Image Processing by GRASS GIS
Image Processing by GRASS GIS
Image Processing by GRASS GIS
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Now let us start grass64 with LOCATION spearfish60 and MAPSET user1, the original image data is stored in MAPSET PERMANENT. Figure 1-2 shows the example of Grass64 data selection. After setting GIS Data Directory, LOCATION and MAPSET, click [Enter GRASS] button. Three Interfaces of grass64 are automatically displayed (Figure 1-3). Note: You can create the new MAPSET by input of your name at Create new mapset text box on startup interface.
Figure1-2: Three Interfaces of grass64. Import command can be done with the command interface. Go to the menu bar of the GIS Manager and click to [File] ~ [Import Raster Map] ~ [Multiple formats using GDAL], you can get the interface of the command (Figure 1-3). To understand details about the command, click Help button on the interface. The command g.manual will automatically run and open the html file for detailed description of this command.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
At the "Raster file to be imported" on the graphical interface, click the folder button and choose the file name for importing. At "Name for output raster map", enter the name for output map in GRASS. Import operation will be done when you click Run button. After you finish importing, display the image on Map Display using GIS Manager (Figure 1-5). You can also import many types of images by except for Grass binary, ERDAS LAN, TOPMODEL, ASCII GRID, these type have another command like, see them in the menu [File] ~ [Import]~ [Raster map]~ . Exercise1: Import all the tiff files, which you have just extracted, into spearfish60. Give appropriate names, example landsatTM1 for channel 1 and so on.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Note: If you want to get the list of images in your MAPSET, use the command g.list as below. You can see the list of images on Output Window (Figure1-5). Path to g.list: [File] ~ [Manage maps and volumes] ~ [List] Command: g.list rast
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Figure 1-7: r.out.gdal interface. Exercise 2: - Export landsatTM to tiff files and jpeg files. NOTE: Though it is possible to use GUI, for convenience of explanation, here after in this training, operation command will be given by text (command line).
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Path to g.region: [Config] ~ [Region] ~ [Change region settings] Command: g.region To display the histogram of raster layer on Map Display, select the icon in GIS Manager, set at Raster to histogram and display it on Map Display1 (Figure1-8). Exercise 3: - Do same operations (g.region, d.mon and d.histogram) using and, and compare the each result.
b. Color tables
Colors are not hard coded in images. Most GIS system provides the capability to assign colors to certain pixel values using so-called look up tables (LUT). The GRASS module for creating LUT is r.colors. Besides the pre-defined color tables like rainbow or gyr (from green to yellow to red) you can also define your own color assignments (set parameter color=rules). In terms of remote sensing a quick way to change the color table after data import to useful values is the option grey.eq. Using this option a contrast stretch will be applied to the image's color table based on the histogram found for the particular channel. Satellite images are often found to be dark after importing; the contrast enhancement of the LUT is useful for later data analysis. Note: Before doing the color table change, we should copy the file which we will change to a new file, for safety (EX: g.copy rast=spot.p,spot.p_eq). Path to g.copy: [File] ~ [Manage maps and volumes] ~ [Copy] Note: In the case of LOCATION whose region has not yet been defined (projection and coordinates of the LOCATION) you must use the command g.region rast=filename or g.region vect=filename (filename is the raster or vector layer that you want to display) before displaying the image file or vector file.
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Path to r.colors: [Raster] ~ [Manage map colors] ~ [Color tables] and choose Type of color table is grey.eq (Figure 1.9) Command: r.colors map=spot.p_eq color=grey.eq
Figure1-10: Comparison of grey scale color with equalized grey scale color. You will realize that the contrast of the image is improved (Figure1-11). Continue to do with another image.
c. Density slicing
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
A method to enhance the visual interpretation of grey scale images is the pseudo color enhancement. Here various colors are assigned to the grey values. A particular method is density slicing, which can be easily done with GRASS. When density slicing, a range of contiguous grey levels is assigned to a range of colors. The full range of the grey levels of channel is cut into three parts and is piece-wise assigned to the base colors blue, green and red. To perform such density slicing in GRASS, the minimum and maximum pixel values have to be identified (e.g. using which shows the range of map), then a color table needs to be written and used for r.colors. The color values are interpolated between the given values and sliced individually between minimum and maximum. For example, one-third of the color range is assigned to red, one-third to green, one-third to blue, where the overlapping color range leads to mixed colors. As an example we apply a density slice to panchromatic SPOT-1 image. The range of spot.p is 15 - 254, therefore we slice at the cell value thresholds: 94 (which is 15 + (254-15)/3 and 174 (which is15 + (254-15)*2/3) with beginning at 15 and ending at 254. - Check the range of spot.p: Path to [Raster] ~ [Reports and statistics] ~ [Report basic file information] - Copy spot.p to spot.p_slice by command g.copy rast=spot.p,spot.p_slice Or by [Files] ~ [Manage maps and volumes] ~ [Copy] - Apply the density slice: Path to r.colors.rules: [Raster] ~ [Manage map colors] ~ [Color rules] (Figure 1.11) The spot.p_slice image after changing color range in Figure 1.12
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(a) Image with grey scale color (b) Image with pseudo color Figure1-12: Comparison of grey scale color with pseudo color. You may experiment with different ranges for the three colors to optimize the result which means to achieve a good contrast (Figure1-12). As two clouds are present in the image which heavily influences the grey level distribution of this image, you may try to define the maximum value much lower and reduce the other thresholds respectively. It allows the individual color values to be modified for implementation of different slicing functions. Exercise4: Log in to LOCATION spearfish60, MAPSET user1, and change the color table to grey_eq with all landsatTM file. Moreover create the color table rules with LandsatTM8 (panchromatic channel).
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Note: The order of assignment is unusual for a near-natural color composite. This is due to the fact that the SPOT-1 satellite does not provide a blue channel. Above trick is a possible work around, another option is to generate a synthetic blue channel from the existing channels. Due to the assigned standard grey color tables of the input channels the resulting image appears very greenish. This may be optimized with modifications to individual grey tables. When working with LANDSAT-TM7 data, the first three channels will be assigned to blue, green and red as expected from the color model definition.
