Concepts of Exact Qos Routing Algorithms: Piet Van Mieghem and Fernando A. Kuipers, Student Member, Ieee
Concepts of Exact Qos Routing Algorithms: Piet Van Mieghem and Fernando A. Kuipers, Student Member, Ieee
Concepts of Exact Qos Routing Algorithms: Piet Van Mieghem and Fernando A. Kuipers, Student Member, Ieee
5, OCTOBER 2004
ETWORK routing essentially consists of two identities, the routing protocol and the routing algorithm. The routing protocol supplies each node in the network with a consistent view of that topology and, in some cases, of its resources at some moment in time. The routing protocol deals with the complex dynamic processes such as topology updates, determination of signicant changes, and the ooding of topology information to each node in the network. Although proposals for a QoS routing protocol for Internet exist, such as Q-OSPF [1], currently there is still no QoS routing protocol in the Internet. The only existing standardized QoS routing protocol is the ATMF PNNI [2]. The dual of the routing protocol, the routing algorithm, assumes a temporarily static or frozen view of the network topology provided by the routing protocol. The routing algorithm provides the intelligence to compute a path from source(s) to destination(s) possibly subject to constraints and mostly optimizing a criterion. The routing algorithm is the main focus of this paper. In contrast to the QoS routing protocol, the difculty does not lie in the existence of an exact QoS algorithmwe have proposed SAMCRA [39], the self-adaptive multiple constraints routing algorithmbut in its computational complexity. For some time already, it has been known [11], [44] that QoS routing with multiple additive link weights is an NP-com-
plete problem1 which is interpreted, in practice, as unfeasible. Hence, only approximations (heuristics) with polynomial time complexity of the QoS algorithm are considered feasible. This point of view resulted in the publication of a wealth of heuristics, each of them claiming some attractive features over the others. These heuristics are briey summarized in Section III. Thus, these heuristics introduced a blurring factor in the already complex eld of QoS routing because, as we claim here, their need or existence is argued as superuous. Indeed, after many years of extensive simulations on a huge number of graphs (with independent identically distributed link weights), we have never observed strong tendencies toward NP-complete behavior. Only in specially constructed graphs with link weights carefully chosen, NP-complete behavior emerges [27]. However, we believe that, in practical networks, this worst-case behavior is very unlikely to occur. Thus, in practice, exact QoS routing algorithms seem feasible. As shown earlier [39], the Internets hop-by-hop routing paradigm even requires, as necessary condition, exact routing algorithms to prevent loops. However, even an exact QoS routing algorithm alone is not sufcient to guarantee exactness in hop-by-hop routing which questions the compliance of QoS routing and the Internets hop-by-hop routing paradigm. Here, we will avoid the architectural discussion whether or not the Internet should adopt QoS routing. Rather, we believe that future networking will embrace QoS routing as a basic functionality in high quality networking and that optimal QoS routing algorithms are worth to be studied. Even if QoS routing is not used in future communication networks, a navigator tool in a car which instructs the driver to follow the path that is both shortest in distance and in time, seems desirable. While considerations on NP completeness are discussed elsewhere (e.g., see [41] and [27]), the aim is to review the principles of an exact QoS routing algorithm and to argue to what extent SAMCRA can be improved. Some of these principles are scattered over our earlier papers [40], [10], [39], and presented here coherently and more structured. The concepts discussed are, however, not necessary conditions2 for an exact routing algorithm, but they seem likely to occur, although we cannot prove this, in an exact and efcient algorithm. Multiconstrained routing is dened in Section II. SAMCRA is based on three concepts: 1) nonlinear denition of the path
1A problem is NP complete if it cannot be solved in polynomial time. This means that the number of elementary computations or complexity C grows faster than any polynomial function if the problem parameters increase. Mathematically, let a be the basic parameter of problem P . Problem P is said to be for any algorithm that NP complete for > 0; C = O(exp(a)), as a solves problem P . If at least one algorithm is known, for which C = O (a ) for some ", then P is not NP complete, but a polynomial problem. More details can be found in Garey and Johnson [11]. 2By computing all possible paths between source and destination, surely the exact path is (exhaustively) found.
Manuscript received November 25, 2002; revised September 4, 2003; approved by IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING Editor L. Gao. The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TNET.2004.836112
length (Section IV); 2) -shortest paths (Section V); and 3) nondominated paths (Section VI). Moreover, we demonstrate that SAMCRA can be improved using a fourth concept 4) of lookahead (VII). We discuss other potential improvements in QoS routing in Section VIII. The improved version of SAMCRA is presented in Section IX and exemplied in Section X. Finally, we conclude in Section XI. Improvements in data structures or heaps are not discussed, but we refer to [6]. II. MULTICONSTRAINED ROUTING from node to Consider a graph in which each link node is characterized by a dimensional link weight vector where the component is a QoS measure such as delay, jitter, loss, minimum bandwidth, cost, etc. The QoS routing algorithm computes the path that obeys multiple constraints, for all . For example, we seek a path ms, total cost for which the source-destination delay Euro, and minimum bandwidth per link is at least 1 Mb/s. The are the user requested quality of service desires and is set called the constraints vector. The possible QoS measures belong to two different classes: additive3 and min-max QoS measures. For additive QoS measures, the value (further called the weight) of the QoS measure along a path is the sum of the QoS weights on the links dening that path. Examples of additive QoS measures are the delay, the hopcount, and the cost. Routing with two or more additive QoS measures is proved to be NP complete by Wang and Crowcroft [44]. For min-max QoS measures, the path weight of the QoS measure is the minimum (or maximum) of the QoS weights of the links that constitute that path. Typical examples of min-max measures are the minimum needed bandwidth and (policy related) transit ags. Routing with min(max) QoS measures consists of topology ltering, i.e., omitting all links from the topology that do not satisfy one of the min(max) constraints. The reduced topology is then used as a starting point for solving the path problem with only additive QoS measures. Hence, we conne in the sequel to additive QoS measures for conwhich the weight of a path hops (links) equals the vector-sum of the weights sisting of of its constituent links (1) A QoS multiple constrained path and node that satises is a path between node for all .
