LIST OF ELECTIVES M.E. CAD / CAM Course Code CC 9250 CC9251 CC 9252 CC 9253 CC 9254 CI 9259 ED 9252 ED 9264 ED 9256 CC9255 ED9250 ED 9223 ED 9253 ED 9259 IC 9262 CC 9257 CC 9258 CC 9259 ED 9258 ED 9222 CC 9256 Course Title Mechatronics in Manufacturing Systems Computer Aided Process Planning Data Communication in CAD/CAM Industrial Safety Management Performance Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing System Rapid Prototyping Tribology in Design Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Advanced Tool Design Metrology and Non Destructive Testing Optimization Techniques in Design Mechanisms Design and Simulation** Advanced Mechanics of Materials Design of Material Handling Equipments Computational Fluid Dynamics Total Quality Management Reliability Engineering Models Maintenance Engineering and Management Industrial Robotics and Expert Systems Vibration Analysis and Control ** Design for Cellular Manufacturing Systems L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
MA 9213
LT P C 31 0 4
UNIT I PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES 12 Probability - Random variables - Moments - Moment generating function - Standard distributions - Functions of random variables - Two-dimensional R. vs. - Correlation and Regression. UNIT II ESTIMATION THEORY 12 Principle of least squares - Regression - Multiple and partial correlations - Estimation of Parameters - Maximum likelihood estimates - Method of moments. UNIT III TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 12 Sampling distributions - Test based on Normal, t-distribution, Chi-square and Fdistributions - Analysis of Variance - One way and Two-way classifications. UNIT IV DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS 12 Completely Randomized Design - Randomized Block design - Latin square design - 2 Factorial Design. UNIT V TIME SERIES 12 Characteristics and Representation - Moving Averages - Exponential smoothing - Auto Regressive Processes. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Fruend John, E. and Miller, Irwin, " Probability and Statistics for Engineering , 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1994. 2. Jay, L. Devore, " Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Sciences", Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Monterey, California, 1982. 3. Montgomery D.C and Johnson, L.A.," Forecasting and Time Series ", McGraw-Hill. 4. Anderson, O.D., " Time Series Analysis: Theory and practice ", I. North - Holland, Amsterdam, 1982. 5. Gupta, S.C. and Kapur, V.K." Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics ", Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1999.
CD 9211
L T P C 3 0 2 4
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS FUNDAMENTALS 11 Output primitives (points, lines, curves etc.,), 2-D & 3-D transformation (ranslation, scaling, rotators) windowing - view ports - clipping transformation.Representation of curves Bezier curves - cubic spline curve - B Spline curves - Rational curves Surface Modeling techniques - surface patch Coons patch- bi-cubic patch Bezier and B-spline surfaces Volume modeling Boundary models CSG- other modeling techniques. UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO CAD SOFTWARE 8 Writing interactive programs to solve design problems and production of drawings - using any languages like Auto LISP/C/FORTRAN etc.- creation of surfaces - solids etc. using solid modeling packages (prismatic and revolved parts). UNIT III SOLID MODELING 8 Regularized Boolean set operations - primitive instancing - sweep representations boundary representations - constructive solid Geometry - comparison of representations user interface for solid modeling. Graphics and computing standards Open GL Data Exchange standards IGES, STEP etc Communication standards. UNIT IV VISUAL REALISM 9 Hidden Line Surface solid removal algorithms shading coloring. Introduction to parametric and variational geometry based softwares and their principles creation of prismatic and lofted parts using these packages. UNIT V ASSEMBLY OF PARTS 9 Assembly modeling - interferences of positions and orientation - tolerances analysis mass property calculations - mechanism simulation.
TOTAL : 45 + 30 = 75 PERIODS
William M Neumann and Robert F.Sproul Principles of Computer Graphics, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. Singapore, 1989. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1992. Ibrahim Zeid Mastering CAD/CAM McGraw Hill, International Edition, 2007. Foley, Wan Dam, Feiner and Hughes Computer graphics principles & practices, Pearson Education 2003. Donald Heam and M. Pauline Baker Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1992.
LT P C 3 0 0 3
AIM The aim is to provide the students with knowledge of the finite element method that will be of use in different manufacturing areas and to provide a foundation for further study. OBJECTIVE The objective is to equip students with fundamentals of finite element principles so as to enable them to understand the behaviour of various finite elements and to be able to select appropriate elements to solve physical and engineering problems with emphasis on structural and thermal engineering applications. UNIT I INTRODUCTION: 6 Basics of FEM Initial value and boundary value problems wighted residual Galerkin ands Raleigh Ritz methods review of Variational calculus Integration by parts Basics of variational formulation. UNIT II ONE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS: 10 Steps in FEA Discretization, function derivation of element characteristics matrix, shape function, assembly and imposition of boundary conditions solution and post processing One dimensional analysis in solid mechanics and heat transfer. UNIT III SHAPE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHER ORDER FORMULATIONS 10 Global and Natural Co-ordinates Shape functions for one and two dimensional elements Three noded triangular and four noded quadrilateral element Non linear analysis Isoparametric elements Jacobian matrices and transformations Basics of two dimensional axi symmetric analysis. UNIT IV ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES 10 FE Analysis of metal casting Special considerations, latent heat incorporation, gap element time stepping procedures Crank Nicholson algorithm Prediction of grain structure - Basic concepts of plasticity Solid and flow formulation small incremental deformation formulation FE Analysis of metal cutting, chip separation criteria, incorporation of strain rate dependency. UNIT V COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION 9 Pre Processing, Mesh generation, elements connectivity, boundary conditions, input of material and processing characteristics Solution and post processing Overview of application packages such as ANSYS and DEFORM Development of code for one dimensional analysis and validation. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Reddy, J.N, An Introduction to the Finite element Method, McGraw Hill, 1985. 2. Rao, Finite Element Method in Engineering, Pergammon Press, 1989. REFERENCES: 1. Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, 1990. 2. Kobayashi, S, Soo-IK-Oh and Altan, T, Metal forming and the Finite element Methods, Oxford University Press, 1989. 3. Lewis, R.W., Morgan, K, Thomas, H.R., and Seetharaman, K.N., The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer Analysis, John Wiley, 1994.
