03 25 2012 Annunciation of The Theotokos

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835 N Oakley Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60622

Volume 48 No 13

Sunday, March 25, 2012

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With the voice of the Archangel we cry

out to you, O Most Pure One: Rejoice,
O full of grace, the Lord is with you.
(Hymn of Praise of the Feast)

The History of the Feast of the

The celebration of the feast of the Annunciation
began in the Eastern Church at the end of the fourth
or the beginning of the fifth century. Emperor
Mauricius (582-602) made this feast obligatory
throughout the entire empire. At first, both in the
East and the West, it was considered a feast of the
Lord as is evident from the names by which it was
first known: The Conception of Christ, The
Annunciation concerning Christ, The Beginning of
Redemption, The Annunciation, The
Annunciation of the Angel to Mary, The Day of
the Salutation, The Day or Feast of the
Annunciation. In the seventh century, the name was
formally established for the entire Eastern Church as
The Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of
God, and it was decreed that this feast be celebrated
as a Marian feast.
The date, March 25, was selected for this feast
because it occurs just nine months before the feast of
the Nativity of our Lord on December 25. In addition
to this, there existed an ancient tradition that March
25th marked not only the incarnation of the Son of
God, but also both the creation of the world and the
death of Christ on the Cross. The Alexandrian
Paschal Chronicle of 624, and also the Paschal
Chronicle of Constantinople, from the start of the
seventh century, places the feast of the Annunciation
on the 25th of March.
The liturgy for this feast was composed by St.
John Damascene, St. Cosmas of Maiuma,
Theophane, Bishop of Nicea and the monk John. On
the day following the feast, the Eastern Church
celebrates the Synaxis of St. Gabriel Arch-angel.
This is an ancient custom of the Eastern Church to
pay honor after some great feast to those persons
who had played an outstanding role in the event
celebrated by the feast.
The feast of the Annunciation came to the West
from the East somewhere between the years 660 and
680. Just as in the East, so here too, it was at first
considered a feast of the Lord and had various
names, such as: The Lords Annunciation, The
Conception of Christ, The Feast of the
Incarnation, The Annunciation of the Angel to the
Most Pure Virgin Mary, The Annunciation of Holy
Mary concerning the Conception. The Council of
Toledo in the year 656 speaks of the Annunciation as

being celebrated on the 25th of March, but transfers it

to the 18th of December. The reason for this was that
according to an ancient tradition no feast could be
celebrated during the Great Fast, and also because it
seemed fitting that the feast of the Annunciation be
closer to the feast of the Nativity of Christ than to the
death and Resurrection. Not until the eleventh
century did all the Churches in the West again begin
to celebrate the Annunciation on the 25th of March.
The Armenians observe the Annunciation on the 7th
of April because they observe the Nativity of Christ
and the Theophany together on the same day, the 6th
of January. The event of the Annunciation is a
cherished theme in iconography.
The feast of the Annunciation in Rus-Ukraine was
the second Marian feast after the Assumption, to
which a church in Kiev was dedicated in the first
century of Christianity. Prince Jaroslav the Wise
built a church upon the golden gates in Kiev in honor
of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of
God. In the year 1037, says our oldest chronicle,
Jaroslav founded the great city of Kiev, which as
golden gates. He also built the church of St. Sophia
(the Wisdom of God), which was the church of the
Metropolitan and then built the stone church of the
Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God upon the
golden gates. The most wise Prince Jaroslav built the
church of the Annunciation upon the Golden Gates
so that joy may always reign in the city through the
Annunciation of the Lord and the Prayer of the
Mother of God and Archangel Gabriel. In the
church of the Annunciation, Prince Jaroslav the Wise
consecrated the whole Ukrainian nation to the
patronage of the Mother of God in 1037.

Please join us in the cathedral

hall TODAY Sunday, March
25 after the 12:00 Divine
Liturgy for coffee and
conversation. This informal
discussion group is lead by
Deacon Michael Huskey.

Hope to see you after

the Divine Liturgy!

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3. 14-
59- .

