Wipro Project MR

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Submitted to :- Kevlesh Rathod



Practical Training is an important part in the management studies. Only bookies knowledge is not the right way of learning anything, especially for the management student. Thus by practical training of business management, student comes to know that how management theories apply in the modern business world.

Research is a vital tool for any business enterprise. To enter, to expand, to know or to solve any problems enterprises undergo for research procedure, which helps them to enhance overall efficiency by providing exclusive solution of problems or alternatives to work in better manner.

Various enterprises conduct consumer research to know consumers mindset about their products or services. As a part of study we have conducted a research to measure the satisfaction level of Nokia mobile user. And it will give an exclusive outcome that people are satisfied by Nokia mobiles or not.

We would like to thank my Project Guide Prof. Rajesh Asrani for his immense guidance, valuable help and the opportunity provided to me to complete the project under her guidance. We would like to thank all faculty members of N.R Institute of Management Studies for guiding and supporting me in the completion of project from time to time. Last but not the least, Our gratitude to great almighty and Our parents without whose concerned and devoted support the project would not have been the way it is today.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction Of Company 2 Economy overview 3 Fertilizers' Industry Analysis 4 Company Financial statement analysis Ratio analysis Commonsize statement analysis Trend Analysis Du Pont Analysis 5 Findings 6 Recommendations 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography

7 8 11 15 15 26 30 32 34 35 36 37

The topic of the case study is:

Comparative analysis of Post sales Service rendered & C-SAT level of Customer for Wipro & Non Wipro.

Try to understand Customers of Wipro. Try to analyze their requirement, their future demand & their complains. Identify prospective Customers and try to get detail about them. What they thought about Wipro is also one of the parts. How many companies are satisfied with their IT partners(s) is part of study. What is their future plan, how much they are satisfied and if there any suggestion is also part of study. In this Competitive environment where is the Wipro and what should Wipro need to do to become the best. To come to an Academic Conclusion as to how the findings can be guidelines in formulating a plan for increasing C SAT Levels of the Customers.


1. To study the existing customers of Wipro:

Which type of customer is there with Wipro & How much they are satisfied with products and services of the company is first step to study.

2. To understand them:

What they want from Wipro & what they got from Wipro. Also try to understand their requirement.

3. To analyze them:

Try to analyze their present and future requirement. Try to check their satisfaction level and analyze their future need.

4. To identify prospective customers:

Then after, try to identify and find out prospective customer.

5. To get detail about them:

After identifying the prospective customers, try to get detail about them like what are their requirements, what they want in future. Which type of services they want from Wipro.

6. To identify competitor from the markets:

There are many other IT vendors in the market. Try to identify them and try to get detail about them.

7. To find out the place of Wipro in competitive environment:

With the so many IT vendors in the market, try to find out place of Wipro.


The Scope of the study covers WIPROs existing customers where the company is having a strong hold for last 10 years and moreover the scope also covers the major accounts of Competition where WIPROs close competitors are enjoying good hold. Geographically the scope of the study included Ahmedabad + Gandhinagar based large customers and Rajasthan based medium to large customers. To come to a realistic survey the scope also emphasis on various kind of customers e.g. Banking Sector, Government Sector, Co Operative Sector, Corporate, PSU etc. Such combination of various sectors shall lead to the root cause of the Customer Satisfaction Level with reference to the organizational expectations and Service & Products being delivered by WIPRO. However, as the purpose of the Project is for Academic requirement, it is having limited scope with limited nos. of sample size for generating a Birds eye view on various comparable aspects of customer satisfaction.

Significance of Research
All process is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry and inquiry leads to invention. Is a famous Hudson Maxim in context of which the significance of research can well be understood. Increased amounts of research make progress possible. Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization. The role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether related to business or to the economy as a whole, has greatly increased in modern times. The increasing complex nature of business and government has focused attention on the use of research in solving operational problems. Research, as an aid to economic policy, has gained added importance, both for government and business.

Description of research


o Secondary Data: From Company Website, Newspaper and Magazine o Research Approach: Survey o Research Instrument: Questionnaire



Sample: Relevant Industries in Ahmedabad, Rajasthan.

Sample technique:

Convenience Sampling

Sample Size:


Contact Method:

Personal Interview

Data analysis and interpretation

After getting filled questionnaires from 250 respondents, we have used statistical software to analyze the data i.e. SPSS. This helps to analyze data by providing exclusive tables and charts.


Lack of in-depth knowledge and awareness of the respondents. Respondents may give biased answers. Lack of in-depth knowledge about competitors. Research is limited in Ahmedabad, Rajasthan and Gandhinagar. Result derived for Ahmedabad, Rajasthan and Gandhinagar city may not applicable for all the cities. For such analysis work, Three months period is very short.


With the formation of a new ministry for IT, Government of India (GOI) has taken a major step towards promoting the domestic industry and achieving the full potential of the Indian IT entrepreneurs. Constraints have been comprehensively identified and steps taken to overcome them and also to provide incentives. Thus for example, venture capital has been the main source of finance for software industry around the world. However, majority of the software units in India is in the small and medium enterprise sector and there is a critical shortage of venture capital kind of support. In order to alleviate this situation and to promote Indian IT industry, the Government of India has set up a National Task Force on IT and Software Development to examine the feasibility of strengthening the industry. The Task Force has already submitted its recommendations, which are under active consideration. Norms for the operations of venture capital funds have also been liberalized to boost the industry. The Government of India is also actively providing fiscal incentives and liberalizing norms for FDI and raising capital abroad. Recently, an IT committee was set up by the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India, comprising Non Resident Indian (NRI) professionals from the United States to seek expertise and advice and also to step up U.S. investments in India's IT sector. The committee is chaired by Minister of Information Technology, Government of India, and the members include Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology and a large number of important Indian American IT entrepreneurs.


Historical development
Chairman of Wipro Ltd. is Mr. Azim Premji. WIPRO made its beginnings in 1945 when the Western India Vegetable Products Limited was incorporated in Maharashtra state, India. The company was started as an oil crushing unit making hydrogenated cooking oil. The first diversification came about in 1975, into hydraulic cylinders and fluid power components. In 1979, the original factory in Amalner diversified into soaps, toiletries and baby care products. In early 80s WIPRO entered the InfoTech area and committed team of professional R & D developed the first Indian mini computer based on Intel 8086 chip. That was the beginning of its most profitable business, WIPRO Technologies. WIPRO Biomed was established in 1988 and WIPRO GE Medical Systems Ltd was incorporated in 1990. In 1997, WIPRO incorporated Six Sigma, the product quality rejuvenation process to ensure that its quality standards are world class. In 2000, the Internet Services business was relaunched under the brand name of NetKracker and the Peripherals division was restructured as WIPRO Peripherals. In December 2001, WIPRO became the world's first PCMM level organization.



Chairman or M.D.


