The Path To Permanent Weight Loss Success Journal

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N o b o d ~ can dim the light

which sninl'S from within "

Dear Friend,
Congratulations for taking this essential step toward creating and enjOying the health and
vitalrty that you deserve! Of the many 'Nho talk about creating a change, you are clearty one of
the few """ take real acboo-and """ get to enjoy the rewards. ThIS program contains a unlqL.<!
rBllOiutionaJy approach that has guided tens of thousands of people to a greater state of h e a ~ h
than they had ever Imagined. If you have eNer felt discouraged about your health or you've
thought that maybe your life was too busy for you to entOy a complete transfonnation, then
fasten you seat belt. Just a few days from now, you will be amazed at what is possible for you.
The Path to Permanent Weight Loss is a -6
day WOf1<shop in a box" that ConSIsts of:
1. An introductory audio session outlining the program and the steps to set you on a path
to sustainable change. You WIll also learn a technique that can help you deal wrth any
bad feelings (including the feelings that drive you to eat for comfort) in literally two to
three minutes.
2. FOU' DVOs (and companion audios) of me WOI1<Jng on&-OO-ooe wrth an ndvldual strugging
with Weight loss. Each of these women had been heavy for more than 15 years-or even
srce dlik:h:xxj-but after a single conversatIOn, they were atje for the first time to transform
t ~ bodes, losing 35, 65, 80, even 263 pounds natlXally and WIthout pills or medlcal
intervention. These films, narrated by noted teacher of psychotherapy aoe Madanes,
not only will show you what these people did to transform themselvelS but also Wlil show
you how to do the same.
3. An audio S9SS/on on the Urge Buster tool that will teach you how to control your craVings
and condrtlOl1 yotXSeIt to be disgusted by un_hy foods you once even loved.
4. One bonus OVO that features Lyndsey, who came to a seminar frustrated wrth two
extremely physically challenged daughters who constantly demanded her attentIOn and
angry at her emotionally absent husband. ThIS is not a film about wetght IoISs but about
the path of happiness and fuffillment, the path we all need to find to make sustrunable
change In our lives.
5. A wor1<book that summanzes what you need to know and what you need to do
in order to succeed in your goals.
This progam is ~ k e nothing you've seen before. You won't find the usual talk at:x::ut diet, calories,
n..rtrition or exercise. Ttis p-ogram is about getbng at somethllg that's even deeper-something
that's at the very root of your health and vitality, something that controls not orty your health but
every area and detail of your life. It's not about being strict with yoursetf-it's about expenencing
a whole new way to live. Every one of the people in these films-and the thousands of others
who have succeeded through this program - has tapped into this Inner power that makes
weight IoISs easy. When they "get rt." the pounds start melting off, even If this seemed Impossible
before. You wiU see in detail how this works.
Congratulations again on making thiS choice, and let's get started on gIVIng you the strong,
beautffu body you dese<ve.
Wanmest Regards,
Anthony Robbins
OlarlT\M 01 the Board
The advice, routines and interactions presented in this product are solely for infonnationaJ
purposes and are for people of normal good health and do not constitute medical advice
and are not intended to be a substitute for proper medical care provided by a physician.
The authors, copyright holders, Robbins Research International, Inc., Anthony Robbins and
Cloe Madanes assume no responsibil ity for any circumstances arising out of the use, misuse,
interpretation or application of any information supplied in these products.
Always consult your doctor for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing and care
recommendations. Do not rely on information in these products as tools for self-diagnosis.
Application of these principles may vary from person to person. Results obtained vary, and
specific outcomes may not occur.
THE PATH I II ,11111111 m ! ~ 1 1111
Your Path to Progress:
The Real Secret to Lasting Weight Loss ............................ 1
Beverly: The Power of You ............................... 13
The Urge Buster: How to Instantly
Break Your Pattern and Take Back Control 29
Shelia: Let It Shine ....................................................................................... 39
Regina: Reclaiming Adventure ............................................................... 49
Gulia: The Power of Purpose ....... 53
THE PATH I II ,11111111 lI i, 11 1111
Your Path to Progress: The Real Secret to Lasting Weight Loss
You are embarking on a joumey that will finally stop the cycle of emotional eating
and help you reclaim the body and life you really deserve. This is about getting
energy back into your body. It is about freeing yourself up. It is about having more
joy. You are going to find yourself in a position where you want to move, where you
feel alive.
Weight loss happens when you are happy. Human emotion is the most powerful
force in the universe. If you learn how to align your emotions, take advantage of
them and feel the experience of fulfillment, then so much of the inner pressure that
makes you look for distraction disappears. Your behavior will naturally change, and
so will your body.
It does not mean all of your stresses are going to go away or the world is going
to change. You are going to change and control your perceptions. You are going
to uncover your inner conflicts. You will still have them (we all do), but they are
not going to control you at the level they do now. If you are overweight, they have
control over you, and if that is going to change, we have to get to the source.
Why do you do the things that you do? Why do you say you want to lose weight
but then eat the things you absolutely know are not good for you, or say you are
going to lose weight but do not exercise? One reason is you are exhausted. You
are tired from stress, from all of the things you are dealing with inside.
Energy has power. If you do not have energy, it is pretty hard to be paSSionate,
isn't it? You"';l1 not have the power for your kids, your friends and, most importantly,
your spouse. So we have to rebuild energy, and it is both physiological and
psychological. We have to make those mental and emotional shifts that will release
that energy inside of you that has been trapped by stress or inner conflicts.
Your feelings drive all of your behaviors, including your eating. Very often we have
two different emotions-extreme opposites-that we go to when we feel frustrated,
depressed, angry or sad. Please see the illustration above: we go into one emotion
for a while and then gradually go down and over to the other side, and when we
are on the other side, we come back around again. We go back and forth and get
trapped in patterns of anger, frustration, depression and sadness.
For example, we go from sadness to anger back to sadness because parts of us tend
to take over at different times. When you watch the films, you are going to see these
women very often reclaim a part of themselves that they had at a different stage of
their life, a part of them that was strong, playful or more feminine. When you do the
same and get outside this craz:y eight, you are going to feel as amazing as they do.
Recognizing your own crazy eight is the first step to understanding where you go
under stress so you can take the right measures to change your pattern.
The first emotion I go to in times of stress is: _____________ _
The second emotion I go to in times of stress is: ___________ _
THE PATH I II prlll!!1 lI illl 1111
Follow the steps below to get the most out of this program and maximize your results.
Day 1: Listen to Session 1 audio, Your Path to Progress:
The Real Secret to Lasting Weight Loss
Day 2: Watch the first film, Beverly: The Power of You
Day 3: Listen to Session 3 audio, The Urge Buster:
How to Instantly Break Your Pattern and Take Back Control
Days 4-6: Watch the next three films, Shelia: Let it Shine,
Regina: Reclaiming Adventure, and Gulia: The Power
of Purpose
Day 7: BONUS Film: Lyndsey: Starting Over:
How to Let Go of the Past and Celebrate Your Life
Other Notes to Maximize the Program:
1. The audio sessions are designed so you can listen while you dove, clean or
work out. They were created so you can listen anywhere and take advantage
of NET -no extra time.
2. You are going to get on the path as soon as you start this process, but when
you begin watching these films, it is going to intensify. It will feel like when you
go to a movie and get absomed in the life of the characters. You feel for them,
care about them and at some level unconsciously identify with them. You are
going to relate to some of the women more than others, but they all have
different psychologies and challenges that will affect you in their own way.
3. Usten to the audio for repetition. The first time you hear the program, you
understand it. The second time you hear it, you start to feel it even more.
When you do it enough times, it gets in your body and you start to do
things automatically.
The women featured in the films were not told what to do in terms of diet or exercise,
and yet they all changed. There are three forces that will ultimately turn your body
1. Psychology/Emotion: Emotion is what starts or stops a diet and what
gets you to start or stop exercising. Eighty percent of success, including
weight loss, is psychology. Twenty percent is the mechanics, the "how to."
2. Diet: Diet matters, but not as much as you think. Whether you do
a diet or not, it is all based on emotion. You are only going to start
dieting because something inside you shifts emotionally.
3. Exercise: Stop thinking "exercise," and think "fun movement."
Emotion comes from motion. When you are happy, you tend to move.
Create a ritual for yourself, and do something every day!