CD 9221
LTP C 3 10 4
UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS AND DESIGN OF SHAFTS 15 Phases of design Standardization and interchangeability of machine elements Process and Function Tolerances Individual and group tolerances Selection of fits for different design situations Design for assembly and modular constructions Concepts of integration BIS, ISO, DIN, BS, ASTM Standards. Oblique stresses Transformation Matrix Principal stresses Maximum shear stress Theories of Failure Ductile vs. brittle component design Analysis and Design of shafts for different applications integrated design of shaft, bearing and casing Design for rigidity UNIT II DESIGN OF GEARS AND GEAR BOXES 15 Principles of gear tooth action Gear correction Gear tooth failure modes Stresses and loads Component design of spur, helical, bevel and worm gears Design for sub assembly Integrated design of speed reducers and multi-speed gear boxes application of software packages. UNIT III BRAKES 15 Dynamics and thermal aspects of vehicle braking Integrated design of brakes for machine tools, automobiles and mechanical handling equipments. UNIT IV INTEGRATED DESIGN 15 Integrated Design of systems consisting of shaft, bearings, springs, motor, gears, belt, rope, chain, pulleys, Cam & Follower, flywheel etc. Example - Design of Elevators, Escalators, Gear Box, Valve gear Mechanisms, Machine Tools. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS The Pattern of Question Paper will consist one Question from Unit 4 for 50% of total marks.
REFERENCES: 1. Norton L. R., Machine Design An Integrated Approach Pearson Education, 2005 2. Newcomb, T.P. and Spur, R.T., Automobile Brakes and Braking Systems, Chapman and Hall, 2nd Edition, 1975. 3. Maitra G.M., Hand Book of Gear Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 1985. 4. Shigley, J.E., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill, 1986. 5. Prasad. L. V., Machine Design, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1992. 6. Alexandrov, M., Materials Handling Equipments, MIR Publishers, 1981. 7. Boltzharol, A., Materials Handling Handbook, The Ronald Press Company, 1958.
APPROVED DATA BOOKS: 1. P.S.G. Tech., Design Data Book, Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore, 2003. 2. Lingaiah. K. and Narayana Iyengar, Machine Design Data Hand Book, Vol. 1 & 2, Suma Publishers, Bangalore, 1983.
CC 9211
L T P C 3 0 0 3
AIM: To impart knowledge on the pace of changes in the manufacturing technology. OBJECTIVE: To emphasize the knowledge on the quality improvement, automation, and advanced manufacturing techniques to create the highest-caliber products quickly, efficiently, inexpensively, and in synchronization with the marketing, sales, and customer service of the company. UNIT I MANUFACTURING IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT 9 Automation of manufacturing process - Numerical control - Adaptive control - material handling and movement - Industrial robots - Sensor technology - flexible fixtures - Design for assembly, disassembly and service. UNIT II GROUP TECHNOLOGY & FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 9 Part families - classification and coding - Production flow analysis - Machine cell design Benefits. Components of FMS - Application work stations - Computer control and functions - Planning, scheduling and control of FMS - Scheduling - Knowledge based scheduling - Hierarchy of computer control - Supervisory computer. UNIT III COMPUTER SOFTWARE, SIMULATION AND DATABASE OF FMS 9 System issues - Types of software - specification and selection - Trends - Application of simulation - software - Manufacturing data systems - data flow - CAD/CAM considerations - Planning FMS database. UNIT IV LEAN MANUFACTURING: 9 Origin of lean production system Customer focus Muda (waste) Standards 5S system Total Productive Maintenance standardized work Man power reduction Overall efficiency - Kaizen Common layouts - Principles of JIT - Jidoka concept PokaYoke (mistake proofing) - Worker Involvement Quality circle activity Kaizen training Suggestion Programmes Hoshin Planning System (systematic planning methodology) Lean culture. UNIT V JUST IN TIME 9 Characteristics of JIT - Pull method - quality -small lot sizes - work station loads - close supplier ties flexible work force - line flow strategy - preventive maintenance - Kanban system - strategic implications - implementation issues - Lean manufacture. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Groover M.P., " Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing ", Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2007. 2. Pascal Dennis, Lean Production Simplified: A Plain-Language Guide to the World's Most Powerful Production System, (Second edition), Productivity Press, New York, 2007. REFERENCES: 1. Jha, N.K. Handbook of Flexible Manufacturing Systems ", Academic Press Inc., 1991. 2. Kalpkjian, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology ", Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995. 3. Taiichi Ohno, Toyota, " Production System Beyond Large-Scale production Productivity Press (India) Pvt.Ltd. 1992.
CC 9215
LT PC 00 3 3 Exercises in Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical Components and assembly using Parametric and feature based Packages like PRO-E / SOLIDE WORKS /CATIA / NX / ANSYS / NASTRAN etc. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
EQUIPMENTS FOR CAD LAB 1. 2. CAD Workstations CAD, 3D Modeling Software with assembly, Mechanism simulation and drafting modules : : 10 Nos 10 Nos
ED 9250
LT PC 30 03
UNIT I UNCONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Introduction to optimum design - General principles of optimization Problem formulation & their classifications - Single variable and multivariable optimization, Techniques of unconstrained minimization Golden section, Random, pattern and gradient search methods Interpolation methods. UNIT II CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Optimization with equality and inequality constraints - Direct methods Indirect methods using penalty functions, Lagrange multipliers - Geometric programming UNIT III ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Multi stage optimization dynamic programming; stochastic programming; Multi objective optimization, Genetic algorithms and Simulated Annealing techniques; Neural network & Fuzzy logic principles in optimization. UNIT IV STATIC APPLICATIONS 8 Structural applications Design of simple truss members - Design applications Design of simple axial, transverse loaded members for minimum cost, weight Design of shafts and torsionally loaded members Design of springs. UNIT V DYNAMIC APPLICATIONS 7 Dynamic Applications Optimum design of single, two degree of freedom systems, vibration absorbers. Application in Mechanisms Optimum design of simple linkage mechanisms. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
REFERENCES: 1. Rao, Singaresu, S., Engineering Optimization Theory & Practice, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 2000. 2. Johnson Ray, C., Optimum design of mechanical elements, Wiley, John & Sons, 1990. 3. Kalyanamoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering design algorithms and Examples, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 1995. 4. Goldberg, D.E., Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine, Barnen, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1989.
