Sega Genesis Game Genie
Sega Genesis Game Genie
Sega Genesis Game Genie
B6LT-C8E2 + B6LT-C8E6 +
ATHA-BT8L + HF9T-AJGL + AF9T-AAGN + 2THT-BGA4 Emergency Surface manuever can be performed 4x BAHA-BT8L + HF9T-AJGL + AF9T-AAGN + 2THT-BGA4 Emergency Surface manuever can be performed 8x A39T-AA8L Emergency Surface manuever can be performed infinite times HEHT-AET4 Emergency Surface manuever cannot be performed at all Towed Array may be redeployed after it has been cut
9THT-BGKA + AAHT-B73C + SAHT-A6VG Towed Array already cut (unavailable) at start of mission
13 14
Finding a 1-UP gives you 0 more lives Finding a 1-UP gives you 5 more lives
FOR CODES 15 THRU 17, ONLY 2 HEARTS SHOW ON SCREEN 15 AGFA-RABA Start with 1 heart for the first life instead of 2 16 ARFA-RABA Start with 3 hearts--1st life 17 A0FA-RABA Start with 5 hearts--1st life 18 AGFA-RAA2 Start with max hearts at 1 instead of 2 19 ARFA-RAA2 Start with max hearts at 3 20 A0FA-RAA2 Start with max hearts at 5 21 A5ZT-RA6T Invincible! 22 A13T-RAD4 Heart replenished every 5 dollars instead of 25 23 LD3T-RAD4 Heart replenished every 50 dollars 24 XH3T-RAD4 Heart replenished every 99 dollars 25 CX4A-RAHA Shields last 1/3x normal 26 D54A-RAHA Shields last 1/2x normal 27 SD4A-RAHA Shields last 2x normal 28 0X4A-RAHA Shields last 3x normal 29 AXYT-RA48 Shields last forever 30 A47T-RA42 Don't lose Fezi-copter when you die or change rooms
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Each star found worth 5 stars Each star found worth 10 stars Infinite stars if you have some Infinite stars even if you have none Timer doesn't run Finding a clock adds 0 minutes to timer Finding a clock adds 2 minutes to timer Finding a clock adds 4 minutes to timer Finding a clock adds 8 minutes to timer Jump lower than normal while standing still Jump a little higher than normal while standing still Jump higher than normal while standing still Jump much higher than normal while standing still Jump lower than normal while running Jump a little higher than normal while running Jump higher than normal while running Jump much higher than normal while running
After Burner 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 AKYT-AAHT Start on stage 2 APYT-AAHT Start on stage 3 AVYT-AAHT Start on stage 4 AZYT-AAHT Start on stage 5 A3YT-AAHT Start on stage 6 A7YT-AAHT Start on stage 7 BBYT-AAHT Start on stage 8 BFYT-AAHT Start on stage 9 BKYT-AAHT Start on stage 10 BPYT-AAHT Start on stage 11 BVYT-AAHT Start on stage 12 BZYT-AAHT Start on stage 13 B3YT-AAHT Start on stage 14 B7YT-AAHT Start on stage 15 CBYT-AAHT Start on stage 16 CFYT-AAHT Start on stage 17 CKYT-AAHT Start on stage 18 CPYT-AAHT Start on stage 19 CVYT-AAHT Start on stage 20 CZYT-AAHT Start on stage 21 C3YT-AAHT Start on stage 22 C7YT-AAHT Start on stage 23 AANA-AABL Start with 1 plane instead of 3 AENA-AABL Start with 2 planes ANNA-AABL Start with 4 planes ATNA-AABL Start with 5 planes AE2A-AAD6 Continue with 1 plane instead of 3 AJ2A-AAD6 Continue with 2 planes AT2A-AAD6 Continue with 4 planes AY2A-AAD6 Continue with 5 planes AT0T-AA4T Almost infinite planes AANA-AABW + AANA-AAB4 Start with 0 missiles instead of 50 BJNA-AABW + BJNA-AAB4 Start with 10 missiles DENA-AABW + DENA-AAB4 Start with 25 missiles
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
KNNA-AABW + KNNA-AAB4 Start with 75 missiles NTNA-AABW + NTNA-AAB4 Start with 100 missiles AA2A-AAET Continue with no extra missiles BJ2A-AAET Continue with 10 extra missiles DE2A-AAET Continue with 25 extra missiles KN2A-AAET Continue with 75 extra missiles NT2A-AAET Continue with 100 extra missiles BJ6A-AA26 Infinite missiles AAZA-AAEE 0 continues instead of 3 AEZA-AAEE 1 continue AYZA-AAEE 5 continues BEZA-AAEE 9 continues AT2A-AA6C Infinite continues
Air Buster
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ACST-AAFT ACYT-AAE0 ACTA-AACJ ACZA-AABR AJGT-AACJ ANGT-AACJ ATGT-AACJ AYGT-AACJ A2GT-AACJ AJGT-AAHW ANGT-AAHW ATGT-AAHW AYGT-AAHW A2GT-AAHW AJHA-AAFR ANHA-AAFR ATHA-AAFR AYHA-AAFR A2HA-AAFR HHVT-B2Y4 HHVT-BAY4 HHVT-B2ZT HHVT-BAZT ALKT-AA66 + ALVA-AA5C + A4KT-AA7A + A4VA-AA5G + BLKT-AA66 + BLVA-AA5C + Infinite stock for player 1 Infinite stock for player 2 Infinite credits for player 1 Infinite credits for player 2 Start on phase 2--player 1 Start on phase 3--player 1 Start on phase 4--player 1 Start on phase 5--player 1 Start on phase 6--player 1 Start on phase 2--player 2 Start on phase 3--player 2 Start on phase 4--player 2 Start on phase 5--player 2 Start on phase 6--player 2 Start on phase 2--twin setup Start on phase 3--twin setup Start on phase 4--twin setup Start on phase 5--twin setup Start on phase 6--twin setup Each normal shot power-up (P) worth half max power--player 1 Each normal shot power-up (P) worth almost max power--player 1 Each normal shot power-up (P) worth half max power--player 2 Each normal shot power--up (P) worth almost max power--player 2 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose shot power when shot down-player 1 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose shot power when shot down player 2 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose battle gear when shot down player 1 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose battle gear when shot down player 2 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose battle gear or shot power when shot down--player 1 R0SA-A6Y6 Don't lose battle gear or shot power when shot down--player 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
Start with 1 life Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Infinite lives Infinite continues Invincible Start with 1 health unit instead of 8 Start with 2 health units instead of 8 Start with 4 health units instead of 8 Start with 12 health units instead of 8 Start with 16 health units instead of 8 Start with 32 health units instead of 8 Genie hearts do not increase health Genie hearts restore health to maximum Infinite apples Start with 0 apples Start with 5 apples Start with 20 apples Start with 50 apples Start with 99 apples Each apple found worth 0 apples Each apple found worth 10 apples RYBV-06XJ Throwing an apple uses all apples The apple thief won't steal your apples Start with 5 gems Start with 10 gems Start with 20 gems Start with 50 gems Start with 99 gems Each gem found worth 0 gems Each gem found worth 10 gems CM9B-YA5E Tries are free at peddler's stall B59B-YA5E Tries are 1 gem at peddler's stall A59B-YA5E Tries are 3 gems at peddler's stall E59B-YA7W Wishes are free at peddler's stall EM9B-YA7W Wishes are 1 gem at peddler's stall DM9B-YA7W Wishes are 3 gems at peddler's stall CM9B-YA7W Wishes are 5 gems at peddler's stall BM9B-YA7W Wishes are 7 gems at peddler's stall Each genie token found worth 0 genie tokens Each genie token found worth 2 genie tokens Each genie token found worth 4 genie tokens Each genie token found worth 8 genie tokens Genie tokens never decrease in genie bonus round 'Lose!' does not count in genie bonus round W4WB-YAWE Start at Sultan's Dungeon XLWB-YAWE Start at Cave of Wonders X4WB-YAWE Start at Abu in the Cave YLWB-YAWE Start at The Escape Y4WB-YAWE Start at Rug Ride ZLWB-YAWE Start at Inside the Lamp Z4WB-YAWE Start at Sultan's Palace 0LWB-YAWE Start at Jafar's Quarters 04WB-YAWE Start at Jafar's Palace
+ + + + + + +
Alien 3
All Difficulty Modes: 1 D2CT-CADY Game clock runs faster 2 SACT-CADY Game clock runs slower 3 8ACT-CADY Game clock runs much slower 4 AACT-CA6J Game clock frozen (no time limit) 5 AJBT-AAEY Start at stage 2 instead of stage 1 6 ANBT-AAEY Start at stage 3 7 ATBT-AAEY Start at guardian level after stage 3 8 AYBT-AAEY Start at stage 4 9 A2BT-AAEY Start at stage 5 10 A6BT-AAEY Start at stage 6 11 BABT-AAEY Start at guardian level after stage 6 12 BEBT-AAEY Start at stage 7 13 BJBT-AAEY Start at stage 8 14 BNBT-AAEY Start at stage 9 15 BTBT-AAEY Start at guardian level after stage 9 16 BYBT-AAEY Start at stage 10 17 B2BT-AAEY Start at stage 11 18 B6BT-AAEY Start at stage 12 19 CABT-AAEY Start at guardian level after stage 12 20 CEBT-AAEY Start at stage 13 21 CJBT-AAEY Start at stage 14 22 CNBT-AAEY Start at stage 15 23 CTBT-AAEY Start at guardian level after stage 15 24 AJNA-EA3R Infinite ammo for machine gun 25 AJMA-EA7C Infinite fuel for flame-thrower 26 AJJT-EA2J Infinite ammo for grenade launcher 27 AJKA-EA88 Infinite hand grenades 28 M42A-CAG0 Machine gun recharge pick-up reloads to capacity 29 NC2A-CAHY Flame-thrower recharge pick-up reloads to capacity 30 NL2T-CAAW Grenade launcher recharge pick-up reloads to capacity 31 NW2T-CABT Hand grenade recharge pick-up reloads to capacity 32 RG2T-C6W4 First-aid pick-up restores energy gauge to capacity 33 AMDA-CA4J Long falls do not reduce energy 34 ADEA-CAGJ Falls into turbine fans do not reduce energy 35 AJFT-AA66 Never lose radar 36 A2EA-AA8R Infinite lives 37 5DXA-D93N Ripley jumps higher 38 YDXA-D93N Ripley jumps much higher Hard Difficulty Mode: 39 LBRT-JAEJ 40 GBRT-JAEL 41 EBRT-JAEN 42 GBRT-JAER
Machine gun capacity is 50 instead of 99 Flame-thrower capacity is 30 instead of 99 Grenade launcher capacity is 20 instead of 99 E Hand grenade capacity is 30 instead of 99
Alien Storm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 EABT-AA4W MASTER CODE-MUST BE ENTERED AB8A-AACW Special attack uses no energy AB8A-ANCW Special attack uses 1/2 as much energy R1DT-A60R Normal attacks use no energy P1DT-BD0R Normal attacks gain energy instead of losing it AA4A-BB96 Start with maximum energy AJ7A-AA3R Infinite credits AB9TCTE0 Each energy unit is worth 2 times as much AB9T-DAE0 Each energy unit is worth 4 times as much AB9T-CAN0 Each energy unit is worth 8 times as much 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-AGH6 Start on Mission 2--Expel the Aliens 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-ANH6 Start on Mission 3--Alien's Nest 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-A2H6 Start on Mission 5--Save the Laboratory 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-A8H6 Start on Mission 6--Night Crawler 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-BEH6 Start on Mission 7--Destroy the UFO 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-BLH6 Start on Mission 8--Final Battle ALXT-AA4Y Most alien hits do no damage (no life lost on life meter) AJEA-CA7R Aliens in shooting gallery do no damage (no life lost on life meter)
13 14 15 16 17 18
Altered Beast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DCXA-AA22 FT1T-AA5L BWXA-ACCT BWXA-ALCT ATWA-AA8R PA5T-BNT2 AEFA-AABW AA9A-ALN8 AA9A-ALPG MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives Start with 1 life Start with 5 lives Protection against enemy hits--no power lost from power gauge First spirit ball transforms you into an Altered Beast(tm) Makes Aggar easier to defeat Most Altered Beast punches (Button A) are more powerful against bosses Most Altered Beast attacks (Button B) are more powerful against bosses DOES NOT WORK FOR BEAR Makes most enemies easier to defeat Makes Neff easier to defeat Makes Crocodile Worm easier to defeat
10 11 12
Arcus Odyssey
1 2 3 4 09NA-ALXG 31NA-ALXG 0SNA-ALXG KSNA-ALXG Player Player Player Player 1 1 1 1 starts starts starts starts with with with with 1 3 5 7 hit hit hit hit point points points points
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
+ + + + + + +
Player 1 starts with 10 hit points Player 2 starts with 1 hit point Player 2 starts with 3 hit points Player 2 starts with 5 hit points Player 2 starts with 7 hit points Player 2 starts with 10 hit points 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + ASNA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + A1NA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + DDNA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + DXNA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + EHNA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + FMNA-AAEY Start 9XNA-BCEW + V5NA-AFE0 + GMNA-AAEY Start
at at at at at at at
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ AHCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 1x + A1CT-CADW Each magic level can be used 5x + CXCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 20x + GMCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 50x + NSCT-CADW Each magic level can be used 99x Each magic level can be used infinite times Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge by 2 instead of 3 JHJT-DAY6 Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge by 4 RHJT-C6ZG Medicine of Regeneration increases life gauge to full
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
9WLA-BCG0 + DCLA-AAG2 Set wind direction to East 9WLA-BCG0 + DWLA-AAG2 Set wind direction to Southeast AM0A-AAFL Start at level 2 AS0A-AAFL Start at level 3 AX0A-AAFL Start at level 4 A10A-AAFL Start at level 5 A50A-AAFL Start at level 6 A90A-AAFL Start at level 7 BD0A-AAFL Start at level 8 BH0A-AAFL Start at level 9 BM0A-AAFL Start at level 10 BS0A-AAFL Start at level 11 BX0A-AAFL Start at level 12 BCRT-BE4A All tournament opponents will shoot par on each hole ACRT-BE4A All tournament opponents will shoot birdie on each hole
Arrow Flash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG 9WET-AGSG RFLT-A6WA ALGA-AA36 CCWT-AAGR BWWT-AAGR BCWT-AAGR A4WT-AAGR ALWT-AAGR AGWT-AAGR ACWT-AAGR R07A-A6VT CG7A-BJV8 CG7A-BNV8 CG7A-BTV8 CG7A-B2V8 CG7A-BAV8 AJCA-AAB2 ANCA-AAB2 ATCA-AAB2 AYCA-AAB2 + + + + + + + + + XLET-AAHJ Start with 100 lives R0ET-AAHJ Start with 75 lives LCET-AAHJ Start with 50 lives E0ET-AAHJ Start with 25 lives ECET-AAHJ Start with 20 lives C0ET-AAHJ Start with 15 lives CCET-AAHJ Start with 10 lives ALET-AAHJ Start with 2 lives AGET-AAHJ Start with 1 life Infinite lives Invincibility Start with 16 arrow force shots Start with 12 arrow force shots Start with 8 arrow force shots Start with 6 arrow force shots Start with 2 arrow force shots Start with 1 arrow force shots Start with no arrow force shots Infinite arrow force shots Robot arrow flash lasts 2x as long Robot arrow flash lasts 3x as long Robot arrow flash lasts 4x as long Robot arrow flash lasts 6x as long Robot arrow flash lasts 8x as long Start on stage 2 Start on stage 3 Start on stage 4 Start on stage 5
as as as as as
Atomic Robo-Kid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AJWT-AA70 A5NT-AAHC AMNT-AAHC AHNT-AAHC BCRA-ARBN 98RA-B93N RZ8T-A6TR CDNT-A6GG GDNT-AA6N KDNT-AA5Y DDNT-AA7E RHNT-A6Z6 H2WT-AA8L Infinite lives Shields cost 6 crystals Shields cost 2 crystals Shields granted for each crystal Shields last 30 seconds Shields last until next level Repeat lasts forever Repeat lasts twice as long Get repeat on pick-up of 3-way gun Get repeat on pick-up of fission gun Get repeat on pick-up of missiles Get repeat on pick-up of 5-way gun Keep weapons after dying
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E2ET-AA4C AKFT-AA4Y RFFA-A60N AKYA-AA9G RYFA-C6VR AKYT-AA5L B2AT-CA46 AKYT-AA7R HEET-BJX2 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives Batman floats when he dies! Infinite Batarangs Guns don't hurt Infinite rockets for the Batwing Punches, knives and guns don't hurt Infinite rockets for the Batmobile Start on Axis Chemical Plant level
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
HEET-BNX2 Start on Flugelheim Museum level HEET-BTX2 Start battle with Bob the Goon HEET-BYX2 Start with graphic before Gotham City Streets HEET-B2X2 Start on Gotham City Streets level HEET-B6X2 Start battle with mimes HEET-BAX2 Start battle with Gotham City Streets boss 9TET-BGD2 +BEET-AAD4 + 96ET-AAD6 + 5NET-AYX8 + AJET-AA6A Start on Sky over Gotham level 9TET-BGD2 +BJET-AAD4 + 96ET-AAD6 + 5NET-AYX8 + AJET-AA6A Start on Gotham Cathedral level 9TET-BGD2 +BNET-AAD4 + 96ET-AAD6 + 5NET-AYX8 + AJET-AA6A Start on Gotham Cathedral level spikes 9TET-BGD2 +BTET-AAD4 + 96ET-AAD6 + 5NET-AYX8 + AJET-AA6A Meet the Joker HEGA-BJVG Skip through levels HEGA-BTVG Skip through levels faster AKEA-AA4J Invincible and invisible!
19 20 21 22
Batman Forever
1. 2. A4OA-AA9R CDXA-AA3N Infinite lives Infinite time-not in Training mode
CODES 3-5 DON'T WORK IN 2 PLAYER COMPETITIVE MODE 3. BJNT-AADE Start with 10 lives 4. CTNT-AADE Start with 20 lives 5. GJNT-AADE Start with 50 lives CODES 6-11 ONLY WORK IN 2 PLAYER COMPETITIVE MODE 6. BJNT-AAEE Player 1 starts with 10 lives 7. CTNT-AAEE Player 1 starts with 20 lives 8. GJNT-AAEE Player 1 starts with 50 lives 9. BJNT-AAEL Player 2 starts with 10 lives 10. CTNT-AAEL Player 2 starts with 20 lives 11. GJNT-AAEL Player 2 starts with 50 lives 12. BDBT-AA9A You can use any special weapon at any time 13. A4CT-AA6A Most enemies die with one hit 14. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + AENA-AAGW Start on level 2 15. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + AJNA-AAGW Start on level 3 16. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + ANNA-AAGW Start on level 4 17. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + ATNA-AAGW Start on level 5 18. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + AYNA-AAGW Start on level 6 19. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + A2NA-AAGW Start on level 7 20. RENA-A60R + 9TNA-BGRT + A6NA-AAGW Start on level 8
Batman Returns
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BLYT-AA4R ALFA-AA9N BLGT-AA5N BLHT-AA8C BLJT-AA4L BLLA-AA7A BEFA-AABL AKFA-AAFT AZFA-AAFT BKFA-AAFT Invincibility--still can die if you fall Infinite Batarangs (tm) Infinite smoke bombs Infinite swarms Infinite grappling guns Infinite super seeking Batarangs Start with 10 lives Start with 2 swarms Start with 5 swarms Start with 10 swarms
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
with 20 swarms with 99 swarms with 20 Batarangs with 30 Batarangs with 40 Batarangs with 50 Batarangs with 99 Batarangs with 6 smoke bombs with 10 smoke bombs with15 smoke bombs with 20 smoke bombs with 99 smoke bombs with 2 grappling guns with 5 grappling guns with10 grappling guns with 20 grappling guns with 99 grappling guns with 2 super bats with 5 super bats with10 super bats with 20 super bats with 99 super bats on level 2 on level 3 on level 4 on level 5 on level 6 on level 7 on level 8 on level 9 on level 10 on level 11 on level 12 on level 13 on secret level on secret level on level 14 on level 15 on level 16 on level 17
CODES 12 THRU 16: YOU CAN ONLY SEE 8 12 AD1T-AYGY Start with 10 13 AD1T-A8GY Start with 15 14 AD1T-BJGY Start with 20 15 AD1T-B6GY Start with 30 16 AD1T-DERY Start with 50 17 AM1A-AA8N Infinite life
life increments life increments life increments life increments life increments increments
CODES 18 THRU 25 MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO FIRE YOUR GUN 18 AD1T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J Become invincible at any time 19 AH1T-AAH4 + HH2A-BGVJ 1 capsule needed to get ability to be invincible 20 AM1T-AAH4 + HH2A-BLVJ 2 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 21 AS1T-AAH4 + HH2A-BRVJ 3 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 22 AX1T-AAH4 + HH2A-BWVJ 4 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 23 A11T-AAH4 + HH2A-B0VJ 5 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 24 A51T-AAH4 + HH2A-B4VJ 6 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 25 A91T-AAH4 + HH2A-B8VJ 7 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 26 AX2A-AA3J Capsules not lost when invinciblity is used DONT COMBINE CODE 26 WITH ANY OF CODES 18 THRU 25 WITH CODES 27 THRU 33, CAPSULES AREN'T LOST WHEN INVINCIBILITY IS USED 27 AH1T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 1 capsule needed to get ability to be invincible 28 AM1T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 2 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 29 AS1T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 3 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 30 AX1T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 4 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 31 A11T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 5 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 32 A51T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 6 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible 33 A91T-AAH4 + AX2A-AA3J 7 capsules needed to get ability to be invincible CODES 34 THRU 40 MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO FIRE YOUR GUN 34 TD2A-AABC Invincibility time is 1/2x normal 35 2D2A-AABC Invincibility time is 3/4x normal 36 TD2A-ACBC Invincibility time is 1-1/2x normal 37 AD2A-AEBC Invincibility time is 2x normal 38 AD2A-AGBC Invincibility time is 3x normal 39 AD2A-ALBC Invincibility time is 5x normal 40 AD2A-AYBC Invincibility time is 10x normal 41 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + AECT-AAHN Start on Level 1-2: City Rooftops 42 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + AJCT-AAHN Start on Level 1-3: Boss Ace Ranger 43 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + ANCT-AAHN Start on Level 2-1: Assembly Line
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + ATCT-AAHN Start on Level 2-2: Weapons Plant 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + AYCT-AAHN Start on Level 3-1: Ice Valley 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + A2CT-AAHN Start on Level 3-2: Excavation Mine 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + A6CT-AAHN Start on Level 3-3: Boss Minedroid 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BACT-AAHN Start on Level 4-1: Weapons Express 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BECT-AAHN Start on Level 4-2: Assembly Plant 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BJCT-AAHN Start on Level 4-3: Boss Master C.P.U. 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BNCT-AAHN Start on Level 5-1: Sewer System 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BTCT-AAHN Start on Level 5-2: Deserted Tunnel 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + BYCT-AAHN Start on Level 6-1: Missile Silo 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + B2CT-AAHN Start on Level 6-2: Tank #329 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + B6CT-AAHN Start on Level 6-3: Boss Joker 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + CACT-AAHN Start on Level 7-1: Tiki Jungle 9TCT-BGSL + 7TCA-AAH8 + CECT-AAHN Start on Level 7-2: Boss ??? 4BNA-CRCR Batman gets about 1/100x normal power in Boss levels WBNA-CCCR Batman gets about 1/20x normal power in Boss levels 3BNA-CACR Batman gets about 1/10x normal power in Boss levels NVNA-CACR Batman gets about 1/5x normal power in Boss levels HVNA-CACR Batman gets about 1/3x normal power in Boss levels FBNA-CACR Batman gets about 1/2x normal power in Boss levels BZNA-CACR Batman gets about 1-1/2x normal power in Boss levels BKNA-CACR Batman gets about 2x normal power in Boss levels A7NA-CACR Batman gets about 3x normal power in Boss levels AVNA-CACR Batman gets about 5x normal power in Boss levels 4BNA-CRC2 Boss gets about 1/100x normal power in Boss levels WBNA-CCC2 Boss gets about 1/20x normal power in Boss levels 3BNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 1/10x normal power in Boss levels NVNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 1/5x normal power in Boss levels HVNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 1/3x normal power in Boss levels FBNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 1/2x normal power in Boss levels BZNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 1-1/2x normal power in Boss levels BKNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 2x normal power in Boss levels
CODE 76 WON'T WORK IF CHARACTER'S NORMAL STARTING AMOUNT OF POWER WAS MORE THAN 219,000 76 A7NA-CAC2 Boss gets about 3x normal power in Boss levels CODE 77 WON'T WORK IF CHARACTER'S NORMAL STARTING AMOUNT OF POWER WAS MORE THAN 131,000 77 AVNA-CAC2 Boss gets about 5x normal power in Boss levels
Battle Squadron
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R1JT-R60T AD1T-AAE0 AA5A-AAC8 BE7A-RAA4 AY7A-RAA2 BDLA-AA9Y AA6T-RAF2 AN6T-RAF2 AY6T-RAF2 NA6T-RAF4 966T-REF4 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives Infinite nova smart bombs Start with 9 nova smart bombs Start with weapons upgraded--player 1 only Don't downgrade weapons when killed Limit enemy bullets on screen to 1 Limit enemy bullets on screen to 4 Limit enemy bullets on screen to 6 Enemy bullets travel very slow Enemy bullets travel very fast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AXYT-CA3Y AX7T-AA7L AMZT-CA4Y AM0A-CA26 ATGA-CA54 AH3T-AAHL AM3T-AAHL AX3T-AAHL A13T-AAHL A93T-AAHL BH3T-AAHL AD3T-AAHW AS3T-AAHW AM3T-AAHW AX3T-AAHW 693T-TGHG 8X3T-TCHJ 8X3T-TCHL 8X3T-TCHN 8X3T-TCHR 9M3T-TAHT 8X3T-TCHW 9M3T-TAHY 9M3T-TAH0 Infinite ammo Infinite lives Don't take permanent damage from enemy shots Don't take permanent damage from hitting most objects (mines, enemies, etc.) Don't lose gun from overheating it Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 4 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Start on mission 2 Start on mission 3 Start on mission 4 Start on mission 5 Max ammo for Machine Gun is 999 Max ammo for Auto Cannon is 500 Max ammo for Inferno Missiles is 500 Max ammo for Large Laser is 500 Max ammo for Thunder Mines is 500 Max ammo for PPC is 250 Max ammo for Long-Range missiles is 500 Max ammo for Arrow Guided Missiles is 250 Max ammo for Gauss Rifle is 250
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C3BT-AA5A AABT-BA7R AJBT-BA7R ATBT-BA7R BEBT-BA7R CNBT-BA7R AABT-BA7R AJBT-BA7R ATBT-BA7R BEBT-BA7R CNBT-BA7R + + + + + + + + + + Infinite lives ABPA-EAH6 Player 1 starts AKPA-EAH6 Player 1 starts AVPA-EAH6 Player 1 starts B1PA-EAH6 Player 1 starts CPPA-EAH6 Player 1 starts ABPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG Both AKPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG Both AVPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG Both B1PA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG Both CPPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG Both with 1 life with 3 lives with 5 lives with 10 lives with 20 lives players start players start players start players start players start
12 13 14 15
+ + + +
Take less damage Start with 1 energy block Start with 3 energy blocks Start with 5 energy blocks
WITH CODES 16 THRU 18, YOU MAY NEED TO SWITCH OFF TO GO ON 16 AA5T-B92Y Extremely bogus jump 17 AA5T-B72Y Mildly bogus jump 18 AA5T-B52Y Bogus jump 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AA5T-BZ2Y AA5T-BV2Y AA5T-BK2Y AJZT-AAC4 ANZT-AAC4 ATZT-AAC4 AYZT-AAC4 A2ZT-AAC4 A6ZT-AAC4 BAZT-AAC4 BEZT-AAC4 BJZT-AAC4 BNZT-AAC4 BTZT-AAC4 BYZT-AAC4 Higher jump - DON'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS Super jump - DON'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS Mega-jump - DON'T WORK ON ALL LEVELS Start on level 2 Start on level 3 Start on level 4 Start on level 5 Start on level 6 Start on level 7 Start on level 8 Start on level 9 Start on level 10 Start on level 11 Start on level 12 Start on level 13
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Bimini Run
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACDA-CAEJ AGDA-CAEJ ALDA-CAEJ ARDA-CAEJ AWDA-CAEJ ACDT-DA4N AGDT-DA4N BGDT-DA4N BDHA-AYB2 FDHA-A4B2 ZDHA-A8B2 RGVT-C6TY RHKT-A61L ACDA-CAB6 AGDA-CAB6 ALDA-CAB6 BGDA-CAB6 RGJA-C60G Start at chapter 2 Start at chapter 3 Start at chapter 4 Start at chapter 5 Start at chapter 6 Start with 1 boat Start with 2 boats Start with 10 boats BDHA-AYB8 Top speed is 80 mph instead of 93 FDHA-A4B8 Top speed is 105 mph ZDHA-A8B8 Top speed is 125 mph Don't lose boats from accidents and enemy fire Infinite fuel supply ACET-CAHE 0 continues instead of 4 AGET-CAHE 1 continue ALET-CAHE 2 continues BGET-CAHE 9 continues Infinite continues
+ + +
+ + + +
Blaster Master 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BVLT-JA5Y Protection from most hazards, NOT IN TOP-VIEW MODE D5VA-GA90 Medium falls don't hurt, DON'T COMBINE WITH CODES 15 AND 16 ACBA-GAB2 Start with 1 life AGBA-GAB2 Start with 2 lives AWBA-GAB2 Start with 5 lives BGBA-GAB2 Start with 10 lives CRBA-GAB2 Start with 20 lives SCBT-GA5E Infinite livesNOT IN TOP-VIEW MODE 8H5A-H98G Jump about 6x normal height in vehicle 815A-H98G Jump about 3x normal height in vehicle 895A-H98G Jump about 2x normal height in vehicle 9D5A-H98G Jump about 1-1/2x normal height in vehicle 9M5A-H98G Jump about 3/4x normal height in vehicle 9S5A-H98G Jump about 1/2x normal height in vehicle 9D5T-H99C + D5VA-GA90 Jump about 2x normal height when walking, and don't take damage from medium falls 9H5T-H99C + D5VA-GA90 Jump about 1-1/2x normal height when walking, and don't take damage from medium falls 9S5T-H99C Jump about 3/4x normal height when walking 9X5T-H99C Jump about 1/2x normal height when walking B5ZT-GA9J Infinite 3-way fire CD0T-GA94 + BD0T-GA62 Infinite hyper missiles CD1A-GA86 Infinite 8-way lightnings B4FT-GA3G Infinite shields ABMT-JAHR Weapon icon adds 0 more to amt. you have AFMT-JAHR Weapon icon adds 1 more to amt. you have APMT-JAHR Weapon icon adds 3 more to amt. you have
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Weapon icon adds 10 more to amt. you have Weapon icon adds 20 more to amt. you have Weapon icon adds 50 more to amt. you have Weapon icon adds 99 more to amt. you have (max) Heart icon adds 0 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 1 point to energy bar Heart icon adds 2 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 4 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 5 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 6 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 7 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 8 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 9 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 10 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 11 points to energy bar Heart icon adds 12 points to energy bar (max) Shields last 10x normal time Shields last 5x normal time Shields last 3x normal time Shields last 2x normal time Shields last 1/2x normal time Shields last 1/3x normal time Shields last 1/5x normal time Shields last 1/10x normal time Infinite continue credits Infinite time to decide whether to use a continue credit
Bonanza Brothers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AJBT-AAF6 Start ANBT-AAF6 Start AYBT-AAF6 Start A2BT-AAF6 Start A6BT-AAF6 Start BEBT-AAF6 Start BJBT-AAF6 Start BNBT-AAF6 Start BYBT-AAF6 Start AECA-CAF8 + AE2T-CACA AJCA-CAF8 A2CA-CAF8 BECA-CAF8 LTDA-CA8T 968T-B946 + + + + on stage 2 on stage 3 on stage 4 on stage 5 on stage 6 on stage 7 on stage 8 on stage 9 on stage 10 + AE4T-CAEW Start clock at 1 minute instead of 3 AJ2T-CACA + AJ4T-CAEW Start clock at 2 minutes A22T-CACA + A24T-CAEW Start clock at 6 minutes BE2T-CACA + BE4T-CAEW Start clock at 9 minutes Infinite time AE8T-AADW Sets player lives lower limit on option screen to 1 BN8T-AADL Sets player lives upper limit on option screen to 9 3T6T-BF8L Player 1 starts with 25 lives 3T6T-BF9T Player 2 starts with 25 lives 3T2T-DF4Y Player 1 continues with 25 lives 3T4T-DF7G Player 2 continues with 25 lives Infinite lives--player 1 Infinite lives--player 2 Infinite credits--player 1 Infinite credits--player 2
CODES ALTERING MINUTES PER ROUND WORK ONLY IN CAREER MODE 3 AF1A-AAG8 Each round is 1 minute 4 AK1A-AAG8 Each round is 2 minutes 5 AV1A-AAG8 Each round is 4 minutes 6 AZ1A-AAG8 Each round is 5 minutes 7 A71A-AAG8 Each round is 7 minutes 8 BF1A-AAG8 Each round is 9 minutes 9 ABVT-AABY Player 1 starts with 0 superpunches 10 AKVT-AABY Player 1 starts with 2 superpunches 11 APVT-AABY Player 1 starts with 3 superpunches 12 ATVA-AA90 Player 1 gets infinite superpunches 13 SEVA-BJZT Each knockdown worth 2 superpunches to Player 14 SEVA-BNZT Each knockdown worth 3 superpunches to Player 15 ABVT-AACA Player 2 starts with 0 superpunches 16 AKVT-AACA Player 2 starts with 2 superpunches 17 APVT-AACA Player 2 starts with 3 superpunches 18 ATVA-AA9C Player 2 gets infinite superpunches 19 SEVA-BJY4 Each knockdown worth 2 superpunches to Player 20 SEVA-BNY4 Each knockdown worth 3 superpunches to Player 21 AXLA-AA9R Infinite stamina for Player 1 22 SFGA-BGY6 Player 1 regains stamina faster than normal 23 AXGT-AA6Y Infinite stamina for Player 2 24 SFGA-BGWL Player 2 regains stamina faster than normal CODES 25 THRU 33 AFFECT CREATING A NEW BOXER. STAMINA CODES WORK AS DESCRIBED FOR OLYMPIC, BUT GIVE YOU A LITTLE LESS FOR MILITARY AND STREET 25 LALT-DA7W Punch power starts at maximum 26 FALT-DA7W Punch power starts at half of maximum 27 AALT-DA7W Punch power starts at zero 28 NALT-CAHE Stamina starts at maximum 29 GALT-CAHE Stamina starts at half of maximum 30 AALT-CAHE Stamina starts at zero 31 LAMA-DA2Y Chin starts at maximum 32 FAMA-DA2Y Chin starts at half of maximum 33 AAMA-DA2Y Chin starts at zero 34 RE3T-C6TW Infinite strength beads
1 1
2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AJXT-AAA2 DEXT-AAA3 KEXT-AAA4 RERT-86V4 ADTA-6AAC AL9V-CAAY A09V-CAAY BL9V-CAAY GK3B-CAHC Start with 3 lives Start with 20 lives Start with 66 lives Infinite lives Infinite time Each yarn ball worth 2 Each yarn ball worth 5 Each yarn ball worth 10 Each yarn crate holds 32
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Each yarn crate holds 51 Each yarn crate holds 99 Start on chapter 2 Start on chapter 3 Start on chapter 4 Start on chapter 5 Start on chapter 6 Start on chapter 7 Start on chapter 8 Start on chapter 9 Start on chapter 10 Start on chapter 11 Start on chapter 12 Start on chapter 13 Start on chapter 14 Start on chapter 15 Start on chapter 16
DON'T COMBINE CODES 22 THRU 37 WITH ANY OF CODES 22 SFBT-DEZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 1 23 SFBT-DJZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 2 24 SFBT-DNZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 3 25 SFBT-DTZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 4 26 SFBT-DYZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 5 27 SFBT-D2Z2 Team 1's baskets worth 6 28 SFBT-D6Z2 Team 1's baskets worth 7 29 SFBT-DAZ2 Team 1's baskets worth 8 30 SFBT-DEZR Team 2's baskets worth 1 31 SFBT-DJZR Team 2's baskets worth 2 32 SFBT-DNZR Team 2's baskets worth 3 33 SFBT-DTZR Team 2's baskets worth 4 34 SFBT-DYZR Team 2's baskets worth 5 35 SFBT-D2ZR Team 2's baskets worth 6
36 37
Team 2's baskets worth 7 points Team 2's baskets worth 8 points
DON'T COMBINE CODES 38 THRU 43 WITH ANY OF CODES 22 THRU 37 38 A30T-AAEA All 3-pointers worth 6 points 39 BF0T-AAEA All 3-pointers worth 9 points 40 AK0T-AAAT All free throws worth 2 points 41 AP0T-AAAT All free throws worth 3 points 42 A30T-AAAT All free throws worth 6 points 43 BF0T-AAAT All free throws worth 9 points
Burning Force
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 AWJA-AA6Y BJWT-AAEG AJWT-AAEG AEWT-AAEG YLJA-AAH8 9TWT-BCD8 9TWT-BCD8 9TWT-BCD8 GJWT-BZC8 4TWT-BZC8 KTWT-B1C8 GJWT-BZC8 4TWT-BZC8 KTWT-B1C8 A4CA-AA4N ALNT-AA54 BJWT-AAC0 AJWT-AAC0 AAWT-AAC0 OJWT-BXDG C4KA-AA50 64KA-AA6R BLKA-AAD2 ALKA-AAD2 AAWT-AAEN AEWT-AAEN AJWT-AAEN ANWT-AAEN ATWT-AAEN AAWT-AAEN AEWT-AAEN AJWT-AAEN ANWT-AAEN ATWT-AAEN SD4A-BE1L SD4A-BJ1L SD4A-BN1L SD4A-BT1L SD4A-BY1L SD4A-B21L SD4A-B61L SD4A-BA1L RH4A-A61G Invincibility + BLCA-AADW 10 hits per vehicle + ALCA-AADW 2 hits per vehicle + AGCA-AADW 1 hit per vehicle Infinite vehicles + BEWT-AAEA Start with 10 vehicles + AEWT-AAEA Start with 2 vehicles + AAWT-AAEA Start with 1 vehicle Start with wide-range weapons Start with laser weapons Start with cross laser weapons + GLCA-BZCT Always have wide range weapons + 4WCA-BZCT Always have laser weapons + KWCA-B1CT Always have cross laser weapons Retain weapons on new vehicles + ALNT-AA82 Infinite missiles Start with 10 missiles Start with 2 missiles Start with no missiles Start with max missiles Always get max missiles on pick-up Always get homing missiles on pick-up + BLKA-AAET Always add 10 missiles on pick-up + ALKA-AAET Always add 2 missiles on pick-up Start with 5 invincibility items Start with 4 invincibility items Start with 3 invincibility items Start with 2 invincibility items Start with 1 invincibility item + ACBA-AAFJ Always have 5 invincibility items + AGBA-AAFJ Always have 4 invincibility items + ALBA-AAFJ Always have 3 invincibility items + ARBA-AAFJ Always have 2 invincibility items + AWBA-AAFJ Always have 1 invincibility item Start on 1st day, area 2 Start on 1st day, area 3 Start on 1st day, area 4 Start on 2nd day, area 1 Start on 2nd day, area 2 Start on 2nd day, area 3 Start on 2nd day, area 4 Start on 3rd day, area 1 + 9X4A-BCSJ + BH4A-AAHL Start on 3rd day, area 2
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
+ + + + + + + + + + +
9X4A-BCSJ + BM4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + BS4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + BX4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + B14A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + B54A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + B94A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + CD4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + CH4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + CM4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + CS4A-AAHL Start 9X4A-BCSJ + CX4A-AAHL Start Infinite restart credits 10 restart credits 5 restart credits 1 restart credit No restarts
on on on on on on on on on on on
3rd day, area 3 3rd day, area 4 4th day, area 1 4th day, area 2 4th day, area 3 4th day, area 4 5th day, area 1 5th day, area 2 5th day, area 3 5th day, area 4 final day, final area
Caliber .50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AJBT-AA4Y AB9A-BE5N XGHT-AAF2 AYMT-KA2L AEMT-KA2L AB4A-AA2Y RZ5T-A6YJ ATMT-KA2A BAMT-KA2A BWJA-B8WL BGJA-B8W2 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite grenades Start with 99 grenades Grenade pick-up adds 5 instead of 10 Grenade pick-up adds 1 Infinite lives Almost invincible Power up happens 2x as fast Power up happens 4x as fast Start and restart with full power--normal level only Start and restart with full power--difficult level only
Castlevania Bloodlines
FOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CODES 1 THRU 9, LEAVE # OF PLAYERS AT 3 ON OPTIONS SCREEN. ARFA-ANAR Start with 7 lives ARFA-ARAR Start with 8 lives ARFA-ATAR Start with 9 lives ARFA-AWAR Start with 10 lives ARFA-BAAR Start with 11 lives ARFA-ALJR Start with 26 lives ARFA-BATR Start with 51 lives ARFA-BL2R Start with 76 lives ARFA-BXAR Start with 100 lives AA0A-DA42 Infinite lives REST-C6XR Protection from most hazards--NOT FALLS AE6T-ACCW Start with 1 continue AN6T-AGCW Start with 3 continues AY6T-ALCW Start with 5 continues A66T-ARCW Start with 7 continues BE6T-AWCW Start with 9 continues AXJA-AA5N Infinite continues A26T-AA22 Always restart on the last level (even if you choose END) 1 LIFE ON 1ST GAME. ALSO, 1ST GAME LIVES. CODE 10 WILL 1 LIFE Start on level 1-2 Start on level 1-3 Start on level 1-4 Start on level 1-5 Start on level 1-6 Start on level 1-6 Part 2 Start on level 1-7 Start on level 1-8 Start on level 1-9 Start on level 1-10 Start on level 1-11 Start on level 2-1 Start on level 2-2 Start on level 2-3 Start on level 2-4 Start on level 2-5 Start on level 2-6 Start on level 2-7 Start on level 3-1 Start on level 3-2 Start on level 3-3 Start on level 3-4 Start on level 3-4 (ALTERNATE ROUTE) Start on level 3-5 Start on level 3-6 Start on level 3-7 Start on level 3-8 Start on level 3-9 Start on level 4-1
CODES 19 THRU 77 START YOU WITH CODES 1 THRU 10 WILL NOT AFFECT WORK ONLY IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 19 9T6T-BGJ2 + AE6T-AAA4 20 9T6T-BGJ2 + AJ6T-AAA4 21 9T6T-BGJ2 + AN6T-AAA4 22 9T6T-BGJ2 + A66T-AAA4 23 9T6T-BGJ2 + BA6T-AAA4 24 9T6T-BGJ2 + GN6T-AAA4 25 9T6T-BGJ2 + BE6T-AAA4 26 9T6T-BGJ2 + BJ6T-AAA4 27 9T6T-BGJ2 + BN6T-AAA4 28 9T6T-BGJ2 + BT6T-AAA4 29 9T6T-BGJ2 + BY6T-AAA4 30 9T6T-BGJ2 + CE6T-AAA4 31 9T6T-BGJ2 + CJ6T-AAA4 32 9T6T-BGJ2 + CN6T-AAA4 33 9T6T-BGJ2 + CY6T-AAA4 34 9T6T-BGJ2 + C66T-AAA4 35 9T6T-BGJ2 + DE6T-AAA4 36 9T6T-BGJ2 + DA6T-AAA4 37 9T6T-BGJ2 + DJ6T-AAA4 38 9T6T-BGJ2 + DN6T-AAA4 39 9T6T-BGJ2 + D66T-AAA4 40 9T6T-BGJ2 + GE6T-AAA4 41 9T6T-BGJ2 + JA6T-AAA4 42 9T6T-BGJ2 + DT6T-AAA4 43 9T6T-BGJ2 + GJ6T-AAA4 44 9T6T-BGJ2 + D26T-AAA4 45 9T6T-BGJ2 + ET6T-AAA4 46 9T6T-BGJ2 + DY6T-AAA4 47 9T6T-BGJ2 + EA6T-AAA4
9T6T-BGJ2 + EE6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-2 9T6T-BGJ2 + EJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-3 9T6T-BGJ2 + EN6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-4 9T6T-BGJ2 + FE6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-5 9T6T-BGJ2 + FJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-6 9T6T-BGJ2 + KA6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-7 9T6T-BGJ2 + GY6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-8 9T6T-BGJ2 + FT6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-9 9T6T-BGJ2 + FY6T-AAA4 Start on level 4-10 9T6T-BGJ2 + F26T-AAA4 Start on level 4-11 9T6T-BGJ2 + G26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-1 9T6T-BGJ2 + G66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-2 9T6T-BGJ2 + J26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-2 (ALTERNATE ROUTE) 9T6T-BGJ2 + HA6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-3 9T6T-BGJ2 + HE6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-4 9T6T-BGJ2 + HT6T-AAA4 Start on level 5-5 9T6T-BGJ2 + J66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-6 9T6T-BGJ2 + H26T-AAA4 Start on level 5-7 9T6T-BGJ2 + H66T-AAA4 Start on level 5-8 9T6T-BGJ2 + JJ6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-1 9T6T-BGJ2 + JN6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-2 9T6T-BGJ2 + JY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-3 9T6T-BGJ2 + JT6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-4 9T6T-BGJ2 + E66T-AAA4 Start on level 6-5 9T6T-BGJ2 + C26T-AAA4 Start on level 6-6 9T6T-BGJ2 + FA6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-7 9T6T-BGJ2 + EY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-8 9T6T-BGJ2 + KY6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-9 9T6T-BGJ2 + K26T-AAA4 Start on level 6-10 9T6T-BGJ2 + GA6T-AAA4 Start on level 6-11 HWET-AABT Start each life with 3/4 health FCET-AABT Start each life with 1/2 health CWET-AABT Start each life with 1/4 health 0B8A-D960 Meat power-up always fully heals 2V8A-D960 Meat power-up heals 3/4 of total health 7V8A-D960 Meat power-up heals 1/4 of total health AB5T-CAE2 Red gems are worth 0 AK5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 2 AP5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 3 AV5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 4 AZ5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 5 CB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 10 EB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 20 GB5T-CAE2 Red gems worth 30 AB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 0 BB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 8 CB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 10 EB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 20 GB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 30 JB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 40 LB6A-CAGJ Blue gems worth 50 JB7A-DJXA Weapon power-ups worth 2x as much (maximum normal level) JB7A-DNXA Weapon power-ups instantly take you to maximum level ANXT-CAHY Don't lose super weapon when damaged AJYA-CA32 Don't lose super items (seeker orb/super holy water) when damaged AWEA-AA98 Keep current item after dying--WEAPONS