When you start exercising, you feel so much more alive emotionally. When you feel
great. you eat differently. It is a chain reaction. But what makes so many people
begin to lose weight and then gain it back is the loss of motivation. For most
people, their drive comes from pain, not pleasure. That is important because
pain usually goes away, and then they lose their drive. If you actually linked your
motivation to pleasure, you would make more progress.
Pull Motivation: You are doing something because you want and desire it.
Push Motivation: You or someone else is pushing you to do something.
(VVhenever a push happens, we tend to have some part of us that pushes
Unking your motivation to pain is not sustainable. Eventually it loses its power,
and what was originally a compelling reason is no longer an issue. Think of it
as a pressure cooker that goes through four stages.
"Wil"l awareness is ["ougft t to an emotion.
power is [,rougft l lo your life"
Why Most People Start to Change Only to Return
to the Problem
Stage One: A person Ms a threshold; the problem causes such a significant
amount of pain that they feel pressure to take action to change it.
Stage Two: As a person takes action, they make progress toward
eliminating some aspect of the problem (e.g., they lose 10 of the 40 pounds).
which lessens the intensity of the pain.
Stage Three: When the intensity of the pain is reduced, the drive to
complete the change is lessened and the motivation to completely resolve
the problem is lost. Without pan to drive the person, they return
to their old behavior pattems.
Stage Four: The person goes back to some of their old pattems, and before
you know IT, they are back to needing to lose 20 pounds.
EXERCISE: The Pressure Cooker
In the past, what has been your main motivation for weight loss? Has it been
pleasure or pain? What happened?
Deciding to create what you want can change the pressure cooker. Yau want
to feel alive, be able to breathe differently and move differently. You need to find
something that excites you. If you are doing it only to get out of pain, it will not last.
How to Get Out of Pain into Pleasure in a Moment
Whatever we focus on, we feel. Many times we are not even aware of what is making
us stressed. But when we are under pressure or feel internal stress, what most of us
do is reach for food. We try to change our focus. We try to change our body.
Eating changes our focus and the way we feel.
Whenever you get pressure or stress in your body, it shows up in a predictable
way. The following exercise is a four -step process to take you from your pain and
pressure, your arc of stress, to your arc of pleasure and cycle of caring.
1. Identify how you create pain. Answer the following questions:
a. Where does the stress or pain start? (The Location)
b. What is the pain's direction in your body? (The Arc)
c. What color do you associate with the pain? (The Energy)
2. Rate the intensity of the pain. Use a scale from zero to 10, where 10
is totally painful and zero is none at all.
3. Reverse the pattern. Choose a new color, location, direction and emotion.
Repeat seven times.
4. Test it. Measure it again to see if the pain has lessened, disappeared or
become pleasure, from negative 10, to zero, up to positive 10.
THE PATH I II ,11111111 1111
Example: Susan
The four steps were illustrated with Susan, and in only a few minutes, she went from
a negative 8 of pain to a positive 7 of pleasure. She started by remembering a time
in her life when she felt deep stress, pressure or pain in her body. Once she found
the right experience, she was asked where her pain was located. She responded
that the pain was in her belly. When asked what its direction was, she said it
traveled from her belly and got stuck in her throat; that was her arc. The color she
associated with her pain was an intense red, and the rating she gave it, from zero
to 10, was an 8.
Susan's Arc of Stress
Rating (Pain)
From her belly to her throat
Intense red
Susan was in a place of incredible emotional pain. To reverse her arc, she chose a
color that represented peace and strength, and for her, it was the color green. She
was told to take the color green and have it start where the pain used to end and
have it flow into her mouth, down her throat, through her heart and way down into
her belly. The most important instruction was for her to feel the pain going through
her heart and to breathe and enjoy IT.
Susan's Reverse Arc: Arc of Pleasure and Cycle of Caring
Green with flecks of golden light
Outside of her mouth, through her heart and into her belly
Rating (Pleasure) +6
The repetITion of reversing the arc is crucial, and fo< Susan it only took a few tries
before she reached a pcsitive 6 of pleasure. To increase her arc of pleasure, she
thought about the that this process was giving her and the people she loved.
She thought about her husband and her two sons, slowed her pace and added
a touch of gold to her color green.
Susan's experience was that the stress her body. In the past she would hold
it in, and the more she did that, the more it leaked out. In times of stress she would
eat; then she would scold herself for it and start a cycle of behavior that would only
make things worse. She felt like now she was in a place where she could handle
hAr c::t Irh hAttpr
EXERCISE: Arc of Stress to Arc of Pleasure and Caring
Can you remember a time in your life when you felt some really deep stress,
pressure or pain in your body?
Step One: Identify It
1 . Where does the pain start?
2. What is the pain's direction?
3. What color do you associate wi1h the pain?
Step Two: Rate It
On a scale from zero to 10, how painful is the stress? 10 is totally painful, and zero
is no pain at all. Write down the number that represents how you feel.
THE PATH I II ,,1111,11 Wlil i l 1111
Step Three: Reverse It
What is a color that you associate with peace, strength or joy?
Take the color that you associate with great peace, strength or joy and start it
where the pain used to end and go in reverse direction to where it used to start.
Make sure it goes through your heart. It can come out of your body or stay in
your body, whichever you prefer. Do this seven times in a row.
Step Four: Test It
Measure it again to see if the pain has lessened, disappeared or become pleasure,
from negative 10, to zero, up to positive 10.
On a scale from zero to 10, how does the new state feel? Write down your answer.
If you were at a level 8 or 9 of pleasure, what type of gift would that be to you and
the people you love?
In this new state, do you feel like eating? Why or why not?
You may find the first time you do this exercise that you lower the pain but are not
yet at pleasure. Do it again. Add another color; try a different tempo. Think of the
people you love and how this is a gift for them, and do it again. Once you have
done this a few times, you will be able to do it in a minute and go straight out of
stress to a place of comfort. And guess what? When you are in a place of comfort
or peace, you are not going to reach for comfort foods; you are going to be free.
Whether you have 20, 50, 100 or 200 pounds to lose, you are going to spend the
rest of this program watching real women face challenges and break through their
pain. In doing so, they uncover the true source of what controlled their patterns
of behavior and caused them to gain weight. Let this become one of the most
important weeks in your life. It is the week you get on the path, start making real
progress and reclaim the joy and happiness you deserve.
"An uncomforlable feeling is nol an enemy. it's a
gifl 1(lal says, 'gel (IOnesl; inquire.' We reach oul for
alco(lOl, or food. or lelevision, or credil card 50 we can
focus oulll"re and nol nave 10 look al tl/e feeling.
And tlwt's as il should be, because ill our imlOcence
we (wven'l knowII (lOW. So now w('"t we call do is
reaell oul for a paper a>Jd a pencil, write Inougl'l
down, alld investigate. "
-Byron Katie
THE PATH I II ,11111111 1I IIi l 1111
Beverly: The Power of You
Step One: Watch the Film
Two years before Beverly came to see Tony, she had been in a horrific car accident that
pinned her to a telephone pole, crushing her left arm and her left heel and ripping
all of the tendons in her right knee. Over the next two years, three different doctors
had her on so many pain medications that she said she felt like a walking zombie.
And during those years, she put on nearly 150 pounds. She had been heavy her
entire life, ever since she started talOng diet pills in college, and she had always
had a problematic relationship with food, but this injury took her over the edge.
One day she saw a photo of herself and realized that she was almost as wide as
she was tall. She was 5 feet 5 inches and weighed 356 pounds. She used to watch
football games on TV and realized that she was heavier than the linemen playing
the game! One day when she was with her doctor, who was prescribing her fourth
breathing medication and her third blood pressure medication, she told him that
she needed to change - and change fast. She came to Tony's Date with Destiny
seminar, with losing weight being at the top of her list of priorities.
She stepped onstage with Tony and spoke with him for about an hour. When she
went home, she sat down with a nutritionist and created a plan for getting
again. Over the next six years, she lost 200 pounds naturally and without any IOnd of
diet foods, drugs or surgery. She did this by eating nonmal, food and doing
moderate exercise. She went from a size 28, where 28 tight to her, to her current
size, which is between an 8 and a 10. She went down 20 sizes! It was an incredible
transformation. In fact, she said that recentily her son wanted to tell her something.
He said, "Mom, I'm not sure that it's very appropriate for me to be telling you this,
but ... you're a babe!" When Beverly came onstage with Tony, that was the last
compliment that she ever expected to hear from anyone, much less her son.
