Cisst Robot Tutorial - Cisst
Cisst Robot Tutorial - Cisst
Cisst Robot Tutorial - Cisst
CISST Robot is a library that provides computational tools and algorithms for robotics. Among others, the cisstRobot library provides tools for evaluating kinematics and dynamics and for interpolating and blending trajectories. It is somewhat analogous to the Robotics Toolbox for Matlab. CISST Robot is developed around the class robManipulator that implements several algorithms for a kinematic chain. robManipulator does not naturally extend to parallel or closed-loop manipulators. Each robot must have a configuration file that contains the parameters that are used by the various algorithms. This tutorial will explain how you can define your robot and use it with cisstRobot. Note: The cisstRobot library is currently undergoing design review, and it is likely that many things will change. Some changes will be necessary to make it more consistent with the rest of the cisst libraries.
robManipulator is the main class of cisstRobot. It provides the tools for computing forward/inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics and tools that can be useful for control such as joint/Cartesian space inertia matrices, spatial/body Jacobians, gravity loads, etc. Before looking at robManipulator, we will look at how the kinematics/dynamics of a robot is defined. For your robot you need to create a text file that contains the kinematics and, optionally, the dynamics parameters of each link. By convention, these files have the .rob suffix. The CISST library provides .rob files of a few robots (7DOF WAM, PUMA 560, IRB 6600, IRB 2400, CRS 260, FANUC and m16ib). All the robots have the mandatory kinematics parameters and only the 7DOF WAM has dynamics parameters. Note that you must provide the kinematics parameters of your robot. The dynamics parameters are optional and you cannot use "dynamics" methods unless you provide these parameters. First, let's look at an example of the configuration file for a 7DOF WAM. The first line is straightforward -- it says how many links the robot has. Since the 7DOF WAM has 7 links, the first line contains the number "7". A PUMA 560 has 6 links and, therefore, its first line has the number "6". Then, on each of the subsequent lines, you enter the parameters of each link. Each parameter is separated by one or more spaces. The first parameter describes the kind of kinematics parameters. The word "standard" refers to standard Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters. CISST robot supports the following kinematics conventions: "standard" DH parameters, "modified" DH parameters and Hayati parameters. Each of these conventions requires 4 numbers that represent the position and orientation of a distal coordinate frame with respect to the previous one. Reviewing these conventions is beyond the scope of this tutorial, as we will only describe the nature of each parameter. Once the configuration file is completed, you can create a robManipulator object and load the file. Likewise, you can derive a new class from robManipulator to implement control and trajectory algorithms. Note: the rob file format is likely to change. It may be better to have a more structured format, such as "keyword=value" (as in an ini file) or "keyword value" (as parsed by cmnStreamRawParser`) or XML format. There should be a field for the file format version number.
Kinematics Parameters
The first set of parameters represent the kinematics of each link. These parameters are mandatory and the order in which you specify them does matter.
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"Standard" DH Parameters
Following the DH standard1 you must provide 4 numbers that define the orientation of the ith link with respect to the i-1th link. "Standard" DH convention assumes that the ith coordinate frame is at the i+1 joint. 1. The first number represents the angle (in radians) between zi-1 and zi about xi. 2. The second number represents the length (in meters) along xi of the common perpendicular between zi-1 and zi. 3. The third number represents the angle (in radians) between xi-1 and xi about zi-1. 4. The fourth number represents the distance (in meters) along axis zi-1 between the origin of the i-1th coordinate frame and the point where the common perpendicular intersects axis zi-1
"Modified" DH Parameters
Following the modified DH standard2, you must provide 4 numbers that define the orientation of the ith link with respect to the i-1th link. Unlike the "standard" DH convention, the "modified" DH convention assumes that the ith coordinate frame is at the i joint. 1. The first number represents the angle (in radians) between zi-1 and zi about xi-1. 2. The second number represents the length (in meters) along xi-1 of the common perpendicular between zi-1 and zi. 3. The third number represents the angle (in radians) between xi-1 and xi about zi. 4. The fourth number represents the distance (in meters) along axis zi between the origin of the ith coordinate frame and the point where the common perpendicular intersects axis zi
Hayati Parameters
Hayati parameters3 are beneficial when representing coordinate frames that have parallel, or near parallel, z axes. Like the DH convention, the Hayati convention assumes that the ith coordinate frame is at the i+1 joint. Furthermore, the nature of the parameters depends on whether the joint is revolute or prismatic. For a prismatic joint, the parameters are 1. 2. 3. 4. The first number represents the angle (in radians) between xi-1 and xi The second number represents the angle (in radians) between yi-1 and yi The third number represents the angle (in radians) between zi-1 and zi The fourth number represents the distance (in meters) between the origin of the ith coordinate frame and zi
Joint Type
Following these four numbers, you must specify the properties of the joint. For now, only two types of joints are supported -- "prismatic" and "revolute" -- and you must specify one of these for each link. Thus, the first joint is always on the first link and is defined on the second line (the first line contains the number of links). All the kinematics conventions mentioned above assume that a revolute joint rotates about a z axis and that a prismatic joint translates along a z axis.
Joint Mode
The joint mode determines if a joint is "active" or "passive". An "active" joint is a joint that has a motor whereas a "passive" joint is a joint that is not linked to a motor and must be moved by external forces.
Joint Offset
This value represents a constant offset that is applied to a joint. This is mostly useful for using joint values that correspond to manufacturer's values. For example, the DH convention of a robot has a fixed "zero" configuration where all the joints have a "zero" angle or translation. That configuration,
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however, can differ from a manufacturer "zero" configuration. Often, manufacturers will add an offset to specific joints to obtain a more practical "zero" configuration. This offset is never changed and is always automatically added to the joints.