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
SOMETIMES BECOME INVISIBLE Keep current weapon level after dying Keep current number of gems after dying Begin each life with 8 gems Begin each life with 16 gems Begin each life with 25 gems Begin each life with 50 gems Begin each life with 75 gems Begin each life with 99 gems Using holy water doesn't cost any gems Using holy water costs 2 gems
DON'T USE AXE AND BOOMERANG CODES TOGETHER 114 AG6A-CAAY Using axe doesn't cost any gems 115 AG6A-CEAY Using axe costs 2 gems 116 AC6A-CCAY Using boomerang doesn't cost any gems 117 AL6A-CCAY Using boomerang costs 2 gems DON'T USE WATER AND AXE CODES TOGETHER 118 AW6A-CAA0 Using stronger (Up+C) holy water doesn't cost any gems 119 AC6A-CJA0 Using stronger axe doesn't cost any gems DON'T USE BOOMERANG AND WATER CODES TOGETHER 120 BC6A-CAA2 Using stronger boomerang doesn't cost any gems 121 AW6A-CJA2 Using seeker orb costs 4 gems instead of 8 122 AC6A-CJA2 Using seeker orb doesn't cost any gems 123 AC6A-CJA4 Using super holy water costs 4 gems instead of 8 124 AC6A-CAA4 Using super holy water doesn't cost any gems 125 RG5T-C6Z0 No items use up any gems when used
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AKZA-TA7L Protection from most hits AB3A-TCF2 Invincibility lasts longer after getting hit DB3A-TAF2 Invincibility does not last as long RLGA-TA4C Invincibility (falling still kills you) ALJA-WA74 + ALJA-WA8J Using an alchemy does not use up potions P0AT-XTVR Start with 4 blue potions P0AT-XTVW Start with 4 green potions P0AT-XTV0 Start with 4 red potions P0AT-XTV4 Start with 4 clear potions RGJA-W600 Super jump ACGT-VE7W Infinite time RGRT-W6TG Scythe always available RGRA-W604 Grappling hook always available RGRA-W61N Battering mallet always available RGRT-W6T6 Battle axe always available
+ + + + +
Columns 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A1ZA-AAA0 A5ZA-AAA0 A9ZA-AAA0 BDZA-AAA0 BHZA-AAA0 B9ZA-AAA0 + + + + + + A1ZA-AABA A5ZA-AABA A9ZA-AABA BDZA-AABA BHZA-AABA B9ZA-AABA + + + + + + A1ZA-AABN A5ZA-AABN A9ZA-AABN BDZA-AABN BHZA-AABN B9ZA-AABN 5 points needed to attack opponent 6 points needed to attack opponent 7 points needed to attack opponent 8 points needed to attack opponent 9 points needed to attack opponent 15 points needed to attack opponent CXZA-AABN 20 points needed to attack opponent always remove 1 row always remove 2 rows always remove 3 rows always remove 4 rows
CXZA-AAA0 + CXZA-AABA + P5ZA-BGV2 P5ZA-BLV2 P5ZA-BRV2 P5ZA-BWV2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Attacks always remove 5 rows Attacks always remove 6 rows Attacks always remove 7 rows Attacks always remove 8 rows Attacks always add 1 row Attacks always add 2 rows Attacks always add 3 rows Attacks always add 4 rows Attacks always add 5 rows Attacks always add 6 rows Attacks always add 7 rows Attacks always add 8 rows Magic stone "Dump" adds 1 row to enemy instead of 2 Magic stone "Dump" adds 3 rows to enemy Magic stone "Dump" adds 4 rows to enemy Magic stone "Dump" adds 5 rows to enemy Magic stone "Dump" adds 6 rows to enemy Magic stone "Dump" adds 7 rows to enemy Magic stone "Dump" adds 8 rows to enemy
Comix Zone
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. HVDV-7AAT HVDV-7AAT HVDV-7AAT HVDV-7AAT HVDV-7AAT AJDV-4A4L AJCV-4A56 963B-4JAC JBDV-6CB2 TBDV-6EB2 2BDV-6GB2 + + + + + AFDV-6AAW Start on Episode 1, Section 2 AKDV-6AAW Start on Episode 2, Section 1 APDV-6AAW Start on Episode 2, Section 2 AVDV-6AAW Start on Episode 3, Section 1 AZDV-6AAW Start on Episode 3, Section 2 No damage from attacking solid objects No damage from enemies, explosions, hazards, etc. Ice Tea fully heals player Start with 1/4 health Start with 1/2 health Start with 3/4 health
Cool Spot
1 2 3 ATGT-4A6L RG7T-26XJ REHA-46V8 Invincibility Infinite lives Infinite time to complete round SWITCH OFF AT END OF ROUND TO GO ON MODE ONLY Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with
2 lives 3 lives 5 lives 6 lives 7 lives 8 lives 9 lives 10 lives 1 health point 3 health points 5 health points
CODES 15 THRU 31: NORMAL MODE ONLY 15 GHGT-3AM4 10 points needed to get to complete round 16 GMGT-3AM4 20 points needed to get to complete round 17 GSGT-3AM4 30 points needed to get to complete round 18 GXGT-3AM4 40 points needed to get to complete round 19 GIGT-3AM4 50 points needed to get to complete round 20 G9GT-3AM4 70 points needed to get to complete round 21 HDGT-3AM4 80 points needed to get to complete round 22 HHGT-3AM4 90 points needed to get to complete round 23 GDGT-3AMT 5 points needed to get to bonus round 24 GHGT-3AMT 15 points needed to get to bonus round 25 GMGT-3AMT 25 points needed to get to bonus round 26 GSGT-3AMT 35 points needed to get to bonus round 27 GXGT-3AMT 45 points needed to get to bonus round 28 G1GT-3AMT 55 points needed to get to bonus round 29 G5GT-3AMT 65 points needed to get to bonus round 30 G9GT-3AMT 75 points needed to get to bonus round 31 HHGT-3AMT 95 points needed to get to bonus round
Crack Down
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9W6T-BCKL 9W6T-BCKL 9W6T-BCKL AC6T-AACG AC6T-AACG AC6T-AACG AC6T-AACG AC6T-AACG AC6T-AAD4 AC6T-AAD4 AC6T-AAD4 AC6T-AAD4 AC6T-AAD4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + AW6T-AABN BC6T-AABN BW6T-AABN WW6T-BCCJ YC6T-BCCJ V46T-BECJ R46T-BECJ Z46T-AG4J WW6T-BCD6 YC6T-BCD6 V46T-BED6 R46T-BED6 Z46T-AG56 Start at Start at Start at Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with starts with
1 life 2 lives 6 lives 11 lives 26 lives 1 life 2 lives 6 lives 11 lives 26 lives
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
FC6T-AG48 Player 1 starts with 50 machine gun rounds GW6T-BLL8 Player 1 starts with 100 machine gun rounds FC6T-AG5J Player 1 starts with 50 cannon rounds GW6T-BLMJ Player 1 starts with 100 cannon rounds 6C6T-BRDW Player 1 starts with 6 super bombs 8C6T-BRDW Player 1 starts with 9 super bombs AVNA-AA4R Player 1 has infinite super bombs FC6T-AG6W Player 2 starts with 50 machine gun rounds GW6T-BLNW Player 2 starts with 100 machine gun rounds FC6T-AG66 Player 2 starts with 50 cannon rounds GW6T-BLN6 Player 2 starts with 100 cannon rounds 6C6T-BRFG Player 2 starts with 6 super bombs 8C6T-BRFG Player 2 starts with 9 super bombs AVNA-AA2G Player 2 has infinite supply of super bombs WXMT-BCDN Player 1 continues with 1 life YDMT-BCDN Player 1 continues with 2 lives V5MT-BEDN Player 1 continues with 6 lives R5MT-BEDN Player 1 continues with 11 lives Z5MT-AG5N Player 1 continues with 26 lives WXNA-BCFW Player 2 continues with 1 life YDNA-BCFW Player 2 continues with 2 lives V5NA-BEFW Player 2 continues with 6 lives R5NA-BEFW Player 2 continues with 11 lives Z5NA-AG7W Player 2 continues with 26 lives Continue with 0 machine gun rounds instead of 30 Continue with 10 machine gun rounds Continue with 50 machine gun rounds Continue with 100 machine gun rounds Continue with 0 cannon rounds instead of 30 Continue with 10 cannon rounds Continue with 50 cannon rounds Continue with 100 cannon rounds Continue with 0 super bombs instead of 4 Continue with 2 super bombs Continue with 5 super bombs Continue with 9 super bombs Infinite lives--player 1 Infinite lives--player 2 + 6B3T-EOPE + JV3T-EL7G Get first 1-up at 1,000 points + AF3T-EAGA Get 2nd, 3rd, etc., 1-ups every 10,000 points 1-up worth nothing 1-up worth double 1-up worth triple
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Cross Fire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BNXT-CAF4 DJXT-CAF4 NYXT-CAF4 BAJA-AA2N ACHT-AAB2 AGHT-AAB2 ALHT-AAB2 A0HT-AAB2 A8HT-AAB2 BGHT-AAB2 AT8A-EA6R HGBA-BJ1Y HGBA-BN1Y HGBA-BT1Y HGBA-BY1Y AAJA-AAAG + BJXT-CAHE Choose from 1 to 10 lives + DEXT-CAHE Choose from 1 to 25 lives + NTXT-CAHE Choose from 1 to 100 lives Infinite lives Start with 0 bombs Start with 1 bomb Start with 2 bombs Start with 5 bombs Start with 7 bombs Start with 9 bombs Infinite bombs Each set of Bs worth 2 bombs Each set of Bs worth 3 bombs Each set of Bs worth 4 bombs Each set of Bs worth 5 bombs + ACHT-AACA Start with 0 turbos
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
+ + + + +
ALHT-AACA Start with 2 turbos ARHT-AACA Start with 3 turbos A0HT-AACA Start with 5 turbos A8HT-AACA Start with 7 turbos BGHT-AACA Start with 9 turbos Infinite turbos Each set of Ts worth 2 turbos Each set of Ts worth 3 turbos Each set of Ts worth 4 turbos Each set of Ts worth 5 turbos Each turbo lasts about 1 second Each turbo lasts about 2 seconds Each turbo lasts about 3 seconds Each turbo lasts about 7 seconds Each turbo lasts about 10 seconds Each turbo lasts about 15 seconds Each turbo lasts for the rest of the round Start with 0 calls Start with 2 calls Start with 3 calls Start with 5 calls Start with 7 calls Start with 9 calls Infinite calls Each transceiver item worth 2 calls Each transceiver item worth 3 calls Each transceiver item worth 4 calls Each transceiver item worth 5 calls Each set of Ps worth 2x normal in shot power Each set of Ps worth 3x normal in shot power Keep shot power level after dying
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 DAHT-AA7C ACLT-ACGY LCLT-AEGY ACLT-BAGY ACLT-ALRY ACLT-BA0Y XGLT-BXGY ACLT-ACHL LCLT-AEHL ACLT-ALHL ACLT-BAHL ACLT-ALSL ACLT-BA1L XGLT-BXHL ACLT-ACHT LCLT-AEHT ACLT-ALHT ACLT-BAHT ACLT-ALST ACLT-BA1T XGLT-BXHT ALVT-AACA ALTT-AAEA MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Start with $10,000--1-player game Start with $25,000--1-player game Start with $100,000--1-player game Start with $250,000--1-player game Start with $500,000--1-player game Start with $999,900--1-player game Player 1 starts with $10,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $25,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $50,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $100,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $250,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $500,000--2-player game Player 1 starts with $999,900--2-player game Player 2 starts with $10,000 Player 2 starts with $25,000 Player 2 starts with $50,000 Player 2 starts with $100,000 Player 2 starts with $250,000 Player 2 starts with $500,000 Player 2 starts with $999,900 Workshop purchases are free--1-player game Workshop purchases are free for player 1-- 2-player game
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Workshop purchases are free for player-2 Play selection timer runs down at 1/10x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 1/7x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 1/4x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 1/2x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 2x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 3x normal speed Play selection timer runs down at 4x normal speed Freeze play selection timer Game clock runs at 10x normal speed Game clock runs at 5x normal speed Game clock runs at 2x normal speed Game clock runs at 1/2x normal speed Game clock runs at 1/5x normal speed Game clock runs at 1/10x normal speed
D.J. Boy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BCZA-JA94 AGMT-JADR ARMT-JADR A0MT-JADR A4MT-JADR A8MT-JADR BCMT-JADR BGMT-JADR BLMT-JADR AGMT-JADG ALMT-JADG ARMT-JADG A0MT-JADG A4MT-JADG A8MT-JADG BCMT-JADG BGMT-JADG BLMT-JADG AT6T-JA6A SE6T-KEYA SE6T-KNYA CKBA-JA8N AVBA-JA84 Almost infinite life Start with life meter at length of 1 Start with life meter at length of 3 Start with life meter at length of 5 Start with life meter at length of 6 Start with life meter at length of 7 Start with life meter at length of 8 Start with life meter at length of 9 Start with life meter at length of 10 Start with 1 life point in life meter Start with 2 life points in life meter Start with 3 life points in life meter Start with 5 life points in life meter Start with 6 life points in life meter Start with 7 life points in life meter Start with 8 life points in life meter Start with 9 life points in life meter Start with 10 life points in life meter Life meter not extended at end of each round Life meter extended by 1 at end of each round Life meter extended by 3 at end of each round All items in the item shop are free All items in the item shop that you can afford are free
WITH CODES 24 THRU 27 DON'T GRAB TOO MANY COINS OR COUNTER WILL START OVER AT ZERO 24 SHFA-MJWY All coins worth 40 25 SHFA-MNWY All coins worth 60 26 SHFA-MYWY All coins worth 100 27 SHFA-MAWY All coins worth 160
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AJBT-AA3G R17T-E60G AL2T-EA5W CX8A-EA5N G57A-FAPA G57A-FAN2 GX7A-FAN2 GH7A-FAN2 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Almost invincible Bridge segments don't fall Infinite everything Start with 6 lives Start with 6 of everything Start with 4 of everything Start with 1 of everything
Desert Strike
1 RH9T-860E MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED NOTE: DON'T GO TO THE PASSWORD SCREEN WHEN USING CODES 2 THRU 4, OR YOU CAN END UP BACK ON CAMPAIGN 1 2 AE1A-AAGG Start at campaign 2 3 AJ1A-AAGG Start at campaign 3 4 AN1A-AAGG Start at campaign 4 5 AE1A-AADC Start with 1 life instead of 3 6 AJ1A-AADC Start with 2 lives 7 AY1A-AADC Start with 5 lives 8 BE1A-AADC Start with 9 lives 9 D3ZA-AA7E Infinite lives 10 MBST-WEEN Chain gun capacity is 600 rounds instead of 1,178 11 4BST-WREN Chain gun capacity is 2,000 rounds 12 VBST-XGEN Chain gun capacity is 5,000 rounds 13 AKST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 2 points of damage instead of 3 14 A3ST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 6 points of damage 15 BVST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 12 points of damage 16 CVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 20 rockets instead of 38 17 NVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 100 rockets 18 FVST-WCFL Hydra capacity is 300 rockets 19 BKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 10 points of damage instead of 25 20 GKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 50 points of damage 21 NVST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 100 points of damage
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Hellfire capacity is 4 missiles instead of 8 Hellfire capacity is 25 missiles Hellfire capacity is 99 missiles Hellfire missile inflicts 50 points of damage instead of 100 Hellfire missile inflicts 200 points of damage Hellfire missile inflicts 400 points of damage Infinite capacity for all weapons Fuel capacity is 50 units instead of 100 Fuel capacity is 200 units Fuel capacity is 500 units Helicopter consumes fuel faster Helicopter consumes fuel slower Helicopter consumes no fuel Maximum armor protection is 300 instead of 600 Maximum armor protection is 1,200 Maximum armor protection is 2,500 Helicopter carries 1 passenger instead of 6 Helicopter carries 3 passengers Helicopter carries 10 passengers Red cross box worth 2 extra lives instead of 1 Red cross box worth 4 extra lives Red cross box worth nothing
Dick Tracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AHNA-JABE A1NA-JABE A9NA-JABE BHNA-JABE DHNA-JABE GMNA-JABE NSNA-JABE EW7A-LA7C RGDA-N6WG Start with 1 life instead of 3 Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Start with 99 lives Almost invincible Infinite time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AF1T-AAGR AK1T-AAGR AV1T-AAGR AZ1T-AAGR A31T-AAGR A71T-AAGR BB1T-AAGR BF1T-AAGR R1GA-A6ZT J35T-AA7R AF1T-AAG4 AK1T-AAG4 AV1T-AAG4 AZ1T-AAG4 A31T-AAG4 A71T-AAG4 BB1T-AAG4 BF1T-AAG4 C35T-AA88 AZ1T-AAGJ Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Player 1 Infinite Infinite Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Player 2 Infinite Player 1 starts with 1 life starts with 2 lives starts with 4 lives starts with 5 lives starts with 6 lives starts with 7 lives starts with 8 lives starts with 9 lives lives for player 1--1-player game lives for player 1--2-player game starts with 1 life starts with 2 lives starts with 4 lives starts with 5 lives starts with 6 lives starts with 7 lives starts with 8 lives starts with 9 lives lives--player 2 starts with 5 bonus points
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 1 1 2 2 2 2
20 bonus points 50 bonus points 100 bonus points 5 bonus points 20 bonus points 50 bonus points 100 bonus points
Double Dragon 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AX2A-GA9J AMZT-EA2G CW4A-CAH2 FC4A-CAH2 HW4A-CAH2 AE5T-JAA0 AJ5T-JAA0 AN5T-JAA0 AT5T-JAA0 AY5T-JAA0 A25T-JAA0 9F8T-HAXR AMDT-EA3E Z5WA-AEVE AC0A-HA3N AG0A-HA3N AL0A-HA3N AR0A-HA3N AW0A-HA3N A00A-HA3N A40A-HA3N A80A-HA3N BC0A-HA3N BG0A-HA3N BL0A-HA3N BR0A-HA3N Infinite continues Both players invulnerable to most damage Start with 1/4 health Start with 1/2 health Start with 3/4 health Start with 1 reserve point Start with 2 reserve points Start with 3 reserve points Start with 4 reserve points Start with 5 reserve points Start with 6 reserve points Play as either of the two bosses--NOT IN QUEST MODE Charging isn't necessary for special moves Dizzy is over instantly Always fight Billy Lee Always fight Jimmy Lee Always fight Jawbreaker Always fight Icepick Always fight Shadow Master Always fight Bones Always fight Sickle Always fight Blade Always fight Trigger Happy Always fight Countdown Always fight Dominique Always fight Sekka
Dragon's Fury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AECT-BA3W AJCT-BA3W ATCT-BA3W AYCT-BA3W A6CT-BA3W BJCT-BA3W B6CT-BA3W DECT-BA3W GJCT-BA3W KNCT-BA3W NTCT-BA3W RE0A-A6WR AACT-AAEN AYCT-AAEN BJCT-AAEN B6CT-AAEN DECT-AAEN GJCT-AAEN KNCT-AAEN NNCT-AAEN AJCT-AAE0 ANCT-AAE0 ATCT-AAE0 AYCT-AAE0 A6CT-AAE0 BECT-AAE0 AVPA-AA8L AVPA-AA8Y Start game with 1 ball instead of 3 Start with 2 balls Start with 4 balls Start with 5 balls Start with 7 balls Start with 10 balls Start with 15 balls Start with 25 balls Start with 50 balls Start with 75 balls Start with 100 balls Infinite balls Start with 0 bonus points instead of 100 Start with 500 bonus points Start with 1000 bonus points Start with 1500 bonus points Start with 2,500 bonus points Start with 5,000 bonus points Start with 7,500 bonus points Start with 9,900 bonus points Start with bonus multiplier at 2 instead of 1 Start with bonus multiplier at 3 Start with bonus multiplier at 4 Start with bonus multiplier at 5 Start with bonus multiplier at 7 Start with bonus multiplier at 9 Bonus points never reset when bonus is collected Bonus multiplier never resets when bonus is collected
11 12 13
Buildings fixed faster and cheaper than normal Buildings cannot be fixed-will still use up money if you try to fix them Buildings not damaged when layed on rock instead of concrete
Dynamite Duke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 BJWA-AA5W AJBT-AAG2 ANBT-AAG2 ATBT-AAG2 AYBT-AAG2 A2BT-AAG2 A6BT-AAG2 F31T-BJ1W F31T-BT1W F31T-B21W F31T-BA1W AJWA-AA20 NTBT-AAH0 9JBT-AAH0 72BT-AEH0 66BT-AGH0 AJYT-AA6A ATNA-AA2A BK2A-AAAN DF2A-AAAN NV2A-AAAN CV2A-AAA0 GK2A-AAA0 3B2A-AAA0 WB2A-ACA0 GK2A-AACC NV2A-AACC 8V2A-ACCC BTYA-AA9N CB2A-AAE8 GP2A-AAE8 NZ2A-AAE8 3F2A-AAE8 G2YT-AA3J A32A-AAF4 CZ2A-AAF4 GP2A-AAF4 NZ2A-AAF4 CJYT-AA4N BB2A-AABG EB2A-AABG NV2A-AABG BB2A-AAC0 FB2A-AAC0 JB2A-AAC0 Invincibility Start on stage 2 Start on stage 3 Start on stage 4 Start on stage 5 Start on stage 6 Start on stage 7 AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth 2 dynamite punches AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth 4 dynamite punches AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth 6 dynamite punches AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth 8 dynamite punches Infinite dynamite punches Begin each stage with 100 rounds of ammo Begin each stage with 250 rounds of ammo Begin each stage with 750 rounds of ammo Begin each stage with 999 rounds of ammo Infinite machine gun ammo Keep ammo when advancing to next stage 4-bullet box worth 10 rounds 4-bullet box worth 25 rounds 4-bullet box worth 100 rounds 8-bullet box worth 20 rounds 8-bullet box worth 50 rounds 8-bullet box worth 200 rounds 8-bullet box worth 400 rounds Full-auto weapon carries 50 rounds Full-auto weapon carries 100 rounds Full-auto weapon carries 500 rounds Full-auto weapon lasts until next stage Magnum pistol carries 15 rounds Magnum pistol carries 50 rounds Magnum pistol carries 100 rounds Magnum pistol carries 200 rounds Magnum pistol lasts until next stage Bazooka carries 5 rounds Bazooka carries 20 rounds Bazooka carries 50 rounds Bazooka carries 100 rounds Bazooka lasts until next stage Flak jacket less protective Flak jacket more protective Flak jacket much more protective First aid restores 1 bar of life gauge First aid restores 5 bars of life gauge First aid restores life gauge to full
+ + + +
Earthworm Jim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 GC3C-JA9W GC3C-JA4C AW6C-JA2T CT3W-LA9T J4BW-LA4Y GG3C-JAAR GR3C-JAAR G83C-JAAR HG3C-JAAR GG3C-JAA6 GL3C-JAA6 G03C-JAA6 G83C-JAA6 HG3C-JAA6 GG3C-JABL GR3C-JABL G03C-JABL G83C-JABL HG3C-JABL Infinite health--may cause graphic errors Infinite ammo Infinite continues No air loss in Sea Pod No damage to Sea Pod from running into walls Start with 1 life on Practice level Start with 3 lives on Practice level Start with 7 lives on Practice level Start with 9 lives on Practice level Start with 1 life on Normal level Start with 2 lives on Normal level Start with 5 lives on Normal level Start with 7 lives on Normal level Start with 9 lives on Normal level Start with 1 life on Difficult level Start with 3 lives on Difficult level Start with 5 lives on Difficult level Start with 7 lives on Difficult level Start with 9 lives on Difficult level
CODES 21-27-SWITCH OFF BEFORE BUNGEE JUMPING LEVELS 20 G03W-JAGA Start with 150% health 21 GL3W-JAF6 Start with 200% health 22 GR3W-JAF6 Start with 300% health 23 GW3W-JAF6 Start with 400% health 24 G03W-JAF6 Start with 500% health 25 G83W-JAF6 Start with 700% health 26 HG3W-JAF6 Start with 900% health 27 SE9C-MAT4 Health power-ups worth 8 on Practice, 7 on Normal, 6 on HARD 28 SE9C-MJT4 Health power-ups worth 2 on Practice, 1 on Normal, 0 on HARD 29 SE9C-MNT4 Health power-ups worth 3 on Practice, 2 on Normal, 1 on HARD 30 G02W-JAH4 Start with 1500 Plasma shots-1st life only 31 GL2W-JAH0 Start with 2000 Plasma shots-1st life only 32 GR2W-JAH0 Start with 3000 Plasma shots-1st life only 33 G02W-JAH0 Start with 5000 Plasma shots-1st life only 34 G82W-JAH0 Start with 7000 Plasma shots-1st life only 35 HG2W-JAH0 Start with 9000 Plasma shots-1st life only 36 GZRC-KCME Start with 1500 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 37 GBRC-KEME Start with 2000 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 38 GBRC-KGME Start with 3000 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 39 GBRC-KLME Start with 5000 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 40 GBRC-KRME Start with 7000 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 41 GBRC-KWME Start with 9000 Plasma shots-2nd life and after 42 NT1W-LAC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 100 43 FT1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 300 44 8T1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 500 45 721W-LEC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 750 46 7A1W-LGC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 1000 47 AP5C-JAE2 Start with 3 continues on Normal level
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Start with 5 continues on Normal level Start with 7 continues on Normal level Start with 9 continues on Normal level Start on What the Heck Start on Snowman Boss Start on Evil Boss Start on Sea Tunnels Start on Pod Races Start on Snot a Problem 1 Start on Snot a Problem 2 Start on Snot a Problem 3 Start on Peter Puppy Start on Slug For Butt Start on Helicopter Start on Professor's Lab Start on Chicken Fly Start on Naked Worm Start on Intestines Start on Darkness 1 Start on Darkness 2 Start on Darkness 3 Start on Darkness 4 Start on Darkness 5 Start on Psy-crow level (between levels 1 and 2)
Earthworm Jim 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. GBZW-LAFN GKZW-LAFN GPZW-LAFN GVZW-LAFN GZZW-LAFN G3ZW-LAFN G7ZW-LAFN HBZW-LAFN HFZW-LAFN K7ZW-L8FN GBZW-LAH4 GFZW-LAH4 GVZW-LAH4 G7ZW-LAH4 KBZW-LAH4 MFZW-LAH4 RH2W-J6T8 GK1C-LAH6 GP1C-LAH6 GV1C-LAH6 GZ1C-LAH6 G31C-LAH6 G71C-LAH6 HB1C-LAH6 HF1C-LAH6 971C-LAH6 AB1W-LAET A71W-LAET 971W-L8ET Start with no ammo Start with 2000 bullets Start with 3000 bullets Start with 4000 bullets Start with 5000 bullets Start with 6000 bullets Start with 7000 bullets Start with 8000 bullets Start with 9000 bullets Start with mega ammo Start with 1 life and no continues Start with 2 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 10 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Infinite lives Start with 200% health Start with 300% health Start with 400% health Start with 500% health Start with 600% health Start with 700% health Start with 800% health Start with 900% health Start with mega health Don't flash at all after getting hit Don't flash as long after getting hit Flash longer after getting hit
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on
Skylands Tube of Medusa Vortex Arrived Aqua Tubeway Sky Tides Moray Abyss Asterite's Home Epilogue Atlantis Fish City City of Forever Black Clouds Vortex Future Gravitor Box Lunar Bay Dark Sea New Machine Inside Inter Innuendo Trans Vortex Queen Big Water The Pod TMachine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AKWA-BA20 AVWA-BA20 A3WA-BA20 BBWA-BA20 BKWA-BA20 BVWA-BA20 B3WA-BA20 A41T-FA38 BC1T-FA38 EW1T-FA38 KG1T-FA38 AB2A-AACN J78A-AEWC AATT-B62J AV3A-B666 BV3A-B666 CB3A-B666 JB3A-B666 1K3A-BE6Y AK2A-AAB2 AP2A-AAB2 AZ2A-AAB2 CB2A-AAB2 AFWA-AABC AKWA-AABC BKWA-AABC BDCA-EA9E + + + + + + + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 2 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 3 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 4 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 5 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 6 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 7 FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 8 Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Infinite lives Almost invincible Floor spikes do no damage Life-up restores 1 bar of life gauge instead of 2 Life-up restores 3 bars of life gauge Life-up restores 4 bars of life gauge Life-up restores life gauge to full Life-up worth same as 1-up 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1 1-up worth 3 lives 1-up worth 5 lives 1-up worth 10 lives Start with 1 credit Start with 2 credits Start with 10 credits Infinite credits
Eternal Champions
1 2 BEHT-GAD4 9THT-HCP4 In a 2-player game, either player can choose the Eternal Champion with the left button + BEHT-GAF6 In a 1-player game, Player 1 plays as the Eternal Champion (can select any character, but will then play as Eternal Champion) Insult uses no inner strength Insult uses more inner strength Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses no inner strength Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses more inner strength Inner strength is restored very quickly Shadow starts with 1/2 energy Rax starts with 1/2 energy Blade starts with 1/2 energy Jetta starts with 1/2 energy Slash starts with 1/2 energy Trident's starts with 1/2 energy Xavier starts with 1/2 energy Midknight starts with 1/2 energy Larcen starts with 1/2 energy
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
FOR ALL DAMAGE CODES, 'FARTHER AWAY' MEANS THE CHARACTERS ARE STANDING APPROX. TOE TO TOE. 'CLOSE IN' MEANS THEY ARE CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO EACH OTHER 17 AWSA-NAFR Shadow's Snap when close in does no damage 18 AWSA-PAPR Shadow's Snap when close in does more damage 19 AWMT-NABL Shadow's Snap when farther away does no damage 20 AWMT-PAKL Shadow's Snap when farther away does more damage 21 A0SA-NAHR Shadow's Thrust when close in does no damage 22 A0SA-PASR Shadow's Thrust when close in does more damage 23 A0MT-NAD0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does no damage 24 A0MT-PAM0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does more damage 25 A4ST-NAER Shadow's Wheel when close in does no damage 26 A4ST-PANR Shadow's Wheel when close in does more damage 27 A4MT-NAGC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does no damage 28 A4MT-PARC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does more damage 29 FLVT-NAAR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does no damage 30 FLVT-PAJR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does more damage 31 EGWT-NAAG Shadow's Short Slide does less damage 32 EGWT-PAJG Shadow's Short Slide does more damage 33 EGWT-NAAW Shadow's Medium Slide does less damage 34 EGWT-PAJW Shadow's Medium Slide does more damage 35 ALNA-NAE0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does no damage 36 ALNA-PAN0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does more damage 37 ALTA-NABG Shadow's lunge when close in does no damage 38 ALTA-PAKG Shadow's lunge when close in does more damage 39 ARNT-NAAG Shadow's swing when farther away does no damage 40 ARNT-P0JG Shadow's swing when farther away does more damage 41 ARTA-NAD8 Shadow's swing when close in does no damage 42 ARTA-PAM8 Shadow's's swing when close in does more damage 43 AWDT-NAEE Larcen's snap when farther away does no damage 44 AWDT-PANE Larcen's snap when farther away does more damage 45 ERDT-NAF2 Larcen's thrust when farther away does no damage
Larcen's thrust when farther away does more damage Larcen's wheel when close in does no damage Larcen's wheel when close in does more damage Larcen's snap when close in does no damage Larcen's's snap when close in does more damage Larcen's thrust when close in does no damage Larcen's thrust when close in does more damage Larcen's wheel when farther away does no damage Larcen's wheel when farther away does more damage Larcen's straight when close in does no damage Larcen's straight when close in does more damage Larcen's swing when close in does less damage Larcen's swing when close in does more damage Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fist does less damage Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fistdoes more damage Midknight's snap when farther away does no damage Midknight's snap when farther away does more damage Midknight's lunge when farther away does no damage Midknight's lunge when farther away does more damage Midknight's wheel when farther away does no damage Midknight's wheel when farther away does more damage Midknight's lunge when farther away does no damage Midknight's lunge when farther away does more damage Midknight's lunge when close in does less damage Midknight's lunge when close in does more damage Midknight's swing when close in does less damage Midknight's swing when close in does more damage Midknight's swing when farther away does no damage Midknight's swing when farther away does more damage Slash's snap when farther away does no damage Slash's snap when farther away does more damage Slash's snap when close in does no damage Slash's snap when close in does more damage Slash's thrust when close in does no damage Slash's thrust when close in does more damage Slash's thrust when farther away does less damage Slash's thrust when farther away does more damage Slash's wheel when farther away does no damage Slash's wheel when farther away does more damage Slash's wheel when close in does no damage Slash's wheel when close in does more damage Slash's straight when close in does no damage Slash's straight when close in does more damage Slash's lunge when close in does no damage Slash's lunge when close in does more damage Slash's swing when close in does no damage Slash's swing when close in does more damage Slash's Massive Club Swing does less damage Slash's Massive Club Swing does more damage Slash's Spinal Crush does less damage Slash's Spinal Crush does more damage Xavier's snap when close in does less damage Xavier's snap when close in does more damage Xavier's thrust when close in does less damage Xavier's thrust when close in does more damage Xavier's straight when close in does less damage Xavier's straight when close in does more damage
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
Xavier's swing when farther away does no damage Xavier's swing when farther away does more damage Xavier's Attack and Smash do no damage Xavier's Attack and Smash do more damage Trident's thrust when farther away does no damage Trident's thrust when farther away does more damage Trident's wheel when farther away does less damage Trident's wheel when farther away does more damage Trident's wheel when close in does less damage Trident's wheel when close in does more damage Trident's straight when farther away does no damage Trident's straight when farther away does more damage Trident's lunge when farther away does no damage Trident's lunge when farther away does more damage Jetta's snap when farther away does no damage Jetta's snap when farther away does more damage Jetta's snap when close in does no damage Jetta's snap when close in does more damage Jetta's thrust when close in does less damage Jetta's thrust when close in does more damage Jetta's thrust when farther away does no damage Jetta's thrust when farther away does more damage Jetta's wheel when close in does no damage Jetta's wheel when close in does more damage Jetta's wheel when farther away does less damage Jetta's wheel when farther away does more damage Jetta's straight when close in does no damage Jetta's straight when close in does more damage Jetta's straight when farther away does no damage Jetta's straight when farther away does more damage Jetta's lunge when farther away does no damage Jetta's lunge when farther away does more damage Jetta's lunge when close in does no damage Jetta's lunge when close in does more damage Jetta's swing when farther away does no damage Jetta's swing when farther away does more damage Jetta's swing when close in does no damage Jetta's swing when close in does more damage Blade's snap when farther away does no damage Blade's snap when farther away does more damage Blade's snap when close in does no damage Blade's snap when close in does more damage Blade's thrust when farther away does no damage Blade's thrust when farther away does more damage Blade's thrust when close in does no damage Blade's thrust when close in does more damage Blade's wheel when close in does no damage Blade's wheel when close in does more damage Blade's wheel when farther away does no damage Blade's wheel when farther away does more damage Blade's straight when close in does no damage Blade's straight when close in does more damage Blade's lunge when close in does less damage Blade's lunge when close in does more damage Blade's swing when close in does no damage Blade's swing when close in does more damage Blade's swing when farther away does less damage
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
Blade's swing when farther away does more damage Rax's snap when farther away does less damage Rax's snap when farther away does more damage Rax's snap when close in does no damage Rax's snap when close in does more damage Rax's thrust when farther away does no damage Rax's thrust when farther away does more damage Rax's thrust when close in does no damage Rax's thrust when close in does more damage Rax's wheel when close in does no damage Rax's wheel when close in does more damage Rax's wheel when farther away does no damage Rax's wheel when farther away does more damage Rax's straight when farther away does no damage Rax's straight when farther away does more damage Rax's straight when close in does no damage Rax's straight when close in does more damage Rax's lunge when farther away does no damage Rax's lunge when farther away does more damage Rax's lunge when close in does no damage Rax's lunge when close in does more damage Rax's swing when close in does no damage Rax's swing when close in does more damage Rax's swing when farther away does no damage Rax's swing when farther away does more damage
F22 Interceptor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RH9T-R60T AHAA-AAEE AMAA-AAEE AXAA-AAEE A1AA-AAEE A9AA-AAEE BMAA-AAEE MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Start with 2 lives Start with 3 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 6 lives Start with 8 lives Start with 11 lives USA CAMPAIGN 400 ammo 500 ammo 600 ammo 700 ammo 800 ammo 900 ammo 1000 ammo 40 chaff 50 chaff 60 chaff
NOTE: CODES 8 THRU 21 WORK ONLY ON 8 WCPA-GCA8 Start with 9 8WPA-GCA8 Start with 10 MCPA-GEA8 Start with 11 1WPA-GEA8 Start with 12 ECPA-GGA8 Start with 13 TWPA-GGA8 Start with 14 7CPA-GGA8 Start with 15 FC1A-GAAG Start with 16 GL1A-GAAG Start with 17 HW1A-GAAG Start with
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Start with 70 chaff Start with 80 chaff Start with 90 chaff Start with 100 chaff Fuel burns 2x faster than normal Fuel burns 4x faster than normal Afterburner fuel consumption 2x normal Afterburner fuel consumption 3x normal Afterburner fuel consumption 5x normal Afterburner fuel consumption 6x normal
1 2 3 4 5 RFVA-A6WT RFVA-A6VJ ATVA-AA78 RFRT-A6XR JBRT-AEYW Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite small spells large spells lives strength against obstacles strength under water
Fatal Fury 2
1 2 3 ATTT-CA4Y AG3A-AAD2 DC3A-AAD2 Infinite credits Player 1's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS games Player 1's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS games
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Player 1's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS games Player 1's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS games Player 1's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS games -ignore energy bar Player 2's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS games Player 2's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS games Player 2's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS games Player 2's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS games Player 2's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS games AG2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 1% in Survival games DC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 25% in Survival games GC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 50% in Survival games KC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 75% in Survival games S82T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 132% in Survival games-ignore energy bar AG2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 1% in Survival games DC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 25% in Survival games GC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 50% in Survival games KC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 75% in Survival games S82T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 132% in Survival games Player 1 needs 1 victory for a win in 1P games Player 1 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P games Player 1 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P games Player 1 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P games Player 2 needs 1 victories for a win in 1P games Player 2 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P games Player 2 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P games Player 2 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P games
Fatal Fury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ADJT-CEYN AHJT-DA6N A1JT-DA6N BMJT-DA6N CMJT-DA6N EDJT-DA6N S5JT-DA6N ACVA-AAAA AXBA-AA3C All hits All hits All hits All hits All hits All hits All hits Infinite Infinite are nothing are very weak are weak are average are strong are very strong are lethal time to fight credits
ENERGY BAR LOOK FUNNY Initial health for you Initial health for you Initial health for you Initial health for you
at at at at
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
+ + + + + + + +
CODES 22 THRU 33: 1-PLAYER MODE ONLY. ONLY 5 GLOBES WILL APPEAR ON SCREEN 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AGGT-AAHY ARGT-AAHY A0GT-AAHY BLGT-AAHY CWGT-AAHY GLGT-AAHY AGGT-AAH2 ARGT-AAH2 A0GT-AAH2 BLGT-AAH2 CWGT-AAH2 GLGT-AAH2 1 globe required for you to win match 3 globes required for you to win match 5 globes required for you to win match 10 globes required for you to win match 20 globes required for you to win match 50 globes required for you to win match 1 globe required for opponent to win match 3 globes required for opponent to win match 5 globes required for opponent to win match 10 globes required for opponent to win match 20 globes required for opponent towin match 50 globes required for opponent towin match
Fatal Labyrinth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BABT-AA4G MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED CBFA-AAER + CBFA-AAET Start with 10/10 hit points instead of 50/50 ABFA-ACER + ABFA-ACET Start with 100/100 hit points ABFA-ALER + ABFA-ALET Start with 500/500 hit points ABFA-BAER + ABFA-BAET Start with 1,000/1,000 hit points ABFA-ALNR + ABFA-ALNT Start with 2,500/2,500 hit points ABFA-BAYR + ABFA-BAYT Start with 5,000/5,000 hit points C4NT-AA5N Almost infinite hit points AV2A-B22T Restore hit points 4x as fast BB2A-B22T Restore hit points 8x as fast CV2A-B22T Restore hit points 20x as fast AKFA-AAE0 Start with 2 food instead of 10 EBFA-AAE0 Start with 20 food LBFA-AAE0 Start with 50 food XFFA-AAE0 Start with 99 food BDBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 6 to 8 armor points instead of 1 or 2 CXBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 12 to 16 armor points AF3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 10 instead of 30 AZ3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 40 AB2A-AAEE Never need food for exploring AK2A-AAEE Use up food twice as fast BK3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 10 instead of 30 HV3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 60 BKJA-AA9A Kill most enemies with one blow!
