. Listening channels are used for any trading partner to send inbound messages to Oracle B2B or for any back-end business application to send outbound messages to Oracle B2B. When you add a listening channel, you also specify the protocol that the channel uses, as shown in Figure 141.

Configuring Listening Channels 14-1

Adding a Listening Channel and Protocol

Figure 141 Adding a Listening Channel

By using a global listening channel, you can keep all messages in one directory from which Oracle B2B pulls. This approach is useful for File, FTP, and SFTP (SSH FTP) exchanges. Table 141 describes the listening channel protocols supported by Oracle B2B.
Table 141
Protocol AS1-1.0

Listening Channel Protocols

Description Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) provides S/MIME and uses SMTP to transmit data using e-mail. Security, authentication, message integrity, and privacy are assured by the use of encryption and digital signatures. Use nonrepudiation to make it impossible for the intended recipient of a message to deny having received it. AS1 works with almost any type of data. AS1-1.0 is in preview mode for this release. Using the Generic options, you can send messages with or without security. The Generic exchange protocol supports MIME and S/MIME, including S/MIME 3.0-based signing and encryption. There is no receipt acknowledgment support with the Generic protocols (acknowledgment mode must be set to None).

Generic File, Generic AQ, Generic FTP, Generic SFTP, Generic JMS, Generic Email

14-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Using Transport Protocols

Using Transport Protocols

The transport protocol used to send the message is determined by the listening channel you select, as shown in the Channel Details area in Figure 142.
Figure 142 Channel Details: The Transport Protocol

Table 142 describes the transport protocols available in Oracle B2B.

Table 142 Protocol Email File AQ Transport Protocols Available in Oracle B2B Description Use Email for AS1 and Email listening channels. The File transport enables files to be picked up from a shared file directory. Oracle AQ provides secure, bidirectional, asynchronous communication. The location of the application location is transparent, using any number of Oracle connectivity options, including OCI, JDBC, or PL/SQL. Both XML and non-XML message payloads are supported. FTP enables files to be passed with FTP between applications. FTP runs on default port 21. To change to another port, provide the value in the Control Port field. To enable SSL, use the Channel Mask field. The default is None (no SSL). SFTP enables files to be passed using SSH FTP. SFTP runs on default port 22, which can be changed to another port. SFTP supports two modes of authentication, password authentication and public key authentication. To use password authentication, provide a password, which is used for authentication. To use public key authentication, provide the private key file location. You may also need to provide a pass phrase if the private key file is pass-phrase protected. JMS enables applications to send and receive messages to and from the queues and topics administered by any Java Message Service (JMS) provider, including Oracle WebLogic JMS and non-Oracle providers such as MQSeries JMS (IBM).




Configuring Listening Channels 14-3

Adding Listening Channel Details

Adding Listening Channel Details

Listening channel details include transport protocol parameters, channel attributes, exchange protocol parameters, and security specifications. Table 143 describes these details.
Table 143 Listening Channel Details and Associated Protocols
Description A transport protocol defines the properties specific to a given use of a protocol endpoint. The transport is responsible for message delivery using the selected transport protocol, mode (synchronous or asynchronous), server, and protocol endpoint address (trading partner address, such as a URI). To enable SSL for FTP, enter one of the following:

Protocol/Parameter Transport Protocol Parameters

Protocol Used With -

Channel mask

FTP (optional)

ControlEncrypts the control channel DataEncrypts the data channel BothEncrypts both the data and control channels FTP (optional) JMS (optional) AQ (optional) AS1 (optional) Email (optional)

The default is None (no SSL). Cipher suites Connection factory Consumer Content type Sets of ciphers defined in SSL. The JNDI location or Java class name for the connection factory, as in jms/b2b/B2BQueueConnectionFactory. The client that receives the message. The content type of the payload being sent over e-mail. The default content type is text/plain; other examples include application/xml and application/edi. This value is used only for the delivery channel (to send e-mail) and not for the listening channel. On the listening channel side, intelligence is built into the transport adapter to deal with different content types, so no configuration is required. Provide a value to change the default FTP port value (21) For active FTP connections, use this option to configure the static/fixed data port of the FTP server. The JNDI name of the JDBC data source to access AQ queues. The JMS destination name.

Control port Data port Data source Destination name Email ID Email Server Encoding Filename format

FTP (optional) FTP (optional) AQ (optional) JMS (optional)

The e-mail address to which messages are delivered (similar to specifying AS1 (required) the path for a file channel or queues in AQ or JMS). Email (required) Select IMAP or POP3. The encoding used in B2B to convert the contents of the inbound files. The following filename formats can be used: %FROM_PARTY% %TO_PARTY% %DOCTYPE_NAME% %DOCTYPE_REVISION% %MSG_ID% %TIMESTAMP% This filename format can be used for ebMS documents only: %ACTIONNAME% These formats can be used in any combination; for example, %TO_PARTY%_%DOCTYPE_NAME%_%DOCTYPE_REVISION%.dat produces something like Acme_4010_850.dat. Any file extension is allowed. AS1 (required) Email (required) FTP (optional) File (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional)


An absolute directory path is recommended.

AS1 (optional) Email (optional)

14-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Adding Listening Channel Details

Table 143 (Cont.) Listening Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Folder name Host name Description An absolute directory path is recommended. The trading partners transport or e-mail server exchanging messages. Protocol Used With File (required) FTP (required) AS1 (required) AQ (optional) FTP (required) SFTP (required) Email (required) Is Map Payload Alone Is topic Message type Pass phrase and Confirm pass phrase Password and Confirm Password Indicates that the payload is sent alone as part of a JMS message of type javax.jms.MapMessage Select to indicate that JMS is communicating with a topic (not a queue). Select a JMS messages type: BYTES, TEXT, or MAP. If you enter a private key file location, and if the private key file is pass-phrase protected, then enter the pass phrase. To use password authentication, provide a key store password, which is used for authentication. JMS (optional) JMS (optional) JMS (optional) SFTP (optional) AS1 (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional) JMS (optional) Email (optional) Path Polling interval The absolute directory path where messages are sent from or received. The time interval in milliseconds during which Oracle B2B polls the server for inbound messages. SFTP (required) AS1 (optional) File (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional) JMS (optional) Email (optional) Port number AQ runs on default port 1521. SFTP runs on default port 22, which can be changed to another port. FTP runs on default port 21, which is not displayed. See the description of Control Port for how to change this port number. Private key To use public key authentication, provide the private key file location. You may also need to provide a pass phrase if the private key file is pass-phrase protected. The AQ queue name. The value used when delivering a message to the AQ queue. For example, if you set the recipient to testuser, then the message can be consumed only by the consumer with the name testuser (in other words, the recipient is on the sending side and the consumer is on the listening side). If enabled, the message (payload) is sent as an e-mail attachment instead of the typical delivery in which the payload is the message body. System ID to identify an Oracle database. The subject header of the e-mail message. The JMS subscriber ID is required if JMS is communicating with a topic. SFTP (optional) AQ (optional) SFTP (required)

Queue name Recipient

AQ (optional) AQ (optional)

Send as attachment SID Subject Subscriber ID

AS1 (optional) Email (optional) AQ (optional) AS1 (optional) Email (optional) JMS

Configuring Listening Channels 14-5

Adding Listening Channel Details

Table 143 (Cont.) Listening Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter User name Description The user name (login name) to connect to the target servers. This value is optional for AQ and JMS because B2B can use the configured JNDI data sources to connect to queues. Protocol Used With AS1 (required) AQ (optional) FTP (required) SFTP (required) JMS (optional) Email (required) Use proxy Channel Attributes Ack Mode Description Select this option if a proxy server is used. The channel is the communication interface between the host trading partners host application and its installation. Select Sync, Async, or None for the mode in which the trading partner receives messages. Select None for all generic exchanges. Provide an optional description. AS1 (optional) AS1 (optional) File (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional) JMS (optional) Email (optional) Enable/Disable Channel The channel is the communication interface between the host trading partners host application and its installation. AS1 (required) File (required) AQ (required) FTP (required) SFTP (required) JMS (required) Email (Required) Internal Select this option if the channel is internal to the host trading partners enterprise. (This feature is disabled for AS1.) File (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional) JMS (optional) Email (optional) Response Mode Retry Count Select Sync, Async, or None, The number of times that Oracle B2B retries sending the message. AS1 (required) AS1 (optional) File (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional) JMS (optional) Email (optional) Retry Interval The time interval in seconds during which Oracle B2B attempts to resend the message. A time interval of 2 minutes increments the HH:MM:SS timestamp as follows: If the sent timestamp is 3:42:58, then 42 seconds is incremented by 2 minutes and the retry is sent at 3:44:00. The seconds are dropped in the retry increment. Subsequent retries are at 2 minute intervals. AS1 (optional) File (optional) AQ (optional) FTP (optional) FTP (optional) SFTP (optional)

SFTP (optional) For protocols with acknowledgments, B2B waits for the acknowledgment JMS (optional) (formerly called the Time to Acknowledge parameter). If it is not received, the retry interval setting causes B2B to retry Email (optional)

14-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring a Listening Channel

Table 143 (Cont.) Listening Channel Details and Associated Protocols

Protocol/Parameter Exchange Protocol Parameters Description The exchange protocol defines the headers, acknowledgments, and packaging that puts the headers and payload together (the message exchange mechanism). The exchange protocol also defines signing and compression. Select to enable these options. Select this option to ensure that the responder acknowledges receipt of the messages; nothing needs to be provided. If Message Signed is selected, then select one of the following: SMIME 3.0 with MD5 - RSA SMIME 3.0 with SHA1 - RSA Encryption If Message Encrypted is selected, then select one of the following: SMIME 3.0 with DES SMIME 3.0 with 3DES SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 40 SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 64 SMIME 3.0 with RC2 - 128 Message Encrypted Message Signed Select this option to enable message encryption. This option requires you to select an encryption schema in the Encryption field. Select this option to provide one of the digital signatures in the Digital Signature field. AS1 AS1 AS1 Protocol Used With -

Signed and Compressed Security Parameters Ack Signed Digital Signature

AS1 (optional) AS1 AS1

Configuring a Listening Channel

To configure a listening channel, add a listening channel protocol, and then transport protocol parameters, channel attributes, exchange protocol parameters, and security parameters, depending on the channel protocol you selected. To add a listening channel protocol: 1. Click the Administration link.
2. 3. 4. 5.