During the conversation, Tony did not give Beverly specific directions for her diet
and exercise. This was because despite the injuries and all of the things she had
been through, the last thing that Beverly needed was information. In fact, the last
tt>ng she needed from Tony was motivation or pushing or a lecture on how to live her
life. That's not what Tony does. What she needed was a new experience.
She had been living under the shadow of some dominant emotions that were
coklring her whole life. These dominant emotions are different for everyone, but for
Beverly the emotion was fear-fear of being judged, fear of experiencing intimacy
and fear of being herself. Incidentally, she revealed later that as a young girl she had
been sexually abused and was an incest survivor, so she had good reason to feel
the way she did. But at this point in her life, her fear and shyness were not serving
her. They were killing her. What she desperately needed was the experience of
appreciating herself, of relaxing, of enjoying herself and her flow of emotions.
So many people are so driven to do something that they miss out on the experience
of life. So many people want to truly enjoy their life again, but they spend their time
struggling with drives and desires about food, fat and exercise. When Beverly broke
through her limiting pattems, she opened up her possibilities for living. And nearly a
decade later, she is healthier, happier and more fulfilled than ever before.
"Love yourself firsl and everytfling falls il110 lifle.
You really liave to love yourself firsllo get aflytfling
done in IMs world. "
-Lucille Ball
THE PATH I II ,I fllll li 1111
Step Two: What You Need to Know
What was it in her conversation with Tony that finally enabled Beverly to break
through and lose the weight that had haunted her for her entire life? The first step
of weight loss is to truly understand the power of you and of who you really are.
Bever1y had been living a life of being unfair to herself. Because of things that
happened in her childhood, she could not be kind to herself as an adult. Because
of certain things in her life that had devastated her years ago, she was not able to
truly taste her food, to really smell the flowers. During that conversation with Tony,
all of that changed. She was able to appreciate her own experience of life, and that
opened the door to a new future.
The first step in changing any srtuation is to understand how that situation meets
the 6 human needs. The 6 human needs are the most powerful and versatile tool
we use to create any kind of change in our life. Why? Because we believe that
the 6 human needs hold the key to all human behavior, whether the behavior is
positive or negative. If you look at any successful person in any part of the world,
you'll find that they truly understand their own needs-what makes them tick, what
makes them passionate, what makes them committed. When you understand this
about yourself, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do. So let's take
a moment to understand what you' re doing to meet your needs. When you
understand that, you'll have access to the real source of power in your life.
So here are the 6 human needs, which are universal for everybody.
1. Certainty-Everyone needs to be comfortable-to have pleasure and
avoid pain. Gode words for certainty are comfort, security, safety, stability,
groundedness, predictability and protection.
2. UncertaintyNariety-Variety and challenges exercise our emotional and
physical range. Our bodies, our minds, our emotional all require
uncertainty, exercise, suspense, variety and surprise. Code words
for uncertainty/variety are instability, change, entertainment, suspense,
exertion and surprise.
3. Significance-Every person needs to feel speciai, important, needed and
wanted. Code words for significance are pride, importance, achievement,
performance, perfection, evaluation, discipline and competition.
4. Connection/Love-Everyone needs connection with other human beings,
and everyone strives for and hopes for love. Code words for connection/love
are togetherness, paSSion, unity, warmth, tenderness and romance.
5. Growth-verything is either growing or dying. We need to constantly
develop erootionally, intellectually and spiritually.
6. Contribution-We all desire to go beyond our own needs and give to others.
Everything in the universe contributes beyond itself or is eliminated.
The first four needs-certainty, uncertainty/variety, significance ane connectionilove
-are essential for human survival. They are the fundamental needs of the personality
-everyone must feel that they have met them on some level. The last two needs-
growth and contribution-are essential to human fulfillment. They are the needs of
the spirit, and not everyone finds a way to satisfy them, although they are necessary
for lasting fulfillment.
All of us share the same 6 human needs. That's how all people are alike. The way we
are different is which needs we put first, above the others. Of those 6 needs, there
are two that you (ane Q experience so intensely that we wil do almost anything to
meet those needs. When you identify your two most important needs, you are
discovering your driving motivation, what gives meaning and motive to your life.
Everybody prioritizes their needs in a different way. What of the 6 needs is number
one for you? Which need is number two? Write out the needs in order of importance
for you, the first being most important.
2 ____________________________________________ __
3 ________________________________________ _
4 ____________________________________________ __
5 ____________________________________________ __
6 ________________________________________ _
Even though everyone experiences the same 6 human needs, everyone finds
different ways of satisfying those needs. Also, each of these needs can be met
in ways that are positive or negative. For instance, you can meet your needs for
certainty in a wide variety of ways: by going to school and obtaining a degree;
by doing as little as possible and avoiding challenges; by using food, drugs or
alcohol as a source of comfort; or by hoarding money and material possessions.
In each of these cases, there's an action or a habit that gives you the feeling of
certainfy. What habits do you have that give you certainty?
You can meet your need for uncertainty/variety in a variety of ways as well: by
reading about different subjects and meeting different kinds of people, by eating
many different foods and trying different restaurants or through trying high-risk
sports or risking your life through violent behavior.
What's interesting about the 6 human needs is that you can meet any of the
6 needs in positive or negative ways. For instance, you can get connection/1ove
by doing good deeds and acts of kindness, or you can get connection/love by
being helpless and getting people to pity you. Depending on how you operate in
the wand, both of these actions can give you the feeling of connection with others.
You can also feel connection by eating or doing drugs. You can meet your need
for significance by accomplishing something great, or you can make yourself feel
significant by criticizing someone else's accomplishment-same need, different
ways to achieve it.
Each need can be met in a low-level way or in a high-level way.
"Witat lies [,eitin<i us and .. liat lies before us are small
matters compared to witallies witftin us "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
EXERCISE: How Do You Meet Your Top 6 Needs?

(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I currently meet this neec:
1) ______________________________________ ___
2) ____________________________________ __
3) ____________________________________ __

(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, ConnectioniLove, Growth, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I curren11y meet this need:
1) ____ ________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) ______________________________________ __
Neec Number Three:
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I currently meet this need:
1) ______________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) ______________________________________ __
Need Number Four:
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, ConnectioniLove, Growth, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I currently meet this need:
1) ______________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) ______________________________________ __
THE PATH I II lIilll 1111
Need Number Five: -,:-:--:-----=-:--,:-__ -,---___________ _
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/love, Growlh, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I currently meet this need:
1) __________________ _
2) __________________ _
3) __________________ _
Need Number Six: -:-:--:----,:c---::------,-------,----:----:--____ -c-
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/love, Growlh, Contribution)
Here are three ways that I currently meet this need:
1) ___________________ _
2) __________________ _
3) __________________ _
Each of us is currently wired to strongly favor two needs. These two needs are the
force that determines the direction of your life. If you can understand the needs that
are driving you - and then understand exactly what you currently feel you must do
to meet those needs - you are way ahead of the game.
Once you understand how you satisfy your most important needs, you can See
clear1y what you need to change. Imagine someone whose most important need
is to experience connection/love. In order to experience they might
need to feel respected or recognized by everyone they see on any given day. Each
of us experiences being respected or recognized in a different way: some of us need
to be told that we are appreciated; some of us need to see a look in the eyes.
If a person doesn't feel recognized in this specific way, they will feel unloved and
experience pain. What are the chances that on any given day everyone will respect
them and recognize them? The answer is: not great. No matter who you are, you're
going to run into people who don't respect and appreciate you, and even the people
who do respect and appreciate you may not express it in the way that you need.
Bottom line is that you can't put those pecple in charge of your happiness, so you
want to organize your needs and values so that you can be certain of meeting your
most important needs on a daily basis. For example, you value connectionliove
as your most important need. But instead of expecting love from others in order to
feel love, you could decide that you feel love every time you say "I love you" to your
children, or you could feel love every time you feel grateful for the good things in
your life. If you set up your needs that way, you have a great chance of meeting
your most important needs on a daily basis. So pecple set themselves up to fulfill
or to fail at fulfilling their most important needs by the way they decide on what has
to happen for the needs to be fulfilled.
Here is another example of how the 6 human needs work. Imagine that you value
both certainty and connectionliove. But which need do you value more? The person
who values certainty over connectionllove will not express or feel connection/love
until they feel a strong sense of certainty. On the other hand, somecne who values
connection!love more will continue to express connectionllove even when their
certainty seems to be falling apart. When you understand clearly which needs you
value more than the others, it is possible to understand your past decisions and to
choose to change your priorities.
