March 12 Newsletter

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March 12, 2012


University Honors Program News

Montana State University Billings



Inside this issue: Red Carpet Evening ...2 Tami Haaland to Present Last Lecture ........ 2 Easter Fundraiser ...2 University Honors Program Scholarship Application...3 Honors Program Summer Scholarship Application . 4 Follow these links for: Campus Leak Calendar MSUB Semester Calendar

everyone enjoyed a relaxing Spring Break and is ready to finish out the semester. Be sure to join us this Thursday night at 7 pm in LI 148 for the Last Lecture, which will be presented by Tami Haaland. Also, please note the volunteer opportunities available to you within the program (included on page 2).

Upcoming Deadlines Honors Scholarship App March 30th

Newsletter Editor: Patricia Hampton

Senior in the Spotlight OLIVIA VACCA

Olivia is from Billings, and is graduating this Spring with a degree in History. Olivia has been involved in the Honors Program since she began her education at MSU Billings in 2007, and became skilled at balancing her academics with her position in the campus library (fondly termed the Temple of Knowledge), and teaching dance within the community. Olivia was married to Justin Nalder this past Sunday, March 11th, and plans to move to California with her new husband. Congratulations to University Honors Scholar and Bride, Olivia Vacca.

Director: Dr. David Craig Office: LA 710 Phone: 657-2908 University Honors Program 1500 University Drive Billings, MT 59101

Providing Enriched Educational Opportunities for Students

[email protected]

Tami Haaland to Present Last Lecture

The Montana State University Billings Honors Club will be sponsoring a "Last Lecture" on Thursday, March 15th, at 7 p.m. in room 148 of the Library building. The presentation, Past into Future: A Few Notes for the Journey, will be delivered by Tami Haaland, an associate professor of English at MSU Billings. The original Last Lecture was presented at Carnegie Mellon on September 18, 2007, by Randy Pausch, and focused on "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." Pausch, a professor at that university, had received news that his cancer was terminal a month prior to the presentation. While some believe that the Last Lecture began because of Pausch's terminal illness, the lecture was actually based upon a pre-existing series in which individuals were asked to present as if it were their last opportunity to share something with the world - It is in this spirit that the Honors Club sponsors the first annual MSU Billings Last Lecture. The Honors Student Advisory Council, met to discuss possible presenters for this event, considering faculty from each of the colleges. With a more focused list of candidates, they considered the appreciation that students and faculty have for the individual candidates, as well as accomplishments and contributions to the university and community as a whole. Tami Haaland was recognized for her contributions as a member of the MSUB family, and was selected to present this year. Not only is she a well-known and appreciated instructor, but also an accomplished poet. Haaland is a recipient of an Artists Innovation Award from the Montana Arts Council. Her second book of poetry, When We Wake in the Night, will be available in June from Wordtech Editions. Haaland will share poetry and images as she discusses how memory feeds imagination and examines life-lessons she learned from her family. Please join the Honors Club as Haaland presents Past into Future: A Few Notes for the Journey, this Thursday night.

Asking a critic to name his favorite book is like asking a butcher to name his favorite pig. ~ John McCarthy

Easter Fundraiser
Our Easter fundraiser will begin next Monday, March 19th. The Honors Club will be selling plastic Easter Eggs filled with the customers choice of M&Ms or Jelly Beans, along with a message. These eggs will then be delivered to dorms and offices around campus. We will need Honors students to volunteer to sit at the table in the Galleria between 11a and 1p each week day through April 6th, as well as to deliver the Eggs on that Friday. If you are able to participate in selling the Eggs, please email Patricia at [email protected] as soon as possible with the dates and times that you are available, and you will be scheduled in.

Red Carpet Evening

On Sunday, March 25th, the Honors Club will be sponsoring a Red Carpet Evening ( We will need students to help with setting up for the event on Saturday, March 24th, beginning at 8am. Also, if you are available to take tickets during the event (7:30p 12:30a) that would be great, as well. Please let Patricia know your availability at [email protected].

Are you interested in studying abroad in Sweden?

If so, please visit: broad/programs/sweden2012.aspx

Montana State University Billings University Honors Program 2012-2013 Scholarship Application

Deadline: March 30, 2012

BI OG RAP H I CAL IN F OR M ATI O N Name (Last, First, MI) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Student ID Number _______________________Phone _____________________ Email ___________________________________ Permanent Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Montana Resident _____Yes _____No AC AD E MI C IN FO R MA TIO N Cumulative Grade Point Average (please use 4.00 scale) ________ Number of credits for which you are or will be enrolled at MSU Billings for Summer 2011:______________________________ Major/Minor _____________________________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date: _________________________ Honors Courses Completed (list courses and semester completed) ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honors Courses Anticipated ____________________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED MATERIALS In order to be considered for the University Honors Scholarship, the following materials must accompany this application: 1. A formal letter including information about your current academic progress, involvement in community and/or school activities, work experience, educational goals, financial situation, and any other relevant information you would like the scholarship committee to consider. A working copy of your most recent grade transcript (an unofficial transcript). U.S. Citizen _____Yes _____No


ALL APPLICANTS PLEASE SIGN AND DATE BELOW To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct. If selected for this scholarship, I permit the release of my academic, financial, and biographical information to outside agencies (donors, hometown newspapers, college publications, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of applicant Date The complete application must be received on or before March 30, 2012 in order to be considered. Return this completed application with all required information to: MSU Billings Honors Program Liberal Arts # 710

1500 University Drive Billings, MT 59101-0298

University Honors Program

Summer Scholarship Application

Deadline: March 30, 2012

BI OG RAP H I CAL IN F OR M ATI O N Name (Last, First, MI) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Student ID Number _______________________Phone _____________________ Email ___________________________________ Permanent Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Montana Resident _____Yes _____No AC AD E MI C IN FO R MA TIO N Cumulative Grade Point Average (please use 4.00 scale) ________ Number of credits for which you are or will be enrolled at MSU Billings for Summer 2011:______________________________ Major/Minor _____________________________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date: _________________________ Honors Courses Completed (list courses and semester completed) ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honors Courses Anticipated ____________________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED MATERIALS In order to be considered for the University Honors Scholarship, the following materials must accompany this application: 3. A formal letter including information about your current academic progress, involvement in community and/or school activities, work experience, educational goals, financial situation, and any other relevant information you would like the scholarship committee to consider. A working copy of your most recent grade transcript (an unofficial transcript). U.S. Citizen _____Yes _____No


ALL APPLICANTS PLEASE SIGN AND DATE BELOW To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct. If selected for this scholarship, I permit the release of my academic, financial, and biographical information to outside agencies (donors, hometown newspapers, college publications, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of applicant Date The complete application must be received on or before March 30, 2012 in order to be considered. Return this completed application with all required information to: MSU Billings Honors Program Liberal Arts # 710

1500 University Drive Billings, MT 59101-0298

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