Click the Listening Channel tab. Click Add. Provide a name for the listening channel. Select a protocol.

Configuring Listening Channels 14-7

Configuring a Listening Channel

See Table 141 for a description of the protocols. The transport protocol that appears under Channel Details is based on your protocol selection in Step 5.

Click Save.

1. 2.

To add transport protocol parameters: Click the Transport Protocol Parameters tab. Provide transport protocol parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols. Table 143 describes the transport protocol parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the transport protocol parameters category) and the protocols to which the parameters apply.


Click Save.

To add channel attributes: 1. Click the Channel Attributes tab.


Provide channel attributes, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected. Table 143 describes the channel attributes (listed in alphabetical order within the channel attributes category) and the protocols to which the attributes apply.


Click Save.

14-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Configuring a Listening Channel

To add exchange protocol parameters: 1. Click the Exchange Protocol Parameters tab.

Provide exchange protocol parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected. Table 143 describes the exchange protocol parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the exchange protocol parameters category) and the protocols to which the attributes apply.


Click Save.

To add security parameters: 1. Click the Security Parameters tab.


Provide security parameters, depending on the channel/transport protocols selected. Table 143 describes the security parameters (listed in alphabetical order within the security parameters category) and the protocols to which the attributes apply.


Click Save.

Configuring Listening Channels 14-9

Configuring a Listening Channel

14-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Configuring B2B System Parameters

Configuration settings that were formerly accessible in oracle.tip properties files are now accessible in the Oracle B2B interface on the Configuration tab. Settings on the Configuration tab override property settings in b2b-config.xml. See Appendix B, "Properties of b2b-config.xml." This chapter contains the following topics:

Setting Configuration Parameters

Setting Configuration Parameters

Figure 151 shows the configuration settings available in the Oracle B2B interface.

Configuring B2B System Parameters 15-1

Setting Configuration Parameters

Figure 151 Configuration Parameters in the Oracle B2B Interface

Table 151 describes the configuration parameters.

15-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Setting Configuration Parameters

Table 151 Field

Configuration Settings Description If set to true, then B2B autogenerates the functional acknowledgment (FA) message for inbound EDI and HL7 messages. Inbound FA messages are consumed when this option is true. When this option is set to false, B2B does not autogenerate the FA document. The back-end application (middleware) must generate the FA and provide it to B2B as an outbound message. When option is set to false, inbound FA documents are passed back to the back-end application. If the document does not require an FA (as indicated by the agreement-level setting), then this option is ignored. The default value for this property is true. See "Setting b2b.FAHandleByB2B for EDI EDIFACT and EDI X12" on page B-2 for more information. When Functional Ack Handled by B2B is set to false, then Notify Inbound Functional Acks must be set to false also for the inbound FA to be sent to the back-end application. If Notify Inbound Functional Acks is set to true (while Functional Ack Handled by B2B is set to false), then the incoming 997 (FA doc) generates only a notification and the 997 document itself is not sent back to the back-end application.

Acknowledgment Settings Functional Ack Handled by B2B

Functional Ack Internal Properties

Generates the internal properties structure in the functional acknowledgment XML for EDI transactions. A document type 997 (for X12) or CONTRL (for EDIFACT) must exist. The default value is false, which means that the functional acknowledgment uses the original message-internal properties. If true, then the FA message autogenerated by B2B contains interchange/group envelope information from the original message. If set to true, B2B sends an acknowledgment notification to the application when an exchange acknowledgment is received.

Notify Inbound Receipt Acks

Notify Inbound Functional If set to true, B2B sends an acknowledgment notification to the application when a Acks functional acknowledgment is received. When Functional Ack Handled by B2B is set to false, then Notify Inbound Functional Acks must be set to false also for the inbound FA to be sent to the back-end application. If Notify Inbound Functional Acks is set to true (while Functional Ack Handled by B2B is set to false), then the incoming 997 (FA doc) generates only a notification and the 997 document itself is not sent back to the back-end application. Generic Settings Use JMS Queue Use B2B Queue Callout Directory Miscellaneous Settings Default Trading Partner Ignore Validation on Envelope Elements Set this option to true to use the default JMS queues (B2B_IN_QUEUE and B2B_OUT_ QUEUE) as the default internal delivery channel. Set this option to true to use the default AQ queues (IP_IN_QUEUE and IP_OUT_ QUEUE) as the default internal delivery channel. Specify a directory for the callout JAR file location if you do not use the default callout. The callout directory path cannot end with / or \. Defaults to this trading partner if trading partner agreement identification fails. Used for HL7 documents. When this property is set to true, the validation of look-up parameters is turned off Use this option to provide a list of envelope elements, separated by commas, to be ignored during look-up validation. The possible values are InterchangeSenderID, InterchangeReceiverID, GroupReceiverID, GroupSenderID, TransactionAssociationAssignedCode, InterchangeReceiverQual, InterchangeSenderQual, and InterchangeControlVersion.

Configuring B2B System Parameters 15-3

Setting Configuration Parameters

Table 151 (Cont.) Configuration Settings Field Ignore Correlation Description When an acknowledgment is received from a trading partner, it is correlated to the actual business message of the sender. If the correlation fails, an exception is generated and the acknowledgment processing stops. To ignore the correlation and process the acknowledgment, set this property to true. Use to specify attachments (additional MIME types) in addition to the default MIME types supported by B2B for ebxml exchanges. By default, B2B supports application/xml : application/octet-stream : application/EDIFACT : application/EDI-X12 : application/jpg : image/jpeg : application/gzip : application/x-gzip: application/pkcs7-signature. If true, B2B logs the payload in a diagnostic log (also depends on log level setting). Error messages are logged by default. Payload logging is useful for diagnostic purposes, but may be undesirable for security reasons. The default value is false. If set to true, the AQ adapter retries the enqueue operation when the initial enqueue fails. This parameter is not available in this release. A delimiter to separate the HTTP headers provided in the Additional Transport Headers field for HTTP delivery channel configuration. Used in ebMS to indicate that the conversation message is to be considered as a request message. If this property is enabled (set to true), B2B finds the agreement for the specific message type first, and then the generic message type. The default value is false. The number of dispatchers used for handling the outbound messages. Used in message sequencing for MLLP. The default value is 0.

Additional MIME Types

Log Payload

Reconnect on Error HTTP Header Delimiter Treat Reply to Message as Request Miscellaneous (continued) Generic Message Type Outbound Dispatcher Count

Inbound Dispatcher Count The number of dispatchers used for handling the inbound messages. Used in message sequencing for MLLP. The default value is 0. Auto Stack Handler Auto Stack Handler Interval Performance Settings Large Payload Size Large Payload Directory UI Settings Show Payload Used in stacking for MLLP. If true, the stack handler processes stacked messages in automatic mode. The default value is false. Used in stacking for MLLP. Enter comma-separated values for the time interval in seconds for the stack handler to process the stacked messages. The default value is 1. Specify a large payload size, in bytes. The default value is 2,000,000 (2MG). The default directory is /tmp. For Windows-based systems, change the directory to an appropriate directory, such as C:\temp. Enables the payload to be displayed in reports accessible from the Reports tab. If set to true, the database is automatically searched with the default search parameters and the results are displayed. Enables automatic searching in reports accessible from the Reports tab. The default value is true. If set to false, a blank result table is displayed on the report pages until the Search button is clicked. The default value is 1,048,576 KB. This parameter (in bytes) is used to display the payload only if its size is less than the value configured in the interface.

Enable Auto Search

Payload Display Size

To set configuration parameters: 1. Click the Administration link.


Click the Configuration tab.

15-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Setting Configuration Parameters

3. 4.

Provide values for the configuration parameters, as described in Table 151. Click Save.

Configuring B2B System Parameters 15-5

Setting Configuration Parameters

15-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Part IV
Part IV

Reports and Metrics

This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 16, "Creating Reports" Chapter 17, "Using B2B Metrics"


Creating Reports

Oracle B2B reports provide real-time status on the run-time behavior of deployed data. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Reports Creating Business Message Reports Creating Wire Message Reports Creating Application Message Reports Creating Error Reports Creating Conversation Reports

Introduction to Reports
Use the Reports link to search on data in the run-time repository. The Saved Search function is not available. The following message types are available for searching:

Business messagesSee "Creating Business Message Reports" on page 16-2 Wire messagesSee "Creating Wire Message Reports" on page 16-5 Application messagesSee "Creating Application Message Reports" on page 16-7 Error messagesSee "Creating Error Reports" on page 16-10 Conversation messagesSee "Creating Conversation Reports" on page 16-12

In a cluster environment, if system time stamps are not synchronized for all nodes in the cluster, then you may see message time stamps that look incorrect, but are not. For example, given an unsynchronized, multinode cluster, if an outbound message is received on one node, but the reply is sent from another node, it is possible for a report to show message receipt at 4 a.m., but an acknowledgment sent at 3:55 a.m.

The Monitor User Role

For individuals such as business analysts who create and analyze message reports, Oracle B2B provides a Monitor user role that an Administrator can assign to trading partner users. This role provides a user with access to only the functionality of the Reports tab of Oracle B2B. A user with the Monitor role cannot see or access the other

Creating Reports 16-1

Creating Business Message Reports

parts of the interface or see data for other trading partners. See "Adding Trading Partner Users" on page 5-7 for how to assign the Monitor role.

Purging Messages
From the Business Message tab, use the Purge button to purge one or more messages that display after you search the instance data.