It should be clear how important the 6 needs are in your life. Now it's time to
reorganize how you experience your needs so that you can experience on a daily
basis the emotions that are most important to you. Here are some tips on how to
manage your needs for greater happiness and fulfillment:
1. Focus on giving the needs, not on getting. What's more reliable and in
your control: feeling love through giving love or feeling love through expecting
to receive love? Giving puts you in control of your needs.
2. Simplify your requirements for meeting your needs. Instead of focusing
on a "jackpot" -a big, way to meet your needs- focus on many
small ways to meet your needs on a daily basis. For instance, appreciate the
small things, and take pleasure in living according to your values. These are
more consistent and reliable ways to meet your needs.
3. Focus on things that are in your sphere of influence. So many people
do everything right to manage their state, only to let themselves get upset
by something that is not in their control. Focus on what you can do today.
THE PATH III ,11111111 111,11 1011
Now write down the order in which the 6 human needs will be important
to you in the future (number 1 being the most important):
NEED1: __ ----__ - - - - ~ - - - - __ - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - - - -
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, ConnectioniLove, Growth, Contribution)
NEED 2: ________________________________________ __
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
NEED3: __________________________________________ __
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
NEED4: ____________________ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
NEED 5: __________________________________________ __
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
NEED6: ________ ----------__ - - - - ~ ~ __ ~ - - ~ __ ----
(Certainty, UncertaintyNariety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, Contribution)
Now write down three ways in which you will satisfy your 6 human needs
in the future:
NEED 1: ________________ __
In the future I will satisfy this need by:
1) ______________________________________ __
2) _________________ _
3) _________________ _
NEED 2: ________________ __
In the future I will satisfy this need by:
1) ______________________ __
2) ____________________ __
3) _________________ _
NEED3: ________________ ~
In the future I will satiSfy this need by:
1) ______________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) ____________________________________ __
NEED4: ________________ __
In the future I will satiSfy this need by:
1) ____________________________________ __
2) ____________________________________ __
3) ______________________________________ __
NEED 5: ________________ __
In the future I will satisfy this need by:
1) ______________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) ____________________________________ __
NEED 6: ________________ __
In the future I will satisfy this need by:
1) ____________________________________ __
2) ______________________________________ __
3) __________________________________ __
THE PATH I II ,mlllal WlIIII 1m
The Power of Emotions
There is no question today about the healing power of love and of positive emotions,
as well as about the illness-inducing power of negative emotions such as fear and
anger. Our emotions are the driving force for all of our accomplishments. Human beings
are capable of incredible acts of courage because of love, fear, passion or desire.
The wish to feel loved and appreciated can lead to extraordinary accomplishments and
to great self-sacrifice. Yet even when most people recognize the importance of
emotions, curiously many feel that they have no control over their own emotions.
In fact, emotions are here to serve us. Fear keeps us from harm, love brings us
together and even anger in certain contexts can serve to protect. The emotions that
cause the real trouble, however, are the emotions that are obsolete-emotional habits
that are not serving their real function and instead are causing damage. For example,
an emotion such as fear may have been an appropriate emotion at the time somecne
was faCing a dangerous situation, but fear and anxiety can continue over time even
when there is no imminent danger. The emotion is getting fired off, even when rt doesn't
have a function, and eventually wears the person out.
Emotional pattems are formed in a certain way. First, there is an event that stimulates
an emotion-for instance, something can suddenly happen, causing the emotion of
surprise. When that happens, our mind focuses on the event in a certain way, giving
it a meaning. We decide: is this good or bad? Almost simultaneously our physiology
changes according to whether the meaning is good or bad. This triggers the handful
of emotions that we experience on a regular basis. Do you habitually feel sadness Of
anger? Joy, fear, shame, disgust? Whatever emotion you tend to feel on a regular
basis is usually the one that is activated. Once you are feeling that emotion, you will
act accordingly. If it is sadness, you might cry, or if it is anger, you might fight; fear
will make you hide or run away, and so on. The same event can trigger a different
focus, meaning, physiology, emotion and therefore action.
Most people don't experience a broad range of emotions in their lives. They are
limited to only a few that they experience over and over again, so no matter what
the events, they will experience the same emotions that they regularly experience
in their lives. So let's say there's a natural disaster or a robbery; the person who is
frequently sad will fee sad, the angry person will be angry, the fearful one will be
afraid and so on. We run our patterns of emotions that give meaning to events and
determine what we do and the meaning we give to life. These patterns are usually
established early on in life, and by the time we become adults, they are obsolete.
But we continue to run them, even though frequently they don't lead to the
outcomes we would prefer.
EXERCISE: Make a list of all the emotions you experience in any
given week or month in your life.
Now list these emotions in terms of the ones you experience most frequently (you
will probably find that there are only three or four emotions that you experience on
a regular basis):
Now. of these emotions, list the ones that are most intense:
he these the emotions you want to experience? Yes
No __
What emotions would you prefer? Write them down:
We know how easily our emotions can change. Everyone has had the experience,
for example, of feeling sad and then someone tells them a joke and they're laughing.
They instantly changed from sadness to joy. If this can happen to you once, it can
always happen. You can deliberately choose what emotions you want to experience
most frequently.
Now, for each emotion that you would prefer to experience, write three ways by
which you can ensure that you will experience that emotion on a daily basis:
EMOTION 1: ________ _
I will experience this emotion on a daily basis by doing or thinking the following:
1) ____________________________________ _
2) ____________________________________ _
3) ____________________________________ _
EMOTION 2: _____________ __
I will experience this emotion on a daily basis by doing or thinking the following:
1) ___________________________________ _
2) ___________________________________ _
3) _____________________________________ _
EMOTION 3: _______________ _
I will experience this emotion on a daily basis by doing or thinking the following:
1) ______________________________________ _
2) ______________________________________ _

Step Three: Apply This to Your Life
1. Beverly had a "little courageous person inside" that she was hiding. She had
lived a life of fearfulness, undervaluing herself and feeing like she had to do
something in order to be a worthy person. Do you have a person inside who
is just aching to come out? If you did, what would this person be like?
2. Many people feel that they have a voice inside their head that is critical
and discouraging. Some people even feel that they have a voice giving them
discouraging comments and thoughts every hour! If you are struggling with
a critical inner voice, here is a strategy for you. First, give your voice a name
and even a face and a history. For instance, a woman we know jokingly
named her inner voice "Stan." She then explained that poor "Stan" had an
unhappy childhood and that now at age 47 he is a bitter man. So when Stan
speaks up with his criticisms, she gently explains to him why he's mistaken,
feeling sorry for him all the while. Another person had a different inner VOiC8-
the voice that kept inviting her to have some cake and some ice cream, to
go out and buy some Pop-Tarts. What she did was name her voice "Baby,"
saying it's a 3-year-old girl who often asks for the wrong foods at the wrong
times. So instead of feeing that this voice inside her head is driving her crazy,
she can say: "No, no, Baby, it's not time for Pop-Tarts right now. It's time for
celery. You need to get your nutrition." It's kind of fun and crazy, but here's
the key: when you have a bad habit that you want to eliminate, the first thing
to do is to change it in some way so you can gain control. You need to add
something to it that breaks the pattern. By naming your inner voice and
giving it a character, you can control it.
THE PATH I II ,lrmulIl I I r , ~ 1 1111
3. How do your eating and health habits play into your two most important
human needs? Think of some other powerful ways that you could meet
those needs.
4. How does overeating and lack of exercise meet your needs?
' You contain a magnetic pOll'er wit (lin ~ o u thaI is
mar" poweIiulllian anylflillq in lhis world, and
Ihis unfallromable magnetic power is emiliI'd
Ilrrauqlr your lirauqlrls."
-Rhonda Byrne
THE PATH I I, ,mlll'l W O I ! ~ I I,"
The Urge Buster:
How to Instantly Break Your Pattern and Take Back Control
The secret to weight loss is not a new diet. The real secret lies in finding the part of
you that makes change happen. You want to uncover the part of you that has been
pushed down or ignored. You want to reconnect with that part of you that wilt align
your emotions, your beliefs and your psychology and just naturally get you to take
action in the direction of what you realty desire most, not just food.
Being dominated by food-and we have all been there-is the most powerful
sabotage to your progress. Anyone who has ever been overweight knows what it
feels like when you have to have something. We justify it in our head in many ways,
and at times we even blame our desires on someone or something else, like the
local fast-food chain. By now you know that the only source that is making you
overweight is the pattem of your eating, which is really coming from the pattem
of your psychology. This destructive pattern will not give you a life of joy, fulfillment
or freedom.
