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Volume 4 December / January / February 2009 Issue 6

Member Mission Statement

The Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association, (established in 1982), is a nonprofit organization incorporated
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the organization is to preserve, promote, and enjoy
bluegrass music and to bring the music to an ever increasing number of people.

• ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS - $12 per family
- 2nd Saturday of each month - October thru May
- Discounted tickets for members
• MONTHLY JAM SESSIONS The SMBA board increased the annual dues to
- 3rd Sunday of every month $12 for 2009. People joining after September 1,
- Microphones are provided 2008 get the remainder of 2008 plus the full
- Visitors & musicians of all skill levels are welcome
year 2009 for $12.
- Good food - Open Jams - Concert Bands
- Raffle of acoustic instruments & door prizes
- Association & newsletter information
- Links to bluegrass info
• PROMOTIONAL OUTLET for bands and promoters
• BLUEGRASS LIBRARY - Instructional materials
Included in this issue:
- Inside the SMBA 2-3
- President’s Message 3
- SMBA Concert Profiles 4-5
- SMBA Members Recording Review 5
- Upcoming Events 6-10 For the past several years Bob Albert has volunteered as
- Bluegrass Radio 11 Editor, and then, Copy Editor of the SMBA newsletter.
-Music Lesson & Instrument Repair 12 Bob was instrumental in creating the design of the Seven
- IBMA News 13
- Jams 14-15
Mountains Bluegrass Association News.
- Membership Invitation 16
With my limited knowledge of writing and publishing,
Bob’s assistance by staying on as Copy Editor played a
2009 OFFICERS vital roll in the quality of our newsletter appearance and
Walt Crider President (717) 292-6175 content.
Dick Beckley Vice President (717) 938-4975
Jean Snyder Treasurer/Membership (717) 957-4609
Dick Neff Recording Secretary (717) 697-2064
Due to his busy schedule and a desire to move on to other
endeavors, Bob has decided to give up his position on the
Bill Aldinger (717) 728-9039
newsletter staff.
Glen Miller (410) 343-2228
Jon Raemore (717) 599-5944 I owe a great debt of gratitude to him for his assistance in
2009 CHAIRPERSONS creating what has become known as the SMBA
Bill Aldinger Picnic Committee (717) 728-9039 “Hornpipe”.
Bob Bishard Newsletter Editor (717) 957-4349
Patsy Kline Scholarship Committee (717) 964-3797 Bob, a retired teacher, and his wife, Toni, live in Mechan-
Mike Lebo Web Master (717) 215-3088 icsburg, Pennsylvania. Among their many pursuits, they
Dan Onefuer Librarian (717) 432-0770
Jon Raemore Music Committee (717) 599-5944 are self-employed, writing and publishing children’s
books. Bob is well known in bluegrass circles for being a
great flatpicker, enjoying fiddle tunes, and creatively ad-
libbing to spice up many of the jams he attends.
Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association “Hornpipe” is published
by the Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association Inc., which is a
non-profit organization. The SMBA mails this quarterly newslet-
I can’t begin to express just how grateful I am to Bob for
ter to the SMBA membership, other music associations, non-profit his guidance and friendship. From all of the members of
organizations, promoters, radio, and print media at no charge. All SMBA - Thank you Bob!
correspondence can be mailed to:
Bob Bishard, Editor
SMBA, c/o Bob Bishard, 18 Stiles Dr., Marysville, PA 17053.

Page 2


MESSAGE Walt Crider

Beginning in January 2009 the SMBA monthly jam
held in Mechanicsburg will feature a whole new look.

We’ll be using the stage and the sound system instead

Welcome to the winter everyone. Indoor concerts and jam of the circle we’ve grown accustom to. As participants
sessions will be the norm. Don’t go through bluegrass arrive they can sign-up on a first-come-first-serve basis
withdrawal, just attend our concerts and jam sessions to play two songs on-stage. Experienced musicians will
listed in the quarterly publication. The Bluegrass Broth- support with lead parts if needed. When everyone has
ers will be at our Goodwill Fire company location on De- had an opportunity to play we’ll begin again.
cember 13th. Come early, as they always bring a large at-
tendance. The January show will feature the Good Deale Everyone is welcome to stay on stage or join others in
Bluegrass Band instead of the Steep Canyon Rangers the audience when finished playing. The public is being
(they promised to return for a future appearance). The invited through newspaper announcements. Refresh-
Good Deale Bluegrass Band played for us in May of this ments will be available.
year. What a great bunch of musicians. For the first time
at our location, the Wildwood Valley Boys will perform Please join us and help make the new SMBA jam for-
on February 14th. Make them feel welcome by attending, mat a huge success.
and bring a friend.