Resubmitting Messages from Oracle B2B

If errors that occur when sending an inbound or outbound message are internal to Oracle B2B, then you can correct the problem and resend the message. For example, if B2B attempts to send a message to an endpoint that is not configured correctly, or if the agreement is not configured correctly, correct the error and use Resubmit for application messages or wire messages. Resubmitting an application message, for an outbound message, replays the message from the time of receipt of the message and goes through agreement lookup, message translation (for EDI) and then finally the delivery is attempted. An application message resubmit is helpful when the agreement settings or document configuration is not as required and the message needs to be restructured with updated settings. Resubmitting an application message, for an inbound message, attempts to deliver the message again to the back-end application. Resubmitting is useful when the back-end application is down and the delivery needs to be retried. Resubmitting a wire message, for an outbound message, only tries to redeliver the previously processed message. There is no repackaging or other message transformation. This is helpful when the problem was with the delivery endpoint (for example, the partner's server is down and unable to receive the message). Resubmitting a wire message, for an inbound message, replays the message from the time of receipt from the trading partner. The exchange and document are re-identified and an agreement lookup is done. The processed message is then delivered to the back-end. This is useful when the agreement or document setting are not correct and the message needs to be translated and validated again.

If you resubmit an inbound AS2 synchronous wire message, the MDN is generated, but it is not returned to the sender in synchronous mode. This is because the sender is not the one who is initiating the originating message. In this scenario, the MDN message state is in the MSG_COMPLETE state.

Creating Business Message Reports

Business message status reports identify business message instance details for a document protocol. These details include the sending and receiving trading partners, the agreement name, the business action, the business message ID, the status, the exchange protocol and document protocol, and message details. Figure 161 shows a business message report.

16-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Business Message Reports

Figure 161 Business Message Report

To create a business message report: 1. Click Reports, and then Business Message.

Provide search parameters.

Description Select All or Any. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner name. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner name. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a trading partner agreement name. Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon. Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.

Field Match Sender Receiver Agreement Send Time Stamp

Receive Time Stamp

Creating Reports 16-3

Creating Business Message Reports

Field State

Description Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state: MSG_COMPLETE MSG_ERROR MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT MSG_WAIT_FA MSG_WAIT_BATCH

Message ID

Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message ID.


To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:
Description Enter Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)

Field Document Protocol Name

Document Type

Document Protocol Version Document Definition

Use the document search parameters as follows: Select a document protocol name first to populate the list of document protocol versions; next select a document protocol version to populate the list of document types; and then select a document type to populate the list of document definitions.

Click Search. View the results, as shown in Figure 161.


In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

16-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Wire Message Reports

Creating Wire Message Reports

Wire messages are the native format of data sent from trading partners. Wire messages can contain several sections, such as payloads, attachments, or trailers. Wire message status reports identify details about wire message instances, such as the transport protocol name, the transport protocol revision, and the protocol message identification and its state. The reports enable you to go from a business message to its corresponding wire message and from a wire message to its corresponding business messages. Figure 162 shows a wire message report.

Creating Reports 16-5

Creating Wire Message Reports

Figure 162 Wire Message Report

To create a wire message report: 1. Click Reports, and then Wire Message.

Provide search parameters.

Value Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the URL. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the transport protocol. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state: MSG_COMPLETE MSG_ERROR MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT MSG_WAIT_FA MSG_WAIT_BATCH

Field URL Transport Protocol State

Created Date

Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message ID.

Message ID


To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

16-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Application Message Reports

Field Document Protocol Name

Description Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.)

Document Type

Document Protocol Version Document Definition


Click Search. View the results, as shown in Figure 162.


In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

Creating Application Message Reports

This report provides information related to the SOA Compositethe name, version, and so on, if a back-end composite application sent or received the message. Figure 163 shows an application message report.

Creating Reports 16-7

Creating Application Message Reports

Figure 163 Application Message Report

To create an application message report: 1. Click Reports, and then Application Message.

Provide search parameters.

Description Select All or Any. Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon. Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of a message state: MSG_COMPLETE MSG_ERROR MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT MSG_WAIT_FA MSG_WAIT_BATCH

Field Match Created Date

Document Protocol Name

Document Protocol Version Document Type

Document Definition State

16-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Application Message Reports

Field Composite Name

Description Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the SOA composite application name.


To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

Field Application Name Composite Version ECID Sender ID Type Service Name Receiver ID Type Receiver Value

Description Provide the name of the application. Provide the version of the SOA composite application in Oracle JDeveloper. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide an instance ID. Provide the senders identifier type, such as Name, DUNS, or MLLP ID. Provide the name of the B2B service binding component. Provide the receivers identifier type, such as Name, DUNS, or MLLP ID Provide the value of the receivers identifier type. For example, if DUNS is the Receiver ID Type, provide the DUNS number. Provide the value of the senders identifier type. For example, if Name is the Sender ID Type, provide the trading partner name as set in the identifier type in the trading partners profile. Provide the name of the B2B reference binding component. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the composite name.

Sender Value

Reference Name Fabric CompositeDn


Click Search. View the results, as shown in Figure 163.


In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

Creating Reports 16-9

Creating Error Reports

Creating Error Reports

Error status reports provide error message details. These details include the error code, error text, business message identification, message date, and message details. Figure 164 shows an error report.

16-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Error Reports

Figure 164 Error Report

To create an error report: 1. Click Reports, and then Error.


Provide search parameters.

Description Select All or Any. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error code. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error level Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of an error severity. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the error text. Select from Starts With, Equals, Contains, or Ends With. Provide all or part of the error description. Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon.

Field Match Error Code

Error Level Error Severity

Error Text Error Description

Send Time Stamp


To add more search fields, click Advanced and select from Add Fields:

Creating Reports


Creating Conversation Reports

Field Document Definition Document Type

Description Select from a previously created document definition. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document type, for example, 850 for EDI X12. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from a previously created document protocol version. (Equals is the only operator.) Select from Custom, EDI_EDIFACT, EDI_X2, HL7, OAG, PositionalFlatFile, RosettaNet, or UCCNet. (Equals is the only operator.)

Document Protocol Version Document Protocol Name


Click Search. View the results, as shown in Figure 164.


In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

Creating Conversation Reports

A conversation message results when the correlation XPath is set in a document definition to correlate messages. A correlation message also shows messages that are correlated automatically. For example, an AS2 message and its acknowledgment (MDN) are automatically correlated and part of a conversation. In RosettaNet, request

16-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Creating Conversation Reports

and response messages are also correlated, in addition to the acknowledgments sent and received. These related messages are displayed on the Conversation tab. Figure 165 shows a conversation report.
Figure 165 Conversation Report

To create a conversation report: 1. Click Reports, and then Conversation.


Provide search parameters.

Description Select All or Any. Select from Less Than, Greater Than, Greater Than Equals, Equals, or Less Than Equals. Provide a date and time in the format shown (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) or click the Select Date and Time icon. Applies to ebMS and RosettaNet documents and is available from header information. Applies to ebMS and RosettaNet documents and is available from header information.

Field Match Send Time Stamp

Collaboration Name Collaboration ID

No additional fields can be added using the Advanced search button.


Click Search. View the results, as shown in Figure 165.


In the Details column of the Results area, click the icon to see report details.

Creating Reports


Creating Conversation Reports

16-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Using B2B Metrics

Oracle B2B metrics provide system-level and partner-level status on B2B run-time data. This includes status on messages and errors, message counts, active document types and trading partners, and error messages. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to B2B Metrics B2B System Metrics B2B Partner Metrics

Introduction to B2B Metrics

Use the Metrics tab to view current run-time data in the repository. The Metrics tab reflects changes that occur in the run-time repository (for example, purging the run-time instance data). Metrics data shown in the Messages and Errors chart and the Message Count chart, shown in Figure 171, display data for the last 10 hours or the last 20 hours.
Figure 171 The Messages and Errors Chart and Message Count Chart

The metrics tables show all data from the time the first message was received. Current data is available by using the Refresh button. In contrast, changes are not immediately reflected in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, which is based on DMS metrics collected from the Weblogic managed server node. Enterprise Manager also shows limited information (the top 5 partners, the top 5 documents) and the data is available only from the last restart of the server. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for more information. Most fields in the active document types, active trading partners, and errors tables can be sorted in ascending or descending order, as shown in Figure 172.

Using B2B Metrics 17-1

B2B System Metrics

Figure 172 Sorting Columns

This is useful to identify the largest average message size or to group all the responding partner error messages, for example. You can resize columns to see any text that may be obscured. For error text, place the mouse over the text to see the entire message. The business message IDs in the Errors area link to business message details, as shown in Figure 173.
Figure 173 Business Message Details

B2B System Metrics

Figure 174 shows system metrics summary data.

17-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

B2B Partner Metrics

Figure 174 System Metrics

Table 171 describes the information on the System metrics tab.

Table 171 Area Summary B2B System Metrics Description Active partners are partners for which at least one agreement has been deployed. Active agreements are agreements that have been deployed and are in the active state. Active document types are document types that have been included in deployed and active agreements. Processed messages = Completed messages + Errored messages Details of the errored messages are listed under Errors. Message Count Active Document Types Active messages are shown in this trend of inbound and outbound message quantity over time. Active document types are document types that have been included in active agreements. Details of the errors are listed under Errors. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages. Active trading partners are partners for which an agreement has been deployed and is in an active state. The host trading partner is included in the list. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages. Error message text is available from the Java resource bundle. The business message IDs link to business message details.

Messages and Errors

Active Trading Partners


B2B Partner Metrics

Figure 175 shows metrics summary data for a selected trading partner.

Using B2B Metrics 17-3

B2B Partner Metrics

Figure 175 Partner Metrics

Table 172 describes the information on the Partners metrics tab.

Table 172 Area Messages and Errors B2B Partner Metrics Description Processed messages = Completed messages + Errored messages Details of the errored messages are listed under Errors. Message Count Summary Active messages are shown in this trend of inbound and outbound message quantity over time. The number of messages processed, the average processing time, the average message size, and the number of errors are quantified. Active document types are document types that have been included in active agreements. Details of the errors are listed under Errors. Messages processed include completed plus errored messages, that is, active messages. Error message text is available from the Java resource bundle. The business message IDs link to business message details.

Active Document Types


17-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Part V
Part V

Scripts and Utilities

This part describes how to do various tasks using scripts and utilities that are provided in Oracle B2B. This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 18, "B2B Command Line Tools" Chapter 19, "Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data" Chapter 20, "Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing"


B2B Command Line Tools

B2B command line tools are available for a number of tasks.