The Urge Buster tool will help you break that pattem, however it manifests inside
of you, and give you absolute control over the urges in your body. It is a technique
that will take any desire, when you feel like you have to have it, and bring you to a
place where you can leave it or even have a negative association to it. And you will
not just lose weight. Once you leam how to control your urges, you will have a new
strategy to transform anything else in your life.
Whatever it is you neec to do, you should be able to enjoy it. What would it
mean for you to feel alive, energized and happy even when faced with a usually
overwhelming task? The Urge Buster tool can be used not only to decrease your
desire for something that does not serve you but also to increase your desire for
anything, including exercise.
Example: Boy with Hansen's Soda
Using the Urge Buster tool, Tony worked with a boy who could not resist a Hansen's
soda. The original desire for the soda was a 5, but the boy increased it to a 7 when
Tony asked him what would make him want it more. He thought about it being cold
and refreshing and he was thirsty, so it increased to an 8. But what brought it to a 10
was when he realized it was the last one in the refrigerator. The feeling of scarcity
immediately increased his need for the soda!
To decrease his desire for the soda, he thought about it being warm, stale and fiat.
He thought about putting lemon juice or chile powder in the soda. All of a sudden,
the mere thought of the soda made him sick. He no longer wanted this object of
desire that he just had to have a moment before.
1. Remember that there are many ways to create a + 1 0 experience.
2. Define the rules so you have control- not the environment or
someone else.
Think of a situation for which you could apply the Urge Buster. For example, you
might have put off discussing an upset with someone for too long, and now it's
really time to take care of it. On a scale from -10 to + 10, how much are you looking
forward to handling this situation now? Does the prospect fill you with positive
expectation, mild interest, mild discomfort, or overwhelming dread? Once you've
decided on a situation or behavior to manage with the Urge Buster, write it in the
blank provided below.
( REMEMBER) ________________ _
1. Quantify. When I think of engaging in this activity (e.g., food, meeting, conversation,
task), what is the current level of quality (feelings/sensations) I associate to it (-10
to + 1 OJ? What am I currently experiencing?
2. Describe. What are the sensationslfeelings I want? What do I want to experience?
What do I want to feel when I think of this?
3. Decide. What is the level of experience (quality of sensations) I'm committed to
having? Do I want to associate -10 to eating chocolate, or just -5? Do I want to
associate my level of pleasure at a +7, +8, or a + 10 for this exercise I'm about to
engage in?
4. Strategize. What has to happen for me to feel that way about it? What conditions
must I create inside myself andlor the environment to experience tihat level of quality?
THE PATH I II ,11111111 Wi l l i l 1111
When you ask a new question, your brain comes up with new answers.
What would I have to believe?
What would I have to start noticing or focusing on?
What could I combine it wi th?
What would I have to eliminate?
What am I grateful for?
What's fun about this?
How can I learn even more while enjoying the process?
Now indicate on the scale below all the triggers you'll use to immediately change
your level of desire for this situation, activity, or behavior.
Quality Quantifier for __________ _
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
EXAMPLE 1: Pizza-Decreasing Desire
How do you use the Urge Buster to reduce your desire for something?
Here are the four steps to utilizing the Urge Buster.
Step 1: Quantify
When I think of engaging in this activity (food, meeting, conversation, task, etc.),
what is the current level of quality (feelings/sensations) I associate to IT (-10 to + 1 OJ?
What am I currently experiencing?
For pizza, let's say you're at + lO-you can't live withoutit, as one seminar
participant couldn't ..
Step 2: Describe
What are the sensations/feelings I want? What do I want to experience? What do
I want to feel when I think of this task?
Our pizza-loving participant ~ e t ' s call him Zeke) had already lost 44 pounds in the
last four months, and he figured that unless he dropped his addiction to pizza,
he wouldn't be able to reach his goals. He no longer wanted to be a slave to this
food. He wanted to feel no desire; he wanted to feel indifference, and he knew it
was probably in his best interest even to feel disgust.
Step 3: Decide
What is the level of experience (quality of sensations) I'm committed to having?
Do I want to associate -10 to eating chocolate, or just -5? Do I want to associate
my level of pleasure at a 7, an 8 or a 10 for this exercise I'm about to engage in?
Zeke wanted his enthusiasm for pizza to plummet to - 10.
THE PATH I II prlll!!1 W l i l ~ 1 1111
Step 4: Strategize
What has to happen in order for me to feel that way about it? What conditions must
I create inside myself and/or the environment to experience that level of quality?
Zeke was assisted in moving down the Urge Buster scale in small increments. Rrst,
to get from + 1 a down to +5, he imagined the pizza with roaches crawling on it. Then,
to get down to +2, he imagined sand and gravel al/ over the pizza. Visualizing 25%
of the pizza covered with blood was his strategy for getting it down to -3. To get
down to -6, he imagined the pizza covered with 2 inches of green olives (for him
this was worse than blood!). Two inches of sauerkraut would have moved it down
to -8, and a combination of roaches, olives, and sauerkraut ("The Works") brought
it al/ the way down to -10.
By the time we were done, he didn't want to have anything to do with pizza, nor
could he even imagine wanting to eat it again. And even if he did feel like eating it
again sometime in the future, he could always take control of his urges by using
the Urge Buster to get back down to -la-or to any level he desired!
- 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 -6 - 5 -4 -3 - 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5


9 10
" "
8 8 8 8 8

~ :;;


EXAMPLE 2: Running-Increasing Fun and Pleasure
Here's how the Urge Buster works for running. Let's say you feel neutral about
running; i.e., you're currently at a O. If you wanted to make running undesirable-
a -2, or -5, or -7 -what would it take? If you wanted to make running more
appealing-a +4, or +8, or +10-what would that take?
The scale below shows the answers some people have come up with.
-10 -9 - 8 -7 - 6 - 5 -4 - 3 -2 -1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

u u
" ~




. ~

Q 2

Naturally, more of us would use the Urge Buster to increase the pleasurable
sensations we link to running rather than decrease them. But isn't it useful to
know how to move your feelings about anything in either direction?
'"111111 Wl ilillm
EXERCISE: Urge Buster-Decrease Your Desire
Go get a must-have or trigger food, and place it in front of you before you begin this
process. It can be a burger, soda, some chocolate, that cookie ... something you
cannot resist.
Step One: Quantity
On a scale from zero to 10, when I think about engaging in this acti,,;ty O.e., eating,
exercising), what is the current ",vel of desire I associate to it?
-109 8 7 -6 -5 -4 -3 - 2 -1
Step Two: Describe
What do I want to experience?
What do I want to feel when I think of this?
Step Three: Decide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What's the level of experience I'm committed to having?
Step Four: Strategize
What has to happen for me to feel that way about ~ ?
What conditions must I create inside myself or the environment?
EXERCISE: Urge Buster-Increase Your Desire
We said earlier that this tool would also increase your desire for anything. What if
you real ly want to love to walk? If you walk two miles a day, five days a week, you
cut your chances of heart disease, diabetes and cancer by 50 percent. Plus it feels
good! What else would you have to think about to increase your desire to walk?
Maybe you create an upbeat playlist of music, schedule walks with a friend or
walk with your dog.
What if you are anxious about a business meeting? What would it take to have this
meeting be a positive 107 Maybe you get there early to prepare and connect with
colleagues. You tell a funny story where everyone laughs, or you ask a thoughtful
question that really shows your interest and commitment. These are just a few
ideas to get you thinking.
Try the exercise again to increase your desire for a food or activity that you want
to enjoy.
Step One: Quantify
On a scale from zero to 10, when I think about engaging in this activity O.e., eating,
exercising). what is the current level of desire I associate to it?
-10 -9 -8 -1 -8 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Step Two: Describe
What do I want to experience?
What do I want to feel when I think of this?
Step Three: Decide
, ,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What's the level of experience I'm committed to having?
THE PATH I II ,erllllBl W l r l ~ 1 Ius
Step Four: Strategize
What has to happen for me to feel that way about it?
What conditions must I create inside myself or the environment?
Repeat these exercises to strengthen and reinforce new patterns. The Urge
Buster Cards included in this program will facilitate this process for you so
you can do it anywhere and at any time. Whenever you start to crave a
food item or dread going to the gym, use the cards in that moment to turn
yourself around.
