Alcohol Detection Final

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CONTACT DETAILS; G. SRIRAM SARAVANA KRISHNAN E Mail: [email protected] PHONE: 9361119343


Smoking is injurious to health. Liquor damages your liver. Slogans like these are very common now days; the government has come forward with initiatives like testing the drivers for drunken driving during nights and by banning smoking in public places. Alcohol affects the Central Nervous System of a person within 5 minutes. The sense of judgment is impaired and the ability to control steering is affected. For most people, driving ability becomes impaired at about .05% B.A.C. (Blood Alcohol Concentration) Drunken driving is an offence which has to be reduced in order to reduce the accidents caused in the road. A survey conducted by NGOs state that 50% of the highway accidents are because of drunken driving. We in our paper have given fool proof techniques for detecting the liquor conception before driving and while driving the car, these techniques can be applied to other automobiles like Lorries, Vans, etc. Alcohol Detection and Monitoring System includes two sensor circuits one for detecting the alcohol consumption of the driver before starting the car and another for sensing the liquor consumption during driving the car. The next circuit contained is a microprocessor which is interfaced with the ignition control of the car the codes in the microprocessor are designed in such a way that the car slows down once the driver consumes alcohol.


This paper is more concerned with a social issue and solution for removing such practices from our society. The issue is about drunken driving. As we all know drunken driving is an offence and it is also injurious to health, but still many of the people in our society are much interested in this dangerous habit. Basically liquor affects our central nervous system within five minutes and the sense of judgment is impaired thus the control of the steering. Alcohol consumption affects your driving because of the following reasons

double/blurred vision impaired reflexes impaired coordination impaired time/distance judgment Drowsiness due to depressant effects, tendency to concentrate on one object (guard rail, center line) in attempt to stay in lane.

Thus the result is Ineffective use of peripheral vision Having said these, steps to reduce this practice has to be implemented by the government and seriously taken by the public. But drunken driving cannot be so easily eradicated without the use of present technologies because the cop cant be checking each and every individual driver. So we the students of this growing India have designed this paper to overcome this situation. Our paper includes an alcohol detection system, which uses the below explained techniques to detect and monitor alcohol consumption of the driver the moment he enters the car and also during the drive.

Alcohol Detection and Monitoring System: Principle of operation: According to our proposal there are two sets of tests which the driver undergoes at the time of entering the car and while driving the car. TEST - I: Once the driver enters the car and switches ON the car a mask is thrown down from the roof of the car to the driver in which he has to exhale air into. This technique uses the fact that potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) changes it colour from orange to green on reacting with alcohol.

Fig.1. Design of Alcohol Sensor Design of the Salt chamber: The potassium dichromate is kept made into pellets are loaded against the pressure of the spring loaded piston, inside a salt chamber. The pressure of the piston is maintained by a solenoid which energises once power is given to it and pushes a pellet for testing into a testing chamber.

Fig.2. Design of salt Chamber DESIGN OF SALT EXIT PORT There is a necessity of the tested salt to be discharged efficiently from the testing chamber. For this a solenoid port is present at the base of the testing chamber. The solenoid is connected to the battery of the car through the ignition switch. When the key is turned the circuit closes which energizes the solenoid and pulls the soft iron core towards it. Due to this the port gets closed. When the key is turned off the solenoid is de energized and by spring action the port is opened.

Fig.3. Design of Salt Exit Port NEED FOR LED: A white light emitting LED is present in the testing chamber to produce the reference light. This reference light is used for the comparison of the change of color by the photo sensor.

PHOTOSENSOR: A photo sensor is a device which can differentiate colors. Depending upon the variation in wavelength emitted by the object the photo sensor produces various electrical signals. Depending upon the electrical signal the ignition can be controlled

CO2 Sensors: There also a CO2 sensor attached to along with the alcohol sensor, the sensor consist of a ceramic material like zirconia which compares the carbon-di-oxide level in the test chamber with that of pre programmed value and generates voltage as per the CO2 content which is sent to the logic circuit. The need for CO2 sensor comes in because the driver may not exhale into the mask in such cases the presence of alcohol cannot be detected hence to make the circuit fool proof even in such conditions; we use a carbon di oxide sensor. The output of both the sensors is given to logic circuit which is given to the microprocessors whose output triggers the NC type relay circuit. These relays connect the battery to the spark plug.

Fig.4. Microprocessor controlled Ignition System

The output of the logic circuit depend on the truth table given below Consider, Input A Change of color of salt No color change Input B
Presence of CO2 Absence of CO2

= logic 1 and = logic 0.

= logic 1 and = logic 0.

1 1 0

0 1 0


1 0 0

Hence from the truth table the logic expression is obtained as, Output to the microprocessor = Alcohol Sensor

& CO2 sensor

Fig.5. Logic Gates Used

Test II Now is that the driver has not drunken when he switched ON his car but there is always a possibility for drinking while driving hence in such cases the blood pulse rate sensors are used which are kept at calculated positions of the steering where the probability of placing the hand while driving is more. The blood pulse rate sensors checks the pulse rate for every preset value of time, here it is ten seconds. When the driver has drunken then his pulse rate automatically goes down. But the blood pulse rate differs from person to person hence the pulse rate of the person driving the car are recorded initially when the car was started and they are maintained as reference value and the measured value is compared with this reference value every time. Once when the sensors detect the decrease in pulse rate, a signal is sent to the microprocessor which opens the ignition circuit eventually the car slows down due to the decrease in its momentum.

Fig.6.Steering wheels with Blood Pulse Sensors Installed The microprocessor is programmed in such a way that at the end of the program the ignition circuit is opened and whenever a logic 1 is given to it the program is brought to END hence the relays are not disturbed. The program has a delay of 10 seconds.

Still Working: The circuits dealt above are though useful in detecting and monitoring the alcohol intake while driving we have small flaws in it the flaws are discussed below
1. When a person is driving a car at the middle of the road

2. When only the driver is there all alone in the car driving in it. So we propose some solutions that can be implemented to solve this in which we are working on. .Communication and Ultrasonic Sensors: The communication system mentioned here has a storage device in which a message is recorded by the user this comes handy when the car is driven by only one person and he is

drunken. If the car is not ignited within 10minutes after the car is stopped by the control circuits then this system would uses the GSM network of the cell phone of the driver by linking itself through Bluetooth to send this message to any known ones to intimate the state of the driver and position of the car (using a GPS modem). Ultrasonic sensors (also known as transducers when they both send and receive) work on a principle similar to radar or sonar which evaluate attributes of a target by interpreting the echoes from radio or sound waves respectively. Ultrasonic sensors generate high frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo which is received back by the sensor. Sensors calculate the time interval between sending the signal and receiving the echo to determine the distance to an object. Hence the ultrasonic sensors can be used here to sense the position of the car in the road and take it off the road by sensing the platform before halting the car.

1. It helps in reducing road accident at a large extent. 2. It eradicates the inconvenience caused when a driver is pulled down by the police to check whether he has consumed alcohol. 3. The time taken for the test is maximum ten seconds. 4. The cost for installation is very cheap. 5. Huge alteration in design of the car is not required.

Thus a design to efficiently check drunken driving has been developed. By implementing this design a safe car journey is possible decreasing the accident rate due to drinking. By implementing this design drunken drivers can be controlled so are the accidents due to drunken driving. Government must enforce laws to install such circuit in every car which are already on road and must regulate all car companies to preinstall such mechanisms while manufacturing the car itself. If this is achieved the deaths due to drunken drivers can be brought to zero percent. If the still working section devices can also be attached to the car then it is very handy even for locating the car when it is stolen using the GPS modem in it.




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