ED 9252
LT PC 30 0 3
UNIT I SURFACE INTERACTION AND FRICTION 7 Topography of Surfaces Surface features-Properties and measurement Surface interaction Adhesive Theory of Sliding Friction Rolling Friction-Friction properties of metallic and non-metallic materials friction in extreme conditions Thermal considerations in sliding contact UNIT II WEAR AND SURFACE TREATMENT 8 Types of wear Mechanism of various types of wear Laws of wear Theoretical wear models-Wear of Metals and Non metals Surface treatments Surface modifications surface coatings methods- Surface Topography measurements Laser methods instrumentation - International standards in friction and wear measurements UNIT III LUBRICANTS AND LUBRICATION REGIMES 8 Lubricants and their physical properties- Viscosity and other properties of oils Additivesand selection of Lubricants- Lubricants standards ISO,SAE,AGMA, BIS standards Lubrication Regimes Solid Lubrication-Dry and marginally lubricated contacts- Boundary Lubrication- Hydrodynamic lubrication Elasto and plasto hydrodynamic - Magneto hydrodynamic lubrication Hydro static lubrication Gas lubrication. UNIT IV THEORY OF HYDRODYNAMIC AND HYDROSTATIC LUBRICATION 12 Reynolds Equation,-Assumptions and limitations-One and two dimensional Reynolds Equation-Reynolds and Sommerfeld boundary conditions- Pressure wave, flow, load capacity and friction calculations in Hydrodynamic bearings-Long and short bearings-Pad bearings and Journal bearings-Squeeze film effects-Thermal considerations-Hydrostatic lubrication of Pad bearing- Pressure , flow , load and friction calculations-Stiffness considerations- Various types of flow restrictors in hydrostatic bearings UNIT V HIGH PRESSURE CONTACTS AND ELASTO HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION 10 Rolling contacts of Elastic solids- contact stresses Hertzian stress equation- Spherical and cylindrical contacts-Contact Fatigue life- Oil film effects- Elasto Hydrodynamic lubrication Theory-Soft and hard EHL-Reynolds equation for elasto hydrodynamic lubrication- - Film shape within and outside contact zones-Film thickness and friction calculation- Rolling bearings- Stresses and deflections-Traction drives.
TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rabinowicz.E, Friction and Wear of materials, John Willey &Sons ,UK,1995 Cameron, A. Basic Lubrication Theory, Ellis Herward Ltd., UK, 1981 Halling, J. (Editor) Principles of Tribology , Macmillian 1984. Williams J.A. Engineering Tribology, Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. S.K.Basu, S.N.Sengupta & B.B.Ahuja ,Fundamentals of Tribology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd , New Delhi, 2005 6. G.W.Stachowiak & A.W .Batchelor, Engineering Tribology, Butterworth-Heinemann, UK, 2005.
ED 9264
LT PC 3 0 03
UNIT I OIL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS AND HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS 5 Hydraulic Power Generators Selection and specification of pumps, pump characteristics. Linear and Rotary Actuators selection, specification and characteristics. UNIT II CONTROL AND REGULATION ELEMENTS 12 Pressure - direction and flow control valves - relief valves, non-return and safety valves actuation systems. UNIT III HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS 5 Reciprocation, quick return, sequencing, synchronizing circuits - accumulator circuits industrial circuits - press circuits - hydraulic milling machine - grinding, planning, copying, - forklift, earth mover circuits- design and selection of components - safety and emergency mandrels. UNIT IV PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND CIRCUITS 16 Pneumatic fundamentals - control elements, position and pressure sensing - logic circuits - switching circuits - fringe conditions modules and these integration - sequential circuits cascade methods - mapping methods - step counter method - compound circuit design combination circuit design. UNIT V INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND SPECIAL CIRCUITS 7 Pneumatic equipments- selection of components - design calculations application -fault finding - hydro pneumatic circuits - use of microprocessors for sequencing - PLC, Low cost automation - Robotic circuits. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Antony Espossito, Fluid Power with Applications, Prentice Hall, 1980. 2. Dudleyt, A. Pease and John J. Pippenger, Basic fluid power, Prentice Hall, 1987. 3. Andrew Parr, Hydraulic and Pneumatics (HB), Jaico Publishing House, 1999. 4. Bolton. W., Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems , Butterworth Heinemann, 1997.
5. K.Shanmuga Sundaram, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls: Understanding made Easy" S.Chand & Co Book publishers, New Delhi, 2006 (Reprint 2009).
ED 9256
LTPC 3 0 03
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO TOOL DESIGN 8 Introduction Tool Engineering Tool Classifications Tool Design Objectives Tool Design in manufacturing- Challenges and requirements- Standards in tool design-Tool drawings -Surface finish Fits and Tolerances - Tooling MaterialsFerrous and Non ferrous Tooling Materials- Carbides, Ceramics and Diamond -Non metallic tool materials-Designing with relation to heat treatment UNIT II DESIGN OF CUTTING TOOLS 9 Mechanics of Metal cutting Oblique and orthogonal cutting- Chip formation and shear angle - Single-point cutting tools Milling cutters Hole making cutting toolsBroaching Tools - Design of Form relieved and profile relieved cutters-Design of gear and thread milling cutters UNIT III DESIGN OF JIGS AND FIXTURES 10 Introduction Fixed Gages Gage Tolerances selection of material for Gages Indicating Gages Automatic gages Principles of location Locating methods and devices Principles of clamping Drill jigs Chip formation in drilling General considerations in the design of drill jigs Drill bushings Methods of construction Thrust and Turning Moments in drilling - Drill jigs and modern manufacturing- Types of Fixtures Vise Fixtures Milling Fixtures Boring Fixtures Broaching Fixtures Lathe Fixtures Grinding Fixtures Modular Fixtures Cutting Force Calculations. UNIT IV DESIGN OF PRESS TOOL DIES 10 Types of Dies Method of Die operationClearance and cutting force calculationsBlanking and Piercing die design Pilots Strippers and pressure pads- Presswork materials Strip layout Short-run tooling for Piercing Bending dies Forming dies Drawing dies-Design and drafting. UNIT V TOOL DESIGN FOR CNC MACHINE TOOLS 8 Introduction Tooling requirements for Numerical control systems Fixture design for CNC machine tools- Sub plate and tombstone fixtures-Universal fixtures Cutting tools Tool holding methods Automatic tool changers and tool positioners Tool presetting General explanation of the Brown and Sharp machine. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
REFERENCES: 1. Cyrll Donaldson, George H.LeCain, V.C. Goold, Tool Design, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2000. 2. E.G.Hoffman, Jig and Fixture Design, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, Singapore, 2004 3. Prakash Hiralal Joshi, Tooling data, Wheeler Publishing, 2000
4. Venkataraman K., Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Presstools, TMH, 2005 5. Haslehurst M., Manufacturing Technology, The ELBS, 1978.