Command line tools are for administrator use only. Self-service APIs are not available in this release.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Prerequisites for Running the Command Line Tools Purging Data Importing Data Exporting Data Deploying Agreements Validating B2B Metadata CPP/CPA Import CPP/CPA Export CPP/CPA Templates

Prerequisites for Running the Command Line Tools

Do the following before using the command line tools:

Set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle Fusion Middleware installation directory and then set the following environment variables:
ANT_HOME - $ORACLE_HOME/.../modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.0 JAVA_HOME - $ORACLE_HOME/.../jdk160_11


Create jndi.properties.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcreate-prop


Edit the jndi.properties file to include the weblogic password.

B2B Command Line Tools 18-1

Purging Data

Purging Data
Note: Before purging data, exporting or archiving data is recommended.

Purges both design-time and run-time data and resets the environment to the installation time.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge Table 181 Option mode msgState Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge Description Specifies purging design-time or run-time data. Deletes messages with the specified message state. Used for run-time data. Domain DT RT MSG_COMPLETE MSG_ERROR MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT MSG_WAIT_FA MSG_WAIT_BATCH Required No No. If msgstate is present, then start and end must be used. No


Deletes messages that are dd-MMM-yyyy created on or after the specified date. Used for run-time data. Deletes messages that are created on or before the specified date. Used for run-time data. Deletes control numbers. Used for run-time data. Used for design-time data. Removes Design-Time Data dd-MMM-yyyy




true false (default)


host Example 181

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dmode=DT Example 182 Purges Run-Time Data

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dmode=RT Example 183 Purges Run-Time Data, Including Control Numbers

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dmode=RT -Dpurgecontrolnumber=true Example 184 Purges Messages with the Specified State Between the Specified Dates

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dmode=RT -Dstart=01-FEB-2009 -Dend=10-FEB-2009 -Dmsgstate=MSG_COMPLETE

Importing Data
Imports a configuration ZIP file to the repository. Basic validation is performed, but it is not a complete validation as with deployment validation. No data is overwritten unless you use the overwrite option.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bimport -Dlocalfile=true -Dexportfile="/tmp/export.zip"

18-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Exporting Data

Table 182 Option exportfile overwrite

Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bimport Description Domain Required Yes No

Location of the export (ZIP) file Overwrites the existing business elements. For example, an existing delivery channel with the same trading partner name as a delivery channel in the import file is replaced if this option is set to true. true false (default)


If the export file location exists true on the server, then set this false (default) option to true to improve performance. The export file must be on the server on which B2B is running.


Exporting Data
Exports the entire repository (without policy details) if no other options are specified.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bexport Table 183 Option exportfile tpname tpanames Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bexport Description Location of the ZIP file where the exported data is stored Domain /tmp/export.zip (default) Required No No No

The trading partner name to be Name of the trading exported partner One or more agreement names Agreement names must be separated by to be exported. If one agreement is exported, then the a comma ZIP file contains the folder /soa/b2b. If multiple agreements are exported, then the ZIP file contains an individual ZIP file for each of the agreements. Exports agreements that have been deployed and are in active state. true false (default)




true Set to true to export the entire repository with user and role false (default) details, which is needed for the policy store. A warning is displayed to remind you to export the policy store also. See "What Is Copied When You Import or Export from the Import/Export Tab" on page 10-3 for more information.


Example 185

Exports the Trading Partner Acme to /tmp/Acme.zip

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bexport -Dtpname="Acme" -Dexportfile="/tmp/Acme.zip"

B2B Command Line Tools 18-3

Deploying Agreements

Example 186 Exports an Agreement fro Design-Time with Listening Channel Details to /tmp/acmeGc.zip ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bexport -Dtpanames="Acme_GC_Agreement1" -Dexportfile="/tmp/AcmeGc.zip"

Listening channels are deactivated while exporting and must be reactivated after you import data.
Example 187 Exports Multiple Deployed and Active Agreements to /tmp/export.zip

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bexport -Dtpanames="Acme_GC_Agreement1, GC_Acme_ Agreement1" -Dactive=true

No listening channels are exported.

Deploying Agreements
Validates and deploys all agreements in the repository. If an agreement is deployed, then it is deployed again. The older version of the agreement is then in an inactive state. This feature is in preview mode for this release.

Validation can be turned off by enabling the property oracle.tip.b2b.deploy.validation=false in b2b-config.xml, which is found in


Turning off validation is useful when deploying large numbers of agreements, where you are certain that the data is valid. It requires a SOA Server restart.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bdeploy Table 184 Options tpanames Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bdeploy Description One or more names of agreements to be deployed Domain Agreement names must be separated by a comma Required No

Example 188 Agreement1

Deploys the Agreements Acme_GC_Agreement1 and GC_Acme_

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bdeploy -Dtpanames="Acme_GC_Agreement1,GC_Acme_ Agreement1"

Validating B2B Metadata

Validates B2B metadata, including agreements, trading partners, and documents. All agreements are validated if no options are specified. This feature is in preview mode for this release.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bvalidate

18-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

CPP/CPA Import

Table 185 Options args

Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bvalidate Description File names of the trading partner, agreement, or document protocol Validates All Agreements Domain Required

File names must be Yes separated by a comma

Example 189

ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bvalidate Example 1810 Validates Agreement tpa_ID1234.xml ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bvalidate -Dargs="tpa_ID1234.xml" Example 1811 Validates Trading Partner tp_MyCompany.xml and Agreement tpa_ ID1234.xml ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bvalidate -Dargs="tp_MyCompany.xml,tpa_ID1234.xml"

CPP/CPA Templates
Creates a cpp_cpa.properties template file, which is used in the propfile option. This feature is in preview mode for this release.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcreate-cpaprop Table 186 Option propfile Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport Description Property file that stores configuration details for b2bcpaimport and b2bcpaexport Domain Required Yes

Example 1812 Creates a Property File Template That Is Used in the propfile Option ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcreate-cpaprop

CPP/CPA Import
Converts an ebXML standard cpa.xml file to an Oracle B2B metadata file, which must then be imported into Oracle B2B. This feature is in preview mode for this release.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport propfile Table 187 Option propfile Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport Description Property file that stores configuration details for b2bcpaimport and b2bcpaexport Domain Required Yes

B2B Command Line Tools 18-5

CPP/CPA Export

Example 1813 Converts CPA-Formatted XML to an Oracle B2B ZIP File ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport -Dpropfile="/tmp/cpp_cpa.properties"

CPP/CPA Export
Converts an Oracle B2B metadata file (data exported from Oracle B2B) to an ebXML standard cpa.xml file (a CPA-ready configuration). This feature is in preview mode for this release.
ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaexport Table 188 Option propfile Options for ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport Description Property file that stores configuration details for b2bcpaimport and b2bcpaexport Domain Required Yes

Example 1814 Converts an Oracle B2B ZIP File to a CPA-Formatted XML File ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaexport -Dpropfile="/tmp/cpp_cpa.properties"

Errors During Import

If you get the following broken pipe error, use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to increase Maximum Message Size to 200000000
[java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Broken pipe; nested exception is: [java] java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe [java] at oracle.tip.b2b.utility.B2BCommandLineUtility.upgradeRepository(B2BCommandLineUtility.java:548) [java] at oracle.tip.b2b.utility.B2BCommandLineUtility.main(B2BCommandLineUtility.java:601) [java] Caused by: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Broken pipe; nested exception is: [java] java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe

18-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data

This chapter describes how to archive and restore B2B business messages using SQL scripts. These features are in preview mode for this release. This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Archiving and Restoring B2B Business Messages Archiving B2B Business Messages Restoring B2B Business Messages

See Chapter 10, "Importing and Exporting Data," for information on importing and exporting design-time data.

Introduction to Archiving and Restoring B2B Business Messages

Oracle B2B uses Oracle Data Pump, an Oracle Database 11g feature that enables fast bulk data and metadata movement, to archive B2B run-time instance data in Oracle databases.1 You can specify criteria for archiving (and optionally purging) business messages based on start date, end date, and message state. The targeted business messages are marked with JOB_ID, a column in the B2B run-time tables that is used to synchronize archive and purge activity. B2B invokes the Data Pump PL/SQL API using JOB_ID. Hence, when you archive business messages, all the associated tables are also archived. Archived business messages can also be restored by using the Data Pump to import the run-time data into Oracle B2B (Oracle Metadata Service repository) and accessing it through B2B reports.

Archiving B2B Business Messages

To archive business messages, set up the archive directory and permissions and then run the archive procedure. The procedure provides an option to purge the archived rows. To set up the archive directory and permissions: 1. On the computer running the database, create a directory for the archive file. For example,
mkdir /tmp/archive

For non-Oracle databases, external database archiving tools can be used to export and import run-time data.

Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data


Restoring B2B Business Messages


Give permissions to this directory so that the database process can write to it. For example,
chmod 777 /tmp/archive


Log in to the database as sysdba.

sqlplus /as sysdba


SQL> create or replace B2B_EXPORT_DIR as /tmp/archive


Grant the SOA schema user (for example, b2b_soainfra) permission for the export.
SQL> grant read, write on directory B2B_EXPORT_DIR to b2b_soainfra; SQL> grant exp_full_database to b2b_soainfra;

To archive, with an option to purge: Set up the archive directory and permissions before using the following PL/SQL API.

Log in as the SOA schema user.

$ sqlplus b2b_soainfra/password


Execute the archive procedure, for example,

SQL> exec b2b_archive_procedure(21-JAN-2008,28-JAN-2008,MSG_ COMPLETE,JAN.dmp,N);

The signature of the procedure is

b2b_archive_procedure(fromDate, toDate, messageState, fileName, shouldPurge);

Table 191 lists the parameters for the b2b_archive_procedure API.

