Csc-252 System Analysis and Design

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Course Title: System Analysis and Design Course no: CSC-252 Credit hours: 3 Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Case Study (3Hrs)

Full Marks: 60+20+20 Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Course Synopsis: This course help launch the careers of successful systems analyst or of users assuming an active role in building systems that satisfy their organizations information needs. Also provides a solid foundation of systems. Goal: This course will provide the concept of system representation.

S.N Chapter 1 Overview of Systems Analysis and Design

Description Introduction to system analysis and design Types of Information Systems(Transaction Processing system, Management Information System, Decision Support System and Expert System) Systems Development Life cycle(SDLC) Systems analysis and design tools :Prototyping, Joint Application Design

Hours 4 Hrs


Modeling Tools for Systems Analyst

Structured Methodologies


Systems Analysis

System Analyst (Introduction ,Roles, and Skills) Context Diagram Data Flow Diagram(level 0,Level1 and Level2) CASE tools E-R Diagram The need for a Structured Methodology Role of CASE in data modeling Advantages and Disadvantages of Modeling Data Dictionaries Modeling tools: Structure English, Decision Table and Decision Tree) Systems planning and initial Investigation Information Gathering Techniques(Interviews and Questionnaires) The tools of Structured Analysis Feasibility Study-(Introduction ,Steps in Feasibility analysis) Cost-Benefit Analysis(Direct and Indirect Cost, Tangible and Intangible Benefit) Payback Period

5 Hrs.

6 Hrs.

8 Hrs.

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Systems Design

The process and Stages of systems Design Designing Forms and Report: The process of Formatting Forms and Reports Designing Database: The process, Normalization(Up to 3rd Normal form),Transferring E-R diagram to Relations File Organization (Introduction, Organization of Records in Files)

8 Hrs.

System Implementation

System Implementation: Introduction, The process of Coding, Testing and Installation) The Process of Documenting the System, Training Users and Supporting Users Software Application Testing: Types of Testing Quality Assurance Maintenance: Corrective, Adaptive, Perfective, Preventive The process of maintaining Information System Cost of maintenance Managing Maintenance Measuring effectiveness of maintenance Hardware / Software Selection and the Computer Contract, Project Scheduling and Software Introduction Object-Oriented Development Life Cycle The Unified Modeling Language Use-Case Modeling, Object Modeling: Class Diagrams, Dynamic Modeling: State Diagrams Dynamic Modeling: Sequence Diagramming, Analysis Verses Design

8 Hrs.

ObjectOriented Analysis and Design

6 Hrs.

Total Case studies: Student must have to do one case study covers all chapters. Text Book: Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson Education, Second Edition References: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Systems Analysis and Design. Jeffrey L. Whitten, Loonnie D. Bentley, 5rd Edition, Systems Analysis and Design Methods.

45 Hrs.

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Grady Booch, Pearson Education, Second Edition, Object Oriented analysis and design with applications. V.Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall, Second Edition, Analysis and Design of Information Systems.

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MODEL QUESTION FORMAT: TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Institute of Science and Technology Level: B.Sc. (CSIT) Year: II/II Course: System Analysis and Design Full Marks: 60 Pass Marks: 24 Time: 3Hrs

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own word as far as practicable Group A Long Answer questions: Answer Any Two questions: 1. What is Information system analysis and Design? Explain the stages of SDLC. 2. Draw a DFD diagram of College library system up to level 2. 3. Explain the process of system implementation and Maintenance. Group B Short Answer questions: Attempt any eight questions 1. Who is system analyst? List and explain the skills of system analyst. 2. A bank has the following policy on deposit. On deposits of Rs.50,000 and above for five years or above the interest rate is 15%.On the same deposit for a period less than 5 years it is 12%.on deposits below Rs.50,000 the interest is 10% regardless of period of deposit. Write the above process using: i. ii. Structured English A decision table [8x5=40] [2x10=20]

3. A system costs Rs.2, 00,000 to install and Rs.10, 000 per month as recurring expenses. The benefit per year is 1, 50,000.assuming an interest rate is 15%, what is the payback period of the investment?

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4. Briefly explain the steps in feasibility analysis. 5. What are the main principles used in designing Forms and Reports. 6. What is file? Explain any technique for implementing records in file. 7. What is software testing? Explain different types of testing. 8. Briefly explain the CASE tools. 9. State the activities involved in Object-Oriented Development Life Cycle. 10. What is Class diagram? Draw a class diagram for Payment and purchase of Customer.

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