Vice-president Mmmmmanmmm mmmmmana National sales General Manager manager Regional Business Head Area Business Head


National sales manager

Territory Manager

Marketing Executive



Strengths: Global R&D facility. Retention of the man-power is the best in the industry. Impressive list of clientele. Relatively lower receivable compared to the industry average. Weaknesses: Low operating margin of the other group companies. Free floating stock is very less. Opportunities: In the branded product category. In the consultancy area. In the emerging technology areas like Blue Tooth, WAP etc. Threats: Increasing cost of human capital. Slowdown in the US economy . Will face fierce competition in the areas of e-business and ASP services.


At Wipro Spectramind, our years of experience with the world's leading companies have helped us understand how technology can help global businesses meet their needs. Wipro Spectramind Service Delivery Model For BPO projects, Wipro follow the Wipro Spectramind Service Delivery Model, which is a robustly defined framework to manage the complete BPO process migration and transition management and has been developed based on the experience gained from migrating more than 390 remote business processes to India over the past ten years. This proven service transfer platform is designed to ensure process integrity and minimize inherent migration risks. The model includes a tried and tested Transition Toolkit to support transition management by ensuring that there is a documented methodology with formats, tools, guidelines and past learnings in place to aid the transition team in de- risking the transition of a customer's processes and reducing the pain of migration as much as possible. A coordinated project management system captures critical client documentation and incorporates an extensive knowledge base that assists the transition management team in understanding, duplicating, and migrating mission-critical business processes. The model has four key stages, as shown in the diagram below and the objectives, activities, skills and responsibilities at each stage are different


With a relentless focus on quality & processes, Wipro has set international benchmarks in execution excellence that has translated into measurable business benefits for their customers. Wipro offer their clients the advantages of: 360-degree solutions From strategy to execution, Wipro has the capabilities to provide their customers with seamless, one stop solutions. Be it getting closer to their customers or getting products to market, Wipro address the entire spectrum of technology needs. Quality leadership with an integrated quality approach of Six Sigma, SEI CMMi Level 5, SEI CMM level 5, PCMM Level 5 and ISO 9000, Wipro have set international benchmarks in quality. However, they never lost sight of the fact that this focus on quality must ultimately translate into benefits for their customers: Post -release defects at 0.2 per KLOC, amongst the lowest in the industry 91% projects completed on sch edule as opposed to an industry average of 55% and 98.5% requests serviced on time Productivity (loc/person day) of 74% as opposed to an industry average of 58%.


Measurable business results The primary driver for IT outsourcing is value and Wipro firmly believe that the delivery of this value must be through measurable business results. Wipro have consistently exceeded customer expectations by delivering on calculable parameters, be it lower costs, quicker time -to-market or greater productivit y. 7 5 % f a s t e r t i me - t o - ma r k e t 35% cost savings 3 5 % p r o d u c t i v i t y e n h a n c e me n t s

Proven track record Wh e n Wi p r o t a l k s a b o u t d e l i v e r i n g v a l u e , t h e y b a c k i t w i t h a p r o v e n t r a c k r e c o r d t h a t s p a n s c u s t o me r s a r o u n d t h e g l o b e . C h e c k t h e s e f a c t s : 8 5 % c u s t o me r a r e " mo r e t h a n s a t i s f i e d " wi t h Wi p r o s e r v i c e .



ANOVA Sum of Squares are you a customer of wipro? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using desktops? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise servers? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using packaged software? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise products? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using notebooks? Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total 10.883 .990 11.873 2.967 33.226 36.193 4.394 32.146 36.540 2.920 33.913 36.833 9.617 27.456 37.073 4.304 26.789 31.093 1.511 25.322 26.833 6.754 25.520 32.273 8.025 27.315 35.340 df 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 4.013 .186 21.595 .000 3.377 .174 19.451 .000 .756 .172 4.386 .014 2.152 .182 11.808 .000 4.809 .187 25.745 .000 1.460 .231 6.329 .002 2.197 .219 10.046 .000 1.484 .226 6.564 .002 Mean Square 5.442 .007 F 808.095 Sig. .000


other company is HP

Between Groups Within Groups Total

8.916 27.457 36.373 1.029 115.219 116.248 .006 32.146 32.152 13.040 41.194 54.234 .285 79.175 79.460 17.418 81.706 99.124 4.436 85.199 89.635 1.238 84.397 85.635 1.513 62.648 64.161 .718 29.151 29.869 1.925 26.805

2 147 149 1 135 136 1 136 137 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135

4.458 .187



since howlong years you are Between Groups using wipro products? Within Groups Total do you easily get our product Between Groups from market? Within Groups Total satisfied from software compatibility Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software accessories Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software price Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software features Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software appearance Between Groups Within Groups Total which additional after sales Between Groups

1.029 .853



.006 .236



13.040 .305



.285 .586



17.418 .605



4.436 .631



1.238 .625



1.513 .464



service you desire the most? Within Groups Total television as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total washing machine as a new product Between Groups Within Groups

.718 .216



1.925 .199




Total mobile phone as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total camera as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? Between Groups Within Groups Total

28.730 2.773 30.818 33.591 2.174 32.030 34.204 103.503 703.671 807.173 .431 26.576 27.007 5.976 142.520 148.496 .722 146.723 147.445 12.477 128.443 140.920 39.260 169.295 208.555 5.643 179.495 185.139 8.754 23.961 32.715 105812.393

136 1 135 136 1 135 136 2 147 149 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 2 52906.197 804.589 .000 8.754 .177 49.323 .000 5.643 1.330 4.244 .041 39.260 1.254 31.307 .000 12.477 .951 13.114 .000 .722 1.087 .665 .416 5.976 1.056 5.661 .019 .431 .197 2.189 .141 51.751 4.787 10.811 .000 2.174 .237 9.164 .003 2.773 .228 12.148 .001

is wipro fulfill your all features Between Groups requirements? Within Groups Total rank HP Between Groups Within Groups Total rank ACER Between Groups Within Groups Total rank HCL Between Groups Within Groups Total rank IFB Between Groups Within Groups Total would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? recommendations lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total advertisements lead to buy Between Groups


wipro products

Within Groups Total

9666.067 115478.460 105334.954 9631.106 114966.060 105366.814 9599.246 114966.060

147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149


brand image lead to buy wipro products

Between Groups Within Groups Total

52667.477 65.518



satisfaction lead to buy wipro Between Groups products Within Groups Total

52683.407 65.301




ANOVA Sum of Squares are you a customer of wipro? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using desktops? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise servers? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using packaged software? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise products? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using notebooks? Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups 10.883 .991 11.873 2.728 33.466 36.193 5.214 31.326 36.540 2.556 34.277 36.833 4.011 33.062 37.073 1.174 29.919 31.093 2.328 24.505 26.833 6.181 26.092 32.273 2.019 33.321 35.340 .490 df 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 147 149 2 .245 1.003 .369 1.009 .227 4.453 .013 3.091 .177 17.412 .000 1.164 .167 6.982 .001 .587 .204 2.884 .059 2.005 .225 8.917 .000 1.278 .233 5.481 .005 2.607 .213 12.234 .000 1.364 .228 5.990 .003 Mean Square 5.441 .007 F 807.423 Sig. .000


Within Groups Total since howlong years you are Between Groups using wipro products? Within Groups Total do you easily get our product Between Groups from market? Within Groups Total satisfied from software compatibility Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software accessories Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software price Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software features Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software appearance Between Groups Within Groups Total which additional after sales Between Groups