Figure1-13: Result of RGB color composite. If desired, this composite, as drawn by d.rgb into the GRASS monitor, can be stored to a new raster map with r.composite (the latter requires an image group, this will be explained later on). A false color composite for SPOT-1 is done in a similar way, but preferably from a histogram equalized grey scale color tables which are calculated in advance. Path to r.composite: [Raster] ~ [Manage map colors] ~ [Create RGB] Command: r.composite red= green= output=spot.comp321 This command will produce the false color image as we have effectively assigned the spectral ranges near infrared, red and green as measure by HRV channels to the RGB color channels. Green vegetation appears red while non vegetated areas are bluish. A geocoded SPOT-1 false color image derived from histogram-equalized grey scale color table is already included in LOCATION spearfish60 as a raster layer
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Note: You can zoom in the image to see the details of displayed layer by selecting the sixth button from left side of icon list in Map Display. After clicking the icon, draw the rectangular box by dragging mouse as Figure1-15. You can see the zoom up image (Figure 1-16). The operation above does not change the real current region setting, but change just only display region setting. To match current region setting with display region setting, click the eighth button from right side of icon list in Map Display and select Set current region (WIND file) to match display as Figure116.
Exercise of Section I 1: Create 4 composite raster maps from Landsat images The table below shows the raster map names assigned to red, green and blue color, and resultant map names. Composite name True color False color Natural color (Natural color) Red landsatTM3 landsatTM4 landsatTM3 landsatTM5 Green landsatTM2 landsatTM3 landsatTM4 landsatTM4 Blue landsatTM1 landsatTM2 landsatTM2 landsatTM2 Output landsat.comp321 landsat.comp432 landsat.comp342 landsat.comp542
2: Find out where is the healthy vegetation or water or dry soil using composite maps created in exercise above. 3: Draw the reflected curve of healthy vegetation, water and dry soil by using LandsatTM1 to LandsatTM7.
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Suggestion: Zoom in to the region that has healthy vegetation then query the pixel value by the command r.what that can be done by selecting a seventh icon from right side of icon list on Map Display. Changing the raster layer for query, you will know all the digital number (DN) of vegetation of each channel. Do the same with water and dry soil. Band
1 2 3 4 5 7
Wave length
[m ]
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Case 1: The image data set has been already geocoded and projected.
In this case you have to verify whether the data are in the target coordinate system. If so, the data set can be directly imported into the target LOCATION and used for further analysis. If it is different with the desired coordinate system, the data set must be imported into its own LOCATION and projected to the target LOCATION with r.proj. It is important to check the geometrical accuracy with reference maps.
Case 2: The image data set is not geocoded, but GCPs are present.
When importing the data with, existing GCPs are extracted into a GRASS POINTS file (use later by i.rectify). If the GCPs represent four corner points, a Helmert (similarity) transformation can be performed to transform the data into a georeferenced LOCATION (first order polynomial transformation). However, as this linear transformation only stretches and rotates the image, it is not very accurate for satellite images which may also contain distortions within the image. Improvements can be achieved by adding more GCPs and then using a higher order polynomial rectification method. As mentioned above in import section of this part, the extracted GCPs coordinates, which are usually provided as latitude-longitude coordinates, can optionally
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Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
be projected on the fly to a target coordinate system. This will be explained below in greater detail.
Case 3: The image data set is not geocoded, and no GCPs are present.
Here the user has to identify GCPs within the image and reference map or GPS data. This requires some efforts which we explain next. The geocoding process in GRASS is three-fold: A source LOCATION which contains the satellite data set has to be generated. A target LOCATION (usually projected) is required into which the raw data set will be rectified. This target LOCATION contains reference maps for GCPs identification. When sufficient spatially accurate GCPs are identified, the rectification of the input image or image group from the source to the target LOCATION is performed.
Note about the number of GCPs must be chosen and the function for rectification The number of required GCPs depends on the rectification method. For a linear transformation 4 points are sufficient, preferably selected in the corners of the image. Non-linear polynomial transformations from the 2nd p'th order require more points. The minimum number of points can be calculated as follows, with n is the number of required GCPs, and p is the order of polynomial used for rectification with i.rectify: n= (p+1) (p+2)/2 According to this formula a third order transformation (p=3) requires at least n=10 GCPs. It is recommended to always define more GCPs than the minimum. E.g. for a third order polynomial transformation at least 15 GCPs should be identified. Note that for image rectification usually second or third order polynomials are used. It is also important to use GCPs which are homogeneously distributed throughout the image. Here is a brief note about the formulas of 3 methods of rectification. Linear affine transformation (1st order transformation) x' = ax + by +c y' = Ax + By +C The a, b, c, A, B, and C are determined by least squares regression based on the control points entered. This transformation applies scaling, translation and rotation. It is not a general purpose rubber-sheeting, nor is it ortho-photo rectification using a DEM, neither a second order polynomial, etc. It can be used if (1) you have geometrically correct images, and (2) the terrain or camera distortion effect can be ignored. Polynomial Transformation (2nd, 3d order transformation) The ANALYZE function has been changed to support calculating the registration coefficients using a first, second, or third order transformation matrix. The number of control points required for a selected order of transformation (represented by equation above) 3, 6, and 10 respectively. It is strongly recommended that one or more additional points be identified to allow for an overly- determined transformation calculation which will generate the Root Mean Square (RMS) error values for each included point. The RMS error values for all the included control points are immediately recalculated when the user selects a different transformation order from the menu bar. The polynomial equations are performed using a modified Gaussian elimination method.