LTPC 302 4 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Review of fundamentals of kinematics-classifications of mechanisms-components of mechanisms mobility analysis formation of one D.O.F. multi loop kinematic chains, Network formula Gross motion concepts-Basic kinematic structures of serial and parallel robot manipulators-Compliant mechanisms-Equivalent mechanisms. UNIT II KINEMATIC ANALYSIS 9 Position Analysis Vector loop equations for four bar, slider crank, inverted slider crank, geared five bar and six bar linkages. Analytical methods for velocity and acceleration Analysis four bar linkage jerk analysis. Plane complex mechanisms-auxiliary point method. Spatial RSSR mechanism-Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters Forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulators. UNIT III PATH CURVATURE THEORY, COUPLER CURVE 9 Fixed and moving centrodes, inflection points and inflection circle. Euler Savary equation, graphical constructions cubic of stationary curvature. Four bar coupler curve-cuspcrunode-coupler driven six-bar mechanisms-straight line mechanisms UNIT IV SYNTHESIS OF FOUR BAR MECHANISMS 9 Type synthesis Number synthesis Associated Linkage Concept. Dimensional synthesis function generation, path generation, motion generation. Graphical methodsPole technique-inversion technique-point position reduction-two, three and four position synthesis of four- bar mechanisms. Analytical methods- Freudensteins Equation-Blochs Synthesis. UNIT V SYNTHESIS OF COUPLER CURVE BASED MECHANISMS & CAM MECHANISMS 9 Cognate Lingages-parallel motion Linkages. Design of six bar mechanisms-single dwelldouble dwell-double stroke. Geared five bar mechanism-multi-dwell. Cam Mechanismsdetermination of optimum size of cams. Mechanism defects. Study and use of Mechanism using Simulation Soft-ware packages. Students should design and fabricate a mechanism model as term project. Total 45 + 30 = 75 PERIODS NOTE: TUTORIAL / PRACTICE: 30 PERIODS A Term Project must be given for Assessment 3 (Compulsory) REFERENCES: 1. Robert L.Norton., Design of Machinery,Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. 2. Sandor G.N., and Erdman A.G., Advanced Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis, Prentice Hall, 1984. 3. Uicker, J.J., Pennock, G. R. and Shigley, J.E., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford University Press, 2005. 4. Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik, Theory of Mechanism and Machines, EWLP, Delhi, 1999.
ED 9223
5. 6.
Kenneth J, Waldron, Gary L. Kinzel, Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery, John Wiley-sons, 1999. Ramamurti, V., Mechanics of Machines, Narosa, 2005.
IC 9262
LT PC 3 00 3
GOVERNING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION AND FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD 10 Classification, Initial and Boundary conditions Initial and Boundary Value problems Finite difference method, Central, Forward, Backward difference, Uniform and nonuniform Grids, Numerical Errors, Grid Independence Test.
UNIT II CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFER 10 Steady one-dimensional conduction, Two and three dimensional steady state problems, Transient one-dimensional problem, Two-dimensional Transient Problems. UNIT III INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW 10 Governing Equations, Stream Function Verticity method, Determination of pressure for viscous flow, SIMPLE Procedure of Patankar and Spalding, Computation of Boundary layer flow, finite difference approach. UNIT IV CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER AND FEM 10 Steady One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Convection diffusion, Unsteady onedimensional convection diffusion, Unsteady two-dimensional convection Diffusion Introduction to finite element method solution of steady heat conduction by FEM Incompressible flow simulation by FEM. UNIT V TURBULENCE MODELS 5 Algebraic Models One equation model, K Models, Standard and High and Low Reynolds number models, Prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer using standard codes. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T., Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Ghoshdasdidar, P.S., Computer Simulation of flow and heat transfer Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Ltd., 1998. 3. Subas, V.Patankar Numerical heat transfer fluid flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1980. 4. Taylor, C and Hughes, J.B. Finite Element Programming of the Navier- Stokes Equation, Pineridge Press Limited, U.K., 1981. 5. Anderson, D.A., Tannehill, J.I., and Pletcher, R.H., Computational fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, USA,1984.
6. Fletcher, C.A.J. Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1 Fundamental and General Techniques, Springer Verlag, 1987. 7. Fletcher, C.A.J. Computational Techniques for fluid Dynamics 2 Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories, Springer Verlag, 1987. 8. Bose, T.X., Numerical Fluid Dynamics Narosa Publishing House, 1997.
LTPC 3 00 3
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Need for TQM, evolution of quality, Definition of quality, TQM philosophy CONTRIBUTIONS OF Deming Juran, Crosby and Ishikawa, TQM models. UNIT II PLANNING 9 Vision, Mission, Quality policy and objective Planning and Organization for quality, Quality policy Deployment, Quality function deployment, introduction to BPR and analysis of Quality Costs. UNIT III TQM PRINCIPLES 9 Customer focus, Leadership and Top management commitment, Employee involvement Empowerment and Team work, Supplier Quality Management, Continuous process improvement, Training, performance Measurement and customer satisfaction. UNIT IV TQM TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 9 PDSA, The Seven Tools of Quality, New Seven management tools, Concept of six sigma, FMEA, Bench Marking, JIT, POKA YOKE, 5S, KAIZEN, Quality circles. UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS 9 Need for ISO 9000 Systems, clauses Documentation, Implementation, Introduction to ISO14000 and OSHAS18000, Implementation of TQM, Case Studies. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK: 1. Dale H.Besterfiled, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, (Indian reprint 2002) REFERENCES: 1. Oakland.J.S. Total Quality Management, ButterworthHcinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1989. 2. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S., Quality Management Concepts and Tasks, New Age International 1996. 3. Zeiri. Total Quality Management for Engineers, Wood Head Publishers, 1991. 4. Juran J.M and Frank M.Gryna Jr., Quality Planning and Analysis, TMH, India, 1982. 5. Brain Rethery, ISO 9000, Productivity and Quality Publishing Pvt.Ltd., 1993. 6. D.Mills, Quality Auditing, Chapman and Hall, 1993.