35.884 36.373 .238 116.011 116.248 1.278 30.874 32.152 10.460 43.774 54.234 3.685 75.775 79.460 1.263 97.861 99.124 6.967 82.668 89.635 4.978 80.657 85.635 1.651 62.510 64.161 2.017 27.851 29.869 3.588 25.142 28.730

147 149 1 135 136 1 136 137 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136


.238 .859



1.278 .227



10.460 .324



3.685 .561



1.263 .725



6.967 .612



4.978 .597



1.651 .463



service you desire the most? Within Groups Total television as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total washing machine as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total

2.017 .206



3.588 .186




mobile phone as a new product

Between Groups Within Groups Total

4.728 28.863 33.591 1.534 32.670 34.204 121.612 685.562 807.173 .288 26.719 27.007 35.045 113.451 148.496 1.564 145.882 147.445 11.426 129.494 140.920 75.630 132.925 208.555 13.203 171.935 185.139 1.136 31.580 32.715 105817.798 9660.662

1 135 136 1 135 136 2 147 149 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 1 135 136 2 147

4.728 .214



camera as a new product

Between Groups Within Groups Total

1.534 .242



how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company?

Between Groups Within Groups Total

60.806 4.664



is wipro fulfill your all features Between Groups requirements? Within Groups Total rank HP Between Groups Within Groups Total rank ACER Between Groups Within Groups Total rank HCL Between Groups Within Groups Total rank IFB Between Groups Within Groups Total would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? recommendations lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total advertisements lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups

.288 .198



35.045 .840



1.564 1.081



11.426 .959



75.630 .985



13.203 1.274



1.136 .234



52908.899 65.719




Total brand image lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfaction lead to buy wipro Between Groups products Within Groups Total

115478.460 105340.557 9625.503 114966.060 105327.985 9638.075 114966.060

149 2 147 149 2 147 149 52663.993 65.565 803.232 .000 52670.278 65.480 804.377 .000


ANOVA Sum of Squares are you a customer of wipro? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using desktops? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise servers? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using packaged software? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise products? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using notebooks? Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total 4.266 7.607 11.873 3.075 33.119 36.193 2.597 33.943 36.540 6.724 30.109 36.833 7.404 29.669 37.073 6.153 24.940 31.093 2.134 24.700 26.833 7.770 24.504 32.273 1.600 33.740 35.340 df 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149 .533 .231 2.308 .079 2.590 .168 15.432 .000 .711 .169 4.204 .007 2.051 .171 12.006 .000 2.468 .203 12.146 .000 2.241 .206 10.868 .000 .866 .232 3.724 .013 1.025 .227 4.518 .005 Mean Square 1.422 .052 F 27.293 Sig. .000


other company is HP

Between Groups Within Groups Total

1.713 34.660 36.373 10.706 105.542 116.248 7.422 24.730 32.152 10.231 44.002 54.234 19.272 60.188 79.460 3.288 95.836 99.124 8.114 81.521 89.635 17.317 68.318 85.635 2.655 61.505 64.161 13.259 16.609 29.869 3.022 25.708

3 146 149 3 133 136 3 134 137 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133

.571 .237



since howlong years you are Between Groups using wipro products? Within Groups Total do you easily get our product Between Groups from market? Within Groups Total satisfied from software compatibility Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software accessories Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software price Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software features Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software appearance Between Groups Within Groups Total which additional after sales Between Groups

3.569 .794



2.474 .185



3.410 .331



6.424 .453



1.096 .721



2.705 .613



5.772 .514



.885 .462



service you desire the most? Within Groups Total television as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total washing machine as a new product Between Groups Within Groups

4.420 .125



1.007 .193




Total mobile phone as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total camera as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? Between Groups Within Groups Total

28.730 1.383 32.208 33.591 5.391 28.813 34.204 29.865 777.308 807.173 1.903 25.105 27.007 29.476 119.021 148.496 72.702 74.744 147.445 40.539 100.380 140.920 55.971 152.583 208.555 31.264 153.875 185.139 7.398 25.318 32.715 41481.535

136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 146 149 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 13827.178 27.282 .000 2.466 .190 12.954 .000 10.421 1.157 9.007 .000 18.657 1.147 16.263 .000 13.513 .755 17.904 .000 24.234 .562 43.122 .000 9.825 .895 10.979 .000 .634 .189 3.360 .021 9.955 5.324 1.870 .137 1.797 .217 8.295 .000 .461 .242 1.904 .132

is wipro fulfill your all features Between Groups requirements? Within Groups Total rank HP Between Groups Within Groups Total rank ACER Between Groups Within Groups Total rank HCL Between Groups Within Groups Total rank IFB Between Groups Within Groups Total would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? recommendations lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total advertisements lead to buy Between Groups


wipro products

Within Groups Total

73996.925 115478.460 41878.992 73087.068 114966.060 41734.539 73231.521 114966.060

146 149 3 146 149 3 146 149


brand image lead to buy wipro products

Between Groups Within Groups Total

13959.664 500.596



satisfaction lead to buy wipro Between Groups products Within Groups Total

13911.513 501.586




ANOVA Sum of Squares are you a customer of wipro? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using desktops? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise servers? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using packaged software? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using enterprise products? Between Groups Within Groups Total are you using notebooks? Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total other company is HP Between Groups Within Groups Total 10.913 .960 11.873 5.555 30.638 36.193 12.125 24.415 36.540 8.498 28.335 36.833 15.338 21.735 37.073 4.986 26.107 31.093 2.705 24.128 26.833 11.976 20.297 32.273 2.693 32.647 35.340 df 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149 .673 .225 2.990 .021 2.994 .140 21.390 .000 .676 .166 4.064 .004 1.246 .180 6.923 .000 3.835 .150 25.582 .000 2.125 .195 10.872 .000 3.031 .168 18.003 .000 1.389 .211 6.573 .000 Mean Square 2.728 .007 F 412.092 Sig. .000


other company is HP

Between Groups Within Groups Total

9.912 26.462 36.373 18.557 97.691 116.248 8.247 23.905 32.152 28.668 25.566 54.234 37.767 41.693 79.460 45.585 53.539 99.124 35.215 54.420 89.635 39.199 46.436 85.635 9.905 54.255 64.161 16.119 13.750 29.869 8.039 20.691

4 145 149 3 133 136 3 134 137 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133

2.478 .182



since howlong years you are Between Groups using wipro products? Within Groups Total do you easily get our product Between Groups from market? Within Groups Total satisfied from software compatibility Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software accessories Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software price Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software features Between Groups Within Groups Total satisfied from software appearance Between Groups Within Groups Total which additional after sales Between Groups

6.186 .735



2.749 .178



9.556 .192



12.589 .313



15.195 .403



11.738 .409



13.066 .349



3.302 .408



service you desire the most? Within Groups Total television as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total washing machine as a new product Between Groups Within Groups

5.373 .103



2.680 .156




Total mobile phone as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total camera as a new product Between Groups Within Groups Total how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? Between Groups Within Groups Total

