Kl berplex AG 11-461,-462
White operating and priming lubricants for open drives
Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 are spreadable adhesive lubricants based on mineral oil and an aluminium complex soap thickener, and contain white solid lubricants. Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 can withstand high loads with good corrosion protection properties.
Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 can be applied by manually operated grease guns. Both products are applicable through central lubricating systems and sprayable at temperatures down to 0 C. Adhesion is sufficient at temperatures as low as -40 C. Provided sufficient relubrication is ensured, short-term thermal loads of up to 200 C are permissible. The lubricant quantities to be used depend on the operating conditions and must be determined for each application individually. The product's surface colour may change slightly when exposed to intense sunlight for a longer time without affecting the product's performance.
Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 are suitable as priming lubricants for large gear rim and pinion drives and serve as contrast lubricants for checking the drive's load pattern. Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 are also suitable for the effective lubrication and protection of offshore and wind-energy applications such as open gears, slow-running rolling bearings, sliding and guide rails and similar components subject to saltwater influence in the marine sector.
Application notes
Priming lubrication Kl berplex AG 11-461 and 462 can be applied by brush or spatula, ideally onto clean surfaces. To determine the right quantity for your application, please see the diagram overleaf. Operational lubrication
Kl berplex AG 11-461,-462, Art-No. 039091, 039213, en Edition 10.01.2012 [replaces edition 09.12.2011]
Product information
Kl berplex AG 11-461,-462
White operating and priming lubricants for open drives
Pack sizes Cartridge 450 g Aerosol can 400 ml Can 1 kg Bucket 5 kg Bucket 25 kg Klberplex AG 11-461 + + + + Klberplex AG 11-462 + + + + Klberplex AG 11-462 Spray + -
Product data Article number Texture Density at 20 C Drop point, DIN ISO 2176 Consistency grade, DIN 51818 Functional lubricant film ISO viscosity grade of the base oil, DIN ISO 3448 Water resistance, DIN 51807 pt. 01, 3 h/90 C, rating FZG scuffing test, based on DIN ISO 14635, A/2,76/room temperature, scuffing load stage Colour space Solid lubricants, percentage
Klberplex AG 11-461 039213 homogeneous approx. 1.07 g/cm >= 180 C 1 NLGI approx. -40 C 460 0 - 90 rating >= 12 white approx. 20 % by weight
Klberplex AG 11-462 039091 homogeneous approx. 1.07 g/cm >= 180 C 2 NLGI approx. -40 C 460 0 - 90 rating >= 12 white approx. 20 % by weight
Klber Lubrication your global specialist Innovative tribological solutions are our passion. Through personal contact and consultation, we help our customers to be successful worldwide, in all industries and markets. With our ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staff we have been fulfilling increasingly demanding requirements by manufacturing efficient highperformance lubricants for more than 80 years.
Klber Lubrication Mnchen KG / Geisenhausenerstrae 7 / 81379 Mnchen / Germany / phone +49 89 7876-0 / fax +49 89 7876-333. The data in this document is based on our general experience and knowledge at the time of publication and is intended to give information of possible applications to a reader with technical experience. It constitutes neither an assurance of product properties nor does it release the user from the obligation of performing preliminary field tests with the product selected for a specific application. All data are guide values which depend on the lubricant's composition, the intended use and the application method. The technical values of lubricants change depending on the mechanical, dynamical, chemical and thermal loads, time and pressure. These changes may affect the function of a component. We recommend contacting us to discuss your specific application. If possible we will be pleased to provide a sample for testing on request. Kl ber products are continually improved. Therefore, Kl ber Lubrication reserves the right to change all the technical data in this document at any time without notice. Publisher and Copyright: Kl ber Lubrication M nchen KG. Reprints, total or in part, are permitted only prior consultation with Kl ber Lubrication M nchen KG and if source is indicated and voucher copy is forwarded.
a company of the Freudenberg Group