Table 191 Parameter fromDate toDate b2b_archive_procedure Parameters Example 21-JAN-2008 28-JAN-2008 Description Starting date for archival, DD-MON-YYYY Ending date for archival, DD-MON-YYYY State of the business message. The MSG_COMPLETE state is typically archived. Other possible states are MSG_ INVALID, MSG_CONTINUE_PROCESS, MSG_COLLAB_ WAIT, MSG_PROCESS_ACK, MSG_SEND_ACK, MSG_ WAIT_ACK, MSG_ERROR, MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT, MSG_SEND_EXP, MSG_PROCESS_EXP, MSG_ABORTED, MSG_TRANSMITFAILED, MSG_WAIT_FA, MSG_SEND_ FA, MSG_WAIT_BATCH Name of the archive file to be created by the database. Ensure that a file with this name does not exist in the archive directory. Y removes the archived rows. The default is N.

messageState MSG_ COMPLETE



should_purge N

Restoring B2B Business Messages

To restore business messages, set up the import directory and permissions and then run the restore procedure.

19-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Restoring B2B Business Messages

To set up the import directory and permissions: 1. On the PC running the database, create a directory for the import file.
mkdir /tmp/import 2.

Give permissions to this directory so that the database process can read from it.
chmod 777 /tmp/import


Log in to the database as sysdba.

sqlplus /as sysdba


SQL> create or replace B2B_IMPORT_DIR as /tmp/import


Grant the SOA schema user (b2b_soainfra) permission for the export.
SQL> grant read, write on directory B2B_IMPORT_DIR to b2b_soainfra; SQL> grant imp_full_database to b2b_soainfra;

To restore business messages: Set up the import directory and permissions before using the following PL/SQL API.

Log in as the SOA infra schema user.

$ sqlplus soa_infra_user/password


Execute the import procedure, for example

SQL> exec b2b_restore_procedure(JAN.dmp);

The signature of the procedure is


Use the Reports tab to search for and display the imported data.

Scripts for Archiving and Restoring Data


Restoring B2B Business Messages

19-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing

Oracle B2B provides utilities to test and verify your installation and configuration before connecting to the host (back-end) applications. Use the utilities to learn how to send and receive business messages to and from Oracle B2B through the default AQ queue interface or the JMS queue interface. Other AQ internal delivery channels can be handled in the same way. See the B2B samples for examples of how to implement these utilities. This chapter contains the following topics:

AQ Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

AQ Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

You can enqueue to and dequeue from an AQ queue using Java. IPEnqueue and IPDequeue must be executed in the Oracle B2B environment.

AQ Enqueue
Table 201 lists the Java AQ enqueue utility properties.
Table 201 Name queue replyToMsgID from to doctypeName doctypeRevision payload attachment url user password IPEnqueue Properties Description The outbound AQ queue name. If unspecified, the Java enqueue utility uses the default outbound queue IP_OUT_QUEUE. The message ID to which the sending message is replying, typically used for the response message type. Trading partner that sends the message Trading partner that receives the message Document type name for the message Document protocol revision for the message Payload file name Attachment file name The database URL format is jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:sid The database user The database password

Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing 20-1

AQ Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

Table 201 (Cont.) IPEnqueue Properties Name eventName msgID msgType Description Action name Message ID (optional). B2B generates its own message ID if it is not provided as part of an enqueue. Provide an optional message type:

Request = 1 (default) Response = 2 Functional Ack = 9

Example: ipenqueue.properties
queue url user password replyToMsgID from to doctypeName doctypeRevision payload attachment = = jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:sid = user1 = password = = "Acme" = "GlobalChips" = 850 = 4010 = Acme_850.xml =

In Windows ja_JP locale instances, the VARCHAR/String values are not enqueued correctly to the queue. The INT and CLOB values are enqueued correctly. This causes some fields, such as the from and to fields, to be null when the IPEnqueue utility is used to enqueue a file. As a workaround, in ja_JP locales, orai18n.jar should be added to the classpath while using oracle.tip.b2b.data.IPEnqueue.

AQ Dequeue
To dequeue messages, use the IPDequeue utility. Table 202 lists the Java AQ dequeue utility properties.
Table 202 Name queue count output url user password IPDequeue Properties Description The inbound AQ queue name. If unspecified, the Java dequeue utility uses the default inbound queue IP_IN_QUEUE. The number of messages to dequeue. If unspecified, only one message is dequeued. Output file name The database URL format is jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:sid The database user The database password

Example: ipdequeue.properties:

20-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

queue count output url user password

= = = = = =

1 t1.trc jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:sid user1 password

JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

You can enqueue to and dequeue from a JMS destination (queue or topic) using utilities.

JMS Enqueue
Use the JMS enqueue utility to send a message to a JMS destination (queue or topic). This utility expects a property file to be provided as a command line argument where it reads the details to be sent. Table 203 lists the properties that can be configured in the file.
Table 203 Name destination cf factory isTopic url user password from to eventName doctypeName doctypeRevision payload attachment msgID replyToMsgID msgType JMS Enqueue Properties Description JNDI name of queue or topic to send message to JNDI name of connection factory to use Factory provider class Indicator for topic (optional) The database URL format is jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:sid The database user The database password From party To party Action name Document type name Document type revision Payload file path Attachment file path Message ID (optional). B2B generates its own message ID if it is not provided as part of an enqueue. Reply to message (optional) Message type; the default is Request (optional).

Example 201 shows the sample jms_enqueue.properties file.

Example 201 Sample jms_enqueue.properties File

####### Destination Details ####### destination = jms/b2b/B2B_IN_QUEUE

Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing 20-3

JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

cf = jms/b2b/B2BQueueConnectionFactory ####### Server and Factory Details ####### factory=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory url=t3://stacz36:8001/ #user=<uncomment and provide you username> #password=<uncomment and proivde you password if required> ####### Payload Details ####### from=Acme to=GlobalChips #eventName=SampleEvent doctypeName=Custom doctypeRevision=1.0 payload=/scratch/work/GlobalChips_1234.dat

See the sample documentation for how to run these utilities.

EnqueueUsing a JMS JCA Adapter or Custom Utilities

The properties used by the AQ and JMS utilities are translated internally before the message is sent to the destination. Ensure that the properties in Table 204 are set as part of the javax.jms.Message delivered to the destination that B2B listens on.
Table 204 How AQ/JMS Properties Are Translated for Custom Utilities Translated ValueFor Custom Utilities FROM_PARTY TO_PARTY DOCTYPE_NAME DOCTYPE_REVISION ACTION_NAME MSG_ID INREPLYTO_MSG_ID MSG_TYPE ATTACHMENT JMS Message Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as a string type message property Sent as the message body

AQ/JMS Utilities from to doctypeName doctypeRevision eventName msgID replyToMsgID msgType attachment payload

JMS Dequeue
This utility receives messages from the destination. The count property can be specified to control the number of messages to be picked up from the destination. Retrieved messages are written to the file JMSDequeue.txt at the current path (where you run the utility).

20-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

See the sample documentation for how to run these utilities. Example 202 shows the sample JMS dequeue properties file.
Example 202 Sample jms_dequeue.properties File

####### Destination Details####### destination = jms/b2b/B2B_IN_QUEUE cf = jms/b2b/B2BQueueConnectionFactory count=1 ####### Server and Factory Details ####### factory=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory url=t3://stacz36:8001/ #user=<uncomment and provide your username> #password=<uncomment and provide your password if required>

Utilities for Enqueuing and Dequeuing 20-5

JMS Enqueue and Dequeue Utilities

20-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Part VI
Part VI


This part contains the following appendixes:

Appendix A, "Performance Tuning and Large Payloads" Appendix B, "Properties of b2b-config.xml" Appendix C, "Back-End Applications Interface" Appendix D, "Exception Handling"


Performance Tuning and Large Payloads

This appendix contains the following topics:

Settings for Performance Tuning Memory Arguments Heap Size Settings MDS Cache Size Number of Threads Stuck Thread Max Time Tablespace JTA Settings

Handling Large Payloads Introduction to Large Payload Support Large Payloads and 32-Bit Windows PCs

Settings for Performance Tuning

To improve performance, set memory arguments appropriately based on your requirements and system. Code clean-up, multithreading, and table indexing are major contributors to maximizing the use of available resources. Java performance tuning also helps in sharing the resources among the various processes based on the usage/need of the resource. When using the large payload settings, the internal delivery channel must be the default channel or a JMS queue. Changes to b2b-config.xml require a server restart. The syntax in various examples in this section reflect generic UNIX format. The following settings improved Oracle B2B performance based on 2 GB of RAM on a 32-bit computer and 200 MB of B2B configuration data. When working in a Windows operating system with large payloads, a 64-bit server is recommended.

Memory Arguments
Memory arguments are captured in DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setSOADomainEnv.sh. Memory tuning applies to Oracle JRocket or SUN JVM.

Performance Tuning and Large Payloads


Settings for Performance Tuning

For Oracle JRocket

export JAVA_VENDOR Oracle DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"

For Sun JVM

export JAVA_VENDOR Sun DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m" if["$JAVA_VENDOR"!= "Oracle"];then DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS="$DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS -XX:CompileThreshold=100000 -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

-Xms and -Xmx can be increased up to 2 GB based on memory availability.

Heap Size Settings

Verify the heap size settings in the setSOADomain.sh script (see DEFAULT_MEM_ ARGS) before starting any of the following servers in the WebLogic domain:

The SOA managed server The WebLogic Admin Server

Using precise heap settings when starting the servers is necessary for B2B to process large payloads.

MDS Cache Size

To set the Metadata Service (MDS) instance cache size, add the following property and value to DOMAIN_HOME/config/soa-infra/configuration/b2b-config.xml.
<property> <name>b2b.mdsCache</name> <value>200000</value> <comment>MDS Instance cache size </comment> </property>

A ratio of 5:1 is recommended for the xmx-to-mdsCache values. For example, if the xmx size is 1024, maintain mdsCache at 200 MB.

