Utilit Jcls
Utilit Jcls
Utilit Jcls
THIS JOB is to DELETE FILES . 1. If the job to be deleted is a production job, one has to call SCHEDULING to submit this job. 3. COPYBILL : ZZO.USER.JCLS(COPYBILL).
This job is to copy a waybill from production(AR3 DATABASE ONLY) to test. 4. AR00CC5T : ZZO.USER.JCLS(AR00CC5T).
this is to delete error records from cc5 database.(production) STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED. 1. 2. 3. copy the job into TESTJCLJ. Compile and promote the component CC5DELCP ( PACKAGE . APAX007991) Call scheduling to submit the job. : ZZO.USER.JCLS(PROCSCAN).
This job will search all the PANVALET LIBS for a particular string. 6. SORT : ZZO.USER.JCLS(SORT).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCANS THE WHOLE PANVALET MENTIONED IN PANDD1 FOR STRING IN SCAN WRITES OUTPUT IN SYSPRINT DATASET. - CHANGE XXXXSCH, NAME,USER,NOTIFY ON JOBCARD. ALSO, THE SCAN STRING. OVERWRITES THE YYYYYY MEMBER NAME SO CHANGE IT TOO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOB TO SEARCH A PANVALET LIBRARY FOR AN ALPHA/NUMERIC CHARACTER STRING. (PLACE STRING INSIDE /'S BELOW. IF A / IS TO BE SEARCHED FOR, CHANGE THE /'S TO SOMETHING NOT BEING SEARCHED FOR. THE BEGINING AND ENDING DELIMITERS MUST BE THE SAME.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. COPYTAPE : ZZO.USRE.JCLS(COPYTAPE)
9. SUMMARY BILL: ZZO.REVM.LOGS(TESTJOB) This job takes summary bill as input and give F/B as output. The pgm is AS3BILCP. 10. COPYASID : CSIOCIP.TESTJCLJ.PANLIB(COPYASID) This job downloads ASI DAP into DSN. Pgm ASIKEY is available in mgax#197.
11. COPYAROD : ZZO.REVM.JOBS (COPYAROD) This job pulls ARO record from production to test. You have to provide key in pgm COPYARO1 available in MGAX#197. The values to be given are 01 aro-key. 03 deposit-indicator pic x. 03 bank-number pic x(5). 03 deposit-date pic x(6). 03 deposit-number pic x(2). 03 seq-number pic x(5). 03 filler pic x(2) value 'yy'. 03 item-number pic x(4). You need to compile and promote the pgm COPYARO1 available in MGAX#197.
To find a jcl corresponding to a program browse the data set CSIOCIP.PROCSCAN.DISK and make a find on the program for which you need the job name. To browse the dates of production move of a component browse the dataset CSIOCHP.CHGMAN.APPLMVE and make a find on the component . The last find on the component and the corresponding date gives you the date of latest production move of that component. To find AGN parameter for a particular PSB which is required in JCL go to the option DBRF in TSO . Then give PSB name and specify whether it is Prod or Test . This will give you the AGN parameter for that PSB. If it displays PSB IN DEFAULT AGN then we need not specify the AGN parameter in the JCL. To find the DCLGEN variables for a table browse the datasets given below. DB2P.PROD.DCLGEN Production DB2P.TEST.DCLGEN - Test