The Last Day Russia and Post 9/11
The Last Day Russia and Post 9/11
The Last Day Russia and Post 9/11
Thing actually started out pretty well, putin was the first to call George bush and started a strategic
Putin supports the war on terror; he did think that maybe america would turn a blind eye to chechnya
ad it is a mechanism for consolidating power, since he rode on an anti terrorism target. and because it
provided a way to gain revenge on the Taliban.
What was the perception of wha this relationship meant? Putin saw this as russia stepping up as a
partner in the war on terrorism. For the us it showed weakness on the russian side, because russia
couldn’t take care of afghanistan the first time.
America cancels the ABM treaty which basically means that now you can shoot rockets all over the
place. Restarting star-wars program-it is completely non feasible and that it screws with MAD and
means that mutually assured destruction is not necessarily inevitable.
This drives russia crazy. All the big reality conflicts continual is russia going to let russia pass through
Belarus and Ukraine.
Russia did not support he us invasion of iraq; calls it a unilateral act of imperialism on the US’ part
Russia and the us are fighting two different wars on terrorism ad although those terrorists May come
from the same background,the Us and the Russians are not united on the war on terrorism
The UN is deeply distrustful of russia, because they think they are returning to a cold war stance.
Russia does not trust the US or the west to be paragons of democracy
Russians have now come t the perception that the Us is not in the interest of defending democracy
What is putin’s big agenda? Wants to reform the military, control ad trade oil and nuclear materiel, in-
crease alliances and “alliances” with the NIS (basically able to control them)
The us thinks that Russian actions are predatory. “dont excite the bear” and try to maintain some sort
of stability
Bush is not concerned with russian domestic politics the Us has done nothing to stop the pursuit of
authoritarian control by putin.
What about russia matters to the west? =we do want russia to deal with oil in a normal way, and deal
with their own authoritarianism, as long as we get it cheaply , we don’t care/
How does the west feel about the russian military? We don’t want them to grow, it has subjugated
much of eastern europe.
They ave a tax codethat makes it able to take you down as an industry if your brea the code, but yu
have to break the code to be profitable.
The quality in life in russia has icnreased somewhat sinc eputin came ito power