With this introductory explanation, we now proceed to denote a network the more formal denitions. Let topology, where is the set of nodes and is the set of links. With a slight abuse of notation, we also use and to denote the number of nodes and the number of links, respectively. Denition 1: Multiconstrained Path (MCP) . Each link Problem: Consider a network is specied by a link weight vector with as for components additive QoS link weights . Given constraints , where , all from a source node to a the problem is to nd a path destination node such that (2) . for all A path that satises all constraints is often referred to as a feasible path. There may be many different paths in the graph that satisfy the constraints. According to Denition 1, any of these paths is a solution to the MCP problem. However, it might be desirable to retrieve the path with smallest length from the set of feasible paths. The precise denition of length is important and will be discussed below in Section IV. The problem that additionally optimizes some length function is called the multiconstrained optimal path problem and is formally dened as follows. Denition 2: Multiconstrained Optimal Path (MCOP) . Each link Problem: Consider a network is specied by a link weight vector with as components addifor all . Given tive QoS link weights constraints , where , the problem is to nd a path from a source node to a destination node satisfying (2) and, in addition, minimizing some length criterion such that , for all paths between and . Both the MCP and MCOP are instances of QoS routing. III. RELATED WORK Many papers have targeted the QoS routing problem, but only a few dealt with the general MCP problem [26]. Jaffe [19] proposed a shortest path algorithm using a linear combination of the link weights. Iwata et al. [18] proposed a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the MCP problem. The algorithm rst computes one (or more) shortest path(s) based on one QoS measure and then checks if all the constraints are met. If this is not the case, the procedure is repeated with another measure until a feasible path is found or all QoS measures are examined. Chen and Nahrstedt [4] provided two approximate algorithms for the MCP problem. The algorithms return a path that minimizes the rst (scaled down integer) (real) weight provided that the other weights are within the constraints. Korkmaz and Krunz [22] have proposed a randomized heuristic for the MCP problem. Under the same network conditions, multiple executions of the randomized algorithm may return different paths between the same source and destination pair. Korkmaz and Krunz [23] also provided a heuristic called H MCOP. This heuristic tries to nd a path within the constraints by using the nonlinear path length function of SAMCRA [39]. Both heuristics of Korkmaz and
3For multiplicative measures, the value of the QoS measure along a path is the product of the QoS values of the constituent edges of the path. By taking the (sometimes negative sign of the) logarithm of the multiplicative measures on each edge, they are transformed into positive, additive measures. An important example is the packet loss or, more precisely, one minus the probability of packet loss. Indeed, if at a node the average incoming trafc (number of packets/s) is and if p denotes the probability of packet loss, then the average outgoing trafc equals (1 p). The next hop assuring a packet loss q has incoming trafc (1 p) and outgoing (1 p)(1 q ). Implicitly independence has been assumed. Hence, along a path with h hops, the end-to-end probability of packet loss is 1 (1 p ). The end-to-end packet arrival probability (1 p ) is maximized by minimizing log(1 p ), where log(1 p ) are positive, additive measures. This explains why only two different classes need to be considered.
Krunz apply some form of the look-ahead function (see Section VII). Yuan [45] presents two heuristics for the MCP problem, which are similar to TAMCRA [10], but use a BellmanFord approach. Liu and Ramakrishnan [30] considered the problem of nding not only one but multiple shortest paths satisfying the constraints. Several works in the literature have aimed at addressing special yet important subproblems in QoS routing. For example, researchers addressed QoS routing in the context of bandwidth and delay. Routing with these two measures is not NP complete. Wang and Crowcroft [44] presented a bandwidth-delay based routing algorithm which simply prunes all links that do not satisfy the bandwidth constraint and then nds the shortest path with respect to (w.r.t.) the delay in the pruned graph. A much researched problem is the NP-complete restricted shortest path (RSP) problem. The RSP problem only considers two measures, namely delay and cost. The problem consist of nding a path from to for which the delay obeys a given constraint and the cost is minimum. Many heuristics have been proposed for this problem, e.g., see [16], [36], [20], and [15]. Several path selection algorithms based on different combinations of bandwidth, delay, and hopcount were discussed in [34] (e.g., widest-shortest path and shortest-widest path). In addition, new algorithms were proposed to nd more than one feasible path w.r.t. bandwidth and delay (e.g., maximally disjoint shortest and widest paths) [38]. Kodialam and Lakshman [21] proposed bandwidth guaranteed dynamic routing algorithms. Orda and Sprintson [35] considered precomputation of paths with minimum hopcount and bandwidth guarantees. They also provided some approximation algorithms that take into account certain constraints during the precomputation. Guerin and Orda [14] focussed on the impact of reserving in advance on the path selection process. They describe possible extensions to path selection algorithms in order to make them advance-reservation aware and evaluate the added complexity introduced by these extensions. Fortz and Thorup [12] investigated how to set link weights based on previous measurements so that the shortest paths can provide better load balancing and can meet the desired QoS constraints. When there exist certain specic dependencies between the QoS measures, due to specic scheduling schemes at network routers, the path selection problem is also simplied [31]. Specically, if weighted fair queueing scheduling is being used and the constraints are on bandwidth, queueing delay, jitter, and loss, then the problem can be reduced to a standard shortest path problem by representing all the constraints in terms of bandwidth. IV. DEFINITION OF THE PATH LENGTH The weight of a path vector as dened in (1) is a vector sum. As in linear algebra, the length of a (path) vector requires a vector norm to be dened. The denition of the path length is needed to be able to compare paths since the link weight components all reect different QoS measures with specic units. We rst review the straightforward choice of a linear path length as proposed by Jaffe [19] (3)
Fig. 1. In m = 2 dimensions, each path P between the source node and the destination node has a point representation in the (w (P ); w (P )) plane. The parallel lines shown are equilength lines d w (P ) + d w (P ) = l, which contain solutions with equal length l. Clearly, all solutions lying above a certain line have a length larger than the ones below or on the line. The shortest path returned by Dijkstras algorithm applied to the reduced graph, is the rst solution (encircled) intersected by a set of parallel lines with slope (d )=(d ). In this example, the shortest path (encircled) lies outside the constraints area.
