Fax Message: Secret / Crash' To
Fax Message: Secret / Crash' To
Fax Message: Secret / Crash' To
To : Secretary, (Political) GAD, Hyderabad, : IGP Int. AP Hyderabad. : DIG Security, AP Hyderabad. : IGP W/R o/o DGP AP Hyderabad. : Anil Kumar, IPS., : Superintendent of Police, : K H A M M A M. /11-SB/2010,
Secret / Crash
Info From
C. No.
dated: 21.03.2010
Sub: Visit of Sri. K.Roshaiah, Honble Chief Minister of AP Hyderabad to Bhadrachalam of Khammam district on 24.03.2010 in connection with the Celestial festival Sri Rama Navami (Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy vari Kalyana Mahotsavam) Reg. *** We did the ASL on 21.03.2010 from 1100 Hrs to 1500 Hrs at helipad [Tobacco board], en-route convoy and at Kalyanamandapam in the temple in connection with Sri Rama Navami (Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy vari Kalyana Mahotsavam) scheduled to be held on 24.03.2010. S/Sri,
1. 2.
3. 4.
Smt. V. Usharani IAS., Collector & District Magistrate, Khammam Anil Kumar, IPS., Superintendent of Police, Khammam Md. Nazeer Ahamed, DSP Intelligence Khammam P. Ravindra Reddy, District Fire Officer, Khammam N. Immanuel, E.E. R & B Department, Khammam Nallapu Durga Prasad, AMC Chairman, Cherla now at Bhadrachalam.
a. Name and distance from city / village: The helipad is located at tobacco board office at the outskirts of Bhadrachalam Town. It is 2 KMs from the Town. b. Distance from meeting venue (rostrum / place of halt): 4 KM from helipad to Kalyanamandapam and half KM distance to the housing board guest house where the honourable CM will make a brief halt for lunch.
c. Topography of area is including size in case of helipad: The helipad is located in the office complex of tobacco board at the outskirts of Bhadrachalam Town near St.Anns School on Purushothapatnam R&B BT road side. The helipad is a permanent structure with 15/15 meters measurement. The tobacco board auction platform (No.9) is located on South-east to the helipad at a distance of (25) meters. The entire area of the place of helipad is about (2) acres and covered with permanent compound wall with the height of 2 MTRS. There are some thatched huts on other side of the compound wall towards east, north and north-west which are adjoining to the compound wall. The overall in charge at the helipad is Sri V.Bhaskara Rao, SDPO, Bellampalli. He should see that all the persons should be checked thoroughly with in the limits of helipad and other side of compound wall. He should also see that anti sabotage check is to be done at entire area of the helipad with the help of BD team well in advance and 3 hours before the scheduled landing time of the helicopter. He should also ensure that armed guard is posted at the helipad 12 hours before the arrival of VVIP, spraying of water at the surrounding areas of helipad before 6 hours, 1 hour and 15 minutes just before the landing of helicopter. Fire fighting equipment with its brigade is kept at the helipad. The in charge SDPO is advised to go through the instructions given in B/B scheme and strictly follow them. d. Gist of security arrangements indicating expected crowd: 1 DSP, 2 CIs, 3 SIs, 8 ASI/HCs, 30 PCs, and 30 Home guards were detailed for guarding the helipad. 1 ASI/HC, 12 PCs were allotted for roof top guard on St.Anns School and other buildings, 2 ASIs/HCs, 4 PCs & 4 WPCs/WHGs posted at the DFMD and HFMD. Similarly 1 section of AR personnel will be on static at the helicopter and the special party will be on patrolling around the compound wall of St.Anns school and the tobacco board. e. f. Under control of: Sri V.Bhaskara Rao, Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Bellampalli. Availability of night landing / take off facilities: Not applicable, since the entire program is scheduled in broad daylight. g. Any refuelling / lifting of catering items scheduled: - NO -
Size of reception party, including presence of media men and party functionaries: The size of reception of party functionaries will be about 20-25.
Availability of carcade / contingency carcade: The carcade is being arranged as per the circular memorandum ID No. 439/Vs2/03, dated: 29.11.2003 of Addl. DGP Int. AP Hyderabad.
Availability of VIP lounge / Safe House and its distance from aircraft / helicopter parking place including mode of travel to the lounge / Safe House: The AP Housing board guest house is kept as VIP lounge where the honourable CM will take lunch. The distance between the VIP lounge and the helicopter parking place is Half KM. The mode of travel is by road in BP car.