Number of Threads
Changing the value of threadCount can improve Oracle B2B message processing. The recommended value depends on your system. For a 2 GB computer, a setting of 3 to 5 is recommended. The sleepTime property puts a thread to sleep after message processing. A setting between 10 and 1000 (milliseconds) is recommended. Set these values in DOMAIN_ HOME/config/soa-infra/configuration/b2b-config.xml as follows:
<property> <name>b2b.inboundProcess.threadCount</name> <value>5</value> <comment></comment> </property> <property> <name>b2b.inboundProcess.sleepTime</name> <value>10</value> <comment></comment> </property> <property>

A-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Settings for Performance Tuning

<name>b2b.outboundProcess.threadCount</name> <value>5</value> <comment></comment> </property> <property> <name>b2b.outboundProcess.sleepTime</name> <value>10</value> <comment></comment> </property> <property> <name>b2b.defaultProcess.threadCount</name> <value>5</value> <comment></comment> </property> <property> <name>b2b.defaultProcess.sleepTime</name> <value>10</value> <comment></comment> </property>

Stuck Thread Max Time

Changing the value of Stuck Thread Max Time can improve Oracle B2B message processing if a thread is stuck. This is the maximum amount of time that the server checks the number of seconds that a thread must be continually working before the server considers the thread stuck. Only if you see a stuck thread exception should you change the Stuck Thread Max Time setting in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Increasing this number can degrade performance. Navigate to Environment > Servers > soa_server_name > Configuration > Tuning. Set Stuck Thread Max Time, shown in Figure A1, to a maximum of 1200. (The default value is 600 seconds.)

Performance Tuning and Large Payloads


Settings for Performance Tuning

Figure A1 Changing Stuck Thread Max Time

If you store more than an a 150 MG configuration, extend or add a data file to increase tablespace size as follows:
ALTER TABLESPACE sh_mds add DATAFILE 'sh_mds01.DBF' SIZE 100M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited; ALTER TABLESPACE sh_ias_temp add TEMPFILE 'sh_ias_temp01.DBF' SIZE 100M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited;

A-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Handling Large Payloads

JTA Settings
On slower Windows computers (2 to 4 GB, 32-bit), the JTA timeout must be increased for Oracle B2B. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to increase the JTA transaction timeout to a higher number, depending on your environment. In some situations, a setting of 350 seconds is sufficient.

Handling Large Payloads

Oracle B2B can handle large payloads through the SOA Infrastructure and JMS internal queues.

Introduction to Large Payload Support

Inbound Setup Figure A2 shows the properties to set for inbound cases. Go to Administration > Configuration > Performance.
Figure A2 Large Payload Size

If a composite is deployed to handle the large payload, this is the only configuration needed. If B2B is not delivering the payload to a composite, set Use JMS Queue to true, as shown in Figure A3. Go to Administration > Configuration > Generic.
Figure A3 Use JMS Queue

With Use JMS Queue set to true, the payload is delivered to B2B_IN_QUEUE, a JMS-based queue. Outbound Setup Figure A4 shows the properties to set for the outbound case.
Figure A4 Large Payload Directory

Performance Tuning and Large Payloads


Handling Large Payloads

Notes 1. If you are doing large payload testing, set the logPayload property on the Administration > Configuration tab to false.
2. 3. 4.

If you are doing large payload testing, set showpayload to false to avoid listing the payload in reports. Increase the maximum heap size by using -Xmx2048m. Increase the database tablespace size for soadatasource to have autoextend on and increase the tablespace file size maximum limit. alter database datafile '/scratch/$user/auto_ work/db230/oradata/db230/SH_soainfra.dbf' autoextend on next 10M maxsize 4096M


Set the transaction timeout in Oracle WebLogic Administration Server:

Weblogic Console Services -> JTA Timeout Seconds=720 seconds Weblogic Console Services -> JDBC->DataSources->SOADataSource - increase XA timeout to 120-180 seconds


If Oracle B2B is used alone (without the SOA Infrastructure), the JTA timeout can be set in b2b-config.xml by using the advanced property oracle.tip.b2b.jtaTimeout. For an outbound SOA composite, always select the Use file streaming option for the File Adapter.


A-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Handling Large Payloads

Large Payloads and 32-Bit Windows PCs

On a 32 bit Windows computer, the payload size limit is 50 MB. This is because the heap size cannot be set to more than 1536m due to Windows-specific limits. Java VM throws an out-of-memory exception.

Performance Tuning and Large Payloads


Handling Large Payloads

A-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Properties of b2b-config.xml

Most B2B properties are set on the Configuration tab of the Oracle B2B interface. Configuration tab settings override properties set in b2b-config.xml. See Chapter 15, "Configuring B2B System Parameters." This appendix contains the following topics:

Turning off Validation During Deployment MDS Cache Size Number of Threads Setting Up File, FTP, or Email in an HA Environment Setting Internal Properties for a Functional Acknowledgment Setting b2b.FAHandleByB2B for EDI EDIFACT and EDI X12 Setting the b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError Parameter

Changes to b2b-config.xml require a server restart.

Turning off Validation During Deployment

You can turn off validation during deployment by setting the property b2b.deploy.validation=false in b2b-config.xml. This is useful when deploying a large number of agreements where you are certain that the data is valid. Restarting the SOA Server is required.

MDS Cache Size

See "MDS Cache Size" on page A-2 for how to set the Metadata Service (MDS) instance cache size in b2b-config.xml.

Number of Threads
See "Number of Threads" on page A-2 for how to set the number of threads in b2b-config.xml.

Setting Up File, FTP, or Email in an HA Environment

To set up File, FTP, or Email transports in an HA environment, specify a unique name for each instance in b2b.HAInstance. If you use #ServerName# for the value, B2B retrieves the WebLogic Server name as the HAInstanceName.
Properties of b2b-config.xml B-1

Setting Internal Properties for a Functional Acknowledgment

Setting Internal Properties for a Functional Acknowledgment

To ensure that the ISA segment elements (1 - 4) of a 997 message generated by B2B are identical to the received 850, or any other transaction message, set the property FAInternalProperties to true.

Setting b2b.FAHandleByB2B for EDI EDIFACT and EDI X12

When the b2b.FAHandleByB2B property in b2b-config.xml is set to false, then for an inbound EDI message, B2B does not generate a functional acknowledgment (FA). If the FA is marked as expected in an agreement, the message is placed into the MSG_ WAIT_FA state and the back-end application is expected to generate the FA and push it to B2B as an outbound message back to the partner. The following limitations apply when generating the FA from the back-end application:

The FA is correlated with the original message based on the ReferToMsgID value set in the enqueue properties. The FA is correlated based on control numbers also. If the FA indicates that there was an error in the received message, the status of the correlated message is not updated to indicate an error. The correlated message is updated to MSG_COMPLETE.

These limitations are not present when the FA is generated by B2B (that is, when FAHandledByB2B is true).

Setting the b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError Parameter

When using the b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError parameter, inbound messages behave as if b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError is set to false; that is, if an error occurs during an inbound message process, then only that message is flagged with the error and other messages are passed. There is no option to flag every message as failed. For outbound messages, b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError can be set to true or false. The default is false. If the parameter is set to true, then for outbound messages, all outbound batch messages with errors are flagged. To set the OneErrorAllError parameter: Use either of the following methods:

In b2b-config.xml, add the following property:

<property> <name>b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError</name> <value>true</value> <comment>error all outbound batch messages on one error</comment> </property>

In Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, add the property to the b2b MBean by using the System MBean Browser. See Section 24.2, "Configuring B2B Operations" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for how to access the System MBean Browser.

B-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Back-End Applications Interface

This appendix contains the following topics:

Mapping B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to SCA Normalized Message Properties

Mapping B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to SCA Normalized Message Properties

Table C1 maps the B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to SCA normalized message properties.
Table C1 B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to AS11 SCA Normalized Message Property Mapping SCA b2b.messageId b2b.replyToMessageId b2b.fromTradingPartnerId b2b.fromTradingPartnerIdType b2b.toTradingPartnerId b2b.toTradingPartnerIdType b2b.documentTypeName b2b.documentProtocolVersion b2b.documentProtocolName b2b.documentDefinitionName b2b.messageType b2b.conversationId body JMS MSG_ID INREPLYTO_MSG_ID FROM_PARTY TO_PARTY ACTION_NAME DOCTYPE_NAME DOCTYPE_REVISION MSG_TYPE -


Back-End Applications Interface


Mapping B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to SCA Normalized Message Properties

C-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B


Exception Handling

Oracle B2B handles exceptions for inbound and outbound messages. This appendix describes the exception handling, error messages, and structures for Oracle B2B. This appendix contains the following topics:

Inbound Messages Outbound Messages Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios Exception Payload Definition

Inbound Messages
This section describes the following inbound message types:

Request or Response Messages Acknowledgment Messages Exception Messages

Request or Response Messages

For an incoming request or response message that results in an exception, the following actions occur:

An exception message is sent to the application. The exception message is enqueued to B2B_IN_QUEUE and has the recipient name b2berroruser. The enqueued exception is based on ipException.xsd and contains information such as the error message (errorText has a short description and errorDescription has a longer description) and the error code.

An exception message is sent to the trading partner, if mandated by the exchange specification. The exception message is sent back to the trading partner only if there is enough information to identify the outgoing trading partner agreement. For this purpose, the flag B2BHeader.sendException is used. The flag is set to true when enough information is extracted from the incoming message to send the exception message to the trading partner.

Oracle B2B catches exceptions thrown by exchange or document layers.

Exception Handling D-1

Outbound Messages

If the B2Bheader.sendException flag is set to true, the outgoing trading partner agreement is processed and an exception message is sent to the trading partner.

Acknowledgment Messages
For an incoming acknowledgment message that results in an exception, the following actions occur:

An exception message is sent to the application. The exception message is enqueued to B2B_IN_QUEUE and has the recipient name b2berroruser. The enqueued exception is based on ipException.xsd and contains information such as error text and error code.

No exception message is sent back to the trading partner.

Exception Messages
For an incoming exception message, the following actions occur:

The original message is updated so that it is in an errored state. The incoming exception is processed and delivered to the application normally. If the incoming exception message itself results in an exception, an exception message is sent to the application. The exception message is enqueued to B2B_IN_QUEUE and has the recipient name b2berroruser. The enqueued exception is based on ipException.xsd and contains information such as error text and error code. No exception message is sent back to the trading partner in this case.

B2B errors cannot be delivered on other queues that you may configure (for example, an AQ or JMS queue).

Failures with Inbound ebMS, AS1, and AS2 Messages

If the following types of failure occur while an incoming message is processing, then the receiving trading partner sends a negative acknowledgment to the sender.

Decryption fails Verification fails Agreement is not found Document identification fails Document validation fails (and so on)

The negative acknowledgment message has the reference for the original (request) message details to correlate at the sender side.