28.730 2.802 30.789 33.591 10.159 24.045 34.204 220.185 586.989 807.173 4.091 22.917 27.007 41.288 107.208 148.496 30.987 116.458 147.445 30.213 110.706 140.920 52.620 155.935 208.555 83.430 101.708 185.139 21.848 10.867 32.715 106151.618

136 3 133 136 3 133 136 4 145 149 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 3 133 136 4 26537.904 412.572 .000 7.283 .082 89.128 .000 27.810 .765 36.366 .000 17.540 1.172 14.960 .000 10.071 .832 12.099 .000 10.329 .876 11.796 .000 13.763 .806 17.074 .000 1.364 .172 7.914 .000 55.046 4.048 13.598 .000 3.386 .181 18.732 .000 .934 .231 4.034 .009

is wipro fulfill your all features Between Groups requirements? Within Groups Total rank HP Between Groups Within Groups Total rank ACER Between Groups Within Groups Total rank HCL Between Groups Within Groups Total rank IFB Between Groups Within Groups Total would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? recommendations lead to buy wipro products Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total advertisements lead to buy Between Groups


wipro products

Within Groups Total

9326.842 115478.460 105729.978 9236.082 114966.060 105696.977 9269.083 114966.060

145 149 4 145 149 4 145 149


brand image lead to buy wipro products

Between Groups Within Groups Total

26432.494 63.697



satisfaction lead to buy wipro Between Groups products Within Groups Total

26424.244 63.925




Since how long years you are using Wipro products?

Table 1.1
Frequency Valid 01YEARS 1-2 years 27 Percent 16.3 Valid Percent 19.7 Cumulative Percent 19.7





2-3 years more then 3 years Total Missing 99 System Total Total









137 13 16 29 166

82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0



Chart 1.1

Interpretation:Wipro is used more than 3 years frequency percent, valid percentage and cumulative percent is lower than all the years and not more use in 1-2 years. So, long use of Wipro is 2-3 years.


Satisfied from software compatibility

Table 1.2
Frequency Valid Satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 77 50 Percent 46.4 30.1 Valid Percent 56.2 36.5 Cumulative Percent 56.2 92.7

dis satisfied Total Missing 99 System Total Total

10 137 13 16 29 166

6.0 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0

7.3 100.0


Chart 1.2


Interpretation:The frequency for satisfied is more than dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so Wipros software comp ability is good. Frequency percent, valid percentage and cumulative percent is lower is compare to satisfied or dissatisfied level.


satisfied from software accessories Table 1.3

Frequency Valid satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 64 47 Percent 38.6 28.3 Valid Percent 46.7 34.3 Cumulative Percent 46.7 81.0

dis satisfied Total Missing 99 System Total Total

26 137 13 16 29 166

15.7 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0

19.0 100.0



Chart 1.3

Interpretation:The frequency for satisfied is more than dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so Wipros softwares accessories is good. and frequency percent, valid percentage accepted cumulative percent is lower is compare to satisfied or dissatisfied level.


satisfied from software price Table 1.4

Frequency Valid satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 77 25 Percent 46.4 15.1 Valid Percent 56.2 18.2 Cumulative Percent 56.2 74.5

dis satisfied Total Missing 99 System Total Total

35 137 13 16 29 166

21.1 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0

25.5 100.0




The frequency for satisfied price is more than dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so Wipros softwares price is satisfied and over all well. and frequency percent, valid percentage accepted cumulative percent of price is lower compare to satisfied or dissatisfied level.


satisfied from software features

Table 1.5
Frequency Valid satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 55 45 Percent 33.1 27.1 Valid Percent 40.1 32.8 Cumulative Percent 40.1 73.0

dis satisfied Total Missing 99 System Total Total

37 137 13 16 29 166

22.3 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0

27.0 100.0


Chart 1.5


Interpretation:The frequency for satisfied is more than dissatisfied level and neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so Wipros softwares features is good. and frequency percent, valid percentage accepted cumulative percent of features is lower compare to satisfied or dissatisfied level. And its good.

satisfied from software appearance Table 1.6

Frequency Valid satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 35 49 Percent 21.1 29.5 Valid Percent 25.5 35.8 Cumulative Percent 25.5 61.3

dis satisfied Total Missing 99 System Total Total

53 137 13 16 29 166

31.9 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0

38.7 100.0


Chart 1.6


Interpretation:The frequency for dissatisfied level is more than satisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so Wipros softwares appearance is not good. and frequency percent, valid percent and cumulative percent of dissatisfied are higher, compare to satisfied and neither satisfied nor dissatisfied level.


How would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company?
Table 1.7
Frequency Valid 9th most eighth most seventh most sixth most fifth most fourth most third most most satisfaid Total Missing Total System 32 19 34 7 21 10 20 7 150 16 166 Percent 19.3 11.4 20.5 4.2 12.7 6.0 12.0 4.2 90.4 9.6 100.0 Valid Percent 21.3 12.7 22.7 4.7 14.0 6.7 13.3 4.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 21.3 34.0 56.7 61.3 75.3 82.0 95.3 100.0

Chart 1.7


Interpretation:Overall use of Wipro is comparatively good .frequency and all the percentage are good.and the Wipros overall use is higher at 3rd and lower level is 7th. so, overall use of Wipro is good.


Rank HP
Table 1.8
Frequency Valid lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total Missing 99 System Total Total 36 3 76 22 137 13 16 29 166 Percent 21.7 1.8 45.8 13.3 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0 Valid Percent 26.3 2.2 55.5 16.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 26.3 28.5 83.9 100.0

Chart 1.8

Interpretation:Rank of hp is 2nd highest use of all the companys level.and frequency and all the percentage of hp is good.so,hp is the 2nd highest level compony.

Table 1.9
Frequency Valid Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest Highest Total Missing 99 System Total Total 28 52 28 29 137 13 16 29 166 Percent 16.9 31.3 16.9 17.5 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0 Valid Percent 20.4 38.0 20.4 21.2 100.0 Cumulative Percent 20.4 58.4 78.8 100.0

Chart 1.9

Interpretation:- Use of Acer is 3rd highest use compared all the companys level. and frequency and all the percentage of hp is good. So, Acer is the 3rd highest level compony.and its performance lower than hp.

Rank HCL
Table 1.10
Frequency Valid Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest Highest Total Missing 99 System Total Total 26 58 25 28 137 13 16 29 166 Percent 15.7 34.9 15.1 16.9 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0 Valid Percent 19.0 42.3 18.2 20.4 100.0 Cumulative Percent 19.0 61.3 79.6 100.0

Chart 1.10



Use of HCL is 3rd highest use of all the companys level. And the Acer and Hcl is at the same position. And Hcl level is higher than Hp .frequency and all the percentage of Hcl is good. so, hp is the 2nd highest level company.


Rank IFB
Table 1.11
Frequency Valid Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest Highest Total Missing 99 System Total Total 37 24 24 52 137 13 16 29 166 Percent 22.3 14.5 14.5 31.3 82.5 7.8 9.6 17.5 100.0 Valid Percent 27.0 17.5 17.5 38.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 27.0 44.5 62.0 100.0

Chart 1.11


Interpretation:Use of IFB is Lowest use compare of all the companys level. And the Acer and HCL is at the same position. And HCL level is higher than HP. and the use of IFB is lowest .frequency and all the percentage of IFB is not good than others. so, IFB is the lowest level company.