Fire Shark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9TEA-BGKC 9TEA-BGKC 9TEA-BGKC 9TEA-BGKC 9TEA-BGKC ATEA-AA5J AFMT-AAEC AZMT-AAEC A7MT-AAEC BFMT-AAEC AFMT-AACC AZMT-AACC A7MT-AACC BFMT-AACC AK8T-AA4L ANEA-BE2A A6EA-BE2A BEEA-BE2A DEEA-BE2A GJEA-BE2A NNEA-BE2A ATFA-AA3R LCGA-BNWY BBMT-AACA + + + + + AYEA-AABE Start with 5 lives A2EA-AABE Start with 6 lives A6EA-AABE Start with 7 lives BAEA-AABE Start with 8 lives BEEA-AABE Start with 9 lives Infinite lives Start with 1 bomb Start with 5 bombs Start with 7 bombs Start with 9 bombs Start with 1 bomb after losing a life Start with 5 bombs after losing a life Start with 7 bombs after losing a life Start with 9 bombs after losing a life Infinite bombs Start with 4 credits Start with 8 credits Start with 10 credits Start with 26 credits Start with 51 credits Start with 100 credits Infinite credits Each power-up item is worth 3x normal Keep regular weapon upgrade
1 AJ2T-AA3C Never lose a shield when shot--MAY MAKE SOME ENEMIES INVINCIBLE; SWITCH OFF TO KILL THEM 2 AT2T-AA44 Protection from some falls SOME FALLS STILL KILL YOU 3 AM2A-WAH4 Start with 1 shield 4 AS2A-WAH4 Start with 2 shields 5 AX2A-WAH4 Start with 3 shields 6 A52A-WAH4 Start with 5 shields 7 BS2A-WAH4 Start with 10 shields 8 C12A-WAH4 Start with 20 shields 9 GS2A-WAH4 Start with 50 shields 10 N12A-WAH4 Start with 100 shields 11 GM6T-WAA4 Start with 50 credits 12 NX6T-WAA4 Start with 100 credits 13 HV9T-BELR + NV9T-AACT Credit packs worth 100 credits 14 HV9T-BELR + 7B9T-AGCT Credit packs worth 1,000 credits 15 HV9T-BELR + CB9T-ARLT Credit packs worth 10,000 credits 16 RGBT-A6T4 Always have enough money to buy 17 RGBT-A6XN Don't need to charge magnetic cartridge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ATBT-AA4L AETA-CAAJ AJTA-CAAJ ATTA-CAAJ AYTA-CAAJ BJTA-CAAJ B6TA-CAAJ CTTA-CAAJ AVCA-CA30 AABT-AAFE AJTA-CEAR ANTA-CGAR ATTA-CJAR AYTA-CLAR A2TA-CNAR A6TA-CRAR BATA-CTAR BETA-CWAR MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 4 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 10 lives Start with 15 lives Start with 20 lives Infinite lives Hi score starts at 0, not 100,000 Start on round 2 Start on round 3 Start on round 4 Start on round 5 Start on round 6 Start on round 7 Start on round 8 Start on round 9
Forgotten Worlds
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CTWA-CAFC CTWT-CAAR AAWA-CAFT AAWA-DL7T ANWA-CAFR AAWT-CABC AAWT-DL3C ANWT-CABA AD8T-AEE2 AD8T-BAE2 Player 1 starts at half strength Player 2 starts at half strength Player 1 starts with 0 Zenny instead of 2,500 Player 1 starts with 7,500 Zenny Player 1 starts with 32,500 Zenny Player 2 starts with 0 Zenny instead of 2,500 Player 2 starts with 7,500 Zenny Player 2 starts with 32,500 Zenny Tiny coin is worth 200 Zenny instead of 100 Tiny coin is worth 1,000 Zenny
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
AD8T-AEE6 Regular coin is worth 200 Zenny instead of 500 AD8T-BAY6 Regular coin is worth 5,000 Zenny AD8T-ALFA Large coin is worth 500 Zenny instead of 1,000 AH8T-AAE8 Large coin is worth 11,000 Zenny AM8T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 20,000 Zenny instead of 10,000 A18T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 50,000 Zenny CD8T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 1,000 Zenny R18T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 7,500 Zenny ATGA-CA2W Enemy attacks do not reduce strength AVCA-CA60 Getting trapped by obstacles does not reduce strength BM8T-BJ9L POW prize gives less strength FD8T-BJ9L POW prize gives more strength AX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives less strength CX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives more strength 2M8A-CAFA Paramecium is harder to kill 2D8A-CAFA Paramecium is easier to kill 2D8A-CAFA + AM8A-CAPC Paramecium is much easier to kill AJPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Wasteland instead of Doomed Harbor ANPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Stone Corridors ATPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Inner Sanctum A2PT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Miasma BAPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Tower of Dread
Formula One
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AA9T-6A8A JA9T-7EZ4 JA9T-7TZ4 JA9T-7AZ4 AJ5A-6A2N ABBT-6AD0 ABBA-6ACC ABAT-6ADR ABBA-6AF8 ABKT-6EG4 ABKT-6JG4 ABKT-7AG4 ABKT-7TG4 AT5A-6A4J AJ2A-6A5L AJ2A-6A48 AYRT-6AB0 ATRT-6AB0 ANRT-6AB0 AJRT-6AB0 AERT-6AB0 Pit crew time is 0 Pit crew time is 2x normal Pit crew time is 1/2x normal Pit crew time is 1/4x normal Tires don't wear out from normal driving Tires don't wear out from bumping some cars or some rough driving Tires don't wear out from bumping other cars or other rough driving Tires don't wear out from hitting some trees, signs, etc. Tires don't wear out from hitting other trees, signs, etc. + AA9T-6ECA Tires last 1/4x long as normal + AA9T-6JCA Tires last 1/2x long as normal + AA9T-7ACA Tires last 2x long as normal + AA9T-7TCA Tires last 3x long as normal No warning to pit when tires are worn Each race is 1 lap Each race is infinite laps (lap never counts up) + AYRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 5th + ATRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 4th + ANRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 3rd + AJRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 2nd + AERT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual transmission is 1st
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AECT-AAE6 AJCT-AAE6 A6CT-AAE6 BECT-AAE6 AJEA-AA20 AECT-AAFC ANCT-AAFC A6CT-AAFC BECT-AAFC A2ET-AA98 Start with 2 ships Start with 3 ships Start with 8 ships Start with 10 ships Infinite ships Start with 1 credit instead of 5 Start with 3 credits Start with 7 credits Start with 9 credits Infinite credits
CODES 11 AND 12 DON'T WORK ON CODES 22 THRU 27 11 AJEA-AA6J Don't lose weapon type when you lose a ship 12 DAEA-AA58 Don't lose weapon type or power level when you lose a ship 13 AK4A-AA6N Break defender lasts forever 14 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ACGE Start with P-cannon 15 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AEGE Start with G-beam 16 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AGGE Start with S-laser 17 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AJGE Start with T-missile 18 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ALGE Start with H-laser 19 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ANGE Start with V-laser 20 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ARGE Start with R-collider 21 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ATGE Start with E-smash 22 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-A2GE+BJST-AA74 Start with T-Braster 23 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AWGE+BJST-AA74 Start with F-Formation 24 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AYGE+BJST-AA74 Start with T-Vulcan 25 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-A4GE+BJST-AA74 Start with Q-Missile 26 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-A6GE+BJST-AA74 Start with H-Missile 27 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-A0GE+BJST-AA74 Start with A-Bullet 28 AJCT-AA8T Combine with Codes 14 thru 27 to start that weapon with max power
Gain Ground
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 D3GA-AAE2 HVGA-AAE2 MKGA-AAE2 SBGA-AAE2 0VGA-AAE2 8BGA-AAE2 97GA-AAE2 AVGA-AA8E AK9T-AA5E SB9T-BLXE SB9T-BRXE SB9T-BWXE SB9T-B0XE SB9T-B4XE SB9T-B8XE SB9T-BCXE SAYT-BJVE SAYT-BNVE SAYT-BTVE SAYT-BYVE SAYT-B2VE SAYT-B6VE SAYT-BAVE 30 seconds to complete round 1 minute to complete round 1 minute 30 seconds to complete round 2 minutes to complete round 3 minutes to complete round 4 minutes to complete round 4 minutes, 15 seconds to complete round Infinite time to complete round Must get everybody to the exit to complete round Each dead enemy counts as 2 Each dead enemy counts as 3 Each dead enemy counts as 4 Each dead enemy counts as 5 Each dead enemy counts as 6 Each dead enemy counts as 7 Each dead enemy counts as 8 SAYT-BJVJ Play every other stage (1, 3, 5, 7 . . .) SAYT-BNVJ Play every 3rd stage SAYT-BTVJ Play every 4th stage SAYT-BYVJ Play every 5th stage SAYT-B2VJ Play every 6th stage SAYT-B6VJ Play every 7th stage SAYT-BAVJ Play every 8th stage
+ + + + + + +
+ + + +
Gauntlet 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 BBKT-AA8T Invincible! RFKT-A6VA Don't lose health from time passing NPBA-FA9C + NPBA-EAG8 Select up to 99 credits per player 1BYA-E0GE Maximum health per coin in 3,000 VBYA-FGGE Maximum health per coin in 5,000 CBYA-ERRE Maximum health per coin in 10,000
CODES 7 THRU 10 ARE FOR PRACTICE ONLY. LEAVE TREASURE ROOMS THROUGH NORMAL EXITS, NOT WARPING EXITS 7 BJGA-AAD0 + BJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 10 8 CTGA-AAD0 + CTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 20 9 GJGA-AAD0 + GJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 50 10 NTGA-AAD0 + NTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 100
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
AKXT-AA66 + RFXT-A6X4 Infinite keys on pick-up--can switch on/off RFXT-A6X4 You can open doors without a key AKGT-AA5W Infinite potions on pick-up--can switch on/off AKGT-AA3G + AKGT-AASW You can use a potion even if you don't have one PB4T-ACAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/3x normal DV4T-AEAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/2x normal RB4T-ATAY Temporary invisibility lasts 2x normal ZB4T-A2AY Temporary invisibility lasts 3x normal REFA-E6YL Temporary invisibility lasts forever AJDA-CA5Y + AJCT-CA84 Set attributes to anything you want in Camp AM9T-AA58 All items that you can afford are free B59A-AA86 All items are free H6BA-CACA Start with heal drink, warp wing and all rings from vendors AJ2A-CA54 Don't lose heal drink when used AJ2A-CA8C Don't lose warp wing when used
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BWST-AA54 96CT-BTAR 96CT-A2AR 96CT-ATAR 96CT-AJAR ATCT-AAAG AYCT-AAAG A2CT-AAAG A6CT-AAAG BACT-AAAG BECT-AAAG 96CT-BYA0 96CT-A2A0 96CT-AJA0 ACTT-ACH6 ACTT-BAH6 ACTT-BAS6 ACTT-AEH8 ACTT-AAS8 ACTT-BA18 ACVA-AGAA ACVA-BAJA ACVA-BATA ACVA-ALAC ACVA-BATC AV0T-AA4C NNCT-AABN CJCT-AABN EYCT-AABN AACT-AABN Protection from most damage Start with 24 life bar ticks instead of 16 Start with 12 life bar ticks Start with 8 life bar ticks Start with 4 life bar ticks Start with 5 rounds Start with 6 rounds Start with 7 rounds Start with 8 rounds Start with 9 rounds Start with 10 rounds Start with 26 energy bar ticks Start with 12 energy bar ticks Start with only 4 energy bar ticks $10 ghosts worth $100 $10 ghosts worth $1,000 $10 ghosts worth $3,000 $20 ghosts worth $200 $20 ghosts worth $2,000 $20 ghosts worth $5,000 $30 ghosts worth $300 $30 ghosts worth $3,000 $30 ghosts worth $5,000 $50 ghosts worth $500 $50 ghosts worth $5,000 Infinite bombs Start with 99 bombs Start with 18 bombs Start with 37 bombs Start with 0 bombs
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
AEEA-ACBN Start in town of fire AAEA-AEBN Start in Baron Rankle's tower AEEA-AEBN Start in horrible faced mountains AAEA-AGBN Start in crystal forest AEEA-AGBN Start on ice slides and giant hands AAEA-AJBN Start on dragons and demons AEEA-AJBN Start on base of morningstar ladder AAEA-ALBN Start on Prince of Darkness charge on magic armor/weapon
Golden Axe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BB1A-AA78 RF8A-A6W6 FGYT-BJVY FGYT-BNVY KB8T-AA46 AJVT-AA2T AJ7T-BA28 A27T-BA28 BA7T-BA28 ABBA-ACC4 Infinite hit points Infinite magic Each magic pot worth 2 Each magic pot worth 3 Infinite lives Infinite credits Start with 2 credits instead of 4 Start with 6 credits Start with 8 credits Start with 1 life instead of 3--1st credit only
NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 3 LIVES, THE GRAPHICS ON THE COUNTER LOOK WEIRD, BUT IT STILL COUNTS CORRECTLY 11 ABBA-ALC4 Start with 5 lives--1st credit only 12 ABBA-ARC4 Start with 7 lives--1st credit only 13 ABBA-AWC4 Start with 9 lives--1st credit only 14 AAVT-ACBR Continue with 1 life instead of 3 15 AAVT-ALBR Continue with 5 lives 16 AAVT-ARBR Continue with 7 lives 17 AAVT-AWBR Continue with 9 lives 18 ABBA-AEDA Start with 2 magic pots instead of 1 19 ABBA-AJDA Start with 4 magic pots 20 SA8A-BET2 Start on stage 2 21 SA8A-BJT2 Start on stage 3 22 SA8A-BNT2 Start on stage 4 23 SA8A-BTT2 Start on stage 5 24 SA8A-BYT2 Start on stage 6 25 SA8A-B2T2 Start on stage 7 26 SA8A-B6T2 Start on stage 8
Golden Axe 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AEBT-AADN AJBT-AADN AYBT-AADN A6BT-AADN BEBT-AADN AEBT-AAE2 AJBT-AAE2 AYBT-AAE2 A6BT-AAE2 BEBT-AAE2 AGXA-AADR ALXA-AADR Player 1 starts with 1 life Player 1 starts with 2 lives Player 1 starts with 5 lives Player 1 starts with 7 lives Player 1 starts with 9 lives Player 2 starts with 1 life Player 2 starts with 2 lives Player 2 starts with 5 lives Player 2 starts with 7 lives Player 2 starts with 9 lives Both players continue with 1 life Both players continue with 2 lives
13 14 15 16 17 18
Both players continue with 5 lives Both players continue with 7 lives Both players continue with 9 lives Infinite lives--both players Each magic book is worth 2 Each magic book is worth 3
Greatest Heavyweights
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BJ6A-ACD6 BJ6A-AED6 BJ6A-AJD6 BJ6A-AND6 BJ6A-AWD6 CTXT-AA46 AJ4T-AA2A RH7A-A6YA Rounds are 1 minute Rounds are 2 minutes Rounds are 4 minutes Rounds are 6 minutes Rounds are 9 minutes Rounds are infinitely long--must win by knockout Infinite rounds, must win by knockout Set attributes to whatever you want when creating a new boxer RH9A-A6TE Attributes aren't reduced after a fight RH9T-A6VN + BM9T-AA9W Pick as many training items as you want
1 2 3 4 5 6 ETBT-AA42 R1XA-C6W2 AVHT-AA6W ABPA-GAC8 AKPA-GAC8 AVPA-GAC8 MASTER CODE--MUST Infinite energy Infinite credits Each pistol has 0 Each pistol has 2 Each pistol has 4 BE ENTERED
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each
pistol has 8 bullets pistol has infinite bullets AK-47 has 0 bursts AK-47 has 2 bursts AK-47 has 4 bursts AK-47 has 6 bursts AK-47 has infinite bursts rocket launcher has 0 rockets rocket launcher has 2 rockets rocket launcher has 6 rockets rocket launcher has 8 rockets rocket launcher has infinite rockets object picked up is nothing object picked up is a knife object picked up is an iron bar object picked up is a sword object picked up is a pistol object picked up is an AK-47 object picked up is a rocket launcher object picked up is a whip object picked up is a grenade
Gunstar Heroes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AJBT-AA5R AL4T-AA3A AAJT-CAFA HX6T-BAKN BDTT-CAF6 BXTT-CAF6 CDTT-CAF6 8X1T-ACGJ 691T-AGGJ 8X1T-ACGL 691T-AGGL 8X1T-ACGR 691T-AGGR 8X1T-ACG0 691T-AGG0 8X1T-ACHT 691T-AGHT 8X1T-ACHW 691T-AGHW AM2T-AA4N MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Protection against most hits Protection from falling off screen Vitality-up worth much more Start with lightning weapon instead of force Start with chaser weapon Start with fire weapon Start stage 1 with 500 vitality instead of 100 Start stage 1 with 999 vitality instead of 100 Start stage 2 with 500 vitality instead of 120 Start stage 2 with 999 vitality instead of 120 Start stage 3 with 500 vitality instead of 140 Start stage 3 with 999 vitality instead of 140 Start stage 4 with 500 vitality instead of 160 Start stage 4 with 999 vitality instead of 160 Start stage 5 with 500 vitality instead of 180 Start stage 5 with 999 vitality instead of 180 Start stage 6 with 500 vitality instead of 200 Start stage 6 with 999 vitality instead of 200 Always have 999 vitality (infinite vitality)
1. Pitchers don't get tired 1A RF0T-A60J 1B RF0T-A60J 2. Infinite innings 2A AKSA-AA3E 2B AKSA-AA3E 3. Infinite outs 3A AL5A-AA6A + AK5T-AA9A 3B AL5T-AA9E + AL6A-AA7R 4. Infinite strikes 4A AK5T-AA7R 4B AK5T-AA7W 5. Infinite balls 5A AK5T-AA6A 5B AK5T-AA6E 6. Only need 1 strike for a strikeout 6A AF5T-AAF8 + AF2T-AADJ 6B AF2T-AADN + AF5T-AAGC + AGGA-AAG8 7. Only need 2 strikes for a strikeout 7A AK5T-AAF8 + AK2T-AADJ 7B AK2T-AADN + AK5T-AAGC + ALGA-AAG8 8. Must get 4 strikes for a strikeout 8A AV5T-AAF8 + AV2T-AADJ 8B AV2T-AADN + AV5T-AAGC + AWGA-AAG8 9. Must get 5 strikes for a strikeout 9A AZ5T-AAF8 + AZ2T-AADJ 9B AZ2T-AADN + AZ5T-AAGC + A0GA-AAG8 10. Only need 1 ball for a walk 10A AF5T-AAE2 + AF2T-AAEA + AGHT-AABC + AGNA-AAAW + AGSA-AAHA 10B AF2T-AAEE + AF5T-AAE6 + AGHT-AADJ + AGNA-AAC2 + AGST-AACY 11. Only need 2 balls for a walk 11A AK5T-AAE2 + AK2T-AAEA + ALHT-AABC + ALNA-AAAW + ALSA-AAHA 11B AK2T-AAEE + AK5T-AAE6 + ALHT-AADJ + ALNA-AAC2 + ALST-AACY 12. Only need 3 balls for a walk 12A AP5T-AAE2 + AP2T-AAEA + ARHT-AABC + ARNA-AAAW + ARSA-AAHA 12B AP2T-AAEE + AP5T-AAE6 + ARHT-AADJ + ARNA-AAC2 + ARST-AACY 13. Need 5 balls for a walk 13A AZ5T-AAE2 + AZ2T-AAEA + A0HT-AABC + A0NA-AAAW + A0SA-AAHA 13B AZ2T-AAEE + AZ5T-AAE6 + A0HT-AADJ + A0NA-AAC2 + A0ST-AACY 14. Need 6 balls for a walk 14A A35T-AAE2 + A32T-AAEA + A4HT-AABC + A4NA-AAAW + A4SA-AAHA
Heavy Nova
1 2 3 4 5 ATHA-AA3N ATHA-AA4E ATJT-AA60 ATJT-AA7R AART-ANEA+ Infinite energy--player 1 Infinite power--player 1 Infinite energy--player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) Infinite power--player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) AART-ANEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) to power level 6 AART-AJEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) power level 4 AART-AEEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) to power level 2 2E1T-DCJL Start computer at low energy level Infinite time AFAT-AAHW Run time down at 1/2x normal speed Run time down at 2x normal speed Run time down at 3x normal speed Run time down at 4x normal speed Run time down at 8x normal speed Infinite continues 9 continues 1 continue No continues
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ATZA-AA9R ATYA-AA4J SEXA-BNTW SEXA-BATW AALA-BA9A ATLA-BA9A A2LA-BA9A BALA-BA9A AERA-AABR BARA-AABR DERA-AABR GJRA-AABR NNRA-AABR Infinite Hellfire(tm) missiles Infinite lives First power-up item worth more First power-up item gives max power, SOME THINGS CAN'T BE DESTROYED WHEN YOU SHOOT THEM Start with no missiles instead of 2 Start with 4 missiles Start with 6 missiles Start with 8 missiles Start with 1 player instead of 3 Start with 8 players Start with 25 players Start with 50 players Start with 99 players
1 AJBT-AA68 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Common codes: 2 JP4T-AE0N 3 DV4T-AA6R 4 AJ7A-AA36 5 B2HA-AA98 6 ATNA-AA32 7 AJLT-AA7W 8 BCGT-AA5L 9 RGFA-A602 10 NCFA-BE92 11 RGFA-A6ZY 12 AF0A-AADY 13 NV0A-AADY 14 8V0A-ACDY 15 VB0A-BGDY 16 LB0A-AHXY Player 1 codes: 17 AAEA-BA36 18 JAEA-BJV6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JAEA-BNV6 JAEA-BTV6 JAEA-BYV6 JAEA-B2V6 JAEA-B6V6 JAEA-BAV6 AA0T-AAFY NT0T-AAFY 8T0T-ACFY VA0T-BGFY CA0T-ARPY ZA0T-AC7Y LA0T-AHZY
All weapons are made immediately Infinite money Infinite energy Infinite ammunition Infinite stamina against anti-aircraft fire Infinite stamina against bullets Infinite total strength Immediate energy recovery Immediate ammunition recovery Immediate stamina recovery Total strength starts at 1 Total strength starts at 100 Total strength starts at 500 Total strength starts at 5,000 Total strength starts at 50,000
Never get money Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 200 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 240 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 280 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 320 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 360 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 400 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 440 in stages 2 thru 8 Start with no G's Start with 1,000 G's Start with 5,000 G's Start with 50,000 G's Start with 100,000 G's Start with 250,000 G's Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
Never get money Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 200 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 240 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 280 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 320 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
360 in stages 2 thru 8 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 JAEA-B6X0 JAEA-BAX0 AA1A-AAEA NT1A-AAEA 8T1A-ACEA VA1A-BGEA CA1A-ARNA ZA1A-AC6A LA1A-AHYA Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 400 in stages 2 thru 8 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage, 440 in stages 2 thru 8 Start with no G's Start with 1,000 G's Start with 5,000 G's Start with 50,000 G's Start with 100,000 G's Start with 250,000 G's Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
The Immortal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 R19T-860L BAVT-CA4N RHAT-A600 AWAT-AA9J BEOT-CAH6 AAOT-CAH6 AYOT-CAH6 ABYA-AAGN GVYA-ACGN CBYA-ANGN ABMA-AAGC AMCA-AA4T STVT-DWA8 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite vitality--most battles Infinite fireball shots while you have fireballs in your inventory Infinite continues Start with 10 continues instead of 3 Start with 1 continue Start with 6 continues Start new game with 0 gold instead of 20 Start new game with 520 gold Start new game with 160 gold Slime oil costs nothing instead of 80 or 60 gold Many items are free + AAVT-CABA Destroy most enemies in battle with one hit
Insector X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 AVZA-AA3G AVZA-AA3N BVSA-AA2W AVWA-AA2W AAFA-AAFY AEFA-AAFY AJFA-AAFY AYFA-AAFY BJFA-AAFY CTFA-AAFY BJDA-AAD4 B6DA-AAD4 CTDA-AAD4 DEDA-AAD4 GJDA-AAD4 NTDA-AAD4 9JDA-AAD4 8TDA-ACD4 7ADA-AGD4 BKZA-AABY B7ZA-AABY CVZA-AABY D3ZA-AABY EPZA-AABY GKZA-AABY SFYT-BNT0 SFYT-B2T0 SFYT-BJT0 SFYA-B218 Keep shot power after dying Keep special weapons after dying Infinite stock Infinite credits 1 credits 2 credit 3 credits 6 credits 11 credits 21 credits BJBT-AABA Start with 10 stock B6BT-AABA Start with 15 stock CTBT-AABA Start with 20 stock DEBT-AABA Start with 25 stock GJBT-AABA Start with 50 stock NTBT-AABA Start with 100 stock 9JBT-AABA Start with 250 stock 8TBT-AABA Start with 500 stock 7ABT-AABA Start with 1,000 stock Starting speed of 10 Starting speed of 15 Starting speed of 20 Starting speed of 30 Starting speed of 35 Starting speed of 50 Each P worth 3 (half) shot power Each P worth 6 (full) shot power Each P worth 2 & each PP worth 3 shot power Each PP worth 6 (full) shot power
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
13 14
15 16
17 18 19 20
P3WT-BFXR + 0BWT-B25T + AJAT-AACE + JAAT-AAGE Player 2's damage meter recovers much faster 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + ATAT-AABY + BJAT-AAFY Player 1 scores fewer points 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + EAAT-AABY + BJAT-AAFY Player 1 scores more points 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + BJAT-AABY + ATAT-AAFY Player 2 scores fewer points 734T-ABYG + YB4T-B26J + BJAT-AABY + EAAT-AAFY Player 2 scores more points CTLT-AAC0 + CNLT-AAFE Choose 1 to 19 rounds instead of 1 to 12 on options screen
+ + + + + + + + + + +
9 10 11 12
Most bad guys die after 1 hit Infinite continues 8 continues Keep wings from round to round
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AKET-AA4C NTLT-AAGN 3ALT-AAGN AELA-AAGG AJLA-AAGG ANLA-AAGG ATLA-AAGG AYLA-AAGG A2LA-AAGG A6LA-AAGG BALA-AAGG HE7A-BEVR HE7A-BJVR HE7A-BNVR HE7A-BTVR HE7A-BYVR HE7A-B2VR HE7A-B6VR HE7A-BAVR HE7A-BEVJ HE7A-BJVJ HE7A-BNVJ HE7A-BTVJ HE7A-BYVJ HE7A-B2VJ HE7A-B6VJ HE7A-BAVJ Infinite "pump-ups" Opponents only have $100 Opponents only have $200 Start at 2nd game in tournament mode Start at 3rd game Start at 4th game Start at 5th game Start at 6th game Start at 7th game Start at 8th game Start at 9th game (The Judge) Player 1 starts with 1 point Player 1 starts with 2 points Player 1 starts with 3 points Player 1 starts with 4 points Player 1 starts with 5 points Player 1 starts with 6 points Player 1 starts with 7 points Player 1 starts with 8 points Player 2 starts with 1 point Player 2 starts with 2 points Player 2 starts with 3 points Player 2 starts with 4 points Player 2 starts with 5 points Player 2 starts with 6 points Player 2 starts with 7 points Player 2 starts with 8 points
5B ALVA-CA2J 6. Play clock is 15 seconds long 6A C1TA-CAHY 6B CYDA-CAEL 7. Play clock is 30 seconds long 7A GDTA-CAHY 7B GADA-CAEL 8. Play clock is 60 seconds long 8A NDTA-CAHY 8B NADA-CAEL 9. Play clock is 90 seconds long 9A WDTA-CAHY 9B WADA-CAEL 10. Play clock is infinite 10A AAMA-AAD4 10B AAMT-AAA0 11. 1-minute quarters (4-minute game) 11A ADVA-NCDR 11B AB9A-CCC6 12. 2-minute quarters (8-minute game) 12A ADVA-NEDR 12B AB9A-CEC6 13. 20-minute quarters (80-minute game) 13A ADVA-NAMR 13B AB9A-CAL6 14. 25-minute quarters (100-minute game) 14A ADVA-NLMR 14B AB9A-CLL6 15. 30-minute quarters (120-minute game) 15A ADVA-PAMR 15B AB9A-DAL6 16. 45-minute quarters (180-minute game) 16A ADVA-NLXR 16B AB9A-CLW6 17. 60-minute quarters (240-minute game) 17A ADVA-NA5R 17B AB9A-CA46 18. 75-minute quarters (300-minute game) 18A ADVA-PL5R 18B AB9A-DL46 19. 0 timeouts per half--home team 19A ADVA-CAAW 19B AADT-CAFJ
20. 1 timeout per half--home team 20A AHVA-CAAW 20B AEDT-CAFJ 21. 2 timeouts per half--home team 21A AMVA-CAAW 21B AJDT-CAFJ 22. 0 timeouts per half--visiting team 22A ADVA-CAAN 22B AADT-CAFC 23. 1 timeout per half--visiting team 23A AHVA-CAAN 23B AEDT-CAFC 24. 2 timeouts per half--visiting team 24A AMVA-CAAN 24B AJDT-CAFC 25. Infinite timeouts--visiting team 25A AVDT-CA68 25B AWBT-AA6E 26. Touchdowns worth 0 points 26A ABGA-RADN 26B ACVA-CAEW 27. Touchdowns worth 1 point 27A AFGA-RADN 27B AGVA-CAEW 28. Touchdowns worth 2 points 28A AKGA-RADN 28B ALVA-CAEW 29. Touchdowns worth 3 points 29A APGA-RADN 29B ARVA-CAEW 30. Touchdowns worth 4 points 30A AVGA-RADN 30B AWVA-CAEW 31. Touchdowns worth 5 points 31A AZGA-RADN 31B A0VA-CAEW 32. Touchdowns worth 7 points 32A A7GA-RADN 32B A8VA-CAEW 33. Touchdowns worth 8 points 33A BBGA-RADN 33B BCVA-CAEW
34. Touchdowns worth 9 points 34A BFGA-RADN 34B BGVA-CAEW 35. Extra points worth 0 points 35A ABGA-RAC2 35B ACVA-CAD8 36. Extra points worth 2 points 36A AKGA-RAC2 36B ALVA-CAD8 37. Extra points worth 3 points 37A APGA-RAC2 37B ARVA-CAD8 38. Extra points worth 4 points 38A AVGA-RAC2 38B AWVA-CAD8 39. Extra points worth 5 points 39A AZGA-RAC2 39B A0VA-CAD8 40. Extra points worth 6 points 40A A3GA-RAC2 40B A4VA-CAD8 41. Extra points worth 7 points 41A A7GA-RAC2 41B A8VA-CAD8 42. Extra points worth 8 points 42A BBGA-RAC2 42B BCVA-CAD8 43. Extra points worth 9 points 43A BFGA-RAC2 43B BGVA-CAD8 44. Field goals worth 0 points 44A ABGA-RADC 44B ACVA-CAEJ 45. Field goals worth 1 points 45A AFGA-RADC 45B AGVA-CAEJ 46. Field goals worth 2 points 46A AKGA-RADC 46B ALVA-CAEJ 47. Field goals worth 4 points 47A AVGA-RADC 47B AWVA-CAEJ
48. Field goals worth 5 points 48A AZGA-RADC 48B A0VA-CAEJ 49. Field goals worth 6 points 49A A3GA-RADC 49B A4VA-CAEJ 50. Field goals worth 7 points 50A A7GA-RADC 50B A8VA-CAEJ 51. Field goals worth 8 points 51A BBGA-RADC 51B BCVA-CAEJ 52. Field goals worth 9 points 52A BFGA-RADC 52B BGVA-CAEJ 53. Safeties worth 0 points 53A ABGA-RAEC 53B ACVA-CAFJ 54. Safeties worth 1 points 54A AFGA-RAEC 54B AGVA-CAFJ 55. Safeties worth 3 points 55A APGA-RAEC 55B ARVA-CAFJ 56. Safeties worth 4 points 56A AVGA-RAEC 56B AWVA-CAFJ 57. Safeties worth 5 points 57A AZGA-RAEC 57B A0VA-CAFJ 58. Safeties worth 6 points 58A A3GA-RAEC 58B A4VA-CAFJ 59. Safeties worth 7 points 59A A7GA-RAEC 59B A8VA-CAFJ 60. Safeties worth 8 points 60A BBGA-RAEC 60B BCVA-CAFJ 61. Safeties worth 9 points 61A BFGA-RAEC 61B BGVA-CAFJ
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Only need 5 yards for a first down 15 yards needed for a first down 20 yards needed for a first down 30 yards needed for a first down Always goal-to-go (must get touchdown) Touchdown worth 0 points Touchdown worth 1 point Touchdown worth 2 points Touchdown worth 3 points Touchdown worth 4 points Touchdown worth 5 points Touchdown worth 7 points Touchdown worth 8 points Extra point worth 0 points Extra point worth 2 points Extra point worth 3 points Extra point worth 4 points Extra point worth 5 points Extra point worth 6 points Extra point worth 7 points Extra point worth 8 points Field goal worth 0 points Field goal worth 1 point Field goal worth 2 points Field goal worth 4 points Field goal worth 5 points Field goal worth 6 points Field goal worth 7 points Field goal worth 8 points Safety worth 0 points Safety worth 1 point Safety worth 3 points Safety worth 4 points Safety worth 5 points Safety worth 6 points Safety worth 7 points Safety worth 8 points
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Home team starts with 0 timeouts Home team starts with 1 timeout Home team starts with 2 timeouts Home team starts with 5 timeouts Home team starts with 9 timeouts Visiting team starts with 0 timeouts Visiting team starts with 1 timeout Visiting team starts with 2 timeouts Visiting team starts with 5 timeouts Visiting team starts with 9 timeouts Infinite timeouts for both teams Only get 1 play to get a first down Only get 2 plays to get a first down Only get 3 plays to get a first down Have 5 plays to get a first down Have 6 plays to get a first down Always first down Only need 5 yards for a first down Must get 15 yards for a first down Must get 20 yards for a first down Must get 30 yards for a first down Always goal-to-go--must get touchdown Touchdown worth 0 points Touchdown worth 1 point Touchdown worth 2 points Touchdown worth 3 points Touchdown worth 4 points Touchdown worth 5 points Touchdown worth 7 points Touchdown worth 8 points Extra point worth 0 points Extra point worth 2 points Extra point worth 3 points Extra point worth 4 points Extra point worth 5 points Extra point worth 6 points Extra point worth 7 points Extra point worth 8 points Field goal worth 0 points Field goal worth 1 point Field goal worth 2 points Field goal worth 4 points Field goal worth 5 points Field goal worth 6 points Field goal worth 7 points Field goal worth 8 points Safety worth 0 points Safety worth 1 point Safety worth 3 points Safety worth 4 points Safety worth 5 points Safety worth 6 points Safety worth 7 points Safety worth 8 points
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Field goal worth 2 points Field goal worth 4 points Field goal worth 5 points Field goal worth 6 points Field goal worth 7 points Field goal worth 8 points Safety worth 0 points Safety worth 1 point Safety worth 3 points Safety worth 4 points Safety worth 5 points Safety worth 6 points Safety worth 7 points Safety worth 8 points
Judge Dredd
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. AKCT-EA24 AVCT-EA4A AGAT-AAHW BGAT-AAHW XGBA-AAC4 XGBA-AADC XGBA-AACW XGBA-AACL XGBA-AACC XGBA-AAB4 XGBA-AADL XGBA-AADW XGBA-AAD4 AAST-EAGL Infinite energy Infinite lives Start wtih 1 life Start wtih 9 lives Start with 99 Grenades Start with 99 High explosive missiles Start with 99 Armor piercing missiles Start with 99 Incediary missiles Start with 99 Richochet missiles Start with 99 Heat seekers Start with 99 Double whammies Start with 99 Boing bubbles Start with 99 Flares Most weapon ammo is infinite once you have some
Jungle Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MASTER CODEMUST BE ENTERED Start on Campaign 2: Sub Hunt Start on Campaign 3: Training Ground Start on Campaign 4: Night Strike Start on Campaign 5: Puloso City Start on Campaign 6: Snow Fortress Start on Campaign 7: River Raid Start on Campaign 8: Mountains Start on Campaign 9: Return Home Start on Campaign 10: Win Screen You can choose any co-pilot Use this code if you wont enter a password ACGA-GAEA + BCFT-GA2Y Can choose any co-pilot, even when using password Use this code if you enter a password D5DT-GA7A Infinite lives AGGA-GABT Start with 1 life R13B-861A AGGA-GAEY ALGA-GAEY ARGA-GAEY AWGA-GAEY A0GA-GAEY A4GA-GAEY A8GA-GAEY BCGA-GAEY BGGA-GAEY ACGA-GAEA
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Start with 2 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Infinite fuel Maximum fuel is 25 Maximum fuel is 50 Maximum fuel is 75 Maximum fuel is 150 Maximum fuel is 250 Maximum fuel is 500 Maximum fuel is 999 Infinite ammo Maximum guns is 0 for helicopter Maximum guns is 250 for helicopter Maximum guns is 500 for helicopter Maximum guns is 750 for helicopter Maximum guns is 1,500 for helicopter Maximum guns is 2,000 for helicopter Maximum guns is 5,000 for helicopter Maximum guns is 9,999 for helicopter Maximum guns is 0 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 250 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 500 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 750 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 1,500 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 2,000 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 5,000 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 9,999 for hovercraft Maximum guns is 0 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 250 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 500 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 750 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 1,500 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 2,000 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 5,000 for motorcycle Maximum guns is 9,999 for motorcycle Maximum hydras is 0 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 20 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 40 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 80 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 100 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 200 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 500 for helicopter Maximum hydras is 999 for helicopter Maximum rockets is 0 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 25 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 75 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 100 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 200 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 500 for hovercraft Maximum rockets is 999 for hovercraft Maximum missiles is 0 for motorcycle Maximum missiles is 10 for motorcycle Maximum missiles is 20 for motorcycle Maximum missiles is 50 for motorcycle Maximum missiles is 100 for motorcycle
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
missiles is 250 for motorcycle missiles is 500 for motorcycle missiles is 999 for motorcycle hellfires is 0 for helicopter hellfires is 3 for helicopter hellfires is 6 for helicopter hellfires is 15 for helicopter hellfires is 25 for helicopter hellfires is 50 for helicopter hellfires is 100 for helicopter hellfires is 500 for helicopter hellfires is 999 for helicopter mines is 0 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 3 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 6 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 15 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 25 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 50 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 100 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 500 for hovercraft and motorcycle mines is 999 for hovercraft and motorcycle armor for helicopter is 200 armor for helicopter is 400 armor for helicopter is 600 armor for helicopter is 800 armor for helicopter is 1,200 armor for helicopter is 1,500 armor for helicopter is 2,000 armor for helicopter is 3,000 armor for helicopter is 5,000 armor for helicopter is 9,999 armor for hovercraft is 200 armor for hovercraft is 300 armor for hovercraft is 1,000 armor for hovercraft is 2,000 armor for hovercraft is 5,000 armor for hovercraft is 9,999 armor for motorcycle is 100 armor for motorcycle is 200 armor for motorcycle is 750 armor for motorcycle is 1,000 armor for motorcycle is 2,000 armor for motorcycle is 5,000 armor for motorcycle is 9,999 armor for stealth is 250 armor for stealth is 500 armor for stealth is 800 armor for stealth is 2,000 armor for stealth is 3,000 armor for stealth is 5,000 armor for stealth is 9,999
Jurassic Park
Set 1: ONLY 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
CODE FROM SET 1 CAN BE USED AT A TIME ABDA-AAG2 Start with 0 blue-banded darts AFDA-AAG2 Start with 1 blue-banded dart BKDA-AAG2 Start with 10 blue-banded darts B7DA-AAG2 Start with 15 blue-banded darts GKDA-AAG2 Start with 50 blue-banded darts J3DA-AAG2 Start with 70 blue-banded darts NPDA-AAG2 Start with 99 blue-banded darts
CODES 15 THRU 44: INSTEAD OF BLUE-BANDED DARTS 15 AFDA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 1 red-banded dart 16 BKDA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 10 red-banded darts 17 B7DA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 15 red-banded darts 18 GKDA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 50 red-banded darts 19 J3DA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 70 red-banded darts 20 NPDA-AAG2 + AKDA-AAG4 Start with 99 red-banded darts 21 AFDA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 1 gas grenade 22 BKDA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 10 gas grenades 23 B7DA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 15 gas grenades 24 GKDA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 50 gas grenades 25 J3DA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 70 gas grenades 26 NPDA-AAG2 + AVDA-AAG4 Start with 99 gas grenades 27 AFDA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 1 flash grenade 28 BKDA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 10 flash grenades 29 B7DA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 15 flash grenades 30 GKDA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 50 flash grenades 31 J3DA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 70 flash grenades 32 NPDA-AAG2 + AZDA-AAG4 Start with 99 flash grenades 33 AFDA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 1 concussion grenade 34 BKDA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 10 concussion grenades 35 B7DA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 15 concussion grenades 36 GKDA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 50 concussion grenades 37 J3DA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 70 concussion grenades 38 NPDA-AAG2 + A7DA-AAG4 Start with 99 concussion grenades 39 AFDA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 1 rocket 40 BKDA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 10 rockets 41 B7DA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 15 rockets 42 GKDA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 50 rockets 43 J3DA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 70 rockets 44 NPDA-AAG2 + A3DA-AAG4 Start with 99 rockets
Set 2: ONLY 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
CODE FROM SET 2 CAN BE USED AT A TIME ABDA-AAG8 Start with 0 stun gun shots AFDA-AAG8 Start with 1 stun gun shot BKDA-AAG8 Start with 10 stun gun shots B7DA-AAG8 Start with 15 stun gun shots GKDA-AAG8 Start with 50 stun gun shots J3DA-AAG8 Start with 70 stun gun shots NPDA-AAG8 Start with 99 stun gun shots
CODES 52 THRU 81: INSTEAD OF STUN GUN SHOTS 52 AFDA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 1 red-banded dart 53 BKDA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 10 red-banded darts 54 B7DA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 15 red-banded darts 55 GKDA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 50 red-banded darts 56 J3DA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 70 red-banded darts 57 NPDA-AAG8 + AKDA-AAHA Start with 99 red-banded darts 58 AFDA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 1 gas grenade 59 BKDA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 10 gas grenades 60 B7DA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 15 gas grenades 61 GKDA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 50 gas grenades 62 J3DA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 70 gas grenades 63 NPDA-AAG8 + AVDA-AAHA Start with 99 gas grenades 64 AFDA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 1 flash grenade 65 BKDA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 10 flash grenades 66 B7DA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 15 flash grenades 67 GKDA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 50 flash grenades 68 J3DA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 70 flash grenades 69 NPDA-AAG8 + AZDA-AAHA Start with 99 flash grenades 70 AFDA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 1 concussion grenade 71 BKDA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 10 concussion grenades 72 B7DA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 15 concussion grenades 73 GKDA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 50 concussion grenades 74 J3DA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 70 concussion grenades 75 NPDA-AAG8 + A7DA-AAHA Start with 99 concussion grenades 76 AFDA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 1 rocket 77 BKDA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 10 rockets 78 B7DA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 15 rockets 79 GKDA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 50 rockets 80 J3DA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 70 rockets 81 NPDA-AAG8 + A3DA-AAHA Start with 99 rockets 82 BLEA-8A8L + BAET-8A5J High charge stun gun shot doesn't use as much ammo 83 CX1T-GA5C Infinite gas on the river 84 AD7A-GTBC Each gas can worth 1/2 normal amount of gas 85 AD7A-G2BC Each gas can worth 3/4 normal amount of gas 87 AD7A-GAKC Each gas can worth 2x normal amount of gas 88 AD7A-HAKC Each gas can worth 3x normalamount of gas 89 AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + AEMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 2 (power station) 90 AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + AJMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 3 (power station) 91 AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + ANMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 4 (power station) 92 AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + ATMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 5 (river)
AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + AYMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 6 (pump station) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + A2MA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 7 (canyon) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + A6MA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 8 (volcano) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + BAMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 9 (main hall) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + BEMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 10 (main hall) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + BJMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 11 (main hall) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + BNMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 12 (main hall) AJMA-JA7G + 9TMA-KGFL + BTMA-JAFN Grant starts on Level 13 (main hall) B3JA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 2 (power station) B7JA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 3 (pump station) CBJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 4 (canyon) CFJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 5 (main hall) CKJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 6 (main hall) CPJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 7 (main hall) CVJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 8 (main hall) CZJA-JAB8 Raptor starts on Level 9 (main hall)
Almost invincible - switch off if you get stuck Infinite lives Candy bars fully restore health Infinite ammo (all weapons except grenades) Infinite grenades Start with 1/4 health Start with 1/2 health Start with 3/4 health
Almost invincible - switch off if you get stuck Infinite lives Candy bars fully restore health
1/2 as much lysine as usual is needed for the raptor rage
Just a little bit of lysine causes the raptor rage Start with 1/4 health Start with 1/2 health Start with 3/4 health
Kid Chameleon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 AFWT-AAB6 AZWT-AAB6 A7WT-AAB6 BFWT-AAB6 H49A-AA7J SD9A-BJV0 SD9A-BTV0 SD9A-B2V0 SD9A-BAV0 AEBT-JAB4 AJBT-JAB4 ANBT-JAB4 ATBT-JAB4 AYBT-JAB4 A2BT-JAB4 A6BT-JAB4 BABT-JAB4 BEBT-JAB4 BJBT-JAB4 BNBT-JAB4 BTBT-JAB4 BYBT-JAB4 B2BT-JAB4 B6BT-JAB4 CABT-JAB4 CEBT-JAB4 CJBT-JAB4 CNBT-JAB4 CTBT-JAB4 CYBT-JAB4 C2BT-JAB4 C6BT-JAB4 DABT-JAB4 DEBT-JAB4 DJBT-JAB4 DNBT-JAB4 DTBT-JAB4 DYBT-JAB4 D2BT-JAB4 D6BT-JAB4 EABT-JAB4 EEBT-JAB4 EJBT-JAB4 ENBT-JAB4 ETBT-JAB4 EYBT-JAB4 E2BT-JAB4 E6BT-JAB4 FABT-JAB4 FEBT-JAB4 FJBT-JAB4 FNBT-JAB4 FTBT-JAB4 FYBT-JAB4 F2BT-JAB4 Start timer at 1:00 (instead of 3:00) Start timer at 5:00 Start timer at 7:00 Start timer at 9:00 Infinite time Each diamond worth 2 Each diamond worth 4 Each diamond worth 6 Each diamond worth 8 Start on Blue Lake Woods II Start on Highwater Pass I Start on Highwater Pass II Start on Under Skull Mountain I Start on Under Skull Mountain II Start on Under Skull Mountain III Start on Isle of the Lion Lord Start on Hills of the Warrior I Start on Hills of the Warrior II Start on Windy City Start on Sinister Sewers Start on The Crystal Crags I Start on The Crystal Crags II Start on Dragonspike Start on Stormwalk Mountain Start on Shishkaboss Start on The Whispering Woods I Start on The Whispering Woods II Start on Devil's Marsh I Start on Devil's Marsh II Start on Knight Isle Start on Whale Grotto Start on Hoverboard Beach Start on Pyramids of Peril Start on Madmaze Mountain Start on The Deadly Skyscrapers Start on Skydragon Castle I Start on Skydragon Castle II Start on Coral Blade Grotto Start on Boomerang Bosses Start on Woods of Despair I Start on Woods of Despair II Start on Forced Entry Start on The Cliffs of Illusion Start on The Lion's Den Start on The Wind Castles I Start on The Wind Castles II Start on Blizzard Mountaon Start on Caves of Ice Start on The Nightmare Peaks I Start on The Nightmare Peaks II Start on Bagel Brothers Start on Diamond Edge Start on The Hills Have Eyes Start on The Secret of the Rocks Start on Ice God's Vengeance
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
Start on Beneath the Twisted Hills Start on Alien Isle Start on The Land Below Start on The Final Marathon Start on Plethora Start on The Pinnacle Start on The Hidden Canyon Start on The Caged Beasts Start on The Crab Cove Start on The Crypt Start on The Forbidden Tombs Start on The Stairway to Oblivion Start on The Valley of Life Start on The Black Pit Start on The Frosty Doom Start on The Bloody Swamp Start on The Scorpion Isle Start on The Towers of Blood Start on The Alien Twilight Start on The Tunnels Beneath the Woods Start on Hills of Forever Start on Monster Island Start on The Shimmering Caves Start on The Sky Fortress Start on Elsewhere Start with 1 life instead of 3 Start with 6 lives Start with 9 lives Start with 15 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Start with 99 lives Infinite lives Almost infinite hit points Each clock worth 8:00 instead of 3:00 (up to the max time of 9:59) Each clock worth 1:00 instead of 3:00
--Diamond Powers (Circle of Doom, Samurai Haze, Invulnerability, Circle of Death, Mini-Snake, Slashing Rain) require no diamonds instead of 20. --Also, Diamond Powers (Death Snake, Extra Hit Point, Wall of Death, Extra Life, Swift Mini-Snake, Tracking Rain) require only 30 diamonds instead of 50 93 AL5T-AA6Y Don't lose transformation when you lose all your hit points
+ + + + + + + + + +
AW6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into EyeClops AG6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Skycutter AL6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Cyclone AR6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Red Stealth A06T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Juggernaut A46T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Iron Knight A86T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Berzerker BC6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Maniaxe BG6T-AAA6 All helmets transform you into Micromax AC6T-AAA6 Helmets do not transform you into anything Infinite continues
King's Bounty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 R17A-R6V0 NWWT-EAFW 7CWT-EGFW 5WWT-ELFW 4CWT-ERFW VCWT-FGFW LCWT-FEM6 LCWT-E0X6 LCWT-F456 LCWT-FPD6 LCWT-EVX6 LCWT-FZ56 ACWT-EAET NWWT-EAET 8WWT-ECET 4CWT-ERET VCWT-FGET CCWT-ERNT ECWT-E6YT JCWT-F3ET 7CWT-F56T ACWT-EAEJ 7CWT-EGEJ 1CWT-E0EJ VCWT-FGEJ ECWT-E6YJ JCWT-F3EJ 7CWT-F56J ARWT-EAEA ARWT-ECEA ARWT-EJEA ARWT-EREA ARWT-EYEA ARWT-FJEA ARWT-FENA ARWT-EJ6A AGWT-EAEE AGWT-EEEE AGWT-EJEE AGWT-EREE AGWT-EYEE AGWT-FJEE AGWT-FENE AGWT-EJ6E GLWT-EJ56 NWWT-EJ56 S0WT-EJ56 W4WT-EJ56 3CWT-EJ56 9LWT-EJ56 ACWT-EAEW NWWT-EAEW 8WWT-ECEW 4CWT-EREW MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Start with days left at 100 Start with days left at 1,000 Start with days left at 1,500 Start with days left at 2,000 Start with days left at 5,000 Start with leadership at 50 for Sir Crimsaun Start with leadership at 75 for Sir Crimsaun Start with leadership at 125 for Sir Crimsaun Start with leadership at 150 for Sir Crimsaun Start with leadership at 200 for Sir Crimsaun Start with leadership at 250 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 0 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 100 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 500 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 2,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 10,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with commission at 65,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 0 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 1,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 3,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with gold at 65,000 for Sir Crimsaun Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Sir Crimsaun Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Sir Crimsaun Start with maximum spell capacity at 4 for Sir Crimsaun Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Sir Crimsaun
Start Start Start Start with with with with maximum maximum maximum maximum spell spell spell spell capacity capacity capacity capacity at at at at 10 for Sir Crimsaun 20 for Sir Crimsaun 50 for Sir Crimsaun 100 for Sir Crimsaun
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with
spell power at 0 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 2 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 4 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 7 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 10 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 20 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 50 for Sir Crimsaun spell power at 100 for Sir Crimsaun leadership at 50 for Lord Palmer leadership at 100 for Lord Palmer leadership at 125 for Lord Palmer leadership at 150 for Lord Palmer leadership at 200 for Lord Palmer leadership at 250 for Lord Palmer commission at 0 for Lord Palmer commission at 100 for Lord Palmer commission at 500 for Lord Palmer commission at 2,000 for Lord Palmer
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with
commission at 5,000 for Lord Palmer commission at 10,000 for Lord Palmer commission at 20,000 for Lord Palmer commission at 40,000 for Lord Palmer commission at 65,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 0 for Lord Palmer gold at 1,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 3,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 5,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 20,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 40,000 for Lord Palmer gold at 65,000 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 0 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 1 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 2 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 7 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 10 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 20 for Lord Palmer maximum spell capacity at 50 for Lord Palmer spell power at 0 for Lord Palmer spell power at 2 for Lord Palmer spell power at 4 for Lord Palmer spell power at 7 for Lord Palmer spell power at 10 for Lord Palmer spell power at 20 for Lord Palmer spell power at 50 for Lord Palmer spell power at 100 for Lord Palmer leadership at 50 for Tynnestra leadership at 100 for Tynnestra leadership at 125 for Tynnestra leadership at 150 for Tynnestra leadership at 200 for Tynnestra leadership at 250 for Tynnestra commission at 0 for Tynnestra commission at 100 for Tynnestra commission at 500 for Tynnestra commission at 2,000 for Tynnestra commission at 5,000 for Tynnestra commission at 10,000 for Tynnestra commission at 20,000 for Tynnestra commission at 40,000 for Tynnestra commission at 65,000 for Tynnestra gold at 0 for Tynnestra gold at 1,000 for Tynnestra gold at 3,000 for Tynnestra gold at 5,000 for Tynnestra gold at 20,000 for Tynnestra gold at 40,000 for Tynnestra gold at 65,000 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 0 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 1 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 3 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 7 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 10 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at Q20 for Tynnestra maximum spell capacity at 50 for Tynnestra
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with + AHYT-AAG4 + CXYT-AAG4 + GMYT-AAG4 + NXYT-AAG4 + 9MYT-AAG4 + 8XYT-ACG4 Never lose
maximum spell capacity at 100 for Tynnestra spell power at 0 for Tynnestra spell power at 1 for Tynnestra spell power at 4 for Tynnestra spell power at 7 for Tynnestra spell power at 10 for Tynnestra spell power at 20 for Tynnestra spell power at 50 for Tynnestra spell power at 100 for Tynnestra leadership at 50 for Mad Moham leadership at 75 for Mad Moham leadership at 125 for Mad Moham leadership at 150 for Mad Moham leadership at 200 for Mad Moham leadership at 250 for Mad Moham commission at 0 for Mad Moham commission at 100 for Mad Moham commission at 500 for Mad Moham commission at 1,000 for Mad Moham commission at 5,000 for Mad Moham commission at 10,000 for Mad Moham commission at 20,000 for Mad Moham commission at 40,000 for Mad Moham commission at 65,000 for Mad Moham gold at 0 for Mad Moham gold at 1000 for Mad Moham gold at 3,000 for Mad Moham gold at 5,000 for Mad Moham gold at 20,000 for Mad Moham gold at 40,000 for Mad Moham gold at 65,000 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 0 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 4 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 7 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 20 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 50 for Mad Moham maximum spell capacity at 100 for Mad Moham spell power at 4 for Mad Moham spell power at 7 for Mad Moham spell power at 10 for Mad Moham spell power at 20 for Mad Moham spell power at 50 for Mad Moham spell power at 100 for Mad Moham Always have 1 troop in each army in battle
Always Always Always Always Always have have have have have 20 troops in each army in battle 50 troops in each army in battle 100 troops in each army in battle 250 troops in each army in battle 500 troops in each army in battle
control of an army
Recruitment and boat rental are free Armies work for free Never run out of days + AJTA-AA6Y Accept any password
USE CODES 9 THRU 16 9 ABFA-AA6J 10 ABFA-AA6J + 11 ABFA-AA6J + 12 ABFA-AA6J + 13 ABFA-AA6J + 14 ABFA-AA6J + 15 ABFA-AA6J + 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
FOR FUN ONLY, NOT TO FINISH THE GAME Magic blocks are always food X3FA-AAEL Magic blocks are always pies 23FA-AAEL Magic blocks are always bags of tricks 6BFA-AAEL Magic blocks are always mugs 93FA-AAEL Magic blocks are always hooters DBFA-ACEL Magic blocks are always extra lives JBFA-ACEL Magic blocks give you nothing, but may still open a secret passage ABFA-AA6J + 93FA-AEEL Magic blocks are always superballs LA9T-AACT About 25 seconds to get all tokens in bonus rooms SA9T-AACT About 35 seconds to get all tokens in bonus rooms 0T9T-AACT About 55 seconds to get all tokens in bonus rooms 8A9T-AACT About 70 seconds to get all tokens in bonus rooms SE8T-BJZ4 Completing bonus room worth 2 extra lives SE8T-BNZ4 Completing bonus room worth 3 extra lives SE8T-BTZ4 Completing bonus room worth 4 extra lives SE8T-BYZ4 Completing bonus room worth 5 extra lives AVFT-AA8A Krusty doll magic blocks worth 0 extra lives SFFT-BJ0A Krusty doll magic blocks worth 2 extra lives SFFT-BN0A Krusty doll magic blocks worth 3 extra lives SFFT-BT0A Krusty doll magic blocks worth 4 extra lives SFFT-BY0A Krusty doll magic blocks worth 5 extra lives IN THE CODE IS worth worth worth worth worth worth worth worth 1 superball 2 superballs 3 superballs 4 superballs 7 superballs 10 superballs 15 superballs 20 superballs
FOR CODES 30 THRU 37, THE NUMBER OF SUPERBALLS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER YOU CAN CARRY 30 AFGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 31 AKGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 32 APGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 33 AVGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 34 A7GT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 35 BKGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 36 B7GT-AAEY Superball magic blocks 37 CVGT-AAEY Superball magic blocks FOR CODES 38 THRU 44, THE NUMBER OF PIES MAXIMUM NUMBER YOU CAN CARRY 38 AFFT-AABY Pie magic blocks 39 APFT-AABY Pie magic blocks 40 AZFT-AABY Pie magic blocks 41 A7FT-AABY Pie magic blocks 42 B7FT-AABY Pie magic blocks 43 CVFT-AABY Pie magic blocks 44 D3FT-AABY Pie magic blocks 45 SFFT-ANBW Pie magic blocks
IN THE CODE IS THE worth 1 pie worth 3 pies worth 5 pies worth 7 pies worth 15 pies worth 20 pies worth 30 pies add to total pies
46 47 48
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Superball magic blocks add to total superballs Always pick up pies, never superballs FOR FUN ONLY, NOT TO FINISH THE GAME Always pick up superballs, never pies FIRST KICK A BLOCK THAT ORIGINALLY CONTAINED A SUPERBALL. AFTER THAT, IT WILL LOOK LIKE YOU PICK UP PIES, BUT YOU WILL ACTUALLY BE PICKING UP SUPERBALLS Infinite pies and superballs Food magic blocks worth 0 health points instead of 35 Food magic blocks worth 10 health points Food magic blocks worth 20 health points Food magic blocks worth 30 health points Food magic blocks worth 40 health points Food magic blocks worth 50 health points Food magic blocks worth 60 health points Food magic blocks worth 80 health points Food magic blocks worth 90 health points Food magic blocks worth 100 health points Start on section 2 with section 1 complete Start on section 3 with sections 1 and 2 complete Start on section 4 with sections 1 thru 3 complete Start on section 5 with sections 1 thru 4 complete Start anywhere you want--with infinite lives
+ + + + + + + +
Each basket worth 1 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 2 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 3 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 4 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 5 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 6 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 7 instead of 2 or 3--player Each basket worth 8 instead of 2 or 3--player Infinite time outs--both players AEDA-AAAC Start with 1 timeout--player 1 ANDA-AAAC Start with 3 timeouts--player 1 A6DA-AAAC Start with 7 timeouts--player 1 BEDA-AAAC Start with 9 timeouts--player 1 AEDA-AAAL Start with 1 timeout--player 2 ANDA-AAAL Start with 3 timeouts--player 2 A6DA-AAAL Start with 7 timeouts--player 2 BEDA-AAAL Start with 9 timeouts--player 2 Start with 10 points--player 1 Start with 20 points--player 1 Start with 30 points--player 1 Start with 40 points--player 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
31 32 33 34 35 36
Start with 10 points--player 2 or Start with 20 points--player 2 or Start with 30 points--player 2 or Start with 40 points--player 2 or All 3-point baskets worth 6--both All 3-point baskets worth 9--both
Last Battle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 LAXT-AAGT REKA-A6T4 ALKT-AA7Y EAXA-AAHA AVPT-AADG EPPT-AADG GJXA-AAHG WAXA-AAHG AAXA-AAG8 AEXA-AAG8 AJXA-AAG8 ANXA-AAG8 ATXA-AAG8 AYXA-AAG8 A2XA-AAG8 A6XA-AAG8 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AEXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 AJXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 ANXA-AAG6 Start timer at 50 Infinite time Almost infinite life energy Start with half as much life energy BBPT-AADY Increase power level faster EBPT-AADY Increase power level much faster Start with more power Start with a lot more power Start in chapter 1, area 2 Start in chapter 1, area 3 Start in chapter 1, area 4 Start in chapter 1, area 5 Start in chapter 1, area 6 Start in chapter 1, area 7 Start in chapter 1, area 8 Start in chapter 1, area 9 BAXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 1 BEXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 2 BJXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 3 BNXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 4 BTXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 5 BYXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 6 B2XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 2, area 7 B6XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 1 CAXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 2 CEXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 3 CJXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 4 CNXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 5 CTXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 6 CYXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 7 C2XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 8 C6XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 3, area 9 DAXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 1 DEXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 2 DJXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 3 DNXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 4 DTXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 5 DYXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 6 D2XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 7 D6XA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 8 EAXA-AAG8 Start in chapter 4, area 9
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Lethal Enforcers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AFTA-BA5L AKTA-BA5L APTA-BA5L AVTA-BA5L AZTA-BA5L A3TA-BA5L AE9A-BA80 AJ9A-BA80 AN9A-BA80 AT9A-BA80 AY9A-BA80 A29A-BA80 AKBT-AA54 W3GT-ADJY RGST-A6VG GBCT-AA5J ABBT-BA8T ABAT-BE46 Start each level with Magnum Start each level with Shotgun Start each level with Assault Rifle Start each level with Machine gun Start each level with Automatic Start each level with Grenade gun Continue with Magnum Continue with Shotgun Continue with Assault Rifle Continue with Machine gun Continue with Automatic Continue with Grenade gun Keep gun after getting shot--1st life only
Score 100% accuracy every time (always get a double promotion)
+ + + +
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
AP4V-5A8W AV4V-5A8W AZ4V-5A8W A34V-5A8W A74V-5A8W BB4V-5A8W BF4V-5A8W BK4V-5A8W BP4V-5A8W BV4V-5A8W BZ4V-5A8W B34V-5A8W
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
on on on on on on on on on on on on
Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus
3-The Elephant Graveyard 4-The Stampede 5-Simba's Exile 6-Hakuna Matata 7-Simba's Destiny 8-Be Prepared 9-Simba's Return 10-Pride Rock Level-Bug Toss Level-Bug Hunt 1 Level-Bug Hunt 2 Level-Bug Hunt 3
+ + + +
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
Start with 60 Sabot rounds Start with 80 Sabot rounds Start with 100 Sabot rounds Start with 20 AX rounds Start with 40 AX rounds Start with 60 AX rounds Start with 80 AX rounds Start with 100 AX rounds Equipment can't be damaged Equipment can't be destroyed
Madden NFL 96
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. ROAV-861N MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED ACZA-8AFA Infinite play clock time (two player mode only) CCNT-8AA0 Start with 35 seconds on play clock ECNT-8AAG Start with 25 seconds on play clock ACRA-6AGR Team one starts with 0 time outs AGRA-6AGR Team one starts with 1 time out A0RA-6AGR Team one starts with 5 time outs BGRA-6AGR Team one starts with 9 time outs ACRA-6AGY Team two starts with 0 time outs AGRA-6AGY Team two starts with 1 time out A0RA-6AGY Team two starts with 5 time outs BGRA-6AGY Team two starts with 9 time outs RHGA-66ZE + RHGA-66ZG Infinite timeouts GD0A-7ATR Touchdowns are worth 0 points GD0A-7ETR Touchdowns are worth 1 point GD0A-7JTR Touchdowns are worth 2 points GD0A-7NTR Touchdowns are worth 3 points GD0A-7TTR Touchdowns are worth 4 points GD0A-7YTR Touchdowns are worth 5 points GD0A-76TR Touchdowns are worth 7 points GD0A-7AXG Safties are worth 0 points GD0A-7EXG Safties are worth 1 point GD0A-7NXG Safties are worth 3 points GD0A-7TXG Safties are worth 4 points GD0A-7YXG Safties are worth 5 points GD0A-72XG Safties are worth 6 points GD0A-76XG Safties are worth 7 points
Madden NFL 95
NOTE: The Game Genie can only be used in Exhibition Mode with Madden 95. 1. R1GB-Y60J MASTER CODE - MUST BE ENTERED 2. AADA-CAER Player 1 gets 0 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 3. AEDA-CAER Player 1 gets 1 timeout per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 4. AJDA-CAER Player 1 gets 2 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 5. ATDA-CAER Player 1 gets 4 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 6. AYDA-CAER Player 1 gets 5 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 7. AADA-CAEY Player 2 gets 0 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 8. AEDA-CAEY Player 2 gets 1 timeout per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 9. AJDA-CAEY Player 2 gets 2 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 10. ATDA-CAEY Player 2 gets 4 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 11. AYDA-CAEY Player 2 gets 5 timeouts per half - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER 12. AKCA-CA4T Infinite timeouts for both players - IGNORE TIME OUT COUNTER
CODES 13-16 HAVE NO EFFECT AFTER AN INCOMPLETE TIME OUT, SCORE, OR OTHER UNUSUAL PLAY. 13. HTPT-EADW Play clock is reset to 60 14. GJPT-EADW Play clock is reset to 50 15. D2PT-EADW Play clock is reset to 30 16. CTPT-EADW Play clock is reset to 20 CODES 17-24: THE CHOSEN 17. B67A-CABT 18. HT7A-CABT 19. W27A-CABT 20. 2J7A-CCBT 21. 727A-CEBT 22. J27A-CLBT 23. BA7A-CRBT 24. WT7A-DCBT 25. AK0A-CA98 26. GB0A-DE18 27. GB0A-DJ18 28. GB0A-DN18 29. GB0A-DT18 30. GB0A-DY18 31. GB0A-D618 32. GB0A-DA18 33. AK0T-CA3R 34. GB0T-DEVR 35. GB0T-DNVR 36. GB0T-DTVR 37. GB0T-DYVR 38. GB0T-D2VR 39. GB0T-D6VR 40. GB0T-DAVR 41. AK0T-CA42 42. GB0T-DEW2 43. GB0T-DNW2 44. GB0T-DTW2 45. GB0T-DYW2 46. GB0T-D2W2 47. GB0T-D6W2 48. GB0T-DAW2 49. AB0A-DE38 50. AF0A-DE38 51. AK0A-DE38 52. AV0A-DE38 53. AZ0A-DE38 54. A30A-DE38 55. A70A-DE38 56. BB0A-DE38 57. AB0A-DE3Y 58. AK0A-DE3Y 59. AP0A-DE3Y 60. AV0A-DE3Y 61. AZ0A-DE3Y 62. A30A-DE3Y 63. A70A-DE3Y 64. BB0A-DE3Y
PASS, KICK OFF RETURN, seconds seconds seconds seconds after after after after most most most most plays plays plays plays
GAME DURATION SHOULD BE 20 MINUTES Each game lasts 1 minute Each game lasts 4 minutes Each game lasts 10 minutes Each game lasts 30 minutes Each game lasts 50 minutes Each game lasts 90 minutes Each game lasts 2 hours Each game lasts a marathon 5 hours Touchdown is worth 0 points Touchdown is worth 1 point Touchdown is worth 2 points Touchdown is worth 3 points Touchdown is worth 4 points Touchdown is worth 5 points Touchdown is worth 7 points Touchdown is worth 8 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 0 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 1 point 2-Point Conversion is worth 3 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 4 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 5 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 6 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 7 points 2-Point Conversion is worth 8 points Safety is worth 0 points Safety is worth 1 point Safety is worth 3 points Safety is worth 4 points Safety is worth 5 points Safety is worth 6 points Safety is worth 7 points Safety is worth 8 points Field Goal is worth 0 points Field Goal is worth 1 point Field Goal is worth 2 points Field Goal is worth 4 points Field Goal is worth 5 points Field Goal is worth 6 points Field Goal is worth 7 points Field Goal is worth 8 points Extra Point is worth 0 points Extra Point is worth 2 points Extra Point is worth 3 points Extra Point is worth 4 points Extra Point is worth 5 points Extra Point is worth 6 points Extra Point is worth 7 points Extra Point is worth 8 points
CODES 10 THRU 17 WON'T LET YOU 10 FCKT-DEXT Player 11 FCKT-DJXT Player 12 FCKT-DNXT Player 13 FCKT-DTXT Player 14 FCKT-DYXT Player 15 FCKT-D2XT Player 16 FCKT-D6XT Player 17 FCKT-DAXT Player 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FBZT-DJ14 FBZT-DN14 FBZT-DT14 FBZT-DY14 FBZT-D214 FBZT-D614 FBZT-DA14 Player Player Player Player Player Player Player
Marvel Land
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 REBT-A6WJ RYSA-C602 BF7T-AABW AGCA-AADC ALCA-AADC ARCA-AADC AWCA-AADC A0CA-AADC A4CA-AADC A8CA-AADC BCCA-AADC BGCA-AADC BLCA-AADC BRCA-AADC BWCA-AADC B0CA-AADC B4CA-AADC B8CA-AADC CCCA-AADC CGCA-AADC CLCA-AADC CRCA-AADC CWCA-AADC C0CA-AADC C4CA-AADC MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives--EXCEPT IN BATTLE WITH BOSSES Start with 9 lives instead of 5 Start on world 1, area 2 Start on world 1, area 3 Start on world 1, area 4 Start on world 1, area 5 Start on world 1, area 6 Start on world 1, area 7 Start on world 1 bonus round Start on world 2, area 1 Start on world 2, area 2 Start on world 2, area 3 Start on world 2, area 4 Start on world 2, area 5 Start on world 2, area 6 Start on world 2, area 7 Start on world 2 bonus round Start on world 3, area 1 Start on world 3, area 2 Start on world 3, area 3 Start on world 3, area 4 Start on world 3, area 5 Start on world 3, area 6 Start on world 3, area 7
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Start on world 3 bonus round Start on world 4, area 1 Start on world 4, area 2 Start on world 4, area 3 Start on world 4, area 4 Start on world 4, area 5 Start on world 4, area 6 Start on world 4, area 7 Start on world 5 area 1 Start on world 5 area 2 Infinite time Time goes by 2x as fast
Maximum Carnage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ADNB-4AD8 AKZB-4A8R AM5V-4A9E AJRV-4A4J AETV-5A8L AJTV-5A8L ANTV-5A8L AYTV-5A8L A6TV-5A8L BETV-5A8L CB4B-6AE8 EB4B-6AE8 JB4B-6AE8 LB4B-6AE8 NB4B-6AE8 AF4B-6AFE AK4B-6AFE AV4B-6AFE AZ4B-6AFE A74B-6AFE BF4B-6AFE AB4B-6AFL AK4B-6AFL AP4B-6AFL AV4B-6AFL AZ4B-6AFL A74B-6AFL BF4B-6AFL AVWV-4AFA A3WV-4AFA BBWV-4AFA BKWV-4AFA BVWV-4AFA B3WV-4AFA CBWV-4AFA CKWV-4AFA CVWV-4AFA C3WV-4AFA DBWV-4AFA DKWV-4AFA DVWV-4AFA Infinite lives Infinite continues Invincibility--must turn effects off at end of some rounds to go on Infinite help icons Start with 1 of each superhero icon Start with 2 of each superhero icon Start with 3 of each superhero icon Start with 5 of each superhero icon Start with 7 of each superhero icon Start with 9 of each superhero icon Start with 1/3 health Start with 2/3 health Start with more health Start with much more health Start with double health Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 4 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Start with no continues Start with 2 continues Start with 3 continues Start with 4 continues Start with 5 continues Start with 7 continues Start with 9 continues Start on level 2 Start on level 3 Start on level 4 Start on level 5 Start on level 6 Start on level 7 Start on level 8 Start on level 9 Start on level 10 Start on level 11 Start on level 12 Start on level 13 Start on level 14
42 43 44 45 46 47 48
on on on on on on on
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
NOTE: LIFE VALUES ABOVE 100% MAY BE DISPLAYED WEIRDLY 10 3B1T-CAAJ Start with life at 200% 11 W31T-CAAJ Start with life at 150% 12 KP1T-CAAJ Start with life at 75% 13 GK1T-CAAJ Start with life at 50% 14 DF1T-CAAJ Start with life at 25% 15 AAMA-CAG6 Life Chakra worth 0% extra life 16 BJMA-CAG6 Life Chakra worth 10% extra life 17 GJMA-CAG6 Life Chakra worth 50% extra life 18 NTMA-CAG6 Life Chakra worth 100% extra life 19 BV5T-CA32 Special attack uses no life 20 A35T-CA32 Special attack is fatal if your life meter is low 21 AJHT-AA7R Start on Round 1-2 (level 2) 22 SAHT-BEZR Start on Round 1-3 (level 3) 23 SAHT-BJZR Start on Round 1-Boss (level 4) 24 SAHT-BNZR Start on Round 2-1 (level 5) 25 SAHT-BTZR Start on Round 2-2 (level 6) 26 SAHT-BYZR Start on Round 2-3 (level 7) 27 SAHT-B2ZR Start on Round 2-Boss (level 8) 28 SAHT-B6ZR Start on Round 3-1 (level 9) 29 SAHT-BAZR Start on Round 3-2 (level 10) 30 SAHT-BJ02 Play every 2nd level 31 SAHT-BN02 Play every 3rd level 32 SAHT-BT02 Play every 4th level 33 SAHT-BY02 Play every 5th level 34 SAHT-B202 Play every 6th level 35 SAHT-B602 Play every 7th level INVINCIBILITY AND INVISIBILITY CODES MAY NOT WORK WELL IF COMBINED 36 AV6A-CA2G Some soldiers can't hurt you 37 AK6A-CA5E Other soldiers and mini-boss cannot hurt you 38 AK2A-CA7C Invincible--except against superboss 39 AB1T-CABC Not invincible when first put on screen 40 AB8A-CAFA Not invincible after a knockdown 41 AAMT-CAAE No invincibility icon 42 FTMT-CCAE Invincibility icon lasts about 1/2x normal 43 0AMT-CJAE Invincibility icon lasts 2x about normal
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
1AMT-C0AE Invincibility icon lasts 5x about normal RAMT-DRAE Invincibility icon lasts 10x about normal Z32A-CTFR You don't flicker while invincible 732A-CTF0 You're invisible Z32A-CTFR + 732A-CTF0 You're invisible and flicker while invincible RHAT-C6ZG One hit kills mini-boss ACNA-CA88 One hit kills superboss A4HA-CA2C Invincible against superboss
Mega Turrican
Start Start Start Start Start
with with with with with with with with with with with with with with with
each each each each each
2 lives 3 lives 6 lives 8 lives 11 lives 20 lives 33 lives 64 lives no continues 1 continue 2 continues 4 continues 5 continues 7 continues 9 continues
with with with with with no smart bombs EXCEPT 1ST LIFE 1 smart bomb EXCEPT 1ST LIFE 2 smart bombs EXCEPT 1ST LIFE 4 smart bombs EXCEPT 1ST LIFE homing missile EXCEPT 1ST LIFE
+ + + + + +
Weapon power-ups always max out weapon level Weapon levels don't decrease after dying Homing missile isn't lost after dying Infinite time Infinite lives Infinite continues Infinite wheel time Infinite smart bombs No energy loss (invulnerability) 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 2 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 3 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 4 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 5 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 6 9TLT-BCNG Start on level 7 Always continue on last level played
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGPA-W6YJ A4TT-WA50 A4TT-WA4A AWTT-WA72 ATGA-YA7W AT1A-6A2A AV1A-6A6A Infinite missiles Invincibility against some tanks Invincibility against other tanks, combine with Code 3 for full tank invincibility Invincibility against some aircraft Pest Control Code Keep gun from overheating WhackBall Codes Stop timer + RE5T-66Y8 Infinite lives
Infinite Lives
Space Station Defender Codes 9 AXFA-YA34 Infinite power 10 B5HT-YA80 Infinite lives Ready, Aim, Tomatoes Codes 11 97AA-BA9L Start with rapid fire tomatoes 12 BJ2T-AA8T Invincibility 13 AJ2T-AA8E Infinite tomatoes 14 NPAA-AAGR Start with 99 tomatoes 15 AKAA-AAF6 Start on level 2 16 APAA-AAF6 Start on level 3 17 AVAA-AAF6 Start on level 4 18 AZAA-AAF6 Start on level 5 19 A3AA-AAF6 Start on level 6 20 A7AA-AAF6 Start on level 7 21 BBAA-AAF6 Start on level 8 22 BFAA-AAF6 Start on level 9 23 BKAA-AAF6 Start on level 10 24 BPAA-AAF6 Start on level 11 25 BVAA-AAF6 Start on level 12 26 BZAA-AAF6 Start on level 13 27 B3AA-AAF6 Start on level 14 28 B7AA-AAF6 Start on level 15 29 CBAA-AAF6 Start on level 16 30 CFAA-AAF6 Start on level 17 31 CKAA-AAF6 Start on level 18 32 CPAA-AAF6 Start on level 19 33 CVAA-AAF6 Start on level 20 34 CZAA-AAF6 Start on level 21 35 C3AA-AAF6 Start on level 22 36 C7AA-AAF6 Start on level 23 37 DBAA-AAF6 Start on level 24 38 DFAA-AAF6 Start on level 25 39 DKAA-AAF6 Start on level 26 40 DPAA-AAF6 Start on level 27 41 DVAA-AAF6 Start on level 28 42 DZAA-AAF6 Start on level 29 43 D3AA-AAF6 Start on level 30 44 D7AA-AAF6 Start on level 31 45 EBAA-AAF6 Start on level 32 46 EFAA-AAF6 Start on level 33 47 EKAA-AAF6 Start on level 34 48 EPAA-AAF6 Start on level 35 49 EVAA-AAF6 Start on level 36 50 EZAA-AAF6 Start on level 37 51 E3AA-AAF6 Start on level 38 52 E7AA-AAF6 Start on level 39 53 FBAA-AAF6 Start on level 40 54 FFAA-AAF6 Start on level 41 55 FKAA-AAF6 Start on level 42 56 FPAA-AAF6 Start on level 43 57 FVAA-AAF6 Start on level 44 58 FZAA-AAF6 Start on level 45
59 60 61 62
on on on on
46 47 48 49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CTBT-AA4A ALAT-AA4N RHNA-A6Z0 ATMT-AAAA AYMT-AAAA A2MT-AAAA A6MT-AAAA BAMT-AAAA A5KA-AA4W ETMT-AACA EAMT-AACA DTMT-AACA DAMT-AACA ETMT-AACC EAMT-AACC DTMT-AACC DAMT-AACC ETMT-AAB8 EAMT-AAB8 DTMT-AAB8 DAMT-AAB8 RG3A-A61C RG3A-A61C RG3A-A61C RG3A-A61C MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Almost Infinite life Infinite mega crash bombs Start with 4 mega crash bombs Start with 5 mega crash bombs Start with 6 mega crash bombs Start with 7 mega crash bombs Start with 8 mega crash bombs Infinite continues Start with 8 continues in arcade mode--normal Start with 7 continues in arcade mode--normal Start with 6 continues in arcade mode--normal Start with 5 continues in arcade mode--normal Start with 8 continues in arcade mode--hard Start with 7 continues in arcade mode--hard Start with 6 continues in arcade mode--hard Start with 5 continues in arcade mode--hard Start with 8 continues in arcade mode--easy Start with 7 continues in arcade mode--easy Start with 6 continues in arcade mode--easy Start with 5 continues in arcade mode--easy B83A-BJ9A Start with 5x normal firepower level D83A-BJ9A Start with 10x normal firepower level JC3A-BJ9A Start with 20x normal firepower level 7C3A-BJ9A Start with 40x normal firepower level
+ + + +
CODES 6 THRU 10 WILL DISPLAY SOME BIZARRE STUFF WHERE THE ARROW IS NORMALLY DISPLAYED 6 B73T-2AFE Start with 15 energy units 7 CV3T-2AFE Start with 20 energy units 8 D33T-2AFE Start with 30 energy units 9 GK3T-2AFE Start with 50 energy units 10 NV3T-2AFE Start with 100 energy units 11 RFVT-26ZN Infinite lives 12 GC1T-2AFT Start with 1 life NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 13 GG1T-2AFT Start with 2 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 14 G01T-2AFT Start with 6 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 15 G41T-2AFT Start with 7 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 16 G81T-2AFT Start with 8 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 17 HC1T-2AFT Start with 9 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 18 HG1T-2AFT Start with 10 lives NORMAL DIFFICULTY ONLY 19 RGXT-26X2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 0 more lives 20 ACXT-3JX2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 2 more lives 21 ACXT-3NX2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 3 more lives 22 ACXT-3TX2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 4 more lives 23 ACXT-3YX2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 5 more lives 24 ACXT-32X2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 6 more lives 25 ACXT-36X2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 7 more lives 26 ACXT-3AX2 Extra life symbol (1-up) gives you 8 more lives 27 AL2T-2A6N 0 arches needed to complete a level 28 GG2T-3ANJ 10 arches needed to complete a level 29 GL2T-3ANJ 20 arches needed to complete a level 30 GW2T-3ANJ 40 arches needed to complete a level 31 G02T-3ANJ 50 arches needed to complete a level 32 G42T-3ANJ 60 arches needed to complete a level 33 G82T-3ANJ 70 arches needed to complete a level 34 HC2T-3ANJ 80 arches needed to complete a level 35 HG2T-3ANJ 90 arches needed to complete a level 36 ABNT-2A7E 0 arches needed to get to bonus round 37 GBNT-3APA 5 arches needed to get to bonus round 38 GFNT-3APA 15 arches needed to get to bonus round 39 GKNT-3APA 25 arches needed to get to bonus round 40 GPNT-3APA 35 arches needed to get to bonus round 41 GVNT-3APA 45 arches needed to get to bonus round 42 GZNT-3APA 55 arches needed to get to bonus round 43 G3NT-3APA 65 arches needed to get to bonus round 44 HBNT-3APA 85 arches needed to get to bonus round 45 HFNT-3APA 95 arches needed to get to bonus round 46 CC2T-3NX4 Each arch is worth more 47 RG3T-2606 Infinite time to complete level 48 CC3T-3R06 Clock runs about 3x as fast as normal 49 G04A-3WLW 9:50 to complete each level 50 GC4A-3WLW 9:00 to complete each level 51 GC4A-3TLW 8:00 to complete each level 52 GC4A-3RLW 7:00 to complete each level
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
6:00 to complete each level 5:00 to complete each level 4:00 to complete each level 3:00 to complete each level 2:00 to complete each level 1:00 to complete each level Collecting a clock adds 1 minute to time clock Collecting a clock adds 3 minutes to time clock Collecting a clock adds 4 minutes to time clock Collecting a clock adds 5 minutes to time clock Collecting a clock adds 6 minutes to time clock Collecting a clock adds 7 minutes to time clock Collecting a clock adds 8 minutes to time clock
Start on The Prince and The Pauper, Scene 5 Start on The Prince and The Pauper, Scene 6 Start on The Band Concert (secret bonus level) Play every 2nd scene Play every 3rd scene AFTER THE FIRST SCENE Play every 4th scene AFTER THE FIRST SCENE Keep playing the Band Concert scene until successfully completed AFTER THE FIRST SCENE Start with 0 continues instead of 1 Start with 3 continues instead of 1 Start with 5 continues instead of 1 Start with 10 continues instead of 1 Infinite continues Start with 6 tries Start with 8 tries Start with 10 tries Start with 5 marbles Start with 10 marbles Start with 25 marbles Start with 99 marbles
41 42 43 44
Mickey Mouse hat adds 0 extra tries Mickey Mouse hat adds 2 extra tries Mickey Mouse hat adds 3 extra tries
Mickey Mouse hat adds 1 continue instead of a try
THE FOLLOWING CODES WORK FOR ALL SCENES EXCEPT THE TOWER SCENES (MAD DOCTOR, SCENE 4 AND THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER, SCENE 4) 45 AB7T-AAC4 After being hit, there is no temporary invincibility 46 DF7T-AAC4 After being hit, temporary invincibility lasts 1/2x normal 47 W37T-AAC4 After being hit, temporary invincibility lasts 3x normal 48 8V7T-ACC4 After being hit, temporary invincibility lasts 10x normal 49 VB7T-BGC4 After being hit, temporary invincibility lasts 100x normal 50 FB7T-AA38 Almost invincible 51 A2DT-AA7R Infinite tries 52 MJ0T-AA4G Stars do not help health 53 CVBT-AA9L Infinite marbles (once you get one) 54 AT0T-AA5W Most marbles found are worth 0 55 HE0T-BJXW Most marbles found are worth 2 56 HE0T-BYXW Most marbles found are worth 5 57 B20T-AA5W Most marbles found are worth 10 Marble counter doesn't max out at 99-ignore counter 58 A20T-AA64 59 A7KT-AACR Jump lower 60 BBKT-AACR Jump much lower 61 AVKT-AACR Jump higher 62 APKT-AACR Jump much higher 63 AKKT-AACR Jump much, much higher 64 AFKT-AACR Jump way too high THE FOLLOWING DOCTOR, SCENE 65 ADZA-CAD4 66 DHZA-CAD4 67 W5ZA-CAD4 68 8XZA-CCD4 69 VDZA-DGD4 70 FDZA-CA5G 71 BADA-AA60 72 BXMT-CA3J 73 CXCA-CA3C 74 AXMA-CA8Y 75 HHMA-DJ0Y 76 HHMA-DY0Y 77 CDMA-CA8Y 78 A5MT-CA2A CODES WORK ONLY FOR THE TOWER SCENES (MAD 4 AND THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER, SCENE 4). After being hit, there is no temporary invincibility
After After After After being being being being hit, hit, hit, hit, temporary temporary temporary temporary invincibility invincibility invincibility invincibility lasts lasts lasts lasts 1/2x normal 3x normal 10x normal 100x normal