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Step 2
Before starting the GCPs identification, the target LOCATION (in our case the LOCATION spearfish60) has to be specified with (do the same as Figure 2-2). Path to [Imagery] ~ [Develop images and groups] ~ [Target group] Command: group=spotmss location=spearfish60 mapset=user1
Step 3
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This step is GCP choosing, there are some ways to collect the GCPs. In the Linux OS the command i.points and i.vpoints (see the manual) are used to define GCPs for interactively on old graphic monitor. But incase of Windows OS we have to select the command Georectify Path to Georectify: [File] ~ [Georectify] The basic procedure is to identify a set of ground control points (GCPs) in the ungeorectified data. The georectified coordinates for the points are identified. A mathematical transformation is calculated by regressing the original coordinates against the georectified coordinates for the same points. This transformation is then applied to all the data. Reference with figure 2-3 In the GRASS Georectify dialog box, you have to select five buttons. In the Select mapset chose the mapset that hold your group, in our case it is user1. The second button can be passed because we already done with the group creation so you dont have to care about it. The third button is select group, put the group name is spotmss. The next button is select map that means you have to chose which map will be showed for GCPs chosing. After filling 1st, 2nd 3rd buttons we choose number fifth Start georectifing , there are three box appear, first is manage (figure 2-4a,b)
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Figure 2-4 (b): Display map to be georectified In the display map (figure 2-4 b) with an ungeorectified map to use for marking GCPs. The GCP map display can be zoomed and panned like a normal map display. The GCP manager window holds the x/y coordinates and geographic coordinates of each GCP, and displays the error for each GCP (i.e., the distance that the actual GCP marked deviates from its expected placement using a transformation equation). 1. Click in an empty x/y entry box in the GCP manager to begin marking a new GCP 2. Click on the ungeorectified map to mark a GCP and automatically enter its x/y coordinates in the entry box (Figure 2-5). (Your cursor will automatically jump to the corresponding geographic coordinate entry box for the same GCP), 3. Enter the corresponding geographic coordinates for the GCP OR click on the same place in a georectified map (in a normal map display) to automatically extract the geographic coordinates and enter them into the geographic coordinate entry box in the GCP manager window (Note: use the pointer tool in the map display window). In our case we have to open the geographic coordinate image in Imagery60 location. For doing this, do the [Import raster map] ~ [Multiple format using GDAL] . Select the file p033r029_7p20000712_z13_nn80_NAD27_small.tif (the landsatTM file for Spearfish region) this file is already geocoded. The name of output raster map we
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put landsatTM8. At the Option button select the Override projection. Display the landsatTM8 on the Map Display window. You will not see the image on the screen because your image is in the difference region of Imagery60 setting. Thus to view the image click to the button (the last one on the Map Display window). Use the query button to pick out the coordinate (see the Output GIS.m). Copy the coordinates showed on the Output and paste to the Manage ground control points
Figure 2-5: Select GCPs Continue marking GCPs until you have enough for an accurate georectification. At least 4 GCPs are needed for a simple 1st order (affine) transformation that can shift and rotate a map; at least 6 GCPs are needed for a 2nd order (polynomial) transformation that will do simple warping in addition to shifting and rotating; at least 10 GCPs are needed for a 3rd order (polynomial) transformation that will do complex warping. Any GCP can be edited by typing new values or by selecting the appropriate entry box and clicking on the GCP-marking display or georectified map display. GCPs can be excluded and not used for calculating the transformation equation or the total RMS error by unchecking the box in the "use" column at the left of each GCP entry line. Only active GCPs (i.e., with the "use" box checked) will be used for computing the georectification and total error. You can delete all inactive GCPs (i.e., with unchecked "use" boxes) by clicking the eraser tool in the GCP manager tool bar. Total RMS (root mean square) error is calculated from all active GCPs. Click the RMS tool in the GCP manager tool bar to update the total RMS error after changing or including/excluding a GCP. Excluding a GCP with an especially high individual error can reduce overall RMS error, but will also change the individual errors of all other GCPs. The lower the RMS error, the more accurate the final georectification will be.
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All active GCPs can be saved to a POINTS file, associated with the imagery group for the map(s) to be georectified. If a saved POINTS file exists, prior to a georectification session the GCP values in the POINTS file will automatically be entered into the GCP manager window when a georectification session is started.
Step 4: Georectification
When you are satisfied with your selection of GCPs and RMS error... 1. Select the type of georectification you want to perform (1st, 2nd, or 3rd order for rasters; 1st order only for vectors). Remember, at least 3 points are needed for 1st order georectification, 6 points for 2nd order, and 10 points for 3rd order. 2. Press the Georectification button on the GCP manager tool bar if you want the data is located at the same LOCATION that means in this case is imagery60 (it is very hard to assess the result). If you want to bring the Spot image into geocoded location (spearfish60), please click to the quit button (this option is the best). Use i.rectify performs the image rectification into the target LOCATION based on GCPs. Unlike projection and transformation between coordinate system using r.proj, which is based on the mathematically defined projection models, i.rectify uses linear or higher order polynomial to warp a source image to a target LOCATION . In Grass64 for Windows OS, there is not interface for i.rectify, you just use the commad line In this exercise the region setting of target location will be used. For this login grass64 with LOCATION spearfish60 and MAPSET user1, change the region settings to default region with 20m resolution before geo-rectification. Command: g.region -d res=20 Then go back to LOCATION imagery60 and MAPSET user1, and start rectification. Command: i.rectify -c -a group=spotmss extension=rec order=1
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If you want to keep the original cell size of the image, uncheck the option Use curr. region settings in target location from the i.rectify command interface.
c. Checking accuracy
To evaluate the quality of the geocoding process, potential spatial shifts between the rectified channels and the reference map(s) should be verified. The rectified channels can be either displayed in different GRASS monitor and better overlay with the vector maps, and zoom in for checking more details. Figure 2-6 shows the overlay of spot.comprec and roads layer. Zoom in to see more details, if the vector layer roads does not match to the raster layer spot.comprec, you should do again and choose more GCPs. Log in grass64 with LOCATION spearfish60 and MAPSET user1 . d.rast spot.comprec d.vect roads Exercise 1: Choose the second and third order of transformation, and then check the accuracy. Which method has high accuracy? Exercise 2: Do the same operation using the panchromatic image spot.p in imagery60 and name it spot.prec.
