BOPF Basic Training - 03 Implementation of BOPF Entities
BOPF Basic Training - 03 Implementation of BOPF Entities
BOPF Basic Training - 03 Implementation of BOPF Entities
ByDesign BOPF
3. 4.
What is a framework?
A software framework is an abstraction in which common code providing generic functionality can be selectively overridden or specialized by user code providing specific functionality. Frameworks are similar to software libraries in that they are reuseable abstractions of code wrapped in a well-defined API. Unlike libraries, however, the overall program's flow of control is not dictated by the caller, but by the framework. This inversion of control is the distinguishing feature of software frameworks.
An instance of the class of the called action is instantiated and their execute-method executed by the BOPF.
Inversion of control means for example, BOPF calls the action implementation, which you have implemented, if this action is called by the consumer. If you implement a BOPF entity (e.g. action or determination), the framework provides you a context for model information and access objects to access the data of business object node instances.
3. 4.
/BOPF/IF_FRW_READ~retrieve() provides access to the instance data of the buffer. Some of its important parameters are listed below:
iv_node: Specified the business object node for which data shall be retrieved. In this example we want the data from node ITEM. it_key: Table of keys of business object instances which shall be read. et_data: Internal table, which contains the node data for the requested instances. Table is of the combined table type specified for the node in the BOPF model.
Example of Retrieve()
Input Parameter
Output Parameter
Table of combined structure of the node item with 3 lines, one for each of the Item instances.
io_read->retrieve_by_association( EXPORTING IV_NODE = ZIF_CI00_BOPF_C=>sc_node-root IT_KEY = it_key IV_ASSOCIATION = ZIF_CI00_BOPF_C=>SC_ASSOCIATION-root-item IV_FILL_DATA = abap_true IMPORTING ET_DATA = lt_item_data ).
/BOPF/IF_FRW_READ~retrieve_by_association() provides the possibility to follow an association and read the target instance keys or data:
iv_node: Node key of the associations source node. Iv_association: Key of the association, which shall be followed.
it_key: Table of keys of node instances for which instances of the associations should be used to get their corresponding target instance keys. iv_filled_key: If it is true, then ET_DATA is exported and contains the instance data (typed as the combined table structure of the target node of that association) et_key_link: A table of pairs (source node instance, target node instance) et_target_key: A table of keys from instances
Example of Retrieve_By_Assocation()
Input Parameter
Output Parameter
00000000000102DC9BAFC085F3AA808B 00000000000102DC9BAFC0EFD63940AA 00000000000102DC9BAFCA210B88410F 00000000000102DC9BAFC9AA6DC2C0F3 Sources: Targets: (00000000000102DC9BAE8CE2DD7D01B5, 00000000000102DC9BAFC085F3AA808B) (00000000000102DC9BAE8CE2DD7D01B5, 00000000000102DC9BAFC0EFD63940AA) (00000000000102DC9BAE8CE2DD7D01B5, 00000000000102DC9BAFCA210B88410F) (00000000000102DC9BAE8CF600FB01D1, 00000000000102DC9BAFC9AA6DC2C0F3)
3. 4.
IF_FRW_MODIFY~>update() provides the possibility to modify instance data in the buffer. Some of its important parameters are listed below:
iv_node: Specified the business object node for which data shall be updated. In this example we want to update the data from node ITEM. iv_key: Key of the instance to be updated is_data: Reference to the data the instance shall be updated with. Reference has to point to a variable typed with the combined structure type of the node.
DATA: ls_item_data TYPE REF TO bopf_s_ci_item_19, io_modify->update( EXPORTING iv_node = if_bopf_customer_invoice_19_c=>sc_node-item iv_key = ls_item_data->key is_data = ls_item_data ).
3. 4.
Message Concept based on class-based Messages (CM-Classes) Each message class should inherit from /BOPF/CM_FRW
" 1. Clear message object at the beginning of the method implementation METHOD /BOPF/IF_FRW_VALIDATION~EXECUTE. CLEAR: et_failed_key, eo_message. DATA: ls_location TYPE /bopf/s_frw_location, lo_bopf_training TYPE REF TO cm_bopf_training. " 2. If there is a problem, create a new message CREATE OBJECT lo_bopf_training EXPORTING textid = CM_BOPF_TRAINING=>INVALID_CURRENCY severity = cm_bopf_training=>co_severity_info lifetime = /BOPF/IF_FRW_C=>SC_LIFETIME_SET_BY_BOPF symptom = if_esi_message_symptoms=>co_bo_inconsistency ms_origin_location = ls_location mv_currency_code = ls_item_data->currency_code. " 3. Get message container or create one (but only, if it wasnt done before!) IF eo_message IS NOT BOUND. CALL METHOD /bopf/cl_frw_factory=>get_message RECEIVING eo_message = eo_message. ENDIF. " 4. Add message to the message container eo_message->add_cm( lo_bopf_training ).
3. 4.
The BOPF Performance Guideline contains hints, how you can speed up your business object implementations
One io_read->retrieve() call for all keys before loops, instead of placing it into the loop
LOOP AT it_key INTO ls_key. CLEAR lt_key. APPEND ls_key TO lt_key. io_read->retrieve( EXPORTING it_key = lt_key IMPORTING et_data = lt_node ). ... ENDLOOP. io_read->retrieve( EXPORTING it_key = it_key IMPORTING et_data = lt_node ). LOOP AT lt_node INTO ls_node. ... ENDLOOP.
In contradistinction, there is no performance impact if io_modfiy calls are done inside loops, due to the not mass-enabled signatures. The framework takes care of queuing the modifications and flushes the modification at once.
Thank you!
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