I’d like to recognize our publicity/promotion person, Sue

McKinsey of Red Lion. Sue has volunteered an effort to
contact newspapers, local magazines and radio stations to
let them know about our concert series and club existence.
I believe it has already shown results with a large atten-
dance at the Audie Blaylock concert. Thank you so much,

Our October meeting at the First United Methodist church

in Mechanicsburg, PA, resulted in the following elections:
Walt Crider, president; Dick Beckley, vice-president; Jean
Snyder, treasurer -membership, and Dick Neff, recording
secretary. Trustees are Bill Aldinger, Glen Miller, Jon
Raemore, and someone to be named later. I encourage you
to visit our website for any updates. Email addresses can
now be linked for most officers from the Board of Direc-
tors tab. Check out our message board and chat room. I
must admit, I had not used the chat room before, but I will
in the future. Thanks to Mike Lebo for maintaining our

I hope all have a wonderful holiday season. With Christ-

mas arriving soon, please consider giving a gift member-
ship to our club. It’s something that will last all year.

Trivia question: What Bluegrass Boy played all the instru-

ments? He even played mandolin on stage when Bill Mon-
roe had a broken collarbone. Walt Page 3

The January show will bring back the Good Deale

Bluegrass Band featuring Mike Auldridge, who was
here in May. The Steep Canyon Rangers had to cancel
their appearance here because of conflicting engage-
Our monthly shows at the Spry Fire Hall just seem to get ments. Anyone who was in the audience for this Mary-
better and better. The first 2 were terrific. December land band in May will remember their great perform-
brings back The Bluegrass Brothers who always pack the ance. In my opinion they sound more like the Original
house here. They are favorites in this area. For any- Seldom Scene than the present version, and Good Deale
one who has not seen them, they are a family unit of has one original Seldom Scene member in the band, the
brothers and sons from Salem, VA. Brothers Robert great Mike Auldridge on dobro, just like the present
Dowdy on banjo, and Victor Dowdy on Bass, are joined Scene, who has only Ben Eldridge left from the original
by Victor's two sons, Steve and Donald, both on guitar, group.
and the lone non-family member, Brandon Farley, from
Princeton, WV, on mandolin. No one in bluegrass music Good Deale plays a lot of the older Scene numbers and
is more demonstrative on the bass than Victor. He really Mike's dobro is featured on all of them. Tim Finch on
pounds the bass and is a real showman. Robert Dowdy, mandolin gives an excellent rendition of the late John
Victor's younger son, plays the guitar left-handed, which Duffey's high tenor on all their vocals, as well as play-
is unusual in itself. But he also plays it strung right- ing a great mandolin. John O'Dell on guitar and vocals
handed, which amounts to playing it upside down and contributes to the great harmonies they bring to the
backwards. It is something to watch. The band members stage. Rounding out the band is a local favorite, Mike
are all outstanding musicians, and their family harmonies Munford on banjo, "Baltimore Jonny" Glik on fiddle,
lend a tightness to the songs they play, as only family and Chris Walls, a fine singer and songwriter on bass.
members can do.
The attendance for this band in May was less than de-
The Bluegrass Brothers are a high-energy bluegrass served, so let's show them a full house for their appear-
band and are a must-see show for a traditional bluegrass ance here in January. I promise you will not be disap-
delight! They have all grown up in bluegrass music fami- pointed that you came to their show. Just ask anyone
lies in Virginia, and it is evident very soon after they hit who was at the May show. It was one of our all time
the stage. Their family harmony vocals are exceptional. best.
Brothers Robert on banjo, and Victor Dowdy on bass,
have made many musical accomplishments over numer-
ous years, and their vocals and musicianship are second to
none. Carrying on in the family tradition, Victor's two
sons, Donald and Steve Dowdy, are also very talented
vocalists, and their guitar work is very entertaining. All
added up, The Bluegrass Brothers are one of the finest
bluegrass bands in the country, and they are friendly,
country folk. They perform from coast to coast and in a
most soulful, heartfelt manner. They have earned fans
from several countries and everybody says: "We want
The Bluegrass Brothers back next year!" So check them
out in a town near you. You won't regret it!

Page 4
February brings in The Wildwood Valley Boys from
Indiana. This band was reformed in 2006 after all the
original band members had moved on, except Tony. He
renamed the band Tony Holt and the Wildwood Valley
Boys at that time, but the sound has remained essentially
the same as the original. With roots back to the Legen-
dary Boys From Indiana, this band will entertain with
the best. Joining Tony is his Dad, Aubrey, a former Boy
From Indiana. Other members are Greg Moore, Tom Pat-
rick, Brad Lambert, and Jesse Baker.