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1. To start georeferencing an unreferenced raster, we must load it using the open raster button . The raster will show up in the main working area of the dialog. Once the raster is loaded, we can start to enter reference points. 2. Using the Add Point button , add points to the main working area and enter their coordinates (See Figure 2-8). For this procedure you have two options: a. Click on a point in the raster map and enter the X and Y coordinates manually b. Click on a point in the raster map and choose the button from map canvas to add the X and Y coordinates with the help of a georeferenced map already loaded in QGIS. 3. Continue entering points. You should have at least 4 points, and the more coordinates you can provide, the better the result will be. There are additional tools on the plugin dialog to zoom and pan the working area in order to locate a relevant set of GCP points. The points that are added to the map will be stored in a separate text file ([filename].points) which is stored together with the raster image. This allows us to reopen the Georeferencer plugin at a later date and add new points or delete existing ones to optimize the result. The points file contains values of the form: mapX, mapY, pixelX, pixelY. You can also Load GCPs and Save GCPs to different directories if you like.
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After you have added your GCPs to the raster image, you need to select the transformation type for the georeferencing process. Depending on how many ground control point you have captured, you may want to use different transformation algorithms. Choice of transformation algorithm is also depended on the type and quality of input data and the amount of geometric distortion that you are willing to introduce to final result. Click to Setting ~ Transformation setting , it is demonstrated in the figure 2-9
Currently, several algorithms are available: 1. Linear 2. Helmert 3. Polynomial 1 4. Polynomial 2 5. Polynomial 3 6. Thin plate spline (TPS) The Linear algorithm is used to create a world-file, and is different from the other algorithms, as it does not actually transform the raster. This algorithm likely wont be sufficient if you are dealing with scanned material.
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The Helmert transformation performs simple scaling and rotation transformations. The Polynomial algorithms are among the most widely used algorithms for georeferencing, and each one differs by the degree of distortion introduced to match source and destination ground control points. The most widely used polynomial algorithm is the second order polynomial transformation, which allows some curvature. First order polynomial transformation (affine) preserves colliniarity and allows scaling, translation and rotation only. The Thin plate spline (TPS) algorithm is a more modern georeferencing method, which is able to introduce local deformations in the data. This algorithm is useful when very low quality originals are being georeferenced. In this example we choose the polynomial 1 and the resampling method is Nearest Neighbour. Output raster is the name of rectify raster that you want to save, you can name it as spot1_rectify and hit OK then the transformation method is shown in the bottom of the Georeference plugin box
To start georectifying the image click to button. It is done You can do the same with the other band, but in the other time you just load the GCP points, dont need to choose again.
The type of resampling you choose will likely depending on your input data and the ultimate objective of the exercise. If you dont want to change statistics of the image, you might want to choose Nearest neighbour, whereas a Cubic resampling will likely provide a more smoothed result.
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In the case of Landsat-7 ETM+ L1G product, following equation is used to convert DN to spectral radiance (L ) at the sensors aperture in W / (m2 * sr * m):
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QCAL = Quantized calibrated pixel value in DN LMIN = Spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMIN in W / (m2 * sr * m) LMAX = Spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMAX in W / (m2 * sr * m) QCALMIN = Minimum quantized pixel value (corresponding to LMIN) in DN = 1 for LPGS (Level a Product Generation System) products or NLAPS (National Land Archive Production System) products processed after April 5, 2004 products = 0 for NLAPS (National Land Archive Production System) products processed before April 5, 2004 products QCALMAX = Maximum quantized pixel value (corresponding to LMAX) in DN = 255. In our case, the metadata file p033r029_7x20000712.met contains the information for calculation of radiance (see the line 72 to 91 for LMAX and LMIN, and line 92 to 111 for QCALMAX and QCALMIN). Moreover, this file also contains the information for gain condition of each band (see the line 123 to 131). For example, the value of LMAX and LMIN, QCALMAX and QCALMIN for band 1 is 191.600, -6.200, 255.0 and 1.0 respectively. Thus, the radiance of this band can be calculated by r.mapcalc as below (Figure 2-9 and Figure 2-10). Note that the data set for this analysis is spearfish60. Path to r.mapcalc: [Raster] ~ [Map calculator] Exercise 3: Do the same operation using the other bands (2, 3, 4, 5, 61, 62, 7, 8). Surface temperature derived from Landsat7 ETM+ band 6 The radiance for band 6 can be applied to surface temperature. Following equation is used to convert radiance to absolute temperature TK in Kelvin:
TK =
K2 K ln( 1 + 1) L
Where ln is natural logarithm and L is spectral radiance at the sensors aperture in W/(m2 * sr * m) described above. K1 and K2 are constant values 666.09 and 1282.71 respectively. Thus, the surface temperature can be calculated as below (we assume that we have named landsatTM61_rad as the radiance map for band 61) (Figure 2.11 a.) The unit of temperature derived from this procedure is Kelvin. It is also possible to get a degree Celsius temperature map by minus 273.15 (Figure 2.11 b.)
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a. b Figure 2-11: Calculating temperature in degree Kelvin (a) and in degree Celsius (b)
Figure 2-12: Surface temperature map with byr color table . To know more details about Landsat-7 ETM+ data (L1G product), see the Landsat-7 users handbook site (The link is described in final page of this text). Exercise 4: Do the same operation using the band 62.
Image ratios
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Various methods have been developed for the analysis of multi-band satellite data using their multispectral nature for radiometric transformation and image enhancement. These techniques play a fundamental role for the image interpretation. Most methods may either be applied to uncalibrated data sets as well as to preprocessed image data sets. Image ratios are the basis of a simple algebraic method used for feature extraction, reduction of terrain illumination effects, image enhancement, computation of vegetation index and even more. To understand a particular band ratio formula, the object reflectance curves have to be considered (sample curves for green vegetation, soil and water are shown in Figure 2-13). In general the ratio result for pixels with very different values for the input bands is larger (brighter) than for the pixels with similar values. The image ratio equations also can be computed by r.mapcalc. It is important to include a multiplier of 1.0 at the beginning of the map algebra expression because we are dividing integer values. Otherwise the result will become zero and not the expected floating point numbers. As an example, we calculate a ratio between LANDSAT-7 band 4 (NIR band) and 3 (Red band). The ratio between NIR band and Red band is called RVI (Ratio Vegetation Index) (Tucker, 1979). Figure 2-14 shows the result of ratio43 (RVI). Command: g.region rast=landsatTM3 r.mapcalc ratio43=1.0*landsatTM4 / landsatTM3 r.colors map=ratio43@user1 color=slope
Figure 2-13: Reflection curves of green vegetation, sandy soil and water.