Age group Table 1.12

Frequency Valid 15 30 30 45 99 Total Missing Total System 39 99 12 150 16 166 Percent 23.5 59.6 7.2 90.4 9.6 100.0 Valid Percent 26.0 66.0 8.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 26.0 92.0 100.0

Chart 1.12

Interpretation:In the age group of 30-45 is high user compared to other levels age group. And the group of 30-45 is frequency and all the percentage is high. So mostly 30-45 ages people are used Wipro.

Crosstab Count Gender Male are you a custom er of wipro? Total No Yes 1 106 female 0 31 99 12 0 Total 13 137





Interpretation:Mostly the male are the coustomer of wipro compare to females.


Count age group 15 30 are you a custom er of wipro? Total No Yes 0 39 30 - 45 1 98 99 12 0 Total 13 137





Interpretation:The costumer of Wipro is in 30-45 age group. Compared to other age groups.


Crosstab Count occupation Professi onal are you a customer of wipro? No Yes Total 1 24 25 Busines s 0 33 33

service 0 64 64

student 0 16 16

99 12 0 12

Total 13 137 150

Interpretation:Mostly the service occupation persons are use the Wipro compared to other occupation.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 are you a customer of wipro? No Yes Total 0 54 54 30000 to 50000 0 64 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 12 16 28

Total 13 137 150

Interpretation:Mostly the income of 30000 to 50000 rupees persons are use the Wipro compare to other incomes level.


Count Gender Male are you using desktops? No Yes Total 56 51 107 female 21 10 31 99 12 0 12 Total 89 61 150

Interpretation:Mostly the use of desktop by males compare to females. And the level of use of desktop is lower than others.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 are you using desktops? No Yes Total 17 22 39 30 - 45 60 39 99 99 12 0 12 Total 89 61 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count Occupation Professi onal are you using desktops? No Yes Total 22 3 25 busines s 14 19 33

service 32 32 64

student 9 7 16

99 12 0 12

Total 89 61 150

Interpretation:Occupation of most of the people using the desktop are service providers as compare to other age group.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 are you using desktops? No Yes Total 38 16 54 30000 to 50000 29 35 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 21 7 28

Total 89 61 150

Interpretation:- Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count Gender Male are you using enterprise servers? No Yes Total 44 63 107 female 7 24 31 99 12 0 12 Total 63 87 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 are you using enterprise servers? No Yes Total 14 25 39 30 - 45 37 62 99 99 12 0 12 Total 63 87 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count occupation Professi onal are you using enterprise servers? no yes Total 18 7 25 busines s 0 33 33

service 26 38 64

student 7 9 16

99 12 0 12

Total 63 87 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Count income 10000 to 30000 are you using enterprise servers? no yes Total 17 37 54 30000 to 50000 26 38 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 19 9 28

Total 63 87 150

Interpretation:- Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count Gender male are you using packaged software? no yes Total 55 52 107 female 18 13 31 99 12 0 12 Total 85 65 150

Interpretation:Mostly the people using packaged software are male as compared to female and others.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 are you using packaged software? no yes Total 17 22 39 30 - 45 56 43 99 99 12 0 12 Total 85 65 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the packaged software are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count Occupation Professi onal are you using packaged software? no yes Total 18 7 25 busines s 14 19 33

service 25 39 64

student 16 0 16

99 12 0 12

Total 85 65 150

Interpretation:- Most of the occupation of the people using packaged software are service providers.

Crosstab Count Income 10000 to 30000 are you using packaged software? no yes Total 27 27 54 30000 to 50000 29 35 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 28 0 28

Total 85 65 150

Interpretation:The income of the people using packaged software are between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender male are you using enterprise products? no yes Total 42 65 107 female 13 18 31 99 12 0 12 Total 67 83 150

Interpretation:More male persons are using the enterprise product as compared to female and others.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 are you using enterprise products? no yes Total 3 36 39 30 - 45 52 47 99 99 12 0 12 Total 67 83 150


Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the enterprise products are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.

Crosstab Count occupation professi onal are you using enterprise products? no yes Total 4 21 25 busines s 0 33 33

Service 42 22 64

student 9 7 16

99 12 0 12

Total 67 83 150

Interpretation:Most of the people using enterprise products are service providers as compared to professional and businessman.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 are you using enterprise products? no yes Total 28 26 54 30000 to 50000 14 50 64 more than 50000 4 0 4

99 21 7 28

Total 67 83 150

Interpretation:The income of the people using enterprise products are between 30000 to 50000 as compared to others.


Crosstab Count Gender male are you using notebooks? no yes Total 74 33 107 female 20 11 31 99 12 0 12 Total 106 44 150

Interpretation:More male are using notebooks as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 are you using notebooks? no yes Total 36 3 39 30 - 45 58 41 99 99 12 0 12 Total 106 44 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the notebooks are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.

Crosstab Count Occupation professi onal are you using notebooks? no yes Total 25 0 25 busines s 19 14 33

service 43 21 64

student 7 9 16

99 12 0 12

Total 106 44 150


Interpretation:Occupation of most of the people using notebooks are service providers as compared to other occupation.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 are you using notebooks? No Yes Total 51 3 54 30000 to 50000 32 32 64 more than 50000 4 0 4

99 19 9 28

Total 106 44 150

Interpretation:The income of the people using notebooks are between 30000 to 50000 as compared to others.


Crosstab Count Gender male other company is HP no yes Total 77 30 107 female 31 0 31 99 7 5 12 Total 115 35 150

Interpretation:Mostly there are male users who use other company which is HP.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 other company is HP No Yes Total 36 3 39 30 - 45 72 27 99 99 7 5 12 Total 115 35 150

Interpretation:- Mostly the age group using the other company is between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count occupation professional other company is HP no yes Total 15 10 25 business 30 3 33 service 47 17 64 student 16 0 16 99 7 5 12 Total 115 35 150

Interpretation:Most of the occupation is service providers where the other company is HP.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 other company is HP no yes Total 47 7 54 30000 to 50000 44 20 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 23 5 28

Total 115 35 150

Interpretation:The income of the people using other company HP is between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender male other company is HP no yes Total 79 28 107 female 24 7 31 99 0 12 12 Total 103 47 150

Interpretation:More male users are using companys products as compared to others.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 other company is HP no yes Total 25 14 39 30 - 45 78 21 99 99 0 12 12 Total 103 47 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the companys products are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal other company is HP no yes Total 10 15 25 busines s 33 0 33

service 51 13 64

student 9 7 16

99 0 12 12

Total 103 47 150

Interpretation:The occupation of the people using companys products are service providers.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 other company is HP no yes Total 32 22 54 30000 to 50000 59 5 64 more than 50000 3 1 4

99 9 19 28

Total 103 47 150

Interpretation:The income group which uses more companys products are between 30000 to 50000.