where are positive real numbers. By replacing the link weight of each link in the graph by the vector according to (3), the -parameter single metric problem is transformed to a single parameter problem enabling the use of Dijkstras shortest path algorithm. The Dijkstra algorithm applied to the reduced graph will return a shortest path that minimizes dened by (3). When scanning the solution space with a straight equilength as in Fig. 1, the area scanned outside the conline straint region is minimized if the slope of the straight equilength . In dimensions, the lines satises largest possible volume of the solution space that can be scanned is reached for the plane which passes subject to on each axis. The through the maximum allowed segments . Hence, the equation of that plane is for all . In that best choice in (3) is case, half of the constraint volume is scanned before a solution can possibly be selected. In outside that volume with addition, this optimum choice also normalizes each component by (in a specic unit) as is required because must be dimensionless. In spite of the advantage that the simple Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can be used, the drawback of (3) is that the shortest path does not necessarily satisfy all constraints. As illustrated in Fig. 2, curved equilength lines match the constraint boundaries much better. The nonlinear denition (4) is well known as Holders -vector norm [13] and is fundamental in the theory of classical Banach spaces (see Royden [37, ch. 6]). Obviously, the best match is obtained in the limit when since then the equilength lines are rectangles precisely
Fig. 4. Dominated paths. In (a), P dominates P , but in (b), neither P nor P is dominant. The shortest path is encircled.
Fig. 3. Illustration of the property that, when using a nonlinear path length denition, subsections of shortest paths are not b e) = necessarily shortest paths. Indeed, the length l(a max((4 + 3=14); (1 + 7=11); (7 + 1=22)) 0:727 is smaller than l (a c e) = max((2 + 5=14); (3 + 3=11); (9 + 8=22)) 0:772, although a c e is a subsection of the shortest path.
! ! ! !
! '
conform to the constraint boundaries. In that case, the denition (4) reduces to the maximum vector component divided by the corresponding constraint (5) If the shortest path computed with length denition (5) has length larger than 1 and, hence, violates at least one of the constraints, no other path will satisfy the constraints. Thus, nding the shortest path with the denition (5) of path length solves the multiple constraints problem. However, the shortest path is not guaranteed to be found with Dijkstras algorithm, which relies on the property of a linear path length denition that subsections of shortest paths are also shortest paths. Unfortunately, in multiple dimensions and using a nonlinear denition of the path length, the subsections of shortest paths are not necessarily shortest paths as exemplied in Fig. 3. The proof that this important property holds for any nonlinear length function is found in ([39, Appendix]). As a consequence, possibly more than one path in each node needs to determined, which will lead us, quite naturally, to consider a -shortest path ). algorithm (with Although the denition (5) is chosen for SAMCRA, the prethat sented framework applies for any4 denition of length for all nonzero vecobeys the vector norm criteria: 1) only if and 2) for all vectors, tors and and holds the triangle inequality . If and are nonnegative vectors (i.e., all vector components are because the length of nonnegative), we have a nonnegative vector cannot decrease if a nonnegative vector is added. V. -SHORTEST PATH ALGORITHM
shortest, the second shortest, the third shortest, etc., up to the -shortest path together with the corresponding length. It is possible to store less than paths at a node, but not more. In the case that the value of is not restricted, the -shortest path algorithm returns all possible paths ordered in length between source and destination. The value of can be limited as in SAMCRAs companion TAMCRA [10]. In that case, there is always a possibility that the end-to-end shortest path cannot be found. SAMCRA chooses self-adaptively the required at each node of the graph , which contrasts value of with the -shortest path algorithm and TAMCRA where at is allocated and, hence, each node , the same value of the same storage in the queue of paths per node. We dene as a measure for SAMCRAs complexity. is not restricted in SAMCRA, implying that The fact that all possible paths between source and destination may need to be computed, gives rise to the alluded NP-complete character of the MCP problem. In [42], we have shown that the number of all possible paths between source and destination is less than , where . This bound is preor equal to cisely attained in the complete graph. It scales in the number of nodes in a nonpolynomial fashion. Thus, the maximum value for any graph. Bounds for the minimum value needed to nd the exact path are difcult to obtain in and that only an overall general. Observe that . optimal exact algorithm operates with VI. DOMINATED PATHS The third idea, essentially a state space reduction technique that dramatically can increase the computational efciency, is the concept of dominated paths. Path dominance can be regarded as a multidimensional relaxation. Relaxation is a key property of single parameter shortest path algorithms (such as Dijkstra and BellmanFord) as explained by Cormen et al. [8]. A. Denition of Nondominance Conning to dimensions, we consider two paths and from a source to some intermediate node, each , and with path weight vector , respectively. Fig. 4 represents two possible scenarios for these two paths. is shorter than and for In Fig. 4(a), components. In that case, any path from the all will be shorter source to the nal destination node that uses than any other path from this source to that destination that
The -shortest path algorithm (Chong et al., [7]) is similar to Dijkstras algorithm. Instead of storing at each intermediate node only the previous hop and the length of the shortest path from the source to that intermediate node, we can store the
Fig. 5. (a) Only two partial paths should be maintained in parallel. (b) Any path dominated by all should be discarded. The X refers to dominated paths.