CC 9258
LT P C 30 03
UNIT I RELIABILITY CONCEPT 9 Reliability definition Quality and Reliability Reliability mathematics Reliability functions Hazard rate Measures of Reliability Design life A priori and posteriori probabilities Mortality of a component Bath tub curve Useful life. UNIT II FAILURE DATA ANALYSIS 11 Data collection Empirical methods: Ungrouped/Grouped, Complete/Censored data Time to failure distributions: Exponential, Weibull Hazard plotting Goodness of fit tests. UNIT III RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT 10 Different configurations Redundancy m/n system Complex systems: RBD Bayes method Cut and tie sets Fault Tree Analysis Standby system. UNIT IV RELIABILITY MONITORING 8 Life testing methods: Failure terminated Time terminated Sequential Testing Reliability growth monitoring Reliability allocation Software reliability. UNIT V RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENT 7 Analysis of downtime Repair time distribution System MTTR Maintainability prediction Measures of maintainability System Availability Replacement theory. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Charles E. Ebeling, An introduction to Reliability and Maintainability engineering, TMH, 2000. 2. Roy Billington and Ronald N. Allan, Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems, Springer, 2007.
CC 9259
LTPC 3 00 3
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 6 Maintenance definition Maintenance objectives Maintenance management Functions of maintenance department Tero technology Maintenance costs. UNIT II MAINTENANCE MODELS 12 Maintenance policies Imperfect maintenance PM versus b/d maintenance Optimal PM schedule and product characteristics Inspection decisions: Maximizing profit Minimizing downtime Replacement models. UNIT III MAINTENANCE LOGISTICS 11 Maintenance staffing Human factors Resource requirements: Optimal size of service facility Optimal repair effort Maintenance planning and scheduling Spares planning Capital spare.
UNIT IV MAINTENANCE QUALITY 8 Five Zero concept FMECA Maintainability prediction Design for maintainability Maintainability allocation Reliability Centered Maintenance. UNIT IV TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE 8 TPM fundamentals Chronic and sporadic losses Six big losses OEE as a measure TPM pillars Autonomous maintenance TPM implementation. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Andrew K.S.Jardine & Albert H.C.Tsang, Maintenance, Replacement and Reliability, Taylor and Francis, 2006. 2. Bikas Badhury & S.K.Basu, Tero Technology: Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management, Asian Books, 2003. 3. Seichi Nakajima, Total Productive Maintenance, Productivity Press, 1993.
CC 9250
LT P C 3003
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to Mechatronics - Systems - Mechatronics in Products - Measurement Systems - Control Systems - Traditional design and Mechatronics Design. UNIT II SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS 9 Introduction - Performance Terminology - Displacement, Position and Proximity Velocity and Motion - Fluid pressure - Temperature sensors - Light sensors - Selection of sensors - Signal processing - Servo systems. UNIT III MICROPROCESSORS IN MECHATRONICS 9 Introduction - Architecture - Pin configuration - Instruction set - Programming of Microprocessors using 8085 instructions - Interfacing input and output devices Interfacing D/A converters and A/D converters Applications - Temperature control Stepper motor control - Traffic light controller. UNIT IV PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS 9 Introduction - Basic structure - Input / Output processing - Programming -Mnemonics Timers, Internal relays and counters - Data handling - Analog input / output - Selection of PLC. UNIT V DESIGN AND MECHATRONICS Designing - Possible design solutions - Case studies of Mechatronics systems. 9
TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Michael B.Histand and David G. Alciatore, " Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems", McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1999. 2. Bradley, D.A., Dawson, D, Buru, N.C. and Loader, AJ, "Mechatronics ", Chapman and Hall, 1993. 3. Ramesh.S, Gaonkar, "Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications Wiley Eastern, 1998. 4. Lawrence J.Kamm, " Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering, An Introduction to Mechatronics ", Prentice-Hall, 2000. 5. Ghosh, P.K. and Sridhar, P.R., 0000 to 8085, Introduction to Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists ", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995.
CC 9251
LT P C 3 0 0 3
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 The Place of Process Planning in the Manufacturing cycle - Process Planning and Production Planning Process Planning and Concurrent Engineering, CAPP, Group Technology. UNIT II PART DESIGN REPRESENTATION 9 Design Drafting - Dimensioning - Conventional tolerance - Geometric tolerance - CAD input / output devices - topology - Geometric transformation - Perspective transformation Data structure - Geometric modelling for process planning - GT coding - The optiz system - The MICLASS system. UNIT III PROCESS ENGINEERING AND PROCESS PLANNING 9 Experienced, based planning - Decision table and decision trees - Process capability analysis - Process Planning - Variant process planning - Generative approach - Forward and Backward planning, Input format, Al. UNIT IV COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS PLANNING SYSTEMS 9 Logical Design of a Process Planning - Implementation considerations -manufacturing system components, production Volume, No. of production families - CAM-I, CAPP, MIPLAN, APPAS, AUTOPLAN and PRO, CPPP. UNIT V AN INTERGRADED PROCESS PLANNING SYSTEMS 9 Totally integrated process planning systems - An Overview - Modulus structure - Data Structure, operation - Report Generation, Expert process planning. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Gideon Halevi and Roland D. Weill, " Principles of Process Planning ", A logical approach, Chapman & Hall, 1995. 2. Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A.Wysk, "An Introduction to automated process planning systems ", Prentice Hall, 1985. 3. Chang, T.C., " An Expert Process Planning System ", Prentice Hall, 1985. 4. Nanua Singh, " Systems Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing ", John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 5. Rao, Computer Aided Manufacturing ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2000. WEB REFERENCES: 1. 2.
CC 9255
LTPC 30 03
UNIT I MEASURING MACHINES 9 Tool Maker's microscope - Co-ordinate measuring machines - Universal measuring machine - Laser viewers for production profile checks - Image shearing microscope - Use of computers - Machine vision technology - Microprocessors in metrology. UNIT II STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL 9 Data presentation - Statistical measures and tools - Process capability - Confidence and tolerance limits - Control charts for variables and for fraction defectives - Theory of probability - Sampling - ABC standard - Reliability and life testing. UNIT III LIQUID PENETRANT AND MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTS 9 Characteristics of liquid penetrants - different washable systems - Developers applications - Methods of production of magnetic fields - Principles of operation of magnetic particle test - Applications - Advantages and limitations. UNIT III RADIO GRAPHY 9 Sources of ray-x-ray production - properties of d and x rays - film characteristics exposure charts - contrasts - operational characteristics of x ray equipment applications. UNIT IV ULTRASONIC AND ACOUSTIC EMISSION TECHNIQUES 9 Production of ultrasonic waves - different types of waves - general characteristics of waves - pulse echo method - A, B, C scans - Principles of acoustic emission techniques - Advantages and limitations - Instrumentation - applications. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. JAIN, R.K. " Engineering Metrology ", Khanna Publishers, 1997. 2. Barry Hull and Vernon John, " Non Destructive Testing ", MacMillan, 1988. 3. American Society for Metals, " Metals Hand Book ", Vol.II, 1976. 4. Progress in Acoustic Emission, " Proceedings of 10th International Acoustic Emission Symposium ", Japanese Society for NDI, 1990. WEB REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. www.iuk'
LT P C 3003 UNIT I ELASTICITY 9 Stress-Strain relations and general equations of elasticity in Cartesian, Polar and curvilinear coordinates, differential equations of equilibrium-compatibility-boundary conditions-representation of three-dimensional stress of a tension generalized hook's law - St. Venant's principle - plane stress - Airy's stress function. Energy methods. UNIT II SHEAR CENTER AND UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING 10 Location of shear center for various thin sections - shear flows. Stresses And deflections in beams subjected to unsymmetrical loading-kern of a section.
