0417 s11 QP 22

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education



May/June 2011 2 hours 30 minutes

Additional Materials:

Candidate Source Files

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Make sure that your Centre number, candidate number and name are written at the top of this page and are clearly visible on every printout, before it is sent to the printer. Printouts with handwritten information will not be marked. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Carry out every instruction in each step. Steps are numbered on the left hand side of the page. On the right hand side of the page for each step, you will find a box which you can tick ( ) when you have completed it; this will help you track your progress through the test. At the end of the exam put this Question Paper and all your printouts into the Assessment Record Folder. If you have produced rough copies of printouts, these should be neatly crossed through to indicate that they are not the copy to be marked.

This document consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB11 06_0417_22/4RP UCLES 2011

[Turn over

2 You work for a company called Hothouse Design. You are going to perform some clerical tasks for this company. 1 Open the file J11EVIDENCE.RTF Make sure that your name, Centre number and candidate number will appear on every page of this document. Save this evidence document in your work area as J11EVIDENCE followed by your candidate number. For example: J11EVIDENCE9999 You will need this file later. You are now going to edit a document about the development of a new port. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Using a suitable software package, load the file J11PORT22.RTF Set the page size to A4. Set the page orientation to landscape. Set all the margins to 3 centimetres. Save the document, with a new name, in your work area. Place in the header: your Centre number left aligned your name centre aligned your candidate number right aligned

Place in the footer: todays date left aligned the automated file name right aligned

Make sure that all the alignments match the page margins. Make sure that headers and footers are displayed on each page. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Set all the body text to a serif font. Set all the body text to single line spacing. Set the alignment of all the body text to be fully justified with a first line indent of one centimetre. Set all the body text size to 12 point. Make sure there is a blank line after each paragraph and that this line spacing is consistent. Insert a blank line at the start of the document and enter the title Export facilities at Port Pepard Make this title centre aligned.

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15 16 17

Set the font size of the title to 36 point. Underline the title. Below the title, add a subtitle: New developments reported by: and add your name.

18 19 20 21 22 23

Set both the title and subtitle to a sans-serif font. Set the font size of the subtitle to 18 point. Make the subtitle italic. Make the subtitle centre aligned. After the subtitle format the rest of the document into two equally spaced columns, with a 2 centimetre gap. In the left column, before the first paragraph of the document, enter the subheading: Location of Port Pepard


Identify the subheadings in the document and make them all italic, sans serif, 12 point and centre aligned. Make sure there is consistent line spacing below the subheadings (one line space). Move the paragraph that starts One of the unique features of Port Pepard to become the second paragraph. Delete the subheading History and the following two paragraphs. Insert a table with four columns and six rows after the text peak tidal conditions. Enter the following data into the table:
Level High Mean High Mean Mean Low Low Tide High Water Spring Tides High Water Sea Level Low Water Low Water Spring Tides Note: All levels are with reference to Chart Datum Code HHWS MHHW MSL MLLW LLWS Height +292 cm +219 cm +76 cm -50 cm -101 cm


26 27 28

29 30

Format only the text in the top row of the table to be centred and underlined. Merge the cells in the bottom row of the table so that the text is centred across the four columns. Apply a light grey (20 40%) shading to the top and bottom rows of the table.

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[Turn over


Make sure that: the font matches the body text but in 10 point size the table fits within the column width (Apply text wrap if needed to do this.) no words are split over lines the line spacing matches the body text of the document. Make sure that the text is centre aligned vertically within each cell. Set all the borders of the table to be visible when printed. Use the information in the Tide and Height columns of the table to produce a vertical bar chart. (You may need to take the data into another package.) You will need to convert the Height values into numerical data.

32 33 34


Label the chart with the title Relative height of tides category axis labels displayed in full axis titles as Centimetres and Tide Do not display a legend. Place this chart immediately after the table. Resize the chart to fit within the column width without distorting it. Make sure all labels are fully visible. Find an image of a harbour, port or boat with landscape orientation. Place this image immediately after the paragraph that ends dedicated rail sidings.

36 37


Re-size the image to fill the column width and maintain the aspect ratio. Make sure the text wraps above and below the image. It may look like this:


Spell-check and proof read the document. Place page breaks, if necessary, to ensure that: tables do not overlap two columns or pages there are no widows there are no orphans there are no blank pages.


Save the document Print the document.

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5 You are going to prepare some reports for the company. 41 Using a suitable database package, import the file J11CARS22.CSV Use the following field names and data types: VIN Model Fuel Engine Size Cost Price Colour Port Country Distributor Dispatched this is the unique number for each car produced this is the model of the car this is a number used to represent the power source for the car, eg 1=petrol Numeric/Integer this is the size of the engine where relevant Currency this is in Euros and two decimal places Text this is the paint colour of the car Text this is the port to which the car will be exported Text this is the country in which that port is located Text this is the company who import and sell cars in that country Boolean/Logical records whether a car has been sent out from the port or not Text Text Numeric/Integer

42 43

Save a screen shot showing the field names and data types used. Insert a copy of this screen shot into the evidence document. Insert the following three records: Dispatched No No No [Turn over Engine Size

377C15423018 377C15423019 377C15423020

Micro MicroZed MicroSE

1 2 3

600 1200 900

850 Red 1100 Gold 1200 Gold

Harwich Harwich Harwich



Check your data entry for errors. 44 Save the data.

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Cost Price








Produce a report which: has the heading Latest UK Delivery Manifest contains a new field called Delivered Price which is calculated at run-time. This field will calculate the Cost Price plus a delivery charge of 10% of the Cost Price has the Delivered Price field in Euros with 2 decimal places shows only the records where the Country is UK and the cars have not been dispatched. shows only the fields VIN, Model, Fuel, Engine Size, Cost Price, Colour, Port, Distributor and Delivered Price with their labels in full fits on a single page wide has a page orientation of landscape sorts the data into ascending order of Model (with Micro at the top) has your name, Centre number and candidate number on the left in the footer. Save and print this report. Produce a report from all the data which: has the heading Voltage must be checked before delivery shows only the records where VIN contains 365C or 366C, Fuel is 4 and the Dispatched field is No are sorted into ascending order of Port and then by VIN in ascending order shows only the fields VIN, Model, Colour, Port, Distributor and Dispatched in this order shows all data and labels in full counts the number of cars to be checked and places this number on the right at the bottom of the report with the label Number of cars to check has your name, Centre number and candidate number at the bottom of the report. Save and print this report. Export this report as a webpage. (You may need to use other packages to help you.) Take a screenshot of this webpage as viewed in your browser and place it in the evidence document.

46 47

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Add [email protected] to your email contacts/address book with the name Development Manager Show evidence of this in your evidence document. (This may be a screenshot.)


Prepare an email message: to be sent to [email protected] copied to the Development Manager (from your address book) with the subject line Port facilities report

The body text of the message should include: your name your Centre number your candidate number the text: The draft report for your approval is attached.


Attach to your email the document which you saved at step 40.

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Take a screenshot of this email, showing clearly that the attachment is present and place it in the evidence document. Send the email.

54 55 56

Delete from your work area for this examination the original files you received. Your work area should now only contain files you have worked on during your exam. Take a screenshot to show the files that are in your work area, showing the file names and file types. Paste this screenshot into the evidence document. Save and print the evidence document.

Write todays date in the box below. Date

UCLES 2011



Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

UCLES 2011


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