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In order to know the statistic value of raster maps, we can use the command r.stats (Figure 2-15 and Figure 2-16) Path to r.stats: [Raster] ~ [Reports and statistics] ~ [General statistics] Command: r.stats c input=ratio43 fs=| nsteps=50 The result shows that how many cells belong to each range of value, separated by pipe |. Choose the Print cell counts option in the interface. In this case, we realize that maximum ratio is 50, but there are few data where the ratio is 4. According to the graph in Figure 2-13, it is presumed that the ratio approximately becomes less than 0.7 in water area (and high reflection area such as roads), from 0.7 to 1.3 in soil area and more than 1.3 in vegetation area. In order to extract these areas from RVI map, it is effective to rescale the map by command r.rescale. Figure 2-17 how the results of each rescaling.
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Note: We should multiply ratio43 by 10 before rescaling because the command r.rescale allows us to use only integer value as a threshold. Path to r.rescale: [Raster] ~ [Change category values and labels] ~ [Rescale] Command: r.mapcalc mapcalc>ratio43_10=ratio43*10.0 mapcalc>end r.rescale input=ratio43_10 output=ratio43_water from=0,7 to=1,1 r.rescale input=ratio43_10 output=ratio43_soil from=8,13 to=1,1 r.rescale input=ratio43_10 output=ratio43_vege from=14,500 to=1,1 d.rast ratio43_water (or ratio43_soil or ratio43_vege)
(c) Figure 2-17: Extraction of (a) water, (b) soil and (c) vegetation area.
NDVI computation
For more than 15 years, a variety of vegetation indexes have been developed. To be familiar with such calculations, we generate a NDVI map (Normalized difference vegetation index) from the LANDSAT images. Moreover, we change the color table of the NDVI map to "NDVI" color table that is predefined in GRASS by the command r.colors (Figure 2-18).
Formula: NDVI =
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Figure 2-18: NDVI of Spearfish region. Command: r.mapcalc ndvi=1.0*(landsatTM4 - landsatTM3)/(landsatTM4 + landsatTM3) r.colors ndvi rules=ndvi Exercise 5: Compute the index with the equations showed in the table below and extract some spatial feature from them.
Type of Index Green normalized vegetation index Ratio drought index Specific leaf area vegetation index difference
Reference Lymburner et al. (2000) Pinder and McLeod (1999) Lymburner et al. (2000)
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can be done by the operation below. Command: r.mapcalc lowpass3=([1,-1]+[1,0]+[1,1] +[0,1]+[0,0]+[0,1] +[-1,-1]+[-1,0]+[-1,1])/9.0 If you dont want to use command line, you can use interface: Raster ~ Map calculator (See figure 2-16) You may try this example with the image. Before calculation, set the region for filtering by command g.region. Note: The divisor 9.0 that means the result will be kept as floating point number, if you choose divisor as 9, the result will be rounded off.
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Figure 2.19 filtering with r.mapcalculator Exercise 6: Do with matrix 5x5 by using r.mapcalc
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To see how this works, the filter may be applied to the SPOT-1 HRV1 channel (Figure 221). Create an ASCII file lowpass defined by Figure 2-17, run the command r.mfilter, and try to get same result as Figure 2-20. The color table may be set to grey with r.colors. Path to r.mfilter: [Imagery] ~ [Filter image] ~ [Matrix/Convolving filter] Command: r.mfilter out=mss1.lowpass2 filter=lowpass r.colors mss1.lowpass2 color=grey.eq d.rast mss1.lowpass2 In the command r.mfilter, two types of filters are possible: sequential and parallel filters. Sequential filters (TYPE S) use the modified neighboring raster cell values for calculation of the central cell, while the parallel filters (TYPE P) use the neighboring cell values of the values of the original map. Directional filters should be set up as parallel filters. Further information related to these types can be found in the manual pages r.mfilter. Another example is a high pass filter for sharpening an image. It can be defined as Figure 2-19, we store it as highpass. In this example the central cell of the window is weighted by 24, while the other cells have a weight -1. The entire matrix is finally
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
divided by 25 and its values are stored in a new map. We use the map in applying the filter. Command: r.mfilter out=mss1.highpass filter=highpass r.colors mss1.highpass color=grey.eq d.rast mss1.highpass The resulting map shows enhanced high frequencies (at the same spatial resolution). Note that a filter definition file may also contain multiple filters which will be applied to the image subsequently (Figure 2-23). (a)
Figure 2-22: Highpass filter (a): using r.mfilter (b): using r.mapcalc
Note: The only limitation of r.mfilter in GRASS in comparison to r.mapcalc is that only integer numbers are accepted in a filter matrix. If you want to use floating point numbers or trigonometric functions, r.mapcalc has to be used instead. Latter is also well suited for the threshold binarization used to extract selected features (if condition).