Crosstab Count Gender male other company is HP no yes Total 61 46 107 female 20 11 31 99 12 0 12 Total 93 57 150

Interpretation:Mostly there are male users who use the companys products as compared to others.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 other company is HP no yes Total 36 3 39 30 - 45 45 54 99 99 12 0 12 Total 93 57 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the companys products are between 30-45 years compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count occupation Professi onal other company is HP no yes Total 18 7 25 busines s 19 14 33

service 37 27 64

student 7 9 16

99 12 0 12

Total 93 57 150

Interpretation:The occupations of the people using more companys product as compared to other company HP are service providers.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 other company is HP no yes Total 37 17 54 30000 to 50000 33 31 64 more than 50000 4 0 4

99 19 9 28

Total 93 57 150

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are using companys product as compared to other company HP.


Crosstab Count Gender male other company is HP no yes Total 66 41 107 female 17 14 31 99 5 7 12 Total 88 62 150

Interpretation:More male are using companys product as compared to other company HP.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 other company is HP no yes Total 8 31 39 30 - 45 75 24 99 99 5 7 12 Total 88 62 150

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the companys products are between 30-45 years compare to other age group where other company is HP.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal other company is HP no yes Total 10 15 25 busines s 8 25 33

service 49 15 64

student 16 0 16

99 5 7 12

Total 88 62 150

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are using the companys products where other company is HP.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 other company is HP no yes Total 25 29 54 30000 to 50000 39 25 64 more than 50000 3 1 4

99 21 7 28

Total 88 62 150

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are using more companys products as compared with other company HP.

Crosstab Count Gender male since howlong years you are using wipro products? 01YEAR S 1-2 years 2-3 years more then 3 years Total 27 female 0 Total 27













Interpretation:More males are using Wipro products as compared to other females since 2-3 years.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 since howlong years you are using wipro products? 01YEAR S 1-2 years 2-3 years more then 3 years Total 14 30 - 45 13 Total 27











Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the Wipro products is between 30-45 years compare to other age group since 2-3 years.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal since howlong years you are using wipro products? 01YEAR S 1-2 years 2-3 years more then 3 years Total 17 busines s 0

service 10

student 0

Total 27













Interpretation:Mostly there are service providers using Wipro products as compared to other occupations since 2-3 years.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 since howlong years you are using wipro products? 01YEAR S 1-2 years 2-3 years more then 3 years Total 24 30000 to 50000 3 more than 50000 0

99 0

Total 27











Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are using Wipro products as compared to other income level since 2-3 years.


Crosstab Count Gender male do you easily get our product from market? no yes Total 34 73 107 female 17 14 31 Total 51 87 138

Interpretation:Mostly there re male users who gets the products from the market easily.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 do you easily get our product from market? no yes Total 14 25 39 30 - 45 37 62 99 Total 51 87 138

Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop are between 30-45 years compare to other age group who gets easily products from the market..


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal do you easily get our product from market? no yes Total 4 21 25 busines s 14 19 33

service 17 47 64

student 16 0 16

Total 51 87 138

Interpretation:There are many service providers using the companys products who gets it easily from the market.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 do you easily get our product from market? no yes Total 13 41 54 30000 to 50000 21 43 64 more than 50000 1 3 4

99 16 0 16

Total 51 87 138


The income level of people using companys products are between 30000 to 50000.

Crosstab Count Gender male satisfied from software compatibility satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 46 50 female 31 0 Total 77 50






Interpretation:More males are satisfied from the software compatibility and more males are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.


Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 satisfied from software compatibility satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 3 33 30 - 45 74 17 Total 77 50





Interpretation:Mostly the age group using the desktop is between 30-45 years who are satisfied from the software compatibility.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal satisfied from software compatibility satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 0 17 busines s 11 19

service 59 5

student 7 9

Total 77 50







Interpretation:Most of the service providers are satisfied from the software compatibility as compared to other occupationist.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 satisfied from software compatibility satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 23 27 30000 to 50000 47 14 more than 50000 0 0

99 7 9

Total 77 50






Interpretation:More people are satisfied from the software compatibility are earning income between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender male satisfied from software accessories satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 46 34 female 18 13 Total 64 47






Interpretation:More males are satisfied from software accessories as compared to females.

Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 satisfied from software accessories satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 22 3 30 - 45 42 44 Total 64 47








Interpretation:Most of the age group using the desktop is between 30-45 years compare to other age group who are satisfied from software accessories.

Crosstab Count Occupation professi onal satisfied from software accessories satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 3 4 busines s 33 0

service 21 43

student 7 0

Total 64 47








Interpretation:Most of the service providers are satisfied from the software accessories as compared to other occupations.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 satisfied from software accessories satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 13 24 30000 to 50000 41 23 more than 50000 3 0

99 7 0

Total 64 47







Interpretation:More people are satisfied from the software accessories are earning income between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender male satisfied from software price satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 63 18 female 14 7 Total 77 25







Interpretation:More males are satisfied from software price as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 satisfied from software price satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 34 5 30 - 45 43 20 Total 77 25






Interpretation:Most of the people using products are under age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group who are Satisfied from software price.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal satisfied from software price satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 24 0 busines s 28 5

service 16 13

student 9 7

Total 77 25








Interpretation:Mostly services providers are dissatisfied from the software prices as compared to other occupations.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 satisfied from software price satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 27 10 30000 to 50000 38 8 more than 50000 3 0

99 9 7

Total 77 25








Interpretation:More people are satisfied from the software prices are earning income between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender male satisfied from software features satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 38 31 female 17 14 Total 55 45






Interpretation:More males are satisfied from the software features as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 - 30 satisfied from software features satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 8 17 30 - 45 47 28 Total 55 45







Interpretation:People satisfied with the software features are under the age group between 30-40 years.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal satisfied from software features satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 0 3 busines s 8 25

service 40 17

student 7 0

Total 55 45








Interpretation:Most of the service providers are satisfied from the software features.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 satisfied from software features satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 23 3 30000 to 50000 25 39 more than 50000 0 3

99 7 0

Total 55 45







Interpretation:Most of the people are satisfied from the software features are earning income between 30000 to 50000.


Crosstab Count Gender Male satisfied from software appearance satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 32 39 female 3 10 Total 35 49







Interpretation:More males are satisfied with the software appearance as compared with the females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 satisfied from software appearance satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 3 22 30 - 45 32 27 Total 35 49







Interpretation:Most of the people are satisfied from the software appearance are between the 3045 years.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal satisfied from software appearance satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 3 21 busines s 0 8

service 32 20

student 0 0

Total 35 49










Interpretation:The occupation of the people is service who are satisfied with the software appearance.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 satisfied from software appearance satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisf ied dis satisfied Total 6 36 30000 to 50000 26 13 more than 50000 3 0

99 0 0

Total 35 49









Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are satisfied with the software appearance.