+ + + + +
Almost invincible Infinite tries-Mad Doctor Scene 4 only Stars do not help health Infinite marbles (once you get one) AXMA-CA26 Most marbles found are worth HHMA-DJT6 Most marbles found are worth HHMA-DYT6 Most marbles found are worth CDMA-CA26 Most marbles found are worth A5MA-CA4J Marble counter doesn't max out at
0 2 5 10
99-ignore counter
Micro Machines
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REHA-A60N AEBT-AAHL AJBT-AAHL ATBT-AAHL AYBT-AAHL BJBT-AAHL CTBT-AAHL Infinite lives in 4-man race Start with 1 life in 4-man race Start with 2 lives in 4-man race Start with 4 lives in 4-man race Start with 5 lives in 4-man race Start with 10 lives in 4-man race Start with 20 lives in 4-man race
CODES 8 THRU 14 APPLY TO HEAD-TO-HEAD RACES ONLY 8 REET-A6Y6 Infinite lives in head-to-head race 9 AEEA-AAAW Start with 1 life in head-to-head race 10 AJEA-AAAW Start with 2 lives in head-to-head race 11 ATEA-AAAW Start with 4 lives in head-to-head race 12 AYEA-AAAW Start with 5 lives in head-to-head race 13 BJEA-AAAW Start with 10 lives in head-to-head race 14 CTEA-AAAW Start with 20 lives in head-to-head race CODES 15 THRU 17: EXCEPT INITIAL QUALIFYING RACE 15 AEFT-AAH4 You qualify for next race only if you win 16 ANFT-AAH4 You qualify for next race if you get 3rd or better 17 ATFT-AAH4 You always qualify for next race 18 AEGT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 1 race 19 AJGT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 2 races 20 ATGT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 5 races 21 AYGT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 6 races 22 A6GT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 8 races 23 BJGT-AAC8 You get to time trial every time you win 11 races 24 RYXT-A61R Infinite time in Ruff Trux time trial 25 XFYA-BXFC + JBYA-AE0C 100 seconds to get through Ruff Trux time trial 26 ABYA-BBFC + JBYA-AE0C 90 seconds to get through Ruff Trux time trial 27 ABYA-AA7C + JBYA-AE0C 60 seconds to get through Ruff Trux time trial 28 ABYA-BAPC + JBYA-AE0C 30 seconds to get through Ruff Trux time trial 29 ABYA-AAPC + JBYA-AE0C 20 seconds to get through Ruff Trux time trial FOR CODES 30 THRU 33, THE EXTRA LIVES WILL NOT SHOW, BUT WILL HAVE THEM 30 AJHA-AA5W Winning Ruff Trux time trial worth 0 31 SAHA-BJXW Winning Ruff Trux time trial worth 2 32 SAHA-BYXW Winning Ruff Trux time trial worth 5 33 SAHA-BAXW Winning Ruff Trux time trial worth 8 34 AKHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 1 lap 35 APHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 2 laps 36 AZHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 4 laps 37 A3HT-AAH0 Each race lasts 5 laps 38 BBHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 7 laps YOU
extra extra extra extra lives lives lives lives
CODES 39 THRU 42 MAY MESS UP THE LAP COUNTER GRAPHICS 39 BPHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 10 laps 40 CZHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 20 laps 41 GPHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 50 laps 42 NZHT-AAH0 Each race lasts 100 laps Each race lasts infinite laps--only on head- to-head races 43 BA7T-AA34
Midnight Resistance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AE2T-BA4A Start AJ2T-BA4A Start AN2T-BA4A Start AT2T-BA4A Start AY2T-BA4A Start A22T-BA4A Start A62T-BA4A Start BA2T-BA4A Start AA2T-AADL + JJ2T-AJDN AA2T-AADL + LJ2T-ALDN at stage 2 at stage 3 at stage 4 at stage 5 at stage 6 at stage 7 at stage 8 at stage 9 Start with 1 life Start with 8 lives
11 12 13 14 15 16
+ + + +
FA2T-AJDN Start with 10 JKGA-AJBR Continue with LKGA-ALBR Continue with FBGA-AJBR Continue with Infinite lives
HXXA-FAC6 + AHXA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 + AHXA-EAE6 Supply room items require 1 key each HXXA-FAC6 + AMXA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 + AMXA-EAE6 Supply room items require 2 keys each HXXA-FAC6 + A5XA-EAC8 + HXXA-FBE4 + A5XA-EAE6 Supply room items require 6 keys each RHXA-E6XG JGAT-EEVR JGAT-EEY2 JGKA-EET4 JGAT-EE1Y JGBT-EEVJ JGBT-EEYE JGAA-EEZJ RHRA-E6T2 JDRA-FJT2 JDRA-FYT2 JDRA-FAT2 AA2T-AADA AA2T-AADA AA2T-AADA AVGA-AA34 + AMXA-EA64 All supply room items are free Infinite ammo for full-auto weapon Infinite ammo for 3-way weapon Infinite ammo for flame thrower Infinite ammo for shotgun Infinite ammo for nitro weapon Infinite ammo for shower weapon Infinite ammo for homing missile 1-up worth 0 lives 1-up worth 2 lives 1-up worth 5 lives 1-up worth 8 lives + JJ2T-AJDC 0 continues + LJ2T-ALDC 7 continues + FA2T-AJDC 9 continues Infinite continues
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
15. Player 1 starts with 1 time-out 15A AE4T-AACJ 15B AE4T-AAGC 16. Player 1 starts with 2 time-outs 16A AJ4T-AACJ 16B AJ4T-AAGC 17. Player 1 starts with 5 time-outs 17A AY4T-AACJ 17B AY4T-AAGC 18. Player 1 starts with 9 time-outs 18A BE4T-AACJ 18B BE4T-AAGC 19. Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 0 time-outs 19A AA4T-AACR 19B AA4T-AAGJ 20. Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 1 time-out 20A AE4T-AACR 20B AE4T-AAGJ 21. Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 2 time-outs 21A AJ4T-AACR 21B AJ4T-AAGJ 22. Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 5 time-outs 22A AY4T-AACR 22B AY4T-AAGJ 23. Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 9 time-outs 23A BE4T-AACR 23B BE4T-AAGJ 24. Infinite time-outs for player 1 24A DLRT-AA40 24B DLRT-AA9N 25. Infinite time-outs for player 2 25A BWRT-AA5E 25B BWRT-AA94 26. Infinite time-outs for Mike Ditka 26A BWTT-AA56 26B BWVA-AA2W 27. Only have 1 play to get a first down 27A AJWA-AADN 27B AJWA-AAFL 28. Only have 2 plays to get a first down 28A ANWA-AADN 28B ANWA-AAFL
29. Only have 3 plays to get a first down 29A ATWA-AADN 29B ATWA-AAFL 30. Have 5 plays to get a first down 30A A2WA-AADN 30B A2WA-AAFL 31. Have 6 plays to get a first down 31A A6WA-AADN 31B A6WA-AAFL 32. Have 7 plays to get a first down 32A BAWA-AADN 32B BAWA-AAFL 33. Always the same down (down never increases) 33A AJWA-AA5G 33B AJWA-AA7E 34. Only need 5 yards for a first down 34A AYWA-AACT + AYXT-AAA2 34B AYWA-AAER + AYXT-AAC0 35. Need 15 yards for a first down 35A B6WA-AACT + B6XT-AAA2 35B B6WA-AAER + B6XT-AAC0 36. Need 20 yards for a first down 36A CTWA-AACT + CTXT-AAA2 36B CTWA-AAER + CTXT-AAC0 37. Need 30 yards for a first down 37A D2WA-AACT + D2XT-AAA2 37B D2WA-AAER + D2XT-AAC0 38. Need 50 yards for a first down 38A GJWA-AACT + GJXT-AAA2 38B GJWA-AAER + GJXT-AAC0 39. Always goal to go 39A REWA-A6WW + REXT-A6T4 39B REWA-A6YT + REXT-A6W2 40. Touchdowns worth 0 points 40A AAPT-BA86 40B AAPT-BA9W 41. Touchdowns worth 1 point 41A AEPT-BA86 41B AEPT-BA9W 42. Touchdowns worth 2 points 42A AJPT-BA86 42B AJPT-BA9W
43. Touchdowns worth 3 points 43A ANPT-BA86 43B ANPT-BA9W 44. Touchdowns worth 4 points 44A ATPT-BA86 44B ATPT-BA9W 45. Touchdowns worth 5 points 45A AYPT-BA86 45B AYPT-BA9W 46. Touchdowns worth 7 points 46A A6PT-BA86 46B A6PT-BA9W 47. Touchdowns worth 8 points 47A BAPT-BA86 47B BAPT-BA9W 48. Extra points worth 0 points 48A ABVA-BA36 48B ABVA-BA8G 49. Extra points worth 2 points 49A AKVA-BA36 49B AKVA-BA8G 50. Extra points worth 3 points 50A APVA-BA36 50B APVA-BA8G 51. Extra points worth 4 points 51A AVVA-BA36 51B AVVA-BA8G 52. Extra points worth 5 points 52A AZVA-BA36 52B AZVA-BA8G 53. Extra points worth 6 points 53A A3VA-BA36 53B A3VA-BA8G 54. Extra points worth 7 points 54A A7VA-BA36 54B A7VA-BA8G 55. Extra points worth 8 points 55A BBVA-BA36 55B BBVA-BA8G 56. Field goals worth 0 points 56A ABVA-BA4E 56B ABVA-BA8R
57. Field goals worth 1 points 57A AFVA-BA4E 57B AFVA-BA8R 58. Field goals worth 2 points 58A AKVA-BA4E 58B AKVA-BA8R 59. Field goals worth 4 points 59A AVVA-BA4E 59B AVVA-BA8R 60. Field goals worth 5 points 60A AZVA-BA4E 60B AZVA-BA8R 61. Field goals worth 6 points 61A A3VA-BA4E 61B A3VA-BA8R 62. Field goals worth 7 points 62A A7VA-BA4E 62B A7VA-BA8R 63. Field goals worth 8 points 63A BBVA-BA4E 63B BBVA-BA8R 64. Safeties worth 0 points 64A AAVA-BA9G 64B AAVT-BA3E 65. Safeties worth 1 point 65A AEVA-BA9G 65B AEVT-BA3E 66. Safeties worth 3 points 66A ANVA-BA9G 66B ANVT-BA3E 67. Safeties worth 4 points 67A ATVA-BA9G 67B ATVT-BA3E 68. Safeties worth 5 points 68A AYVA-BA9G 68B AYVT-BA3E 69. Safeties worth 6 points 69A A2VA-BA9G 69B A2VT-BA3E 70. Safeties worth 7 points 70A A6VA-BA9G 70B A6VT-BA3E
Mortal Kombat
1 2 4 7 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ABNT-CABN AKRA-AA7N WBRA-AAEA NBRA-AAEA GBRA-AAEA CBRA-AAEA A2JT-DA9W AEJT-DA9W AJJT-DA9W ANJT-DA9W ATJT-DA9W AYJT-DA9W AC2T-B67C AG2T-B67C AL2T-B67C AR2T-B67C AW2T-B67C A02T-B67C A42T-B67C A82T-B67C AJ9A-CAG2 AN9A-CAG2 AT9A-CAG2 AY9A-CAG2 A29A-CAG2 A69A-CAG2 BA9A-CAG2 BE9A-CAG2 BJ9A-CAG2 BN9A-CAG2 BT9A-CAG2 AKXA-AA22 AC7T-AAA2 SC7T-AAA2 8C7T-AAA2 + + + + + + + + Create blood Infinite time Each round is 90 seconds Each round is 60 seconds Each round is 30 seconds Each round is 10 seconds Always fight in the Courtyard After 1st round, most fights are at the Palace Gates After 1st round, most fights are in the Warrior Shrine After 1st round, most fights are in the Pit After 1st round, most fights are in the Throne Room After 1st round, most fights are in Goro's Lair AAJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight AEJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight AJJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight ANJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight ATJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight AYJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight A2JT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight A6JT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight Start on match 2 Start on match 3 Start on match 4 Start on match 5 Start on match 6 Start on mirror match Start on endurance 1 match Start on endurance 2 match Start on endurance 3 match Start on match with Goro Start on match with Shang Tsung Always get Flawless Victory bonus All throws do no damage All throws do more damage All throws do maximum damage
Johnny Cage Kano Rayden Liu Kang Scorpion Sub-Zero Sonya Blade Goro
WITH CODES 42 THRU 55, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF OPPONENT BLOCKS 42 AEMT-CACG Kano's High Punch does no damage 43 AEMT-CAC2 Kano's Low Punch does no damage 44 AYMT-CAG0 Kano's High Kick does no damage 45 AYMT-CAHJ Kano's Low Kick does no damage 46 A2MT-CAD6 Kano's Head Blow does no damage 47 ATMT-CADL Kano's Knee does no damage 48 AYMT-CAGE Kano's Crouched Kick does no damage 49 BJMT-CAFW Kano's Uppercut does no damage 50 BJMT-CABY Kano's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's Kano's
Foot Sweep does no damage Flying Punch does no damage Jump Kick does no damage Cannonball does no damage Knife does no damage High Punch does more damage Low Punch does more damage High Kick does more damage Low Kick does more damage Head Blow does more damage Knee does more damage Crouched Kick does more damage Uppercut does more damage Roundhouse Kick does more damage Foot Sweep does more damage Flying Punch does more damage Jump Kick does more damage Cannonball does more damage Knife does more damage High Punch does maximum damage Low Punch does maximum damage High Kick does maximum damage Low Kick does maximum damage Head Blow does maximum damage Knee does maximum damage Crouched Kick does maximum damage Uppercut does maximum damage Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage Foot Sweep does maximum damage Flying Punch does maximum damage Jump Kick does maximum damage Cannonball does maximum damage Knife does maximum damage
WITH CODES 84 THRU 98, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS 84 AEMA-CAAE Johnny Cage's High Punch does no damage 85 AEMA-CAA0 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does no damage 86 AYLT-CAHA Johnny Cage's High Kick does no damage 87 ATLT-CAHW Johnny Cage's Low Kick does no damage 88 AYMA-CACN Johnny Cage's Head Blow does no damage 89 ATMA-CAC8 Johnny Cage's Knee does no damage 90 AJMA-CAB4 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does no damage 91 BJMA-CADT Johnny Cage's Uppercut does no damage 92 BJLT-CAGR Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does no damage 93 AYMA-CABJ Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does no damage 94 A2LT-CAF6 Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does no damage 95 AYMA-CAEC Johnny Cage's Jump Kick does no damage 96 A6LT-CAB8 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does no damage 97 A2LT-CAE2 Johnny Cage's Fireball does no damage 98 ATLT-CADC Johnny Cage's Split Punch does no damage 99 AEMA-D6AE Johnny Cage's High Punch does more damage 100 AEMA-D6A0 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does more damage 101 AYLT-CT1A Johnny Cage's High Kick does more damage 102 ATLT-CE1W Johnny Cage's Low Kick does more damage 103 AYMA-D2LN Johnny Cage's Head Blow does more damage 104 ATMA-CTW8 Johnny Cage's Knee does more damage 105 AJMA-DTB4 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does more damage
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny
Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's Cage's
Uppercut does more damage Roundhouse Kick does more damage Foot Sweep does more damage Flying Punch does more damage Jump Kick does more damage Shadow Kick does more damage Fireball does more damage Split Punch does more damage High Punch does maximum damage Low Punch does maximum damage High Kick does maximum damage Low Kick does maximum damage Head Blow does maximum damage Knee does maximum damage Crouched Kick does maximum damage Uppercut does maximum damage Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage Foot Sweep does maximum damage Flying Punch does maximum damage Jump Kick does maximum damage Shadow Kick does maximum damage Fireball does maximum damage Split Punch does maximum damage
WITH CODES 130 THRU 142, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS 130 AEPA-CAFG Liu Kang's Low Punch does no damage 131 AYPT-CAAW Liu Kang's High Kick does no damage 132 AYPT-CABE Liu Kang's Low Kick does no damage 133 AYPA-CACN Liu Kang's Head Blow does no damage 134 ATPA-CAF2 Liu Kang's Knee does no damage 135 AYPT-CAAA Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does no damage 136 BJPA-CAHR Liu Kang's Uppercut does no damage 137 BJPA-CAEC Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does no damage 138 AYPA-CAG6 Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does no damage 139 A2PT-CACJ Liu Kang's Flying Punch does no damage 140 AYPA-CAGL Liu Kang's Jump Kick does no damage 141 A6PA-CAB4 Liu Kang's Special Jump Kick does no damage 142 A2PA-CADT Liu Kang's Fireball does no damage 144 AEPA-D6FG Liu Kang's Low Punch does more damage 145 AYPT-CTTW Liu Kang's High Kick does more damage 146 AYPT-CTVE Liu Kang's Low Kick does more damage 147 AYPA-D2LN Liu Kang's Head Blow does more damage 148 ATPA-CTZ2 Liu Kang's Knee does more damage 149 AYPT-D2JA Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does more damage 150 BJPA-DT9R Liu Kang's Uppercut does more damage 151 BJPA-CA6C Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 152 AYPA-D2R6 Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does more damage 153 A2PT-C0WJ Liu Kang's Flying Punch does more damage 154 AYPA-D2RL Liu Kang's Jump Kick does more damage 155 A6PA-DYV4 Liu Kang's Special Jump Kick does more damage 156 A2PA-C0XT Liu Kang's Fireball does more damage 158 AEPA-D97G Liu Kang's Low Punch does maximum damage 159 AYPT-D92W Liu Kang's High Kick does maximum damage 160 AYPT-D93E Liu Kang's Low Kick does maximum damage 161 AYPA-D94N Liu Kang's Head Blow does maximum damage 162 ATPA-D972 Liu Kang's Knee does maximum damage 163 AYPT-D92A Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 WITH 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
Uppercut does maximum damage Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage Foot Sweep does maximum damage Flying Punch does maximum damage Jump Kick does maximum damage Special Jump Kick does maximum damage Fireball does maximum damage
CODES 171 THRU 184, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS AELA-CADE Sonya Blade's High Punch does no damage AELA-CAD0 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does no damage AYKT-CAH2 Sonya Blade's High Kick does no damage A2LA-CAAL Sonya Blade's Low Kick does no damage AYLA-CAA6 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does no damage ATLA-CABR Sonya Blade's Knee does no damage AYLA-CACW Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does no damage BJLA-CAEJ Sonya Blade's Uppercut does no damage BJKT-CAHG Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does no damage AYKT-CAGY Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does no damage A2LA-CAFN Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does no damage AYLA-CACA Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does no damage A2KT-CAFT Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does no damage BALA-CAF8 Sonya Blade's Special Jump Kick does no damage AELA-D6DE Sonya Blade's High Punch does more damage AELA-D6D0 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does more damage AYKT-DJ12 Sonya Blade's High Kick does more damage A2LA-DCTL Sonya Blade's Low Kick does more damage AYLA-D2J6 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does more damage ATLA-CTVR Sonya Blade's Knee does more damage AYLA-D2LW Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does more damage BJLA-DT6J Sonya Blade's Uppercut does more damage BJKT-CN9G Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does more damage AYKT-D2RY Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does more damage A2LA-C0ZN Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does more damage AYLA-D2LA Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does more damage AAKT-CTRC Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does more damage A2KT-C0ZT Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does more damage BALA-DCZ8 Sonya Blade's Special Flying Punch does more damage AELA-D95E Sonya Blade's High Punch does maximum damage AELA-D950 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does maximum damage AYKT-D992 Sonya Blade's High Kick does maximum damage A2LA-D92L Sonya Blade's Low Kick does maximum damage AYLA-D926 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does maximum damage ATLA-D93R Sonya Blade's Knee does maximum damage AYLA-D94W Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does maximum damage BJLA-D96J Sonya Blade's Uppercut does maximum damage BJKT-D99G Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage AYKT-D98Y Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does maximum damage A2LA-D97N Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does maximum damage AYLA-D94A Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does maximum damage AAKT-D98C Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does maximum damage A2KT-D97T Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does maximum damage BALA-D978 Sonya Blade's Special Flying Punch does maximum damage
WITH CODES 215 THRU 228, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS 215 AENT-CAA2 Rayden's High Punch does no damage 216 AENT-CAB6 Rayden's Low Punch does no damage
217 AYNA-CAHY Rayden's High Kick does no damage 218 AYNT-CAAG Rayden's Low Kick does no damage 219 AYNT-CADW Rayden's Head Blow does no damage 220 ATNT-CAEE Rayden's Knee does no damage 221 AJNT-CADA Rayden's Crouched Kick does no damage 222 BJNT-CAE0 Rayden's Uppercut does no damage 223 BJNA-CAHC Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does no damage 224 AYNT-CACR Rayden's Foot Sweep does no damage 225 A2NA-CAGT Rayden's Flying Punch does no damage 226 AYNT-CAFJ Rayden's Jump Kick does no damage 227 A6NA-CAD0 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does no damage 228 A2NA-CAFN Rayden's Lightning does no damage 229 AENT-D6A2 Rayden's High Punch does more damage 230 AENT-D6B6 Rayden's Low Punch does more damage 231 AYNA-CL1Y Rayden's High Kick does more damage 232 AYNT-CETG Rayden's Low Kick does more damage 233 AYNT-D2MW Rayden's Head Blow does more damage 234 ATNT-CTYE Rayden's Knee does more damage 235 AJNT-DTDA Rayden's Crouched Kick does more damage 236 BJNT-DT60 Rayden's Uppercut does more damage 237 BJNA-DY1C Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does more damage 238 AYNT-D2LR Rayden's Foot Sweep does more damage 239 A2NA-C00T Rayden's Flying Punch does more damage 240 AYNT-D2PJ Rayden's Jump Kick does more damage 241 A6NA-DYX0 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does more damage 242 A2NA-C0ZN Rayden's Lightning does more damage 243 AENT-D722 Rayden's High Punch does maximum damage 244 AENT-D936 Rayden's Low Punch does maximum damage 245 AYNA-D99Y Rayden's High Kick does maximum damage 246 AYNT-D92G Rayden's Low Kick does maximum damage 247 AYNT-D95W Rayden's Head Blow does maximum damage 248 ATNT-DS6E Rayden's Knee does maximum damage 249 AJNT-D95A Rayden's Crouched Kick does maximum damage 250 BJNT-D960 Rayden's Uppercut does maximum damage 251 BJNA-D99C Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage 252 AYNT-D94R Rayden's Foot Sweep does maximum damage 253 A2NA-D98T Rayden's Flying Punch does maximum damage 254 AYNT-D97J Rayden's Jump Kick does maximum damage 255 A6NA-D950 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does maximum damage 256 A2NA-D97N Rayden's Lightning does maximum damage WITH CODES 257 THRU 268, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS 257 AERA-CAB6 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do no damage 258 AERA-CACR Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do no damage 259 AYRA-CAF4 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do no damage 260 AYRA-CAGN Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do no damage 261 AYRA-CADW Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do no damage 262 ATRA-CADA Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do no damage 263 AJRT-CAAC Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do no damage 264 BJRA-CABL Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do no damage
Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do no damage 266 AYRA-CAG8 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do no damage 267 A2RA-CAE0 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do no damage 268 AYRA-CAFJ Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Jump Kick do no damage 269 AERA-D6B6 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do more damage 270 AERA-D6CR Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do more damage 271 AYRA-CTZ4 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do more damage 272 AYRA-CT0N Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do more damage 273 AYRA-D2MW Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do more damage 274 ATRA-CTXA Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do more damage 275 AJRT-DTAC Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do more damage 276 BJRA-DT3L Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do more damage 277 BJRA-CA9T Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do more damage 278 AYRA-D2R8 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do more damage 279 A2RA-C0Y0 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do more damage 280 AYRA-D2PJ Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Jump Kick do more damage 281 AERA-D936 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do maximum damage 282 AERA-D94R Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do maximum damage 283 AYRA-D974 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do maximum damage 284 AYRA-D98N Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do maximum damage 285 AYRA-D95W Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do maximum damage 286 ATRA-D95A Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do maximum damage 287 AJRT-D92C Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do maximum damage 288 BJRA-D93L Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do maximum damage 289 BJRA-D99T Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do maximum damage 290 AYRA-D988 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do maximum damage 291 A2RA-D960 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do maximum damage 292 AYRA-D97J Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Jump Kick do maximum damage WITH CODES 293 THRU 295, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR IF THE OPPONENT BLOCKS
293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304
Sub-Zero's Slide does no damage Scorpion's Harpoon does no damage Scorpion's Scorpion Split does no damage Sub-Zero's Deep Freeze does damage ONLY FROM A DISTANCE Sub-Zero's Slide does more damage Scorpion's Harpoon does more damage Scorpion's Scorpion Split does more damage Sub-Zero's Deep Freeze does maximum damage ONLY FROM A DISTANCE Sub-Zero's Slide does maximum damage Scorpion's Harpoon does maximum damage Scorpion's Scorpion Split does maximum damage Play as little people
Mortal Kombat 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 DM2A-JA3Y C5ZT-GA28 RHZT-G6T8 AMZT-GA5E ACXT-KA62 AGXT-KA62 ALXT-KA62 ARXT-KA62 AWXT-KA62 A0XT-KA62 A4XT-KA62 A8XT-KA62 BCXT-KA62 BGXT-KA62 BLXT-KA62 BRXT-KA62 BWXT-KA62 B0XT-KA62 B4XT-KA62 B8XT-KA62 CGXT-KA62 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 HW1T-KAA4 From the main menu, press A or B or C twice to bring up each of the three secret menus. Player 1 takes all damage Player 2 takes all damage Both players take no damage The first fight for player 1 is against Kano The first fight for player 1 is against Sonya The first fight for player 1 is against Jax The first fight for player 1 is against Nightwolf The first fight for player 1 is against Sub-Zero The first fight for player 1 is against Stryker The first fight for player 1 is against Sindel The first fight for player 1 is against Sektor The first fight for player 1 is against Cyrax The first fight for player 1 is against Kung Lao The first fight for player 1 is against Kabal The first fight for player 1 is against Sheeva The first fight for player 1 is against Shang Tsung The first fight for player 1 is against Liu Kang The first fight for player 1 is against Smoke The first fight for player 1 is against Motaro The first fight for player 1 is against Noob-Saibot AC1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Kano AG1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Sonya AL1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Jax AR1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Nightwolf AW1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Sub-Zero A01T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Stryker A41T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Sindel A81T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Sektor BC1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Cyrax BG1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Kung Lao BL1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Kabal BR1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Sheeva BW1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Shang Tsung B01T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Liu Kang B41T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Smoke B81T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Motaro CG1T-JAA6 All fights after 1st are against Noob-Saibot
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mortal Kombat 2
1 2 3 4 CVYA-BA7N LBYA-BA7N ABVT-BE64 RETT-A6Y6 Timer is Timer is Infinite Activate 2x as fast 2x as slow time testing mode in options screen
CODES 5 THRU 21: 1-PLAYER ONLY, CAN'T SEE ENDING 5 ACMT-BE76 Always fight Kung Lao 6 AGMT-BE76 Always fight Liu Kang 7 ALMT-BE76 Always fight Cage 8 ARMT-BE76 Always fight Baraka 9 AWMT-BE76 Always fight Kitana 10 A0MT-BE76 Always fight Mileena 11 A4MT-BE76 Always fight Shang Tsung 12 A8MT-BE76 Always fight Rayden 13 BCMT-BE76 Always fight Sub-Zero 14 BGMT-BE76 Always fight Reptile 15 BLMT-BE76 Always fight Scorpion 16 BRMT-BE76 Always fight Jax 17 BWMT-BE76 Always fight Kintaro 18 B0MT-BE76 Always fight Shao Kahn 19 B4MT-BE76 Always fight Smoke 20 B8MT-BE76 Always fight Noob Saibot 21 CCMT-BE76 Always fight Jade 22 23 24 25 26 27 RFWA-A6Y8 AP9A-BA7R lies on A3XA-AJA4 AB1T-CA4G + AB1T-CA4G + AB1T-CA4G + Fatalities can be done at end of any round-computer wins after winning 1 round Lazy opponent--In 2nd round, loser of 1st round ground (causes computer to act weird in some rounds) Player has 4x times as long to do fatalities, etc. AA9T-CA3J Auto fatalities BT9T-CA3T Auto friendship RE9T-C6V0 Auto babalities
ALL DAMAGE CODES 28 A13A-AA5R 29 A56A-AA46 30 A56T-AA2C 31 A95A-AA5C 32 AX0A-AA86 33 AX2A-AA8R 34 AX3A-AA46 35 A54A-AA8G 36 AX1T-AA3J
WORK WITH MOST DISTANCES BETWEEN CHARACTERS Mileena's Sai Throw does massive damage Liu Kang's High Fireball does massive damage Kung Lao's Hat Throw does massive damage Cage's Shadow Kick does massive damage Reptile's Force Ball does massive damage Shang Tsung's Flaming Skull attack does massive damage Kitana's Fan Throw does massive damage Baraka's Blade Spark does massive damage Rayden's Lightning Bolt does massive damage
10 11 12
normal -- most of the time Ghosts stay blue 2x as long as normal -- most of the time Ghosts stay blue 4x as long as normal -- most of the time Ghosts stay blue until you eat them -most of the time
+ + + + + +
+ +
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
Field goal worth 8 points Safety worth 0 points Safety worth 1 point Safety worth 3 points Safety worth 4 points Safety worth 5 points Safety worth 6 points Safety worth 7 points Safety worth 8 points Extra point worth 0 points Extra point worth 2 points Extra point worth 3 points Extra point worth 4 points Extra point worth 5 points Extra point worth 6 points Extra point worth 7 points Extra point worth 8 points 2 point conversion worth 0 2 point conversion worth 1 2 point conversion worth 3 2 point conversion worth 4 2 point conversion worth 5 2 point conversion worth 6 2 point conversion worth 7 2 point conversion worth 8
FOR CODES 21 thry 27, PICK 5-MIN. PERIODS FROM THE MAIN MENU 21 AHAT-CGGW 1-min. periods 22 AMAT-CGGW 2-min. periods 23 AXAT-CGGW 4-min. periods 24 A5AT-CGGW 6-min. periods 25 A9AT-CGGW 7-min. periods 26 BHAT-CGGW 9-min. periods
Infinite timeouts (the option will disappear, but you can still press B for a timeout)
EFFECTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SWITCH MUST SGFB-3EVN + SGFB-3JVN + SGFB-3NVN + SGFB-3TVN + SGFB-3YVN + SGFB-32VN + SGFB-36VN + SGFB-3AVN + SGFB-3EV6 + SGFB-3JV6 + SGFB-3NV6 + SGFB-3TV6 + SGFB-3YV6 + SGFB-32V6 + SGFB-36V6 + SGFB-3AV6 + RGPV-46Y2 BWPV-4A74 BWPV-4A8W BWPV-4A7C BWRB-4A2C BWRB-4A24 BWPV-4A9J BE ON BEFORE TIP-OFF NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 1 point more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 2 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 3 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 4 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 5 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 6 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 7 points more NWFB-36BT Visitor's baskets worth 8 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 1 point more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 2 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 3 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 4 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 5 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 6 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 7 points more NWFB-36CA Home's baskets worth 8 points more All players have super defensive ability All players have super interception ability All players have super dunk ability All players are always "on fire" All players have infinite turbo "Juice" mode Shot success percentages displayed for all non-dunk shots
FOR ALL TIMER CODES, LEAVE SPEED ON 3 24 AA4V-J8N0 Timer counts down slower than setting 1 25 AA4V-K8E0 Timer counts down VERY slowly 26 AA4V-J860 Timer counts down faster than setting 5 27 AA4V-K860 Timer counts down very fast 28 AAEV-LADR Only need 1 basket to be "on fire" 29 AEEV-LADR Only need 2 baskets to be "on fire" 30 AWEV-2AFG + ANEV-LADR Need 4 baskets to be "on fire" 31 A0EV-2AFG + ATEV-LADR Need 5 baskets to be "on fire" 32 A4EV-2AFG + AYEV-LADR Need 6 baskets to be "on fire" 33 A8EV-2AFG + A2EV-LADR Need 7 baskets to be "on fire" 34 BCEV-2AFG + A6EV-LADR Need 8 baskets to be "on fire" 35 BGEV-2AFG + BAEV-LADR Need 9 baskets to be "on fire" 36 BLEV-2AFG + BEEV-LADR Need 10 baskets to be "on fire" 37 BLEV-2A9T Players 1 and 3 stay "on fire" when the other team scores 38 BLFB-2A2A Players 2 and 4 stay "on fire" when the other team scores 39 AC2B-JACT Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) 40 AC2B-J6CT Turbo bar restores extremely slowly 41 AC2B-KLCT Turbo bar restores much slower 42 AC2B-K4CT Turbo bar restores slower 43 AC2B-JAWT Turbo bar restores faster 44 AC2B-KAWT Turbo bar restores much faster 45 AC2B-JDCT Turbo bar restores extremely fast 46 ABWB-LJA6 Player 1's turbo drains very slowly
47 ABWB-LWA6 Player 1's turbo drains slower 48 ABWB-MAA6 Player 1's turbo drains slightly slower 49 ABWB-LEJ6 Player 1's turbo drains slightly faster 50 ABWB-L4J6 Player 1's turbo drains faster 51 ABWB-MTJ6 Player 1's turbo drains very fast 52 ABWB-LJDT Player 2's turbo drains very slowly 53 ABWB-LWDT Player 2's turbo drains slower 54 ABWB-MADT Player 2's turbo drains slightly slower 55 ABWB-LEMT Player 2's turbo drains slightly faster 56 ABWB-L4MT Player 2's turbo drains faster 57 ABWB-MTMT Player 2's turbo drains very fast 58 ABWB-LJGE Player 3's turbo drains very slowly 59 ABWB-LWGE Player 3's turbo drains slower 60 ABWB-MAGE Player 3's turbo drains slightly slower 61 ABWB-LERE Player 3's turbo drains slightly faster 62 ABWB-L4RE Player 3's turbo drains faster 63 ABWB-MTRE Player 3's turbo drains very fast 64 ABWV-LJA2 Player 4's turbo drains very slowly 65 ABWV-LWA2 Player 4's turbo drains slower 66 ABWV-MAA2 Player 4's turbo drains slightly slower 67 ABWV-LEJ2 Player 4's turbo drains slightly faster 68 ABWV-L4J2 Player 4's turbo drains faster 69 ABWV-MTJ2 Player 4's turbo drains very fast 70 TBXV-4DC4 + 97XV-4BC6 + RFBB-46X6 Enter AA in the initial entry screen and all power-ups (Codes 17 thru 21) will be enabled.
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
has powered up blocks knocks both opponents down by pushing one knocks opposite opponent down is faster has teleport passing has high shots has Quick Hands has Max Power has powered up goal tending is always on fire has infinite turbo has powered up offense has powered up 3 pointers has powered up super dunks has powered up blocks knocks both opponents down by pushing one knocks opposite opponent down is faster has teleport passing has high shots has Quick Hands has Max Power has powered up goal tending is always on fire has infinite turbo has powered up offense has powered up 3 pointers has powered up super dunks has powered up blocks knocks both opponents down by pushing one knocks opposite opponent down is faster has teleport passing has high shots
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
ABDT-F19N + ABDT-ELHY 5 yards needed for a 1st down ABDT-FD9N + ABDT-E8HY 15 yards needed for a 1st down ABDT-E39N + ABDT-FJHY 20 yards needed for a 1st down AKDT-EA94 Always 1st and goal ABEA-EAE2 Touchdown worth 0 pts. APEA-EAE2 Touchdown worth 3 pts. AZEA-EAE2 Touchdown worth 5 pts. BFEA-EAE2 Touchdown worth 9 pts. CBEA-EAE2 Touchdown worth 10 pts. ABEA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 0 pts. AVEA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 4 pts. AZEA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 5 pts. A7EA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 7 pts. BFEA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 9 pts. CBEA-EAEE Extra pt. worth 10 pts. ABEA-EAER Field goal worth 0 pts. AZEA-EAER Field goal worth 5 pts. A3EA-EAER Field goal worth 6 pts. BFEA-EAER Field goal worth 9 pts. CBEA-EAER Field goal worth 10 pts. ABEA-EAGE Safety worth 0 pts. AZEA-EAGE Safety worth 5 pts. A7EA-EAGE Safety worth 7 pts. BFEA-EAGE Safety worth 9 pts. CBEA-EAGE Safety worth 10 pts.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Only have 1 play to make a first down Only have 2 plays to make a first down Only have 3 plays to make a first down Have infinite plays to make a first down Only need 5 yards to get a 1st down Must get 15 yards to get a 1st down Must get 20 yards to get a 1st down Must get 30 yards to get a 1st down Always goal-to-go--must get a TD Play clock is 15 seconds long Play clock is 30 seconds long Play clock is 60 seconds long Play clock is 90 seconds long Play clock is infinite Each quarter is 1 minute Each quarter is 2 minutes Each quarter is 20 minutes Each quarter is 25 minutes Each quarter is 30 minutes Each quarter is 45 minutes Each quarter is 60 minutes Each quarter is 75 minutes 0 timeouts per half--home team 1 timeout per half--home team 2 timeouts per half--home team 4 timeouts per half--home team 5 timeouts per half--home team Infinite timeouts--home team 1 timeout per half--visiting team 2 timeouts per half--visiting team 4 timeouts per half--visiting team 5 timeouts per half--visiting team Infinite timeouts--visiting team Touchdowns worth 0 points Touchdowns worth 1 point Touchdowns worth 2 points Touchdowns worth 3 points Touchdowns worth 4 points Touchdowns worth 5 points Touchdowns worth 7 points Touchdowns worth 8 points Touchdowns worth 9 points Extra points worth 0 points Extra points worth 2 points Extra points worth 3 points Extra points worth 4 points Extra points worth 5 points Extra points worth 6 points Extra points worth 7 points Extra points worth 8 points Extra points worth 9 points Field goals worth 0 points Field goals worth 1 point Field goals worth 2 points Field goals worth 4 points Field goals worth 5 points Field goals worth 6 points
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Field goals worth 7 points Field goals worth 8 points Field goals worth 9 points Safeties worth 0 points Safeties worth 1 point Safeties worth 3 points Safeties worth 4 points Safeties worth 5 points Safeties worth 6 points Safeties worth 7 points Safeties worth 8 points Safeties worth 9 points
NHL Hockey
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RH9A-R6ZN MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED YXBT-AY9E Timer runs at 10x normal speed 95BT-B8HE Timer runs at 3x normal speed LXBT-BLHE Timer runs at 2x normal speed L1BT-ALHE Timer runs at 1/2x normal speed V5BT-AGHE Timer runs at 1/3x normal speed CHBT-ACHE Timer runs at 1/10x normal speed ADBT-AAHE Freeze timer ALSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 10x normal speed BCSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 3x normal speed BWSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 2x normal speed GCSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 1/2x normal speed KCSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 1/3x normal speed 8CSA-AAEN Penalty timers run at 1/10x normal speed ACSA-AA58 Freeze penalty timers AVDA-AAF4 + AWPA-BE42 Play 4-on-4 instead of 6-on-6 AZDA-AAF4 + A0PA-BE42 Play 5-on-5 instead of 6-on-6
NHLPA Hockey 93
1 2 3 4 5 6 RH7T-R60E ZJNA-DTC2 ZJNA-CJC2 ZJNA-DTL2 ZJNA-CCC2 AANA-CAC2 MASTER Period Period Period Period Period CODEMUST BE ENTERED clock runs faster clock runs slower clock runs much faster clock runs much slower clock is frozen (no time limit)
USE CODES 7 THRU 14 ONLY WITH THE 10-MINUTE PERIOD OPTION 7 HVWT-AAD0 Each period lasts 1 minute instead of 10 minutes 8 SBWT-AAD0 Each period lasts 2 minutes 9 0VWT-AAD0 Each period lasts 3 minutes 10 8BWT-AAD0 Each period lasts 4 minutes 11 TVWT-AGD0 Each period lasts 15 minutes 12 BBWT-ARD0 Each period lasts 30 minutes 13 NBWT-AWD0 Each period lasts 40 minutes 14 CBWT-A6D0 Each period lasts 60 minutes 15 AHXT-BJ5J All penalties last 1 minute 16 AMXT-BJ5J All penalties last 2 minutes 17 ASXT-BJ5J All penalties last 3 minutes 18 AXXT-BJ5J All penalties last 4 minutes 19 A1XT-BJ5J All penalties last 5 minutes 20 A9XT-BJ5J All penalties last 7 minutes 21 BHXT-BJ5J All penalties last 9 minutes
22 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RYBT-A6ZJ RY4T-A6ZJ BE2A-AWAY AA2A-ANAY BE2A-AWAJ AA2A-ANAJ BE2A-AWAR AA2A-ANAR MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite time to complete race Start with 99 seconds--hard and normal levels Start with 60 seconds--hard and normal levels Start with 99 seconds--pro and super levels Start with 60 seconds--pro and super levels Start with 99 seconds--easy and super easy levels Start with 60 seconds--easy and super easy levels
CODES 1 THRU 14: ARCADE 1 EMVA-AA9W 2 EMVT-AA3A 3 CWNA-BYVT 4 CWNA-B2KT 5 CWNA-BEKT 6 CWNA-A4KT CODES 7 THRU 14: IGNORE 7 CWNA-AGKT 8 CWNA-B6BT 9 CWNT-BYVW 10 CWNT-B2KW 11 CWNT-BEKW 12 CWNT-A4KW 13 CWNT-AGKW 14 CWNT-B6BW MODE Player Player Player Player Player Player 1 2 1 1 1 1 has has has has has has infinite time infinite time 90 seconds 60 seconds 50 seconds 45 seconds
35 30 90 60 50 45 35 30
CODES 15 AND 16 CAUSE SLIGHT GRAPHIC 15 HWHA-AAA0 Select up to screen--keep 16 2WHA-AABN Select up to screen--keep
ERRORS +60 seconds in the options pushing right on D-pad -60 seconds in the options pushing left on D-pad
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ALEA-AA6W AE0T-AAEW AN0T-AAEW AY0T-AAEW A60T-AAEW BE0T-AAEW 960T-AREW AE0T-BA66 AN0T-BA66 AY0T-BA66 A60T-BA66 BE0T-BA66 S60T-BA66 KBCA-AF22 KBCA-AH22 KBCA-AM22 Infinite lives for players 1 and 2 Player 1 starts with 2 lives Player 1 starts with 4 lives Player 1 starts with 6 lives Player 1 starts with 8 lives Player 1 starts with 10 lives Almost infinite lives--player 1 Player 2 starts with 2 lives Player 2 starts with 4 lives Player 2 starts with 6 lives Player 2 starts with 8 lives Player 2 starts with 10 lives Almost infinite lives for--player 2 Ghosts stay blue 1/2 as long as normal Ghosts stay blue 2x as long as normal Ghosts stay blue 4x as long as normal
