KJVO Controversy ++

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The passage discusses the controversy around only using the King James Version Bible and criticisms of other Bible versions.

Advocates argue that other versions have been corrupted and contain heresies, while the KJV has been the standard English version for centuries.

Critics argue that advocates rely too heavily on certain individuals and that the KJV contains archaic language that makes it difficult for many to understand.

The KJV Only Controversy

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The KJV Only Controversy

Keywords: KJV Only, King James Version Only, King James Bible, King James Bible Only, Dr., doctor, KJV Only Movement, advocates, KJV onlyism


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In a world of heresy Who dismisses the KJV Only Controversy? You are not shocked? KJV Only Advocates "The King James Bible is too hard to read!" An amazing fruit of studying the Authorized Version--a matchless and unsurpassable Biblical scholarship Conclusion Links

IN A WORLD OF HERESY In these last times, wherever the saints look, they experience grief. All of the foundations of the earth are out of course. Psalm 82:5 One area of grief is the Bible version issue. Today many people are speaking and writing against the Authorized Version. There is only one Bible known as the Authorized Version. It is commonly known as the Authorized King James Version or the King James Version (KJV). People who speak against the KJV will use any trickery they can in order to turn people away from the Authorized Verison. One man tried to compile every word in the KJV that he could not personally understand, which was quite underhanded. Many times we read books and articles and come across new words, but this causes us no problem because we read the words in context. When I got saved, I had no problem reading the KJV. When people would ask me what a word meant, I could pretty much immediately give them the definition of it because I had read the word in context and context taught me. People like James White and Bob Ross have been heavily and mightily used of Satan to make people accept any Bible version on the market as true. People like these men take down walls and there is no protection for people who ignorantly believe them. The King James Bible has been the holy Bible for almost 400 years and now all of a sudden every abomination that comes on the market is true. I recently read about a counterfeit Bible that says that fornication is okay. I have read excerpts of H.G. Wells who was used of Satan to help bring



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about a Luciferian age. He called for a new Bible version. In his book, "The Salvaging of Civilization: A Probable Future of Mankind," published in 1921 he had two chapters entitled, "The Bible and Civilization." He said that the world needed a new Bible with all the same books in it--including Leviticus and Deuteronomy--but with the new [wicked] understandings. He was calling for a new Bible about 90 years ago, and the Luciferian agents have been delivering. Wells' book is online for all to see, but I am not recommending it. With the proclamations of James White, Bob Ross and others, the flood gates are open for a soft, effeminate, sinful church to receive these Satanic counterfeits. Satan has used these men mightily--and time does not seem to diminish their zeal to attack the Authorized Version. Satan has also used those that believe their writings mightily. The KJV Only issue does not rest on the shoulders of a single person--not Gail Riplinger, Peter Ruckman, William (Bill) Grady, Jack Hyles, Samuel Gipp, or any other person. I am grateful for persons who have sounded the alarm and drawn my attention to this grievous state of affairs, but my adherence to the King James Bible is not based on them or scholarship. It is based on the fact that these new Bible versions--put out by heathens, mind you--alter the Bible in many abominable ways. See, What spirit is behind the new Bible versions? WHO DISMISSES THE KJV ONLY CONTROVERSY? As I see it, the KJV Only issue is dismissed by these kinds of people:

ignorant ones who have never examined the issue and decided against the King James Bible without any study of the issue. They grab on and latch on to the proclamations of the experts. Their teachers, friends, false preachers, pastors, "scholars," authors, reverends, etc. ones, who at some point, were somewhat convinced that the KJV was right but then caved into peer pressure, preachers, or the writings of "scholars," authors, etc. All it takes is a single conversation for these double minded individuals. They are unstable. those who read or heard about New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger and found some fault with its research or author and decided that "KJV Onlyism" is of no account. the prideful. Modern, industrialized, civilized man is terribly prideful--especially Americans, we do not want to be wrong. My aunt got mad because I told her to look up Acts 8:37 in her new age "Bible." Of course, she could not find it. Instead of investigating to learn more, she got mad. Are you like that? In order to be wise, you have to become a fool and



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learn everything all over again (ref. I Cor 3:18). These are the days of apostasy. You cannot expect to find the truth in the visible church building. I don't know of ONE good church (not to say that one does not exist somewhere in the world) The church consists of individual Christians. We are the church. We have to study the word and watch the times for ourselves and not rely on others). hereticks and infidels of all sorts (these are the ones that write the books and websites and give the interviews found on "Christian" websites, radio and tv shows. They write the articles for the "Christianity" magazines). One young church girl found herself a freshman in college. Her teacher was speaking against the Bible and said, "And out of all the Bibles, the King James Bible is the worst!" Why did he say this? Because Satan know that the Authorized King James Bible is the right Bible.

