1.1.1 Table Sector Types
1.1.1 Table Sector Types
1.1.1 Table Sector Types
Used in the Subject Data table, in the Body for Record Type: Personal Data, and Body for Record Type: Individual Concern, and Body for Record Type: Companies as an attribute to the specific Subject.
Used in the Subject Data table, in the Body for Record Type: Personal Data, and Body for Record Type: Individual Concern, and Body for Record Type: Companies sections to indicate whether the specific Subject is a Public or Private entity.
Table Sector code Value Description 111000 Food Ministry (Including food divisions/directorates) 112000 Presidency, Prime Minister's Office, Other Ministries, Parliament, Judiciary, all Directorates and Departments 112100 Bangladesh Post Office (except Savings Bank Scheme) 112200 Bangladesh Post Office Saving Bank Scheme 113101 National Curriculum and Text Book Board 113102 Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board 113103 Bangladesh Technical Education Board 113105 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka 113106 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Chittagong 113107 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi 113108 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore 113109 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Comilla 113110 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Sylhet 113111 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Barisal 113201 Government Schools, Madrashas, Colleges & University Colleges (Except Medical Colleges & Institute of Technologies) 113202 Cadet Colleges 113204 Bangladesh National University 113205 Bangladesh Open University 113206 Medical/Dental Colleges 113207 Institute of Technologies (Including Polytechnic Institutes) 113208 Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology 113209 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) 113210 Dhaka University 113211 Rajshahi University 113212 Chittagong University 113213 Jahangirnagar University 113214 Khulna University 113215 Shah Jalal Science & Technology University
For internal use only. Copying is not permitted.
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113216 113217 113218 113219 113220 113221 113222 113223 113224 113225 113249 113301 113302 113303 113304 113305 113306 113307 113308 113309 113310 113311 113312 113313 113314 113315 113316 113317 113318 113319 113320 113321 113399 113401 113402 113403 113404 113405 113406 113407 113408 113409 113410 113411 113412 113413 113414 113415 113416 113417
Mymensingh Agricultural University Islamic University, Kushtia Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur Shere-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sherebangla nagar Haji Danesh Agricultural University, Dinajpur Patuakhali Agricultural University Other Public Institutes/Universities Bangladesh Academy of Rural Development (BARD), Comilla Regional Academy of Rural Development (RARD), Bogra Bangla Academy Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Bangladesh Standard Control and Testing Institution Bangladesh Central Public Library Bangladesh National Museum Bangladesh Veterinary Council Foreign Service Academy National Institute of Population, Research & Training Institute of Public health and Nutrition National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases National Institute of Preventive & Social Medicine (NIPSOM) Institute of Public Health And Hospital National Institute of Disease of Chest & Hospital (NIDCH) National Inst.of Ophthalmology National Inst.of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR) Other Councils/Institutes Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corp. Hill tracts Development Board, Chittagong Prime Minister's Relief Fund Rajdhani Unnayan Kartreepaksha (RAJUK) Chittagong Development Authority Khulna Development Authority Rajshahi Development Authority Bangladesh Handloom Board Bangladesh Sericulture Board Export Promotion Bureau Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority Privatisation Commission Water Resources Planning Organisation (WAPRO) Varendra Multipurpose Development Authority, Rajshahi Security Printing Press Corporation
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113418 113419 113420 113421 113422 113423 113424 113425 113426 113499 113501 113502 113503 122100 122210 122220 122310 122320 122410 122420 122510 122610 122620 122700 122810 122820 122901 122902 122903 122904 122905 122999 123110 123120 123210 123220 123310 123320 123330 123390 123410 123415 123420 123510 123520 123610 123701 123702 123704 123705
Greater Dhaka Transport Planning & Co-ordination Board Chittagong Hill Tracts Local Council Chittagong Hill Tracts Dist. Council, Rangamati Chittagong Hill Tracts Dist. Council, Khagrachori Chittagong Hill Tracts Dist.Council,Bandarban Bangladesh Overseas Employment Service Ltd. (BOESEL) National Housing Authority Haor And Marsh Development Authority Executive Cell, BEPZA All other Boards / Centres Bangladesh Television Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha Bangladesh Betar Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation & Related Enterprises Sugar Mills Food and Allied Industries Fertilizer, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries Paper and Paper Board Industries Steel Mills Engineering and Ship Building Industries Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation and Related Enterprises Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation & related enterprises Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation & related enterprises Bangladesh Power Development Board Bangladesh Biman Corporation Bangladesh Shipping Corporation Trading Corporation of Bangladesh Bangladesh Railway Bangladesh Telegraph & Telephone Board Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation Others Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation Bangladesh Tea Board Bangladesh Inland Water Transportation Authorigy (BIWTA) Bangladesh Inland Water Transportation Corporation (BIWTC) Bangladesh Water Development Board Dhaka WASA Chittagong WASA Others Rural Electrification Board Dhaka Electric Supply Authority Dhaka Electric Supply Company Chittagong Port Authority Mongla Port Authority Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Crop. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation Bangladesh Filim Development Corporation Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust
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123706 123707 123708 123709 123710 123711 123712 123799 124100 124200 124300 124400 124500 121710 121720 121750 121100 121300 121501 121510 121599 121600 121700 121799 901001 901002 901003 901004 902110 902111 902112 902113 902114 902115 902116 902117 902118 902119 902120 902121 902122 902123 902124 902125 902126 902127 902128 902129 902130 902131
Telephone Shilpa Sangstha Bangladesh Cable Industries Corporation Bangladesh Tannery Industries Corporation Bangladesh Services Ltd. Hotels International Ltd.(Hotels having status 3 Stars & above) Dock Labour Management Board, Chittagong Dock Labour Management Board, Bagherhat Others District Council Municipal/City Corporation Thana/Upazila Parishad Union Parishad Gram Parishad Ansar-VDP Development Bank Karma Sangsthan Bank (Employment Bank) Others Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) Infrastructure Development Company Saudi-Bangladesh Industrial & Agricultural Investment Company (SABINCO) Ltd. Others Sadharan Bima Corporation Jiban Bima Corporation Others Agricultural Farmers Fishing Professionals Dairy Farmers Poultry Farmers Jute Milles Printing & Dyeing Industries Spinning Mills Weaving Mills Coconut Oil Mills Tobacco Processing Industries Cosmetics & Toiletries Industries Rubber And Plastic Industries Rice/ Flour/Pulse Mills Leather and Leather Products Manf. Industries Textile Mills Paper and Paper Products Manf. Industries Wood and Wood Products Manf. Industries Milk Processing Industries Food Processing Industries (Including Agro-based Industries) Garments Factories Hosiery Factories Pharmaceutical Industries Salt Industries Tea Processing Industries Chemical and Chemical Products (Other than Ferilizer) Industries Cement Factories
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902132 902133 902134 902135 902136 902137 902138 902139 902141 902190 902210 902215 902220 902225 902226 902230 902235 902240 902310 902311 902312 902313 902319 902410 902420 902430 902440 902450 902451 902452 902453 902454 902490 903010 903020 903030 903040 903050 903090 904001 904002 904003 905000 905100 905200 905500 906000 907601 907602 907603
Ceramic Industries Bricks and Sand Factories Glass and Glassware Products Factories Edible Oil Mills Soaps & Detergents Factories Steel Engineering & Metallic Products Industries Assembling Industries Fish Processing Industry Fertilizer Company Others Cottage Industries Saw Mills Handloom Factories Garments Factories Hosiery Factories Handicrafts Factories Wood and Wood Products Factories Other Factories Electricity Companies LP Gas Companies Oxyzen Gas Companies Other Gas Companies Others Entertainment (Cinema, Amusement Park etc.) Services Hospitals & Clinics IT Services (Including Cyber Cafes) Courier Services Hotels and Restaurants Photo Studioes Travel Agencies Cold-Storages Beauty Parlours / Saloons Others Importers Exporters Importers and Exporters Whole Sale Traders Retail Traders Others Road Transport (including Railway) Water Transport Air Transport Construction Companies Publishing Industries Telephone Companies Housing Companies / Societies Storage Companies (Other than cold storage) Newspaper Television Radio
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908100 908200 908300 908400 908900 909200 909300 909400 909500 909600 909699 909210 909220 909299 909100 909199 909700 909799 910000 910500 911000 912050 912051 914051 914052 914053 914054 914055 914056 914057 914058 914059 914060 914061 914062 914063 915050 915051
Private Schools, Colleges, University Colleges & Madrashas Medical & Dental Colleges Private Universities Private Institute of IT Others Leasing Companies (Depository) Central Co-operative Bank Land Mortgage Co-operative Bank Other Co-operative Banks/Societies Grameen Bank Others Investment Companies Leasing Companies (Non-depository) Others Insurance Companies Others Money Changers Others Professionals and Self-employed Persons (Such as Doctors, Lawyers, Contractors, Taxi Drivers etc.) Wage & Salary Earners (Working abroad) Wage & Salary Earners (Working in the country) Foreign Individuals Toreign Offices / Enterprises / Companies / Farms Mosques Temples, Churches & the like Sports Clubs Other clubs Theatre & Cultural Organisations Political Parties Trade Unions District / Upazilla Associations Professional (Doctors, Engineers, Statisticians, Economists etc.) Associations Chambers of Industries Other Associations, n.e.s. Trust fund & Other Non-profit Organisations Non Govt. Organisations (ASA, BRAC, PROSHIKA etc.) Other Local Individuals Other Local Offices/Enterprises/Companies/Farms
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