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Ghosts stay blue 8x as long as normal Cherry is worth 10,000 instead of 1,000 Strawberry is worth 20,000 instead of 2,000 Lemon is worth 30,000 instead of 3,000 Banana is worth 50,000 instead of 5,000 2 lives after continue--both players 4 lives after continue--both players 6 lives after continue--both players 8 lives after continue--both players 10 lives after continue--both players
1 REZA-86YY MASTER CODE, MUST BE ENTERED 2 PZYT-BNVE 3 penalty strokes for hitting in water hazard 3 PZYT-BJVE 2 penalty strokes for hitting in water hazard 4 AKYT-AA3E 0 penalty strokes for hitting in water hazard 5 PZYT-BGVE 1 penalty stroke for hitting in water hazard 6 PZYT-BLVE 2 penalty strokes for hitting in water hazard, YOU MAY GET A WEIRD MESSAGE IF YOUR SCORE GETS LOW ENOUGH 7 AE9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 1 8 AJ9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 2 9 AN9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 3 10 AT9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 4 11 AY9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 5 12 A29T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 6 13 A69T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 7 14 BA9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 8 15 BE9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 9 16 BJ9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 10 17 BN9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 11 18 BT9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 12 19 BY9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 13 20 B29T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 14 21 B69T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 15 22 CA9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 16 23 CE9T-AAC2 Round ends after hole 17 FOR CODES 24 THRU 26, JUST SELECT THE UNSELECTED CLUBS 24 B8PA-AADL 14 clubs plus putter in set instead of 13 25 CCPA-AADL 15 clubs plus putter in set instead of 13 26 CGPA-AADL 16 clubs plus putter in set instead of 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AEPA-AAGA Start with 1 life AYPA-AAGA Start with 5 lives A6PA-AAGA Start with 7 lives BEPA-AAGA Start with 9 lives AEJA-AAHG 1 life after continue AYJA-AAHG 5 lives after continue A6JA-AAHG 7 lives after continue BEJA-AAHG 9 lives after continue AT5A-AA3E Infinite lives BTCT-AA5G Almost infinite energy AEPA-AAGJ Start with 1 credit AYPA-AAGJ Start with 5 credits A6PA-AAGJ Start with 7 credits BEPA-AAGJ Start with 9 credits ATHT-AA8R Infinite credits SE3T-BJWA Sword heats up faster SE3T-BAWA Sword heats up much faster AT3T-AA5C + AT3T-AA3C Once the sword is fully heated up, it stays at full energy almost forever SG9A-BT1G Each speed-up item worth 2 AJPA-AA44 + AEPA-BA42 Start at chapter 2 AJPA-AA44 + AJPA-BA42 Start at chapter 3 AJPA-AA44 + ANPA-BA42 Start at chapter 4 AJPA-AA44 + ATPA-BA42 Start at chapter 5 AJPA-AA44 + AYPA-BA42 Start at chapter 6
Start at chapter 7
Pit Fighter
1 AHNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 14 matches instead of 15 to become champion AMNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 13 matches to become champion ASNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 12 matches to become champion AXNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 11 matches to become champion A1NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 10 matches to become champion A5NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 9 matches to become champion A9NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 8 matches to become champion BDNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 7 matches to become champion BHNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 6 matches to become champion BMNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 5 matches to become champion BSNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 4 matches to become champion BXNT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN
Must win 3 matches to become champion 13 B1NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 2 matches to become champion B5NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Must win 1 match to become champion B9NT-3A6J + JDNT-20NL + PDNT-22EN Both players fight for championship at same time AFYT-2AAJ AKYT-2AAJ APYT-2AAJ AZYT-2AAJ A3YT-2AAJ AVZA-2A2R BB0T-2AGE JB0T-2AGE GB0T-2A8L 3DMA-2ADA EDMA-2GDA ADMA-3ADA ALBA-2A9R Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 3 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 6 lives Infinite lives Match clock runs faster Match clock runs slower Freeze match clock (no time limit) Power pill lasts for a shorter time Power pill lasts for a longer time Power pill lasts much longer Power pill lasts until death or end of match
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
CODES 20-24 ARE FOR THE HIDDEN ORIGINAL PITFALL GAME 20. GCPV-GAGA Start with a lot more time 21. AWPV-GAG2 Start with 5 lives 22. PWPV-GAG2 Start with mega lives 23. ACPV-GWF2 Start with mega points 24. ACYB-GAFY + ACWV-GAEC Don't lose points from barrels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Infinite bonus points 30 seconds per quarter 10 minutes per quarter 15 minutes per quarter Start Japan team with 200 bonus points instead of 60 Start all other teams with 200 bonus points instead of 50 Touchdowns worth 7 points Touchdowns worth 1 point Goals worth 7 points Goals worth 3 points
Primal Rage
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. JA2A-AA7C Infinite credits AALA-AA9W Start on feast level BJGT-CA4R + EVGT-CA5C Infinite time AALA-AA98 + BBGT-CA7L Play Bowling mini-game RG4A-A6Y6 Player 1 is invincible RG4A-A60G Player 2 in invincible RG4A-A6ZE Player 1 dies with one hit RG4A-A60R Player 2 dies with one hit RG4A-A6ZT Player 1 never gets dizzy RG4A-A604 Player 2 never gets dizzy RG4A-A6Z2 Player 1 gets dizzy quicker RG4A-A61C Player 2 gets dizzy quicker
Safeties are worth 7 Extra points are worth 0 Extra points are worth 2 Extra points are worth 3 Extra points are worth 4 Extra points are worth 5 Extra points are worth 6 Extra points are worth 7 Game clock counts faster
Quack Shot
1. MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED 1A AJCA-AA2L 1B RECT-A6VE 2. Start with maximum power 2A BBJA-AAD0 2B BBJT-AAAA 3. Start with less power 3A AKJA-AAD0 3B AKJT-AAAA 4. Start with maximum power after you lose a Donald Duck 4A BBEA-AABW 4B BBEA-AAEG 5. Start with less power after you lose a Donald Duck 5A AKEA-AABW 5B AKEA-AAEG 6. Almost infinite power (last boss's sword can still hurt you) 6A AKSA-AA24 6B AKSA-AA9J 7. Start with 1 Donald Duck 7A AFJA-AABG 7B AFJA-AAFN 8. Start with 5 Donald Ducks 8A AZJA-AABG 8B AZJA-AAFN 9. Start with 8 Donald Ducks 9A BBJA-AABG 9B BBJA-AAFN 10. Start with 10 Donald Ducks 10A BKJA-AABG 10B BKJA-AAFN
12. Start with 50 Donald Ducks 12A GKJA-AABG 12B GKJA-AAFN 13. Start with 99 Donald Ducks 13A NPJA-AABG 13B NPJA-AAFN 14. Infinite Donald Ducks 14A AVEA-AA28 14B AVEA-AA5W 15. Infinite popcorn on popcorn pick-up 15A AKJT-AA2J 15B AKJT-AA6W
Quad Challenge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ML3T-FYVJ JG3T-ECVJ M83T-F8VL J43T-ENVL M83T-F8VN J43T-ENVN M83T-F8VR J43T-ENVR L03T-FYVT L03T-ECVT A5NT-AA9E A5PA-AA4W HT9A-DARJ HT9A-DARJ HT7T-BEJL HT7T-BESG Set time to 90 for Atlanta and New York instead of 75 and 80 Set time to 65 for Atlanta and New York Set time to 95 for Santa Fe and Miami instead of 80 and 75 Set time to 70 for Santa Fe and Miami Set time to 95 for Grand Canyon and Denver instead of 80 and 85 Set time to 70 for Grand Canyon and Denver Set time to 95 for Detroit and Death Valley instead of 70 and 85 Set time to 70 for Detroit and Death Valley Set time for Honolulu to 90 instead of 75 Set time for Honolulu to 65 Infinite time--player 1 Infinite time--player 2 M69A-CAGL Set time to 95 for all tracks JE9A-CAGL Set time to 65 for all tracks NA7T-ACAN Accelerate faster--player #1 NA7T-ACHJ Accelerate faster--player #2
+ + + +
Race Drivin'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AAVT-RACN AEVT-RACN AJVT-RACN ATVT-RACN AYVT-RACN A6VT-RACN BJVT-RACN AAVT-RACE AJVT-RACE ATVT-RACE A6VT-RACE BJVT-RACE Start Super Stunt course with 0:25 instead of 3:25 Start Super Stunt course with 1:25 Start Super Stunt course with 2:25 Start Super Stunt course with 4:25 Start Super Stunt course with 5:25 Start Super Stunt course with 7:25 Start Super Stunt course with 10:25 --ignore counter for 1st 25 seconds Start Original course with 0:45 instead of 1:45 Start Original course with 2:45 Start Original course with 4:45 Start Original course with 7:45
Start Original course with 10:45 --ignore counter for 1st 45 seconds RF6T-N60Y + DK6T-NA7R Infinite time to run race
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
AK6T-NA86 Infinite time to get back on road ADRA-NA5L 60 seconds to get back on road instead of 10 ADRA-PAML 30 seconds to get back on road ADRA-NAML 20 seconds to get back on road ADRA-NLDL 05 seconds to get back on road ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-KAE4 Get 10 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-JAN4 Get 20 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-KAN4 Get 30 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-JAY4 Get 40 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-KAY4 Get 50 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint ATGT-RA30 + ABLT-JA64 Get 60 more seconds when you pass a checkpoint
Raiden Trad
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AKWT-AA9J AE9A-AAF0 A29A-AAF0 BA9A-AAF0 AJFT-AA5C PFCA-BJXG AEIT-AAHT AHEA-CAGY BA9A-AA8E A69A-BE8E BBCT-BA5Y Infinite bombs Start with 1 bomb Start with 6 bombs Start with 8 bombs Infinite lives Each bomb power-up item is worth 2 Some smaller obstacles easier to explode Some bigger obstacles easier to explode Don't lose missile power when you lose a life Permanent invisible missiles First laser power-up item
Rambo 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 DAGT-AA8C CKET-AA44 CJ1A-AA22 A2GT-AAH4 BAGT-AAH4 BEGT-AAH4 ABEA-BE4A AGNA-AAHG ARNA-AAHG A8NA-AAHG CCNA-AAHG ABEA-BE84 AGNA-AAGW A0NA-AAGW A8NA-AAGW CCNA-AAGW GCCT-AAGC NCCT-AAGC WCCT-AAGC LCCT-ACGC TCCT-ACGC JCCT-AEGC ACCT-AGGC MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives during missions Infinite lives during bonus battles Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Start with 10 lives Infinite arrows Each A worth 1 arrow Each A worth 3 arrows Each A worth 7 arrows Each A worth 10 arrows Infinite time bombs Each B worth 1 time bomb Each B worth 5 time bombs Each B worth 7 time bombs Each B worth 10 time bombs 30 seconds to escape prison--mission 2 60 seconds to escape prison--mission 2 90 seconds to escape prison--mission 2 LCCT-ACG8 150 seconds to escape prison--mission TCCT-ACG8 180 seconds to escape prison--mission JCCT-AEG8 240 seconds to escape prison--mission ACCT-AGG8 300 seconds to escape prison--mission
+ + + +
2 2 2 2
Ranger X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 AW2A-AA96 CT3A-AABC BJ3A-AABC AY3A-AABC AE3A-AABC AA3A-AABC A19T-AAG8 BM9T-AAG8 D59T-AAG8 GM9T-AAG8 AX9T-AA90 2WWT-AA4E AWVT-AA9W EC2T-AAA6 CC2T-AAA6 AG2T-AAA6 Infinite continues Start with 20 continues Start with 10 continues Start with 5 continues Start with 1 continue Start with 0 continues A19T-AAHC Extra continue every 50,000 points BM9T-AAHC Extra continue every 100,000 points D59T-AAHC Extra continue every 300,000 points GM9T-AAHC Extra continue every 500,000 points Extra continue never awarded AWWA-AA40 Invincible in Ex-Up cycle GLWA-AA80 Invincible out of Ex-Up cycle EA6T-AAB4 Start with Ex-Up vehicle shields at 1/2 CA6T-AAB4 Start with Ex-Up vehicle shields at 1/4 AE6T-AAB4 Start with Ex-Up vehicle shields nearly gone EA6T-AABW Start with Ranger X shields at 1/2 CA6T-AABW Start with Ranger X shields at 1/4 AE6T-AABW Start with Ranger X shields nearly gone Shields are recharged faster (2x) on power conversion units Shields are recharged much faster (8x) on power conversion units Shields are not restored on power conversion units Thruster packs don't cool down when you are on the ground Thruster packs don't cool down when you are in the air Thruster packs don't cool down when you are on the cycle Thruster packs never heat up Thruster packs heat up at a constant slow rate Thruster packs heat up at a constant fast rate Infinite weapon power Weapon power not reduced when shields are recharged Start with all weapons available Get two undocumented weapons (allows any weapon to be selected in reverse with button Y on a 6-button controller)
+ + + + + + + + +
RBI Baseball 94
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AFTV-TAGE AKTV-TAGE APTV-TAGE AVTV-TAGE AZTV-TAGE A3TV-TAGE A7TV-TAGE BBTV-TAGE BFTV-TAGE BKTV-TAGE AFTV-TAGN AKTV-TAGN Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts with with with with with with with with with with with with 1 run 2 runs 3 runs 4 runs 5 runs 6 runs 7 runs 8 runs 9 runs 10 runs 1 run 2 runs
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Player 2 starts with 3 runs Player 2 starts with 4 runs Player 2 starts with 5 runs Player 2 starts with 6 runs Player 2 starts with 7 runs Player 2 starts with 8 runs Player 2 starts with 9 runs Player 2 starts with 10 runs Almost infinite strikes--ALMOST Infinite balls Infinite outs 1 strike and you're out 2 strikes and you're out 4 strikes and you're out 5 strikes and you're out 6 strikes and you're out 7 strikes and you're out 8 strikes and you're out
RBI Baseball 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AJKA-CAHR ANKA-CAHR ATKA-CAHR AYKA-CAHR A2KA-CAHR A6KA-CAHR BAKA-CAHR BEKA-CAHR Game Game Game Game Game Game Game Game begins begins begins begins begins begins begins begins with with with with with with with with inning inning inning inning inning inning inning inning 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AAKT-CCA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6V Game begins with player 1 leading 1-0 AAKT-CEA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 2-0 AAKT-CGA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 3-0 AAKT-CJA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 4-0 AAKT-CLA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 5-0 AAKT-CRA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 7-0 AAKT-CWA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 1 leading 9-0 AEKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 1-0 AJKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 2-0
ANKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 3-0 ATKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 4-0 AYKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 5-0 A6KT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 7-0 BEKT-CAA8 + STKT-D0J6 + 8TKT-CLBA + REKT-C6VC Game begins with player 2 or computer leading 9-0 AK9T-AAA4 AP9T-AAA4 AZ9T-AAA4 A39T-AAA4 AK9A-AA9G AA3A-AAH4 ABAA-AAA0 + + + + ALAA-AAEN + AJET-CABG Batter walks on 2 balls ARAA-AAEN + ANET-CABG Batter walks on 3 balls A0AA-AAEN + AYET-CABG Batter walks on 5 balls A4AA-AAEN + A2ET-CABG Batter walks on 6 balls Balls do not count -- batter never walks Unrestricted substitutions for batting team Unrestricted substitutions for fielding team (except pitchers)
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Revenge of Shinobi If both kinds of codes below doesnt work, try the Revenge of Shinobi
(Classic Version) codes 1. Infinite lives--except when using Jitsu of Mijin 1A ACTT-BA4Y 1B ACRT-BA32 2. Infinite shurikins 2A BMVT-GA6L 2B BMTT-GA4L 3. Infinite life bar 3A BXVA-GA9E 3B BXTA-GA7E 4. Some bombs and enemy shurikins don't hurt 4A AANT-CAAJ 4B AANT-CAAJ 5. Some bombs, enemy shurikins and swords don't hurt 5A ABCA-BA94 + RFCA-A616 5B ABCA-BA90 + RFCA-A612 6. No life lost when using Jitsu of Mijin 6A AC5A-BA46 6B AC3A-BA44 7. Start with 100 shurikins 7A NTBA-AAC6 7B NTBA-AAC0 8. Start with 200 shurikins 8A 3ABA-AAC6 8B 3ABA-AAC0 9. Start with 500 shurikins 9A 8TBA-ACC6 9B 8TBA-ACC0 10. Start with 9 continues 10A BGKA-AAH4 10B BGHA-AAG0 11. Start with 1 continue 11A AGKA-AAH4 11B AGHA-AAG0 12. Start with 5 continues 12A A0KA-AAH4 12B A0HA-AAG0 13. Start in District 1, level 2 13A AGKT-AAAA 13B AGHA-AAG6 14. Start in District 1, level 3 14A ALKT-AAAA 14B ALHA-AAG6
15. Start in District 2, level 1 15A ARKT-AAAA 15B ARHA-AAG6 16. Start in District 2, level 2 16A AWKT-AAAA 16B AWHA-AAG6 17. Start in District 2, level 3 17A A0KT-AAAA 17B A0HA-AAG6 18. Start in District 3, level 1 18A A4KT-AAAA 18B A4HA-AAG6 19. Start in District 3, level 2 19A A8KT-AAAA 19B A8HA-AAG6 20. Start in District 3, level 3 20A BCKT-AAAA 20B BCHA-AAG6 21. Start in District 4, level 1 21A BGKT-AAAA 21B BGHA-AAG6 22. Start in District 4, level 2 22A BLKT-AAAA 22B BLHA-AAG6 23. Start in District 4, level 3 23A BRKT-AAAA 23B BRHA-AAG6 24. Start in District 5, level 1 24A BWKT-AAAA 24B BWHA-AAG6 25. Start in District 5, level 2 25A B0KT-AAAA 25B B0HA-AAG6 26. Start in District 5, level 3 26A B4KT-AAAA 26B B4HA-AAG6 27. Start in District 6, level 1 27A B8KT-AAAA 27B B8HA-AAG6
29. Start in District 6, level 3 29A CGKT-AAAA 29B CGHA-AAG6 30. Start in District 7, level 1 30A CLKT-AAAA 30B CLHA-AAG6 31. Start in District 7, level 2 31A CRKT-AAAA 31B CRHA-AAG6 32. Start in District 7, level 3 32A CWKT-AAAA 32B CWHA-AAG6 33. Start in District 8, level 1 33A C0KT-AAAA 33B C0HA-AAG6 34. Start in District 8, level 2 34A C4KT-AAAA 34B C4HA-AAG6 35. Start in District 8, level 3 35A C8KT-AAAA 35B C8HA-AAG6
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
in in in in in in in in in in
District District District District District District District District District District
5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8,
level level level level level level level level level level
3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Road Rash 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 RH6A-86YJ 8TST-ACD8 7AST-AGD8 2TST-AWD8 VAST-BGD8 CAST-ARM8 ZAST-AC58 AAST-AAD8 8TTA-ACDW 7ATA-AGDW 2TTA-AWDW VATA-BGDW CATA-ARMW ZATA-AC5W AATA-AADW AEST-AAEG AJST-AAEG ANST-AAEG ATST-AAEG AYST-AAEG A2ST-AAEG A6ST-AAEG BAST-AAEG BEST-AAEG BJST-AAEG BNST-AAEG BTST-AAEG BYST-AAEG B2ST-AAEG AETA-AAD4 AJTA-AAD4 ANTA-AAD4 ATTA-AAD4 AYTA-AAD4 A2TA-AAD4 A6TA-AAD4 BATA-AAD4 BETA-AAD4 BJTA-AAD4 BNTA-AAD4 BTTA-AAD4 BYTA-AAD4 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Player A starts game with $5,000 instead of $1,000 Player A starts game with $10,000 Player A starts game with $25,000 Player A starts game with $50,000 Player A starts game with $100,000 Player A starts game with $250,000 Player A starts game with no money Player B starts game with $5,000 instead of $1,000 Player B starts game with $10,000 Player B starts game with $25,000 Player B starts game with $50,000 Player B starts game with $100,000 Player B starts game with $250,000 Player B starts game with no money Player A starts game with Panda 500 bike instead of Shuriken 400 Player A starts game with Shuriken TT 250 bike Player A starts game with Panda 900 bike Player A starts game with Banzai 7.11 bike Player A starts game with Banzai 600N bike Player A starts game with Banzai 750N bike Player A starts game with Shuriken 1000N bike Player A starts game with Banzai 7.11N bike Player A starts game with Diablo 1000N bike Player A starts game with Panda 600 bike Player A starts game with Banzai 600 bike Player A starts game with Banzai 750 bike Player A starts game with Shuriken 1000 bike Player A starts game with Diablo 1000 bike Player B starts game with Panda 500 bike instead of Shuriken 400 Player B starts game with Shuriken TT 250 bike Player B starts game with Panda 900 bike Player B starts game with Banzai 7.11 bike Player B starts game with Banzai 600N bike Player B starts game with Banzai 750N bike Player B starts game with Shuriken 1000N bike Player B starts game with Banzai 7.11N bike Player B starts game with Diablo 1000N bike Player B starts game with Panda 600 bike Player B starts game with Banzai 600 bike Player B starts game with Banzai 750 bike Player B starts game with Shuriken 1000 bike
FOR CODES 44 THRU 53, IT DOESN'T SAY YOU HAVE QUALIFIED ON TRACK SELECT SCREEN, BUT THE CODES WORK 44 AEST-AAER Player A pre-qualifies on Alaska track 45 AEST-AAE0 Player A pre-qualifies on Hawaii track 46 AEST-AAE8 Player A pre-qualifies on Tennessee track 47 AEST-AAFG Player A pre-qualifies on Arizona track 48 AEST-AAFR Player A pre-qualifies on Vermont track 49 AETA-AAEC Player B pre-qualifies on Alaska track 50 AETA-AAEL Player B pre-qualifies on Hawaii track 51 AETA-AAEW Player B pre-qualifies on Tennessee track 52 AETA-AAE4 Player B pre-qualifies on Arizona track 53 AETA-AAFC Player B pre-qualifies on Vermont track
Road Rash 3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. R0TB-86XJ ATXT-EA6N PVAA-EA2R BA4A-CA6C AA4A-CA6C AA2A-AAAC GJ2A-AAAC 3A2A-AAAC 8T2A-ACAC 7A2A-AGAC VA2A-BGAC A5TT-AA40 AXVA-AA6J RFHT-C612 RFJA-C6W6 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Bike doesn't take damage from hitting cars Player is invincible Infinite nitro bursts Nitro bursts disabled Start with no money Start with $500 Start with $2000 Start with $5000 Start with $10,000 Start with $50,000 Bikes are free Upgrades are free Never get charged for police fines Don't get charged for bike repairs
Road Rash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RH9T-R60T AJPA-AAFG ANPA-AAFG ATPA-AAFG AYPA-AAFG AJPT-AAGC ANPT-AAGC ATPT-AAGC AYPT-AAGC 8TPA-ACGL 7APA-AGGL 2TPA-AWGL VAPA-BGGL AAPA-AAGL 8TPT-ACHG 7APT-AGHG 2TPT-AWHG VAPT-BGHG AAPT-AAHG AEPA-AAGW AJPA-AAGW ANPA-AAGW MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Player A starts at level 2 Player A starts at level 3 Player A starts at level 4 Player A starts at level 5 Player B starts at level 2 Player B starts at level 3 Player B starts at level 4 Player B starts at level 5 Player A starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000 Player A starts with $10,000 Player A starts with $25,000 Player A starts with $50,000 Player A starts with no money Player B starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000 Player B starts with $10,000 Player B starts with $25,000 Player B starts with $50,000 Player B starts with no money Player A starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400 Player A starts with Bonzai 750 bike Player A starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Player A starts with Shuriken 1000 bike Player A starts with Ferruci 850 bike Player A starts with Panda 750 bike Player A starts with Diablo 1000 bike Player B starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400 Player B starts with Bonzai 750 bike Player B starts with Kamikaze 750 bike Player B starts with Shuriken 1000 bike Player B starts with Ferruci 850 bike Player B starts with Panda 750 bike Player B starts with Diablo 1000 bike Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Sierra Nevada road Players need to finish 15th or better on Sierra Nevada road Players don't need to run Sierra Nevada road Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Pacific Coast road Players need to finish 15th or better on Pacific Coast road Players don't need to run Pacific Coast road Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Redwood Forest road Players need to finish 15th or better on Redwood Forest road Players don't need to run Redwood Forest road Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Palm Desert road Players need to finish 15th or better on Palm Desert road Players don't need to run Palm Desert road Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Grass Valley road Players need to finish 15th or better on Grass Valley road Players don't need to run Grass Valley road
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Each Robocop head worth 8 extra lives Start with 0 continues Start with 1 continues Start with 5 continues Start with 9 continues Infinite continues Super jump Mega-jump Enemies killed with 1 shot, except boss enemies Don't lose special weapons when you die
Rolling Thunder 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ABMA-AAHN AKMA-AAHN AVMA-AAHN A3MA-AAHN BBMA-AAHN B3MA-AAHN ABMT-AAAR AKMT-AAAR AVMT-AAAR A3MT-AAAR BBMT-AAAR B3MT-AAAR FDJA-AEZ6 CBLA-AAFJ EBLA-AAFJ GBLA-AAFJ NBLA-AAFJ TBLA-AAFJ ABLA-ACFJ XFLA-AWFJ CBLA-AAFT EBLA-AAFT GBLA-AAFT NBLA-AAFT TBLA-AAFT ABLA-ACFT XFLA-AWFT CBLA-AAFL EBLA-AAFL GBLA-AAFL JBLA-AAFL NBLA-AAFL TBLA-AAFL ABLA-ACFL XFLA-AWFL CBLA-AAFW EBLA-AAFW GBLA-AAFW JBLA-AAFW NBLA-AAFW TBLA-AAFW ABLA-ACFW XFLA-AWFW Start with 1 hit point--player 1 Start with 3 hit points--player 1 Start with 5 hit points--player 1 Start with 7 hit points--player 1 Start with 9 hit points--player 1 Start with 15 hit points--player 1 Start with 1 hit point--player 2 Start with 3 hit points--player 2 Start with 5 hit points--player 2 Start with 7 hit points--player 2 Start with 9 hit points--player 2 Start with 15 hit points--player 2 Almost invincible--both players Start with 10 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 20 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 30 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 60 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 80 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 100 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 999 pistol shots--player 1 Start with 10 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 20 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 30 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 60 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 80 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 100 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 999 pistol shots--player 2 Start with 10 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 20 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 30 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 40 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 60 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 80 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 100 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 999 machine gun shots--player 1 Start with 10 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 20 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 30 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 40 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 60 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 80 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 100 machine gun shots--player 2 Start with 999 machine gun shots instead of 0 player 2
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
Infinite pistol and machine gun shots--both players Start with 10 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 20 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 30 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 40 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 60 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 80 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 100 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 999 flame thrower shots--player 1 Start with 10 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 20 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 30 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 40 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 60 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 80 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 100 flame thrower shots--player 2 Start with 999 flame thrower shots--player 2 Infinite flame thrower and shot cluster shots--both players AXST-ANAE Make flame thrower special weapon in round 5, instead of shot cluster (standing shots only--you still get shot cluster when you crouch) SXSA-B4SY + A5SA-ANH0 Make shot cluster special weapon in all rounds instead of only in round 5 (standing shots only--you still get flame thrower when you crouch) PZTT-AADT Timer runs at 1/10 normal speed VBTT-AADT Timer runs at 1/8 normal speed CFTT-ACDT Timer runs at 1/4 normal speed PVTT-ACDT Timer runs at 1/3 normal speed EKTT-AEDT Timer runs at 1/2 normal speed VBTT-ATDT Timer runs at 2x normal speed 3VTT-A2DT Timer runs at 3x normal speed CBTT-BCDT Timer runs at 4x normal speed EBTT-AEMT Timer runs at 8x normal speed ZBTT-AYMT Timer runs at 10x normal speed BFTT-AF56 Infinite time ABCA-AAF8 Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 1 AFCA-AAF8 Start with 2 lives--player 1 AVCA-AAF8 Start with 5 lives--player 1 A3CA-AAF8 Start with 7 lives--player 1 BBCA-AAF8 Start with 9 lives--player 1 B3CA-AAF8 Start with 15 lives--player 1 GFCA-AAF8 Start with 50 lives--player 1 ABCA-BE7Y Start with 1 life--player 2 AFCA-BE7Y Start with 2 lives--player 2 AVCA-BE7Y Start with 5 lives--player 2 A3CA-BE7Y Start with 7 lives--player 2 BBCA-BE7Y Start with 9 lives--player 2 B3CA-BE7Y Start with 15 lives--player 2 GFCA-BE7Y Start with 50 lives--player 2 AMWT-AA5N Infinite lives--both players SA7T-BEZA Start at round 2 SA7T-BJZA Start at round 3 SA7T-BNZA Start at round 4 SA7T-BTZA Start at round 5
94 95 96 97
at at at at
6 7 8 9
1 AVNT-AADA 2 AVNT-AAC4 3 AVNT-AADG For both warriors: 4 A3SA-AA4L 5 GANA-AA58 6 FRCA-BJW8 7 FRCA-BTW8 8 FRCA-BJVE 9 FRCA-BTVE 10 FFXT-BJZJ 11 FFXT-BTZJ 12 FCAA-B2ZW 13 FCAA-BN08 Upgrade starting level of Silver Hawk blue ombs Upgrade starting level of Silver Hawk blue missiles Upgrade starting level of Silver Hawk blue lasers Infinite lives Makes the force field invincible Laser power-ups worth more Laser power-ups worth much more Bomb power-ups worth more Bomb power-ups worth much more Missile power-ups worth more Missile power-ups worth much more Start with increased defense capability Defense capability power-ups worth more
Saint Sword
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A2BT-AA42 BH1T-AACE REKA-E6W2 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Select up to 9 players on options screen Infinite number of transfiguration items once you get one AVZA-AA7R Almost infinite life energy AVZA-AA36 Protection against stronger boss hits SFZT-BJYY Each Centaur item is worth 2 SFZT-BTYY Each Centaur item is worth 4 SFZT-BJY8 Each Birdman item is worth 2 SFZT-BTY8 Each Birdman item is worth 4 SFZT-BJZJ Each Fishman item is worth 2 SFZT-BTZJ Each Fishman item is worth 4 REHA-E6TJ Infinite time to complete stage JAHA-FLTJ Time goes by 2x as fast JAHA-FWTJ Time goes by 4x as fast REHA-E6Y0 Stop transfiguration timer JAHA-FLY0 Transfiguration timer is 2x as fast JAHA-FWY0 Transfiguration timer is 4x as fast NNHA-EAHN Start transfiguration timer at 99 instead of 60--doesn't work when using time necklace ITVT-EEG4 Start chapter 1 timer at 700 instead of 350 9TGT-FGJR + EAGT-EGAT Start all chapters with timer at 800 SFZT-BA00 Small magic ball worth 80 SFZT-BA0N Medium magic ball worth 100 GKZT-AAGC Large magic ball worth 500 RF0T-A6XN Infinite lives
Separation Anxiety
1. 2. 3. AG9T-EAB0 A09T-EAB0 BG9T-EAB0 Start with 1 life Start with 5 lives Start with 9 lives
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
GL9T-EAB0 Start with 50 lives ABET-EAD2 Infinite lives B4LA-CACR Start with 1/4 energy on DCLA-CACR Start with 1/2 energy on ELLA-CACR Start with 3/4 energy on R5CT-DBXL Almost infinite energy RG1A-C60E + RG1A C60G 1 hit kills most
Shadow Blasters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ATBT-AA4G A25T-AA2R ATCT-EAE8 AECT-EAE8 ATCT-EAE4 BECT-EAE4 BECT-EAFA GJCT-EAFA ANCT-EAE0 ANCT-EAEW ATCT-EADJ AECT-EADJ ATCT-EADE BECT-EADE BECT-EADL GJCT-EADL ANCT-EADA ANCT-EAC6 ATCT-EAD4 AECT-EAD4 ATCT-EAD0 BECT-EAD0 BECT-EAD6 GJCT-EAD6 ANCT-EADW ANCT-EADR ATCT-EAEN AECT-EAEN ATCT-EAEJ BECT-EAEJ BECT-EAER GJCT-EAER ANCT-EAEE ANCT-EAEA AKAT-AA7T PA6A-BT16 PA6A-BA16 MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Protection against most enemy hits Marco starts with 4 units of life instead of 9 Marco starts with 1 unit of life Marco starts with 4 units of power instead of none Marco starts with 9 units of power Marco starts with 9 special weapons instead of 1 Marco starts with 50 special weapons Marco starts with speed of 4 instead of 1 Marco starts with jumping ability of 4 instead of 1 Horatio starts with 4 units of life Horatio starts with 1 unit of life Horatio starts with 4 units of power Horatio starts with 9 units of power Horatio starts with 9 special weapons Horatio starts with 50 special weapons Horatio starts with speed of 4 Horatio starts with jumping ability of 4 Tiffany starts with 4 units of life Tiffany starts with 1 unit of life Tiffany starts with 4 units of power Tiffany starts with 9 units of power Tiffany starts with 9 special weapons Tiffany starts with 50 special weapons Tiffany starts with speed of 4 Tiffany starts with jumping ability of 4 Leo starts with 4 units of life Leo starts with 1 unit of life Leo starts with 4 units of power Leo starts with 9 units of power Leo starts with 9 special weapons Leo starts with 50 special weapons Leo starts with speed of 4 Leo starts with jumping ability of 4 Infinite special weapons for all warriors Power gauge fills faster when Button A is held down Power gauge fills much faster when Button A is held down
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Start with 64 lives--1st credit only Gain a life instead of losing a life when you get hit Start timer at 1:00 instead of 3:00 Start timer at 5:00 Start timer at 7:00 Start timer at 9:00 Infinite time Enemy aides are easier to kill-- difficulty level 1 only Enemy aides are harder to kill-- difficulty level 1 only Infinite ninjitsu magic
Shinobi 3
CODES WORK ONLY ON DEFAULT DIFFICULTY LEVEL 1 CJSA-EA7G Infinite energy 2 CBTT-AAC8 Start with 1 life GAME DISPLAYS MAX OF 9 LIVES 5 CBTT-AYC8 Start with 11 lives 6 CBTT-BCL8 Start with 50 lives 7 CBTT-AG48 Start with 99 lives 9 SE3A-FLZ2 Each throw costs 2 shurikens--7 for Shuriken Burst 10 HVTT-AG5Y Start with 99 shurikens 11 RFST-G6ZC Get no shurikens on pick up 12 JBST-HAZC Get 8 shurikens on pick up 13 AT3A-EA72 Infinite shurikens--7 for Shuriken Burst 14 ABTT-BAEE Start with no ninjitsu items 15 AZTT-BAEE Start with 5 ninjitsu items 16 BFTT-BAEE Start with 9 ninjitsu items 17 AT1T-EA4E Infinite ninjitsu items CANNOT 18 19 20 21 COMBINE CREDIT CODES WITH "START ON ROUND" CODES APTT-AAD6 Start with 1 credit instead of 3 APTT-ALD6 Start with 5 credits APTT-AWD6 Start with 9 credits AX6T-AA2E Infinite credits ROUND CODES, YOU APTT-ACD6 Start APTT-AED6 Start APTT-AGD6 Start APTT-AJD6 Start APTT-ALD6 Start APTT-AND6 Start WILL HAVE ONLY 1 CREDIT on round 2 on round 3 on round 4 on round 5 on round 6 on round 7
Sonic Spinball
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AFBT-4AHR AKBT-4AHR AZBT-4AHR A7BT-4AHR AXBA-4A4T B69A-4AHR KT9A-4AHR XA9A-4AHR 3J9A-4CHR 9N9A-4EHR AFBT-5N7G AKBT-5N7G Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Infinite lives B69T-4AAA Get extra man about every 1,000,000 pts. KT9T-4AAA Get extra man about every 5,000,000 pts. XA9T-4AAA Get extra man about every 10,000,000 pts. 3J9T-4CAA Get extra man about every 30,000,000 pts. 9N9T-4EAA Get extra man about every 50,000,000 pts. Start on Level 2: Lava Powerhouse Start on Level 3: The Machine
+ + + + +
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Start on Level 4: Showdown 10 balls in Level 1 bonus round 5 balls in Level 1 bonus round 2 balls in Level 1 bonus round 1 ball in Level 1 bonus round 10 balls in Level 2 bonus round 5 balls in Level 2 bonus round 2 balls in Level 2 bonus round 1 ball in Level 2 bonus round 10 balls in Level 3 bonus round 5 balls in Level 3 bonus round 2 balls in Level 3 bonus round 1 ball in Level 3 bonus round Infinite balls in all bonus rounds
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
+ + + + + + +
Invincibility lasts half as long Invincibility lasts 1/4 as long Only need 6 chaos emeralds Only need 4 chaos emeralds Only need 3 chaos emeralds Only need 2 chaos emeralds A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 2 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 3 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 4 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 5 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 6 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 7 A4GA-A28T Blue spheres worth 8 1 Blue sphere needed for chaos emerald Bonus jump Super jump Mega-jump Never drown (must switch off for some
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
AB5T-DTCR Orbital jump for Knuckles ALNA-AACR Rings worth 2 in special stage ARNA-AACR Rings worth 3 in special stage AWNA-AACR Rings worth 4 in special stage A0NA-AACR Rings worth 5 in special stage BLNA-AACR Rings worth 10 in special stage A2NT-CAG6 Only 6 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic AYNT-CAG6 Only 5 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic ATNT-CAG6 Only 4 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic ANNT-CAG6 Only 3 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic AJNT-CAG6 Only 2 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Sonic AENT-CAG6 Only 1 chaos emerald needed to become Super Sonic AANT-CAG6 Become Super Sonic without any chaos emeralds NTNT-CAHL 100 rings needed to become Super Sonic instead of 50 FANT-CAHL 40 rings needed to become Super Sonic DENT-CAHL 25 rings needed to become Super Sonic BJNT-CAHL 10 rings needed to become Super Sonic AENT-CAHL 1 ring needed to become Super Sonic AANT-CAGY + AAPA-CAB8 Become Super-Duper Sonic without any emeralds (you still need 50 rings unless using one of the above codes) NTPT-CA50 Rings aren't used up as Super (or Super - Duper) Sonic/Knuckles RHJA-E60L Bonus round always activated after every checkpoint BXLA-EA5G Bonus round is always Slot Machine A5LA-EA5G Bonus round is always Glowing Spheres A36A-CACW Only 6 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles AZ6A-CACW Only 5 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles AV6A-CACW Only 4 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles AP6A-CACW Only 3 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles AK6A-CACW Only 2 chaos emeralds needed to become Super Knuckles AF6A-CACW Only 1 chaos emerald needed to become Super Knuckles AB6A-CACW Become Super Knuckles without any chaos emeralds NV6A-CADA 100 rings needed to become Super Knuckles instead of 50 FB6A-CADA 40 rings needed to become Super Knuckles DF6A-CADA 25 rings needed to become Super Knuckles BK6A-CADA 10 rings needed to become Super Knuckles AF6A-CADA 1 ring needed to become Super Knuckles AB6A-CACL + AB6A-CAHR Become Super-Duper Knuckles without any emeralds (you still need 50 rings unless using one of the above codes) ACCT-CA2R Can't drown
CODES 65 THRU 86 ARE FOR KNUCKLES IN THE SONIC 2 GAME 65 AX6D-AA3W Knuckles doesn't lose rings when hit 66 HWLX-GA2Y Infinite time 67 SD5X-BJT2 Rings worth 2 68 SD5X-BNT2 Rings worth 3 69 SD5X-BTT2 Rings worth 4 70 SD5X-BYT2 Rings worth 5 71 SD5X-B2T2 Rings worth 6 72 SD5X-B6T2 Rings worth 7 73 SD5X-BAT2 Rings worth 8 74 AE5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 1 life instead of 3 75 AY5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 5 lives 76 A65X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 7 lives 77 BE5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 9 lives
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Knuckles starts with 25 lives Knuckles starts with 50 lives Knuckles starts with 75 lives Knuckles starts with 99 lives Infinite lives High jump for Knuckles Super jump for Knuckles Mega jump for Knuckles Orbital jump for Knuckles
4. 4A 4B
5. 5A 5B 6. 6A 6B 7. 7A 7B 8. 8A 8B 9. 9A 9B 10. 10A 10B 11. 11A 11B 12. 12A 12B 13. 13A 13B 14. 14A 14B 15. 15A 15B 16. 16A 16B 17. 17A 17B
Rings worth 6--player 1 SAST-D21A SATA-D2TJ Rings worth 7--player 1 SAST-D61A SATA-D6TJ Rings worth 8--player 1 SAST-DA1A SATA-DATJ Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 1 AE8A-AAD2 AE8A-AADN Start with 5 lives--player 1 AY8A-AAD2 AY8A-AADN Start with 7 lives--player 1 A68A-AAD2 A68A-AADN Start with 9 lives--player 1 BE8A-AAD2 BE8A-AADN Start with 25 lives--player 1 DE8A-AAD2 DE8A-AADN Start with 50 lives--player 1 GJ8A-AAD2 GJ8A-AADN Start with 75 lives--player 1 KN8A-AAD2 KN8A-AADN Start with 99 lives--player 1 NN8A-AAD2 NN8A-AADN Infinite lives--player 1 JW3A-CA4J JW3A-CA4Y Rings worth 2--player 2 SATA-DJVW SATA-DJW8
19. 19A 19B 20. 20A 20B 21. 21A 21B 22. 22A 22B 23. 23A 23B 24. 24A 24B 25. 25A 25B 26. 26A 26B 27. 27A 27B 28. 28A 28B 29. 29A 29B 30. 30A 30B 31. 31A 31B
Rings worth 4--player 2 SATA-DTVW SATA-DTW8 Rings worth 5--player 2 SATA-DYVW SATA-DYW8 Rings worth 6--player 2 SATA-D2VW SATA-D2W8 Rings worth 7--player 2 SATA-D6VW SATA-D6W8 Rings worth 8--player 2 SATA-DAVW SATA-DAW8 Start with 1 life instead of 3--player 2 AE8A-AAD8 AE8A-AADW Start with 5 lives--player 2 AY8A-AAD8 AY8A-AADW Start with 7 lives--player 2 A68A-AAD8 A68A-AADW Start with 9 lives--player 2 BE8A-AAD8 BE8A-AADW Start with 25 lives--player 2 DE8A-AAD8 DE8A-AADW Start with 50 lives--player 2 GJ8A-AAD8 GJ8A-AADW Start with 75 lives--player 2 KN8A-AAD8 KN8A-AADW Start with 99 lives--player 2 NN8A-AAD8 NN8A-AADW
FOR CODES 35 AND 36, SWITCH OFF IF YOU GET STUCK SOMEWHERE OR WANT TO SINK IN WATER 35. 35A 35B 36. 36A 36B 37. 37A 37B 38. 38A 38B Jump a lot higher EBVT-CAE2 EBVT-CAE2 Jump really high CBVT-CAE2 CBVT-CAE2 Sonic stays invincible for a shorter time after getting hit A02T-CAF8 A02T-CAGL Sonic stays invincible for a longer time after getting hit 982T-CAF8 982T-CAGL
39. Sonic becomes invisible and invincible for the rest of the level after getting hit--must have at least one ring (switch off and then on to make Sonic visible) 39A ALTA-CA8N 39B ALTA-CA82 40. Once invincible (stars), Sonic stays Invincible for the rest of the level 40A ALTA-CA9J 40B ALTA-CA9Y 41. 41A 41B 42. 42A 42B Sonic doesn't lose rings when hit ATTT-CA4W ATTT-CA58 Tails doesn't lose rings when hit ATTT-CA5G ATTT-CA6W
43. Sonic needs only 1 ring instead of 50 to enter special stage after touching a star post 43A AH2T-CAH6 43B AH2T-CAHN
