EIT-505 Information Security and Cyber Laws: Unit-I
EIT-505 Information Security and Cyber Laws: Unit-I
EIT-505 Information Security and Cyber Laws: Unit-I
UNIT-I History of Information Systems and its Importance, basics, Changing Nature of Information Systems, Need of Distributed Information Systems, Role of Internet and Web Services, Information System Threats and attacks, Classification of Threats and Assessing Damages 18 Security in Mobile and Wireless Computing- Security Challenges in Mobile Devices, authentication Service Security, Security Implication for organizations, Laptops Security Basic Principles of Information Security, Confidentiality, Integrity Availability and other terms in Information Security, Information Classification and their Roles. UNIT-II Security Threats to E Commerce, Virtual Organization, Business Transactions on Web, E Governance and EDI, Concepts in Electronics payment systems, E Cash, Credit/Debit Cards. Physical Security- Needs, Disaster and Controls, Basic Tenets of Physical Security and Physical Entry Controls, Access Control- Biometrics, Factors in Biometrics Systems, Benefits, Criteria for selection of biometrics, Design Issues in Biometric Systems, Interoperability Issues, Economic and Social Aspects, Legal Challenges UNIT-III Model of Cryptographic Systems, Issues in Documents Security, System of Keys, Public Key Cryptography, Digital Signature, Requirement of Digital Signature System, Finger Prints, Firewalls, Design and Implementation Issues, Policies Network Security- Basic Concepts, Dimensions, Perimeter for Network Protection, Network Attacks, Need of Intrusion Monitoring and Detection, Intrusion Detection Virtual Private Networks- Need, Use of Tunneling with VPN, Authentication Mechanisms, Types of VPNs and their Usage, Security Concerns in VPN UNIT-IV Security metrics- Classification and their benefits Information Security & Law, IPR, Patent Law, Copyright Law, Legal Issues in Data mIning Security, Building Security into Software Life Cycle Ethics- Ethical Issues, Issues in Data and Software Privacy Cyber Crime Types & overview of Cyber Crimes References :
1. Godbole, Information Systems Security, Willey 2. Merkov, Breithaupt, Information Security, Pearson Education 3. Yadav, Foundations of Information Technology, New Age, Delhi 4. Schou, Shoemaker, Information Assurance for the Enterprise, Tata McGraw Hill 5. Sood,Cyber Laws Simplified, Mc Graw Hill 6. Furnell, Computer Insecurity, Springer 7. IT Act 2000 19
Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models. 20 Unit-II: Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans, Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model. Unit-III: Software Design Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and BottomUp Design. Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halesteads Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs. Unit-IV: Software Testing Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, Code Inspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards. Unit-V: Software Maintenance and Software Project Management Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance: Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software ReEngineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities, Change
Control Process, Software Version Control, An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO), Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management. References: 1. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill. 2. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication. 3. K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International Publishers. 4. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering, Wiley 5. Carlo Ghezzi, M. Jarayeri, D. Manodrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication. 6. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley. 7. Kassem Saleh,Software Engineering, Cengage Learning. 8. Pfleeger, Software Engineering, Macmillan Publication. 21
More about translation: Array references in arithmetic expressions, procedures call, declarations and case statements. Unit IV Symbol Tables: Data structure for symbols tables, representing scope information. RunTime Administration: Implementation of simple stack allocation scheme, storage allocation in block structured language. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical Phase errors, syntactic phase errors semantic errors. Unit V Code Generation: Design Issues, the Target Language. Addresses in the Target Code, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Code Generator. Code optimization: Machine-Independent Optimizations, Loop optimization, DAG representation of basic blocks, value numbers and algebraic laws, Global Data-Flow analysis References: 1. Aho, Sethi & Ullman, "Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson Education 2. V Raghvan, Principles of Compiler Design, TMH 3. Kenneth Louden, Compiler Construction, Cengage Learning. 4.. Charles Fischer and Ricard LeBlanc, Crafting a Compiler with C, Pearson Education 22
3. Ivan Bayross, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI, BPB Publication. 4. Ramesh Bangia, Internet and Web Design , New Age International 5. Jackson, Web Technologies Pearson Education 6. Patel and Barik, Introduction to Web Technology & Internet, Acme Learning
Management: Risks and risk types, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), Risk Management Process: Risk identification, Risk analysis, Risk planning, Risk monitoring, Cost Benefit Analysis, Software Project Management Tools: CASE Tools, Planning and Scheduling Tools, MS-Project. References: 1. M. Cotterell, Software Project Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication. 2. Royce, Software Project Management, Pearson Education 3. Kieron Conway, Software Project Management, Dreamtech Press 4. S. A. Kelkar, Software Project Management, PHI Publication.