Fig. 6. Look-ahead constraints check in two dimensions m = 2: the addition ~ of the intermediate paths link weight vector w (P ) and the lowest possible remaining link weight vector ~ (n) must lie within the constrained region. b
. Indeed, if, for all , then for any . For all denitions of satisfying the vector norm criteria [such as (5)] then length for any vector . Hence, holds we certainly know that will never be a subpath of a shortest should not be stored in the queue. Using path, and, therefore, is said to be dominated by the terminology of Henig [17], if for all . In Fig. 4(b), both paths have crossing abscissa and orfor some indices , but dinate points: for at least one index . In such scenarios, the shortest path [ in Fig. 4(b) with denition (5)] between the source and some intermediate node is not necessarily part of the shortest path from source to destination. This is demonwhich strated in Fig. 4(b) by adding the path vector completes the path toward the destination. It illustrates that (and not the shortest subpath ) lies on that shortest path. Hence, if two subpaths have crossing abscissa-ordinate values, components of both paths must be stored in the queue. all Alternatively, two paths are nondominant if is not a suitable link weight vector (or path vector) because at least one of its components is negative or zero. In summary, a path is called nondominated if there5 does for all link weight not exist a path for which components , except for at least one for which . B. Attainable Bound for The worst-case amount of simultaneously stored paths is determined by the granularity of the constraints. In reality, most protocols will only allocate a xed, positive number of bits per metric. In that case, the constraints can be expressed as an integer number of a basic metric unit. For example, the delay component can be expressed in units of milliseconds. The worst-case number of partial paths that have to be maintained in parallel in as shown in Fig. 5. each node is Since the concept of path dominance reduces the -dimensional solution state space, the worst-case number of partial paths is (6)
5If there are two or more different paths between the same pair of nodes that have an identical weight vector, only one of these paths sufces. In the sequel, we will, therefore, assume one path out of the set of equal weight vector paths as being nondominated and regard the others as dominated paths.
makes use of
where the second argument of the min-operator denotes the maximum number of paths that exists between two nodes in any graph (see [42]). The second bound applies in the case that the granularity is innitely small or, equivalently, for real values of . In [41], the following theorem and corollary are proved. Theorem 3: If all weight components have a nite granularity, the number of nondominated paths within the constraints . cannot exceed in Corollary 4: The rst bound (6) on the number of nondominated paths within the constraints can be attained. VII. LOOK-AHEAD Our rst version of SAMCRA [39] operated without the lookahead concept [30], [22]. In this paper, we will show that the inclusion of look-ahead signicantly improves the performance of SAMCRA. A. Look-Ahead Concept Besides path dominance, the look-ahead concept can be viewed as an additional6 mechanism to reduce the search space of possible paths. The idea, rst introduced in the eld of Articial Intelligence by Lin [29] and Newell and Ernst [32], is to further limit the set of possible paths by using information of the remaining subpath toward the destination. In the course of the execution, SAMCRA version 1 only used past and next neighbor information. The look-ahead concept proposes to compute the shortest path tree rooted at the destination to for each of the link weights each node in the graph separately (Fig. 6). Hence, for each link weight component , the lowest value from the destination to a node is stored in the queue of that node . In total, Dijkstras shortest path algorithm is executed times resulting in vectors with shortest values for each link weight component from a node to the destination . The basic importance of look-ahead is to provide each node with an exact, attainable lower bound of for each individual link weight the shortest path in the link component . We denote by weight component from node to the destination . Since Dijkstras shortest path algorithm is run times for each link weight separately, the shortest path is likely different for different link weight components . For from
6There may exist more search-space reduction methods. The use or even existence of other search-space reduction methods may rely on the specics of the topology and link weight structure.
example, in the topology of Fig. 7, the shortest path from 1 is for link weight component to for component 2. 1 and with Let us denote the vector with these lower bounds by . We will now demonstrate why these exact, attainable lower are so useful. First, at any intermediate node and bounds , the inequality for each suitable path (7) should be satised for all constraints. Indeed, if the sum of the link weight component of a subpath from the source to the intermediate node and the lowest possible value of the shortest remaining subpath from that intermediate node to the destination exceeds the can never be complemented constraint , then subpath to satisfy the constraint . Hence, the subwith a path path that violated one of the inequalities in (7) should not be considered further as a possible candidate of the multiconstrained routing problem. The check of compliance to the inequalities (7) can reduce the number of paths in the search space of possible paths. A second improvement is an update of maxlength in SAMCRAs metacode (see Section IX) based on the knowledge of the shortest paths computed with Dijkstra. If the length , this means that the that minimizes the sum of the th link inverse path weight component possesses an -dimensional length smaller than 1, and, thus, that it meets all the constraints. This implies that there already exists a path from source to destination with length shorter than 1 and that the overall shortest path must . at least be smaller or equal in length than this path The third improvement of look-ahead is to store in each queue instead of , as previously in the rst version [39]. Thus, the length of the sum of the vector and the lower bound vector is the comparison metric stored in the queue at each node. This change favors the paths with lowest predicted end-to-end length rather than the path with the lowest length so far. Observe that, in the end, at the destination queue, the stored predicted lengths are precisely the same as the actual lengths. The following example illustrates how the use of predicted length can improve the computational efciency. B. Example of Look-Ahead Fig. 7 illustrates the SAMCRA version 1 search method without look-ahead, while Fig. 8 shows the operations of SAMCRA version 2 with look-ahead. Each link in the topology has two measures and the constraints vector is . In Fig. 7, SAMCRAv1 searches the shortest path starting from the neighbors of the source node (step 1). The two new lengths of the subpaths will be stored in the queue of the nodes 1 and 2, respectively. The next subpath to be extracted is the one with lowest length. Thus, the subpath in the queue of node 1 is extracted and its neighbors are scanned. The new subpath with length 0.8 is stored in node 3 (step 2). The next shortest subpath with length 0.3 is extracted and after scanning the neighbors
Fig. 7. Original operation of SAMCRA without look-ahead improvement.
Fig. 8. SAMCRA with look-ahead. The two lower bound values (b (n); b (n)) are displayed at the right of the node in rectangular.