YOU ARE NOT SHOCKED? I found shocking and enraging the deletions and changes that Gail Riplinger exposed in New Age Bible Versions. I even gathered together a collection of modern corruptions in order to write against them (my little daughter did not even want to touch them and I threw them away as they had served their purpose). Look up Acts 8:37 in an NIV. It is not there at all. See this article about specific Bible verses that the NIV deletes. DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THAT THE NIV IS THE WORD OF GOD? Take the NIV Bible Quiz. DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THAT THE NIV IS THE WORD OF GOD? If you lay down and accept these grievous abominations like the NIV, NASV, NKJV to become your Bible to have and hold, you are well on a path of deception. Americans are brainwashed and will believe whatever the "experts" tell them. Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light (Ephesians 5:14). KJV ONLY ADVOCATES Many KJV Only advocates are NOT saved. The KJV Only issue is a political issue for them. That's how it is for a lot of these Baptist preachers. Many are very prejudiced and do not hide that fact. Meanwhile they constantly defend and preach about the KJV Only.



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AN UNEXPECTED FRUIT OF STUDYING THE AUTHORIZED VERSION I have discovered an amazing fruit of having the Authorized King James Version in hand and heart--a Biblical scholarship, one which is literally impossible with any other Bible version--no exceptions. The website BiblicalScholarship.net gives insight into this phenomena. The following is excerpted from the BiblicalScholarship.net home page-[BiblicalScholarship.net] "Demanding and pursuing a distinctively Biblical scholarship." Babies can read as a matter of course, three year olds can read, and understand, the Authorized Version, four year olds can add four digit numbers, and a child's baseline education can be completed before seven years of age when utilizing the Authorized Version in a sanctified homeschool... ONLY ONE BIBLE WILL PRODUCE BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIP Only the real Bible will produce Biblical Scholarship-the Authorized (King James) Version of the Holy Scriptures. No other Bible version will work in Biblical Scholarship because the modern versions, written by modern deceived man, are not the word of God. Those so-called "archaic" words found in the Authorized Version are not archaic; they can be found in every domain today--if you are looking. When the NIV changes the warp and the woof of Leviticus 13:48 to "woven or knitted material" you can never figure out how material is made. You won't even stop to think about it--all you can do is go to the store and buy a woven or a knitted garment. With the warp and the woof of the King James Bible, on the other hand, you can talk to the weaver who may tell you that they now call it the warp and the weft (but it will always be the warp and the woof to you). This actually happened to me--and not just in the area of weaving, but across all kinds of disciplines. As a result of Biblical Scholarship, you and your children can talk to anybody and judge methods--whether they be good or corrupt. Those ROBUST, PRECISE WORDS of the Authorized Version form a CRYSTAL CLEAR roadmap out of the wreckage of modern, machine life BACK to ancient understandings, ancient manhood, ancient womanhood, ancient childhood. We are NOT



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the same people as the ancients. We are weak-minded and dependent on somebody else for every morsel of food that we eat. May each true disciple turn off that filthy tv FOREVER, recover himself from the snare of the devil, and walk in the light of God's word. THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS BEING ALTERED IN MANY OF TODAY'S PUBLISHINGS Many of today's publishers are even altering the text of the Authorized King James Version. A ministry in Australia has made available the Pure Cambridge Edition (PCE) of the Authorized Version for download. Read more about it here. LINKS: Why I only read the Authorized King James Version Read or download the Authorized Version of the Bible Overview of the Bible Information on King James, the man 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version Learn more about the history of the Authorized Version. more on various new age Bible versions Home for hundreds of articles

Keywords: KJV Only, New Age Bible Versions, Gail Riplinger, James White, G.A. Riplinger, Bob Ross, KJV Only debate, King James Version Only, King James Bible, King James Bible Only, Dr., doctor, Christianity, issue, advocate, KJV Only movement, advocates, KJV onlyism



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