Availability of medical facilities including name contingency hospital and its distance: The medical facilities are available at the same house with sufficient paramedical staff in addition to the mobile medical team.
iii. Location of helipad in relation to meeting ground (rear of rostrum / left flank / right flank etc: Not applicable iv. Features / people between helipad and meeting venue: Not applicable
01. Participation in Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy vari Kalyana Mahotsavam at Kalyanamandapam, Bhadrachalam. a. Name, location and size of meeting venue: The name of the venue is Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy vari Kalyana Mahotsavam Mandapam, located at Mithila Stadium on the Northern side of the temple. The size of the venue is 44,000 Sq. feet. b. c. Expected size of crowd: 50,000 and above. Topography of meeting venue/Kalyanamandapam: The venue i.e.., Kalyanamandapam located at the mid point of Mithila stadium at the temple premises. The entire place around the Kalyanamandapam is divided in to sectors with gangways to facilitate the pilgrims for viewing the celestial festival of Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy vari Kalyana Mahotsavam. The dormitories exist under the stadium at outer and towards east, west and Northern side in which 8 entry gates to Kalyanamandapam are arranged. The entire venue is divided 19 sectors with 8 gangways. In addition to these an emergency exit arranged for each sector. The total capacity of the venue is 39,000. There have been some instances that the VIP faced difficulty in reaching to venue due to over crowding. The In-charge, Sri M.Ramesh Babu Addl.S.P., Bellampalli will ensure that, utilising the men on bandobust duties should properly do the crowd control and identity of the Press/Media persons should also be checked properly. DFMDs and HFMDs will be arranged at all the entry gate of the Kalyanamandapam to check the pilgrims. The place between fountain to gate No. 1 & 2 will be closed with barricade to control the over crowd for free passage of VIP to Kalyanamandapam. The existing height of the barricade at rear and southern side of Kalyana Mandapam has to be hiked in order to prevent the pilgrims from jumping from ordinary sector to Kalyana Mandapama at the time of distribution of Talambralu. The In-charge Addl.SP should ensure that, all the barricading pipe holes are to be checked thoroughly with B.D. team and Dog squad. party will be posted at Kalyanamandapam to cordon it. d. Size of rostrum and persons on rostrum: The rostrum i.e., Kalyana Mandapam is a permanent celestial structure of the temple. Only the deities of Lord Rama and Goddess Seetha will place on Kalyanamandapam and the priests will be present for performing Kalyana Mahotsavam of Sree Seetha Ramachandraswamy. e. f. Rostrum structure, permanent, recently constructed, renovated etc., and location of staircase: Not applicable since it is a Temple. Arrangements to secure the rostrum sterility of from D and reverse D. A special
Not applicable since it is a Temple. g. Number of sets of mikes on the rostrum (one / two) including standby provision: Only two mikes will be with the priests [Pujarulu] for pronouncing Veda h. i. j. k. Mantralu. Requirement / availability of lighting / arrangements, including standby provisions: Not applicable. Availability of carcade / contingency carcade: Available. Availability of VVIP enclosure with toilet, Hotline and STD lines: Available at guest house. Name and distance of contingency hospital and safe house from meeting venue: The Area hospital, Bhadrachalam is identified as contingency hospital, which is within the 1 KM and the office of the Asst. Supdt. of Police is identified as safe house and its distance is 400 MTRs. l. Availability of local WT communication between airport / helipad carcade meeting venue place of halt safe house hospital: Communication system is available. m. Size and composition of reception line-up including number of party candidates / organizers likely to be present: n. o. help in organizing: - NIL Any temporary structure / pandal etc., precaution against fire: The pandals were erected with bamboo trellis with cloth ceiling. The fire tenders and its brigade kept at the Kalyana Mandapam sufficiently to meet any fire incidents. p. Gist of security arrangements at public meeting including the details of barricading, number of access points: The Kalyana Mandapam venue is divided in to 19 sectors and all those sectors were barricaded with iron poles. Adequate bando bust is made covering all the 19 sectors and at all 8 entry and all 8 gang ways. pilgrims. The In-charge Addl.S.P. should post the men in mufti at each sector to identify the anti social elements amidst the No applicable. Location and number of party volunteers who may be present to greet /
