Tax Cheat Sheet
Tax Cheat Sheet
Tax Cheat Sheet
a)TBPV b) Gains/profits from any employment d) Dividends, interests f) Rents, royalties g) Gains/profits of income nature not fr a)-f) #not an activity carried out by e person in ordinary course of biz->but has the intention to make a profit from it (Eg. Casual service) #NOT cover: capital gains & voluntary payments (present for sb else)
Income Statement
YA 20xx s10(1)(a)income TradeX profit(adjusted prof less CA for tradeX s10(1)(b)-employment income s10(1)(d)-dividend& interest income s10(1)(f)-rent& royalty income s10(1)(g)income STATUTORY INCOME Less: Trade loss Less: Approved donations ASSESSABLE INCOME Less: Personal reliefs Group relief Unabsorbed items carried back NCTR CHARGEABLE INCOME (TR) GROSS TAX PAYABLE ON CI Less: Foreign tax credits (double tax) Less: Tax rebates-corporate(YA2011) -indiv(YA08/09/11) Less: Procreation rebates NET TAX PAYABLE
1)FSI received in SGP if: -Remitted to/brought into SGP -Settle a debt incurred i.r.f. a trade/ biz carried on in SGP -Purchase movable property which is brought into SGP 2)Tax treaty relief: provisions prevail over domestic tax laws Unilateral Tax Credit Relief :nonExchange Realized Unrealized treaty country differences 3)S50 credit code SGP resident/no later than 2 yrs Capital Gain NT Gain NT Loss ND transaction Loss ND after end of relevant YA/tax at gross amt/source-by-source (from Revenue Gain T Gain T Loss D YA2012, credit pooling) transaction Loss D 4)S50C-foreign tax credit pooling: Condition: Subject to foreign tax; s14Q-Special s14B-further Headline tax in source country 15%; Subject to tax in SGP; nd Deduction given: none 2 deduction/add eligible for FTC under tax allowed under s14 deduction-> allowed treaty/UCTR (prohibit by s15) for same expense Lower of: aggr of actual foreign tax and aggr of SGP tax s14Q: exp: renovation/refurbishment 5)S13(7A) Exemption : works: CE on fixtures, fittings& resident/non-resident indiv installations->not involve structure resident indiv: no partnership change-> approval by BCA 6)S13(8) Exemption :Income s14B: exp: approved trade fairs/ covered Foreign dividends; Profits exhibitions/trade missions/to maintain of overseas branch of SGP resident overseas trade office co; Foreign professional, consultancy & other service income Company Income Tax 7)Conditions: Received in SGP Group relief conditions (only current year) on/after 1.6.2003; Tax suffered in 1) SGP-incorporated co foreign juri immediately received; 2) Members of the same group: ordinary Headline tax in foreign jurisdiction shareholding test + Residual profits & 15% in yr FSI is received in SGP assets test 8)DTR for foreign dividends: 3) Same accounting ending day Tax treaty; Tax treaty extends DTR to 4) Both make election for group relief UT25% shareholding; Waiver
Deemed supply: 1) Biz goods disposed off for free, except: Biz gift not >$200, not a series of gifts to the same person; Industrial/commercial sample 2) Biz goods diverted for free to nonbiz uses #For 1&2 to apply, trade is entitled to claim input tax credit Exempt supply: (certain financial svce; sales&lease of resid ppty) -Supply made in SGP -Output tax is not chargeable -Input tax not recoverable Taxable supply: input tax recoverable(if meet condition) Zerorated (0%) supplies: exports of goods; international services Time of supply : earlier one Payment i.r.f. supply is received or Invoice i.r.f. supply is issued Claim of input GST -GST-registered -Relates to a biz input -Making of taxable supply -GST reporting period concerned n properly charged by the supplier -Relevant documentary evidence -Not blocked by Reg.26 & 27 Blocked input tax: sporting/recreational club fees medical and accident insurance premiums medical expenses employees family benefits games of chance motor cars
S10(1)(a) income
1. 2.
Full amt=replacement+improvement Only replacement amt, no improvement (in absence of renewal deduction, exp can claim under WTA
Is the removal of goods into or out of Singapore ?