THE PATH I II ,11111111 I I I I ~ I 1111
Shelia: Let It Shine
Step One: Watch the Film
Shelia was a successful businesswoman who came to a small-scale version of
the Date vvth Destiny seminar with Tony Robbins in Fiji. She wanted to raise her
life to the next level and to make some progress vvth her health, as she was over
80 pounds overweight.
When Tony began to work vvth her on her values and her goals, it soon became
clear that Shelia had a pattem of self -sabotage. Whenever there was something
that she wanted (for example, to participate in something, to meet someone, to try
something new), she would instantly prevent herself from doing so. Her example
was that at the event she had wanted to be invited to participate in a sports activity,
but before she knew it, she was asking people not to invite her. This pattern of
self-sabotage was interfering with many aspects of her life, but especially with her
health and her social life. What was worse is that even though she knew she was
a talented, radiant person, she just never let herself shine. As you will see, she let
herself shine on that day, and it has changed her life ever since.
What Shelia didn't tell Tony at the time was that she had been abused very badly
as a child and that this had cast a shadow over her entire life so far, leading her to
overeat and to be very fearful of expressing herself. During the conversation vvth
Tony, Shelia broke through all of that and created a whole new life for herself.
Shelia went home and lost 80 pounds. She had huge success in her business
career, and in her community she became a mentor to women who were like
she had been in the past -afraid to express thernselves, take risks and enjoy
being thernselves.
This is another example of someone who thought she wanted to lose weight
but discovered that what she really wanted was something else-weight loss
was just one way to get there. Shelia broke through her pattern of restriction
and has thoroughly enjoyed her new ability to shine and express herself.
Now, here is a word of warning. This conversation between Tony and Shelia
will get very intense. Even though Shelia did not tell Tony about how she had
been traumatized as a young girl, he must have guessed it and realized that his
intervention had to be very intense to counter the intensity of her trauma. Shelia
took some radical steps to get out of her old pattems.
If you are listening to this for the first time in audio form, make sure that you go
back and see this as a vi deo as well, because you will see a transformation that
is quite amazing. Listening to the audio is great, but make sure you don't miss
out on the film.
Step Two: What You Need to Know
We are what we make of our circumstances. At this point in history I we can't blame
our chemistry, or the way we were raised, or our impulses or our social context.
It's a well-known fact that some people vvho were abused and tortured and
suffered horrible hardship became loving, dedicated members of society while
others, raised by loving. giving parents, became murderers.
Yet there is no denying that the actions of some parents, grandparents, relatives,
teachers and pastors can cause us great pain. In families where parents (or
grandparents and other relatives) reject their children, rejection may be overt,
as in cases of physical abuse, or covert and difficult to discover, as in cases of
emotional abuse. Some parents establish coalitions with authorities, such as the
police, a minister or a social worker, against their children. Other parents reject
their children in more subtle ways, with scathing criticism, excessive demands
and unsavory interpretations of their children's behavior and motivations.
These behaviors can leave scars. The child who has been abused or rejected tends
to want to hide and often becomes shy and withdrawn. Most children love the
rejecting or abusive parents and want to conform to their expectations. Becoming
fat is one way of conforming-it is like saying: "You're right, I am ugly." Another
way of conforming is to antiCipate rejection SO that it becomes like a self-fulfilling
prophecy and the person is actually rejected, which proves that the abusive
parents were right.
The abused and rejected child develops a deep need to be loved that continues
into adulthood. The loneliness often leads to seeking comfort in food. The child
becomes an adult who doesn't love himself or herself and who is unkind to his
or her body. Anger is experienced as physical pain, and food and other addictions
are common.
When we have a severe challenge or a personality trait that brings us pain and what
we are doing is not working, chances are we will not solve the challenge with our
usual resources. We need to find new resources. When you're struggling, for
example, with an injustice from the past, not knowing what to do, or you feel hurt
or sad, it is useful to tap into other parts of yourself. Every culture has stories and
mythologies that have been sustained for thousands of years. These myths help us
to deal with problems of life and death, of betrayal and violence, of coupling and
connecting, and with the challenges we have with our families, with aging, with all
of our issues, Myths are sustained over a long period of time because they contain
i At. II
THE PATH I II pro",,' , e l l ~ 1 1111
One such myth is the archetypes that Carl Jung described. They appear universally
in myths and are ccntained within each of us. There are four universal Jungian
archetypes: the Warrior, the Magician, the Lover and the Sovereign or the Goddess.
As we describe them here, take the time not only to understand them intellectually
but to feel them inside of you. They can serve as powerful emotional resources
wrthin you that can help you find solutions and answers that you wouldn't have
found otherwise. These archetypes can overcome all of your obstacles and can
guide you to success, no matter what happened in your childhood.
Here are four archetypes for today:
t. THE WARRIOR: This is the part of you that is most intense, most strong
in its attack on anything. The Warrior is about action and strength and
always looks to do something using his power. The Warrior attacks the
problem. This archetype serves the purpose of engaging your full emotional
commitment to solving the problem so that you are fully vested before
moving on. Mernative names for the Warnor are the Amazon, the Fighter,
the Soldier, the Protector, the Heroine, the Goddess, the Earth Mother.
2. THE MAGICIAN: The Magician signifies imagination, intuition and humor.
Once you have become fully engaged with your Warrior, feeling and
understanding him in your body and in your emotions, move to the archetype
of the Magician. The Magician encourages you to break pattems irreverently,
even your pattern of being a Warrior. Remember: humor is a shortcut. The
Magician tells the untc>d truth about the srtuations and in that way finds
options for the solution. The Magician can detach from anything and just
observe rt. He finds the magic in everything. The Magician can snap his
fingers and change things. What other people get upset about, he sees
as absurd because he has a totally different perspective. The Magician just
sees that it's all magic, it's all hocuspocus, it's all spells and it's all trances.
He has a bit of a whimsical view of things and is involved with the invisible,
with intuition, and he knows it's easy. He can solve things in an instant.
Whereas the Warrior has to do things through strength, power and action,
the Magician might do it with the snap of a finger, by insight or by humor.
Alternative names for the Magician are the Maverick, the Wise Guy,
the Turnaround Expert, the Good Witch, the Fairy Godmother.
3. THE LOVER: The Lover signifies your deepest emotional connection with
others and with the world. The love that sustained you in your childhood
is the basis of your feeling of conscience and compassion for others. This
is where you vibrate with life and connect to yourself and to other people.
This is where your deepest love is - a love that has no conditions, a love
that is pure, the purest part of you. Alternative names for the Lover are
the Caretaker, the Protector, the Loving One, Venus.
4. THE SOVEREIGN OR THE GODDESS: The Sovereign or the Goddess
integrates the prior three into a comprehensive vision about your life and
purpose. He or she is the one who really knows your vision and objectives.
The Sovereign or the Goddess is the one who govems and has the ability to
rule your life. They know why you are here and what you are here to do. The
Sovereign or the Goddess is like a great king or queen with an enormous
amount of wisdom and knowledge. They have been here before; they
command and never overreact. Altemative names for the Sovereign or the
Goddess are the King or Queen, the Visionary, the Founder, the President.
The Warrior is action and strength.
The Magician is humor and imagination.
The Lover is deepest connection.
The Sovereign or Goddess is vision and purpose.
Now let's see how Shelia was able to use these four archetypes to overcome
emotional pattems and scars thet had limited her for her entire life.
Step Three: Apply This to Your Life
Shelia used to be shy, timid and self-critical. Now she's outspoken, radiant and fully
appreciative of herself. She used to spend most of her time beating herself up and
sabotaging herself. Now she focuses on her inner purpose, and she reaches out to
other women in need and mentors them so that they can enjoy being themselves.
She has really broken through the number one restriction that had controlled her life
up to that point, and she continues to grow and contribute in new ways.
Do you have a pattern of restriction that prevents you from living according to your
purpose, that stops you from expressing yourself or feeling comfortable with who
you are? What is your pattern of restriction? Are you timid, self-critical, lazy, angry,
cowardly or easily demoralized? Think about it and write it down.
My pattern of restriction is
THE PATH I II ,11111111 1 I 1 1 ~ 1 1m
Now here are the steps to overcome your pattern of restriction:
ou need to ask a fundamental question of yourself. This question must be phrased
in the first person, for example: "How can I ... ?" "How should I ... ?"
The purpose of the question is for you to associate fully with your highest needs.