The Meadow Grove Bluegrass Revival is a very popu-

lar local band playing in small churches and county fairs.
Local favorites, Kermit Kissinger, Dave Brady, and Bill
Arndt, really anchor this group musically, while Joe
Dorman, George Fishel, and Hodge Little round out the
band with great vocals and sound effects. They recently
Tony Holt and The Wildwood Valley Boys have become released their first CD titled Little White Church..
a favorite in bluegrass music. Originally formed in 1992
as The Wildwood Valley Boys (named after the Holt In October I had an opportunity, once again, to see the
family farm in Milan, Indiana), the original members of band perform live at another small country church venue.
the band decided to follow separate paths and, in 2006 Their performances are always lively, spontaneous, and
the only original Wildwood Valley Boy, Tony Holt, de- very enjoyable. From songs like Wings of A Dove, to
cided to rename the group Tony Holt and The Wildwood Long Black Train, and Little White Church, the CD
Valley Boys. Current members include Tony Holt, Jesse reflects their on-stage persona with a traditional bluegrass
Baker, Greg Moore, Tom Patrick, Brad Lambert, and gospel sound.
Tony's dad, Aubrey Holt, from the legendary Boys from
Indiana. You’re sure to enjoy their performances and their CD.
For bookings, or to purchase your copy of Little White
Though Tony Holt and The Wildwood Valley Boys have Church, please contact Kermit Kissinger at 834-3963.
seen many band member changes, they have kept that
great harmony as one of their strongest attributes, along
with the many original songs penned by the Holt clan.
Bluegrass fans roar with applause after being taken back
to a favorite memory or a good time brought on by the
rich harmonies of the band.

Since signing with Rebel Records in 1999, the band has

released five albums to date. They continue to record un-
der the Rebel Records label and are planning a new pro-
ject to start in May 2008. Page 5

Working together for bluegrass !

What makes the SMBA a really good value is the
number of bluegrass related activities and benefits to
members. It’s taken many years and lots of dedication
from members, like you, to develop. Twenty-six years
after its inception, the SMBA continues to preserve, The SMBA Message Board is a great resource for
promote, and enjoy the music we love so dearly. our members and friends to share bluegrass related
topics, sell instruments, or comment on bluegrass
Your attendance at our monthly concerts, jams, annual related venues.
summer picnics, and benefits are always appreciated.
We’d like to encourage members attending SMBA If you have information that you would like to share
concerts to bring along some friends. The bands are with the bluegrass community please check it out.
really top notch musicians providing great entertain-
ment. Perhaps by attending the concerts and other ac-
tivities your friends might want to join the SMBA.
Then click on the “Message Board”
When membership and attendance grow, we all bene-
fit. Can you help? Thank you!
Page 6

Winter Coffeehouse Jam Sessions

Saturday, January 17, 2009 Second Sunday of every month.
Live Acoustic Music at Fort Hunter Barn Fort Hunter Barn
7-10pm FREE! 1:00 PM—4:00 PM
We welcome musicians and vocalists
Susquehanna Folk Coffeehouses are intimate Saturday evenings showcasing of all skill levels and all ages.
Central Pennsylvania's fine amateur acoustic musicians. Cabaret seating and Contact Info for SFMS
tasty refreshments create an informal coffeehouse atmosphere in the cozy,
rustic Fort Hunter Centennial Barn. Enjoy live acoustic music from 7 to Jess Hayden, President, 763-5744
Ed Rech, Coffee House, 730-2191
10pm. Free admission includes Ralph's corny jokes at no extra charge. Sales
Ralph Dahle, Jam Session, 657-8709
of refreshments benefit Susquehanna Folk; donations to defray costs are al- Henry Koretzky, Events, 763-5744
ways welcome. The Barn is accessible and is smoke- and alcohol-free.
Fort Hunter Centennial Barn 5300 N Front St, Harrisburg Membership Pays!
For most events, SFMS offers a
Still Brewing: Mark your calendar for our upcoming coffeehouses: substantial admission discounts for
SFMS members. A Family Mem-
• March 14, 2009 bership extends admission dis-
• May 16, 2009 counts to all family members living
at the same address. Your SFMS
If you're interested in playing a 20-minute set at a future Coffeehouse, or at membership can easily pay for it-
any of our festival showcases (Fort Hunter Day, Kipona, American Mu- self. And it's tax-deductible too.
sicFest), please contact Ralph Dahle at 717-652-0799 (leave a message) or
717-657-8709. Interest in performing has been high, so call now! Annual Membership Dues
Individual Membership $25
FMI: Call Ralph Dahle at 717-652-0799 or 717-657-8709
Family Membership:$40

For more information on SFMS Sponsored shows check the website.