b. Edge detection
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Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Edge detection is an important issue in remote sensing. An edge is defined as a significant change of the pixel values (DN) from one pixel to another. Related filters are also called gradient filters (Showengerdt, 1997) such as Sobel, Robert or other filters. The filter rules to define a Sobel edge detector for r.mfilter are shown in Figure 2-24. These filter sobel_ew and sobel_ns are operators for detecting lineaments in East-West and North-South direction. Figure 2-25 shows the result of edge detection using the filter sobel_ew. Command: r.mfilter out=mss1.sobel_ew filter=sobel_ew r.colors mss1.sobel_ew color=grey d.rast mss1.sobel _ew
Figure 2-25: Result of edge detection using Sobel filter sobel_ew (left) and sobel_ns (right). Exercise 7: 1. Do Laplacian filters (file names: laplacian_04 and laplacian_08) with matrix shown as below and compare the results when we increase the center value from 4 to 8. 1/ 2/ 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 -1 8 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 DIVISOR 1 DIVISOR 1 TYPE P TYPE P
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
2. Do Sharpen filter (file names: sharp_09 and sharp_16) with matrix shown as below and compare the results when we increase the center value from 9 to 16. 1/ 2/ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 9 -1 -1 16 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 DIVISOR 1 DIVISOR 8 TYPE P TYPE P
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
I ntensity Yellow Blue (0,0,255) Magenta (255,0,255) Black (0,0,0) Red (255,0,0) Grey White (255,255,255) Cyan Blue Grey Cyan (0,255,255) Green Magenta Red
Figure 2-22: Left RGB cubic color space, right: HSI hexacone color space
TM2 B Transformation RGB/HSI TM3 G 30m/15m H S 15 m resolution S Transformation HI S/RGB H 15m G TM3 R TM2
I E TM pan 15m
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
multi-spectral information from the input channels are generated (Figure 2-27). The GRASS procedure is as follows:
Step 3 : HSI/RGB back conversion with PAN replacing the old intensity image (Figure2-29)
Path of i.his.rgb: [Imagery] ~ [Manage image colors] ~ [Transform HIS(Hue/Intensity/saturation)color image to RGB(Red/Green/Blue)] Command: g.region rast=landsatTM8 (or res=15) i.his.rgb hue_input=hue intensity_input=landsatTM8 saturation_input=sat \ red_output= landsatTM4_15 green_output= landsatTM3_15 \ blue_output= landsatTM2_15
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
(a) Fusion Result based on original images.(b) Fusion Result based on enhanced images. Figure 2-27: Image fusions with HSI transformation.
DN brovey1 =
DNch1: Channel 1 DNpan: Panchromatic channel
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
You need the panchromatic channel to be spatially co-registered to the multispectral channels. Image fusion based on the Brovey transformation for Landsat data merging the channels 5, 4 and 2 (all at 30m resolution) with panchromatic channel (at 15m resolution) is shown below. In GRASS there are two methods to create the Brovey fusion.
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i.fusion.brovey l ms1=landsatTM2 ms2=landsatTM4 ms3=landsatTM5 \ pan=landsat TM8 outputprefix=brovey d.rgb Note: After doing image fusion you should change again to the default resolution of Spearfish by using g.region res=30(or -d) to avoid using resolution of 15m in other images which have not undergone image fusion.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
In Grass64 you can use v.digit for digitizing the scan raster map or satellite data. To start digitize the map by interface: [Vector]~ [Develop Map] ~ [Digitize] . It will show the dialog box (figure 3-1). At name of input map type the name that you want to create, for example road_digit. At place of Display commands to be used for canvas backdrop (separated by ';') you can put the background map (satellite image or scan map) which you would like to vectorizing. If several display commands are to be used to render the background they should be separated with the semi-colon ';' character. When run from the command line, these display commands will generally need to be "quoted" as they will contain spaces. You should check to Create new file if it does not exist if your vector map is not yet crated before. Then click to Run , After hitting Run you can see two windows (figure 3-2) Command: v.digit -n map=road_digit bgcmd="d.rast map=landsat.comp"
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Figure 3-2: Background image and v.digit toolbox Here is the reference of the v.digit tool box
: Redraw map : Zoom in by windows : Zoom out : Pan : Zoom to default region : Zoom to saved region : Display categories : Copy categories : Display attributes : Open setting : Save and exit : Digitize new point : Digitize new line : Digitize new boundary : Digitize new centroid : Move vertex : Add vertex : Remove vertex : Split line : Edit line/Boundary : Move point/line/boundary/centroid : Delete point/line/boundary/centroid
Before starting digitizing map you have to define the attribute table for vector file. Click to the button . The setting table will be appeared (figure 3-3) . Choose the Table . This option will allow you to create the field of the table and select the type of the field (integer, character) (figure 3-4) then hit to Create table . When the information box appear table is successfully created that mean you can start digitize map. In addition you can set the color of the vector line,, click to Symbology (figure 3-3). To change the default color, select the color box in the right side of the box, for example the line had default color is black, now you change to cyan color. Then close this box to start digitizing.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
In the v.digit tool box select the Digitize new line . In order to make the accurate line you should zoom in the line area that you want to digitize. The zoom in, zoom out and pan are also in the v.digit box . You should not mistake between the same tool box in the map display monitor. The figure 3-5 shows first line of digitizing road. After right click the first line will be stopped and immediately. Please enter the name of the road if you know exactly, but dont hit to the submit right now. Use the pan button to move the display to the other place to continue the digitize. Click again to the Digitize new line button and draw the line from the stopping of the last line. Continue doing the same to the end of this road. Then come back the Form , enter the road_name of interstate , hit to the submit.
Figure 3-5: Digitize road line and updating the attribute To check the attribute of the line which you have just created, click to the display category button. If you did some mistake, click to the delete button .
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
To edit the line that you have just drawn, for instance add more vertex or delete some vertex, move object, you have to click to Add vertex button. The Edit line/boundary help you to lengthening the line Exercise1: Do the same with the vectorizing of the landuse Tip: You have to know which area in the image is belong to which land use type (bare land, vegetation, water ). When digitize the boundary, the object must be green color ( it is closed area), if it is grey color, you have to use the move vertex to close the region.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
a. Unsupervised classification
b. Supervised classification
Figure 3-1: Classification procedure for multi-spectral data (Neteler and Mitasova, 2002). For unsupervised classification, go through the following steps.