Supply is made in Singapore Supply is made outside Singapore Supply is made in Singapore Supply is made outside Singapore
Claim WTA is more beneficial Non S10(1)(a) income 3. Renewal deduction No tax benefit Only replacement amt, no improvement
#Claim renewal deduction is very useful as in the absence of renewal deduction, not any type of tax benefit can obtain as it is non-trade income, Allow: taxable except subsistence/travelling/conveyance/entertainment allow->not under s15
Special Deduction # Cap on qualifying expenditure ->$150000 CE over every relevant 3 -year period; # Temporary enhancement ->1-year w/p for certain biz i.r.o CE incurred during BP to YA2010 or YA2011 Capital Allowance 1)WDA p.a.=20%xCE incurred #Enhanced WDA p.a=20%x(300% of [total CE incurred or $400K, whichever is lower])
Cont 2)Temp enhancement to WTA CE on P&M fr BT to YA2010/11: st 2 yr write-off: 75% of CE in 1 YA; nd 25% of CE in 2 YA. 3) Balancing adjustment BA=TWDV-SP; BC=SP-TWDV 4)IBA (phased out-aft 23/2/2010) IA of 25% of CE incurred in BP to construct/purchase of IB/IS AA of 3% of CE, building/structure in use as IB/IS at end of BP 5)LIA: CE on construction/renov of building/structure; building/ structure on industrial land; promotes intensified use of land; prescribed industry; aft 23/3/2010; approved by EDB IA of 25% of CE incurred in BP AA of 5% provided at end of BP:
#taxpayer has relevant interest n exp; 80% total floor area used by any one for approved trade
Company Income Tax 1)Corp TR:20%YA05-07 ->18%YA08-09->17%fr YA10 2)Corp Tax Rebata:YA2011-> 20%of tax payable; or$10000,whichever is less ->SME cash grant:5% of total rev (BPYA11); or $5000 whichever is less st 3)NCTR:75% for 1 $10000; 50% for next $290000 Individual Income Tax
2)WTA s19 allow.->IA:20% of CE incurred in the BP->AA:(Total exp.-IA claimed)/Tax life s19A(1)->AA:1/3 CE incurred in the BP s19A(2)->100% of CE incurred in the BP -> computers/prescribed auto equip #Enhanced s19A(2)=(300%of[total CE in BP or
2)Insurance premium:
beneficiary->employee/dependants -> taxable benefit
#total cap of $100k #Temp Enhancement(YA2009 or YA2010)->c/b for three preceding Ys/A->Start frearliestyr->total cap$200k
Withholding Tax
Tests Shareholdings Test shareholders of & their shareholdings in e co is substantially (50%) e same as at two relevant date #b/f CA: 31Dec of YA&1Jan of YA b/f TL & donations: 31Dec of calendar yr &1Jan of YA c/b CA: 1Jan of YA&31Dec of YA c/b Trade loss: 1Jan of calendar yr& 31Dec of YA Ordinary shareholding test (a) 75% of no of ordinary shares in one co are beneficially held, (in)directly by the other (b) 75% of no of ordinary shares in each of e 2 co are beneficially held, (in)directly, by a 3rd co GST Registration Retrospective test applies quarterly (any quarter) taxable supplies for the current quarter and the last 3 quarters > $1m UNLESS IRAS satisfied that next 4 quarters $1m) Prospective test applies on any date taxable supplies expected in the next 12 mths > $1m #Exclude sales of capital assets
#17%(or lower treaty rate)->non final on gross payment #15%(interet,commissioni.c.w.l oans,rent)/10%(royalty&knowhow)->final on gross payment>NOT fr trade by NR in SGP; n not effectively connect to any PE of NR in SGP
1)MC=VOS + GST; GST=7%xVOSVOI=CIF + CD;GST=7%xVOI 2)GST Registration: Test->total value of taxable supplies (excl sales of capital assets) for the current quarter and last/next three quarters>1m -> compulsory
NR NOT regarded as trading in SGP: -mere purchasing function -stock warehoused in SGP w/o trading -a representative office confines its activities to promotional/liaison work