Sat, December 6 Iris DeMent XPN Welcomes Iris DeMent: One of the most celebrated country-folk performers and
singer-songwriters today.

Sun, December 14 Robin & Linda Williams A Christmas show from this beloved Virginia couple and their fine
group. Harpist Julie Swope opens.

Sat, January 17 Winter Coffee House Live acoustic music in an intimate, alcohol-and-smoke-free setting.

Sun, January 18 Djärv A young Swedish quintet, blending 5-voice harmonies with vigorous dance tunes and jazzy

Sun, January 25 Lyuti Chushki ("Hot Peppers") Spicy traditional Bulgarian music, complex and compelling.
Come to listen, end up dancing! Page 7

December 13
Homecoming Jam
Check the monthly paper for more details.
December show Featuring:
FMI: Gary & Mary invites all bands
717-776-7447 back for a jam.
Dinner Specials 4:30 PM
January 10, 2009
Shows start at 6:30 PM The
Show tickets - $5.00 New Connection

Directions: February 14, 2009

Carroll County
Exit 37 off of Rt I-81. Take 233 North to Newville. Ramblers
In Newville stay on 233 approximately two blocks
after the only traffic light. Turn right onto Corpora- Come on out and join us for a
tion St/Shepherd Rd (Just before the Senior Center). March 14, 2009 great evening of music with
Go past the American Legion. We’re straight ahead. Down Home Dick, Jean, Nelson, and Bob.
Please join us, won’t you. Gospel Singers

118 Walnut St., Waynesboro, PA 17268

FMI: 717-762-4711 or

Dick & Della Boschert

Shows start @ 7:00 PM $12 Admission (Children under 12 free)

Directions: Main Street in Waynesboro to the Sheetz and turn onto Walnut Street. Go 2 blocks and see
Beck & Benedict Theatre on the right. Plenty of parking.

December 13 March 21, 2009

Jay Armsworthy & Eastern Tradition Sunnyside Bluegrass Gospel Band
along with along with
Twin Hill Express Iron Ridge

February 21, 2009 April 25, 2009

Aspen Run Stoney Creek
along with along with
Patuxent Partners Rattlesnake Hill


Page 8

Havre de Grace Middle School

2 to 5 PM
Bluegrass Association
Donations at the door.
Presents 2008—2009 Show Schedule
December 21 March 15 PICKERS WELCOME
Christmas Party Chestnut Ridge

January 18 April 19 DANCERS WELCOME

Danny Paisley & Tuesday
The Southern Grass Mountain Boys RECOMMENDED DONATIONS:
MEMBERS $ 5.00
February 15 May 17
The Hillbilly Gypsies Bluegrass Rebels

FMI: James Langer 443-752-8912 $10

Country Wide Producers

FMI: Bob Englar Phone:717-741-2658

E-mail: [email protected]
Ticket: Adults $10.00
Children 6-12 $ 5.00
Children under 5 - FREE Week #1
Tickets available at the door only. Flatpicking - Fingerpicking
No reserved seating. No alcoholic beverages! Fiddle - Bass - Dobro
Mountain Lap Dulcimer
Show starts @ 7:30 PM Show starts @ 5:00 PM
(Doors open @ 6:00 PM) (Doors open @ 4:00 PM)

December 6 December 7 Week #2

Green Branch Bob & Terry Flatpicking - Bluegrass Banjo
Border Line Songwriting - Vocals
March 28, 2009 Mandolin
No further schedule has
April 25, 2009
been received for the FMI:
Shiloh Ridge
shows held at the Kempton 1-800-FLATPIK
May 25, 2009 Rod & Gun Club. We’ll 1-865-982-3808
Iron Ridge post the information when or
we receive it. E-mail: [email protected]
September 26, 2009
Set Free Maryville, TN Page 9

Tickets are $13, available at the door.

Doors open at 6PM - Show starts at 7PM!
All tickets are General Admission (no reserved seats).