Joint Limits
The next two numbers represent the limits. These limits are as specified by the manufacturer and include any offset in the values. Limits for revolute joints are in radians and limits for prismatic joints are in meters.
Dynamics Parameters
Following the kinematics parameters you can specify dynamics parameters. These parameters are optional; that is you do not have to specify them or you can enter your grocery list if you do not intend to use dynamics of your robot.
This is the mass (kg) of the ith link.
Center of Mass
The next three numbers represent the X-Y-Z coordinates of the center of mass of the ith link with respect to the link's coordinate frame.
Using robManipulator
robManipulator provides the following methods
Base Transformation
You can set the transformation of the base frame of your robot (link 0) in the constructor. For example, if your robot is rotated with respect to your world coordinate frame, then you can capture this transformation in the base transformation.
Forward Kinematics
Given a vector of joints, you can use the method ForwardKinematics. The methods uses a vector of joint positions as an input and an optional link number. The method returns a 4x4 homogeneous transformation representing the orientation and position of the end-effector with respect to the world frame. The forward kinematics will account for the base transformation. By default, the forward kinematics will return the position and orientation of the end-effector, but if you need a the orientation and position of any link you can specify an optional parameter indicating a link number. The link number are zero indexed such that link number 0 refer to the base of the robot and will return the base transformation. Link number 1 will return the position and orientation of the first link and so on. vctDynamicVector<double> q( 7, 0.0 ); // 7 joints with vctFrame4x4<double> Rtw7 = manipulator.ForwardKinematics( q ); // Compute the f
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Inverse Kinematics
robManipulator provides the method InverseKinematics to solve inverse kinematics problems. The method is generic and applicable to any manipulator. Inverse Kinematics? solves inverse kinematics problems by using Newton's method. As Newton's method iterates towards a solution, it is important to provide an initial guess that is as close as possible to the desired solution. The method returns robManipulator::ESUCCESS if the algorithm converged within the specified accuracy and iteration limits. Otherwise it returns robManipulator::EFAILURE. The first argument is a vector of joint positions. As an input, this vector represents the initial guess to the inverse kinematics problem. As an output, the vector contains the solution of the problem (given that the algorithm was successful). The second argument is a 4x4 homogeneous transformation that represents the desired position and orientation of the end-effector. The third argument is optional and represent the accuracy tolerance. By default, this value is set to 1e-12. The last argument is also optional and represent the maximum number of iteration that the algorithm is given. By default this value is 1000 (which is very large). Thus Inverse Kinematics? will return robManipulator::EFAILURE if the algorithm fails to converge within 1e-12 by using less than 1000 iterations. vctDynamicVector<double> q( 7, 0.0 ); // 7 joints with vctFrame4x4<double> Rtw7 = manipulator.ForwardKinematics( q ); // Compute the f manipulator.InverseKinematics( q, Rtw7 ); // Compute the i
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Robot Components
Robot components are a set of "blocks" that implement specific tasks in a robot system. Available components are: manipulators, controllers and trajectories. There are also two simulators available. The first one is based on OpenSceneGraph and can only simulate the kinematics of a robot. The second one is based on Open Dynamic Engine (and OpenSceneGraph) and can simulate kinematics and dynamics. Note that both robot simulators are derived from robManipulator and thus they use the same configuration file. Each component runs in its own thread at a specified period and messages are passed between them in the form of input and output in either joint space or Cartesian space. Note: The devRobotComponent class currently uses a nested IO class, with some derived classes, such as RnIO, R3IO, etc. These need further review. For one thing, there are a lot of conditional statements such as if( IOType() == IO::PROVIDE_OUTPUT) which could possibly be better handled through class hierarchies.
devManipulator is a class that implements the input/output to an actual robot (hardware). This component will read/write to the hardware at a specified rate. Your robot must derive from the devManipulator class and implement read and write methods. Both methods are called automatically at each iteration as the name indicates, these methods must interact with the hardware and provide
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information about the state of the robot to other components that can use it. For example, looking at the read method of the 7DOF WAM, the method first queries the joint controllers before parsing the replies and publishing the joint angles to the output. Similarly, the write method receives values from its input (either a position input, a velocity input or a torque input) and writes the result to the hardware. These read/write methods lead to the problem of representing inputs and outputs in devManipulator and, for that matter, in other components. The robot components define a set of inputs/outpus in either joint space or Cartesian space. These inputs can be either positions, velocities, or forces/torques. The robot components do not enforce any convention regarding the number and spaces of input/output although the components provided in cisstDevices suggest a homogeneous architecture. For example, in the read method, the output position is set to the joint angles given by the hardware. This output is defined in the constructor as a manipulator "real" output of joint positions (of a specific size). Similarly, the input is defined as either a manipulator input of either "real" positions or "real" torques (of a specific size). By "real" input/output we imply a joint space vector as opposed to a special Euclidean input/output space. These inputs/outputs generate cisstMultiTask interfaces and commands with pre-set names that can be connected to other components.
1. Michael Brady, Robot motion: planning and control, MIT Press 1982 2. W. Khalil, J.F. Kleinfinger, A new geometric notation for open and closed-loop robots, ICRA 1986, pp. 1174-1179 3. S. Hayati, M. Mirmirani, Improving the absolute positioning accuracy of robot manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems 2(4) 1985 4. R.M. Murray, Z. Li, S.S, Sastry, A mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation, CRC Press, 1994
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