WITH CODES 44 THRU 57, THE COUNTER DOESN'T SHOW THE EXTRA RINGS, BUT YOU DO GET THEM 44. 44A 44B 45. 45A 45B 46. 46A 46B 47. 47A 47B 48. 48A 48B 49. 49A 49B 50. 50A 50B 51. 51A 51B 52. 52A 52A 53. 53A 53B 54. 54A 54B 55. 55A 55B Rings worth 2 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-HJWJ SBJA-HJV2 Rings worth 3 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-HNWJ SBJA-HNV2 Rings worth 4 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-HTWJ SBJA-HTV2 Rings worth 5 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-HYWJ SBJA-HYV2 Rings worth 6 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-H2WJ SBJA-H2V2 Rings worth 7 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-H6WJ SBJA-H6V2 Rings worth 8 in special stages--Sonic SBJA-HAWJ SBJA-HAV2 Rings worth 2 in special stages--Tails SBJA-HJWR SBJA-HJV8 Rings worth 3 in special stages--Tails SBJA-HNWR SBJA-HNV8 Rings worth 4 in special stages--Tails SBJA-HTWR SBJA-HTV8 Rings worth 5 in special stages--Tails SBJA-HYWR SBJA-HYV8 Rings worth 6 in special stages--Tails SBJA-H2WR SBJA-H2V8
Rings worth 7 in special stages--Tails SBJA-H6WR SBJA-H6V8 Rings worth 8 in special stages--Tails
57A 57B
Space Invaders 91
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AE3A-AAEW Start with 1 shield on 1st credit AN3A-AAEW Start with 3 shields on 1st credit A63A-AAEW Start with 7 shields on 1st credit BE3A-AAEW Start with 9 shields on 1st credit AE6T-AAF8 Start with 1 shield instead of 5 after continue AN6T-AAF8 Start with 3 shields after continue A66T-AAF8 Start with 7 shields after continue BE6T-AAF8 Start with 9 shields after continue AJ9T-AA60+BBAT-AA86 Almost infinite shields 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + AE3A-AAD0 Start at Round 2: Milky Way 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + AJ3A-AAD0 Start at Round 3: Merutas 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + AN3A-AAD0 Start at Round 4: Planet Dufa 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + AT3A-AAD0 Start at Round 5: Moon 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + AY3A-AAD0 Start at Round 6: Planet Venus 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + A23A-AAD0 Start at Round 7: Planet Solaia 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + A63A-AAD0 Start at Round 8: Planet Lisubi 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BA3A-AAD0 Start at Round 9: Planet Guraivas 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BE3A-AAD0 Start at Round 10: Planet Mars 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BJ3A-AAD0 Start at Round 11: Planet Mercury 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BN3A-AAD0 Start at Round 12: Planet Aluga 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BT3A-AAD0 Start at Round 13: Planet Laia 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + BY3A-AAD0 Start at Round 14: Planet Bailam 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + B23A-AAD0 Start at Round 15: Planet Daruta 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + B63A-AAD0 Start at Round 16: Planet Lamusa 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + CA3A-AAD0 Start at Round 17: Planet Ikuru 9T3A-BGMY + 963A-AAD2 + CE3A-AAD0 Start at Final Round: Doriasta GBRA-AABR Super crusher lasts 30 seconds BFRA-AABC Use hyper laser 9 times ABRA-ATBG Buster laser has 800 energy JBRA-AABE Use homing bombs 40 times
IF YOU HAVE OVER 9 LIVES AND GET AN EXTRA LIFE TOKEN, YOUR LIVES COULD BE REDUCED TO 9 3 AZJA-AAC8 Start with 6 lives 4 BKJA-AAC8 Start with 11 lives 5 GKJA-AAC8 Start with 51 lives 6 NVJA-AAC8 Start with 100 lives
Spider-Man Codes: 7 ACBT-GAAG Spider-Man is invincible after being hit once 8 A4AT-GA5G Infinite lives 9 9G8T-H94J Jump a little higher YOU MAY GET STUCK WHEN USING 'JUMP MUCH HIGHER' CODES
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
+ + + + +
Spider-Man jumps much higher Start with 3x normal energy Start with 2x normal energy Start with 1/2x normal energy Start with 1/3x normal energy Start with almost 0 energy TD7T-GCB2 Maximum energy is 3x normal AD7T-GCB2 Maximum energy is 2x normal JD7T-GAB2 Maximum energy is 1/2x normal FX7T-GAB2 Maximum energy is 1/3x normal AH7T-GAB2 Maximum energy is almost 0 Heart worth nothing to energy Heart worth 1/2x normal to energy Heart worth 2x normal to energy Heart worth 3x normal to energy Heart restores full energy Protection from most hits Most hits hurt 1/2x normal Most hits hurt 2x normal Most hits hurt 3x normal Most hits are lethal Spikes don't hurt Spikes hurt 1/2x normal Spikes hurt 2x normal Spikes hurt 3x normal Spikes are lethal
X-Men Codes: 36 ABZT-AAAJ 37 ADYT-AABN 38 AB2A-BZ62 39 TB2A-BV62 40 AD2A-BX3A 41 AD2A-BP3A 42 BXFT-AAF8 43 AXFT-AAF8 44 ADFT-AAF8 45 RHFT-A6YL 46 AK5T-AA6T 47 ATYA-CA26 48 RF3A-A608 49
Cyclops, Wolverine and Storm have infinite lives Gambit has infinite lives Wolverine and Cyclops jump a little higher Wolverine and Cyclops jump much higher Gambit jumps a little higher Gambit jumps much higher Storm loses air faster under water Storm loses air more slowly under water Storm doesn't lose air swimming under water Storm's air is replenished immediately at surface Cyclops and Wolverine are almost invincible Gambit is almost invincible Hearts and rubies restore full energy for Cyclops and Wolverine 986T-B880 + ADAT-AACL Always have power blast
1. 2. 3. 4. AA6T-RAD2 NA6T-RAD2 AA6T-RAD6 NA6T-RAD6 Start Start Start Start with with with with no blue web more blue web no red web more red web
Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Start with Webs worth Webs worth Webs worth Webs worth
no red grenades more red grenades no blue grenades more blue grenades 1 life 10 lives Mega lives 0 1 15 25
Splatterhouse 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DDBA-AA6A AAZA-AAFR AEZA-AAFR ATZA-AAFR BEZA-AAFR AT8T-EA4Y CACT-AAA2 JACT-AAA2 TACT-AAA2 2ACT-AAA2 ADCA-AAG8 GDCA-AAG8 2DCA-AAG8 ADCA-ACG8 AXCA-AA3R HHCA-BJVR HHCA-BNVR HHCA-BTVR AE2A-AACY AJ2A-AACY AN2A-AACY AT2A-AACY AW5T-AA5G B45A-AA8C C4XT-EA7W Infinite lives Start with 0 lives Start with 1 lives Start with 4 lives Start with 9 lives AT8T-EA5A Almost invincible Start with almost no health Start with 25% health Start with 50% health Start with 75% health Beating heart is worth nothing Beating heart is 1/2x normal Beating heart is 2x normal Beating heart is full health Orbs worth nothing Orbs worth 2x normal Orbs worth 3x normal Orbs worth 4x normal CT2A-AAC6 Start with 25% power FA2A-AAC6 Start with 50% power HT2A-AAC6 Start with 75% power LA2A-AAC6 Start with 100% power Power does not decrease when you are mutated B5ET-AA2L Power is not lost when you are mutated and you clear the room of enemies Clock does not run
+ + + + +
Splatterhouse 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AX3A-AA2N AE0A-AAG8 AJ0A-AAG8 AN0A-AAG8 AY0A-AAG8 A20A-AAG8 A60A-AAG8 BA0A-AAG8 BE0A-AAG8 AEBT-AAB6 AJBT-AAB6 ANBT-AAB6 AYBT-AAB6 BJBT-AAB6 B6BT-AAB6 Infinite lives Start with 2 lives Start with 3 lives Start with 4 lives Start with 6 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 8 lives Start with 9 lives Start with 10 lives Start with 1 hit point Start with 2 hit points Start with 3 hit points Start with 5 hit points Start with 10 hit points Start with 15 hit points
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
20 hit points 25 hit points 30 hit points 50 hit points 100 hit points 200 hit points 250 hit points
Star Control
1 2 3 BTPT-AN8A JB2A-BYWE P30T-BYIN Make start button a true pause button More base income per turn Mines make more money
Ship-specific codes: Androsynth: 4 JB4A-CACT 5 AWPB-RECE Ariloulaleelay: 6 ARPB-RGD0 7 CCPB-SADN Chenjesu: 8 BB9A-CAEA 9 ALPB-R8FG Human: 10 11
Plasma torpedoes cost 1/2 normal Crew regrowth cost 1/2 normal
Shofixti: 18 ARPV-RAFC 19 BWPV-R2E2 Spathi: 20 AR0T-CAB8 21 ML0T-CAFL Syreen: 22 ECPV-RAS8 23 AWR-BRCAL Umgah:
24 25
Battle codes: Asteroids: 32 CKYA-CA3R 33 CVYA-CAB8 34 H8NT-AAE6 Planets: 35 DKYA-CA52 36 AZYA-CAER 37 ACMA-AAHN 38 RGVT-A6VW 39 ACVT-AA3N Strategic codes: 40 C3TA-CA24
No planets Five planets Planets have no gravity Collision with planet is deadly Collision with planet is harmless
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ABEA-EADY Start with 0 grenades NPEA-EADY Start with 99 grenades AAEA-EAFG Infinite grenades AKEA-EADW Start with 3 lives NPEA-EADW Start with 99 lives AA5A-EAH6 Infinite lives NPEA-EADT Start with 99 continues AA5T-EAD2 Infinite continues NPEA-EAD0 Start with 99 alien grenades AAEA-EAE2 Infinite alien grenades C27A-CA6W + BT7T-CA3E Protects against most enemies AA5T-EAC4 Don't lose energy when you fall off screen ACHT-CAHL Protection against floor spikes A0NA-AAHC Pick up five mission objectives for each 1 you get ACBT-CAHE Extra life worth nothing ALBT-CAHE Extra life worth 2 ACBT-CAGR Energy icon does nothing JCBT-CGGR Energy icon restores energy to full ADXT-CAGA Machine gun does not heat up LDXT-CAGA Machine gun heats up quicker RHXT-C61A Machine gun cools off instantly AC0T-AAG0 Invincible after you get hit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Infinite lives Start with 9 lives, normal level Start with 8 lives, normal level Start with 7 lives, normal level Start with 6 lives, normal level Bonus lives worth 2 Bonus lives worth 3 Bonus lives worth 4 Infinite time to complete round 1/2x normal time to complete round 2x normal time to complete round Less than 1/2x normal time to complete round Increase Stormlord's speed after first ride with Thortos Invincibility
CODES 19 THRU 23 WORK ONLY ON CHAMPION GAME START MODE 19 VL6A-EZEG Throws do 3x normal damage 20 MW6A-F2YG Throws do 2x normal damage 21 ER6A-EGNG Throws do 3/4x normal damage 22 C86A-FREG Throws do 1/2x normal damage 23 AC6A-EAEG Throws do no damage 24 97BT-DE3Y First hit wins battle 25 AC3T-CAGE Allows special moves in mid-air 26 AG1T-DA8C Special moves are sometimes disabled--MAY MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO MOVE BACKWARDS 27 ADBA-F332 Ryu jumps forward farther 28 ADBA-F932 Ryu jumps forward not as far 29 YDBA-EJCA Ryu jumps backward farther 30 EDBA-ECCA Ryu jumps backward not as far 31 ADBA-EJCN + ADBA-EJCY Ryu jumps up much lower 32 ADBA-ELCN + ADBA-ELCY Ryu jumps up lower 33 ADBA-ETCN + ADBA-ETCY Ryu jumps up higher 34 ADBA-EYCN + ADBA-EYCY Ryu jumps up much higher 35 ADBA-EJB6 Ryu jumps forward much lower 36 ADBA-ELB6 Ryu jumps forward lower 37 ADBA-ETB6 Ryu jumps forward higher
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
Ryu jumps forward much higher Ryu jumps backward much lower Ryu jumps backward lower Ryu jumps backward higher Ryu jumps backward much higher Edmond Honda jumps forward farther Edmond Honda jumps forward not as far Edmond Honda jumps backward farther Edmond Honda jumps backward not as far ADBA-EJDY Edmond Honda jumps up much lower ADBA-ELDY Edmond Honda jumps up lower ADBA-ETDY Edmond Honda jumps up higher ADBA-EYDY Edmond Honda jumps up much higher Edmond Honda jumps forward much lower Edmond Honda jumps forward lower Edmond Honda jumps forward higher Edmond Honda jumps forward much higher Edmond Honda jumps backward much lower Edmond Honda jumps backward lower Edmond Honda jumps backward higher Edmond Honda jumps backward much higher Blanka jumps forward farther Blanka jumps forward not as far Blanka jumps backward farther Blanka jumps backward not as far ADBA-EJEY Blanka jumps up much lower ADBA-ENEY Blanka jumps up lower ADBA-E0EY Blanka jumps up higher ADBA-E4EY Blanka jumps up much higher Blanka jumps forward much lower Blanka jumps forward lower Blanka jumps forward higher Blanka jumps forward much higher Blanka jumps backward much lower Blanka jumps backward lower Blanka jumps backward higher Blanka jumps backward much higher Guile jumps forward farther Guile jumps forward not as far Guile jumps backward farther Guile jumps backward not as far ADBA-EJFY Guile jumps up much lower ADBA-ELFY Guile jumps up lower ADBA-ETFY Guile jumps up higher ADBA-EYFY Guile jumps up much higher Guile jumps forward much lower Guile jumps forward lower Guile jumps forward higher Guile jumps forward much higher Guile jumps backward much lower Guile jumps backward lower Guile jumps backward higher Guile jumps backward much higher Ken jumps forward farther Ken jumps forward not as far Ken jumps backward farther Ken jumps backward not as far
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + +
ADBA-EJGY Ken jumps up much lower ADBA-ELGY Ken jumps up lower ADBA-ETGY Ken jumps up higher ADBA-EYGY Ken jumps up much higher Ken jumps forward much lower Ken jumps forward lower Ken jumps forward higher Ken jumps forward much higher Ken jumps backward much lower Ken jumps backward lower Ken jumps backward higher Ken jumps backward much higher Chun Li jumps forward farther Chun Li jumps forward not as far Chun Li jumps backward farther Chun Li jumps backward not as far ADBA-EJHY Chun Li jumps up much lower ADBA-ENHY Chun Li jumps up lower ADBA-EYHY Chun Li jumps up higher ADBA-E2HY Chun Li jumps up much higher Chun Li jumps forward much lower Chun Li jumps forward lower Chun Li jumps forward higher Chun Li jumps forward much higher Chun Li jumps backward much lower Chun Li jumps backward lower Chun Li jumps backward higher Chun Li jumps backward much higher Zangief jumps forward farther Zangief jumps forward not as far Zangief jumps backward farther Zangief jumps backward not as far ADBT-EJAY Zangief jumps up much lower ADBT-ELAY Zangief jumps up lower ADBT-ETAY Zangief jumps up higher ADBT-EYAY Zangief jumps up much higher Zangief jumps forward much lower Zangief jumps forward lower Zangief jumps forward higher Zangief jumps forward much higher Zangief jumps backward much lower Zangief jumps backward lower Zangief jumps backward higher Zangief jumps backward much higher Dhalsim jumps forward farther Dhalsim jumps forward not as far Dhalsim jumps backward farther Dhalsim jumps backward not as far ADBT-EJBY Dhalsim jumps up much lower ADBT-ETBY Dhalsim jumps up higher ADBT-EYBY Dhalsim jumps up much higher Dhalsim jumps forward much lower Dhalsim jumps forward higher Dhalsim jumps forward much higher Dhalsim jumps backward much lower Dhalsim jumps backward higher Dhalsim jumps backward much higher
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
M. Bison jumps forward farther M. Bison jumps forward not as far M. Bison jumps backward farther M. Bison jumps backward not as far ADCT-EJCY M. Bison jumps up much lower ADCT-ENCY M. Bison jumps up lower ADCT-EYCY M. Bison jumps up higher ADCT-E2CY M. Bison jumps up much higher M. Bison jumps forward much lower M. Bison jumps forward lower M. Bison jumps forward higher M. Bison jumps forward much higher M. Bison jumps backward much lower M. Bison jumps backward lower M. Bison jumps backward higher M. Bison jumps backward much higher Sagat jumps forward farther Sagat jumps forward not as far Sagat jumps backward farther Sagat jumps backward not as far ADBT-EJDY Sagat jumps up much lower ADBT-ELDY Sagat jumps up lower ADBT-ETDY Sagat jumps up higher ADBT-EYDY Sagat jumps up much higher Sagat jumps forward much lower Sagat jumps forward lower Sagat jumps forward higher Sagat jumps forward much higher Sagat jumps backward much lower Sagat jumps backward lower Sagat jumps backward higher Sagat jumps backward much higher Balrog jumps forward farther Balrog jumps forward not as far Balrog jumps backward farther Balrog jumps backward not as far ADBT-EJEY Balrog jumps up much lower ADBT-ELEY Balrog jumps up lower ADBT-ETEY Balrog jumps up higher ADBT-EYEY Balrog jumps up much higher Balrog jumps forward much lower Balrog jumps forward lower Balrog jumps forward higher Balrog jumps forward much higher Balrog jumps backward much lower Balrog jumps backward lower Balrog jumps backward higher Balrog jumps backward much higher Vega jumps forward farther Vega jumps forward not as far Vega jumps backward farther Vega jumps backward not as far ADCT-ENFY Vega jumps up much lower ADCT-ETFY Vega jumps up lower ADCT-E2FY Vega jumps up higher ADCT-E6FY Vega jumps up much higher Vega jumps forward much lower
forward lower forward higher forward much higher backward much lower backward lower backward higher backward much higher
CODES 216 THRU 221 WORK FOR RYU'S FIREBALL, GUILE'S SONIC BOOM, KEN'S FIREBALL, CHUN LI'S FIREBALL, AND DHALSIM'S YOGA FIRE AND YOGA FLAME. SAGAT'S TIGER SHOT MUST BE CHANGED BY CODES 254 THROUGH 258. 216 LDBA-F13E Light fireballs go faster 217 4XBA-F73E Light fireballs go slower 218 LDBA-F13G Medium fireballs go faster 219 4XBA-F73G Medium fireballs go slower 220 LDBA-F13J Hard fireballs go faster 221 4XBA-F73J Hard fireballs go slower FOR CODES 222 THRU 258, "FASTER" MAY ALSO MEAN "FARTHER" OR "HARDER," AND "SLOWER" MAY ALSO MEAN "NOT AS FAR" OR "SOFTER" 222 CCFT-CWC4 Edmond Honda's light sumo head butts are faster 223 CCFT-CGC4 Edmond Honda's light sumo head butts are slower 224 CCFT-CWC6 Edmond Honda's medium sumo head butts are faster 225 CCFT-CGC6 Edmond Honda's medium sumo head butts are slower 226 CCFT-CWC8 Edmond Honda's hard sumo head butts are faster 227 CCFT-CGC8 Edmond Honda's hard sumo head butts are slower 228 AARA-ETHC M. Bison's light psycho crusher is faster 229 AARA-EEHC M. Bison's light psycho crusher is slower 230 AARA-ETHE M. Bison's medium psycho crusher is faster 231 AARA-EEHE M. Bison's medium psycho crusher is slower 232 AARA-ETHG M. Bison's hard psycho crusher is faster 233 AARA-EEHG M. Bison's hard psycho crusher is slower ***BISON'S SCISSOR KICK CODES MAY NOT WORK IN HYPER MODE 234 AASA-ETBY M. Bison's light scissor kick is faster 235 AASA-EGBY M. Bison's light scissor kick is slower 236 AASA-ETB0 M. Bison's medium scissor kick is faster 237 AASA-EGB0 M. Bison's medium scissor kick is slower 238 AASA-ETB2 M. Bison's hard scissor kick is faster 239 AASA-EGB2 M. Bison's hard scissor kick is slower 240 AAXA-EWAW Balrog's dash punch is faster 241 AAXA-EEAW Balrog's dash punch is slower 242 AAXT-E0FC Balrog's quick turn punch is faster 243 AAXT-EGFC Balrog's quick turn punch is slower 244 HTWT-FALJ + AAWT-EYCL All of Balrog's turn punches are the fastest 245 HTWT-FALJ + AEWT-EACL All of Balrog's turn punches are the slowest 246 ACWA-CJAT Chun Li's whirlwind kick goes faster 247 ACWA-CCAT Chun Li's whirlwind kick goes slower 248 ACLA-CTAL Blanka's light rolling attack is faster 249 ACLA-CGAL Blanka's light rolling attack is slower 250 ACLA-CTAN Blanka's medium rolling attack is faster 251 ACLA-CGAN Blanka's medium rolling attack is slower 252 ACLA-CTAR Blanka's hard rolling attack is faster 253 ACLA-CGAR Blanka's hard rolling attack is slower
light tiger shot is faster light tiger shot is slower medium tiger shot is faster medium tiger shot is slower hard tiger shot is faster hard tiger shot is slower
Street Smart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AY4T-BA2A A24T-BA2A A64T-BA2A ALCA-AA5T AB2A-BE88 AK2A-BE88 AV2A-BE88 ATZA-AAE4 ATZA-ALE4 ATZA-ARE4 ATZA-AWE4 ALCA-AA8W P2TA-BE1J P2TA-BJ1J P2TA-BN1J P2TA-BT1J P2TA-BY1J P2TA-B21J P2TA-B61J P2TA-BA1J Start with 6 players Start with 7 players Start with 8 players Infinite players for both sides Infinite time Time goes by 2x as fast Time goes by 4x as fast Start with 0 credits Start with 5 credits Start with 7 credits Start with 9 credits Infinite credits Start on Stage 2 Start on Stage 3 Start on Stage 4 Start on Stage 5 Start on Stage 6 Start on Stage 7 Start on Stage 8 Start on Stage 9
Streets of Rage 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AK9A-BA6C Start on stage 2 instead of 1 AV9A-BA6C Start on stage 3 A39A-BA6C Start on stage 4 BB9A-BA6C Start on stage 5 BK9A-BA6C Start on stage 6 BV9A-BA6C Start on stage 7 B39A-BA6C Start on stage 8 V30A-BEB6 Player 1 starts with 7 lives LB0A-BEB6 Player 1 starts with 9 lives V30A-BEGL + V45A-BEAC Player 2 starts with 7 lives LB0A-BEGL + LC5A-BEAC Player 2 starts with 9 lives AW7T-AA6L Infinite lives--both players CBFA-AAG6 Apple pick-up restores less energy JKFA-AAG6 Apple pick-up restores more energy PBFA-AAG6 Apple pick-up restores all energy ABFA-AAG6 Apple pick-up worth nothing JBFA-AAH8 + PKFA-ANH6 + 5VFT-AA2C Roast chicken pick-up restores less energy EBFA-AAH8 + PKFA-ANH6 + 5VFT-AA2C Roast chicken pick-up restores much less energy ABFA-AAH8 + PKFA-ANH6 + 5VFT-AA2C LBFT-AAAT ABFT-ACAT LBFT-AEAT Roast chicken pick-up worth nothing Cash bag worth 5,000 instead of 1,000 Cash bag worth 10,000 Cash bag worth 25,000
19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Cash bag worth nothing Gold bar worth 1,000 instead of 5,000 Gold bar worth 10,000 Gold bar worth 20,000 Gold bar worth 50,000 Gold bar worth nothing 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1 1-up worth 3 lives 1-up worth nothing Player 1 starts with 1 continue instead of 2 Player 1 starts with 4 continues Player 1 starts with 6 continues Player 1 starts with 8 continues Player 1 starts with no continues Player 2 starts with 1 continue instead of 2 Player 2 starts with 4 continues Player 2 starts with 6 continues Player 2 starts with 8 continues Player 2 starts with no continues Infinite continues--both players Choose up to 99 players on options screen
Streets of Rage 3
1 AXEA-AA4J Infinite lives 2. AY9A-DA4N Start with 6 lives - NOT ON CONTINUES 3. A29A-DA4N Start with 7 lives - NOT ON CONTINUES 4. A69A-DA4N Start with 8 lives - NOT ON CONTINUES 5. BA9A-DA4N Start with 9 lives - NOT ON CONTINUES 6. BE9A-DA4N Start with 10 lives - NOT ON CONTINUES 7. RHSA-A6X4 No Strength loss for special attacks - NOT ON CONTINUES 8. GTNA-DA7W Apples heal to above the maximum amount - NOT ON CONTINUES 9. AANA-DA7W Apples don't heal at all - NOT ON CONTINUES 10. AMEA-AA8L Infinite continues - NOT ON CONTINUES 11. AE9A-CAB8 Player 1 starts with no continues 12. A29A-CAB8 Player 1 starts with 5 continues 13. BA9A-CAB8 Player 1 starts with 7 continues 14. BJ9A-CAB8 Player 1 starts with 9 continues 15. AE9A-CACE Player 2 starts with no continues 16. A29A-CACE Player 2 starts with 5 continues 17. BA9A-CACE Player 2 starts with 7 continues 18. BJ9A-CACE Player 2 starts with 9 continues 19. 17HB-CGET Axel's jump kick does more damage 20. 18FB-CGCY Blaze's jump kick does more damage (some hits) 21. 19CV-CGCC Skate's jump kick does more damage 22. 16MB-EGEW Zan's jump kick does more damage (some hits) 23. KAPT-CA7G Sword and dagger don't get used up when attacking 24. A5FA-AA3T Bat doesn't get used up when attacking
Streets of Rage
1 2 3 4 AEMT-BA7W AYMT-BA7W A6MT-BA7W BEMT-BA7W Both Both Both Both players players players players start start start start with with with with 1 5 7 9 fighter instead of 3 fighters fighters fighters
ANMT-BA7T + A2MT-BE7W + 2EMT-BCF2 Player 1 starts with 3 fighters, player 2 starts with 6 fighters ANMT-BA7T + BEMT-BE7W + 2EMT-BCF2 Player 1 starts with 3 fighters, player 2 starts with 9 fighters A2MT-BA7T + ANMT-BE7W + 2EMT-BCF2 Player 1 starts with 6 fighters, player 2 starts with 3 fighters BEMT-BA7T + ANMT-BE7W + 2EMT-BCF2 Player 1 starts with 9 fighters, player 2 starts with 3 fighters AT4A-AA48 RFAA-A6VR AFMA-BA6E AZMA-BA6E A7MA-BA6E BFMA-BA6E AJ4T-AA34 ABBA-AAP4 RGMA-C6VC RGMA-C6VC 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR 9WHT-BGSR Infinite fighters for both players Infinite special attacks for both players Both players continue with 1 fighter instead of Both players continue with 5 fighters Both players continue with 7 fighters Both players continue with 9 fighters Infinite life on life gauge-- both players Regular attacks are useless XGMA-DA3E Start timer at 99 E0MA-DA3E Start timer at 25 AGHT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round ALHT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round ARHT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round AWHT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round A0HT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round A4HT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round A8HT-AAHT + 98HT-AAHW + ALHT-B99Y Start on round
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
+ + + + + + + + +
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Strider Returns
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AVNA-AA50 Nearly invincible--EXCEPT AGAINST FALLING AND TIMER RUNNING OUT AEDA-AAH6 Start with 1 life AJDA-AAH6 Start with 2 lives ATDA-AAH6 Start with 4 lives AYDA-AAH6 Start with 5 lives BADA-AAH6 Start with 8 lives BJDA-AAH6 Start with 10 lives CTDA-AAH6 Start with 20 lives - IGNORE LIVES COUNTER GJDA-AAH6 Start with 50 lives - IGNORE LIVES COUNTER NTDA-AAH6 Start with 100 lives - IGNORE LIVES COUNTER AAKT-AA3Y + YJKT-BP30 Do not lose life from enemy killing you AAKT-AA9C + 8TKT-BM9E Do not lose life from falling AJET-AACJ Start on level 2 ANET-AACJ Start on level 3 ATET-AACJ Start on level 4 AYET-AACJ Start on level 5 EWNT-AA2L Infinite shurikens, if collected-NOT IF YOU CROUCH AND THROW RGAA-E60C Infinite time to complete level SWITCH OFF EFFECTS AT END OF BONUS ROUNDS TO GO ON AT5T-AA5W Infinite continues
AEJT-AAH2 + AAKA-AAAL + AAKA-AAAE Start with 1 bar in the life gauge instead of 3 AJJT-AAH2 + AAKA-AAAL Start with 2 bars in the life gauge ATJT-AAH2 + TEKA-AAAT Start with 4 bars in the life gauge AYJT-AAH2 + TEKA-AAAT + TEKA-AAA0 Start with 5 bars in the life gauge AK8T-AA5R + AKVT-AA94 + AJLT-AA9E Infinite life in the life gauge AJFA-EA26 BCDA-ERH2 VWDA-EYH2 CCDA-E6H2 ECDA-F2H2 GCDA-EYS2 JCDA-FTS2 LCDA-EN12 Infinite players 30 seconds to complete each phase 45 seconds to complete each phase 1 minute to complete each phase 2 minutes to complete each phase 3 minutes to complete each phase 4 minutes to complete each phase 5 minutes to complete each phase
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AK3B-GAHY Start on level 2 AP3B-GAHY Start on level 3 AV3B-GAHY Start on level 4 AZ3B-GAHY Start on level 5 A33B-GAHY Start on level 6 A73B-GAHY Start on level 7 BB3B-GAHY Start on level 8 BF3B-GAHY Start on level 9 AK3B-GAHT Enable grid mode (can scroll around the map) A33B-GAHL View end of game AF3V-GABY Start with 1 life AK3V-GABY Start with 2 lives AP3V-GABY Start with 3 lives AV3V-GABY Start with 4 lives A33V-GABY Start with 6 lives A73V-GABY Start with 7 lives BB3V-GABY Start with 8 lives ADDT-JACE Infinite lives DVRB-CA46 No fuel loss from idling B5KA-RA8E No extra fuel loss from flying forward B5KT-RA42 No extra fuel loss from flying backward 2B0T-MGLT + BV0T-LA40 Mega-shot recharges immediately SF3T-MEYJ Infinite missiles TBRB-CCB4 Heal at 2x the normal speed ABRB-CGB4 Heal at 4x the normal speed ABRB-DAB4 Heal very quickly AFRB-CAB2 Heal almost instantly
Super Monaco GP 2
1 RE6T-C6T8 Your position is always reported as 1st place,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NOT WHEN YOU CHOOSE RIVAL (switchable) Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round Start new World Championship Game on Round
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + BFFT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 10 9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + BKFT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 11 9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + BPFT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 12 9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + BZFT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 14 9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + B3FT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 15 9VFT-BGNC + 97FT-AAEG + B3FT-B36J + B7FT-AAEE Start new World Championship Game on Round 16 BJAT-CAH8 DAAT-CAFJ Faster low end acceleration Faster high end acceleration and higher top speed
16 17
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Every hit sets opponent on fire and knocks him down DKHT-DE92 Every hit zaps opponent and knocks him down DVHT-DE92 Every hit knocks opponent down BKHT-DE92 Every hit is a "hard hit"-opponent almost never gets knocked down NDKT-CCDC Players jump faster DON'T WORK FOR THE COMPUTER 6DKT-CADC Players jump slower DON'T WORK FOR THE COMPUTER Allows up to 7 turbo stars on Start Game screen Jab projectiles go much slower for Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, Guile, and Dee Jay Jab projectiles go much slower for Chun-li Jab projectiles go much slower for Sagat Fierce projectiles go much faster for Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, Guile, and Dee Jay Fierce projectiles go much faster for Chun-li Fierce projectiles go much faster for Sagat Ryu's jab dragon punch (very near) does more damage Ken's roundhouse hurricane kick does much more damage Ken's fierce fireball does more damage E. Honda's fierce sumo torpedo does more damage Blanka's fierce forward ball does more damage Guile's fierce sonic boom does more damage Chun-li's fireball does more damage Dhalsim's fierce yoga fire does more damage Sagat's fierce high tiger does more damage Fei Long's roundhouse dragon kick does more damage Dee Jay's fierce Max Out does more damage Cammy's roundhouse cannon drill does more damage M. Bison's fierce psycho crusher does more damage
Super Hang-On
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1X4T-BACC 1X4T-BACC 1X4T-BACC 1X4T-BACC 1X4T-BACC 1X4T-BACC HXXA-BECR HXXA-RECR HXXA-BECR HXXA-BECR HXXA-BECR RHXA-A6W8 DLMA-AA9E + + + + + + + + + + + E14T-AACE Start course with 25 seconds GD4T-AACE Start course with 30 seconds JD4T-AACE Start course with 40 seconds LD4T-AACE Start course with 50 seconds R14T-AACE Start course with 75 seconds XH4T-AACE Start course with 99 seconds E1XA-AACT Extended play adds 25 seconds GDXA-AACT Extended play adds 30 seconds JDXA-AACT Extended play adds 40 seconds LDXA-AACT Extended play adds 50 seconds R1XA-AACT Extended play adds 75 seconds Extended play adds 99 seconds Freeze clock--no time limit
Original mode selections: 14 ABMA-CAB0 + AFMA-CAB2 Best frame $100 15 ABMA-CAC0 + AFMA-CAC2 Best engine $100 16 AFMA-CADY Best brakes $100 17 AFMA-CAET Best muffler $100 18 AFMA-CAFT Best oil $100 19 AFMA-CAGY Best tires $100
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
+ B5LT-AA2C Accidents don't damage Accidents don't damage engine Accidents don't damage brakes + AMLA-AA98 Accidents don't damage + AFMT-AAC2 + AFSA-AAEC Advance rank + AKMT-AAC2 + AKSA-AAEC Advance rank + APMT-AAC2 + APSA-AAEC Advance rank + A7MT-AAC2 + A7SA-AAEC Advance rank + BFMT-AAC2 + BFSA-AAEC Advance rank Drop rank with 1 defeat Drop rank with 2 defeats Drop rank with 3 defeats Drop rank with 7 defeats Drop rank with 9 defeats
muffler with 1 victory with 2 victories with 3 victories with 7 victories with 9 victories
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BVPA-AA48 BDFA-AA2R AJ2A-AACC AY2A-AACC A62A-AACC BJ2A-AACC B62A-AACC CT2A-AACC Infinite power Infinite continue credits Start with 1 continue credit--DON'T COMBINE WITH "START ON STAGE" CODES Start with 4 continue credits Start with 6 continue credits Start with 9 continue credits Start with 15 continue credits Start with 19 continue credits A LIFE BEFORE BEING Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
WITH CODES 9, 11, 13 AND 16, YOU WILL LOSE ALLOWED TO START THE GAME 9 AE2A-AAB4 Start in middle of 10 AJ2A-AAB4 Start on Stage 2 11 AN2A-AAB4 Start in middle of 12 AT2A-AAB4 Start on Stage 3 13 AY2A-AAB4 Start in middle of 14 A22A-AAB4 Start on Stage 4 15 A62A-AAB4 Start on Stage 5 16 BJ2A-AAB4 Start in middle of 17 AJ9A-AACY Regain sonic punch as fast as normal 18 AY9A-AACY Regain sonic punch as fast as normal 19 A69A-AACY Regain sonic punch as fast as normal 20 B29A-AACY Regain sonic punch as fast as normal 21 CJ9A-AACY Regain sonic punch fast as normal 22 DN9A-AACY Regain sonic punch fast as normal 23 FY9A-AACY Regain sonic punch fast as normal 24 MJ9A-AACY Regain sonic punch as fast as normal
Stage 5 & hyperspin energy 1/4x & hyperspin energy 1/2x & hyperspin energy 3/4x & hyperspin energy 1-1/2x & hyperspin energy 2x as & hyperspin energy 3x as & hyperspin energy 5x as and hyperspin energy 10x
CODES 25 THRU 32 WORK ONLY ON UP-SCROLLING SCENES 25 AZ5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 1/4x as fast as normal 26 BF5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 1/2x as fast as normal
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
B35T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 3/4x as fast as normal DP5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 1 1/2x as fast as normal EV5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 2x as fast as normal G35T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 3x as fast as normal MK5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 5x as fast as normal 0V5T-AAFJ Regain heat vision energy 10x as fast as normal AWBA-AA4C Infinite sonic punch energy after charge-up AA9A-AACY + ABWT-AAA0 Start without sonic punch ACCA-AAAW Infinite hyperspin energy after charge-up AV7A-AA9E + AB7T-AAAE + RF5T-A61N Infinite heat vision energy after charge-up AB5T-AAFJ Play without heat vision energy recharge
CODES 38 THROUGH 42 AFFECT REGULAR JUMPS ONLY, NOT SUPER JUMPS OR RUNNING JUMPS 38 ABCA-B55Y Jump 1/2x high as normal on regular jumps 39 ABCA-B15Y Jump 3/4x high as normal on regular jumps 40 ABCA-BS5Y Jump 1-1/2x high as normal on regular jumps 41 ABCA-BK5Y Jump 2x high as normal on regular jumps 42 ABCA-A75Y Jump 3x high as normal on regular jumps
+ + + +
+ + + +
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
when terminated, may have some weird effects, doesn't work on last level Start on human hideout Start on trip to skynet Start on skynet Start on cyberdyne systems Start on the freeway Start on the steel mill Always have maximum gun power Protection from most hazards Infinite rockets and shotgun shells on pick-up Start with LOTS of rockets
Target Earth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ALAT-AA4J MASTER CODE-MUST BE ENTERED 358A-A396 Go to stage 3 after stage 1 SD8A-A596 Go to stage 4 after stage 1 KM8A-A996 Go to stage 5 after stage 1 7M8A-A996 Go to stage 6 after stage 1 JD8A-BD96 Go to stage 7 after stage 1 DX8A-BF96 Go to stage 8 after stage 1 AKGT-AA8R Rex is impervious to most enemy fire 2VGT-AA8J Rex is invisible to most enemy fire AL8A-AA8T + AL8A-AA9R Rex cannot burn up re-entering atmosphere AKXA-AA4A Rex cannot be electrocuted AJ7T-AA20 Chron cyborg cannot harm Rex AL4T-AA92 + AK0A-AA78 + AL5T-AA60 Rance's death ray cannot harm Rex CB8A-AACW HG gun carries 10 rounds instead of 20 XF8A-AACW HG gun carries 99 rounds THTT-AEWN HG gun carries infinite ammo GB8A-AACY 25-SC weapon carries 30 rounds instead of 60 XF8A-AACY 25-SC weapon carries 99 rounds THTT-AEZ2 25-SC weapon carries infinite ammo EZ8A-AAC0 40-SC weapon carries 25 rounds XF8A-AAC0 40-SC weapon carries 99 rounds THVA-AEXE 40-SC weapon carries infinite ammo EZ8A-AAC2 GL weapon carries 25 grenades instead of 50 XF8A-AAC2 GL weapon carries 99 grenades THVT-AEVC GL weapon carries infinite grenades EB8A-AAC4 MGL weapon carries 20 grenades instead of 45 XF8A-AAC4 MGL weapon carries 99 grenades THVT-AEZC MGL weapon carries infinite grenades AZ8A-AADL Burst Attacker carries 5 rounds instead of 10 XF8A-AADL Burst Attacker carries 99 rounds THXT-AEVY Burst Attacker carries infinite ammo CZ8A-AADJ DD weapon carries 15 rounds instead of 30 XF8A-AADJ DD weapon carries 99 rounds THXA-AEZE DD weapon carries infinite ammo EZ8A-AAC6 150 BZ weapon carries 25 rounds instead of 50 XF8A-AAC6 150 BZ weapon carries 99 rounds THWA-AETE 150 BZ weapon carries infinite ammo EB8A-AAC8 203 BZ weapon carries 20 rounds instead of 40 XF8A-AAC8 203 BZ weapon carries 99 rounds THWA-AEYE 203 BZ weapon carries infinite ammo EZ8A-AADA MISSILE weapon carries 25 rounds instead of 50 XF8A-AADA MISSILE weapon carries 99 rounds
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
MISSILE weapon carries infinite ammo M-POD weapon carries 25 rounds instead of 50 M-POD weapon carries 99 rounds M-POD weapon carries infinite ammo E-AS weapon carries 35 rounds instead of 70 E-AS weapon carries 99 rounds E-AS weapon carries infinite ammo E-CN weapon carries 30 rounds instead of 55 E-CN weapon carries 99 rounds E-CN weapon carries infinite ammo 0 continues instead of 2 4 continues 9 continues Infinite continues
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
No one loses any energy-Including enemies Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 9 lives Infinite lives
1 AJKT-JA24 2 AEJT-JABY + 3 AJJT-JABY + 4 ATJT-JABY + 5 AYJT-JABY + 6 CAJT-JABY + 7 CYJT-JABY + 8 EAJT-JABY + 9 LAJT-JABY + 10 AAJT-JCBY + 11 AKCT-GA7W 12 A1GT-GADE 13 NDGT-GADE 14 AMGA-GA3R 15 AJXA-GA22 YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE USE THEM TO EXPLORE 16 PYKT-KJW2 17 PYKT-KNW2 18 PYKT-KTW2 19 PYKT-KYW2 20 AB4T-EAAN 21 W34T-EAAN 22 FV4T-ECAN 23 TV4T-EGAN 24 BB4T-ERAN 25 CB4T-E6AN 26 G2LT-JAF0 27 4JLT-JAF0 28 FTLT-JCF0 29 2JLT-JCF0 30 MALT-JEF0 31 AKAA-GA7G 32 AB4A-FA8A 33 AK4A-FA8A 34 AP4A-FA8A 35 AZ4A-FA8A 36 CB4A-FA8A 37 AK4A-EA9R 38 PZ4A-FJ1R 39 PZ4A-FN1R 40 PZ4A-FT1R 41 PZ4A-FY1R 42 PZ4A-F21R 43 PZ4A-F61R 44 PZ4A-FA1R 45 MA4A-FF1T Infinite lives AEKT-JAB2 Start with 1 life AJKT-JAB2 Start with 2 lives ATKT-JAB2 Start with 4 lives AYKT-JAB2 Start with 5 lives CAKT-JAB2 Start with 10 lives CYKT-JAB2 Start with 15 lives EAKT-JAB2 Start with 20 lives LAKT-JAB2 Start with 50 lives AAKT-JCB2 Start with 100 lives Infinite continues 5 seconds to continue game 60 seconds to continue game Infinite time to continue game Never lose health TO COMPLETE THE GAME USING CODES 16 THRU 19. THE GAME Play every 2nd level Play every 3rd level Play every 4th level Play every 5th level 0 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 5 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 10 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 30 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 60 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 120 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten 2 seconds of invincibility after injury 7 seconds of invincibility after injury 10 seconds of invincibility after injury 15 seconds of invincibility after injury 20 seconds of invincibility after injury Infinite invincibility after star or injury Each photo 1 worth 0 extra lives Each photo 1 worth 2 extra lives Each photo 1 worth 3 extra lives Each photo 1 worth 5 extra lives Each photo 1 worth 10 extra lives Each photo 3 worth 0 continues Each photo 3 worth 2 continues Each photo 3 worth 3 continues Each photo 3 worth 4 continues Each photo 3 worth 5 continues Each photo 3 worth 6 continues Each photo 3 worth 7 continues Each photo 3 worth 8 continues Each photo 3 worth 1 extra life
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
0% health 8% health 16% health 33% health 42% health 50% health 58% health 67% health 100% health
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R04T-66TT ACNT-AAF6 WB4T-AABE DB4T-AABE NCHT-GAG4 ACHT-GAG4 AM2T-CA94 AM0A-CA62 AM0A-CA6W ALWT-GA76 BJMA-CACT BCRT-AA68 CV6A-AAFJ DCWA-AA9E CV6A-AAEE MASTER CODE ,MUST BE ENTERED Almost invincible Start with 3x normal energy Start with 1/2x normal energy Getting magic life shard increases life meter to maximum Getting magic life shard does not increase life meter Faarg and Chaaz are nearly invincible Infinite bullets for Faarg and flames for Chazz Infinite rockets for Faarg and fireballs for Chazz Infinite continues Start with 10 continues Infinite basic spells Start with 20 basic spells Infinite lightning spells Start with 20 lightning spells
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Infinite super spells Start with 20 super spells Infinite angle spells Start with 20 angle spells Infinite time bomb spells Start with 20 time bomb spells Always get hurt from bombs' explosions Time bombs go off after about 1 second Time bombs go off after about 10 seconds Infinite mondo major spells Start with 20 mondo major spells Infinite hold spells Start with 20 hold spells Infinite wide spells Start with 20 wide spells Start with 20 death spells Start with 99 heal spells Start with 20 heal spells Infinite levitate spells Start with 20 levitate spells Levitation lasts about 2 seconds Levitation lasts about 8 seconds Levitation lasts about 60 seconds Infinite teleport spells Start with 20 teleport spells Infinite invulnerable spells Start with 20 invulnerable spells Invulnerability lasts about 4 seconds Invulnerability lasts until level is completed
SAFETY CODES DON'T WORK ON PUNT RETURNS 13 AARA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 0 14 AYRA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 5 15 BERA-FA42 Safeties for player 1 worth 9 16 AARA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 17 ANRA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 18 AYRA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 19 BERA-FA7J Touchdowns for player 2 worth 20 AASA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 21 ANSA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 22 AYSA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth 23 BESA-FA5L Extra pts. for player 2 worth
pts. pts. pts. 0 pts. 3 pts. 5 pts. 9 pts. 0 pts. 3 pts. 5 pts. 9 pts.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Field goals for player 2 worth 0 pts. Field goals for player 2 worth 1 pt. Field goals for player 2 worth 5 pts. Field goals for player 2 worth 9 pts. Safeties for player 2 worth 0 pts. Safeties for player 2 worth 5 pts. Safeties for player 2 worth 9 pts. Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the first half Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the first half Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the second half Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the second half Player 2 gets 0 timeouts for the first half Player 2 gets 9 timeouts for the first half Player 2 gets 0 timeouts for the second half Player 2 gets 9 timeouts for the second half Player 1's timeouts not reset at halftime Player 2's timeouts not reset at halftime Neither player's timeouts reset at halftime Clock stops after each play Quarters in pre-season games are 1 min. Quarters in pre-season games are 3 mins. Quarters in pre-season games are 10 mins. Quarters in pre-season games are 15 mins. Quarters in pre-season games are 30 mins. Quarters in pro-bowl games are 1 min. Quarters in pro-bowl games are 3 mins. Quarters in pro-bowl games are 10 mins. Quarters in pro-bowl games are 15 mins. Quarters in pro-bowl games are 30 mins. 1 play to get a 1st down 2 plays to get a 1st down 7 plays to get a 1st down--choose not to punt on 4th down Always 1st down
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