west room was allotted to the honourable CM. The room is having two windows in the directions of South and West and one door for entry and exit at North -East. It is having attached toilet and bath room. The E.E office of housing department is located in front of the guest house. b. Room plan: The south-west room was allotted to the honourable CM. The room is having two windows and one door for entry and exit. The room is provided with window Air condition. It is having attached toilet and bath room. c. Provision for telephone and call bells: A temporary Telephone connection will be arranged. The ASP Bhadrachalam will ensure it with the coordination of BSNL officials. Calling bell is available. d. Security arrangements: 1 DSP, 1 CI, 1 SI, 4 ASI/HCs, 6 PCs, 2 WPCs/WHGs and 10 HGs were posted at main gate entrance, 1 SI, 2 ASI/HCs, 5 PCs, and 5 HGs posted at entrance gate of guest house, 1 SI, 1 ASI/HC, 2 PCs and 2 HGs were posted at the guest house entrance door, 2 ASIs/HCs 8 PCs and 8 HGs were posted at rear side of the guest house, 2 PCs posted on roof top of the guest house, 1 ASI/HCs, 2 WPCs/WHGs were posted for the maintenance of DFMDs. e. Preparation, catering and purity of food: The preparation of food is being done by ITC BPL, Sarapaka. The paramedical staff of the district, who were trained in FSL Hyderabad will be utilised in testing the food and beverages. f. Contingency arrangements: Contingency arrangements have been made.
From To
a. b.
Distance from:
Condition / Nature and topography of the road / route: The entire road is good condition and it is BT and cement roads. The business establishments
buildings are located on either side of the road. The honourable CM will starts from helipad and proceeds to the temple through Gollagatta road, via Kunavaram road, Ambedkar center, Fire station, SSROC club and Sub-Divisional Police Office to Temple. c. Availability of safe house / hospital on the route: The Housing Board guest house and office of the ASP Bhadrachalam are identified as safe houses. Area Hospital and Medi life hospital are exists on the route. d. Expected crowd pressure on the route: About 2 to 5 thousands people will be crowded in the en-route. e. Availability of alternate / contingency route: There is no Govt.
alternate/contingency route. f. Gist of security arrangements on the route: The route bando bust is consisting of 2 sectors, of which 1st sector from Helipad to Junior College ground and the 2nd sector from Junior College grounds to Kalyanamandapam. The Bandobust for 1st sector is with 1 DSP, 1 CI, 3 SIs, 4 ASI/HCs, 38 PCs and 40 home guards, similarly, 1 DSP, 4 CIs, 28 Sis, 78 ASI/HCs, 222 PCs, 224 HGS, Special parties -3 were deployed for route bandobust and traffic duties including check posts and roof top of the buildings in the en-route.
Advance pilot, Rope party-I, Pilot, lead security car, front escort, main BP car, Escort I & II, rope party II, spare car, CMO vehicle, rope party III, Ambulance, Tail end and convoy protection vehicle etc., will be arranged according to the circular memorandum vide I.D. No.2105/VS-2/2004-05, Dtd: 09.05.2005.
a. Problem envisaged which may have bearing on security measures
proposed to counter these problems Avoidance travel by party / official functionaries parallel to the convoy or breaking the convoy: The Honble CM is having potent threat from CPI (Maoist) extremists and those front organizations, ISI Agents and other communal elements. Adequate security arrangements have been made for the VVIP to counter the problems if any. b. Date and time of conducting advance and final anti sabotage checks (Mention the agency conducting the AS checks): The BD team shall conduct the anti sabotage checks on 23.03.2010 & 24.03.2010 all off. c. Security precautions being taken to contain threat from car bombs / human bombs: All the precautionary measures have been taken to contain and avoid from any Car and Human Bombs. As part of it the B.D. trained personnel are deployed and continuously checking at all places from 16.03.2010, where the VIP moves. The women police personnel also deployed at Kalyana Mandapam to frisk and check the women folk. along the routes in Bhadrachalam Town and in and around the Kalyanamandapam. The Anti Sabotage checks will also continued till the VIP takes
i. ii. Law and order situation: There will not be any L & O problem. Details of security threat and local intelligence: advance intelligence locally till the program is concluded. The State Intelligence personnel and the District Special Branch staff will be deployed for collection of
(ANIL KUMAR, IPS.,) Superintendent of Police, K H A M M A M. (V. USHA RANI, IAS.,) District Collector, K H A M M A M.