Crosstab Count Gender Male which additional after sales service you desire the most? warrant y replace ment availabil ity of spares Total 59 female 21 Total 80









Interpretation:Most of the males are desired to avail additional warranty after sales.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 which additional after sales service you desire the most? warrant y replace ment availabil ity of spares Total 28 30 - 45 52 Total 80








Interpretation:The age of the people who desires to avail additional warranty are covered between 30-45 years.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal which additional after sales service you desire the most? warrant y replace ment availabil ity of spares Total 21 busines s 25

service 25

student 9

Total 80










Interpretation:Most of the service providers are desired to avail additional sales service of warranty as compared to other occupation.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 which additional after sales service you desire the most? warrant y replace ment availabil ity of spares Total 38 30000 to 50000 33 more than 50000 0

99 9

Total 80










Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are desired to avail additional warranty.

Crosstab Count Gender Male television as a new product no yes Total 41 65 106 female 3 28 31 Total 44 93 137


Interpretation:More males are interested in using television as a new product.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 television as a new product no yes Total 17 22 39 30 - 45 27 71 98 Total 44 93 137

Interpretation:The age group between 30-40 years are interested in using television as a new product.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal television as a new product no yes Total 24 0 24 busines s 0 33 33

service 20 44 64

student 0 16 16

Total 44 93 137

Interpretation:More service providers are interested in using television as a new product.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 television as a new product no yes Total 36 18 54 30000 to 50000 5 59 64 more than 50000 3 0 3

99 0 16 16

Total 44 93 137

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are more interested in using television as a new product.


Crosstab Count Gender Male washing machine as a new product no yes Total 65 41 106 female 31 0 31 Total 96 41 137

Interpretation:More males are not interested in using washing machine as a new product.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 washing machine as a new product no yes Total 20 19 39 30 45 76 22 98 Total 96 41 137

Interpretation:Mostly the age group between 30-45 years are not interested in washing machine as a new product compare to other age group.


Crosstab Count occupation Professi onal washing machine as a new product no yes Total 14 10 24 busines s 14 19 33

service 61 3 64

student 7 9 16

Total 96 41 137

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are not interested in washing machine as a new product.


Crosstab Count Income 10000 to 30000 washing machine as a new product no yes Total 39 15 54 30000 to 50000 50 14 64 more than 50000 0 3 3

99 7 9 16

Total 96 41 137

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are not interested in washing machine as a new product.

Crosstab Count Gender Male mobile phone as a new product no yes Total 35 71 106 female 24 7 31 Total 59 78 137

Interpretation:Most of the males are not interested in mobile phone as a new product.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 mobile phone as a new product no yes Total 8 31 39 30 - 45 51 47 98 Total 59 78 137

Interpretation:The age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are not interested in using mobile phone as a new product..


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal mobile phone as a new product no yes Total 3 21 24 busines s 16 17 33

service 31 33 64

student 9 7 16

Total 59 78 137

Interpretation:Most of the people of service occupation are not interested in mobile phone as a new product.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 mobile phone as a new product no yes Total 21 33 54 30000 to 50000 26 38 64 more than 50000 3 0 3

99 9 7 16

Total 59 78 137

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are more interested in using mobile phones as a new product.


Crosstab Count Gender Male camera as a new product No Yes Total 45 61 106 female 21 10 31 Total 66 71 137

Interpretation:Most of the males are interested in using camera as a new product.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 camera as a new product no yes Total 11 28 39 30 - 45 55 43 98 Total 66 71 137

Interpretation:People between 30-45 years are more interested in using camera s a new product.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal camera as a new product no yes Total 0 24 24 busines s 19 14 33

service 31 33 64

student 16 0 16

Total 66 71 137

Interpretation:More people of service occupations are interested in camera as a new product.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 camera as a new product no yes Total 23 31 54 30000 to 50000 27 37 64 more than 50000 0 3 3

99 16 0 16

Total 66 71 137

Interpretation:Income group of people between 30000 to 50000 are interested in camera as a new product.


Crosstab Count Gender Male how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? 9th most eighth most seventh most sixth most fifth most fourth most third most most satisfaid Total 20 female 0 99 12 Total 32
















Interpretation:More males are overall satisfied with Wipro company and fifth most rate is given by more males.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? 9th most eighth most seventh most sixth most fifth most fourth most third most most satisfaid Total 3 30 - 45 17 99 12 Total 32















Interpretation:Most of the age group using the Wipro company are between 30-45 years compare to other age group are satisfied with it at seventh most rate.


Crosstab Count Occupation professi onal how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? 9th most eighth most seventh most sixth most fifth most fourth most third most most satisfaid Total 8 busines s 3

service 0

student 9

99 12

Total 32


















Interpretation:Most of service providers are satisfied with the Wipro company with the rate seventh most and fifth most.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 how would you rate the overall satisfaction from wippro company? 9th most eighth most seventh most sixth most fifth most fourth most third most most satisfaid Total 7 30000 to 50000 3 more than 50000 1

99 21

Total 32
















Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are satisfied from Wipro company and rated it with 7th rank.


Crosstab Count Gender Male is wipro fulfill your all features requirements? no yes Total 26 80 106 female 11 20 31 Total 37 100 137

Interpretation:Wipro fulfills all features requirements of more males as compared to females.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 is wipro fulfill your all features requirements? no yes Total 14 25 39 30 - 45 23 75 98 Total 37 100 137

Interpretation:Wipro fulfills all features requirements of age group of 30-45 years.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal is wipro fulfill your all features requirements? no yes Total 14 10 24 busines s 11 22 33

service 12 52 64

student 0 16 16

Total 37 100 137

Interpretation:Wipro fulfills all features requirements of most of the service providers as compared to other occupations.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 is wipro fulfill your all features requirements? No Yes Total 14 40 54 30000 to 50000 23 41 64 more than 50000 0 3 3

99 0 16 16

Total 37 100 137

Interpretation:Wipro fulfills all features requirements of people earning income between 30000 to 50000 as compared to other income level.


Crosstab Count Gender Male rank HP lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 36 3 female 0 0 Total 36 3




5 106

17 31

22 137

Interpretation:Most of the males are giving 2nd highest rank to the HP as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 rank HP Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest Highest Total 14 0 30 - 45 22 3 Total 36 3




0 39

22 98

22 137

Interpretation:Mostly the age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are giving 2nd highest rank to HP.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal rank HP Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest Highest Total 17 0 busines s 0 0

service 19 3

student 0 0

Total 36 3




0 24

0 33

15 64

7 16

22 137

Interpretation:Most of the businessman are given 2nd highest rank to HP as compared to other occupations.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 rank HP Lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 26 0 30000 to 50000 7 3 more than 50000 3 0

99 0 0

Total 36 3




10 54

5 64

0 3

7 16

22 137

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are given 2nd highest rank to HP as compared to other income group.


Crosstab Count Gender Male rank ACER lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 25 34 female 3 18 Total 28 52




29 106

0 31

29 137

Interpretation:Most of the males are giving 3rd highest rank to ACER as comared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 rank ACER lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 17 3 30 - 45 11 49 Total 28 52



19 39

10 98

29 137

Interpretation:Mostly the age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are giving 3rd highest rank to ACER.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal rank ACER lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 0 7 busines s 14 14

service 14 15

student 0 16

Total 28 52



14 24

5 33

10 64

0 16

29 137

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are giving 2nd highest rank to ACER as compared to other occupations.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 rank ACER lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 3 7 30000 to 50000 25 29 more than 50000 0 0

99 0 16

Total 28 52




29 54

0 64

0 3

0 16

29 137

Interpretation:Income level of people between 30000 to 50000 are giving 3rd highest rank to ACER.