The Meaning of the Miracle of

The Resurrection of Lazarus

Jesus Christ wrought many miracles during His

lifetime but none was so rich in its effects as the
resurrection of Lazarus.
For many, this miracle was convincing proof of
Christs divinity. One of the Fathers of the Church said:
Our Saviour snatched the daughter of Jairus from the
hands of death, the youth of Naim from the jaws of death,
but Lazarus He snatched from the very bowels of death.
This miracle marks the apex of Christs self-revelation.
Here Christ reveals himself as the Lord of life and death,
the Conqueror of death, and as the Almighty God
Himself. The renowned church writer and ascetic, Father
Maurice Meschler, S.J., reflecting on the greatness of this
miracle and the impact it had on the Jews, says: The one
who worked this miracle was not Jesuf of Nazareth, not
the mighty teacher of the law, not one of the prophets of
old, nor a spirit from another world, it was the living God
Himself. One word from Him rings through the abysses
of eternity and brings the soul back from the ends of the
world beyond; a flash of lightning pierces the darkness of
the grave, and rekindles in the dead bones the spark of
life. (Life of Jesus Christ, Vol. II, pp. 103-104) This
miracle is the symbol of the glorious resurrection of
Christ and at the same time, the prefigurement of the
resurrection of all people.
The magnitude of this miracle and the publicity
attending it were the immediate causes of Christs
triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The
people, in their enthusiasm for Christ, greeted Him not
only as their prophe t, but also as their Messias, their King
and Lord.
Finally, the resurrection of Lazarus hastened the
passion and death of our Saviour. Great crowds of people
came to believe in Christ and to follow Him; this
disturbed the leaders of the Jews, who immediately after
Christs entry into Jerusalem, called a meeting: The chief
priests and the Pharisees therefore gathered together a
council, and said: What are we going to do? For this man
is working many signs. If we let him alone as he is, all
will believe in himSo from that day forth their plan
was to put him to death. (Jo. 11,47-48 and 53 and 12,10)


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May this great and wonderful miracle of the

resurrection of Lazarus strengthen also our faith in the
divinity of Christ and in our own personal resurrection.
That same Christ, who raised the four-day Lazarus from
the dead, in His own time will raise us also to a life of
eternal happiness. He Himself assured us of this when He
said: I am the Resurrection and Life. Whoever believes
in me, even though he die, shall live! (Jo. 11,25)

Lazarus Saturday is March 31, 2012.

Candle Intentions for the month

of March
Trinity Icon - Sanctuary
+Paraskevia & Pavlo Pawlyshyn - Pawlyshyn Family
Trinity Icon - Sanctuary
+John Pleskanka - Pleskanka Family
Our Lord in Gethsemane - Sanctuary
+Kalyna, Wasyl, Bohdan, Mychajlo, Bohdan & Roman N Bilous

5th Sunday of the Great Fast

Annunciation of the
Most Holy Theotokos

8 Tone 8

Our Lord in Gethsemane - Sanctuary

+Mychajlo Rybak - Family
Mother of God - Side Altar
Health & Blessings for Laura, Dan, Donald & Singeli H & I Muryn

Readings for the day:

Mother of God - Side Altar

Health & Blessings for Bishop Richard - Cathedral Staff

Saint(s) of the Day

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos made
by the Archangel Gabriel.

St. Josaphat - Iconostas

+ Christine & Orest Danyluk - M Jurewycz
Mother of God - Iconostas
Health & Blessings for Marta Fuoco George & Lidia Matwyshyn
Jesus Lover of Mankind - Iconostas
+Iwan Petruniak - Family
St. Nicholas - Iconostas
Health & Blessings for Paul Takoy - Family
Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar
Health & Blessings for Hunter Feres - Family
Jesus Lover of Mankind - Side Altar
+Michael Karachewski - Helen Karachewski
Health & Blessings for Children, Grandchildren & Great
Grandchildren - M Jurewycz
Health & Blessings for Olenka Jurewycz Boland - M Jurewycz
Mother of God - Rectory Chapel
Health & Blessings for Darryl Erickson- Family
Jesus Lover of Mankind - Rectory Chapel
Sisters Chapel (available)
Sisters Chapel (available)

Heb 9:11-14 & Heb 2:11-18

Gospel: Mk 10:32-45 & Lk 1:24-38


Coffee and Cake for March

25 - St Nicholas School Board

Coffee and Cake for April
1 - - Christian Unity
8 - - Pascha
15 - - Holy Name
22 - - Sviachene
29 - Apostleship of Prayer
C i
Meetings for April
1 - Apostleship of Prayer
Prayer Group Mothers Prayers
8 - No Meetings
15 - - BVM Sodality
22 - Blahovischennia PDM
29 - No Meetings