ED 9253
UNIT III CURVED FLEXIBLE MEMBERS AND STRESSES IN FLAT PLATES 10 Circumference and radial stresses deflections - curved beam with restrained ends closed ring subjected to concentrated load and uniform load - chain links and crane hooks. Solution of rectangular plates pure bending of plates deflection uniformly distributed load various end conditions UNIT IV TORSION OF NON-CIRCULAR SECTIONS 7 Torsion of rectangular cross section - St.Venants theory - elastic membrane analogy Prandtl's stress function - torsional stress in hollow thin walled Stress UNIT V STRESSES IN ROTARY SECTIONS AND CONTACT STRESSES 9 Radial and tangential stresses in solid disc and ring of uniform thickness and varying thickness allowable speeds. Methods of computing contact stressdeflection of bodies in point and line contact applications. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Arthur P Boresi, Richard J. Schmidt, Advanced mechanics of materials, John Wiley, 2002. 2. Timoshenko and Goodier, "Theory of Elasticity", McGraw Hill. 3. Robert D. Cook, Warren C. Young, "Advanced Mechanics of Materials", Mcmillan pub. Co., 1985. 4. Srinath. L.S., Advanced Mechanics of solids, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992. 5. G H Ryder Strength of Materials Macmillan, India Ltd, 2007.
ED 9259
LT PC 3 0 03 5
UNIT II DESIGN OF HOISTS 10 Design of hoisting elements: Welded and roller chains - Hemp and wire ropes - Design of ropes, pulleys, pulley systems, sprockets and drums, Load handling attachments. Design of forged hooks and eye hooks crane grabs - lifting magnets - Grabbing attachments Design of arresting gear - Brakes: shoe, band and cone types. UNIT III DRIVES OF HOISTING GEAR 10 Hand and power drives - Traveling gear - Rail traveling mechanism - cantilever and monorail cranes - slewing, jib and luffing gear - cogwheel drive - selecting the motor ratings. UNIT IV CONVEYORS 10 Types - description - design and applications of Belt conveyors, apron conveyors and escalators Pneumatic conveyors, Screw conveyors and vibratory conveyors. UNIT V ELEVATORS 10 Bucket elevators: design - loading and bucket arrangements - Cage elevators - shaft way, guides, counter weights, hoisting machine, safety devices - Design of fork lift trucks. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rudenko, N., Materials handling equipment, ELnvee Publishers, 1970. 2. Spivakovsy, A.O. and Dyachkov, V.K., Conveying Machines, Volumes I and II, MIR Publishers, 1985. REFERENCES: 1. Alexandrov, M., Materials Handling Equipments, MIR Publishers, 1981. 2. Boltzharol, A., Materials Handling Handbook, The Ronald Press Company, 1958. 3. P.S.G. Tech., Design Data Book, Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore, 2003. 4. Lingaiah. K. and Narayana Iyengar, Machine Design Data Hand Book, Vol. 1 & 2, Suma Publishers, Bangalore, 1983
CC 9252
LT P C 30 0 3
UNIT I DIGITAL COMPUTERS & MICRO PROCESSORS 9 Block diagram - register transfer language - arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations instruction code - training and control instruction cycle - I/O and interrupt design of basic computer. Machine language - assembly language - assembler.
Registers ALU and Bus Systems - timing and control signals - machine cycle and timing diagram - functional block diagrams of 80 x 86 and modes of operation. Features of Pentium Processors
UNIT II OPERATING SYSTEM & ENVIRONMENTS 9 Types - functions - UNIX & WINDOWS NT - Architecture - Graphical User Interfaces. Compilers - Analysis of the Source program - the phases of a compiler - cousins of the compiler, the grouping of phases - compiler construction tools. UNIT III COMMUNICATION MODEL 9 Data communication and networking - protocols and architecture - data transmission concepts and terminology - guided transmission media - wireless transmission - data encoding - asynchronous and synchronous communication - base band interface standards RS232C, RS449 interface. UNIT IV COMPUTER NETWORKS 9 Network structure - network architecture - the OSI reference model services - network standardization example - Managing remote systems in network - network file systems net working in manufacturing. UNIT V INTERNET 9 Internet services - Protocols - intranet information services - mail based service - system and network requirements - Internet tools - usenet - e-mail - IRC - www - FTP - Telnet. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
REFERENCES: 1. Morris Mano. M., "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, 1996. 2. Gaonkar R.S., "Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications of 8085", Penram International, 1997 3. Peterson J.L., Galvin P. and Silberschaz, A., "Operating Systems Concepts", Addison Wesley, 1997. 4. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Setjhi, Jeffrey D Ullman, "Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools", Addison Wesley, 1986. 5. William Stallings, "Data of Computer Communications" Prentice Hall of India, 1997. 6. Andrew S. Tanenbanum "Computer Networks", Prentice Hall of India 3rd Edition, 1996. 7. Christian Crumlish, "The ABC's of the Internet", BPB Publication, 1996.