Dec 06 - The Bluegrass Brothers

Dec 13 - Overunderdownyoner /
Dan Paisley & The Southern Grass
Heather Berry & New Dominion /
Walt Crider and The Old Time Way
The Company Store / Santa Claus December 31 New Year's Eve
Jan 10 - The Larry Stephenson Band 7:00 to 11:00 PM.
Jan 17 - The Virginia Ramblers / Springfield Exit
Jan 24 - Randy Waller & The Country Gentlemen
Jan 31 - Bill Emerson & The Sweet Dixie Band
Feb 07 - The Good Deale Bluegrass
Feb 14 - Five of A Kind / Remington Ryde
Feb 21 - Dark Hollow/ Jay Armsworthy & Eastern Tradition
Feb 28 - Mill Run / The Pattuxent Partners
Mar 07 - Patent Pending / The Hillbilly Gypsies
Mar 14 - Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers
Mar 21 - The Steep Canyon Rngers
Mar 28 - The Country Gentlemen Tribute Band
with Bill Yates and Friends
Apr 04 - The Scott Brannon Band /
The Wildwood Valley Boys
Apr 11 - Ernie Bradley and Grassy Ridge / The Lisa Kay

Hosted By:
Carroll County

Arcadia Fire Company Activities Bldg., Arcadia, MD

January 24, 2009

Salem Bottom Boys

February 28, 2009

8th Annual Spring Festival Iron Ridge
April 16-18, 2009 March 28, 2009
Bill Emerson & The Sweet Dixie Band
26th Annual Fall Festival
Carroll County Ramblers
September 24-26, 2009 Appearing every month

FMI: Contact Bill FMI: 410-346-6195 or 717-359-5098

410-374-2895 Admission $10 Adults - Advance tickets $8
Children under 12—free admission

Page 10
(Washington, DC)
Larry Royce, Sanctuary Show, every Sunday from 5-8
PM on the Word FM. Bluegrass Breakdown
Tues. 12 AM, Wed. 5 AM,Thurs. 6 PM, Sun. 2 AM
West Network: East Network:
Bluegrass Overnight
Chambersburg 88.3 Warwick 88.1 Sunday 3 A.M, Thurs. Midnight
Carlisle 93.1 Sellersville 88.9
Waynesboro 106.1 Stroudsburg 88.7 Bluegrass Review
Harrisburg 88.1 Center Valley 103.5 Mon. 8 PM,,Tues. 2 AM, Wed. 4 AM,
Newville 101.9 Hawley 89.1 Sun. 11 PM
Hagerstown MD 91.7 Wyomissing 91.7
Wilkes – Barre 93.3 Bluegrass Signal
Coatesville 101.7 Sun. 10 PM, Mon. 7 PM,,Tues. 1 AM,
Wed. 6 AM, Thurs. 8 PM

The Katy Daley Show

(Gettysburg, PA) Mon. - Fri. 7:00 AM
Gospel Bluegrass Show - Hank Janney
Sunday Morning 6:00 - 8:00 AM
The Bluegrass Show (Selinsgrove, PA)
Sunday Evening 8:00 - Midnight
WQSU 88.9 FM (Selinsgrove, PA)
Bluegrass Classic Show Saturday 3—6 PM
w/Derrick The Dude
(Dickinson College - Carlisle, PA)
Davis Tracy Bluegrass Rules Saturday 9—Midnight
w/Tracy Waite
Monday 8:00 - 9:00 AM
Monday 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Friday 8:00 - 10:00 AM
Friday 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Great website. Check it out !
(Delaware Township, NJ)
Bluegrass Horizon - Mike Wuerstle Dana Allen
Monday - Noon - 3:00 PM Public Relations Manager/Host
Bluegrass Breakfast - Susan Rose For requests/comments:
Wednesday - 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM [email protected]
Sunrise Surprise - Russ Hunsberger
Satruday - 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM We’re Reality Radio !
Bluegrass Junction - Dick Saylor
Saturday - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

If you have any suggestions, additions, or articles

for the newsletter, please contact the editor at
(Brevard, NC) [email protected] or phone 717-957-4349.
Every Sunday 3-5 PM
We’ll be happy to include your information. Page 11

Tom Adams 717 259 6502 Bluette Bros. Mike’s Music Shop
Banjo, Guitar, Mandolin, Bass 122 Hill St 3966 Jonestown Rd York, PA 17403 Harrisburg, PA 17109
(717) 854-9064 (717) 540-5188
Dick Neff 717-697-2064
Campbell’s Music David W. Musselwhite
Bob 717-633-9575 2361 S. Queen St RD 3, Box 7593
Guitar York, PA 17405 Jonestown, PA 17038
(717) 741-2634 (717) 865-6236
Steve Waldon Jr. 717-757-5979
Mandolin, Guitar, & Banjo
Country String Shop David R. Strait
Nev Jackson 717-867-4175 54 W. Main St Master Luthier
Banjo, Guitar, Fiddle, Bass, Mandolin, & Dobro Campbelltown, PA 17010 (717) 258-6036 Phone
(717) 838-8732 (717) 258-4098 Fax
Bill Mason 717-226-7200
Mandolin The
Norm Deaver Chimneys Violin Shop
Nelson Steffy 717-241-6305 203 W. Watson Ave. 614 Lerew Rd.
Mandolin, & Fiddle Langhorne, PA 19047 Boiling Springs, PA
(215) 757-0471 17007
Warren Newman 717-730-7255 [email protected] (717) 258-3203
Guitar, Mandolin, & Fiddle

Jeff Hostetter RLH Guitars

109 N. 2nd St 30 North Main St
New Freedom, PA 17349 Red Lion, PA 17356
If you give music lessons and would like to be listed (717) 235-7465 (717) 244-9981
on our website and in the Hornpipe, please contact
the editor at [email protected] or by telephone
at 717-957-4349. J W Music Ken Runkle
127 N. Hanover St West York, PA
Carlisle, PA 17013 717-792-0302
(717) 258-6765

Stuart Mathias has a G-16 Martin Guitar for sale.

He can be contacted at: If you know of someone who is in the instrument repair
business and believe they are good at their craft, please
forward their name and contact information. We’ll be
Stuart L. Mathias
happy to include them in this listings on the SMBA web-
91 Pricetown Road
site and in the Hornpipe.
Fleetwood, PA 19522-9748

Page 12
Awards Show was held during the 2008 World of Bluegrass in Nashville, TN
September 29 - October 5


Bill Clifton Dailey & Vincent
Charles K. Wolfe
Dailey & Vincent BANJO DOBRO
Kristin Scott Benson Rob Ickes
Dailey & Vincent BASS GUITAR
Barry Bales Josh Williams
Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper FIDDLE MANDOLIN
Michael Cleveland Adam Steffey
Jamie Dailey
Distinguished Achievement Award Recipients
Dale Ann Bradley The Banjo Newsletter
Art Menius
SONG OF THE YEAR The Ernest Tubb Record Shop
"Through The Window Of A Train," Blue Highway Joe Carr & Alan Munde
(artists), Tim Stafford & Steve Gulley (songwriters)
Bluegrass Broadcaster of the Year:
ALBUM OF THE YEAR Kyle Cantrell; Bluegrass Junction, XM Satellite Radio
Dailey & Vincent,Dailey & Vincent (artists), Jamie Dailey
& Darrin Vincent (producers), Rounder Records Print Media Person of the Year:
Chris Stuart, freelance writer for Bluegrass Unlimited
Everett Lilly & Everybody and Their Brother, Featuring Best Liner Notes for a Recorded Project:
Everett Lilly, Bea Lilly, Charles Lilly, Daniel Lilly, Mark Gary Reid, The Stanley Brothers: The Definitive Collec-
Lilly, Marty Stuart, Rhonda Vincent, Billy Walker, tion (1947-1966), The Stanley Brothers, Time Life
Ronnie McCoury, Rob McCoury, David Ball, Charlie
Cushman, Larry Stephenson, Joe Spivey, Eddie Stubbs, Best Graphic Design for a Recorded Project:
Jason Carter, Dickey Lee, Freddy Weller, Mike Bub, Rad Greg Carr & Sarah Holman, What The, Pete Wernick &
Lewis, Andy May, Darrin Vincent, Marcia Campbell, Flexigrass, Niwot Records
Clay Rigdon, Eric Blankenship & Bill Wolfenbarger
(artists), Charles Lilly & Bill Wolfenbarger (producers), Bluegrass Event of the Year Award:
Swift River Music 29th Annual Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival;
Brunswick, Maine; Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2007
Sound of the Slide Guitar, Andy Hall, Sugar Hill Records
Congratulations to all of the recipients, nominees, and
GOSPEL RECORDED PERFORMANCE 2008 musicians everywhere who strive each day to make
"By The Mark," Dailey & Vincent (artists), Jamie Dailey bluegrass music the great American and international
& Darrin Vincent (producers), Rounder Records music genre it has become. Page 13


1:00 to 3:30 PM—Every Monday 7:30 PM— Every Wednesday 7:00 PM—Every Friday
Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Ctr Doylestown Jam Beck & Benedict Hardware Jam
1000 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA German Hungarian Sportsman's Club Walnut & 3rd Sts., Waynesboro, PA
$1 donation goes to residents activities. 1622 Hilltown Pike—Hilltown, PA FMI:Dick/Della Boschert 717-762-4711
FMI: Dick Gow 717-649-1436 Outside in nice weather, inside otherwise. See “Upcoming Bluegrass Events” section of
Mary Wohler 717-249-2529 All playing levels welcome. this newsletter for bluegrass shows held at
FMI: Ben 215-249-9354 the Beck & Benedict Hardware Theatre,
7:00 to 10:00 PM—Every Monday featuring two great bands each month.
Dutch Country Restaurant
2nd Floor—946 Baltimore St., Hanover, PA 7:00 to 10:00 PM—Every Friday
$3.00 per person / Open mic format Arrow Horse Jam with Hank Janney,
FMI: 717-632-1616 49 Chambersburg ST., Gettysburg, PA
FMI: Hank Janney 717-337-2899