c. Unsupervised classification
Now you have created your class definitions, you have to reclassify your original image to decide to which class each individual pixel belongs. As always (well, almost always), GRASS has a solution for you: i.maxlik, a "maximum-likelihood discriminant analysis classifier". This takes the signature file ("sigfile") generated by i.cluster to assign each pixel to a class based on probabilities of likelihood. The resulting map will show you the classes in your original map. The optional "reject" parameter allows you to create a raster map containing the confidence levels for each pixel. Path to i.maxlik: [Imagery] ~ [Classify image] ~ [Maximum likelihood classification] Command: i.maxlik group=landsatgrp subgroup=landsatgrp sig=cluster class=mlc.unsup rej= mlc.unsup.rej Then check the result by the command below. The result of unsupervised classification is shown in the (Figure 3-2). d.rast mlc.unsup 46
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Figure 3-2: Unsupervised classification of Spearfish region. Composite three images with channel 2, channel 3 and channel 4 to create a natural color image landsat.comp if you have not created it as yet, and compare mlc.unsup with landsat.comp Path to r.composite: [Raster] ~ [Manage map colors] ~ [Create color image from RGB file] Command: r.composite red=landsatTM3 green=landsatTM4 blue= landsatTM2 output= landsat.comp Select all areas with confidence level >=90% of correct assignment: Path to [Raster] ~ [Reports and statistics] ~ [Sum area by map and category] Command: mlc.unsup.rej unit=h r.mapcalc mapcalc> mlc.unsup.qual=if(mlc.unsup.rej >=12, 1, 0) mapcalc>end mlc.unsup.qual unit=h
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See the report now there are only two categories 1 and 0. You can also use mlc.unsup.qual as MASK to display the pixels with high confidence level of the classification. Path to g.rename: [File] ~ [Manage maps and volumes] ~ [Rename maps] Command: g.rename rast=mlc.unsup.qual, MASK d.rast mlc.unsup Note: You can change the legend table of classification file by using kwrite to repair the file mlc.unsup in the directory sperafish60/user1/cats/ You should remove MASK by g.remove before continuing with another method to avoid confusion. Path to g.remove: [File] ~ [Manage maps and volumes] ~ [Remove maps] Command: g.remove rast=MASK Exercise 2: - After doing with 5 class, check with 3,4,6, 7 classes. Try to analyze which object on the image belongs to which class? From that choose the quantity of classes which fits with this image. - Continue to do with Spot image that we rectified before. - Compare the results between Landsat and Spot classification.
Step 1
Path to v.digit: [Vector] ~ [Develop map] ~ [Digitize] Command: v.digit n map=sample bgcmd=d.rast landsat.comp Option n: Create a new file.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Before digitizing the region, we have to create the attribute table, click to the icon second from right in upper row (mark by red circle in Figure 3-3), then choose Table for setting the attribute table (Figure 3-4). At the Table setting you can input one column more by clicking to Add new column, label is the name you assign to the new column, choose the type of label as varchar. After all is done, click to Create table.
Figure 3-4: Database Table. To create the region on the raster file, click to the Digitize new boundary icon (Figure 3-3), the third one from left in the second line. We will define some region that matches with water, crop land, forest, bare land and unknown object. Figure 3-5 shows the polygon with green color, if the polygon is not green, that means we have to repair this polygon. With one polygon that we draw, one attribute table will appear (Figure 3-6), you have to assign the label and click to submit. Exit v.digit by clicking to the last icon (door) of the tool box in the first line (Figure 3-3). 49
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Usually when we create the boundary, it is necessary to define the centroid of the boundary. This can be done by clicking the fourth icon (Figure 3-3), from the left on the second line next to the region icon. After selecting the icon we can click on the centre of the region we have digitized to define the centroid.
Step 2:
Continue to convert the vector file to raster file, you can use the command.
Path to [File] ~ [Map type conversions] ~ [Vector to raster] Command: input=sample ouput=sample_rast use=attr column=cat
Step 3:
Continue with i.gensig command. Path to i.gensig: [Imagery] ~ [Classify image] ~ [Input for supervised (MLC)]
Step 4:
Classification by i.maxlik. Path to i.maxlik: [Imagery] ~ [Classify image] ~ [Maximum likelihood classification (MLC)]
Command: i.maxlik group=landsatgrp subgroup=landsatgrp sigfile= sample_rast.sig class=mlc.sup rej=mlc.sup.rej Check the result by the commands d.rast and d.legend. The result of supervised classification of Spearfish by maximum likelihood is shown in (Figure 3-7).
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Figure 3-7: Supervised classification of Spearfish by maximum likelihood method. Exercise 2: Do supervise classification with Spot image and compare the results.
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Figure 3-9: i.smap interface. Exercise 3: - Do SMAP classification with Spot image. - Compare the results between MLC and SMAP .
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Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
The SRTM data provided in USGS ( are based on Lat-Lon coordinate system, but the one provided in GLCF ( are based on UTM coordinate system. Exercise1: Download SRTM1 and SRTM3 data that cover the spearfish area (N44N45/W103-W104) from
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Exercise2: Download ASTER GDEM data that cover the spearfish area (N44N45/W103-W104) from Note: In order to start downloading procedure, you need to register with the site.
Exercise3: Download LANDSAT ETM+ data that cover the spearfish area (path:29, row:33) from Note: In order to start downloading procedure, you need to register with the site.
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Table 4-1. List of EPSG codes used in this training. # WGS 84 <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs # WGS 84 / UTM zone 13N <32613> +proj=utm +zone=13 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs # NAD27 / UTM zone 13N <26713> +proj=utm +zone=13 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs 2. Open the GRASS Startup Window and click the button EPSG codes. After get the small window (Figure 4-1), define the LOCATION name and EPSG code. You can easily search your objective code by clicking the second Browse(Figure 4-2). The name of new LOCATION is LanLon_WGS84. 3. If the new LOCATION is created without problems, you can see its name in the Startup window.
Figure 4-2. Dialog for searching EPSG code. 4. Start the GRASS with the LOCATION LatLon_WGS84 and import the ASTER GDEM by ([File]-[Import raster map]-[multiple formats using GDAL]) as shown in Figure 4-3. Note that you need too un-compress the data before carrying out the command.
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5. After fitting the current region to the region of ASTER GDEM data, display it on Map Display (If you get white screen, use icon).
Exercise4: Import SRTM data into the LOCATION LatLon_WGS84. Exercise5: Create a LOCATION UTM_WGS84 for UTM coordinate system (zone:13) with WGS84 datum/ WGS84 ellipsoid using EPSG code and import LANDSAT7 ETM+ data. Note: Un-compress the data before import process.
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The procedures for ASTER GDEM data are as follows. 1. Start GRASS with the LOCATION LatLon_WGS84. Check the region of imported ASTER GDEM by g.region, note down the coordinates of four corners and create a new file astergdem_latlon.txt (Figure 4-5).