(step 3), a new subpath is stored in node 3 with length 0.4. This is also the shortest subpath and it is consequently extracted is from the queue of node 3. Finally, the destination node reached with the shortest length path (0.7) and SAMCRAv1 stops. The shortest path A-2-3-B with length 0.7 is found. Note that node 3 has stored 2 subpaths in order to nd the shortest path. In Fig. 8, rst the Dijkstra algorithm for each measure has to all the nodes. The been executed from destination node lower bounds obtained are drawn in a rectangular box at the right of the node number. Similarly, as in the SAMCRAv1 operation, the search starts from the source node to its neighbors. Two new subpaths are found, but this time the predicted length is stored instead of the real length. Hence, for node 1, a new subpath with length 0.8 is stored and for node 2 one with 0.7 (step 1). The next subpath to be extracted is from node 2 and colored in grey (step 2). It has one neighbor in node 3. The predicted length 0.7 is stored in the queue of node 3. This is still the shortest length and, hence, also extracted from node 3. Finally, the destination is reached from node 3 with a shortest length of 0.7. As shown, the shortest path A-2-3-B is also found but with less effort. With look-ahead, node 3 only needs to store one subpath. C. Complexity of Look-Ahead The additional complexity of the three look-ahead improvements is the sum of 1) times Dijkstras complexity and 2) times the computation of the . Hence, only for a length of a path, which is at most sufciently large number of nodes , the look-ahead concept is expected to improve the performance, mainly by limiting the search space of possible paths. Just this search space of possible for large , paths can grow as a factorial, i.e., which suggests that the improvements will pay off the small increase in complexity. A detailed analysis in Section VII-E
shows that the incorporation of the three look-ahead improvements leads to a gain in large networks. D. Additional Features of Look-Ahead Instead of employing Dijkstras shortest path algorithm per individual link weight component, other multiple parameter or Jaffes routing algorithms (e.g., TAMCRA with small linear length algorithm) can be used to determine end-to-end predictions. In that case, a reverse shortest path tree rooted at is computed and each node in the graph the destination corresponding to the only receives one path length length used in the multiple parameter routing algorithm. For any nonlinear length holds that . For length (5), the constraints require that such that the look-ahead tests (7) can be replaced . by the possibly too stringent test In the case that TAMCRA is used with small (restricted) , cannot be guaranteed to be the even the lengths smallest possible. Hence, SAMCRA equipped with TAMCRA as look-ahead cannot be guaranteed to be exact for the MCOP; it is only exact for the less restrictive MCP [28]. However, since nonlinear length algorithms are likely to outperform linear length algorithms, TAMCRA may lead SAMCRAs search sooner into the correct direction. In the case of a linear length, as in Jaffes algorithm with are shortest, and, length (3), the lengths . Clearly, the hence, they can serve as single lower bounds advantage of a routing algorithm with a linear length is that an attainable lower bound can be obtained. E. Performance Increase With Look-Ahead To assess the performance increase with look-ahead, we dene two efciency measures
Fig. 10.
where refers to the maximum number of paths stored in a node of the graph . The expectation and maximum operator is over all graphs of a certain class. SAMCRAv1 refers to the rst version of SAMCRA and SAMCRAv2 refers to SAMCRA with look-ahead (see Section of random graphs7 IX). Many simulations on the class have indicated that the class of random graphs is not a hard topology class. Therefore, we have conned the simulations to the much harder two-dimensional (2-D) lattice with uni. One of the measures formly distributed link weights for the computational hardness of a class of topologies is the average hopcount of an arbitrary path in that topology. For uniform link weights, the average hopcount in a random graph , while it scales as in a 2-D lattice. scales as square lattices Each simulation run consisted of creating . The source was chosen in the upper left corner with side
7A random graph [3] of the class G (N ) consists of N nodes and the probability of being a link between a pair of different nodes is p.
and the destination in the lower right corner to ascertain a large hopcount. We have simulated with two sets of constraints, named loose and strict. The loose constraints were generated by computing the Dijkstra shortest paths for each of the measures. For all constraints, is set to the maximum th paths, . component of the The choice of these loose constraints allows any of the Dijkstra paths to obey the constraints. The strict constraints are chosen, such that there only exists one feasible path in the graph in which case the MCP equals the MCOP. In total, values for and for were obtained in each simulation run. The mean and the maximum over these trials have been used to compute the efciencies and , plotted in Figs. 912 as a function of and , respectively. All which implies a gain in efciency. gures display that The closer is to 1, the higher the efciency. Hence, all gure show a substantial increase in efciency. However, a peculiar peak appears in Figs. 9 and 10. After this peak, the efciency seems to slowly saturate to a xed gain. This may be attributed to the choice of length that is stored in the queue, i.e., the predicted end-to-end length or the real subpath length. If grows, it is more likely that the shortest Dijkstra paths that constitute the lower bounds are different. At the beginning of the computation, when the predicted end-to-end length is
Fig. 13.
Fig. 11.
as a function of m, when N
Fig. 14. Because the number of hops of the shortest (upper) path is unequal, the middle link is counted twice before a node on this path is extracted twice. The end-to-end length of the upper path (l(P ) = 4) is discovered before the node on the lower path is extracted twice. The length of the lower path (l(P ) = 4:5) is larger than the length of the upper path and this lower path should therefore not be returned.
Fig. 12.
as a function of m, when N
almost completely dominated by , this may lead to scanning in erroneous directions. As we approach the destination, the predicted end-to-end length will become more accurate and hence the look-ahead concept will be more effective. Finally, , the nondominance property is very strong (for when both algorithms) and will reduce much of the search space. The efciency gain obtained by look-ahead will therefore be minimal. However, when grows, nondominance becomes weaker and look-ahead stronger. This property is indeed observed in Figs. 11 and 12. For independent link weight components and growing , the probability that a path violates the constraints increases as indicated in [39]. The vector helps to detect such violations earlier, which improves the efciency. VIII. ALTERNATING PATH SEARCH A potential improvement in computational efciency stems from the idea to search for the best path alternatively from the source and destination . We have called that improvement over Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, the alternating Dijkstra algorithm. It was rst proposed by Dantzig [9] in 1960 and the correct algorithm was provided by Nicholson [33]. The efciency gain of the alternating Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can be signicant for some class of graphs as presented and explained in Section VIII-A.
The concept of alternating path search originated after observing that the Dijkstra algorithm examines a number of unnecessary nodes. Especially when the shortest (sub)path grows toward the destination, it can make an increasingly number of unnecessary scans. To reduce the number of unnecessary scans, it is better to start scanning from the source node as well as from the destination node . Fig. 13 presents a graph, which was deemed a difcult topology in [5], because the Dijkstra algorithm needs to evaluate all nodes before reaching the destination. This situation is circumvented if we alternate between scanning from the source node and scanning from the destination node8. In that case, a large part of the topology will not be scanned, clearly resulting in a higher efciency. Alternating between two directions and meeting in the middle is not enough to always nd the shortest path, as illustrated in Fig. 14. We also need to keep track of the minimum shortest path length found so far. Since we execute the Dijkstra algoand . The rithm from two sides, we need two queues alternating Dijkstra algorithm extracts a node by alternating and . If a node has been extracted from between and from and if the end-to-end path length is smaller than or equal to the shortest discovered (but not extracted) shortest path so far, then we have found the shortest path by concatenating the two subpaths from to and to . A. In One Dimension In this section, we compare the expected efciency gain of alternating Dijkstra versus the classical Dijkstra algorithm. Our
8In the case of a directed graph, the scan procedure from destination B
Fig. 16.
EXN as a function of
performance measure is based on the average number of extracted nodes of both algorithms
where refers to the total number of examined topologies in and a particular class of graphs and refers to the number of extracted nodes by alternating Dijkstra and the classical Dijkstra algorithm, respectively. We have considered the same two classes of graphs as in Section VII-E possessing a different law for the hopcount, namely the random and the regular 2-D lattice. graph For the link weights, we used uniformly distributed random variables in the range [0,1). In each class of graphs, we have generated a connected graph, calculated the shortest path between two randomly chosen (different) nodes with both algorithms and stored the number of extracted nodes. This procedure was retimes. The results for both classes of graphs, peated for different sizes of , are plotted in Fig. 15. ) the Fig. 15 shows that for very small graphs (i.e., classical Dijkstra algorithm is more efcient than the alternating Dijkstra algorithm. However, for larger graphs, the alternating Dijkstra algorithm displays a higher efciency. For uniform link weights, this efciency gain is smallest for the class of 2-D lattices, where it seems to saturate at 62% of Dijkstras extracted nodes. This gain is already substantial. However, the efciency gain in the class of random graphs is much larger and continues in our simulated range. The reason most to decrease with likely lies in the random structure of the graph, which makes it more probable for the classical Dijkstra algorithm to scan nodes that are outside of the scope of the shortest path. We present an order estimate for the gain plotted in Fig. 15. with The shortest path tree in the class of random graphs independent exponential or uniformly distributed link weights is a uniform recursive tree (URT) [43]. An URT grows by attaching a new node uniformly to any of the already existent nodes in the URT. In the alternating Dijkstra algorithm, two sepand rooted at source arate URTs are grown, and destination , respectively. The scanning processes create
two URTs of about equal size. Let denote the typical size of the URTs when they meet (along the shortest path from to ). When the two URTs meet, any node in can be po, corresponding roughly tentially attached to any node in to possibilities. This implies that both URTs are connected if the number of interconnection possibilities includes about all , from which . This esnodes, hence timate explains that the performance measure EXN decreases , where simulations (up to roughly as give . in the 2-D lattice is as folThe argument why lows. Since the link weights are uniformly distributed, we may expect that the shortest path tree grows as an isotropic diffusion process with radius around and , respectively. The , where is a connumber of nodes in each circle is about stant. When these two circles touch each other, the shortest path is about the distance between is found, which happens if and . In the case of the classical Dijkstra algorithm, only the circle from nds the shortest path if node is enclosed, nodes to be discovered. Hence, in the which needs about alternating shortest path algorithm, about nodes need to be in the classical Dijkstra process, discovered, while which leads to a gain factor of 0.5. The actually simulated value is somewhat less, a gain of about 0.4, which is mainly due to neglecting the effect of the nite boundaries in the square lattice. In summary, by taking into account the underlying graph structure, it is possible to estimate roughly the performance measure EXN or efciency gain of the alternating Dijkstra over classical Dijkstra algorithm. B. Extension to Multiple Dimensions Extending the alternating search as described in the previous dimension to dimensions is not a section from trivial task. The complicating factor is the nonlinear length (5), diwhich causes that subsections of shortest paths in mensions are not necessarily shortest paths themselves. If two shortest paths (one originating in source node and the other dimensions meet at an interat destination node ) in mediate node, the resulting complete path is not necessarily the shortest path from to . We must keep track of the shortest length of the complete paths found so far. Even if a new complete path exceeds the length of a previously found complete path, that new path cannot be discarded as illustrated in Fig. 16. In this gure, the links represent paths, with their corresponding path weight vector. The arrows indicate the order of arrival of these subpaths at node . Once the rst two subpaths have arrived at node , we have our rst complete path with weight vector (7, 4). If the constraints are (10, 10), then the length of this path
Meta-code feasibility.
equals 0.7. Once the third path arrives at node , it makes a complete path with the second path, with total length 0.8. However, we cannot remove this subpath, because combined with path 4, it forms the shortest path with link weight vector (5, 6) with length 0.6. This example also illustrates that we will have to connect at some intermediate node with multiple paths. These problems in multiple dimensions complicate to decide and to predict when the true shortest path has been found. In other words, a stop criterion for SAMCRA is absent. Using this alternating search, SAMCRA can only be exact if we continue the search for paths until the queue is empty. The alterdimensions has more potential for the nating search in MCP problem, where the routing algorithm can stop as soon as one complete path obeys the constraints or for QoS algorithms that use a linear length function. In [28], we have proposed HAMCRA, a bidirectional variant of SAMCRA which solves the MCP problem exact. IX. SAMCRA ALGORITHM In the previous section, we have listed the four concepts for an exact and efcient QoS routing algorithm. The rst three concepts are present in SAMCRA version 1, whereas the fourth look-ahead concept was missing. Instead of proposing a new MCP algorithm, we present a second version of SAMCRA that uses this look-ahead principle. We will preserve the name SAMCRA for this algorithm. In the meta-code, some functions (INSERT, EXTRACT-MIN, and DECREASE-KEY) are borrowed from Cormen et al. [8]. A. Meta-Code The subroutine INITIALIZE (see Fig. 17) initializes the necessary parameters for the main algorithm and computes the lookahead information. Lines 1 and 2 set the number of stored paths counter at each node to zero. Maxlength refers to the maximum length that a (sub)path may have. Paths with length maxlength can be discarded, because they either violate the constraints or are larger than an already found end-to-end path. Maxlength is set to 1.0 in line 3, corresponding to the constraint values. The look-ahead lower bounds are calculated in line 5 with the function DIJKSTRA . This function nds for each individual QoS measure the lower bounds from any node to the destination node . An efcient way is to compute, for each measure , a shortest path tree with the Dijkstra algorithm from the destination to all other nodes. Moreover, for each measure , we store the shortest paths from to .
Fig. 19.
Meta-code updatequeue.
For each of these shortest paths, line 6 computes the length (5) and checks whether one of them has a lower length than maxlength. If this happens, in line 7, maxlength is updated with the new lower value, because if we already have a path with length , it is pointless to evaluate paths with larger length. SAMCRA starts with the source node , which is inserted into the queue (line 10). The subroutine FEASIBILITY (see Fig. 18) checks whether paths dominate each other or violate the maxlength value. A (sub)path refers to the th path that is stored at node . The represents a subpath weight vector . vector FEASIBILITY extends the th path at node toward the neighboring node , where counter nodes are already stored. The weight vector of this extended path equals . For each of the counter subpaths stored at node (lines 23), the path weight vector is subtracted from to verify whether the resulting vector is a suitable link weight vector. If all components of the difference vector are nonpositive, then the subpath is dominated by the extended path (see Section VI). Line 3 also checks whether the subpath violates the maxlength value. If the subpath is either dominated or exceeds maxlength, it need not be considered anymore and is marked black in line 4. A path marked black has become obsolete and may be replaced by a new path. Line 5 checks whether the extended path itself is dominated by a subpath . If so, it is labeled dominated. Our nal subroutine is called UPDATEQUEUE (see Fig. 19). UPDATEQUEUE has the task of updating the queue with a new path, namely the extended path from to node . Lines 12 check if any black paths exist with larger predicted length than the new extended path. If so, it replaces the black path with the extended path in lines 35. Line 3 decreases the predicted length of subpath with the
B. Complexity of SAMCRA The calculation of the worst-case complexity of SAMCRA as presented above will be computed. First, the worst-case complexity of the subroutines is determined, after which we will compute the total worst-case complexity of SAMCRA. The initialization phase has a polynomial-time complexity. times, executing heap-optiInitializing counter takes and mized Dijkstra (lines 45) leads to times computing a length of a path (line 6) leads to . The other operations take , leading to a total worst-case complexity of . The complexity of the FEASIBILITY subroutine depends on the calculation of length and verication of dominance. Calculating while verifying the length (5) of a weight vector takes at most. Since path dominance between two paths takes paths at a node, the FEASIBILITY subthere can be at most . routine takes at most The complexity of the subroutine UPDATEQUEUE depends on the specics of the heap structure (e.g., Fibonacci or relaxed . The heap funcheaps). Lines 1 and 2 take at most tions DECREASE-KEY (line 3) and INSERT (line 8) can be per. Updating (lines 4 and 9) takes at most . formed in The total worst-case complexity of UPDATEQUEUE leads to . The total worst-case complexity of SAMCRA is constructed as follows. The initialization phase adds . The queue can never contain path lengths. When using a Fibonacci or more than relaxed heap to structure the queue, selecting the minimum different path lengths takes at most path length among [8]. As each a calculation time of the order of times from the queue, the node can be selected at most extract min function in line 3 takes at most. Returning a path in line 6 takes at most . The times from for-loop starting on line 8 is invoked at most . each side of each link in the graph, leading to . Calculating the length in line FEASIBILITY takes 10 takes and updating the queue takes . Combining all those contributions yields a total worst-case complexity of SAMCRA of or (8) where is xed. When the link weights are real numbers, the granularity is innitely small implying that the rst argument in . (6) is innite and, hence, In this case, the QoS routing problem is NP-complete. But, as argued before, in practice, these measures will have nite are integers (in units granularity such that the link weights is limited by the specied by the QoS qualier), hence rst, nite argument in (6), which does not depend on the size of the topology. This means that, for a xed number of conand nite granularity in the constraints, SAMCRA straints has a pseudo-polynomial-time complexity [11]. and ), SAMCRAs For a single constraint ( complexity reduces to the complexity of the Dijkstra algorithm
Fig. 20.
Meta-code SAMCRA.
smaller predicted length from the extended path and updates the path weight vector (line 4) and predecessor list (line 5). If the queue is updated through decrease key in lines 35, the subroutine UPDATEQUEUE stops in line 6 and returns to the main algorithm. However, if lines 16 fail and no black paths can be replaced, then the extended path is inserted in the queue (lines 710). The real length of this subpath is not stored, but its predicted length. The main algorithm (see Fig. 20) starts with the execution of the subroutine INITIALIZE (line 1). Provided the queue is not empty (otherwise no feasible path is present), the extract min function in line 3 selects the minimum path length in the queue and returns , the th path stored in the queue at node . With these numbers and the predecessor list , the entire path can be reconstructed via backtracing. The extracted path is marked grey in line 4. If the node , corresponding to the extracted path , equals the destination , the shortest path satisfying the constraints is returned. If , the scanning procedure is initiated in line 8. Line 8 describes how the th path up to node is extended toward its neighboring node , except for the previous node where it came from. The previous node on the path is stored in the predecessor list . Returning to this previous node induces a loop, which must be avoided. Since the link weights are nonnegative, paths that have a loop are always dominated by paths without loops. This property relieves us from the time-consuming task of storing/backtracing the entire path to avoid loops. Line 9 invokes the FEASIBILITY subroutine to check whether all stored paths at node are nondominated and obey maxlength. FEASIBILITY also checks whether the new extended path is not dominated by previously stored paths at node . In line 10, the length of the predicted end-to-end path weight vector (composed of the real subpath weight vector from to plus the lower bound vector from to ) is calculated. Line 11 tests if the new extended path is nondominated and has a predicted length maxlength. If this is the case, it can be stored and the queue must be updated (line 12). Removing paths for which predicted length maxlength is the search-space reduction of the look-ahead concept. Finally, maxlength can be updated in lines 1314.
Fig. 21.
. By restricting at the expense of possibly loosing exactness, an optimized version of TAMCRA is obtained. It is also possible to stop SAMCRA, when a feasible path (not necessarily shortest) is found, which signicantly reduces the execution time especially for loose constraints. In particular, for the MCP problem, this option is recommended. X. EXAMPLE OF THE OPERATION OF SAMCRA Consider the topology drawn in the top of Fig. 21. We are asked to nd a path from the source node to the destination . node subject to the constraints vector SAMCRA returns the shortest path satisfying the -vector in seven steps (including initialization). Whenever a path is extracted from the queue (line 3 of the meta-code), the corresponding box is colored in grey. The arrows refer to lines 812. The algorithm stops when the rst entry of the destination node is extracted from the queue. In step Init of Fig. 21, the initialization phase of SAMCRA is are displayed in boxes displayed. The lower bound vectors besides the nodes. The initialization phase also examines the and from to , two shortest Dijkstra paths with and where with . The path where lies within the constraints, for , and has length which is smaller than the initialized maxlength=1, and, therefore, maxlength is lowered9 to 0.8. The main algorithm starts in step 1 of Fig. 22 by scanning the neighbors of node . In step 2, the path with the minimum predicted end-to-end length, which corresponds to node in Fig. 22 with , is extracted
9If only a solution to the MCP problem is required, the algorithm can be stopped since a feasible path from A to B has been found.
Fig. 22.
from the queue and the scanning procedure from is inwith is not stored voked. The path because it is dominated by the previously stored path stored at node . The same holds for the path toward node . Besides being dominated by the previously stored , its length also exceeds maxlength. path and are stored and maxlength The paths toward nodes is updated with the length of the end-to-end path . In step 3, shown in Fig. 23, the scanning procedure from is invoked. In step 4, two subpaths at node are node with and predicted length stored: and with and predicted length . In step 5, in Fig. 24, a new end-to-end path is found with predicted length 0.6. Maxlength is, therefore, set to 0.6. Note that this predicted length equals the real length, because we have a to . In this next and nal step, we complete path from extract the destination node . This implies that the shortest path minimizing the length (5) and within the constraints has been found. By using the predecessor list , this shortest is reconstructed in the reverse direction (as in path Dijkstras algorithm). Since the granularity is 1 (the vector components are all integers), we observe that, although with (6), sufces for the exact solution because two queue entries are needed at node , all the other nodes store less entries. If was restricted to 1, no path satisfying the constraints would have been found. SAMCRA always guarantees that, if there is a compliant path, this path is certainly found.
XI. CONCLUSION Four basic concepts for a QoS routing algorithm have been introduced and explained: the nonlinear length, the need to compute shortest paths, the principle of path dominance, and the look-ahead concept. The look-ahead concept is demonstrated as a valuable improvement to SAMCRA. The look-ahead concept is a nice example that illustrates how basic algorithms like SAMCRA can evolve over time. There still seems room for improvement and it is unclear whether a nal version of an algorithm can ever be achieved. Another possible improvement for MCP is expected when path searching is alternatively performed at the source and the destination side. Therefore, as guidelines for future research topics, we believe there is more value in searching for new ideas that improve exact QoS routing algorithms such as SAMCRA than in proposing new heuristics. In addition, ne-tuning QoS routing algorithms for special classes of topologies, for example the class of power law graphs that contain the Internet, is a second suggestion. At least, as mentioned in the Introduction, we believe that pinpointing the classes of graphs for which the QoS MCOP problem is not NP complete, is important to understand the specics that lead to NP completeness and to have hard guarantees that applications of the MCOP problem to these graphs is feasible in practice. In the classes of graphs that lead to NP completeness, a bound on the parameter (as in TAMCRA) is necessary at the expense of possibly losing exactness.
Fig. 23. Example of the operation of SAMCRA (step 3 and 4).
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Piet Van Mieghem received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Katholieke University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 1987 and 1991, respectively. He is a Professor at the Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Delft, The Netherlands, with a Chair in telecommunication networks, and he is the Chairman of the basic unit Network Architectures and Services. Before joining the TUDelft, he was with the Interuniversity Micro Electronic Center (IMEC) from 1987 to 1991. From 1992 to 1993, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. From 1993 to 1998, he was a member of the Alcatel Corporate Research Center, Antwerp, Belgium, where he was engaged in the performance analysis of ATM systems and in network architectural concepts of both ATM networks (PNNI) and the Internet. His main research interests lie in new Internet-like architectures for future, broadband, and QoS-aware networks and in the modeling and performance analysis of network behavior.
Fernando A. Kuipers (S01) received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Delft, The Netherlands, in June, 2000. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Network Architectures and Services Group, TUDelft. His Ph.D. work mainly focuses on the algorithmic aspects and complexity of quality of service (QoS) routing under both static and dynamic network state information. He was a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center on the Design and Management of Infrastructures (DIOC), where he took part in the telecommunications project.