The question must:
Be addressed to yourself
Focus on your own individual ability and sphere of control
Direct you to take immediate action-to do something now that
you believe in
Take responsibility for your meaning (for example, not "What are they
doing to me?" but "What am I focusing on to make myself feel this way?")
Mention specific goals for you to achieve (for example, "How can I ?"
and "What can I do in order to ... ?")
Here are some examples:
a How can I understand and overcome the desperate feeling of
being hungry so that I can be strong and reach my goals?
o What am I focusing on that is making me upset in this situation,
and what could I focus on or be to never feel this way again?
o What can I do in order to fall in love and have the relationship
of my dreams?
Now write down your primary question:
Stand up strong, take a lew deep breaths, jump up and down or make some
moves until you feel you are strong and alert. As you ask yourself your primary
question - and as you answer it - it is helpful to be as expressive as you can
be with your body and your voice. This will create a more profound and more
permanent experience for you.
Touch the part of your body where your Warrior lives. Keep your hands on that
place. If you go out of "Warrior mode," touch that place to go back into "Warrior
For example, say out loud: "Warrior, what can I do today so that I no longer have to
live in reaction and become free forever?"
Speak out loud for the Warrior, and write down his answer:
Touch the part of your body where your Magician lives. Keep your hands on
that place.
Say it out loud. Repeat the question as needed until the Magician's answer comes
to you. Then speak out loud for the Magician, and write down his answer:
THE PATH I II plllllil l ! i l ~ 1 1111
Touch the part of your body where your Lover lives. Keep your hands on that place.
Say it out loud. Repeat the question as needed until the Lover's answer comes
to you. Then speak out loud for the Lover, and write down his answer:
Touch the part of your body where your Sovereign or your Goddess lives.
Keep your hands on that place.
Say it out loud. Repeat the question as needed until the Sovereign's or
the Goddess's answer comes to you. Then speak out loud for the Sovereign
or the Goddess, and write down his or her answer:
What did your archetypes say? What were their answers? You now have a whole
selection of points of view and experiences that can help you make the best
decisions in your life.
Whenever you encounter challenges or times of crisis or stress, remember that
these archetypes live inside you. They are you. Find a private place, engage your
physiology, formulate a primary question, ask it of each archetype until the answer
comes to you and then say it out loud and write it.
All you need is within you now.
"Opporluf1ities 10 find deeper powers willi in ourselves
come wilen /ife seems mosl cf1allerlging."
-/oseph Campbell
THE PATH I II ,11111111 1 I 1 ! ~ 1 Ills
Regina: Reclaiming Adventure
Step One: Watch the Film
Regina had a very successful career in business, but she was miserable. Like so
many others, she complained about the weight that she needed to lose. But what
she didn't complain about openly was the real challenge-she simply didn't have
enough going on in her life. Her life had become restricted to the few miles near her
home and office, and she was missing the passionate and adventurous spirit that
had been a big part of her youth. People need to have a vision. If you don't have a
strong, compelling future in life, your experience of life will shrink down to focus on
the things that make you feel comfortable, such as food.
In his conversation with Regina, Tony discovered that she had done something
that so many people do, sometimes without even knowing it. At one point in her
life, Regina had made a key decision not to trust herself. She had always had a
very active love life, and then she stopped dating. She had lived near her family in
San Diego; then she moved to Washington State. Instead of looking forward to
raising a family, like she had done in the past, she gave up on having a home and
went to live with friends for years on end. She had always been a very vivacious,
fun person, but she decided to focus her entire life around work. She had always
been very physical; then she injured her foot and stopped being active altogether.
What's more, her decision to stop all of these things was so emotionally loaded
for her, she didn't even realize the magnitude of the things that she was giving up.
Interestingly, it was at the point when she decided to give up all of these things that
she started to gain weight.
Like so many people, Regina became preoccupied with food when she was really
starving for the real food of life: relationship, spirituality, adventure and a greater
purpose in life. This CD witt help you to understand how emotional decisions are
made and how you can give yourself a juicy life of passion and purpose.
During the conversation with Tony, Regina discovered her secret wish, the thing
she wanted more than anything. She wanted to live a life of passion and adventure,
which is the direct opposite of the life she had been living. She quit smoking and
also quit a variety of pain medications that she had been on for years. She cleaned
up her diet and lost 35 pounds. She quit her job and got a much more interesting
position. Whereas before she used to never leave a five-mile radius around her
home, she started going on multi-day backpacking expeditions through the
mountains of Washington State. And she rediscovered the happy, paSSionate and
fun-loving person she had been in her youth. As you listen to the CD, think about
whether there is anything in your life that was a priority once but has since gotten
left behind.
Step Two: What You Need to Know
Sometimes people make decisions early in childhood to repress and block certain
areas of their personality and to only develop certain other areas. What may work
in order to survive in childhood often becomes obsolete in adult life and interferes
with every relationship. A man might decide as a boy that boys don't cry, and in
blocking his tears, he might block all vulnerability and sensitivity. When it's time
to be sensitive in relation to his wife and his children, he may not be able to do it.
A little girl may stand up to her abusive father and refuse to acknowledge that she's
hurt. As a woman, she may be a strong, caring mother, but she may not be able to
be vulnerable and loving in a sexual, erotic way with her husband. Often decisions
that are made early on in childhood persist into adulthood, way after they have
become obsolete, interfering with our health, our relationships and our happiness.
Key decisions made in early life may have positive consequences, such as the
decision to be brave, to persist or to accomplish. Yet sometimes even the most
positive key decisions may result in rejecting important parts of our identity. But
important key decisions that enhance or restrict your life in major ways are not
only made in childhooc-they are also made in adult life. The issue is how to
identify key decisions that you have made in the past and revisit them in order
to be able to reclaim your true identity.
If your health, your weight and your lifestyle are not what you want them to be,
it is very possible that at some point in the past you decided not to take care of
your body, not to appreciate and love yourself or even not to reach for what
to you represented happiness.
Step Three: Apply This to Your Life
Key decisions are often made during challenging circumstances. Go back and think
about what was happening in your life at the time you decided to neglect yourself,
to close doors for yourself. Now commit to revisiting and changing your key
decision. Here are the steps to follow:
1) Focus on what you can do. It may not be drastic. Pemaps you can start
with a small adjustment, such as becoming more physically active or
eliminating some foods from your diet.
2) Commit that you are going to love yourself and be good to yourself,
truly good, not by indulging and overeating but by intelligently taking care
of your body.
THE PATH I II ,11111111 lI i lkl 1111
3) Think of who influenced your key decision in the past and who may
be influencing your decisions now. Commit to taking care of yourself
no matter what others expect of you.
4) Make a list of all the wonderful possibilities that will be open to you
when you have a healthy body: activities, adventures, relationships and
accomplishments. Remember that nothing tastes as good as thin leels.
5) Find the emotion that will help you stick to your commitment to take
care of yourself. Is it love for yourself or love for your children? Is it courage?
Is it determination or pride? Stand up straight, find your core, breathe and
discover what emotion you need to cultivate to stay on track.
6) Now find the negative emotion that was tied to your key decision that
kept you unhealthy. Was it self-pity or self-hatred? Was it anger, frustration,
defiance or despair? Make the commitment to never indulge in that emotion
again. Say it out loud. Shout it: I will never indulge in the emotion of ---,----:-,---
_____ again. Put up a sign in your room to remind you of this decision.
Use these steps again whenever you feel that you are sliding back into a negative
pattern. You rnay go through all the steps again, or you may find some steps are
more important than others. Once you go through the steps several times, they
will become second nature.
"Life is eillier a daring adventure or notflin9. "
-Helen Keller
THE PATH I I. , ,1111, 11 W l I , ~ 1 1.11
Gulia: The Power of Purpose
Step One: Watch the Film
Gulia had always had a conflicted relationship with her mother. From Gulia's early
childhood, her mother had always controlied her eating for fear that she would
become obese like her mother had been. So her mother had raised Gulia by
dominating her about her eating - questioning and blaming her every time a cookie
went missing and not believing Gulia when she sad she had not eaten it. As a
teenager, Gulia rebelled, overate and became significantly overweight. The difficult
thing for Gulia at this point was that on top of the pain of being obese, she had
constant guilt that her mother had been right to try to protect her from becoming fat.
This made her miserable. And worst of all, Gulia felt that her weight gain had blocked
her from the thing she wanted most in life-to get married and have a family.