Outbound Messages
If an exception occurs while an outbound message is being sent (for example, if the trading partner identification fails), then an exception message is sent to the application. The exception message is enqueued to B2B_IN_QUEUE and has the recipient name b2berroruser. The enqueued exception is based on ipException.xsd and contains information such as error text and error code.

D-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios

If an exception occurs during Oracle B2B startup, then an exception message is enqueued to B2B_IN_QUEUE and has the recipient name b2berroruser. The enqueued exception is based on ipException.xsd and contains information such as error text and error code. The correlation ID is not populated in this case. Note the following:

When the exception message is sent back to the application, the document type is Exception instead of the original message document type. When the exception message is sent back to the application, inReplyToMessageId is populated with the correlation ID value. For inbound exception handling, a business message is always created and populated with the available information. It also points to the corresponding wire message. The wire message is updated so that it is in an errored state. For the outbound direction, only the business message is updated, because the wire message does not exist. The error reports are updated to show only business messages; a business message is always created in the inbound and outbound directions.

Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios

Table D1 describes inbound exception handling scenarios.
Table D1 Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios Then Oracle B2B does . . .

If an exception occurs because. . . The identification of the exchange fails or the exchange is not supported

Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Sends a transport error message to the trading partner if the sendException flag is set in the exchange layer Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Sends an exception message to the trading partner, if the sendException flag is set in the exchange layer Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as a duplicated message error Creates a business message as a duplicated message error for the wire message

Message unpacking fails

Incoming message decoding fails

The message is duplicated

Exception Handling D-3

Exception Payload Definition

Table D1 (Cont.) Inbound Exception Handling Scenarios If an exception occurs because. . . Document identification fails Then Oracle B2B does . . .

Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Sends an exception message to the trading partner, if the sendException flag is set in the exchange layer Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Sends an exception message to the trading partner, if the sendException flag is set in the exchange layer Notifies the middleware Updates the wire message as in an errored state Creates a business message in an errored state for the wire message Sends an exception message to the trading partner, if the sendException flag is set in the exchange layer

Incoming trading partner agreement processing fails

Incoming document processing fails

Note the following:

The exception is sent back to the trading partner only for RosettaNet exchanges. For other exchanges, a failure is reported as mandated in the respective specifications. For example, for an ebMS exchange, an acknowledgment is sent along with the error list that is defined. For an AS2 exchange, the acknowledgment is sent indicating an error, without exception details. An exception is sent back to the trading partner for request messages only. No exception is sent back to the trading partner for response, acknowledgment, and functional acknowledgment messages.

Exception Payload Definition

The exception payload, ipException.xsd, is defined as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://integration.oracle.com/B2B/Exception" targetNamespace="http://integration.oracle.com/B2B/Exception"> <xs:element name="Exception"> <!--xs:complexType name="Exception"--> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="correlationId"/> <xs:element ref="b2bMessageId"/> <xs:element ref="errorCode"/> <xs:element ref="errorText"/> <xs:element ref="errorDescription"/> <xs:element ref="errorSeverity"/> <xs:element ref="errorDetails" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:sequence>

D-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Exception Payload Definition

</xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="correlationId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="b2bMessageId" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="errorCode" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="errorText" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="errorDescription" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="errorSeverity" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="errorDetails"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="parameter" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="parameter"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>

Exception Handling D-5

Exception Payload Definition

D-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B

Administration page, 2-5 Administrator role, 5-7 agreements active, 8-3 exporting, 8-3 creating, 6-2 definition, 6-1 deleting, 6-6 deploying, 2-12, 6-5 deployment states, 8-1 functional acknowledgements, 6-4 redeploying, 6-6 trading partners, 2-11 translation, 6-4 validation, 6-4 Analyzer, 3-11 Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) channel, 5-11 exchange protocol, 1-4 identifier, 9-2 Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) exchange protocol, 5-11 identifier, 9-2 application message reports, 16-7 AQ channel attributes, 5-17 transport protocol parameters, 5-14 archiving B2B business messages, 19-1 AS1 See Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) exchange protocol AS2 See Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) exchange protocol Auto Create Agreement, 5-29 b2bdeploy command line tool, 18-4 b2bexport command line tool, 18-3 b2b.FAHandleByB2B property, B-2 B2BHeader.sendException flag, D-1, D-2 b2bimport command line tool, 18-2 b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError parameter, B-2 b2bpurge command line tool, 18-2 B2BUser, 10-3 b2bvalidate command line tool, 18-4 batched messages creating, 11-3 managing, 11-4 scheduling, 11-3 searching for agreements, 11-2 setting up, 11-1 business message reports, creating, 16-2 business messages archiving, 19-1 restoring, 19-2 business-to-business e-commerce comparison to traditional transactions, 1-2 description, 1-1

Callout Directory parameter, 12-4 callouts code example, 12-6 creating, 12-3 creating a library JAR file, 12-3 defining callout .jar file library location, 12-4 definition, 12-1 differently formatted XML messages, 12-2 implementation class, 12-4 implementing, 12-6 including in an agreement, 12-5 library name, 12-4 parameter attributes, 12-4 predefined XSLTCalloutImpl class file, 12-4 channel attributes AQ, 5-17 configuring, 5-16 email, 5-16 file, 5-17 FTP, 5-17 JMS, 5-17

B2B IP_MESSAGE_TYPE, C-1 B2B transaction, creating, 2-8 b2b-config.xml file, 1-8, A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2 b2bcpaexport command line tool, 18-6 b2bcpaimport command line tool, 18-5 b2bcreate-cpaprop command line tool, 18-5


MLLP, 5-17 SFTP, 5-17 channel details, 5-21 CLIENT-CERT authentication method, 1-6 cloning trading partners, 5-2 command line tools b2bcpaexport, 18-6 b2bcpaimport, 18-5 b2bcreate-cpaprop, 18-5 b2bdeploy, 18-4 b2bexport, 18-3 b2bimport, 18-2 b2bpurge, 18-2 b2bvalidate, 18-4 introduction, 18-1 prerequisites for running, 18-1 configuration parameters, setting, 15-1 control number information, purging, 13-1 conversation report, creating, 16-12 CPP/CPA exporting, 18-6 importing, 18-5 templates, creating, 18-5 custom contact information types, creating, 9-4 custom document protocols configuring XPath expressions, 7-5 definition, 7-2 document definition parameters, 7-3 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document type parameters, 7-2 document version parameters, 7-2 custom identifier types, creating, 9-1 custom trading partner parameter types, creating, 9-4

changing after importing metadata, 7-33 creating, 2-10, 4-3 definition, 4-1 deleting, 4-7 EDI EDIFACT, 7-7 example, 4-3 trading partner agreements, 6-3 document guidelines available types, 3-1 example, 3-3 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document protocols, 1-4 custom, 7-2 definition, 7-1 EDI, 3-1 EDI EDIFACT, 7-7 EDI X12, 4-2, 7-12 EDIEL, 1-3, 1-4 HL7, 1-2, 1-8, 3-1, 7-16 introduction, 4-1 managing, 2-5 NCPDP Telecom, 1-3, 1-4, 3-1 OAG, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 7-20 ParserSchema, 3-1 Partner Interface Process (PIP), 7-24 Positional Flat File Document Protocol, 7-22 proprietary transactions, 7-2 RosettaNet, 1-2, 1-3, 1-8, 3-1, 7-24 supported, 1-2 UCCnet, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 7-29 Document Routing IDs, 7-33 DUNS, 9-2

ebMS Identifier, 9-4 ebMS-1.0, 1-3, 5-11, 5-21 ebMS-2.0, 5-11, 5-21 ebXML messaging service (ebMS) parameters, 7-2 EDI document guidelines, 3-1 Group ID, 9-2 Group ID Qualifier, 9-2 Interchange ID, 9-2 Interchange ID Qualifier, 9-3 Interchange Internal ID, 9-3 Interchange Internal Sub ID, 9-3 EDI EDIFACT definition, 7-7 document definition parameters, 7-10 document definitions, 7-7 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document protocols, 7-7 document type parameters, 7-9 document version parameters, 7-7 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 samples, 1-8 setting FAHandleByB2B property, B-2 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 UNA, 7-8

Data Generator, 3-9 deployed agreement states active, 8-2 changing, 8-3 inactive, 8-2 purged, 8-2 retired, 8-2 deployed agreements managing, 8-1 metrics, 2-7 searching, 8-2 deploying agreements, 18-4 dequeuing See Java dequeue command design metadata, 13-1 design-time repository description, 10-1 exported file, 10-4 exporting, 10-2 importing, 10-2 what is imported or exported, 10-3 document definitions adding, 5-9


EDI X12 definition, 7-12 document definition parameters, 7-14 document hierarchy, 4-2 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document type parameters, 7-14 document version parameters, 7-12 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 samples, 1-8 setting FAHandleByB2B property, B-2 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 EDIEL Oracle B2B support, 1-3 preview mode, 1-4 Email AS1-1.0 exchange protocol parameters, 5-19 channel attributes, 5-16 transport protocol parameters, 5-13 enqueue, JMS JCA adapter, 20-4 enqueuing See Java enqueue command enqueuing and dequeuing, 20-1 error message reports, creating, 16-10 errorDescription, D-1 errorText, D-1 exception handling description, D-1 inbound exception handling scenarios, D-3 inbound messages, D-1 acknowledgement messages, D-2 document identification failure, D-4 document processing failure, D-4 ebMS, AS1, and AS2 failures, D-2 exception messages, D-2 exchange identification failure, D-3 exchange not supported, D-3 message decoding failure, D-3 message duplicated, D-3 message unpacking failure, D-3 request or response messages, D-1 scenarios, D-3 trading partner agreement failure, D-4 outbound messages, D-2 payload definition, D-4 exchange protocol parameters configuring, 5-17 email, AS1-1.0, 5-19 HTTP, AS2-1.1, 5-18 HTTP, ebMS-1.0, 5-18 HTTP, ebMS-2.0, 5-18 TCP, MLLP-1.0, 5-18 exporting active agreement, 8-3 CPP/CPA files, 18-6 data, 18-3 description, 10-1 design-time repository to file, 10-1 restrictions, 8-4, 10-1 types of export supported, 10-1