TUESDAY THURSDAY 7:00 PM—As listed below

Bunker Hill Bluegrass &
Old Country Music Jam
6:45 to 9:45 PM— Every Tuesday 7:30 to 10:30 PM—Every Thursday B.H. Fellowship Hall, Mountville Rd., Rt 72,
The Church of The Open Door The Lower Windsor Township North of Lebanon. From Rt 22 take Rt 72
The Church of the Open Door—Just off Municipal Bldg South 1 1/2 miles to Mountville Rd. From Rt
2425 Craley Road(also Rt. 624), Craley, PA 422 take Rt 72 North 6 miles to Mountville
Rt 74 on Loucks Rd., North of the West
(Craley is 2 miles south of East Prospect, Rd. June thru September jams are held on
Manchester Mall. This Gospel Music York County
jam welcomes performers of all levels, 1st & 3rd Fridays. October thru May jams
FMI: Ebert M. Blymire 717-246-2904 are held every Friday. Donations accepted.
including those with electric instru- Good homemade foods. Small area for pick-
ments. Pedal steel and electric guitars 7:00 to 10:00 PM—Every Thursday ers to jam. Sign-up for 30 minute spots on
are welcome. A microphone is provided Franklintown Fire Hall Jam stage with sound system.
for vocalists. Visitors are always wel- 2 miles south of Dillsburg on Rt194—
come. Attendance continues to climb $2.00 Admission 7:30 PM—Every Friday
each week. Muse & Music Performance Series
6:30 to 10:00 PM—Every Thursday 10 West Expresso St., Mansfield, PA
Greencastle Antrim Senior Center Jam FMI:
FMI: Ken Runkle 717-792-0302 500 Antrim Church Rd.,
Old exit 5 off of Rt I-81
7:00 to 10:00 PM— Every Tuesday Every Friday - Please call ahead
Pine Hall Lutheran Church 5:30 PM—Every Thursday At Lorne G. Seifert Construction Company
1760 West College Ave., State College Centerport Jam 65 Carlisle Rd., Dillsburg, PA
FMI: Alan (Scott) Krug 814-883-0287 Kitchen open at 4:00 PM—Music begins at Rt 74 approx 1/2 mile south of Northern
E-mail: [email protected] 5:30 PM High School, on the left. Building in rear.
Professional sound system provided. Alan FMI: Betty Neftzinger FMI: Lorne Seifert Jr. 717-502-1905
publishes an e-mail newsletter of bluegrass 610-488-1920 717-773-5522
happenings in northern PA. For your copy,
write to Alan at [email protected] 6:30 to 11 PM— Every Thursday 5:00 to 11:00 PM Every Friday
Hugh Mason's Country & Bluegrass Jam Ephrata Best Music Source Bluegrass,
6:00 to 9:00 PM— Every Tuesday Chaplin's, The Music Cafe, 66 North Main
Street, Spring City, PA 19475.
Gospel, Classic Country Jam.
RLH Guitars Doors open at 5 for jamming. Open stage
30 North Main St., Red Lion, PA See for details
runs 6:30-11 p.m. There are multiple rooms
FMI: Randy Hake 717-244-9981 available for jams. Located at Best Source
E-mail: [email protected] 7:00 to 11:00 PM Every Thursday
Music, just off route 272 on Helen Ave.,
A sound system provided. RLH is also host- Craley Bluegrass-Old Time Country Jam
Ephrata, PA 17533 ( near Ephrata Hospital).
ing bluegrass shows. For more information 2425 Craley Rd., (Rt 624), Craley, PA
and scheduling, contact Randy. FMI: 717-721-7120
Third Thursday
8:00 to 11 PM—1st & 3rd Tuesdays Coffey Music 6:00 to 10:00 PM Most Friday’s
Washington House BG Jam 31 East Main St. Westminster, MD Carroll Township Community Center Jam
Main Street, Sellersville, PA (Bucks County) 410-876-1045 410-848-5003 Shermans Dale, Perry County
This is a high level jam. Call for directions.
FMI: Jim Simpson 215-659-8623 FMI: 717-582-2312
[email protected]) for details. Or see http://

Page 14
7:00 to 10:00 PM—First Friday
PA Bluegrass Academy Jam & Concert SUNDAY SUNDAY
The Old Fire Hall at 45 West Main St.,
Campbelltown, PA 10:00 AM—Second Sunday
AFBA Open stage & Jam
Hellertown, PA (just south of Allentown)
Doors open at 10 a.m. Stage show begins at noon.