Tony helped Gulia to get clear about her goals and why she wanted to lose the
weight. Second, he helped her to understand the exact emotional pattern that led
to overeating. Third, Tony discovered the emotion in Gulia's life that was most
responsible for her pattern of overeating, and Gulla went through an intense
process of strengthening herself so that this problem emotion would no longer
damage her health. Fourth, Tony came up with a plan for Gulia to understand the
dynamics with her mother and how to get around that obstacle so that Gulia could
pursue her health without getting thrown off by her mother's attitudes.
Mer this conversation, Gulia went home and lost 65 pounds. But more importantly
than that, she got what she wanted most in life. She fell in love with a man for the
first time in her life and actually was married recently. So she not only lost weight,
but she finally started living the life that she was meant to live, with love and family
on the top of her list.
Step Two: What You Need to Know
What was the breakthrough that took Gulia from chronic overeating, loneliness and
frustration to the ability to pursue her priorities in life and open up to love? During
her conversation with Tony, Gulia realized the difference between the proactive and
the reactive patterns in her life. When we are proactive, we are thinking about what
we want, what is positive and what is beneficial to ourselves and others. When we are
in a highly proactive state, we tend to agree about what is most important, such as
health, sustainability and freedom. If you had asked Gulia as a child whether she
wanted to be fit or fat in her life, she would have said she wanted to be fit, and her
mother would have agreed with her. In a proactive state, Gulia and her mother
wanted the same thing.
When we're in a reactive state, we are reacting or rebelling against something that is
not meeting our needs. In Gulia's life, she grew up with a mother who loved her
deeply but who was also critical, contrOlling and suspicious-in other words, she was
in a reactive mode, focused on her fears. 00 you think this met Gulia's 6 human needs?
Of course not. Gulia must have felt disconnected from her mother, insignificant for not
being trusted and uncertain about when she was going to be blamed for something
that she didn't do. The reactive communication was so strong that Gulia likewise
began reacting to her mother by overeating. She ate out of revenge for the way her
mother treated her and soon became heavy despite her wishes to be thin and fit.
When you decide to make a change in any area of your life, it's crucially important to
decide to be consistently proactive in that area and not to become reactive. All of us
have pOints in the day when we get stressed out and want to say "Screw it" and
rebel against something. It's a basic pattem in human behavior. The problem is,
that 1 percent of the time is when we lose the progress that we worked on the
other 99 percent of the time. A single spending spree can ruin months of savings.
A single hurtful argument can undermine months of trust-building in a relationship.
And saying "Screw it" in the wrong way at the wrong time can cost you your job.
So in any area of your life where you want to make progress, it's really important not to
become reactive. When you're frustrated or stressed, don't give up the progress
you have made. Stay strong and get proactive. Remember why you're doing this!
For Gulia, the power of purpose lay in committing to what she wants proactively
in her life and in resisting the reactive behaviors that had triggered weight gain
in the past. This can't just be an intellectual decision, either. Gulia went through
processes to retrain herself so that when she was tempted, all she had to do
was to remember her real purpose.
1. What to focus on
2. What things mean to you
3. What to do to create the results you desire
Even though each one of us wants to make these decisions for ourselves, much
too frequently these decisions are made for us by others. Our father, our mother,
our husband or wife often determines what our focus witt be, what meaning we
witt give to our experience and what we need to do.
Of course, the influence of friends and family is not bad-one of the reasons for
having a relationship is to be influenced-but it's impcrtant that this kind of influence
doesn't prevent you from having a healthy and vital body. So it's impcrtant to take
control of your own health habits and not to let anybody discourage you or distract
you from what your body deserves.
In order to be able to make your own deciSions, you need to understand how you
might be under the indirect influence of others who may have programmed you in
the past or even under the influence of people who might even be programming
you now. This programming is part of the human condition, but you can't let it
run your life.
The most powerful form of indirect influence is one that we seldom recognize:
it's simply when people imply how things are. Instead of trying to convince you that
something is true, you can simply imply that it is already true. For instance, it is one
thing to tell someone "You're fat." That's an example of direct communication. But
for every direct communication, there are hundreds of ways to convey the same
idea indirectly. For instance, if someone wanted to make you feel fat, they could
say, "You don't need another cookie," or they could compare you to someone else
by saying "She is spcrtier than you." Get it? But because these indirect forms of
influence are not explicit and direct, they often put us under a spell. And when we
are under that spell, we are more prone to either believe the spell ("I'm fat") or go
into a reactive pattern ("You think this is fat, but wait until I eat this Twinkie").
Another place we see this kind of indirect instruction is in families. A mother instructs
her child to feel hungry, and part of the purpcse is not to let the child know that he
or she has been instructed. A simple way to do this to you is to just tett the you
what you feel: "You must be hungry," or "You are always hungry." This can even
be accomplished by talking to a third person - whan your mother is talking to your
aunt and refers to you in passing as "the hungry one," it is to argue.
This kind of influence is also common in hypnosis. The hypnotist doesn't say
"I order you to feel cold." He says, "It is cold." The subject immediately fees cold.
Many children begin life like this, experiencing what the parents experience or what
the parents want them to experience.
When parents say of a child that she is always hungry, they are instructing her to
always be hungry. When parents say of a child that she is a liar, they are instructing
her to be a liar. The difference with hypnosis is that the hypnotist knows what he is
doing; parents usually don't.
"I try to help you lose weight, but you are always hungry, aren't you?"
"You hate to exercise, don't you?"
"You never eat healthy foods, do you?"
We constnue our experence in terms of distinctions (Is this good or bad? Is rt real
or not real? Is it here or there?) and according to nules (never hurt others, avoid
pain, don't intnude, punish yourself, and so on). In order to comply with these nules,
we perform operations, wrttingly or unvvttingly, on our experience and on the
experience of others.
Imagine this conversation between a mother and her 14-year-old daughter:
Mother: You are going to be fat just like me.
Daughter: No, I'm not.
Mother: Yes, you are.
Daughter: Uncle John doesn't think so.
Mother: He doesn't love you as I do. Only a mother knows the truth about her
daughter, and only someone who loves you as I do will ever tell you the truth
about yourself no matter what it is. If you don't believe me, just look at yourself
in the mirror carefully and you will see that I'm telling the truth.
This example is disturbing, even sinister. But suppose we change one word:
replace "fat" with "beautiful."
Mother. You are beautiful.
Daughter: No, I'm not.
Mother: Yes, you are.
Daughter. Uncle John doesn't think so.
Mother. He doesn't love you as I do. Only a mother knows the truth about her
daughter, and only someone who loves you as I do will ever tell you the truth
about yourself no matter what it is. If you don't believe me, just lock at yourself
in the mirror carefully and you will see that I'm telling the truth.
The technique is the same. Whether the attribution is fat, beautiful, evil or good,
the structure of the operation is identical. These operations are so common that
we only notice them when they are disturbing. To induce another person to take
on a positive value for their self, such as beautiful, seems appropriate. When the
value is negative, such as in "fat," the induction is disturbing.
"I am frere for a purpose and tnat purpose is to grow
into Ci not to sflritlk to a grait! of sand.
Hencelortfl willi apply ALL my ellorts to become
tfre fligfrest mountain of all and 1 will straill my
potential t/lrtil it cries lor mercy."
-Og Mandino
Step Three: Apply This to Your Life
The fi lm about Gulia was particularly interactive. If you were not able to follow
the exercises while watching ~ , please listen to the CD of the film now and follow
the instructions. You need to be able to use your body and your voice to the
greatest extent. You need to be able to express yourself fully without worrying
about who is listening. And you need to repeat, repeat, repeat your purpose in
a powerful way in order to establish new h a b ~ s and new standards for your life
and your health.
What methods of indirect influence were used on you in your childhood?
Are you still subject to those influences?
Take some time to reflect on the emotions and values that were induced in you
by others.
Now think about the emotions and values that you induce in your loved ones.
Ale you maneuvering your partner to be someone he or she is not? Is your partner
maneuvering you? How are you influencing your children?
How would you like to influence your partner? Your children? Say it out loud.
What kind of influence do you want to have on yourself? Stand up and say it out loud.
Repeat it at least 10 times.
THE PATH I II ,11111 111 W I I I ~ I Ills
You made it through this 6-day program! You are truly one of the few who do rather
than the many who talk, and you're well on the way to transforming your body and
your life on a permanent basis.
Don't forget to check out your bonus DVD: Starting Over: How to Let Go of the Past
and Celebrate Your Ufe and watch as Lyndsey learns how to transform her life and her
destructive patterns to create the ultimate relationship with her husband and daughters.

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