FAInternalProperties property, B-2 file channel attributes, 5-17 file transport protocol parameters, 5-14 FTP channel attributes, 5-17 transport protocol parameters, 5-15 Functional Acknowledgment, setting internal properties, B-2

Generic AQ-1.0, 1-3, 5-11 Generic Email-1.0, 1-3, 5-12 Generic File-1.0, 1-3, 5-11 Generic FTP-1.0, 1-3, 5-11 Generic HTTP-1.0, 1-3, 5-12 Generic Identifier, 9-3 Generic JMS-1.0, 1-3, 5-12 Generic SFTP-1.0, 1-3, 5-11

HA environment email transport, B-1 File transport, B-1 FTP transport, B-1 HAInstanceName, B-1 Health Level 7 (HL7) Batch Application ID, 9-3 Batch Application Universal ID, 9-3 Batch Application Universal ID Type, 9-3 Batch Facility ID, 9-3 Batch Facility Universal ID, 9-3 Batch Facility Universal ID Type, 9-3 definition, 7-16 document definition parameters, 7-19 document guidelines, 3-1 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document type parameters, 7-18 document version parameters, 7-16 File Application ID, 9-3 File Application Universal ID, 9-3 File Application Universal ID Type, 9-3 File Facility ID, 9-3 File Facility Universal ID, 9-3 File Facility Universal ID Type, 9-3 immediate acknowledgment, 7-20 Message Application ID, 9-3 Message Application Universal ID, 9-3 Message Application Universal ID Type, 9-3 Message Facility ID, 9-3 Message Facility Universal ID, 9-4 Message Facility Universal ID Type, 9-4 negative acknowledgment messages, 7-20 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 samples, 1-8 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 Host Administrator role, 1-5 Host Monitor role, 1-5


host trading partner, 5-1 agreements, 6-3 key store information, 5-6 HTTP AS2-1.1 exchange protocol parameters, 5-18 ebMS-1.0 exchange protocol parameters, 5-18 ebMS-2.0 exchange protocol parameters, 5-18 transport protocol parameters, 5-13

Identity Store, creating a new user, 5-7 import errors, 18-6 importing CPP/CPA files, 18-5 data, 18-2 description, 10-1 design-time repository from file, 10-1 instance data, 2-6, 13-1 instance metadata, 13-1 ipException.xsd file, D-2 enqueued exception, D-1, D-2, D-3 exception payload definition, D-4

Java dequeue command, 20-1 Java enqueue command, 20-1 JMS channel attributes, 5-17 dequeue properties, 20-4 enqueue and dequeue, 20-3 enqueue properties, 20-3 JCA adapter, 20-4 transport protocol parameters, 5-15

ebMS-2.0, 1-3 Generic AQ-1.0, 1-3 Generic Email-1.0, 1-3 Generic File-1.0, 1-3 Generic FTP-1.0, 1-3 Generic HTTP-1.0, 1-3 Generic JMS-1.0, 1-3 Generic SFTP-1.0, 1-3 MLLP-1.0, 1-3 RosettaNet-01.10, 1-3 RosettaNet-V02.00, 1-3 messages, purging, 16-2 Metadata Service (MDS) instance cache size, B-1 managing metadata, 1-5 repository, 1-5 metrics introduction, 17-1 summary data, 17-3 Metrics page, 2-7 MIME, 1-2 Minimum Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) channel attributes, 5-17 delivery channels, 5-20 description, 5-11 ID, 9-4 message exchange protocol, 1-3 transport protocol parameters, 5-14 Monitor role, 5-7, 16-1

NCPDP Telecom document guidelines, 3-1 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 preview mode, 1-4 number of threads, B-1

large payloads 32-bit Windows, A-7 description, A-5 inbound setup, A-5 outbound setup, A-5 listening channel adding, 14-1 adding channel attributes, 14-8 adding details, 14-4 adding exchange protocol parameters, 14-9 adding security parameters, 14-9 adding transport protocol parameters, 14-8 configuring, 14-7 definition, 14-1 protocols, 14-2 logging in, user interface tool, 2-2 logPayload property, A-6

OAM-SSO protected URLs, 1-6 Open Applications Group (OAG) document definition parameters, 7-21 document protocol parameter types, 7-31 document type parameters, 7-20 document version parameters, 7-20 introduction, 7-20 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 preview mode, 1-4 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 Oracle B2B adding a channel, 5-12 adding a user, 5-8 Administration page, 2-5 as a binding component, 1-6 available channels, 5-10 channel attributes, 5-16 channel details, 5-21 command line tools, 18-1 configuration parameters, 15-1

message exchange protocol AS1, 1-4 ebMS-1.0, 1-3


document protocols, 4-1 exception handling, D-1 getting started, 2-1 in a SOA implementation, 1-6 in JDeveloper environment, 2-13 introduction, 1-1 logging in, 2-2 metadata, 1-5 metrics, 17-1 Metrics page, 2-7 partner metrics, 17-3 Partners page, 2-5 port information, 2-3 process flow, 3-1 Reports page, 2-6 resubmitting messages, 16-2 samples, 1-8 security features, 1-5 supported protocols, 1-2 trading partners, 5-1 transport protocols, 14-3 user interface, 2-4 user interface, accessing, 2-2 Oracle B2B Document Editor, 2-1, 2-9 Analyzer, 3-11 Data Generator, 3-9 document definitions, 4-3 document guidelines, 3-1 installation, 3-3 introduction, 3-1 Oracle BPEL Process Manager, 1-7 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 1-7 Oracle Data Pump, 19-1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 1-8 Oracle JDeveloper, 2-1 Oracle Mediator, 1-7 Oracle Metadata Service repository, 19-1 Oracle Platform Security Services, 1-5 Oracle SOA Suite overview, 1-6 Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console administering Oracle B2B, 1-8 Security Realms, 5-7

MDS cache size, A-2 memory arguments, A-1 number of threads, A-2 Stuck Thread Max Time, A-3 tablespace, A-4 positional flat files document definition parameters, 7-22 document protocol parameter types, 7-32 document type parameters, 7-22 document version parameters, 7-22 introduction, 7-22 predefined identifier types, 9-2 preview mode, 1-4 process flow, overview, 2-8 proprietary transactions, 7-2 protocols Custom, 7-2 document, 7-1 EDI EDIFACT, 7-7 EDI X12, 7-12 HL7, 7-16 OAG, 7-20 positional flat file, 7-22 RosettaNet, 7-24 UCCnet, 7-29 purging data, 18-2 design metadata, 13-1 messages, 16-2

reference, 1-6 Remote Administrator role, 1-5 Remote Monitor role, 1-5 remote trading partners, 5-3 agreements, 6-3 definition, 5-1 reports business message status, 16-2 conversation message status, 16-12 description, 16-1 error message status, 16-10 monitor user role, 16-1 Reports page, 2-6 restoring B2B business messages, 19-2 resubmitting messages, 16-2 roles Administrator role, 5-7 Host Administrator, 1-5 Host Monitor, 1-5 Monitor role, 5-7 Remote Administrator, 1-5 Remote Monitor, 1-5 RosettaNet Business Directory, 7-28 definition, 7-24 dictionaries, 7-24 document guidelines, 3-1 document protocol parameter types, 7-32

ParameterValue, 10-3 ParserSchema, document guidelines, 3-1 Partner Interface Process (PIP) document definition parameters, 7-26 document type parameters, 7-25 document version parameters, 7-25 introduction, 7-24 partner metrics, 17-3 Partners page, 2-5 performance tuning, 1-8 description, A-1 heap size settings, A-2 JTA settings, A-5 large payloads, A-5


document type definition (DTD), 7-24 Message Guideline specification, 7-28 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 Partner Interface Process (PIP), 7-24 samples, 1-8 Technical Directory, 7-28 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 validation, 7-28 RosettaNet-01.10, 1-3, 5-11, 5-21 RosettaNet-V02.00, 1-3, 5-11, 5-21 run-time data, 2-6 metadata, 13-1

sample SOA implementation, 1-6 SCA normalized message properties, C-1 security configuring, 5-19 features, 1-5 Security Realms, 5-7 SegmentCount macro, 3-9 service, 1-6 setSOADomain.sh script, A-2 SFTP channel attributes, 5-17 transport protocol parameters, 5-15 SMIME, 1-2 SOA composite application, 1-6 SOA Server, 1-8 SOAP, 1-2 supported protocols, 1-2 system parameters, setting, 15-1

identifying types and values, 5-4 overview, 5-1 parameters and values, 5-5 remote, 5-1, 5-3 transport protocol parameters AQ, 5-14 configuring, 5-13 email, 5-13 file, 5-14 FTP, 5-15 HTTP, 5-13 JMS, 5-15 MLLP, 5-14 SFTP, 5-15 transport protocols available in Oracle B2B, 14-3 using, 14-3

UCCnet definition, 7-29 document definition parameters, 7-29 document protocol parameter types, 7-32 document type parameters, 7-29 document version parameters, 7-29 Oracle B2B support, 1-3 preview mode, 1-4 traditional transaction comparison, 1-2 UNA, 7-8 user interface accessing, 2-2 main page, 2-3 users accessing user interface tool, 2-2 admin user name, 2-2

TCP, MLLP-1.0 exchange protocol parameters, 5-18 trading partner agreements creating, 2-11, 6-1, 6-2 definition, 6-1 deleting, 6-6 deploying, 6-5 functional acknowledgements, 6-4 host trading partner, 6-3 redeploying, 6-6 remote trading partner, 6-3 translation, 6-4 validation, 6-4 trading partners, 2-5, 2-11 adding users, 5-7 cloning, 5-2 configuring, 5-1 contact information, 5-5 creating a profile, 5-2 creating custom parameter types, 9-4 custom identifier types, 9-1 definition, 5-1 host, 5-1 host key store information, 5-6

validating B2B metadata, 18-4 validation, turning off during deployment, B-1

XMLDSig, 1-2 XMLEncrypt, 1-2 XMLSchema, document guidelines, 3-1 XSLTCalloutImpl class file, 12-4


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