Crosstab Count Gender Male rank HCL lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 26 45 female 0 13 Total 26 58



17 106

11 31

28 137

Interpretation:Most males are giving rank to HCL the 3rd highest rank as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 rank HCL lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 3 36 30 - 45 23 22 Total 26 58



0 39

28 98

28 137

Interpretation:Age group of people between 15 - 30 years are given 3rd highest rank to HCL.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal rank HCL lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 7 14 busines s 3 19

service 16 25

student 0 0

Total 26 58



3 24

11 33

5 64

9 16

28 137

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are giving rank to HCL the 3rd highest rank.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 rank HCL lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 10 37 30000 to 50000 16 21 more than 50000 0 0

99 0 0

Total 26 58



0 54

16 64

3 3

9 16

28 137

Interpretation:Income level of people between 10000 to 30000 are giving 3rd highest rank to HCL.


Crosstab Count Gender Male rank IFB lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 9 24 female 28 0 Total 37 24



49 106

3 31

52 137

Interpretation:Mostly males are giving highest rank to IFB as compared to females.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 rank IFB lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 0 0 30 - 45 37 24 Total 37 24



20 39

32 98

52 137

Interpretation:Mostly the age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are giving lowest rank to IFB.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal rank IFB lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 0 3 busines s 11 0

service 10 21

student 16 0

Total 37 24



7 24

17 33

28 64

0 16

52 137

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are given highest rank to IFB.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 rank IFB lowest 3rd highest 2nd highest highest Total 10 10 30000 to 50000 11 11 more than 50000 0 3

99 16 0

Total 37 24



15 54

37 64

0 3

0 16

52 137

Interpretation:Income level between 30000 to 50000 are giving highest rank to IFB.


Crosstab Count Gender Male would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? very likely some what likely netural somew hat unlikely very unlikely Total 37 female 10 Total 47




31 3

0 0

31 3






Interpretation:More males are recommending the Wipro products are some what likely interested.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? very likely some what likely netural somew hat unlikely very unlikely Total 17 30 - 45 30 Total 47




5 3

26 0

31 3






Interpretation:People between the age group of 30-45 years compare to other age group are some what likely recommending the Wipro products to their friends and relatives.


Crosstab Count occupation Professi onal would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? very likely some what likely netural somew hat unlikely very unlikely Total 24 busines s 0

service 16

student 7

Total 47




0 0

5 3

26 0

0 0

31 3








Interpretation:Most of the service providers are neutrals to recommend the Wipro products to friends and relatives.


Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 would you recommend the wipro product to your friend or relative? very likely some what likely netural somew hat unlikely very unlikely Total 24 30000 to 50000 13 more than 50000 3

99 7

Total 47




15 0

16 3

0 0

0 0

31 3







Interpretation:Income earning between 30000 to 50000 are some what likely to recommend the Wipro products to friends and relatives.


Crosstab Count Gender Male recommendations lead to buy wipro products no yes Total 47 59 106 female 7 24 31 Total 54 83 137

Interpretation:Many male users are following recommendations which lead to buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 recommendations lead to buy wipro products no yes Total 31 8 39 30 - 45 23 75 98 Total 54 83 137

Interpretation:Most of the age between 30-45 years compare to other age group are followed by the recommendations which lead to buy Wipro products.


Crosstab Count occupation professi onal recommendations lead to buy wipro products no yes Total 21 3 24 Busines s 17 16 33

service 0 64 64

student 16 0 16

Total 54 83 137

Interpretation:More service providers are followed by the recommendations lead to buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 recommendations lead to buy wipro products No Yes Total 21 33 54 30000 to 50000 17 47 64 more than 50000 0 3 3

99 16 0 16

Total 54 83 137

Interpretation:People earning income between 30000 to 50000 are followed by the recommendations lead to buy Wipro products.


Crosstab Count Gender Male advertisements lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 62 44 1 107 female 21 10 0 31 99 0 0 12 12 Total 83 54 13 150

Interpretation:Most of the male users are doesnt lead to buy Wipro products due to advertisement.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 advertisements lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 19 20 0 39 30 - 45 64 34 1 99 99 0 0 12 12 Total 83 54 13 150


Interpretation:Most of the age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are not lead to buy Wipro products from advertisement.

Crosstab Count occupation professi onal advertisements lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 10 14 1 25 busines s 30 3 0 33

service 34 30 0 64

student 9 7 0 16

99 0 0 12 12

Total 83 54 13 150

Interpretation:Most of the service providers are inspired by the advertisement lead to buy Wipro products
Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 advertisements lead to buy wipro no 30 30000 to 50000 41 more than 50000 3

99 9

Total 83



yes 99

24 0 54

23 0 64

0 1 4

7 12 28

54 13 150


Interpretation:Income group of people between 30000 to 50000 are mostly not inspired by the advertisement lead to buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count Gender Male brand image lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 43 63 1 107 female 10 21 0 31 99 0 0 12 12 Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:Most of the males are inspired by brand image lead to buy Wipro products.


Crosstab Count age group 15 30 brand image lead to buy Wipro products no yes 99 Total 5 34 0 39 30 - 45 48 50 1 99 99 0 0 12 12 Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:Most of the age group between 30-45 years compare to other age group are inspired by the brand image lead to buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count occupation professi onal brand image lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 0 24 1 25 busines s 5 28 0 33

service 48 16 0 64

student 0 16 0 16

99 0 0 12 12

Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:Most of the people of occupation of service are not inspired by brand image lead to


buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count income 10000 to 30000 brand image lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 30 24 0 54 30000 to 50000 23 41 0 64 more than 50000 0 3 1 4

99 0 16 12 28

Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:Income level of people between 30000 to 50000 are satisfied with brand image lead to buy Wipro products
Crosstab Count Gender Male satisfaction lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 53 53 1 female 0 31 0 99 0 0 12 Total 53 84 13







Interpretation:Most of the males and all females are satisfied from its products which lead to buy Wipro products.

Crosstab Count age group 15 30 satisfaction lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 22 17 0 39 30 - 45 31 67 1 99 99 0 0 12 12 Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:People are satisfied which lead to buy the Wipro products are under the age group of 30-45 years.

Crosstab Count


occupation Professi onal satisfaction lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 3 21 1 25 busines s 22 11 0 33

service 28 36 0 64

student 0 16 0 16

99 0 0 12 12

Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:More service providers are satisfied which lead them to buy Wipro products.


income 10000 to 30000 satisfaction lead to buy wipro products no yes 99 Total 12 42 0 54 30000 to 50000 38 26 0 64 more than 50000 3 0 1 4

99 0 16 12 28

Total 53 84 13 150

Interpretation:Income level of people between 10000 to 30000 are satisfied which lead to buy

Wipro products.


www. wi p r ot e c hno lo gi e s .co m

www.i n d i ab ul ls .co m www.i c i c i di r e c t .c o m


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