6:30 PM—Every Saturday 2:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday 2:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
White Oak Campground September thru May
Held at:
Quarryville, PA North Bay Bluegrass Association
FMI: 717-687-6207 Monthly Concert and Jam First United Methodist Church
Havre de Grace Middle School.
135 W. Simpson St.,
6:00 to 10:00 pm - Every Saturday Going west on Rt. 40 make a left turn onto
Lewis Lane. Mechanicsburg, PA
Grand Old Jam
2073 Orrstown Rd., Shippensburg, PA 17257 FMI: Gary Testerman 410-939-0028
(Turn at Morris St., go 3 miles, on right be- FMI:Jean Snyder 717-957-4609
fore car auction) 1:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
Pickers Free Admission Penn’s Grove Bluegrass & Acoustic Jam
Visitors $3.00 Admission (children un- Citizens League, 50 West Pitman St., Penns
der 12 free) Grove, NJ.
FMI: Robert Forrester 717-530-0248 From the intersections of Main and Broad
Streets in the center Penns Grove, take N.
1:00 PM - First Saturday Broad St. 3 blocks to W. Pitman Street ... go
Sugar Run Bluegrass over the RR tracks, and the Citizens League
Calvary Baptist Church 902 Ruskin Dr., is the brick and cinder block building just
Altoona, PA ahead on the left side of the street. The drive- For the December Jam only
FMI: Ron Anderson 814-940-8352 way is just after the RR tracks...the entrance we’ll hold the jam upstairs
Sept—May (No jam May 2006 is at rear of the building. The bar will be
operating for drinks. instead of downstairs.

FMI: Kevin Justice 856-299-2402

e-mail [email protected].
SUNDAY Note: this jam goes on hiatus for the summer.

1:00 to 4:00 PM - Second Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday

(October thru June) September thru May
New Jersey Bluegrass & Old Time
Susquehanna Folk Music Society Jam
Music Association
& Song Swap ~ Fort Hunter Embury United Methodist Church Hall
North of Harrisburg on Front St. Church St., Little Silver, NJ
FMI:Ralph Dahle 717-652-0799 Jamming & open stage show 717-657-8709 FMI:
Bringing a small snack is optional! NEW JAM LISTING !
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Third Sunday
2:00 to 5:00 PM—Second Sunday September thru May Music jam, acoustic instruments
(September thru May) Jerseytown Community Center only, 6-10 p.m., most Fridays, at
Canyon Country Bluegrass Jerseytown, Pa. Carroll Twp. Community Center,
Wellsboro Community Center FMI: Bob Knorr
3 Queen St., Wellsboro, PA [email protected] or
near Shermans Dale. Public is wel-
FMI:Call 570-724-0300 come. FMI: 582-2312.
Call toll free 877-blu-gras 1:00 PM—Fourth Sunday
Rick’s Tavern Bluegrass & Country Jam
12:00 to 5:00 PM 2nd & 4th Sunday’s 9th & Chestnut Sts Trainer, PA JAMS CANCELED !
Ephrata, PA All Acoustic Jam. All skill levels are invited to participate in
October thru May playing bluegrass, country, folk, and old-time
Best Source Music, Helen Ave. Ephrata, music. The Zullinger Jam is discontinued.
PA. 17522. FMI: 610-497-1338
FMI: Michalle Garman 717-721-7120.
Also see Page 15

SMBA Family Membership

With your membership, you can help to promote
bluegrass music to an ever-increasing number of
people. Your membership helps to support our
concerts, jams, an annual picnic, a bi-monthly
SMBA newsletter, an informative website, and intro-
duces folks of all ages to bluegrass music
through music scholarships. Please join today.

Just $12 per year

Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
c/o: Jean Snyder
827 New Valley Road
Marysville, PA 17053-9716
Help support bluegrass music.
Join today ! FMI: Call Jean Snyder (717) 957-4609

The annual fee is $12 per family. FMI: call Jean at (717) 957-4609.
Make checks payable to Seven Mountains Bluegrass Association
Please send your membership information and fee to Jean Snyder ~ 827 New Valley Road ~ Marysville, PA 17053

Name What instruments do you play:


City St Zip If you play in a band, please list:

Names of family members:

Amount Enclosed $ Renewal New Member

Any suggestions:

Favorite bands:

Suggestions are welcomed:

If you are interested in volunteering to serve in any capacity, please call any officer or trustee.

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