Text file astergdem_latlon.txt 104d00'00.5"W 43d59'59.5"N 104d00'00.5"W 45d00'00.5"N 102d59'59.5"W 45d00'00.5"N 102d59'59.5"W 43d59'59.5"N Figure 4-5. Region information and example of text file. 2. Convert Latitude-Longitude (datum: WGS84, ellipsoid: WGS84) information of astergdem_latlon.txt into UTM (datum:NAD27, ellipsoid:clrk66) information by m.proj ([Config]-[Manage projections]-[Covert coordinates]). Input data is astergdem_latlon.txt. Projection parameters are described in Table 4-1. Give the name astergdem_utm.txt for output data(Figure 4-6).
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3. Close LatLon_WGS84 and start GRASS with the LOCATION spearfish60. After changing the current region .., re-project the ASTER GDEM data from LatLon_WGS84 to spearfish60 by r.proj ([Raster]-[Develop map]-[Reproject]). Input data is ASTER GDEM data in LatLon_WGS84. In this case, cubic should be selected as interpolate method. The resolution of ASTER GDEM is 30m (Figure4-7).
Figure 4-7. r.proj dialog. Exercise 6: Re-project all other satellite data. Exercise of Section V Go to the website download LandsatTM image of your research region (in your country) and do image processing with your region. (Enhance image, filter, rectification, and classification).
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
g.region rast=spearfish_SRTM d.rast spearfish_SRTM You will see the image with red color every where, you have to check the elevation of the image by spearfish_SRTM. The range of elevation: min = -32768 max = 1720. All the places that have no data (null) will become -32768. To remove bad elevation use the command r.mapcalc.
Step 1
Command: r.mapcalc mapcalc >MASK=if(spearfish_SRTM>-32768, 1, 0) mapcalc >end d.rast spearfish_SRTM
Step 2
Command: r.mapcalc mapcalc >spearfish_SRTM_new=spearfish_SRTM mapcalc >end g.remove rast=MASK d.rast spearfish_SRTM_new
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
As you see, after SRTM image was imported, you will realize that there are some holes on the image (that places are null). The null data usually happens at the places that have high mountain shadow, SRTM is made from SAR radar, the sensor transmits the pulse oblique to the earth and receives the backscatter, and therefore shadow is unavoidable. Grass64 supports the command r.fillnulls. Note: Before doing this command zoom the entire image to make sure there are no white colors in the edge of the image.
Path to r.fillnulls: [Raster] ~ [Interpolate surfaces] ~ [Fill NULL cells by interpolation using regularized spline tension] Command: r.fillnulls input=spearfish_SRTM_new output=spearfish_SRTM_fillnull g.region rast=spearfish_SRTM_fillnull d.rast spearfish_SRTM_fillnull You can view the image in three dimension by nviz (Figure 5-8). Path to nviz:[Map Display] ~ Command: nviz elevation= spearfish_SRTM_fillnull
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c. Peaks elimination
Besides holes, peaks and outliers also appear in the SRTM data. They are often artifacts of the interferometry processing. If you intend to use the SRTM data just for visualization or rendering, the use of some simple filters may be sufficient. But to make some other image processing with this elevation model, more complex steps must be performed. Using r.resamp.rst: This module can be used to resample the SRTM data to higher resolution, e.g. to match a pan-sharpened LANDSAT-7 scene (pan-sharpen with i.fusion.brovey). It uses the regularized splines with tension (RST) interpolation method. Peaks will smoothen out and data voids will also be closed. Command: r.resamp.rst input=spearfish_SRTM_fillnull ew_res=30 ns_res=30 elev=spearfish_SRTM.resamp g.region rast=spearfish_SRTM.resamp d.rast spearfish_SRTM.resamp
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Operator ^
% / *
Meaning exponentiation modulus division multiplication addition subtraction equal not equal greater than greater than or equal less than less than or equal and or color operator separator
Type Arithmetic Arithmetic Arithmetic Arithmetic Arithmetic Arithmetic Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical Logical Arithmetic
Precedence 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
== != > >= < <= && || #
Function Function abs(x) atan(x) atan(x,y) cos(x) double(x) eval([x,y,...,]z) exp(x) exp(x,y) float(x) graph(x,x1,y1[x2,y2..]) Description return absolute value of x inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) cosine of x (x is in degrees) convert x to double-precision floating point evaluate values of listed expr, pass results to z exponential function of x x to the power y convert x to single-precision floating point convert the x to a y based on points in a graph type * F F F F
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
if if(x) if(x,a) if(x,a,b) if(x,a,b,c) int(x) isnull(x) log(x) log(x,b) max(x,y[,z...]) median(x,y[,z...]) min(x,y[,z...]) mode(x,y[,z...]) not(x) rand(a,b) round(x) sin(x) sqrt(x) tan(x)
decision options: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise a if x not zero, 0 otherwise a if x not zero, b otherwise a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 convert x to integer [ truncates ] check if x = NULL natural log of x log of x base b largest value of those listed median value of those listed smallest value of those listed mode value of those listed 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise random value between a and b round x to nearest integer sine of x (x is in degrees) square root of x tangent of x (x is in degrees)
F F * * * *
Internal variables: row() current row of moving window col() current col of moving window x() current x-coordinate of moving window y() current y-coordinate of moving window ewres() current east-west resolution nsres() current north-south resolution null() NULL value Notethattherow()andcol()indexingstartswith1.
Lymburner L., Beggs P. J. and Jacobson C. R. (2000) Estimation of canopyaverage surface-specific leaf area using Landsat TM data. Photogrametric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66, 183-191. Neteler M.and Mitasova H. (2002) Open source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, Springer.434p.
Training Notes on Spatial Data Sharing using Free and Open Source Software 2010
Pinder J. E. III and McLeod K. W. (1999) Indications of relative drought stress in longleaf pine from Thematic Mapper data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65, 495-501. Polh C. and Genderen J. L. van (1998) Multisensor image fusion in remote sensing: concepts, methods and application. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 823-854. Richards J. A. and Xiuping J. (1999) Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An introduction (3rd ed.), Springer. 363p. GLCF Website for free download of SRTM data: GRASS sample dataset: Landsat7 Science Data Users Handbook: