Presentation (Summary) Biology: Nama: Bening Aulia Larasati Kelas: VIII No: Lima

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Nama : Bening Aulia Larasati Kelas : VIIIB No : Lima (5)



A. The definitions of growth and Development: Growth constitutes an increase process in size, including increase in height, and weight. Development is process towards maturity. Growth in plants is divided into two, namely primary and secondary growths: Primary growth occurs as a consequence of divinision in cells composing meristem tissues. Secondary growth occurs as result of secondary growing point, namely cambium. Growth in plants is influenced by two factors, namely internal and external factors : Internal factors are any factors coming from within the plant it self. Internal factors are divided into two, namely intracellular & intercellular factors. External factors are any factors coming from external part of plants including : Water Mineral Temperature Light Growth and development in animals comprise embryonic and postembryonic phases : Embryonic phase is a phase started with the establishing of zygote up to embryo. Post-embryonic phase is a phase after the embryo is formed.

B. Metamorphosis and Metagenesis Metamorphosis is change in body starting from zygote until maturity through definite phases. Metamorphosis is divided into two, namely incomplete & complete metamorphosis. Metagenesis is an alternation of generations, from asexual to sexual generations and vice versa. Reproductions in Bryophyta and Pterydophyta.


A. Embryonal Growth and Development during Pregnancy Beginning of the ovum / egg is fertilized by sperm to form zygote Zygote develops into an embryo and attached to the mathers womb In the womb the embryo gets nutriens and oxygen from the mothers through the placenta At age 9 months 10 days the fetus is ready to be born B. Balita and Childhood 1-2 months raising head while lying prone 3-4 months raising shoulder while lying prone 5-6 months capable to sit vertically 6-7 months able to hold and to remove an object from one hand to another 9-10 months crawling 12 months able to stand 12-13 able to walk under guidance 18 months able to eat using a spoon

C. Adolescence Physical changes a. Girls Developing breast / increase Grow hair in armpits and pubic region Enlarged hip Menstruating, and etc b. Boys Adams apple growing Voice becomes more severe Grow a mustache and beard Grow hair in armpits and pubic region Enlarged shoulder Increased production of oil glands on face, and etc D. Adult Characteristics a. Been able to produce b. The growth period ends c. Height is not increased d. Have responsibility for their lives, and etc E. Older Period Characteristics a. Ability of body organs begin to decrease b. Known as the elderly (older age) c. Hearing loss and power is also reduced aye accommodation d. Physical changes


A. Organs Composing Musculoskeletal System In Human 1. Bone The function of skeleton : Save calcium As a passive locomotor To uphold and to shape it Place for the muscle to bind To protect important body organs Total bones in human body are about 206 Bone (Osteon) Cartilage Joints Bone (osteon): a. Types of bone By composing materials, bone is divided into two, namely : The former consists of bone cells producing matrix containing calcium and phosphate that make them dense and solid. The latter or spongy bone consists of bone cells producing hollow matrix, such as short bone, flat bone, and the tip of pipe bone. b. Bone structure Long bone structure consists of three parts, namely : Epiphysis is parts of bone tip Diaphysis is the middle part Epiphyseal disc is the part between epiphysis and diaphysis Cartilage a. Skull bones The skull bones consist of : frontal bone, parietal bone, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, temporal bone. The face bones comprise maxilla, mandible, zygomatic bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, palatal bone, hyoid bone.

b. The body bones : Backbone Sternum Rib Pectoral Girdle Pelvic girdle Joints Immovable joint (synarthrosis) Synarthrosis is a connection between bones that permits no movement. The connector between bones is connective tissue. Example : connection between the skull bones. Amphiarthrosis Amphiarthrosis is a connection between bones permitting slight degree of movement. The connector between bones is cartilaginous tissue. Example : connection between ribs and sternum Freely movable joint (diarthrosis) Diarthrosis is a connection between bones permitting free movements. By movement direction, diarthrosis is divided into : Ball-and-socket joint is a joint enabling the presence of multidirection movements. Example : connection between humerus & pectoral girdle. Hinge joint is the joint enabling the presence of single direction movement. Example : elbow and knee. Pivot joint is the joint enabling one bone to rotate against the other one. Example : connection between atlas bone & rotator bone. Gliding joint is the joint enabling the presence of a few movement of sliding. Example : connections between carpus and metacarpus. Saddle joint is the joint permitting bi-direction movement . Example : connection between thumb bone & metacarpus.

2. Muscles Smooth muscle Striated muscle Cardiac muscle B. Disorders and Diseases in Human Locomotors Disorders and disease in Bone a. Accidents b. Malnutrition c. Bad habits Kyphosis is the condition in which the thoracic vertebra is bent to front. Scoliosis is the condition in which the thoracic vertebra is bent to left or to right. Kyphosis is the condition in which the thoracic vertebra is bent backward and laterally. Disorders and diseases in joint Disorders and diseases in joint are bruised (joint membrane is torn), joint strain (the release of bone tip from joint), and arthritis ( joint inflammation). Disorders and diseases in muscles a. Muscular pain might be caused by inflammation in muscle connective tissue and it ussualy suffered by older people. b. Polio virus can lead to polio, particularly to children. c. Cramped occurs since there are an excessive activity of muscles, cold weather, or maybe a symptom for imbalance of water and ion within our body. d. Great sprained can cause the tendon to break since there is a sudden and strong drought.

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