Liturgy intentions for the week of

March 26th
Monday, Mar 26th / Gen 27:1-41 * Prov 19:16-25
Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel
6:45 + Myroslaw & Nina Kotys, Iwan & Iwanna Koziak A Borodayko
8:00 + Iryna Durbak - Durbak-Myskiw Family
+ Dorothy Mykytka - BVM Sodality
Health & Blessings for Luba Nowak Lenny & Dolores Walent
Tuesday, Mar 27th / Gen 31:3-16 * Prov 21:3-21
6:45 + Anastasia Czuba (30th Ann) - daughter, Natalka
Speedy recovery of Rick Garcia - Oleh Paly
+ Dorothy Mykytka - Mychaelina Leseiko
+ Rev Antin, Rev Volodymyr, Olena, Romana & Orest
- Daria Mencinskyj (P)
Wednesday, Mar 28th / Gen 43:25-45:16 * Prov 21:23-22:4

Stations of the Cross

6:00PM Presanctified Liturgy

Thursday, Mar 29th / Gen 46:1-7 * Prov 23:15-24:5
In Thanksgiving - Cheryln Pilch
Health & Blessings for Alexandra Borodayko &
Family - I & L Nowak
Health & Blessings for Luba & Irene Nowak M Borodayko
+ Dr Maria Fiterslyzh - Jaroslawa Panchuk (P)
6:00PM Akathist to St. Nicholas our Patron
Friday, Mar 30th/ Gen 49:33-50:26 * Prov 31:8-31
Simple Fast - No Meat
6:00PM Presanctified Liturgy
Saturday, Mar 31st / Heb 12:28-13:8* Jn 11:1-45
Saturday of Lazarus



Health & Blessings for Alexandra Borodayko M Borodayko

Wasyl Mycak (1st Ann) - K Mycak (P)
Walter Nicholas Podney - LaVerne Arnold (P)
Rev Wasyl & Maria Melnyk - Andrew Melnyk (P)
Bohdan Rohowsky - Vera Rohowsky
Jaq Ellen Barger (7th Ann) - Singeli Zaparaniuk (P)
Teodor Roszkewycz (16th Ann) - Family (P)
Oksana Marrese - Ronald Marrese
Natalia Hodczak (40th Day) Wasyl Hodczak (P)
Wasyl, Tekla, Stepan & Wolodymyr Brother, Son & Son-in-law
Vespers & Litiya

Sunday, April 1st - Pussywillow Sunday

Entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem

Health & Blessings for Elsie Presslak & Family Natalie Ann Czuba


Health & Blessings for Vilma Semkowicz Cheryln Pilch


Pray for ...

Please Pray for the following
Parishioners who are not well,
their family and friends of

Bishop Efraim Krevey,OSBM

Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn
Bishop Peter Stasiuk
Fr. Thomas Glynn
Fr. Andrew Plishka
Fr. Wayne Ruchgy
Daria Baluch
Veronica Bihun
Alexandra Borodayko
Steven Burton
William Burton, Jr.
Leonard Chornomaz
Tina Cooper
Jerry Cooper
Peter & Annie Derdak
Tyrsa Dutko
Lydia Dzychko
Nadia Dzydzan
Donald Flannery
John Horedecky
Joseph Hura
Vera Iwanecky
Ryan Jurek
Maria Jurewycz
Olenka Jurewycz Boland
Robert Kalem
Olga Kopulos
Irene Korpan

Let my prayer arise

like incense before you

Sandy Kuchar
Daria Kuzma
Anna Lenyk
Wanda Lesniak
Paul Matviuw
Daria Mencinskyj
Christine Milewczyk
Cheryl Moreno
Ralph Moreno
Maria Mychajlyszyn
Lillian Opychany
Jaroslawa Panchuk
Pleskanka Family
Debbie Plishka
Olga Hirka Poliarny
Stefania Positano
Jeanne Shyan
Dorothy Skrypnyk
Zirka Turczyn
Jaroslava Vataschuk
Jerry Wasiunec
Justyna Wojtiuk
Maria Wojtowycz
Paraskevia Wolaniuk
Elizabeth Zahrabelski
Sofia Zalucky
Natalka Zaparaniuk
Roman Zavadovych
Helen Ziolwski

O holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, You sent Your onlybegotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal every infirmity and to
deliver us from death. Heal Your servant of every spiritual and bodily ill
which afflicts him/her. Restore him/her by the grace of Your Christ
through the prayers of our most holy Lady, the Mother of God and everVirgin Mary, and of all Your Saints. For You, our God, are the Fountain
of healing, and we glorify You together with Your only-begotten Son +,
and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
If you know of any parish member, family member or friends who are home
bound and in need of our prayer and would like it published, please let the
rectory know.


Health & Blessings for Sonia Peczeniuk G & L Matwyshyn


For Parishioners
Health & Blessings for Darryl Erickson - Family
Health & Blessings for Nancy Gianni Nicole Stachiw


The Community of St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral

2238 W. Rice Street Chicago, IL 60622 / Phone: 773-276-4537 / Fax: 773-276-5558
Web site: www.stnicholaschicago.org / Email: [email protected]
The parish office is open Mon. & Wed. From 9 to 6 & Tues., Thurs, Fri. from 9 to 4.
The parish office & kiosk in the cathedral hall is open the 1st & 3rd Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30.

Most Reverend Richard S. Seminack, D.D.

Bishop of St. Nicholas Eparchy

Parish Staff
Mrs. Anna Burton - Secretary
Ms. Natalie Ann Czuba - Cemetery Coordinator

Most Reverend Innocent Lotocky, OSBM

Ms. Phyllis Muryn Zaparaniuk - Finance

Bishop Emeritus

Mr. Andriy Chuyko - Building Superintendent

Very Reverend Bohdan Nalysnyk

e-mail: [email protected]

Reverend Volodymyr Hudzan

Vice Rector

St. Nicholas Cathedral School

School Office: 773-384-7243
Mrs. Maria Klysh - Finiak - Principal
Mrs. Iryna Vasylyk - School Secretary
Mrs. Mary Neczek - Lunch Program
Mrs. Mariya Smaga- After School Program

Fr. Deacon Mychajlo Horodysky

Fr. Deacon Michael Huskey

Mr. Oleksij Kowal - Building Superintendent

Cemetery Staff
Adam Bihun - Yevheniy Kopach - Victor Sula

Divine Liturgies

7:00, 8:30, 10:00 ;

12:00 ;
6:45. 8:00 ;
6:00 ;
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Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 in Ukrainian

12:00 in English
6:45 & 8:00 a.m. in Ukrainian
Major Holy Day: 6:45, 8:00, 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Vespers & Litiya - Eve of a Major Holy Day 6:00 p.m.
Saturday Vespers: 5:00 p.m.
New Parishioner Registration: We welcome all new parishioners and
are thankful God has sent you to St. Nicholas Cathedral. Please
register by obtaining a registration form from the parish office or
emailing your request to:
[email protected]
Confessions are heard on Sundays during each Liturgy or by
Baptisms should be arranged through a priest at least one month prior
to the date of baptism. Parents and sponsors must attend instruction
prior to the baptism of their child.
Marriage: Couples planning to marry are requested to make their
arrangements early, but no less than six (6) months in advance of the
proposed date. Pre-marital conferences must be arranged six (6)
months prior to the ceremony. At least one of the couple, or their
parents should be registered participating members of St. Nicholas
Cathedral for eligibility to be married in the cathedral.
Sick & Homebound: If you or a family member are confined to home
and are unable to attend Liturgy either temporarily or on a continuing
basis, and wish to receive communion, please notify the parish office.
Hospital Stay: If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital for
any reason and wish to have a priest come to visit, please notify the
parish office. Recent federal privacy laws do not allow hospitals to
notify the parish if you are admitted. It is the responsibility of the
patient or family to notify the parish office.
The New Star is our monthly eparchial newspaper and has information
from all our parishes as well as from Ukraine. The subscription cost is
only $20.00 per year and should be paid in the parish office.
Petro Rudka, coordinator, hosted by Very Rev. Bohdan Nalysnyk.

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