CC 9253
LT P C 30 0 3
UNIT I SAFETY MANAGEMENT 9 Evaluation of modern safety concepts - Safety management functions - safety organization, safety department - safety committee, safety audit - performance measurements and motivation - employee participation in safety - safety and productivity. UNIT II OPERATIONAL SAFETY 9 Hot metal Operation - Boiler, pressure vessels - heat treatment shop - gas furnace operation - electroplating-hot bending pipes - Safety in welding and cutting. Cold-metal Operation - Safety in Machine shop - Cold bending and chamfering of pipes - metal cutting - shot blasting, grinding, painting - power press and other machines. UNIT III SAFETY MEASURES 9 Layout design and material handling - Use of electricity - Management of toxic gases and chemicals - Industrial fires and prevention - Road safety - highway and urban safety Safety of sewage disposal and cleaning - Control of environmental pollution - Managing emergencies in Industries - planning, security and risk assessments, on- site and off site. Control of major industrial hazards. UNIT IV ACCIDENT PREVENTION 9 Human side of safety - personal protective equipment - Causes and cost of accidents. Accident prevention programmes - Specific hazard control strategies - HAZOP - Training and development of employees - First Aid- Fire fighting devices - Accident reporting, investigation. UNIT V SAFETY, HEALTH, WELFARE & LAWS 9 Safety and health standards - Industrial hygiene - occupational diseases prevention Welfare facilities - History of legislations related to Safety-pressure vessel act-Indian boiler act - The environmental protection act - Electricity act - Explosive act. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
TEXT BOOKS: 1. John V. Grimaldi and Rollin H. Simonds, "Safety Management", All India Travellers bookseller, New Delhi-1989. 2. Krishnan N.V., "Safety in Industry", Jaico Publisher House, 1996. REFERENCES: 1. Occupational Safety Manual BHEL. 2. Industrial safety and the law by P.M.C. Nair Publisher's, Trivandrum. 3. Managing emergencies in industries, Loss Prevention of India Ltd., Proceedings,1999. 4. Safety security and risk management by U.K. Singh & J.M. Dewan, A.P.H. Publishing company, New Delhi, 1996. 5. Singh, U.K. and Dewan, J.M., "Safety, Security and risk management", APH Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1996.
CC 9254
L T P C 3 0 0 3
UNIT I MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS & CONTROL 9 Automated Manufacturing Systems - Modelling - Role of performance modelling simulation models- Analytical models. Product cycle - Manufacturing automation Economics of scale and scope - input/output model - plant configurations. Performance measures - Manufacturing lead-time - Work in process -Machine utilization Throughput Capacity - Flexibility - performability - Quality. Control Systems - Control system architecture - Factory communications - Local area networks - Factory net works - Open systems interconnection model - Net work to network interconnections - Manufacturing automation protocol - Database management system. UNIT II MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 9 Examples of stochastic processes - Poisson process Discrete time Markov chain models Definition and notation - Sojourn times in states - Examples of DTMCs in manufacturing Chapman - Kolmogorov equation - Steady-state analysis. Continuous Time Markov Chain Models - Definitions and notation - Sojourn times in states - examples of CTMCs in manufacturing - Equations for CTMC evolution - Markov model of a transfer line. Birth and Death Processes in Manufacturing - Steady state analysis of BD Processes Typical BD processes in manufacturing. UNIT III QUEUING MODELS 9 Notation for queues - Examples of queues in manufacturing systems - Performance measures - Little's result - Steady state analysis of M/M/m queue, queues with general distributions and queues with breakdowns - Analysis of a flexible machine center. UNIT IV QUEUING NETWORKS 9 Examples of QN models in manufacturing - Little's law in queuing networks - Tandem queue - An open queuing network with feed back - An open central server model for FMS - Closed transfer line - Closed server model - Garden Newell networks.
UNIT V PETRI NETS 9 Classical Petri Nets - Definitions - Transition firing and reachability - Representational power - properties - Manufacturing models. Stochastic Petri Nets - Exponential timed Petri Nets - Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets - modelling of KANBAN systems - Manufacturing models. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Viswanadham, N and Narahari, Y. "Performance Modelling of Automated Manufacturing Systems", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994. 2. Trivedi, K.S., "Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1982. 3. Gupta S.C., & Kapoor V.K., "Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics", 3rd Edition, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1988.
CI 9259
LTPC 3 003
AIM: To provide knowledge on different types of Rapid Prototyping systems and its applications in various fields. OBJECTIVE: Generating a good understanding of RP history, its development and applications. Expose the students to different types of Rapid prototyping processes, materials used in RP systems and reverse engineering. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 8 Need - Development of RP systems RP process chain - Impact of Rapid Prototyping on Product Development Digital prototyping - Virtual prototyping- Rapid Tooling - BenefitsApplications. UNIT II REVERSE ENGINEERING AND CAD MODELING 10 Basic concept- Digitization techniques Model Reconstruction Data Processing for Rapid Prototyping: CAD model preparation, Data Requirements geometric modeling techniques: Wire frame, surface and solid modeling data formats - Data interfacing, Part orientation and support generation, Support structure design, Model Slicing and contour data organization, direct and adaptive slicing, Tool path generation. UNITIII LIQUID BASED AND SOLID BASED RAPID PROTOTYPING SYSTEMS 10 Stereolithography (SLA): Apparatus: Principle, per-build process, part-building, post-build processes, photo polymerization of SL resins, part quality and process planning, recoating issues, materials, advantages, limitations and applications. Solid Ground Curing (SGC): working principle, process, strengths, weaknesses and applications.Fused deposition Modeling (FDM): Principle, details of processes, process variables, types, products, materials and applications. laminated object manufacturing(LOM): Working Principles, details of processes, products, materials, advantages, limitations and applications - Case studies.
UNIT IV POWDER BASED RAPID PROTOTYPING SYSTEMS 10 Selective Laser Sintering(SLS): Principle, process, Indirect and direct SLS- powder structures, modeling of SLS, materials, post processing, post curing, surface deviation and accuracy, Applications. Laser Engineered Net Shaping(LENS): Processes, materials, products, advantages, limitations and applications Case Studies. UNIT V OTHER RAPID PROTOTYPING TECHNOLOGIES 7 Three dimensional Printing (3DP):Principle, basic process, Physics of 3DP, types of printing, process capabilities, material system. Solid based, Liquid based and powder based 3DP systems, strength and weakness, Applications and case studies. Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM): Introduction, basic process, shape decomposition, mold SDM and applications. Selective Laser Melting, Electron Beam Melting Rapid manufacturing. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Rapid prototyping: Principles and applications, second edition, Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., World Scientific Publishers, 2003. 2. Rapid prototyping, Andreas Gebhardt, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
REFERENCES: 1. Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications : A tool box for prototype development, Liou W.Liou, Frank W.Liou, CRC Press, 2007. 2. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice, Ali K. Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr, Springer, 2006. 3. Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications, Peter D.Hilton, Hilton/Jacobs, Paul F.Jacobs, CRC press, 2000.
ED 9258
LTPC 30 0 3
UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND ROBOT KINEMATICS 10 Definition need and scope of Industrial robots Robot anatomy Work volume Precision movement End effectors Sensors. Robot Kinematics Direct and inverse kinematics Robot trajectories Control of robot manipulators Robot dynamics Methods for orientation and location of objects.
UNIT II ROBOT DRIVES AND CONTROL 9 Controlling the Robot motion Position and velocity sensing devices Design of drive systems Hydraulic and Pneumatic drives Linear and rotary actuators and control valves Electro hydraulic servo valves, electric drives Motors Designing of end effectors Vacuum, magnetic and air operated grippers. UNIT III ROBOT SENSORS 9 Transducers and Sensors Tactile sensor Proximity and range sensors Sensing joint forces Robotic vision system Image Representation - Image Grabbing Image processing and analysis Edge Enhancement Contrast Stretching Band Rationing Image segmentation Pattern recognition Training of vision system.
UNIT IV ROBOT CELL DESIGN AND APPLICATION 9 Robot work cell design and control Safety in Robotics Robot cell layouts Multiple Robots and machine interference Robot cycle time analysis. Industrial application of robots. UNIT V ROBOT PROGRAMMING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS 8 Methods of Robot Programming Characteristics of task level languages lead through programming methods Motion interpolation. Artificial intelligence Basics Goals of artificial intelligence AI techniques problem representation in AI Problem reduction and solution techniques - Application of AI and KBES in Robots. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK: 1. K.S.Fu, R.C. Gonzalez and C.S.G. Lee, Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence, Mc Graw Hill, 1987. REFERENCES: 1. Yoram Koren, Robotics for Engineers Mc Graw-Hill, 1987. 2. Kozyrey, Yu. Industrial Robots, MIR Publishers Moscow, 1985. 3. Richard. D, Klafter, Thomas, A, Chmielewski, Michael Negin, Robotics Engineering An Integrated Approach, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1984. 4. Deb, S.R. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 1994. 5. Mikell, P. Groover, Mitchell Weis, Roger, N. Nagel, Nicholas G. Odrey, Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications, Mc Graw-Hill, Int. 1986. 6. Timothy Jordanides et al ,Expert Systems and Robotics , Springer Verlag, New York, May 1991.
ED 9222
LTPC 302 4
OBJECTIVES: To understands the Fundamentals of Vibration and its practical applications. To understand the working principle and operations of various vibrations Measuring instruments To understand the various Vibration control strategies UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION 10 Introduction -Sources Of Vibration-Mathematical Models- Displacement, velocity and Acceleration- Review Of Single Degree Freedom Systems -Vibration isolation Vibrometers and accelerometers -.Response To Arbitrary and non- harmonic Excitations Transient Vibration Impulse loads-Critical Speed Of Shaft-Rotor systems. UNIT II TWO DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEM 7 Introduction-Free Vibration Of Undamped And Damped- Forced Vibration With Harmonic Excitation System Coordinate Couplings And Principal Coordinates
UNIT III MULTI-DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEM AND CONTINUOUS SYSTEM 9 Multi Degree Freedom System Influence Coefficients and stiffness coefficientsFlexibility Matrix and Stiffness Matrix Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors-Matrix Iteration Method Approximate Methods: Dunkerley, Rayleighs, and Holzer Method -Geared Systems-Eigen Values & Eigen vectors for large system of equations using sub space, Lanczos method - Continuous System: Vibration of String, Shafts and Beams UNIT IV VIBRATION CONTROL 9 Specification of Vibration Limits Vibration severity standards- Vibration as condition Monitoring tool-Vibration Isolation methods- -Dynamic Vibration Absorber, Torsional and Pendulum Type Absorber- Damped Vibration absorbers-Static and Dynamic BalancingBalancing machines-Field balancing Vibration Control by Design Modification- - Active Vibration Control UNIT V EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN VIBRATION ANALYSIS 10 Vibration Analysis Overview - Experimental Methods in Vibration Analysis.-Vibration Measuring Instruments - Selection of Sensors- Accelerometer Mountings. -Vibration Exciters-Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electromagnetic And Electrodynamics Frequency Measuring Instruments-. System Identification from Frequency Response -Testing for resonance and mode shapes. TOTAL: 75 PERIODS A Term Project must be given for Assessment 3 (Compulsory) TEXT BOOKS : 1. Rao, S.S., Mechanical Vibrations, Addison Wesley Longman, 1995. 2. Thomson, W.T. Theory of Vibration with Applications, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1990 REFERENCES: 1. Ramamurti. V, Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basic Theory, Narosa, New Delhi, 2000. 2. S. Graham Kelly & Shashidar K. Kudari, Mechanical Vibrations, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Com. Ltd New Delhi, 2007.
LT PC 30 0 3
AIM: To impart knowledge on group technology, optimization algorithms, implementation of GT/CMS, Performance measurements and economical aspects of CMS. OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course the student should be able to understand Concepts and applications of Cellular manufacturing systems Traditional and non-traditional approaches of Problem solving Performance measurement Human and economical aspects of CMS.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 Introduction to Group Technology, Limitations of traditional manufacturing systems, characteristics and design of groups, benefits of GT and issues in GT. UNIT II CMS PLANNING AND DESIGN 10 Problems in GT/CMS - Design of CMS - Models, traditional approaches and nontraditional approaches -Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Neural networks. UNIT III IMPLEMENTATION OF GT/CMS 10 Inter and Intra cell layout, cost and non-cost based models, establishing a team approach, Managerial structure and groups, batch sequencing and sizing, life cycle issues in GT/CMS. UNIT IV PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 8 Measuring CMS performance - Parametric analysis - PBC in GT/CMS, cell loading, GT and MRP - framework. UNIT V ECONOMICS OF GT/CMS: 5 Conventional Vs group use of computer models in GT/CMS, Human aspects of GT/CMS cases. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Askin, R.G. and Vakharia, A.J., G.T " Planning and Operation, in The automated factory-Hand Book: Technology and Management ", Cleland.D.I. and Bidananda, B (Eds), TAB Books , NY, 1991. 2. Kamrani, A.K, Parsaei, H.R and Liles, D.H. (Eds), " Planning, design and analysis of cellular manufacturing systems ", Elsevier, 1995. REFERENCES: 1. Burbidge, J.L. Group " Technology in Engineering Industry ", Mechanical Engineering pub.London, 1979. 2.. Irani, S.A. " Cellular Manufacturing Systems ", Hand Book.