No jump--Leonardo Mega-jump--Donatello Bogus jump--Donatello No jump--Donatello Mega-jump--Michaelangelo Bogus jump--Michaelangelo No jump--Michaelangelo Mega-jump--Raphael Bogus jump--Raphael No jump--Raphael Mega-jump--April O'Neal Bogus jump--April O'Neal No jump--April O'Neal Mega-jump--Casey Jones Bogus jump--Casey Jones No jump--Casey Jones Mega-jump--Ray Fillet Bogus jump--Ray Fillet No jump--Ray Fillet Mega-jump--Sisyphus Bogus jump--Sisyphus No jump--Sisyphus Mega-jump--Triceraton Bogus jump--Triceraton No jump--Triceraton Mega-jump--Krang's Android Bogus jump--Krang's Android No jump--Krang's Android Mega-jump--Karai Bogus jump--Karai No jump--Karai Jumps are disabled for all players Jump codes work on all speed settings
RFWA-C6VL + 9VWA-DGKN + BFWA-CABR Player 2 starts with 10 lives RFWA-C6VL + 9VWA-DGKN + EVWA-CABR Player 2 starts with 25 lives RFWA-C6VL + 9VWA-DGKN + KFWA-CABR Player 2 starts with 50 lives RFWA-C6VL + 9VWA-DGKN + RVWA-CABR Player 2 starts with 75 lives RFWA-C6VL + 9VWA-DGKN + XFWA-CABR Player 2 starts with 100 lives ADCT-CAGC ADFA-CAB2 RHST-C6YG BXYA-CA6L BXYT-CA2G Infinite livesplayer 1 Infinite livesplayer 2 Both players are invincible Deadly attack uses no life points, player 1 Deadly attack uses no life points, player 2
13 14 15 16 17
The Terminator
1 R03A-861A Protection--some things can still kill you FOR CODES 2 THRU 6, SOME TIME BOMBS MAY DO NO DAMAGE 2 AW9T-8A78 Infinite time bombs once at least one is awarded 3 AG2A-8AG0 Time bombs awarded 1 at a time, maximum 9 allowed 4 AL2A-8AG0 Time bombs awarded 2 at a time, maximum 9 allowed 5 A02A-8AG0 Time bombs awarded 5 at a time, maximum 9 allowed 6 BL2A-8AG0 Time bombs awarded 9 at a time, maximum 9 allowed 7 BC2A-8AH2 Energy capsules worth 1/2 normal (1 unit) 8 EC2A-8AH2 Energy capsules worth 2x normal (4 units)
Thunder Force 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AEET-AAAA A2ET-AAAA BEET-AAAA CTET-AAAA GJET-AAAA MJET-AAAA ATSA-AA2T ATKT-AA4Y AEET-AAFJ ATET-AAFJ BEET-AAFJ DEET-AAFJ GJET-AAFJ MJET-AAFJ ATEA-AA20 Start with 2 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 10 lives Start with 21 lives Start with 51 lives Start with 91 lives Infinite lives--top-view missions only Infinite lives--side-view missions only Start with 1 credit Start with 4 credits Start with 9 credits Start with 25 credits Start with 50 credits Start with 90 credits Infinite credits
Thunder Force 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RYBT-A6XY MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED AECA-AAH8 Start with 2 fighters A2CA-AAH8 Start with 7 fighters BECA-AAH8 Start with 10 fighters A3AT-AA7R Infinite fighters AECA-AAF8 Start with 2 credits instead of 7 ATCA-AAF8 Start with 5 credits BTCA-AAF8 Start with 13 credits A2FT-AA8C Infinite credits AKAT-AA8R Keep special weapon power when you lose a fighter 9TCA-BGSR + D6CA-AAHT + 96CA-AAHW Start with all special weapons available AKAA-AA6W Never get special weapons ability
Thunder Fox
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AATA-ACBE Normal-game clock starts at 100 AATA-AEBE Normal-game clock starts at 200 LATA-AEBE Normal-game clock starts at 250 AATA-AJB2 Long-game clock starts at 400 AATA-ALB2 Long-game clock starts at 500 LATA-ARB2 Long-game clock starts at 750 XETA-AWB2 Long-game clock starts at 999 AJTA-AA6A Infinite time--most of game AANT-AADW Start with 1 life AENT-AADW Start with 2 lives ANNT-AADW Start with 4 lives AJNT-AABT Start at stage 2 ANNT-AABT Start at stage 3 ATNT-AABT Start at stage 4 AYNT-AABT Start at stage 5 A2NT-AABT Start in stage 5 against giant robot JZWA-AAGC Flame throwers have less fuel AKWA-AAGG Each bazooka holds 2 rounds AZWA-AAGG + AZXA-AAAG + AZXA-AAAR Each bazooka holds 5 rounds BFWA-AAGG + BFXA-AAAG + BFXA-AAAR Each bazooka holds 9 rounds
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
+ + + + + + +
Each machine gun holds 10 rounds Each machine gun holds 25 rounds LBXA-AAAC + LBXA-AAAL Each machine gun holds 50 rounds XFXA-AAAC + XFXA-AAAL Each machine gun holds 99 rounds No loss of life if sucked into space ABCT-AAD0 All weapons have unlimited capacity Invincibility AENT-AACG Start with 2 credits ANNT-AACG Start with 4 credits A6NT-AACG Start with 8 credits BENT-AACG Start with 10 credits Infinite credits
The Tick
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ABMB-RAGJ Infinite lives ADRB-RAGW + ABZV-RAEL Infinite Arthurs ABNV-YAB6 Start with 1 life BBNV-YAB6 Start with 9 lives D7JV-RAD4 Start with 1/2 energy first life F7JV-RAD4 Start with 3/4 energy first life 97JV-RAD4 Start with mega energy first life D7MV-RABL Start with 1/2 energy after first life F7MV-RABL Start with 3/4 energy after first life 97MV-RABL Start with mega energy after first life ADVB-RAH0 Infinite continues GD8B-WAH0 Punches are super strong GD8V-WABJ Normal kicks are super strong GD8B-WAET Jump kicks are super strong WD2V-WAGR Red ninjas have a lot more energy
3 AN8A-CAGT Start on Level 4 4 AT8A-CAGT Start on Level 5 5 AY8A-CAGT Start on Level 6 6 A28A-CAGT Start on Level 7 7 A68A-CAGT Start on Level 8 8 BA8A-CAGT Start on Level 9 9 BE8A-CAGT Start on Level 10 10 BJ8A-CAGT Start on Level 11 11 BN8A-CAGT Start on Level 12 12 BT8A-CAGT Start on Level 13 13 BY8A-CAGT Start on Level 14 14 B28A-CAGT Start on Level 15 15 B68A-CAGT Start on Level 16 16 CA8A-CAGT Start on Level 17 17 RE5T-C6W8 You can't get hurt 18 AJ4A-CA9G Infinite lives 19 BA3T-CA54 Infinite funk vacuums 20 RE3A-C6YY Infinite super jars once you get them 21 BA2A-CA4G Infinite funkitude 22 BA2A-CA8L Infinite coins 23 BA3A-CA94 Infinite panic buttons 24 AJ4A-GA2G Infinite time under water 25 RFJT-G6ZE Instant max height jumping on fungus 26 RH9T-E6WW Can't fall off pink bubbles FOR CODES 27 THRU 30, BLOWFISH WILL RESET THE UNDERWATER TIMER TO 40 SECONDS 27 CT4T-GABW Underwater timer starts at 20 seconds 28 D24T-GABW Underwater timer starts at 30 seconds 29 GJ4T-GABW + AJZT-CA5E Underwater timer starts at 50 seconds 30 HT4T-GABW + AJZT-CA5E Underwater timer starts at 60 seconds 31 AA2T-CAAE Start with 0 funkitude 32 CT2T-CAAE Start with 20 funkitude 33 GJ2T-CAAE Start with 50 funkitude 34 NN2T-CAAE Start with 99 funkitude FOR CODES 35 THRU 39, MORE THAN 7 LIVES CAN'T BE DISPLAYED, BUT THEY ARE THERE 35 AA8A-CAGE Start with 1 life 36 AE8A-CAGE Start with 2 lives 37 AJ8A-CAGE Start with 3 lives 38 AY8A-CAGE Start with 4 lives 39 BE8A-CAGE Start with 10 lives CODES 40 THRU 43 MAY MAKE HEALTH DISPLAY LOOK WEIRD 40 AJ6T-CA50 Food worth no health increase 41 RJ6T-DJX0 Food worth 2x normal health increase 42 RJ6T-DNX0 Food worth 3x normal health increase 43 RJ6T-DYX0 Food worth 5x normal health increase DON'T COMBINE ANY OF CODES 44 THRU 47 44 TRYA-AAEJ Can't get hurt or drown, and infinite lives 45 SWYA-AAEJ Infinite funk vacs, panic buttons, coins, funk & superjars 46 ACYA-B8EJ Instant max height on fungus, can't fall off of pink bubbles, hyperfunk zone timer runs at 1/2 speed, double food and presents 47 98YA-B8EJ All of the above
1 MWPA-AA5J Don't use up presents in inventory 2 ALKA-AA4Y Always share presents (even on different levels) 3 RF8A-A6T2 See the entire map uncovered on each level 4 REFT-A6YL Don't uncover any map tiles 5 GC8A-AYZT Infinite lives WITH CODE 6, THE GAME MAY FREEZE IF YOU GET YOUCHED NEAR OR IN WATER 6 CJCA-CA6L Getting youched doesn't hurt you 7 AL3T-CA6A Getting squashed doesn't hurt you 8 HC8T-AA32 Don't drown in the water 9 HTTT-EA96 Mole ignores you 10 C5AA-CA4T Tomatoes fly like slingshots 11 ATXA-EA3Y Santa is easier to sneak up on 12 GBLA-DJY8 Each BUCK found is worth 2 bucks 13 GBLA-DYY8 Each BUCK found is worth 5 bucks 14 HTFA-DBSN + DEFA-CAHR UN-FALL present always takes you up one level 15 JC6A-AH6Y Faster progression through the ranks 16 TD2A-AEAJ + 6D2A-ACAN ToeJam and Earl move twice as fast 17 CB8A-DT2Y All monsters are boogymen (extra hard) 18 AZ8A-DT2Y All monsters are wahinis 19 CV8A-DT2Y All monsters are Santas 20 A38A-DT2Y All monsters are bees 21 CK8A-DT2Y All monsters are moles (very nasty) 22 1V9A-DCCJ + AF9A-CACL Kill all monsters with one tomato 23 5V3T-CLGR Super hi-tops last 2x as long 24 4B3T-CRAE All other presents last 2x as long 25 RH6T-C6VN + JH6T-DJV4 + TH6T-DRB6 Short game
27 28
Shoes last 1/4x normal time Never lose invincibility due to time (but still lose it on advancing to next stage) 29 ACWA-ABF8 Invincibility lasts 32x normal time 30 ACWA-AAZ8 Invincibility lasts 16x normal time 31 ACWA-AAP8 Invincibility lasts 8x normal time 32 ACWA-BAF8 Invincibility lasts 4x normal time 33 ACWA-ATF8 Invincibility lasts 2x normal time 34 ACWA-AEF8 Invincibility lasts 1/2x normal time 35 ACWA-ACF8 Invincibility lasts 1/4x normal time NOTE: CODES 36 THRU 44 DO NOT WORK FOR THE FIRST PALACE GUARD (STARK'S MACHINE) 36 AL7A-CA58 Palace guards are automatically defeated 37 AL7A-CA58 + AG7A-DE56 Takes 1 shot to kill palace guards 38 AL7A-CA58 + A07A-DE56 Takes 5 shots to kill palace guards 39 AL7A-CA58 + CC7A-DE56 Takes 10 shots to kill palace guards 40 AL7A-CA58 + EC7A-DE56 Takes 20 shots to kill palace guards 41 AL7A-CA58 + GC7A-DE56 Takes 30 shots to kill palace guards 42 AL7A-CA58 + LC7A-DE56 Takes 50 shots to kill palace guards 43 AL7A-CA58 + RC7A-DE56 Takes 70 shots to kill palace guards 44 AL7A-CA58 + XG7A-DE56 Takes 99 shots to kill palace guards
4. Regulation game lasts 5 innings 4A ATEA-AAAA + ATEA-AACC + AWPA-AAHY 4B ATDT-AAGA + ATEA-AAAC + AWNA-AACR 5. Regulation game lasts 7 innings 5A A2EA-AAAA + A2EA-AACC + A4PA-AAHY 5B A2DT-AAGA + A2EA-AAAC + A4NA-AACR 6. Pitches use less energy 6A RHVA-A6WJ + AHVA-BE4L 6B RHST-A6Y8 + AHST-BE7A 7. Pitches use more energy 7A RHVA-A6WJ + A5VA-BE4L 7B RHST-A6Y8 + A5ST-BE7A
8. Pitches use much more energy 8A RHVA-A6WJ + CDVA-BE4L 8B RHST-A6Y8 + CDST-BE7A 9. Pitches use no energy 9A BMVA-AA4W 9B BMST-AA7J 10. Batter walks on 2 balls 10A AJ3T-AAD2 10B AJ3T-AAB2 11. Batter walks on 3 balls 11A AN3T-AAD2 11B AN3T-AAB2 12. Batter walks on 5 balls 12A AY3T-AAD2 12B AY3T-AAB2 13. Batter walks on 6 balls 13A A23T-AAD2 13B A23T-AAB2 14. Batter never walks 14A AA3T-AA56 14B AA3T-AA36 15. Any pitch taken is a ball 15A HT3T-AA3N 15B HT3A-AA9N 16. Any pitch taken is a strike 16A 4A3T-AA5L 16B 4A3T-AA3L 17. Taken strikes do not count 17A CJ3T-AN3L + FA3T-AA36 + FE3T-BA38 17B CJ3A-AN9L + FA3A-AA96 + FE3A-BA98
18. Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out 18A 9DTT-ACC4 18B 9DSA-ACFT 19. Foul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out 19A AXPA-AA4Y 19B AXMT-AA7L
Open Game Codes 20. Game starts with computer leading 1-0 20A AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 9KJT-BCRE 20B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + 1KJT-BCJN
21. Game starts with computer leading 2-0 21A AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3KJT-BCRE 21B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VKJT-BCJN 22. Game starts with computer leading 3-0 22A* AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 73JT-BCRE 22B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + Z3JT-BCJN *Note about 22A: This Code may be wrong, when I found this code, it is way to scrambled to tell what is the code. 23. Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0 23A AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + GVJT-AGGE 23B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + 6VJT-AGAN 24. Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 24A AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 6BJT-BCRE 24B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + YBJT-BCJN 25. Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 25A AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3BJT-BCRE 25B AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VBJT-BCJN Exhibition Game Codes 26. Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0 26A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 9KJT-BCR8 26B AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + 1KJT-BCKG 27. Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0 27A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3KJT-BCR8 27B AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VKJT-BCKG 28. Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0 28A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 73JT-BCR8 28B AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + Z3JT-BCKG
29. Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0 29A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6VJT-AGG8 29B* AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + 6VJT-AGBG *Note about 29B: This Code may be wrong, when I found this code, it is way to scrambled to tell what is the code. 30. Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 30A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6BJT-BCR8 30B AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + YBJT-BCKG 31. Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 31A AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3BJT-BCR8 31B AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VBJT-BCKG
Toy Story
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. BJDA-AA7A Infinite lives G2YA-AA7G Invulnerability ANBT-AAER + GTDA-AA88 Start with 5 lives AYBT-AAER + GTDA-AA88 Start with 7 lives A6BT-AAER + GTDA-AA88 Start with 9 lives AEBT-AAGJ Start on level 2 AJBT-AAGJ Start on level 3 ANBT-AAGJ Start on level 4 ATBT-AAGJ Start on level 5 AYBT-AAGJ Start on level 6 A2BT-AAGJ Start on level 7 A6BT-AAGJ Start on level 8 BABT-AAGJ Start on level 9 BEBT-AAGJ Start on level 10 BJBT-AAGJ Start on level 11 BNBT-AAGJ Start on level 12 BTBT-AAGJ Start on level 13 BYBT-AAGJ Start on level 14 B2BT-AAGJ Start on level 15 B6BT-AAGJ Start on level 16 CABT-AAGJ Start on level 17 CEBT-AAGJ Start on level 18
Trampoline Terror
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AEEA-AAG4 AJEA-AAG4 A2EA-AAG4 BAEA-AAG4 CTEA-AAG4 GJEA-AAG4 MJEA-AAG4 AVEA-AA3N AEEA-AAHC ANEA-AAHC BAEA-AAHC CTEA-AAHC GJEA-AAHC MJEA-AAHC AWMT-AA80 HFZA-BJVJ HFZA-BTVJ HFZA-B2VJ HFZA-BAVJ RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA RE0T-A6WA Start with 1 life Start with 2 lives Start with 6 lives Start with 8 lives Start with 20 lives Start with 50 lives Start with 90 lives Infinite lives Start with 2 credits Start with 4 credits Start with 9 credits Start with 21 credits Start with 51 credits Start with 91 credits Infinite credits Each P Ball worth 2 Each P Ball worth 4 Each P Ball worth 6 Each P Ball worth 8 9T0T-BGLC + AE0T-ACCE 9T0T-BGLC + AJ0T-AECE 9T0T-BGLC + AN0T-AGCE 9T0T-BGLC + AT0T-AJCE 9T0T-BGLC + AY0T-ALCE 9T0T-BGLC + A20T-ANCE 9T0T-BGLC + A60T-ARCE 9T0T-BGLC + BA0T-ATCE 9T0T-BGLC + BE0T-AWCE 9T0T-BGLC + BJ0T-AYCE 9T0T-BGLC + BN0T-A0CE 9T0T-BGLC + BT0T-A2CE
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
on on on on on on on on on on on on
stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start Start
on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on
stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Triple Score
Columns 1 2 3 4 Codes: AEKT-TAHY AJKT-TAHY ATKT-TAHY AYKT-TAHY Time Time Time Time trials trials trials trials last last last last 1 2 4 5 minute minutes minutes minutes
World Championship Soccer Codes: 5 AJXT-3E80 Goals are worth 6 ANXT-3E80 Goals are worth 7 ATXT-3E80 Goals are worth 8 AYXT-3E80 Goals are worth 9 A2XT-3E80 Goals are worth 10 A6XT-3E80 Goals are worth 11 BAXT-3E80 Goals are worth 12 BEXT-3E80 Goals are worth 13 AJYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 14 ANYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 15 ATYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 16 AYYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 17 A2YA-3E3Y Goals are worth 18 A6YA-3E3Y Goals are worth 19 BAYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 20 BEYA-3E3Y Goals are worth 21 HELT-3EWN Player 1 starts 22 HELT-3JWN Player 1 starts 23 HELT-3NWN Player 1 starts 24 HELT-3TWN Player 1 starts 25 HELT-3YWN Player 1 starts 26 HELT-32WN Player 1 starts 27 HELT-36WN Player 1 starts 28 HELT-3AWN Player 1 starts Super Hang-On Codes: 29 AL4A-AA60
2 points for player 3 points for player 4 points for player 5 points for player 6 points for player 7 points for player 8 points for player 9 points for player 2 points for player 3 points for player 4 points for player 5 points for player 6 points for player 7 points for player 8 points for player 9 points for player with 1 point with 2 points with 3 points with 4 points with 5 points with 6 points with 7 points with 8 points
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
30 31 32 33 34
only 40 seconds in arcade mode 60 seconds in arcade mode 70 seconds in arcade mode 80 seconds in arcade mode 90 seconds in arcade mode
DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING THREE CODES WITH THE ABOVE 5 "START WITH" CODES 35 NAYA-DAVA Completing a lap gives 40 more seconds instead of 30 36 NAYA-DAVA Completing a lap gives 50 more seconds 37 NAYA-DAVA Completing a lap gives 60 more seconds 38 RGAT-A6X2 Parts are free (must have enough money to buy it) 39 AF3T-CAHG Second best frame costs $100 40 AF4A-CAAG Second best engine costs $100 41 AF4A-CABG Best brakes cost $100 42 AF4A-CACC Best muffler costs $100 43 AF4A-CADC Best oil costs $100 44 AF4A-CAEG Best tires cost $100 45 AF3T-CAGL Second best mechanic (Sonnya Illvich) costs $100
Trouble Shooter
1 ATBT-AA4J MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED WITH CODES 2 THRU 9, LIFE UNIT NUMBERS CHANGE WHEN YOU ALSO USE CODE 28 TO START ON LAST STAGE 2 AFDT-AAGW Start with 1 life unit 3 AKDT-AAGW Start with 2 life units 4 APDT-AAGW Start with 3 life units 5 AZDT-AAGW Start with 5 life units 6 A3DT-AAGW Start with 6 life units 7 DFDT-AAGW Start with 25 life units 8 GKDT-AAGW Start with 50 life units 9 NPDT-AAGW Start with 99 life units 10 AL1T-CA7N Infinite life on the life meter 11 SCMT-DJ1Y Special weapon recharges itself 2x as fast 12 SCMT-DT1Y Special weapon recharges itself 4x as fast 13 SCMT-DA1Y Special weapon recharges itself 8x as fast 14 ABDT-AAFE Start with 1 credit 15 AVDT-AAFE Start with 5 credits 16 A3DT-AAFE Start with 7 credits 17 BBDT-AAFE Start with 9 credits 18 AMZA-CA7J Infinite credits 19 APDT-AAGA Start with more firepower 20 A7DT-AAGA Start with maximum firepower (less than max on continues) 21 HC1T-DT16 Firepower items are worth more 22 APDT-AAF4 Start with more speed 23 A3DT-AAF4 Start with much more speed! 24 ABDT-ACE8 Start on stage 2 25 ABDT-AEE8 Start on stage 3 26 ABDT-AGE8 Start on stage 4 27 ABDT-AJE8 Start on stage 5 28 ABDT-ALE8 Start on last stage
1 AEFA-AAEG Start with 1 ship--first time
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
AEGT-AAG2 Start with 1 ship--after continue AJFA-AAEG Start with 2 ships--first time AJGT-AAG2 Start with 2 ships--after continue ATFA-AAEG Start with 4 ships--first time ATGT-AAG2 Start with 4 ships--after continue AYFA-AAEG Start with 5 ships--first time AYGT-AAG2 Start with 5 ships--after continue A2FA-AAEG Start with 6 ships--first time A2GT-AAG2 Start with 6 ships--after continue BAFA-AAEG Start with 8 ships--first time BAGT-AAG2 Start with 8 ships--after continue BJFA-AAEG Start with 10 ships--first time BJGT-AAG2 Start with 10 ships--after continue DEFA-AAEG Start with 25 ships--first time DEGT-AAG2 Start with 25 ships--after continue GJFA-AAEG Start with 50 ships--first time GJGT-AAG2 Start with 50 ships--after continue KNFA-AAEG Start with 75 ships--first time KNGT-AAG2 Start with 75 ships--after continue NTFA-AAEG Start with 100 ships--first time NTGT-AAG2 Start with 100 ships--after continue ATLT-AA6T Infinite ships AAFA-AAFY Start with no bombs AEFA-AAFY Start with 1 bomb AJFA-AAFY Start with 2 bombs ATFA-AAFY Start with 4 bombs AYFA-AAFY Start with 5 bombs A2FA-AAFY Start with 6 bombs BAFA-AAFY Start with 8 bombs BJFA-AAFY Start with 10 bombs DEFA-AAFY Start with 25 bombs GJFA-AAFY Start with 50 bombs KNFA-AAFY Start with 75 bombs NTFA-AAFY Start with 100 bombs ATTA-AA8L Infinite bombs LA7T-BJVW 2 power boosters on pick-up LA7T-BNVW 3 power boosters on pick-up LA7T-BTVW 4 power boosters on pick-up LA7T-BYVW 5 power boosters on pick-up B2RA-AA30 Start at power 2 B2RA-AA30 + BARA-AA4N Start at power 3 BATA-AABW Start with Truxton beam instead of power shots CATA-AABW Start with thunder laser instead of power shots ATGA-AA9G Infinite continues in all difficulty levels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AFAA-AAFY BFAA-AAFY EZAA-AAFY LBAA-AAFY XFAA-AAFY REXT-A6YR AAXA-AAC8 BEXA-AAC8 XEXA-AAC8 XEXA-AWC8 Start with 1 life Start with 9 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Start with 99 lives Infinite lives Start with no grenades Start with 9 grenades Start with 99 grenades Start with 999 grenades
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
AAXA-AADE Start with zero mines BEXA-AADE Start with 9 mines XEXA-AADE Start with 99 mines XEXA-AWDE Start with 999 mines AAXA-AADL Start with no power lines BEXA-AADL Start with 9 power lines XEXA-AADL Start with 99 power lines XEXA-AWDL Start with 999 power lines ABBA-AAAJ Start with no buzzsaws AFBA-AAAJ Start with 1 buzzsaws BFBA-AAAJ Start with 9 buzzsaws AJZT-AA6L Infinite buzzsaws ABGT-EWFT Start 1st level timer at 900 BAXA-BA4T Time goes by faster AECA-AAHY Start with 1 continue A2CA-AAHY Start with 6 continues BECA-AAHY Start with 9 continues AJ6T-AA7L Infinite continues BAHT-BA2G Each crystal worth 8 instead of 1 C2HT-BA2G Each crystal worth 16 instead of 1 C2YA-AA64 Infinite energy AALA-AAEL Always shoot grenades instead of bullets AALA-AAEY Always shoot power lines instead of bullets KJXA-BLZ0 + KEXA-BLZ2 Infinite time, grenades, mines, and power lines SECA-BEXR Start in world 1, level 1.2 SECA-BJXR Start in world 1, level 1.3 SECA-BNXR Start in world 2, level 2.1 SECA-BTXR Start in world 2, level 2.2 SECA-BYXR Start in world 3, level 3.1 SECA-B2XR Start in world 3, level 3.2 SECA-B6XR Start in world 3, level 3.3 SECA-BAXR Start in world 4, level 4.1 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BECA-AADR Start in world 4, level 4.2 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BJCA-AADR Start in world 4, level 4.3 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BNCA-AADR Start in world 5, level 5.1 AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BTCA-AADR Start in world 5, level 5.2 ANMT-BT6Y + REMT-A6Y0 Shoot multiple shots instead of single BAHA-BA88 Each grenade token worth 8 EAHA-BA88 Each grenade token worth 20 BAHA-BA9G Each mine token worth 8 EAHA-BA9G Each mine token worth 20 BAHA-BA9R Each power line token worth 8 EAHA-BA9R Each power line token worth 20 RFZT-A604 Makes the Gauntlet easier to defeat RF5A-A6W8 Makes Dead Head easier to defeat RGHA-A60Y Makes Trash Monster easier to defeat RGDA-A6VT Makes Mother Fish easier to defeat BAZA-AA2G Force field lasts until the next level (after you get a force field token)
Twin Cobra
1 2 3 4 SANA-BJZY SANA-BNZY SANA-BTZY SANA-BYZY Start Start Start Start at at at at stage stage stage stage 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
+ + + + +
+ + + + + +
Start at stage 6 Start at stage 7 Start at stage 8 Start with 1 life Start with 10 lives Start with 25 lives Start with 50 lives Start with 99 lives Infinite lives Start turns with 1 bomb instead of 3 Start turns with 5 bombs instead of 3 Start turns with 7 bombs instead of 3 Infinite bombs AEVA-AAFJ Start turns with green weaponry AJVA-AAFJ Start turns with blue weaponry ANVA-AAFJ Start turns with yellow weaponry AJVA-AAFR Start turns with double power boost ATVA-AAFR Start turns with triple power boost S pick-up worth nothing S pick-up gives 2x power Bomb pick-up adds 2 bombs Bomb pick-up adds 3 bombs Keep P pick-ups after losing a life AF6T-AABG Start with 1 credit AZ6T-AABG Start with 5 credits CB6T-AABG Start with 10 credits EZ6T-AABG Start with 25 credits LB6T-AABG Start with 50 credits XF6T-AABG Start with 99 credits Infinite credits
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Master Reaper is easier to kill Master Reaper is harder to kill Rabid Hounds are easier to kill Rabid Hounds are harder to kill Mad Bomber is easier to kill Mad Bomber is harder to kill Cyborg D is easier to kill Cyborg D is harder to kill Hand Sniper is easier to kill Hand Sniper is harder to kill Rhino-man is easier to kill Rhino-man is harder to kill Santa Imposter is easier to kill Santa Imposter is harder to kill Pyromaniac is easier to kill Pyromaniac is harder to kill
Ultimate Qix
1 2 3 NUMBERS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ETBT-AA4Y MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED AEBT-AAH2 Start with 1 player spaceship BEBT-AAH2 Start with 9 player spaceships OF SHIPS IN CODES 4 THRU 6 MAY VARY DUE TO COUNTER ROLLOVER EYBT-AAH2 Start with about 25 player spaceships LEBT-AAH2 Start with about 50 player spaceships XEBT-AAH2 Start with about 99 player spaceships EJ6T-AA5A Infinite player spaceships SFLA-DETN + AABT-AAGG Start on round 2 SFLA-DETN Start on round 3 SFLA-DJTN Start on round 4 SFLA-DNTN Start on round 5 SFLA-DTTN Start on round 6 SFLA-DYTN Start on round 7 SLFA-D2TN Start on round 8 SFLA-D6TN Start on round 9 SFLA-DATN Start on round 10 AVLA-CA2N + BJBT-AAGG Start on round 11 AVLA-CA2N + BNBT-AAGG Start on round 12 AVLA-CA2N + BTBT-AAGG Start on round 13 AVLA-CA2N + BYBT-AAGG Start on round 14 AVLA-CA2N + B2BT-AAGG Start on round 15 AVLA-CA2N + B6BT-AAGG Start on round 16 AE6T-AAHC + AE3A-AADA Slower spaceship AN6T-AAHC + AN3A-AADA Faster spaceship AY6T-AAHC + AY3A-AADA Super fast spaceship 9J2A-AAFT Clear round after 25% of field is cut instead of 80% 8T2A-ACFT Clear round after 50% of field is cut VJ2A-AEFT Clear round after 65% of field is cut 022A-AGFT Clear round after 95% of field is cut 4T2A-AGFT Clear round after 98% of field is cut AJNT-CA2L Start with lasers (use B button)
Urban Strike
1 2 3 4 R12B-860Y D3RA-AA9G CKPT-AA4L AM4A-AA4G MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives Infinite fuel Infinite ammo
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Mohican armor starts at Mohican armor starts at Mohican armor starts at Mohican armor starts at Mohican armor starts at Blackhawke armor starts Blackhawke armor starts Blackhawke armor starts Timer never runs out
Valis 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AYNT-AAFA BYNT-AAFA YANA-BK38 YANA-BK38 YANA-BK38 YANA-BK38 YANA-BK38 SAFA-AADT EAFA-AADT CJFA-AA58 AAGA-AAHY AEGA-AAHY AJGA-AAHY ATGA-AAHY A2GA-AAHY A2ET-AA8G BCMA-AA2R AK2A-AA52 JCCA-BAYW BWCA-BA6R + + + + + Start game at Act 2 Start game at Act 3 NTGT-AAC6 Game clock starts at 100--all scenes 3AGT-AAC6 Game clock starts at 200--all scenes FTGT-ACC6 Game clock starts at 300--all scenes 8TGT-ACC6 Game clock starts at 500--all scenes 66GT-AGC6 Game clock starts at 999--all scenes Game clock runs slower Game clock runs faster Freeze clock (no time limit) Start with 1 life instead of 3 Start with 2 lives Start with 3 lives Start with 5 lives Start with 7 lives Infinite lives HP (life) gauge never loses energy MP (magic) gauge never loses energy Small heart increases HP gauge by 8 instead of 4 SCCA-BBYT + J4CA-BK6W Small heart increases HP gauge by 12
21 A4CA-AA6W Small heart restores HP gauge to full 22 CLCA-AA6R Small heart worth same as large heart 23 RCCA-AA6R Small heart worth same as 1-up 24 AWCA-AAFJ Large heart increases HP gauge by 4 instead of 16 25 BLCA-AAFJ Large heart increases HP gauge by 10 26 DCCA-AAFJ Large heart restores HP gauge to full 27 MWCA-AA7C Large heart worth same as 1-up 28 JCCA-BTOT B-magic increases MP gauge by 4 instead of 8 29.* CCA-BA8N + SCCA-BB0R + KLCA-BK8T B-magic increases MP gauge by 16 *Note about 29: This Code may be wrong, when I found this code, it is way to scrambled to tell what is the code. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A4CA-AA8T B-magic restores MP gauge to full JCCA-B2Z6 S-magic increases MP gauge by 6 instead of 2 BWCA-BA72 + SCCA-BBZ4 + KLCA-BK76 S-magic increases MP gauge by 12 A4CA-AA76 S-magic restores MP gauge to full CLCA-AA72 S-magic worth same as B-magic JCCT-BJTE 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1 JCCT-BTTE 1-up worth 4 lives JCCT-B2TE 1-up worth 6 lives RGCT-A6TE 1-up worth nothing
Vapor Trail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AJBT-AA5G P4FA-AA28 FWNA-BETJ RG8T-A604 RG8T-A604 C4FA-AA5G RGYA-A6WY ACTA-AAFW SG6T-BEXA SG6T-BJXA SG6T-BNXA SG6T-BTXA SG6T-BYXA MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Invincibility Allow only one hit per ship FW8T-BE06 Start with 1 ship FW8T-BA06 Start with 8 ships Infinite ships ACYA-BAW0 Start with weapons at full power Very fast roll power recharge SG6T-BEXG Start at mission 2 SG6T-BJXG Start at mission 3 SG6T-BNXG Start at mission 4 SG6T-BTXG Start at mission 5 SG6T-BYXG Start at mission 6
+ + + + + + + +
1. 2. AXKT-AA8C R0RA-N60Y Infinite Rocket-boost jumps Weapons don't run out
CODES 3-8 ONLY ON WICKED LEVEL 3. AOMT-AAF6 Start with 5 health balls 4. A4MT-AAF6 Start with 6 health balls 5. A8MT-AAF6 Start with 7 health balls 6. BCMT-AAF6 Start with 8 health balls 7. BGMT-AAF6 Start with 9 health balls 8. BLMT-AAF6 Start with 10 health balls 9. RGNA-A61L All health power ups max out health 10. AL8A-AA72 Invincible 11. R8PT-AAB8 Timer counts down half as fast 12. F4PT-AA3T Infinite time CODES 13-19 ONLY ON WICKED LEVEL 13. AGMT-AAFY Start with 1 life 14. ALMT-AAFY Start with 2 lives 15. A0MT-AAFY Start with 5 lives 16. BLMT-AAFY Start with 10 lives 17. DGMT-AAFY Start with 25 lives 18. GLMT-AAFY Start with 50 lives 19. NRMT-AAFY Start with 99 lives 20. C49T-AA28 Infinite lives 21. ALRA-NADA Multiplier goes to 2 after multiplier power-up runs out 22. ARRA-NADA Multiplier goes to 3 after multiplier power-up runs out 23. AL0RA-NADA Multiplier goes to 5 after multiplier power-up runs out 24. ABLA-NADA Multiplier goes to 10 after multiplier power-up runs out 25. ALRA-NA4Y Multipliers don't run out with time 26. AGMT-AACE Start on metalhead level 27. ALMT-AACE Start on tidal surge level 28. ARMT-AACE Start on absolute zero level 29. AWMT-AACE Start on arctic ridge level 30. A0MT-AACE Start on bamboo mill level 31. A4MT-AACE Start on rock 'n' roller level 32. A8MT-AACE Start on death ally level 33. BCMT-AACE Start on hydroponic lab level 34. BGMT-AACE Start on superstructure level 35. BLMT-AACE Start on stayin' alive level 36. BRMT-AACE Start on nightscape level
on on on on on
dark ruins level underground vault level worldlink center level twist and shout level bonus level
Virtua Racing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 C5NA-EA4E KR6A-F80C L06A-FA0C NR6A-FA0C AC6A-E00E AC6A-FL0E AC6A-EG8E AL3A-EA9L B4SA-FA54 CWSA-FA54 DGSA-FA54 D4SA-FA54 CWSA-FA6E DGSA-FA6E D4SA-FA6E 3CLT-EAGT 0CLT-EAGT XCLT-EAGT TCLT-EAGT NCLT-EAGT ECLT-EAGT AFDT-EABR AKDT-EABR APDT-EABR AVDT-EABR A3DT-EABR ALRT-EA2W Backwards tracks--select backwards logo in mode select screen Start with 95 sec. on easy level Start with 85 sec. on normal level Start with 99 sec. on normal level Start with 75 sec. on hard level Start with 85 sec. on hard level Start with 99 sec. on hard level Timer doesn't count down (lap counter still does) 15 sec. added for checkpoints on Beginner and Medium courses 20 sec. added for checkpoints on Beginner and Medium courses 25 sec. added for checkpoints on Beginner and Medium courses 30 sec. added for checkpoints on Beginner and Medium courses 20 sec. added for checkpoints on Expert course 25 sec. added for checkpoints on Expert course 30 sec. added for checkpoints on Expert course Accelerate and decelerate slightly faster Accelerate and decelerate faster Accelerate and decelerate much faster Accelerate and decelerate very quickly Accelerate and decelerate extremely fast Accelerate and decelerate instantly 1 lap in Virtua Racing mode instead of 5 2 laps in Virtua Racing mode 3 laps in Virtua Racing mode 4 laps in Virtua Racing mode 6 laps in Virtua Racing mode (lap counter gets weird after 5) Finish 1st in every race you complete
VR Troopers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. AAGA-AAA2 AGJT-AAFL CCJT-AAFL ECJT-AAFL F8JT-AAFL AGKA-AAAJ CCKA-AAAJ ECKA-AAAJ F8KA-AAAJ AAET-AABG CAGA-AAAR Infinite timer Start with very little energy Start with 1/4 energy Start with 1/2 energy Start with 3/4 energy Opponent starts with very little energy Opponent starts with 1/4 energy Opponent starts with 1/2 energy Opponent starts with 3/4 energy Carry your match timer into the bonus rounds Timer counts by ten
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
+ + + + + + + +
MASTER CODE--MUST BE ENTERED Infinite lives Start with 1 life Start with 3 lives Start with 7 lives Start with 10 lives Start with15 lives Start with 20 lives Start with 25 lives Infinite time AFGT-AAE4 1 minute per level AZGT-AAE4 5 minutes per level A7GT-AAE4 7 minutes per level BFGT-AAE4 9 minutes per level B7GT-AAE4 15 minutes per level CVGT-AAE4 20 minutes per level DFGT-AAE4 25 minutes per level D3GT-AAE4 30 minutes per level Infinite restarts No restarts 1 restart 3 restarts 5 restarts 9 restarts 15 restarts 20 restarts 25 restarts 30 restarts Always have magical cape during first life Always have magical cape during other lives Always have magical cape after use Start with magic of the stars Start with magic of the moon Start with magic of the sun Everything costs 0 Little power balls worth 10 Sacks of gold worth 400 Treasure chests worth 750
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A26T-CAEP A3LT-AADG ADHA-AAAZ AE6T-CAB7 DA6T-CAB7 EDHA-AAB2 Shoot fireballs Infinite energy One hit and youre invincible Start with less energy Start with more energy Dont flash when you get hit
Whip Rush
1 2 3 4 5 AJBA-EA72 GJMA-AA5J A5KT-AADG BMKT-AADG CXKT-AADG Infinite credits Infinite lives Start with 7 lives--easy level Start with 11 lives--easy level Start with 21 lives--easy level
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Start with 7 lives--normal level Start with 11 lives--normal level Start with 21 lives--normal level Start with 7 lives--hard level Start with 11 lives--hard level Start with 21 lives--hard level Invincibility after first power-up or first loss of ship on each level
29 30 31 32 33
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts
with with with with with with with with with with
7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
runs runs run runs runs runs runs runs runs runs
World of Illusion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AEST-BA30 BEST-BA30 DEST-BA30 GJST-BA30 KNST-BA30 NNST-BA30 BM2A-AA9R AX2A-AA62 FF5T-BAWC AK5T-AA4C RZ5T-A6W8 AF6A-AAA2 BK6A-AAA2 DK6A-AAA2 AJST-EAH2 ANST-EAH2 ATST-EAH2 AYST-EAH2 A92A-BJYL A92A-BNYL A92A-BTYL Start with 1 try instead of 3player 1 Start with 9 triesplayer 1 Start with 25 triesplayer 1 Start with 50 triesplayer 1 Start with 75 triesplayer 1 Start with 99 triesplayer 1 Infinite tries DM2A-AA8T Infinite health Candy restores health fully Candy worth nothing Cake worth nothing Gain an extra try with every card instead of 52 Gain an extra try with 10 cards Gain an extra try with 26 cards HAPA-BEWE Start on stage 2 HAPA-BJWE Start on stage 3 HAPA-BNWE Start on stage 4 HAPA-BTWE Start on stage 5 Enemy hits cost 2 health points Enemy hits cost 3 health points Enemy hits cost 4 health points
+ + + +
22 23 24 25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A3YA-AA32 Protection from most enemy hits BDBA-CA34 Protection from falling off screen (no health lost) ACJT-CAGA Protection from spikes AB1A-CAGJ + AB1T-CAHE Gambit's lethal burst uses no mutant power DKWA-CA4C + DVWA-CA6L Nightcrawler's teleport uses no mutant power ALKT-CA4L Wolverine's claws use no mutant power ABET-CAAE + ABDT-CAG8 Wolverine's spin slash uses no extra mutant power ABMT-CAE2 + ABNA-CAFA Cyclops' eye-beam uses no mutant power--except when you duck or jump
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
ABPA-CAC6 + ABMA-CAC4 Cyclops' optic blast uses no mutant power ACKT-CAFT Mutant power does not regenerate TCKT-CAFT Mutant power regenerates faster ACKT-CEFT Mutant power regenerates much faster ACKT-CJFT Mutant power regenerates to full very quickly BC7A-CA5W Lets you use Iceman multiple times BC9T-CA80 Lets you use Archangel multiple times BC8T-CA42 Lets you use Rogue multiple times BC7T-CA2T Lets you use Storm multiple times P0KT-DAYW Wolverine heals himself faster ALKA-CA86 Switch X-Men an infinite number of times AP6T-EAF2 Start part way through Savage Land AV6T-EAF2 Start in Shi'ar Empire AZ6T-EAF2 Start on Excalibur's Lighthouse stage A36T-EAF2 Start inside Excalibur's Lighthouse A76T-EAF2 Start in Ahab's Future World BB6T-EAF2 Start in Mojo's Crunch BK6T-EAF2 Start in Asteroid M B5BA-CA7T No mutant power lost when Wolverine falls off screen
Zany Golf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BB0A-AAC0 CK0A-AAC0 DV0A-AAC0 GB0A-AAC0 NK0A-AAC0 AC2T-ANCG AC2T-ARCT AC2T-ANCA AC2T-ARCW AC2T-ARCJ AC2T-ARCC AC2T-ARCR AC2T-AYCE AC2T-A0CN BC1T-ATEJ BC1T-AAEJ BC1T-AWEJ BC1T-AJEJ BC1T-ACEJ BC1T-AREJ BC1T-AEEJ Start with 10 strokes Start with 20 strokes Start with 30 strokes Start with 50 strokes Start with 100 strokes Change hole 1 to par 6 Change hole 2 to par 7 Change hole 3 to par 6 Change hole 4 to par 7 Change hole 5 to par 7 Change hole 6 to par 7 Change hole 7 to par 7 Change hole 8 to par 10 Change hole 9 to par 11 Start on hole 2 Start on hole 3 Start on hole 4 Start on hole 5 Start on hole 6 Start on hole 7 Start on hole 8
Start on hole 9
Zero Tolerance
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. AAFT-CABY REJA-C61W A39A-LA7E AMNA-AA5E AAHA-CAG6 TAHA-CAG6 AAHA-CEG6 AAGT-CAHT AAGT-CEHT TAGT-CAHT Infinite ammo Ammo power-ups completely fill ammo if you already have some All levels are secured Invincible Bullet Proof Vest takes no damage Bullet Proof Vest takes 1/2 damage Bullet Proof Vest takes 2x damage Bioscanner doesn't run out Bioscanner lasts half as long Bioscanner lasts twice as long
Zero Wing
1. 2. 3. ANRA-AAA0 ATYA-AA3T ATLT-AA8C Weapon power-ups level-up your weapon faster Infinite lives Invincibility against enemies, and enemy fire. You can still die from touching obstacles. With this code on, you will not be able to pick-up weapon power-ups. This code makes it very easy to finish the game. Note that you can get power-ups if you use the tracker beam.
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
Start with a decoy Infinite special items once you have at least 1--EXCEPT KEYS Start with 1/2 health Continue with 1/2 health Almost infinite health Start with 9 first aid kits instead of 1 Infinite keys once you have at least one Package of squirt guns worth 999 Package of soda pop cans worth 99 Fire extinguishers worth 99 on pick up Each key worth 9 on pick up Start on level 2 Start on level 3 Start on level 4 Start on level 5 Start on level 6 Start on level 7 Start on level 8 art on level 9 Start on level 10 Start on level 11 Start on level 12 Start on level 13 Start on level 14 Start on Level 15 Start on Level 16 Start on Level 17 Start on Level 18 Start on Level 19 Start on Level 20 Start on Level 21 Start on Level 22 Start on Level 23 Start on Level 24 Start on Level 25 Start on Level 26 Start on Level 27 Start on Level 28 Start on Level 29 Start on Level 30 Start on Level 31 Start on Level 32 Start on Level 33 Start on Level 34 Start on Level 35 Start on Level 36 Start on Level 37 Start on Level 38 Start on Level 39 Start on Level 40 Start on Level 41 Start on Level 42 Start on Level 43 Start on Level 44 Start on Level 45 Start on Level 46
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
on on on on on on on on on
Level 47 Level 48 Bonus Level Son of Dr. Tongue Bonus Level Day of the Tentacle Bonus Level Someplace Very Warm Bonus Level Curse of the Pharaohs Bonus Level Mushroom Men Bonus Level Cheerleaders vs the Monsters Credit Level Monsters Among Us
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DGVA-AAC8 KRVA-AAC8 NRVA-AAC8 AWAA-AA7J AWFA-AA4Y AFHT-AAF0 AZHT-AAF0 A7HT-AAF0 BFHT-AAF0 EK4A-AA2W AFHT-AAGL AZHT-AAGL A7HT-AAGL BFHT-AAGL ALHT-AA48 GLTA-AAAW LCTA-AAAW 3CTA-AAAW AJZT-AA4T Start with 25 rubber balls--both players Start with 75 rubber balls--both players Start with 99 rubber balls--both players Infinite rubber balls--player 1 Infinite rubber balls--player 2 Start with 2 lives instead of 3--player 1 Start with 6 lives--player 1 Start with 8 lives--player 1 Start with 10 lives--player 1 Infinite lives--1-player game only Start with 2 lives--player 2 Start with 6 lives--player 2 Start with 8 lives--player 2 Start with 10 lives--player 2 Infinite lives--player 2 Start stage 1, field 1 time at 50 Start stage 1, field 1 time at 80 Start stage 1, field 1 time at 200 Start at zero time STAGE BEFORE SELECTED LEVEL stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
CODES 20 THRU 54 SHOW YOU A FLASH OF FINAL BEGINS 20 ABJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 21 AFJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 22 AKJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 23 APJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 24 AVJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 25 AZJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 26 A3JA-AABL Player 1 starts on 27 A7JA-AABL Player 1 starts on 28 BBJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 29 BFJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 30 BKJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 31 BPJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 32 BVJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 33 BZJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 34 B3JA-AABL Player 1 starts on 35 B7JA-AABL Player 1 starts on 36 CBJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 37 CFJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 38 CKJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 39 CPJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 40 CVJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 41 CZJA-AABL Player 1 starts on 42 C3JA-AABL Player 1 starts on
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player Player
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts starts
on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on
stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage stage
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field field
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6